#the double standard is pretty silly
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cl0wn-tim3 · 1 year ago
I call a male charecter baby girl and no one bats an eye
But I call a woman character baby boy and society- society goes wild
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creativity-deficient · 3 months ago
Hmmm isn’t it funny that people complain about creek being “forced” because they were brought together in an unconventional way, yet I don’t see nearly as many complaints about tolkchole despite that being the case for them as well?? 🤔🤔🤔
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violetsareblue-selfships · 1 year ago
good morning!! <3
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dazed-and-confused23 · 11 months ago
Summary: You, a wondering trader, and he, a ghoul bounty hunter, cross paths and decide to camp together. Nights in the wasteland were dangerous on your lonesome, after all.
Pairings: The Ghoul | Cooper Howard x Female Reader
Warnings! smut, face sitting, cowgirl position, coming inside
Fluffy part 2 -> HERE
Link to my other fallout works on ao3 -> HERE
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The fire illuminates the harsh features of the ghoul across from the flickering flames. He is handsome by ghoul standards, and you feel an ache in your core you've not felt in a long time. You cock your head to the side and debate with yourself, before shrugging in a matter of a couple of seconds. You'd never been picky.
"Wanna fuck?"
Cooper jerks his head up from where he'd been studying the waves in the sand that the wind left behind. He locks eyes with you across the flame, gives you a once over, and then smirks deviously.
"Ain't ever been propositioned in such a way, but why not. You got any rad-away? I'd hate for such a pretty thing to end up lookin' like me," Cooper drawls and leans back on his hands, legs man spread and cocks his head at you when you nod.
"Come 'ere then, Darlin'."
You stand, reaching for the button of your pants and popping them open as you amble over to his side of the camp. You stand before him, and Cooper reaches out to hook his thumbs into your jeans, jerking them down and past your knees. The ghoul tugs one of your shoes off and tugs the jeans off one leg so that they are out of the way. You raise a brow when he stays clothed, confused for a beat before he pats his chest.
"Let's get you wet, Doll. Then you can ride me til the sun comes up."
Your cheek warm, but you aren't about to argue, and so drop to your knees, one leg one on either side of his head. His hands find your hips and guide you forward, and a hiss leaves your throat when his tongue meets your mound. Cooper eats you like this is his last meal, obscene wet noises coming from where he is buried between your thighs.
Cooper smirks when he sucks your clit into his mouth, sucking harshly and causing you to fall forward, hands hitting the sand and destroying the waves. The ghoul doubles his efforts, tongue swirling around your sticky folds and slurping down the mess you make, a groan of his own fading into the night when he tastes you.
Electric heat coils tight in your belly, and you are seconds away from having one of the best orgasms of your life when the ghoul lifts you by the waist and tugs you down. A shout breaks through when his cock drags across your folds and then slams home, his length deep and perfect inside of you.
"Heh, that's it, ride my cock, cowgirl," Cooper rumbles below you and grips your hips, bouncing you up and down, fucking up into your tight cunt every time he drags you back down. Your hands find his shoulders and dig in, holding on for dear life as the ghoul fucks you silly.
Coop drags a hand down from your hip and to your clit, pinching the pulsing bud between two fingers. You snarl silently, pleasure singing up your spine and making you curse colorfully. Cooper laughs under you, and knows you are close by the way your pussy flutters around his dick.
"Come on, baby. Come all over my cock," He snarls and you tip over the edge when he snaps his hips up, pulling you down and burning himself as deep as he could go. Coop rocks into you, and seconds later, you feel splashes of hot cum fill you up, so much that it begins to leak down your thighs.
You take big gulps of air to catch your breath, looking down at the Ghoul with a grin as you rock your hips back and forth.
"Think you can keep it up, old man?" You quip and are rewarded with Cooper rolling the two of you, the ghoul shifting to his knees and grinning meanly down at you.
"Well now, how about we find that out, Darlin'?"
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bluberryfields · 1 year ago
"David is very easy to fall in love with." - Michael Sheen
Hi. How are you? Good, I hope. Okay, so can we talk about just how fucking beautiful David Tennant is? And by “we�� I mean “I” and by “talk” I mean “babble incoherently into the void”? Great! I’ll attempt to impose a bit of organization on this just to satisfy my pathological need to inflict structure on words (thanks college/job/brain), but I can’t promise much. Also, there will be A LOT of pictures and gifs. (you’re welcome?)
And this isn’t just because I am deep in the bottomless well of Good Omens fandom and that Crowley is basically the most breathtaking creature that has ever existed. Well, not just because of that.
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*cue Aziraphale's "good lord" from 1793*
ANYWAY, like a lot of people, I became a fan of (i.e., fell deeply and irrevocably in love with) DT during his run as the 10th Doctor. He was young and bright and full of just about everything – joy, sorrow, wit – making him incredibly watchable. His look was also so charming: big bouncy rooster comb of hair, absurdly cheeky smile, expressive-as-fuck eyes and eyebrows, and a tall, lanky form that seemed to be made of rubber and the kind of granulated sugar that could only be found in candy from the 90s that are now banned in all first- and second-world countries.
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So yeah, I was super into him and his Doctor’s adventures. And I continued to watch him in other projects and still swoon (looking at you, slutty Hamlet)
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even at characters where that was not the desired reaction (fuck you, Kilgrave, you delicious monster).
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I would also always become a bit (a lot) weak in the knees at his voice regardless of which accent he took on, though always preferring him doing any Scottish brogue because of fucking course.
Roll that tongue, you sexy beast.
But what I want to get into today is just how incredible he looks in the year of 2023.
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He’s 52 years old and I am somehow even more attracted to him. Maybe it’s because I am myself older, and my tastes have matured alongside? I certainly do enjoy gray hair way more than I did 10 years ago.
He’s aged incredibly well, probably a combination of good genes and good health, and he’s clearly not clinging to the Hollywood idea of “youth”.
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(insert obligatory grumble about the double standards of men being praised for aging and women being demonized…the potentially problematic nature of the term “aging well” in general…acknowledge this with my enlightened brain but ignore this with my slutty heart…fuck the patriarchy, etc. etc.)
He’s still tall and skinny, even gangly at times, all long arms and legs that can move in impossible directions with unfathomable grace.
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His face is leaner, that incredible bone structure creating sharper edges that draw the eye. Speaking of the face, he’s got these creases on his forehead and at the corners of his eyes and mouth that are evidence of time spent well: smiling, laughing, living. Makes you want to trace your fingertips along each one.
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Oh god that smile? Good lord. It’s weapons grade charm that can also be quite intimidating. Sweet, humble, silly, scary…full spectrum of options here! His shark smile is the definition of “irresistible” in my Dictionary of Delicious Dudes.
I am both proud of and grossed out by my own word choice.
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Continuing with that face...the hawkish nose, the dimples you want to drown in, the big eyes, those motherfucking eyebrows...
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I could seriously write a whole essay about those eyebrows, but I already give my therapist enough to worry about.
Oh those eyes. “Piercing” is a term usually reserved for blue eyes, but I would argue it applies to DT’s bottomless chocolate pools in that they slice through my heart every damn time.
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Honorable mention does go to those Crowley snake eyes because they could have been distracting and diminishing to his overall look, but they absolutely are not.
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Such a pretty shade of yellow.
Random tangent to swoon about his hands. For whatever reason, I like checking out a man’s hands, and DT’s got a set that drives me wild. I can’t even really explain why, but I just really like the way he articulates with them. Crowley is a perfect example, what with the miracle snaps, caressing globes, and holding whisky glasses. Yum.
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Delicious demon digits
Fresh tangent: How does this fucker look good clean shaven, with stubble, and a goddamn beard? How is that allowed?
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He's got a face that makes me wanna take up sculpting
Further, how is his fucking neck so hot? Like, seriously, show me the math. I can’t stop staring at it. And when it’s cloaked in a turtleneck? Please, sir, may I have some more?
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With no segue whatsoever, I am absolutely obsessed with his hair, across all contexts. Big, bold, blood-red Crowley coifs (especially in Season 2)? Check.
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Proper gentleman side part? Check.
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Side shave with cartoonishy springy 14th Doctor shock? Check.
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Lockdown locks with and without headband? Check!
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It’s a goddamn buffet of delicious options.
Oh damn speaking of that 14th Doctor look? Good fucking Christ on a buttery Ritz cracker. The whole DT collection is on display: the hair, the eyes, the bone structure, the smile, the clothes, and even the glasses!
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To quote Pam on Archer, “I swear to god, you could drown a toddler in my panties right now! I mean, not that you would.”
Now that you (I) mention the clothes, I never cease to marvel at how he can wear pretty much anything and look amazing. Stripes, patterns, wild colors, etc. He just always looks…not exactly comfortable, but sort of at ease like the clothes were created with him in mind. And this goes across the spectrum of Casual to Costume to Promotional (e.g., interviews and premieres).
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They are almost illegally cute together
We all know by now how ridiculously tight those Crowley pants are and how it influenced his signature serpentine swagger (thank you, Costume department, you’re the real heroes). That said, he and those slinky hips still looks so incredibly natural in them like they came from his actual closet.
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Stupid sexy snek
And he pulls off the look of more ridiculous stuff like full Shakespearean costumes or that sad gray-hoodie-black-shorts-and-Wellington-boots combo from the first season of Staged. He somehow gives off the air of “whatever, they’re just clothes, man” while also looking like a damn model.
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Georgia is a very lucky woman
Final thoughts: I know DT dislikes talking about how people think he’s so attractive because I’m sure it feels a bit icky if you just want to live your life and do your job. But my guy also clearly understands that he’s not some ghoul who has succeeded on incredible personality and acting chops alone. So, that said, maybe he'll forgive me for posting such a long, rambling, ode to him?
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orphiclovers · 7 months ago
Kim Dokja's type is bishonen femboys, right. Or at least his standard of beauty is, which isn't neccesarily the same thing but is in this situation.
Hear me out.
Firstly, there's the TWSA rules for what qualifies as pretty or handsome. It's very 'trangressing gender norms' centric. Basically a list of pretty androgynous boys.
Like every fantasy novel, there were pretty and handsome characters in Ways of Survival. Among the pretty and handsome characters, there were those who were described as 'equivalent to Yoo Joonghyuk'. Kyrgios Rodgraim who I met in Peace Land was such a case.
By the way, this world contained people who were more beautiful than Kyrgios. In such cases, what expression should be used?
「The boy was so beautiful that Yoo Joonghyuk would be slapped in the cheeks twice. 」 In addition, this description was only attached to three people in Ways of Survival.
Yoo Joonghyuk is the blueprint of course.
Kyrgios, who is a long haired pretty boy is equivalent to Yoo Joonghyuk.
「Deep double eyelids, and gently curling golden hair. Even without [Moisture Retention], pale-smooth and soft skin. Slightly plump cheeks, and charming dimples that appear when she smiles. Due to an oddly androgynous atmosphere, her gender is hard to identify with her face alone.」 The descriptions from within the text of Ways of Survival, and the comments I had left behind in the past, were all coming back to me now. Her appearance that exactly matched my imagination became an indescribable guilt weighing me down.
Then there's Jang Hayoung who is a girl but looks like a very feminine boy and is twice as pretty as Yoo Joonghyuk. Plus, her appearance and description is exactly what Kim Dokja thought was hot at 15 years old. He's into androgyny he just hasn't admited that to himself. tls123 got it though.
The Almighty Sun, Apollon. Just like the myths, he had a very handsome face. It was almost enough to slap Yoo Joonghyuk's cheeks once… no, it would be twice.
Greek god Apollo is also on the list, but it's not explicitly said if he's mentioned to be hot in TWSA or if Kim Dokja just thinks so. (Because there's three people who can slap Yoo Joonghyuk's cheeks in TWSA canon and we only know two of them, I think he was the third but it's not 100% confirmed.)
So, that's what TWSA says. And clearly Kim Dokja agrees with these descriptions. He also adds other people to the list.
For example, the Punisher. Counts as a pretty boy on a technicality since she is a guy who has transformed into a woman even though Kim Dokja doesn't know that at the time. Basically, Kim Dokja understood the assignment (which was that you have to be some sort of genderfuck to be added to the list) even if he didn't know it.
...He also tries to add himself onto the list of pretty boys multiple times. Because he's cringe.
However, the molding of the face wasn't as easy as I thought. The Face of A Casanova Who Died from Sexual Relations didn't rest safely on my face until it was evening. I looked in the mirror and smiled with satisfaction. 「 Kim Dokja thought: It isn't better than Yoo Joonghyuk but isn't this decent? 」
[999] spoke to me as I stared dumbfoundedly at the mirror, my eyes blinking non-stop. – It's done. Holy moly. This might not be enough to slap Yoo Joonghyuk's cheek silly, but still… It should be enough to make me ponder whether I should slap him or not, at least. I rubbed my new statuesque face and muttered to myself. "…Can't I keep this face forever?" A long time ago, I absorbed the Story fragment of the 'Casanova Who Died During Sexual Acts' and became pretty good looking for a while, but this was on another scale compared to that.
Lee Seolhwa finished painting me in an instant and spoke while placing a mirror before me. Although it was a bit embarrassing to say this myself, a man handsome enough to ponder whether to slap Yoo Joonghyuk's cheeks or not was staring back at me in the reflection.
Conclusion: Kim Dokja is a chaser(?)
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year ago
I know you’re already super busy and booked but if you can, Munseong Kim/Ji Yeonwoo fluff and headcanons would be cool. There is little to none on them, please pace yourself I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed.
Hmmm. Let's do... texting habits (ish). And sorry I included my cuties Wangguk and Taehoon too 😊
HTF texting habits hc: Munseong, Yeonwoo, Wangguk, Taehoon
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Munseong is a pretty cool and reserved guy, and that shows with his texting habits
He keeps it short and to the point, not a lot of emojis and everything comes across a little deadpan with his replies.
However, he is extremely fast respond back to you and usually within the minute... even if it doesn't warrant a response he'll at least send back a 😄 Sweet boy doesn't want to leave you hanging!
And if he's late to text back (by his standards), he'll always apologise even though you've explained a million times it's fine and you know he's doing his own thing.
Don't expect any memes, or him to react with anything apart from confusion. But you can always expect a good morning or good night.
Whenever he's feeling a bit down, he will read over your old messages and imagine your smile and your face lighting up on the other side.
...Or just call you to hear your voice.
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Yeonwoo always makes time for texting you even with his hectic study schedule.
Thinks of it as a little treat, something to look forward to after frying his brain for the last couple hours.
He's always a bit contrite for his late replies too but it doesn't deter you with your double, triple, quadruple+ texting. It brightens his day seeing your name pop up on his phone, even if there are 10+ messages waiting.
Once his study schedule chills out and he makes more time for Kyokushin, he also makes more time for you!
Anything that pops into his head that he thinks you'll like, or that he thinks of saying, he'll just come right out with it.
More often than not it's a cute cat/dog meme or silly fluffy pics.
Occasionally it'll be blurred selfies of him during training. Just a lil hi and a way to say he's thinking of you.
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Ah, another pretty reserved one.
Wangguk uses emojis more than you would expect, and is pretty cute with them to be honest. Adds them to provide a bit more context and depth with his responses because he knows how dry he can sound 🥺
Keeps his messages pretty short unless there's something that he is passionate about then he'll just ramble and send a full on essay. Punctuated with another follow up message to say sorry. It's pretty goddamn cute tbh.
Sends you a LOT of pictures. Innocent ones that is. Pictures tell a thousand words and he loves his photography.
Pics to say good morning, good night, thinking of you, thought you would like this. Usually Wangguk isn't in them, which makes any selfies even more special.
Also loves when you respond back in kind, sending him snaps of your day and just you.
Surprisingly, or perhaps not, is extremely clued up with memes or anything slightly unhinged thanks to Gyeoul and her sense of humour. Will send on any to you that makes him chuckle.
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Listen if Taehoon wants your attention, he'll let you know. That includes messages and calls at 4am just to fuck with you. Especially when he hears your exasperated sigh and groggy voice. Or even an angry reply to "GO TF TO SLEEP!!" It will never not be funny to him. Maybe that's on you for continuing to respond and pick up all the time.
Cute good morning, good night texts? No chance.
Although he is very good at letting you know where he is, what he's up to. And expects similar from you. It's not that he doesn't trust you, he just wants to know you're safe. A hangover from Dowoon.
And this bastard is also pretty leisurely with his responses. You can be having a full on conversation, responses back within the minute then he leaves you on read for hours.
However, if you do the same then expect a call "why the fuck aren't you answering me." If you miss that, then expect an annoyed Taehoon on your doorstep.
Again, another hangover from Dowoon. His mind just goes to the worst case scenarios.
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mr-damian-s-power · 6 months ago
It’s so baffling to me the way they changed Luz’s intro in the pilot to the utter bs in the actual show. I’ve seen it criticized before and there’s always some stan going like ‘it’s kid show it’s not that serious’…but the show wants to be serious. It wants to be a realistic and grounded take on a fantasy cartoon and prides itself on that. So obviously to do that they decide to change ‘weird and out-there, but pretty harmless’ to ‘teenager with vet mom misuses multiple living snakes and brings explosives into a school when she grew up in an age of mass shooting fears and not even a water gun could be on campus’.
Yeah, I've had some run-ins with salty stans who try and brush my criticisms off with 'it's just a kids show', but still praise it for being 'more than a kids show'. Gotta love double standards! Don't listen to them, I say! They're likely just upset you dared to say mean things about their precious show and just label you a hater.
To put it lightly, Luz has a terrible introduction for a character we the audience are supposed to feel sorry for. Her 'quirky antics' are genuinely dangerous! She brings Snakes into school, which escape and bite people. That's not even mentioning the fireworks in an enclosed environment! Then, she's just so blasé about it! Then we're just supposed to go 'haha, oh Luz, that lovable little rascal. She's so silly.' THEN, we're supposed to see her being sent to a camp for the summer as some terrible thing. Very tame punishment, I think! Luz, mate, you're lucky nobody got the police involved!
You're correct! I haven't seen it in a while, but I'm certain Luz was way more tolerable and sympathetic in the storyboarded pilot. She's shown as just being a bit eccentric, rather than an uncaring willingly oblivious arse. And, I think we actually see her being ridiculed and laughed at for the crime of being a bit weird, rather than people being rightfully annoyed that she decided to mess with things for attention.
The sad thing is that I wouldn't mind Luz being a bit of a self-important, delusional little shit at the beginning if this was part of some kind of character arc. While in the Demon Realm, she properly begins to realise that this 'fantasy world' is not like the ones in her stories, but a real breathing world with real people and real problems. You know, like how it SEEMED the show was going for at first before becoming a wish fulfillment power fantasy. She has to learn to stop living life through her stories and that her main character syndrome is only detrimental to herself and those around her.
As she goes along in the story, she begins to learn boundaries and that not everyone appreciates her intrusive behaviour. At the beginning, she thinks Camila is unfair and holding her back, but she soon comes to see that her Mum just wanted what was best for her. She comes to see that she was quite ungrateful and selfish. When Luz and friends come back to Earth, she practically dives into Camila's arms and profusely apologises for being a bad daughter.
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real-fire-emblem-takes · 8 months ago
Edelgard has autism:
• Socially, she struggles most situation that aren't politics:
- She tend to understand people pretty mechanically by using her systemic understanding of society, failing to really get them personally until directly corrected ( for example with Caspar or Linhardt support )
- Her attempt to joke seems to all fall flat due to not reading the room ( like her two jokes around the Battle of the Eagles of the Lions )
- She seems unaware when her actions sounds silly to other ( such as her imitations or the BLACK EAGLES STRIKE FORCE )
- While she genuinely wants to help, she can struggle to bring comfort to friends, at least in a conventional manner ( with Byleth after Jeralt death for example )
- She's commonly described as cold and arrogant ( and she compare herself to Byleth who's like, Autism personification )
- She doesn't care how she appears to other, be it during the academy with the aforementioned point ( or how she doesn't wear make up )
• Her preference align with some symptom:
- She enjoys being alone, she enhance the importance of routine for her through her hair and she has "loosing control" as a dislike
- Her obsession with the the crest system and nobility seems to fit a special interest, even at the Officer Academy where she must hide her plans she struggles to keep her mouth shut on the subject to the point it's difficult to imagine no one caught up that something going on ( this difficulty to actually lie despite trying to hide a whole coup fit another symptom too! ). She even randomly infodump about it like when she says "People used to believe the goddess once fell here from the Blue Sea Star, but according to astronomical research, the light from that star takes millions of years to reach us." 🥺
- Furthermore, this obsession seems to stem from an incredibly strong sense of justice which she constantly apply all throughout the game, be it during her support, during personal matter ( like with how she naturally afford real justice to duc Aegir and comfort his son despite the horrors he put her through ) or during the war ( for example when she constantly ask if the other side want to surrender first or spare enemy after the battle, or she insists on fighting at the front with her troops despite the risk )
- She doesn't fit society standards as she reject a lot of traditions and most importantly contest the very system that people consider the "norm" and rarely question. On a smaller scale, she also make "out of box" choices like wearing her weird short when all other women have a skirt in their uniform, being called "Emperor" as a woman or weeding even as the Emperor, wanting an outsider as her successor, how she abdicate, etc .
- This bit is 100% projecting on my part, but her particular behavior with clothes ( her gloves and the need to be completely covered up ) resonate much with sensory issue
As a bonus she voiced by Tara Platt aka Miriel who's undeniably autistic, and she's a Black Eagles which has one the highest neurodivergence concentration with the like of Linhardt, Jeritza and Ferdinand so as their house leader she doesn't have a choice.
( By the way she canonically has PTSD and it's very important to her character, it's sad that so many people erase that!! And as an hc she has chronic pains from the experiment, her double crest and her scars )
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cantsayidont · 1 year ago
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There are some things in DC's voluminous back catalog that they ought to properly reprint because they're good — gems of past eras. However, there are also some things they ought to properly reprint because they're delightfully stupid, like the Superman/Batman team-ups from WORLD'S FINEST COMICS. DC has actually reprinted all the stories from the '50s, through about 1961, but a lot of the '60s material has only been reprinted in the B&W SHOWCASE PRESENTS books, which is a shame.
The WORLD'S FINEST team-ups went through several distinct phases. Superman, Batman, and Robin had shared the covers of WORLD'S FINEST COMICS since 1941, but it wasn't until 1954 that shrinking page counts obliged them to actually share the lead feature. The '50s stories are pretty good of their time, with some lovely Dick Sprang art, and the presence of Superman meant the drift into science fiction was less jarring than in the contemporary Batman books. In 1964, editorial control of WORLD'S FINEST passed to Mort Weisinger and it became a Weisinger-era Superman book that happened to have Batman and Robin in it. Starting in 1967, though, things started to get stranger and stranger as Weisinger's stable of sci-fi veterans like Edmond Hamilton and Otto Binder gave way to Bob Kanigher, Cary Bates, and Bob Haney, who turned out some exceedingly weird material. Stories like the two-parter about Superman having died and willed his super-organs to various people (#189–190) aren't quite as ghoulish as the covers suggest, but their inexplicable weirdness is emblematic of the period.
For a little while in the early '70s, DC evicted Batman from the series, making WORLD'S FINEST a general-issue Superman team-up book. (DC reprinted those issues in trade paperback in 2020.) This apparently wasn't a big commercial success, but rather than immediately returning to the expected Superman/Batman format, WORLD'S FINEST began to feature the Super-Sons, the teenage sons of Superman and Batman in a hazily defined parallel reality — written by Bob Haney, whose stories consistently evoke the sensation of mild concussion. The "real" Superman and Batman also returned, although they had to alternate with their hypothetical future sons, appearing roughly every other issue through 1976. From 1976 to 1982, WORLD'S FINEST once again became an oversize anthology book, with a Superman/Batman main feature backed by a variety of other characters like Green Arrow and Hawkman. The stories in that period are not quite as ludicrous as the late '60s (although if you see Bob Haney's name in the credits, you know you're in for a wild ride), but even the soberer installments are consistently very silly, full of nonsense like Kryptonian lycanthropy and the return of some especially ridiculous older villains like the Gorilla Boss of Gotham City and Doctor Double-X.
It wasn't until issue #285 that Superman and Batman again had the book all to themselves. The late period dials back the zaniness and has mostly uninspired plots, but writers Doug Moench and David Anthony Kraft compensate with some eyebrow-raising and apparently deliberate "Superbat" ship-bait; my personal favorite is Kraft's "No Rest for Heroes!" (a short story in the back of WORLD'S FINEST #302), where Superman and Batman go to a dive bar in the middle of nowhere to talk about their relationship and Batman ends up throwing a knife at someone.
Very little of this stuff is actually good by any normal standard — although the 1964–1967 period is no more or less weird than any other Weisinger Silver Age Superman stories — and the artwork is only occasionally better than passable. However, it's so stupid and so ridiculous that it's consistently fun, in a way DC doesn't really do anymore, at least not on purpose. Assembling all the Superman/Batman stories (leaving the Super-Sons to their own TPB), omitting the various backup strips, and giving it decent color reproduction would make for a nice package, and the presence of Superman and Batman would make it more commercially viable than some of DC's more artistically worthy back catalog material. Low-hanging fruit, if you ask me.
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lambment · 7 months ago
So I completely missed your drawing of white lion narinder and the goat (shits majestic excellent work) and I was wondering what your thoughts on their relationship would be vis a vis the lamb and the one who waits/narinder’s relationship shifted slightly to the left? I imagine the lion to be more magnanimous and performatively regal than standard narinder. There’s also the shift in the goat’s idiosyncrasies in comparison to the lamb (limited for us to interpret given player character positioning).
You always have really fun characterization and relationship thoughts so genuinely interested to hear your thoughts if you have any.
Last fun thing, yknow how the one who waits has blackened skeletal hands? What if the white lion has golden skeletal hands/claws? The aesthetics…Pluto/Hades as the god of Wealth, jewels and gold, and the god of Death.
damn im eating this analysis up btw, I at least imagine the white lion, like you said, to be more showy in their benevolence, to counter Narinder in his more arrogant and caculated show of power.
at first I'd like to believe the Goat, upon revival (if it mirrors the lambs beheading at the beginning), to be entirely enraptured by them. quickly as they get to know eachother, the goat realizes the lion is lowkey an idiot in their neediness for attention lmfao (they were worshipped as a god I cant blame em). with his attendants long past being impressed with him and finally having a new target, I think the lion would grow more liberal with the theatrics of trying to wow the very increasingly unimpressed goat. the veil of awe for goatbert would be quickly shaken.
(from the silly pov) Im imagining the lion getting frantic with their displays of power as the plot of the game moves on and we visit him more, to the point its no longer majestic and just gaudy.
like "yes worship me and be wowed, I am your all powerful god."
the lion does a fucking kickflip, while the goats over here like
"can we please get back to the revenge plot." a very tired coworker
needy for attention + benevolent + jovial + (and dont get me wrong) still majestic
the goat is only truly impressed when the Lion is less concerned about how others view him/showy with his power and gets back to being serious
extrovert Lion vs Introvert Narinder LOL
In love with the way you cooked on the gold aesthetic aspect. Narinder overall is pretty aescetic imo, the most showy part of him is his veil, meanwhile his siblings have drip (tragic) whether thats because he's a prisoner or not. the Lion would absolutley double down on displays of grandeur with fineries and jewels. somewhat content with being imprisioned if he continues to be given gifts, I think the goat would take advantage of his craving for worship and convince him to join his revenge plot to escape.
I want to humble him. im going to make the goat and lion kith.
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ikamigami · 3 months ago
I don't like lunar that much but I can't say I blame him too much at being mad at earth not saying what he did was justified but I'd be pretty angry too if a family member was being friends with my abuser (he and sun can bond over this if they talked) like sun is an outlier which how much he forgives lunar is very much a justifiably not letting what eclipse did slide as he should eclipse may regret what he done but he hasn't apologized and let's be real he won't be forgiven and he has to live with that as do the people he's hurt have to live with the truama idk where I was going with this but yeah I get lunar but still doesn't excuse being stupid and making a deal with someone you know is shady
Yeah I 100% agree with everything you said, dear anon 👏
That's exactly my thoughts on this too
Like people would normally say that Lunar shouldn't be forced to forgive Eclipse or to be around family members who hang out with his abuser..
Like I know that I said some things about Lunar myself that I think were wrong because at first I didn't like Lunar that much and his fans were also annoying..
But I dislike the double standards that some fans have in this fandom.. cause like they expect from Lunar - a victim - who knows what and they don't expect anything from Eclipse - abuser..
Like I genuinely saw people saying that Eclipse doesn't have to apologize to Lunar and those same fans were saying that Lunar could've done more for Eclipse..
Like I don't like that Lunar is self-centered and how narrow is his way of thinking..
But at the same time why Lunar should've done more as a victim and not Eclipse who abused him?
Where's the logic here?
Especially cause to me it seems that Lunar want some kind of closure.. he wants to hear from Eclipse how much he regrets everything he's done to Lunar and that he feels bad and apologized to him..
Like even if Lunar will still decide that he hates Eclipse and doesn't want to have anything to do with him.. he still has a right to get a closure..
Lunar still has a right to hear apology from his abuser if that's what he wants and to me it looks like he wants that..
Doesn't matter if he'll forgive Eclipse.. he doesn't have to.. but goodness gracious let Lunar has a closure on his own terms..
And why people think that Lunar actually wanted Eclipse dead if he wasn't satisfied with killing Eclipse at all.. he felt like shit after killing Eclipse..
So like idk maybe I'm alone in this but to me Lunar wants to see and hear that Eclipse regrets abusing him..
Because how much it has to hurt Lunar that Eclipse supposedly changed when he doesn't show any remorse for abusing and killing him?
How much it has to hurt Lunar to see Earth who helped him feel better befriend his abuser and spending with said abuser a good time while all he gets is the same bullshit..
And everyone tells him that he needs to let go when Eclipse didn't even do shit to repay and atone for the abuse and all the shit he's done..
That's why I was furious when Eclipse left.. he didn't apologize to anyone for anything..
He left like a total coward.. I hope that now that he learns how is to feel regret he'll take his ass and go to apologize to Lunar and to Sun for all the shit he's done to them..
Like this might be a hot take but I think that Lunar looks up to Sun the most because he wished he was like Sun.. but he isn't..
Like I think that he has some bitterness towards Moon for some reason.. idk what it is exactly..
But look how much more time Lunar spent with Sun.. normally you'd think that he'll be spending time with Moon..
But when Moon returned Lunar spent more time doing silly stuff with Sun.. not Moon..
I think that wherever it'll be that Sun and Lunar will have a serious more open conversation.. I think that it'll help both of them..
I think that Lunar misses Eclipse they talked about it in one of episodes.. but I think that Lunar wishes that Eclipse tried for him just like Moon is trying for Sun..
And that Lunar might probably think that if he was more like Sun maybe Eclipse could stay or return to him.. like idk but the way Lunar sees Sun as this big brother who always bounces back and treats others with kindness.. I think that Lunar appreciate that Sun is honest with him..
Like idk how to put it in better words but the way he said that Sun is an adult so he doesn't have to supervise him when Sun was missing reminded of the time when Sun told Lunar that he should act like an adult if he wants to be treated as such when they had an argument before Lunar ran away..
Sun treats Lunar like an adult.. he doesn't treat Lunar as a kid.. he's honest with Lunar and direct with him.. like Sun is honest and direct most of the time - unless it's about his own issues - and I think that Lunar is fed up with everyone not telling him everything he should know at the beginning but only later after things went downhill..
Maybe I'm seeing this wrong.. and I'll be prove otherwise in later episodes cause it's really hard to piece it together when Sun and Lunar rarely talk about serious stuff.. but I really think that Lunar is more close to Sun than others..
Like idk.. feel free to disagree and sent more asks if you disagree or if you think I forgot about anything :)
Hope that you don't mind my ramblings, dear anon 😅
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solidwater05 · 5 months ago
Big post with a whole bunch of species headcanons! Not every character is here and some headcanons have more detail than others simply because I happened to have more ideas for those
First I want to say that in my headcanon, avians and bird hybrids are different things. While hybrids (in general) are a mix of different species with any combination of traits, avians are pretty uniform in what kind of bird traits they have, and in general avians are genetically more similar to each other than random birds hybrids are to each other. With that out of the way-
Grian is a parrot avian, and he has a ton of vocal stims, from whistling and singing to mimicking noises he hears.
Martyn is a parrot hybrid, and he loooves to do silly voices and mimick creeper hisses
Gem became an anglerfish sea monster of sorts thanks to the water in Hermitcraft. The same happened to Mumbo (catfish) and Grian (cod). And also False but I don't know what kind of fish fits her </3
Pearl is also a fish, but in a different way. She's a salmon that can shapeshift into a human (or any mix between fish and human, like a mermaid)
In Secret Life, Gem had the great idea to replace her eye with an eye of ender. She became some sort of end portal creature. Nobody else has ever seen anything like it and frankly, they're scared. But Gem thinks that it's standard for a universe so full of horror
Skizz is an angel, and angels are soulless! This is why he wasn't in Double Life, the soulbound mechanic didn't work with him.
Another angel is Zedaph, he's a sheep/angel hybrid. He has a weird half-soul thing going on but it's fine really.
Zedaph prefers not to fly long distances if he can avoid it, because long ago he hurt his wings badly and he has chronic pain now
Impulse is a demon, and while demons can usually fly, his wings are underdeveloped and can't get him off the ground. He uses elytra instead.
Scar is another winged elytra user. He's a vex and vexes can fly, but it's painful for him to use his wings
Scar is an actual vex like like the ones evokers summon, and he uses some sort of vex magic to appear hybrid-like. His true form is a little vex guy.
Cub is a human turned vex, and his hybrid-like appearance is his true form. He can look fully human if he wants to, but not fully vex
Xisuma is a voidwalker. Voidwalkers are beings that form very rarely when particles and soul fragments lost to the void come together and become conscious. They're the only beings that can survive in the deepest part of the void
Voidwalkers are so rare that most of them live their whole lives without finding another living being, especially because they don't tend to leave the bottom of the void.
Because voidwalkers spend their whole lives in complete darkness, their eyes aren't super well developed. Xisuma's vision is blurry, he has visual snow, and he's very sensitive to light. His helmet actually filters out a lot of light so it doesn't give him a headache
His helmet also helps him breathe. Voidwalkers are not made for high pressure atmospheres
Etho is a phantom hybrid. He's allergic to cats and also the sun. He needs very little sleep. His silver hair is not a species trait, it's dyed
^that's a Hermitcraft-only headcanon. I see him as a silverfish in the Life series, for no particular reason. The silver hair is a species trait in that case
Bdubs is a glare hybrid, being scared of the dark is part of his glare instincts. The moss coat isn't part of him but I'm sure he could be mossy if he wanted to. He can probably fit inside a moss block
Tango is a blaze hybrid. Or a blazeborn? I imagine it's a similar situation to avians and bird hybrids but I haven't put that much thought into this one. And both blazeborn and blaze hybrid can be shortened to blaze anyways
She can't get burned, and water hurts him. Water breathing negates water damage
His flame naturally burns orange, but it can be other colors depending on what she's using as fuel. For example, the blue Dungeon Master look comes from burning soul sand
Her body temperature also depends on fuel. Normal, orange Tango freezes very easily, but blue Tango's body temperature is so high that he doesn't even feel the cold
He has tritanopia, as do all netherborns. There's only really two colors in the nether so beings from there didn't evolve the ability to see more than that
She can hover, which he uses mostly to break her fall and do big jumps
Because she can't touch water (without potions at least), he takes soul sand baths like a chinchilla. Yes, this makes him blue for a while
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adobe-outdesign · 10 months ago
A grundo neopet review, perhaps? For the soul?
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Grundo are somewhat under-appreciated in my experience, which is a shame, because I really like them. They occupy a specific niche in Neopets, being the only alien species (save for Aishas, but they seem to be related to aliens rather than just straight-up being aliens) and serving an important role in many of the original Virtupets-based plots.
Their designs are nothing fancy, just being monocolor (save for their eyes, which are often though not always red) and lacking any noticeable markings. However, their solid-color eyes, fairly rare among Neopets, pop really nicely, and their ears have this really nice doubled-tube shape that is one of the most memorable things about them. They're pretty cute looking overall, and I really like the facial anatomy on these guys, which is almost frog-like in a weird way.
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Grundos also faired really well when it comes to customization, in that they're exactly the same save for some standard unification stuff like shading adjustments. The bad news is that they were saddled with not one but two fists, but the good news is that they look at least somewhat natural and it's not like their hands were ever particularly well-drawn to begin with.
Favorite Colours:
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Transparent: Transparent is usually a pretty good-looking color by default, but the transparent Grundo goes the extra mile by embracing their alien nature and giving them these really cool looking glowing green organs, the only pet to get this treatment. The organs go great with the pale blue body color, and most of the anatomy looks solid. Granted, I'm not totally sure if the ears would have bones in them or not, and the ribs don't actually connect to anything... but then again, you can always say that's just because they're an alien and move on.
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Faerie: Solid-colored faerie pets are usually a miss for me, as they often just look like regular pets but with wings. The faerie Grundo, however, is abosolutely beautiful. The dark blue base with cyan eyes and toenails is unique (or at least it was until the stealthy Grundo came out, but I digress), and the dark color helps cover for how plain the body is. Most importantly, though, are the wings, which are designed to look like the night sky. It's a great nod to the Grundo's space origins and is super different than the standard faerie fair (say that five times fast).
A UC/styled version is available, though the design changed so little that the differences are pretty negligible.
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Woodland: I literally just went over this one in my woodland review so I'll keep this brief, but the woodland Grundo is super pretty. The leaf ears are absolutely perfect and the subtle gradient and leaf-like veins over the body are lovely.
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BONUS: It's always neat when pets get a species-specific color. In all honestly I have no idea why the mallow Grundo exists because there seems to be no rationale behind it and Grundos don't usually get food colours (unlike, say, Chias), but hey, I'll take it; its fun and silly.
Strictly speaking the UC/styled version is better because it looks way more marshmallow-y, but there's something just deeply uncanny about the face that I can't place but I really don't care for.
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toon4thought · 1 year ago
Adam Sandler's "Leo" was just plain NICE.
It takes a simple, downright silly idea about a talking pet lizard helping the kids of a 5th grade class, and even the long-term substitute teacher herself, with their problems to help bring out the best in them - and ties it into stuff like finding new purpose during a mid-life crisis; all the while constantly sprinkling in so much wholesomeness that with each new kid he visits, you instantly feel the bond being formed. It can feel a bit segmented, but it allows for multiple situations to be covered while giving the audience something new to look at.
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Gotta compliment Adam Sandler's performance as Leo himself here; it's such a cartoony voice, but he delivers with such a commitment that I am never hearing an actor. He gives Leo the sweet balance between his old, tired side and his wise, experienced side that is needed for this story to work. It shines best whenever he has to belt a quick number, though granted that's unsurprising for Sandler. Everyone else, including his own family, seamlessly slip into their roles too.
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The humor quite caught me by surprise too, considering Happy Madison. While the slapstick can get a bit much, and there are one or two truly gross gags, most of their infamous hallmarks are surprisingly subdued. Much of what we get is more observational, or is otherwise done in credit to the characters, such as how Leo name-dropping old movies (which sounds lame on paper) doubles to show how old and behind-the-times he is. It's not like there's some big comedy gold, but there's a lot of little moments that left me smiling and charmed. In general, this film really knows how to establish character with dialogue alone; the snarky, tired comments from Leo and Squirtle at the beginning being a highlight.
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There are some turns near the end that can feel a little forced or half-baked (especially with Ms. Mirkin), but the heart remains to the end and it still manages to finish on the simple note it should. Animation is also pretty standard, but that too is elevated by some smart staging choices and a few scenes that mix up the style.
Overall, while it's by no means a film that *excels*, it sure hit a lot harder than it had any right to, especially from a company like Happy Madison, and they deserve big props for that. Like Leo himself, some much-needed comfort can come from the most unexpected of places.
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tinkering-tin · 1 month ago
I ship mido/ocha in the way that I only ship Urataka with women, and Mido doesn't know she's a girl yet.
Like I imagine a scenario where they get together would look like:
Ochako has only ever dated one boy. Her high school boyfriend, one of her best friends ever, really, and it had only really ended because Deku had said he needed to work some stuff out before he fealt he could be in a relationship. Then he had disappeared off the face of the planet to all but a few people, gone to I-Island for a degree and training. They had texted constantly, but he was always seemingly too busy to ever call. It being I-Island meant that he rarely got leave either.
So she had only ever dated one boy, and the torch she held for him was why she considered herself to be bisexual. Her standards for men were just much higher, and how could they not be when Deku was one of the sweetest, kindest, and most heroic people she had ever known. Her standards for women were not as high, as both Tsu and Iida had to help her through break-ups that they saw from the start. It wasn't her fault she was weak to brunettes. And blondes. And redheads. Honestly, why did women have to be so pretty? It made her want to ruin her life for them, and thats just not fair.
That wasn't important right now. Deku was finally coming back to the main land, having gotten a double degree in Advanced Quirkanomics and Criminalogy. He had texted, asking to meet up after so long away from most of his friends and family. So she suggested they meet at a coffee shop near her agency. Which is where she was headed now, rushing through the busy streets, apologizing to people as she brushed past them.
She finally arrived at the door of the little cafe that she frequented on her morning patrols and weekend dates. She took a deep breath, centered herself, and walked in. It was quiet today, only a few people sitting at the tables. None she recognized. However, one person did have green hair. Long green hair, tied up into a rather messy bun at the top of her head. She had freckles and pretty jade eyes and a very focused look on her face as she worked away at her keyboard.
Thoroughly scanning the room for Deku and not finding him, she went up to the till to order.
"Morning, Ura-chan, what can I get you today?"
"A vanilla latte with oat milk, please! Oh, and a hazel latte with triple expresso!", the barista laughed slightly at that.
"That'd be the fourth one I've made today, and we've only been open for an hour!", she eyed Ochako, "You got date today, Ura-chan?"
Ochako blushed slightly, "No, no, nothing like that, just meeting an old friend from high school. Haven't seen 'em in a long time, and this place is pretty comfortable."
The barista nodded as she handed over the prepared drinks, "Well, good luck with that, hope it goes well!"
Ochako gave a quick thank you and a nod. She found a seat at the back of the cafe near where the green-haired girl was typing up a storm. She was about to sit when the girl suddenly looked up at her. Her face suddenly broke into a beaming grin.
'Ah, must be a fan.' Ochako thought as she waved slightly, 'Would be rude not to say hello.'
"Hi, Ochako, over here." The girl waved as she stood up. She was wearing a black t-shirt that read 'outside' in simple white lettering tucked into a pink Uravity branded skirt. Ochako paused slightly at the familiar way of being addressed but decided to roll with it for now.
"Hi! I love the skirt!" The verdette blushed slightly at that, looking adorably berry like.
"Oh, is it weird? I wasn't sure what else to wear, and it seemed to go with the shirt, and I thought I'd show it off..." As the girl in front of her started to ramble, a sense of realization hit her. The green hair, the jade eyes, the silly shirt, the hero merch.
"Deku?" the wonder in her voice obvious. The girl in front of her paused her ramble and looked at her again, confusion evident.
In that moment, Ochako wonders if Deku knows how she has just changed Ochako's whole world veiw, if she knows that she has completely uprooted something she was certain about. If she knows that she is one of the prettiest girls she's ever seen.
"It's good to see you again."
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