#solarballs theory
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chainera · 6 months ago
OK SO I went to the SB theory chat and the topic of Planet X came up (obviously) and the ice giants were brought up too. We started debating on what would happen if they met and if Neptune might’ve even been friends with X and how he might’ve been in the Kuiper Belt alone bc he was looking for X after the ejection. Hence, his insanity. (Credits to Ichiro for coming up w/ that one)
I rlly rlly liked the idea of Planet X having a soft spot for the ice giants- they are similar, closest to the Kuiper Belt, and I don’t think they played a part in the ejection- Uranus likely stayed neutral as a bystander and Neptune might’ve not even known until after it happened, who knows? Regardless, I think the three would be really cool as a friend group.
(Maybe there might be an X ship with Uranus or maybe even Neptune?? I dont know if I’m with those ships or dislike them, it’s just a massive grey area for now cause we don’t rlly know a lot abt X. They be canonized as cousins, or just friends in the show. We’ll see.)
Now, here’s some doodles I made as well! (Pls make X have a soft spot for the ice giants plsplsspl)
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vic-fandom · 13 days ago
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tea-bruv · 4 months ago
Sun being very aggressive towards Jupiter making a mistake.. it's understandable considering he's very paranoid about his planets crashing into eachother but what broke my heart was Jupiter calling sun "sir".
Also Saturn hiding behind Jupiter when he's scared and also mentioning that he's his best friend!!
Jupiturn shippers are literally taking W after W rn
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Poor Jupiter has dealt with sun and knows how he will react. And also sun doesn't know that planet X was ejected! He thinks that he left voluntarily, which will definitely come up in the future, I'm sure. We basically got some clarity and all loose strings about Planet X's ejection were tied up. And more than Jupiter I feel like Saturn has something against planet X? He just.. insults him more and is more annoyed by his presence. So he was ready to help when Jupiter asked. But their gravity was a bit too strong, sending X out of the system,
And leaving him stranded :(
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I feel bad for X but I wonder how the sun will react to Jupiter and Saturn's mistakes.
I think he definitely won't punish Jupiter for the grand tack, (if he finds out) because that caused the formation of earth! But he will definitely react badly after finding out about X.
Another banger episode, has me hooked!!
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purplemninja · 2 months ago
My thoughts on the finale of Battle of Planet X, and theories of what'll come afterwards.
So I watched the final part of 'Battle of Planet X', and maaaaaan, was it eventful and emotional.
Earlier in the arc, when Proteus said that he'll be X's friend, I thought X's view on it was basically just 'Yeah, cool, whatever'. Though I feel it happened a bit too quickly, I couldn't help but feel a bit devastated for X when Proteus declared their friendship to be over and felt satisfied when finally saw that in trying so hard to get back at the two who hurt him billions of years ago, he just wound up hurting hundreds of bystanders in the process. And the scene of him leaving the solar system to go to Jupiter and his flashbacks of the grand tack making him realise that he was essentially doing the same thing he was ashamed of young Jupiter for doing (the grand tack), only for the gas giants, the damage their actions caused was accidental, while his weren't, at least towards the gas giants.
I found it incredibly bittersweet that he's the one to tell Jupiter how much the solar system needs him and decides to instead become the Jupiter for another solar system (I've seen at least one person say that Proxima Centauri is said to come back later in the series, and I've seen a couple people theorise that X will join her solar system (if she has one), especially since she's the closest star to the Sun). I also found it bittersweet that Jupiter gave Guillermo to X, as it serves as both an inanimate friend, and something for X to remember the solar system by. I see Jupiter giving Guillermo to X also as a sign that Jupiter will return to the solar system, even when he said before that he'd only go back if the sun wants it, so perhaps Jupiter changed his mind. Perhaps being told to go back by the very person he (and Saturn, whom I will get to) had hurt is giving him the courage to stand up against the Sun again, as he did so when he said that he'd leave the solar system if the Sun didn't allow Ganymede and Europa back when they were banished since he's massive enough to have a gravitational effect on the Sun, and also told the Sun that changing the order of the planets was a bad idea in 'What if the planets were ordered by size?' (Something from that saga will also be brought up again, you'll see what). Though this is extremely unlikely, I hope that there will be a clip of X joining a new solar system as a final closing of his story.
And with Planet X first going to Jupiter before leaving, therefore letting Jupiter know of his departure, hopefully it brings closure to Jupiter one and for all, helping him begin to no longer fear the Kuiper belt or X returning. And I personally hope that when Jupiter returns to the solar system, he and Saturn have an emotional tight hug (somehow despite not having arms).
And speaking of which, now onto the 2 loose ends of this arc currently, firstly with what for me is the elephant in the room that must be addressed: the solar system learning of Saturn's involvement in Jupiter's Grand Tack and Expulsion of Planet X. Saturn was my favourite planet ever since I was taught about the solar system in school, and when I got into this series his character made me like it even more, and even now he remains my favourite character, but I strongly feel that his involvement in Jupiter's Grand Tack and Expulsion of Planet X should be revealed to the rest of the solar system.
The Grand Tack and X ejection were skeletons in Jupiter's closet that have now been revealed which hopefully Jupiter now has closure over, but only a few characters know that those skeletons are also in Saturn's closet too. If Saturn's involvement is revealed to the rest of them, then it may make them more willing to allow Jupiter back in, and possibly forgiving him, knowing that he wasn't entirely at fault.
This might be too much wishful thinking but I really hope that the way it's done is that Saturn confesses to everyone himself by his own choice. He was ready to confess when Planet X first came back and exposed Jupiter, but Jupiter stopped him, and later X was able to use it still being secret as leverage over Saturn. And if Saturn chose to confess it could also serve as some character development for him. Someone made a nice theory that not overthinking about bad things that happened that cannot be taken back is Saturn's coping mechanism, which he also tried with Jupiter by encouraging him to not reveal the Grand Tack or X's ejection. While he obviously had good intentions in doing so, Saturn's methods obviously weren't the best.
And while X was focusing on getting revenge for billions of years, I found someone else's theory that the gas giants also spent billions of years focusing on something - helping the rocky planets possibly gain the ability to sustain life. However, like the secrecy of the grand tack and X's ejection, unintended harm came from this too - by being more focused on helping the new rocky planets, possibly seeing it as a way to redeem themselves of the destruction of the old ones, they were less focused on their moons, hence why they both weren't able to remember a lot of their moons' names, which strained their relationship with their moons.
And here's how I think Saturn's confession could go that also gives him some character development: Saturn is glad that Jupiter's back, but the others are still not sure if they want Jupiter back in, which makes Saturn think back on the harm that his coping mechanism caused: Jupiter's paranoia of X coming back to get revenge, his moons resenting him for not remembering their names, and out bad the fallout was when X exposed Jupiter. And then he thinks back on when he learned about his rings being made of the remains of old moons; Saturn dearly loves his rings and moons, and when he learned of how he got his rings, unlike the other bad things he did, he immediately confessed to his moons. While his moons were justifiably shocked when he admitted this discovery to them, surely it'd be a lot worse if Saturn instead kept it secret too or lied about it. And he also thinks back on how, if he wanted to have a good relationship with his moons, he had to put in the effort to remember their names instead of using his coping mechanism of not dwelling on it, and as a result his relationship with his moons got better.
And so after this revelation, Saturn realises that simply not overthinking about bad things that happened was only causing more harm than good, while being open and honest and not brushing off things like his moons' names was more good. He loves his rings and moons, and made the right choice when learning how his rings were made of the debris of old moons, choosing his moons (others) over his rings (basically himself). Not only that, but when he learned about it he treats it like it is 100% the case of how he got his rings, while other characters bring up that it's just a theory and thus might not be true, showing how much Saturn loves his moons before he got the reality check that he should learn their names to improve his relationships with them. By Enceladus saying that he hates him when he fumbles their names when trying to learn them, Saturn still ignored his coping mechanism of brushing it off, and instead put in even more effort by choosing to write down their names and practise. And this ended up paying off as during the trials, Enceladus and Dione are visibly happy with Saturn getting their names right, improving Saturn's relationship with them.
Overall, what he thought was best wasn't actually best, and going against his coping mechanism of brushing things off yielded much better outcomes. So realising this, Saturn decides to abandon this coping mechanism and helps Jupiter (whom he also dearly cares about) by confessing his involvement of the Grand Tack and ejection of X. Helping Jupiter like he did all those years still, but this time in the right way. Helping Jupiter, revealing the truth to the rest of the solar system, giving him some character development, while also keeping the kind-hearted part of his character intact.
And after his involvement in the bad things is revealed, his involvement in Jupiter's atonement is also revealed. Remember, Saturn always helped Jupiter however he could, including the bad things, but he also helped him in his atonement as well, though it's not as obvious. In 'What if the planets were ordered by size?', after being moved to Jupiter's orbit, Neptune informs the others that Jupiter and Saturn have an orbital resonance that keeps the solar system stable. So while Jupiter protected the new rocky planets and kept the asteroid belt in check, Saturn helped him by keeping him gravitationally stable, allowing both of them to keep the solar system stable as well as both of them paying penance for the Grand Tack and X's ejection. And to stay true to the show also being partially educational, it could reveal the scientific consequences of what would happen to the solar system if Saturn was gone instead, to also show that banishing Saturn wouldn't help the solar system.
And with that, I hope that the others learn of Saturn's involvement in the Grand Tack and ejection of X, above is how I personally would love for it to go, helping Jupiter, the solar system, giving Saturn some character development and giving him closure over the past as well like Jupiter may have too, though it may be too much wishful thinking.
The other loose end that's left is Uranus. He was invested and eager about the orbit and name change that X proposed to him, but now that X is gone, what now? As far as we know, Uranus is tending to his moons (as are the other planets to theirs), but when things settle down, wouldn't he still want at least the name change? Also his and Neptune's relationship has been damaged while X was there, can it be repaired? Will Uranus also get an arc? We'll have to see.
And finally, since she's been named in this arc twice, I suspect that Theia will be what the next arc will be about. How will it go? Well my first guess is that Astrodude will tell it to his son and wife as a bedtime story way before he chronologically arrived in space like he did with the Big Bang arc, the Theia arc serving as somewhat of a continuation of it even if isn't named 'Big Bang part 4 (and onwards)'. My other guess is that Astrodude finally wakes up on Luna, and perhaps he finds remnants of Theia on Luna. And given his tendency to not know when to keep his mouth shut (IE giving Luna the idea to leave Earth for a bit, resulting in Earth going off his axis, tides getting out of hand, and being half on fire half frozen, overall putting the life on Earth in peril. And him revealing the 'Destroyed moon formed Saturn's rings' theory which later lead to life on Earth almost being eliminated by the moon revolution), maybe Astrodude talks about Theia's destruction and some of the cosmic bodies hear him and get curious and suspicious on what happened with Theia, leading to other characters' secrets about it being revealed (I don't know much about Theia other than it being theorised to have collided with earth and some of it became our moon).
So, those are my theories and thoughts, hope you enjoyed reading.
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oniondraws · 8 months ago
Jupiter and Saturn are married and had a daughter and that daughter is Europa
change my mind
Here are some reasons why:
-Both Europa and Saturn have similar facial structures(long faces)
-Europa has a similar color pállate to both Jupiter AND Saturn
-Both Europa and Saturn are pretty feminine(although Europa is more clever and intelligent like Jupiter)
-Europa seems like a a woman with daddy issues tbh😀
-Europa despite having somewhat of daddy issues, still is implied to enjoy listening to Jupiter’s stories, which kinda screams father and daughter bond
-Unlike ganymede, Europa doesnt brush off how weird Jupiter is acting and acts as if he’s the perfect planet bc he’s someone to idolize, worried about what is happening with Jupiter, like a loved one, and also willing to know the truth because she doesn’t want her own father keeping secrets from her(not saying ganymede doesn’t care, he does but is trying his best to ignore it Bc he idolizes him)
-in the Jupiter is missing ep, Europa is the only one of the Galileon moons to stand up to Saturn, as if she’s just had enough of her papa’s favoritism bs, same goes for Jupiter
This is just some silly crack theory that is prolly not canon but I gen love it, Europa is like a daughter who mainly just lives in her dads orbit, rarely visiting her other papa, and is just sick of him and prolly going through a rebel phase, Bc let’s be Fr, the bigger moons are prolly teenagers who watch too much politics so they know how to start a revolution
okay, there is so much unintentional evidence i presume and the fact it connects???
this is just adorable (despite being a die hard Saturn x Uranus shipper)
also yes, all the moons are really just moody teenagers that really just need respect and attention
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doodlemcnoodlee · 2 months ago
I’ve been seeing a few posts about Venus, Earth and Mars all having life at the same time, so I wonder if Earth did know but forgot due to another dramatic incident like the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs
Which is my leading theory and was the first thing i thought of and that it could be an accumulation of smaller impacts that happened throughout history. Scientist have also found impact craters that could support it and its theorized that Earth could have had Saturn like rings due the craters around the equator, that later fall to earth during the Quaternary period (it’s just a theory but I love it so much and want to make art of it!)
So Earth did know at one point that Venus and Mars had life but by the time the asteroid killed the dinosaurs any sign of life were gone and from what I’ve found it would have been in the Proterozoic eon and was when the fist oxygen-dependent animals came to be as the paper I’m reading from calls it haha (they included bacteria and blue green algae!)
I really can’t remember if Luna knew either I don’t think he did, but with how focused he was on Earth and for so long it might have slips his mind in the later years as Earth went through so many extinctions and changes, also who knows how close the Rockies were at that point, so who knows:)
It could make sense that Luna won’t remember due to protecting the Earth from asteroids and in turn being hit with them instead so that could help explain that!
I also kinda like to headcannon that both Luna and Earth struggle a lot with their memories due to how they were formed in the current day
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0nightwolf0 · 1 year ago
The new episode is interesting in its mystery🌌
So interesting the interaction of Jupiter's moons after the revolution. Especially Callisto and Europa. And overall, Europa was right to point out Saturn didn't even broach the subject of other moons. He only remembered Titan.
(Так интересно наблюдать за взаимодействием спутников Юпитера после революции. Особенно за Каллисто и Европой. И, в целом, Европа была права, когда указала Сатурну на то, что тот совсем не упомянул свои другие спутники. Он вспомнл только Титана.)
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Europa and Callisto's arguments about what happened reveal well their characters and views on what happened. Europa is no longer like a crazy hysterical woman, but has become an interesting character with a multi-faceted personality. BUT DON'T MAKE IO CRY!
(Споры Европы и Каллисто о случившемся хорошо раскрывают их характеры и взгляды на произошедшее. Европа больше не похожа на сумасшедшую истеричку, а стала интересным персонажем с многогранной личностью. НО НЕ ��АСТАВЛЯЙТЕ ИО ПЛАКАТЬ!)
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Neptune, as always, is the best. He appeared for a few seconds, said something and flew away. I love how his asteroids make others feel better. Like Jupiter, for example, who practically lost his mind. With each new episode, his image of a sane and calm planet is shattered more and more.
(Нептун, как всегда, лучше всех. Он появился на несколько секунд, что-то сказал и улетел. Мне нравится, как его астероиды помогают другим чувствовать себя лучше. Например, Юпитеру, который практически сошёл с ума. С каждым новым эпизодом его образ здравомыслящей и спокойной планеты рушится все больше и больше.)
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What I liked most was that Europa was the first to take an interest in the state of Jupiter. Although before that she was the most condemning of it and all the other planets. This again tells us that she is a versatile character.
(Больше всего мне понравилось то, что Европа первой заинтересовалась состоянием Юпитера. Хотя до этого она больше всех осуждала его и все остальные планеты. Это ещё раз говорит о том, что она - разносторонний персонаж.)
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Finally, say that Planet X could be Nibiru because that's what it's called in real life. They're similar in appearance.I can't say with certainty whether Planet X is a hallucination of Jupiter or has really returned. But I can confidently say that the next episodes will definitely be interesting. I'm looking forward to it)
(И под конец скажу, что Планетой X может быть Нибиру, потому что именно так она называется в реальной жизни. Я не ��огу с уверенностью сказать, является ли Планета X галлюцинацией Юпитера или действительно вернулась. Но могу с уверенностью сказать, что следующие серии точно будут интересными. Жду с нетерпением)
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riverbankofclay · 6 months ago
They did not drop an episode titled "Searching for planet X" only to give him to 2 seconds of screen time
Anyways, I was expecting like 2 more ridiculously long filler arcs before we got the episode. Bros finally back.
Little theory but yk vulcan, if it existed, got caught in venue's orbit buy was too big for venus to hold onto so it was yerted towards the sun, so like an accident.
What is Jupiter accidently ejected X and Saturn covered for him? Also why does no else remember X? I get the rocky planets (earth's collision, mercury's collision, Venus and Mars losing their Waterhouse Mars third moon) and Neptune but what abt Uranus? Did he assume he was gone due to an orbit change or smth? Ik it's prob cause it was billions of years ago and no one remembers the other proto planets so why should he remember X?
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fantasy-cursedkrystal · 6 months ago
So like the newest episode made me think bit hear me out- the sun made Jupiter (maybe Saturn) eject X out of the solar system because he did something that the sun did not approve or something bad (like a bunch of theories that X made Theia crash into proto earth or X rebelled against the sun)
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nightsunecilpse · 2 months ago
I believe the reason why Earth doesn't know about Theia is because no one was allowed to talk about her. In the Big Bang Arc, the Sun proclaimed no planet would leave its orbit, leave, or crash into each other. And before that He was already on the fritz, ready to break at any second. The Sun they have now, though, is already insane. It could be the day Theia died he finally lost it. Theoretically, Uranus also was in a collision, but what he stated before is that nobody pays attention to the ice giants, so he probably had to deal with that himself. The rocky planets, on the other hand, are closer to the Sun, and by basing the way the Sun reacted to Theia's card, it insinuates it's a painful memory. Burning the card, though, shows he does not want to ever be reminded of her.
This is only speculation, but Earth's fear of being alone could be the result of the collision. Venus described collisions as a phoenix. In this case, Earth was reborn, and Luna was born from the remains of their ashes. Theia was gone. The rocky planets were young when it happened and they possibly blamed Earth for it. They believed for years that Earth knew what he did, Socially outcasting him along with the Sun forcing stricter orbits to further his isolation. And those who knew better, like the Gas Giants, couldn't face him for long, leaving Earth feeling rejected. It would've been just him and Luna to keep each other company.
Maybe at some point the social outcasting would've got to him leading him to find a way to make others like him. He must've gotten the idea from Venus or the gas giants but he had set a goal. He was going to make friends by sustaining life. The Earth was going to make a tragedy to a miracle.
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wolfgirl83wl · 2 months ago
Okay, I think this really needs to be said, so I’ll say it
Earth’s panicked/scared look he gave when they were answering the card on Theia is more than likely NOT because of flashbacks
It has been shown multiple times throughout the show that Earth doesn’t remember anything past the dinosaurs, and there is multiple pieces of evidence that Earth wasn’t the planet that collides with Theia
But, I heard you all ask, then why was Earth freaking over about?
Well, Earth was hearing that his life, the thing he spent almost his entire existence to create, the one thing he believed, and still believes, makes him special, the one thing he is proud about, was created all due to the death of another
If you heard that the reason that something you are so proud of was caused by another’s life being cut short, you would also be a broken mess. And confused too. Cause why didn’t anyone tell him that?
Okay, that’s it. Thank you for listening to my Ted talk
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chainera · 5 months ago
Theia Interpretation :O
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This is how I personally view Theia’s potential character and the lore behind her life/death. I feel like this story also ties up a lot of loose ends like Venus’ loss of potential and his broken relationship with Mercury.
I see this version of Theia as unintentionally manipulative and definitely chaotic neutral, but in the end everything she’s doing is just for entertainment. She doesn’t realize that people might be scared of her for her tactics and her way of persuading them. (The only one she doesn’t “prank” is Gaia, bc they’re too close and she feels wrong for doing it). Gaia is really sweet and caring, generally the angel of the inner solar system. Theia is like his chaotic lil sister.
And yeah, Luna, TDSOTM, and the earth all inherited some part of their “parents”. Luna is kind and responsible, but does lose control sometimes. TDSOTM fully inherited Theia’s penchant for chaos, but like her he still has empathy, and the Earth is caring but can be very manipulate cough Venus vs mars cough
(Alvaro make Theia’s personality like this at least pslpsl I want a chaotic gremlin)
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vic-fandom · 13 days ago
OK so, the new episode came out today and all sorts of things were happening like the dwarf planets FINALLY getting some more screen time and Uranus / Caelus leaving the solarsystem but that's not what I'll be focusing on here. TO BE HONIST what I'm focusing on is very small and short compared to the rest of the episode (ligit it was only a sentence) but I believe it'll have big impacts for the future Theia and Gaia / Proto-earth arc.
In the new episode, while earth is leaving (to go ask Jupiter about Theia?? I think?) Venus says something along the lines of "You're still in there, Theia" Wich got me thinking. Now, I have two possible paths that I think the Solarballs writers could take with one being more likely than the other but the second I believe would be interesting / unexpected if they take that route. OK ENOUGH EXPLAINING LETS GET TO THE THEORIES.
Theory 1: Theia and Gaia / Proto-Earth's minds merged in the collision.
In this theory, basically, Theia and Gaia/Proto-Earth's minds and personalities merged into one during the collision and Luna and DSOTM are completely new entities and Venus was a little surprised to see Theia's part of the mind fronting more (I say fronting but I don't really mean it in a separate personalities way...more like sertain aspects of her personality show more than Earths or Gaias/Proto-Earths unique personalities). While I think this one is boring I think this one is the one the team is more likely to go with / make something similar to.
Theory 2: Earth is actually a new version of Theia instead of a new version of Gaia / Proto-Earth.
Now this one is a bit of a stretch but what if Earth was actualy Theia? In that brief little flash back in the Jupiter is Back arc where Theia and Gaia / Proto-Earth are seen talking to eachother abt asteroids (if you want an exact quote I made art of this here) and Theia brought up the idea of carrying life. Originally, before the newest episode in the Jupiter is Back arc, I thought this could be the reason why Gaia/Proto-Earth, after loosing his memories, would want life because that was what Theia wanted but what if it was Theia fulfilling her own dream of getting life?? while the latter could still be possible I think it would be interesting if solarballs took it in that direction. Now you may be asking (but you probably aren't) "what about Gaia / Proto-Earth?" well what if he became DSOTM? in the same little flashback we can also hear Gaia / Proto-Earth talking to eachother and Idk if its just me but Gaia / Proto-Earth's voices sound very similar to DSOTM's voice? This could be a coinsidince of having the same or a similar sounding voice actor but to be honest I'd kind of be disappointed if it was just that.
But unfortunately there is a problem with this, How would Venus know that Theia was Earth instead of Gaia / Proto-earth since he was much bigger than Theia. Maybe he can just tell by personality but that seems kind of weird?
Idk. If you want you can reblog or comment what you think! this is my first solarballs theory post I think (IK I REBLOGGED ANOTHER THEORY W/ MY OWN THEORY BUT THAT DON"T COUNT) and I hope y'all enjoyed n sorry for my poor spelling lmao :)
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tea-bruv · 6 months ago
I have been rewatching the newest SB episode a lot. And something about Saturn just sticks out to me, and I am in AGONY.
I believe, that Saturn isn’t even CLOSE to being as worried about X as Jupiter, because it seems that Saturn did help Jupiter with literally throwing X outta the Solar system, with the way he tries to hide it.
But what IRKED me so BAD, is that, when Mars is listening in to Jupiter and Saturn, Saturn says that he’s worried about the punishment from Sun.
BROTHA- REVENGE IS COMING AND ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS SUNS PUNISHMENT?!?? And that’s like immediately after Jupiter confesses to being eaten with guilt. Like basically right after.
I may be wrong, but I accept that. But I still feel a little suspicious about Saturn now… 🫵🤨🤚
Y'know when you compile all that evidence together.. yea it is a bit sus
I knew Saturn had some kind of involvement in Planet X's ejection but I didn't really know what.. But with the things you just said it sounds like Saturn was the mastermind behind this whole thing and Jupiter is innocent?? Idk- that doesn't sound like something he'd do
One thing I can confirm is I am SO excited for part two of the search for planet X..
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ruffffffing · 9 months ago
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butch flag colour picked from venus
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p1aid-scarvs · 2 months ago
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creds: wikipedia
solarballs does minimal-ish basic research (ty solarballs discord astro-announcements channel for clearing things up btw) so when the plot gets to theia this is probably gonna show up.
we saw jupiter confessing to causing the collision in wiwrj 3 (i think??), but venus hasn't said anything yet. if solarballs does plot according to wikipedia without any more research and deems this origin as canon we're going to see some psychological effects on venus.
i did more minimal research and venus did not lose its water and ability to support life (?) until one or two billion years after the collision. i think solarballs will link these two things together psychologically - venus feels guilty for the collision, leads to loss of water. guilt can lead to depression, anxiety and a lot of other stuff which can create heavy personality changes that can harm a person.
so my theory here is: solarballs will propose venus' loss of water as a psychological event caused by her guilt for partially causing the theia-earth crash.
im going to go off topic here and rant please step away if you do not like this!! ft: ts my way or the highway
imo not very accurate but i'd like to see this happen. solarballs' portrayal of the planets have never sat right with me, i like to regard the mythological aspects of the planets more, like mars is named after the roman god of war, also known as boom boom time and human devastation, but why is he so chill guy coded??
hc that planets have two forms; the physical (sciencey) form and the metaphorical (mythology-y) form. terrible one, not canon imo, but my brain just found a new topic to wrap around so im rolling with this
also hc that venus is an unintentionally amazing flirt
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