#sterek mafia au
Sterek Mafia au — Derek is handcuffed and being dragged away and into the cop car. Stiles is screaming at the cops, when Derek fights out of their hold to lean down and make out with Stiles in front of the police, in front of everyone watching the scene. Dragging his fanss over stiles lips as he’s pulled away, and licking the drop of blood.
He gets pulled off of stiles and gives him the most cockiest smirk calling him baby and telling him not to worry and that he’ll be home soon. Both Derek and Stiles know the cops got nothing on him, and even if there did Peter and Lydia (their lawyers) would get those charges dropped. Derek tells him to go back inside and get ready for him 👀.
Maybe Stiles dad is arresting him, or maybe he is a retired cop that was thought to be dirty and helped his son run the mafia empire.
Jordan definitely is one of the cops arresting Derek, and is in love with stiles. He is delusional and thinks he can “save” Stiles from Derek. (Kinda like @hedwig221b fics, Eros Mania Amor and crimson) (if you haven’t read those, definitely check them out)
Idk just something about Derek kissing stiles while his hand are handcuffed behind his back. And being all smug about it.
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hedwig221b · 5 days
Omg do you have any Mafia AU recs???? They’re dreamy, I love every would-kill-for-Stiles Derek
I just realized I've read so little...
A Criminal and His Lucky Charm by Dexterous_Sinistrous
Please forgive yourself.
For what?
For allowing yourself to let someone in. For letting me love you. I didn’t deserve it, but that wasn’t your fault. Derek, please, just do it. Please— please don’t drag this out.
Derek Hale valued Stiles above everyone—everything. And Stiles betrayed that. In the end, he figured if he had to die, dying in Derek’s arms wasn’t so bad. He could at least have that.
Hand of the Devil by shiny_starlight
For years, Hale and his family had escaped justice, but the day of reckoning had come. His comfortable life was about to come crashing down about his ears and Adrian was going to relish every single second of it.
Do Knot Get In A Strangers Car by KnottheWolf
Prompt: Mob boss Derek sees Stiles and instantly wants him to be his, and he'll do anything to make Stiles see it too.
I can't not mention Tax Evasion by standinginanicedress, bc these series built me as a person
Checks and Balances by AwaitTheMorrow
Stiles starts dating Derek after a chance encounter and can't believe how lucky he is.
Derek is smart, funny and genuinely the sweetest person Stiles has ever met. The guy is perfect.
…Maybe a little too perfect.
Consigliere by neil4god
It's been years since Danny left Beacon Hills behind and everything that happened in it. He moved on, joined the FBI and forgot all about his junior year of High School. At least he tried, but with Stiles Stilinksi leering at him from the FBI's most wanted board, well that makes it kinda hard to forget, and now they want to know all about it. They want him to talk to Stiles, worse still, they want him to wear a wire while he does it.
Other fic recs: pack mom!Stiles | angsty fics | historical AU | baby/mpreg | outsider POV | possessive Derek | smut
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imagine-sterek · 5 months
Imagine based on a WEBTOON called The mafia nanny.
Where stiles is trained to be the best nanny and Derek picks him out to watch his kid (Eli). And Eli is literally a mini Derek (at this age). He wears little suits, he talks like a gang leader, he pretends to interrogate his stuffed animals, and he’s obsessed with chocolate milk. But he also loves his dad and hates stiles at first cause now Derek isn’t taking him everywhere anymore. But he learns to like stiles and so does Derek.
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anonazure · 2 years
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I'm doing warm up sketches... 
 But then it was the "Twin Stilinskis Mafia!AU" and now I have nothing to say but, I had fun...
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escharis · 3 months
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Don’t mistake who the boss is.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 11 months
Looking for a Sterek fic where Stiles starts receiving gifts from a secret admirer after losing his wallet. The gifts include a new wardrobe, a new mattress, and a new house, each accompanied by a cash gift. Thanks!!!
Is it this one?
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Anonymous asked: "
I’m new here so I’m sorry if I missed an FAQ about rec lists instead of general fic locate requests. If you do regular rev lists on your fave fics but can you do a list of your favorite Stackson Brotp fics? Like it’s still endgame Sterek but still has a healthy dose of Stackson brotp please. I’d really appreciate it"
joonniverse asked:
Hey there ! Would you happen to have any fic recs where Jackson and Stiles are/become really close? Any Stiles centric pairing is fine
Anonymous asked:
May i get some fic recs for Jackson and stiles friendship? Either childhood friends or became friends post Canon or anything in between. If stackson happens that is also ok as is any other ship.
Originally posted by adrianfridge
Alright friends. It took me a minute but here’s some of my favorite Stiles and Jackson friendship fics. (alternatively this could be renamed “ A list of mostly isthatbloodonyourshirt fics”)
So When Do I Get To Pledge My Loyalty To The Mob? by RedRidingStiles
(1/1 I 10,146 I Mature I Sterek)
“Are you my sugar daddy?” Stiles blurts out, slapping a hand over his mouth when his brain catches up to his mouth.
The man lets out a soft laugh, making his way around the couch till he’s standing just feet away from Stiles.
Stiles can smell his cologne from here, it smells heavenly, Stiles kinda wants to bury his face into the guy’s chest so he can figure out exactly what it is.
“If that’s what you’d like to call it.��� The man smiles.
Stiles doesn’t think he should be allowed to smile like that. All soft and gorgeous and way too pretty to be legal.
He’s still not convinced any of this is real.
Stiles loses his wallet, someone returns it along with $5,000. Shit keeps coming, Stiles life doesn’t make any sense anymore, he’s just going with it.
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oatmilk-and-honey · 1 year
I need a Sterek fic where Derek (mafia boss) takes Stiles as payment when his dad can’t repay his loans. Filled with smut obviously. Help a guy out with some recommendations pls
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christinesficrecs · 2 years
Hi I love you please help me!!
I've been desperately searching for a specific sterek mafia AU. Its set in New York, Stiles is getting mugged when Derek stops it (the guy is terrified of Derek). He takes a liking to Stiles, people in Stiles neighbourhood become a bit nervous of him. He lives with Alision and Scott but gets kicked out because Allison doesnt trust Derek, Chris is a police officer after him. Derek gets Stiles a fur coat and gives him a new apartment. Deuc is in it and goes after Derek and Derek shoots him at the end in front of Stiles telling Stiles to close his eyes. I hope this isn't too vague? Thank you thank you thank you
Hey!! ❤️
I feel like I've read this but I can't seem to find it. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Does anyone else remember the name of this one?
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fanficreade4 · 1 month
Do you'll know any mafia sterek fics because I can't find any. I really want to read one
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quackquackcey · 4 months
Writing Patterns
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 11 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
I was tagged by the amazing @renmackree! 💛 I'm kinda curious about my pattern; I have a feeling it's dialogue.... LOL (I won't include drabbles 🌝)
Lava Cakes & Molten Chocolates
E | Sterek | 6k | post-canon, love potion mishap, fluff & smut, mating bite
Derek's Kumquat
E | Sterek | 45k | post-canon, friends w/ benefits to lovers, smutty, humor
“I’m like this kumquat, sweet on the outside and tart on the inside.”
Hottest Thing Since Stuffed Crust
E | Sterek | 4k | canon div, college student!Stiles, getting together, car sex
"Uh, hey."
Stiles the Furry Little Disaster Waiting to Happen
T | Sterek | 5k wip | summer between seasons 2 & 3, spell gone wrong, hamster!Stiles feat. Derek's big boobies lol
Stiles loved animals.
“Me too”
E | Sterek | 10k | canon div, college student!Stiles, costume party, baking, smut, massage...
Stiles had a weird habit.
Blooms in the Darkness
E | Sterek | 18k | season 3B rewrite, void!Stiles, anchors, spark awakening, smut, hurt/comfort
It first began as nothing more than a speck.
Meat, Ducks, & Cigarettes
E | Lawlu | 8k | high school AU, hungry days-inspired, delinquents, fighting, smut
“Hey, Torao, can I—”
More Than Obsessed
E | Sterek | 43k | AU, serpentine!Stiles x killer!Derek, action, smut, mates, you can't spell manslaughter without laughter
The first time Stiles saw him, he thought, ‘Does this guy even know what he’s doing with that fishing pole?’
Rumpled sheets, smoke-tinged kisses, and sea salted lightning
E | Sterek | 14k | modern AU, a/b/o, case!fic, alpha mafia boss!Derek x omega FBI agent!Stiles, spark awakening
The canteen quieted from carefree chatter to hushed whispers, as it did everytime Stiles and Derek walked in.
Like Clockwork
E | Sterek | 6k | modern AU, a/b/o, alpha CEO!Derek x omega secretary!Stiles, pwp, animal hybrids
Stiles had never believed in love at first sight.
More Than Enough
E | Sterek | 8k | season 2 rewrite, get together after pool scene, 5 + 1 things, hurt/comfort, smut
“The only way to prove yourself is through blood. Fear. Remember that.”
Kind of a pattern w/ dialogue as I thought, although less dialogue than I thought... lmao 👁👁 I did 11 bc I have a huge soft spot for More Than Enough, don't mind me lol 🌝
Idk who's done this but I'll low-pressure tag @chenziee, @katia-anyway, @sugareey-makes-stuff, @basicallyahedgehog, @betsib - anyone feel free to join!
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iravenish · 7 months
Dear @teenwolfholidayfest all I wish for this year is:
1) Stackson secret relationship but they're bad at it
2) Stiles/Scott dick measuring contest that leads to them getting together (interpret it however you want 😂)
3) Stiles/Isaac mutual pinning
4) Secret santa fic (can be Sciles, Stackson, Sterek or Stisaac)
5) FBI Stiles and Doctor Jackson being badass husbands
6) Stiles is a rare shifter and hides it from the pack but Isaac or Scott find out and convince him that it's okay to share this secret with the others
7) Sterek Mafia AU
8) FWB to lovers Stiles/Jackson (preferably they both catch feelings and don't know how to bring them up to the other one)
Please don't include MCDs or unhappy endings
Can't wait for this year's edition of the fest!
@iravenish (iRavenish on ao3)
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hedwig221b · 19 days
A mafia au with dark Derek sounds amazing. I absolutely enjoy the way you write Derek's character in your fics, and mixed with him being in the mafia or the mafia boss is just 😍😍😍😍😍😍. I can simply imagine how possessive and protective he would be with mail ordered Stiles.
Thank uuuu 💗💖💜
Yeah, every fic is a love letter to Derek Hale like I love him so much. A true wolf, a true alpha 🥵
I love Mafia au, and there are so many great ones already written bc stereks loooooove Mafia lol. I'm still undecided whether it's gonna be Mafia or just have major vibes, but thank you nonetheless 💜
And, oh, he'd go nuts over Stiles that's for sure
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thotpuppy · 6 months
WIP Tag Game!
tagged by @dear-massacre ! AND @whimsicalmeerkat! WHIL i was writing my post lolol
This is sorta smth i track regularly? but i have it all sorted by word count akdgjkajdg it's part of my progress tracker server w some friends. Adding words is the easiest way to track 'working on a project' so that's what i do! I also have a (separate) doc in my drive folder that tracks just, general prompts, so when i have ideas i slap them in there.
Current (Teen Wolf) WIPs:
TriReign: Shepherd, Lamb, Wolf: small outline, chapters 1-4 complete, 5 wip - 16,575 - Sterek, Medieval Fantasy, Arranged Marriage, Omegaverse, Political Drama, Sex and Politics, Duty and Honor and Subterfuge, etc. my current current current WIP. Baseball AU: Collab? outline - 331. MOSTLY this is just. a Roster and some thoughts about a general plot concept. I want to illustrate this but i can't do a comic. It's also a Sterek concept. FratBoi Stiles x RA!Derek: 52 - this is just straight up a PWP with the prompt borrowed from a TWT moot that ive been meaning to work on for ages and just haven't yet. Higher Education 2: 2,821 Sciles, trans!Stiles, post-canon college AU. Also PWP, but also my gross unhygenic sloppy AU kinda. it's just. its grossnasty wet n sloppy porn. i wanted to finish this and then write a Third part for Sciles week this year and i didn't. whoops There's a Werewolf Tradition for That: 72 - Sterek didn't know they were dating AU. Alive!Hales but Werewolves are still a secret. Stiles and Derek are good friends and roommates, they're both idiots pining for each other, and out of the blue Derek's Mom sends them a formal invitation to celebrate their engagement. Stiles doesn't even know Derek's a werewolf. total ROMCOM, kinda inspired by My Big Fat Greek Wedding, but only in Vibes. Lone Wolf Wild West AU: Chapters 1, 2 posted, not outline - 3,670. Sterek, Lone Ranger!Derek, son of the sheriff Stiles. Mystery, adventure, romance. I miss cowboy...
Somewhere in here I will also put my Collabang fic and any other events i sign up for, because I'm gonna have to pause my major WIPs to work on them lol
1920's Mafia AU: Outline only - 1313 - Stiles is a city detective, the sheriff is the Police Commissioner, this takes place in Los Angeles. There are tunnels running all through the city, albeit underneath (real). There's been an uptick in gang activity lately. Stiles secretly 'runs' by which i mean, owns and protect, but isn't involved in Actually Running, an underground speakeasy in the heart of the city. He doesn't let any gangs runs their trouble on his turf. Until one day, a Hale is shot by an Argent right outside his doors. Sterek SuperBat ComicCon MeetCute: WIP One Shot - 1,049 Inspired by MultiE's art. nerd x nerd solidarity Sciles Ancient Greece AU: 192 - this is a friggin poem and is probably gonna stay a poem. New! Sex For Work: Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 - 23,228. Part 5? Sterek BDSM CEO x Personal Assistant AU. Originally intended to be kinky prompt fill series but Caught Plot. I meant to rewrite it last month to convert it into a standalone story, but uhhhh didn't. I DID do reformatting though. I just need to get writing on it again, but i tend to be kinda singleminded.
Other Fandom WIPs:
Big Blue Boyscout: 47 - Superman x Nightwing, xenophilia fic. "He's Big and Blue in more ways than one..." Bruce Wayne Visits Smallville: 685 - I got distracted while bingeing smallville for the first time and haven't gone back, but this was just supposed to be a one shot but my outline grew legs DP/YJ Crossover: 220 - this is more of a concept than a real specific fic, but i REALLY like comparing danny phantom to specifically the young justice animated series, and i wanted to try and come up with a cohesive clone comparison plot, rather than just making it a lil joke. Maybe it'll be Danny x Conner because himbo tee shirt conner is my baby boy baby boy Not So Blushing, Not So Virgin: 40 - SuperBat role reversal where everyone expects clark to be this sweet inexperienced things and then he absolutely blows bruce's back out.
Hiatus Projects:
Universal Law of Gravitation: Chapter 1 WIP, significant outline - 3,080 - Sterek Lifetime fic. I wrote out this huge long super comprehensive timeline and got super caught up in it. It's supposed to be about how, despite their best efforts, Stiles and Derek just can't stay apart, so there are a ton of messy breakups and fights in between. I just never put together an actual proper Plot, so when i started writing it, i got SUPER bored. It has a playlist! and i made a bunch of pseudo-science chapter titles hehe A Fever You Can't Sweat Out: Chapter 1 posted, Chapter 2 WIP, significant outline - 9,911 - Sterek, Marrish, Scallison, post-canon AU, surprise mpreg! Similarly to ULG, i wrote out a huge big timeline and outline and got super nitty gritty into the details, but literally Chapter One i went Off Track and it just killed my motivation. It's HUGELY ensemble, and i picked out jobs and hobbies for like 12 people to all live in a big ol estate together. It also suffered from "world building but no plot", but i DID try to make a plot, it just. wasn't good haha. The entire concept is, Lydia gets pregnant which makes Allison baby crazy so she gets pregnant and Stiles wants a baby so, so bad, but he's dating dating/married to Derek and therefore would have to adopt or something, but he wants it so bad he magics himself up a contraception.
Derek is moody, Stiles teases him about the fact he like, never smiles. Kisses him on a whim to get a rise out of him. And then proceeds to have a existential crisis after because "oh shit did he just kiss DEREK".
Werewolf!Stiles’ Pavlovian Pleasure Response to Scott’s Click (iykwim)
Stiles x Jeep crack smut oneshot
Post Nogi stiles is having trouble feeling like himself again. he feels a sharp disconnect with his Self that he didn't used to have, like he's lost touch with his humanity. He needs someone to remind him how it feels to be human.
unspecified/platonic - In this kind of weather, it makes more sense to stay inside. Or rather, stay inside somewhere else. Stiles sets up shop in a bookstore's cafe to while away the time warm espresso, a good book, and his own company. Until Someone/Something Else comes knocking.
Supernatural Boarding school (circa 2005-2009 role-play forum vibes)
Bastard Prince Jackson and Freedom Fighter Stiles (see doc)
Stiles’ mythology professor bites off more than either can chew - The Great Beacon Hills Custody Battle
“Teenage Dirtbag” Loser!Stiles Sterek fic
all of my prompts literally only exist in a single document where i put Ideas i like adkgjakjg everything in wips has a dedicated doc, but most of them dont have much written yet.
There's also 1 absent prompt here that im now saving for the collabang so ive omitted it from my counts because its technically a wordcount of 0 until i get to start working w my artist (:
no pressure tags! @renmackree @lavender-lotion @like-lazarus @geekmom13 @endwersed
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coolotplblogloadng · 1 year
Top 10 Fanfic - Multi-Fandom
No Particular Order
between the click of the light and the start of a dream by thepshycicclam
sterek (m/m) - Teen Wolf - 105,192 words - Rated E
Stiles starts getting haunted by something in his dreams. Derek gets overprotective. Pack feels and angst. I love it. I read it once a year.
who ya gonna call? by igneousbitch
griddlehark (f/f) - The Locked Tomb Series - 24,563 - Rated E
Buzzfeed Unsolved AU. Need I say more? Harrow falls on her ass at least twice I recall. A masterpiece.
lucky jacket by chellethewriter 
catradora (f/f) - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power - 16,301 - Rated M
Explores the lore of Adora’s jacket after Catra may have done something to it. Very funny concept but shit hits the fan. Very cute and fluffy.
My Name of Your Lips by feelslikefire
victuuri (m/m) - Yuri on Ice! - 108,070 words - Rated E
Literally the ONLY a/b/o fic I ever liked and finished. High fantasy, magic, dragons. Yuuri betrothed to Prince Victor and plans on secretly fighting a tourney to get out of it...but then he catches feelings! 👀
horsebow moon by athousandsatellites
edeleth (f/f) - Fire Emblem: Three Houses - 4,765 words - Rated G
Edelgard finds Jeralt’s journal but turns out Byleth has made use of it as well! Really sweet and fluffy (some angst). But touched on stuff I wish the game explored. So *chefs kiss*
Due West by europa_report 
klance (m/m) - Voltron Legendary Defender - 27,284 words - Rated M
Suuuuuucccchh good writing from Krolia’s perspective how she feels about Keith and Lance’s relationship. Her and Lance are stranded on a planet. Feelings of motherhood. Angst. 👌👌
The Hurricane in His Veins by magisterpavus 
shklance (m/m/m) - Voltron Legendary Defender - 265,040 words - Rated E
I had to put this one on. Main fic is only 187,481 words. But the world is just so great I gotta read all the fics in the series. Vampire Keith and Shiro and human(?) Lance. A classic, fabulous.
I Will Not Die For You by ghost_maiden_of_delphi
griddlehark (f/f) - The Locked Tomb Series - 151,369 words - Rated M
Mafia boss Harrow, bodyguard Gideon. Cross country road trip full of pining, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual romance!! Gideon and Naberius fight and it’s the best thing I’ve ever read.
The Ninth Wave by Anonymous 
klance (m/m) - Voltron Legendary Defender - 12,535 words - Rated M
So sweet, so lovely. Snippets of them falling for each other represented by different waves. Shorter but oh so sweeter. 
Homesick by Beelzebumons
sidlink (m/m) - Breath of the Wild - 175,190 words - Rated E
Link dressed in Zora armor 24/7 being Sidon’s bodyguard? That has to take him on a tour of all of Hyrule? Canon divergent with interesting backstories and plot? Yes sign me up pls!
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jade-bright · 4 months
One day or Day one, am I right?
Okay, so god knows the amount of ideas I have for a few of the fandoms I hold close to my heart. The main one as of right now being Teen Wolf.
So here's a list of ideas I had written down or just in my mind for a long while :P (BTWs, a few of these I honestly don't remember my thought process for them, even tho I included a bit of context for myself in my notes)
Gone, Gone, Gone - Phillip Phillips /// Childhood Friends/Sweethearts AU [Sterek Animatic]
a lil montage thing of them growing up together, or something
Friends on the Other Side (Mash Up) - Thomas Sanders & Friends /// Kind of a mafia vibe w/ Spark Stiles [Pack Animatic]
- Stiles = Dr. Facilier - Isaac = Oogie Boogie Man - Others (couldn't think of which characters would fit with which disney villain)
Backstage Romance /// [Sterek Animatic]
- Some sort of ceremony, maybe? With how sexual the music video or whatever is, the idea is lowkey a mating ceremony...in dance??? Like obviously not sex, it was idea of the ceremony was going to be more them exchanging the mating bites - Derek (the male role/voice) goes first in kind of seducing (dancing around) Stiles, then Stiles (the lady) would have his turn, and then both of them kind of seducing each other, aka dance together and are abt to bite each other - Interrupted by hunters??? Or separated by their respective family / friends - Flashback to b4 b4 the ceremony or when they were kids @ the "some of them want to use you," which in the flashback it'd be both their parents warning them about, well, people wanting to use them because they're a spark and a werewolf >>> then back to the ceremony - But it is a whole ass dance like in the BGT video performance
Lover boy X Killer Queen /// I had three separate, but ultimately similar ideas for this one [Sterek Animatic (more tiktok formish)]
1. >>> Stiles talking abt Derek (Loverboy) / Derek talking abt Stiles (Killer Queen) <<< These are interchangable, like the songs could be either one of them 2. Derek describing himself to Eli / Stiles describing Derek to Eli 3. How Sterek acts like "now," (ignoring the movie) they're married and openly show that they love each other / How they used to act before, so like maybe Season 1-2 ish (?)
Inspo from reading title "Wolves who cried boy" - 3 ideas that kind of combined and became a 5 + 1 idea [Sterek Fic]
1. Stiles isn't known by the pack yet. So when the 5 pups (I think I included Jackson???) spot him in different areas around Beacon Hills, they all go to Derek or call him to come over. But Stiles is always gone by then, including his scent. 2. A *Stiles and Derek are around the same age,* where Derek keeps finding Stiles in the forest/preserve and his family never believes him or something 3. The '5' being idea #1 and idea #2 as like a flashback for the 5th one, and the '+1' being when Stiles finally showing up to the pack house by himself or w/ Derek
Mandalorian!Derek and Jedi!Stiles /// Star Wars AU [Sterek]
Only notes I have for this idea is, use "We're (a little bit) in love" as reference(-ish). Which I'm assuming is a fic I read, but I read so many damn fics I don't know which one this is. And my second note, Pack = Clan
"So what if he did? it's none of your dang business kid. My mom, there's no-one else quite like my mom" /// Art edit/animatic idea [Stilinski, Hale or Sterek Family (centric-ish)]
1. Eli -> Stiles -> Claudia 2. Eli -> Stiles -> John/Noah 3. Eli -> Derek -> Talia Thought process: - Claudia had a past w/causing trouble or slightly disrespecting the officers if she was questioned - The Sheriff and Stiles are both badasses in finding evidence/proving ppl wrong - The Hales would obviously be pissed at being chained/tied down and most likely bamfs when getting out of it :D
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Hey I was wondering if you knew any fics where the pack is a mafia and everybody thinks that Derek is in charge but it’s actually Stiles?
Hey @pan-disaster-in-need-of-help! @kevaaronday found some great mafia fics for you.
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Not the usual form of payment by Anchanee (31/31 | 98,988 | Explicit | Sterek) John Stilinski has been brutally killed and Stiles Stilinski finds himself thrust to the head of the American branch of the Stilinski Clan at the age of eighteen. The mobster family that operates mainly in central Europe, but had branched out to America with one very talented Claudia Stilinski, who had secured the market of central California (San Francisco, Brentwood, San Jose). She was succeeded by her husband and now her son. 
When his enforcer, Isaac, brings him Derek Hale as compensation for his family's debt, he’s not quite sure what to do. The Hales were a successful family who had worked with the Stilinskis quite successfully over the last decades. Now they are offering their son instead of money. Though Stiles is still learning the ropes of this mob business, he's pretty sure that THAT'S not normal!
Stiles ends up using Derek as a bodyguard which is probably not what you’re meant to do with a rival family’s son, but Stiles is making this up as he goes. And despite him being a mobster, he still has some dignity left.
Between Dogs and Wolves by artemis69 (1/1 | 25,934 | Teen | Sterek) "This is…not four million in cash,” remarks Stilinski.
“Isaac. Did you fail to get my money back and decided to pick up a stripper on the road to bribe me? Because let me make this perfectly clear: this would totally work. Well done.” 
The mafia!AU where the Hales owe four million to the Stilinskis, Laura rents Derek (but not as a stripper), Stiles gets a new favorite, Derek gets a new boss, a new puppy and a new family. 
Sometimes they break people, but mainly, they just snark at each other.
Cars and Canines by tesha198 (16/16 | 20,387 | Explicit | Sterek) Stiles rolls into Beacon Hills one day and sets up shop as a Mechanic. Derek brings in his totalled car after yet another supernatural fight and is immediately taken with him. Slowly Stiles becomes part of the pack. However both sides are keeping secrets that could change everything. Stiles is on the run from his past in the Irish Mafia. Derek has been keeping Stiles in the dark about the whole werewolf thing, not to mention the fact they are actually mates. What happens when Stiles old Mafia life catches up to his new seemingly normal one and everyones secrets are revealed? Will Stiles remain in Beacon Hills with Derek? How far is the pack willing to go to save Stiles and does Stiles actually want to be saved in the first place?
We Gotta Hide What We’re Doin’ by CharWright5 (1/1 | 17,893 | Explicit | Sterek) As a Bodyguard within the Stilinski Rodzina, Derek's one and only job is to watch over the Omega son—and only child—of the Family's Head, Stiles, a task that is easier said than done some nights. It's just good that the Alpha knows the best way to punish the little troublemaker when his bratty behavior threatens to expose a secret that could get the Bodyguard killed.
Take Me Instead by briggs (1/1 | 7,850 | Mature | Sterek) “I know he was a government officer. That’s why he was our fucking prized possession, cuntbag. Do you have any idea what you’ve done? How much does he know?”
Or, where Stiles Stilinski is a young Mob Boss with an underground prostitute, drug, violence and weapon black market business, and Derek is an F.B.I. agent.
Consigliere by neil4god (5/5 | 7,042 | Not Rated | Sterek) It's been years since Danny left Beacon Hills behind and everything that happened in it. He moved on, joined the FBI and forgot all about his junior year of High School. At least he tried, but with Stiles Stilinksi leering at him from the FBI's most wanted board, well that makes it kinda hard to forget, and now they want to know all about it. They want him to talk to Stiles, worse still, they want him to wear a wire while he does it.
Amuse by DarkJediQueen (1/1 | 2,297 | Explicit | Sterek) Stiles wasn't amused often, but there were times when he was. Too bad it didn't save the lives of the guys who amused him.
Bloody love by lightsfillthesky (1/1 | 1,601 | Mature | Sterek) Bruised knuckles, skin ebbing together as he felt the fire burning inside him, traveling in his bones and encompassing his soul “You have the fucking audacity of thinking you can touch him?” Stiles gripped the man’s chin between his fingers “Of thinking you could ever come close to killing a Hale”
Wanted: The Hale Pack by howshouldibegin (1/1 | 1,129 | Teen | Sterek) They all wear red. It’s a status symbol. The other status symbol, the symbol of the pack, is kept a secret from the public. But the public, and the police, they know about the red. Blood red. Alpha red. Each member wears it proudly.
Shot Through The Heart (Sorry, Babe!) by clotpolesonly (1/1 | 809 | Gen | Sterek) “Hi, honey!”
Derek doesn’t say anything. He just scowls, far more intensely than usual.
“Welcome home!” Stiles tries again. “So how was your day at work?”
“You fucking shot me,” Derek says. “That was my day at work.”
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