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ladymarycrawley · 10 months ago
Happy birthday amore mio - John Stones
Felt like writing this little thing that came to my head tonight, hope you like it 💕
Warnings: pregnancy with a lot of sarcasm and fluffiness
Tag list: @masonxomount @johnstonesfc @prideofpd
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Having John in your life felt so good and you wanted nothing but the best for him, especially on the yearly occasion of his birthday.
You always seized the moment to make him feel loved. He was the centre of your world.
This year, the moment was particularly good as his birthday fell after the Premier League parade and had a few days off before embarking on the adventure of the Euros.
After having celebrated in Manchester, you wasted no time and went to the seaside, to the breathtaking Amalfi coast where you could relax and take in all those amazing landscapes. It was literally like paradise on Earth, as your days went by between chilling at the beach and strolls around the historic centers of those small but picturesque cities. The fact that it felt as if nobody knew you were there nor who you were felt even more perfect as you could go around almost unnoticed and act like a normal couple on holiday: holding hands, kissing each other whenever you felt like doing so, bickering like an old couple. It all felt so perfect and the little secret you had been carrying for the past days was about to top it all: you were pregnant with your first child and you wanted to wait until the 28th to announce it to John.
To be honest, it was rather difficult sometimes to hide it because you wanted to shout it to him, but you held on for the sake of the surprise you were planning. 
There were days where you would have eaten every food that passed under your nose, even the smell of it was enough to make your mouth water and some others where the last thing you wanted was eating and you crossed your fingers in the hope not to throw up, as it would surely have turned your boyfriend's suspicions on.
“What's wrong? Why don't you drink your usual glass of white wine?” He asked, raising his eyebrows while you were at dinner the night before his birthday. You couldn’t throw all of it in the air, you had to stay calm and keep acting as if nothing happened.
You could have waited until midnight so it was already the day of his birthday, sticking therefore to your original plan. You only had to wait a bit longer, making that dinner last as long as possible. 
“I haven't been drinking for a few days now, Sherlock”
“Yeah but when we're out for dinner, in such places, you always drink wine
it's more sophisticated” He explained, quoting what you said to him once he took you to a posh restaurant on one of your first dates.
“I know but it's been kind hot these days so I need to drink water, it's more refreshing”
John kept on staring into your eyes, even when he brought the glass to his lips to take a sip of his wine. He knew you were hiding something but didn't know what exactly.
You tried to change the topic by trying to talk about what you would have done the next day, distracting your boyfriend for a moment.
Another suspicious look was thrown at you when your eyes fell on a young couple carrying their newborn child in the stroller. You cooed and your eyes got teary almost immediately: the image of John pushing the stroller with your baby sleeping in it, his strong arms all veiny due to the effort he was doing
God you were horny too now, great.
John’s look was somehow puzzled as he couldn’t figure out what was going on with you.
“It's the second time today you react like that when seeing a baby
are you okay?”
“Yes, they're so cute when they're that small with their tiny clothes on” You gushed, making your boyfriend giggle.
“Is that a cute way to ask me to put a baby in you?”
Not necessary dear, you already did that.
You almost gorged on the water you were drinking and smiled.
“No thank you”
“Babe, you called me daddy in a square full of people this morning and it's something we usually keep secret, don't act all shy now”
“I didn't shout it, I whispered it in your ear, that's different”
“Your whisper was anything but shy”
“Erm can we just order our food now? I'm starving”
“Bet you are, you felt nauseous all day and skipped lunch”
“It must have been the boat trip we went on, it wasn't so relaxing as they described it”
“Speak for yourself, it was amazing”
“Yeah I know, you almost fell asleep on my legs”
“It means it was relaxing”
You rolled your eyes, trying to make eye contact with the waiter to make him come and take your order.
When you ordered your food, you hoped they would have taken a bit longer than usual to prepare it as it would have helped you wait for midnight.
In the meanwhile you couldn’t help but stare at John who looked especially good that night, in his ivory linen shirt loosely fitted thanks to the couple of undid buttons on the front that let you look at his chest.
“You're so handsome tonight” You smiled, stroking his hand over the table.
He smiled back, moving his finger in circular motions over your skin.
“Thank you but only tonight?”
You rolled your eyes. “Especially tonight”
“You're quite hot as well” He said in a husky voice, bringing your hand towards his lips to kiss the back of it. You would have taken him there and then if it wasn't you were in a public place...
Suddenly a brilliant idea struck you in the middle of the dinner, distracting you from your hormones, and got up, pretending to go to the toilet. You found a waiter and asked him for something similar to a birthday cake, explaining to him it would have been your boyfriend's birthday in less than two hours.
You got back kind of excited but tried to keep it cool, finishing what was left on your plate.
“You're almost a birthday boy” You sang, smiling widely to John who was trying to act as if he wasn't the birthday boy you were referring to.
“Who? Me?”
“Yes, you dumbass”
“Hey that's not nice”
“You should know I show my love for you by not being nice”
“You're definitely a weirdo”
“You chose me”
“Think I've made the wrong choice”
“OI!” You kicked him under the table, making him yelp.
You tried to act normally when you saw the time on your phone: 23:30.
“Do you already have three wishes you'd like to make at midnight?”
“Yeah the first one is to get rid of you”
“You're so nice, that's why I love you”
“And sarcastic”
“Yep, that makes two of us”
“I don't know, I'm boring I always ask for the same things”
“You're not boring, it means you know what matters in life”
“That's a mature definition for boring?”
“You're annoying, not boring”
“Okay, I won't put a baby in you then”
“You're not mature for your age and you should be”
When there were 5 minutes left to midnight and you saw the waiter carrying the plate with the small cake, you got up to cover his eyes with your hands, signalling him it was time for the surprise. 
“What -”
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear John” You started singing and, once you were done, you took your hands away and kissed his cheek before letting him realise he had in front of him a mini cake with a candle waiting to be blown off.
He was laughing as he didn't expect such a surprise.
“Thank you baby”
“Happy birthday, amore mio” You gently kissed him on the lips before sitting back in front of him.
“I have another surprise for you. Do you want to see it now?”
John stopped licking the whipped cream off his finger and gave you an unmistakable look.
“Are you really thinking about stripping down for me right here?"
“No, silly, it's not that kind of surprise” You took an envelope out of your bag and placed it on the table.
John raised an eyebrow and looked at the white paper thing.
“What's that?”
“Your surprise” You said in a tone as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
John took it, curious but suspicious at the same time and tried to feel it before opening it.
His heart beat faster than ever when he took in his hands what was an ultrasound, and looked at you. Then he took a letter you wrote to him that contained a simple but meaningful sentence: Happy birthday to the most handsome and silly daddy ever (in all senses).
The envelope was now empty but you took the last hint out of your bag: a tiny, lovely onesie which looked like a dress with the Three Lions badge on.
John couldn’t believe his eyes and bit on his lower lip not to cry.
“That's why you didn't want me to put a baby in you” He laughed through those happy tears watering his face.
You smiled and got up to kiss him.
“And that's why I haven't been drinking any alcohol” You placed a gentle kiss against his forehead.
John kissed you and instinctively brushed his hand over your covered belly.
“I know you like to keep these things private, but we had a room just for the two of us here, so I thought it would have been okay”
John nodded and kissed both your cheeks.
“So we're having a girl?”
You nodded, telling him about how you found it out and what month you were in. 
“The chances it's a girl are high and the doctor almost confirmed it”
“I'm so so happy, we have to celebrate! Let's go back to the hotel, can't wait to cuddle my girls”
“Erm your bigger girl has some needs, urgent needs”
“You have to pee? Some weird cravings?”
“I have a craving but it's not a weird one
it's a 6ft tall craving, looking so good I'd like to have a bite
John blushed and helped you out of the restaurant, squeezing your butt.
“Let's see what can I do for my bigger and horny lady
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furybymoonlight · 7 months ago
Master of Assists
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gifs by @trenty
Trent was a master of assists, both on the field and between the sheets.
Genre/Warning: NSFW!, smut, comfort, fluff, make-up sex (kind of)
Pairing: Trent Alexander Arnold x OC/reader
“Trent, no, this is crazy.”
The man kissed and nibbled on her lips, palms glided up along her thighs enticingly before slipping beneath her dress to finally squeezed her arse. Every fine hair on her body stood up, her pain dimmed at the spark of erotic sensation that he was giving her.
“You’re in pain babe
let me assist you. I am good at that
..haven’t you heard?”
AN: Unbeta’d. Sorry in advance for any errors as I’m not a native. I just write for fun (and sanity). This was supposed to be a drabble but all the words just kept pouring out. OTL
Another wave of pain punched her in the gut, but she tried her best to keep the smile on her face, nodding here and there to look like she was following the conversation with her aunts and cousins. God, the days leading up to her monthly period were the worst. All she wanted was to curl up in the bed with her boyfriend, with a cup of tea on the bedside and a heat pad on her belly. This was not possible at the moment because one, she was currently celebrating her mother’s birthday party with families and friends and two, she was currently at odds with her man.
She stole a look at her boyfriend from the corner of her eyes, who was currently talking with his father and hers, as well as some of her uncles. Wearing a dark lime dress shirt, sleeves rolled to the elbows and khaki-colored trousers, he looked so handsome. Then again, Trent had always looked amazing in everything
and nothing. Now
if only they were on speaking terms...
Her stomach suddenly twisted again, painful enough that she wished she had a seat at that moment, but it wasn’t her day. Being such a social butterfly, her mom had reserved a small courtyard in a restaurant for a standing garden party. There were a few seats, but they were all taken by the elders. The muscles in her belly contracted again and this time she winced, almost stumbled to the side. She really needed to sit down. Excusing herself from the conversation, she made her way towards the restaurant building.
Trent saw her smiling from the side and had to hold himself back not to go straight to her. She looked so beautiful, he was itching to trace the smile on her face with his fingertips
then his lips, but the memory of their fight last night held him back.
They didn’t fight often as a couple. Being long-time best friends turned lovers, their understanding of each other was on the next level of intimate. Since she was currently studying abroad, they physically had little time together. It was not easy, but they made it work, and whenever they could be together, they usually made the most of it.
Their fight the night before was a rare occurrence. Now that they’re entering the second year of their relationship, Trent felt like it was time to go public. Sure, their families and close friends had known about them for a long time, but he wanted to make it official to the world. He was tired of being careful with her in public, didn’t like treating her as if she was just a family friend. He was also fed up with their hidden dates as well. She on the other hand, didn’t think it was the right time. Having entered her last term in Uni, she was focusing on her final project and finding a job. The last thing she needed was to have public eyes scrutinizing her every move. Neither of them wanted to back down, and they both said some words to each other that they instantly regretted. However, pride prevented them to instantly rectify the matters, which led to the still unresolved tension between them.
He replied to a question from his father before taking another glance at her. It was then that he realized something was not right. Her smile seemed forced, while her eyes lacked their usual luster. He felt a sudden sinking feeling in his stomach when the next second, she swayed a bit to the side. She recovered quickly that it wasn’t obvious for the people in her circle of conversation, but he was just so in tune with her, that for him, it was as clear as day. He was beginning to walk towards her when she made her exit from the courtyard in a haste.
Dropping down to the first available chair that she saw, a sigh of relief left her mouth. The courtyard and the building were connected by a hallway with a few chairs and tables along the strip, as well as restrooms. As it was past lunchtime, the area was currently empty, of which she was grateful. She closed her eyes, leaning against the back rest. It was almost summer, so the weather was warm, but the softly blowing wind gave her a bit of comfort. The calling of her name, accompanied by a familiar scent, her favorite, made her open her eyes.
are you okay? Should we go to a doctor?”
She found Trent kneeling in front of her, worry apparent in his dark coffee eyes. She gave him a small reassuring smile.
“Not really
but I’ll live, just my PMS kicking in.”
She winced again as her stomach coiled.
“You’re in pain. Do you want to go home?”
He said softly, cupping her face in one palm, thumb pad softly brushed her cheeks to soothe her. She was his princess, he didn’t like seeing her in even a bit of discomfort.
‘’Can’t. Have to stay at least until the cake cutting.’’
She muttered, closing her eyes again while leaning her face against his large palm, seeking comfort in his warmth.
“How can I help?”
“Cuddling with me in bed
giving me a heatpad, or hot tea, or better, orgasm
lots of things really, none for now though, pity.”
She said without even thinking, her eyes still shut.
“Orgasm huh?”
Her eyes snapped open, and she found her boyfriend looking at her, dark autumn eyes glinted with desire and mischief.
“Well yes, but we can’t-”
She squealed before covering her mouth with one hand as he swept her in his arms. Ten seconds later they were in an empty restroom, where he easily put her on the counter between the dual sinks. Her dress bunched up her thighs as he parted her legs so he could stand between her lower limbs.
“Trent, no, this is crazy.”
The man kissed and nibbled on her lips, palms glided up along her thighs enticingly before slipping beneath her dress to finally squeezed her arse. Every fine hair on her body stood up, her pain dimmed at the spark of erotic sensation that he was giving her.
“You’re in pain babe
let me assist you. I am good at that
..haven’t you heard?”
He said against her lips, before trailing kisses along her jawline, then further along the column of her neck. She instinctively tilted her head to accommodate him. Her mind already shutting down, she didn’t realize that he had sneakily unbuttoned the front of her dress.
you’re kind of a master at that
or so they said – babe!”
She squealed as he countered her cheeky response with a bite on the swell of her breast.
“Or so they said? I guess I need to prove my ability to you then.”
His hand already slipped around her back to unclip her bra but she stilled his movement, though half-heartedly.
somebody may walk in.”
He could see the warring conflict in her pretty orbs and in the way her tongue swiped her bottom lip due to her anxiousness. She didn’t mean to tempt him, but he instantly felt himself hardened even more at that simple act. As if he ever needed any more incentive to ravish her. They once had a random debate on what’s the best pressure level for his car summer tire where she stared at him for a second too long, lips adorably jutted in disagreement and suddenly, there was a literal pressure against his jeans. He was so whipped for her, it was almost laughable.
“I’ve locked the door
now stop thinking
just let me take care of you love, all right?”
His palm gently unknotted the tense muscles on her back and she sighed in bliss, her body relaxing under his touch. He bared her breasts then, taking one hard peak into his mouth, fingers slipping into her slick entrance. He groaned into her creamy flesh, she was already soaked, a bit faster than he had predicted. Looked like her PMS came with a silver lining.
She tugged his head back, hissing as he bit on the hardened tip, reluctant to let the pebbled bud go. She tugged harder and he reluctantly let go.
‘’Need you in me, now.’’
She said in almost a plea. There was a sense of yearning in her tone that called to his primal side. Anything she wished for, he’d provide.
His trousers and pants down in record time, he pushed her panties to the side and plunged into her in one smooth move. He grunted silently. God, she felt so perfect around him, being in her was his literal definition of heaven. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed him, urging him to move with a sway of her hip. He moved then, thrusting into her again and again, wordlessly leading her in their carnal dance.
Pleasure scorched her insides, pulsating stronger with every slam from him that it threatened to burn her to ashes. A drop of sweat trickled down Trent’s temple, along his defined jawline and she couldn’t resist a lick. His eyes flared at her sensuous act, the rhythm of his thrusts growing erratic.
A loud mewl just left her mouth when the conversing sound of people nearby reached them. Their eyes widened, bodies froze for a few seconds, but then she saw his smirk and her inner muscle clenched in response. Oh, she just instinctively knew he was going to do something that she loved and hated at the same time. Pulling himself out, he made her stand before turning her around so they both faced the mirror. Her legs trembled and she put her hands on the counter to stabilize herself. He spread her legs before burrowing into her again from behind, grazing her sweet spot immediately, eliciting a cry of pleasure from her which was thankfully muffled by his left palm. Meanwhile, his right hand fondled her breasts, alternating between squeezing and pinching the twin mounds. His eyes locked on hers through the mirror, his low whisper on her ear sent a bone-deep pleasure straight to her core.
“You’re so responsive today
.I love it
but you have to be careful baby, can’t let anyone other than me hear your pretty moans all right.”
She nodded and he released her mouth, left hand skimmed over her abdomen before settled over her flooded center, twisting and flicking the swollen bundle of nerves right above it. The sound of people grew louder, but he kept rocking against her, even dared to up his pace. Her climax came then, her body shook, her vision blurred, she felt like seeing stars for a moment. A taste of copper burst into her mouth as she bit her lip so harshly to prevent a lewd scream from coming out.
Trent’s jaw tautened, muscles strained as her inner walls squeezed him so wonderfully, sending white hot pleasure all over him. His movement faltered for a few seconds, just in time for the footsteps outside the restroom to fade away. He resumed then in a high gear, which proved difficult since she still gripped him so strongly. Keeping his gaze on the mirror, he saw her eyes fluttered open to look straight at him. Her eyes still glazed with ecstasy, yet unexpectedly her reddened lips curled into a temptress smile. She pressed herself backward into him so that he sank deeper. She spoke then, a mere whisper, but its effect on him was enormous.
“Fill me up babe.”
Her words were his order, and he combusted then and there, spraying ropes of white inside of her. Closing his eyes, he nestled his face on her shoulder, hugging her from the back, still thrusting into her in a slow, uneven pace as he rode his high.
“I am sorry baby
Trent broke the comfortable silence between them when they had finished putting on their clothes. She looked at him questioningly.
‘’About last night
I am sorry, really. Your study is important
and I of all people should realize the most how savage the media can be. You can take all the time you need.”
She hugged him then, kissing the corner of his jaw before giving him a heartfelt smile. Her heart suddenly felt light.
‘’I am sorry too babe. We should have talked it out better last night
and thank you.”
She cupped his face, delicate fingers tracing the line of his plump lips.
“I won’t ask you to wait for long, you know. Just a few months. God knows how much it pains me to see you linked with random models and actresses on those trashy gossip columns.”
Hugging her back, he nibbled on the tips of her fingers.
“You’re the only one for me.”
There was nothing but pure honesty in his voice.
“I know, those things still vex me though.”
She pouted a bit but smiled again as she then realized that her pain had gone. She tiptoed to kiss him on the lips, her hands entwined behind his neck.
‘’My cramp has magically vanished. Thank you baby, I love you.’’
Trent shook his head. Dark caramel eyes shone brightly at her, full of endearment.
‘’I love you more. You know it’s always my pleasure to assist you, princess, so thank you.’’
He said before sweeping her up in loving, toe curling kiss, engulfing her with his warmth.
Master of assists, indeed.
End Note Going through period cramps and this popped up in my head, and writing feels like a good form of coping with all these transfer chaos, contract uncertainties, and Trent poutiness last night :A:, This could be read as a standalone, but in my head this is in the same universe as my See Me (Now) three-part stories. So, check this out if you’re interested for more! Thanks for reading! Lemme know what u think <3
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gavisfanta · 6 months ago
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summary: you cant be in qatar for the world cup because you are busy with photoshoots, but trent is in need for some relaxing...
warnings: smut 18+
"Hey Babe," Your boyfriends face popped up on the screen. His face filled with a smile immeditaly after you picked up.
"Hello, how are you?" You couldnt help but giving him a warm smile too. "I'm awesome, how are you baby? How are the photoshoots going?" He asked back and you simply couldn't hide the smile that was creeping up on your lips.
"They're going good, but honestly, I miss you." Your lips turned down into a smile. However Trent chuckled while showing his teeth.
"Well you're gonna be here for the semi finals... so..." Trent smiled a little bit while removing the camera from infront of his face. He lowered it a little bit so you could now see that he was in his hotel room. He had already sent you a room tour when he arrived. It wasn't the biggest room he had ever stayed in but it looked pretty fancy. Mostly everything was white or beige. He also had the benefit that he received a single bed hotel room. That just meant that he was alone in the room, no one else could sleep there.
"Are you optimistic about making it to the semi finals?" You asked with a wide grin across your face, you know england's history with throphies.
"Ye, I am. To be honest I also think the squad is ready, we all have a goal to aim for, that is holding the World Cup in our hands while flying home. You know what we always say my love, right-?" Trent's lips tugged up into a smile while waiting for your answer.
"Yes, yes I know." You closed your eyes while nodding. "It's coming home." You repeated the same words you were seeing everywhere on social media.
"Exactly." Trent stayed silent after that and looked away from his phone. However, just a few seconds after that his head snapped back towards the camera, your eyes widened while a small smile displayed on your lips.
"Look" He got your attention with that. You moved the phone closer to your face when he turned the camera around, showing him in grey boxershorts. You specifically noticed the outlines of what was sticking out.
"Trent" You laughed, covering your mouth with your left hand.
"What?" He also laughed while turning the camera back towards his face. "I miss you, it's been so long..." Trent looked at his hard dick in his boxers.
"I miss you too, but we can't do anything about the distance between us. You know I have to work." You smiled and he shook his head.
"Oh please, a little bit of distance can't interupt us having fun." He mumbled and put his phone against his covers which were rolled up into a ball between his legs. You had a good look of his crotch and also his whole upper body.
You stayed silent for a few seconds, watching him touch his dick through the fabric. "You're crazy." You exhaled deeply and then also prpped up your phone against a pillow.
"Why am I crazy?" Trent asked, a smirk cover his lips.
"I wasn't talking to you." You answered and pulled down your shorts, revealing your red thong to him. You spread your legs so that he had a perfect view of you sitting up and facing him with wide open legs.
"This is what I'm talking about" Trent let out a satisfied laugh as he pulled down his boxershorts. His dick jumping out of it, you looked at the camera while also pushing the thong to the side.
"Take it off, love." His words had such an effect on you. So after you threw the thong to your shorts to the floor. He immediatly began pumping his hand up and down his dick after he spit on it.
"Use your toys, come on" Trent commanded and you of course listened. While you quickly grabbed below your pillow, you saw him smirking.
After you brought the pink dildo into the frame, he nudged his head towards the camera, signalising you to use it. You traced it along your folds, wetting it a bit. After you finally pushed it inside, you threw your head back.
You began to pull it out a bit and then pushed it back again forcefully. You repeated it a couple of times before Trent spoke up again. "You can take more, go faster." He was still gliding his hand up and down his lenght.
You did as he said, while beginning to move your hand faster back and forth, a few moans escaped your lips. You adjusted the way you sat so that you could his deeper. As you finally found a way you were able to reach so deep, you immediatly felt all your muscles ache.
"Good job, go faster." Trent said, he was close to coming just by watching you fuck yourself with the dildo he bought for you.
You muttered a few swear words under your breath while you also moved down your free hand to rub your clit. As you felt your high approach, your legs were shaking and you moaned loudly.
After you came, you realised that you hadn't even noticed that Trent had came a time ago. His abs were covered in his cum while he just watched you. Your cheeks flushed with a dark red color after you looked at him.
"You're so pretty like this, I keep forgetting." Trent said and watched you while you pulled the dildo out of your pussy and threw it onto the bed further away from you.
"Like what?" You raised your brows while running your fingers along your wet folds.
"So cum drunk. I love the way you looked after you cum. It's so hot." He admitted. "Makes me wish I could fuck your mind out of you. Make your legs tremble like crazy, you clenching around me or your nails leaving marks on my back as you beg me to go deeper, faster." Trent said as he began to massage his balls. You threw your head back as you couldn't help but clench around nothing.
"You'd take me so well, fitting this big cock inside of your tight little cunt isn't always easy Love." Trent looked at the camera, keeping eye contact with you the whole time. "Makes me wish you were here so I can fuck you so hard you wont even remember your own name."
You threw your head back as his words turned you on even more, he was right, it has been pretty long. "I'm leaving right now."
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heyhihellosworld · 2 years ago
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Trent Alexander-Arnold x reader
Word count: 2.5k
Summary: Your nephew loves Trent
Warnings: Pure fluff, mentions of stress
Notes: Seen too much kid-content so had to write something fluffy with kids. Not sure what this is, also tried to read through it in the middle of the night so it's probably a lot of grammar mistakes
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"Pancakes?" you suggested, rolling your eyes as you heard a strong buzz sound, marking that pancakes wasn't what he wanted. "Cereal?"
You took a breath, turning back from the fridge to look at the little beast.
"What do you want to eat then? I've said everything we have at home" you asked, watching his shoulders shrug.
"Can you make something yummy?"
"I told you what I can make already" you voiced watching his pouting face "but it's all not good" he whined, testing your limits
he is a kid, he is only a kid, don't yell, he is a kid
The small boy looked at you with big eyes, sensing you were upset with him which upset him and suddenly your heart melted, feeling stupid for getting agiated by him. He was only four, learning his way but you were spent to your limits after the day's work. You worked directly under your boss for the time being. You were supposed to learn the work and had a three months ‘test’ period where you were eased into it. The only problem was that you were next to your boss who was an absolute prick, treating you like his personal assistant making you go nuts and work way too much and hard. When you had crawled out of the office your brother had called for emergency babysitting as he'd had to work late and Leo's mother was on a work-trip.
"It's okay baby" you sighed, lifting the small boy up from the floor, feeling him snuggling into your chest contently, happy you weren’t mad at him.
"What about we go order food from somewhere huh? We can take the car" you hummed feeling relieved when the little boy squealed in delight. "Can we go take nuggets?" he asked hopefully, his eyes impossible to say no to
"Sure, we can go to mc" you promised, laughing as he squealed once again, fisting your hoodie in his small hands in happiness.
Leo as he was named was a very chatty boy, always happy and smiling, unless he was hungry. He had been your number one fan since he was born... at least until he came along.
You loved him, you did. After you'd first met him at that club on your first date and now even after you'd dated for almost three years you still loved him but you would never stop hating him for taking your fan. Because since you'd introduced Trent to your family he had taken the spotlight and suddenly he was all Leo cared about.
He was his biggest idol, the one he wanted to be when grown up and the one he wanted attention from. He had his shirts and posters in his room, stuff you'd helped him out off. He idolized Trent and you loved that because you idolized Trent too but he took your sweetheart away and you would never forgive that
You'd just arrived home from picking up your food when Trent let himself in in your shared home. "I'm home!" he shouted as always as he took off his shoes and popped his washbag into the machine, he didn't expect to be met with small feets tumbling at him, Leo's bright smile making him laugh as he picked the little guy up in his arms, swinging him around. "What are you doing here little man?" he asked sweetly, gently stroking his cheek as he giggled adorably. "Daddy had work and mom is not home" he answered knowingly making Trent hum
"What have you done then and where is y/n?"
Leo looked down sheepishly, not meeting Trent's eyes anymore as he mumbled "she is in the kitchen"
Trent looked at the little guy, knowing it was more he wanted to say "she is mad at me" he hummed, Trent's eyebrows raising "why would she be mad?"
Leo looked down again, chewing on his lip "I didn't want to eat anything at home and she was upset so we went to Mc" he mumbled sheepishly, looking down on Trent’s shirt
"I'm sure she isn't mad at you" Trent hummed, gently stroking his tummy as he met his eyes again "no?"
"No sweetie" Trent smiled, taking him with him into the kitchen where you stood, plating your food up. He could say from just watching you that you were stressed and tense, your moves erratic and stiff.
"Hey babe" He mumbled, wrapping his free arm around your waist as he kissed your cheek, Leo clambering stuck on Trent's side.
"Hey, how was training?" you hummed, turning to him with a soft smile, inviting him to peck your lips.
"It was fine, nothing special" he told you truthfully "how was your day?"
You shrugged "it was alright" you lied, smiling at him as best you could. It was starting to get too much but you had to keep it together in front of Leo, not wanting him to think you were mad at him because you truly weren't
You finished plating up Leo's food, taking it out to the sofa as Tren't put him down on the floor
"Here you go sweetie" you smiled, watching him hesitate "what's up?" you tried softly, his big eyes looking up at you
"I'm sorry I made you mad" he mumbled, his lips trembling, your heart clenching at the sight
"No baby, it's okay I'm not mad at you, not at all" you softly smiled, lifting him up and kissing his cheek "I'm mad at some annoying people at my work, not you. Okay?"
He nodded, a smile crackling over his face as you put him down, putting on the tv as Trent sat down beside him.
When he dug in you saw your escape, going back to the kitchen to take a breather  but Trent followed you just a minute later.
“Leo told me he had upset you”
His words made you grimace “Well it wasn’t my attention to but just ugh”
Trent chuckled, kissing you softly “It is okay to not feel great all the time you know,  don't try to hide it”
“You’re so poetic” you mocked, his eyes rolling at you playfully
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It was late, way too late when you stumbled through your door. Trent had called two hours ago, wondering where you were but you hadn't given him an understandable answer, just mumbling that you had to go and would come home soon. Your boss had been a real bitch, again and needed you to clean up his mess, again.
You threw your shoes off before hurrying into the living room only for it to be empty. It took a moment to recognize where the voices were coming from but soon enough you located them from the kitchen.
Guilt prickled your skin as you breathed away the bad thoughts. You were supposed to be home at two to collect Leo from your brother but when he'd call and ask where the fuck you were you could only curse because you'd forgotten all about it. 
Instead Trent had welcomed him at the training ground before driving home to yours.
It was shitty, you knew it was not acceptable and you felt ashamed as you walked into the kitchen, stopping in the doorway as you spotted the two.
Trent and Leo both stood with their backs to you, laughing and giggling as they rolled up cookie dough on a tinplate. "No no you're doin it all wrong!" Leo giggled as Trent put down a ball on the folie
"What?! What do you mean buddy it's perfect" Trent argued, causing the little boy to giggle, shaking his head "No it's ugly T"
"Hey, what are you calling ugly!" Trent joked, smearing a bit of cookie dough on his nose causing the little boy to let out a shriek of laughter as he launched on Trent who swiftly threw him up in the air laughing with him.
The sight made your eyes water and chest tighten at how perfect it was. Such a moment you never wanted to forget.
"Hey boys" you voiced made them both turn around, Leo's face shone up as he saw you, tugging your heart "Aw hey buddy" you whispered as you took him in your arms, lifting him up on your chest, ees watering even more as he snuggled into your neck" Hi Y/n, I missed you"
"I missed you too, did you have a good day with Trent?"
You diverted your eyes to your boyfriend who stood facing you, leaning back against the counter with his hands and a content smile on his face, telling you it was okay even though it didn't feel like it.
"It was the best! I got to play with them and then we watched a movie, ate burgers then we made cookies for you because we know it's your favorite!" he cheered, your heart feeling too emotional, too moved for this greeting.
"Aw how nice of you" you hummed, kissing his cheek before putting him down on the floor again. The little boy quickly jumping up on the chair he was standing on.
"Okay buddie, it's time for the owen, ten minutes then we wait five before eating and then my little man it's bedtime" Trent hummed, Leo listening intently, nodding at his words "Can I watch tv whilst we wait for cookies?" he asked sweetly, his small eyes blinking up pleadingly in that way that made him get whatever he wanted.
"Yeah sure, you go we will clean up here" Trent chuckled as he looked after the boy who had already sprinted out to the couch quickly putting on his favorite program.
"I'm sorry!" you wailed, looking at him with guilt written all over you body. Trent chuckled, taking two long steps before wrapping his arms around you "It's okay love" he mumbled, kissing the top of your head "No no it's not Trent. I should've been here when my brother dropped him off at two and now the clock is eight thirty"
"I know how your boss is, so does your brother and he wasn't mad, not at all he just felt bad for you"
"I really am sorry" you sniffled, burying your face in his shirt, his arms wrapping tightly around you, stroking your back comfortably "It's okay, I promise. I know how important your work is for you even though it's shit and I want you to do what you dreamt off and you are soon there. In a week you’ve paid off the shit time with him and can pursue your dream. I wanna help you reach your dream just like you helped me reach mine so don't say sorry. it's the least I could do after everything you've done for me"
You looked at him with love-eyes. Kissing his chest where you could reach before he bent down to give you a kiss "I love you T"
"Love you y/n"
"Okay okay let's take out the cookies now you hummed after a few moments of just relaxing in his body. The smell of cookies filled the kitchen and he nodded, taking the tinplate and putting up plates and ice cream before calling in Leo who looked starstruck at the sugar shock he would most definitely get before sleep but it was worth it, seeing his face and cozying up between your favorite boys in front of the tv.
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It was the annual bbq saturday, one day every summer the whole fam got together, grilling and hanging out at your parents summer house. It was a nice tradition and everybody always made sure to be there. What had first been a smaller gathering with your brother, parents, cousins, grandparents and uncles and aunts had now become a big group with partners and kids but the more the merrier, at least when it came to family.
Trent had been to the annual BBQ for four years in a row now, the first time as your friend though nobody believed that for a second. Your parents had fallen in love with him the first time they'd met him. His sweet smile and helping hand not taken for granted and quicker than ever before he was an obvious part of the fam. Your brother was a bit reluctant at first but the second you'd introduced Trent to Leo you brother couldn't fight the fact that he was a nice guy.
"So y/n, when is he gonna take the next step? It's three years now huh?" one of your cousins asked smugly, making you chuckle "I'm in no hurry you know. I don't want a proposal for at least two years" you admitted, creating a wall of hums "Two years?"
"Yeah, we are still young and I don't want to hurry into marriage. I love him and that's all that matters at the moment. I want to get married when we are thinking of starting an family""Oooh"
Your eyes rolled "Not anytime soon"
Your conversation was cut short by Trent who ran towards you, Leo on his back giggling like a maniac as Trent lifted him around, playing airplanes or whatever he did. A fond smile grew on your face as Trent gave you the laughing boy for a second, taking time to catch his breath as you played with him in your arms before he was off on Trent’s shoulders again.
"You really did a great choice" your mothers soft voice was heard from behind you, your eyes met her sincere ones and you nodded "I really did"
"I know everybody is pressing about an engagement, babies and marriage but don't listen to them. What you have is unique, he is so in love with you and you are so in love with him. Just look at how Leo loves him, he will be an awesome dad whenever the day comes and you will be a wonderful mother. There is no need to rush because your love is true"
You smiled at your mother, hugging her tightly "It really feels real"
"Finally" your mother chuckled, hinting at your past boyfriends that she did in fact not like at all and you giggled
"But seriously y/n, you deserve this, happiness"
You just smiled at Trent, watching as he jogged up to you with Leo in his arms again "Heyy what are you talking about?" he smiled, handing you Leo who were grabbing after you
"Nothing" you hummed, taking the now tired boy. "Just how amazing you are"
"Oh really?" he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows at your mother who chuckled back"Do you want anything to drink?" Trent asked after a couple of seconds
"Yeah sure""Okay, i'll be right back I love you" he smiled, pecking your lips softly"Love you T"
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cityzenchick · 1 year ago
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Posting this for @lc-fics and @bubblegumwall in anticipation of their upcoming fic collaboration on Wattpad ........ all that their teasers have told us so far is that these two gorgeous guys are both going to be in it!!! ....... I can't wait! (and neither can @kathb59!!)
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football-rambles · 2 years ago
Bonus Dad...Introduction.
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Call it stepping up or stepping in
But step by step my world went spinning
Around that little heart and angel face.
* * *
Bex is a single mother with a five year old, being a freelance journalist she spends most of her time at home chasing after her five year old daughter, she forgets that she use to be fun before she became a mother it isn't until one night out with her best friend she realises there's more to life than writing and watching Ms. Rachel.
She didn't expect to fall in love with a high profile footballer who happened to wear number 19 to her dads favourite team. But with a child in the mixture could she let him in?
*  *  *
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Rebekah Cooper
aka Bex
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Mason Mount
aka Himself
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Paige Cooper - Thomas
aka Little Coop
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Scarlett Bowen
aka Best-friend
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Declan Rice & Lauren Fryer
aka themselves
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Ben Chilwell
aka Himself
Also Will Appear/Mention:
Mason's Family aka Themselves
Chelsea Squad aka Themselves
England Squad aka Themselves.
Jarrod Bowen aka Himself
Jake Thomas aka Baby Daddy
Tiffany Rose aka Bonus Mother
* * *
Bonus Dad...Loading...
A/N: This whole book is fictional I do not know any of these characters mentioned, I only own: Bex, Paige, Scarlett, Jake, Tiffany. Images for Paige could possibly be Mason's nieces but for purpose of this story I'm trying to get photos of the back of shirt.
This Book belongs to me. I do NOT give permission for this story to be published anywhere else by anyone but me. This book will be posted on Wattpad which you can find here. 
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fletchysohot · 2 years ago
Lil' Blue Euros Star
You and Conor have been apart for way too long and he's worried about the next game in the Euros. Happy international break guys!
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Word count: 2.7k
You adjust yourself against the pile of pillows stacked haphazardly against the headboard of your bed waiting for the FaceTime call to connect. Once the call connects your face falls when Conor doesn't greet you with his usual giddy smile. . The seemingly permanent brightness in his eyes has been replaced by a certain veil of dullness, his hair unstyled, messy, and unwashed,  his sticky locks falling against his cheek, framing the dark circles that have formed under  his eyes now absent of their cerulean spark. 
“Conor,” you let out and he just offers you a weak smile in return, most likely an attempt at calming your worries. 
“Are you feeling okay babe?” you ask him , your voice full of concern. 
“Yeah,” he says, laying his cheek on the pillow, a content sigh escaping his pale peach coloured lips, “just tired
 been training hard.”
“You look awful.” Your eyebrows knit together in concern at the sight of the state the man is in.
“Thanks," he laughs, the skin by his eyes crinkling as a chuckle escapes his mouth. “I missed you too.”
“I'm sorry, I-” you fumble looking for words, trying your best to salvage the situation you've gotten yourself into. 
“I know,” he smiles reassuringly, nuzzling his face against the pillow to get more comfortable. “Do I really look that bad though?”
Your face must give away the answer since the man sighs, rubbing his tired face. “I just haven't been sleeping that well, you know?"
“Jude's snoring that bad?” You chuckle, trying to get him to light up, silently hoping that is the problem and it's nothing more serious.
“No, no,” he says absentmindedly, “Jude's a good roommate
“What's the issue then?” You search his face hoping for a hint of an answer or something to ease your mind. Conor would sometimes get nerves before big away games but this seemed different. 
The answer doesn't come instantly, your boyfriend looking around just to avoid meeting your gaze, slight shame clouding his features. 
“Babe?” you ask softly as if speaking to a frightened animal.
“I just
 I know these few games are very important
 I know a lot of people are watching. Nothing serious to worry about.” He searches for the right words to ease your worry. Or maybe he's trying to calm himself, reassuring himself. You silently wonder how many times he has said the same words to himself in the mirror, hoping they would feel less like lies and more like the truth. 
” you frown seeing the subtle remnants of past emotions linger in his features - the way his youthful features are made heavy and older with worry, the way his bottom lip is red and coarse probably from him biting it when he thinks too much, the absence of the familiar rosiness from his soft cheeks. Conor looks so unlike himself it makes you want to tell him to come home now so you can protect him from the world. You are brought out of your thoughts however when he speaks again. 
“They wanna potentially sell me you know." He averts his eyes to play with a loose thread sticking out of the pillowcase his cheek is currently laid on. You frown seeing his icey eyes briefly become misty before he blinks the frustration and sadness away. You hate seeing him like this, helpless and deflated. The past few months have not been kind to him, between fans losing hope in him and everyone having an opinion to share between people on social media and pundits. He had bravely held up a front for you but now the whisperings of Chelsea selling him as part of their summer clearout had obviously become the final straw that broke his back. Your heart broke to see him push himself to the limit, often coming home barely being able to keep his eyes open at the dinner table. 
“You have to take it easy though Con,” you say, finally breaking the brief silence that has fallen between the two of you. 
“I have to prove to them that-" his voice is laced with frustration and fatigue as he tries to mask the anger threatening to appear on his face. You know he is trying to keep his head down, work as hard as he can for both club and country. He had always been adamant that actions speak louder than words adopting it as his work ethic, however somehow no matter how hard he would work and push himself it was not enough to keep up with the expectations from the people who held his faith in their hands. And even though he was insistent it didn't bother him too much it was clear to you that was getting to him. But both of you knew Conor would not run his mouth and rather keep it in until he could leave it out on the pitch.    
“No you need to listen to your body,” you say firmly. “We can't have you pick up an injury."
“Babe I'm fine.” His voice becomes shaky once again. 
“Conor you look horrible.” You sit up in frustration. You know you are being harsh to the man on the other side of the screen, but you want, no, need to shake him and make him snap out of it before his inherent need to please people gets him hurt. 
“Please listen to me,” you plead, “ you have to be more careful. I want you home in one piece, not on crutches.”
“I have to prove to the club that-” he starts again, his voice laced with frustration and anger, you know it's not directed at you, but you feel your face turn sour.
“If the club is too blind to see what you bring-” You raise your voice, aware in the back of your mind that the conversation is beginning to move dangerously close to an argument. 
“The club has made a ton of signings. Guys who are younger, fitter, more talented than me and if I don't step up my game and earn my place I'll end up benched forever or worse
” you see his face tense as if holding something back. “sold.”
“Why would getting sold be so bad though?” You say without thinking, too caught up in wanting to eliminate the way his eyes are full of hurt and exasperation.. . 
He looks at you in surprise. Him leaving Chelsea has been lingering in the air for a while now, an unspoken subject that neither of you ever dared breach. Both of you very aware that it has been the reason for Connor to wear himself thin, for the small arguments about seemingly mundane problems. However it is also the one subject you and Conor would not dare touch due to fear of it consuming him completely.  
“Chelsea is my home,” he says after a moment, his PR training kicking in.
“Conor.” you say tiredly.
“Chelsea is my home” he says again. His voice quieter, like he's reassuring himself more than informing you. You know lately he's been having his moments of doubt whether he and the club have become too distant from each other, whether he has outgrown his roots, whether it's time for a new challenge. You cannot help but wonder if with the plethora of changes at the club Conor still feels has a home at Stamford Bridge. 
“Conor,” you say, “I know you love Chelsea, I know it's home, but you know no one would blame you-” you soften your voice speaking slowly, carefully observing any changes in his expression. 
Conor looks at you as if asking “are you kidding me?”
“Okay SOME people would blame you
 All I'm saying is - moving to a club that loves you and cherishes you wouldn't be that bad
 I just
 I hate seeing you like this baby. I'd rather you move than run yourself into the ground trying to prove something they should already know. I just worry about you, you know.” The words fall from your mouth before you have a chance to catch them. You close your eyes and hold your breath bracing for the wrath that may follow now that you have overstepped the unspoken boundary that is Conor and his football career. 
When you don't hear a reaction you open your eyes expecting him to be furious or having hung up on the call. You would deserve it for taunting him like that. But all you are met with is pain in his eyes. 
“Your whole life is here,” he says calmly. He looks soft and tired and defenceless almost like an angel. You feel as if he has laid down his weapons, unwilling to fight or argue, completely at your mercy. The moment feels incredibly intimate, you know Conor has never let his guard down like this in front of you. He is the type to grit his teeth and suffer alone in silence. And yet here he is, offering you himself completely. He's tired of being the strong one, always saying the right thing, looking the right way, not a hair out of place even after playing a 120 minute match in a UCL final.  
“My whole life is wherever you are Conor.” You offer him the words he has yearned to hear for what feels like forever, an olive branch of sorts. 
The man shuffles, about to say something but you cut him off. “I can work from anywhere, wherever you are that's where I want to be, if that means I might have to get up earlier to take a train or have a few business trips here and there just to see you doing whatever you love and glowing, I'll do it.”
For the first time that evening Conor's face lights up with the familiar smile that finally reaches his eyes reigniting a spark the size of a forest fire that has been dormant for months now ,making you feel like all your problems melt away for a moment. Seeing the glow return to Conor's features makes your chest ache with longing to kiss him, to run your fingers through his hair, to feel his body shake as he laughs at your antics. You watch him, counting the freckles on his nose and mapping out each millimetre of his smile, the way the corners of his lips curl upwards.
“I love you,” you say smiling, “so so much.”
“Where is that coming from?” he chuckles, a certain sparkle dancing in his eyes.
“I don't know
 I just wanted to say it," you felt a blush creep onto your cheeks. “I miss saying it to you in real life."
“I'll be home soon enough,” he murmurs hiding his face in the pillow most likely trying to hide his own love sick grin and blush. “Just tomorrow's game and
“And you'll do amazing,” you smile tilting your head to the side watching him look at you with one eye.. 
“Think Southgate is benching me.” he groans and just like that the forest fire turns into a candle flame in his eyes. 
“Well I'll be hoping for bench cam then." You notice a small smile ghost his lips, “Now do you wanna hear about my extremely boring day that had zero football involvement?”
“PLEASE!” he yelps, “Go into detail as much as you can."
You chuckle at his excitement and begin to tell him about how you had been, what you had eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner, the dogs you had seen on the street, work and office gossip. Conor's eyes flutter shut about half way through the in-detail analysis of the newest episode of the tv show you were watching to pass the time. You spend a moment admiring how peaceful he looks dozed off, not disturbed by everything going on in his head at the moment and all the worries haunting his waking hours. You wish you could wrap your arms around him, move the strands of hair out of his face, drape a blanket over him so he's not cold, to be able to draw circles on his shoulder as he slept but alas you have to settle for the tiny screen in which he lived, what had felt like a permanent situation as of late. 
The game had been a stalemate since the beginning of the game. Any attempt at scoring by England had been eliminated by the North Macedonian defence and a few mistakes by the England squad. As Conor had predicted, Southgate had opted to bench him and play Mason instead, citing that he was a better fit for today's strategy. Once you saw the lineup and Conor out of the starting XI you felt your stomach drop, knowing he probably blamed himself for not doing enough, reciting all the foul things people on Twitter would toss his way. At the 79th minute the other team's centre back did a dirty move on Jude making him stay on the ground gripping his knee. Your breath hitched as you watched the medics and his teammates crowd around the teen tending to him, you had seen Conor's teammates limp off with serious injuries what felt like countless times now, seeing the same fate hit someone as young as Jude broke your heart. Luckily the boy was on his legs in a few minutes being helped off the pitch by a medic and Mason. You would have to remember to get an update on that from Conor later. The camera on the big screen panned to the dugout where Conor was stood next to Southgate being briefed as he still adjusted his kit. trying to haphazardly stretch his muscles and warm up. 
You felt yourself shift in your seat, almost spilling your drink as you craned your neck to get a better view, earning a chuckle from Sasha who was sat next to you. Your eyes followed Conor like your life depended on it watching him run wherever the ball went. You could feel your heart beat faster and faster by the minute. Every time someone got close to Conor you would hold your breath until you knew he was safe from danger. When extra time rolled around you felt yourself slouch in the seat. They had five minutes to create a good chance that would bring them a win. You watched as the rest of the midfield played tightly passing between each other while Conor ran around them looking for empty spaces to cover everyone else. Finally at the 92nd minute he had the ball at his feet skillfully outrunning the other team, not letting them get the ball. You could see him desperately searching for a teammate to pass to, but everyone was too far or being covered by the other team's players. Conor pulled back his leg and shot for the goal causing you to yelp. Your heart stopped in the minute as you watched the ball fly through the air followed by the entirety of the stadium erupting in cheers. Connor was surrounded by his teammates hugging him and cheering. You felt your friends pat you on your back and tell you congrats as you couldn't keep the bright grin off your face until the whistle blew signalling the end of the game. You watched as Conor ginned at the crowd clapping his hands above his head doing his round with his teammates surrounding him with matching smiles. For the first time in ages you felt like the fans loved him the same way you did, even if their love would pass soon enough, you hoped he would soak it in while it lasted. And by the looks of it he was doing exactly that as Conor looked elated-like he had just won the World Cup with England and with that erased any doubts or worries that could have found home in his mind. He walked around the pitch clapping his hands above his head at the crowd, however his eyes searched for you in the crowd. Once he got sight of you his grin spread even wider. You mouthed a “I'm so proud of you” at him, not sure if he discovered it, but judging by the way he threw his head back in joy he knew exactly what you had tried to communicate. 
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live-laugh-loverpool · 10 months ago
Part 2 of the Euros and Copa fic series is up!!!
@alissonbear-ker @anfieldroad @millythegoat @moomin279 @liverpool-enjoyer @snuuysideup @loverpool-chocolate-fishy
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sheswanderlust-txt · 2 years ago
Here I am after only three weeks or something lol This is a longer, important chapter. I hope you'll like it! Let me know what you think :)
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ladymarycrawley · 2 years ago
The blondie I'm in love with - Mason Mount
Request: Mason has a fake girlfriend but with a happy ending please (requested by @masterclassbaby sorry baby, I kept you waiting so long for this 🙈 hope you like it!)
Warning: one of my worst pieces to date I think but after months of lacking any motivation to write about Mason I got struck but this idea all of a sudden last night so
Tag list: @masonxomount @prideofpd @masterclassbaby @chelsealover @johnstonesfc
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Summer’s hot and sunny weather it’s like the secret ingredient for good things to happen, such as good holidays in beautiful places. Better if shared with people we love and have fun with. That was the case for you and Mason who got the chance to spend some time together with some of your mutual friends, spending days at the beach and nights out, staying up late.
Another thing that usually happens in summer, football related, is the transfer window where players say goodbye to the teams they've played in until that moment and let some new teams welcome them for their new adventure. Mason made no exception as he was among those players too. 
The season that just ended wasn’t the best of his career for sure and he needed that month away from football to clear his mind as well as relax. 
“Well now everyone will make up some weird theories about your new hair colour and that'll be so much fun" 
Clearing his mind meant also doing some crazy things such as dying his hair platinum blonde (something that was quite en vogue among those football players
what’s the fascination behind it?). Most people, the ones who liked drama more than anything else, were certain there was some deep meaning behind those style changes.
"You'll be the one to blame"
"Me?? What does it have to do with me?"
"Cause it's always some girl's fault"
You rolled your eyes, making him giggle.
"As if"
"We could turn the whole situation at our advantage and make it fun"
"What do you mean? You're scaring me, Mount"
“Well, we could pretend you’re my girlfriend and you’re the one girl to blame”
You served him a kind of puzzled look, not seeing the whole point of the thing.
“And so? What’s the sense of it all?”
 â€œJust to give them something to talk about, you know the transfer window is here and I’ve had enough of random people assuming things about myself and my future as a player so we’ll give them a distraction”
"I'm not sure I want to be their distraction
After a one of a kind, rather weird courting you gave in and accepted to be his fake girlfriend: behind the cameras and the paps' flashes you kept on behaving normally, as if nothing happened, as if you were still a couple of good friends and nothing more.
One of the reasons why you didn't want this thing to happen was because you knew, like it or not, something deep down your soul would have changed the way you perceived him and, consequently, the trajectory of your friendship. You always had a soft spot for him, not only because he was one your best friends but because something stronger was burning inside of you.
When his best mates would nudge him to tell him someone was watching or it was time for him to start his little act of the boyfriend in love your heart started racing: the way he would move closer to sneak his arm around your waist and graze the pad of his thumb against your hip bone, matched with the tender touch of his lips lingering against your jaw made you feel kind of dizzy. What if you were falling in love with one of your closest friends, for real, not just to play some senseless game?
"We would really make a cute couple" He whispered in your ear, giggling.
You giggled back, annoyed by how this thing was a bit too funny to him. 
"We should break up at some point, you know that?"
"Who said that?" He kissed the sensitive skin behind your ear, causing goosebumps all over your arms.
"God Mase, I hate you sometimes" 
The smirk on your face as he was holding you tight to him made you a very bad liar, there’s no other place you would have rather be in.
Those days were soon turning into a slow agony: Mason would swim close to you and give you underwater hugs, napping with you on the same bed, placing his hands on your hips in the club at night so your bodies would sway together to the rhythm of the loud music. You were doing all the things a couple would do but you weren’t a couple.
This dynamic cooled down when it was time for him to get back in business as things at Cobham weren’t going particularly well but you were sure he’d have sorted it out as he was Chelsea through and through. But you were wrong.
He avoided talking about what direction his football career would have taken even with you, who used to be the one he would tell everything, even the smallest things.
When the day prior to his official announcement he sat on your bed in your London house to tell you he accepted the bid Manchester United made for him so he would have moved up north rather soon you felt as if the whole world was falling upon your shoulders and Mason was your whole world.
"Wh - what? You're not a Chelsea player anymore?"
The sadness filling his eyes was heartbreaking to say the least, he was gutted to leave his heart's club, most of all because he was kind obliged to do so if he wanted to go on playing, which was the thing that mattered the most to him.
Mason nodded as his chocolate pupils followed your body falling to the ground, on your knees.
"Hey, are you -" He asked, getting up in a rush to take you.
"Don't touch me"
He gave you a puzzled look and you soon provided him with an explanation. 
"You knew it, you knew you'd have left Chelsea and London from the beginning. That's why you dyed your hair this awful blonde that makes you look like a fuckboy. I hate you. You just used me for fun and you knew it from the beginning!" You cried out, trying to fight back the tears.
“You agreed when I told you about the fake relationship”
“Yes but you did it only because you already knew you would have left Chelsea and you used me as a shield against the fucking press!”
“I - didn’t know anything about United, we were in talks but it wasn’t official at all!”
“Fuck off Mason” You muttered, lowering your eyes as if you were looking for something on the carpet your tired body was abandoned on. Mason didn’t dare to look at you either, keeping his gaze down too.
"I dyed my hair simply because I liked it, because I had a shitty season felt the need to change something
I like you too"
"You what?" Your eyes now had to stop looking for something that didn’t exist on the floor and start to look at the handsome boy before you who just happened to say something quite powerful.
"Y/N I wanted to have some fun, yes, but I also liked you for quite a while and I didn't know how to tell you not to ruin our friendship." He kept on explaining with the softest voice.
“Oh so you now think you can get away with it by saying some sweet words??” Yes, those sweet words surely had an effect on you and denying it was the biggest lie ever.
“Come to Manchester with me”
That invite left you in a shocked state as it was the last thing you were expecting: why should he ask you to follow him away from London? You were good friends but that’s not the kind of question usually asked to someone who’s only a friend.
“Did you hear what I said?? I don’t even know if I want to be your friend anymore. You just used me and now you’re asking me to leave my city, my everyday life to follow you?”
“Yes, because I love you”
The three words. Mason just said those three words to you. 
“You’ve always been there for me when I needed it, you always keep up with my shit, including faking a love relationship, but now I feel like I’m ready to have a real one. I wanna get home from training and see you there, dozing off on the sofa and kiss your forehead or taking you out to dinner at some fancy place”
Mason was there, looking as the most fragile creature you’ve ever seen, opening his heart to you with no fear, he was being the Mason you fell in love with, little by little, over the years.
Warm tears, joyful ones this time, started rolling down your cheeks as you threw your arms around his neck, causing him to fall flat on the mattress.
“I hate you, blondie”
“You love this blondie, you’re such a bad liar” You got lost in each other’s eyes that were shining with a different light, a warmer one.
“This could be the moment where I confess I’ve always been secretly in love with you but I won’t” You whispered shyly, making him smile.
He smirked and caressed your lower back in a circular motion.
“You hid it quite well actually” You both giggled before he pressed his lips against yours in a real kiss, one of those sloppy but heartfelt kisses that took you to another dimension, a dreamy and ideal one.
The moment you were living was just too intense to think about anything else and soon you found yourself straddling him, not even realising the speed at which your clothes fell on the floor, too busy making love to him for the first time.
That bed felt like the best place on earth, the one where all your dreams and hopes became true, the one where you were safe from every danger the outside world might be holding against you.
“This is not just a summer thing, right?”
“This will be a thing for many summers to come”
Mase’s arms were now your home, the shelter you would have run to in case of extreme glee or of unbearable pain, it was the place to be.
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furybymoonlight · 8 months ago
See Me (Now) – Part II
Pairing: Trent Alexander Arnold x OC/Reader
Warning/Genre: NSFW!, Age Gap, Angst, Suggestive Theme, Smut, friends to lovers
Part I
Part III (final)
“I don’t want you to dance with other man
and this dress
way too sexy.”
He said slowly, putting emphasize on each word. She could see that he was trying to restrain his emotions, but his words triggered her. Who the hell did he think he was?
Why am I such a wuss?
She had been staring at her phone screen for the past hours, endlessly debating whether she should call Trent or not. It’s been a week since the kiss. The new year was around the corner, and she still avoided being alone with Trent as best as she could. Thankfully, this festive season was a busy one for Liverpool with no long period in between matches.
There were of course, instances that required her to interact with him, their parents were best friends after all, and even when things were awkward between them, she wouldn’t pass the chance to support him and watch him played live. So she went to the games, cheered for him in every match, yet every time he approached her, she decided to play dumb, pretending like nothing had happened between them and kept the conversation casual. Surprisingly, the footballer played along with it, didn’t attempt to press her for a moment alone to talk about the kiss. She even began to doubt whether it had been real.
Yet how could it not be? When she could still remember his taste
.or how his palm burned the uncovered skin at the curves of her hip as he pinned her to the wall. It didn’t help that now she paid more attention to how his muscles rippled when he played in the field or how his smile made her heart did a double somersault.
She was not blind, she knew that Trent had grown up to be a good-looking man, even good looking was putting it mildly. Tall with lean yet defined physique, skin and eyes in the sweetest shades of caramel, bright smile that never failed to make her life somehow better, even at her less than stellar moments
.the man was absolutely gorgeous.
Was she attracted to him? She used to see him just as a younger brother, until at a certain point she simply couldn’t anymore. She always tried to push that notion away though, ‘tried’ being the operative verb. Mainly because after all, they were
well – them. Trent was the first one she called when she had been accepted to her dream uni or when she randomly saw a cute dog on the street. Just like she was the one he first reached out to when he had a difficult game or when there’s a new Drake album coming up. They had always been there for each other, in grand moments and everything in between. Their connection was so precious, she didn’t dare to risk changing it in the slightest. It had never crossed her mind as well that Trent would want their relationship to be romantic, but the kiss definitely proved otherwise, right?
The ringing of her phone snapped her out of her reverie. It was Maddie, one of her close high school friends, asking her if she would want to have a girls’ night out at a newly opened club downtown. Club wasn’t really her scene, but she felt she’d be going crazy if she was alone with her mind for much longer, plus, it was rare than she could hang out with her old friends. So she dressed up, wearing her go-to little black dress that molded her body in all the right places and headed out.
.how are things with you and Trent?”
Maddie suddenly asked and she almost choked on her dirty martini as her friend raised a knowing brow. They were currently at the bar tables, volunteering to order shots for the others.
“We’re just close friends.” She said as she drank the rest of her cocktail in one go. Seemed like she needed a stronger drink to get through the night.
Maddie tilted her head, looking unimpressed.
tell yourself that the next time you two exchange starry eyes across the room when the other side isn’t looking.”
Had they been doing that? Or more importantly, had Trent? She was about to inquire more when her friend spoke again.
“Well, speaking of the devil.”
Maddie’s words made her turn her head, just in time to see Trent entering the room with his teammates, looking devastatingly handsome in a simple white shirt paired with a well fitted black trousers, complimented by a black leather jacket. Her lips reflexively tugged into a small smile, jeez she had it bad. Thankfully it didn’t seem like he had seen her, as she was standing near one of the grand club pillars.
“Just talk to him. I’ll go bring the drinks to our table.”
Maddie chuckled before walking away with the row of shots.
Collecting her courage took a while, but just as she was about to step forward, a flock of girls swarmed around the players. One girl sauntered dangerously close to Trent. She was incredibly pretty, dressed in a red clothing that left none to imagination. She saw them chatted just for a few seconds before the girl smashed their mouths together.
Her belly churned, and she could literally feel her heart cracked. She turned away and returned to the bar, eyes felt hot with unshed tears. She didn’t see that he pushed the girl off of him right away.
A hollow laugh left her mouth. Stupid. She was just beyond stupid. How could she ever thought that Trent wanted her to be his girlfriend now? The kiss must be just a joke for him, such a cruel joke. Maddie was definitely mistaken in her observation.
Trent had changed, he was not the shy sweet boy from the neighborhood that, even though he grumbled a lot, was willing to play girly games with her anymore. He was a top class footballer now, rich and handsome, with pretty girls, most probably models, threw themselves at him anywhere he walked.
It was not that she was unattractive. She was not plain by any means, and had received compliments here and there, but she was not model-like. She always felt her bum was a bit too big, and she often hoped her thigh could be slimmer. She was merely a uni student, taking chemistry engineering for God’s sake. It couldn’t get any nerdier than that
and more unsuitable to his glamorous world. She took a deep breath, shaking her head. She never felt that they were so different than at that moment.
“Tequila, double shots, please.”
She said to the bartender after she was sure she would not break down, at least not then. She just wanted to not think at that moment.
She swallowed one small glass after another like her life depended on it. She didn’t know how many shots she had taken. It was not enough to be absolutely wasted but enough to build a fog around her brain, which was exactly what she needed.
A man suddenly sat right beside her, asking her for a dance. He was good looking, in a neat kind of way, with slick black hair. He was not really her type, but hey, she just wanted to escape tonight, and the man could be a good distraction. Besides, it was just a dance.
She let him lead her to the dance floor. Closing her eyes, she swayed her body in rhythm of the music. The man put his hands on her waist and began to dance as well. Dan was his name if she heard him right, or perhaps it was Dane? She really couldn’t care less. Dan’s hands started to slide to the small of her back, then slid down close to her arse. It just felt wrong. She was about to push Dan away, but someone beat her to it, with a rather unnecessary force at that.
“What’s your problem, man?!”
“Stay away from her. She’s with me.”
Trent’s voice pierced the fog in her mind, and before she knew it, he already dragged her away.
They walked briskly passed his teammates who were lounging on a long sofa, but then Trent continued leading her away. She awkwardly waved at them with one hand. Robbo opened his mouth, clearly wanted to say something, but Trent shook his head. Usually, it would not deter the Scotsman from anything, but something in the Right Back expression that moment managed to shut him up.
She tried to remove her hand from his grip, but he just tightened it, so she just let him. She didn’t want to make a scene and she was kind of grateful that Trent had managed to remove the stranger from her.
Her appreciation died the instance he pinned her into the wall of the club’s exclusive seating space. It was situated at the separate corner of the club. It did not have a door, but had a divider, granting them enough privacy since the guest there had to ring for the server to come.
“What are you doing?!”
His usually warm brown eyes were cold, his tone scathing. He looked like he was up for blood and if she was anyone else, she would have feared him. Yet she knew Trent would never harm her
at least not physically.
“Well, what were you doing?!”
She snapped at him.
His expression morphed into confusion. She shook her head, trying hard to tame down the bitter emotion within her.
“Nothing, I
 I better get back to Maddie and the girls. Thanks for helping me with the man though. I owe you one.”
She attempted to break free, but the younger man wouldn’t budge. His fingers dug into her shoulder, keeping her on the spot.
“You owe me an explanation.”
“For dancing with a man? You gotta be shitting me.”
“I don’t want you to dance with other man
and this dress
way too sexy.”
He said slowly, putting emphasize on each word. She could see that he was trying to restrain his emotions, but his words triggered her. Who the hell did he think he was?
“Well in this last hour I found out that I don’t want a lot of things to happen to me, but they did anyway. We can’t always have what we want, can we?!”
“What do you want?!”
Perhaps it was liquid courage, or perhaps she was just at her breaking point, but she exploded there and then.
“You want to know what I want?! Fine!! I want our kiss to not happen because now I can’t keep my feelings towards you in check!! I want you to not kiss the girl in red tonight! I want you to not see other girls at all
Her voice gradually got quieter as more and more tears streaming down her face, blurring her vision. She fisted her hands and put them against his chest. She closed her eyes. She was already pathetic enough, she didn’t want to see him pitying her.
“I want you
to see me as a woman
only me. Why can’t you just
.see me, Trent?”
She said in a broken, trembling whisper. Her heart was bleeding, and nothing can salvage it.
Trent softly cupped her face, thumbs tracing her cheeks to wipe her tears, but still she cried and kept her eyes shut.
“Look at me.”
He said and she stubbornly shook her head, but then her breath hitched in her throat as he closed the gap between their lips. Unlike their first kiss, which started out quite tentative, this time he didn’t give her a chance to resist him. He plundered her mouth, sinful tongue sneaking through to meet hers. He feasted on her like he had been hungry for months and she let him, because if this was the last time she could kiss him then she would take whatever she could get. She could be gone the next day, back to uni, mending her heart far away from this city, and this man. She just hoped to God that there was still some part of her heart remaining.
She wept inside as the man abruptly ended the kiss, only for him to lift her up. His strong hands on the base of her thighs, he pressed her against the wall. Reflexively, she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her dress now bunched up, baring her thighs, and she bit back a moan as the movement created a delicious friction on their nether regions.
He stared into her eyes, dark toffee eyes lit up with desire, and some other emotions that she couldn’t decipher yet.
“You’re all I can see, damn it.”
He hissed at her. Then he sealed their lips together in a fiery kiss, before moving on to the delicate skin of her neck. Propping her up just with his left hand, he then used his right to push down the thin straps of her dress, baring her shoulder to him. He traced the juncture of her neck with his lips before biting on the sensitive skin. This time, she couldn’t hold back her moan and she felt him smirk against her skin.
He kissed her again while gently bringing her legs that had been crossed at the small of his back down so she could stand up. She wobbled, putting her hands on his broad shoulder to steady herself. God, her insides felt like liquid fire.
“Trent – “
She yelped as his fingers suddenly slid pass her thin underwear, which was shamefully drenched at this point.
“Ssshh so wet
.all for me, isn’t it?”
She could only nod and bit her lower lip as long, deft fingers moved inside her, pouring oil to the fire within her. Her eyes started to flutter shut.
“Eyes on me.”
As if under a spell, she instantly obeyed, trapped in his dark eyes, letting him take in every detail of her expression as he pleasured her with his talented fingers. It felt just like seconds, or maybe it really was. At one point, his thumb pressed on the tiny nub at the top of her drenched entrance and she came undone, her cry of release swallowed by his mouth. Their lips clung for a while, and some time had passed before Trent helped her to wear her dress properly again.
“Let’s go.”
Trent said as he took of his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulder, then put an arm around her waist, pulling her to his side.
“Where are we going?”
She asked automatically, though she didn’t really care at this point, her mind still fogged by the release that he gave her.
“My place, not a fan of other men seeing you in this dress at all, definitely not gonna risk them seeing you naked.”
Author’s Note: Ahh, always a fan of the old-age misunderstanding/jealousy trope. LOL. Please don’t sue me. Anyway, this was longer than I had imagined. It looks like it will be three parts instead of two, the next would be the last, I am sure this time. Please let me know what you think and thank you for reading, whoever you are <3
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i4bellingham · 2 years ago
LOVESTRUCK : jude bellingham x fem!reader
synopsis: in which you and jude reveal your relationship for the very first time during one of his games. // not proofread + english is not my first language so please bare with me :> WORLD CUP ENDS TONIGHT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
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As the whistle blew for the last time indicating England’s win, the crowd of white and blue erupted in jolly cheers filling the entire stadium with their merriment celebration for their team’s gratifying win.
The guys huddled close in the field, hugging and celebrating with wide smiles some with teary-eyed gaze that glistened amidst the stadium lights before they thanked the fans for their support.
Proudly wearing the England NT jersey with Jude’s number and last name, you couldn't be any more proud to see his growth and success reach new heights as you cheered and clapped at the seating area.
There had always been worries coming from his side, certain insecurities that often clouded him in a glum haze before you're there easing his worries down and making him remember the level of football he's managed to be at in such a young ageㅡ with a successful career at that. He's always got something in mind, nitpicking certain things that he could've done better at every game until he's drowning and overthinking his entire career, as if he's not a starter and a star player of the England National Team in the World Cup, in addition to his success as Dortmund’s most recognizable rising star players.
It was so easy for him to lose himself in his thoughts, but it was just as easy for you to pull him out of his drowning self-doubts so to see him shine, all smiley and happy in the pitch with his teammates after an excellent game and a good win, it brings a proud warmth to your chest. Standing next to you were his parents who stared at their son just as proud.
You watch for a few more moments as the boys celebrated before they're approaching the bleachers where the team’s family are seated.
You catch Jude’s eye before he's even walking in your general direction. He blows you a kiss, mouthing ‘I love you’ before he turns to his parents to do the same.
After that they were ushered to do cool-downs before being escorted back to the locker rooms, some of the NT’s staff being held back for interviews as the boys filed to enter the tunnel with their loud chatter.
          ㅡ ♡ ㅡ
“Ah! There’s our boy!” Jude hugs his father first before he does the same to his Mum. He's already got changed into a fresh England Strike Drill top with shorts and his sock-clad feet in slippers, freely wrapping each of his parents in a hug without needing to worry about his sweat or the grime and dirt that usually clung on his jersey shirt.
His Mum pats his chest, beaming a proud smile before planting a kiss on each of his cheeks, telling him how proud they are of everything he's achieved.
You simply sat by their side, watching with a content smile on your face before his Mum turns around and makes way for Jude to reach you. You see her shoot you a cheeky wink before she's ushering her husband to sit a little bit further than where they were previously seated.
You stand up to meet Jude, expecting just a simple hug as a form of greeting because after all, you haven't really revealed the status of your guys’ relationship. Everyone knew you as ‘Jude’s best friend’ but not yet as ‘Jude Bellingham’s girlfriend’. And with the number of camera snapping photos almost every second in the stands, you couldn't help the gasp that leaves your lips when you're being pulled by your lovely boyfriend as he gives you a kiss on the lips.
With wide eyes, you tap his arm in panic.
“Cameras!” You tell him. He pays them no mind before he's dragging you to sit down and almost having your entire left leg over his lap, an arm thrown over your shoulder before he gives your cheeks a kiss each.
“Jus ignore ’em love, been buggin’ me for so long I forgot they even exist sometimes.” You knew Jude didn't even care for them, much less for probably giving them something to post and write about the exclusivity of your relationship with him. Instead, Jude leans his head on your shoulders, adjusting his arm to loosely hang on your waist. “’m so happy you're here.”
And with that, he's successfully able to deter your attention from having your relationship outed to the public with such a simple statement.
You flick his other hand that was on your lap before he latches onto it, holding it against in between your’s and his thigh.
“Of course I’d be here... you’d given me the tickets haven't ya?”
Jude scoffs at your jab, pinching your side that almost made you squeal.
“Now don’t be a smartass,” he tells you, voice donning a tired edge yet he still entertains your remark. “Who else was I s’posed to give ’em anyways... my brother can't come here with us.”
Hearing the mention of his younger brother, you perk up. “Speaking of Jobe, I got him some things while I was out yesterday... I know he doesn't need the boot but I got him another pair in his favorite colors.”
“You got my brother somethin’ but nothin’ for me?” Jude asks, feigning a shockㅡ an overdramatized one that he uses ever time he’s being a tease and playful. “Are ya playin’ favorites now?”
“If I had to pick a favorite between the two Bellingham brothers then I’d chose Jobe. A right choice isn’t it? He did get me my favorite ice cream flavor right that one time...”
“Babe it was one time!”
You gasp, “Jude Victor William Bellingham we’ve been dating for a year and a half during that time! Was only right for you to know my favorite ice cream flavor, no?”
Jude sighs dramatically, nuzzling his face on the crook of your neck. “To be fair you do tend to pick random flavors based on your mood, that’s my only defense for this case.”
“... alright then, fair enough.”
He raises a fist, weakly uttering a ‘yes’ before he's back to leaning against you, head nearly against your chest.
“Tired?” Jude nods his head silently. You guide him to lay over the remaining unoccupied seats, seeing that his parents were nowhere in their spot that they had previous scooted into.
You let your boyfriend lay his head over your lap before you're reaching over for your coat inside your bag. You drape it around his dozing frame, pulling the edge around his ankles where his socks doesn't reach and running your free hand through his curls, the other being cuddled against his chest as he slept.
Jude places a kiss on your knuckles, muttering the same three words against your skin that he mouthed not even an hour long ago, completely disregarding the eyes and cameras that had long fixated their attention and lenses on the both of you.
Unsurprisingly, the both of you reached multiple media outlets the next day. Articles after articles, photos after photos and a ton of both short and long video clips taken by some fans bombarded the internet enough to get the thought across.
Jude Bellingham was off the market and was very much evidently in love with you.
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a/n: my tumblr glitched three times i thought i lost this entire piece thank fuck for the restore button 😭
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heyhihellosworld · 2 years ago
𝐀𝐧đČ𝐭𝐡𝐱𝐧𝐠 đŸđšđ« đČ𝐹𝐼
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Trent Alexander-Arnold x reader
Word count: 6.2k
Summary: Trent would do everything for his daughter even if it's out of his comfort-zone but maybe something, or someone can make it more bearable.
Warnings: Single parent, talk about non-present parents, horses, angst, smut, fluff, dad!trent, young pregnancy (19/20)
Notes: I don't know but this idea just came to me randomly when I was in the stables and I just find it funny to see these out of place parents, especially dads so yeah. Random but fun to write
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Being a single parent wasn't always easy. Trent found it hard to be as present as possible, to spend as much time with his daughter as he wanted and still succeed in his football career. It took a lot of time, effort and help but he managed well, being the best dad possible and still develop in his football. It took a toll on him but he wouldn't trade it for the world.
Since he had been a little kid football had been his life, his goal and the only thing that mattered. For so long it was all that consumed his life, until Ella came along. It was never the plan, never his intention after the one-night stand he'd had but it happened and after a rocky year he had full custody of his baby.
After that his priorities changed because he was no longer alone, he couldn't be selfish anymore, he couldn't think about himself because he had a little girl at home. A little girl relying on him for food, comfort and love and suddenly, she was what mattered the most.
Less to say Trent didn't have a lot of free-time, already juggling more than the time could wrap up but he didn't really miss anything, he felt complete. The only thing he sometimes missed was dating. Going out was nowadays almost impossible, even though his brothers and parents tried to help out and babysit as much as they could he didn't feel fine with leaving her in their responsibility too long knowing they already helped out more than they should. Trent hadn't dated someone in what felt like years nor had he gotten any action regurarly. He didn't mind it, but he could miss it some days. Not only the sex but the social life outside of his work. That's why it felt like a blessing when Ella got older and he had to engage in some of her free-time activities. It wasn't like before of course, this was mothers and fathers with their kids not drunk idiots in a club in some VIP-room. But it was still some kind of social life, some people he could talk to and sometimes hang out with outside of the footballpitch.
For him it was obvious she would play football. It was what he'd anticiapated for a long time but the little girl said no. She didn't wanna play football, she wanted to take horseback-lessons, and as the nice father he was he didn't pressure her into anything but said ok, she would get to take her horse-riding lessons if that was what made her happy.
The four-year old was over-joyed, not Trent. He was as far away from his comfort zone he could imagine when he stepped onto the yard with his estatic daughter. It was muddy and bloody cold but he didn't say anything, just smiled at Ella who blabbered away.
Anything for her
It was all he repeated in his head to get himself to not jump into the car again.
He could hear his teammates laughing in his head as he stood in the small house which apparently was called the club-house. When he had told them about his daughters wish he had got his head nagged in with teasing, but hey, anything for her.
He got informed of how it worked, where the list was, where the different buildings were located, how he handled the horse, that he'd have to fix it up before riding.
He nodded along pretending he understood just fine before walking after Ella as she hurried into the stable. The smell was the first thing that hit him, then the horses. What the fuck was he doing here, why hadn't he asked somebody who knew something about this to take her? Well probably because she had been so excited for him to come along.
"Look, look!" Ella prompted, grinning from ear to ear as she pointed to one of the horses "Which one am I having? Which one daddy?"
Trent shook his head "Uh, what was his name? Mons?" "Monty!"
Trent hummed, nodding as they walked along the line of horses, "Here it is" he told her and she squealed with excitement at the tiny, fat little horse that stood in the box, glaring at them from inside.
Trent stood a few meters away as one of the people who helped out in the stables showed Elle how to tack up. He could feel the stares as he tried to look at what they were doing, trying to memorize but nah, it was too much stuff. Ella almost bounced on the spot as everything was ready, Trent yet to touch the horse that was still glaring at them.
Trent sat on the cold tree stand as he watched his daughter wiggle around on the horse. If it wasn't for the biggest smile on her face he would've tried to talk her into something else but he couldn't, and it didn't matter how bitter he felt. He would have to learn and show up, put on his well practiced fake-smile, for her.
"Are you really Trent Alexander-Arnold?"
The sound of his name made him look up, taken aback by the mention. He hadn't even thought about being spotted or recognised here which he of course should have.
"Eh, I am" he choke before he even located the woman who spoke but when he did he felt like his choked reply was just right. Before him stood a beautiful woman, she didn't look like a mom, for sure not. She looked about his age, maybe a year or so younger than him.
She was absolutely stunning, her beutiful face held a warm and almost teasing expression. Eyes glimmering, like she was mocking him for his whereabouts.
"Wow" she hummed, sitting down next to him so naturally it almost made him envy her confidence. "So what in the world brings the famous footballer to the stables?" She asked, seemingly unbothered but the smirk she tried to hide leaked through, making him pull a grimace at her.
"Well, my daughter wanted to take horseback-lessons... so I took her to do it, silently hoping she wouldn't like it but now I guess this is my new place to be" he muttered and she chuckled softly "That's sweet of you"
Trent shrugged his shoulders, looking over at her as she sat so casually but still looked so elegant and beautiful. "What about you?" "Well I also happen to have a daughter who loves this stinky hole" she hummed, peeking his interest even more "Really?" he questioned, his eyes full of interest as she hummed "yeah, why?"
"No no I just... you look young to be a mother" he revealed, pulling a smile from her "thank you, I guess. But I was young when I got her" she admitted, making Trent nod along "How old are you?"
"23" she answered shortly making him hum "And what's your name?"
She chuckled, giving him a loopsided smile as she raised one eyebrow "Why are you so interested?"
Trent shrugged "I just am, you're not gonna tell me your name?"
"Y/n, it's y/n" she answered politely, a silence settling over the two as they watched their children try to lead the horse in the right direction.
It had been a stressful afternoon for you, hurrying home after work to make it in time to Amelies riding-lesson. But you'd made it, not quite on time but good enough.
Amelies riding lessons was nothing you'd been too big of a fan of, not only because you knew nothing about horses but also because it was darn expensive. But of course you couldn't say no to your precious daughter when she so sweetly asked you, so now you found yourself on this tree bench every week, looking as your daughter held the biggest smile on her face, and it felt worth it.
"I don't mean to be forward" you voiced quietly after a few moments, "It's fine" he hummed, turning his attention to you, bracing himself for what he knew was coming.
He was even more beautiful face to face, so close up, than on the tv-screen and you still had a hard time realizing it was actually the football player sitting next to you on the stable stand.
You had of course read gossip sites and rumors about him and his daughter, some saying he was indeed secretly married and other saying it was a failed one-night stand leading him to be a single parent. You didn't know what it was but you were intrigued.
"Are you married?"
Your question didn't surprise him, his eyes fleeting back from watching the group to you again. "Well-no"
He shook his head, curls flying all over the place, your face told him you wanted to know more and he gave in, he knew darn well about all the rumours flying around about him and his daughter, and especially about the mother. "I am not married. Me and Ella's mother is not in any committed relationship. In fact it was a one night stand, ending up in her calling me and telling me she was pregnant and after a long hard time she pulled out, and I am now a single parent"
You hummed "is her mother in the picture at all?"
"Rarely, whenever it suits her" he shrugged, not really understanding why he told you all this. "What about you?" You chuckled bitterly "Nah, I was in a relationship when I got pregnant, but like I said I was young, barely 19 and our relationship was as serious as they are at that age so when things got real he bailed"
"So, do you have any contact?"
"No, I haven't really heard from him since I told him I was pregnant, I forced him to meet her once" you told him bitterly, the air tensing but you didn't mind and neither did he. It was nothing secretive and something you both had moved on from so talking about it felt like a natural part of an introduction because it was a big part of who you were, big part of your families.
When the short lesson was over Ella was bouncing as she ran up to Trent. You stood next to him, waiting for Amelie whilst continuing to small-talk. You couldn't help but smile as he kneeled down to scoop her up in his arms with the brightest smile. "Did you enjoy it princess?"
"I love it! Thank you daddy" he chuckled as he let her down again "Of course sweetie, are you all done now so we can go home and cook?"
You watched as the little girl nodded before looking away, Trent saw it aswell "It's okay, we can stay a little longer" he smiled at her shy look making her face lit up again "I just wanna say bye to my friends" she replied, kissing his cheek before running up the small bump into the stables again.
You felt like pouting at the sweet interaction but stopped from it seeing they were strangers and it would probably put him off. "She is really adorable" you smiled as he stood up again, smiling small.
"Thank you"
"Have you been here for a long time?"
"Have your daughter been riding for a long time?" he corrected making you hum "Well nah not that long, a couple of months" you answered. More than that wasn't said and it felt like a small relief when both of your daughters came running down from the stable giggling, breaking the sudden awkvard tension. You smiled at your daughter, her hapiness making you happy.
"Mommy, did you see?!" she squeeled as she raised her arms as a sign for you to lift her up which you did with a grin. "I did see, you were really good today" you smiled, loving her happy face as she bubbled with hapiness, all giddy.
You put her down when she started to wriggle, packing down all the things in your stable-bag. "Mom"
"Yeah" you hummed "Do you think I can play with Ella some day?"
You looked up, smiling softly as you paused "I'm sure we could fix something some time" you promised making her smile again, breaking away from the small shy energy. You could see that she was tired, even though she was blabbering and bouncing the tiredness started to droop onto her.
When she yawned you chucled, picking her up which she gladly accepted, snuggling into your shoulder.
You waved goodbye at Trent who smiled your way before stropping Amelie in the car to drive home.
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Since that first time in the stables Trent and Ella went every week, every week coming to seek you out, ask you about your week and how you'd been since last time.
What in the beginning was a dreadful day for Trent slowly started to become an enjoyful one. You liked the stables just fine but it didn't get worse by seeing Trent.
Whenever he wasn't there it was a huge disapointment, something you were all to aware of.
He had became a good friend, your daughters spending time outside of the stables as well which prompted you to meet more than once a week.
The attraction was there, always but of course you never went with it since the kids were around and dating with a kid or even more so sleeping around whilst having a kid was not something you found appropriate or fair for her at the moment so you didn't do anything, didn't say anything and if he felt the same way he didn't say it.
You learnt more and more for every time you met and got more and more smitten. You understood why everybody was fawning over him so bad. You'd always liked him on the pitch, enjoyed watching him play but this was something completely different than that.
It was a sunday you realized how smitten you actually was with the guy. He had suggested to meet up for the kids to play so you could watch football together. It was United against City so the expectations where high as you sat in your sofa together. The girls in Amelies room playing.
He had been such a softie, resting his hand on your thigh as you sat closer than appropriate, conversing and laughing about the game. He told you stories about himself, about Ella and it was all so soft.
His eyes had been warm and he had been so sweet, cooking all of you lunch and helping you fix the new coffee table you hadn't put together yet. It had felt so domestic and it had made you realize how much you actuallly liked the guy.
But you hadn't spoken a word about it. It was too complicated to get involved with anyone. No man had gotten introduced to Amelie except from her dad but other than that you had stayed far away from that part of you. Only ever being with someone when Amelie wasn't home.
It was a delicate matter with kids and you didn't want to risk anything, plus, you had no idea if Trent even liked you in the slightest so you just kept your mouth shut, enjoying what was now.
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A rare evening without Amelie or work was spent out. You were still young, still enjoying the thrill of a good club with friends so the bar was the place to go.
Your best friend begged to go to this new open bar, more similar to an night-club than bar but you didn't mind.
The first hour was spent upstairs in one of the more reserved booths, drinking and gossiping, spilling the recent tea and of coure the main topic was Trent.
She was dying to hear about it and you were dying to telll her. "No way he said that" she gasped, clapping her hands "Wow you go y/n, this is honestly wild"
You giggled, swallowing the rest of your drink "I know"
"What's next then? You almost kissed in his car and now?" "Now nothing" you sighed, shaking your head "What do you mean nothing"
"I mean that I haven't heard of him since then"
"Well text him then!" she exclaimed "I dont know" "Oh come on y/n you gotta do it, you are so smitten by him already and you never meet anyone"
"Lets drop this topic for tonight" you decided, sweeping the hard parts under the rug for now.
"Fine, let's go down and get the party started for real" she beamed sensing not to push you further right now.
"Yes please"
She giggled, hooking your arm with hers as you went down the sketchy stair to the club area, the night club you needed.
You were deep in your cups which was why you weren't sure if you actually saw who you thought you did or if you were hallucinating
"Y/n! Is that Trent??" your friend gaped making you realize it was actaully Trent and you gigggled, pulling her along with you as you tripped up to him, facing him with a bright smile
He was with a couple of friends, some you would probably recognize if it wasn't for the slight womble in your head
Trent eyed you up and down with a giant smirk, sensing your drunkness but he too were deep in his cups, immidiately dragging both you and your friend to their table.
"What are you doing here?" he asked, handing you another drink and pulling you to sit on his lap as there was limited space on the table he and a couple of his friends shared. Your friend immideately hitting it off with some of them.
"I have a rare night out" you grinned
"How convinient, I have to" he revealed, squeezing your thigh where your short dress had ridden up.
"How convinient" you smirked right back at him, your eyes dropping down to his lips a little too often
It wan't long until you couln't resist the urge to kiss him anymore. The clear part of our head would probably stop it right now because it was compliacted, you had Amelie, you couldn't just date around and bring people here and there but the rational part of your brain wasn't working right at the moment. Only wanting some sort of normality, some sort of attention tonight and Trent gladly gave it to you, so you took it.
The soft kiss turned heated, passionate and neeedy, hands grasping desperately at each other as your turned around on his lap. Only when the people around you started to make noises did you break apart for the moment, enjoying the night on his lap, his mouth on yours and hands caressing you whenever the moment allowed it. It was something completely different like this, when the kids wasn't around, when neither of you had to take the parent role, when you both were deep in your cups and didn't hold back. It was something completely different but so relieving.
He asked you out, actually asked you out. Not asking for a playdate with the kids, no. Alone, with you and it felt like the nerves would explode. You had met him for months now but it felt different after the bar meeting.
It had been heated, promising more than just parents of two friends. No, that had showed you he wanted more as well. The kisses shared, the touches ad the late, drunken question to come home with him. It all indicated that he wanted more of whatever it was between you.
You read his text again. You had agreeed on dinner in his flat. Neither of you wanted to do something public. Still it felt nerve-wracking. You hadn't been at his place before, always at yours for various reasons.
You hadn't gone home with him that night but what if he wanted something in that way tonight`?
did you want anything like that? Hell yes
How did you act with him, alone? Without being drunk
What do you wear to something like this?
You had no idea
After what felt like forever you finally emerged from your car outside of his complex, wearing sweats and a hoodie as he had told you after asking and making your way inside.
It was darn expensive, exclusive, luxaury celebrity building. You felt hella out of place, not only because of your clothes as you got escorted up to his floor. The secod you saw him though, it felt okay. The smile twinkling in his eyes as he welcomed you inside.
"This feels a bit weird" you smiled, sitting on his big comfy sofa. Stretching out your tired body on the comfortable furnitor.
Trent chuckled, pursing his lips "Well"
"Not bad" you promised "But weird, I'm not used to be alone with you. It's always the girls or the horny mums"
At that Trent couldn't contain his laughter "Horny mums?"
"Yeah you should hear them talk" you scoffed, shaking your head at them.
"I do, trust me" he chuckled, plopping down next to you in the sofa with two glasses of wine. "I just choose to ignore them most of the time" he smiled, handing you one of the glasses.
Your eyebrows raised as you turned to him with an unimpressed look "most of the times?"
"Well yeah, I mean I did not ignore you, did I?" he teased, showing his beutiful smile. Your eyes rolled "no but I'm not talking about how hot it would be to be fucked by a footballer or how perfect your back looks to scratch"
"Why don't you though?"
You choke on the wine you sipped, spluttering it out in your lap as you tried to contain yourself with laughter You looked at him deadpan, "you want me to?"
His shoulders shrugged and his face pulled a grimace, smirking at your flustered state "I wouldn't mind it"
"Really?" you hummed, looking at him from under your lashes while sipping your wine. Gaining your confidenece back "Oh Trent, I wanna scratch your back while you fuck me so hard" you ironized with a high-pitched voice.
Trent laughed, raising his glass towards you "Take away the irony and we are home"
You couldn't help but give him a bright smile, leaning your head towards him before straightening up to do your real performance. His eyes followed you amusedly as he watched you clear your throat before you repeated "Oh Trent, I wanna scratch your back while you fuck me so hard" but only this time you tried to make it sound real, moaning out the words with an additional moan afterwards.
Trent's amused face dropped slightly as you smirked at him "Better?" "Mhm" he nodded, giving you an impressed look "Wow, that's actually wild" he hummed causing you to laugh at him, shaking your head at his dramatics "That explains how you women are so good at faking things"
You hummed, nodding "Sure but you can hear a clear difference from an fake moan and a real moan"
Trent hummed, pouting his lips in thought "well sure"
You pursued tour lips "Do you know the differences?" Trent shrugged "Sometimes, I think most of the times I can tell"
"Have someone ever really faked it with you?" you giggled, "Sure" Trent chuckled, internaly palming himself for revealing that to you.
"Why?" "I don't bloody know, I guess they didn't like it?"
You laughed "Oh poor Trent, are you not that talented in bed?"
He only scoffed, giving you a face that only made you laugh harder "I'm sure am talented enough"'
You giggled, crawling closer to him before settling in his lap. It didn't feel weird, you had been in this position before. You wanted to take it one step further, wanted to be with him.
"What if I need proof?" you whispered, your voicie low and all serious as he swallowed, giving you a heated gaze "Well I think we can fix that, don't you think?" "I was hoping" you smirked, immediately atttacking his lips with yours.
His hands fell on your ass, pulling you closer as your hands tangled in his curls.
Screw all the complicated shit, screw all responsibilites. You would fix it all later, talk it all through later. This wasn't bound to change anything, except it was. You felt more than you wanted to admit.
Screw the feelings, you needed him right now and he felt the same.
His hands started to undress you, flinging your hoodie off and you let him but when his hands left your boobs and started to tease your underwear you stopped him.
"Hey" you mumbled, immideately grabbing his attention, brown eyes searching yours for any signs that he'd crossed the line.
You gently stroke his neck, smiling at his attentive expression. "Did I do something?" he asked softly, relief filling his body as you shook your head. "No no, I just-" you began, looking away from his intense gaze
"What?" he murmured, gently angling your face so that you looked at him again.
Your face felt warm as he looked at you "I-I just haven't had sex in.... forever" you admited shyly
"Forever? you do have a kid, right?"
You giggled loving how he tried to ease the embarrsament as your lips graced his shoulder. "A year" you clarified, looking away from his face as he raised his eyebrows in supriese "Really, wow I feel like i've been in a dryspell forever but a year... I would've alredy have cum now"
You giggled again, hiding your embaressment in admitting this to your lext lay but Trent was different. It wasn't just some hook-up, it was Trent. Someone you already had found a liking towards. Someone you felt comfortable with and trusted, someone you didn't feel embarrassed around.
He kept a loving smile on his face, kissing your cheek sweetly before speaking again. "It's nothing, as long as you want this we can take it as slowly as you want to and if you don't, we don't" he mumbled softly against the soft skin of your shoulder.
"I want to, just... take it slow" you breathed out, his head noddding in recognition as he continued his ministrations on your neck and collarbone. Leaving marks like a teenager would on your sensitive skin. It made you giggle, plafully pushing him away but he just gave you his millon-dollar grin and continued, knowing you liked it.
You started to ease into it. Not feeling as stiff anymore as you moved your body against his, making him let out an apreciative sound. "Yeah?" he mumbled, a word so short but still so hot to hear from his lips.
His hand creeped down your sweatpants, gently teasing the hem of your underwear, tripping under the waistband only to crawl back up. It was all a part of his slow show and you started to realise what you had really asked him.
You kissed him sweetly, passionately but soft. Searching his mouth with yours, hands grasping on his broad shoulders, slowly creeping down to finally feel his gorgously sexy abs.
His breath fanned your jaw as he watched your face every movement, only slipping his hand into your panties for real when you made strong eye-contact with him, pleadig with your eyes for him to keep going.
And keep going he did, finally lettig his fingers stroke over your swollen clit. His fingers moved expertisely, knowing exactly where it would feel the best and where to be to drive your mind absolutely crazy and needy.
He was so focused on your face as you let him play with you, enjoying it way to much to ever ask him to stop.
When your mind started to function again you let your hand slip under the waistband of his calvins. Quickly wrapping around his hard dick to give him some attention as well. Too soaked up in your own for quiet some time already.
He didn't complain, his eyes closing briefly and a hard breath escaping his open lips as you stroked him firmly. Trying to focus on him whilst he brought you to the edge, slipping two fingers inside of you.
Your body had gotten completely loose now. Moving on it's own accord, not caring anymore, not controlled by nerves but pleasure.
He could see exactly when your orgasm started to climb to it's top. Not daring to stop as your voice pleaded him not to. Your hand stopped aroud his dick, unable to focus as your orgasm washed over you. The sounds you let out fell deaf on your own ears, not to Trent's who only got harder as your body shook, fingers slowly retreating as you came down. Not wanting to overstimulate you at this state.
"Okay?" he smiled softly, the giggle you let out sounded free and happy "more than okay" you smiled, leaning up to kiss his lips lovingly. Hand resuming it's pace on his hard cock.
Soon enough you tugged at his boxers, wanting them off, wanting him inside of you.
He let you do what you wanted, helping to take off his boxers as he helped you out of your sweatpants. His hands gently cupped your breasts over your brah as you looked at each other. "You sure you want this?" he hummed, needing the consent "Yes, you?" you hummed back softly, "All I wanted to do since I first saw you" he consented, bringing a smile on your lips as he guided his tip to your entrance.
He rubbed oer your sensitive nerves, giving you time to relax again from the initional reaction to feeling his dick against the place you wanted him.
"Relax yeah?" he hummed softly, kissing over your chest, smiling against your skin as you complied. Relaxing your body against the soft material.
He fially pushed the tip in, your breath catching in your throat at the stretch. His lips a nice distraction, your arms wrapping around his shoulders as he kissed you passionately. Breathing in and swallowing your sounds.
It felt like an enternity until he finally stopped, fully inside you. You panted against his lips, trying to take in the feeling of complete blizz.
Fuck you had missed this
"Move" you breathed, his hips immediately following your words as he slowly started to thrust inside of you. Taking it slow as promised but it felt just as good as anything else. It wasn't about fucking the life out of you, it would be time for that later. No this was about connecting, making eachother feel pleasure and love and wow did he manage well.
You felt like all you could do was moan and whine, your body writhing on the soft cushions as he gave you all he had, rolling his hips into yours, filling you completely with each deep thrust.
He reached places you didn't even remembered you could or knew. It felt like you were floating on a cloud as his mouth found your skin again.
"Fuck I'm sorry" he breathed harshly on your jaw as he kissed his way up
"I-I'm gonna cum" he breathed making you giggle out a moan "Fuck do it"
His fingers found your clit, gently stroking the sensitive nub as he quickened his pace slightly. His hips started to jerk as he got closer to his release, soon coming to an complete stop as he came, taking you with him in the blizz.
It felt like you blacked out. Letting your eyes fall close as he slipped of to the bathroom, helping you clean up and change clothes to sleep. He didn't bother making you brush your teeth or go to the toilet. You were already half-asleep so he just crawled down into the bed again. Kissing your shoulder and whispering soft praise for you as you drifted off to sleep in his comfortbale bed and warm embrace.
Awkvardness settled in your body as you looked down on the steeming hot cup of coffe he'd just handed you.
He looked as free as a bird, not an ounce of regret or questionmarks visable in the way he moved around the kitchen
You didn't regret it but now the hard conversation were bound to happen, the conversation you'd dreaded since you started to feel something about him. But again, he didn't look cornered at all, he looked the oposite to you and that also made you question this, question his feelings.
It wasn't long until he broke the silence, turning to you with an look you couldn't really decide if it was scolding, angry or amused. Maybe something inbetween it all.
"Why are you awkvard?"
He popped the question, just like that, cornered you even more than you already felt as you squirmed on the tall bar stool you sat on at his kitchen island.
"I'm not" you tried but he only chuckled, giving you a soft smile. "This dosen't have to be as hard as you make it out in your head"
"I dosen't?" you half mocked him but he stood his ground, shaking his head "No, it dosen't. I really like you" he stated, like it was the easiest thing ever to say
"And I think you like me too so what's the problem? Our kids already love eachother so why just not take it slowly, ease into it with them, keep it on the low, see eachother more and then move forward step by step. It dosen't have to be that hard. I'm sure of my feeling, it's not something casual or temporary"
You sat quite for a while "Well when you say it like that it sounds like the easiest thing in the world"
Trent chuckled, coming loser to you "It's not the easiset thing in the world but I like you too much to not give this a try"
You smiled leaning over the island to kiss him gently "I like you" you mumbled against his lips, feeling them curl into a smile against yours.
Sundays couldn't get better than this, the sun was out, mood happy and the birds were singing. Trent's hand in yours made a warmth spread in your chest. The girls ran in front of you, playing tag in a fit of giggles.
The soft morning had woken you up in the right mood, waking up alongside Trent was bound to wake you up in a good mood. Early morning sure but the way Tren't had made love to you first thing after waking up made your mood hit the good roof.
"I love this" you hummed, watching up at his beutiful smile under the baseball cap he'd pushed down over his curls, not wanting to be recognised.
You'd made it official, but not public. He had asked you to be his girlfriend one late night in front of the tv, cozied up together on the sofa. It had been only one clear answer on your tongue and since then things had changed for the better.
The worry of affecting your kids had been one that had proved not to be a problem, the girls already concidering the other best friends. Trying to explain had been a bit harder the girls not completely undestanding why they spent so mch time together at eachothers houses but they loved it neitherless.
"Me too" Trent hummed, glancing up at the girls "And I love you" he continued, turning to you again, tilting your head up to gently kiss you, a kiss you couldn't help but to smile into, holding his chin gently as he kissed you softly, intimately.
"Daddy!" "Mommy!"
You broke apart, giggling as you turned to your kids "Why is your daddy snogging my mommy!" Amelie protested but Ella only giggled making Amelie start to.
"Where have you learnt that word?" you asked her pointedly, her eyes blinking up at you "Trent told me it" she defended before they were off again.
"You taught her the word snogging??" you turned to him with a scoff "What?!" he exclaimed "The girls were using the word fucking so I told them not to say that and to say snog instead, choose your word woman!" he defended making you laugh "Okay okay, snogging is much better than fucking"
"Exactly" he smiled in victory as you continued to walk.
You'd never felt this kind of peace before in your life. It had always been something, something unsettling. But right now, right now it felt like peace, like nothing was hard or confusing. Everything was clear and you were happy, happiest you'd ever been.
And it all felt like it was coming together, peace had finally landed.
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blueaetherr · 2 years ago
can you write something like this https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFDdKWHW/ with jude?
thank youu 💕
why wouldn't i?
pairing: jude bellingham x gn!reader [they/them]
warning(s): none
summary: the one where they pull the salt prank on jude
author's note: i would highly suggest watching the tik tok above, kinda(ish) gives context to the direction i took with this fic. enjoy, anon!
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If there was one thing to learn about Jude, it was that he was kind, specifically a kind soul. He was careless yet careful and delicate. That, and everything else, was what many others loved about him; that was all that he was. On his good days, on his bad days, on those days where he wasn't provoked by any particular mood, he always came through to be kind—a gem—or simply, someone you wanted to be around if you weren't already.
It wasn't an aim, and it wasn't something that he tried to achieve or reach. That was just Jude, simply put; being kind—someone who would offer you a smile as he passed you, someone who would put others' needs before his own, someone whose hugs were calming and whole—was innate, uniquely something of Jude.
And this, by Jude, was projected to everyone around him. To his family, his friends, his partner, Y/N. From offering a hand when they reached the final step of the stairs to those compliments galore, and his ability to prioritise their peace of mind. His kindness, his pure heart, his personality, it could all stretch beyond wonders to reach Y/N.
But sometimes, or maybe more times than enough, did it go a bit too far or not far enough. For the soft soul he had, his kindness to his Y/N blinded him from potentially saying what needed to be said.
Y/N was setting up their phone when they heard the front door open. "Honey, I'm home!" Y/N laughed at the greeting, one that always remained sweet and adoring in their eyes. It also made them feel bad for the joke they were going to pull on Jude.
"I'm in here!" They called out, covering the spoon of salt with the pasta sauce.
Soon in came Jude, quickly coming by his partner's side and placing on kiss on the side of their head. Pulling away, he soon took notice of all the food in motion. "Oh my, God. You're making my favourite?" His face was beaming beyond one's usual timid happiness. He loved their cooking. It wasn't anything too simple or grand yet in his eyes, everything they made was some culinary excellence, tasting homemade. He couldn't deny any of their meals if he tried. And even if the meals were all too simple, he would remain believing that they were all too amazing.
"Thought you'd like some after training." Y/N shrugged with a small tug on their lips. Appearing somewhat nonchalant was the aim.
"You're amazing for this," he kissed their cheek once and then again, the second one lingering for a moment or two. "Thank you, love."
"It's just a little something. Speaking of," they mentioned as Jude wandered away to get a drink. Motioning to the pasta, they asked, "can you try this for me? I don't know if I put enough salt in it."
He nodded after closing the fridge and taking a drink of water. "Yeah, sure." Jude was always one to volunteer to do taste tests for Y/N before the meal was ready, wanting to make sure everything was all good for everyone else to eat.
"A'ight but careful," they warned as they held out the spoon with the pasta sauce on it. "It might be a bit hot." Chuckling softly as Jude blow on the spoon, they fed him the sauce.
Taking in a small breath, ready to sigh in relief and pure satisfaction, Jude's face quickly contorted. Initially, his facial expression expressed happiness that was wide and modest. But after the sauce rested in his mouth for far longer than it needed to, his face slowly deteriorated as it dropped a bit. He covered his mouth with his fist as he cleared his throat, patting his chest. And yet on his face still remained a smile, one that appeared to be struggling and hurting. But a smile nonetheless; that was his intent anyways.
"So what do you think? Too little, too much?" Besides his facial expressions, they already knew that he wasn't feeling the food, not one bit. There was no oh that's really, really good! What did you put in it this time? There was also no I think I need to try it again just to make sure. His face remained so discombobulated and stressed that they had to contain themself from ruining the fun they were having.
Despite clearly not liking the sauce, despite the awful aftertaste left in his mouth, with his smile—gorgeous and kindly divine—he nodded and spoke, quicker than intended, "Yeah, yeah. It's all good."
"You think so?"
"Yeah, totally. Why wouldn't I?" Jude nodded, and this time with more conviction. If he was able to convince his partner to settle with his opinion, maybe he could then believe his own words. "It's great, like, really good. I mean—" He took another long sip of water; the aftertaste was far too strong and awful. "—maybe I would put a bit less salt in it. But other than that," he shrugged as his smile returned to his features. That struggle and hurt from before had faded for the most part. "it was great, loved it, really."
"And you're sure about that?"
Jude noticed a smirk slowly settling across their lips, making his smile falter a bit. "Of course! Why wouldn't I—" His mouth fell open when he noticed the phone hidden by the knife rack. "No way! Why though?" He complained as he playfully shoved his partner who was in a small fit of laughter. The fact that he soon noticed the salt on the kitchen island behind them also didn't sit well with him, like he allowed himself to get played.
"It's just a bit of fun!" Calming down, sometime later or sooner, Y/N exhaled deeply as they got out their final laughs. "Why did you lie about that?"
"I feel like I have no room to judge your cooking skills with the ones I have," Jude admitted. He didn't cook or bake for them on the regular like Y/N did for him. If it wasn't them cooking or baking in the house, it was his mom, or their mom, or their sisters—honestly, anyone but him, even takeout beat him to it. It wasn't that he didn't try or that he was incapable in the kitchen. It was just for the best if he wasn't the one cooking. If there were other options than Jude then it would be for the better for everyone.
"Still though," they sighed, nudging him, "One day, which I hope never comes, I could accidentally do something wrong and you might just accept it."
"Yeah, yeah," he mumbled, causing Y/N to laugh and Jude soon followed suit. And that was his denial voicing itself. They were right, and their friends were right; Jude was far too kind to criticise Y/N in any way, so much that he would accept their harmless mistakes without complaint. He wandered around the kitchen, aimlessly, "So if it actually doesn't taste like that, you think I could," shyly, Jude pointed to the pasta casserole, "you know?"
They couldn't help but roll their eyes, letting out a scoff. The appetite was still there and probably would remain for time to come. "Sure, why not?"
Offering him a small spoon of pasta sauce, making sure that it wasn't too hot, Y/N fed him the food. And there it all was, so clear and outstanding. His face grew with stunning delight, his eyes grew large with satisfaction as he dropped his head back, humming low. And there it was, that darling, darling smile of his, all at the cause of a sauce that Jude, personally, believed was cooked to perfection.
"You think I could try more of that?"
"Get changed, then we'll talk."
part 2
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hamiltonaf · 2 years ago
Party Aftermath | Mason Mount
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Pairing: Mason Mount x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.8K
Warning: Angst but more fluff
A/N: Slowly trying to get into writing more for football players - been writing for F1 drivers for quite a long time, so I have a nice balance between the 2 now. Hope you guys enjoy and do let me know your thoughts .xx
The first stop of the summer break was Ibiza. All of his mates were onboard with the idea of going to Ibiza first, some of their girlfriends even tagged along. The first few days I was more than happy to enjoy letting loose and partying with Mason and his friends, I actually deserved it for all the sacrifices I made for my studies during the year.
By the 3rd day of partying I just didn't have it in me...I would much prefer chilling at the beach, but right now that wasn't on the agenda until everyone is burned out. Tonight happens to be even bigger than the previous ones because Martin Garrix is performing. As exciting as it sounds, I was mentally and physically exhausted from being on my feet 24/7, sleep deprivation and dehydration.
With everyone's sleeping pattern being off, we happened to wake up in the evening. I guess it works in everyone else’s favour because that means to get ready to go for the next party. Luckily Mason and I had a room to ourselves, and weren’t sharing a villa so it was nice and peaceful when I got up before him. I had a nice soothing shower and got comfy in a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt. I sat crisscrossed on the lounge couch and browsed through my laptop for something to binge.
"Good morninggg" he greeted as he walked out of the room in a pair of denim shorts and a towel around his neck. "Oh good morning ! Slept well ?" I asked as I turned to look at him. "Like a baby" he laughed. "I could tell" I added and laughed back. "Aren't you coming tonight ?" He asked as he sat next to me on the couch and peeked at my laptop screen. He could tell that something is up.
"Yeahh...Uhm, I don't think I'm gonna go out tonight" I said hesitantly. "Why what's wrong ?" He asked concerned as he placed his head on my shoulder, already dampening my shirt with his wet hair. "Nothing just..I'm really drained and don't have the energy to go out again tonight" I pouted. "Okay then, suits you" he said casually and got up to walk back to the room. Is he annoyed ? "What do you mean by that ?" I asked, more specifically at the tone he said it and followed him into the room. "You came to Ibiza of all places to 'relax', a bit of a party pooper don’t you think ?" he mocked. Is he being serious right now ?
"Am I hearing correctly that you're mocking me for being burned out and I'm not allowed to recover ?" I raised a brow as I crossed my arms over my chest. "You’re not the only one that’s burned out, look at the rest of us, we’re just dealing with it." he said as he sat at the edge of the bed and leaned back. "Mason, you already know that it's not in my nature to go out partying. This is all new to me and I'm not used to this life" I reasoned. "Yeah well I'm not forcing you either, it's just that the boys and their girlfriends will be there. I'm going to look a bit dumb if my girlfriend isn't there so.." he shrugged. Oh my days.
“Are you being serious right now ? Since when do you care what other people think ? And how can you even compare me to other peoples girlfriends ? I- I'm so done with this conversation, it's like I'm talking to a wall right now
You're totally ignoring where I'm coming from. Enjoy your stupid party" I said with a fake smile before making my way back to the lounge. "(Y/N) !" he yelled for me but I chose to ignore him.
After some time it was slowly getting darker by the minute as the sun was setting. Mason finally stepped foot out of the room fully dressed, he threw on a black t-shirt and sneakers to pair with his denim shorts. I started watching a new series and was so engrossed in it that I purposely didn't see Mason standing in front of me. It was much longer than he would've liked for me to be caught by his attention but oh well. He cleared his throat as an indication for me to look at him. Me being petty, I continued watching my series. "I'm leaving. If you need anything then message Dec, he'll be sober tonight" he said softly. After no reply back from me, he rolled his eyes. “Did you even hear a word that I just said ?” He asked annoyed. I shut my laptop and looked at him “No Mason, I’m totally ignoring every word you said like you did to me earlier.” He remained silent for about a minute before shaking his head and making his way out.
As much as I tried to push the thought of Mason away, I didn’t succeed. I wasn’t even paying attention the the series at this point. Out of curiosity I went onto Instagram and the first story that popped up was Declan’s. It was a video of Mason taking shots, how lovely that I will have to deal with him when he’s drunk and hungover. It low-key hurt to watch the video, it just showed that he really didn’t care. I sighed and looked at the time, it was already 11:30pm and I felt so stiff from sitting down for so many hours. My eyes were feeling heavy and at this point I couldn’t be bothered to walk to the bedroom so I passed out on the couch.
Sound asleep until 2:15 am, there was a loud banging on our door. What a rude awakening. I hurried to the door to see Declan trying his best to hold up Mason with one arm whilst he was half knocked out. "I believe this is yours" he half laughed. "You woke me up from my deep sleep for a drunk Mason ?" I said annoyed. "I didn't have much of a choice, he wouldn’t stop asking where you were. Besides...he's not even that drunk" he stifled. "You're saying that and he's literally passed out" I raised a brow. "He's honestly exhausted from dancing and screaming. He had about like 3 shots" he said as he was starting to struggle holding him up. "You sure there wasn’t more after that instagram story of yours cut off ?" I stifled a laugh. "Oh I'm sure, I was with him the whole time. Now can you take him, I'm dying here" he said as Mason was almost about to fall.
"You want me to get a bottle of water to wake him up ? I’ll casually just chuck it at his face" I suggested. "You're honestly crazy" he said as he shook his head and laughed. "Oii, wake up. Here's (Y/N)" he tapped his face. He slowly gained consciousness and fluttered his eyes to look at me. "Wow you're pretty" Mason said in awe as he looked at me and stumbled to walk inside. "I'll take my leave. Good luck and let me know if you need anything !" Declan yelled as he was leaving. "Sure. Thanks for babysitting Dec !" I yelled and shut the door. I turned around to see Mason almost lose his balance and fall. "Room. Now" I said as I pointed to the open room door for him. He looked at me like a lost puppy for a second, with a pout he stumbled his way to the room. He looked like a toddler.
I grabbed a bottle of water and a pain killer before making my way to the room. He sat at the edge of the bed waiting eagerly for me. "Take this and drink the whole bottle" I said as I handed him the water and tablet. He looked confused for a second but obliged. After he was done, I threw away the empty bottle and thought it's time he should just sleep. I started by pulling at his t-shirt but he quickly pushed my hands away. What the hell. "Hey you're pretty and all but I have a girlfriend !" He said in disgust. I covered my hand over my mouth to hide my laugh. "Mason, I am your girlfriend" I said as I pressed my lips together. "Ohh. How did I get so lucky ?" He said as he stared at me whilst I continued to remove his t-shirt. I couldn't help but smile to myself. “I love seeing you smile” he said softly when I took off his t-shirt and folded it aside. He’s such a softie when he’s drunk.
He kicked off his shoes and got under the covers. Me being a neat freak, I placed his shoes aside with the others and turned around to find him sleeping. Just as I was about to go to the lounge to tidy up the place and switch the lights off, Mason called for me. "(Y/N) ! Come to bed" he whined.
Well so much for thinking he's sleeping. I quickly tidied up and yet again he called my name. Once I got under the covers, my back faced him when suddenly his arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer towards him. "I'm sorry for earlier. I feel that I don't see you as much because you're studying so I just want to make every moment we have together count. I was selfish" he muffled softly against my neck. After a moment of silence he whined, “Babe” before I turned around in his grip to face him. "It's okay, likewise I want to spend as much time with you as possible. Just know that some days we can stay in and still have fun. We don't always have to go out" I softly said back.
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football-rambles · 2 years ago
Reblogging this before I delete this when finished
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