#the problem (really there are multiple problems but the main one) is where the fuck would i display this
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unnonexistence · 4 months ago
i had a dream that i was sorting through old lego to put the sets back together & after i woke up i realized that with some elbow grease and a little luck finding things i could have a lego diorama of a dragon fighting some orcs as part of my decor. thats so cool what the fuck. why dont i have a diorama of a three-headed dragon fighting some orcs
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trollprincess · 5 months ago
So I have a friend from high school who is a cop. (Yes, I KNOW.) I shared a photo on Facebook of a packed highway of people attempting to evacuate from Hurricane Milton, all while the lanes going in the opposite direction were open and empty. And my Facebook post was basically me screaming, “Open the other side of the highway and reverse it so that people can GET OUT.”
His response was essentially, “Yeah, that is *really* difficult for us to do.” Not in a condescending way, because he genuinely isn’t a huge asshole. (Yes, I KNOW.)
And then I may have vented in my response, in which I tried not to imply that the police were a problem. Because to be honest, I don’t see this as a police problem. I see this as how we have fucked ourselves as a nation by making ourselves so dependent on cars.
There is that poll on this site – or multiple polls, at this point – asking how long people can tolerate being in their cars. And the thing is, Americans (and Canadians as well, I am imagining) have almost no other options. We have to be used to spending a good 12 hours in a car without breaking a sweat. Everything in this country is built around being in a car. There’s a reason when you ask us how far away a place is from somewhere else, we normally give that distance in hours and not miles.
Air travel sucks. It sucks for a multitude of reasons – cost, the hassle of dealing with security, the time suck, etc. – and in an emergency, only a select few are going to be able to use it to get away from a hurricane. And that’s one of the few disasters where air travel is an optional escape.
Train travel sucks. Amtrak is not something you’re gonna be complaining about if you’re trying to get away from whatever disaster you need to evacuate from. But next to so many other countries, Amtrak looks like we’ve been receiving other countries’s leftover railway systems from the 70s. It also doesn’t go everywhere. I live in northeastern Pennsylvania near Scranton, which prides itself on its history in the train industry. We have a museum and everything. We have multiple things named after that museum, including the Steamtown marathon which is happening tomorrow.
Can you get on a passenger train in Scranton? Nope.
(The main argument against this always seems to be that people will come here from New York City and commit crimes, which is hilarious considering if somebody wanted to come here from New York City and commit crimes it’s only a 2.5-hour drive.)
Anyway, disasters.
If the only option you’re gonna give most people to get out of areas of Florida that are being targeted by hurricanes or areas of California that suffer from wildfires or places in the Midwest that face flooding are cars, then we need a better fucking emergency management system regarding transportation in this country. You can’t just sit there and mock people for not evacuating because they can’t or won’t when getting away from Milton meant sitting on highway for hours with absolutely no gas stations whatsoever nearby having any gas at all. (It just makes me think of those photos of people stranded on the highway in their cars in blizzards where people are like, “Now imagine imagine how bad it would be if all of those cars were electric!“ Well, all of those cars in that photo in that blizzard run on gas and they’re fucking stranded, sooooooo.)
Look, we can change the transportation system in this country. we did it before and we can do it again. We used to have more train options, fewer highways. My small hometown had a fucking trolley in the 40s. Now, if you don’t have a car here, you’re stuck. You can’t even get Uber here. if a wildfire started here and surrounded the town, it would be a clusterfuck.
Regardless of how you feel about the police, if police and fire departments in this country cannot organize an evacuation on a highway in a way that will reduce the backup so that tens of thousands of people aren’t sitting in their cars when a hurricane hits, that’s a problem – not just for those people, but for the police, and the fire department, and emergency management in general.
The people in charge of emergency management are just people, just human. I’m researching the Camp Fire in 2018 right now, and you had a bunch of people calling 911 saying, “I can see a huge fire off to the east. Are we safe? Should we evacuate?” The 911 operators could only work off the information they had. They could have told people to evacuate earlier, but Cal Fire didn’t anticipate the strength of the fire. Which is understandable. Nobody could anticipate the strength of that fire. But the 911 operators were sitting in an office with no windows, and they had no idea what was going on the east. They couldn’t look out and see exactly what was happening. If they could have, they probably would have told people to leave as soon as possible much sooner than they were told to. Instead, they waited for official confirmation, and when they did start telling people to evacuate, traffic managed to back up in a small town of 25,000 people until many of them were trapped in an unimaginable hellscape.
When people need to evacuate from a disaster, and they stay instead, far too many people - including those in positions of power – just kind of wave their hands and say, “Well, we tried.” No, we didn’t. This country made not trying its watchword, and now we’re at a point where unless you own a car, which is a luxury a lot of people cannot afford in this economy, escaping from disaster is impossible. So you can get in your car or somebody else’s car and go sit on a highway and hope your gas doesn’t run out, since none of the gas stations for 100 miles have any gas to give you, or you can stay in your house and hope you don’t die.
Sometimes, I really wish somebody would make me the head of the department of transportation. I would demand an absurd amount of money to build a better train system, to provide better transportation options for smaller towns, to provide extensive training for rescue personnel in managing evacuations like the clusterfuck in Florida this week. I would become an absolute fucking nuisance to Congress. I would be asking for money left and right to make it so that our only options as Americans weren’t to get into cars we can barely afford these days and attempt to organize our own evacuations from the growing number of natural disasters in this country.
Y’all keep posting these polls about how long you can tolerate being in a car at the same time that tens of thousands of Floridians were sitting on highways trying to get away from Tampa so they wouldn’t die in a hurricane.
We can tolerate being in a car all goddamn day. It’s because we don’t have a fucking choice, even when it’s life or death.
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punkpandapatrixk · 5 days ago
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🍁Essentially, What’s Your Main Aesthetic? ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
Aesthetic is anything concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty💋Don't you think beauty is essential for human health? It inspires and uplifts the mind and heart, after all. I think the pursuit of beauty whether in things, people(?) or creation makes Life exciting~🎨And the attainment of that very beauty makes Life worthwhile~🩰
Beauty contains an essence of something Cosmic. If you get it, if you live by it, it has the capacity to connect the Human Expression to a Divine Experience. Why religion when there is Art?🎀lmao
What about your Beauty? Do you know where to find it? I think every person's Cosmic Beauty can be found in their Story🎠Your unique blueprint that's just waiting to be expressed whether in writing, in a melody, in a sculpture or perhaps a painting, and in aesthetic décor or personal fashion choices💄
Live and breathe your Art, aliens~🛸
pov: You Found The Enchanted Garden You Dreamed in Your Childhood | ultravclet
vlog: productive days 📝📖 finishing books, writing reviews, journaling, organising✨ | cups and thoughts
deck-bottom: 9 of Swords Rx, Gold Historian (Raphael Holinshed), Priestess of Success
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 3]
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Pile 1 – I’m Hurt, But the Show Must Go On
vibe: HER by MINNIE
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poetic suffering – Ace of Cups Rx
Oh, almost your entire Life has been one bloody show—like, actually bloody, figuratively or literally—and you’ve survived it all, although some screws inevitably got loose here and there. You probably identify as having somewhat of a multiple personality disturbance—yeah, just a disturbance, not so much an actual medical disorder, but what do I know? The point is, you’ve developed many voices in your head🍹
I once read something someone wrote on a YouTube comment: ‘The voices in my head make fire podcast.’ I believe that resonates loudly for you and your kind of ‘problem’🥂lmao For some of you, this was developed as part of survival; but for some others, you couldn’t help but develop this ‘disturbance’ simply because you’re high-IQ. It’s just part of the mechanics of your brains. So, it isn't to say you're damaged...
The crux of the matter is that you were always an empathetic child. Creating all these characters or personalities was your way of understanding other people—why they did what they did, what they’d do in a given situation and some such. Like I said, some of you could’ve developed these voices in your head to anticipate chaos, but for some of you, this was simply a philosophical pursuit🎡
aesthetic insanity – Queen of Pentacles
Having said that, it isn’t to say that your whole existence has not been painful. After all, with such a sweet and sensitive heart you’ve had to fight for your place in this cold, cruel, criminal world where you were preyed upon. You were preyed upon because your aenergy was so good. Empathetic people tend to get preyed upon by narcissists not so much because they’re good just like that—but because destroying your sanity and sense of self feels good to a bitter narcissistic monster🤹
You get the difference? A narcmon could target just about anybody whether or not that person’s good. But you were always a much easier target because soft-hearted people can be very accommodating to other people’s wounds. And empathetic people tend to be willing participants in the cruel shitshow created by a narcshit because they want to be a hero in someone’s Story~🎭So, that’s been your shitstorm.
How’s dealing with that supposed to not fuck people up somewhat? But in the grand scheme of everything you’ve had to deal with, you see now that you’ve still got your integrity and sense of humour. That’s all that matters, really. Someone wrote a meme that says ‘You forced me to study narcissism. Now enjoy my educated ass.’ The most ironic iconic outcome here is that now you know how to play up narcissism to get back at real narcmons you meet in society🩰lmao
dramatic scene – Page of Pentacles Rx
So, essentially, if we could summarise what your main aesthetic is: you’re simply INSANE. You were forged in hellfire and came out a little woo woo, but you’re also genuinely superbly intelligent that you know how to use this woowoo to your advantage. The you that has come out of this hellfire is now operating on VENGEANCE🏵Could be for your past; could be for any abuser/manipulator you meet in society; could be for culture, tradition or the establishment.
Simply said, you want to wreck it. Fuck it all up. But with style and humour. You’re going to mirror back society’s cruelty and lack of empathy with sarcasm and a really dark sense of humour. Show ‘em how unintelligently they’ve been interacting with Reality! Either you’re a Gen Xer in your 40s or you’re going to really vibe with this generation’s dark, almost sick sense of irony🤪
Any form of self-expression that showcases your crazy, uncontrollable, unhinged personality would feel most authentic to you. Something deep in your psyche wants to get back at society; for that, you’re willing to play up the villain or menace in society, so long as that re-educates them about what it means to be Human. But deep inside, I know that you know that you’re still the same kind and caring little child with an unchanging loyalty to…Love😘
dream design – Red Alchemist (John Dee)
essence of my identity – Priestess of Magick
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Pile 2 – I Still Dream of Everything I’ve Lost
vibe: Summer Rain by IRENE
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poetic suffering – Page of Cups
Ah, you are a poet. A total romantic. Even if your idea of what’s 'romantic' differs from most people. If anything, more than anybody else around you, you seem to be the only one who’s got a saner, purer grasp of what ‘romance’ is all about💞More than anybody you know in your surroundings you want something much more honest and sweet. Most of the time, people just think you’re starry-eyed and unrealistic—but what you feel in your heart cannot be denied❣️
If what you’re feeling isn’t real then why does it exist in your Heart of hearts?💚That’s why you needed to do Art. Maybe poetry was your way to make sense of this clash between your inner world and the world around you. Maybe you devoted massive amounts of time and energy to creating aesthetic collages just to see your beautiful inner world reflected in the physical Reality—even if all of that beauty exists only on paper, illustrations or digital edits💻
Of all the people you’ve ever known, for some reason it always felt like you were the only one with a Heart for Poetry. It could be that your society didn’t much like this type of pursuit. Or maybe it was just your family that didn’t seem to have a high level of appreciation for the kind of Beauty that ever so naturally captures your Heart. In many ways, growing up could’ve been somewhat isolating for this reason…🧸
aesthetic insanity – 6 of Wands Rx
Always the weird one out. All because you have so much feeling. You feel and feel your emotions to oblivion. It hurts to be you, if anyone cared to know. To have your kind of Heart means to be so easily moved to tears by the smallest of things. A beautiful melody, a nostalgic vibe, a display of genuine kindness or happiness, people being unconditionally helpful and patient with each other. Things that may seem so casual in the grand scheme of human greed and ambitions…but you have no such ambition to become like the rest of ‘em🔫
It's hard to be this way from time to time. It’s a challenge to navigate the pond of compassion that exists deep within your Heart. In today’s world especially, it’s so much trendier to be jaded and cynical. For many, of all ages, that seems to be the most acceptable modus operandi🕹Even if you tried you wouldn’t be able to operate well on such a negative and unexciting command. Lucky you, you’re weird enough to not give a little bunny shit about fitting in or, obeying~🐰
You can be really emotionally divorced from the world outside of your imaginations that, to your own surprise, it really is that easy to detach from the expectations of society and drift to Neptune instead—probably dreaming your whole Life away on some distant nebulous fantasies🍄That’s why you identify as an introvert. Your rich inner lives are always far more interesting than any mundane conversation some Normie is capable of conjuring.
dramatic scene – Ace of Pentacles
In the grand scheme of everything that’s wrong with modern societies, you most likely feel that Humanity has lost much of its cherished values that you tend to like things that are either old—very, very old and out of fashion—or simply childish and/or otherworldly. In essence, you’re far more attuned to aesthetics that remind people of INNOCENCE. When things used to be much more beautiful, classy, thoughtful, innocent, and just….my gosh, cute🐶
And yet, you’ve most likely been told that you act motherly, or that, ‘You’re going to be a really good mother one day.’ People can sense that you’re trustworthy and dependable—very Old Soul, you know?👽In spite of how sweet and feminine or even weird you look on the outside, on the inside you’re integritous, and most everybody can see that because you exude this charmingly calm, mature and wise aura🌾
If you’re a creator or have a social media presence, what you put out there—illustrations, poems, edits, fanfics(?), etc.—seems to possess a healing attribute. I’m sure your audience have told you that your channel/page/blog serves as their safe space🚠People who tend to be loners or those who've often been misunderstood in society gravitate towards your vibe in real life and Art on the Internet. In that sense, you really are a nurturer and protector of some motherly sort🎀
dream design – Silver Astronomer (Galileo Galilei)
essence of my identity – Priestess of Contemplation
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Pile 3 – Utterly Lost in this Sad Girl Escapism
vibe: Tejano Blue by Cigarettes After Sex
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poetic suffering – Knight of Cups
Let’s admit it, you’re constantly drowning in feelings that you escape through obsessive drinking habits, yeah?🥃Most likely anything to do with liquid substances, so this could involve alcohol or coffee, or endless cups of herbal tea with heavy uses of creamer, or you could be the type that smokes obscene amounts of ciggies in a day or snacks violently on crisps all day long or… I dunno, putting yourself through hours of trance on some of Tchaikovsky’s most dramatic pieces?🎻
Perhaps this Reality is just that disappointing for you because the unnatural world doesn’t seem capable of offering ecstatic experiences what would match the feelings you carry since birth—thus your effort to escape into alternate states of feeling. You were born different🌜You feel more intensely, you feel more types of emotions, and you know more of the colours that make up the natural world; but in modern everyday reality, obviously something is missing. Cold-blooded post-war capitalism has made everything ugly…
Human interactions, as a result, become distant and dreary, unspiritual, unempathetic and unkind. And every single day of your waking hour, this awareness tortures and kills you on the inside🥓Depending on how artistic you are and how much Art you’re capable of producing, you may generally feel a sense of inadequacy from not being able to function ‘well’ in modern society. Even if you may appear to be doing just fine on the outside, on the inside you’re melting and flaring and swinging through everything…🌪
aesthetic insanity – XI Justice
If, for example, you’re the type that watches vintage movies, you realise that others your age may watch them for the laughs or other analytical pursuits, but you watch them genuinely for the staggering display of emotions, no matter how theatrical, and you get so involved and your heart aches and you let out a sob or a silent tear…🎭If not vintage films, umm, I dunno, anime, cartoon or perhaps, murder shows? Some of you may have a rather disturbing way of finding ‘materials’ what would let you feel your feelings more vividly🌈
The truth of the matter is, all of these pursuits are fuelled by a desire to find more honesty in the world. You find it vexingly difficult to express your true feelings in society; perhaps because you know this world ain’t ready for your kind of honesty. It feels like tedious intensity to them. And you’ve noticed that most people, actually, truly enjoy shallow interactions🦥Stooping to their level would be humiliating to you.
So then, you just do the best you can to feign normalcy and showcase a temperate disposition when interacting in society. But once you’re in your own company, that’s when you indulge in watching, reading or writing or creating or listening to exasperatingly profound things what would let you shiver from the core of your being☃️You, have a need to gasp and choke by emotions… And that’s intensely insane. And not many people would know what to do with any of it.
dramatic scene – Knight of Pentacles Rx
Well, not many indeed would know how to connect or get through to you. It’s true. And you may have felt very lost in this sad gurl escapism that seems neverending. As if you’d want it to end. If only you could verbalise this accurately and in a succinct manner: you have absolutely no idea how to be a responsible grownup. To begin with, what is ‘responsible’? But at this point, you don’t really give a damn anymore🙈
You grew up watching grownups perform duties and fulfil expectations—and they seemed responsible and sensible and capable. But your little heart always knew that these humans weren’t necessarily responsible in a spiritual sense. Your little sage mind always suspected that a lot of their ‘practical’ choices would sooner or later lead to much more disastrous outcomes🐾So in the end, what’s in being a responsible adult?
It was all too humiliating. And from a rather young age, you decided already that you would avert your eyes from the world of the grownups. And such it was that until now you still don’t know how to be ‘normal’ and ‘temperate’. Actually, more accurately, you don’t really know how not to be a destructive force to yourself. You just, have so much to say, and you don’t know what to say; so much rage, and you don’t even know who to be angry at…💔
dream design – Silver Physician (John Dee)
essence of my identity – Priestess of Luxury
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[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 3]
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actualhumantrashcan · 1 year ago
I can understand a silly workplace comedy about pirates not being everyone’s jam but I really can’t understand the amount of queer people I see hating on ofmd.
like for one thing most of the debates turn into gatekeeping queerness (which I think has a lot more to do with the ages of the main couples than actual concerns about authentic representation but that’s another post) and the rest are just hateful because it doesn’t directly name or label it’s queer characters but like why do we need that at this point?? listen I love heartstopper with all my heart but it is exhausting to watch them explain queer identities sometimes (even though I do think it’s super useful for younger audiences I’m just not the target demographic!) and ofmd is an explicit, violent, adult show that doesn’t NEED to explain it’s character’s identities.
queer people past their 30’s are usually very well aware of their queerness and have had (hopefully) plenty of time to go through the arc of discovering that. so why would we need to see Stede or Lucius or Ed going through turmoil because they’re attracted to men when they have already come to terms with that at this point in their lives?? i for one find it so fucking refreshing to watch a show where the characters being queer is not their main arc, they just ARE queer and life is still happening to and around them. maybe that’s just the millennial gay in me talking, but it gets emotionally exhaustive to watch show after show where the queer character’s arc is overcoming homophobia. yes obviously homophobia still exists and yes obviously if ofmd was trying to be historically accurate these characters would be living in a very dangerous time to be queer but it isn’t trying to be accurate!! it’s trying to be fun and diverse and kind!!
and also, they aren’t pretending homophobia doesn’t exist!! it’s just addressed in a different way. Stede was emotionally abused by his father for his entire life for being “soft” and then was chased down by his homophobic childhood bullies, one of which explicitly told him that he “defiled” the great pirate Blackbeard by simply falling in love with the man behind that name. Meanwhile Ed was forced into the world of piracy at a young age and developed the entire persona of Blackbeard (who fits the toxic, violent masculine stereotype of the time) to hide the fact that he’s actually an incredibly sensitive and deeply queer man! and is told multiple times by male figures in his life that sex with other men is fine but it is absolutely unacceptable to be in love with a man. both of their arcs contain homophobic rhetoric that is still present in society today, but its never presented as a problem that they have to wrestle with. they don’t have to come to terms with what it means to love each other, they just have to overcome some trials that go along with the complicated lives they both lead as a pirate and former aristocrat. the homophobia in ofmd is woven into the backstory of each and every character, it shapes them into the people they are at the beginning of the show when all of their walls are up and they are performing the “pirate” roles they are supposed to play. and then we get to see them grow and realize that they are in a safe space, part of a community not just on the ship itself but in the life of piracy (which in the show is pretty much explicitly an allegory for queer lifestyles.)
anyway, I could rant about this all day but just truly why do we have to tear people down for enjoying something? why do we have to find reasons to hate something so obviously created with sensitivity to it’s queer audience and with so much queer joy? if historically inaccurate gay pirates going on silly adventures and falling in love are not your thing, fine! but perhaps just let people enjoy things and find your own things to enjoy.
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incorrectfatui · 4 months ago
ok only one person asked for this, but I'm really bored, so: memes about our government collapsing, here you go. feel free to ignore it otherwise, next post will be about more harbingers xD
But politics talk beyond this point- dw, I get it if you dont wanna see that
Context will be below the pictures- please keep in mind that german humor is...well, german. Also, I can't figure out how to post multiple pictures at once, so uh...this is gonna be a long one. ALSO look at the ALT text I tried my best to translate & give more context
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So of course, everyone immediately started memeing about Lindner. Why? Because most of the country fucking hates the guy. I don't think I specified enough how awful he is. The current government is incredibly inneficient, and he's a major reason why. He's an ultra-capitalist, in love with a free market economy, frequently has temper tantrums in parliament, and is INCREDIBLY anti social. He wants higher pension ages, less subsidies for unemployed people, the works. What people are also making fun off is Scholz, our chancellor, who was practically nonexistent for the last 3 years, only to deliver a VICIOUS speech about how awful Lindner is. So yeah! Government collapse is fun if you have the right memes. Hope at least some of those were funny to you guys as well
thaaats most of the ones I could fit. Which brings me to: the context. oh my god where do i begin.
Okay, so, the german parliament is made out of multiple parties, right? When we have elections, the chancellor is from the party with the most votes, but they don't rule alone, because they need a majority (<50%), and we have so many parties that they don't get there. So, they have to form coalitions with the other parties. When they do that, the leaders of the other parties get to be in high positions as well. Every party that isn't in the coalition is the opposition.
More often than not, we have what is called a Grand Coalition- the two biggest parties, CDU and SPD. However, in our last elections (which was also the first time in 16 years that our chancellor changed), this did not happen. We instead got the so called traffic light coalition, made up of the SPD (winner, got the Chancellor), FDP (our other main protagonist in this story) and the Greens.
So, they've ruled for about 3 years now, and it's been an utter shitshow- because of multiple factors, of course, but one of the major ones was the FDP. See, the Greens and the SPD are (or, well, were, but thats for another story) more left leaning, ESPECIALLY on stuff like climate change, while the FDP are mostly focused on the economy. So, there's been lots of conflicts, and all the parties in the coalition, but especially the FDP, have lost immense support. The FDP to a point where they might not get ANY seats in parliament for the next election.
Now, some of our current biggest issues are inflation, climate change, and the war in Ukraine. I'm simplifying this to hell and back, but essentially, we have a so called debt-brake in our constitution, which means that the country cannot go over a certain amount of money. Sounds good, right? Well, not entirely. Right now, we are trying to go over this limit. See, the debt-brake has an intentional loophole, which says that in emergencies, you CAN go over it, like natural catastrophes (e.g. COVID).
Germany, right now, wants to fund our infrastrcuture, our military, Ukraine, and social subsidies. For this purpose, the SPD and Greens agreed to go over the limit. Except they can't, without the approval of their coalition partner, the FDP, and their finance minister, Lindner, who RUNS the FDP. They've been fighting about this for A WHILE, and yesterday, Scholz (the chancellor), gave Lindner an ultimatum: allow them to go over the limit, or get fired. Lindner asked for snap-elections instead, did not accept the proposal (which was already heavily in his favour) and got fired.
Which wouldn't be a problem is he was any common minister- but he's a coalition partner, so the coalition broke apart- and without the FDP, the SPD and the Greens alone do not hold a majority in parliament.
What this boils down to, is that we will likely have a minority-government (who will have BIG difficulties passing any laws) until January, and at the start of January, the Chancellor will call for a vote of confidence (yes, like in star wars), which he will lose. Meaning: Snap Elections in March (at the latest), less time for the parties to prepare their candidates, and MASSIVE profts for the right wing parties, which are currently leading in the polls.
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yannaryartside · 4 months ago
As a person who profoundly yearns for sydcarmy, I would like to say…
Syd can love Carmy despite everything
But she cannot stay with him despite everything.
Not despite the problems in their relationship, not despite his inability to resolve his issues. And more importantly, not despite her own mental health, happiness, and dreams.
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this is kind of an open letter to the writers of this show...because I have concerns of how they will rap this up, particularly for Sydney. It all got worse because of that Mattew interview.
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I understand what the show is doing with Carmy and Syd, showing the reality of loving someone with mental illness and (metaphorically) loving someone recovering from addiction. The struggle to do right by each other, coming from both sides, is excruciating and frustrating to watch, but it is beautiful (to a certain extent).
They are also playing into all of Carmy’s insecurities of never being good enough even when he tries his best. So what better way to heal that than showing Carmy that he was good enough for Sydney to love him despite him failing her (as a partner and friend). The love triangle thing is salt to injury until Carmy decides to stop ignoring all the ways Syd affects him. But that has to be in unison with him leaving behind all his bad coping mechanisms: the work addiction, the self-sabotage, and a toxic relationship.
I get it. But you have to show the other side of the coin. How can you love someone despite everything (despite how they hurt themselves and you) and still decide to do what’s right for you? To keep your side of the street clean, as the character in the anonymous meeting said.
Syd has been a punching bag (emotionally) for the majority of her screen time. Even her trying to discover her culinary voice in s2 was framed in the context of Carmy’s abandonment. I was pissed off after s2, but now I am baffled and angry.
Some time ago, I interacted in this fandom with someone who said Syd would be a prop for Carmen's growth; in all fairness, I think they meant a plot device. A character whose sole purpose in the narrative is to show the main character “the right way” (with a romantic relationship or not), like Gandalf or something. A character is never explored in depth and, therefore, absent of agency besides the elements of the character that favor the path of the main character.
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I am not saying every element of Sydney's character has been crafted to favor Carmen. But the show has shown some intent of never giving her any agency besides sticking with these people in this broken system because she loves them all, Carmy especially.
I understand why Syd would choose to stay; she has found a place where she belongs, I just wish she didn't have to sacrifice a good opportunity to achieve her own creative vision, to have more financial security, and even her heart (now broken) in order stay at the Bear. Because that is the narrative, the show is feeding you. Do you want me to applaud her for being loyal despite letting go of all her dreams and sitting by a man who has rejected her in multiple ways just so she can prove she is the one? No, respectfully, fuck you.
If Syd is in love with Carmy despite everything, that's fine; that's just life, and you can do nothing about it. If she lets go of her chances to pursue her dreams waiting for him, that's on her.
Not to mention, this show crafted this character in a particular way. She is insecure about her talents, and despite having great people skills and exemplary leadership, she doesn't believe she can manage it all on her own, walking to the sound of her own drum and her will. I need that for her. That growth, just because it really feels like they have been building up to it. The character that never saw themselves in a leadership position but by doing it discover they are meant for it.
I also need her to have credit for everything, right there on the screen: the recognition, the opportunities, the adventure, and the self-exploration, the love.
Why are we trying to make peace with the fact that Sydcarmy may be open-ended? and (in that same context) that Syd's culinary success could also be open-ended, or just a brief plot point in this show that nominated Ayo as a "lead" in award shows?
Regardless of creative decisions, even if you want to make a show solely about closing bad chapters before opening the good ones, it could be done better. This is not a shipping or a fandom thing.
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Sydney gets to be the peace (the real one), but that will never be acknowledged by the other characters and only firefly by the man she has loved for all the show's runtime? Why is it that the audience cannot explore/witness Carmy's desire for her? To see him dream of her and call her his actual peace? To pursue her and trying to be better, especially for her? Why does that only get to be a glimpse in your narrative? You already decided that was what you wanted for your main character, you could at least tell your audience that's what you want.
They spend a lot of time and energy deceiving us, but they have to put in (if not time) an equal amount of effort to show why Sydney is the right choice.
Also, why is that only the black woman, the one whose culinary journey we don't follow and explore? Particularly in her getting credit for it and feeling good about her chosen profession? Marcus got to go to Copenhagen, Ebra and Tina got culinary school, and the shows have followed them in their journey to gain confidence in this craft. We got a whole episode of Carmy's journey (and Luca's).
You have four young chefs that we follow so we can get a journey inside the paths in this industry: Luca, Carmy, Syd, and Marcus. Three of these young chef characters (the three men) had the opportunity to travel and have mentors who valued them and recognized their potential; what about Syd?
This point keeps pissing me off. When Matty Matheson decided to open his mouth to say, "Sydney doesn't have professional training," it hurt extra because I am sure some people were watching who, even if they watched the show, may doubt that he was incorrect.
Syd is the only restaurant member who actually went to culinary school. The fucking CIA. The only acknowledgment the audience has of her culinary experience is that line of dialogue of Carmy being impressed by her resume in the fucking pilot. Besides that, the only element of her journey being brought up in dialogue constantly through the seasons is Sheridan Road, her most recent and painful professional failure. It also doesn't look good that Syd is the only one not " European trained" of the young chefs and is precisely the one whose recipes and creations are never properly acknowledged or explored.
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The worst part of all this is that Sydney is the only woman in the main cast whose childhood dream was cooking professionaly. Tina, Marcus, and Luca discover this passion later in life, you could even say Carmy didn't dream of fine dining before Michael cast him out of the sandwich shop. But Sydney likely grows up dreaming of this as the only daughter of a single father (who is likely a first-generation American), a girl who lost her mother quite young; therefore, she is conscious about time and how she decides to use it.
So, dear Bear writers, please let Sydney win; at this point, I am begging you. Out of dignity and craftsmanship, if I cannot ask for more. You may resolve this in s4, or whatever time you are thinking for this. Let me inside her heart, her deep motives, to find her courage, let her shine. Follow her. She will love Carmy still, and if Carmy comes from her, let her be his.
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pansy-picnics · 5 months ago
can ask that you spill everything about your Splatoon OCs? 😺
ABSOLUTELY i did not expect anyone to ask to be honest….goodness where do i even begin. Let’s see. I’ll start with my main little doomed love triangle thing i suppose
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Cecilia Paek, she/her, 24 yrs old, aka: cece, celia, eight, whore, freak, slut, etc. My agent 8. born in the domes under the name Paek Seo-Mi, but renamed herself to cece post-memory loss. A freak both in the not-safe-for-work sense and just. In general. She says the most unhinged shit in such a passive formal manner. Marina has to consistently tell her she’s not allowed to eat the jelletons. She bites. A lot.
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aside from being a freak cece is curious and observant, but incredibly blunt and fierce. In the past Seo-Mi was a much quieter and more repressed person, but hearing the Inkantation awakened a flame within her, so to speak. Cece is incredibly vocal about her thoughts and feelings, and she does not like to be pushed around. although shes always been a very nostalgic person, shes been trying to look forward more often than not. (she was on team future!)
cece has a very mature, almost sisterly presence, and is especially close with neo 3 (ikra) and her pseudo sister agent 4 (yottsu). she also has a daughter of her own, yumi! ikra and yottsu are my friends ocs so i cant say too much about them but ikra is like, basically her and kyle’s adopted kid
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Kyle Lastname, (Actual surname to be determined Eventually) he/him, 25 yrs, aka three, cap, kyle, ceces silly rabbit /j. he’s my captain 3. has a stupid ass name bc he’s a stupid ass guy. Basically started as a joke oc but i put him through the Horrors. he’s the malewife of all time.
Grew up the only hearing person in a deaf/hard of hearing household so he’s fluent in sign language. He joined squidbeak when he was like 16 mostly bc he was a MASSIVE FUCKING LOSER with a huge ego who wanted the attention. Now he has Trauma and hates his teen self more than anything. (The egotistical little white kid phase is like, a rite of passage in his family. His little sister is still in that phase.) Now that he’s mellowed out hes just a sopping wet cat. Dating cece and is obsessed with her + will do literally whatever she wants.
Hes a lot more talkative than canon 3, hes the kind of guy who copes with humor all the time. he tries to be cool and mysterious but hes really awkward and gets flustered or worked up super easily. He’s overall a pretty boring guy and thats his charm. She’s barbie and he’s just ken. etc etc.
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Hes SO dad coded btw. He and cece have a daughter together, Yumi. Since he was young he spent a lot of time looking after his little sister and he’s basically adopted his protege, neo3 (ikra). he makes me think of RTGame for reasons i could not describe to you, it’s just the energy somehow. He’s my babygirl. My little meow meow if you will (Cece voice)
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Victoria Mendoza, she/her, 25 yrs, aka Tori. SHE is the fucked up one. Literally doomed by the narrative. Eye love her.
She comes from a long line of elite soldiers and was a child prodigy, but also the Problem Child. Got expelled from multiple schools for beating up other kids. from a young age she’s been incredibly critical of the octarian society and she was basically your average teen rebel. into alt music/fashion, incredibly vocal about her distaste for the system, fairly closed off with a cold exterior. the only person she truly cared for was Seo-Mi (Cece).
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Seo-Mi was quiet and sweet and generally pretty average academically, so she didn’t have nearly as much pressure on her to succeed compared to Tori. the two were childhood friends and teenage lovers. The only ones who truly matched each others freak if you will. When they were little girls they used to dream of escaping to the surface together. this changed when they were about sixteen years old.
the most important thing to know about tori is that she is a pessimist and at her core a Coward. She’s all bark and no bite. She’ll scream her hatred of authority from the rooftops but immediately crumble at the sight of her leader. and as she got older and officially entered her career, she lost hope. she determined the surface wouldn’t have anything more for her than the domes did. she became complacent, while Seo-Mi, who had previously been more neutral, had heard the inkantation and only become more determined to leave the domes.
The two desperately tried to change each other’s minds but they were far too stubborn. both of them were crushed by the supposed “betrayal” of their beloved. Inevitably Seo-Mi left for the surface, eventually being taken in to Kamabo Co. while tori stayed behind to rot.
Since Seo-Mi left, tori became more bitter than ever before. she turns her focus to her career, and her family, but she never truly moves on from the loss. Unfortunately, Cece did. Cece met someone else, she’s started a family, she has a completely new name. she’s essentially a new person. and Tori is still the same.
Canonically i don’t think they would ever meet again and actually recognize each other, but i like to play with the idea sometimes bc if they did they would Hate each other. Tori is completely incapable of accepting that her Seo-Mi has moved on. She is clinging on to a version of someone that doesn’t exist anymore. tori is a deeply self destructive person and will never move on in any sense of the word. Sad!
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Also this is Yumi. Age varies but shes like. Very young toddler as of the current timeline. She’s cece and kyle’s favorite surprise (Accident). They’re both freaks and shes the consequences of their actions. She and smollusk have playdates together. She’s obsessed with off the hook but doesn’t realize that her weird lesbian aunts pearl and marina are the same people. She’s baby
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haleswallows · 4 months ago
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I’ve Been the Forest and the Fire (and the Witness Watching It) DC x DP Dead on Main (Jason Todd/Danny Fenton) Teen Soulmates AU
Chapter 2!
"This is bullshit."
His soulmate turns around at the sound of his voice. Freezes. He looks tired and scrungly and of course. Because the universe hates Jason, so of course the asshole is also in the class he's taking for his Maths Gen-Ed credit.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Jason stands over him. "Aren't you supposed to be really good at math, or something? Why are you in an intro level class?"
His eyes are huge. "I don't test well and did bad on the placement exam."
"Great," Jason seethes. A twisting in his gut makes him feel like he's about to throw up. The soul bond demands proximity with his 'other half'. Chronically contrarian, Jason fights the instinct and the rising nausea before giving in. He slides into the desk next to his soulmate. The discomfort immediately eases. "Fucking fantastic."
There's attempts at a conversation. Jason ignores it in favor of getting himself settled. Pulls a copy of the list of accommodations he'll need that the Student Affairs Office helped him put together. Subtly scopes the room - for exits, and the best desk for when he brings Ace.
Ignores the put-out expression, the longing looks coming from his right.
Thankfully, the professor focuses on reviewing the syllabus only. And assigns a set of problems. What sort of jerk assigns homework on the first day?
Students scramble for the exit as soon as the dismissal comes. Asshole looks like he has something to say, but Jason just… he can't. Refuses. Before he gets subjected to what the fuck ever the asshole thinks he needs to say, Jason snags the professor.
He's vaguely aware of his soulmate lingering, and then eventually leaving. His gut clenches and his hands shake.
Jason stops in his tracks. The asshole looks at him. Jason glares back.
He's in Jason's literature course too.
"Whoa, 'scuse me," another student mumbles, side-stepping around Jason and his cane where he's standing stock-still in the doorway. Fuck.
OK. Fine. He has two classes with the piece of shit. Jason's dealt with worse.
He doesn't sit next to him, finding a seat in the second row and near the door. It's strategic. Less walking, a better view of the board. There'll be more room in the aisle for Ace when he starts bringing him. Jason stakes his claim - this'll be his desk for the semester.
The asshole can sit in the back like a delinquent. Jason doesn't care. He can't see him from here anyway.
The professor - mid-30s, bearded, Southern accent - makes them do an ice-breaker game. Jason wants to die.
Professor 'Just call me Justin' holds up a bag of Jolly Ranchers, directs them to take one and pass the bag down the line. Jason fiddles with the wrapper of his 'cherry' (it doesn't taste like cherry, he can't be convinced otherwise) while the bag makes its journey, and Justin makes an odd list on the board.
Grape for a favorite poem, Blue Raspberry for a pet's name, Lime for best vacation, Watermelon for 'what you wanted to be when you grew up', and Cherry for favorite food.
"Alright, everyone got a candy?" Justin claps the chalk dust from his hands. "Great, I'll start. I'm Justin," the class titters. Yes, they know. "Lime! So, I taught English in Japan for four years. My favorite vacation was to some traditional hot springs in Osaka. Next…. you!"
The random student pointed to blushes. "Oh! Uh, Karmine. Blue, my family's dog is named Cesar."
"Hi, Karmine! Pick your victim."
She shrinks a little, points randomly. It goes on like that - name, flavor, stupid random fact. It's dumb. There's cringing and some laughs at the stupid pet names. Then someone - Samir, Jason now knows - points to him.
As if he isn't a local celebrity that's had his photo in every newspaper multiple times since he was 12. And that tabloids theorize about his relationship with Bruce, or why Bruce is 'ashamed of him' as a cripple.
"Jason, chili dogs from Dave's stand." In between the pitying looks, a few nod knowingly. Locals, then. He ignores the smattering of whispers, no doubt picking up on theory crafting about him where Vicki Vale left off.
He taps the desk of the guy next to him. And away it goes, another name, flavor, and answer.
Jason's tapped out, vaguely listening but mostly only keeping track of who hasn't gone. It's background noise, all he wants is to talk to the professor and go the fuck home. When —.
"Danny. Uh, watermelon. I wanted to be an astronaut." The asshole smiles shyly, then ducks his head and rubs the back of his head.
Gross. Jason knows his name now. He frowns and the asshole — Danny — sees it, the smile dropping off his face.
Gross. He turns forward, Danny pointing to one of the few remaining people. It's hard to breathe and the wrapper of the Jolly Rancher is sticky when he unwraps it. Pops it in it his mouth.
Gross. Fake cherry.
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oh-no-its-bird · 6 months ago
Chasing Shadows inspired time travel au where Fugaku and Kakashi get zapped to the warring states, but things become tricky when they keep looking to Hikaku as their shared "figure of respect/responsibility" (bc hes the Uchiha head in future Konoha, having lasted long enough to make Fugaku his heir) when at this time he's just barley third in command and Madara is like. RIGHT there.
That's not even mentioning the ticking time bomb of "Kakashi looks like Tobirama did as a child" that's already been established, that's gonna cause problems (half-Hatake Tobirama who's Kakashi's blood uncle agenda goes brrr)
(For those who don't know what Chasing Shadows is, all u really need to know for this is that Kakashi is 6, Fugaku is 19, and Hikaku is the acting Uchiha clan head at 76. A week after his fathers suicide, Kakashi found out he's related to Tobirama via his grandmother, projects on him really fucking hard, and eventually ends up with Hikaku acting as one of multiple mentor figures to him.)
Fugaku, aware that the Uchiha compound of this era isn't uhh. The best place for a Hatake kid who resembles one of their greatest enemies to a suspicious degree: "maybe u should leave actually. Go shack up with the Senju or smthn"
Kakashi, now heavily biased towards the Uchiha bc of Hikaku and Fugaku: "ok but why."
Izuna, standing directly behind him holding a giant mallet:
The Uchiha are arguing ab what they should do w Kakashi and if they should like. Take him as political hostage (assuming, not entirely incorrectly, that he's related to Tobirama and Hashirama) but also like. The Hatake are an isolated clan that famously react very fucking badly when their kids are threatened. So is this a potential political tool for them to use or a ticking time bomb to when they accidentally potentially get a new clan (who's already allied to the Senju) involved in their feud.
The Uchiha writing to Tobirama and Hashirama like "we have ur secret little brother/cousin(?) come talk to us now or he gets it"
"You have our what."
Hashirama is going "ahaha oh nooo my secret little brother,, who I love very much and also know exactly who ur talking about but would love it if u could send a portrait or chakra signature or smthn just to make sure its the right kid,,, u know how it is <3"
I feel like I've used that beat before actually. Which one of my like 20 Kakashi to warring states time travel aus have I pulled this in?? Possibly multiple tbh
Anyways Hashirama also going "oh nooo u have my baby brother,, I guess we have no choice but to talk andmaybedopeace"
Anyways. I need a Hikaku focused character study sooo badd,, the pipe he uses in Chasing Shadows is Madara's, have I mentioned that yet? Bc it totally is and no one really knows that and like. Hikaku sure as fuck won't mention it bc it'd really only bring bad things
Kakashi and Fugaku are making surprised Pikachu faces at Hikaku like every time they see him, neither can get over seeing him this young and not blind and also not in charge. It's unnatural.
Even logically knowing that they can't just place their full trust in him bc hes not their Hikaku, they still can't stop themselves from doing it accidentally— Fugaku is his ward, he was raised by the guy. And Kakashi is a moody 6 year old who only has like 5 actually trusted adult figures in his life and only 3 of those he gives actual respect and Hikaku is one of those 3.
That's totally gonna fuck them over in the future bc, again, Hikaku doesn't know them!!! His clan and his loyalty to Madara + Izuna will always come first over these odd strangers, sorry
Maybe throw Mikoto in too, who's Izuna's granddaughter (that resemblance is gonna cause issues) and Fugaku's begrudging fiance (Hikaku said Fugaku could become clan head on ONE condition— marrying Izuna's granddaughter back into the main line), could be fun
Maybe I'll try to write smthn like this once I'm more into the meat of chasing shadows and have set up the Hikaku-Fugaku-Kakashi dynamic enough that people are invested in it
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mamawasatesttube · 6 months ago
Sorry, I know you don’t really like people bringing up Jason but I’m very curious. I read Straight on Till Morning several times before really joining Tumblr and I was surprised by how much you seem to dislike him compared to how nicely he was written in said fic. Is it cuz it’s a future fic so he can be more chilled out than in current comics or something?
Feel free to ignore me if you want. Curiosity does not owe me answers.
no worries, i don't mind polite questions! :P
so there's two things. a) sotm was written when the only real comics i'd read were sb94, yj98, tt03, batgirl (2000), and nightwing '96 (iirc - i might be forgetting one or two but the point is, when i was pretty new to comics). at this point wfa had tricked me into thinking jason actually had a consistent character arc that i simply hadn't read yet, and i assumed it would be weird to write a fic where dick, tim, and cass were all around as kon's friends + damian was there being jon's friend in the background, but jason didn't get mentioned, so i worked him in bc i thought that was like. gonna be weird if i didn't, even tho i didn't know what he was doing in postcrisis yet. i mostly just wanted to write about kon and did not yet have the strong "actually i do not care for 99% of post-rebirth comics" feelings i have today. if i were to do the sotm rewrite in my mind, jason would actually still be in his villain to antivillain era because that's my actual favorite era of him. i think it's fun when he's hanging around being like... a vengeful ghost who's just determined to make his problems Everyone's Problem. i'm not really interested in soft angsty daddy's boy jtodd or whatever sdkjfh and that seems to be the most popular version of him i see. it's either soft angsty daddy's boy jason or it's power fantasy cop-adjacent jason who has never done anything wrong in his life and is completely valid in every decision he's ever made. neither of these interests me.
which brings me to b) it's not so much that i dislike jason todd as a character so much as that his fans are so fucking annoying to me. that chapter of sotm? multiple people in the comments were there ONLY to talk about jason, even though the fic is literally about kon and not about jason and he just happens to appear for PART of one scene that chapter. it made me get sick of hearing about him. like theres soooo many jason todd fics out there can you go read those. i want to talk about kon! and i've had people bring him up on my completely unrelated fics too like he doesn't even get MENTIONED like one fic is about clark kon and tim, and someone was in the comments like "omg i bet clark was thinking about jason here" and i was so ... dude. read the room. or the fic even. it is not about him.
but even more than the way a lot of jason fans have this apparently compulsive need to make him the main character of the entire universe, i really can't stand how many of them i've seen spout literal straight up copaganda and/or defense of the death penalty. like they will bend over backwards so hard to defend why he was right to put 8 heads in a duffel bag or why it's morally correct to kill rapists that they start spewing right-wing talking points. and the constant need to make him the perfect imperfect victim ("he's angry and loud unlike GOOD victims--") and all of that just... it really turns me off of 99% of fan content about him that i've seen. it makes me genuinely kind of uncomfortable. like if you think there's a category of criminal that it's okay to execute (without a trial, even) i want nothing to do with you. can you guys just say it's sexy when a man is covered in blood after murdering a room full of people without having to be like "and he was right to do it too!!" because i promise he was not. and if you SAY any of this people will come up with a whole thing about how you must hate victims and/or poor people or some shit. its... really something.
all of that being said - i think there are interesting things you COULD do with his character. i think he can be a fascinating character! with stories worth telling! the family tragedy, the horror story, the vengeful ghost! but at this point with how rancid i find his fanbase i just really only want to see jason takes from people i know will not start spewing copaganda at me + people who i know appreciate tim kicking him in the balls (bc he kicked dick in the balls and tim is a bitch).
anyways. bring back tentatodd 2k25 who's with me
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marcellaasblog · 2 years ago
Dreams do *cum* true.
Modern Older steddie x reader x older Billy
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Main masterlist
Summary: Your boyfriends wanted to spice thing's up a bit in y'all's sex life,How will it go when they invite a close friend of theirs to tag along and make their dreams come true.
Warnings: p in v , squirting, multiple orgasm, switch steddie, dom billy,switch reader, spanking, hitting ,alcohol, ,digrating kink,pervert billy,masterbation, brat reader,a bit of angst,lots fluff!
Author's notes: (Eddie is 39) (Steve is 38) (billy is 37) ( reader is 22)
Also if I missed anything in the warning I am so sorry,I'll makes sure to edit it in!
Also everyone mentioned in this fic are adults,And let's just pretend billy is a good person!
Okay so I was a little insecure about my writing, but I decided just try again after a very sweet person message me saying say to not to let negative comments get to me,so here I am trying again 💜
You loved both of your boyfriends so much
They knew that.
Eddie and Steve paid attention to you like no other.They know every little mole on your body,every face you make and what they mean,or when you get frustrated or sad they know exactly what to do.
You are their princess and they made sure to show you.
But the most important thing they know is how to please you. They know where all your sensitive places are at ,especially the ones that get you all nice and wet and ready for them.
But sex has been very bland lately, not that you aren't good at what you do, they just wish they could try new things or different ways to please you, because it was the same thing everytime. Eddie would eat you out getting you all wet and ready for Steve then him making you cum multiple times while Eddie would take your mouth or ,they would just sandwich you in between while Eddie takes you from behind and Steve fucks your pussy both using you as a personal fresh light.
You know the same old same old type of shit. 
The problem was they just didn't really know how to bring it up in a conversation but when they did, they would just throw little hints here and There to see if you ever caught on, but you never did, which was alright with them.
They would never want to put you in a uncomfortable position
If Eddie and Steve were going to be honest with themselves,they honestly didn't want you to get bored or tired of them and then just leave them.
That was their biggest fear.
You are a beautiful young woman with so many things to accomplish in life and so many younger, stronger,built men to go sleep with you had options and alot of them to be honest .
They were a little insecure about this whole relationship, being very confused on why you chose them when you could be with someone your age not with a "couple of Grandpa" they would tell you .
Your boyfriend words hurt you.You didn't like it one bit the way  they would talk about themselves.
They were more than just good in bed but they listened to you,they worshiped the ground you walked on,they understood you in a way you never did yourself.
But most importantly they always suck by you and it was not easy to find people that did that. Family and friends come in go but Eddie & Steve they stayed no matter what was going on in that pretty little head of yours,and you would do the same for them in a heartbeat.
You caught onto the little hints they would throw at you.
You know you shouldn't feel insecure about what they say but you couldn't really stop that bubbling feeling of anxiety at the pit of your stomach.You knew your boyfriends didn't mean no harm to what they say,but it made you question your sex life with them.
Are they bored of you?
Did they want someone with more experience?
Did you not satisfy them enough?
You couldn't really assume things before asking.But you couldn't really stop yourself from the doubt you feel .
But tonight was different. You could feel it.
Every Friday y'all had a movie fright night where y'all would binge watch y'all favorite horror movies and get wasted, stuffing your face with all sorts of junk food .
You loved these nights,you loved having Eddie and Steve all to yourself for once threw out the week and these nights always ended with being drunk off your asses and maybe if your lucky you would get fucked in the ass too.
This night was a little different this time.
Eddie and Steve invited one of their old friends back from highschool.Never knew a lot about this guy,but his name.So you really didn't mind Billy coming over as long as you had them the rest of the night you had no problem with him.
Eddie and Steve were laid out on their nice cushion sofa eating the leftover food yall had in the refrigerator popping open their second beer of the night.
You  really didn't want to eat leftovers so you ordered 2 boxes of pizza, one being a regular pepperoni pizza and another one with all different kinds of toppings on it just in case your boyfriends decided not to be old farts for one night.
"Alrighty lady and gentleman what will we see first this time" Eddie asked picking up the remote heading to Hulu 
"What that one movie where that one dude goes crazy and tries to kill his wife and kid and there were those two evil kids in it?"You asked, looking over at your boyfriends covering your legs.
"Uh every scary movie that ever existed " Steve said sarcastically raising his eyebrow
"You know what I mean Steve" you throw your hands up in defeat
"You gotta be more specific baby" Eddie said smirking at you "you know Steve is not all there" he said messing up the poor man's hair.
"Fuck you ass,I'm not that old" he huffed sipping his beer
"Yeah sure and I'm batman" eddie said with a sarcastic grin
"Actually,you kind of are  once you think about it" Steve said trying to hide his grin.
"Wow low blow babe." Eddie sarcastically cries as he holds his chest.
"GUY? Hello the movie" you point at the tv.
"Oh right sorry babe.okay,keep on explanting it to me" 
" Okay, uhm,oh! I think one of the characters name were johnny and he has an ax with him that he split the door with and then tried to kill his wife and son" you say 
"You mean the shining" Eddie asked defeat look on his pale face
"YES! That's it" you jumped up from your stop  proud at your descriptions
"God you made us sound so old" Steve chuckled looking at his boyfriend patting his shoulder
"The shining it is" Eddie said searching up the movie
"Wait! Shouldn't we wait for your friend?"
"Nah billy watched this too many times, it won't kill him to miss a couple of  minutes" Eddie put his hand on your thigh
"Actually he just texted saying he's getting off of Staple street.He should be here in-"
Before Steve can finish the doorbell rings
"Perfect timing" Steve says heading to the front door
"You're gonna love him" Eddie whispered smacking your leg making you squeeze your  thighs around his big hand.
Eddie smirked 
oh this is just the beginning sweet girl.
"Hey freak.how have you been " billy joked as he side hugs Eddie 
"It's been good man.How have you been?" He asked, smirking at Billy when his eyes made contact with you.
"I've been alright man ,but who's this pretty little lady over here?" he walks up behind Eddie , standing in front of you.
"This is y/n. She's out girlfriend we've been telling you about."Billy smirked above you, making you feel so small and unpowerful. His blue eyes roamed your body Before he put his arms out asking for a hug.
"It's nice to finally meet you sweetie.The guys tell me so much about you." billy mumbled into your shoulder.
Billy was a huge guy.His biceps were huge and he legs were thick and long .His hair was an ashy blonde curly mullet that stopped at his shoulders .This man was full of tattoos from where you could see.Billy's eyes were a bright frosty blue that felt like he could stare into your soul.Billy smelled like cheap men's cologne you could sample in a magazine and cigarettes. And oh god, his voice,his voice was deep and raspy and it was soothing to listen to.
"It-s It's good to meet you too." You whispered, fumbling at your words as he pulled away.
You eyed billy's huge body,taking in every detail quickly before he could catch you .
The things you were thinking about this man ,could send you straight to jail.
"She's a shy one isn't she"billy asked looking over at your boyfriends 
"Mhm not really" Eddie shrugged his shoulder
"What seems to be the matter, baby?" Steve asked, moving your hair out of your face.
"Mhm nothing." You tried to sound convincing
"Ya-sure? Nothings bothering you? Steve asked, swiping his thumb on your chin.
"Promise." You nod your head.
"Do I scare you or something sweetie " billy asked with pleading eye
"What? No I'm good, let's just start the movie already" You crossed your hands on the  top of your chest as you sat back down in your spot 
Hopefully he didn't think you were being rude.That was not your intention,you were just very irritated by yourself thinking of Billy in such a perverted way,while you have your two perfect boyfriends standing right next to him.
"Actually." Steve interrupted Turning to the kitchen.
"I WAS THINKING WE COULD PLAY A LITTLE PARTY GAME INSTEAD!" Steve yells from the kitchen before coming back with wine glasses ,and a bottle of sherry wine which is Steves and your favorite.
"What! Tonight movie night.we have never missed a day. " You say before jumping off the couch quickly trying to grab the remote from Eddie's seat.
Eddie snatched the remote, putting it in his back pocket.
"Don't be rude baby.we have a guest here." Eddie pointed at Billy as he took the empty seat next to you."
You smacked your lips rolling your eyes 
"Whatever." You whispered
"What was that?" Steve asked as he passed you your wine
"Mhm?oh,I didn't say anything." you looked up at Steve already wanting to just chug your drink and call it a night.
"Yeah sure you didn't." Eddie snickered.
Billy coughs as he changes the subject as he could feel the tension in the room build up.
"So,what game came to your mind Harrington?"
"Well you know just the classic never have I ever" Steve says as he puts his legs in Eddie's lap .
"Sounds like a plan, I'm in" Eddie stated
"Sure,why not? I'm in too "Billy said, sending Steve and Eddie a smile.
Eddie smacks your inner thigh to get your attention.
"What about you baby? You wanna play with us "Billy and Steve laugh at his cocky question.
"It's not like I have a choice" you put your drink down 
"Okay, perfect, here's how we play,if you have done it raise your hand,and if you haven't done it keep it down. Got it!." Steve asked as he put a thumbs up.
"Good.let's start.who wants to go first" your boyfriend said tapping his chin looking around the room as if he was an English teacher deciding in who to call on next.
Eddie raised his hand "I'll go."
He cleared his throat "never had I ever gone skinny dipping" he eyes then roamed the room as Billy,Steve and himself picked up their hand.
"Well I saw that coming" you say, taking a sip of your wine, looking at the men around you.
Steve turned towards you "you've never been skinny dipping bae?"
"Nope.Never was a fan of it"
"Well you should try it sometime,you can't let that pretty body of yours not be shown off" Billy say's with confidence.
Did he just say that ? In Front of Eddie and Steve.?
To Eddie and Steve they didn't mind.That was the whole part of the plan was to get you all flustered and whiney for them. And to be fair, Billy wasn't wrong. you do have a beautiful body and trust them when they say that ,cause they know.
"Uh yeah I'll make sure to mark my calendar" you say as you put your glass down.
"My turn. Uh Never have I ever hooked up with a close friend of mine." You watch as all four of y'all raise your hands.
"Oh god who" you asked very curious for your boyfriend's answer.
"Well, uh how do I put this, me and Eddie hooked up with an ex of mine." he paused "at the same time".
Your eye could bulge out if your socket any second now.
"Oh I remember,y'all told me this story, that how y'all found out y'all liked fucking each other instead" billy said chucking at the memorie of Eddie and Steve Blabbering about how it was "life changing".
"Wait! I wanna know now? Who was it? Do I know her?
Steve scratched the back of his head .
"Uhm do you remember Nancy? The one that's married to Johnathan.
Your mouth opens, you can't even push the words out of your throat.
Steve and Eddie and Billy laughed "oh god no. Maybe she just knows you're having a good time with us" Eddie said, sending you a wink.
"Ew gross" you shrug your shoulders.
"No, I'm pretty sure she was just checking you out" Steve intervened.
"What do you mean? You asked 
"Well Nancy isn't really open about things, but she had this massive crush on one of our friends,you remember robin right? Well after we broke up  she slept with robin and you know so on she figured out she likes women too but then robin got with Vicky, and then Nancy married Johnathan cause she was madly in love with him still,but yeah that pretty much all. So I'm pretty sure she was just checking you out,plus she texted me a couple of time after the get together telling me that you looked very sexy in red and you should wear it more often." 
Your cheeks flustered at the thought of Nancy saying you were hot.
"And what about you Billy boy, who was the lucky one." Eddie asked, sticking his tongue on the roof of his mouth.
"Y'all remember Chrissy?Chrissy Cunningham from school"
"No way! You fucked the cheerleader? Steve asked.
"Yeah well it was ongoing for a while until she got back with jason, which was cool I guess, those two shit head deserve each other" bill laughed 
"Well what can I say,you can't really trust the popular people" Eddie said, patting Steve's leg.
"Oh fuck off.That was years ago.Im a new man now!"
"Sure you are" you jokes
"Well now baby, who was the close friend you fucked"
Shit you forgot you had to answer too.
"Well he's not exactly my friend,but he's y'all's friend so I count him as mine"
"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT SAY ARGYLE! Steve screamed, covering his eyes.
"Oh god no.he's not my type"
"So who was it then?" Billy asked 
" Okay okay! We weren't together at that time, so y'all can't get mad at me for this
But do y'all remember that one night,when you sent hopper Up to my house to check up on me cause I wasn't answering y'all's calls? And then hopper never answered y'all back"...
The room went quiet for a minute.
"NO! NO! NOOOOO! YOU FUCKED HOPPER!" Eddie asked in disbelief.
"Shhh it was one time.Calm your tits babe." you laughed throwing your head back
"Damn you do have a type" Billy shook his head making his hair fall to the front of his face.
"I'm not surprised" Steve said
"What does that mean?" you asked annoyed by Steves stuiped comment.
"I mean come on  baby,I saw you eye Hopper the day we introduced you to everyone,it was the same way you looked at Billy when he walked in."
Oh Steve knew what he was doing. You were just too blind to see
"Wha- i- I wasn't eyeing Billy '' you say not knowing where to look so you bow your head.
"Oh quit the bullshit pretty girl. Don't act like your eyes weren't roaming his body.Eddie said, propping up his feet on the coffee table.
You felt bad but you didn't want to lie to them again.
"I- I'm sorry I didn't mean too' You apologize to your boyfriends.
"So.you admit you were checking me out doll" billy whispered in your ear moving your hair away from your face.
"Yes billy.I'm sorry." You apologize again as you feel your eyes starting to get blurry.
"Do you want to fuck billy baby" Steve asked moving  you taking your head into his hands.
"No" you lied
"I'm gonna ask you again okay? Do . You . Want. To. fuck . Billy? 
"Don't lie to us baby.we know when you lie and you know we hate lying little bitches like you." Eddie spoke up, putting his head on Steve's shoulder.
"Yes what?" Steve asked
"Yes, I want to fuck billy" you  down on your lip,tears spilling out of your eyes as you confessed wanting to fuck another man.
"Oh, you're such a filthy little whore" Steve said, letting your face go. 
Eddie gets up from the couch grabbing the wine and the wine cups ,jogging to the kitchen as he puts them up .
"I'm sorry Steve I really am." you cry out loud this time feeling bad for your boyfriends.
Steve moves the coffee table away making more empty space on the floor.
"On your knees In Front of Billy NOW!" You obey Steve not questioning him.
Billy spreads his legs open more, getting relaxed as he lays his arm open flat on the top of the sofa.
You looked really pretty on your  knees crying.
Steve and Eddie sit back in their spots looking at one another.
"Take his belt off baby." Eddie demanded
You didn't question, you just did what you were told to do.
Your shaky hands reach over to Billy pants undoing the claps of his belt.
"Fuck" you hear come from  mouth.
"There you go baby. Now undo his zipper." Steve says as he and Eddie slowly slide down their sweatpants.
You did as you were told, while you laid your eyes on Steve and Eddie taking their own cocks out .
"Nuh uh baby,look at Billy not at us." Steve said slowly messing with the tip of his cock as he spread out hitting his knee on Eddie's.Steve lowered his head spitting down onto his cock slowly putting pressure on it as he jacks himself off with his own spit and cum.
"Fuck, good girl now take his cock out" Steve pleaded
"Steve i-"
Your eyes begin to tear up as you nod your head putting your little hands in billy boxers taking out his pre- hard Cock.
It was beautiful. His girth,his size,the thickness of it, and the blue veins that roamed on each side of his cock. It made you squeeze your legs together rocking back and forth putting your head down taking billy into your mouth.
"Oh - oh fuck" billy moans putting his big hand on the back of your head guiding you up and down slowly as he threw his head back from the blissful feeling of your mouth.
"Fuck, she has a good mouth doesn't she?". Eddie asked as he looked at Billy's pleased face, roaming his empty hand all over Steve's body as he teased himself.
You bobbed your head up and down his length.you could feel Billy's heavy hand on the back of your head as he smacked the back of your neck causing you to choke on him.
"Oh fuck yes,choke on my cock pretty girl"
This time you can't control your sobs as Billy hits the back of your head making you choke on his long length.
You loved it. You loved being a toy to Eddie and Steve,and you love how Billy is handling you with force and deep desires.
You don't really remember how this ended up,but you could care less right now.
"Don't worry billy, you can be harder on her,she likes it rough."Steve says  letting go of his throbbing cock,he whines from his hand not touching his sensitive tip. He slides down his pants, kicking them off his ankle,as Eddie goes towards his boyfriend helping him with his shirt,Steve huffs frustrated wanting to go back and play with himself. Eddie drops his hands from Steve's shirt knowing what to do.
"Don't worry pretty boy,I got you." Eddie whispered into Steve's ear as he lowered his head onto Steve's cock not even caring about the  shirt anymore,just wanting to please his whiney baby.
"Oh- oh fuck yes" Steve moan throwing his head back as he faced billy seeing how drunk he was on your mouth around his Cock.
Without thinking Steve roughly grabs Billy's head smashing his lips into his,moaning at the taste of cigarettes and wine.
You gasps at the sudden scene In Front of you.Billys cock slips out of your mouth as you watch Steve make out with billy.you clenched your legs together trying to get some pleasure,but the only thing you were feeling was the pain of your throbbing clit and your aching hole that wants to be filled up so badly Right now.
Billy felt you let go of his cock,he roughly takes Steve off his lips as he grabs you by your hips throwing you in between of where he and Steve were .
Eddie looked up, threw his bangs seeing your red puffy face in his view and his boyfriends squished up face from him sucking his cock and playing with his balls.Eddie rocks his hips back and forth into the couch feeling like he had no control over his body. He was a mess, a whiny little bitch in heat.
"Oh fuck, right their baby,come on, make daddy come Eddie." He gripped the back of his boyfriend's head Turning it to the side as rams his cock into Eddie's mouth .
You could see Eddie's face as he was used as a hole for Steve. He had his cheek squished into Steve's inner thigh as Steve buckled up his hips hitting the back of his throat . Eddie was a mess.you can see tears forming out of his eyes and you could hear the wetness of Eddie's spit and Steve cum.
Billy by that time was on his knees In Front of you. 
"Do you trust me?" Billy asked roaming your leg
"Yes" you whispered 
"Yes what?" He grinned 
"Yes sir." You look into his blue eyes,to only be met with darkness of desire 
"Good fucken girl.can I take off your shorts baby?" 
"Yes, please take off my short sir" you moan,which catches Steve and Eddie's attention  as Steve lets go of Eddie's head seeing Billy tells you to lift your hip up a bit ,sliding your black biker shorts down your  legs .
He moans at the sight of your red panties.
"A thong really?" Billy chuckled.
"Well yeah ev- every Friday ends with us-us fucking so i made sure to be prepared."you say squeezing your legs together.
"Aww how sweet of you to get all cute and ready for us ,too bad we're not the ones fucking you tonight." Steve pouts.
You whimper at Steve words as you try to close your legs feeling fussy that your boyfriend was taunting you .
Billy didn't let you.He forced your legs open as he put them on his shoulder and dipped his face into your cover pussy as he sniffed the smell of your wetness.
"Shit.yall weren't lying when y'all said she smelled good." Billy said, dipping his head back into your covered pussy as he licks a stripe over your underwear.
"What do you mean they weren't lying" you asked confused but your brain was so foggy you could even get mad.
Steve chuckled at your pathetic little question "well,we like talking about you,and you know baby he's a friend and billy is sometimes too lonely so friends help friends out baby,do you get what I mean?" Steve said, kissing your red cheek as he put his head on your shoulder.
"Take off her panties billy, I wanna see you eat out my girlfriends pussy, like a man."
Billy looked back up at you,before he could ask permission from you , Eddie interrupted him .
"Hey if we're okay with it, she'll be okay. Now! Make her feel good or leave." Eddie said with venom rushing through his words.
Billy wanted to punch Eddie for talking to him like that but all he thought about was your poor little pussy needing some attention.
Billy ripped off your panties.
he ACTUALLY ripped them off.
"Hey!" You say as Billy lowers his head, licking a fat strip of your cunt nudging his nose to your clit as he brings up his veiny hand, spitting on his two middle finger then teasing your hole with his spit and your cum as he forced his thick fingers into your tight hole.
"Oh shit!" You moan, grabbing onto Eddie's full tattooed arm.
"Aww what's wrong baby?" " He's making you feel good?" Eddie laughed at your pathetic little wines,as he looks down at Billy finger fucking your little hole.
He didn't know what was hotter you or billy.
"Oh fuck me! Billy slow down please!" You tried to move his head away from your pussy,but he would just slap your hand away, getting back to sticking his long thick tongue in your hole or his finger. It didn't matter, it just felt too good.you didn't want to come right now.
"Nah uh baby don't be rude he's our guest." Steve said , laying his head on Eddie's shoulder as your boyfriends both watched you getting your pussy eaten from an old friend of theirs.
How ironic.
"No! Please i- I don't wanna cum yet" you cried out in pleasure trying to move away.
"You want billy to fuck you baby?" Eddie asked as he  moved your sweaty hair away from your face. You looked beautiful, all blissed out,red cheeks,a little bit of your mascara was running down your face, your lips were puffy and bruised from the face fucking.
"Mhm yes please." You cry as Billy lets go of your trembling legs as he flips you on your stomach dragging your bottom half off the couch facing your ass up.
"Mhm shit billy" you wiggled your ass in Billy's face.
L"God  you have such a nice ass sweetie" Billy said as he massaged the red marks he left on your ass.
"She sure does." Steve says getting up from the couch, walking to the counter grabbing his wallet, and he pulls out a condom.
"Why do you have them in there?" You giggled looking back at Steve as he tosses Billy the condom plopping himself back down on the couch.
Steve   "you know just in case my baby's get too inpatient".
Eddie comes close to your face kissing your forehead then your cheek "enough about that right now,do you want billy over Their to fuck  you still pretty girl?" He asked as you smirked at the fellow metalhead.
"In one condition" you looked over at Steve as he teases the tip of his cock edging himself. "You let Steve fuck you." you whispered into Eddie's ear.
Eddie's body filled with goosebumps as his breath got heavy.
"You wanna see Stevie ruin me baby?" Eddie asked pleading eyes as he smacked your ass, causing you to jump back on Billy.
"Mhm please" you demanded
Eddie smirked getting up from his spot as he knelt down In Front of the couch,in the same position as you.
"You owe me" he whispered to you as you bit down on your lip giggling at Eddie's flustered face.
"Steve baby come on,our girl wants to see you fuck me" you didn't have to tell Steve twice.He quickly got up from the couch positioning himself behind Eddie.
Billy looked over at your boyfriends and then at you.He ripped open the condom package slowly sliding it on his thick length. You moan at the connection of the rubber from the condom teasing your little hole.
You watch as Steve spits on his thumb bringing it to Eddie's tight asshole lubricating the spot pressing it firmly into Eddie.
"Holy fuc-fuck that feels nice!" Eddie whimpered into the cushion of the sofa, tangling his hands with yours.
Slowly without a warning Billy pushes himself into your cunt making you squeeze Eddie's hand as you rock yourself back and forth trying to adjust to Billy's size.
"Oh! Fuck you fe-feel so good bi-billy"you cried out as billy grabs your hair as he rams his cock into you,you could hear the sound of his hips meeting your ass and the sound of your wet cunt sucking him in.
"Fuck! I- haven't had a young pussy in so long,feels so good baby, squeezing my Cock so well "Billy moans as he smacks your ass watching it jiggle.
Eddie and Steve whimper at the sight of you getting torn open by their friend.steve leaves a kiss on Eddie's shoulder kissing him all the way down to the bottom of his back.
Eddie is whiny and needy and frustrated that Steve is taking his time with him.
"Steve baby,just fuck me already man,it's not time to be all lovey  while our girl is getting fucked Infront of us". Steve knew Eddie was impatient, but all he wanted to do was show Eddie love.steve grunted pulling Eddie's hair up "fucken brat.Thats what you want? You want me to fuck you hard.Ill give you what you want . Steve said, slamming his cock into Eddie's tight hole,not letting him adjust to his size.He slams into Eddie repeatedly.
"OH FUCK!" Eddie cried out squeezing onto your hand,as he watched your blissful face as you were Cock drunk from Billy splitting you open .Spit was coming out of your mouth as your eyes rolled back.
"Fuck! So tight baby,just for daddy!" Steve said ramming his cock into Eddie as he reaches to the front taking Eddie cock into his empty,he fastly jerks him off.
"OH! OH! FUCK! STEVE, BABY SLOW DOWN!". Eddie's hips buckle reaching down to Steve's hand trying to move it away from his painful cock.
"NO!" Steve yelled, smacking Eddie cheek as he whimpered from pain."you- you wanted this,so fu-fucken take my cock, fucked t-take it you little bitch!"
You looked over at your boyfriends feel a sense of guilt letting Billy fuck you instead of your boyfriend. You tried to leave it but you didn't want Eddie or Steve to think that you left them out.
"How- how does h-he feel baby" you asked Eddie clinging onto his bicep.
"Feels so fu-fucken full sweetheart" Eddie threw his head back as Steve rams into his, hitting him even hard as Eddie Cock hits the end of the sofa, hissing at the rough smacks on his cock.
"How does Billy feel, baby? Is he treating our pussy right"? Steve asked grunting and pulling Eddie's hair as he sees his cock disappear into Eddie ass 
"So so good Stevie,he's fucken ri-ripping md open so good" you moan leveling up your body trying to gain control back.
"Billy how does she feel?" Steve asked biting onto Eddie's shoulder, causing Eddie to scream of plain and pleasure.
"DAMNIT! She feels so fucken good,she feels like a fucken virgin squeezing me so tight I can feel my dick going numb." Billy smacks your ass again as he pulls out quickly Turns you on your back slamming his cock back into you with no warning.
"OH FUCKKKK!" you chanted
"I know baby,I know. It feels so good doesn't it? "Billy said, smashing his lips into yours as his hand slaps down onto your pussy, making you gaspe out of surprise.
"Mhhm squeeze me again" billy hit your pussy again , making you squeeze around him.
"Oh oh fuck I'm gonna CUMMM! You cried holding onto Eddie's hand for support.
"Wait! Don't you cum yet doll,wait for me okay? Bill said, as he speeds up his pace seeing your juices run down his thigh."oh fuck oh fuck I'm gonna cum,I'm gonna cum so deep in you baby.'!
"Steve please hurry I want all of us cum with her" Eddie pleased Steve fasten his pace as he holds Eddie down ramming into him getting off to the cry's in the room.
"Fuck I'm so close baby,so close. You want me cum in you? 
!Yes yes please cum in ME Please! Billy rubs your clit fast,it feels so good but hurts so bad.
"Eddie baby I'm gonna cum I'm gonna cum I'm gonna cum!" Steve screamed as he held his boyfriend down not caring if he could breathe right now.
"Oh fuckkkk Steve gonna cum" Eddie choked out digging his nails into your hand.
All four of y'all are so close to cumming. You could smell the sex in the air . Feel the sweat of yours and Billy's body and you could hear the wet gushing sound as you squirt all over Billy cock catching him off guard . You let out a loud scream as Billy was still stuffing your hole. It was messy. Your juices were everywhere on Billy's face and legs
Your body feels free,your eyes closed into the darkness of your lids as pleasure runs through your veins.
"FUCK YES! FUCK YES! IM- IM GONNA FUCKEN CUM ! SHIT SHIT SHITTT! Billy moans as he cums into the condom pounding into your soft body riding high out as he grunts into your shoulder as his body goes limp.
Eddie cried as he hit his high body jerking from the pleasure as he took his cock into his hands finishing in his fist and all over the couch cushion.
Steve holds Eddie down trying to finish as he apologizes to Eddie.
"I'm almost their baby - jus- fuck! Oh shi- oh'-fuck FUCK! IM CUMMING BABY ,IM CUMMING, IM CUMMING SO HARD" Steve Cursed and cried ,ramming his dick into Eddie one last time before his body slumps into Eddie's back as he leaves small kisses on Eddie's shoulder.
Everything is quiet for a while.
Bliss and pleasure still ran through all four of y'all's bodies as they  jerked, still recovering from your orgasms.
Eddie and Steve started to giggle as Steve slides his soft cock out of Eddie apologizing.
Eddie taps billy to move off of you taking your body into his arms kissing your blissful face waiting for your eyes to open .
Billy breaths heavy laying back into the couch looking at the poor mess you guys made.he Gets up slowly heading to the kitchen wanting to grab a hand towel or paper towels to clean up as he gets up he hears the door bell ring,he curiously looks back as Steve moves his hair out of his face nodding at Billy to Open the door.
"Did y'all order pizza?"
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thatonebitheaterkid · 4 months ago
Please read this.I'm trying to warn Others about some people
hii This happened.A little while back but I haven't really told many people.Only people I saw who I knew personally and I Cared about Interacting with these people So I warned them I wouldn't want them going through what I went through So there's some people who are pretty prominent in the rp Community girls-gays-and-blades sweetxloverxx theas-clubhouse childofthewargod ofaresandnemesis theorphicforest SoYou've probably seen them and you probably thought they were nice They aren't
So me and my best friend ran a server Another main person in this.I won't be saying their name I am just going to refer to them.As color as their name is a color SoColor was extremely toxic And a terrible person Me and my best friend Are both miners We had no Fucking Idea How to deal with Someone Being terrible and toxic We were both forced Into the rolls Where we had to take care of this Person I scared if I Wasn't friends with them they would kill themselves We didn't know how to Handle it
So one day theorphicforest Created a group chat with me in my best friend And created an entire Very long paragraph about color And we tried our best to explain why we haven't done Anything So My best friend had to leave the group chat as They were saying something triggering to my best friend.For reasons.I won't be sharing because my best friend deserves privacy So I made an announcement explaining everything.The best I could explaining how they were banned from the server and how they would not come back and how I was sorry and we were sorry But then theorphicforest Started saying that He told us multiple times He Did Fucking not So everyone was starting to be mean.And we decided it would be better if we just left and gave up ownership.So we did but after we left theas-clubhouse girls-gays-and-blades ofaresandnemesis childofthewargod theorphicforest sweetxloverxx Started shit talking us Being completely mean and it was uncalled for And fucked up. The only reason me and my best friend know we were shit.Talked is because one of our friends was still on the Server.She is an amazing person.I won't be saying Her name Because she deserves privacy She took Screenshots and showed us I still have these screenshots If anyone would like to see these screenshots I will gladly show them. Please do not Reblog this and @ them. I don't want them Seeing this. I don't want to have to interact with them. And if you have any problems with me Speaking out about this then we can't be friends And I would prefer for you To block me
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yuri-is-online · 9 months ago
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@karmablacks I'm technically studying law so I got too defense brained thinking about this :/ right anyway. When accusing someone of murder you must consider, did they have the means? The motive? The opportunity? Of the five persons of interest MC finds listed, I think all of them made that short list because they have the means to have committed a murder. That leaves motive and opportunity, which leads me to be comfortable excluding Alan, wanting more information on Jiro, Towa, and Ed, and ambivalent about Rui.
Excluding Alan
Alan specifically says he thinks that he killed Dante during the Clash, unless Dante was the victim of the One Eyed Sleeping Beauty Murder (which I will henceforth be abbreviating as OES murder because fuck typing all that) then I see no reason he would not have said as much during Episodes 2 and 5. If he started the Clash then I think that would factor into his guilt and weigh on him immensely, it would be something he thinks about regularly. Dante does not only have one eye, he's got four and we know from Haku that multiple people went past the point of no return during the Clash. We are looking at a murder that specifically started a war, not one that resulted from it.
Profile Jiro
We know the least about him out of everyone on the list, but there is just enough to understand why he's there. He was in a coma for a very long time and still hasn't healed, if he is on the suspect list presumably he was not in a coma during the murder but might have entered it after. His combat skills are good enough to protect Yuri who has none, he has multiple wounds on his body that aren't closing, and he outright refuses to spar with Luca on the basis of it being a "bad idea." I am very comfortable with him having the means to commit a murder, the question is whether or not he would have seen it as a murder. One of his first voicelines is about "giving them death because that is what they wanted." If he did kill our victim, there is a chance it was a mercy kill that other parties disagreed on, hence the Clash.
Also did you catch the bloody gloves he's holding in the teaser? I did, it made me wonder if we will learn more about the murder in the next Episode.
Profile Towa
He would have been a first year during the Clash, meaning that while he might not be new to life he was new to Darkwick and we have all seen how he acts towards new people he doesn't like. Haru felt the need to tell him not to use lightning underwater, he's not exactly the most familiar with how to treat things gently and with care. Sure, Towa is currently interested in romance and love, but Ed accuses him of not always being that way and refusing to see anything weaker than him as having value. We don't know why that changed, and until we do he remains someone who wouldn't necessarily need a specific motive for murder and has the powers to kill someone. The main problem with Towa is that if he was the person who murdered the victim, his method would be very easy to identify. He controls the weather and likes poisonous flowers, we need to know how the victim died before we can determine how strong or weak of a suspect Towa is.
Profile Ed
This bitch has been technically undead for 400 + slutty slutty years, and the one time he stopped watching tiddy streamers to help Rui with a mission he leveled an entire building. Chances are pretty good he's killed someone before and wouldn't have a problem doing it again. This is where we look at motive and opportunity, Ed is really only ever active at night and claims he cannot go out into the sun. Was our victim murdered during the day? Then that makes it less likely to be Ed. There is technically a difference between just killing someone and murdering them, murder implies a degree of intent. You wanted that person to be dead, who would Ed have enough of a vendetta against to actually want dead? And was our victim someone who would fit that description?
Ambivalence about Rui
Rui kills people by touching them and draining their life force. Based off of what we see he does to Ed and the butterfly on the homescreen, it looks like this causes them to disintegrate. While I have no doubt that Rui has killed people on accident before, is this case really one where that's what could have happened? From what we have seen of him I don't think he is someone who would have the motive to murder someone. Means and opportunity sure, not motive. But again, as with Towa, how can he be under the same level of suspicion as the others if his would be method of murder is so specific? I could see him as the murderer if it was an accident, and it's one of the reasons he feels the need to repent. Which rounds out my thoughts and brings me to:
What I Want to Know
I want the name, year, and age of the victim, when they died (estimated), and the suspected cause of death. Also why is this murder called what it is, why did it cause the Clash, and most importantly:
What could have possibly happened to that body that your suspect list has such a wide variety of possible murder methods, or are Darkwick investigators just that dumb and afraid of ghouls that they immediately accused who they think are the five most dangerous (in no particular order) without taking any of that into account? And is that murder what Taiga, Tohma, and Alan all are talking about when they say there is a spy intent on making the ghouls look bad?
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tobiasdrake · 3 months ago
Sending this as a separate ask instead of a post comment - but why do you think Buffy allows for the healing and restoration of Willow after s6 where it cannot handle Faith? (Is it because Willow is a main but Faith is a side character? Or because Willow has almost always been a force for good throughout multiple seasons of good will where Faith has primarily been a force for bad? Or because Faith made her bad personal to Buffy but Willow was a bit more all-encompassing?)
I think there's a variety of reasons.
For one, it's too personal for Buffy the character. Faith's crimes were directly committed against Buffy, and some against Angel. But Angel's headspace is that of an atoner, or someone who understands what it is to have terrible things you regret, so he's better situated to offer forgiveness and healing.
With Buffy, she both has a lot of bad blood and a perspective that isn't well-suited to offering healing guidance. She tries, initially. But by the time Buffy stabbed Faith in the gut with her own knife, they were a little too far over the edge for warm blankets and healing cocoa. And Faith's worst crime against Buffy was still to come.
Meanwhile, with the Willow situation, it should be noted that Buffy fails her attempts to reach out to Willow. Ultimately it's Xander who saves Willow through their longstanding relationship, and then Giles who takes responsibility for guiding her in recovery.
This sort of thing just... isn't Buffy's wheelhouse. She's accepting of people who've changed, but she's not well-suited to being their catalyst for change. At least, not on purpose, as she does feature heavily in the evolution of Spike.
Another factor is the fact that Willow's storyline is analogous to a steadily worsening substance abuse problem that begins in the season 2 climax and reaches its apex in the season 6 climax. When she becomes the Surprise Antagonist of season 6, she is not of sound mind. It's a moment of temporary insanity compounded by the fact that the first thing she did under the temporary insanity was coke herself up to her eyeballs.
Giles doesn't so much take her into moral rehabilitation as he does into drug rehab. Willow has a problem. Willow isn't the problem.
By contrast, the only force influencing Faith's decision-making is Faith. She makes a bad call in the heat of the moment and then rather than accept responsibility and face the fact that she fucked up, she deflects responsibility and snowballs.
Everything Faith does from the moment she tries to pin the murder on Buffy is an act of desperation, denial, and self-destruction. Whatever she needs to do in order to not have to feel bad for what happened. To blow it off, to escape her guilt, she spirals and gets steadily worse.
It's worth noting that Angel himself very nearly nipped it all in the bud all the way back in 03x15 "Consequences", by pretty much doing the same thing he ends up doing in his own series: Relating to Faith's guilt and offering acceptance and understanding. Trying to make her feel emotionally safe enough to let down her walls and open up, both to him and to herself.
Which seemed to be working right up until Wesley stormed in and started making arrest orders. Which consequently made Faith feel very unsafe here and drove her farther away from the group.
Healing requires the cultivation of trust in a judgment-free environment. Wesley ruined Angel's first attempt at offering that to Faith. Meanwhile, Buffy can't really relate to the feeling of regretting a murder and as things with Faith escalated, eventually and quite reasonably reached a point where she had no empathy for Faith left to offer. Faith crossed too far over the line and Buffy ran out of fucks to give.
So Willow had a problem, while Faith was a problem. Which really just means Faith had a problem that's a lot more complicated and difficult to unpack than "Willow's going on a grief-fueled bender."
But also... Yeah, the fact that Willow's been one of the gang for six years is probably also a factor. There's a little bit of bias in the Scooby Gang. Xander literally says during the debate over killing Anya in season 7, "When our friends go crazy and kill people, we help them!"
In fact, that argument is a very solid examination of Buffy's moral philosophy. Buffy very clearly lays out that despite their past history together, she has no empathy for Anya because:
1 - Anya's a demon, not a human. 2 - Anya chose to become this way. Twice. 3 - Xander tries to counter with the point that Buffy's awfully forgiving of her vampire boyfriends, and Buffy counters with the salient point that, hey, remember when she killed Angel too?
Buffy goes after Anya with murder in her eyes, and it's only because of Willow and Xander that she's given the chance to come back into the fold instead.
Buffy just... isn't a healer.
There's a lot of similarity between Anya's situation and Faith's. The differences being that a) Faith is a human, so point 1 doesn't stand even though point 2 still does. But also b) Faith doesn't have a deep and years-long friendship with these people. Once Buffy gives up on her, that's it. There is nobody left who sees good in her. Not one.
But there is one person who's willing to offer a guiding hand through the darkness anyway. Someone whose belief system isn't about seeing good in people, but about the choices we all make along the way and the ability we all have to choose differently.
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thishazbinamistake · 1 year ago
I am here to talk about Viv's horrible character designs.
From an animator perspective, they suck.
Here's why
1. The characters have way too much detail
For animation, more lines equal more work. You're going to be drawing them over and over, and it just creates more stress and work for the animators.
For example, I took one of the most egregious designs in HB (Beelzebub) and simplified it to be animation friendly.
(Can't send it here but I'll probably make a post about it or something.)
2. There's too much of 1 color
Especially since they're in a primarily red background, they don't stand out AT ALL.
Like how am I supposed to see them if they blend in to the background??
3. I have no idea what half of them are supposed to be
Charlie is based off a doll?
Alastor is based off of a deer?
Katie Killjoy is based off of a praying mantis?
Angel Dust is based off of a spider?
Beelzebub is supposed to be well... Beelzebub?
When designing characters, they need to be clear on what they're supposed to be! And no, explaining it on Twitter does not count.
4. The animation reference sheets are garbage
No wonder there's so much animation errors. There's no facial expression sheets, lip sync guide, nothing. It's just a 4 angle turnaround sheet where the character is in complex poses all the time.
If you Google Lackadaisy's animation reference sheets and then look at HB's, it's like night and day.
I'm more than willing to send some examples (along with the edit I did) if you want
So yeah, what are your thoughts?
These are all great points! I think you summed up the main problems very well, but I'll elaborate on each of them. I'm no expert at character design or animation by any means, but I'll do my best to explain my points!
First of all, like you said, the character designs are way too complicated. Anyone who knows even the slightest amount about animation knows you want to simplify and streamline your designs as much as possible to make it easier on the animators. Vivzie is way too obsessed with her Deviantart OC lookin'-ass character designs to actually do this, even though it would seriously help to make the animation process way faster and easier. Beelzebub is seriously the best (or worst?) example of this.
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I feel so bad for the poor souls who had to animate this. There are just way too many moving parts here, from her multiple arms, her wings, her markings, to her freaking lava lamp hair and tail?? It's just awful. And so many of Viv's designs suffer this problem, I could go on and on.
Like, I think it actually is a nice looking design, as a still image. Maybe not for the demon Beelzebub, but as a general furry OC, I think she's cute. But that's beside the point. I would love to see your redesign of her!
Next, the RED. So, most of the characters we see in Helluva Boss are red-skinned imps, which has been a common depiction of demons for centuries. One big problem I have is that there's little contrast in these designs. Let's look at our three main imps.
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Aside from some white and yellow highlights, they're all mostly red and black. Their color palettes aren't distinct in the slightest! And, I mean, come on. Red accessories against what's almost the exact same shade of red skin? Really? It just doesn't look good. A little contrast here and there goes a long way, like... maybe make Moxxie's bowtie blue? Or Blitz's pendant green? I don't know, anything to help each character stand out, and help give them more visual intrigue.
It doesn't help that most of the backgrounds are primarily shades of red, too. Here's a few screenshots I found that really show this problem.
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Look at all that fucking red. Like you said, there's such little color variation that the characters blend into the background. Now, to be fair, I did specifically choose these screenshots because I think they really highlight the problem, but this really is what so much of the show looks like. Granted, we do have a bit more variety in the different rings of Hell, each with their own main color, but this is still too much red, considering how much the color comprises the main characters' designs.
Next, like you said, Vivzie is really bad at making characters actually look like the things they're supposed to look like. Let's take Alastor as an example!
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Oh boy! More red and black. So, Alastor here is supposed to be a deer. What's the first physical characteristic that comes to mind when you think of a deer?
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Yeah, those big, impressive antlers! So... where are his? Oh, they're those tiny little forks on his head that are almost entirely obscured by his stupid emo hair. Like, come on! Giving him bigger antlers would have made him look so much cooler and more intimidating, and it would have been a great focal point for his design! It's such a missed opportunity. (I know he has bigger antlers in his scarier "demon" form, but you still could have made these a little more impressive.) And don't even get me started on those ears... they look more like fox ears or something. Like you said, a good design shouldn't need to be explained through supplementary material. We should be able to tell what a character is supposed to be just from looking at them!
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Another great example is Angel Dust, who, despite being a spider, lacks so many distinct features we associate with spiders! He only has six legs instead of eight, he doesn't have pedipalps or chelicerae, and he also lacks that big old spider booty, which I think is such a missed opportunity, considering he is supposed to be in the sex industry. He isn't even remotely shaped like a spider, he looks more like a fuzzy stick bug or something.
Part of me feels like Viv is too afraid to make her characters look unique, so she just goes with the same, skinny humanoid design for just about everything. It's such a shame, because I really do think she is a talented artist who can make some really interesting designs. But then again, she also gave us Beelzebub, so... maybe not.
As for the reference sheets, maybe I wasn't looking hard enough but I couldn't find any official ones for the main characters, so if you could send those my way I would appreciate it! Though it honestly wouldn't surprise me if they were bad. I did look up Lackadaisy's and found them pretty easily and...
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This is so freaking comprehensive and detailed, it's incredible! Look at all those poses and facial expressions!
Comparing Vivzie's works to Tracy's feels kind of unfair, since Tracy has been working on Lackadaisy for 17 years, and it really shows. This is leaps and bounds above Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel in quality. Rocky's design is tight; it's detailed, but not overly complicated. There isn't an obnoxious overuse of highly saturated colors, and there's such nice contrast between his fur, his eyes, suit, and tie, making his design very nice to look at. You can also tell so much about his personality and the world he lives in just from his appearance. It's such a good design, and Rocky is just one example from Lackadaisy! All of Tracy's designs are memorable and stand out from one another, unlike so many of Vivzie's characters, whose designs honestly feel interchangable.
So much thought and care has gone into Lackadaisy, and I seriously cannot wait for the full series, as well as all the other amazing indie animated series that have been coming out recently. It's sad that Helluva Boss is seen as the pinnacle of indie animation, when there are so many other series out there that are just.. better! Lackadaisy, obviously, but we've also got Digital Circus, Murder Drones, Monkey Wrench, and so many others that deserve way more appreciation than what Helluva Boss receives. And that's just from an art direction standpoint, we aren't even talking about writing. That's a whole other can of worms.
All of that being said, it's obvious that a ton of love and hard work went into Helluva Boss, and I hold absolutely nothing against the animators and artists at Spindlehorse. These poor design choices are a hallmark of Vivzie's art style, and they're simply working with what they've got. There is such wasted potential here because it feels like Vivzie is too afraid to step outside her comfort zone and design something that isn't a brightly colored, sharp-toothed twink, or skinny anthro wolf girl.
Anyways, that about wraps up my thoughts. Thanks for the ask, this was fun to delve into! And again, I'd be very interested in seeing you post your redesigns! 👀
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nightlilly0110 · 10 months ago
I have not paid attention to My Hero Academia in ages. It got boring for me, I especially didn’t really like the “yes and” sort of fights they were doing where it was like “oh no he’s dead, oh wait no he’s not, and he also has gotten stronger and has somehow developed more powers” (I’m staring so hard at Dabi vs Shouto and Dabi spontaneously developing an ice quirk after having his ass beat multiple times already).
Anyway. Regardless on me having issues with that, because I know that when your main villain’s power is All Of Them, you gotta shove a whole lot of shit into your grand act, your finale.
The story of My Hero Academia did a really good job at pointing out all the flaws in hero society. Everyone wants the prestige with becoming a hero so they gotta limit it to people who have a strong enough power to get into hero schools, specifically the hero track. Not all heroes are good people and it’s dangerous to blindly give out this status as a top member of society. Not all villains are inherently evil - as the manga states, all it takes is one bad day. Racism, abuse, and mental health issues are overlooked because it happens to the people on the bottom rung. It’s realistic. It’s great. It gets the point across that this world isn’t as fantastic as it first seemed.
And then all of that immediately gets undercut by the reveal that Everything in the manga is AFO’s fault. He gave Shigaraki Decay and groomed him, he’s the one who caused the surge in crime and the anti-mutant rhetoric. They establish him as born evil, as the devil incarnate, that he has always been this way and will never change. I expected that he would never have redemption and is beyond saving, but to say he was Born Evil contradicts the “one bad day” narrative that is literally on the first page of Volume 24.
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Gonna Devil’s Advocate myself for a second. I think the idea that AFO being irredeemable and going against the “one bad day” narrative would have been a great contrast to Shigaraki and the rest of the LOV.
Here’s the but.
They also go on to imply that Everything Will Be Okay As Long As We Kill AFO. Since he’s the Root Of All Evil, if they kill him, everything will be 100% perfect and nothing will be Evil or Wrong or Bad ever again.
Please hear my sarcasm. That’s unfortunately not how systemic racism, classism, abuse, or any other social issues work. They unfortunately do not vanish because you get rid of one guy. It’ll definitely help consider AFO won’t be around to fuck shit up, but it’s not a be all end all situation.
Additionally, having all of this realistic worldbuilding and establishing all the problems in this hero society, having testimonies from the villains and from Deku himself that if you are different you will suffer, and then turning it around and going “actually it wasn’t the system, the system it’s fine, it’s just this one dickhead lol” fucking sucks. Okay yeah, it’s cool to see all the ways AFO was pulling the strings behind everything and manipulating society how he wanted it, but it seemed very shoehorned in???? We see some glimpses of his control of resources with the Nomu labs and the implications of using doctors to scope out good quirks to use, but we spent too little time on that other than focusing on Kurogiri.
Moving on to the spoilers I saw today for the most recent chapter. Deku’s motivations have always been “I want to be able to save as many people as I can, just like All Might.” He’s stated many times throughout the last few fights that he wants to be able to reach Tenko - not Tomura, but Tenko - and this is the end he gets?????
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Liberties with the translations as it’s not official but like. Come on.
“I’m a crying brat just like you said.” We established a long time ago that Shigaraki fights because he wants to build a better world for him and his friends. While he might have been a “crying brat” in his first few appearances, he hasn’t been that way in literal years. Deku calling him this (which I can’t find a good image of, sorry) goes against his entire character. He’s not a brat. He has reasons to do what he does.
“I wanted to stop you because you wanted to be stopped.” Stopped, not saved.
“So your sadness wouldn’t be passed on.” What Deku is saying here is that he is acknowledging that Shigaraki was wronged, but he isn’t going to do anything for him other than stop him (kill him) because he was hurting other people. Again, reminder, this was the kid that wanted to save as many people as he can, and Shigaraki wasn’t past saving. What was the point of emphasizing that Tenko was still a part of him that existed if you were going to kill them both?
We also don’t know what happened to the other villains as of right now. None of their statuses have been confirmed, but they’re presumed to be dead. None of them got their happy ending. None of them even got a good ending. None of them have the closure that their injustices were wronged. None of them have the closure that they left this world in good hands for other people like them. They just died.
So who exactly are we saving? What’s the point?
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