#the gay panic when she appeared wearing this
i-didnt-do-1t · 11 months
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Girlboss /neg
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
You know what I want to see, I want to see more of Steve, Eddie, and Robin being 1980s small town kids from Indiana, by which I mean;
Robin is The Source of Gay Knowledge purely because her parents host Hippie Christmas and she managed to sneak away to find a neat bookstore in Indiana once. 
Her knowledge is not in depth. It's patchy, woven together through rumors, stories she heard or things she picked up from her parents' old pictures. She's got a handful of zines, one book, and some movies she managed to order for Family Video behind Keith's back.
She acts like she's Queen of the Queers because in Hawkins she pretty much is.
(Max and El ask her what a lavender marriage is once, something they overheard snooping around. 
Robin confidentially answers that it's code for when one woman dresses up as a man, fooling officials into wedding two woman.
She does not live this down two years later when they find out what it actually means.) 
Eddie doesn't spend every weekend in Indianapolis. 
Gas is expensive, his busiest days of his "job" is Friday and Saturday, and he has no fucking clue what the hanky code is. 
He's wearing that bandana because Metallica front singer James Hetfield has one on all their tour posters. 
Eddie does make it down to a gay bar though, by accident. Rick needed some back up for a shady deal. Promised Eddie a boatload of free drugs to sell if he agreed to just stand there and look mean. 
He was warned the bar they were meeting in was 'weird' and to not 'freak out' --which Eddie thought was hilarious given his nickname and general appearance, but whatever.
He doesn't understand when they get there, because it's just a bunch of hot men with hanky's in their back pockets everywhere.
Then he sees two women kissing and it clicks. 
He can't out himself in front of Rick, but one of the bartenders playfully dresses him down for his own hanky, letting him know all about the code and teasing him through his embarrassment. 
He's got an offer to come back and learn what color and which pocket his hanky should actually be in, a prospect Eddie was salivating at until Chrissy Cunningham up and died on his ceiling.
(He still wore the hanky, because the feeling of that bartender tugging it out and stuffing it back in might be the closest thing he's ever had to sex and he absolutely wants a repeat. 
He's young and horny, sue him.) 
Steve Harrington may not be academically smart but he's not dumb. 
He figured out a while back that the basketball team as a unit probably crossed the queer line more than once--or at least it did before Hargrove came in. 
( Brad Handly for example, went around slamming kids into lockers and screaming slurs like a fucking movie villain one Monday because the varsity team got dead drunk at Laura's party on Sunday and hey, look, there weren't that many girls there, okay?
They all had fucking hands and mouths. Everybody but Tommy was single and hot to trot. Nothing gay about it.
Its not even like they were kissing or treating each other like chicks. It was just Brad's first time and they got to tease him later for overthinking it. 
Dude graduated soon enough after and given Steve was on the team as a sophomore, he hadn't thought about the guy and why he might be freaking out so bad in years.) 
Robin's entire panic attack at Starcourt, and a few more after had Steve replaying that whole incident. Reframed it a bit, and, yeah.
In retrospect that had been extremely gay, actually. 
It sat with him a lot easier than he'd thought it would. Partially because of Robin, but mostly because that's just who he was.
Stranger things had happened to Steve and this one didn't want to kill, maim or otherwise eat him, so it got filed under 'interesting facts he should never tell his parents if he wanted to keep his trust fund' and then he went about his day. 
(Or he tried too, anyways.
It caught up to him when Eddie and Robin somehow figured out the other was queer and dragged him along to some bar Eddie had a standing invitation at, with demands for Steve to do what he did best.
Their magical trip was utterly destroyed when Brad Handly happened to be the very same bartender who had given Eddie the invite.
 Considering Brad's immediate bark of laughter followed by a hug and introducing himself as "Steve's gay awakening", Steve ended up having to speedrun through Eddie and Robin both having a crisis for him.
It didn't help that Steve had politely, and laughingly, corrected Brad with a casual; 
"Pretty sure that was Tommy man, but if it helps I think that tongue of yours gave Matt Burdon a crisis."
--which ended up with him answering a lot more gay sex questions with Brad than he cared too. 
At least he, through Brad, was able to help Robin connect to some local lesbians and--after a second crisis from Eddie regarding how Steve managed to have more sex than "the resident town freak and guy who actually knew he was gay, Steve!"-- even helped Eddie out by catching the metalheads tongue with his mouth later that evening.
The last one landed him a boyfriend, trust fund be damned.) 
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rippersz · 11 months
𝙎𝙞𝙭 𝙄𝙣𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙨
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(Alcina Dimitrescu and Larissa Weems Have A Conversation) (Flirty; Gay Panic; Potential Romance?) (L.W.’s POV) (Lady D is slightly OOC)
“Thank you again, Principal Weems, for accepting my daughters. I understand you had to pull a few strings, and for that I am eternally grateful. Let’s just hope they don’t give you any issues, hm?” And a glass of red wine is then brought up to burgundy lips; prompting a hum, a sip, and finally a slow lick along white teeth.
Larissa allows herself to watch, entranced for but a moment, before she’s clearing her throat and giving the woman a polite smile.
“It was no trouble at all, Ms. Dimitrescu. And I’m sure the girls will have plenty of opportunities to flourish. I’m only glad you came before the semester started- otherwise it would have been cutting it finely,” she mused, maintaining a professional tone as best she could while her clasped hands trembled within her lap.
Something about the woman on the other side of her desk, sitting in a chair much too small, was setting Larissa on edge. Aside from the obvious prestige of her name and status, the very displacement- the shift of air- that happened when she walked into a room was astounding. The Principal felt it earlier, only in passing and for a moment, before the three rascals that accompanied her stole most of the attention away.
But here, in the flickering light of the fire and the darkness of the evening, it’s just her and Alcina Dimitrescu. Mother of three, esteemed vintner and business owner, royalty to some extent, and ex jazz musician. Larissa has some of her records in her quarters, but she won’t tell her that. Maybe one day, if they grow closer, but such thoughts are merely the wishes of a lonely woman. Desires with no basis and dreams with no end. Alcina Dimitrescu is exactly her type, yes, and she enjoys her wine, yes, and she finds her marvelously beautiful, yes, but that doesn’t matter. She has to maintain professionalism. She cannot allow the woman to see the effect she has (even though the constant smirk she wears tells Larissa that she most definitely already knows).
“Oh you have no idea how lucky I feel,” comes the deep purr of her tone. “The girls had been bugging me about Nevermore for ages. Only about a month ago did I actually start my research. And I’m glad I did.” Larissa certainly isn’t hallucinating then as sharp grey eyes slowly travel over her upper body. Roaming from her broad shoulders to her bust.
The room suddenly feels very warm. And her dress feels very restricting. But she ignores it.
Professional, professional, professional.
Even though there is nothing professional about Alcina Dimitrescu’s disposition. Oh no. The only thing that exists there is pure desire. Like the deep passionate idea of sex everyone has in their minds - except in the form of a human being. Or a… well she isn’t actually sure what she is. To the average person, at first glance, they may just assume she’s a well put-together tall woman - but Larissa is not a naive, simple woman. She has grown up around outcasts. Give her a test about outcast history, behavior, types, culture, origins, and she will pass with flying colors. Keen eyes notice the signs, the appearance, the behavior, and the things they do to cover it all up.
Like the skin.
It’s beautiful skin. Flawless skin. But painted white, when it’s actually grey. She can see it slightly- so slightly- beneath the makeup near her temple. Where beautiful bouncy black curls meet a pale forehead. She can see the smallest patch of grey. Gargoyle, is her first thought. But when she sees the teeth- stark white and normal, aside from the knife-sharp cuspids that shine in the firelight- she thinks Vampire. But then the hands… She was wearing gloves, but at some point had discarded them into her purse and is now lounging in the chair, holding her wine glass in such a delicate way that Larissa begins to envy the fucking thing. Light skin fades from the huge space of a feminine palm into the dark as midnight color of long slim fingers. They cradle the belly of the glass with a gentle touch - and Larissa catches sight of the nails. Painted black. Sharper than the average ‘accessory’. Like they’re… meant to be dangerous.
She doesn’t say anything about it though. Gargoyle, Vampire, whatever other creature, she would never ask them what their ‘type’ is. For adults with such peculiarities, it’s just not common to do so. Not to mention she’s the Principal of Nevermore Academy - and must set a good example.
…Even though there are no children present… and she is morbidly curious.
Doesn’t matter!
Nope. Not at all.
The beauty, the aura, the mystique of the woman before her will just have to remain a mystery. Even if Larissa has never seen a creature so sublime. With that silky dark hair… and those finely arched brows… and those red lips… and that soft jaw that can become oh so sharp with just a small tense of the muscles… and that nose… and those lashes… and those eyes. They swallow her whole. If she thinks she herself is intimidating, she’s wrong. Because Alcina Dimitrescu is waist-deep in the very meaning. With her sharp, easy languid smile. And her matured laugh lines. And her deep chuckles. And her stature. Broad-shouldered, muscular, with a very curvaceous and blessed figure, soft belly, and long legs. Long legs. Long fucking legs.
When she opened the door, Larissa nearly fainted.
Students and adults alike have a difficult enough job meeting her eyes. A woman standing at 6’3”, about 6’4” in kitten heels, is a thing to marvel at in the outcast and normie worlds. But the implications and awe of it all just astounds her. There are plenty of tall women in existence! Alcina Dimitrescu being one of them. Standing at 6’9”. Probably taller in the stilettos she’s wearing. 6 entire inches between them. She’s never met someone so… big. She had to control her reaction immediately, lest she be forever viewed as one of those people that can’t help but ogle. And how embarrassing that would be.
Even though there’s. Six. Inches. In. Difference.
It’s like they’re on opposite sides of the spectrum. Larissa is tall, but modest about it. She wears a low heel, she gives herself an everyday any-event style of makeup, she wears a light floral perfume, she keeps her hair short and pinned up, she stays neat and she wears work-appropriate dresses and she is still perfectly fashion forward. But ‘Ms. Dimitrescu’ is a different story. Is a bold story. Is an intoxicating story. She wears a high heel, and gives herself dark eyes, accentuates the god-given lashes, paints her lips blood red; and she wears a smoky roll-on scent that smells like spice and jasmine and white musk, and she keeps her short dark hair pulled into a tight 1950’s messy pin-curl kind of look, and she stays perfect while wearing tight grey button downs tucked into high waisted slacks. A feminine type of power suit that isn’t a power suit at all but still commands a room simply because she was just born that way.
It’s infuriatingly distracting.
Larissa has to look down at her lap so she can conjure up a proper response for the woman in front of her - who is still staring.
I think she has a habit, the Principal thinks to herself.
“As am I,” she coughs out, despising the telling husk to her words. “We are always looking for new outcasts at Nevermore. It helps us grow as a school, as a population, as a place of freedom and excitement. Do you know the estimated time of your daughters’ stay?” It wasn’t settled upon before - and Larissa needs something to distract her from the small appreciative sips Ms. Dimitrescu takes from her wine.
“That’s a very good question, Principal,” and a playful tinge slips into that naturally gorgeous expression, “Can they stay with you forever? Lord knows Mother needs a break.” And then she winks, and her red lips part into a smile, and then she takes her eyes elsewhere while Larissa quickly shifts her skin from a burning pink back into the natural peachy pale.
All she can think to do is let out a forced laugh paired with (what she hopes is) a smooth smile.
“As much as I wish they could,” Larissa breathes and puts her hands from her lap back onto the surface of the desk, “that is unfortunately unrealistic. Certain students do have that opportunity, yes, but we always encourage the young ones to get out a bit and see the world. It’s scary at first, but we also tell them that Nevermore will always be here. Should they want to come back, of course.” Is she rambling? Maybe. But her company doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, she seems quite interested. Very interested.
Staring into her bloody soul like she’s been doing since day one. Larissa’s half tempted to ask her if there’s something wrong, but she figures it’s just the way the woman is. Intense.
“I see. Well. I suppose for now, the girls will stay for the standard four years - and if there’s more to discuss down the line, we will simply cross that bridge when we come to it. Does that sound amenable to you, Principal?” Ms. Dimitrescu tilts her head, still carrying an air of arrogant amusement as she strings Larissa along.
“It sounds perfect, yes,” and if her voice dips a little in the middle of her sentence then so what?
Ms. Dimitrescu seems to enjoy it as a slow grin spreads across her cheeks. Deepening her beautiful laugh lines while she smiles with all teeth. It’s nearly embarrassing how quickly Larissa’s eyes snap to the large canines. She’s explored vampiric anatomy before - in her Nevermore days - but this is something different. This woman doesn’t seem like anything she’s seen before, and only a person with an inquisitive mind can’t help but desire more. More like a feel, maybe. Like a touch. The brush of one finger pad along the very sharp tip of one tooth. Or the flick of a sensitive tongue. Or the feeling of them skating along her neck. Or-
“Do you mind if I smoke?”
Larissa blinks.
Before she can say anything, and disagree, and tell her she most certainly does mind, the woman somehow already has a quellazaire tucked between her fingers. The wine glass now sits on the desk, on a coaster, and the lit end of a cigarette is already sparkling with the glow of burning embers. It’s brought up to red lips. Pressed and held. Then taken away while the taller woman slowly tips her head back and releases a deep chest-shaking groan. The smoke curls into the air like fingers around a woman’s waist, and Larissa is utterly speechless.
“I- uh-”
That beautiful head lifts itself, and she quickly notices the challenge weaseling around through the other woman’s gaze. A veil of smoke now separates them. But that doesn’t stop her from sniffing and licking her lips and adjusting herself in her seat - right before she sets down the law.
“I’d prefer if you didn’t do that Ms. Dimitrescu. This is still a public building, a school no less, and we want to set a good example for the students.” She silently congratulates herself on her courage. Right before it’s tugged away.
“Oh?” The other woman straightens up, her back arching in a way that makes Larissa wish she could skate her fingers along the beautiful curve it makes. “I wasn’t aware there were students present. Are you somehow able to see things I’m not, Principal Weems?”
It’s a small shot of playful mockery that makes her heart rate speed up- and for a second there she thinks she sees grey eyes shooting down to her chest, like she can hear the change in rhythm, before quickly meeting her gaze again.
Larissa plasters on her most obviously placating smile while she tilts her head. If there’s one thing that pisses her off, it’s a blatant disregard for respect. Alcina Dimitrescu may be older, and more prestigious, but this is Larissa Weems’s turf. One must bow to the king they visit.
“No, Ms. Dimitrescu, unfortunately I haven’t been gifted with that particular ability,” she speaks as clearly as she can, letting the passive aggression in her words flow out from behind smiling white teeth. “But I do know that I’m not fond of inhaling second-hand smoke. And should a student walk in at this hour, I can’t imagine they’d appreciate the assault on the senses either.” Her eyebrows quirk up, silently daring the woman to fight back. Just see what happens.
But her show of authority doesn’t anger Ms. Dimitrescu in the way she thought it would. It, instead, just makes her red lips twitch while she takes her second and last inhale - before taking the cigarette out of its long holder and… burning it. Twisting it to ash. On the sensitive skin of her hand. Between the knuckles of her index and middle fingers. Creating a slow circle. Smushing it to a weird tobacco-y pulp.
Larissa’s lips part in shock.
When the ruined cigarette is pulled away, not even a mark is left. Just a small smudge of ash that Ms. Dimitrescu wipes off with her thumb.
So certainly not human. And not a Gargoyle. And not a Vampire.
She swallows, unable to speak a single word while the woman puts her quellazaire away and stands up to her full height - towering over the desk for a moment - before she’s turning around and strutting over to the fireplace. Her hips sway as she goes, and her hair bounces lightly against the base of her neck, and the mixed smell of her spiced perfume and cigarette smoke floats into Larissa’s eager lungs and honestly, she wants nothing more than to trail after her and put her hands on those strong shoulders and push her onto the sofa and demand that this woman tell her who she thinks she is. Walking around her office as if she owns the place. Pouring hubris and carrying the kind of confidence only a rich woman can have… Like Larissa isn’t doing her a favor. Like Larissa didn’t have to bargain with the board to allow the Dimitrescu children into Nevermore. Homeschooled girls with the kind of peculiarities that can only stem from faraway villages; rough in their play and sharp in their minds. Just like their mother. Whose wine every single board member drinks.
Whose wine Larissa drinks.
But that’s also something she won’t tell her.
The wine in Ms. Dimitrescu’s glass, anyway, is one Larissa had to pull out from her own liquor cabinet; after she offered a drink to the other woman, thinking she knew she meant water or sparkling cider. But she didn’t. Or she didn’t care. And once she put the bottle and the crystal glass on the desk, she instantly took the initiative and poured herself a wonderfully hefty helping of a young Zinfandel. To a regular person, that amount of wine had in such a short period of time (their session is supposed to be 45 minutes but Larissa knows it’s run over) would definitely leave them drunk without any preamble. Of course, Ms. Dimitrescu is something distinctly inhuman, and her figure is probably quite heavy with all of that muscle… and curves… and the way her belly pushes against the waistband of her slacks ever ever so slightly… and she may have eaten earlier in the day and-
Why on Earth am I thinking about this?
Larissa has to keep herself from rolling her eyes.
A confident, slightly egotistical, insanely intelligent pretty woman steps into her office and drinks some of her wine and stares into her very being and suddenly she’s unable to control herself? She lived with Morticia Addams for nearly four years! Whatever training and self-discipline she gained from that experience has just flown out the window in the face of- of- of whatever the fuck Alcina Dimitrescu is?! No. Nonsense. Unacceptable. Her professionalism still remains. The woman can push the boundaries, but she cannot take Larissa’s dignity and jurisdiction. Even if she looks unnaturally attractive standing by the fire and lazily throwing her cigarette away into the flames.
Even if her eyes, for just a moment, flash a violent gold.
When worlds collide !! I may do other parts of this; or little one-shots with this pairing. So let me know what you think? Thank you, darlings. - Rip x
Tags (Keep in mind Tumblr doesn't let me tag certain accounts): @oddball21 @kaymariesworld @bloommushroom @readingtheentrails @thegoddamnfeels @theonefairygodmother @theflashesoflove @sweetderacine @opalthefrog @gwensfreak @shyladyfan @erablaise-blog @bellatrixsbrat @sunnyanon @emilynissangtr @lex13cm @sugipla @hasthebaconinhispants @deongocrazy @nocteangelus15 @eveymay @one-pining-queer @azu-zu @niceminipotato @hopelessly-sapphic @barbarasstar @enchantressb @syrenacrainn @im-a-carnivorous-plant @willowshadenox @aemilia19 @ladylarissaweems @scarlettssub @ladysdraga @willisnotmental @gela123 @h-doodles @zillahofviolets-bayolet @weemssapphic @the-bearr @amateurwritescm
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Demo (TBA)
Content warnings (This IF has situations and themes that might be distressing to others): mentions of death, depictions of bodily harm, body horror, gore, anxiety/panic attacks, stressful scenes, claustrophobia, violence, car crashes, amaxophobia, astraphobia, use of weapons (guns, knives, etc.), explicit language, and sexual content though this is optional.
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Dark smoke curls all around you, the black ash clogging up your nose and choking your throat. The sound of sirens is muffled in your ears. The base of your skull feels like it's split in two, a sharp pain blooming on the back of your head. Your eyesight is blurry but you can just make out the body writhing around on the ground.
You're hurt and blood seeps out of your wounds. You should be dead. You shouldn't be able to move, but here you are struggling to breathe. The acrid air in your lungs burns. Your vision tinges red. You can't help but watch as the body across the street from you sits up, rotten eyes fixed on your own.
It's jaw unhinges as it lets out an unearthly scream. It's hungry– no not hungry, ravenous– filthy drool dripping down it's chin. In a flash it descends upon you.
Yearning for something to eat.
Yearning for food.
Yearning to tear your flesh apart.
In your senior year of high school, you remain the sole survivor of a brutal car crash that kills your father. Grief stricken, your mother decides that it's time for a fresh start. You soon find yourself shipped away to the other side of the country in bustling New York City; a completely different world from your previous rural Louisiana town.
A fish out of water, you're content with staying in the comfort of your own bedroom, living out your life in complete solitude. However, fate has other plans and after four years of isolation, you are forced to leave your room and venture into the outside world.
You just had to pick the day when everything goes to shit, didn't you?
The dead have begun to rise, violent and angry and desperately ravenous for human flesh. Finding yourself separated from your mom, you team up with an unlikely group of survivors as you begin your journey across a ruined New York in hopes of safe haven.
Who knows what might happen when the dead wake?
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Play as male, female or non binary; you have the chance to set your own pronouns.
Play as straight, gay, lesbian, bi/pansexual, demi/asexual or aromantic.
Customize your MC's personality and appearance.
Choose from five RO's (plus a sixth RO who you'll meet at the end of the game) to romance or befriend. Or betray.
Build up your stats.
Make alliances or enemies with rival gangs.
Steal a cop car.
Adopt some dogs.
Your choices matter. You and other characters from the main cast can die.
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Javier Delgado | he/him | 23 | ISTJ-T | Puerto Rican American
Javier has short, dark brown hair that curls just slightly around the edges. His down turned eyes are light brown and speckled with green. His golden tawny skin is lightly smattered with freckles across his cheeks. Javier is 5'10" and he has a thin, lanky build which makes him seem much taller than he really is. A pair of plastic-rimmed, light green glasses sit on his hooked nose. He says that they're just for reading but in truth, his eyesight just really sucks. His thick eyebrows are almost constantly furrowed, causing people to think that he’s always upset. Javier favors more muted, earthy toned colors in what he wears. He's not particularly fashionable however, wearing whatever is clean and comfortable.
Carmen Bautista | she/her | 23 | ESFJ-A | Filipina/Brazilian American
Carmen has long, wavy hair that stops just below her shoulder blades. Her hair is dark brown turning into a blonde ombre the further down it goes. She normally keeps it pulled back into a low bun or a French braid. Her wide eyes are almond shaped and dark brown. Carmen’s olive skin is completely flawless. Her full lips seem to be set in a perpetual smile, showing off the deep set dimples on her cheeks. She is 5'9" and has a plump, hourglass figure. She can normally be found wearing jewelry. However, Carmen doesn't wear rings, saying that she prefers to keep her hands free of any obstructions. She does have her nails painted a bubblegum pink though. Carmen favors pastel colors and soft clothing that she can easily move around in.
Max Friedman | she/they | 22 | ISTP-A | Jewish American
Max has wildly curly, dark copper hair that reaches just below their ears which is choppy since they cut it themself. Their eyes are a pale stormy gray and droopy, giving them a sleepy appearance. However, paired with her thin lips that seem to be constantly set into a scowl, it only highlights Max's less than friendly demeanor. Max has pale skin with warm undertones. She's covered from head to toe in freckles. They have a small cut on the right side of their upper lip. Their nose is slightly crooked, having broken it from a skateboarding accident. She's the shortest out of the group (not including Gwen), standing at 5'2" and she has a lithe build though the baggy clothes she wears make it seem that Max is skinnier than she really is. They carry around a skateboard wherever they go. 
Eun-Woo Park | he/him | 20 | ESTP-T | South Korean
Eun-Woo has short, pencil-straight black hair that's been styled into an undercut, his bangs left longer than the rest. Thick eyelashes rim his monolid eyes. The irises are a brown so dark that they're almost black. Eun-Woo's milk white skin is spotted with moles, the most notable being the two that sit underneath his left eye. His hands are covered with old calluses and jagged scars mar his knuckles. Eun-Woo stands at 5'7" and has a sinewy, toned build. His ears are double pierced and he has a helix piercing on his right ear. Eun-Woo's nails are painted black. He likes wearing black clothing however, he always wears a red SSG Landers cap along with a NY Yankees letterman jacket.
Derek Campbell | he/they | 24 | ISFP-A | African American/Caucasian
Derek has dark brown, shoulder length dreads. The ends are dyed a light honey brown though he's constantly changing the color. He normally keeps his dreads tied back in a loose ponytail or bun. Their full lips seem to always be set in a sweet smile. Their dark brown eyes are round and wide set, emphasizing their friendly demeanor. Light stubble softens their sharp jaw. Derek has light brown skin, having two scars on his face: one that runs down the corner of his left eyebrow and the other running across the bridge of his nose. He's the tallest of the whole group, standing at 6'5" and his chubby, thick-set build seems imposing at first. They're really just a big marshmallow though. Derek seems to favor more athletic wear, though they'll wear whatever feels comfortable to them. They like bright colors, especially pink and yellow.
Elijah/Elizabeth Watts | he/him or she/her | 26 | ENTJ-A | African American
Eli has dark umber skin with cool undertones. Jagged, old scars crisscross all over their body. They have a full sleeve tattoo of a snake surrounded by lotus flowers on their left arm. F!Eli has long, tightly coiled black hair which she normally keeps tied back into a low ponytail or a braided bun. M!Eli has short, tightly coiled black hair that's cut into a fade, his coils either left free or tied back into cornrows. Even if they're not upset, Eli's eyes seem to be constantly narrowed, the warm honey brown irises standing out against their dark skin. Their full lips hide a gap-toothed smile. Both M!Eli and F!Eli stand at 6'0". They have a toned, muscular build. They wear no makeup or jewelry, other than the dog tags that they keep hidden underneath their clothes.
Gwen Nguyen | she/her | 10 | Vietnamese American
Gwen has warm toned, honey skin and wide, black eyes. Her chubby cheeks are dusted red, only further highlighting her innocent appearance. However, the sneaky rude gestures and hidden eye rolls show that she's much more cheeky than she looks. Gwen likes to wear anything soft and pastel colored. She always has her favorite pink bear plushie with her. Gwen is also deaf, so she wears a pair of sparkly hearing aids. Other than using sign language, she also communicates with a small whiteboard that she keeps tucked away in a pastel yellow backpack.
Pa and Ma Hazel:
Pa is a 10 year old German shepherd and Ma Hazel is an 11 year old cocker spaniel. Pa is short coated and his fur is a dark sable color with his underside being a honey brown. His muzzle is also lightly streaked through with gray. Ma Hazel is medium coated and her fur is a brown roan. Her muzzle is also slightly graying and her nose is spotted. In lieu of collars, Pa wears a forest green bandana around his neck. Ma Hazel doesn't wear a collar at all.
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general sonetto hcs not in any order;
• loves sweaters, but has a sensory problem with how they feel
• favorite animal is a dog but has a slight allergy
• continuing on with the dog thing, she has fleeting thoughts of adopting a carbuncle instead
• one of her ankles is fucked up
• has broken her nose at least twice
• doesn't like many of the higher ups in the foundation, even though many of them were her idols growing up
• she bruises really easily, hence why she wears pants instead bc she's self conscious about it
• first gay panic wasn't tooth fairy like vertin, but instead lilya and still gets kinda embarrassed when she sees her
• she has lots of freckles, but it isn't very visible bc of her lack of sun
• used to have a italian accent but forced herself to lose it to make her not stand out among the other kids (age maybe like,, 7-9?)
• envy's people like pavia and schneider bc of their close relationship with the italian culture that she lacks
• she has major abandonment issues and anxiety
• she picks at her arms and legs a lot, another reason she chooses to wear pants
• she's had braces on twice for like, a year in change. her first set she got around 10, and right when they got off she injured her teeth and moved them around so she needed them again
• very critical of her appearance
• thinks of sotheby as a little sister she never had, and wants her to not harden like vertin and her did
•has a stutter that she also trained to get rid of, but in moments of high anxiety it comes back
• a big fan of chocolates, but doesn't like normal candy's
• also, she doesn't like dr pepper, to regulus dismay
•gets carsick and seasick easily
• enjoys writing poetry, and try's really hard to write longer things, but she never has the time
• actually a very good artist but doesn't draw much
• she technically needs glasses but won't get them
• likes plants but often kills them on accident
• hates the way most hats and jeans feel
• her back got hurt really badly when she was a kid and it stills acts up sometimes
• gets severe burnout easily when not given break time between things
• enjoys oily foods, but doesn't like touching the oil
• in a modern setting she would religiously read yuri stuff but says she doesn't cause it's embarrassing to her
• has a much nicer room in the suitcase than others, and feels guilty about it even tho it wasn't her choice
• is more reading brained than math brained
• doesn't understand the younger kids but try's to
•wants to be taken seriously by some of the adults who have more maternal or paternal instincts (shamane, ms moissan, etc)
• always use the oxford comma but will sometimes forget to dot her i's
• has great reading comprehension but struggles with grammar sometimes
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fairlyang · 9 months
Loser 🏹
w/c: 2.4K
pairing: loser!katebishop x f!reader
tags: 18+ smut. kate growing feels towards you, gay panic, slight jealousy, pervy, kate masturbates, you hear her
Loser!katie who happened to be your college roommate because you didn't have any friends at your uni to dorm with. You found out that she usually kept to herself, but when you would strike up some kind of conversation she was a bit awkward.
Soon though with newfound confidence she'd grow some balls and start talking to you!
Eventually getting closer and able to have conversations without there being awkward silences.
And then came the stage where she literally wouldn't stop talking. Ever. She finally grew closer to you and felt comfortable sharing stories, her hobbies, and would buy you food.
Loser!katie who would blab on about her favorite superhero but left out the parts where she works with him and only makes it seem like a role model type of fascination or a fangirl for some actor type of thing.
She also loved telling you about her archery and fencing, but she'd go on longer little rants when you specifically would ask her about them given she filled up your shared room with a handful of medals and trophies.
You'd listen intently which soon made her grow flustered for some reason but you didn't notice. You'd been friends for a good three months since having decent convos back in mid September but it became more in Kate's mind.
Loser!katie who had grown to have a fascination with you. Just like she had opened up, you had as well and she swore she could hear your sweet soft voice for the rest of her life if she could.
She already knew she liked girls but never did she think she'd end up in a predicament like this. Having to live with a girl who you now have a crush on.
She'd stare at all your features while you ranted to her about your day or classes. She admired the way your eyes would sparkle or the way your lips would curl into a wide smile when you were happy.
Every time you'd smile at her, she'd feel her face turn red. Her brain would act as if those pretty smiles are just for her but in reality maybe you were just really happy that day.
Loser!katie who happens to be quite a clumsy girl which was shocking because of the sports she does, definitely wouldn't wanna trip while carrying a bow and arrows.
She once accidentally tripped over a pair of her converse she left out on the floor but to her luck and also disgrace, you had caught her.
Her heart was racing so fast and it felt as if the world was moving in slow motion.
"You gotta be more careful Katie!" You exclaimed and carefully brought her body up to which Kate just gulped and gave you a small nod.
Loser!katie who soon noticed you were starting to go out with guys and would mentally (and almost physically) slap herself for thinking you'd like girls.
That was until she saw you making out with a girl at a frat party you had invited her to.
She instantly grew jealous and annoyed. Jealous because she had grown to like you a lot, more than a friend and annoyed because she didn't even know you liked girls.
Who would've known she had a chance this whole time?
So she got to drinking to distract herself. To keep her mind occupied from the jealousy that was filling her every thought.
Had she known you also like girls maybe she would've asked you out. But that was a huge maybe given Kate would practically be blushing and try to not hold eye contact with you at every conversation nowadays.
Loser!katie who left the party early after taking a handful of shots and nearly fell while unlocking your dorm room.
She went to her bed and climbed on top of it before scrolling through instagram to distract herself even further.
Well that didn't work out for her given you had posted something and curiosity killed the cat, she's nosy so of course she opened it.
She was first met with a fit check, you were wearing a tight maroon bodycon dress and she always tried to calm her horny thoughts from appearing but the tequila from tonight did not help her.
Her eyes immediately went to your cleavage. Your tits were sat perfectly, and that bra was doing them justice.
Loser!katie who couldn't help the arousal that was building just by staring at one picture. She laid back into her bed and spread her legs, hands slowly making their way down as her eyes did on your body.
The dress hugged your curves to perfection and as she was holding the screen to that picture she realized you had posted more. After that was a boomerang of you in the bathroom mirror with your tits pressed together.
Talk about impeccable timing.
She bit her lip and quickly took off her pants and threw them on the floor. She then slipped her hand under her boxers and instantly was met with her slick engulfing her fingers.
Loser!katie who let out whimpers as she lightly rubbed her clit into slow circles, imagining its your fingers over hers.
Her hips bucked up and she's never felt so needy and desperate in her life.
Has she reached a new low in this crush?
Was this too much?
Loser!katie who felt like such a perv touching herself to what you've posted just a few hours ago.
She felt very pervy but that wasn't enough to stop her fingers from going faster.
And it definitely wasn't stopping her from letting your name slip out along with moans.
And it didn't stop her from lifting her left thumb up to see what else you've posted. The next was a video of you posing with some friends.
She skipped that.
The next was a picture with some guys.
Skipped immediately.
But the next made her gasp and then whimper.
It was one big picture of you both at the party that Kate somehow forgot you wanted to take. But also had three other smaller pictures surrounding the bigger one.
The bigger one happened to be one where Kate's arm was wrapped around your waist and your hand was gently on her stomach.
Loser!katie who couldn't help but grin that you included her or better yet post multiple pictures together.
It made her heart beat and she just felt so happy.
Just like how happy you were when you saw she had a shirt that was the exact color as your dress.
You didn't even have to convince her to wear it.
She put it on in a heartbeat.
Loser!katie who was now teasing her entrance as she skipped to the next video to see it was you grinding against the girl she saw you kissing.
She groaned, putting her phone to the side, and closed her eyes, leaning her head against the pillow as more jealousy filled her body.
How badly she regretted not asking you to dance at least.
How badly she wishes that was her in that girl's position.
She'd hold you well and maybe even have touched you, sliding her hand down your back as you grind against her crotch.
Kate slips her fingers inside and keeps her eyes closed. She so desperately wanted to cum thinking of you.
Thinking of you grinding against her while her hands were up and down your body.
You'd look so pretty in front of her, throwing your ass back into her.
How bad she'd want to smack it and then fight the urge to drop down to her knees to eat you out.
She was practically salivating and her mouth was running dry.
She started to fuck herself faster thinking of being between your thighs.
Those thick thighs she always seemed to admire.
The ones she so desperately wanted to be in-between.
Loser!katie who was now fucking herself harder that the only sound besides pure silence in the room were her moans and her sopping cunt.
She tried her hardest to keep her voice down but with her imaginative mind, it somehow believed that you were truly the one that was fingering her.
The poor needy moans she was letting out were only growing louder as her mind played games with her.
She was thinking of you between her thighs fingering her and sucking on her clit while she looked down and held eye contact.
It felt so real.
She brought her left hand down and slipped it under her boxers before quickly rubbing her clit because she could tell she was close.
She wanted to cum for you.
"Please- please please-" she whimpered and added a third finger making her whine as well as squirm.
But she took it all and continued her previous pace.
She was imagining you calling her a good girl while pulling away from her clit. Murmuring sweet praises for her while you fucked her like she deserved.
The whimpers slipped out of her mouth creating a sweet melody that surely you would've enjoyed.
And surprisingly were.
Pervy!reader who was on the other side of the door listening.
It was hard not to.
You'd only heard the desperate pleads of "please" and couldn't help but lean your ear against the door because it would be a missed opportunity to do so.
Having a fine roommate? Sure.
Befriending that fine roommate? Love it.
So now it was simply catching your fine ass friend masturbating and you couldn't deny how good she sounded.
Her moans were angelic and you pressed your thighs together while listening.
Meanwhile loser!katie was so close to the edge, feeling her orgasm coming in when she decides to moan your name again.
She lets out a cry before her whole body started to shake and finally she let it take over, hitting her like a tidal wave and a poor needy mess.
She whimpers out your name and lays further into her pillow, slowing down her pace and moving her fingers off her clit.
Her chest was heaving and her thighs were still shaking. She let the horny thoughts take over once and she ends up with a full body shaking orgasm.
She tried to calm down and slowly opened her eyes then softly slipped her fingers out. She whimpered and took both hands out of her boxers before taking her dress shirt off.
She sat up and grabbed a tee shirt she had left on her little coffee table before slipping it on because she didn't wear a bra.
She then got up and quickly went to the bathroom, washing her hands then went back to her bed.
She went under her blanket and laid her head down before shifting and laying down on her side and throwing her left arm over her body pillow, pulling it close.
She went to sleep soon after that and once you couldn't hear any noise you sneakily went in.
Your face was warm and you were left speechless that she was moaning out your name.
Was she thinking of you?
Is that why she left early?
You walked into the room and walked towards her bed, practically tiptoeing because you didn't want to accidentally wake her up.
You pulled her blanket over and covered her so she wouldn't get cold. You then quickly changed and wondered if your friendship would soon change because of tonight's events.
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faghubby · 10 months
Bridemaid to slut
Read part 1 first. After agreeing to take my sisters place as a bridesmaid at my scousins wedding. I let Patty transform me into a passable woman. But at the wedding my old nemesis Craig not only saw through my disguise he showed me my true place was on my knees sucking cock.
I laid in my bed, my body was sore, my legs hurt from wearing high heels. My throat was raw as I thought of sucking Craig cock. My ass hurt I reached back and touched my hole my fingers slipped in easily to my stretched ass. Despite all of this my dick was hard and throbbing. I got up and showered. I loved the sensation of my smooth legs as I ran my hands over them. I thought about Craig kissing me. What was wrong with me. I wasn't gay. But I couldn't get Craig out of my head. I sat naked on my bed my head wrapped in a towel. I searched my phone for information about dominant men. Reading articles trying to understand how I could want Craig so much. I didn't masterbate but teased myself so I stayed hard. There where links that lead to porn, gay porn. I found myself wanting to be a twink. Wanting Craig to take me. I stroked myself with two fingers. I tried to prolong the sensation stopping and starting. Before I could finish there was a knock on my bedroom door.
"Paul, are you up?" My mother called out I quickly wrapped a robe around myself. As my mom came in.
"How are you feeling?" She asked touching my forehead as she did when I was a child.
"Better thanks" I said.
"Well you missed a lovely wedding" she started. "And Patty seemed happy yesterday, she spent alot of time with your old friend Craig?" She smiled. As i tried to hid from blushing. Mom started to pick up my room as she talked.
"Mom, I will take care of that" I to.d her afraid she might find the satin dress on the floor of the closet.
"Okay, okay. I know your a grown man don't want your mom cramping your style" she said. Leaving me alone. I had lost my erection with mom in the room. I wished I had a pair of clean panties to wear. I snuck into Patty's room and found a sexy green thong. I slid them on and snuck back to finish getting dressed. When I came downstairs. My mother loomed at me strange then shook it off. I figured she had noticed my arch eyebrows.
"What?" I asked
"Nothing just forget how much you and Patty look alike" she said cupping my face. Did she know? What would she do? But she just went back to whatever she had been doing.
The next few days I spent alot of time wondering about what had happened, what I wanted to happen again. I found myself shaving off the stubble on my body that started to appear. I also found myself checking out my friends. Wondering how big their cocks where. Was I gay? Then Patty came home. I picked her up at the airport.
"So Craig called me" she smiled as she hugged me.
"Really, why?" I said nervously.
"OH we both know why" she laughed.
"It was just an innocent misunderstanding" I stuttered.
"You just happened to slip into bed and fall on his cock" Patty laughed. Obviously Craig had told her everything. She asked a hundred questions. I found myself telling her everything hoping it would help me understand it as well.
"You're wearing my panties right now?" She smiled. I just nodded.
"Craig wants your number, so he can see you again" Patty told me. "Do you want to see him again?"
"I don't know" I mumbled
"Did you like his big cock?" Patty asked. I smiled not wanting to admit it but unable to hide it either. She called Craig.
"OH yes, she has it bad" Patty said into the phone. "I get her all pretty for you" "well we can talk about that at another time" she hung up. I had only heard one side but I was rock hard as I drove.
Patty gave me directions and we pulled into a diner. We sat at a table and before we could even order I saw Craig walk in. My mouth went dry and panic set in. He came over and sat next to me. As he slid in he grabbed my hand and placed it on his crotch. With a look I knew not to move it.
I looked around in panic wondering if anyone else had noticed to see Patty trying not to laugh. Craig and Patty talked ignoring me. Even though I was practically sitting on Craig's lap. Craig turned and whispered in my ear.
"You need it don't you?" I swallowed hard and couldn't look at him. Patty grabbed my car keys off the table.
"So you will make sure she gets home?" Patty said to Craig.
"Of course" he told her as I watched Patty leave.
"You are going to get up and walked to my car." Craig said paying for the coffee as I did. I stood at the passenger door waiting for him. He walked out and opened my door for me. Then got in himself. Before he started the car he grabbed my hair and pulled me to his crotch. People where walking past the car. And people in the diner could see. As he grabbed my ass.
"We are not moving till you take it out and suck on it" he told me. I fumbled with his jeans and pulled out his cock as he started the car. I slipped it in my mouth.
"You been practicing?" He laughed. As he drove. He pulled into some kind of state park. And parked. He had me get out of the car. There where several other cars in the parking lot. When Craig had me get out. He walked me behind the car. He unbuttoned my shorts. He smiled when he saw the flash of pink panties I had on.
"Take off your shorts and bend over the car" he told me.
"Please not here" I begged. He grabbed my balls
"Take off all your clothes and bend over the fucking trunk" he told me. Shaking I took off my shirt and shorts. He flipped me around and bent me over the trunk and bulled my panties down. He had lube in his pocket he squeezed into my ass. I felt his hard cock press against my hole. As it popped in I wanted to cry out but didn't. He fucked me hard and fast. Right there. I didn't even care if anyone saw as he worked his cock in and out I needed this. It had not been just a thing that happened I needed him. I needed to be taken.
Craig would slap my ass or grab my chest as he fucked me. I wanted him to do it all the more he took the more I wanted him too. He pulled out and came all over my ass. I pulled my panties up.
"Get in the car" Craig said as he threw my clothes in the trunk. I hurried and tried to hide as he drove back to the highway. It had all left me drained and I fell asleep as Craig drove. I woke to Craig Carrington me into a house.
"Shh don't worry, you can suck my cock again" he told me. Laying me down on the couch. He stood over me. I understood and pulled his cock back out. As I started to suck his cock. Someone walked in the room. I went to stop bit Craig held me in place.
"Hey bro, you remember that slut Patty." Craig said.
"Yeah" the other man said excited
"This is her little brother" he laughed.
"Really?" The other voice was close now.
"Suck my friends cock" Craig said pulling my hair. I looked over and saw another cock as it was forced in my mouth.
"Yeah bitch suck my cock" he said and grabbed my hair forcing it down my throat. I felt like I would die. He only lasted a few minutes before he filled my mouth with cum. Gagging and spitting as he pulled out. Before I even recovered He pulled my hair making me stand. Craig came up behind me. He showed me a metal hook looking thing. Then pushed it into my ass. He pulled it up I had to stand on my tiptoes. He released it and bound my hands behind my back and attached the rope it to the hook.
"You like being used, being my play thing" Craig said. "Just like your sister" he laughed he smacked my ass. Making the hook jump in my ass.
"You made me hard again slut!" He pushed me back to my knees.
"Hold this Brian" he said and I felt my arms pulled up forcing the hook tight into my ass.
"I bet this bitch would suck off the whole team" Brian said.
"Would you cunt, would you suck off the whole baseball team. Let them use you?" Craig said.
"He may need his sister to help" Brian said. I just kept sucking Craig. The more they talked the more I wanted to. I needed his cock.
"Now swallow" Craig said pulling out alittle. So I could catch it all in my mouth. I swallowed as fast and hard as I could.
I managed to swallow all of his seed.
"Such a good bitch" Craig said he helped me back to my feet. He put a collar around my neck with a leash and led me back to his car.i was still only wearing the pink panties now stained with wet spots that had dried. There was also dry cum on my face and chest.
"Come on I take you home to your mommy and daddy" Craig told me. I started to cry.
"What cunt doesn't want to go home?" He asked.
"Please not like this" he begged.
"Well I guess if you swore to be my little slut I guess I could let you get cleaned up" Craig told me. I shook my head in agreement
"Yes, please anything" I begged. He led me back inside. And let me shower he didn't untie me. Instead he washed me.
"Brian loves when girls lick his ass. You should thank him before I take you home." He told me as he dressed me in a skirt and belly shirt. My arms still tied. As Craig led me back out.
"Brian, would you like me to lick your ass?" I asked shyly.
"OH darling that's nice of you to ask maybe next time" he said Craig led me to the car.
"I am empressed you did wonderful" he leaned in and kissed me. Then drove me home. Being in the short skirt and shirt was maybe slightly better then just panties but I didn't say a word.
"You're going to answer everytime I call you. No matter what time. You will be ready to make me happy" Craig told me.
"You want this, you always have" Craig told me. He reached over and rubbed my penis between his fingers.
"I may help you with this, but that will be between us. Understand?" He said cupping my balls as he drove.
"yes" i said scared but also excited. He continued to tease my penis as he drove but stopped if I became to excited. When we got close to my house he called Patty.
"Paulie needs a ride, and prehaps some clean clothes" he said as they arranged where to meet.
Patty laughed out loud when she saw me. Craig untied me. And I changed into the clothes Patty bought me in the back of the car. I noticed she had bought me a thong instead of boy underwear. Patty and Craig talked before Patty got back in the car. And drove me home.
"Brian too?" She laughed.
"Patty, did you. I mean he likes. Does things" I stumbled thru the words.
"Yes, he helped me to be a slut, to learn my place." Patty told me. "He doesn't make you things, he helps you know what you want him to do to you" Patty continued she was obviously aroused at what she said.
"I don't think I am gay. I like woman." I stated.
"I think he showed you that you want to be a slut, to men or woman" Patty told me.
"He will continue to push to see how far you will go" Patty warned me.
"How far did he push you?" I asked not sure I wanted to know but felt I had to. Patty paused.
"I let 6 men have me" Patty said a bit ashamed.
"Like a gang bang?" I asked yes. "Craig was my first and two months later 6 boys took turns" Patty explained.
"Now he took your virgin ass, maybe he is reliving it" Patty smiled. As we pulled in the driveway.
"You can stop it if you want, he won't hurt you. He wants you to submit. He wants you to want it" Patty explained.
"I think I want it" I told her.
"I know, or you wouldn't of let it go as far" Patty smiled. She went in the house to her room. I went to talk to her but heard her masterbating thru the door. I went and texted Craig.
"Can I masterbate" I texted.
"No, slut it is good you asked. But no not until I say" he responded.
"Get dressed up like my slut, and send me pics" he told me. I asked Patty for help later that night. She helped me get dressed this time making me look like a slut. The skirt was so short you could see my panties.
"You are excited?" Patty asked confused.
"Yes" I said embarrassed.
"I just didn't realize you where ......small" she giggled.
She took pics. Even making me raise my skirt and show my panties.
"Slut did you like being bound" he asked
"Yes" I responded
"And sucking cock, swallowing cum"
"And your ass?"
"Yes I loved your big cock in my ass" I told him.
"ask Patty to come over and let me have her, if she does I will show you your true desires" I showed this text to Patty. She called him and even though it was after midnight she left and drove to hos house. A half hour away.
I fell asleep, in the morning I found a pic of Patty sucking Craig's cock. It was afternoon when Craig and Patty came walking in the house together. I was home alone. Craig walked straight up to me he wasted no time in removing my clothes. I was a bit self conscious being naked in front of Patty. She just laughed and went to her room. He deached out and rubbed my balls. I stepped closer to him.
"Don't cum" he whispered. I tried to think of anything else.
"Please" I wimpered
"No control" Maybe I should teach you control. He led me to my parents room. He removed his belt and took me over his knee.
"Bad girls get spanked. Are you a bad girl?" He asked
"No" I said afraid. Smack
"Don't lie, you are a dirty slut. You sucked Brian's cock" he said
"Yes" I whimpered. Smack
"Sluts are bad girls" he said
"Yes I am a bad girl" smack. Tears rolled down my face
"You are going to do whatever I want" smack
"Yes I will be a good girl for you" I cried
"I know you will, beg me to fuck you right here on your parents bed"
"Please, sir fuck me. Fuck me on my mommy's bed" I sniffled.
"Go find some of your mothers things, things she wears for your father would he be proud his son is becoming a bitch. " He let up and I found my mother's lingerie drawer. On top was a red lingerie set I couldn't imagine mom wearing it. It was a low cut bra, a thong, and a sheer robe. I put it on and went to show Craig.
He pulled me on the bed and had me on all fours.
"Bet your daddy had had your Mommy like this. He forced his lubed cock into my ass. "Now I am your Daddy" he told me. I couldn't take it and came all over my parents bed. I went to collapse but Craig held me and continued to fuck me like a madman. Craig came deep in my ass. As soon as he pulled out he left.
I laid on the bed until Patty came in "get up, you need to clean this up before mom gets home" she told me. Panicked I jumped up cum leaking from my ass down my leg. I ran around stripping my parents bed. I started the washer.
"Cute outfit you have to hand wash it tiny" Patty told me. I took it and washed it Patty just laughing as I ran around naked. Patty had remaid the bed. Only then did I realize I was naked and covered in cum in front of my sister.
"OH don't worry it's like we are sisters now" she laughed and left me to take a shower.
Craig continued to occupy my thoughts, he would text me at anytime having me rush to meet him. Even if it was just to tease me or expose me in some humiliating way. It had been several weeks when he told me to pack for a weekend away. Patty helped making sure I only packed lady things. She had assembled quite a slutty wardrobe for me. Including several pairs of high heels, my own makeup case, and tons of lingerie.
Craig picked me up, I was dressed in a micro skirt and a sports bra with 3 inch heels as he walked me to his car. We drove to a house about an hour away. He led me straight to the basement. Where he bound me to hooks in the ceiling.
"How much do you want this?" Craig asked. My dick straining to be contained in my tiny thong.
"It's all I think about" I said shaking not knowing what was coming. He pushed a dick shaped gag into my mouth. Then showed me a big butt plug. Which after a lot of lube and patience he managed to get into my ass. It hurt tears ran down my face. He then teased my nipples placing clamps on them. Before blindfolded me and left me alone. It seemed like hours. Before I heard someone coming. The plug was removed and replaced by a cock. The toy had so stretched my ass I couldn't even feel it. I felt his hot cum on my ass then he left. Over the next few hours this was repeated a dozen times. I heard nothing but grunts and moaned. I knew it was different men from their height and size. I had to pee so bad. When I was finally released. I looked up to see Craig I rushed to a bathroom at the top of the stairs. He waited outside the door. And removed my gag.
"The whole team has fucked you, now slut you're mine"
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konohagakurekakashi · 13 days
Kakashi's thoughts (as per our HC's) on seeing Tsunade not only back in the village but finding out she's the Godaime?!
|| In all honesty Kakashi was a listless, emotional eddy at the time, very evocative of the Uzushiogakure emblem stitched onto the standard issue blues he dresses in. With that said, I made this more about feelings than thoughts. Though in his case, I suppose it's the same thing. Accept it.
Initially he felt confused, red miasma evaporating from the recesses of his mind with every pulse of her mystical palm technique. Why was he in bed? Was this the hospital? Why and for how long has he been out? Then he became aware of the throb in his left eye-socket, the raw, burning ache of the Sharingan bringing with it the memories of a pair of cloaks adorned in red clouds and the crimson haze of Tsukuyomi. Red. Red.
The second feeling that followed was panic. If he was here, did that mean that Itachi and his pet fish managed to capture Naruto? Was Sasuke alright? What about Kurenai, Asuma and Gai? He pushed himself onto his elbows, then into a seated position, despite every muscle and joint screaming its protest. There was movement on his right, words being spoken, but he managed to ward of the poking, glowing digits with a grunt and a wince. He noticed that the tips of the receding fingernails were stained red. Red, more red.
What followed after was pain, just pain. The hand reaching for his being cuffed to the side in favour of him hunching forward so he could press the heel of his palm against his closed lid. He took a few shallow breaths, finally taking stock of the dim chakra flickers surrounding his bed. He noted Gai and Naruto’s first, the signatures that were so distinctly them, answering at least two of the questions which he had swirling through his mind. They seemed eager, impatient even, not at all aggrieved, which left the end results of their fight with the Akatsuki up in the air.
He paused when his sluggish mind finally processed the other two chakra imprints in the room, the instant recognition causing his shallow breaths to stutter and cease and then there was just…disbelief…because Uchiha Itachi appearing in the Hidden Leaf Village for round two was more believable than his present. Against his better judgement the Jōnin angled his head to the side to take in the two kunoichi, a twinge of pain ensuing the movement. Senju Tsunade looked more or less the same as he remembered, her hands on her hips and a rue, annoyed smile twisting the corners of her mouth – no doubt a consequence of him slapping her hands away. Her hair was longer and a diamond seal found its way across her temple, but in all other aspects; she seemed...unchanged. He also noted that her nails were red. Always red.
When asked, Kakashi would aver that he stopped looking at the large, village gates years ago. Not even when he passed through Konoha’s gates himself did he spare them a blink. He didn’t need to, not since that day. The guard post and its two occupants became his end point- his “I’m here” and his “I’m going” but not those gates.  It was a bitter nexus to observe, even through all of the aches and the brain fog; that the haori she was wearing was the exact same colour as those towering egresses. She was speaking then, tone still very much annoyed, reprimanding him for allowing a measly two insurgents to get the better of him, before allowing Gai and Naruto to whisk her away. The silence that followed brought the shame and the guilt.
It was Asuma that eventually informed him that Tsunade would be the Godaime Hokage, leaning against his open window, whilst recalling the way the woman had to dispel academy grade traps courtesy of his nephew. The boy’s antics seemed to please him, plumes of smoke exuding from grinning lips and coiling out of the window like wispy snakes, before a screeching nurse appeared to kick him and his cigarettes out of the room, complaining all the while as she shadowed Asuma to the exit: ‘smoke was detrimental to one’s health and absolutely forbidden within the hospital. How dare he!’ Kakashi watched a sheepish Sarutobi go, unsure how he felt about the news. On one hand he understood the stratagem that the Elders followed. It made sense to appoint a student of the Third as his replacement, and with Orochimaru labeled a rogue and Jiraiya frolicking across the Elemental Nations to sustain his spy network, Tsunade was the only viable option. Even though logical Kakashi still couldn’t fully fathom it. She didn’t strike him as the type to sit behind a desk all day, signing off on paperwork. In all the years that he has known her, she has never once showed an interest in the hat despite it practically being an 'heirloom' and then there was also the fact that she was never, ever supposed to return; his mind having reconciled that datum when he eventually stopped peering at those towering gates. Accepting the position of 'Fire Shadow' was like chaining oneself to the village - and like him, she was already chained to something else, the specters of her past.
Despite his misgivings, the Sannin’s healing increased his recovery greatly and he soon found himself slumped amongst the rest of the villagers, peering up at the Hokage Tower as Tsunade formally accepted the hat and the shackles associated therewith. Even bearing witness to the whole thing, a gentle breeze anointing the moment to memory, he still could not accede the juncture for what it was, expecting the Iryō-nin to disappear through those green posterns the moment the Elders let their guard down. He wouldn’t blame her and Shizune for the withdrawal; the narrow, winding paths, crowded markets and booming village populace likely more alien now than the tōro lanterns of the Fire Capital.
Still, he happened to glimpse her at an Izakaya the day after the ceremony, sake cup slanted in her grip as she paged through a file. He saw her a few days after that, growling at an academy instructor for not including basic first aid in the current curriculum and again some days thereafter with a few rumpled scrolls tucked underneath an arm, whilst she decreed for all to hear how tired she was of fixing her sensei’s 'messes'. Days turned into a week and one week evolved into two and before he knew it, he was meandering his way passed the two guards stationed outside of the Kage’s door with a full ten minutes to spare. Their shocked splutters and quacks of indignation went ignored, which he supposed only added to their ire (but really, despite the Konoha grapevine spewing the contrary he did own an alarm clock). Once stood in the confines of the office, Kakashi didn’t feel a jolt of surprise as he noted the Godaime behind the desk. He didn’t hesitate when he stepped up to accept his first A-rank since being discharged from the hospital and he made no interruptions as the Kage expanded on the mission rudiments, red-tipped fingers folded deftly underneath her chin. The copy-nin only hummed his response, feeling acceptance.
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eliteseven · 26 days
What about the first time Tav sees SH with her hair down? I'll bet she has a gay panic
Oh, and HOW 😅
Probably happens after Shads comes back from a bathing trip to the lake or river (or whatever body of water the party is camped by, that night).
Serena would probably injure herself, like how she burned her own hand with stew in “A Change of Heart” just bc Shads stepped in a little sunlight and looked radiant ☺️
I think she’d fully embarrass herself. Acting and speaking like a FOOL in front of Shads with her hair down. And Shadowheart would find it SO endearing (even tho she probably mocks her to save face).
Not to write an essay on Shadowheart’s hair but:
Here’s an essay on Shadowheart’s hair 😅
I feel like it’s obviously very important to her. She’s meticulous about that braid, obviously. Her hairpieces look intricate. I HC that she feels vulnerable with her hair down; at least as long as she’s under Sharran indoctrination. And I don’t think she’s keen on letting anyone touch her hair, either.
She takes amusement in Serena’s efforts to keep up her appearances. It’s funny, seeing the noble-turned knight washing off a hard day’s evidence on her body: trading blood for eye creams, the stench of death for her little vial of floral perfume. But she notices how similar they are, in this way.
The first time Shadowheart lets Serena brush out her hair, it’s incredibly intimate between them. It’s a huge gesture of trust on Shadowheart’s part. And Serena is so gentle. Serena’s fingertips dancing around her neck, brushing her hair aside. The press of lips- chaste and loving, rather than sinful- against her shoulder blades. Shadowheart trusts her fully, melting into her embrace.
Shadowheart does the same for Serena; scratching softly at her scalp and stealing a kiss while Tav’s eyes are closed in bliss. They both wear intricate up-do’s into battle, it would be such a sweet tradition if they did that for each other.
Plus, Tav gets to see Shadowheart with her hair down when she wakes up every morning. She loves tucking a stray hair behind that pointed tip of her ear and just basking in her beauty 🥹🥰
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-- > should've at least listened til ep 67? tho brief mention of spoilers for s10 also
If you asked any O.V.E.R. employee what they thought about Hunter Jeremiah Hartley, the most common answer would probably be friendly. Welcoming. Warm. Simply a very nice dude.
Jam would tell you about the time they lost their childhood dog and Hunter Jeremiah Hartley comforted them, even though they barely knew each other. Ryan would tell you about how Hunter was the only one to not keep speculating about his relationship with Chris behind their back, and said Chris would let out a tired sigh and nod in angreement.
(Marissa would go into a tirade about how she deserved to get the Tier 2 spot instead of him. Maybe you should not ask Marissa.)
So when Hunter Jeremiah Hartley first met Mike Walters, he was friendly, welcoming, warm and simply a very nice dude - like he always is. Mike was neither of those things, since he still believed he could somehow "win" woe.begone. Poor thing wasn't even aware of the Flinchites or the Security System or, well, anything. It is almost comical in hindsight, almost as much as it is tragic.
Like most security guards in a top secret facility, Mike Walters is not exactly...social. If you asked any O.V.E.R. employee what they thought about Mikey Walters, the most common answer would probably be prickly. Or maybe that new dude that keeps reappearing with increasingly worrisome injuries. Or that guy that always looks like he is about to have a mental breakdown and hasn't slept in a week. Or, most probable, that one unlucky dude who got mauled by a bear and miraculously survived. Gay employees would probably also follow that last remark up with a joke in rather bad taste.
And yet, they still hit it off.
Hunter Jeremiah Hartley became Mike Walters's best friend, and Mike Walters became Hunter Jeremiah Hartley's.
(When Mike is around Hunter Jeremiah Hartley, he almost feels comfortable, something he didn't think he would ever feel again ever since he started that wretched game.)
Hunter was the first person Mike called on his cabin phone. (Or well, he was actually the second. But his intention HAD been to call Hunter, so he doesn't count the misdial.) Hunter was the gateway to Mike's social life in O.V.E.R. Without Hunter, Mike and Chris and Ryan mostly stewed in awkward silence or painful smalltalk.
Hunter is the type of guy you just feel like you can trust. He and Mike talk about movies and the patch of grass that looked kind of suspicious on their patrol route yesterday or increasingly ridiculous theories about what O.V.E.R. is really hiding.
(Both will become fully aware of what that really is, one day, but it is still fun to "guess". In the future, when they will be openly walking around in Tier 2 or even 3, they will sometimes think about those stupid conversations again and have to remind themselves that they are enemies. Traitors. Evil.)
Hunter will tell Mike about the entire life story he invented for the last spider he set free instead of killing and they will both ignore each other's very suspicious behavior. True friendship.
It is also not uncommon for Mike and Hunter to visit each other's cabins.
It is a night like any other when Mike Walters knocks on Hunter's door in the middle of the night. Hunter is wearing gray sweatpants and an Old Brush Valley 24h Diner shirt. It is a bit odd that Mike should appear without any warning or plans, but it is not uncommon either. Hunter opens the door. He and Mike Walters are best friends, after all.
The man that enters the cabin is not the Mike Walters that Hunter knows and loves.
In another timeline Mike will sneak into Tier 2. In another timeline, he will accidentally transport Edgar into the middle of the Pacific Ocean and call Hunter in a state of panic. And Hunter will want to help, of course he will, he is Hunter after all. Hunter and Mike may not be best friends anymore - a distance growing between them that neither can bridge nor stop - but they still care deeply for each other. In this other timeline, Hunter will live, and Hunter will kill everyone.
But this is not that timeline. And so Hunter Jeremiah Hartley is killed by a stranger wearing his best friend's face, in the knowledge that he would will have had going to murder Marissa and Charlie and Edgar and Chris and Ryan. (But not Mike, not his best friend.) (His acquaintance? His former friend? His... enemy?)
In yet another timeline Hunter dies in a white room with no doors and no windows. Alone.
It is hard to believe, but Hunter and Mike used to be best friends.
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eryingsfate · 4 months
Back on my Ichiby bs! Thought i'd take a lil detour and give the amnesia au a break before all hell breaks loose. So instead I'll throw out a lil secret relationship, modern au!
Koby-sophomore, rotc kid, poor asf and lives with Alvida.
Ichiji-junior, rich kid, fairly popular, him and his siblings are like idols bc their dad has money. (Stereotyping is so fun)
Sanji went through more mental abuse rather than physical due to laws and media appearances. Sora still died, having gotten sick after having the quadruplets. Judge wanted his kids to become immoral scientists that work under him, and Sora hadn't liked that so she instead tried to run away but failed.
This isn't a full blown au i'm writing out, but just a lil extensive idea with a skeleton.
Koby and Ichiji have been dating for about a year, having meet and gotten together after being paired up for a history project. They never told anyone because Judge could react badly and they'd face a lot of judgement from their peers. (Not that Ichiji cares about that, but it's more fo Koby's sake) They often meet up while the other Vinsmoke siblings are at a party, Ichiji sneaking off to meet Koby at the park or on a rooftop somewhere. They often sit together and eat or they talk about their dreams. Ichiji secretly wants to reform his father's company and is sick of playing the perfect Vinsmoke, and Koby wants to either go into the military or become a lawyer. If they aren't talking, they sit in silence. They rarely bring up their home lives unless Alvida does something extremely bad or if Ichiji catches a glimpse of Sanji in the city. Eventually at one of Helmeppo's parties, Ichiji and Koby get caught making out by some of the school gossips and it all goes downhill from there. Judge disowns Ichiji, but Zeff adopts him so Ichiji and Sanji reconcile. Alvida doesn't really care so there's no change with Koby.
5 times Ichiby almost get caught + 1 Time they do! I love these kinds of tropes. (warning, slight mentions of underage smut, doesn't happen tho, just teens being teens)
1st time- Ichiji and Koby are out at the mall together, in disguise obviously, and they nearly run into the strawhat crew, who are essentially just close friends here. Koby and Luffy are fairly good friends, which almost gets them caught. Meanwhile Ichiji can tell Sanji is onto him as they narrowly escape.
2nd time- Ichiji meet up behind the school to eat lunch together, but nearly get caught because some girl and guy came around, que nsfw scare for Ichiby, but a confession was about to happen. They have to hide very quietly behind a bush. The girl gets rejected and runs off, and the guy sighs and says he's gay. Once they're gone Ichiji and Koby come out from behind the bushes and laugh.
3rd time- Ichiji and Koby were supposed to be doing homework and got caught up kissing and cuddling when Alvida gets home. They don't hear her come in and don't realize she's there until Alvida bangs on Koby's door and tells him to do the dishes. They jump apart and Koby yells out an apology while quickly trying to look less someone who was just kissing their boyfriend. Ichiji on the other hand groans and hides his face in a pillow.
4th time- Koby and Ichiji are once again hanging out at Koby's house when Koby hears a knock on the door. He opens it to see Helmeppo, Tashigi, and Hibari. Koby lets them in while he panics and tries to stall them so Ichiji can escape. Ichiji ends up going out Koby's bedroom window. When they all enter Koby's room, and get settled, Helmeppo finds a too-large-for-Koby jacket and asks who it belongs to. Koby has to spend a moment spewing out a story of how he got it at a thrift store for cheap. Later that week Koby wears the jacket to school to keep up with the story and it makes Ichiji very happy.
5th time- Koby is studying with his friends when he gets a call, the icon for the call only being a red heart. Koby flusters and steps out to take the call. Meanwhile the others speculate on who it could be. When Koby comes back they hound him with questions, which he successfully dodges.
+1 time they get caught- Ichiji and Koby had gotten bold and ended up in Ichiji's room to hang out. Ichiji was convinced his family would be out the rest of the day. His father was in France and his other siblings were out shopping for the next few hours. After a while one thing led to another and Ichiji ended up on top of Koby and they were making out. Caught up in the moment, they didn't hear the other siblings arrive home. Yonji bursts into Ichiji's room and stops dead in his tracks before yelling. Koby pushes Ichiji off of him and Ichiji starts cursing. The other two sibling come running into the room and are shocked by what they see, which is a very red Koby and panicked Ichiji, both of which look very messy at that moment. This ends in a very fun talk between siblings+Koby
BONUS- Koby is at the mall with Helmeppo and their other friends when the Vinsmoke sibs come up to them. Those who don't know the situation are slight intimidated. Ichiji mumbles a hello to Koby and kisses him, Koby flusters a bit before greeting him back, also saying hello to his boyfriend's siblings. In the wise words of Helmeppo, "What the fuck."
I will totally answer any asks abt this.
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
Who Are You?
Part 2
Pairings: Leonora Lesso x Reader, Clarissa Dovey x Reader, Leonora Lesso x Reader x Clarissa Dovey
Warnings ⚠️: Biting pansies, Pumpkin Reaper, blood, teasing, gay panic, age difference, height difference, crying & sad ending
Pet Names/Nicknames: Dear, Darling & Princess
Word Count: 3,432
If Only Slowed
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Y/N Y/L/N was a quiet girl who usually stayed in her room. She lived in a small town in New Zealand. She loves to read about Fairy Tales and watch them. She was watching the School For Good & Evil again since her adoptive parents went out to dinner. Her adoptive brothers and sisters went to their friends houses and we're planning on spending the night so she was only for the whole night.
Halfway through the movie she was getting tired. "I'm just going to close my eyes for a couple seconds" she said before closing her eyes and immediately falling asleep. When Y/N woke up she looked around and realized she was in a forest making her confused before she stood up. She brushed herself off before walking through the forest.
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As she was walking she heard some bushes rustling behind her. "Who's there" she said as she turned around. She screamed when the thing lunged out of the bushes. She tripped over something and landed on her butt as she looked up at the creature. "Oh you got to be kidding me" she shouted as she stood up and started running through the forest making twists and turns to get away from the Pumpkin Reaper. The creature chased her through the forest swinging every time it got close but missed everytime. Y/N stopped dead when she saw the pink pansies. "Are you kidding me am I in the blue forest" she whispered to herself before she heard rustling behind her. She started running again trying not to get close to the pansies. When she got close to one of the pansies it bit her and latched on causing her to scream out in pain. "FUCK" she shouted as she started pulling her leg away. When she got free she looked down to see her pants torn. She saw blood dripping down her leg causing her to get nauseous. "Oh god" she said as she started running again. She ran until she came across a door and tried opening it. "Oh you got to be kidding me" she huffed out before looking around. She saw some vines on the brick walls and she grabbed hold of them. She climbed them and right when she was at the top she climbed down the other side before collapsing to the ground.
After a couple minutes she stood up and started walking with a slight limp. As she was walking she saw a castle making her eyes widened in shock. "I'm really at the school for good & evil" she whispered out as she started walking faster. She walked up to the good castle and knocked on it. After waiting for a couple minutes the door opened and someone appeared. "I suggest you he- oh my goodness what happened to you" a woman shrieked causing Y/N to look up at the Woman. Y/N looked at the woman in awe at how beautiful she was. She had dark skin, golden hair and chocolate brown eyes. She had her hair down and she was wearing a golden nightgown with white slippers. "Come on let's get you cleaned up and into clean clothes" the woman said and Y/N snapped out of it when she realized who it was. The Dean grabbed Y/N's arm and pulled her into the castle. "What's your name Dear" Dovey said looking behind her to look at Y/N. "It's Y/N Y/L/N ma'am" Y/N said causing the woman to raise an eyebrow. "A very interesting name it's pretty" Dovey said causing Y/N to blush a little. "Thank you" Y/N said and Dovey nodded before smiling.
Once Y/N was patched up Dovey showed Y/N to her room. "Are you sure it's okay that I stay here where are you going to sleep" Y/N said as she turned around to look at the Dean of Good. "Oh don't be silly dear of course it's okay if you stay here and plus I have a ton of work to do before the students arrive tomorrow evening" Dovey said and Y/N nodded. "Get some rest Dear then we can talk tomorrow" Dovey said before she left closing the door behind her. Once Dovey left Y/N immediately started looking around the bedroom. "She sure does love her gold" Y/N chuckled out before sitting down on the bed.
The next day Y/N woke up to the sun shining through the window. She sat up and stretched while yawning before looking around. "So it wasn't a dream" Y/N said before smiling as she put her feet on the ground. There was a knock on the door making her look up. "Come in" Y/N shouted. The door opened and Dovey walked in smiling. "How did you sleep Dear" Dovey said as she walked over. "I slept well thank you for letting me stay in here" Y/N said causing the Dean to chuckle softly. "It's no problem really now why don't we get you freshened up then we can talk alright" Dovey said and Y/N nodded before standing up.
After Y/N took a quick bath she walked out in a white silky robe. She saw Dovey standing next to a vanity. "Come dear" Dovey said and Y/N walked over before sitting down on the bench. After Dovey finished up Y/N's hair she made a couple of dresses appear on a rack. "Take your pick Dear" Dovey said and Y/N stood up before walking over. She looked through all the gowns but didn't find any she liked. "Do you have any less poofy gowns specifically purple or blue" Y/N said and she watched Dovey think before smiling. She held out her hands and a second later a dress appeared in her hands. Y/N's eyes widened in shock at how beautiful the dress was. She took it from Dovey's hands and looked at it. "I love it" Y/N said causing Dovey to giggle. Y/N came out of the bathroom after putting the dress on and Dovey shrieked. "You look absolutely beautiful Dear" Dovey said causing Y/N to blush. "Thank you Dovey" Y/N said and the Dean nodded.
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Once Dovey finished Y/N's makeup they headed towards the grand hall for breakfast. They got their food and sat down at the teachers table. "So how did you get here" Dovey said after she took a bite of her food. "I don't know I was sleeping in my room then the next thing I know I woke up in the Blue Forest" Y/N said causing Dovey's eyes to widen in shock. "You woke up in the blue forest" Dovey shouted and Y/N nodded. "How are you still alive" Dovey asked and Y/N shrugged her shoulders. "Don't know just luck I guess" Y/N said and then Dean nodded. Dovey was about to ask another question but the door to the grand hall opened.
They both looked up to see another woman walking in. Y/N held back a gasp when she realized who it was. The copper red hair, forest green eyes and tall figure. It was none other than Leonora Lesso. Y/N immediately looked away when Lesso looked in their direction. "Lesso" Dovey said causing Y/N to look up just as Lesso sat down on the other side of Y/N. "Princess" Lesso said before smirking causing Dovey to roll her eyes. "Who do we have here a new teacher she looks a little young to be one" Lesso said before she chuckled. "Her name is Y/N and she's not a teacher nor a student not right now at least" Dovey said before looking at Y/N. "Then why is she here" Lesso said as she watched the girl play with her food. "Because she was in front of the good castle all beaten up from the Blue Forest" Dovey growled out since she was getting annoyed by all the questions Lesso was asking. "Oh that's quite interesting" Lesso said as she leaned closer to Y/N.
"You're a quiet one darling" Lesso said causing Y/N to blush as she froze. "You're quite cute though" Lesso said before smirking. Lesso grabbed Y/N chin turning her face so she was looking at her. "Aw you're blushing how adorable" Lesso said before laughing as she let Y/N's face go. "I uh I have to go to the bathroom" Y/N said before she got up and rushed off almost running into the good teachers. "Way to go Lesso you scared her off" Dovey whisper shouted making the Dean of Evil scoff before rolling her eyes. "I did no such thing" Lesso grumbled out before she stabbed a piece of her food. Dovey just scoffed before going back to eating her food.
Meanwhile Y/N was walking through the halls of the good castle trying to stop her heart from racing. She walked through some doors and ended up in a huge library. She looked around in awe before walking farther into it. She ran her fingers along all the books occasionally pulling some out then pushing them back in. She was on the top floor when she spotted a book that was slightly out. She walked up to it and pulled it out. It was such a beautiful book cover Y/N had thought as she blew off some dust. For some reason she thought the book was calling out to her. She sat down on the ground and opened the book before reading it. She always loved to watch Beauty and the Beast since it was her favorite Disney movie. She knew all the words to all the songs and would sing them. When she was 3 she immediately took a fascination towards roses. Wherever she would go she would point at the roses before giggling.
As Y/N was reading the book she heard a man's voice. "So you're the guest Dovey and Lesso were talking about in the meeting" A man said causing Y/N to look up to see the headmaster leaning against the railing. "Oh uh yeah I'm Y/N Y/L/N" Y/N said as she stood up holding the book in her hands. "Well it's nice to meet you" the headmaster said as he shook Y/N's hand. "It's nice to meet you too" Y/N said causing the man to smile softly. "So I see you have Beauty and the Beast in your hands" The headmaster said as they walked down the stairs together. "Yeah it's one of my favorites" Y/N said as she looked down at the book. "Hmm interesting" the headmaster said as they walked out of the library. "Oh headmaster you found her I've been searching everywhere for her" they looked up when they heard Dovey's voice. "You mean we've been" Lesso said and Y/N looked beside Dovey to see Lesso standing there slightly leaning on her cane. The headmaster looked between the three of them before smirking slightly. "Well me and Y/N were just about to go on a walk isn't that right" Rhian the headmaster said causing Y/N to nod. "Oh okay then have fun" Dovey said before the two walked off.
Y/N and the headmaster walked through the halls of the good school until they reached the big front doors. "Thank you for saving me back there" Y/N said causing the headmaster to chuckle softly. "It's no problem when I looked at you I saw how uncomfortable you were so I did the right thing" he said causing Y/N to smile. They walked out of the castle and towards a lake. They sat down on one of the benches that were near the lake. "I think the Deans took quite a liking to you" the headmaster said causing Y/N to look at him. "Oh no I don't think so" Y/N said causing the headmaster to laugh before looking out at the lake. "Wait you're not joking" Y/N said and the headmaster shook his head. "Oh god" Y/N said and the headmaster patted Y/N's back before standing up. "You should get ready for the students to arrive even if you are a guest here" he said and Y/N nodded.
The headmaster showed Y/N to a spare room before disappearing. Y/N touched up her hair before changing in a yellow dress. She touched up her makeup as well before heading towards the communal hall. Y/N stepped into the hall and immediately saw Dovey & Lesso talking. The two stopped when they heard the doors open. They both looked over to see Y/N standing there. Dovey smiled while Lesso smirked causing the girl to blush. "You look like a princess" Dovey said as she walked up to Y/N who smiled.
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"You look like Belle" Lesso said as she walked up to the two of them. "She does doesn't she" Dovey said as she smiled at Y/N. "Oh uh thank you" Y/N said shyly causing the two women to smile. "You could be related to Belle" Dovey said causing Y/N's eyes to widen in shock. "No that can't be possible" Y/N said shaking her head. "Why not" Lesso questioned as she raised her eyebrow. "Because it just can't there's no way I could be related to her" she said but before either of the two women could speak the doors opened. Y/N looked over to see the other teachers walk in so she excused herself and walked to one of the far corners.
A couple minutes later Y/N heard chattering and footsteps making her look up to see kids from both schools walk in and taking their seats on either side of the hall. Dovey banged her staff on the floor three times silencing all the students. "Welcome, first year students I am Professor Dovey, Dean of the School for Good" Dovey said as she smiled. "Evers! Evers! Evers! Evers! Evers!" all of the Evers had shouted causing Y/N to roll her eyes. Y/N watched as Lesso took a few steps in front of Dovey. "And I'm Lady Lesso Dean of the School for Evil" she said before she smirked while lifting her hand up. "Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!Kill you! Kill you!" The Nevers chanted while pointing towards the Evers. Y/N zoned out after that and started humming one of the songs from Beauty and the Beast in her head.
Y/N snapped out of it when she heard someone cry out. She looked over to see a cyclops laying on the ground with one of his arms missing. God she felt like she was going to be sick. "Damnit" She heard Lesso huff out. "Oh, how good of you to lose again" Dovey said as she smiled causing Lesso to growl. Dovey tapped her staff on the ground twice "Bravo! Bravo! A heroic display!" She shouted as she giggled causing Lesso to roll her eyes.
After the ceremony the deans told the students to go to their sleeping quarters. However a couple girls stayed behind before walking over to the two deans. "Professor Dovey can we ask you a question" one of the girls said and Dovey smiled before nodding her head. "Of course you can" Dovey said as she looked at the girls. "Who's that standing in the corner" a girl asked before pointing towards the corner on the left side. Both Dovey and Lesso looked over to see Y/N looking at them already. Y/N looked away quickly as she just got caught staring. "Oh that would be Y/N she's a guest here so treat her nicely will you" Dovey said and the girls nodded. "She looks a lot like Belle with that yellow dress on" another girl said causing the other girls to agree before they walked off. As Dovey and Lesso turned back to where Y/N was she was gone making them both frown.
For the past week Y/N has been avoiding the two deans and everyone else. She kept thinking over how everyone was saying she looked exactly like Belle. Every time she looked in the mirror she kept thinking that she wasn't. Was it the yellow dress that made her look like Belle or was it something else that she wasn't seeing. Meanwhile the two deans started searching for clues on who Y/N was. Dovey hurried into the library a week after and dropped a book in front of Lesso who was reading. "You got to see this Lesso" Dovey said making Lesso look up with a raised eyebrow. Dovey just folded her arms making Lesso sigh before grabbing the book. As Lesso scanned through the two pages it was opened on her eyes widened in shock. "It can't be" Lesso said as she looked up at Dovey. "It might be" Dovey sighed and Lesso read it over again. "She's the daughter of Belle & Adam" Dovey said and Lesso closed the book. "No wonder she looked exactly like Belle and has those two different colored eyes" Lesso said as she leaned back against the chair she was sitting in.
It was early the next morning. Y/N was watching the Sun rise as she sat down in the grass next to the lake while continuing to read Beauty and the Beast. "I see you've been avoiding us Darling" she heard someone say causing her to jump. She looked over her shoulder to see Dovey & Lesso standing behind her with their arms folded. "I've been caught up reading this book is all" Y/N said before going back to reading it. She gasped when she was yanked up off the ground making her drop the book. She looked up at Lesso who was looking down at her with an unimpressed look. "I don't think that's all Dear" Dovey said and Y/N looked away blushing. "It is" Y/N muttered out as she yanked her arm away from Lesso's grip. Y/N grabbed the book and started walking away but Lesso put her cane in front of Y/N. "You're not going anywhere until you tell us who you are" Lesso said making Y/N confused. "You already know who I am" Y/N said in confusion. She watched as the deans looked at each other before looking back at her. "Y/N this is hard to say but you're the daughter of Belle and the Beast" Dovey said and Y/N looked at her in shock. Before Y/N could say anything she started hearing beeping noises before everything went black.
Y/N woke up gasping for air as she jolted up. She looked around and saw she was in a hospital with Ivs in her arm. "Oh my god you're finally awake" she heard someone say and looked over to see her mother running up to her. "What where am I where are they" Y/N said as her mother pulled away from her. "Sweetie you're in the hospital you've been in the hospital for the past two weeks" her mother said and Y/N frowned. "I- I have to go back to them I have to go back" Y/N stuttered out as she started tearing up. "Go back were honey" her father asked as he stood up from his chair. "To the school for good and evil" Y/N said as she started crying. Her mother & father looked at each other before looking back at her. "Sweetie that place isn't real it was just in the movie" Her mother said reaching out for her but Y/N shook her head no before scooting away. "No no it has to be real I was just there I could feel it I know it's real" Y/N sobbed out and her father pulled her into a hug making her break down even more. Right when she found out she was the daughter of Belle and Adam she blacked out not even being able to ask questions. She couldn't even tell Dovey & Lesso how she felt about them which made her break down more.
Y/N knew that she probably wouldn't see them again which made her heart shatter into little pieces. But that was far from the truth. Her story was just beginning.
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tricks-tickles · 1 year
Prom Dress
read my random hcs here! (i promise it will make more sense lol)
my own prom was two weeks ago and so i was inspired to write this and i s2g when i started this i did not ship bunny but these mfs grew on me like a fungus
if you have any ideas for any drabbles send me an ask!
word count: 1614
pairing: Lee!Butters/Ler!Kenny
Butters really liked Kenny. They’d been friends since they were little but had become especially closer in their teens, with Kenny opening up about being transgender and Butters confiding in her about his less-than-stellar parents. On top of that, Kenny was the kindest person Butters knew, and she always supported him. She was funny, easy to get along with, and made Butters feel important, like he mattered. Honestly, he liked her a little more than as a friend but was too shy to say anything.
So, he really liked her and liked hanging out with her and spending time with her…
Senior prom was coming up and everybody had been talking about it for weeks, even the least interested people had been drawn into the endless conversation. (Craig’s contributions to the discussion had been limited to “No.” and “I don’t know.” but at least he’d said something.) 
Everyone had their own drama regarding the prom. It would be the first prom where Stan wouldn’t be going with Wendy, as the two had broken up for ‘the last time’ two months prior. Kyle was attending with a date (for once), a boy from North Park who he’d met through basketball. Cartman also had someone to bring, his long-distance girlfriend who was traveling to South Park from Canada (mainly to prove she existed). For Kenny, this was her first prom where she would be openly going as a girl, with Butters as her platonic date. This was a big deal, obviously, and with prom just a week away she was in full panic over what she was going to wear. Her panic had started on Wednesday morning-
“Oh, shit.”
“Oh, what’s wrong, Ken?”
“I just realized- I’ll need a fucking dress.”
“What for?”
-And now on Friday she was still stressing out. She had scrounged up enough money to buy a dress from their local Goodwill. Now, she had narrowed it down to two options. A burnt orange gown with a bardot neckline, or a tight black bodycon with a long slit up the thigh. She had the body to fill them out, with a combination of exercise, padding, (estrogen that she’d bought online,) and luck she had a petite, feminine frame. Now she just had to choose which dress to wear.
“I just don’t know,” She was saying, swiping back and forth between the pictures on her phone, “The black dress is cool, but is it too edgy? And I dunno what accessories I would wear with it.” She shoved her phone in her pocket and started rummaging in her closet, “I like the orange one, but it could be too much… although these shoes would go perfectly…” 
Kenny had been going on like this for nearly an hour now, and while Butters had tried his absolute best to stay engaged, from going to the store with her earlier to now helping her make the final decision, his attention was drifting. His phone buzzed and he glanced down at it.
eric✨: im board wanna play cod
butters: i can’t! im helping kenny pick her prom dress :(
eric✨: jfc is she still going on abt that
eric✨: she rlly is a girl
butters: of course she is! she’s the nicest, prettiest girl in the world <3
eric✨: dude
eric✨: gay
butters: shhh •////•
eric✨: wanna play l8r
butters: okay!! :D
“Hey! Did I lose ya?” Kenny said, suddenly appearing in front of him.
“Ah! Sorry Ken, got a lil’ distracted, hehe.” He said, throwing his phone to the side and smiling up at her innocently.
Kenny squinted at him for a minute and Butters squirmed under her stare. She was extremely pretty. Long blonde hair plaited into twin braids, smooth tan skin, and bright blue eyes, as bright as Butter’s glass one. She was dressed casually, with her oversized orange hoodie and black sweatpants, and was watching Butters with a mischievous smile.
“It’s okay,” She said, “Maybe I need to take a break and come back to it. And, I think I know something that'll catch your interest.”
Butters sat up straighter, excited. “And what would that be?”
She grinned at his eagerness and lifted her hands to show him her nails. Kenny had bought false nails at the drugstore and was planning on wearing them before prom so she could get used to the feeling. They were long and black, except for the ring fingers, which were orange
Butters gasped, “They’re so pretty! And they’ll match whatever dress you choose.” 
“I know right, I’m so fuckin’ smart.” She trailed off, “Do you know what else they're good for?”
Butters hummed, thinking. “Peelin’ off stickers? Untyin’ knots? Oh! Makin’ clicky sounds when you tap on your phone!”
“Noho,” She giggled, “This.”
She put her hand on Butters’s chest and gently pushed him back on the bed, then straddled his legs. He felt his face get hot at their proximity and also began to squirm in anticipation. Butters liked many things about hanging out with Kenny, and this was one of his favorites. 
She gave him that Cheshire grin, then pushed up his Hello Kitty t-shirt and gently traced one nail down his chest, towards his belly button.
“Wait! Kehehehen!” He giggled, wiggling in place.
“Whaaat?” She teased, dragging the tips of her nails down his sides and scratching them in small circles.
“Ahahaw jehehehehez,” He squeaked, “Thahahat’s reheheahahally tihihickly!”
“You’re so fucking ticklish. It’s adorable.” Kenny teased. She rested her nails on the sides of his ribs, then quickly swiped down to his hips and back up again.
“Kehehennyhy! Pleheheahasehe, ihihit tihihicklehes sohohoho bahahahad!” He giggled, bunching his hands in his shirt and wiggling in place. His faux complaints were part of the game, to spare him some embarrassment.
“You say that, but you aren’t moving, or pushing me away, or saying stop, or-“
“Hehehe! Yohohohuhuhu knohohow why!” It didn’t really work.
She hummed, lightly pinching Butter’s ribs, “Do I? Maybe I forgot.” 
“Kehehen,” He whined, “Yohohouhur behehihin’ mehehahan.”
“You’re right,” Kenny said, “I know you love being tickled so fuckin’ much.” 
She then started to gently spider her fingers over his stomach.
“Nohohohohot thehehe behehelly!” He laughed.
“Why not?” Kenny said, then leaned forwards and whispered in his ear, “Is your tummy too ticklish?”
Butters squealed, his face burning as he leaned forward to press his face into Kenny’s neck. His hands came to grip her waist as he giggled helplessly while her nails gently wiggled all over his body. He sat up even more, giggling into Kenny as her hands came around to skim over his back, making him arch into her.
“Ehehehe! Ihi dihihidn’t ehevehen knohohow my bahahack wahahas tihihicklihihsh!” He said, his arms wrapping around Kenny, hugging her while she tickled his back. Her hands began to crawl higher and higher until they brushed his shoulder blades and his long-forgotten flight or fight instincts rewoke as Butters flipped her onto the bed and grabbed her arms, pinning her down. 
They both panted for a second, breathless for different reasons. While Kenny often played with him, Butters never took charge or fought back.
“S-sorry, Kenny.” He stuttered, his face burning. Kenny was still staring at him, her mouth agape. He let go of her hands and shuffled back a bit, ready to get off her. Instead, she sat up and took his face in her hands.
“...Kendall?” He said, flustered beyond belief. She was looking at him like she’d never seen him before.
“I-I just realized that I like you. Like right now, holy fucking shit.”
Now it was Butters’s turn to gape.  “You- what?” He said, brain struggling to comprehend her words.
“I like you. Romantically. Fuck! I mean, of course, I like you, it’s fucking obvious. I like being around you and you make me laugh and when I see you with other people I get jealous and I haven’t wanted to be with anyone since we became close and I think you’re wonderful and kind and beautiful and oh my fucking God, I might actually be in-” She cut herself off, staring at him.
He blinked. Turned to his brain, which hummed like static, and shrugged back at him. He blinked again. Suddenly, it seemed like there was only one thing to do.
He leaned forward, closing his eyes as their lips touched. It was the chaste kiss to end all chaste kisses, barely a brush of skin, but he felt a deep warmth that started at his mouth and spread throughout his whole body.
There was a beat, then Kenny pulled his face back in and kissed him properly. He made a little noise of surprise, tilting his head to press them closer together. His hands slid up her back, fisting into her hoodie as she moved against him, his stomach swooping when she softly bit his lip. He had never felt so right.
They kissed till they were laying down, breathless, and pressed against each other.
“So…” Butters said, never one to let even a comfortable silence sit.
“So,” Kenny replied, scratching her nails through his hair. 
“Did you decide which dress you were gonna wear?” He asked, making her laugh.
“Yeheah, I think I did.”
Butters sat up, looking at her with sparkles in his eyes.
“Then let's go get it!” He said, springing off the bed.
Kenny laughed again, then followed him up, kissing him softly.
On the way to the door, Butters remembered his phone and grabbed it, opening his and Eric’s messages.
butters: cant play later anymore ;)
eric✨: r u and kenny gonna have gay sex
butters: … :)
eric✨: BUTTERS????
eric✨: YOU DOG
eric✨: BUTTERS
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fratboykate · 2 years
Hi again,
I’ve loved the angst of Kate and Yelena dealing with Tom’s temper tantrums. I am curious of Kate and Yelena’s early relationship though. Like if Kate didn’t know she was a lil fruity when was her first gay panic moment after her and Yelena first started being more than friendly? Was Kate like “shit…am I gay for this little Russian grinch” or was she just chill with it and like “okay… so apparently I like women now.” I guess I’m asking was she in an experimental phase that turned into not a phase or was it like she was low key always curious about dining at the Y. Like in my head cannon I can totally see Kate calling Suze or Greer and being like “help…I think I’m gay” after a long day of flirting with Yelena and a somewhat naughty dream starring Yelena shattering Kate’s back🤭
p.s. this is the same 2 barbie’s/ken scenario anon
Yelena’s such a grump! Honey you’ve got a big storm coming. I’m loving this early dynamic between them though! Would love to know who initiated/ finally made the moves on the other?
Here's 8.3k of what happens not too long after Yelena's birthday. I'd say within a few days. Mild sin included lol. This is this long and it's 90% dialogue. Imagine if I fully wrote this out like I did CFAU or even the AO3 KYAU chapters? It'd be like 20k 🤓
Yelena buzzes around the kitchen, gearing up to make herself a post-workout smoothie. Her skin is still damp and covered in a thin layer of semi-dry sweat, strands of her hair spill out of her messy braid, and she wears nothing but a sports bra and matching Jiu-Jitsu spats. 
Yelena pours almond milk into the blender when she’s interrupted by thumping on her door. For an instant, she considers ignoring it. That would mean pretending she’s not home, but that seems short-sighted when she’s seconds away from running a blender within earshot of the door. 
Yelena grunts and stomps to the entrance, knowing only one of two people could be on the other side. She swings the door open to predictably find an upbeat Kate resting her shoulder against the doorjamb with a silly grin on her face.
“What do you want?”
“Sometimes a ‘hello’ goes a long way, you know that?” Yelena stares at her impassively, not giving Kate an inch, but Kate is not playing her game today. She’s going to force Yelena into small talk because she now knows for a fact that Yelena is perfectly capable of being pleasant. Kate takes in Yelena’s appearance - the disheveled look, the sweat, the fitted clothes - and decides to pursue that angle. “You were working out?”
“Just got back from the academy?” Kate looks stumped. “Jiu-Jitsu.”
“No clue what that is.”
“Martial arts thing. Doesn’t matter. What do you want, Kate?”
“Ohhh...she has hobbies! Is it like a fighting thing?”
“Yes. What. Do. You. Want? I’m closing this door in fifteen seconds if you don’t tell me.”
“You’re impossible...I have a big work thing. Fundraising gala for our national trade org. Fancy schmancy dinner. Open bar. Don’t worry about the expensive tickets. I already made my mom pay for those. It’s her charitable deduction for the month. Thing is…I have two of those tickets…”
Kate presses forward.
“…I HAVE TWO TICKETS and my friend who was supposed to go with me just came down with strep. All my other friends have plans tonight. I already have a sitter and it would look REALLY bad to have an open seat at our table.”
“I don’t do…social things…people.”
“It’s for charity.”
“You said you already paid for the tickets. Charity was already made. Who cares if the seat is open?”
“Half of charity work is optics. Photographers are there. Photos go out to donors and press. They want to see overflowing events so that more people want to go to their next events. Vicious cycle.”
“It’s free food and drinks…and I’d like to think not terrible company.”
“You’ve lived in New York your entire life. I’m sure you have other people you can call. Good night, Kate.”
Yelena shuts the door in Kate’s face.
Not five minutes later, another knock interrupts Yelena’s highly anticipated smoothie time. Yelena opens the door halfway through an eye roll seeing as she's fully expecting Kate again, but, to her surprise, it's the little one.
“Mommy’s on the phone with Suzu and she says she asked you to come to a party with her and you said no. Why did you tell my mommy no?”
“Ereka, that’s none of your business. Go home.”
“Why did you say no?”
“Who’s Suzu anyway?”
“My mommy’s big sister. Like I'll be when I get a little sister.”
“Why is she telling her sister that she asked me to come to this party?”
“She was asking my Suzu too, but she can’t come to the party. Why can’t you come?”
“Because I’m busy.”
“With what?”
“What things?”
“You said your mom was on the phone. Does she know you’re out here?”
“Go back. Go. I’ll watch you and make sure you close the door.”
“Not until you say yes to go with my mommy.”
“I’m busy!”
“I think you’re lying and mommy says lying is bad.”
“Ereka. Go. Home.”
“I go home if you say yes.”
“Why is a five-year-old trying to blackmail me?”
"What does blackmail mean?"
"What you're trying to do right now."
They scowl at each other in silence for a beat, sizing the other up.
“Can we make a deal?”
“I’m not making deals with preschoolers.”
“You have to go with my mommy.”
“Why are you so intent on me going to this party?”
“Can you keep a secret?”
“I can’t tell you if you won’t keep it.”
“I won’t keep it if it’s illegal or dangerous to keep it.”
Ereka huffs.
“Miss Mary falls asleep on the couch almost right as my mommy leaves. If I move the breakfast chair in front of the fridge really quiet, I can climb it and get to the cookies mommy hides up there. I’ve been wanting cookies all day. If you don’t go with my mommy, then she’s going to stay home and I won’t get cookies, so I need you to go with her.”
Yelena makes a concerted effort to remain stoic, but after about ten seconds, she cracks and smiles.
“You want me to say yes to going to a party only so you can Oceans Eleven yourself some cookies while your babysitter sleeps? I will get you cookies myself if I don’t have to go to this thing.”
“My mommy won’t let you. You have to go…I’ll save you some. As payment.”
“EREKA!” Kate scrambles out the door, panicked, the phone still glued to her ear, to find the two blondes chatting at Yelena’s door. “How the hell did you get out?! Get back here right now! What is wrong with you?!”
Before Ereka can incriminate herself, Yelena perplexingly steps in to defend her.
“She didn’t. Get out, I mean.”
“What?…Suze, I’ll call you back.”
“I knocked. To…” Yelena glances down at the kid, already regretting the words about to leave her mouth. “…let you know I changed my mind. I’ll come tonight.”
“Yessssssssss.” Ereka quietly rejoices.
“She told me you were busy on the phone and would pass on the message, then offered to escort me back to my place.”
Kate squints her eyes, struggling to believe this whole scenario, but choosing to let it be.
“Right…We have to leave by six fifteen. Gala starts at seven. Ri, come on. I need to get ready.” Ereka runs off and past her mother into their apartment. Kate lingers. “Thank you.”
Yelena offers a single, firm nod before disappearing back into hers.
Fifteen minutes later, Ereka entertains herself in front of the bathroom mirror, messing about with Kate’s makeup while the older woman hums a tune in the shower. There’s a knock on Kate’s door.
“Someone’s knocking on the door, mommy.”
“Don’t open it! Ask who it is.” Ereka jumps off the counter and out of the bathroom. After a beat of silence, Ereka runs back into the bathroom. “It’s Yelena.”
“Are you sure?”
“She says it’s her and it sounded like her.”
Kate wavers for a moment while thinking.
“You can open the door. Ask her what she needs.”
Without hesitation, Ereka bolts toward the front of the apartment. After another long pause, Ereka returns to the bathroom.
“She says she needs to talk to you.”
“About what?”
Ereka runs off again and is back shortly.
“She says she has nothing to wear to a ’schwancy wancy’ thing.”
Kate chuckles. 
“Tell her I’ll be right out.”
Ereka rushes out the door once more. 
Moments later, Kate steps out to the living room, dripping wet and wearing no more than a minuscule towel wrapped around her torso that barely covers the important bits. She finds Yelena and Ereka engrossed in one of the little girl’s didactic games. The scenario makes Kate involuntarily smile. 
“I hear you have a fashion emergency?”
Yelena looks up, ready to make a snarky quip, but her words get caught in her throat and her hands become clammy when she takes in the sight of Kate in the towel.
“Uhm…sorry…I…uh…forgot I already had most of my stuff shipped out. My formal clothes are in some container crossing the ocean right now. I don’t have anything to wear.”
Kate gives Yelena a thorough once-over. Her eyes study Yelena with such assiduous detail that it eventually makes Yelena squirm.
“I should have options for you.”
“Kate…you’re so much taller than me.”
“Lucky for you, I like short things.” The women internally wince when they realize those words come across much flirtier than they initially intended to. “They’ll look right on you.”
Kate glosses right past it and Yelena is thankful for it. 
“I…uhm…don’t typically…” Yelena searches for the right words. “I don’t think our styles overlap very much.”
“Oh, come on. You can pull off a dress. It’s one night.”
“I can wear them. I know how to. I simply prefer not to.”
“I think it’s not a matter of preferences tonight, is it?” Kate saunters into her bedroom. “Let’s see what we can find.”
Shortly afterward, when Yelena hasn't walked in behind her, Kate steps back into the living room.
"Are you like a vampire? Do I have to outright invite you into rooms before you walk inside?"
"I figured you needed to put clothes on..."
"If you prefer I put clothes on now, I can. I think it'd be more efficient if we find you something to wear and then you can go shower."
"Sure. If you're fine, I'm good. I'm good."
"You can come in." Kate makes a point of saying.
"For the record, if there wasn't a child in the immediate vicinity, I'd be flipping you off."
Kate chuckles.
"Good to know."
The pair make their way into Kate's sweeping walk-in closet. Ereka darts in after them.
"Yeah, I have a bit of a problem." Kate turns to Ereka. "No. No no. Out. You're only going to get in the way and we're in a rush. Go read something. Out."
"A bit?"
Kate closes the closet door, leaving a pouting Ereka standing behind it.
"Stop. What's your cup size?" Yelena gapes at her. "Why are you looking at me like I'm some creep catcalling you from a corner? We're standing in my closet, trying to find you something to wear. This is 'need to know' info."
"B." Kate’s eyebrows shoot up, incredulous. Yelena rolls her eyes. "They can be! Depending on the bra. Shut up...You need me to go to this thing, remember?"
"I said nothing."
Kate scans the dozens upon dozens of pieces in her wardrobe.
"How tall?"
"Five foot five." Kate pivots to look at her with a cocked eyebrow. "What are you? A lie detector machine?"
"What are you? A man? I have eyes! Tell me for real!"
"Five foot three."
"We're getting somewhere. Shoe size?"
"Okay. Can't help you there. I'm a ten. We'll figure it out."
"What were you thinking in terms of look?"
"What do you mean?"
"What I heard was 'bit of a soft smokey eye in metal and a bold red lip'. Got it. Genius. I was thinking the exact same thing."
"Shhh...I'm working here."
Kate begins pulling items from the racks and setting them down on the center island while Yelena watches on, increasingly horrified.
"No...No...Absolutely not...No...Never...Kate, no."
Kate lifts a gold sequin-covered gown with a plunging v-neckline and a risque thigh-high slit. She holds it up next to Yelena for a beat, then nods.
"This one."
"No! Look at the cleavage on that thing."
"It'll look great on you."
"I said no."
"I said yes...we need a tiebreaker." Kate declares as she heads for the closet door.
"No, we don't? That's not how this works?"
"Ri, I need you! Fast!"
Ereka speeds over and into the closet.
"What, mommy?"
Kate holds the dress up under Yelena’s neck to give Ereka the most accurate visual possible.
"What do you think?"
"Is that a 'yes' to the dress from you?"
"Yes! Yes! Yes!"
"Two to one. Democracy in action." Kate tells Yelena nonchalantly while hanging the dress on a hook next to the full-body mirror. "You need to go shower right now. Don't put anything on your face and come back. I'll do your make-up."
"NO! No dress, no make-up."
"OOOOH, MAKE-UP PARTY! YES YES! WE'RE GONNA HAVE A MAKE-UP PARTY!" Ereka scuttles between the two excitedly.
"You already agreed to come."
"Maybe I'll change my mind."
"You can't do that!" Ereka tells the older blonde firmly. "You made a promise and breaking promises is bad."
"What she said." Kate backs her daughter up. Yelena stares at the women and then stomps off in a huff. "Be back here in no more than forty-five! Hair done! It'll look better up with that dress!"
Kate hears her door slam.
"I don't think she likes the dress too much, mommy."
"I don't know...I don't know.”
“She's very grumpy too."
"VERY GRUMPY, baby.”
“But I like her, mommy. Grumpy and all."
"Yeah. We like her. Grumpy and all...Are you gonna help me pick a dress too?!"
Kate commences selecting pieces from the racks for herself this time and Ereka offers detailed feedback on each along the way.
An hour and a half later, Kate and Ereka sit on Kate's bed, facing the closet with anticipation. Kate is dressed in a figure-hugging black gown and her hair is down, styled to look like an effortlessly slicked-back center part. Shimmery eyes and a bright red lip round out the outfit. 
"Coming out at some point before next year would be great. We have to leave in ten minutes and I still have to call the car."
"Kate, I hate this." Yelena gripes from inside the closet.
"I'm sure you look fine." Yelena doesn’t answer and there’s no sound of movement inside the closet. "Any day now. We should..."
Yelena testily swings the door open and Kate's words get caught in her throat there and then.
"WOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!! SO PRETTY!" Ereka exclaims as she hops off the bed and runs around Yelena to look at her from all angles. "YOU LOOK LIKE A REAL-LIFE SUPER PRINCESS!"
"Kate, I look ridiculous."
Kate shakes her head.
"I do."
"You look beautiful." Kate half mutters, marveling at the sight in front of her.
Yelena would love to prevent the rush of blood she feels forcing its way up to her face, but unfortunately for her, she's yet to learn how to master her body’s involuntary reactions. Her only alternative is to deflect. 
"Don't we have to leave?"
Yelena does her best to redirect, forcing Kate to snap out of her mild trance.
"Yeah...yeah. I'll call the car."
"Are you and mommy going to dance tonight?"
"I don't dance."
"Mommy likes to dance."
"Good for her."
"Mommy, you should ask Yelena to dance."
"Car will be here in two." Kate squats down to chat with her daughter at eye level. "I think we gotta take it easy on her. Dancing might be one step too far today." Kate smiles and steals a glance at Yelena before kissing Ereka's forehead. "I want you in bed right when Miss Mary tells you to. Not a minute after. I want to get zero complaints when I get back, okay?"
"What if I'm not tired? Can I wait for you if I'm not?"
"You better start tiring yourself out now then, because you're going to bed and your butt better be in bed when I get home."
"So unfair."
"UGH! Worst mom ever. How dare she not let you stay up until all hours?” Kate smiles at her daughter, who rolls her eyes. “I have to go. Be good, please. I love you."
Kate forces an over-the-top smooch onto Ereka’s cheek. The little girl “yucks” and wipes her skin with her open palm.
"I love you too. Even when you lick me and try to control me."
Kate chuckles.
"Licking and controlling are the two most important tasks parents have, Ri." Kate looks at her phone then turns to Yelena. "One minute. We should start heading down."
Yelena nods.
"Hey," Ereka whispers and beckons Yelena down to her height with her index finger. She brings her tiny hand to cup Yelena's ear in an attempt to speak to her in secret. "I'll save you two cookies. An extra one because you look really, really pretty."
Yelena can't help but smile.
"No need."
"I will. I'll give them to you tomorrow."
"What are you two whispering about?"
"Mommies don't need to know everything friends talk about."
"Kid has a point. I’m invoking our attorney-client privilege." Yelena backs her up.
"You two are trouble. Car's here. Your plotting will have to wait for another time."
Ereka wraps her arms around Yelena's neck, giving her a warm hug. Yelena reciprocates.
"Have fun. Don't forget my mommy likes to dance."
"Good night, kid."
Kate rushes into the room and yanks Yelena by the hand.
"So slow!"
"I was coming!"
"Not fast enough. Night, Mary. We'll be home by one."
"Ten." Yelena refutes.
"One," Kate confirms as she yanks Yelena out the door.
Ereka chases them to the door.
"I love you the most!" Ereka screams at her mother as the elevator door closes.
"I love you the mostest!" Kate yells back.
(NOTE: For reference, Kate is wearing that black dress/overall look from the “Capital Letters” music video. And Yelena’s look is the 2020 Vanity Fair After Party look. Pics below.)
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The gala is in full swing. Kate is deep in conversation with the person sitting next to her. On the other hand, Yelena has yet to speak to anyone except for uttering a handful of words to Kate and speaking her order to the bartender. She savors her drink and surveys the event space, making mental judgments of all the guests.
"Socializing is a vital part of the human experience, you know?"
Kate tells her in a hushed tone with a soft smile.
"I told you I didn't do parties."
"Well, you're at one, so...can't you just enjoy it?"
Kate laughs.
"You're a hard nut to crack."
"Have you considered that maybe I don't want cracking?"
"I think you certainly tell yourself that."
Yelena glares icily at her, pushes her chair back, then stands.
"I'm getting another drink."
Yelena sulks at the bar while waiting for the bartender to approach her.
"I'm not trying to annoy you."
Yelena looks over her shoulder to find Kate standing behind her.
"Could've fooled me."
"Is the only way to get you to be nice to call you out when you're being a dick then feed you mac and cheese? Because one: you're being a dick. And two: I will talk to a waiter and see if we can score you some if I need to...I had a good time the other night. I know you're capable of smiling and laughing. I've seen it with my own eyes."
"Kate, what do you want from me?"
"Right now? For you to relax."
"I am relaxed."
Yelena grits through her teeth and scowls, then turns back to the bar, desperately trying to get the bartender's attention. Kate chuckles.
"Oh yeah, chillest person in this room." Kate steps forward, stands next to Yelena at the counter, brings her index finger to the older woman’s chin and pulls it, turning Yelena's head and making their eyes meet. "Give me an hour to prove you could be having fun. Say 'yes' to everything I say for an hour."
"Failing the exercise already."
"I'm not doing that."
"Are you allergic to fun? What did you and your sister do together? I'm sure you guys had fun."
"Keep my sister out of this. I'm plenty fun."
"Life of the party...An hour." Kate extends her hand, waiting for Yelena to shake it. "Are you this much of a baby that you won't leave your comfort zone for an hour?" 
Yelena lours at Kate. She is certain Kate is purposefully trying to push her buttons now...yet, for some reason, she acquiesces.
"An hour. Within reason. Nothing illegal or too crazy."
"What if we have different definitions of illegal?" Kate fires back with a smirk.
"There's only one definition. Take it or leave it."
Kate extends her hand again for Yelena to shake. Yelena looks at the hand, then at Kate and after a beat, she takes firm hold of it and shakes it. When they do, Kate hits the lock screen on her phone to look at the time.
"You're mine to do as I please until 8:52 PM."
They tense up when they realize the potential for misconstruing the statement as innuendo...but before they can dwell, the bartender approaches.
"What can I get you, ladies?"
"Four shots of tequila, please." Kate rushes to say before Yelena can speak. As Yelena is about to start protesting, Kate lifts her finger and stops her in her tracks. "Ahhhh…can't say no. We just made a deal."
Yelena grunts.
"That's not illegal, but it's certainly irresponsible."
"Live a little."
Moments later, the bartender returns with the shots as well as limes and salt on a tea plate and places them across from the two women.
"Bottoms up, council." Kate urges Yelena as she downs her first shot. Yelena gawks at her. "Come on! You're on my clock here. Move it." Defiant, Yelena slams back the first shot and immediately takes the second. She grimaces. "That's more like it!" Kate kills her remaining shot, interlocks her arm with Yelena's and drags her away from the bar. "We'll be back for more in a second."
"Where are we going now?" Kate's face lights up with a devilish smile as she heads for the dance floor. "No. Nu-uh. Kate..."
"Those words are out of your vocabulary for the time being."
"Kate, I don't dance."
"You do tonight."
Kate forces her way past the crowd and drags Yelena to the center of the dance floor. Once there, Kate begins swaying to the music the DJ plays. Yelena stands stiffly. When Yelena doesn't move, Kate brings her hands to Yelena's hips, trying to coax them into rocking along to the beat. Their eyes meet. There are no reasons this should be as intimate when there are hundreds of people around, but it undeniably is. 
"Come on...I know you're not as much of a robot as you try to make it seem. Feel it."
The last two words slip out barely above a murmur. Kate's hands remain on Yelena's hips while she takes a step closer, making the distance between them damn near nonexistent. Something about Kate being this far into her space fogs up Yelena's mind and before she knows it, her hips follow Kate's lead.
"See? Not too bad." Kate encourages her.
The music transitions to an even more uptempo song and Kate ensures they match the beat to this as well. For a moment - more like three consecutive songs - it's only them in this room. Kate's hands on Yelena's hips, their eyes on each other, breaths on their skin, and bodies in sync. They could've stayed that way all night had they not been interrupted.
"Kate! I thought that was you!"
Kate and Yelena are snapped out of their trance by another woman on the dance floor. The intruder has a handful of friends with her and what was a private, lust-filled bubble for two becomes a wide circle of yappy, gyrating, drunk women. Kate senses Yelena tense up beside her and, without thought, she brings her hand to hold Yelena's. Their fingers intertwine while Kate has small talk with the woman who approaches her.
"The infamous Kate Bishop in the flesh. What are you up to?! Where have you been hiding?"
"It's been a crazy, busy year. I made VP and my accounts have pretty much tripled. I’m drowning half the time."
"Oh my god, congrats! I didn't hear about that."
"Yeah. Thank you! It wasn't too long ago. Happened at the top of the summer and..." Kate feels Yelena pull on her hand, trying to get away. Kate holds on tighter and runs her thumb over Yelena’s skin, soothing. "...I haven't exactly had time to celebrate. It was so nice to catch up, but we were on our way to the bar. Let's get drinks on the books. Have your assistant call mine."
"Of course, yeah! Have fun tonight."
Kate turns and pulls Yelena behind her towards the bar, hands still locked together.
"Sorry. I didn't..."
"It's fine." Yelena hurries to divert. "You probably know everyone here."
"I wouldn't say everyone...99%?" Kate looks over at the shorter woman and grins. "More tequila?"
"That's a terrible idea, Kate."
"Which is exactly why we should do it."
They land at the bar and Kate orders four more shots.
"Four is unreasonable."
"I think you can handle it." Kate hasn't let go of Yelena's hand and continues to run lazy circles over her skin with her thumb. Kate turns to face the crowd. "Who do you think is the hottest guy here? Who'd you get wasted and take home tonight for a crazy, sloppy one-night stand?"
Yelena chuckles.
"Are your observation and deduction skills that poor?"
"What do you mean? Ohhhh...you want me to guess who you think is hot?"
Yelena laughs harder.
"We'd be here all night."
"Because I don't think any of these men are hot, Kate."
"A picky girl! I like it. Okay. What's your type then? There HAS to be someone in here that comes at least close."
"My type is ‘not men’."
"What...oh...OH..." Kate takes a step back, studying Yelena. After a beat, she nods. "No, yeah. That makes sense. It's all clicking now."
Yelena hangs her head back, laughing.
"Glad we got that sorted."
"But like...never? Not even once?"
Yelena shakes her head.
"Have never seen a penis in real life."
"God, I'm actually a little jealous. They're...kinda just...there...flapping around...being an inconvenience."
"Yup. Every word is making me gayer."
Kate surveys Yelena's face and notices her eyes becoming glassy due to the alcohol.
"We need to get some food and water in you. Let's go back to the table. They're serving dinner soon anyway."
Kate pulls Yelena's hand and guides them back to their seats.
"That might be the only good idea you've had tonight."
Kate and Yelena talk and stuff themselves full of bread while waiting for their full-course dinner to be served. A waiter drops by to offer the table drinks immediately before dinner is catered and, never knowing when to say no, Kate orders them a round. Yelena is thankful it’s at least a pair of cocktails, not shots.
They continue conversing about nothing and everything throughout their meal. Kate brazenly ignores her coworkers the entire time.
Once dessert makes its way to the diners, the DJ shifts from the mellow playlist guests could have a conversation over back to danceable jams. Before long, Kate is squealing and declaring something "her song" and forcing Yelena back onto the dance floor.
On this occasion, with alcohol and hormones coursing even more freely through their veins, Yelena doesn't resist when Kate eventually presses her back to Yelena's front and starts grinding against her. Yelena's hands find a home on Kate's hips and they move together. As one. They do this for another song before Kate turns to face Yelena. Kate places her elbows on Yelena's shoulders and wraps her arms behind her neck. Yelena's hands move from Kate's hips to the small of her back, right on the curve of her derriere. They're pressing themselves against boundaries at full tilt.
Kate brings her lips to Yelena's ear and her lips graze against the skin of Yelena’s earlobe as she speaks.
"I have to pee like a fucking racehorse." Yelena bursts out laughing. "I'll be right back." Before she pulls away, Kate's lips travel a few inches below Yelena’s ear and press a soft kiss on the woman’s cheek. "Thank you for coming tonight."
Yelena offers a firm nod and Kate disappears into the crowd.
With Kate gone, the illusion breaks and the reality of tonight...of the last couple of hours (because this has gone well and beyond the "one hour" deal by now)...smashes into the forefront of Yelena’s mind like a stray cannonball. Whereas it felt as if it were only the two of them in a room before, now it's back to Yelena being alone in a sea of strangers she has no interest in becoming familiar with. The dance floor becomes speedily suffocating and, before she knows it, Yelena is rushing to the table to snatch the bag with her phone and keys in it and flees.
The line to the women’s bathroom stretches down a hallway and wraps around a corner. Kate’s leg bounces impatiently whilst she waits near the end of the queue. Kate brings her manicured thumb to her mouth and begins to chew on it. Now that they’re apart, the veil of the alcohol-induced, nirvana-like state she’s been immersed in has lifted and all Kate is left with is the feeling of an anvil weighing her stomach down. 
What the hell? That is the one query that continually loops in Kate’s mind. Kate racks her brain, striving to figure out when and how her truculent temporary neighbor got under her skin like this. Did it start tonight? Have these feelings been simmering and only boiled over in the last few hours? Kate has an endless stream of questions - questions that can mostly be summarized as “Fuck fuck fuck what the fuck?” - but none that she thinks she’ll have an answer to by the time she gets to a stall. Particularly not when her brain keeps wandering to those moments on the dance floor when her body was pressed against Yelena’s and the woman’s hands were all over her. Those mental images are distracting and certainly not conducive to critical thinking during a seemingly impromptu life crisis. 
For now, all Kate can do is stew in her feelings and hope the rest of the night will further assist in her quest to find explanations. That, and bite her nails to keep her mind off how urgently she needs to empty her bladder.
It takes Kate longer to return than she would've liked; therefore, she doesn’t consider it exceedingly strange when she can’t spot Yelena on the dance floor. The blonde must have returned to the table and is waiting for her there. Kate arrives at her company’s table, but Yelena isn't anywhere to be found there either. That’s when Kate notices Yelena's bag is also missing. Kate digs through her purse, collects her phone, and texts her.
Half an hour later.
Kate stares at her phone, glaring at the message that has ostensibly merited no response from Yelena. More than worried, Kate feels herself growing angry. She has a fairly solid inkling of what happened and by no means is she allowing their night to end on this wretched note. Kate snaps her handbag up and storms to the entrance while calling a car.
The longer the car took to make its way to her building, the more livid Kate felt herself growing. Thus, it is no surprise to her when she finds herself hammering her fists against Yelena's door. To Kate’s satisfaction, she doesn’t have to stand there for long before Yelena stares back at her. 
"People are sleeping, Kate."
It’s clear the older woman has been home for some time, seeing as her face is washed, her hair is braided, and she’s now clad in sweats and a t-shirt. 
Kate barges into the apartment, explosively hurling her bag on the couch the moment she’s inside. 
"Where the hell did you go?"
Yelena points around her, as if stating, ‘here?...where you found me?’.
"You make it a habit of vanishing and abandoning all your dates at parties?"
"That wasn't a date, Kate. That was a kidnapping."
Kate paces in furious silence.
"Maybe not at first."
"Maybe not at first what?"
"A date...maybe it wasn't a date at first."
"Don't," Yelena replies angrily.
"Don't what?"
"Don't do that...the whole ambiguous-and-maybe-even-curious-but-really-straight girl game. It's sad."
"You're such a fucking prick. We had a great night, you got scared, bailed, and now you're trying to shit all over me so I leave. You're not super enigmatic and frigid. What you are is a really predictable coward and THAT is what’s a little sad. A lot sad."
"Get out. Get the fuck out."
Yelena pushes past Kate on her way to open the door and kicks Kate out, but Kate grabs her arm, pulls Yelena towards her, and into a torrid kiss. Kate ends the kiss yet doesn’t pull away. She holds Yelena’s face, keeping her in place, and presses their foreheads together.
"I should have more self-respect than to do the whole 'crush on and chase the one who’s mean to me’ thing, but...here I am." Kate chuckles and presses another soft kiss to Yelena’s lips. "There's more to the grump. I know it. I've seen it."
"Kate, get out. I'm not going to be the person you experiment with. Been there, done that, didn't end well for me."
Kate takes a step back, aggravated.
"Yeah, you're right. I've never been with a woman. I'd have a lot to learn. Learning doesn't mean I'd be "experimenting", at least not in the negative way you're trying to imply."
Yelena takes advantage of the fact that Kate has put distance between them and marches to the door, swinging it open while pointing outside.
"Go home to your kid."
"Is it this hard to admit that someone might actually give a fuck? Ignore me for a second. She adores you. You know that, right? Talks about you all day long. Is constantly looking for excuses to come and see you. I have to stop her all the time, or she would've moved in here by now. People care about you. She cares. I care. You make it hard but not impossible."
"I'm leaving. In November. I'm leaving."
"That's November. This is now."
"Nope. No. I don't work that way. I like plans and order and control."
"Life is messier than that."
Kate closes the distance between them, slides Yelena’s hand off the doorknob, and pushes the door closed.
"Ignore November. Ignore anything outside that door. Right now, what do you want?"
"What I want right now will lead to chaos in the morning."
"Are you clairvoyant?"
"I'm smart."
"But not psychic. What if what you want right now simply leads to morning sex instead of chaos?"
"Because that's not how life works...not mine anyway."
Kate presses her body against Yelena's. Yelena initially tries to recoil, but, much like she did on the dance floor, Kate holds the sides of Yelena's shirt, by her hips, and settles her.
"What do you want right now?" Yelena doesn't respond. Kate leans her face closer, making her lips hover above Yelena's. "What do you want?"
"To fuck you."
Kate nods, smirks, and a soft ‘hmmm’ escapes her mouth.
"I want you to do that too."
Kate ghosts her lips over Yelena's.
"You're drunk, Kate."
"I'm really not. Buzzed at best. But turned on?...Definitely. And I want you to do something about it." Yelena doesn’t move or speak. "You really gonna make me beg?"
Yelena’s eyes shoot up to meet Kate’s. Kate grins when she sees the desire burning in them. 
"Maybe," Yelena states with an undertone of cockiness Kate hasn’t seen all night. 
"Please," Kate adds with zero hesitation.
"What if you wake up and regret it tomorrow?"
"I thought we were ignoring anything except right now."
"Humor me."
"I don't think you'll give me any reason to...but even if you do...what's the worst that can happen? You leave in November, remember? If it goes TERRIBLY WRONG tonight, then worst-case scenario is we have to awkwardly cross each other for a few more months in the hallway and then, that's it. Never see each other ever again...No downsides."
Yelena’s forest eyes study the azure in Kate’s, attempting to spot any hint of vacillation in them.
"What about Ereka? You said she's always looking..."
"You're overthinking it...and trying to find excuses that don't exist. Right now. You. Take what you want. It's already yours."
After a brief delay, Yelena joins her lips with Kate's in a searing kiss. Within seconds they're stumbling back to the bedroom while clothes are flying off.
Kate’s arm swats around the mattress, searching for the body that should be there but come across nothing. Her eyes flutter open and Kate lets the dismaying fact that she woke up to an empty bed sink in. She buries her face in the pillow, trying to shield the blinding sun rays from her eyes, and sighs. Then it hits her...the sun is out. She isn't home and the sun is out. OH FUCK.
Kate gets dressed in a hurry and sprints over to her apartment.
"I'm sorry...I'm so..."
Instead of finding a disgruntled babysitter, what Kate comes across when she bursts in is Yelena and a cheerful Ereka making pancakes in the kitchen.
"What's going on?"
The sound of Kate’s voice makes Yelena look over her shoulder for a brief moment before turning her attention back to the pan.
"You slept in." Yelena casually responds.
"You left me. Alone." Kate admonishes her.
"I woke up after we...it was a little past one, so I ran over and relieved Mary. I figured you'd be up soon enough and crashed on the couch until you came. About an hour ago, I opened my eyes and her face was two inches from mine. I checked in. You were still asleep. Figured I'd let you sleep. She got hungry and I couldn't let her starve on my watch, so we're making food."
"We're making strawberry pancakes for you, mommy."
Kate softens up.
"I'm...I'm gonna brush my teeth and wash my face."
"Okay." Yelena turns to look at what Ereka is doing. "No! NO! Too many. That's waaay too many."
Yelena starts fishing out strawberries from the batter, now cooking on the hot pan.
"Yelena, can you come here, please?" Kate calls from her room.
"In the middle of something."
"I need you for a second."
Yelena turns off the burner and looks at Ereka seriously.
"DO NOT TOUCH IT. It's hot. You'll hurt yourself. You can't touch anything until I get back."
Yelena insists while heading towards Kate’s bedroom.
"I’m big! I can make pancakes on my own!"
"NO TOUCHING! I’ll be right back."
Ereka pouts and crosses her arms over her chest.
Yelena enters Kate's room and finds the brunette waiting for her by the door. The moment Yelena steps in, Kate holds her face and kisses her.
"One: you should've woken me up." Kate kisses her again. "Two: Thank you for staying with her. It was...amazing. That has never happened before. I swear. I've never not come home when I say I will. I think your bed was so comfortable and it smelled like you and..."
Yelena kisses her to quiet her.
"You're a great mother, Kate Bishop. You deserved a late morning. It's fine. All I did was cross the hallway, freeze on your couch for a night, and make pancake batter this morning."
Kate laughs and pecks Yelena’s lips.
"There's blankets in the hallway closet."
"I didn't know that. How would I know that?"
"I could've told you if you would've woken me up." Kate kisses her again. "Thank you."
Yelena closes her eyes and inhales sharply.
"What are we doing?"
"I don't know about you, but I'm about to go try some of these pancakes."
"You know what I mean, Kate...I'm leaving."
"You're here now."
"Doesn't change what happens come November."
"We can worry about November later. Right now, I'm hungry and want pancakes. Do you have plans today?" Yelena shakes her head. "She's supposed to be with me this weekend, but one of her dad’s cousins is getting married. He’s picking her up at eleven and she's staying the night. I need to get her ready, pack her bag, and get her out the door. Then we have the place to ourselves until tomorrow at ten. I do believe I promised you some morning sex, so as long as he's on time and you have me naked in bed before noon, it'll technically count."
Yelena shakes her head while a smile creeps up on her.
"You're something else."
Kate kisses her.
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
"Remains to be seen."
Yelena kisses her this time.
A little voice pleads from the kitchen. Kate and Yelena are forced to separate and snicker.
"Yup! Coming! Helping your mom with a thing, but I'll be right there."
"You'll definitely be helping a lot more once she's gone for the day."
Kate smirks at Yelena before stealing one last kiss and heading to the door, dragging the older woman behind her.
"Alright, where are these pancakes I was promised?"
“HERE! We’re making them, mommy.”
Kate’s legs are draped over Yelena’s thighs, their interlocked fingers casually fiddling while they speak in hushed voices. Yelena leans in, intent on stealing a sneaky kiss when there’s a knock on the door. 
“Ri, your dad’s here!” Kate rudely screams millimeters away from Yelena’s mouth. Yelena flinches at the volume. 
“DADDY!” Ereka shrieks from her bedroom, followed by the rustling of last-minute stuffing of things into a backpack.
When she realizes what she did, Kate offers a bashful smile and plants a series of soft, rapid kisses on Yelena’s lips. 
“Sorry.” Kate mouths before stealing another kiss.
“Should I go to your room or something?” Yelena asks as Kate untangles herself from her. 
“No. No. I’ll make sure he’s in and out. It’s fine.”
There’s another, more impatient knock on the door. 
“I’m coming!”
Kate speeds up the pace and swings the door open to find Tom holding a bouquet of deep purple tulips on the other side. 
“Was walking by that little florist on 84th and 2nd and saw these. They reminded me of you, KitKat.”
“Thank you. They’re beautiful.”
Kate expresses genuinely before smelling the flowers. Tom smiles, proud of himself, and places a lingering kiss on Kate’s cheek before stepping inside. 
“I was thinking…maybe you can come to the wedding. With us…me and…” Tom’s train of thought gets derailed when he notices the stranger lackadaisically lounging on the couch in what seems like sleepwear. “Hey.”
“That’s Yelena.”
Ereka rushes Tom, who swings her into the air and smothers her face with kisses.
“Hi, lovebug! You look gorgeous today. Mommy did a good job with those braids on your hair!”
“Mommy didn’t do them! Yelena did!”
With the little girl now attached to his hip, Tom takes a step toward the couch; his hand extended in a polite greeting mode.
“I guess you’re the neighbor.”
Yelena stands and shakes his hand.
“I’m the neighbor.”
“She doesn’t shut up about you.”
“She’s a great kid.”
“She is. Perfect kid. We made a perfect kid. I keep telling KitKat we should make more.” Tom laughs. “Isn’t that right, baby? I always tell you how we should give her that little sister she wants.” Kate forces an awkward smile. Tom turns to face Kate and holds her hand in his. “So, about you coming today. How do you feel about that? I talked to my aunt because of the RSVP and headcount thing. They said it’s perfectly fine. They’d love to have you there. They haven’t seen you in a bit.”
Tom runs his thumb over Kate’s cheek. Kate takes a step back, putting distance between them.
“I’m busy today. I think it’ll be great for you guys to have one-on-one time.”
“We have one-on-one time all the time, KitKat. You know what she hasn’t had in a while? Family time. The three of us. Together. Wouldn’t you want that, princess? The family at a family event.”
“YESSSS! You should come, mommy.”
“I’m gonna go. You guys can figure that out.”
Yelena mumbles stiffly as she starts to head for the door. 
“See you, neighbor lady.”
Kate steps in Yelena’s way, using her body to block her path, and almost imperceptibly shakes her head while painting a massive fake smile on her face and addressing Tom. 
“Her dress and shoes are in the bag. She can probably keep the braids for the wedding if you don’t rile her up too much. They’ll look cute in pictures. If they get messed up, let them loose and brush her hair out. It should be fine. If you’re not sure if the braids still look good or not, don’t let her run around looking crazy. Ask your mom or your sister. They’ll tell you. I put a headband in there in case she needs to have it down.”
Tom zoned out after the first few words. As his ex talks, his eyes dart back and forth between Kate and Yelena. Their shoulders are pressed together and their hands are nearly overlapping.
“Hmmmmm…okay. So that’s a ‘no’ on coming with your husband and your daughter to the family wedding? Even though she clearly wants you to come.”
“It’s a no. I’m busy.” Tom scoffs. Kate takes a step forward and plants a kiss on the little girl’s forehead. “You and daddy have the most fun, okay? You’re staying with him and grandma tonight, but I’ll see you in the morning. I love you.”
“Why are you not coming, mommy?” Ereka pouts.
“Yeah, KitKat. Why are you not coming?” Tom asks, accusatory and eyeing Yelena surreptitiously.
Kate glares at Tom. 
“Because that was never the plan.”
“Our daughter wants you to come.”
“That wasn’t a thing she wanted until you brought it up. She’ll live. Alright. Isn’t the wedding in Connecticut? That’s a drive. You guys should get going because I don’t want you rushing on the interstate. Please let your mom or someone else drive tonight if you drink at the wedding.”
“I mean it, Thomas. I don’t want her in the car with you if you're drinking. I’ll pick her up if I need to. Just call me if it gets to that. I’ll come.”
“You could come with us now.”
Kate kisses the girl again, then bends over to grab the backpack she had discarded as she ran out and places it in Tom’s hand. 
“Everything she needs is in here.”
“Except for her mom being there with her and daddy.”
“BYE! Have fun!” Kate smiles and nudges him in the direction of the door. “I love you, baby.”
“I love you, mommy!”
“See you tomorrow!”
Kate closes the door on Tom, leaving him staring at Yelena from the door. 
“That was…interesting.” Yelena ponders for as long as it takes Kate to close the distance between them. “Did he call himself your husband...?”
“He does that sometimes.”
“But he’s…”
“Not. Definitely not. We got divorced when Ri was two. He’s still getting used to it.”
“That was…three years ago?”
“And we were together for almost seven. It’s taking him a bit.”
“That sounds messy.”
“I’m not with him. I have no interest in being with him.”
“Does he know that? Because he brought you flowers, wanted you to be his date to a wedding, and calls himself ‘your husband’.”
“Can we not talk about him? Please?” Kate steps even closer and intertwines their fingers. “Still very much into the idea of morning sex WITH YOU and noon is creeping up. We should get on that…” 
Kate’s lips fly to Yelena’s neck and start peppering kisses on the exposed skin.
“You have convincing ways, Kate Bishop.”
“I like to think so.” Kate kisses her way up to Yelena’s mouth. “Are you gonna keep spiraling about my ex, or are you gonna fuck me? One sounds A LOT more fun than the other.” Yelena studies her face. A mischievous grin appears on Kate’s face. “You like it when I beg you for it, don’t you?”
“You look good begging.” Yelena smirks confidently.
“Please,” Kate whispers against Yelena’s lips. “Please…I’m dying to be under you again…Please.”
Yelena smashes their lips together and taps the back of Kate’s thighs. Kate takes the hint and wraps her legs around Yelena’s waist and arms around her neck. Yelena brings her hands to Kate’s ass to hold her up while she starts guiding them toward the bedroom. As they’re getting to the door, Kate leans back.
“Stop. Hold on. Hold on.” Yelena quietly panics and puts Kate down. “Wait here.”
Kate hastily pecks Yelena’s lips before vanishing into her room.
“Wait there.”
“Kate, we don’t have to if you don’t want to. If you changed your mind…”
“Shut up and wait before you freak out, will you?”
Moments later, Kate reappears on the threshold, clad in the skimpiest lingerie. She wears a black triangle bra with leavers lace and a matching lace thong. The outfit (or lack thereof) is capped with an untied purple silk robe lazily draped down the sides of her body. Yelena purses her lips and dramatically exhales. 
“You like?” Yelena nods and hums. “Then will you please come and fuck me before I ruin this underwear any more than I currently am? They’re La Perla. They’re expensive.” 
Kate offers a rascally smile before disappearing into the room anew. 
Yelena lingers at the threshold for a moment and softly bangs her forehead against the wall. There's no way this isn't going to be a disaster come November.
She was right.
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lynnmatthewswrites · 7 months
The New Girl at Hogwarts: Chapter One- The Move
Authors Note: Hiya! I started writing this because I couldn’t see myself in so many fanfiction protagonists! I love the Harry Potter series and really relate to Hermione and Luna, who were so proudly not submitting to stupid things like pink and girly stuff! This fic is a love letter to the quirky girls and the girls who love Hogwarts! I also thought id include a gay character for gay rights! Sorry if there r any typos I tried my best.(LMK if you want a Y/N ver)
Sarah Lynn Clampitt wasn’t like a lot of girls she knew. Sarah Lynn didn’t like Taylor Swift or Lana Del Rey. Her favorite band was Panic! at The Disco, or maybe Paramore, though they were so underground most of her friends had never heard of them. Sarah Lynn didn’t care about short skirts and being girly, and much preferred hanging with the boys and getting dirty over lip gloss and glitter. She was also a witch, and went to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Of course, that was until her rich father died tragically, and she had to move in with her mom’s sister in England. (her mom died when she was a baby in a tragic accident and it was really sad)
Sarah Lynn would miss Ilvermony, even though she was sort of unpopular- all the other girls liked Taylor Swift and the Eras Tour and the Barbie movie, while Sarah Lynn hung out with boys- and the boys liked her, but still! Sarah Lynn sighed, looked out of the airplane window, and shed a single tear, missing her dad and her friends from New York. But they didn’t matter anymore. She was going to Hogwarts, and things were gonna be different! She put in her wired earbuds (airpods are stupid) and started playing one of her favorite songs- “House of Memories” by Panic! at the Disco. (AN: most people have never heard of this song but def check it out! it’s super good) She really liked P!ATD, even though Brandon Urine had collabed with stupid taylor swift. 
Sarah Lynn realized she had fallen asleep on the plane, and they were now landing in London. She pulled her golden blonde hair into a messy bun and pulled down her baggy t-shirt and walked off the plane with her backpack. Her aunt had texted her that she would pick her up at the airport, but Sarah Lynn had just now realized her aunt’s appearance was a total mystery to her. She walked off the plane and into the airport, where she began to read the names on signs- John, Craig, Angie, Bob, Robert, Bobby, Bob, until she saw a sign that made her freeze. It was a pink, glittery sign, with hello kitty and my little ponies on it. Even more terrifying was what it read. Sarah Lynn. THIS was her aunt? Sarah Lynn looked up to see a bleach blonde, lip-gloss wearing, stanley-cup-having woman. “Hi sweetie! I’m your aunt Jessica!” Sarah Lynn was terrified. Who was this woman? How was she even related to Sarah Lynn’s beautiful mother(who died when she was a baby)
“Hi Aunt Jessica?” Sarah Lynn grimaced. 
“C’mon sweetie! Let’s get to Kings Cross!”
So the pair climbed in to Aunt Jessica’s cramped and cluttered mini, which Aunt Jessica wasn’t an adept driver of, and drove to King’s Cross, where Sarah Lynn climbed out of the car, thanked Aunt Jessica, and walked off to platform 9 and ¾. When Lynn got on the train an old man with black hair stopped her. 
“Are you Sarah Lynn Clampitt?” he asked. 
“Yes” I said.
“Well, you’re new, so you have to go to the transfer student cabin!” he yelled, pulling Sarah Lynn by her arm to the back of the train into a cell-like chamber filled with moldy bread. 
“No! Help!” Sarah Lynn screamed, banging on the door, but to no avail. Eventually she fell asleep in the cold cell, and when she woke up… she was at Hogwarts!
She was ushered inside, where she was led up to the sorting ceremony with the first years. Wow she thought. Cool. When she was pushed up onto the stage, everyone looked at her confused- she was fifteen, not eleven! Sarah Lynn blushed, before going “Erm- awko taco!” and then everyone laughed and clapped. Dumbedore put the hat on Sarah Lynn’s hat and it didnt even hesitate, just yelled GRIFFYNDOR!! so Sarah Lynn went to sit at the Gryffindor table. 
She sat next to a girl with curly hair, a ginger boy, and a boy with glasses. “Hi! I’m Sarah Lynn Clampitt. Can I sit here?”
“Of course!” The curly haired girl said. “My name is Hermione Grager, and these are Ron Weasley and Harry Potter.”
“Nice to meet you” Harry said “Where are you from?”
“Im from Ilvermony in New York. But then my dad died, and my mom died when I was a baby.”
“Im so sorry” Ron said. 
“It's ok. I’m just happy to be here!” Sarah responded
“You seem really cool for a girl. Girls are so much drama.” Hemione vocated.
“Oh my god you too! I hate Taylor Swift.”
“I hate her too. I hate her I hate her I hate her. What type of music do you like?” 
“I love Panic! at the Disco and Paramore- you’ve probably never heard of them.”
“I’ve never heard of them ever!” Ron said gingerly
“They’re super good. I love Brandon Urine, even though he made a song with stupid taylor.”
The group all ewwed in unison. Just then a boy in a Charli XCX shirt sat down by Harry. Harry exclaimed “Hi Neville!”
“Hey ddady!” Neville remarked svltrily. “Snatch my wig and i oop lets roide lavender lamborgini roll up in a blue bikini- whos the new girl??”
“That’s Lynn. She’s cool.” Harry dictated. “She’s from America.”
“Oh America the land of Beyonce werk slay queen girlboss!!” Neville announced. “That’s so mother of you.”
“I hate Beyonce. She’s basic.” Sarah Lynn remarked. “You seem cool though.”
“Oh Em Gee, how can you sin upon mother girlboss? That’s so not cool I T G I R L U know I am that girl of you!” Neville sobbed.
“He’s a little sensitive.” Hermoine remarked as Neville ran of sobbing. “But he’s cool sometimes.”
“Huh.” Sarah intoned, before Dumbledore started talking. “Welcome students? My name is Albus Dumbledore. I am the headmaster of this school. This year, we’ve welcomed dementors and also fortune-telling because Voldemort is on the rise. Anyway, enjoy the feast!” dumbledore exclaimed as delicious food appeared before everyone- it looked like everyone got to eat their favorite food! Sarah gasped as chicken nuggets magically appeared before her. Sarah Lynn loved chicken nuggets.
“Oh my god I love chicken nuggets. Oh my god.” Sarah Lynn cried.
“Me too girl!” Hermine attributed.
“I’d be late to my wedding and just run in like SORRY I WAS GETTING CHICKIE NUGGIES!” Sarah quipped.
Sarah Lynn and Herione cheersed each other with their chicken nuggets, looking out on the other girls eating their salads and protein shakes, rolling their eyes. Stupid iceberg lettuce and croutons. Sarah Lynn felt very happy, like she’d finally found her place. A girl who was also not like other girls. Two new boys she could be one of. She was excited to learn the in and out of Hogwarts- and then she saw him. 
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lucadrawss · 6 months
Do you mind Info dumping about Ai? I need to know everything about him.
Thank you for giving me permission to ramble about my beloved Zexal OC! :D
(I apologise this is so long)
Ai's 15 though people always tell me he looks older. He's about 6ft and stubborn as fuck. I'm aware that's tall for his age but he's a dragon so he's allowed to be tall >:(
His personality was originally a combination of Shark's, Astral's and Yuma's in his first design which I kept when I gave him his current design (I just like the thought of him being an ass but also being kinda nice).
I put alot of thought into his design and what parts of it could represent as I do with all my OCs, every single tiny detail has a reason.
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(I draw horns differently now)
I unintentionally gave him similar eyes to Astral but I kept it because it suits him in my opinion.
If you can't tell he's gay, super gay (asexual as well). I tried to make him look as fruity as possible.
Ai normally wears a jacket to cover his scars since he's ashamed of how he got them (bad home life) but at times will feel comfortable with them on show. The gloves cover some scars too, but he hardly takes those off.
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I attempt to draw him in platform boots but fail every time. Despite being tall af, he likes the boots so tends to wear them.
The earrings were actually passed down in his family, he got them from his father (who faked his own death basically) when he was 5 and almost always wears them as a comfort item.
Ai doesn't chose for his nails to be that long, they're claws. They grow back pretty quickly so he just gave up cutting them since they stop at a certain length, he just paints them now.
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Yes his hair colour is natural, his older sister has it too. He has a good relationship with his sister. (Her names Gi, she's 28 and a paramedic)
Obviously Ai is a duelist. I'm uncreative so he tends to use dragon cards mainly (I know I know boring).
With relationship stuff, currently nothing yet. @renaakabane ships him with Astral though. Idk I think its kinda cute but I'm not entirely sure yet. Though she has me considering it.
He has one friend, Shark. Eventually he ends up becoming friends with Yuma, Astral, the whiny bitch that is Tori, ect, but Shark was one of the only people he really trusted.
The guys a fucking dragon so obviously I'm gonna give him dragon features. He does have the ability for wings but I never draw them. I drew them once, in a sketch, it looks bad, I was exhausted. I have drawn them though for a thing showing the detail of his dragon type. These are his:
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The purple fade is because of healing, Ai tore both his wings at some point and thats basically them scarring. He doesn't know how to fly though so its fine. :)
This. I don't necessarily think these need much of an explanation.
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I'll explain the fire thing though. Ai's type of dragon obviously has the ability to create fire. Its difficult to do but they can light their sweat, plus they have a gland in their throat that releases an odorless and colourless gas which they can light by creating a spark with their teeth. They're fire resist to a degree so they can still burn and can stand more heat than the average person but again they can't entirely stand it.
His type of dragon can hide their features to appear more human, hence this image where he looks relatively human:
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He's a fucking dumbass though he is rather smart and strategic, he's a good student grades wise and is a good duelist too. Anything else? He makes dumb decisions and gets into trouble often. Dumb decisions include doing reckless stuff or eating flowers. Theres more dumb shit he does though.
I like drawing him like this:
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He curses so often, isn't afraid to insult people and will physically fight them.
I also tend to go into mental detail with my OCs. Ai has ADHD and anxiety issues (such as PTSD and often has panic attacks, because I base my OCs off of myself a little. All of them have at least some element that reflects myself.)
His hobbies include: drawing, music (guitar, he cuts his nails every time before hand), dancing and dueling.
Ai likes dresses :) (Oh god old art. I really need to redraw this its terrible.)
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My friends tend to go on about how its stereotyping because he's a gay guy and feminine but let a guy enjoy a dress come on, his sexuality is not the reason I designed him to enjoy that type of thing. I just wanna be able to draw him in a dress :(
Pretty sure I've gone through almost everything, I'll stop before it gets any longer haha. Thank you for letting me talk about him!
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