#the weight of stars
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mayhemspreadingguy · 11 months ago
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Anakin the weighted blanket
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collophora · 3 months ago
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I've got a file called "fox-warmups" and it's just me drawing fox doing stuff.
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fortunethief · 11 months ago
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Yeah... 🫠
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blackseafoam · 5 months ago
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“Buried Alive” for @weekly-star-wars-prompts
I had every intention to make this silly, like Ezra being comedically crushed by loth wolves, but it became sentimental ;-; Sometimes the art is just using you to create itself.
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petite-anni · 4 months ago
How can I loose weight?
I got you.
💗weightloss, diets and healthy habits💗
1. healthy habits
before we start, you want longterm process. So form habits. Become disciplined.
No crash-diet means no jojo-effect. No crash-diet means actual progress that doesnt go to waste.
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2. diet
No matter how much you move, if your diet is not sitting right, you wont slim down. Over time you have to include healthy and nutritious options into your diet.
~small bowl of veggies, before breakfast
(such as cucumber, bell pepper, carotts, tomatos. That way your bloodsugar levels wont come crushing down midday)
~breakfast should include something that keeps you full. Dont skip it. People who eat breakfast tend to loose more weight and be slimmer.
(Porride, Eggs, Avocado, etc)
I usually include: Oatmeal, Chia sees, Berries and one Banana
~try not to snack, keep going for three meals a day
~eat whole foods, eat clean and make sure to dont neglect your protein-intake
(protein keeps us full and satisfied. Also, you want to loose fat, not muscle)
~cut out sodas and liquid calories!!!
such a waste. go for the light options with 0-2kcal. They taste the same, if not better.
Also, drink enough water.
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3. workout
Normally, I work out every day in some way.
Cardio, strenght, pilates or just a walk outside.
Moving your body, keeping it toned and flexible, helps your mood, your health and your overall life.
On top, it burns calories.
Build some muscle and loose some fat. Thats how you get your dream body.
Here are my favorite channels, that I workout to daily:
MIZI (cardio mainly, full body workouts and burning calories)
Lidia Mera (pilates full body, toning and strenghtenig, legs, arms, abs)
Shirlyn Kim (specific parts, weightloss, strenghtening/toning,thigh gap)
Yuuka Sagawa (posture, arms and upper body)
Nina Dapper (arms, legs and abs)
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4. Beauty Secrets
~ginger/curcuma shots
I tend to have ginger shots to boost my immune system and overall health. They are also very good for your skin and can give you a natural glow.
Your gut health is a game changer. You get less break outs and you can loose weight faster.
You can heal your gut through your diet and order some probiotics.
~castor oil
I live and breathe castor oil.
Usually I apply it before bed on my lashes, hair and skin. It helps with hair growth, skin protection and hydration. Its also very good for debloating and detox, if you put it into your belly button.
~green tea
This magic tea can help you loose weight, reduce the risk of several diseases, such as diabetes or heart disease,
It reduces anxiety and lowers your cholesterol level.
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sepdet · 3 months ago
Merry Shitscram, Tumblr!
(transcript below cut)
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Guess what I borrowed from Mom's stacks while visiting?
I won't cap the whole thing, but at least I can provide you with some selected excerpts for the next week. Yes, this IS that edition.
Transcript below.
Chapter One
FOR THE THIRD consecutive night, Captain James T. Kirk awoke with a gasp of surprise and something akin to fear clinging to the side of his throat. He blinked once, then struggled to sit up, leaning against the head of the bed his eyes scanned the dark room. Reality returned and his gaze settled on the chronometer. It was shortly after 3 A.M., Ship Standard Time, but he was wide awake and knew he would have little hope of getting back to sleep before the alarm demanded his attention at six.
Releasing the breath he'd been holding, he replayed the recurring dream in his mind, wondering why it should have disturbed him so deeply . . . and so often.
After discovering no logical explanation for its cause or its unprecedented effect on him, he tried passing it off to the fact that the Enterprise had been on routine patrol of the Romulan Neutral Zone for nearly two months—an inexcusably boring mission. But with Romulan Fleet activity increased for no apparent reason, he accepted the fact that he was bound to be a little edgy.
After another deep breath and a shake of his tousled hair, he slowly lowered himself back into the warm nest of covers,l and closed his eyes; but as expected, he was only pretending to sleep when the First Shift duty alarm sounded less than three hours later.
Stifling a yawn, Kirk entried the Deck 5 turbolift to discover the ship's first officer studying him with a lifted eyebrow.
"Morning, Spock," Kink said with a sheepish grin, wishing he'd taken the time for a cup of coffee before presenting himself publicly.
The Vulcan's head inclined in greeting, "Captain," he said formally. The doors closed and the lift began its familiar horizontal motion, but the Vulcan continued to study his friend. "Is everything all right, Captain?" he inquired presently.
"Just fine, Mister Spock," Kirk replied. "Why do you ask?" He wondered if his eyes were a trifle more red than they'd appeared in the mirror.
The eyebrow climbed higher beneath the long black bangs. "You seem. . . unusually distracted," Spock observed after a questioning moment of silence.
So much for dismissing the matter, Kirk thought. Spock's scrutiny was never escaped easily. "Would you believe me if I told you that the invincible Captain Kirk has insomnia?" he asked with a smile.
"Indeed," Spock murmured. Kirk was normally a very private individual; but now the hazel eyes seemed alight with a combination of embarrassment and mischief. The Vulcan decided not to mention that he himself had been having disturbing dreams for at least a week. "I trust you have not sought relief from Doctor McCoy?"
Kirk shook his head. "For a few hours of lost sleep?" But the twinkle left his eyes as a frown found its way to his face. "I don't know why it should bother me at all," he said, feeling some need to explain himself. "But . . . never mind, Spock," he added as the nocturnal images returned to haunt him. "It was . . . just a dream." Trying to change the subject, the smile returned to his face. "Another human shortcoming, eh, Spock?"
Something in Kirk's too-casual tone caused the Vulcan to look at him more closely. "Would you care to discuss the matter in more detail, Captain?" he asked, momentarily wondering why he didn't dismiss the subject as Kirk was attempting to do. Yet he realized that the captain's normal reservations concerning his personal life did not extend to him, just as he understood that the reverse was also true.
Kirk glanced up from where he'd been studying his boots, and felt the familiar telepathic door swing open between himself and the Vulcan. It was something which had formed between them over the years, something which had saved their lives countless times and made them brothers. He did want to discuss it, but only with Spock.
McCoy would, as the Vulcan was fond of pointing out, dispense a handful of pills and an hour of friendly advice; and though Kirk valued the doctor's friendship, he wasn't in the mood for a full battery of psychological tests to determine the cause of a simple recurring dream. He chanced a quick look at the Vulcan as a plan of action took shape in his mind.
"I haven't had breakfast yet," he began, finding an excuse he needed. "But . . . I'm sure you have, Mister Spock. After all," he continued with a broadening grin, "Vulcans never ever miss breakfast, right? You have to keep those thought-wheels well oiled and in perfect working order." He studied his first officer's lean frame. "And you never gain an ounce either!" he added with a look of mock-disgust, remembering Mc-Coy's warnings to cut back on the meat and potatoes and settle for a salad once in awhile.
The Vulcan brow lowered as Spock observed his captain's nonchalant approach. "I have not eaten this morning," he stated in straightforward contrast to Kirk's roundabout endeavors, "and I would be pleased to join you." His eyes seemed to lighten as he studied the casual way Kirk was holding in his stomach. "And we need not inform Doctor McCoy as to the menu."
(Next Time: Our lads discuss nightmares over breakfast and discover they are on the same wavelength, as usual.)
[See tag Killing Time Excerpts for more!]
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shpock · 16 days ago
It is so funny to me that William shatner spent most of his career as an actor trying to really hard to stay skinny and constantly got reprimanded for gaining a little weight during TOS, but was rewarded with excessive shirtless scenes for staying fit to show just how not fat he was, only for fans decades down the line to make 75% of fanart with chubby kirk. The man fought so hard and everyone just went “no we still see the fatty within, but the good news is we love it”
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v4r-jpg · 1 month ago
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its hunter and crosshair's turn now to make me sad :(
(og post >here<)
+ the other sketches of wrecker and tech
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@squad-724 didn't have time to line them digitally but tech did in fact start it (he corrected wrecker too many times)
sorry for the quality, wanted to post these so you get the crappy photos for now
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mostlyghostie · 23 days ago
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Latest commission!
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icantspellthings · 2 months ago
They're taking so long to make AOS4 because they're waiting for Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto to hit 50 so that we can finally get age accurate Spock and Kirk old men yaoi for the movies.
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fortunethief · 11 months ago
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trek-tracks · 5 months ago
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They're the same picture
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petite-anni · 3 months ago
💜find your natural glow💜
❥how can you help yourself to rediscover your light? Unleash your natural beauty inside out
1. Everything starts inside.
You eat crappy food, have a messed up sleep schedule, don’t move and stay in your dark room all day? And you have the audacity to complain?
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❥your life’s worth lays in your hands.
~find a healthy diet that suits you and fits into your daily life. Don’t label food into bad or good. Just know what you should eat occasionally and what to eat daily (and what amount). Control your portions.
~go to bed early. Get up early. Getting up before 6 and going to bed before 9/10 is a game changer. Woman need more sleep, so make sure to fulfill those needs.
~get some kind of movement in. Whatever it is. Just move. You’ll feel lighter in every way possible.
(Walking, Running, Pilates, swimming, weight lifting, cleaning your place, anything)
~a book is usually better than your phone.
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2. Care and share
~Oil your scalp with different oils (Castor, Rosemary, coconut, jojoba), heat it up a little and massage it into your roots and the rest for the lengths. Let it sit for some time and wash out properly.
~Use a fitting shampoo (hydrating, cleaning, etc) and use conditioner and hairmasks regularly.
~also, don’t dye your hair any crazy colour. Your natural haircolour is mostly perfectly fitting. Just take care
Why am I seeing so many girls walk around with bronzer covering every inch of their face? Since when is a blush supposed to be that thickly applied?
~use a mirror. It does not look good.
Your natural beauty does not deserve to be suffocated
~the more natural the better. Apply makeup the way it FITS you and doesn’t bury your skin in products
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~love you
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wormzandgutz · 5 months ago
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there has got to be a beach episode, right?
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the-bitter-ocean · 4 months ago
Decided that I was gonna draw fanart for all the mirabelle au designs that I thought were pretty fun! It’ll probably take a while but here’s the first batch! @abowlofsourcream @ivipl1 @pixxyofice @eurydice-pens @startagainaprologue @kyri45
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planetsandmagic · 1 year ago
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the weight of a dying star
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