#that's a cooler story
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deadlyflan · 2 months ago
for the oc ask thing: Corn (because the name thing alone is hilarious)
Who would your OC say is their best friend?Who would call your OC their best friend?
There's no art this time, but if you're picturing an under-nourished 20 year old with really patchy stubble? You're in the right ballpark.
The Cornelius Whose Dumbshit Friends Call 'Corn' Even Though 'Neil' Is A Perfectly Good Name.
It's not even his dumbshit friends' fault? Well. It is. They've got autonomy and free will and shit and they could stop at any time but no, they're fucking comedians. Whatever. They're happy. And Corn never gets his coffee orders mixed up with anyone else's.
But yeah, his hysterical friends didn't come up with "Corn" on their own. That was his big sister. She'd been 4 years older thn him and couldn't manage 'Corneilus.' Which. That had probably been adorable. Corn wouldn't know. Corn wasn't there. Well, he was there, but as an infant so you know how that is. Or rather, you know how that isn't. Just not a lot of nominative discretion at that age. Anyways, "Corn" wasn't his friends' fault or his big sister's fault or Corn's fault for not objecting immediately. CORN, both his name and his existence, was his parents' fault. Seriously. Who has a kid and then, with love in their hearts, names it Corneilus? Corn's parents. Ugh. Anyhow. Corn's just a dude. Lower middle lower class. White. Cis. Hetero, but open minded. He's only just turned 20. He's got his high school diploma and he's working as many jobs as he can swing to save up for trade school. He's gonna get HVAC certification. Heating, Ventilation, and Cooling. The world's weather is going to shit, but Corn's gonna be ready to cash in on making rich folks and businesses private climates of their very own. After he can afford tuition. There's two things about Corn: 1. He knows a lot of dudes. Like, it's a waste that he's not gay. It's so much easier to meet dudes. But he's not. He checked. Which, on one hand, bummer. On the other hand, he's always got friends to chill with or couches to crash on. Even if all those friends call him Corn. That's how he met Sean. He and Sean are tight. 2. The other thing about Corn. Dumb shit just… happens around Corn. Like, he was delivering pizza for his last job and he got mugged! And they freakin' stabbed him! But it hit a rib so it wasn't deep, just bleeding everywhere. And while he was freaking out and desanguinating—is it de-sanguinating or ex-sanguinating?—whatever. His sangre was going Ev.Er.Ey.Where. But while that was happening, his MUGGERS got MUGGED. And the second round of muggers gave him first aid! He was pretty loopy by then, so he heard about the first aid from the ambulance crew, but shit like that just kinda happens to Corn. Like, the police are pretty sure that a giant black and red spider mutant ate Corn's shitty granddad. The place was busted up and there's security camera footage of this bug thing and nobody's seen his granddad in months. Which. Corn is pretty cool with. The guy was an ass. But like, "Hi, I'm Corn. A mutant ate my granddad." Not resume material. And, like, right now? Corn's pretty sure his best friend and current squat-mate, Sean, is dating a gang member. Corn and Sean had this exact conversation. "I don't get why you hook up with these people."
"Shut up, you don't know he's in a gang."
"He's a cut Asian dude that works all night, has a ton of money, comes home with bruises, and is covered in tattoos." "He's sweet to me."
"At least ask about the tattoos?!" "OH MY GOD, CORN. YOU CAN'T JUST ASK YOUR RICH, CUT, TATTOOED, ASIAN BOYFRIEND IF HE'S A GANG LORD. That's so racist."
Then Corn actually face palmed. (Because this is just like Enrique. Noooo! He's not dealing out of our apartment! It'll be fiiiine! I don't care how many visitors he has, he makes rent on time. Don't be so sensitive. He looooooves me. Which is why Sean and Corn don't have that apartment anymore and are squatting a friend's aunt's empty B&B listing, hoping it never gets rented. Thanks, Enrique.) But Sean and Corn love each other—not like that—the other way. Yeah. The ride-or-die way. Their motto is practically 'Even If Sean Has To Date Danger Cock We Will Face The Future Together Because Even If He Were Normal About Relationships, Corn's Orbiting Weirdness Would Make Life Go To Hell Anyways So We're Not Abandoning Each Other Even If Sean Has To Help Change Corn's Double-Mugging Bandages.' Truly words to live by.
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infinitelystrangemachinex · 3 months ago
I could wax poetic about why Viktor's League backstory is inherently more interesting and more thematically resonant than where they went with him in Arcane season 2, but the cold hard truth is
a man covered in grease and probably blood who builds his own body out of scraps with his own two hands, can in fact build any contraption out of dinted metal sheets and a few screws including a deathray, performs deeply inadvisable operations on desperate but consenting people with his own tools, generates a cult following against his wishes because of his ability to inadvisably help people but the power's all his now anyway so he may as well, wants to clean up and save the undercity but is (only sort of) misunderstood as a walking Geneva Convention violation a freak and a supervillain, torments his arch-nemesis on at least a weekly basis and probably homoerotically hunts him for sport, had his life's work misattributed to people in the ruling class and is angry and tragic about it forever, tries to rip out his own emotions and is unsuccessful but pretends like he was not, is actually oddly kind to children, and is at the end of the day still just some guy,
is just hotter okay
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linxunderlife3 · 6 months ago
I love your take on Relativity Falls!! :D ❤️
(Relativity Falls ver @ @citricacidprince !!)
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Some lil sketches:
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dizordlizord · 9 months ago
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coffeefiction · 2 months ago
Here's more incorrect qoutes for @keferon mecha Au to fuel everyone's angsty soul.
First Aid: Can you come out?
Blurr: Yeah sure, give me a sec..
Blurr: First Aid, I'm gay
First: *visible twitching* I already know that, come out to the car
Blurr: oh..ok
Blurr: Swerve I'm gay
Swerve who is currently on his alt mode: We are literally dating!
Prowl; You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you all even get here so fast?
Jazz: Several traffic lights
Swerve: Three counts of resisting arrest, one for each of us
Blurr: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks
Jazz: and that is not our car.
Deadlock who is the car: Hey Prowl
Prowl: what the frag?!
Rodimus: Isn't it weird that people kill mosquitoes just because they're annoying?
First Aid: Damn, if people did that to each other, Vortex would've killed everyone years ago.
Someone holding a gun to First Aid's head; what happens if I pull this trigger? Heaven?
First Aid: Bold of you to assume I'll go to heaven.
Jazz: you know, Prowl, when you generalize, you tell general...lies.
Prowl: ......
Prowl: Are you trying to teach me moral lesson through puns?
Swerve to Blurr: Would you like to stay for dinner?
Jazz from the kitchen: would you like to stay forever!?!
Jazz: Wow, this parking is as straight as I am
Swerve first time driving an actual car: I know I should be more focus on the fact you just came out, but HOW FUCKING DARE YOU INSULT MY PARKING
Swerve: *Sneaking around the facility trying to get to Blurr*
First Aid from the distance who's high on the shit Pharma gaved him: *Watching Swerve phase through a wall* There goes my monthly does of Swerve
Prowl: Are you crying?
Jazz, try to cut onions: No, it's just the onion, they-
Prowl grabbing the Onion with force: What the frag did you say to Jazz?
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beebfreeb · 1 year ago
One of the most heart-wrenching things that've ever happened to me occurred while trying to research the Super Paper Mario art style.
"Ohh what a beautiful and interesting art style! It is very distinctive! I wonder if anyone else has tried or wanted to try breaking it down and replicating it?" Obliviously, I typed in Super Paper Mario Art Style into my search bar... only to find many people calling it ugly and saying they hate it.
This simply could not be... permanent damage was done to my artistic soul.
No joy? No whimsy in this world? No love of computer graphics? Of a certain era of clipart? Of the art that was born from the computer and is difficult to replicate without one? Of the art made when this was something new and fascinating? No love for something unique?
Super Paper Mario don't listen to all those haters I love your geometric art style influenced by what shapes are easily drawn on a computer and the smooth mechanical interpolation within your animations. I love you. Also the music is banger.
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ratwithhands · 7 months ago
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Read Right to Left (Manga Format)
I have returned to watching demon slayer after a year and it came up while I was having a serious late night talk with my big sister. I was talking about the relationship between Michikatsu/Kokushibo and Yoriichi and it turns out we both see each other in Yoriichi's shoes and ourselves in Michikatsu's place. Definitely surprising, but really relieving to know that we both worry too much and we are not so far apart in skill as we believe.
This is technically the first piece of fanart I've ever made for the characters in Demon Slayer, I have made OCs before but I never drew an actual character from the story. For context this is mostly just a fun "what if" scenario with them meeting in the afterlife. I like to think Yoriichi's love would reawaken Michikatsu's humanity.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year ago
"The Mechanisms were Jonathan Sims college band" and "Jon is the secret real past of Jonny D'ville" are both great takes but I present "Jon's descend into an unwilling antichirst figure is The Mecs new album and Jonny plays him in the songs because they just have very similar voices for some reason."
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kalpalatas · 8 months ago
you know what i love about hirano's writing. when you read sasamiya alone he comes off as the one with like, street smarts and pragmatism in the seniors' little group. then you read hirakagi and realise he has exactly three working brain cells: one for school work, one to think about kagi, and a second one also to think about kagi
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tblsomedoodles · 25 days ago
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My new favorite sim : ) Emit
this was supposed to be a warm up doodle but i needed to color him.
(sims 4 blast from the past event just started and i love this dude! He's even aroace which i absolutely adore! (i also may have finally gotten sims 3 running again on my computer and finally bought into the future expansion (after years of wanting it) so i'm met him there too lol.)
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s7arcr0sser · 9 months ago
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listen to buzz, he knows best
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here's a bonus extra sketch that's basically the same thing but got discarded. i still kinda like it though, could do a nice profile pic maybe
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teamjacobthot · 5 days ago
talking w irl bestie abt twilight and he made a good point. if alice can’t see the shapeshifters in her visions then telepathic vampires (or vampires w any psychic abilities really) shouldn’t be able to use their abilities on the wolves either
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starlingstalk · 4 months ago
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More art to ‚my Sputnik sweetheart‘ by wetherday lyrics!! I need to heal myself from all the Kai mischaracterisation.
Like : „Kai should‘ve been the green ninja.“, „Kai could‘ve ended up like Morro.“, „Kai is selfish/aggressive.“, „Evil Kai makes sm sense.“
I‘m on Twitter too much so now ur stuck with me yapping about how much I love Kai my bad
I think that a lot of people who have these opinions speak in retrospective. They remember Kai being the fire-guy with the cool sword, the seemingly stereotypical main character that ended up losing his status as „the main guy“ to Lloyd. And even if they rewatch the show, it remains as some kind of unchanged impression that just reinstates their superficial opinion of Kai as a character.
It‘s not thinking about the narrative in of itself but rather rooting for a character individually and from a personal perspective, and hence seeing the entire rest of the cast as well as the story itself relative to what they want for the specific character.
About him being selfish or aggressive; I remember thinking something close to that when I first watched ninjago. That was all the way back in 2011 tho and I was 6.
Kai is put into a situation of pressure without any clarity in the pilots. He is aware that Wu is his only chance to get Nya back and feels powerless. His mere intention in anything is protecting/saving his sister. He associates the feeling of being powerless to loss, to being unable to bear his responsibility, to having let both the people around him as well as himself down. Kai ’inconveniences' (as he prob sees it) others by asking/accepting help only when he is entirely convinced of his inability to do it on his own.
He finds comfort in the security of knowing he has himself to rely on; someone that cannot physically leave him and hence he reverts back to his obsessive need for power that feeds from the unpredictability in which his parents left him and his sister.
Everyone can leave him at any moment; his sister is the one person he can trust, the one person that is in the same situation as him. And through having to fend for him and his sister for years, he tries reducing his emotions to those which are useful to their survival and his state of mind.
He finds it easy to channel his emotions into obsessively pursuing something, because it does not reveal anything off him unless anyone makes an effort to understand him. It doesn‘t make him vulnerable.
His strive to be the green ninja is because the need for control is instilled deeply in him.
What I think makes him so unique, yet so prone to be misunderstood, is that his insecurities are disguised and fit to be both a flaw as well as a perk. Kai is for the most part self aware of there being a secondary reason for his goals and is highly sensitive to those around him.
I think the intention is where people directly comparing him to Morro get it wrong. They are paralleled in a way that directly sets Kai apart from Morro. Kai‘s desire to be powerful is not inherently part of his personality but much rather a projection of his fears. He desperately devotes himself to the well being of his loved ones. Possession, to me, reinstates the point that Kai can‘t help to be selfless, good, someone who disregards himself to help his friends. He is not someone who becomes resentful like Morro. And he will look for solutions elsewhere. Because his core motivation lies in the other and not himself.
I‘m gonna add to this probably. I‘m too tired to keep writing ahhhh
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a-caterpillars-world · 2 months ago
The Chariot and his entourage
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[I] [II] [III] [IV] [V] [VI] [VII]
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wetcatspellcaster · 2 months ago
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new favourite bookmark, actually
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gunthermunch · 1 year ago
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[Transcript under the cut]
Minerva: Can't an old lady and her familiar wash their dishes in peace anymore? Morgyn: i didn't want to be a bother Minerva but we really could use your help. We just- Caleb don't touch that. Caleb: I'm not! Morgyn: just- i need you to see something. It's about Garry Minerva: alright. im done here Minerva: why dont ou show me now Morgyn: ..i'll need you to forgive me beforehand Morgyn: I'm not giving this baby dessert for a week, a whole week. Not even a cherry and that's final Morgyn: OH BUT WHAT AM I SAYING? GARRY DESERVES ALL THE SWEETS IN THE WHOLE WORLD AND ESPECIALLY YOUR HOUSE! MAYBE EVEN SOME RAW BISTEC AND- Minerva: oh-hoho! Look at That! Minerva: Little guy has powers already? Caleb: i always knew you weren't coo-coo crazy my love! Morgyn: thanks. Morgyn: he has never done this before, and apparently i'm the one triggering it Minerva: oh, no. i don't think that's the case. Who can even know? Morgyn: i thought you'd have some information on it Minerva: while i know more about his kind than the average witch, the truth is, nothing is certain about vampires, Dear sage. Minerva: some have red eyes, some don't even have ones. some can turn into bats, some can't even levitate. Minerva: and now this strangely born vampire can mind control a sage at age two. We really made something big when creating these uncontrollable beasts, right? Morgyn: but what can we do so he… stops? Minerva: something temporary. Minerva: until little Garry grows old enough to control himself. Garry: …arry?
Morgyn: how are we going to explain this to them. Caleb: hm? the shades look pretty cool, Lilith's gonna like them Morgyn: …i guess. Caleb: MORGYN morgyn this guy can STAND ON HIS OWN!! Morgyn: really? Caleb: ugh. he fell on his butt Caleb: don't mess with me like that young beast Morgyn: caly you don't know how glad i am to not have children of our own.
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