#that second gif came out particularly good and i don't know why
superhaught · 6 months
Gym Class Heroes (Chapter Two)
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Pairing: Regina George x Reader
Warnings: homophobia
Word Count: ~2300, Part 2/?
Part 1
Regina pursues her interest in protecting reader as she recovers from the basketball to the head.
Turns out, you did indeed have a mild concussion from the basketball incident, so you took the weekend and the following Monday off of school to rest and recuperate.
You were napping when your mom knocked lightly on your bedroom door and then came in. You woke up and saw that she had an armful of things.
“One of your school friends stopped by and brought your homework from today plus a card and some snacks, how sweet!”
You sat up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes, “one of my friends? Do you know who?”
“Oh I don’t know, sweetheart. She was blonde and tall and pretty.”
You couldn’t help your face from lighting up, “gimme the card!”
Your mom handed you everything and you tore open the envelope. It was a simple “get well soon” card but what you were most interested in was the handwritten note. The writer’s penmanship was exquisite, not that you were particularly surprised by that fact. The card smelled like her perfume, as if she had spritzed some on. She’s unreal, you thought. Fragrant notes of orange blossom and rose filled your nostrils and it was addictive. 
The note read: Hey you, I hope you’re doing okay and aren’t too worried about getting behind on schoolwork. If you need help getting your homework done, I know a guy. Anyways, Shane got three days of suspension, which isn’t enough, imo. Text me if ur bored <3 R
She wrote her phone number at the end. You giggled and reread it in full, going as far as kicking your feet excitedly under your blankets. 
“She seems like a sweet girl,” your mom pointed out.
Her voice brought you back to reality. You cleared your throat, “mom, my head is kind of hurting, can I go back to sleep?”
“Oh yeah, of course honey! Get some rest.”
“Thank you,” you set the card down next to you and laid back down as your mom left and once she closed the door behind her, you grabbed your phone and began typing a message to Regina’s number. 
“Hey, ‘R’” you wrote. 
The message delivered and the little typing-indicator dots showed up right away, then her message back came through, “I’m glad you didn’t keep me waiting ;)” then she sent a second message, “how are you feeling?”
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[Text Message Transcript: Reader: I’m feeling okay. I got a concussion like you thought, but I should be back tomorrow. Thank you for the snacks, btw. How did you know cheez-its are my fav? | Regina: My lips are sealed | Reader: You must have gone to a lot of effort to discover my favorite snacks and my home address… | Regina: It’s nothing someone with my social power can’t handle. | Reader: Well, I owe you. For this and for taking care of me yesterday. | Regina: You don’t owe a thing | Reader: Come on, you’ve gotta let me repay you somehow. | Regina: I won’t allow it | Reader: -_- | Regina: :P | seriously. don’t worry about it. | Reader: But why are you being so nice to me? | Regina: because | Reader: That isn’t an answer | Regina: must I have a reason?? | Reader: People usually do | Regina: cynical of you | I guess I feel bad. MY idiot ex gave you a concussion and was an asshole | also | I think ur cute | Reader: It’s not like you own him. | Regina: are you just gonna ignore that last part | Reader: I was getting there! how do you type so fast when you have acrylics?? | Regina: ... | i blame your concussed brain | Reader: You thought about making a dirty joke, didn't you? | Regina: no | maybe | Reader: So... you think I'm cute? | Regina: Not anymore. I take it back because you embarrassed me. | Reader: No take backsies | Regina: Well now I really take it back because that was dumb | Reader: I don't believe you! | Regina: good | you're going to have to see through my bitch act if we keep going along this path | Reader: "if we keep going along this path" meaning...? | Regina: meaning... if you let me take you out on a date | when you're all recovered of course | Reader: Like... a date date? | Regina: yeah dumbass | what other kind is there?| Reader: Sorry!! I've just... never been asked out before | Regina: okay well... I am asking you out | End of transcript]
Being stunned, you didn’t respond to Regina’s text right away. Your heart was pounding. You couldn’t believe that Regina, the queen bee of the school, the most popular girl, the previously-believed-to-be-completely-and-totally-straight-girl, was asking you out. 
Another text from her popped up, “well don’t leave me hanging”
You decided that you wanted to call her. Maybe you felt like you needed to in order to confirm that this was actually real. You called and it rang twice and then you heard her voice through the phone.
She chuckled as she spoke, “hi…”
“Hi…” you said back, suddenly forgetting what words were. 
“What did you want to say that couldn’t have been sent over text?”
“I just… you really want to date me?”
“Yes. I do. Is that really so shocking?”
“A little, yeah.”
“Well listen, I’ve had my eye on you for a while now. And, as I’m sure you are aware, I’m used to getting what I want.”
You shuddered and then replied, “Regina… I’d love to go out with you.”
The two of you continued to talk on the phone well into the night. It was Regina who insisted that you hang up and go to bed to get some good sleep before coming to school tomorrow. The blonde also offered to pick you up in the morning and drive you to school herself. You, of course, accepted. 
You went to sleep feeling lighter than air. 
In the morning, you got ready for school with more zeal than you ever had in your life. Your mother wondered out loud whether you had been replaced overnight by an entirely different person. You just smiled and said that you were happy and feeling better. 
There was a car horn honk from your driveway and your mom kissed your cheek goodbye as you left your home. 
Regina was sitting in her black Jeep, using her mirror to fix her hair. She smiled at you as you came out of your house and approached the passenger side of her car. She leaned and reached over, cracking the door open for you and then offering you her hand to hold as you stepped up into the car.
You sat down and tossed your backpack into the backseat. 
She smiled again, looking you over, “you look so cute!” Regina then gently caressed her thumb over the bruise on your forehead from the basketball, “and this is looking much better.”
You looked her up and down as well and smiled, “you look incredible…”
“Thanks, baby.” 
She had called you ‘baby’ on the phone the night before as well. The affection made your heart flutter.
She continued, “get buckled, let’s go.”
Regina drove you both to school and parked in her spot in the student lot. It wasn’t an assigned parking spot or anything, it was just the closest spot to her preferred entrance and it was hers by way of having scolded anyone who had ever dared to park there.
When you got out of the car, Regina walked over to you and took your hand in hers. 
Surprised, you said, “you know, we haven’t actually gone out yet…”
“I know that. Do you mind if I hold your hand anyway? Do I have to wait before I can show you off?”
“I don’t mind,” you smiled. 
Regina walked you into the school and immediately, all eyes were on the two of you. You half expected Regina to drop your hand but she didn’t. You glanced over at her and she was proud. Beaming even. 
She squeezed your hand a little tighter and looked at you, “you okay?”
You nodded your head, “I am.”
Regina went with you to your locker and leaned against the adjacent locker while you put your backpack away. Then Regina noticed that you had a small magnetic mirror in your locker and she came up behind you and wrapped her arms around you from behind and looked into the mirror.
“We look good together, don’t we?”
You looked at the image in the mirror and thought she was right. With her bright blonde locks draped over your shoulders, her manicured fingers touching your neck, her cheek pressed against yours, it was a dream come true. 
“It’s way too easy for me to get lost in you…”
“I feel the same way, baby.”
At that point, Gretchen and Karen approached, locating Regina as if they had a homing beacon to her. Gretchen flashed you a polite smile and said, “you look mostly recovered!”
Karen stared at you with wide eyes and said, “don’t worry, I’ve been knocked out by a basketball too! It happens to everyone.”
You thought about objecting to her statement in some way but then you just nodded. 
Regina grabbed your hand again and touched your cheek, turning you to face her, “you’ll sit with us at lunch, right?”
“Oh sure! If you want me to…”
“Of course, silly! Well, you know where to find me, then. I’ll see you later.” Regina pulled you into a hug and squeezed you tightly against her chest. And for the first time in your life, you felt genuinely wanted.
The next two days went by fast. Regina took over driving you to and from school and your mom thanked her profusely for giving her a break. You joined Regina, Gretchen and Karen for lunch, sometimes you were also joined by Cady, Janis and Damien, now that things had gotten less tense between those two trios in the aftermath of the junior year dramatics. 
Regina was extremely attentive to you. You naturally fell into habits of taking care of each other, Regina looking out for you as you continued to recover from your concussion, and you paying attention to her chronic pain flare ups and making sure she was monitoring her POTS symptoms. 
You and Regina agreed to go on your first official date together that weekend, but she certainly was not hesitating to claim you as hers in the meantime. In those 48 hours, there was already an instagram and twitter account dedicated to shipping the two of you and you overheard a lot of talk about your sudden closeness and Regina’s obvious protection over you. 
It all came to a head the day that Shane Oman was back at school.
At lunch, Regina showed up to the table a few minutes later than what was typical for her, and she was dragging Shane by his shirtsleeve until she shoved him right in front of you. 
You set your lunch down and looked at him, then Regina, who shoved him again and said, “well, go ahead.”
Shane rolled his eyes, “fine… I’m sorry…”
Regina’s arms were crossed but she smirked a little, clearly proud of herself. 
“Sorry that you’re a disgusting fucking carpetmuncher!” Shane finished, yelling loud enough for the entire cafeteria to hear and immediately cease their conversations, turning all of their attention to your table. 
Gretchen covered her own mouth in shock. Janis and Damien's jaws both dropped open. Karen was staring at something on the ceiling. Cady whispered “oh my gosh” under her breath. 
You just froze and stared. 
Regina lurched forward and gripped the back of Shane’s shirt collar, pulling him backwards by it in a swift motion and basically choking him with the fabric, “what the fuck did you just say?” she growled.
Shane coughed, “I… I… said… carpetmuncher… and I’m not sorry… and I don’t believe for one second… that you’re falling for this… this… dyke!”
“Oh? You don’t?” Regina pushed Shane down to the ground and he collapsed to his knees and rubbed his neck as Regina let him go. Regina walked over to you and took your face in her hands. One second, her face was red with fury, but when she looked down at you, she immediately softened. She pulled you close to her and then pressed her lips to yours.
It wasn’t how you imagined how your first kiss with Regina would have gone, but you wouldn’t have changed anything about it. 
She kissed you so tenderly. Your senses were completely overwhelmed by the softness of her lips, the taste of her lip gloss, the smell of her hair, the feel of her tongue just teasing your bottom lip. Regina held the kiss for a long time and you held her waist. 
You knew everyone’s eyes (and cameras) were on you, but you couldn’t have cared less. You had Regina, and that’s all that mattered. 
When Regina pulled away, she kept eye contact with you for a moment and smiled, assuring you that she kissed you because she wanted to, not just to prove a point. She came back to give you one more quick and gentle kiss before returning her attention to the pathetic man on the ground. 
“Next time you want to say anything derogatory to my baby here, you better be fucking prepared to say it to me, too, Shane. And I don’t think I need to spell out the absolute shithole you will find yourself in if you do that.” 
Shane stared at her with wide, terrified, eyes.
“Now get the fuck out of my sight.” Regina added. 
Shane scrambled to his feet and sprinted out of the cafeteria as Regina took her seat next to you with closed eyes and exhaled a breath through her nose to calm herself.
You leaned your head on her shoulder and whispered, “thank you, Gina.”
She turned her head and kissed your temple, “of course, baby.”
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For You, I'd Bleed Myself Dry
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Setting: Early-ish Alexandria
Warnings: Suggestive (extremely mild); hangover
Summary: You're hung over and don't really remember how you got to Rosita's house the night before. Or what you had said on the way there.
A/N: Just a fun little drabble born of this incorrect quote. Suggested by @marvelcasey05
*gif is not mine
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You didn’t expect to find Daryl still home when you wandered in the next morning. He was always an early riser, and though everyone else still slept, he would usually be long gone and outside the gates. So, when you tip-toed through the door and into the kitchen, your heels in your hand, he nearly scared the life out of you. You flipped the lightswitch and:
“Jesus Christ, Daryl!”
The archer chuckled behind his coffee mug before tilting it the least bit more to take a sip. “Rollin’ in awful late.”
You shrugged “Or early, depending on how you look at it. Any left?” You nodded toward the cup. He gave a quiet mhm and got up to make you a mug. Your head was throbbing. You knew your makeup was a mess and your hair a disaster. You had slept in your dress at Rosita’s, so it was wrinkled and you were almost certain that it was only partially zipped in the back.The party hadn’t been that fun but the liquor had been flowing. That was why you went. Things in Alexandria had been stressful. Your group had been there a while. Long enough for so many problems to come along and be handled. The past week had been particularly eventful. Still, it had been handled and there had been some time to cut loose. 
So, you did.
You sat your heels on the counter and muttered a thank you when he slid the mug across the surface, narrowing your eyes across the rim as you readied for a drink. “Do you know how I take my coffee?”
“Guess you’ll need to take a drink an’ find out, won’tcha?” He was perching himself back on the island stool when you realized that Daryl Dixon was barefoot, wearing flannel pajama pants, and a faded Led Zepplin t-shirt. 
“You’re wearing people clothes.” You blinked, still holding the mug close to your mouth. 
Daryl smirked from behind his own cup. “M’a person, contrary to popular belief.” He took another sip, prompting you to take one of your own. He did know how you liked your coffee. Interesting. 
An ache in your left foot reminded you that you wanted nothing more than to go to your room and fall into a coma for a few hours. “I should probably take some—”
“S’behind ya. Got ‘em out earlier. Water too.”
There were two tablets on the countertop by the fridge, along with a glass of water. You warily picked them up, almost as if they would come alive and bite you. “Thank you?”
Quickly swallowing them, you downed the water because coffee wasn’t the best tool for rehydrating, but you’d be damned if you’d give up that mug for anything. Collecting your heels and your coffee, you started walking backwards out of the kitchen. “Listen, I’m gonna head upstairs and get off my—”
“Perfectly good chair right here.” 
“What?” Now you were looking at him as if he’d grown a second head. There were no other chairs in the kitchen. Carol had the only other stool piled full of kitchen junk she had yet to put away. “Are you sure you’re awake?”
“M’wide awake. How’d ya get to Rosita’s last night?” 
Wait. Was Daryl blushing? “She helped—” No, that wasn’t right. Rosita and Tara came back long after you did. You distinctly remembered grumbling at them to turn off the lights. “How did I get there?” You said aloud, though softly.
“I took ya.”
Your shoes hitting the floor echoed through the quiet house, causing both you and Daryl to flinch. After a moment, no baby cried and no adults yelled. You walked forward and placed your mug back on the counter. “What do you mean you took me? You weren’t at the party.”
Cause Daryl’s home. He doesn’t like parties.
He shrugged but the pink tint to his cheeks was now traveling a route up to his ears. “Was workin’ on the bike. Saw ya stumblin’ ‘round in the dark. Didn’t wantcha to get hurt.”
“Did I—did I say anything stupid?”
And if I see him right now, I'm gonna ask to use his face as a chair.
“Nope.” The archer was staring at his coffee cup, rolling the smooth sides between his hands. He absolutely knew what you had said but he was giving you an out. Goddamn that man. He had to be beautiful, rough edged, and chivalrous at the same time? 
“Good.” You nodded. “Good. Thanks for the coffee.” You turned to walk out, leaving the coffee mug behind. “And for—you know, getting me there safely last night.” 
He nodded with a small, tight smile but didn’t say anything else. Maybe he was just teasing you. No, Daryl wasn’t the type. Well, he was but not with things that were at his expense. He was definitely going out of his comfort zone if the red tint on his face was any indication. Did he want to do that with you? You certainly wouldn’t mind. You’d wanted Daryl for as long as you could remember. Even before he started treating the group more like friends than survival buddies. There was always just something about him that called to you, pulled you in like a magnet, but there was this invisible line that didn’t feel safe to cross. Was he toeing that line with you now?
You might never get the chance again if you were to shut him down.
“Hey, Daryl.” You called from the stairs, barely looking over your shoulder. Your heart was racing.
“There’s—there’s no chair in my—what’re you—hey!” You were over his shoulder and being hauled down toward his room in the basement before you could do much more than laugh.
“Weren’t no way ya could make any line ‘bout a chair work.”
“Got a bed, right?”
“Got a mattress.”
“That’ll do, Dixon. That’ll do.”
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Imagine Benny when you come to him for help
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"Ben?" You call out, rapping your knuckles on the door frame. You held your other arm flush to your chest, trying to ignore the searing pain coming from your shoulder.
Knocking on the door again. You didn't know if he was home or out with the guys. You just knew where his house was and that you needed help.
"Hang on a damn minute!" He yelled from inside. Clearly irritated at the disturbance at such a late hour. You breathed a sigh of relief that he was home.
"Benny please let me in." You called, glancing out into the night behind you.
"Y/N?" His heavy footsteps picked up in speed and he yanked open the door.
Practically barging past him, you stumble into the entrance way of the house.
"I'm so sorry Ben. I didn't have anywhere else to go?"
"How about a hospital? What the fuck happened to you." He looked you over, taking note of the cuts on your face and the way you held your arm.
"Don't want to talk about it."
"Fair enough. Why did you come here? Frankies' is closest to you."
"You told me I could come here if I needed to. For safety."
"Yeah but that was about- oh. Wait he did this to you?" The realisation dawned on him and he felt a wave of anger roll over him.
"I'm sorry. I just needed to get away from him, and he doesn't know where you live. Among other reasons. I would have gone to Frankie but Sam's not even a month old yet, and you don't have a baby."
"He's looking for you? To what? Have another go at beating you senseless."
"His exact words were a little more colourful and descriptive."
"Right... You need to sit down so I can clean you up. And then start over and tell me exactly what happened."
You took a seat on the very comfortable sofa. Perching yourself on the edge of the cushion. Not wanting to stain them with any dirt or blood.
Benny came back with his well stocked first aid kit. Constantly in use from his training and fighting injuries.
"Start from the top. I'm all ears." Benny prompted you as he took a seat on the footstool and started taking out some antiseptic wipes.
"There really isn't all that much to explain. I came home from work. Showered and the next thing I know he's on me like I've just told him I fucked someone in our bed. Which I hadn't by the way. Apparently some of his buddies saw me at your fight yesterday. Made up something about it and played into his jealousy about it. Nothing I could say way going to make it better."
"Fuckin' knew it. I told Will this would happen. Tell me you're not going back to him."
"Do I look brain damaged Ben? I'm not the girl that going to 'fix' him. The second he put his hands on me I was done. There's no going back from this."
A comfortable silence followed, only cut by the occasional sharp intake of breath from you as Benny cleaned you up.
"Good. 'Kay, I've cleaned up that busted eyebrow and your lip. You're lucky you don't need stitches for your hand. Can you move your shoulder or are taking a trip to the ER?"
"Ben I can't afford it. But it fuckin' hurts. I can move my wrist?" You offered, hoping it was helpful information.
Letting out a sigh, he placed down the cloth he had, "Ive fixed a fair few dislocated shoulders but if it's broken were going to have to. Can I see?"
You nodded, shifting to face him side on. He moved your hoodie to the side and his fingers prodded along you collarbone. Whimpering as he got to a particularly sore spot.
"What's the verdict nurse Miller?" You teased.
"I don't think it's broken, how this that happen exactly."
"He uh, kicked it."
Ben let out a puff of air, signaling his disgust, but continued feeling along your shoulder, "yep that's dislocated. I can put it back but I need to do it properly and quickly."
You nodded, Benny moved so he was sat behind you. Wrapping an arm around yours, he took hold of your upper arm. "Okay, what do I need to do, can you give me-"
With a sickening pop, he jolted your shoulder back into place. Letting out a horror movie worthy scream. You lurched away from him and blinked at him in shock.
"I'm sorry. It's best to just do it, warning makes it worse."
"Holy shit, that fucking hurt." You puffed out breaths of air trying to slow your heart. "But thank you."
"Try not to move it too much."
"Okay. Ben I'm sorry for just turning up here."
"None of that thank you very much. I'm just flattered you felt safe enough to come to me. I meant what I said."
"Of course I feel safe with you. You've always looked after me like I'm yours."
There was a tense silence for a moment after that as you both started at each other. Ben cleared his throat and shifted himself off the sofa.
"I'm going to grab you some painkillers. I bet you're starting to ache now."
He was right, you felt like you'd been put through a hydraulic press six different ways. Returning with a glass and a hand outstretched with a few pills in it. You gratefully took them. Downing the pills and the water easily.
"If you just drugged me I'm going to be so mad."
He let out a chuckle, "come on. If I was like that I wouldn't have wasted a good first aid kit on you. That shits expensive."
"The way you go through them yeah I bet they are." You both chuckled at the thought.
"Okay I sho-" You started to say but we're cut off by the sound a car pulling up and the engine turning off.
You heard a car door close outside. Making you freeze.
"Go upstairs now. Don't come back down until I say it's clear." Benny whisper shouted. He quickly tidied up the first aid kit and shoved it under a blanket on the sofa.
"Now!" He urged you when you didn't move.
Jumping into action you, ran upstairs, hovering on the landing.
Four sharp thumps to the front door had your blood running cold. How the fuck had he found you here?
"Will? What the hell do you want this late?"
"Is Y/N here?"
"I'll take that as a yes then."
"It's okay Y/N it's just Will." Benny called up to you.
Tentatively you came back downstairs. Seeing the two brothers stood side by side.
When Will locked eyes on you, he strode over and pulled you into a hug. He had always been the less affectionate of the two. So it surprised you as he rubbed your back.
"Thank god you're okay. He's been down the bar bragging about what he did to you."
"What? She's lucky she didn't have to go to the hospital." Benny seethed, "man I really want to go down there."
"Bet he missed out some bits. He was cradling his balls as I ran off."
The two of them snorted in unison, "you better have."
"Of course I did. He wouldn't have stopped. Fucker was trying to kill me."
"Well he's never gonna get the chance to again." Benny affirmed, gritting his teeth.
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muddyorbsblr · 4 months
'one look and they'll know' collection masterlist See my full list of works here!
Placement: pre-relationship era; months before 'one look and they'll know'
Summary: After a particularly horrible day on set, Chris extends an invitation for you to join the cast in a game of charades to unwind.
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warning/s: workplace bullying (mentioned); language [let me know if I missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: hints of mutual pining; we're in Hemsworth's POV
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"Come on, it'll be fun, Tiny Terror, I promise." Chris gave your shoulders a slight shake to hopefully snap you out of the sour mood you'd been in all day. It was more than obvious why, considering that there were a good few production assistants that looked like they were on their own personal mission to get you to break composure and break a nose, constantly putting your team down for working too slow or some other reason.
One of them even tried insisting that there were props out of place so they could call into question your skill in clocking the continuity between shots. And while it was simple enough to debunk their accusations, it had also been a rather tedious day even just watching all of the little inconveniences happen that seemed hellbent on putting a damper to your day. He couldn't imagine how much more stressful it was in your shoes.
You were only allowed a few minutes to breathe without much worry when those assistants were pulled aside for Taika to have a word with them. Because other than him, there was someone else that not only witnessed the borderline harassment that occurred today, but was damn near foaming at the mouth to start snapping at them for their insolence.
And right now Chris could only imagine that the Brit was standing at full height putting forward every single intimidation tactic he had on display at those people and asking them point blank if they had some sort of issue with you.
"I really don't know, Hemsy, it's been a long day. I kinda just want it to be over," you sighed, the facade you'd put in place of trying to look unbothered finally cracking as your shoulders slumped. "No idea who fucking pissed in their cereal this morning but if their goal was to drag someone down with them, they fucking succeeded. Just wanna go back to my hotel room and order a big bowl of pasta and a bottle of wine and turn my phone off until tomorrow morning."
"Alright, how about this. Just a few rounds, and if you hate it, I'll pay for your pasta and wine?"
You paused, thinking over his offer for a few seconds before finally sighing, "Fine. Thirty minutes. But if I tell you I wanna go, you better be ready to order me the fattest bowl of truffle cream pasta you can find."
Just as you walked off back to your team, Taika and Tom came out of one of the back offices where they sequestered the offending crew members. There were visible scowls on their faces as they muttered to themselves while Taika whispered some instructions to security, probably telling them to keep an eye on the troublemakers moving forward.
"Saw you talking to Lil Mayhem," Taika spoke up once he stood where you did just a few moments ago. "She alright?"
Had the situation not been so tense, Chris probably would have poked a bit of fun at the way Tom's face became visibly more animated as he scanned the set trying to find you. If the Brit became even the slightest bit more enamored with you and still refused to do anything about it, he might have to tell you himself just to caution you that if you didn't feel the same way, you'd have to let him down gently. And preferably sooner rather than later.
"She will be," Chris answered. "She's joining us later."
"Ah perfect," the New Zealander exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "We can pair her off with Tom."
"Hmm?" There was an alarmed look in Tom's eyes now, the sound coming out of him uncharacteristically higher pitched than normal.
"Oh come on, mate, did you really think nobody noticed? You look at her like a pup, wagging its tail and jumping in place when its mum comes home." Chris clapped a hand down on his shoulder, trying not to laugh at how mortified he looked finding out his subtle "work crush" on you wasn't exactly that subtle. "Just don't go humping her leg when she walks in."
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"Oh my God, yes you're here too," Tessa exclaimed when you walked into Taika's suite, doing a little bounce on her place at the couch and patting the seat beside her. "We can be partners and smoke their asses."
"Hemsworth promised to buy me pasta if I hated it," you told her with a shrug, sitting at the vacant seat. You didn't seem to have noticed that Tom had moved over, making room next to him on the other side of the table. "And I'm not one to turn down free food."
"Tessa you're already partnered with Chris over here," Taika informed her, pointing at the Australian.
"Hold on since when?" He simply showed her a paper containing all your names, your eyes widening slightly when you saw that yours was next to Tom's. "Fine," she huffed, shifting her gaze over to Chris. "We got this."
Taika then presented a little fishbowl containing folded scraps of paper and explained that a single turn would consist of each of you picking out a paper and trying to sign out whatever was on their paper, while the other had to guess what it was. Straightforward enough. "Whoever's signing cannot talk, but they can make sounds if they think it'll help," he kept on explaining. "Winning pair will get…a nice swanky dinner for two when we get to LA for the premiere. Sound good?"
Lay it on a little thicker, Taika, I don't think they're catching on yet, Chris thought sarcastically, immediately clocking the way your cheeks were reddening and Tom was without a doubt imagining what it would be like to be sitting across from you in a fancy restaurant, imagining that you two were on a proper date. What with the way he couldn't keep his eyes off of you, along with that dopey lovestruck smile painting his face every time you even shared the same breathing space, it wasn't that hard to take a guess what the Brit was thinking right at this moment.
Once everyone had a scrap of paper in their hand, Taika spun a little wheel of your names to pick out which pair went first. "Alrighty then, Tom? Y/N? Which one of you'll be guessing first?"
"Oh, uhm…can I guess first? 'Cause I can't sign for shit."  Your request as you addressed Tom sounded casual enough, had it not been for the chuckle at the end that immediately had both Chris and Taika knowing much better than to mistake your demeanor for 'casual'. Seemed you were as skittish around Tom as he was around you.
And maybe Chris didn't have to interfere and advise you to let his friend down easy after all. Maybe he just had to sit back and let you two find each other at your own pace.
Though admittedly this was the type of behavior that started out cute but would grow frustrating to watch if it went on for too long. If neither of you made a move in the coming weeks he might be tempted to lock you two in a cramped storage closet to move things along.
Tom stood up from his seat, cheeks quickly becoming tinged with pink when he saw the words on his little scrap of paper before looking up and holding your gaze. On a whim, Chris decided to take his phone out and have his camera at the ready.
The chime on Taika's phone signaled him to start, and he held up five fingers in front of you.
"Five words." He then nodded and held up one finger before creating a letter "T" with his hands. "First word 'The'." He held up four fingers next and did the "T" symbol again. "And fourth word 'The'. So 'The Blank-Blank The Blank'?"
He nodded at you, a light shining in both your eyes as he kept on, like a couple of kids excited they found someone to play with. But then when Tom went on to sign the second word, for a split second you gave him a look that had everyone in the room that paid even the smallest amount of attention that his affections were definitely not one-sided.
You were well on your way to being completely smitten with him, too.
He held up two fingers before making a lassoing motion and snapping his fingers so loud that the sound made your neck twitch, your eyes glazing over as he pointed to the space in front of him. "Uh…uhm…Capture?" He shook his head, repeating the motion again. "Herding?" He shook his head again. "Collaring--Cowboy?" He let out a laugh before shaking his head again. "Okay I don't think I'm gonna get that, maybe another word we're running out of time."
Tom took a deep breath, as if composing himself before holding up five fingers. And then he drew his hands close to his chest and started making the most ridiculous sound with his head tilted to the ceiling. "Ememememe omomomomo".
That had you bursting into a fit of giggles, making him break out into a face-splitting grin and a few chuckles of his own. "I'm sorry I got absolutely nothing on that, go back to the second word." He went back to the lassoing and snapping movement. "Wait is this for a person or an animal?" He made a motion as if weighing an object in each of his hands, signaling to you that it was both. "Both?! Okay so…domestication?" He shook his head, but motioning for you to keep going down that route. "The--Taming?" Then you gasped, standing up right as two seconds were left on the clock, clapping your hands. "The Taming of the Shrew! The Taming of the Shrew!"
Out of the sheer excitement in the moment, he made his way around the table, grasping for your hands before framing your face in his hands. Had you both lost yourselves in the moment for even a few seconds longer, Chris would have bet good money that you two would have shared a kiss right in front of them.
But then both of you froze in place, giving each other an awkward smile before he stepped back, making his way back to where he stood seconds before. Good thing Chris already had his phone in hand and snapped a photo before your mutual shyness toward each other got the better of you.
"Cute," Taika commented, throwing Tom a look. "Alrighty then Y/N, it's your turn now."
You stood, looking at your scrap of paper and then looking around the room, your eyes landing on the decorative skull flower vase on the dining table.
Before you could signal for Taika to start the clock, Tom spoke up, "Hamlet?"
A choked sound of utter shock slipped out of everyone else in the room. "Hold up, that counts right, T?" Taika just nodded.
"How the fuck--Are you two telepathically connected or something?" Tessa threw the question out, pointing her finger at both of you. "You know what it doesn't matter, the night's still young. We still got a chance to smoke 'em, Hemsworth."
Chris wasn't paying much attention, shooting you a text instead. So you wanna cash in on that free food, Tiny Terror?
He had to fight back the knowing grin that pulled at the corners of his mouth seeing the message you typed back. I could stay a few more rounds.
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A/N: I did mention before that I have some pre-relationship chapters planned for these two blorbos, right? 👀 Well if I didn't, I'm saying it now. Chapters. Plural. I honestly don't know how many pieces I have in store for this collection but safe to say it's not ending any time soon. 😳💖
'everything' taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog @peaky-marvel @lokiified @tom-hlover @dryyoursaltyoceantears @herdetectivetheorist
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khaopybara · 1 month
Hi, first of all, I hope this ask finds you well 🤗
I wanted to ask, what is your top 10 favorite FirstKhao kisses? 🙃
anon, first of all, thank you for wanting to know but also, you're asking the worst person, because i'm so bad at picking favorites 🥲 excuse me because i was inspired hence the length of this answer. i was also trying my best to procrastinate instead of doing what i was supposed to do (study).
thankfully you didn't ask me to rank them, so in no particularly order of preference we have:
sandray's new year's peck
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it's soft, it feels so domestic and sweet. it's just them being happy and content and hopeful for the future. it's great.
sandray's pool kiss
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it's such a fucking statement (despite ray not realizing it). the way sand was all stiff when kissing boeing, but when he kisses ray he's immediately into his touch? and how he reaches out to touch ray? how his hand hovers over ray's throat? 10/10.
sandray's smoke kiss
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what a phenomenal first kiss, we all have to agree. it's hot, it's gorgeous, and it show so much passion and desire from both parts, honestly. the whole sequence was breathtaking, and i love it. (the way sand pulls on ray's bottom lip and when he kisses ray's hip tattoo? absolute cinema.)
akkayan's "what is our relationship?" kiss
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in specific this second kiss out of the three we've got back to back. it's just so cute the way akk keeps saying what aye doesn't want to hear just to get more kisses, and aye happily "punishes" him for it. the way they both smile before and into the kiss. it's for sure one of my all time overall favorite kisses.
sandray's angry kiss
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completely different vibes from the previous one. i don't know, it just has such a good build-up. from the moment ray barged into that room i knew he wasn't leaving sand without either getting punched or getting railed. unfortunately, top got in the way for that second option to happen. it's the way ray just takes a breath between kisses and how disoriented sand looked when they were interrupted that does it for me.
sandray's end of the date kiss
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it was the perfect end for the perfect day if bostonnick hadn't appeared. were they going to have sex in the balcony of sand's apartment? maybe. but it's not about that. their day together had been perfect. they woke up together, had breakfast together, went shopping together, went to a concert, ate, flirted, ray met sand's mom and sang for him. ray opened up about his mom. they were both on the way to let the other in and give each other a try, and then we know what happened.
akkayan's fantasy kiss
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akk has a very vivid imagination. people have talked about this before. how it doesn't start with an actual kiss, but just a cheek kiss, and then it's akk imagining aye wanting him, actively pursuing him romantically, choosing him, kissing him. it's just gorgeous.
akkayan's first actual kiss
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"i want to kiss you. can i kiss you?" "if you want me to stop, if you're not okay, tell me. i'll stop." IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!! i'm in awe every time i watch this scene. it's so gentle and tame, and at the same time, it's so heavy with meaning. the way they both feel the kiss? listen, i'm unwell.
sandray's 'sand almost got that d' kiss
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no one can convince me sand didn't want to get fucked in that car, and i love how ravished he looks when they are interrupted (again) by mew. but this kiss is here specifically because of the this part where ray so skillfully closes the sunroof with one hand while still kissing sand. i love it. when it came out, i watched this part more times than i'd like to admit.
akkayan's bridge kiss
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akkayan's kisses in our skyy 2 were works of art. i lost count of how many times i've watched this kiss in specific. now we know that most of the bridge scene was improvised, hence why akk/first looks amused by aye/khaotung's little pecks before their actual kiss, but it's undoubtedly one of their prettiest kisses. the location, and the sun behind akk's head, the domesticity and sweetness. it's just so so great, i really love it.
special mentions: weed cookie "kiss", cheek kiss after sex and cheek kiss after therapy, because i needed to include them too. they are that special to me.
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daechwitatamic · 4 months
Vice;Grip || chapter 2 || chs
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(banner by @itaeewon)
Vice;Grip (masterpost) NSFW - minors DNI Genre: angst smut fluff, fuckbuddies!au Summary: Make it not hurt, you could have asked him. Or, at least, make it hurt in a way I choose.  A/N: infinite thank you's to @sailoryooons and @eoieopda for beta-ing!! //
Warnings: Frequent depictions of depression, depressive episodes, panic attacks, and substance abuse (alcohol, weed, and pills referenced). PLEASE know that these characters’ relationships with drugs and alcohol are not healthy and should not be emulated. If these topics are triggering to you, please consider sitting this one out.
Section Specific Warnings: depiction of a depressive episode, recreational drinking and bar scenes, allusion to oral (f. receiving), kissing, rough sex/man-handling, explicit penetrative sex, dirty talk, aftercare, didn't venture fully into writing dom!vernon but i have been informed i wrote something that might be in the realm of a dom drop, language obviously, reader is called a gendered slur by a stranger, law-breaking :), actual fluff for a second, allusions to drug use, car sex
wc: 6900
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Playlist: you can call me in the middle of the night / you can leave before i wake up in the morning / and it could feel so wrong / but i'll still hold on
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1 yr, 5 months ago
The onset of spring brought a lack of color. Grey clouds hung full and heavy, low over the city skyline. Grey crept into the corners of your apartment, darkening rooms during daytime so that you needed to keep lamps on even in midafternoon. Grey crept over your body, into your limbs. Days stretched and nights inched; you only got out of bed because you had to feed the damn cat.
That's part of why you'd gotten the cat in the first place, after a particularly long episode a few years ago, when Chan had presented you with a list of things he thought you should do to combat the blues, as he'd put it.
He meant well. But he always came at your depression like a problem solver, like just doing the right things could make it go away.
And sure, his suggestions were things that would help - get outside, call someone, don't isolate, shower even if you aren't leaving the house, drink some damn water - they weren't a cure. They were better reminders for when you were okay - good at keeping you okay for longer stretches. But when it was already too late, when the grey came, they all sounded fucking pointless. 
Anyway. The cat had been a good idea. 
is it bad?? 
Chan did his best. He was a good best friend. He just didn't understand it.
The answer to his question, you thought, as you flipped your phone over so you wouldn't see the notification if he followed up, was yes. Yes, this time was particularly bad. But you didn't have the energy to type those three words. 
Terrible friend, your brain accused, and it was right. 
You managed to drag yourself to work, to at least show up so you could continue to pay for your apartment and your damn cat, but not much else. You existed on cans of diet coke and microwave meals. You doom-scrolled until sunrise, then slept an hour or two at most before getting dressed for work. You left texts unanswered, the mail piled up. So did the dishes. 
Chan came by, once, did your dishes for you. It made you feel worse - useless and pitiable. You'd rather he just go away, but you held it in; you knew that would only hurt his feelings.
You learned from your mistakes, one thing that could be said in your favor. 
“Have you called your doctor?” he wanted to know.
What was the point? There wasn't a stop hating your life pill. 
“What if you tried painting?” he asked.
“What if you just let me be?” you countered, finally tripping over the line from embarrassed apathy to defensiveness. 
That pout again. “It might help,” he said. “Don't most famous artists do their best shit when they're down?”
“Get out,” you deadpanned. He dropped it, knowing this was a bigger issue, a bigger argument, than this current episode, a complex situation that went beyond the boundaries of your brain chemistry.
He put the last of your now-clean plates away. “Let's go somewhere,” he suggested.
“Chan,” you groaned. “I’m tired. I can't go gallivanting -”
“You're not tired, you're depressed,” he argued. “And going outside will help you.”
“I might have to kill you,” you said seriously, and he rolled his eyes. 
In the end, he let you win. He'd been around long enough to know that eventually you'd venture outside again, hit the bars with him again, text first again, laugh at his stupid memes again. It was just a waiting game. 
Still, when he left, you sat on the edge of your couch with your chin in your hands. On the living room rug, the cat rolled and showed you its belly. 
“Not you, too,” you groused. 
The cat did a few alligator rolls and then scampered into your bedroom and under the bed, as if chased. 
You sighed. You made your way to the spare room, which had been shut - to keep the cat out. To keep your ghosts in. 
Your easel was still set up in the corner. You were kind of surprised it wasn't covered in cobwebs. You'd been sketching just on paper last time you'd worked, trying to make decisions that way so you wouldn't waste a canvas, and it still sat there. 
You inched closer, ran your hands over your brushes. Took a step back, eyed the paper and your sketches. 
It was bad. Thank god you hadn't put it to canvas. 
You pulled the paper down, crumpled it in your hands. You chased the cat out with a gentle nudge of your foot, and closed the door again, keeping both cats and ghosts on their respective sides of the door.
There was no rhyme or reason to your brain, no map or calendar to follow for the starts or stops. But eventually, the clouds broke. The grey gave way to baby buds of green, yellows pushed through soil, determined to meet the sun.
You texted Chan - drinks??
He responded - about time!!!
You texted Vernon - hello, its me
When he didn't answer, you tried again - sorry for the radio silence. 
Still nothing. 
You checked his socials, saw that he'd been doing his thing - a smattering of selfies, some group shots with the guys he played music with sometimes, a few nature shots: the moon, once, and what looked like the river at night. 
The silence stretched. You gave up, considered it over. Grieved a little, because it had been good. 
You went out on a night that teased summer even though it was months away, sank into the familiar blur of too many shots - not enough to be a problem, but maybe enough to make problems. 
Under the club's ever-moving lights, you took a selfie, your drink and cleavage both showcased in the shot. 
Send it to Vernon, the urge to make trouble suggested, and you listened without hesitation.
And - finally - an answer.
come here after?? 
You smiled a tiny, victorious smile and knocked back the rest of your drink. 
Later, he gave you a rare and devastating pout as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, smoothed fingers down the still-shaking inside of your thigh.
“What'd you make me wait so long for?” he complained, those sharp eyes sparkling with mirth. When you shrugged, still a little mindless from your high, he gave the same spot on your thigh a playful slap. “Don't do it again.”
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1 yr, 4 months ago
busy tonight?
not busy but.
not in the best mood.
bet i could fix that.
yeah. idk.
why don't you let me try? 
“What's wrong?” you cooed, teasing, when Vernon let you into the apartment. 
He didn't smile, didn't play along, and it sobered you quickly. 
“Don't want to talk about it,” he muttered, crowding into your space. “Wasn't that big of a deal anyway.”
Just want the fix you promised, he thought. 
You moaned like liquid gold when his first kiss was a bite. Encouraged, Vernon gripped you by the shoulders, pushing you back against the wall hard enough that he heard your breath escape in a single huff. He hesitated, eyes searching your face; a question.
You lifted your chin, eyes shining with something hard. When he kissed you again, you threaded your fingers through his hair and pulled, hard enough to make him hiss; an answer.
His pace was frenzied from the start, your legs around his waist and the wall holding you up. His hand curled around your throat, not squeezing, but sliding up to grip at your jaw instead, keeping you from tilting your head back, closing your eyes, losing yourself in how he felt slamming his hips flush against yours with dizzying smacks.
When you whined that you were close, he pulled you away from the wall and lowered you both to the ground, the wooden floor of his entryway cold and hard beneath your spine. It didn’t matter, didn’t do anything to stop the vortex tightening below your stomach. You slapped a hand over your face as it distorted in pleasure, Vernon kneeling between the legs you still had gripping his waist, one of his hands braced on the floor next to your head, holding his body over you.
“That’s right,” he breathed, gritted teeth flashing over you, forehead wrinkling as his own release closed in on the chase. “Just fucking take it when I fuck you into the floor.”
Then he was pulling out, breaths hissing through his teeth as he straightened up, one hand pumping himself furiously until strings of white decorated your stomach, cooling immediately in the apartment’s chilly air.
His breathing was ragged as he sagged back onto his heels, and you pushed yourself up onto your elbows, watching him warily.
Then he stood and slipped into the hallway bathroom, the light clicking on and illuminating the unlit entryway where you’d just fucked. You heard the sink run, then shut back off, and Vernon returned. He knelt gingerly - you could see his knees were red from kneeling on the wooden floor - and cleaned your stomach first, then gently between your legs.
You sat the rest of the way up then, watching him carefully as he sat back on his heels again, avoiding your gaze. Something about the moment felt like a thing alive, unfurling between you like a casablanca lily under the refracted light of the moon.
You spoke at the same time.
“You okay?”
You swallowed, rubbed absently at your elbow where you’d smacked it on the floor during the position change.
“I’m fine,” you said tentatively. “Are you?”
He sighed, rubbing his hands over his face, and then peering through his fingers at you for a second before dropping them again. “Thought I hurt you.”
You shook your head. “I’m okay. I would have said something.”
He nodded, relief starting to bring feeling back to his hands again. He stood and reached a hand down for you. When you took it, he closed his fingers around yours and pulled you to your feet.
“I know we don’t usually do this,” you said, rubbing at the parts of you that had been on the floor - the backs of your legs, your ass, “but could I take a super fast shower before I go?”
“Yeah,” he said, so quickly that the word almost trips on itself. “Of course.”
He led you into the bathroom, rummaged in the disorganized linen closet for a clean towel, pressed it into your hands.
“If you need one, too,” you said easily, as he reached around you to turn the water on so it could heat up, “I don’t mind if you join me.”
He paused. “You sure?”
You shrugged, then leaned over to put your hand under the spray, testing to see if it was still cold. “It’s your shower.”
Under the stream of warm water, you turned to face him, front to front, looking up at him with clear eyes. Something in your expression was so open, Vernon couldn’t help but feel both the desire to step into the space you seemed to be offering him as well as the desire to get far, far away from it.
He’d been so angry before you’d texted, furious enough that he’d bruised his knuckles punching the doorframe; now, as the chemicals in his body settled down, he felt those knuckles throbbing. He was disgusted that he’d lost his temper, guilty that he’d taken any of that anger out on you, who had nothing to do with it.
He was scared of the desire he felt to be closer to you, just for tonight. Scared that fucking you hadn’t been enough to soothe whatever it was that roiled inside him, like it usually was. Scared that he felt like he needed more than sex to heal this particular burn.
“I’m sorry,” he said, and part of him thought he was apologizing in advance, like he knew already he’d run scared at some point. “For being so...”
He didn’t know what word fit best. 
“I told you,” you said, pressing a little closer, “I would have said if I had a problem.”
“Okay,” he said, frowning a little. “If you’re sure.”
Then he reached over and brushed a thumb along your cheekbone, chasing away a rivulet of shower-water. You closed your eyes for a second, and he swore he could feel you lean into the touch, just slightly.
He didn’t know how to explain how he felt. Kind of like he’d done a hot-coal-walk; the exhaustion that came with an adrenaline crash, the vulnerability that came after facing down something big, that need - the burn inside him needing cool water before it could quiet down.
With the shower off, the silence in the bathroom was loud.
“Do you…” Vernon started, then stopped. His heart hammered, the adrenaline returning. He covered the moment by toweling his hair roughly and pulling his hands through the strands so they’d lay right. “Do you want to stay for a little bit? I was gonna order delivery, maybe watch something before I finish my assignment.”
He’d expected you to think about it, to turn it over in your mind the way you turn his things over in your careful hands, the way you turn him ass over head with just a smirk. Instead, you nodded right away.
“Yeah,” you said, like it was no big deal. Like you did this all the time. Maybe you did, just not with him. “I was starving, actually. I could stay for an hour or two.”
On his couch, the leftovers of the food scattered on his coffee table, you reached for his hand, ran a thumb imperceptibly along his purpled knuckles. You didn’t ask what happened, just brought them to your lips and pressed the lightest kiss before putting them down again and reaching for your noodles, as if it hadn’t happened at all.
That was when Vernon saw the potential of it, an entire picture, framed and labeled: you could hurt him so badly if he let you, if he let it get that far. For whatever it was that burned inside him, you were the cool water… but you could absolutely be gasoline, instead.
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1 yr, 3 months ago
If you closed your eyes, you could pretend the light that passed over your closed lids in a repetitive pattern was the sweep of a lighthouse beam. You could pretend that the rumbling bass of the music was the roar of the ocean. You could pretend that you weren’t here, in a shitty bar, but at the seaside. You could pretend that you weren’t alone. You could pretend that you weren’t you.
You drained your drink and caught the bartender’s eye, gesturing for another, sliding the sweating glass away from you once you knew a new one was coming.
“What are you drinking?”
The voice came from your right, and you lifted tired, disinterested eyes to find the source of it.
“G and T,” you answered, because it was one fewer syllable than saying gin and tonic and maybe that one syllable would do the dirty work for you and tell this guy that you didn’t want to talk to him.
“Nice,” he said, like you’d said something interesting, and you fought the urge to roll your eyes. You didn’t return the question, just slid your phone screen on and opened your messages.
drinks at my hyungs place. wbu
damn. guess i have to settle for one of these very mid prospects at the willow
damn thats a sad story. if only you had a better option
if only my better option werent busy at his hyung’s
no one said i had to stay here. ur at the willow?
The guy to your right tried again. “The DJ tonight kind of sucks, huh?”
You looked back at your phone.
don’t leave
You smiled into your drink, a thrill dancing through your bloodstream. The lights and music didn’t seem as garish as they had ten minutes ago.
“My boyfriend’s on his way to pick me up,” you said flatly to the guy who kept trying to talk to you, “so you might want to find someone else to complain about the DJ to.”
The word tasted like lemonade on your tongue - acidic and sour, sweet and refreshing, taste buds blooming and shriveling in tandem. Even the knowledge that it was a flat-out lie didn’t stop your heart from beating faster.
You expected the guy to get up and leave, maybe throw you a dirty look on his way. Instead, he seemed to call your bluff, narrowing his eyes like he was trying to read you.
“I don’t think I’d let my girlfriend go out alone looking like this,” he said evenly, and you let out a derisive laugh.
“The fact that you just said the words let my girlfriend probably has a lot to do with why you’re here alone,” you countered, a flash of victory slicing up your spine when you saw his face flush.
Before he could retort, you hopped down from your barstool, pushing your way into the crowded dance floor. You didn’t even want to dance, you just wanted to get away. If Vernon wanted to find you, he could come find you. He’d told you not to leave, he hadn’t said make it easy for me.
He found you anyway; he made it look easy. He stepped around a group of guys talking in a circle and into your space, like he was following a path, like he knew there’d be room for him.
You were happy to see him. You were happy he came. You were happy to breathe him in, to feel the warmth of his body and smell his cologne and hear your name tumble from his mouth like a statement. You were too drunk to tuck these truths away into pockets and folds where they would be harder to find.
You stepped to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. If he was surprised, his body hid it well. His hands came to rest on your lower back, pressing you closer to him as you leaned up to find his mouth.
You kissed him slowly, at odds with the frantic bassline vibrating under your feet. You let him tip your head back, changing the angle, sweeping your mouth with his tongue until you both tasted lemonade.
“Happy to see me?” he asked, a hint of a smirk on his face, one eyebrow arched in question and one half of his mouth twitching into a smile.
You didn’t have it in you to lie, so instead you said, “Your place?”
He led you outside.
As luck would have it, the idiot from the bar stood beside the front door, a cigarette between two fingers. His expression darkened when he recognized you, then further when he saw your fingers linked with Vernon’s as you stepped into the quiet night.
“Your girlfriend’s a fucking bitch,” the guy bit out, dropping the cigarette butt and stepping on it.
Vernon’s eyebrows shot up.
Evenly, he said, “She’s not -”
She’s not my girlfriend. You felt your stomach swoop, and you felt yourself flinch.
“- a bitch. She’s just smarter than you.”
Vernon tugged on your hand, leading you across the street to his parked, waiting car.
You tried to bite back a smile, and he looked sideways at you, his own lips twitching.
“What?” he demanded.
“What?” you parroted.
He scowled at you, but his lips were just smiling. “What?” he asked again.
You laughed. “Let’s go,” you said. “The bitch wants to kiss you more.”
You expected his smile to sharpen. Instead, something in it seems to soften, changing from teasing to actual affection.
“Alright,” he said, turning to start the engine. “Can’t really say no to that, can I?”
“You could,” you mused, as he pulled away from the curb and the bar slid into nothingness behind you, “but I just don’t think you should.”
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1 yr, 2 months ago
no, seriously. i am laying on my living room floor like a starfish trying not to turn into liquid
come to hyungs
its too hot to move
i have an idea, come meet me at hyungs
You frowned at your phone. Of course your aircon died during the only heatwave you could remember in your entire adult life. Your whole body felt sticky; you were pretty sure you were stuck to your floor.
It was too hot to move.
what’s the idea??
you’ll see. i’ll order u a car. can you bring a couple towels?
“Vernon, no,” you laughed, your voice echoing.
He shushed you through laughter, both of you leaning on each other as you stood at the edge of the yard, the grass tickling the bottoms of your bare feet. Upstairs, at his friend’s place, you’d thrown back a few shots for courage before following Vernon out here, and you were feeling them, your head swimming like your body might soon be.
“It’s a circuit, see?” he tried to explain, pointing through the night, as if you could see through all the fences and over all the hedges. “Five yards, five pools, and then we end up right back here and we get in the car and go. Just follow me, don’t stop for anything.”
“Someone’s gonna call the cops,” you complained. “And these neighborhoods all have cameras.”
“That’s why we keep moving,” he said, his grin so excited and so un-Vernon that you almost couldn’t bear to say no to him. “No one’s gonna call the cops if we’re already gone - it’s not worth it. You ready?”
You hesitated. “You’re good to drive us out of here?” you checked.
He held up his hands as if to show innocence. “Only had a beer,” he promised. “But I’ve got something fun in the car for after, if you want.”
You felt your grin turn wolfish. “Okay. I’m right behind you.”
“Try and be quiet,” he warned, then took off running across the yard, cannonballing into the pool with a splash.
You tore off after him, leaping into the water and suppressing a shriek when the cold water hit you. You felt instantly sober, jittery with adrenaline, alive with laughter. You spluttered your way to the surface and pushed water away from your eyes, trying to find him through the shadows.
He was already climbing out the other side, water running down his back, the muscle shifting in the half-light as he hoisted himself back onto the pool’s deck. You hurried across the pool, climbing up beside him, giggling wildly.
“Shhh,” he warned, but he was giggling too as he led you carefully over the fence to the next yard.
As soon as you crept close enough to the pool to jump, a motion-activated light came on, flooding the yard white and causing you to cover your eyes.
“Quick!” Vernon told you, grabbing your arm and pulling you in with him as he jumped.
You let out a stream of bubbles and water rushed into your mouth. You felt your feet hit the bottom and you pushed off hard, surfacing quickly.
Again, you followed him across the pool, both of you laughing and whispering, “Hurry! Quick!” as you climbed out and headed around the house to the front yard.
“Okay, this is the hard part,” he told you, both of you shivering as the night air caught up to you. “We have to cross the street, hop the fence, and then the pool is around back.”
“I’m ready,” you promised, with a particularly hard shiver.
You sprinted across the street, both leaving wet footprints on the pavement. His hand felt warm in yours when he helped you over the fence, warm on your body when he held your waist as you climbed down.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” you muttered, but giggles still spilled out of you.
“More fun than melting, right?” he asked, and you thought that you’d seen him smile more tonight than in whole months of coming together at night.
You thought you might move mountains to see him smile like this again, gums showing, open and honest, happy.
Then you were underwater again, swimming hard to keep up, following Vernon through the night as he pushed his way through some hedges and held them apart for you.
You made it to the last house before someone caught you, slamming the back door open and shouting, “Hey!”
“Go, go, go!” Vernon cried, laughing with such abandon that it sounded like goose honks, pulling on your hand as you both stumbled, dripping, towards the car.
You’d set towels on the seats before starting, so you tumbled into the car and he peeled away, both of you laughing wildly as you left the neighborhood behind.
It was miles before you calmed down, gasping in breaths and trying to hold them before exploding into laughter again.
“I’d better not end up on the news,” you scolded. “I’m in my underwear.
He gave you a searing sideways look. “I noticed.”
You felt yourself warm again, despite being in soaking wet clothes.
“Where next?” you asked. “Home?”
He let out a breath that was almost a sigh. “I don’t really want to go home,” he admitted. Then, “I was having fun with you.”
You considered this. “Not to be a cliche, but… I know a place.”
The quarry was quiet, surrounded by only trees; without posted lights, everything seemed to be just varying shades of black - the black of the water just darker than the black of the stone ledges just darker than the walls of trees just darker than the sky sprinkled with stars above you.
“We have to be careful,” you warned him seriously. “If you slip and get hurt, it could be bad.”
He turned the flashlight on his phone on and set it next to the metal rungs that jutted out of the stone, a makeshift ladder for the swimmers who came here during the day, when swimming was allowed.
“It’s going to be way colder than the pools,” you added.
“You’re not selling this very well,” he pointed out.
“Don’t be a chicken,” you teased.
He eyed the water. “I’m having second thoughts.”
You nudged him in the ribs, which caused him to squirm away, hands batting at yours, a noise emitting from him that made you laugh out loud.
“Are you ticklish?” you demanded. “How did I not know?”
“Come on, are we jumping or what?” he asked, laughing, still trying to keep your sneaky hands away from his ribs.
“Yeah, that’s probably the only way to actually get in,” you admitted, still laughing a little. Your abs felt a little sore from how much you’d laughed tonight.
You stood on the edge of the stone, toes curling over the ledge, Vernon’s hand tight in yours. You stood on the edge, the ink-like water beneath you rippling slightly, marring the reflection of the constellations high above you. You stood on the edge of something, knowing full well you were afraid to swim.
He counted you down, and together, you jumped.
The water was freezing - it hurt, it stung, and you shrieked and laughed as you surfaced. A foot from you, Vernon was shouting.
“The towels!” you told him, already swimming towards the little dot of light that marked the ladder.
Shaking and shivering, you reached your towel, wrapping it around yourself. Behind you, Vernon jogged up, making noises like a disgruntled horse as he found his own towel.
“Oh my god,” he groused, grabbing for you. “I’m freezing, come here.”
He opened his arms, the towel behind him like a wingspan, and you stepped into the space, letting him wrap his arms and his towel around you. You stood shivering together, trying to let your body heat chase the cold away.
You wrapped your own arms around his middle, pressing yourself closer as your legs shook, shivers rolling up your spine in waves as your body fought the chill. 
“C’mere,” he murmured above you, holding you a little more tightly, his own teeth chattering. 
It was the first time, you realized as you turned your head to rest your cheek on his chest, that you’d held each other. It was the first time you’d been between his arms when you weren’t fucking, the first time he’d tightened his grip around you for a reason other than gratification. 
You didn’t want it - didn’t want to know that it felt nice in his embrace, didn’t want to know that it fit right and felt safe. You didn’t want to know that you liked it, didn’t want to have to fight against the humiliation of wanting more.
As soon as the full-body tremors died away in the warm, sticky night, you stepped away, eager to put distance between you again. 
Later, he looked over at you from the driver’s seat of the car, red-eyed, his smile stretching slow and thick like putty. When you straddled his lap, his hands searching out the bare skin of your back, you rocked against him and pressed open-mouthed kisses to the column of his pretty throat until you were pulling groans from him with each pass of your hips. 
Forget, you thought, as you pulled your underwear to the side for him. Forget every single thing but this.
When you slipped an arm behind his neck and pressed your foreheads together as you lifted and dropped, you weren’t sure whose memory you were hoping to erase with this most recent pleasure-chase: yours, or his.
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1 yr, 1 month ago
There was no map or calendar to this thing your brain did. It was summer, the sun shone, and yet the days bled together again, sunsets swirling down the shower drain.
The last time you’d gone radio silent, the last time your world had gone grey without warning, Vernon had answered in kind. His own silence had shouted for him until you’d tempted him back.
This time, he didn’t resort to silence in retaliation to yours. Instead, he kept trying, relentless. If you’d had more presence of mind, you might have wondered why.
[ ]
yo. whats the deal
[ ]
i will have you know that this is very insulting
[ ]
don’t get mad but im coming over
“What the fuck, Vernon.”
“I said don’t get mad.”
“It doesn’t work like that. What are you doing here?”
He leveled you with a look. “You gonna let me in?”
“Literally, no.”
You hadn’t showered in days; your apartment was probably grosser than you were. The cat milled around your ankles, trying to weasel its way outside, and you hopped from foot to foot trying to nudge it back inside.
“Why not?” he asked.
You huffed, annoyed. But the annoyance was the first thing you’d felt all day, and something inside you clung to it, desperate for more of anything but the crawling nothing that’s kept you company for days.
“Because,” you grumbled. Because there’s nothing for you here. Because I have nothing I can give you. “I’m… just not in the mood.”
He stepped back from the door so you could see more of him. “I’m not asking you to be.”
“Then why are you here?” The words fell between you, heavy. If you hadn’t been so low, if you hadn’t gone all day without eating, if you hadn’t been on your thirtieth hour without sleeping, you would have known better. You would have realized that you were asking, if you aren’t here for sex, then what are you here for? 
You wouldn’t have asked a question that you didn’t want the answer to.
He met your eyes. He seemed to teeter on the edge of telling you the truth, giving you the real answer. Then, he muttered, “Got bored.”
You knew it wasn’t the whole truth, and he knew you knew it, and yet neither of you were willing to look at it directly.
“I fail to see how that’s my problem,” you mumbled, avoiding his gaze.
He watched you for what felt like a long time, face serious, eyes glittering and attentive. Then, instead of answering, he repeated, “Are you gonna let me in?”
You frowned at him, but there was a little more pout to it than anger. “I’m all gross,” you said, instead of answering.
Something in him softened - it was visible on his face, in his shoulders, like he knew this was your way of saying yes. “So let’s shower,” he suggested quietly.
You felt trepidation, like part of you expected him to stay soft, to try to take care of you. To your relief, Vernon acted like everything was normal, scrunching his face at you when the water was too cold as he stepped in, washing his own body in silence and letting you do your thing.
He didn’t try to hold you, didn’t ask you when you’d eaten last, didn’t try to talk about it - didn’t try to fix it. He was just… there, and this - along with your first shower in days - was somehow revitalizing in itself.
You pulled on clean sweats, which was better than the day-four sweats he’d found you in. “The apartment’s kind of… sorry,” you mumbled, looking around the living room, feeling a bit of that familiar shame crawl up your neck as you noticed the evidence that you hadn’t been picking up, or running a vacuum.
Vernon flopped backwards on your sofa, unphased, one arm bent behind his head. “We’ve been doing this for almost a year,” he pointed out. “I know how it usually is.”
It isn’t usually like this. And neither are you.
You wondered when it happened - your ability to finish his half-thoughts, your ability to know what he meant when he only said a fraction of it.
You stood awkwardly beside the couch where he was lounging, and he looked up at you with a tiny, amused smile.
“What do you wanna do?”
What you really wanted to do was cocoon yourself in blankets again and put on repeats of a show you’d already seen. But now you had to look functional. You might be mad at him for showing up like this, now that you thought about it.
“I dunno,” you said, which was close to the truth.
“You wanna eat?”
“Honestly?” you asked, pursing your lips a little. “No.”
“Okay,” he said easily, and it struck you again how different this was than how Chan treated you when you were low. Chan would have already had the food delivered, and would be chasing you around the table with loaded chopsticks, demanding you take a bite.
“Can we just… watch something?” you asked, unsure.
Vernon wordlessly reached for your remote and held it up to you, nonplussed.
You wondered if it was an act, how easy this was, how unbothered he was, how he seemed to just understand what wouldn’t help.
You knew it wasn’t; you’d been around long enough to know that Vernon’s demons weren’t all that different from yours.
You settled somewhere between his body and the back of the couch, one leg bent over his legs, one of your arms over his stomach and his arm curled around your shoulders.
“This is weird,” you muttered into his chest, and his laugh rumbled under you.
“Why?” he asked, his smile big, like he thought you were particularly funny. “Not used to being big spoon?”
Not used to cuddling - with you.
“Yeah,” you said, because that was easier.
On your TV, a show ran through several episodes, the changing scenes splashing you and Vernon with changing colors, casting his face blue and then white and then black and then red and then blue again. Sometimes he’d watch, sometimes he’d scroll on his phone. You mostly felt his heart beating under your hand and let your mind whir.
At some point he started mindlessly (or not mindlessly, who could know) stroking your back, gentle touches brushing up and down, slow, slow, the way he always was. At some point you shivered, goosebumps rising along your arms, and snuggled closer to him. At some point he shifted you from slightly beside him to on top of him, a second hand slipping under your loose tshirt and joining the first in tracing stripes up and down your upper back.
You shifted against him, something coming to life with a shudder like the furnace in your parent’s basement on cold autumn nights. Heat worked its way slowly from your core to your stomach, down your legs.
He kept his eyes on the tv, innocent, but you could hear his heartbeat. It couldn’t lie and pretend.
You shifted again, squirming until you’d worked his t-shirt up just enough that you could touch skin, too. You trailed your own fingers over the inch of exposed stomach you’d found, and delighted in the way you could feel him start to harden beneath you.
Then, you delighted in your delight. It was the first good thing you’d been able to feel in almost a week.
You said his name, and he finally looked down at you, eyes nearly black in the unlit room.
“What is it?” he asked, and his voice was suddenly so low it sent shivers tumbling down each vertebrae and tripping over to your limbs. “Want me to make you feel good?”
No, you wanted to say as you answered his question by pulling the hem of his t-shirt higher, encouraging him to lift up so you could pull it off. No, just want you to make me feel.
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1 year ago
Everywhere Vernon looked, all he saw was circles. Circle of red in his bowl when he inhaled. Circle of condensation on the table when he lifted his beer. Circle of light reflecting from his phone case, laying in the setting sunlight, to the ceiling. Above him, the ceiling fan circled lazily, nowhere to be.
And you - you and him. That was a circle, too. A cycle, at least, which was close enough in his opinion. Text, hook up, skitter back to your respective places, wait out the next weekend. It was as rhythmic and routine as waves breaking and then getting pulled back out only to come shatter on sand again. It was out of his control, up to forces far greater than he was.
Vernon’s friends had texted to hang out and he’d declined. He told them he was seeing his parents, but really, he just wanted to be alone. He wanted to watch the ceiling fan circle, he wanted to let his brain go staticky quiet, he wanted to burrow deep into things that made him feel less.
But he still, somehow, wanted to see you. He wanted to be alone, and being with you didn’t feel like not getting that.
It was a little scary, he thought, that you were the exception. That he could be with you without feeling the uncomfortable pressure of being with others, of having to be on, of having to fake cheerfulness and keep up with chatter that only exhausted him.
Vernon wasn’t a kid. He knew what it meant.
whats up
honestly not a lot. want me to come over?
Yeah, he did. He did, even if you weren’t going to hook up. He did, even if you were just going to lay on opposite sides of the couch and scroll on your phones. He did, and he hoped he’d end up with his arms around you, and he hoped he’d make you laugh at least once, and he hoped you’d stay and just be there with him after.
When you came over, he asked you how you felt about it - about him, about you and him. He asked by laying you on your back in his bed, by brushing fingertips along your face. He asked you by sliding your leggings away gently, pressing his mouth to each inch of your inseam as it became exposed to his dimly lit room. He asked you by kissing you through the lace you wore for him, then kissing the same spot once that lace was on his floor.
He asked you when he crawled up your body until his tip teased at your entrance and you whined, shifting to try to take him. And - when he took it slow this time, teeth scraping at your neck and then tongue hurrying to soothe the sting, his arms bracketing your body like he was sheltering you from an incoming storm.
(Maybe, he considered, he was.)
(Maybe, he considered, he was worthless in the face of this storm’s wrath.)
(Maybe, he considered, he was the fucking storm in the first place.)
And you heard his question loud and clear. You pulled on your leggings as soon as you were cleaned up, popping your hood up over your head as you searched for your phone. You kept your eyes on your screen as you waited for a car to come, murmured, “Later,” on your way out the door.
Vernon’s apartment rang with quiet. He was alone, he’d gotten what he’d wanted.
He’d also, it seemed, gotten his answer.
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mastermindmiko · 10 months
My name
Pairing: Sirius Black + fem!reader
word count: 4417
Summary: You're James sister, and you like Sirius. He constantly flirts with you, but at the end of the night, he ends up with another girl. How much can either of you take before your feelings are out?
Warnings: kissing, pranks, poor Emma
Requests are open
Hey! If you think this didn't completely suck, feel free to check out my masterlist.
an: I've obsessed with the Sirius + James' sister thing
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"I don't think this is a good idea."
"That's part of the fun." He says while we listen closely to anything that might be ongoing outside. I hear no footsteps, and I sigh deeply. I lean against the wall of the cramped broom closet in relief.
"I told you we'd get caught." I say, frustrated that I let him talk me into doing this. He grins and says, "I never said that we wouldn't be caught, I said that it would be fun and it was."
"For you maybe, I was terrified." I huffed, and Sirius continued to grin. He leans closer to my face and teases, "That's because you're a goody two shoes."
"Excuse me for caring about my education and not wanting to get detention." I retort, pushing his face away with my finger. Why did he always have to flirt like this?
Two sharp knocks echo on the door, but neither of us replies, fearing that it was a teacher. Seconds later, we hear a voice say, "You two better not be snogging in there."
I open the door, sighing, "No, James. We were just hiding from Filch."
Remus and Peter are standing beside James while Remus wiggles his eyebrows at me, but I shoot him down with a stern look. Sirius wraps his arm around my waist, and I smack it away. He says, "Would it be such a bad thing, love?"
"Yes." James replies before I could giving his best friend a look that could send him six feet under. Sirius panics, he had seemingly forgot that we weren't alone, so he couldn't pester me.
"How was it?" I ask, hoping to diffuse the situation, James looked like he was about to pounce. James laughs, and his mood uplifts in a moment. He exclaims, "It was brilliant, you should've seen it. The whole place was red!"
The prank, they had transformed the Slytherin common room red, and while I don't particularly support pranks, I was hoping for a night of fun after the torture that was last weeks quizzes.
"And their faces!" Peter said, which reminded James of the prank once more, and he burst our laughing. They continued to chat in loud voices as if they didn't know that we're well passed curfew.
I feel a hand slither around my waist midway to the way to the Gryffindor common room, and I look at Sirius pointedly while he had a smug look on his face. I push his hand away and go step beside Remus instead.
When we're there, I quickly head to the dorms to get a well-deserved good night's sleep.
A normal person would assume that Sirius Black was head over heels in love with me, but that couldn't be farther away from the truth for a multitude of reasons. He valued his friendship with James far too much than to mess it up by being with his sister. I wasn't his type, Sirius likes girls who are nothing like me.
The most important reason was that Sirius doesn't do relationships. He likes flirting, he likes the chase, he likes the sex, the relationship aspect of all that, not so much. He jumped from one girl to the next, typically in the span of the week, and I'd be damned if I was one of those girls.
"Go with me." Sirius suggests as soon as he plops down beside me for breakfast. I pause in the middle of lifting a spoon up to my mouth. I frown, "What?"
"The party, the Christmas party." He says, like it's obvious. Slughorns party for the members of the slugclub. I wasn't particularly brilliant when it came to potions, so I wasn't a part of the club, Sirius, however, was.
I don't reply straight away. It was odd. He always flirted, but he never asked me to with him anywhere, never actually asked me out on a date. I hesitantly ask, "As a date?"
James sits down in between both of us and asks intrusively, "Date? What date?"
"Not a date, date, but technically, she's the person I want to take to the Christmas party." Sirius stutters, and James purses his lips. James says, "No."
"James, you're not the boss of me. I make my own decisions." I say, sternly, but James rolls his eyes. Sirius perks up from behind him, and I turn him down, "That doesn't mean that I'll go with you."
He deflates while James perks up. They both start eating food together. They grab the same things at the same time and eat at exactly the same pace. It's freaky how in sync they are. They're the greatest best friends I've ever seen, doesn't Sirius know how this fake flirting thing could jeopardise it?
I stare back at my reflection at my mirror. I tilt my head to the side as I analyse which pair of heels would look best with my dress. Lily chimes in, "Black."
"Are you crazy? Red 100%" Alice and Lily bicker, and I chuckle, "You guys aren't making this decision any easier, really."
"You should come." I say, looking at them. They both opted to stay in the dorm studying rather than attending the party which both of them were invited to. Lily shakes her head, "It's too late now. We don't have dates."
"You could go with each other who cares about having dates, and besides, my brother would drop everything to be your date." I try to convince her, sick of hearing my brother talk about her for an entire summer again.
"I thought we agreed that your brother is an off-limits subject." Lily humms, and I lift my hands up in surrender. I look back at the mirror, then hold up the black heels. I say, "we have a winner."
Alice huffs, and I laugh at her reaction while Lily claps victoriously. I bid them goodbye and walked down the stairs to the common room where my brother and his friends were waiting for me.
"You look beautiful." Remus says as soon as he sees me, opting James and Sirius to turn to look at me. James smiles, "I don't know what you're talking about moony. That's the ugliest rat I've ever seen."
I poke my tongue out at him, annoyed, and Remus holds out his arm for me to take. He says, "Thanks again for agreeing to come with me."
"You don't need to thank me, Remus. We're friends." I reply with a smile. Remus wanted to attend the party, but didn't want to go through the hassle of finding a date, so he asked me.
"I know, I'm just sure that I wasn't your first choice when it comes to dates. You might've wanted to go with someone else." Remus says, and I finally look at the boy who was my first choice.
He had his hair looking perfect as always, and he had on an elegant that fitted him perfectly in every way, and he an odd look on his face than prompted me to say, "Are you okay, Sirius?"
He doesn't reply, but he gulps loudly. His eyes trail down my body slowly, and it makes me feel self-conscious. He snaps his eyes back to mine and he says, "Wow...you look stunning."
I blush a deep shade of red, and I look away from him. This was different from how he usually flirts. It felt like there were actually some emotions behind those words.
"Hey! Mate, stop drooling all over my sister, and let's go." James says, snapping his fingers in front of Sirius' face. Sirius replies, "But she's not here yet."
"Who?" Peter asks
"My date." Sirius says, and he rubs his face with both his hands. He mumbles, "I just can't remember her name..."
Just like that, all the positive feelings were gone because all I could think of was me someday bring that girl whose name he couldn't remember. I snap, "You shouldn't invite a girl out on a date if you can't remember her name."
"There you are! I've been looking all over for you." A girl says as she walks down the dorm stairs and goes to Sirius. She goes to hug Sirius, pressing a kiss on her cheek, and when she can't see his face, he sends a panicked look to Remus.
Remus rolls his eyes, but when the girl backs away from the hug, he puts his hand in front of him and says, "Hello, I'm Remus."
"I'm Emma." She replies, shaking his hand with a smile. I offer my name and so do the rest of us. Sirius' shoulders drop from relief and he says, "Well, now that Emma's here, we should really get going."
I roll my eyes, and James snorts from beside Sirius. We start walking towards the party, and I mumble under my breath, "When is he going to grow up?"
"When are you going to admit your blatant feelings for him?" Remus whispers right next to my ear, and I flush. I snap my head towards him and snap, "Could you blame me for not wanting to? He couldn't remember the name of the girl he was taking on a date!"
Remus shrugs his shoulders and I know that he's convinced. I see the door to the party and feel Remus say something to me, "But the girl he's taking isn't the girl he likes."
"Bold of you to assume that he has the ability to have feelings for someone." I say, and as much as it hurts me to process the fact, I know that it's true. Remus counters, "Well, no someone has ever been you."
"I know that Sirius is your friend and everything, but you really need to screw your head on better." I snort, and give a fake smile that surely looks just like it is. The room is filled with music, and people are dancing all over the dance floor. I can hear Professor Slughorn's loud voice all the way from here.
Sirius already whisks Emma away to dance and her giggling echoes through the room. I realize that maybe coming to the party wasn't one of my best decisions. I feel a hand on my shoulder, and James says, "You okay?"
"I'm fine." I reply and James says, "It's really no use of lying to your brother."
"Come on, I know what'll cheer you up." James says, and he grabs my hand and drags me to a table, and I drag Remus along with me. James sits down and he pulls out a deck of Muggle cards and starts shuffling them. James smirks, "So, what are we betting on?"
Remus gives James a disapproving look, but sits down. I pick the seat that makes me unable to see Sirius. We start playing and mid-way through our third game, I pause and say, "Isn't this sort of...weird? We're at a party and we're playing cards."
"We're at a party a teacher hosted, we're not exactly the coolest right now either." James retorts and hands Remus all of his 3s, and Remus grins. James laughs and he looks at something behind me. He says, "Looks like our Padfoot has already scored."
I don't bother looking behind me, I already know what's happening. It's been happening every year since 3rd year. I sigh, and press my lips tightly together. Remus places a sympathetic hand on my thigh and I give him an appreciative smile.
"I think I'm gonna go..." I stand up and start to put my things back into my purse, leaving my cards on the table. I run a hand through my hair and say, "I forgot that I've got a Muggle studies quiz tomorrow."
"But we don't have-" James begins, but I've already turn and made my way to the door. The door slams unintentionally behind me, but I know that it doesn't matter, the noise of the chatter and music drowning it out.
I can't believe that I let this happen, and I can believe that I'm hurt and surprised every time it does happen. I feel straw tear fall from my eye, and I wipe it away. It doesn't help that I hear him jogging after me, and saying, "Hey! You left-"
He stands in front of me and places both his hands on my shoulders. He stops me from walking, and I barely have time to put my hand down before he notices my red eyes. He pauses before whispering, "Were you crying?"
"No, allergies." I say, before stepping away from him and trying to keep on going back to the dorms. He stops me again, and he says, "You can tell me."
"No, go back to the party, you're date's waiting." I snap, and try to walk away, but I get forced back into place. I try to move away with more force, but it shots me back harder. I almost fall, if it wasn't for Sirius who stabilized me.
I begrudgingly looked up, and dreaded what I found. A mistletoe, hanging from the archway that we were both under. I rub my hand frustrated over my face, and say, "I'll remember the spell that I'll get us out of this, wait..."
I huff as the spell completely escapes my mind. I try to think harder to one of the charms books I read with Remus a few years ago. Sirius squeezes my waist, and I didn't even realize that he had his hand there. He says, "We can just-"
"No! I'll remember." I say, sternly and push his hand off my waist. He waits patiently and I get more and more frustrated at my weak memory. I snap my fingers as I try to remember, "I read it at the table near the window, in the library...with Remus, in fourth year..."
"Fourth year! You can't remember that." Sirius says, incredulously. I have to admit, it was ridiculous that I believed that I'd be able to remember a spell I once read, three years ago, but I couldn't kiss Sirius. I huff, "I will."
"We'd sooner die, than you'd remember that spell."
"Just wait." I say, as my eyes scan everything around me, trying to remember that stupid spell. Sirius places his hand on my chin, and makes me look into his eyes, the most beautiful mix of grey and blue that I've ever seen. He whispers, "Is kissing me really that bad an option?"
No, it's not, it really isn't, but I can just imagine how it would go. I'd kiss him, I'd get all those fluttery feelings in my stomach, and I wouldn't be able to stop kissing him because finally it's happening. Sirius would keep kissing me until neither of us could anymore. I'd fall in love all over again.
Then, the next morning, he'd act like nothing happened. I'd go to breakfast and find him sitting next to some girl that he's going to be giving all his attention to for the next week with his arm around her shoulder. I would die inside and be miserable until he'd break up with this girl, and I would believe that it's finally my turn, but then he'd find another girl instead.
I'd be even more miserable until I got over him which is unlikely or when he realized that I should be his girlfriend not a fling a girlfriend, which is even more unlikely, and so yes, my answer is yes. I say just that, "Yes, it would, now stop pestering me, so I can think."
"Love, you're never going to remember it."
"Yes, I will." I snap back at him, and he seals his mouth shut. At last, a moment of peace. I try to think, but it wasn't coming to me at all. I tried to think of alternative spells, and I was grateful that Sirius decided to stay calm.
At least I thought so, until he places his fingers on my chin once more, and quickly tries to kiss me. Panicked, I yell, "Bombarda!"
I point my want to the ceiling and the archway, comes crashing down along with the mistletoe, the spell breaks and we escape before the archway falls over us. In hindsight, this wasn't one of my brightest ideas.
"Are you crazy?" Sirius shouts, and he's right, but no way I'm going to tell him that. I look away from the pile of rubble, and brush off the dirt from my dress, and say, "I got us out, didn't I?"
"You almost squished us." Sirius complains and I roll my eyes. He continues, "And you destroyed a piece of the castle."
"As if Dumbledore can't rebuild it, besides, you've done more damage to the school." I say, and Sirius runs a hand through his perfect hair, making it the slightest bit messy. He says, "That's not the point. You were willing to almost kill us both than have me kiss you. Do I have bad breath or something?"
"Did you forget that you were going to kiss someone other than your date tonight?" I say, trying to remain calm, while Sirius keeps on getting more heated up. Sirius replies, "It's not like I'm cheating or something, she's just a date!"
Exactly my point, she's just a date, he couldn't even remember her name, but he still kissed her, and who knows what they'll be doing tonight. I add, "Did you forget that you're going to be kissing your best friend's sister?"
"It's just because of the mistletoe- James would've killed me, I know, but you're not just his sister, you're more than that." Sirius says, and he looks down at the ground, and I feel my heart rate pick up, despite not wanting it to. He adds, "You're my friend too."
The feeling's gone. I scoff, and leave.
The next day was more chaotic than last night. I'm sitting at breakfast, trying to convince James that I'm alright because of the way I abruptly left the party last night, while also trying to apologize to Remus for also leaving him abruptly last night.
"I promise you it's fine." Remus
"Unlike you, last night." James
"I swear to Merlin, James. If you don't shut up, I will murder you, and Remus, are you sure there isn't any way I can't make it up to you." I say, turning to Remus, voice switching from stern to soft. Remus slips up, "I'm sure you've suffered enough for your mistakes."
"Suffered? What does he mean?" James interrupts, and I pause. I knew what Remus meant, I heard it, he heard it, the entirety of Gryffindor tower heard it, it being Sirius and Emma having fun this morning in some sort of hidden part of the tower.
Echoes of laughter are heard through the Great Hall, and we all turn to see, Sirius walking in with neon yellow hair. James bursts out laughing, and Peter joins him. I try to hide my snickers behind my hand, while Remus smiles. Sirius huffs and sits next to James, opposite to me.
"What happened, mate?" James asks, trying to contain his laughter. The great hall soon quiets down, and everyone goes back to their own lives. Sirius doesn't say anything as he begrudgingly stuffs his mouth with bread.
No one says, anything but James and Remus try to figure out spells to return Sirius' hair color back to normal. James says, "I'll just use a counter-jinx-"
"That wouldn't work because we need to know the jinx that caused it." Remus explains, and he turns to ask Sirius, "Did you hear the jinx?"
Sirius shakes his head, and I notice him avoiding looking at me. James suggests, "If you tell us who did this, we'll just force it out of them."
Sirius shakes his head again, and we notice Emma walking in shooting glares at Sirius. Remus whispers, "Did something happen with Emma?"
Sirius grumbles something under his breath, and proceeds to stuff his mouth full of food again. James exclaims, "What happened?"
"I-uh..." Sirius trials off, and James chuckles. He slaps Sirius' back and jokes, "What? Did you forget her name again?"
The boys laugh at the idea, but they stop when the notice that Sirius isn't laughing with them and instead turn bright pink. Peter gasps, "You didn't."
"I didn't." Sirius defends quickly, but then sinks back in his chair. He purses his lips, and Remus inquires, "What did you do?"
An angry Hufflepuff comes marching behind Sirius, and tugs on his hair. He yelps and turns around to look at the red-faced girl. She shouts at him, "If you're going to try to sleep with my best friend, then have the decency to say her name."
She shoots me a glare, and then walks away back to the Hufflepuff table where Emma has a sorrow look on her face. Sirius sinks further back into his chair, and Remus exclaims, "You called her the wrong name!"
"It was an accident okay?" Sirius defends himself, and I find myself confused why the girl would glare at me instead of Sirius, unless...no way! No way! He wouldn't...would he? Sirius avoiding looking at me, her glaring at me, it all adds up! I flush a deep shade of red at the thought.
"Who's name did you say?" James asks, and Sirius starts to stutter. He grabs a piece of bread and shoves it in his mouth, and motions to it, as if to say that he can't reply at the moment. He chews very slowly, and the bell rings, signifying that there's only five minutes left till class.
Remus stands up and hauls Peter and James with him. Sirius begrudgingly stands up, trying to ignore the pack of Hufflepuff girls shooting him glares. The great hall's nearly empty by the time, I grab Sirius' hand to stop him from leaving.
The action catches my brother's eye, and I say, "We'll meet you there."
James looks at us both skeptically, but Remus grabs him by the collar, and pulls him towards class, along with Peter. Remus has had years of experience and knows that this is the only way to get the boys to class. James shouts behind his back to us, "If you're late, I'll come find you."
"Ow, ow, ow, Moony." James exclaims, as Remus grabs his ear and tries to stop him from staying behind with us. Once they're an appropriate distance away, Sirius asks, "What is it?"
"First...let me." I say, before bringing out my want from my belt loop and waving it over his hair, turning it back to the perfect jet black color that it was. He grins, pulling some of the strands over his eyes, to see the familiar shade of black. He says, "Thank you-"
"Why did you do that?" I interrupt him, exasperated. Sirius turns red, taken aback, and he avoids looking at me again. He stutters, "What are you talking about?"
By now my assumptions have been confirmed, and I feel my heart rate pick up as I say, "You said my name, why did you say my name?"
"I thought, I've been obvious, I like you." Sirius says, seeing no use in denying it, and running a hand through his hair. I bite the insides of my cheek and sigh, "No, you don't."
"I do, a lot." Sirius says, and he takes a step closer to me, the same step that I take back, pushing me to the wall. I say, "You just want me because you can't have me, but once you do, you'll lose interest."
He shakes his head, and he purses his lips before saying, "It's not like that-"
"If you really like me, why were you with those girls?" I ask, and I'm afraid of the answer. I fiddle with my fingers anxiously, and he says, "Trying to get over you."
He takes my hand in his, and I sigh. For so long, this is what I've wanted, he's the one that I like. I look into his eyes for any signs of anything other than sincerity, but there weren't any.
He leans to try to kiss me, but I stop him with a finger on his lips. I take in a shaky breath and say, "If you do this...If you kiss me, I want you to mean it. I want you to kiss me because you like me, not because you're bored or because you want to sleep with me. I can't be just another notch on your belt, I-I'm in this if you are, but if you're not then stop now..."
I trail off, and look back into his eyes, to find him looking at me with an expression I can't place. Butterflies shoot up and down my stomach. I expect him to leave, to turn around and head to class, but he doesn't.
He presses his lips to mine, and I let out a soft gasp. He holds me tightly to his chest, and he grasps at my waist. He kisses me once, twice and a couple more times. He doesn't stop until, he can't breathe anymore. He rests his forehead to mine and I pant, "You kissed me."
"I did" Sirius replies, and he smiles. I can't help, but grin myself. He holds me tighter, and I find myself smiling even wider. I say, "James is gonna kill you."
"I know." He shudders and I see the panicked look behind those grey eyes. I worry that it's going to stop him from being with me. Maybe he didn't even mean to kiss me, maybe he tripped. I ask, "And that doesn't deter you at all?"
"It does" He replies, and I feel myself getting anxious. Sirius values his friendship with James above anything else, they were brothers. I know that he'd be terrified to put it in jeopardy. I add, "Does it scare you?"
"Yes" He says, and I purse my lips before tentatively asking, "Then why aren't you backing away?"
"Because I can't really think about James murdering me when I really want to kiss you." He says, and I smile, maybe he didn't trip. I ask, "Again?"
"Multiple times, yes" He teases, and I smile. It's me who leans forward this time to capture his lips onto mine. He's grinning against my lips, making a proper kiss impossible to achieve. He pushes me against the wall, and keeps kissing me till all the oxygen is out of my lungs.
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ladymarycrawley · 4 months
Happy birthday amore mio - John Stones
Felt like writing this little thing that came to my head tonight, hope you like it 💕
Warnings: pregnancy with a lot of sarcasm and fluffiness
Tag list: @masonxomount @johnstonesfc @prideofpd
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Having John in your life felt so good and you wanted nothing but the best for him, especially on the yearly occasion of his birthday.
You always seized the moment to make him feel loved. He was the centre of your world.
This year, the moment was particularly good as his birthday fell after the Premier League parade and had a few days off before embarking on the adventure of the Euros.
After having celebrated in Manchester, you wasted no time and went to the seaside, to the breathtaking Amalfi coast where you could relax and take in all those amazing landscapes. It was literally like paradise on Earth, as your days went by between chilling at the beach and strolls around the historic centers of those small but picturesque cities. The fact that it felt as if nobody knew you were there nor who you were felt even more perfect as you could go around almost unnoticed and act like a normal couple on holiday: holding hands, kissing each other whenever you felt like doing so, bickering like an old couple. It all felt so perfect and the little secret you had been carrying for the past days was about to top it all: you were pregnant with your first child and you wanted to wait until the 28th to announce it to John.
To be honest, it was rather difficult sometimes to hide it because you wanted to shout it to him, but you held on for the sake of the surprise you were planning. 
There were days where you would have eaten every food that passed under your nose, even the smell of it was enough to make your mouth water and some others where the last thing you wanted was eating and you crossed your fingers in the hope not to throw up, as it would surely have turned your boyfriend's suspicions on.
“What's wrong? Why don't you drink your usual glass of white wine?” He asked, raising his eyebrows while you were at dinner the night before his birthday. You couldn’t throw all of it in the air, you had to stay calm and keep acting as if nothing happened.
You could have waited until midnight so it was already the day of his birthday, sticking therefore to your original plan. You only had to wait a bit longer, making that dinner last as long as possible. 
“I haven't been drinking for a few days now, Sherlock”
“Yeah but when we're out for dinner, in such places, you always drink wine…it's more sophisticated” He explained, quoting what you said to him once he took you to a posh restaurant on one of your first dates.
“I know but it's been kind hot these days so I need to drink water, it's more refreshing”
John kept on staring into your eyes, even when he brought the glass to his lips to take a sip of his wine. He knew you were hiding something but didn't know what exactly.
You tried to change the topic by trying to talk about what you would have done the next day, distracting your boyfriend for a moment.
Another suspicious look was thrown at you when your eyes fell on a young couple carrying their newborn child in the stroller. You cooed and your eyes got teary almost immediately: the image of John pushing the stroller with your baby sleeping in it, his strong arms all veiny due to the effort he was doing…God you were horny too now, great.
John’s look was somehow puzzled as he couldn’t figure out what was going on with you.
“It's the second time today you react like that when seeing a baby…are you okay?”
“Yes, they're so cute when they're that small with their tiny clothes on” You gushed, making your boyfriend giggle.
“Is that a cute way to ask me to put a baby in you?”
Not necessary dear, you already did that.
You almost gorged on the water you were drinking and smiled.
“No thank you”
“Babe, you called me daddy in a square full of people this morning and it's something we usually keep secret, don't act all shy now”
“I didn't shout it, I whispered it in your ear, that's different”
“Your whisper was anything but shy”
“Erm can we just order our food now? I'm starving”
“Bet you are, you felt nauseous all day and skipped lunch”
“It must have been the boat trip we went on, it wasn't so relaxing as they described it”
“Speak for yourself, it was amazing”
“Yeah I know, you almost fell asleep on my legs”
“It means it was relaxing”
You rolled your eyes, trying to make eye contact with the waiter to make him come and take your order.
When you ordered your food, you hoped they would have taken a bit longer than usual to prepare it as it would have helped you wait for midnight.
In the meanwhile you couldn’t help but stare at John who looked especially good that night, in his ivory linen shirt loosely fitted thanks to the couple of undid buttons on the front that let you look at his chest.
“You're so handsome tonight” You smiled, stroking his hand over the table.
He smiled back, moving his finger in circular motions over your skin.
“Thank you but only tonight?”
You rolled your eyes. “Especially tonight”
“You're quite hot as well” He said in a husky voice, bringing your hand towards his lips to kiss the back of it. You would have taken him there and then if it wasn't you were in a public place...
Suddenly a brilliant idea struck you in the middle of the dinner, distracting you from your hormones, and got up, pretending to go to the toilet. You found a waiter and asked him for something similar to a birthday cake, explaining to him it would have been your boyfriend's birthday in less than two hours.
You got back kind of excited but tried to keep it cool, finishing what was left on your plate.
“You're almost a birthday boy” You sang, smiling widely to John who was trying to act as if he wasn't the birthday boy you were referring to.
“Who? Me?”
“Yes, you dumbass”
“Hey that's not nice”
“You should know I show my love for you by not being nice”
“You're definitely a weirdo”
“You chose me”
“Think I've made the wrong choice”
“OI!” You kicked him under the table, making him yelp.
You tried to act normally when you saw the time on your phone: 23:30.
“Do you already have three wishes you'd like to make at midnight?”
“Yeah the first one is to get rid of you”
“You're so nice, that's why I love you”
“And sarcastic”
“Yep, that makes two of us”
“I don't know, I'm boring I always ask for the same things”
“You're not boring, it means you know what matters in life”
“That's a mature definition for boring?”
“You're annoying, not boring”
“Okay, I won't put a baby in you then”
“You're not mature for your age and you should be”
When there were 5 minutes left to midnight and you saw the waiter carrying the plate with the small cake, you got up to cover his eyes with your hands, signalling him it was time for the surprise. 
“What -”
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear John” You started singing and, once you were done, you took your hands away and kissed his cheek before letting him realise he had in front of him a mini cake with a candle waiting to be blown off.
He was laughing as he didn't expect such a surprise.
“Thank you baby”
“Happy birthday, amore mio” You gently kissed him on the lips before sitting back in front of him.
“I have another surprise for you. Do you want to see it now?”
John stopped licking the whipped cream off his finger and gave you an unmistakable look.
“Are you really thinking about stripping down for me right here?"
“No, silly, it's not that kind of surprise” You took an envelope out of your bag and placed it on the table.
John raised an eyebrow and looked at the white paper thing.
“What's that?”
“Your surprise” You said in a tone as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
John took it, curious but suspicious at the same time and tried to feel it before opening it.
His heart beat faster than ever when he took in his hands what was an ultrasound, and looked at you. Then he took a letter you wrote to him that contained a simple but meaningful sentence: Happy birthday to the most handsome and silly daddy ever (in all senses).
The envelope was now empty but you took the last hint out of your bag: a tiny, lovely onesie which looked like a dress with the Three Lions badge on.
John couldn’t believe his eyes and bit on his lower lip not to cry.
“That's why you didn't want me to put a baby in you” He laughed through those happy tears watering his face.
You smiled and got up to kiss him.
“And that's why I haven't been drinking any alcohol” You placed a gentle kiss against his forehead.
John kissed you and instinctively brushed his hand over your covered belly.
“I know you like to keep these things private, but we had a room just for the two of us here, so I thought it would have been okay”
John nodded and kissed both your cheeks.
“So we're having a girl?”
You nodded, telling him about how you found it out and what month you were in. 
“The chances it's a girl are high and the doctor almost confirmed it”
“I'm so so happy, we have to celebrate! Let's go back to the hotel, can't wait to cuddle my girls”
“Erm your bigger girl has some needs, urgent needs”
“You have to pee? Some weird cravings?”
“I have a craving but it's not a weird one…it's a 6ft tall craving, looking so good I'd like to have a bite…”
John blushed and helped you out of the restaurant, squeezing your butt.
“Let's see what can I do for my bigger and horny lady…”
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fallinforerling · 2 years
just imagine that you're in something with Erling and he sees a story/post about you with a man from your group friend and him being like " what's this ????" and feeling insecure, and then telling him "I don't care about him, I only care about you"
aaaaaa sorry for the rambling, hope you're having a good day <3
the status | e.h
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ೃ⁀➷ erling's taglist
ೃ⁀➷ erling's masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ masterlist
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You knew Erling too well. You noticed every little demeanor about his behavior that gave away certain emotions, especially when he didn’t liked something, and because of this, you noticed that something was really bothering him right now.
You eyed him again across the kitchen, still cutting some vegetables while trying to figure out what could be the possible reason for his annoyance. He looked amazing, even fresh out of the shower. Something about the slick back hair and the simple clothes he used around the house were so attractive to you that it was inevitable to eye him from time to time. That’s how you noticed he wasn’t annoyed five minutes ago. Something happened.
“Everything okay, babe?” You asked after a while, noticing how his shoulders went a little stiff, his brows furrowed while looking up from his phone.
You both exchanged looks before he shrugged, locking it.
“Uh, yeah, yeah… I’m perfect.” His tone was so serious, going perfectly along with his poker face, that you had to physically stop yourself from laughing right there.
Instead, you just arched an eyebrow in his direction, continuing your tasks of chopping vegetables and stirring the pot, hearing from time to time a huff or a sigh coming from Erling, making you smile a bit. Sooner than later…
“Can I ask something?” He said then, still flat-toned. You pursed your lips, trying very hard to stay serious when you looked up from the pot.
“Sure, what’s up?” His eyes followed your movements as you dried your hands and made your way around the counter to his spot. With you standing and him sitting on a stool, you barely made it to his shoulder. He was looking down at you with an illegible expression. “What is it?” You caressed his cheek, wanting to know why he seemed so upset.
Your touch had some effect because his gaze and posture relaxed. You made your way between his legs, hugging his waist as tightly as possible, looking up at him with a half-smile; you wanted to reassure him that you were there to listen.
“I just..” He began, sighing. “I dunno, I saw something that made me a little bit… Look, I don’t want to sound like a jealous prick or something, but…” He ran his hands through his hair, looking frustrated. “Are you, like… Seeing other people?”
The question shocked you a bit, but you couldn’t get really offended by it. You two weren’t exactly a couple, but your relationship wasn’t just a friendship. It was something in between that stressed you from time to time. You kept staring at him, trying to figure out where did that question came from.
“No?” You didn’t want to sound like you were confused, but… You were. “Why do you ask?”
“Well, uhm… I know we haven’t said anything about exclusivity ever, but I was wondering if…” He paused at the last second, biting his lip before shaking his head. “You know what? Let’s just forget that I said anything, ok? It’s dumb.”
“No! It’s not dumb. C’mon! What is it, Erling?” You shook him a bit, eager for whatever answer he was going to give you.
Why was he talking about exclusivity all of the sudden?
“Okay, okay! Here.” He took his phone again, typing for a few seconds before showing you the screen.
You squinted at first, unable to see clearly what was on it given how close it was to your face. After a minute, you saw a post on Instagram. The photo seemed familiar, and your brain took a while to recognize various of your friends' faces. Then it hit you: it was Brad’s post from his birthday earlier in the year. You didn’t saw anything particularly strange until you considered Erling’s point of view. You were almost sitting on Brad’s lap, making a kissing face toward his face.
“Oh…” A light blush started to cover your cheeks. Your eyes made it back to Erling’s face, who was looking back at you with puppy eyes. “That.”
“Yeah?” He seemed anxious for an answer, biting his lip again. “Then? Are you going out with him?”
“My god! No, no. I’ll never date Brad, gross!” You said immediately, wrinkling your nose at the mere thought of Brad being romantically close to you. “He’s just a friend. It was his birthday… Wait, how did you find that photo? It was at the beginning of the year!”
“Uh… I dunno, I was checking your tags?” He looked guilty, which made you laugh a bit. “I’m sorry, I just got a bit curious…”
“Don’t be sorry.” You hugged him again, kissing his neck in the process. “And, no. No dating Brad nor anyone else for that matter.”
“Well, are you sure he doesn’t want to? Seems like both of you are pretty close…” He frowned again, covering his eyes with one hand after saying it. “God, sorry. I just can’t stand the idea of someone else… I’m sorry.”
“Babe! Stop saying sorry!” You took his hand, kissing it as well, just to have more physical contact with him, trying to reassure him in any way possible. “Let’s not talk about him, okay? I only care about you. I’m not dating anyone else, and I don’t want to.”
“Really?” His tone sounded hopeful, which broke your heart a bit. “Are we… dating-dating?”
You smiled, noticing how dumb it sounded to just ask something that at all times was obvious. You gave him a little peck before answering.
“What are we doing here if not dating, love?” You giggled when his face just gave away confusion, excitement, and shyness that weren’t typical of him. “Do you want me to officially ask you to be my boyfriend?” You teased him, enjoying how he blushed and looked away from you.
“Oh, shut it.” You both laughed before he held you closer, kissing you multiple times. “I think dinner is about to burn, baby.”
“What?!” You panicked, looking back at the stove, where your pot was safe but seemingly in danger of spilling all over the counter. “Fuck! Let me get that.”
He let you go, laughing when you gave him a serious look, thanking every God that you still had a dinner to serve.
“Ah, what a girlfriend I have, huh?”
“Oh, now you shut it, Haaland!”
But you couldn’t be more grateful for his laugh and your newfound relationship status.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 5 months
You Won't Regret Me/ 2
Pairing- Wooyoung x Named Reader
Word count- 5.8k
Includes- enemies to lovers, blow job, deepthroating, pussy eating, cum eating, cock riding, dirty talk, orgasm denial, dacryphilia, squirting, multiple orgasms, kinda fluff but not really
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway @usagionthered @san-realblkwife @seonghwasstar @jejeyeppeo @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @prayerofthehaim @realisticnotes @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @stephy-nicole13 @mknae-jongho @bykeynote
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝ATEEZ Masterlist 📝Wooyoung Masterlist
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One week later
Standing at the bar, I wait in line to order a drink
Hongjoong wanted to go out again and we came to the club
He needed to let off some steam
Being the leader of a gang is hard and we all support him
We've been here awhile and he's off making out with some girl he'll take home and fuck
So lucky he'll get some
"What are you ordering?", someone asks, coming up next to me
I glance over then roll my eyes when I see it's Wooyoung
I so don't want to talk to him
I hate his stupid ass
And even more because of last week
When he fucked the life out of me and honestly gave me the best orgasms of my life
I don't know what the fuck came over me, letting him touch me, kiss me, put his dick inside me
Let him cum inside me and leave his cum to drip into my underwear all night
I threw that pair out as soon as I got home and scrubbed myself clean
And I swore that was the last time I'd ever let Jung, Wooyoung touch me
Except I've been thinking about him
Well, not him exactly since I can't stand him
More like his dick, how it felt and how good it was
"Well?", he prompts
I glare at him, hating how hot he looks
His stupid black hair in a ponytail, his stupid jeans, his stupid button down shirt, that beauty mark under his eye that drives me crazy since I noticed it last week
God, I abhor him
"Fuck off Jung", I snap, rolling my eyes
"Oh my god, cranky much? It's just a question", he snorts
"I'm not letting you cut in front of me. Get your ass in the back of the line", I snarl, figuring that's what he wants
He wouldn't talk to me otherwise
He hasn't all week and we've unfortunately been around each other for gang business
"That's not what I'm asking. I'm asking what are you getting?"
"Two vodka shots", I growl, "Happy?"
"Not particularly", he shrugs
I close my eyes, counting down from ten
He's such a cocky motherfucker
Thinks he's the shit, thinks he better than me
Thinks I don't deserve to be Hongjoong's second in command, as if I haven't earned it or literally supported Hongjoong since we were kids
He's rude, arrogant and annoying
And stupidly beautiful
Fucking asshole
"Do you want to get out of here?", he asks after a minute of silence
I look at him shocked
Is he talking to me?
I look around me to make sure there's no girl behind me or something
"I'm talking to you Joanne", he scoffs
"You want to go somewhere with me?", I repeat is disbelief
"To fuck", he clarifies, "Not on a date or anything stupid like that"
Well he's full of himself
"As if I'd ever say yes to you" I snort, "I'd rather slit my own throat"
He rolls his eyes, "Please. I'd cut my tongue out before asking you on a date. You just happen to have a tight pussy that feels good"
"And why would I give it to you?", I snap
Seems like he doesn't care about insulting me as he asks me to fuck him
What a prick
"Because I have a cock that you happen to love", he says gleefully, "I'm the only one who gave you...what was it you said? Oh yes, the best orgasm you had in awhile"
I knew he'd never let me live that down
Fucking shit head
"That's only because you're the first guy I fucked in awhile. Anything would of been good", I lie
"Uh huh. Sure", he smirks, getting under my skin, "So you wanna leave?"
"And go where?", I snap
"You're apartment"
Well he has it all figured out doesn't he
"Why my apartment?"
"Mine is messy right now"
"Why are we going anywhere when the bathroom worked fine last time?"
"Want more room", he says, "Want to be comfortable"
"You're saying that as if I'd ever want you in my apartment period", I snap
He sighs, looking annoyed, "Look I want to fuck you ok? And I know you want me too after last time. So can we just skip all the fighting and just go?"
I glare at him
Yeah ok, I want him
But I don't know why he wants me
He can have any girl who doesn't hate him and who will be much nicer than I am
"Why me? Why don't you just pick up some other girl and leave me alone?"
He blows out a breath, "Because you gave me the best sex I ever had ok? Because that orgasm was the best I ever had. Because you feel the best. Happy?"
"Not particularly", I shoot back
He looks at the ceiling like he's contemplating just walking away
And if it was before last week I'd tell him to fuck off
But I can't
"Let's go", I tell him, walking off the line and heading for the exit
I don't even have to look behind me to know he's following
"My car's this way", he says, leading me in the direction
Once in the car, he asks for my address and I can't believe I'm giving it to Wooyoung
He puts it into the gps and starts driving
He drags me to my room, sitting me on the bed
He's been blessedly silent the whole drive here and I'm guessing that's gonna end now
"Let's get this off you", he smirks as he pulls my shirt up and off, "Seeing as how we have the whole bed to fuck anyway we want, I think it'd be nice to see your tits bouncing"
"You're a pig", I snap
He rolls his eyes, leaning down as his hands undo my bra
"But you like it", he teases
Then before I can say anything, his lips are against mine, kissing me
And stupidly, all thoughts leave my brain as I kiss him back, my head spinning, my body on fire
Fuck him and his amazing kisses
Fucking bullshit is what it is
He throws my bra somewhere, my hands immediately pushing his shirt up
He pulls away to take it off and I stare at his body, hating him even more for how hot he is
I didn't get to see him much last time, as I was clinging on to him or facing away from him when his shirt was off
But goddamn
I slowly lay my palms on his muscular chest, moving them across him and feeling his soft skin
I can feel how strong he is and it's making me embarrassingly wet
I move my hands down to his stomach, touching the rock hard abs he has, tracing the lines of muscles
He moans and I look up, surprised to see him biting his lip, his eyes closed, face in pleasure
Guess he likes to be touched
And stupid me, with my girl dumbassery of liking abs and muscles, will continue to happily touch him
And do more
Leaning closer to him, I press my lips against the skin of his abs, kissing him
"Fuck", he whimpers and I take that as a sign to keep going
Stupid me presses kiss after kiss all over his abs, licking the soft skin in between pecks
My hands have a mind of their own because they're sliding down to his belt, undoing it as I continue to kiss him
I get the button and zipper of his jeans undone, pulling his jeans and boxers down, my lips against his lower stomach
Pushing him back slightly, I keep my lips attached to his skin as I move down on my knees, my hand moving around his cock, jerking him off
"Fuck baby", he groans as I trail kisses down to his dick, then up along his length
When I get to his head, I lick his cum from his crying slit, groaning at how good he tastes
Because of course he fucking does
I spend some time swirling my tongue around his head, then licking up and down his cock so slowly, his moans so pretty to listen to
Licking to his head again, I take it in my mouth and suck on it softly
"Yes fuck"
I raise my eyes up to find him biting his lip, already watching me
I move down his cock with each suck, jerking off the rest of him that's not in my mouth
Goddamn he has a massive cock
It's so thick, stretching my mouth, so heavy on my tongue
He's so hard and so annoyingly good to suck on
As I move further down his dick, I can't fucking believe I'm doing this
And enjoying it
If someone would have told me I'd be on my knees in my room, sucking Wooyoung's cock, I'd have shot that person in the face
But here I am, getting wet from how hard he is and from the noises he's making
His tip presses against the back of my throat, making me gag and he immediately pulls out a bit
"Don't baby. Don't hurt yourself. It's ok", he says softly, his fingers moving in my hair
I'm so shocked at the tenderness in his voice, almost like he cares about hurting me
I don't like it
I need him to be the asshole he always is
I roll my eyes, making sure he sees it, then push down on his shaft more
I can deepthroat him, it'll just take a little for me to get him all in
I take my time moving down, sucking on him as I go, tears pooling in my eyes
I give a damn good blow job and I want him to love it
I want him to know that I, the girl he hates, gave him the best blow job of his life
I finally get him all inside my throat, forcing my throat to relax
"Fuck, god. Feels so good", he chokes out
If I could smile I would
Holding his hips, I pull back, halfway down his cock
Breathing in, I surge back up, bottoming him out, his cock hitting the back of my throat and going down more
I choke but get it under control, then start bobbing my head up and down his entire dick
Tears run down my face, spit dripping down from my mouth as I fuck my throat on his cock, choking now and then
"Yes fuck. Goddamn Jo", he groans, watching me, "Fuck, so that fucking mouth is good for something other than shit talking"
I glare at him, the asshole in him coming back out
"Good to know that when you're being a bitch, I can just get you to be quiet by shoving my cock down your throat", he smirks, his fingers twisting in my hair
I growl, pressing my nails into the skin of his hips, a yelp coming from him
"Oh did I hit a sore spot?", he snaps, holding onto my hair hard, keeping me in place, "After all, you're the one with my cock down your throat, princess"
I bristle at the nickname
The one I called him before
He's such an asshole
"Keep your mouth open", he demands and like an idiot, I do
He snaps his hips, driving his cock down my throat, then pulls back out just to do everything all over again
And I just take it, letting him fuck my throat and moaning
"Someone likes getting their throat fucked huh?", he grunts, his hips moving fast, my mouth trying to suck on him as he moves in and out, "Such a slut for cock. I didn't even have to ask you to blow me. You did it all on your own princess"
Yeah I know
I'm an idiot
I just gave him more ammunition to fuck with me
"Wonder if Hongjoong knows that his tough bitchy best friend likes getting her throat fucked by my cock and is moaning like a whore on top of it"
I hate him
If Hongjoong didn't care about him, I'd murder him with my bare hands
Tears blind me as he keeps going, his cock throbbing in my mouth, his moans of pleasure getting louder and louder
"When I cum you swallow it all. Got it?", he demands
And like a pathetic loser, I just nod
"Good girl"
I fucking hate when someone calls me that, I never let anyone call me that but of course when he does it, it does nothing but turn me on more
And make me want to be his good girl
I'm so fucked up
"Yes fuck! Joanne", he moans, his hips stalling as his cock buries in my throat, warm cum spurting
The taste of his cum is so fucking good and I eagerly swallow on his cock again and again
He moans and whimpers the whole time as I suck all his cum from his cock
He pulls out when he's finished and I sit back on my heels, swallowing and breathing in
"Are you ok?", he pants, "I didn't hurt you right?"
I stand up, rolling my eyes
"No", I croak out, "I've deepthroated other cocks before. Some bigger than yours so no you didn't hurt me"
He glares at me hatefully, then pulls me to him, his lips against mine in a kiss
My arms move around his neck on their own, my body pressing against his, feeling his warm skin on mine
His fingers tangle in my hair as he kisses me silly, his tongue playing with mine
Turning us, he pushes me down on the bed, his hands pulling my pants and panties down as he kisses me
Once they're off, his hands push my legs open, him mouth leaving mine and attaching to my pussy
"Oh f-", I choke, his tongue delving into my hole, wiggling when it's inside
"Mm you taste good", he murmurs, sliding his tongue up and rubbing it against my clit
I feel my cunt get soaked, the pleasure intensifying
Lifting my head, I watch him use his tongue on me, his eyes closed, a look of pleasure on his face too
I hate to say it but he looks incredibly hot in between my legs
And his tongue is amazing, switching between using the tip and the flat of it, pressing hard then lightly, fast then slow
I fucking hate him for it
He kisses my pussy, then slides his tongue between my lips, moaning into me
"Fuck", I whisper, so turned on
His eyes open, staring intensely at me as his tongue drags up my pussy again and again
I can't tear my gaze from his, the heat coming from them making my body shiver
His hands squeeze my thighs hard, his mouth wrapping around my clit and sucking softly
"Oh my god", I moan, bliss wracking through my body, my hand pulling his ponytail out and sinking into his hair, holding on tightly
With each suck, he goes harder, keeping his tongue firmly against my clit with each move his mouth makes
I get lost in the pleasure, holding his head against my pussy, my body arching
He slurps desperately on my clit, the sound so erotic, the sight of his jaw sucking driving me crazy
The next suck has me coming, pleasure washing over me as I scream his name
He groans, sucking me through it, my body shaking against the mattress
As soon as I finish, he pushes my legs up, his tongue swirling around my hole, moaning, pleasure taking over again
"Fucking pussy cream tastes so fucking good", he groans, my brain malfunctioning at his words, as his tongue dives into my hole
My pussy clenches around it, his pretty moan reaching my ears
His tongue moves rapidly in and out, tongue fucking my pussy, the sounds it makes so obscene and....hot
His finger presses against my clit, rubbing as his tongue keeps going, the pleasure increasing and my pussy getting wetter
My fingers twist in his hair, I can't stop the moans falling from my mouth, the pleasure astounding
I swear no one has eaten me out this good before
It's like he knows just what to do to drive me insane
Which figures since he drives me fucking crazy all the time with his attitude and just his personality
Figures someone I hate knows how to eat pussy incredibly
"Need you to come for me", he grunts, "Need to taste you again"
I groan, my hips moving against his face as he tongue fucks me, his fingers playing with my clit in time with our movements
"Mmm baby desperate to cum huh?", he murmurs between tongue thrusts, "Fucking my face like a good girl"
Shivers run up my back from hearing him call me good girl again
"Cum around my tongue now", he demands, "Now princess"
"Fuck, Wooyoung!", I cry, his tongue shoving all the way in as I release all over it, his fingers rubbing my clit the entire time
I lay there dazed after the pleasure fades, his tongue moving as he licks up all my cum
"Fuck princess", he says when he finishes, lifting his head up, his face so wet with juice and cum
God, he's so hot
"I think I need to eat your pussy everyday", he says, wiping his mouth
Yeah well after that, I'd let him
He moves over me, his mouth against mine, kissing me
Moving my arms around his neck, I kissed him back, hating how much I like his kisses
He moves my legs around him but before his cock can go in, I stop him
"Seriously?", he growls
I roll my eyes, "Lay down"
"Why?", he asks suspiciously
God, can't he just fucking be compliant for once?
I push him off me and roll him to his back, climbing in his lap
He smirks, "Oh you wanna ride me huh?"
"No shit", I tell him
"Are you any good at it?", he scoffs, "Because I've had girls talk a big game but they only lasted for less than five minutes"
"I'm good at it", I answer
I am
I love riding dick
Most of the time it's the only way I can cum during sex
Unfortunately Wooyoung doesn't seem to have a problem making me orgasm
"Heard that before", he snorts, "If you suck, just tell me now and I'll fuck you instead of wasting time"
"I will ride your dick until you're crying and begging me to let you cum", I growl
"Ha!", he laughs, "That will never happen. I don't cry or beg while fucking. You will"
I admit I probably will because I'm not a big macho baby about it
If it feels really good, like overwhelmingly good, I've cried before
And after last time I have no doubt that he can make me cry from pleasure
But he definitely will too
"So will you"
"Uh- huh", I say, rolling my eyes
Guess I'll just have to prove it to him
Reaching between us, I hold his hard dick up and align him to my entrance
I sit on his dick, getting his head in, then continue sinking down
Last time he just barreled in and yes it felt good but this time I want to feel every inch of his fat cock
As I push down, I wiggle my hips, taking him in, feeling the utter pleasure of his thick cock stretching my pussy wide open
Each inch makes me wetter, gives me more and more pleasure
And makes him moan loudly
I smile, watching the pleasure on his face as he slides in deeper
"Mm feels good baby?", I tease
"Yes", he breathes
"Feels so good. Guess you are good for something", I moan, bottoming him out, his head nestled against my spot, my pussy throbbing around him
I move my hips grinding and rocking on him, his head rubbing my spot, making bliss run up my spine
"Fat cock opening my pussy so well", I murmur, "Can wait to bounce on it"
"Yes fuck"
"Want that? Want me to bounce on this cock, make you feel so good?"
He nods, his hands gripping my hips, his hips pressing up, making sure his cock is buried inside me as much as he can be
And god, he fills me so perfectly
I loathe him for it
Rocking once more on his cock, I can't take it
I need to ride him
Leaning on his abs, I move my hips up, sliding all the way up his cock to his head
I squeeze his head tightly as I start sliding down his dick, clenching his length over and over as I move
"Oh fuck!", he cries, his eyes watching my pussy take him in
Bouncing on him, I start slow, slipping up and down, feeling every hard inch of his cock moving inside me
"Oh god", I cry, moving a little faster with each bounce, leaning back, my hands on his thighs
I feel my pussy get wetter and wetter with each stroke, the pleasure mounting
"God, I hate you for having such a good dick", I murmur, my body feeling hot, sweat all over me, "Hate how good you feel inside me"
He feels amazing, spreading my pussy wide open again and again, making me pulse around his incredibly hard shaft
My pussy devours his cock with each bounce, sucking him in so fucking deep, feel him in my stomach
It's pleasure like I've never felt before
"I hate you for having the perfect cunt", he groans, his eyes watching my pussy on him, "I hate how pretty your swollen lips look opening for my cock, hate that I love how much you cream my dick, hate how good your throbbing pussy feels"
I smirk
I like him hating all that about me
I like making him eat his words, making him realize he wants the person he hates more than any other girl
And he's gonna hate me even more when I make him cry and beg to cum
Moving my hands to his stomach, I bounce faster, grinding on his cock every time I take him in, making his fat head rubbing my spot
"Fuck Wooyoung", I say breathlessly, loving the way his eyes roam my body
Like he doesn't know where to look
It just turns me on more
"Want you to cum on me", he moans, his fingers squeezing my hips, "Please. Need to feel it"
"Oh you like how it feels?", I tease
Really though, I'm surprised at that
"Yes", he groans, "It feels so fucking good. Want it"
Well he's lucky, cause his cock is bringing me right there
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum", I moan, riding his cock harder, his head smacking my spot each time, my nails digging into his stomach, "Fuck Wooyoung, fuck"
Sliding down his cock, I lose it, climaxing, incredible bliss falling over me
"Fuck yes! Yes!", he yells as I ride the waves of pleasure his perfect cock is giving me
I hate that he gives me such incredible orgasms
Of course it has to be him
As I come down from it, he begs, "Fuck me. Please fuck me baby. Cum again for me"
Fuck, guess he really does like how my orgasms feel
"Ride me! Joanne ride me!", he yells, bucking his hips up, his head rubbing my spot
I begin moving again, slamming down his cock with each move, impaling my pussy on him
"Yes, fuck yes", he groans, his hands sliding up my body, wrapping around my boobs, "God you're so pretty. I fucking hate how pretty you are"
Yeah well the feeling is mutual
I hate how hot and good looking he is
He sits up slightly, his mouth wrapping around my nipple, sucking desperately, making my pussy gush around his length, the pleasure spiking
I moan loudly, my hand moving into hair, fingers tangling in the soft strands
He takes my free hand and moves it between us, pressing my fingers into my clit
"Play with yourself for me", he murmurs against my nipple
I don't think, my fingers moving on my clit right away as I bounce on him
The bliss shoots up, the pleasure from my clit making my cunt clench incredibly hard around his cock
His mouth switches to my other nipple, sucking on it, his fingers digging into my back as he holds me against him
I keep bouncing, just letting the euphoria wash over me, listening to his pretty moans
Moving off my boob, he lays back down, watching me, lust burning in his eyes
"Mmm yeah princess", he groans, "So pretty, playing desperately with your little clit. That pretty pussy is making such a big mess on me. Feels good?"
I nod, biting my lip, tears pricking the corners of my eyes
It feels so good, each bounce on his dick making my body shake uncontrollably
"So close baby", he murmurs, his eyes on my cunt, "Make yourself cum. Wanna see it, wanna feel it"
"Fuck Wooyoung!", I scream as astounding ecstasy wracks my body, tears running down my face, my fingers rubbing my clit as I bounce, my pussy squirting all over him
Oh my fucking god
His hands stay on my hips, bouncing me on his cock, getting me through it
I don't know which way is up, I can't do anything but feel
When I come out of it, I lean on his chest, catching my breath
"Good princess?", he asks
I look down at him, surprised to see softness in his eyes, his fingers softly running up and down my thigh
I nod, nothing snarky coming to mind to say
"Yeah baby", I answer
Then his smirk comes back and I roll my eyes
"Good. Ride me. I need to cum in your pussy"
I snort but I listen, for now, and bounce on him again
"I hate to admit it", he groans, "But you are so fucking good at riding cock"
I know
I move faster, making sure I clench on his cock the entire time I slip up and down, rocking on his dick once I bottom him out
It feels so good and from his moans it feels good for him too
I smirk, like seeing him in pleasure because of me
I don't stop riding him, his moans getting louder and louder, his body shaking in bliss
"I'm...I....I'm", he groans
I feel his cock throbbing, his fingers digging into my hips more with each bounce
"Fuck, fuck fuck", he cries
And I slide up and off his cock
"What happened?", he asks, looking dazed
"You can't cum so easily", I berate him, "Especially after insulting me and my cock riding abilities"
"You're fucking joking", he snaps
"Oh no sweetie", I smirk, "I said I was going to ride your dick until you're crying and begging me to cum. And that's what I'm going to do"
His eyes narrow, "That is not going to happen"
"Then you're not going to cum"
"Joanne!", he shouts
"Shh baby", I taunt, leaning over him and kissing his lips, "Yelling and whining will get you nowhere"
He glares at me as I get his cock back inside my pussy, this time rocking and grinding on his length, purposely tightening on him repeatedly while moving
His eyes lose the glare, becoming more and more fucked out with each circular move of my hips, groans spilling from him mouth
I smirk, leaning on his broad chest, feeling his soft skin under my hands
"Oh god", he cries, his cock pulsing again
And once again, I get off him and sit on his legs
"Fuck!", he roars, "Why?"
"You know why"
"Goddamn it!", he shouts, his body trembling from his denied orgasm
I wait a minute until he's relaxed enough then sit back on his cock, his whimpers so pretty as I ride him
I edge him three more times, his voice becoming more and more desperate, his body moving from trembles to shakes with each denial
And I'm fully enjoying torturing him like this
It's fun and it feels good for me at the same time
Taking him in again, I bounce short bounces, just sliding up slightly on his cock before slamming back down, clenching each time
His cock throbs almost immediately, he wants to cum so bad
"Don't get off", he begs, while I keep moving, rocking on him, pleasure in my body as well, "Please don't get off"
"But you said you're not going to beg", I smirk evilly
"I'll beg. I'm sorry. Please...ngggh... need to cum"
I laugh, grinding faster on him, "You don't need to cum. No one needs to orgasm"
"I want too! Please"
I tilt my head to the side, "Hmmm no"
"Why?", he yells, his cock so close
"Because you're not crying yet"
And I move off him, sitting on his abs
"No!", he shouts, tears bursting from his eyes, "No please. Baby please. I...I need you"
I smile, satisfied
"There we go", I coo, "Wanted to see those pretty tears"
Leaning over, I lick a tear running down his face, smirking at him as he sobs
"Please", he whimpers
I glance back at his cock, smirking at how much it's straining, how hard it is, his head red and slit crying cum
It makes me so much more horny too
Easing back onto his cock, I sit on him, clenching hard around him
"Please let me cum. Please. Fuck"
"Hmm", I smirk, cock warming him for a few seconds, "I wonder if Hongjoong knows that one of his members cries and begs to cum during sex?"
"I don't..I don't know"
"What do you think he'd say about that?"
"I don't know!", he wails, tears flowing freely down his face, "I don't care! I want you! Please! Bounce on my dick!"
"Like this?", I tease, sliding up to his head, then taking him all back in quickly
"Yes like that! Please like that"
"What will happen if I keep doing that?", I ask, bouncing again only one time
"I'm gonna cum!"
"Is that what you want?"
Another bounce
"Yes!", he yells
"Oh? Tell me what you want"
"Wanna cum", he sobs, his cock so hard inside me, my pussy throbbing as I use his cock to fuck my spot
"You're pussy!", he whines, "Wanna cum deep inside your pussy. Wanna fill you up. Want your pussy to milk my cock. Please"
"Hmmm", I laugh, riding his cock at a quicker pace, pleasure running through my veins as I watch him cry, "I may let you cum. But you have to wait until I cum again and only when I say you can"
"Yes, ok!", he nods, his breathing labored, the tears not stopping
"Ok then"
Leaning over him, I put my hands on his shoulders and I ride him hard, my bed hitting the wall over and over, my pussy impaling on his unbelievably hard cock over and over
"Fuck Woo. So good!", I cry, so close, "Baby's cock is so hard"
"I can't", he sobs, his nails digging into my hips, "I can't hold it"
"You have too", I demand, moving as fast as I can, the pleasure so fucking much
"Please cum", he chokes out, "Please baby, I can't...please cum"
Slamming down, his cock smashes my spot, stars blasting in my vision as I cum, ecstasy taking over my body
"Wooyoung!", I scream
"Oh god! Oh god! I...I...", he yells
"Cum for me Wooyoung", I whimper, the euphoria blinding me, "Fill my pussy baby"
"Joanne! Fuck!", he screams, holding me down on his dick as he explodes inside me, warm cum filling me fast
I watch him cum, the sight under me so fucking beautiful
His whole body shakes, a sheen of sweat all over him, his hair soaked, his head pushed back into the pillows
Ecstasy is all over his face, tears streaming from his eyes, his voice screaming my name repeatedly
His hips move up, keeping him buried deep inside me, his cum making me feel so satisfyingly full
"Yes Woo, all of it", I murmur, rocking on his dick again, "Give me all your cum baby"
He makes a choking crying sound as he finishes, his body slumping into the bed, his eyes closed, his chest heaving as he pants
"Good?", I ask
"Fucking....", he gasps, "Incredible. Intense. Best .....ever"
I giggle, lean over and kiss his cheek
Then I slide off him and lay down next to him, catching my breath too
He turns his head to me, his eyes opening, the pretty brown irises on me
"Don't tell anyone I cried or begged you", he demands
And just like that, he's an asshole again
"I won't", I snap
"Good", he growls
I roll my eyes, then turn away from him
Getting comfortable, I lay on my pillow and close my eyes
"I'm gonna leave"
"So go", I tell him
I really don't care
"Aren't you going to let me out?"
"No", I snort, "I'm sure you can find the way to the door"
"What about locking your door?"
"Leave it", I answer, just wanting him to be quiet
"What if I decide to stay?"
Oh Jesus
"So stay", I growl, "I don't care"
I just want to sleep
I don't care whether he leaves or not
"You're not really leaving me a choice. I'm not leaving your door unlocked all night"
"It's fine. Go if you want. Stay if you want"
"Do you want me to stay?"
That's it
"Shut the fuck up and go to sleep", I yell, so tired of hearing his big mouth, "Just shut up"
"Fine", he says
I feel him get up and honestly, a pang of disappointment that he's leaving hits my chest
Whatever, I'm not dwelling on it right now
I can freak out tomorrow if it's warranted
The light in the room turns off, then I feel a dip in the bed behind me as he gets back into it
His body presses against mine, his skin warm and soft, his arm wrapping around my waist, holding me against him
"I cuddle when I sleep with someone", he says softly
"It's fine", I say, my heart pounding a little faster, "Just go to sleep"
"Ok", he whispers, "Night"
"Night", I answer, ignoring how good it feels to be in his arms
It's just because I haven't slept next to someone in awhile
Anyone would feel good
Pushing the thoughts out of my head, I let the exhaustion wash over me and I wait for sleep
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mustainegf · 5 months
hi! I was wondering if you could do an angst/smut with mop Era james? Like reader and james are friends and she gets upset with him being with groupies and she finally tells him how she feels one night during an argument and then it leads to them having rough sex?
First of all, I love the non-anonymous confidence
And when I tell you I screamed when I read this, how do you come up with something this good…
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I was in a particularly bad mood today.
James was off being an asshole rockstar, yet I still came to his shows, showed him all the support in the world. It was getting on my nerves.
Why did I do it? Maybe because I was stubborn, told myself it would be fine. Or maybe it was the feeling I got deep in my stomach whenever he looked at me. It was all stupid, I mean, my best friend? Really?
And that's what happened when I arrived in his dressing room tonight. I walked in, and there he was, kissing some sleazy chick on the cheek and shooing her away and out the same door I had just walked through. I hated groupies.
James watched me with a dumb smile for a second, but mine was stone cold serious. "You're pathetic, James," I shook my head as I stared back.
He shrugged and kept smiling like he wasn't the one who had been kissing some random girl.
"What do you want me to do about it huh? I ain't gonna turn down sex," he grinned. How did he not fully understand that these ladies were crazy?
"This is what I mean, James," I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.
"They are groupies, they don't care, their only mission is to get into your pants." He shook his head like this was some sort of game. "Whatever, I'm tired of you sleeping around," I snapped, a bit louder than before.
"Oh please, get the fuck over it. I don't see why it's your problem anyways." James' tone had switched to sharp and lethal, now stabbing back at me.
He stood up, looking more frustrated now. "It's my problem because you make it my problem! All I ever hear about is these sluts!" I retorted.
I knew it sounded ridiculous. It was him I didn't want in the hands of another woman, but the more he went around doing that, the more jealousy started to bubble up inside me. I hated it.
"Well, grow the fuck up, then," he snarled, throwing his hands in the air. "God, do you know how many women try to come after me?" He stopped pacing and turned to me. "And you expect me to just say no?"
His voice cracked and I could tell he was angry.
Angry at me. "All you ever do is fuck around with these whores! It's gross." I shot him a disgusted look.
"Why the fuck are you so pissed about this?" James shook his head, he had daggers for eyes and they were carving into my skull.
"That sex doesn't mean shit to me, it's meaningless. So I don't get why you have your panties in a knot," he added.
Without thinking about my words, they had already been thrown back at him. "Because I like you, James!" I shouted. And I did. "And all you do it fuck these groupies and toss me to the side!"
The veins on his neck popped out, and his jaw clenched. James was turning red. This was a mistake. "You what?" He asked, now taken aback.
I didn't respond, I was too embarrassed of what I had admitted. I'd sworn to never tell him.
"And you're jealous of the groupies?" He smirked down at me. Well shit, I hadn't made things much better.
My lack of an answer prompted his next movements. James reached past me, swiftly shutting the door and locking it.
"Ja-" before I could finish, he motioned to the opposite side of the room. "On the couch. Now." He demanded.
I was shocked, and slightly turned on by the tone of his voice. "What'd I tell you?" He said darkly.
I complied, stepping over to the couch. I looked back at him, waiting for his response. I had followed close behind, watching me like a hawk.
"Don't act stupid. Turn around," he smirked.
That word alone should have put me on edge, but it did the exact opposite. For whatever reason, it did something to me. I slowly turned around, planting my hands against the back of the couch.
"Jealous of the groupies huh? You think I give them good sex? No. I'll show you what I don't give 'em." His dominant words made the warmth between my legs flutter.
"Keep your hands there." He ordered. As if I would have moved them anyway. His heavy footsteps approached. My heart skipped a beat.
I knew he was going to touch me. I wanted him to.
The way he was standing there, his chest heaving, told me how wound up he was. A shudder ran through me. Before I knew it, his hand cupped my ass and he squeezed.
God, his large hand was so perfect. It felt amazing.
I let out a small moan. "So sensitive, huh?" He teased. "You think I didn't want to do this? Of course you've gotta tease me with these tight fuckin jeans all the time.."
He chuckled lowly, both his hands grazing down my waist. "You know I pretend to fuck you whenever I'm with a groupie?" He ran a hand down my back.
I shivered at his touch. "You think I haven't wanted to make you mine since I met you?" His words were only arousing me more.
James reached around my hips, unbuttoning my jeans.
He hastily pulled them down, exposing my white laced panties.
I wiggled when he got them off, kicking my feet free from them. "Fuck, you're sexy," James growled.
He wasted no time, pulling my shirt up my torso. I let him have his way. I couldn't help it. If he wanted to undress me, I wouldn't fight it. I needed this.
Hell, I needed everything from him.
He stood back up, taking in every inch of me. The look in his eyes... he wanted to devour me. He wasn't done yet either. Next came my bra. He easily peeled it off, letting it drop to the floor, along with my jeans.
I was completely bare, except for my sneakers and socks, which I was already kicking off. I Looked back at him as he took in the sight of my body. He had this look on his face. Like he was starving.
Before I knew it, his hand came down on my ass, leaving a red sting. "All for me," James snarled.
"James.." I let out a breathy moan.
I felt so exposed, James was still completely dressed.
I Loved that he was in control. At least for now.
When I heard the sound of the zipper, my breath caught. "I'll make you regret ever yelling at me. I bet you'd like that huh? Good you're such a dirty girl..." he scoffed.
But his words sent shivers down my spine. Just the thought of James doing all these things to me was enough to send me spiraling.
"Put that mouth to use, say something. Maybe then I'll think about giving you what you want," he panted. Just as he spoke I could feel him slap his cock over my ass. My legs were already a trembling mess.
"You want it, don't you? Admit it," he bit out. "Yes. Yes please," I blurted. "That's it, say it again." He demanded. "Please, I want it."
"Louder, who do you want?" he growled. "I want you!"
James laughed softly. "I bet you say that shit when you touch yourself yeah?" He teased my opening with his tip, running it through my soaking folds, making me flinch.
"You think I talk to those other sluts like this?" He pushed just the tip into me, forcing a throaty moan out of me. "No... because you're mine, my slut."
He growled. He pushed into me again, this time going deeper. I couldn't contain my cry anymore. I threw my head back, letting my emotions run wild.
I needed this. Needed him. I needed James to fill me.
"Deeper James.." I begged him softly, my face smushed into the back of the couch.
"Like this?" he murmured, as he started to thrust. "Yes! Please." I cried.
"God, you're tight," he groaned, bottoming out.
I whimpered. This was so much better than my fingers. So much better than anything. I never would have imagined I would enjoy being taken like this. "Holy fuck, you feel good," he moaned.
His fingers found my clit, and he began rubbing in small circles. "Oh, God yes!" He pounded mercilessly. It hurt, but it was a good kind of pain.
His Rough and calloused hands squeezed hard on the flesh of my ass. "That's it baby.."
he cooed. His voice alone sent shivers down my spine. "Come on, I can feel you getting wetter," he rasped.
"Let me hear those pretty noises. How about that, hmm?" he taunted me. "Scream for me. Make everyone in this building know you're mine."
I could hardly form a thought, all I could focus on was the feeling of his veiny length stretching me to my limit. "James!" I screamed. It almost sounded pornographic.
In that moment, I became someone else. Someone reckless, daring, and desperate for more. The only thing that mattered was how he made me feel. It was that simple.
"Fuck, you're so wet," he grunted. "Yeah, scream for me. Let go of all those pent-up feelings. Come on, show me what a good little slut you are." I let out a low guttural moan.
"Harder James... I'm gonna cum!" I pleaded, my mind fraying.
"That's it, cum for me, let go." He groaned. "Cum for me." I was at his mercy, he had me at his will.
"James!" I screamed, my entire body tensing.
I came undone at the seams. My walls pulsated around him, milking his shaft. "Fuck!" he yelled.
"Yes!" He shouted as he buried himself deep inside of me. I collapsed at the feeling, but James caught me, holding me to his bare chest as he finished.
I could feel him painting my insides, claiming every inch of me as his own. "James.." I whispered, laying my head back on his shoulder. I buried my hand in his long blonde hair, a few strands sticking to the sweat on his face.
We sat there breathing heavily, I could feel his seed drip out of me as he pulled out. "You know I love you right?" James smiled awkwardly at me.
"I do now," I said in a breathy tone. "And I love you too." A Dark pink crept to his cheeks as he looked at me.
"You promise not to sleep with groupies anymore?" I chuckled softly.
"Why would I fuck a groupie when I have you baby?"
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charlesslut16 · 11 months
hiiiii!! i love your writing! could you maybe write something about esteban reassuring the reader after he has a very hard race and she’s really worried about him? (qatar traumatized me). thank you!!! 🩷
-hell on track-
summary : esteban reassures you after the horrible race that happened...
PAIRING : esteban ocon x reader
WARNINGS : the qatar race, talk about vomiting
note : i'm sorry that i was so absent but i had so much work on my plate that i didn't have the time to write something for you. But i hope you still like it even tho itt came late...
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You hated Qatar.  Even now, after the race that had accrued. 
The day had started as always. Esteban and you woke up in bed together, made yourselves ready for the paddock/race, and ate breakfast together. A good start to the day.
But no one knew how bad the day would end for all the drivers and their significant others. In Qatar, it was 80 degrees Celsius, and it was absolutely boiling in the cars of the drivers.
While all the other wags were sitting in the garages watching the race, you and Kika were in the alpine garage worrying about Esteban and Pierre. Both of you feared for both of them.
Kika and you knew that nothing too horrible would happen, but you still didn't want to think about all the things that could easily happen, like not seeing anything and driving against a border or worse, against another driver.
As you heard what problems the other drivers had, Kika and you became uneasy. You knew that the both of them would return save to you, but you wanted to know how they were doing right this second.
Logan had to retire because of his health, some drivers couldn't see in the last laps because it was blurry; Fernando had difficulties with his seat, because of the heat and some more incidents.
And as the race was finished, all you had on your mind was to be with Esteban as soon as possible. Minutes later, you saw him and ran to him. Hugging him and touching him to know that he was alright.
Well okay. You knew that he had vomited on the 15th lap and that everything was blurry in the last few laps. But him being here, with you, made everything a little better.
After the podium and the interviews, you and Esteban were in his driver's room on the couch. You told him the thoughts you had while he was racing, and he listened and reassured you.
“Everything is fine, I'm fine. There is no need to worry anymore, my love. I was feeling ill by lap 15 or 16. I was throwing up for two laps inside the cockpit, but I'm in one piece and that is all that matters.”
You still weren't convinced, but that was only because you were worrying so much, while he was racing. In your mind, you knew that nothing too horrible would happen, but still you had your worries.
“But honestly, I was not expecting for the race to be that hard. I can normally do two race distances, even in Singapore. Physically, like muscle-wise and cardio-wise, I'm always fine.  That's what I've always been training for, but today it was just the hot air and how hot the engine is from behind the car. I don't think we particularly sealed the cockpit too well. It must have been like 80 degrees inside the car.”
“But yeah. Glad that we finished the race. A hard one, well deserved, the maximum we could have done. A happy ending.”
You listened soundlessly and carefully, understanding the situation in the car fully, as you weren't in there. You had just heard the information you had become or heard.
“Why didn't you retire, Este? Maybe it would have been better for your health.”
“It's not an option, retiring. I was never going to do that. You need to kill me to retire.”
Shocked, you looked at him for a second before you slapped his chest. He caught your hand, while laughing as he saw your shocked face. But it was true. Nothing would get him out of his car. Except maybe for you.
“Don't say something like that. Do not even think about such horrible things.”
 After you answered him, you turned around, so Esteban could only see your back. But Esteban didn't like that, he pulled you into his lap and gripped your chin with his hand, so you'd look at him.
“I was only joking, my love. Do not worry.”
You accepted this answer with a little pout-smile. But you and Esteban both knew that that was a lie. He would rather be dragged out of the car than go out of it willingly.
“I'm glad that next year we come back here in December.”
“Me too.”
You sat on his lap, while he told you more about his time in the car. And each time he told you something, and you were worried, he would reassure you and tell you that he was fine.
That was all you wanted. Esteban was one of the people who made your life so much better. He was your rock in the sea. He was your save place, and you never wanted him to be anything else.
And you hoped that you and him would be together forever.
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bella-rose29 · 7 months
Deck the Halls (and not your partner) - part 11
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: making out to the point of hickeys and low level states of undress (don't read if you're not particularly comfortable with it, it's pretty early on and you don't really need it for the rest to make sense 👍), swearing, reader's mother (Emma) is a gem and loves teasing them, lockwood's hands (and ring), I have no idea what came over me to make me write this (I was probably thinking about his hands let's be real)
series masterlist
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“I just don’t understand how they never gave themselves away,” Y/n said while she and Anthony got ready for bed. 
He was in the bathroom, so she’d had to raise her voice a little in order to be heard. When he didn’t respond immediately, she frowned at the closed door. “Anthony? You alright?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah, I’m alright, darling.” She heard shuffling and then the click of the door as it opened, and he stepped out, dressed in his pyjamas. 
“Still can’t believe you have matching sets of grandpa pyjamas,” she snorted, moving over to the bathroom. 
“You love my matching sets of grandpa pyjamas,” he called as she started brushing her teeth. “And as for how they never gave themselves away, I imagine they were all waiting for the moment they could finally breathe again. Your mother especially, did you see how tightly she hugged me earlier? I thought she might crush my ribs.”
“You’re so dramatic, Ant,” Y/n replied after spitting out the toothpaste. She washed her mouth out, flicked the light off in the bathroom, and headed for the bed. Anthony was already sat on his side, the covers pulled back for her to get in, and she curled up next to him. His arm automatically came around her body, fingers burying in the fabric of her (his) top. 
“You love that too,” he said, pressing a kiss to her head. She hummed, burying her face in his chest and swinging her legs over his. The afternoon had been peaceful after Steph and Linda had finally left (although not without a lot of pointing fingers, empty threats, and slammed doors), with Y/n’s family asking questions about their relationship and wanting the real answers this time, and her father had received a call saying that the roads would be clear in the next day or so, and there was a limited train service starting up not too long after that. The storm had blown over faster than people had anticipated, but with the limited technology they had for weather readings, anybody’s guess could be the official report. They had booked tickets on the first train back in four days time, and Y/n knew that both her and Anthony were looking forward to getting back to Portland Row. 
“You know,” she started, feeling her eyes start to close when he started threading his fingers through her hair. His other hand was on her thigh, just above her knee. “We should probably think about what we’re gonna do when we get back. About the whole ‘we don’t hate each other now and we’re actually dating’ thing.”
“Oh, that’s a good point. Maybe we just… don’t say anything, like your family? And see how long it takes for them to bring it up?”
“Ant, why would we do that?”
“Because it’s funny?” It was a rhetorical question, and she could feel him smiling from the way his jaw shifted over her head. His fingers hadn’t left her hair, and the hand on her thigh had edged upwards slightly while they’d been talking. 
“I suppose it would be quite funny, wouldn’t it?” she mused, nudging her leg further into his grip subconsciously. He hadn’t taken off the ring he always wore, and it was cold against her skin. 
“See, I’m winning you over,” he chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. 
“You missed,” she murmured, sitting up a little and opening her eyes. 
“Yeah.” She took his face in her hands, nudging her nose against his before kissing him. When she pulled back after a few seconds he automatically followed her, eyes still closed while he searched for her lips again. “Anthony,” she breathed, feeling his breath fan over her face. He surged forward, his grip on her thigh tightening a little while the hand that had been in her hair slid down and cupped her cheek as he kissed her.   She brought her hand to his chest, clutching at the fabric of his pyjama shirt and gasping when he deepened the kiss, and she thought she might pass out from how gentle yet desperate he was. She could feel it, how he was holding back and taking it slow, but the fire that burned in her needed more, making her shift in his lap so she was straddling his hips, and if she could take the sound he made when she did so and bottle it up to keep forever, she would. 
“You’re going to be the death of me,” he whispered between kisses, tilting his head slightly to press his mouth to her cheek, and then her jaw, and then her neck. 
“I hope not,” she replied, burying her hands in his hair when he kissed a spot on her neck that made her feel like she was in heaven. “I quite like having you around, actually.”
“Yeah?” He made his way back up her neck, his hand hot and searing where it sat on her thigh. She met his eyes, the half-closed lids and blown pupils combined with his swollen lips making the fire burn hotter, and kissed him sweetly. 
“Yeah.” His hair was a mess, but he’d never looked more beautiful than in this moment, the golden glow of the bedside lamp highlighting his features and casting long shadows at the same time, and she threaded her fingers through the mop of hair that was starting to stick to his forehead. “Just promise me something?”
“Anything,” he said, not waiting for her to finish. She thought she could live on the way he was looking at her, like she was the only thing he had ever wanted and he needed her to breathe. 
“Stay alive for me? When we get back? You can’t keep- you can’t keep being so reckless with your- your life. Anthony.” He’d trailed the hand that had rested on her cheek down her side, and had gripped her hips with both hands, his fingers curling into the fabric of the shirt she was wearing and bunching it up slightly. 
“Sorry, darling.” She supposed she could forgive him when his voice was so low and hoarse, and his fingers were creeping under the top to stroke her skin. “I promise I’ll live for you.” The next kiss burned, filled with the weight of what he’d just sworn, and it was only when they couldn’t hold their breath for any longer that they finally pulled away for air. “I promise,” he whispered into her skin, dragging her closer by his grip on her waist. “I promise.” His hand was drifting upwards slowly, the cold metal of his ring a stark contrast to the heat of their bodies, and she knew he was waiting for her to tell him it was alright. His lips had barely left hers, and when she took her hands out of his hair to start undoing the buttons on his shirt she felt his breath hitch. 
“This okay?” she asked, smiling when he nodded eagerly, leaning back in for another kiss. He was drunk on her, she was sure, but she wasn’t exactly sober herself. Eventually he decided she was moving too slowly, taking the bottom of his top into his own hands and doing it himself. The next few minutes were frantic, Anthony’s shirt discarded on the floor by the bed and hers on the way to joining it, hands travelling over skin in an attempt to know every inch of each other. When he lifted her up and laid her on her back, settling between her legs while he braced himself on one arm and held her with the other, she knew she was doomed. 
The next morning, Emma was on tea duty. 
She and Ben took turns making teas for the family in the morning, and as she traipsed upstairs with a full tray of mugs (after depositing two in her parents’ bedroom downstairs) she yawned, hoping that everyone was at least a little bit awake so that she could go back to bed and read her book. John was first, bleary-eyed and scratching his side like a monkey, and he took his tea with a very sleepy “Mornin’ Mum”, the door closing in her face as soon as he had a grip on the handle of the mug. Then was Sam and Will, who were being made to share, and as she had expected Will was the opposite of John, wide awake and already dressed, reading in bed with the small lamp on so that he didn’t wake Sam. “Thanks, Mum,” he’d smiled, planting a kiss on her cheek and kicking the door shut after taking his and Sam’s teas. Tom was in the library with his colouring (she had to stop and put down the plastic mat so that he didn’t accidentally colour the furniture), and he barely acknowledged her presence when she left the mug on the table nearby and told him to be careful. Olivia wasn’t awake, so Emma left the mug on her bedside table and pressed a kiss to her daughter’s forehead before creeping back out and moving on to the last room before her own. 
A soft knock was normally enough to alert Y/n, telling her that the teas were ready, but when after roughly thirty seconds nobody appeared at the door, Emma frowned, balanced the tray on her hip, and gently pushed open the door. “Oh,” she whispered to herself upon seeing her eldest daughter and Anthony curled up in bed together, both sound asleep. 
She’d figured that the two of them weren’t actually dating after they’d first arrived, although at the time she’d thought it was more that they were in a rough patch and were attempting to hide it. They’d argued over who was taking the suitcase in, for crying out loud! But then Anthony had gone and comforted her after Steph had made comments that forced Y/n upstairs, and Emma had been confused again. When Olivia had been helping her get dinner ready that first night, she’d put forward the idea that maybe they weren’t together, and Y/n just felt that she couldn’t turn up without a boyfriend to a huge gathering where everybody thought she was in a relationship. Then things had started making sense, like the way Y/n had looked stiff in his arms for the first few days, or how she would glare at Anthony instead of gazing lovingly at him like Emma knew she herself did with Ben. 
At some point something had changed, though, because now they were apparently actually together. She, along with everyone else, had spent the afternoon yesterday questioning the young couple on pretty much everything, including why the hell they hated each other in the first place. Anthony had gone bright red, apologising profusely for his behaviour, and then Y/n had interrupted and said that she should be the one apologising, and then the pair of them had traded such love-struck looks that it made even Emma want to throw up a little. She was planning on getting the photo albums out today, since she had been so scared of revealing that she knew the truth before that she hadn’t fully settled in to the role of Embarrassing Mother. She’d wanted Y/n to feel that she could come forward in her own time, and the situation was sticky enough as it was with Steph and Linda (she frowned at the memory of how poorly her sister and niece had acted) making comments and embarrassing Y/n that Emma had taken a step back. Now, however, there was no hiding. Anthony would be seeing all of the photos of Y/n as a baby, and that was that. 
She would have a field day at breakfast, too, if her assumptions were correct. 
From what she could tell as she put the cups of tea on the bedside table and had a quick look around the room, neither Anthony nor Y/n were wearing tops, and in the dim light of the room she could tell that there were definitely marks on both of their necks. She smiled to herself, pressing a kiss to Y/n’s shoulder, and tiptoed out of the room. 
When Anthony woke up, the first thing he thought was how comfortable he was. 
He opened his eyes, rubbing lazily to try and clear away the last remnants of sleep, and he realised that Y/n was lying with her back to him and he had wrapped an arm around her waist in an effort to meld their bodies into one. Their legs were tangled together under the duvet, his pyjama-clad ones mixed with her short-wearing ones, and it was no wonder he hadn’t been able to breath too well when he’d first woken up, because his face had been buried in her neck. 
Her neck. 
His eyes widened as he took in the state of her skin, littered in small marks (and one or two larger ones), and he knew that he would most likely be murdered when she woke up. He couldn’t help but feel a rush of warmth at the memory of last night, though, and all the kisses they had shared. They hadn’t gone much further than that, both deciding it was far too early and far too risky in a house that was shared by most of her immediate family, but Anthony could have died a happy man after that. 
He wouldn’t, of course, because he’d promised her last night that he would live. 
He took note then of the two mugs of steaming tea on the bedside table, and realised that someone must have come in and placed them there not too long ago. Then he realised that whoever it had been had probably seen the hickeys on Y/n’s neck. “Shit,” he mumbled, closing his eyes briefly in an attempt to gather strength. It would be fine. Maybe they hadn’t been able to see clearly in the darkness of the room? But then again some of them were pretty large, and there wasn’t much chance of them being missed. Y/n was going to kill him. 
She was waking up now, he could tell from the way her breathing changed and her body shifted, and she stretched out her legs and twisted in his arms to face him. “Good morning, darling.”
“Mornin’ Schmoopie.”
“I thought that name was banned?”
“Banned for you. I can use it.”
“Ah, I see.” He smiled into her forehead, pressing his lips to the skin in tiny kisses. “Did you sleep alright?” She hummed her assent, eyes still closed while she nestled further into him. He wondered if she could feel how fast his heart was beating.
“Did you?”
“Yeah. Best sleep I’ve had for a while.” It had felt like he’d blinked and gone from the after-effects of last night to waking up with her in his arms this morning. 
“That’s good. Can I smell tea?”
“Yes, although I don’t know who it was that brought it in; I was still asleep.”
“Probably Mum,” she said, groaning and sitting up. Anthony watched her for a moment, small smile on his face as he took in her sleepy expression, then followed suit. He went to say something, but the movement of his body sitting up had pulled the duvet away and down the bed, and all thoughts went out of his head. “Shit, it’s cold in here,” Y/n hissed, putting down the mug she’d just picked up in favour of wrapping the blankets back around her torso. She paused when she realised Anthony had frozen and gone red, and frowned at the face he was making. “Are you… alright? You look a bit… I dunno. Weird.”
“What? Oh, I’m…” he swallowed thickly and met her eyes, immediately looking away again and studying the wall opposite the bed. “I’m fine.”
“Okay… I’ll pass your tea over if you want it?”
“Thank you.” He still wasn’t looking at her, although he did remove his gaze from the wall to ensure he held the mug correctly, and a slightly awkward pause followed. 
“You didn’t put your top back on last night.” He heard her choke on her tea and pressed his hand over his eyes. “Sorry, I didn’t mean- I just- you-” he sighed, giving up on coming up with an excuse that would explain his previous statement. 
“Of course I didn’t put it back on, I was way too warm,” she said once she’d recovered. “Wait. Were you staring at my chest?” When he didn’t answer and instead kept his gaze fixed on the tea he held she let out a laugh. “You didn’t seem bothered last night by me not wearing a top.” Now it was his turn to choke, and he had to set down his mug before he spilled the liquid. When he finally turned to look at her she had a smug grin on her face, sipping her tea while she watched him with amusement dancing in her eyes. 
“That- that was different!”
“Different how?”
“I- you- it just was!” He wished the ground would swallow him up. Y/n snorted, taking a larger gulp of tea. 
“I’m teasing, Anthony. You don’t have to look so terrified.” He didn’t think she would ever let him live this down. He had just taken his first drink of tea when he heard her curse softly. “Ant?”
“Yeah?” He looked over at her, brows drawing together. “What is it?” She bit her lip, eyes focused on something below his face. “Y/n?”
“You, uh… you’ve got…” she gestured vaguely to his neck, hesitating a moment before touching a finger to the skin just above his collarbone. It hit him, then, what she was referring to. 
“Did you leave marks on my neck last night?”
“… yeah?”
“Well we’re in deep shit.”
“… why?”
“I… might have done the same…” he trailed off, his voice growing quieter with every word, and she could only stare at him. 
“Anthony. Please tell me you’re joking.” He didn’t say anything, instead taking another sip of his tea. “Anthony, if it was Mum that came in and did tea this morning then we are screwed because there is no way she didn’t see. Anthony answer me.”
“I’m not joking, sorry.” He couldn’t help but smile at her exasperated groan that followed, and he opened his mouth to speak again. “Although you didn’t seem bothered by me kissing your neck last night,” he said, using her earlier words against her. This time it was his turn to be smug, and he laughed when she lightly slapped his chest. “What? You rather enjoyed it from what I remember.”
“Your memory is wrong,” she grumbled, finishing off her tea. 
“I don’t think it is, darling, but whatever you say.” 
“Good morning love birds! Did you two sleep alright?” Emma chirped when Anthony and Y/n walked into the kitchen. She noted the slight flushed look to both of them (particularly Anthony who had gone a wonderful shade of pink that she didn’t think she’d seen before), and then the poor attempts at covering up the marks that decorated their necks. 
“Oh, uh, yeah. Thank you.” Y/n looked like a deer in headlights, sitting down on a bar stool and smiling when her father placed a plate of food in front of her. “Thanks,” she muttered, picking up a fork and digging in. Anthony was apparently dealing with everything a lot better than Y/n, already engaged in conversation with John and Sam about something while he entertained Tom at the same time. Emma was glad that he was here, especially given how stressful Steph and Linda were, and she could tell that her eldest daughter was far better off with him in her life. He really cared about her, most likely better than Emma ever had, and while it stung to think that he was doing the job that she should have done, she was happy that Y/n had someone that she lived with to rely on. 
“Are you sure, dear? You look quite tired, I don’t imagine you did much sleeping.” She did feel a little bit of remorse at her teasing, but it was too funny watching Y/n squirm in embarrassment while she tried to come up with something to say. Even Anthony was blushing now from his place on Y/n’s right. Besides, this was her first experience with being the Embarrassing Mother, and if she needed to she would explain herself to her daughter later. 
“Did you do tea rounds this morning?” Y/n blurted instead, her brow furrowing. 
“I did… where is this going?”
“Oh, no reason. It’s fine,” she said, entirely unconvincingly. 
“Right, well eat up. Anthony, I’m showing you the photo albums after breakfast!”
“Mum, please don’t, I can’t take any more of this,” pleaded Y/n, but Emma just chuckled. 
“I just want him to see some of the previous Christmases we’ve had!”
“Personally,” Anthony chimed in, “I would love to see the photo albums, Emma. It sounds like a wonderful way to spend the morning.” His grin could only be described as shit-eating, and Emma loved it. 
She loved it even more when Y/n groaned and held her head in her hands. 
“And here- what was happening here? Oh yes, she’d managed to get her head stuck in the railings of the bannister, only three years old!”
“So you took a picture before helping your three year old daughter out of the bannisters?” Y/n asked her mother incredulously, not enjoying the way Anthony was studying every single photo of her as a baby. They had already been here for roughly forty minutes, and they weren’t even a third of the way through the album. 
“Well you don’t look too bothered, darling. In fact, you look like you’re having a whale of a time, look how big that smile is!”
“Shut up,” she mumbled, cuddling closer into his side. His laughter warmed her, and suddenly she didn’t mind so much that he was being promised copies of some of these photos. She knew that her mother knew about the marks on both of their necks, too, her suspicions confirmed after the whole fiasco at breakfast (there had been many more innuendos and exaggerated winks), but she didn’t mind that too much either. How could she, when Anthony was burning brighter than the sun right now, with his smile that lit up every room he walked into (or even walked past) and his easy charm? How could she be upset when he was sat so close to her, holding her to him so gently yet so tightly, as though he were afraid that at any moment she might disappear? 
No, she was happy. Not about the current photo of her with cake smushed all over her face and outfit at her friend’s 4th birthday party, but generally, she was happy. Steph and Linda were gone, Anthony was here, and in a few days they would be back home with Lucy, and George, and Holly too when she came over. 
For the first time in years, she was truly happy. And she could owe it all to Anthony Lockwood. 
part 12 (final part)
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Tag list: @ahead-fullofdreams, @aislinrayne, @anathemaloren, @anthgoldenhrry, @augustisintheair, @avdiobliss, @aysha4life, @bobbys-not-that-small, @briar-rose23, @curseofhecate, @dangelnleif, @edible-rat-vomit, @el-de-phi, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @ettadear, @fearlessmoony, @fudosl, @idkbubs, @imaginebeingmentallystable, @informedimagining, @karensirkobabes, @lady-ashfade, @light-23, @locklyebrainrot, @locklyle1kanij, @locknco, @magicandrosewaters, @mentallyillsodapop, @mischivana, @mitskiswift99, @mrsklockwood, @mrsyixingunicorn10, @newbooksmell777, @no-morning-glories, @novelizt, @phlooper, @ran23sblog, @reggiepeterss, @simrah1012, @somethingrandomwatzit, @star-of-velaris, @superpositvecloudshipper, @t2sh0, @taygrls, @tournesol77, @whistle1whistle, @whenselenefallsinlove, @wordsarelife, @y0urm0m12, @zoom1374, @asyouwish-fromcabin3, @magicandrosewaters, @bobbys-not-that-small, @neewtmas (sticking you on just in case my lovely <3)
I don't think I'm missing anyone but there are so many people that I honestly can't say for sure, so if you want to be added to the tag list for the final part (and maybe... other... special posts... that might be written in the future... 👀), then let me know! <3
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joelswritingmistress · 11 months
Last Halloween: Chapter 3
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Summary: After a tragedy involving Joel happened on Halloween one year prior, the town now shuns him while ignoring the details of the now closed case. You are seemingly the only one to offer empathy to a man the town is making out to be a monster.
Warning: Angst, mild language
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
"He's coming?" Your friend Jessie asked, practically letting her jaw drop to the floor as she adjusted her cowboy hat in the mirror.
"Shh." You put a finger to your lips and pulled on a pair of black spandex for your cat costume. "I don't want to tell Winnie or Chris." You knew they would give you a hard time, but Jessie was a little more open minded.
"Okay, okay." She pretended to zip her lip. "I won't say anything."
"Thank you." You tossed on a black shirt with lacy sleeves before grabbing the cat mask. After Jessie checked herself out once more in the bathroom mirror, you reached for your keys. "Let's boogie," you whispered.
The ride over was focused on Joel talk, and you didn't particularly mind. You were kind of itching to talk about him.
"Are you into him?" Jessie asked.
You weren't a good liar so you were honest, despite the potential backlash. After that motorcycle ride it was like a switch had been flipped inside of you.
"Yeah. I mean, I think so."
"Wow." She giggled, "It's so.. random. Not judging. I just.. wow. Why?"
"Why?" You shrugged as you drove. "He gave me a ride on his motorcycle earlier and-"
"Wait, what?" She grabbed your forearm without even realizing it.
You laughed. "We rode around town and then he drove me back to pick up my car at the junkyard. That's why I was so late getting home."
"How old is he?"
"I'm not sure."
"He's a least ten years older than us. Probably more."
You shrugged again. "I'm just feeling things out. I really just want him to have a friend." You turned to look at Jessie for a quick second. "Ya know?"
"Oh, I know." She chuckled. "A friend with benefits."
You laughed and swatted at her. "Cut it out."
"Just let me know what color bridesmaid dress I should wear."
You rolled your eyes with a grin and the two of you had another laugh.
The sign for the tavern came into view by the road side and you pulled into the parking lot, allowing your car to merge in with all the others. You both reached for your purses in the back seat and then headed toward the door that led inside.
On your walk up you heard someone call out your name and turned to see the man in the plastic scarecrow mask. Joel. Seeing him there alleviated any anxiety that lingered on the chance of him not showing up. He *had* showed up, and you knew how big of a step that was for him.
"Hey!" You greeted him with a hug and he partially lifted the mask as your roommate began to introduce herself. A moment later, the three of you were walking inside, welcomed by the beat of the old time seasonal song, Midnight Monsters Hop.
"I'm gunna go get a drink," Chrissy shouted, using her thumb to motion toward the bar that was overflowing with ghouls, ghosts and everything in between.
"Okay." You gave a thumbs up and looked to Joel. "Want a drink?"
He nodded, "Yeah, sure."
You reached back behind you for his hand and felt that similar electricity from before when he took it.
Up at the bar you flagged down the bartender.
"I'll do a vodka soda and.."
"A Bud Lite," Joel added, reaching into his wallet. Like his habit at the coffee shop, he paid with cash despite your attempts to try to pay for the round.
You looked at one another and without saying a word, you tapped your glasses together and then took a sip from your drinks. Joel hesitantly lifted his mask partway. You felt so bad for his inability to be free.
When another old Halloween song came on by The Dead Kennedys, you pulled Joel with you into a crowd of people who had begun to dance along to the rock music.
The beat was fast and upbeat. Without thinking you shoved Joel playfully with a grin with one hand to his chest and then closed the gap again and began to dance right next to him.
A moment later he was following your lead. He was having fun. You were having fun. The dim lighting in the bar was intersected by strobes of oranges, greens and purples, highlighting your every move.
When Joel really began to relax you could see it in his body language. He was dancing around, grabbing your hand to twirl you and being less cautious about lifting his mask to take a sip from his beer.
The rock music never seemed to let up. You needed a break from dancing as sweat began to make your face glisten. You eyed an old photobooth in the back corner of the bar and reached for Joel's free hand again, towing him with you.
When you pushed your way through a pale, white curtain you pulled him down into a seated position beside you and inserted a five dollar bill into the money slot beneath the camera screen.
With the first 3-2-1 countdown on the screen, you both kept your masks on and you stuck out your tongue. For the second photo, Joel lifted his mask so it sat on the top of his head and he managed a half smile. For picture number three, Jessie came out of nowhere, leaping into the booth for a photobomb and then exiting just as quickly.
You were laughing. Joel was laughing. You were both genuinely enjoying the night. Seconds later, the pictures developed and you took a copy while handing one over to Joel.
He kept his mask up as you pulled him back out into the bar where you resumed dancing. The energy was fiery. You loved every minute of it. More so, you loved seeing Joel at ease and having fun. Prior to recently you had never even seen him smile.
That night, in the freaky, flashing strobe lights, things felt perfect - as perfect as they had felt on the back of Joel's bike a few hours earlier. You knew this was manifesting into one of those nights - the type of night you looked back on that was on the border of magical, at least the type of magical that existed in real life.
It was everything. The music, the lighting, the look on Joel's face as his eyes found yours and never left. You were two giddy children that night and it felt so damn good. Never in a million years did you think you'd be able to get him out of his shell.
A break in the song left the two of you breathing heavy with smiles.
"Want another drink?" He shouted.
"Sure." You smiled, and a ringing stuck in your ears with the brief absence of loud music. The next song quickly picked up and Joel smiled, squeezed your hand and then made his way through the crowd.
"Another round, please," you heard him order.
Your eyes were on him as he stood there by the bar. You still smiled. He was contagious; perhaps the definition of a diamond in the rough. Joel Miller was.. dreamy.
"Hey killer." A voice interrupted your temporary euphoria. It wasn't directed at you. It was directed at Joel. Your daydream was suddenly interrupted when you saw a man approach him as he waited for your drinks. "You're in here dancing and having a good time. Where's Johnny? Hmm?" The guy shoved him now and you ran to Joel's defense.
"Enough!" The bartender scolded but the guy went on.
"You kill a local legend and you think you can just move on?" The guy shouted.
"Stop!" You intervened, standing with Joel as others began to turn in your direction.
"Oh, you even got a girl, that's great," mocked the stranger. "You know what Johnny's girl does on and off every week? She cries. Because you killed him!"
Joel tossed a twenty on the bar, left the drinks and stormed out of the establishment. You chased after him, bursting outside and shouted his name when a car whizzed by and almost hit him on the Main Street road.
"Joel!" You shouted and hurried the rest of the way to him. "Joel, stop!"
"I can't do this!" He shouted, "You just don't get it!"
"I know." You shook your head. "Joel, I'm sorry."
"I'm not your little fucking project," Joel went on.
"I know that, Joel." You shook your head, feeling the first sting of tears in your eyes. "I just.. I like you. I was having fun with you."
"I don't belong here. Not in this town. Not anymore! Nothing is going to change that."
"It's not fair," you went on, "I know-"
"You don't know anything!" He waved his hands wildly to the sides. "You don't know how I feel every single day."
"I know I don't," you agreed, "But I want to be here for you. I want to help you. Be your friend."
"What and relive this shit show of a night almost daily with me?" He made a face and shook his head.
"This night hasn't been a shit show," you argued. "Up until two seconds ago this was one of the enjoyable nights I can remember. It started back at the junk yard and on the bike-"
"Well, I'm glad I could give you a thrill ride," Joel said in a snarky fashion that cut you a little deep.
"Joel.." you shook your head. "I enjoy your company." You extended both of your arms in his direction with your palms up.
He looked at them but distanced himself further back a few steps. "Just.. go back to your normal life and stay away from me."
He scoffed turned away from you, storming off into the darkness as you still held your arms out in front of you. Despite having just formally met him, a single tear left each of your eyes.
"Joel!" You called. "Joel, please.."
He didn't turn back around. It broke off a piece of your heart when he disappeared around the corner of the building without so much as looking back.
@untamedheart81 @amy172
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vaultie-and-theghoul · 4 months
You Never Told Me Your Name
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Cooper had to fish the cloth out of the Vaultie's mouth once they got back to camp. Lucy was dead to the world but her heart was still thumping loudly. One whiff of the filthy cloth and he knew she'd been drugged.
"God damnit," Cooper yelled in frustration, wading up the rag and throwing it into the fire. The humor of Lucy once again making a special of herself had worn off the second he realized she wasn't just knocked out. Drugs out here in the wasteland were volatile on a good day. Who the hell knew how much that idiot merc gave her?
Dogmeat whined from his place by Lucy's side, "I know, boy. I'm worried too." Cooper was beating himself up for not checking before the trek back to camp. Anger burned in his gut both towards himself and his little Vaultie.
What the hell had she been thinking? If only Cooper had a chance to tell her they were being followed. He had only noticed after they got to the market, another slip-up in Cooper's book. He considered leaving Lucy and dogmeat and going it alone again, but only for a moment. The thought alone had him on the verge of dry heaving. He's been alone for so long. Most people wouldn't give a ghoul the time of day, much less look at him the way his Vaultie had.
Cooper's head snapped to the side when he heard a groan from the woman on the ground. Dogmeat got to his feet, sniffing Lucy up and down. Another yip from the dog indicated he found nothing wrong. Good. She must be waking up now.
"'bout damn time Vaultie," Cooper's voice had come out thick and harsh. Maybe his anger at them was stronger than he'd like to admit.
"What," the word slurred from Lucy's full lips as she tried to sit up. She groaned again, clutching her head tightly and burying them between her knees, "I think I'm gonna be sick."
Some anger melted away as Cooper helped Lucy through the worst of her vertigo. He had retied her hair so she wouldn't vomit on it and while Lucy was recovering, Coop set out the purified water and crackers he had nabbed at the market. Both of those things were high-price items nowadays and he never splurged before.
The Ghoul kept his mouth shut while the Vaultie took her sweet time recovering. Cooper knew he shouldn't be this pissed at Lucy, but god damn it, she could have died or worse gotten kidnapped. The thought alone had him kicking an old rusty can as hard as possible.
"I'm sorry," Lucy whispered from her spot slumped on the ground, "You told me not to bring attention to myself but I did anyway. It's just that I heard him talking about you and dogmeat."
"You think I didn't know I was being tailed," Cooper snapped, turning to face her, "Mercs don't typically confront you in the middle of a crowd sweetheart. Course a Vaultie like you wouldn't know that shit."
"Why are you so angry with me," the tears in his Vaultie's big eyes cooled some of his anger, not his fear.
"Why didn't you call out for me when that fucker attacked you," Cooper said, voice far softer than he intended. Realizing the true cause of his anger hit him like a ton of bricks. The Ghoul cursed under his breath and went to sit next to Lucy by the campfire.
"I wanted to," Lucy said, fire reflecting in her eyes, "I tried, but... I only know you by 'The Ghoul'. You never told me your name. I just didn't know what to call out."
Once again his chest ached, recognizing that this was his fault. Seemed like ol' Coop couldn't stop messing up when it came to Miss Lucy MacLean. Perhaps the duo aren't so different after all. the Ghoul had found someone he could trust for the first time in centuries.
"M'names Cooper," His name feeling foreign in his mouth, "Now, I'm sure you've got a whole slew of questions for me. I'm feeling particularly chatty tonight, so best take advantage."
The Vaultie's eyes lit up, white teeth pulling at her bottom lip. Without skipping a beat, Lucy began listing off question after question. They went from questions about his past and how Coop had known her dad, to a few inappropriate personal questions.
"Slow down darlin'," Cooper said, laughter coming easily around her, "I was from before the war, yes. It's a long ass story, but I promise to tell you about it as we travel. Too much for tonight." The pout on his Vaulties face had a different kind of heat filling his belly. "I have suffered a lot indeed, but I just want to find my daughter. Before you ask, yes I had a wife and no It didn't end well."
Lucy was enthralled as he spoke, her eyes followed Cooper's lips as he spoke. The Vaultie even leaned into his personal space making it all the harder to concentrate. Coop considered if he should indulge her with a few answers to those more personal questions, and finally landed on fuck it.
"Now I must say I'm surprised to hear such direct words coming from that pretty mouth of yours," Cooper watched her lips part as he continued, "I can eat, drink, and shit just like you sweetheart. I can also fuck since most of your questions revolved around my physical abilities."
Despite the direct words coming from her mouth, Lucy seemed to blush easily when the same words came from his. She took in the new information and Cooper thought it might be the end of the questions for tonight. He was wrong.
"Whose finger is that," Lucy asked, and it was Cooper's turn to feel embarrassed. Course his eagle-eyed Vaultie had noticed the finger he should have been missing.
"Now I can't give away all my secrets can I," Cooper said, hoping the freely given information would be enough to stop this line of questioning. Lucy pursed her lips, twisting this way and that. Coop could practically hear the thoughts playing in her pretty little head. To push or not to push.
"Thank you for saving me, and for answering my questions," Lucy said taking a deep breath through her nose, "I still have a million more, but they can wait for now."
"Course you do sweetheart," Cooper chuckled, pushing himself off the ground, "I'm gonna do my rounds and I expect you to be fast asleep by the time I get back."
"Yes sir," Lucy said as she saluted, "I feel like I've been hit by a truck, so following orders shouldn't be so hard this time." She smiled up at him and Cooper's cold heart thumped against his chest. Damn Vaultie was going to be the end of him.
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Dogmeat moved from Lucy's side to trot next to the Gho... Cooper. He gave her a quick scratch on the head before he sent the dog back to her side.
"You stay here with Lucy," Cooper said, tipping his hat and walking away. The Cowboy had rarely called her by her name, and Lucy wasn't sure If she loved or hated it. When he called her pet names, it felt like a soft satin caress, but when he said Lucy's name it sent shivers down her spine.
Lucy got ready for bed, the effort alone using what was left of her energy. She had plenty to think about and more to process, but she was grateful for Cooper's honesty. The Ghoul had finally told her his name. Cooper.
Cooper's name played on repeat in her mind as her eyes slid shut on their own accord. A smile curled on her lips as her mind reminded her of one more discovery. Cooper could participate in coitus.
'I can also fuck since most of your questions revolved around my physical abilities.'
"Sweet dreams Dogmeat," Lucy curled up on her side and let her thoughts go wild as she fell into a deep sleep.
AO3 Series Prequel
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97keanu · 1 year
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Another imagine saga of Dave Lizewski x goth girlfriend!reader, this time for you finding out Dave is Kick Ass and subsequently the times you have to patch him up after particularly rough nights
CW: angsty, movie typical blood mentions
Read the first imagine here and the first fic (nsfw) here
Dave would be so careful as not to let you know he's Kick Ass, he knows that its a dangerous game he plays and he would never want to get you involved, even if he believes you could take the truth, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if something were to happen to you.
You really start to wonder when he keeps coming over with various cuts and bruises, however.
At first you think bullies at school did this, and you get extremely pissed, like Dave having to hold you back as you begin to think of a particular bully who may have done this and you're on the move to kick their ass as you two speak
As much as Dave finds your fury kinda sexy, he also can't have you beating up people who have nothing to do with this, so he keeps making up random stories like "oh I got mugged on my way home, I have no clue who did it." Or for more minor scrapes and bruises "you know me, I'm just so clumsy I ran into x y z"
Still, you're extremely suspicious and eventually you find his suit in his room and confront him
Dave can't explain, he's at an absolute loss for words and he ends up having to fess up.
At first, you're furious, you can't believe he would do something so reckless, you hate the idea that he would ever be in harms way and truthfully, from the sweet, kind, tender Dave you know you can't imagine him being a the badass Kick Ass is.
After a few long talks and Dave even demonstrating his swiftness and strength by pinning you to the bed in two seconds flat, your metal accessories clinking as he does so, you begin to believe him. + Don't forget to add a few forgiving kisses in which Dave messes up your black lipstick, but you don't mind.
Once you two have an understanding of the whole situation, it becomes a bit fun and sexy. You tease him about playing dress up and he teases you that your goth attire is just dress up for people who like bats and cemeteries. You can't argue with that.
You get into the idea of what your gothic superhero outfit would look like and even draw up a few examples and share them with Dave, he thinks its adorable but always gently tries to sway you from actually doing it, since he can't stand the idea of you being hurt
You give Dave some really good goth/metal/alternative hits for him to listen to while he works out, which he's been keeping up with lately as to not get his ass kicked as much while out patrolling.
You even convince him to paint his nails black, feigning that its NOT because you want him to match with yours, but because it will look/feel more badass when he's Kick Ass. (Dave knows that makes so sense since you can't even see his nails in his costume, but he digresses.)
Eventually, Dave does come by one night, particularly beat up after a bad mugging situation, and your heart sinks.
He comes in from your bedroom window, completely hurt and he doesn't know why but he came to your house first because he really just needed the comfort.
You immediately grab a first aid kit laying around your house (thank god you kept one on hand), and begin cleaning up his bloodied face and hands.
You feel strange because for so long your gothic interests have shown blood in movies, music, and online and you always thought it was so aesthetically pleasing and sometimes even romanized.
Its not, you can't even explain how horrible you feel, the pit in your stomach opening up when you see how hurt Dave is, even though he tries to say it doesn't hurt that much, it scares you.
After Dave is bandaged up, you take his costume off, and nearly toss it with anger on your bedroom floor somewhere, you don't care where, in fact you want it out of sight.
Dave can tell how much this upset you, and he keeps apologizing, and you don't even blame him, you know he does good, you know you could never ask him to change, this is just who he is.
But fuck, you just want Dave right now. Not Kick Ass. Not a superhero. Just plain old Dave, the nerdy shy boy you fell in love with. And you tell him just this. Dave understands, and pulls you close, telling you still how sorry he is for scaring you.
The two of you hold each other tight, Dave petting your back ratted hair softly, looking into your dark make-uped eyes and giving you kisses anywhere he can.
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