#the consort and the warlord
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theforestghost · 1 year ago
The Consort and the Warlord Final Chapter
Summary: Megatron uses the All Spark to gain access to Cybertron and demands a peace treaty. An Autobot Consort is offered and Optimus is chosen. A Bonding Ceremony takes place and now Optimus has three vorn to figure out exactly what Megatron wants to do with Cybertron.
Pairing: Optimus Prime x Megatron
Continuity: Animated
Status: Complete
Cybertron was in a panic.
Ultra Magnus had declared war on the Decepticons after releasing news of his attack at Megatron’s servos. It had been broadcasted live across all of Cybertron, including Kaon where work had come to a standstill due to rhe declaration. Whispers and anxious fields filled the streets of the old city as warframes and civillians alike feared the start of another war. 
Things had been peaceful ever since Megatron had returned. Trade routes had been established to more impoverished areas, businesses were finally settling in and merchants were starting to go off world to colonies that desperately needed help. And this had all been done thanks to the Decepticons providing resources and mech power and information that Autobots did not possess. If they started to fight again, all of it would go away– their hard work would vanish in a solar cycle. 
The civilians didn't want that! They didn't want their recovering economy and new businesses to collapse. Even if the declaration was from the Magnus himself, they wouldn't sit quietly and let it happen. Sure it had been less than a stellar cycle since the Decepticons returned, but a lot of them had gotten used to the larger neighbors. So instead of being on board like the Council expected, the Autobots were confused or outright rejected the call for war.
Also, who and where would they be fighting? Surely not in Iacon where the Council resided. Would they force recruitment like they'd done at the beginning of the war? Draft any Autobot who could move and send them put to fight for them while they stayed back and watched? While the older generation might be able to accept that, since that was how it had been, the majority of the younger generation refused to. They didn't want to fight a war they never consented to!
And no one really knew anything about this attack on Ultra Magnus. 
He appeared fine when he made a public appearance. Most who saw him said he was enraged and looked like he needed some rest but that was it. No dents or welds he'd surely have if attacked by Megatron of all mechs. 
There were also rumors going around that Optimus Prime randomly appeared at the Elite Guard building, acting as Ultra Magnus' secretary bot and following him around. But they made no sense since Optimus was Bonded to Megatron and in Kaon. Why would such rumors be spreading throughout lower Iacon right before this declaration of war? 
But no matter how much the civilians asked, the Council refused to answer. The moment the public refused to go with their declaration was the moment they became backed into a corner. Because after millions of stellar cycles of having the Autobots hang on every glyph they said and follow every choice they made, they weren't ready for a rebellion by them. And the Council room was in a panic because of it. 
"At this rate, we may have a riot at our doors." 
"How could they go against us who have protected them since ancient times?"
"We underestimated Megatron’s influence on our younger generation. We should have never have let that silver glossa of his back onto Cybertron!"
"We should've smelted him down in the mines when we had the chance!"
"A fun thought but does anybot have any ideas on how to fix our current situation?"
"I think we should question which bot is at fault for our current situation."
All optics turned to Ultra Magnus who kept his optics low. He was focused on a video feed of outside Fortress Maximus, showing the crowds of civilians demanding to hear from the Council. Not a single warframe stood amongst them, not a single purple Decepticon mark. Each protestor was an Autobot and as the camera zoomed out to show the sheer size of the crows, Ultra Magnus' anger began to be replaced with dread. 
Because despite all of the noise of the Council and the demands of the civiliians, Kaon had been quiet. No message or messenger had come from the city, no sense of panic had arisen. It was almost as if the city hadn't heard their declaration and was going about the cycle like it was any other. He knew it was impossible, but Ultra Magnus could not imagine any other reason for why Megatron had refused to respond. 
"Can't we just, destroy all of Kaon in one attack like we did in the war?"
"That required extensive planning and preparation from our front. We don't even have the Sentinels!"
"We also don't have the time! Think for a moment!"
"What if we caused damage from the inside?"
"How would we manage that?"
"Kaon has coils from before the war, we could simply overpower their grid and cause them burn out. They would explode and cause fires throughout the city."
"I doubt that would be effective."
"Then you think of something!"
"Why hasn't Megatron contacted us? Wouldn't he of all mechs have something to say about this?"
"Why don't you give him a call if you want to know so badly?"
"Do it yourself! I refuse to sink so low as to call him first."
The chatter continued. Ego against ego as the Council bickered over what to do without truly solving anything. How could these bots have held Cybertron together for so long? Ultra Magnus was starting to realize just how hopeless the situation was before him. He was trapped in a room with bots who would rather make excuses or find an easy way out then admit they made a mistake.
He'd made a mistake.
Ultra Magnus had made many mistakes; ever since Megatron returned and Optimus had been offered to him. Now he faced the reality of his choices and all he could see was that he'd been a fool. A glitched and desperate fool who clung to a mech who was never his. And he'd tried to drag the entire Autobot population into his blind desire for revenge. 
But this wasn't something one could simply apologize for and walk away. No, he wouldn't be escaping punishment for the mess he'd caused and that reality caused him to lose all desire to fight. 
He was tired.
But he needed to settle the Council and clean up the confusion brought on by their declaration of war. He had to come up with a way to get them to agree to a public apology but that was like herding scraplets, impossible on the best of cycles. However, Ultra Magnus soon found that this task was taken from him when a messenger finally did come.
A messenger from the Temple of Primus. 
They were declaring a Desine et Desine. An ancient law that allowed a third party to take the entire council and the Magnus to trial. A law that the current Council and Magnus all agreed to uphold when they swore into their positions. A law that Megatron had invoked after learning of Fortress Maximus from Optimus.
It had taken some time to get all of the documents and data together. No bot had declared Desine et Desine since the creation of the law due to it requiring a majority of the civilians to be against the Council. This was the main reason Megatron had been rejected from invoking the law before the war, because back then the warframes were a minority. But now only a small portion of bots sided with the Council and Magnus. Even Megatron had felt relief when he'd received the acceptance message from the Temple.
Now he could sit back and watch the Council and Ultra Magnus fall to the law that they had written themselves. He could watch them crumble without lifting a digit. He'd proven that he could take them down without resorting to violence or intimidation and he knew that that would eat away at them more than anything else. 
Megatron turned towards the berth where Optimus was resting, optics off as his frame healed. It would still take several more solar cycles before Optimus could undergo the reversal for his Shadow Play. His fuel pump was healing nicely but his stress and anxiety had left him exhausted in more ways than one. Ratchet had given Optimus strict berth rest and even had a stasis probe on servo in case he tried to get up. Optimus never did, finding he had no energy to do so. 
Megatron still visited his consort each cycle, opting to do his work beside him instead of in his office. Even as he watched the live feed of Iacon and spoke with the High Priest he kept a servo on Optimus'. Even in his current state, Optimus held it back, silently thanking Megatron for remaining by his side. When he was finally awake enough to speak, Megatron gave Optimus a quick run down of what was happening.
"The Council and Ultra Magnus are on probation and are all currently staying in their respective habsuites. They will each go through trials individually and then as a whole to decide their fates." Megatron explained. "Ultra Magnus gave up willingly but I've heard that some of the Council members have already attempted to flee Cybertron."
"How were they stopped?" Optimus asked.
"The Temple has their own army. They call themselves Knights and they are quite formidable opponents. The Knights are the true reason the Council could never touch the Temple." Megatron explained. 
"What will happen with the trials?" Optimus asked. 
"We are collaborating with the Temple and members of the Elite Guard who were not blinded by the Council to find the illegal activities that they partook in." Megatron said. "Shockwave used to work in the intelligence division as my spy and will be working with them again in order to find everything. We will not be able to prosecute them for their crimes against warframes in the past, but we can prosecute them for their crimes against the lower castes."
"And Ultra Magnus?" Optimus was hesitant to ask but he felt he had to know.
"He has been stripped of his title and face trial like the others. Though his actions against you will be a part of it, you don't have to go to the trial yourself. A member of the Temple can take your statement and with witness testimony and Trepan's medical logs found, we can verify your Shadow Play and the contents of it." Megatron said. 
"You found the mnemosurgeon who did this to me?" Optimus sat up a bit straighter. 
"We did." Megatron said. "To be more accurate, your cyberninja found him trying to flee Cybertron and turned him into the Temple."
"Does that mean he can do my surgery instead of Rust?" Optimus couldn't help the eagerness that burst in his field.
"Yes. He has been ordered to reverse your Shadow Play once you have healed." Megatron said. 
Optimus squeezed his servo and smiled brightly. This was the best news! He knew Rust had gotten his servos back thanks to Ratchet and that he'd already agreed to having it done, but the success rate of it being done by the original surgeon was so much higher. He couldn't help but feel relief wash over him. 
Megatron could feel his consort’s field brighten and brought Optimus' servo to his derma to kiss it. "You will be yourself again." Megatron promised him. 
"What will happen to Cybertron once the Council is gone?" Optimus asked. "I mean will you become the new leader of Cyberton?"
"Hm, that is a bit more complicated." Megatron said. "A new government will be put into place but the decision of who and how will be discussed between myself, the Temple and the civilians. At this time, I do not know what will become of the government but I do know the caste system will be removed."
"I'm glad." Optimus settled back into the berth. 
Megatron smiled down at his consort, digits interlocked as the settled down.
It was four solar cycles later that Optimus was able to undergo the reversal for his Shadow Play. Tge process went smoothly and Optimus was awake not long after. He still remembered everything that was done to him, but the emotions he'd felt towards Ultra Magnus were removed and the rewritten past fixed. Like Megatron said, Optimus didn't have to go to the trials. He'd been able to give his testimony from the safety of Kaon and with Megatron by his side. 
The process for changing Cybertron was slow. Many of the gormer Council members were acting petty and attempting to push as much blame off of themselves as possible. The only one who seemed to have no objections was Ultra Magnus who was now just Ultra. There were many who thought he was simply acting tough but anybot who saw him could see that the ex-Magnus was a mere shell of his former self. 
In Kaon, Optimus sat comfortably in his berth, waiting for Megatron to finish his call while reading over a datapad. It contained details on the trials against the former Council members so far and revealed many things that Optimus had not been aware of. He had been so absorbed in them that he hadn't noticed Megatron enter the room and sit beside him until the datapad was being plucked from his servos and put to the side.
"I was still reading that." Optimus huffed but allowed Megatron to pull him onto his lap. 
"Tomorrow, my spark." Megatron said, kissing the top of Optimus' helm. "You should rest for the night."
"Are you going to recharge too?" Optimus asked, looking up at his bonded. 
"I could be convinced." Megatron said, playfully. 
He tilted Optimus' helm and kissed him sweetly. Optimus leaned into the kiss, savoring the warmth that filled him as he did. Megatron pulled him closer as he laid back until Optimus was nestled on top of him, never once breaking the kiss. When they did finally part, Optimus hummed in delight and nuzzled against Megatron who gently traced his digits down his back kibble.
"Thank you." Optimus said, closing his optics.
"For what?" Megatron mused. 
"My spark, I should be the one thanking you."
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bruciemilf · 8 months ago
Physically I’m doing nothing. Mentally I’m imagining a game of thrones batfamily au
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catscraftsandcommentary · 2 years ago
Had a thought. (I've had a vicious and persistent sore throat/ear infection, so it grew out of that.) Witchers would be GREAT to cuddle when you're sick - they're warm, they don't catch or spread illnesses, they like spending time with friends/friendly humans, they respect boundaries (ie yes to cuddling, no to groping).
Basically, five bucks says any random human at Kaer Morhen could walk into the great hall or onto the training grounds, say "I feel like crap and I want a hug," and IMMEDIATELY have a dozen offers.
Now, if for whatever reason JASKIER got sick or injured and wanted comfort cuddles but Geralt and Eskel were called away for Warlord/Right Hand business, you KNOW that he'd whine at them that "noooo, you can't take my cuddle wolf, not when I'm SICK, at least find me another one while you're gone!"
So they call Aubry. (It's fine. It's far from the first time Aubry's cuddled Jaskier; the man is as good as his little brother.) Sasha and Milena come by with their lovers, and somehow Jaskier ends up wedged between Aubry, Aiden, and Lambert, with Sasha sketching birds for him and Milena reading to them.
The next day it's an entirely different cast of Witchers, with a few humans snuggled in.
Ciri and Zia poke their heads in one day to see Jaskier drooling on Gweld while Serrit sharpens all her many, many knives at the foot of the bed.
"Is he trying to sleep with everyone in the keep?"
Serrit snorts.
Ciri laughs. "No, he just likes cuddling them, I think. He only fucks Da and Uncle Eskel."
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lachicavoltron333 · 1 year ago
"They say she was beautiful...
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Strong, determined...
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A protective, and caring mother to her children..
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Tell me Geralt, how many times has she cried for you?
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How many times did she pray for your safe return?
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How many times did she show you loyalty and trust?
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Did you even know how much she loved you, Geralt ?"
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sweetfirebird · 11 months ago
Slightly darker A Suitable Consort AU was work but so much fun. Really enjoying Arden not trying to be polite and proper as he thinks Mattin wants but just doing what he wants. (Mattin gets the point much quicker lol)
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smallestapplin · 20 days ago
Mmhmm the Harem is back and am aughhhhh ok Decepticons turn next on how far can they make reader squirt
Honestly who doesn’t want a harem of cybertronians, all desperate to mark you and make you theirs? Each trying to one up the other can cause conflict, but it certainly gets taken out on your pussy.
You are simply fascinating, addicting even, every new thing they learn of you and your body certainly sends the ship into a feeding frenzy. You lost your mind ages ago, tears streaming down your cheeks as you cry out Megatron’s name, his spike is too much, yet he is on a mission to make you squirt again and again.
Your pussy can only handle so much, and yet you know the audience around you isn’t very patient. You can already hear the Impatient movements from your beloved Seekers, yet they are your most spoiled, second only to Megatron.
“You make quite the pretty mess. Taking spike like it’s what you were made for.”
It’s agonizing, it hurts so good, he’s still far too big for your human body yet that stops him none. The warlord wants nothing more than to feel your organic valve clench around him- yes yes, just like that! Squeezing him so tightly, milking his spike of hsi transfluid.
And for your patheic consorts around to know just who gets your valve so sloppy and gushing. You whine pitifully as Megatron pulls you off his spike, letting his spent drip from your well loved hole, making such a mess. In an act usually reserved for private, he gently takes his thumb and wipes some sweat from your face, chuckling as you melt into him.
“You’re hogging them mo-“ starscream’s loud complaining was swiftly cut short but Skywarp and Thundercracker, slamming servos over his intake
“Shut up or we’ll have to wait longer!”
Such a devious idea indeed.
“Shockwave, Soundwave, I shall allow you two a turn, I don’t care how you choose.”
Megatron’s announcement leaves the seekers grumbling and cursing starscream in Cybertronian which you can barely understand, not that you have time when a very excited Soundwave is taking you from your Conjunx. You try to adjust to being lifted in the air, only to feel Shockwave stand behind you.
Even mass displaced the two are still much, much bigger than you.
“I say we run an experiment, how much can you take?”
You whimper at the mere thought as Soundwave slowly pushing his already throbbing spike into you, recording your sweet whine. You’re already so sensitive from Megatron’s use, you didn’t even know you could squirt much less that many times! But the entire ship seems destine to break your pussy in.
Feeling Shockwave’s heavy spike against your back, you prepare and ready yourself from the prep he’s going to give your ass, just as you can faintly hear Megatron take a call, you can’t make out the voices too well, perhaps a feminine one and a few masculine ones.
“Don’t break them too much, I’ve missed our little human.”
Soundwave groans, his helm tilting back as you clench around him, seems hearing Arachnia’s words got you needy once more.
If Shockwave could hurry up he could please you, make you overload more and more, record you up close and watch your pretty human valve cream on his spike, to see you squirt.
He needs it.
Hell, the entire decepticon crew seems to need it, and yet he doesn’t feel bad about dozens missing this cause they were sent out on missions, it gives him more time with you, and more time to rub it in each of their face plates.
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she-walks-on-starlight · 1 year ago
a/n: This is Day 2! So sorry it's late, I was hospitalised over the weekend which put me behind! I'm working hard to catch up hehe
Pairing: Ambessa Medarda x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Write a scene without any dialogue
Warnings: smut, vaginal fingering, public sex, alcohol drinking, slight dom-sub vibes, mentions of violence, mention of blood
Summary: Ambessa hates negotiating, no matter how important it is for her rule. Perhaps she will make herself some entertainment to find it more enjoyable...
Word Count: 1.1k
18+ | MEN AND MINORS DNI | 18+
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You know Ambessa finds these meetings the most tedious part of ruling over Noxus. She finds little meaning or use in negotiations, far more used to greeting political rivals and ambitious warlords with her sword at their throat than breaking bread with them. It is a preposterous notion to her, attempting to appease her perceived enemies. As she presides over the emissaries and nobles at the head of the table, you know she is listening keenly, identifying weakness, and sniffing out any hidden agendas. Noxian custom is steeped in violence, and there was a time that Ambessa would be demanding fealty or these peoples’ heads.
But things are different for her now. Now, her daughter Mel has agreed to remain in contact with her and visit Noxus more often with her consort, Jayce. Ambessa can breathe easier knowing that rebuilding the bridge between herself, and her daughter will secure her legacy and ensure that a Medarda inherits the throne upon Ambessa’s death.
She has you now. Seated to her right, close by so she can always see you. Her consort, the love she never thought she’d find again. You’ve dressed yourself in a scarlet red ensemble tonight, complete with a gold medallion belt accentuating your hips. Red and gold, her favourite colours. The colours of war and victory. Conquest. You’ve already caught her more than once tonight, her eyes raking down your figure, her eyes hungry and her tongue darting out to wet her lips. When your eyes meet, she flashes you a fanged smile, no doubt envisioning the many ways she will take you when this insufferable night is over.
You’re drawn to one of the visiting emissaries booming laughter as he gulps down wine and flirts boisterously with the serving girls as they refill his plate and his cup. You try to suppress your smile as you take in Ambessa’s disgust, knowing she’d want nothing more than to pick up the lout like a ragdoll and smash him into the ornate mahogany dining table, likely shattering it in the process.
The image sends an unexpected but not entirely unwelcome rush of heat between your legs. You squeeze your thighs as you imagine her leering down at the man, twitching as blood leaks from his head and then turns to you with her signature smirk. The very same smirk that ushered you into her bed three years ago, at another function where Ambessa was more interested in the wine selection than the purpose of the gathering. The scandal had rocked the court of Noxus, their esteemed leader engaging in an ill-advised relationship with a younger woman, and the daughter of an insignificant noble. She had silenced their doubts in her usual way, with threats of broken bones and removed tongues.
At first, you were convinced that she wanted only for your body, the way she tasted and marked your flesh during your visits bruising you with carnal possession. She was a tornado of fire, and you were blessed to be at the heart of the inferno. Countless nights you found yourself in awe of her, in awe of your luck. Nights spent with shaking legs, dripping with sweat and your own release as she made you scream her name for her over and over again. She was never satisfied with hearing your desperate pleas and devoted prayers to her only once. You never feared her, and knew she would never hurt you, not unless you asked her to.
But she soon proved to you that she wanted more, much more, than what your body could give her. She wanted you by her side always, listening to her stories of long-forgotten battles on distant shores, showing off your new dresses, massaging away her troubles in the bathhouse. She had fallen hard for you, an unexpected light leading her out of the darkness.
You’re startled out of your reminiscing by a hand creeping up your dress, invited in by the high riding slit at the thigh. You gulp as Ambessa’s face remains completely impassive as she sips at her wine, but you don’t miss the quick glance she sends your way, and you know exactly what she’s trying to say.
Be quiet. Don’t move. And enjoy.
Her hand climbs higher, and you hear her try in vain to supress the deep rumbling groan that threatens to emanate from her throat when she finds no underwear to stop her advance. You’re already wet from your earlier fantasising, and your clit is throbbing, begging for her attention. As she drags calloused fingers through your folds, you grit your teeth and grip the table tightly. You’re in for a ride, and regardless of the social setting, Ambessa will expect you to take what she gives you.
She wastes no time in gathering the slick pooling from you, coating her fingers before she pushes one inside. Her fingers are thick, and no matter how used to the stretch you’ve become, you relish in the burn as your pussy eagerly welcomes her inside. Your knuckles are white with how hard you’re holding on and you’re fighting to keep your breathing even, lest one of your guests suspect something’s wrong. Ambessa would hate to be interrupted.
She’s adding a second finger, smirking into her wine as she can feel you tighten around her. You can feel the pressure mounting in your belly, your entire body aching for release. You shoot her a pleading look and feel her curl her fingers in response. You start to see spots at the edge of your vision as she brings you closer and closer, all while engaging in dull conversation. Gods, you were going to make her pay for this later. Her thumb is pressing roughly against your clit in swift, calculated circles, you can feel her determination to send you tumbling over the edge. Soon enough, you are doing just that, but you’re hurtling not simply falling. Your orgasm hits you like a searing meteorite, burning through you with force and it takes all of your self-control not to cry out, biting down on your lip so hard you draw blood. You cover it up quickly by taking a sip of wine, dabbing at your mouth with your napkin and glaring at Ambessa reproachfully. She takes no notice, leaning back in her chair with a self-satisfied grin.
Shaking your head, you try to reintegrate yourself into the conversation, though none of it holds your interest. Instead, you find yourself consumed by thoughts of your handsome warrior, trailing over each scar you can see and thinking fondly of all the ones you cannot but know intimately. You will reward her mischief with a soothing massage and relaxing oils tonight, it’s been far too long since you’ve caressed her bulging muscles. But you will deny her the taste of your flesh until she begs, a fitting punishment for tonight’s shenanigans. After all, no matter what the nobles of Noxus or the visiting emissaries of foreign lands may think, no matter how imposing Ambessa may appear, you know that there is only person she will fall to her knees for. Tonight, you will make her remember why.  
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tyriq-edits · 16 days ago
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The Consort of Peace
A Wang Zhaojun Megop AU
“Because of a sketch I left the Han capital, Joltingly betrothed into the Khan's palace. The sound of nomad pipes crosses fog shrouded peaks”
"So this is the consort you've promised me?"
Orion witnessed, even from underneath the thick red veil covering his helm, as the warlord crossed his colossal arms over his chest plates.
"The very same." Sentinel Prime answered hastily, and while Orion may not have been able to see it directly, he could clearly hear the fake, yet nervous smile plastered across the emperor's faceplate. The emperor had probably spent hours in front of the mirror that morning practicing that sham of a grin. Orion easily envisioned it before his inner eyes. The emperor himself, talking to his own reflection.
A deafening, torturing silence followed, as Orion felt the grey tyrant's optics on him. Circling him. Scanning him. Assessing him. The same way Sentinel would with a new piece of art offered to him by the royal artisans.
The red-and-blue concubine did not dare to speak up, move, or even breath. A thick knot started growing in his throat, increasing with each step Megatron took.
The warlord came to a halt. Right in front of Orion.
"Take off the veil." The invader finally broke the silence, his demanding tone piercing through the air like an arrow, Orion almost wished for the silence to return instead.
"L-Lord Megatron, I assure you, the beauties of my harem are beyond compare-" Sentinel's false smile began to crumble, like a shady street-merchant who was about to lose a potential customer, as he was harshly interrupted by the Decepticon leader.
"I said: Take. Off. The. Veil."
Thus, Orion grabbed the hem of his veil with shaky servos and ever so slowly lifted the silk fabric.
Hello Hello! I hope you found this little drabble/early draft of my Megop AU interesting! It is kinda losely based on the tale of Wang Zhaojun.
Wang Zhaojun is one of the four beauties of ancient China and her story always fascinated me. She lived in ancient China during the Western Han Dynasty and the story goes that she arrived at the Court of the Emperor to become part of his Harem. The rules of the Harem said that each Consort would need to get a painting made of her by the royal artist, as the emperor would choose what Concubine he'd spend time with that day based on their portrait. However, after her arrival Wang Zhaojun refused to pay the court artist a bribe like the other Consorts, so the artist made an unflattering sketch of her. This resulted in her never being chosen by the Emperor during her stay at the palace.
One day however, the Emperor offers the invading Mongolian Khan a peace treaty. This peace deal however included the emperor having to give the Khan one of his concubines as a bride. And so the Emperor took a look at the portraits of his concubines and chose the “ugliest“ one among them to hand to the Khan. The choice thus landed on Wang Zhaojun.
The emperor, mind you, had never seen Wang Zhaojun in Person before, so he essentially only realised that he had just given away his most beautiful consort as she was being handed to the Khan.
And so the Khan took Wang Zhaojun with him to the steppe and some of the most famous depictions of this always include Wang Zhaojun dressed in a red cape, riding a horse through the snow while playing on her pipa.
Now in this AU as you may have figured Megatron is the Khan, Optimus/Orion is Wang Zhaojun and Sentinel Prime is the Emperor.
And as you may have guessed in my little excerpt: Sentinel attempted to trick Megatron into taking his "ugliest" consort as a bride by having Optimus hide his face under a thick silk veil.
Now in most poems about Wang Zhaojun I was able to find, the authors tend to depict Wang Zhaojun suffering from homesickness and wishing to return to China, even missing the emperor himself.
In this AU though, given it's Megop, Orion will at first very much be intimidated by Megatron (probably only ever having heard the stories of his brutal warfare) but soon while realising that Megatron actually values him unlike the emperor. Finding admiration and fascination in Orion's vast knoweldge of Cybertron's history and his ability of writing deep essays. All things Sentinel never either cared for or even dismissed Orion for.
Also while I used a picture of TFO Optimus in the Moodboard, I kept imagining TFA Megop while writing the drabble (haha). But honestly you can imagine this with pretty much any version of Megop you'd want to and it'd probably still work.
Any thoughts, comments and constructive criticism on this short Drabble and this AU in general are always welcome. If you got some ideas of your own or maybe a whole different idea for this AU concept feel free to make your own version/post and tag me in it! I'd love to see it!
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eldenringslut · 6 months ago
There’s an interesting piece of DLC lore I don’t think I’ve seen anyone discuss in detail yet. Namely that Freyja and Jerren both want what’s best for Radahn, but each have very different ideas of what that entails.
Both of them consider Radahn’s death at your hands to be a good and honourable one. But upon learning of Miquella’s plans, Frejya says this:
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She seems to fully buy into the image Radahn portrays of being a warrior who lives and thrives in war. And to some extent she’s correct, with Radahn modelling himself after Godfrey (a warlord and conquerer) and even attempting to invade Leyndell during the Shattering Wars.
Jerren on the other hand, would rather Radahn be left in peace after being given an honourable death. The description of Jerren’s helmet reads:
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The wording here is very important, implying both a very close relationship between Radahn and Jerren (which is also supported by how intimately Jerren speaks about Radahn) and that Radahn himself wished for an honourable death. This means that Radahn’s preferences likely align more with Jerren’s than with Freyja’s, and that he never wanted to be revived as Miquella’s consort.
One could still argue that Radahn simply wished to have an honourable death before becoming consort, but I think that doesn’t make much sense. If he were willing, it seems strange and convuluted that Radahn would ask to be killed in battle before becoming Lord rather than just becoming Lord immediately.
Additionally, the story makes more thematic sense if Radahn is brainwashed. Remember, Fromsoftware loves to give characters ironic or contrary fates. Radahn represents stagnation. He holds the stars and fate in stasis, styles himself in reference to past Elden Lords and refuses to leave his scrawny horse despite how cruel it is for him to still ride his sickly steed.
In the base game, this is brought to an ironic conclusion with him being infected by the scarlet rot, a more literal representation of stagnation and decay. But the DLC takes it even further. Ironically given his goal of bringing about a new Age of Compassion, Miquella too is unable to move on from the past. He clings to his (probably one sided) vow with Radahn and forces him to become his consort.
The God of a new age unable to let go of the past, and a Lord of stagnation forced to participate in bringing about a new era. These fates are the height of dramatic irony, and honestly I think Fromsoftware’s only mistake here was not foreshadowing it enough in the base game beforehand.
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lafiametta · 1 year ago
As much as I'd like Shōgun to return to the dynamic pacing that characterized the first part of the show (have we really spent the last four episodes in Ajiro?), slowing the action down has allowed for some fascinating explorations of character and theme.
One that featured heavily in this week's episode (as well as in the previous one) is the idea of myth-making and story.
Toranaga, of course, is the center of one such myth. The “boy warlord,” he won his first battle at age twelve and then served as second to his defeated enemy, taking off his head with one blow. This is the story that Saeki Nobutatsu tells at dinner, a tale that delights his young, impressionable nephew. Nagakato, who wants to prove himself to his father, takes such story as truth and wants to emulate him by riding off to battle, where he will likely be killed, but as a glorious end that will be told and retold. (“Will we die with blood on our swords?” he asks, which is the only honorable way to die.)
Lady Ochiba is surrounded by her own legends. Whereas Toranaga's exploits are the stuff of dinner party entertainment, she literally watches her own life be made into drama. The play performed at the Noh theater depicts her courtship by the Taikō, a courteous affair where her character does not speak, an frozen mask covering any expression she might make. (“Dear Lady Ochiba,” the fictionalized Taikō tells her, “if we have a son, prestige will spread in every direction...”)
(Mariko is also haunted by a story, that of her father's actions against Kuroda. But unlike Toranaga and Ochiba, she has no desire to disillusion herself. In her mind, her father died a hero, the man he killed a tyrant, and for fourteen years she has suffered by not being able to fulfill her duty to him by joining him in death.)
But what Shōgun is also trying to tell us is that life is nothing like the myth. A glorious death, the honor of one's family, the prestige of bearing the Taikō's only son, these require far more of us that we can ever imagine, pain and horror laced through every act.
The true story is one we never want to tell. It is being drugged and assaulted on a nightly basis by your consort and his wife, all in the hopes that you will give them a child. It is hacking at the bloody neck of your defeated enemy, until the ninth blow finally severs his head. It is attempting to kill your uncle in the darkened garden of a tea house, only to slip on a wet stone and dash your brains against the rocks, not a single drop of blood on your sword.
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theforestghost · 1 year ago
The Consort and The Warlord Ch1
Summary: Megatron uses the All Spark to gain access to Cybertron and demands a peace treaty. An Autobot Consort is offered and Optimus is chosen. A Bonding Ceremony takes place and now Optimus has three vorn to figure out exactly what Megatron wants to do with Cybertron.
Pairing: Optimus Prime x Megatron
Continuity: Animated
Status: Ongoing
"Optimus Prime, then."
"Yes, Optimus Prime."
"I don't see any other bot that we can use."
"He is the only Prime with these… qualifications."
"Then we are in an agreement; Optimus Prime will be Bonded with Megatron in order to bring peace between the Autobots and Decepticons."
Applause erupted in the room of the Autobot Council as the agreement was made. In the back corner, standing behind the Magnus who had been oddly quiet during the entire exchange, another Prime smirked.
It took a decavorn and three high priority space bridge jumps for Optimus and his team of repair bots to finally return to Cybertron. They had been far off in space, fixing a jammed bridge when word of Megatron finding the All Spark reached them.  A massive announcement had been made through the Cybertron news cast that was sent throughout all of Autobot space. Surprisingly, the Warlord hadn’t declared war but instead demanded a conference with the Council and a peace treaty had been signed. Though the details of it have yet to be made public.
When Optimus got the direct orders to return to Cybertron, he was surprised. He was confused, but expected that all Primes regardless of standings would have to be on Cybertron if the Decepticons and Autobots were finally making peace. Or what he had hoped would be peace. Though Optimus wasn't sure how peaceful warframes could truly be, he knew for a fact that several Autobots wouldn't be happy with them walking on the same streets. And many civilians would be terrified to leave their homes as well.
But these thoughts were none of Optimus' business. He was a lowly Prime who didn't deserve his title and he was just going for formalities. At least that was what he thought until Cliffjumper told him that his team was to dock directly at Fortress Maximus and not the outer ports of Iacon. It was even stranger when Sentinel Prime was the one who met them at the private port and told his crew to stay on their tiny repair ship and that only Optimus was to come with him.
Optimus recognized that gleeful tone in his ex-friends voice. Sentinel should've been pissed and berating Optimus for returning to Cybertron just because the Decepticons were there. Instead it felt like the mech knew something he didn’t. Something he could hold over Optimus' helm.
Sentinel was surpsingly quiet but Optimus never missed the glances back at him and that slag eating smirk he wanted so badly to hit. But he clenched his servos and kept his helm down instead. He knew the path they were taking. He'd taken it twice before, when he'd been made a Prime, and when he'd lost it all. 
They were going to Ultra Magnus' office.
Mechs and femmes alike were hustling around them, carrying data pads, talking to others over a communication device or carrying boxes of who knows what. Drones were nearly stepped on in the rush and one could barely think with the noise. Usually this part of Fortress Maximus was quiet and Optimus would have found it concerning if he hadn't known that Decepticons had actively made peace with them less than a vorn ago. Albeit blackmailing them with the All Spark, but making peace nonetheless.
Sentinel stopped outside of the Magnus' office and pressed the bell. Clearing his intake, Sentinel spoke in the same self-confident tone he always had.
"Ultra Magnus, sir. It is Sentinel Prime. I have brought Optimus as requested." 
Optimus said nothing about his lack of a title and instead focused on how he was supposed to face the mech he admired and who had once had so much expectations for Optimus. Their last meeting had been one of pure disappointment and Optimus wasn't sure he could take seeing another expression like that on Ultra Magnus’ faceplate. The door came in with a gruff 'enter' and Sentinel let Optimus step in before him.
The Magnus office was just as Optimus remembered; bare minimum decor with a large and plain desk, several bookshelves and cabinets and a strewn of data pads everywhere. A young mech that Optimus did not recognize was working at a smaller desk, frantically going through some data pads. Ultra Magnus sat at his desk, his optics focused on his own data pad, his face scrunched in the frown he wore so often. Clearly the matter with Decepticons had him busy as could be, so why had he called for Optimus?
As the door shut behind him, Optimus stopped next to one of the seats that were set before the desk. They were empty as usual but Optimus didn't dare take a seat without permission. It was rude to sit before the Magnus, especially if you were one of his Primes. Behind him, Optimus could hear Sentinel settle against the far wall by the door. After several kliks, Ultra Magnus put his data pad down with a deep ex-vent and looked up at Optimus. There was a deep tiredness in his optics and something else Optimus couldn't explain. Ultra Magnus supported his helm on his folded servos, elbow joints propped onto the desk. He let out a smaller ex-vent and finally spoke.
"Optimus Prime, I am glad to see that you arrived here safely. Unfortunately we have no time for pleasantries. As you know, Megatron has agreed to a peace treaty with us and we are currently working with the Decepticons on how to integrate the warframes into our society." Ultra Magnus spoke swiftly and clearly, not caring about the secretary mech who was clearly too busy to care. "There was one part of the treaty that was decided as… a good faith measure."
Ultra Magnus paused and Optimus felt like his optics were looking him up and down. Tracing every part of his frame, but never making optic contact, and it made him want to squirm. But he stood still like he'd been taught and waited for the larger mech to finish.
"In order to show that Autobots and Decepticons can live together, a Bonding Ceremony will be held between the two factions." Ultra Magnus seemed to hesitate as he spoke. "Between Megatron and you."
Optimus became stiff as he heard what Ultra Magnus stated. His optics wide, he stared at the mech, his leader and the Autobot he respected more than anyone else. He was joking, right? A prank that Sentinel was pulling on him, right? That was why the mech was so giddy, Sentinel sucked at keeping quiet about such things. But no, Ultra Magnus would never go along with it and joking was far outside the Autobot leader's personality.
"Sir, may I speak?" Optimus asked, feeling his tanks sink. 
"Speak." Ultra Magnus stated. 
"Why am I the one being bonded off to Megatron?" Optimus asked, clearly flustered.
Ultra Magnus stood now and stepped out from behind his desk. He went to the wide windows behind him and looked out at Iacon below. He didn't turn around as he answered the Prime.
"The Bonding with Megatron is meant to, on the surface, be a show of good faith that our two factions can live together in peace. In truth it is meant to get us a bot close to him and his faction and figure out exactly what Megatron plans to do now that he’s on Cybertron." Ultra Magnus says. "I intend for you to simply make him trust you enough so that you can relay everything they do to us."
"You want me to be a spy?" Optimus questioned. "I have no training for that! I have no training for any of this! Wouldn’t Longarm Prime be more qualified?"
"Longarm Prime is known as a member of our spy division, his cover would be blown instantly." Ultra Magnus turned around and finally looked Optimus in the optic. "And anybot less than a Prime would be too much of an insult."
Optimus clenched his servos and glanced away. "Then wouldn't a Prime of my status be just as insulting?" He asked softly. He had been kicked out of the academy and given a lowly position as a repair ship crew leader. He clearly would be an insult to the Warlord. 
"Nothing Megatron needs to know." Ultra Magnus stated. "We sent your file to Megatron, though edited to hide your… blemishes. To him you are a top of your class Prime who earned your title before graduation and have been off planet on a special mission that no one knows about."
Special mission? Like clearing asteroids from space bridges was such a secret! How could Ultra Magnus attempt to lie to the leader of the Decepticons of all mechs. What if he got caught and his true file was found? He'd been offline in an instant!
"How am I supposed to get in contact with you without them tapping into the communications?" Optimus asked. Having no training for spy work, he also didn't have the mods for it.
"Three vorn." Ultra Magnus stated, stepping towards Optimus. "After three vorn, you and Megatron will return to Iacon for a meeting with the Council that has already been scheduled. You are to give me the information then. As well as details on anything else that Megatron does."
Optimus looks up at his leader with confusion. What else would Megatron do? Ultra Magnus looked down at Optimus and placed his servo on one of his shoulder pauldrons. 
"Megatron is a savage mech and I cannot expect you to be treated well. If you can get proof of him assaulting you, or proof of him neglecting you, he'd be breaking the Bonding Laws. You can then get the Bonds severed and return to Iacon safely." Ultra Magnus squeezed his servo and Optimus tensed under the gaze of his leader. "You just have to endure everything for three vorns. You should be capable of that."
This wasn't a question. This was an order. One Optimus couldn't back out of. Three vorn. He'd be at the mercy of Megatron and the Devepticons for three vorns and if he survived that, he'd also have to find out what they were planning to do on Cybertron. How disappointed would Ultra Magnus be if he barely crawled back from the Decepticons with nothing to offer. Or worse, what if he got sent back? Offlining would be better than that!
"What about my team?" Optimus asked. 
"They will be going with you." Ultra Magnus stated easily. Optimus let his helm snap to his leader in shock. "It is part of your story. Ratchet is the medic on your team and the two others are young cadets you are personally training. They are to join you because the council refused to send you in alone."
Optimus couldn't even argue with that. It made sense and he hated it. Hated how he had put his new teammates in so much danger because of him. How they'd be at the mercy of the Decepticons because his past had made it impossible to say no to Ultra Magnus. 
It was all he could say. He had to accept that this was his fate and he'd dragged them into it. The least he could do was make a plan of escape for them if things got dicey. He would be obligated to stay due to the Bonding Laws but his team wasn't. They could run if they wanted. He just had to make sure they wouldn't get caught. 
"Good, I expected nothing less from you." Ultra Magnus stated. He returned to his desk and picked up another datapad. "The ceremony will be held tomorrow. Everything has been prepared for you and tomorrow you will be painted and escorted to it."
"So soon?" Optimus asked. He had thought he'd get at least a few cycles to come to terms with all of this.
"Both the Council and Decepticons are eager for this to be done. Especially since the Temple of Primus will be officiating the ceremony." Ultra Magnus stated. "You do not need to prepare anything, simply be ready when Hadeen rises."
Optimus nodded but he was certain that Ultra Magnus did not notice him. The mech was currently engrossed in another datapad and the discussion was over. He could hear Sentinel move to take him back to his ship but there was still something chewing away at his wires. 
"Ultra Magnus, sir." Optimus stated, ignoring the grab on his shoulder pauldron by Sentinel. "What happens if the Decepticons decide to start a war?"
Ultra Magnus did look up this time but only briefly. "That is something already considered but there is no need for you to know our plans."
With those sharp words, Optimus was dragged out of the office and pushed to walk down the halls by Sentinel. Bots around him continued their work, not even giving him a glance or time of day. Behind him, Sentinel finally went off.
"How perfect isn't it?" The mech stated. "A wash out like you being forced to bond with the Slag Maker himself. You'll be lucky if you make it even one vorn."
"You would find this funny." Optimus scolded. He stopped and turned to the mech he once trusted his back to.
Sentinel got in his face instantly, anger written all over him. "What's that supposed to mean?" He gritted his denta.
"You always found fun in others' misery." Optimus stated. 
"Oh I think this situation is great! You'll be the berthwarmer for the most dangerous mech in the universe!" Sentinel chided. 
"Want to change places?" Optimus snapped back. 
"Like slag!" Sentinel spat. "I would be bonded already if someone hadn't gotten her offlined!"
"Elita didn't like you like that." Optimus muttered. 
This earned him a punch to the faceplate, hard enough to knock him over. A punch he might have deserved but the stomp on his chassis he knew was too much. Optimus gritted his denta and pushed the Sentinel off of him. 
"Isn't it a bad idea to injure the future bonded of Megatron?" Optimus snapped as he stood. 
This caused the egotistical mech to step back and look away. "You know your way back to your ship!" Sentinel snapped. "Get back on your own and don't you dare run!"
The mech scurried off and Optimus began to wipe himself off. He was a bit dirty and his cheek plating hurt but that was it. Sentinel had never been able to throw a punch, relying on his weapons over physical strength. Optimus rubbed his cheek plate with the back of his servo and walked back to the ship at a steady pace. He wasn't sure if he wanted to delay telling his team, or to get this cycle over with.  He did know that he wanted to recharge. Probably the last peaceful recharge he'd get in a long while too.
When Optimus made it back to his ship, he was instantly bombarded by Bumblebee and Bulkhead who clearly seemed worried. He hadn't been gone long but a quick glance at the port guards and he realized that Bumblebee at least had tried to escape. The small yellow bot was a bit dented and scuffed but nothing serious, thankfully. 
"Bossbot, what happened?" Bumblebee shouted as he was herded into the main deck area. Bulkhead was behind him, pushing him gently.
"Yeah, no one will tell us why we can't leave!" The large green bot was clearly more worried than mad. Unlike his smaller friend. 
"Give the kid some space and let him speak." Ratchet chided them. The old war medic sat in his chair, arms crosses over his chassis. Even Prowl was standing to the side, clearly wanting to know what was happening. 
Optimus let out an ex-vent and put his servos up. "Alright, sit down and I'll explain what Ultra Magnus told me."
"You're getting bonded to Megatron!? The Megatron? Rip out your spark and eat it Megatron?" Bumblebee shouted. "And we have to go with you!?"
To say that the small bot was freaking out was an understatement. Though Optimus honestly couldn't blame him. It was terrifying enough to think of being in the same room as Megatron, but being bonded to him and forced to live amongst the Decepticons, that was way outside anyone's comfort zone. Bulkhead did his best to calm his friend down but his glances at Optimus did not go unnoticed. He was obviously hoping for some word of reassurance from his leader that everything was going to be OK. 
"Why does Ultra Magnus need to send all of us with you?" Ratchet scoffed, leaning back against the seat. He seemed the least bit shocked by the entire situation but was clearly annoyed. 
"The Council may have… edited my file to make me look like a pristine Prime and not a wash out." Optimus said. He was looking at the floor, digits tangled together as he was ready for them to yell at him. They had every right to yell at him, this was all his fault.
"Won't you be in trouble if Megatron finds out?" Bulkhead asked, clearly concerned.
"Wouldn't he ask for a different partner? Then Bossbot will be free!" Bumblebee said enthusiastically. "Why not tell him they lied?"
"Because Megatron would send Optimus' helm back to Ultra Magnus as a warning for what happens if you try to deceive a Decepticon." Ratchet snapped. "Are you trying to get the kid killed?"
Bumblebee went silent with that and slumped behind Bulkhead. Prowl, who had been quiet the entire time, finally stepped forward.
"I took note that I wasn't mentioned." He stated.
Optimus looked away sheepishly. "I may have.. lost the report I was supposed to send to Longarm Prime about picking you up and having you join my team." He said quickly. 
Prowl seemed shocked by this. They had picked him up several stellarcycles ago when he was stuck on an asteroid. Prowl had been adamant about not being reported to Cybertron about his presence but Optimus had insisted. It had caused several arguments between the two but in the end, Optimus just couldn't bring himself to do it. Now he was glad he hadn't. 
"Ultra Magnus and the Council don't know we have Prowl." Optimus said. 
"What difference does that make?" Bumblevee asked.
"It means he can stay behind and gather information." Optimus looked Prowl in the optic. The ninjabot seemed hesitant but crossed his arms over his chest.
"Why do you need information?" Prowl asked.
"We're being thrown straight into the cyberhounds den without any warning or information. I've been told to bond with Megatron tomorrow without even meeting him and then all of us are being shipped off to wherever they are staying." Optimus began. "I don't even know if the Decepticons have a city they are occupying or if they are staying on their ships. It's like no one wants to tell us anything."
"Not a surprise." Ratchet scoffed. "It's just like the Council to send us in blindly."
Optimus bit his derma. He couldn't argue with that. "I asked Ultra Magnus what his plan would be if the Decepticons decided to start a war. He told me the plan was not something I didn’t need to know."
"Meaning it's a plan only a select few are privy to." Prowl stated, finally getting why Optimus had requested his help. "I should have no issues getting that. One of my Master’s students was scouted by the Elite Guard, I can start with him."
Optimis nodded at Prowl, glad that the mech was willing to help out. The others still didn't look too sure about this entire situation so Optimus tried to put on a confident smile, even if he knew he was bluffing. 
"I know that this is probably the worst case situation for us, and I know it's my fault." Optimus began. "But if Ultra Magnus is right, all we have to do is endure it for three vorn. Then we should be free."
"Will three vorn even be enough time?" Bulkhead asked.
"Yeah, who knows what Megatron will do to you in that amount of time." Bumblebee said. "And what about us?"
"If things get bad, I want you three to run." Optimus states seriously. "The ship is coming with us, if you guys can make a plan to escape, I'm sure you can get away safely. I'm going to be bound by the Bounding Laws, I can't just abandon my position but if I can get the proof needed to Ultra Magnus, I can get it canceled."
"So survive for three vorn and get out." Ratcget said. "I'd think it'd be easy if you weren't bonding Megatron himself."
Optimus agreed with that.
Hadeen rose far too early and Optimus felt like he hadn't recharged nearly enough. Ratchet had cleaned him up the night before and offered him a stasis injection but he didn't want to over sleep. He just hoped that as he exited the ship, he didn't look as tired as he felt. 
He almost wept in joy when Longarm Prime stood patiently outside the ship instead of Sentinel. The preparations for a Bonding Ceremony took most of a cycle and he hadn't wanted to deal with Sentinel’s berating all throughout it. Though he had never known the older Prime personally, all of their conversations had been pleasant. The bot was comforting to be around.
"Good morning, Optimus Prime." Longarm stated, a soft smile on his features. Optimus saluted him and was gestured to follow. "I know that a lot is going to happen today and there is a lot to do so please tell me if anything needs to be repeated."
Optimus gives him a quick ‘yes’ as he is led down a different hallway and to a side elevator far out of view of everyone else. He had never known it was there until the doors opened in the wall. Inside, Longarm continued to speak.
"The Bonding Ceremony will be held as Hadeen starts to set. This was requested by Megatron though a priest from the Temple of Primus will be officiating the ceremony." He stated, watching the doors. 
"I thought the Temple of Primus went into hiding during the war." Optimussaid. He had wanted to ask Ultra Magnus when he spoke of them the day before but had been unable to.
"They did, technically. Off the record, they were unhappy with the Autobots for having taken the All Spark off world and refused to aid them at the time." Longarm explained. "Since Megatron has brought it back and agreed to return the All Spark to the temple, the priests are on his side and are eager for the ceremony. You could say that one of the main reasons for this bonding is so that the Council can get back into favor with the Temple of Primus."
The doors opened and Optimus followed behind Longarm’s quick pace. He didn't look around, not really concerned about where he was or who was looking at him. The Temple of Primus were an old faction, founded long before the Decepticons andAutobots. Before the war, they were peaceful and well liked and rumored to be protecting the All Spark as well as the Matrix of Leadership, the only two relics said to be connected directly to Primus. And in order to protect them, they were said to have fierce warriors who, despite not being warframes, could easily defeat them. Or so said rumors, most of this was lost with time as the faction vanished during the war and not many bothered to learn about them. Even Optimus only knew of them because he happened upon a datapad once in the academy.
As his thoughts wandered, Optimus found himself entering what looks like a high end guest room. It was mostly empty except for two mechs and the appropriate furnishings. The door locked behind them and Optimus felt a sense of dread.
"We will now prepare you for the ceremony." Longarm stated. "You will be cleaned and then repainted. I will go over the ceremony procedures as this happens. We must get done no later than mid evening." 
The two mechs nodded and Optimus realized that they were detailers. Based on their own well polished armor and neutral expressions, most likely the private detailers for someone rich like a Council member of their family. Well out of budget for Optimus and making him feel extremely awkward. Longarm took a seat on the couch after signaling for the two mechs to start.
The smaller of the two approached him first, optics roving him up and down before pointing a finger to a closed door. "Absolutely filthy." He snapped. "First you wash. Use the dense solvent and clean up all of your scratches and dents. You need to be buffed and patched up and all of that asteroid dust needs to be removed."
He snapped his fingers and his companion picked Optimus up and carried him to the washroom with ease. Optimus began to panic when he realized that they intended to help him wash. "I can clean myself!" He shouted but the smaller mech ignored him.
"That will take too long, leave it to my assistant." The mech said.
The larger mech certainly knew what he was doing and Optimus was treated carefully. The bath was heavenly and the scent of the solvent was something he'd never had the luxury of using. Every tiny scratch and pebble in his joints was taken care of and he honestly felt like he was being spoiled. Now he knew why Elita used to save up her shanix for a spa day.
Optimus was suddenly thrust from his thoughts as the larger mech picked him up once more and carried him out to the main room. The detailer and Longarm were chatting like old friends and the former seemed very satisfied with his assistant's work. Optimus was much cleaner and refreshed, no oil smell or grit in his joints and gears and even his windows had been scrubbed. 
"Beautiful, now we can get these bonding paints onto you!" The small detailer practically cooed as Optimus sat down in a chair. He took out some colors and a tool that Optimus had seen before. A quick test and the mech easily went to work.
Bonding paints were special on Cybertron. Both partners would paint their frames white and a special shade of blue that was only allowed for this ceremony. No bots were allowed to wear the color regularly and only a few detailers were even allowed to possess it. This made the ceremony expensive and most lower class bots were forced to use unofficial blues which were often frowned upon. Optimus never thought he'd be able to wear this blue color. Though he also never thought he'd be bonding with Megatron either.
"Optimus Prime, I will be going over the ceremony with you as they paint, is that alright." Longarm asked. He had moved to sit closer to Optimus but stayed out of the way of the detailer who was focusing on coating most of his frame in a base color. A small sting could be felt as it touched his plating but it wasn't as painful as a medical solvent. 
"Of course." Optimus said, wanting to hold as still as possible for the entire process.
"Good, the first thing you should know is that you are to remain silent throughout the entire ceremony. The only mech allowed to speak is the priest. Neither you nor Megatron may say a single word until you are on his ship." Longarm stated. Optimus tried to ignore the last part. 
"The ceremony will take place in the crystal gardens of Fortress Maximus at the ceremony platform. Only three bots from each faction, minus the two bonding and the priest are allowed in the area of the platform. A small distance away, the remaining guests will be behind a barrier and the ceremony will be broadcasted throughout all of Cybertron for everyone to see." Longarm said. "The Elite Guard will be making sure no one tries to break the barrier and the Council will be watching from a balcony above the platform. They do not want to be in servos reach of the Decepticons."
Optimus chose to ignore the slight disdain in Longarm’s voice as his helm was moved. He chose to shut off his optics as the detailer continued his work. Without any prompting, the other Prime continued. 
"You and Megatron will enter the platform at opposite sides. A chime will let you know when to begin. You will walk towards each other and meet in the middle, facing the other." Optimus twitched his audial fin, earning a sharp look from the detailer that he could feel. "The Bonding Ceremony has three parts. The sharing of energy cubes, the exchanging of gifts and the kiss on the back of each other's servo."
"I haven't prepared a gift!" Optimus said, opening his optics. He felt a bit panicked over that. Longarm Prime smiled and pointed to a table against the far wall.
"We have it already prepared for you." The mech said.
Optimus stared in awe at the large bouquet of crystal flora. They were clear and blue, delicate and sparkled even in the artificial light of the room. The bouquet was massive and held together by an organic wrapping with fine lace and a ribbon of a similar blue to the bonding paint. It was beautiful, it was expensive and it was clearly taken from the garden of a Council member who Optimus couldn't help but wonder which one will be pissed about it ending up in Decepticon’s servos. 
"It's beautiful." Optimus finally stated when he realized that he had been staring. 
Longarm let out a small chuckle and returned back to the matter at hand. "The ceremony will end when the priest states that you have both completed all three parts. You will be returning to the Nemesis along with Megatron and his mechs."
"What about my team?" Optimus asked.
Longarm glanced at his chronometer before answering. "They should have already been escorted to the Decepticon ship and settled there. When the ceremony begins, they will be escorted to it and then back to the ship once it is over." Longarm explained.
Optimus wasn't sure if he should be glad that they are being so thorough or worried. It was if the Council was stating that they had no way of getting out of the situation. Optimus looked down at his servos. One was painted the bonding blue, a lighter shade than his standard coloring and reality was hitting him. He was going to be bonding with Megatron in front of all of Cybertron. 
Longarm seemed to notice his anxiety and reached out to pat him but a quick glare from the detailer had the Prime retracting his arm. "Are you nervous?" He asked instead 
"I can't say I’m not." Optimus stated honestly. "But I think it's because all of Cybertron will be looking at me and I don't like being the center of attention."
This got the detailer and his assistant to laugh and Longarm Prime seemed to smile quite fondly. As if it was better for Optimus to be nervous about the onlookers instead of the bonding with Megatron. The older Prime stood up and came in front of Optimus.
"You don't have to say anything, in fact you cannot say anything." Longarm reminded him. "You lose a fifty percent chance of messing up when you don't have to speak." 
"For some reason that is comforting." Optimus chuckled. "Thank you."
Longarm nodded and stepped back as the two detailers continued their work. 
They had cut it close but by mid evening, Optimus was ready. He stood in front of the mirror and looked himself over and Optimus oddly felt happy. His red and silver paint had been covered with a white and his blue paint and yellow decals were now the softer blue of the bonding paint. He almost looked like a lighter version of Ultra Magnus but quickly shoved that thought to the back of his processor. Instead he wondered if Megatron would also be changing his paints or if the Decepticon’s had a different custom for bonding ceremonies. 
Longarm Prime handed Optimus the bouquet and Optimus couldn't help but look it over as the crystal flora clicked together. He had heard that they were very fragile and he didn't want to shatter them before he could even present them. 
"Store this in your subspace and bring it out when they are to be presented. But do not subspace the gift you get from Megatron." Longarm Prime instructed him. "You are to carry the gift through the rest of the ceremony and back to his ship."
Optimus nodded, again discouraged at the thought of going to the Decepticon’s berth. Would he really be assaulted on his bonding night? Would he really have to survive abuse for three vorn? Or would he be ignored and neglected, never even looked at? He honestly hoped for the latter.
Longarm Prime led Optimus to an open room with large glass walls and ceilings. Hadeen was beginning to set, slashing blues and purples across the sky. He could hear the sounds of bots talking but he couldn't make anything out. Longarm Prime had left him by the door that led to the ceremony platform in the garden. He had taken his place and now Optimus had to wait for the chime to signal the beginning of the ceremony.
A silence fell, heavy and sudden and an emptiness filled Optimus. He was alone. There were hundreds of thousands of bots all out there but he was as alone as the silence they all brought. He swallowed a lump in his intake and his audial fins flickered at even the tiniest of sounds. 
The chime sounded like a roar of thunder as it echoed through the open garden and through every wire and coding deep in Optimus’ core. It should've sounded beautiful but it just caused Optimus to jump forward and he sincerely hoped that no one saw him trip over the door entrance.
The crystal garden was a gorgeous garden filled with clear and frosty crystals that stood taller than the Magnus and as small as an energy cube. They were meticulously cultivated and taken care of. Several pathways wound between them to a large opened space in the center. A gazebo usually sat here, a favorite dining place for the Council. Now the gazebo was gone and the area lifted up to create a stage used to honor Primes and Magnus alike. Optimus had earned his rank of Prime here and now he was bonding the very mech he had once sworn an oath to defeat that day. There truly was so much irony to it all.
A quick glance showed Ultra Magnus standing with Sentinel and Longarm to his sides. They were all well polished and while Sentinel jeered, Ultra Magnus refused to meet his optic. Behind them, a barrier was keeping civillian bots or lower ranked workers from entering the garden completely. Keeping them right at the entrance and Optimus could feel all of their optics on him.
He could not see Megatron until they were both partially up the steps. The larger mech had made it to the top first. And by larger, Optimus meant huge. Megatron towered above Optimus who was already considered a tall mech for a civilian frame. He had always known Megatron had been huge, he'd fought against his program at the academy plenty of times, but having the real and solid mech in front of him was different.
Megatron gave off raw power and solid strength that Optimus had to do everything he could to not step back. Megatron had not painted himself the white and blue bonding colors. His gunmetal gray main was polished and buffed to perfection and bright red stones decorated his frame. They were tastefully adorned across his chassis and helm, large and deep in color. His derma was tight in a frown but as he stared down at Optimus who refused to not meet his stare; he swore he saw Megatron’s optics soften. And despite standing this close to his enemy, Optimus still only felt anxious about the fact that all of Cybertron could see him.
Someone cleared his intake and a mech that Optimus could only think of as the priest of Primus stepped forward. Though he stood taller than Optimus, he was still dwarfed by Megatron. His armor was stripped of anything excessive, painted white with red marks on his faceplate. They looked to be symbols for something, but Optimus wasn't sure. The priest held up his servos and despite his decrepit appearance, his voice was loud and strong.
"Dear Primus, today I offer you the ceremony of your two children. Today they bond in your name and we ask that you give your blessing. They will prove their devotion, thoughts and love to you as Hadeen sinks on the horizon." The priest began. Optimus could barely understand what was being said. "First you must show your devotion!"
Another priest with a similar decrepit frame but different markings came beside the first with a tray of two energy cubes. Instead of the usual pink, these were very pale, diluted energon that was often used for offerings. Each cube had the exact same amount and the priest handed one to each of them. "You will now drink some of the energon but must save some for your to be Bonded. Once you finish your drink, switch cubes and drink what your intended left for you."
This was the only part of the ceremony that Optimus really knew about. Apparently the amount shared prophesied how a bonding would turn out. More selfish bots would share less and more submissive would make sure there was plenty left. He remembered over hearing about how a femme intended to break her bonding and how she should never have gone through with the ceremony knowing her Bonded had drank nearly all of the offering. Apparently he was a very greedy mech.
Optimus took the energon and with a nod from the priest, began to drink. It was much sweeter than what Optimus expected and part of him wanted to down it in one go. He stopped himself however and lowered it from his derma with still half left. Giving them a quick look, he offered his cube to Megatron who took it and placed his own in Optimus' much smaller servos. To his surprise, Megatron had left him half as well. He quickly finished the last of the enegon and returned the cube to the priest. As the second priest took away the cubes, the first one began to speak again.
"Next we will present one's thoughts for the other. Present the gift you wish to offer!" 
Optimus quickly pulled out the bouquet of crystal flora from his subspace. Now in his arms, he realized just how large it was and that it was appropriately sized to offer to a warframe. Someone had put at least some thought into this gift. With curiosity, Optimus peeked at the gift that Megatron had presented him and almost missed the slight surprise in the Warlord's expression. In his arms was a very thin metal fixture on a base. At the top, a massive stone of a similar red as Megatron’s decorative stones grew in a jagged and natural way. As they exchanged gifts, Optimus couldn't help but stare in wonder at the sparkling gem. As he held it close, he noted that his stone had a bit of a purple hue to it, matching more with Megatron’s accented colors instead of his optics. 
The priest cleared his intake to draw Optimus' attention away from the gift and he apologized silently for getting distracted. Behind him he swore he heard a snort from Sentinel and his audial fins flicked in annoyance. The priest simply smiled, seemingly quite pleased with their offerings and proceeded to the last part of the ceremony. 
“Now present your love for one another!” His voice boomed.
Megatron held out his servos, one open servo and the other down. Optimus carefully placed his servo on the open one and took Megatron’s offered servo. Their height difference made it awkward but they were able to kiss the back of each other's servos successfully. Letting go, Optimus hoped that his flushing cheeks could not be seen under his new paint. The act of kissing one's hand was always considered the most romantic way of showing one's affection. The priest continued despite Optimus’ inner turmoil.
"Hadeen has vanished and with it, the night sky of Cybertron blesses this bonding. Megatron of Kaon, Optimus Prime of Iacon, I declare you Bonded." The priest stated. "With this, the ceremony is over."
Cheers erupted and Optimus flinched at the sudden noise from those around him. He snapped his derma shut and looked up at Megatron who was still holding the bouquet carefully. The larger mech offered the crook of his arm for Optimus to take and he did. They left the platform and the crowds behind and Optimus took one last glance behind him, but Ultra Magnus was already gone. 
Despite his much faster stride, Megatron did his best to not rush Optimus or cause him to stumble. Optimus was grateful because it seemed the older mech was eager to return to his ship. Optimus tanks dropped as he remembered what usually came after bonding. It wasn't something he was ready for and he became so hung up on his thoughts that he didn't even notice that he had entered the Nemesis. Nor did he notice Megatron dismissing the mechs with him and being steered into a large habsuite. It wasn't until he heard the door lock and Megatron let out a large ex-vent that he finally snapped out of the daze.
Slowly turning to Megatron, Optimus found him carefully placing the bouquet into what looked like an energon cube. The Warlord turned to Optimus who unconsciously gripped his pretty rock harder. 
"You are allowed to speak." Megatron reminded him. His voice was deep and rough and sounded nothing like it had in old war videos. Optimus nearly flinched at the words nodding quickly, though he still didn't speak. "You may place your gift on the table."
Megatron pointed to a rounded table between several large sitting chairs. Optimus carefully placed it down, trying not to think about how a single chair for Megatron could probably fit at least three of him. As he turned around, Megatron had gotten much closer, well within arms reach and it took all of Optimus strength to not step back. 
"I do not know what your Council has told you but I will make this clear now, I have no intention of touching you without your permission." Megatron declared. "We will speak more tomorrow, it is late and I am certain you want to recharge. There is a washroom to clean the ceremony paint off attached to the berthroom."
Megatron pointed to the door and Optimus took a few steps towards it before glancing back at Megatron. The large mech did not seem intent on following him, his servos carefully removing the stones magnetized to his plating.
"Thank you." Optimus managed to say before disappearing into the berthroom.
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inexplicifics · 24 days ago
It’s really the little details that keep me coming back to your writing again and again. Today I’m giggling about how people keep coming into Kaer Morhen in the AWAU and getting freaked out about the double-wide chair, because anyone who doesn’t know Geralt assumes it means he must be a massive hulking beast waiting to rip them limb from limb, not realizing that what it actually means is that the Warlord and his husband can’t stand to sit for the length of a meal without cuddling each other. Like a kid who won’t let go of their teddy bear 😂
I do enjoy having newcomers be Worried and Bewildered by the chair and then even more Bewildered when they figure out that the Warlord just...really likes cuddling his Consort. It's such a departure from his outside-Kaer-Morhen mystique!
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casually-eat-my-soul · 8 months ago
So like mafia/King/wolf king/warlord Derek idea?? Maybe A/B/O au
After Derek becomes heir to the empire (mafia or otherwise) is told by his council over and over again that he must marry and have an heir. He doesn’t trust his council much less the women they bring before him to marry. He would simply prefer to kill them all but unfortunately that would be directly traced to him.
So he abides by their demands and looks for a consort. So he throws a party, the most lavish party. The night is long and dreadfully boring. Derek thinks that at the worst he may ask Braeden to marry him. They are a little to hot headed and never seem to agree on a subject but at least the sex will be good. He spends most of the night trying not to dance with women who smell far to desperate.
He is ducking behind a column to hide from Jennifer when he hears the most clever and spiteful voice tell off one of his council members. He follows the voice to a vision of nymph dressing down his least favourite council member (maybe Deaton??) . Derek is absolutely taken a back by how the siren uses his words to get his way. Dereks preferred method is violence, and he tells this to the boy as he walks over — “it seems that my council member has overstepped, I usually find violence is my preferred way of dealing with such slights. Would you like he to rip his heart out for you?” — Derek kisses his hand and he basically declares to everyone listen he wishes to preform a courting action.
To Derek’s delight, the god in human form blushes. He thanks Derek for the offer but says he dealt with it his way. — “it is quite the generous offer Alpha, but I must decline as I have found words may be just as effective a weapon I promise you.” — Derek, desperate to not let him slip away asked him for a dance. He hesitantly agrees, but after the one dance they do not stop until the end of the night. 
The council member that had tried to hurt Derek’s future consort was found dead the next morning, of poison. It’s in the moment Derek declares that he will marry the boy from the night before. (Delusional Derek who is fully convinced they are to be married, and is just a tiny bit obsessed)
So he sets out to win his heart, cue shenanigans from him and the entire hale pack. Especially after finding out that Derek’s consorts father is a lawful man. A lawful man who would rather see his son with Parrish or Daehler rather than Derek. But stiles however refuses any means of courting expect for Derek’s. Because he knows the wolf is the only one for him. (If you like this idea please check out @hedwig221b Torn apart and set Anew)
Stiles didn’t care, Derek understood him in most ways that other didn’t. When his father would tell him that Derek was dangerous stiles wanted to shout back that so was he. His father ignored the worst parts of stiles, Scott didn’t even sees them but Derek understood. He didn’t just see stiles as a helpless omega. Derek is super fucking prideful about this and every time he sees Parrish or Daehler he just smirks at them.
Derek throws another party, this one to publicly state his intention to marry stiles. His council members kick up a big fuss about it until Derek reminds them that they are the ones who wanted Derek to have a consort. He abided by the rules. They claimed Derek couldn’t mate a beta but Derek ignored him. (Stiles doesn’t advertise the fact that he’s an omega)
Derek buys stiles a dress and jewels to wear.
Stiles only dances with Derek that night, anytime someone else asks him he refuses. (Parrish). During one of their dances when the music is fast paced and stiles heart is beating out of his chest, stiles spark comes into play and creates ribbons of energy that dance alongside them. So it looks like they are dancing in fire. (This is what kickstarted this idea)
So they marry and stiles helps Derek secure his claim.
Derek over hears his council talking bad about his husband so he kills them and then fucks his stiles pregnant to prove them wrong.
He also drags Daehler before his beloved omega for overstepping, and this time when Derek offers to rip out his heart for stiles, he agrees.
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lachicavoltron333 · 1 year ago
My dear, you fell in love with a monster.
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Did you really expect to come out unscaved?
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Mahidevran Gif by @awkward-sultana
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rebeltigera · 29 days ago
OMG I FORGOT ABOUT AZURE now I'm curious what every single Wukong au thinks of Azure, Sl!Wukong, V!Wukong and Warlord Wukong?
Sl!Wukong thinks he wasn't that bad at first. However the more he thinks about how he got me manipulated by him the opinion change , he shouldn't have ever trusted him . It changes again as he gets to know what he did to MK , finding him an ememy after that.
V!Wukong find him as trash entity to be disposed off, you can't eat it , u can't make a good pelt out of it , it caused most of the problems in his life.
Warlord!Wukong finds azure as untrustworthy entity , mainly because Mihou told him so. He trust his consort.
After Mihou getting kidnapped by Azure n co. He finds him nothing but enemy
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peachshadows · 3 months ago
👀 I am VERY interested in Warlord Wukong and how he attempts to woo Prince Macaque. I also want to know what the Prince thinks of his obsessive suitor.
"You're back. And here I was ready to celebrate your death."
"No war welcome? You truly wound me, my consort."
"Don't call me that."
"Do you prefer my beloved? My bride? ...my wife?"
"I prefer you to not call me any of those."
"You are my prize. I have every right to call you whatever I want."
"As arrogant as ever, Sun Wukong."
"It is my most charming trait after all."
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