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wordsarelife · 2 years ago
—this love
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pairing: mattheo riddle x fem!reader
summary: mattheo finally asks you to be his girlfriend
warnings: mentions of sex, the scene is literally cuddling after doing it, so there’s that
a/n: i don’t think i’ve ever finished writing something so quickly, also, sorry this is so short, hope this is something that you can imagine happening hehe
inspired by: this request
“can you pass me the lighter, love?”
you reached out towards the nightstand, gripping the blue lighter in your hand. you turned around to mattheo, wordlessly lighting the cigarette that was already between his lips
“smoking’s bad for you, teo” you scolded, turning back around and returning the lighter to it’s original position
“so is sleeping with the dark lords son, but i presume no one warned you?”
you rolled your eyes
mattheo took a drag from his cigarette, before he exhaled the smoke. he held the cigarette away from the bed and motioned for you to come closer.
you crawled back into his arms, your lips eagerly connecting to his. “you taste like nicotine” you grimaced in distaste
“there has been a real genius lost on you, baby” mattheo grinned. you swatted his arm, before you turned your head, resting your cheek on his naked chest.
mattheo and you had been sleeping together since the start of the year. what had started as a once in a while hook up quickly turned into a friends with benefits situation. not that you were seeing other people and after everything you heard he wasn’t either.
“there’s something else i wanted to talk to you about” you could feel mattheo lean over you to put out the cigarette.
“yeah?” you asked curious, resting your chin on his chest and looking at him expectingly. “what’s wrong, teo?” you muttered softly as you noticed his features turning serious. “did something happen?”
“no” mattheo shook his head and send you a reassuring smile “i wanted to talk about us— the thing”
“oh” you made, dumbfounded. since the start of this special relationship you had never once discussed any details and just went with the flow, as mattheo had called it. “do you want to stop this?” you asked curious
“actually—“ he hesitated for a moment
“you can tell me” you smiled and it was as if mattheo immediately calmed down
“what would you say if i asked you to stop seeing other people” you raised your eyebrows
“i would say that i haven’t even started seeing other people”
mattheo smiled and you grinned back.
“good” he nodded in approval “me neither. maybe we could do something together, something non—sexual?”
your eyes were as big as saucers. mattheo wasn’t usually the type to do something that didn’t involve sex. of course you guys were friends before and would hang out together, but not in a romantic sense as he was clearly suggesting now
“mattheo riddle” you pondered “are you asking me on a date right now?”
“no�� yeah” he hesitated, before his usual smirk returned, naturally finding back to his normal pace “actually i’m asking you to be my girlfriend”
“girlfriend?” you repeated “yeah, i like that”
“great” mattheo smiled and as if you hadn’t just talked about a whole relationship right now, he grinned at you: “can you pass me the lighter, love?”
“again?” you asked, watching his hand fall to the floor and pick up a cigarette “this is addiction”
mattheo shrugged “or you could kiss me again” he smirked “that would work as compensation”
you rolled your eyes, before you snatched the cigarette away. “okay, i’ll take that”
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mastermindmiko · 2 months ago
Pairing: George Weasley + Reader Word count: 1k Summary: You comfort George after a big fight (The fight in the fifth book with Draco Malfoy) Warnings: Injuries? I think that is all, but lmk if you notice anything Hey! if you think this didn't completely suck, feel free to check out my masterlist
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I take in a deep breath and then knock slowly at the boys’ door. No response. I knock again, and instead I hear a grumble. I take it as a sign to slowly open the door, I take a peek from behind it, and George is sitting on the edge of his bed, elbows on his knees, and head in his hands. Fred, on the other hand, is lying on the floor staring up at the ceiling. 
“Hey.” I murmur, and George tilts his head to see me from in between his fingers. He doesn’t smile at me like he usually does, and it makes me believe that this time is worse than the rest. Fred, sits himself up on his elbows, and he looks as though he’s in much better shape than George is. 
I purse my lips and look back at George again. I take a few shy steps towards his bed, and then sit down beside him. He shifts a bit to the side allowing more room for me. I look back at Fred again, but it turns out he’d already read my mind and left the room after giving me two thumbs up. 
I place a tentative hand on George’s thigh, and it makes him lift his head up from his hands. I could see the way his face was contorted, frowning, scrunched up brows, and his jaw clenched. I note the obvious, “You’re pissed.” 
I almost feel stupid saying it because of course he would be. Malfoy was out of line, more than usual, but instead of a few insults this time it resulted in a fight, and George got expelled from playing Quidditch for the rest of the year, and to make matters worse this is his last year. He replies, “I’m not pissed, I’m hurt.” 
It’s my turn to frown because the words that that git Malfoy said couldn’t actually be getting to him, could they? I voice, “George, you couldn’t actually care about what he said. He was just saying it to get a reaction out of you. His best insult was calling you a weasel, he’s an idiot for Merlin’s sake!” 
“Doesn’t make any of them less true.” He protests. I’m baffled by his response, I say, “No, they aren’t-” 
“Yes, they are.” He snaps, and he scrunches his face up, eyes shut in regret at raising his voice. He cups my hand as an apology, brushing his lips over the back of my hand before explaining, “He’s right. We are poor, and the clothes we wear are hand-me-downs-” 
I interrupt him, “I will not go a second longer listening to you talk about yourself, or your family that way. Money doesn’t matter as much as you’re making it seem. And surely, you’re not going to let comments from an idiot who cares more about blood status and money than what a person is actually like get to your head.” 
“But, wouldn’t you like to have more than what the money that I have can get you?” He implores, and I give him a weak smile. Raising my hands to cup his face, my thumb grazing the scratch that he has across his eyebrow. I say, “And we’ll have that, George.” 
I teased him a little more, “You still are planning to open the shop, aren’t you?” A small smile breaks on his face, and he even lets out a small chuckle. The air feels lighter around us, and George leans closer to me to press a kiss to my lips. I sigh, the feeling of it never gets old. 
I look down at his hands, and frown at the sight of the blood. George was the one who gave out most of the blows and punches. He was too angry after the fight, and left stomping to his room. I wanted to insist that he go to Madame Pomfrey for his injuries, but I could tell he needed some time to blow off some steam, that’s the reason why I waited before talking to him. 
“Do you want to go to the Hospital wing to heal those?” I ask, and he shakes his head, looking down at his knuckles, presumably, remembering that they were bleeding. He rests his head on my shoulder, and my shoulder is weighed down. He hums, “I’d rather not face anyone for a while.” 
“Don’t worry, I can heal them for you. Not as good as Madame Pomfrey, but it’ll do for now.” I decide, bringing out my want from my robes. I start to wave my wand at the cracks in the skin, and mutter small enchantments. The small ones fade away, but the larger ones leave small scars on the skin. I rub my thumb over his hand to signal that I’m done, and George twists his head to leave a small kiss to the base of my neck. 
I raise my hand to lift his head from off of my shoulder, and hold his chin, raising my wand to cast a spell over the scar that slashed across his eyebrow. I bite my lip at the sight of it. George questions, “What is it?” 
“You look so good with that scar.” I admit, feelings my cheeks heat up at the confession. He smirks at me, and I can already hear the teasing coming from a mile away. He grins and says, “Such a shame for you that it’ll go away in a few days…of course, I can get into more fights, so you’ll never have to do without it.” 
I hid my face in his chest in embarrassment and he wrapped his arms around me, laughing at my reaction. I mumble, patting his back gently, “Stay out of fights till we see what we can do about this Quidditch suspension, alright?” 
He pushes me away from his chest to look into my eyes. He leans down and kisses me once, and twice and another one after that. He says, “Thank you.” 
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apparentlytheproblem · 2 years ago
j e a l o u s y
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- theodore nott
a/n: this isn't the best but it's something i wrote to one of my favourite bois, requests are forever open, luv, teddy
requested- yes
warnings- none i think-
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Theodore Nott, the king of the hearts of the innocent with all his pride which no one could strip from him, all the power which no one could touch, the one so high from all, that no one would play against his will.
then why oh why was everything he had built for himself, his charm, his walls, his cool, all fumbling and crumbling beneath him when you arrived?
you weren't his girlfriend, why should he care what you did or with who you did. he shouldn't be bothered.
But it did
the music blared, and the common room was fully alive but his eyes never left you for the two hours in the Slytherin party after a excellent match as a bloke tried so desperately to talk you up. So desperate to get just a smile from his girl. its as if he actually thought she would want to be near him or his drunk antics which just seemed to light the fire in Nott more.
At this point he was stumbling attempting to twirl a strand of your hair as you tried to gently move away from getting beer spilt over your dress.
"touch her and i'll break your neck"
A hand slid through you waist, but it was the hand with a snake coiled ring you recognized by touch. the arm dragged her away into the crowd, leaving the bloke confused and high.
"how many bloody times have i told you not to that Nott?"
"as if you'd be caught anywhere near his pants"
"what if I did? atleast he shows consistent interest"
I shouldn't have said that
you thought he would be frustrated, or at least mad. instead he did the most unexpected thing expected from Theodore Nott. he revealed a smile spread out on his face. an absolutley stunning one where it showcased its dimples and made your heart do leaps.
"you're so cute, but not in a I wanna pat you head but in a I wanna push you up against the wall, and show that balding bitch who's name you'll be screaming for the rest of your damn life"
"And my darling, i will do everything in my power to show you that i am the only man you will ever lay eyes on as long as i live and breathe."
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inkymoon16 · 1 year ago
Across the Room
My masterlist
George Weasley x Reader
Set to “She” by Harry Styles
It had been a while since you had gone to a party. Your friends convinced you to go out after a long week of work. You picked out one of your favorite casual party outfits, a pair of jeans, your favorite pair of burgundy Doc Martens, and a plain black long sleeve that was very low cut. 
Ravenclaw was hosting tonight. The Ravenclaw common room was stunning, with massive windows that offered a view of the Great Lake and the mountains in the distance. At night though, the view of the stars was enough to put the most beautiful Veela to shame. You and your friends headed to the common room now, the drafty halls making you cross your arms to preserve body heat. 
The party was crowded by the time you got there and you all immediately headed to the drinks table. You downed a shot and grabbed a glass of alcohol. Your friends moved to the makeshift dance floor and started dancing to the music. Your eyes wandered the party, subconsciously searching for the one pair of eyes that you wanted to meet. 
And there he was. George Weasely. He looked up from his conversation and met your eye contact, holding each other’s gaze for just moments too long. He winked at you and went back to his conversation. The tension that stretched between you two across the room was tight. 
You had been good friends with George since your first year, but lately things have felt different. The flirty banter no longer felt like a joke. You often found excuses to get George alone or touch him. And he was doing the same. 
You surreptitiously kept shifting closer to George and your group of friends did not notice much to your good luck. George and Lee Jordan also seemed to be moving closer to you. The alcohol flowing through your veins felt golden and fizzed with each beat of the music. You looked to George again only to find him already staring at you. It seemed as though there was a golden aura around him. You wanted to reach out and touch it. 
He finally abandoned his conversation with Lee and pushed past people to get to you. It was loud so he had to lean into you to say his hello. You could smell his familiar scent as well as a cologne that made your heart beat just a little faster. 
When you leaned in to talk to him, you put your hand on his shoulder. He was taller than you so you had to slightly raise your toes to reach his ear. Someone pushed past you and in doing so, the front of your body crushed right into George’s. He put his hand out behind your back to keep your balance. 
You looked up at him and saw him gazing down at you. His eyes were dripping with lust. Nothing mattered anymore. The people around you faded to background and the music only became the guitar that pounded throughout the room. His lips met yours with a fire that burned through your skin. Finally. 
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starssaroundmyscarssblog · 1 year ago
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PERCY WEASLEY (masterlist)
others to be added soon
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readergirl923117 · 10 months ago
Headcanon: He doesn’t marry Ginny or Draco but instead he heals from his trauma at the dursleys house and the war and then a couple of years later he married Draco and had a couple of kids along with a shaggy black dog who name was padfoot
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tangerinenotions95 · 10 months ago
Seeing Green MasterList - Draco Malfoy x Reader
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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ilove-cedricdiggory · 2 years ago
Hi All!
Hello, all 503 of you! I took a very long hiatus, and have returned in all of my writing glory to continue certain series, rewrite other ones, and continue with my single posts!
So, if you had a request I never got to, and you still want me to fulfill, or you still want to be tagged when I get back to writing my series, just comment on this post or send me a pm and I would love to get back into the swing of things!
I've missed you all, welcome home.
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harrypotterximagines · 3 years ago
Five Seconds (Draco L. Malfoy) One Shot
In five seconds, a plethora of experiences and memories can be created. In just five seconds, decisions can be made, choices can be changed, and feelings can create. Your eyes burned through tired, sagging skin. Up early in the mornings to attend a list of classes only to go to bed late at night; your routine for seven years. 
Routines become engraved in us, more than just a comforting process to get through the days but a part of our bodies. Like clockwork, you gather your books from the rotting, wooden desk of your last class for the day, a hoard of bodies trying to push their way out the door.
Your stomach growled for dinner and your mind craved rest. The halls were packed with equally tired students lingering for their friends, or simply hanging out and catching up. 
You enjoyed your silence, a personal prance to the Great Hall, watching the world around you unfold as if your body was separate from it all. Feeling foreign and alienated at the end of the day wasn't as bad as one may think. Sometimes you needed that concealed comfort. Sometimes you needed to unwind by watching everyone else live their life while you breezed past them. 
And like clockwork, as you walked down the long corridor lit by old candles stuck to rusted holders, your eyes locked with the coldest thing in the warm atmosphere. Gray eyes burned through numerous bodies, purposefully spotting yours out of the crowd, as if you were the only one in the room. As if your body was on a timer, your breath would involuntarily hitch and your heart would pound wildly against your chest. 
His gray eyes would smolder, a light smirk tracing his cracked, blood-stained lips. His symmetrical face, a God standing out against mortals, entranced you. Draco Malfoy was your physical form of amortentia. 
His dark green tie contrasted his translucent skin, his black cloak adding to the scheme of colors. He didn't even need to try to stand out, he just did. As he approached closer to you, your body pulsed in a pattern, a vibration numbing your skin.
It was as if the concept of time simply no longer existed an everything slowed. The flicker of the candles remained still, the laughter of your fellow classmates began to tone out, and your body moved without your mind telling it to. 
Your shoulders brushed up against his, sending minuscule electric shocks to your brain, reminding you that you are just a simple human compared to this supernatural being. If you listened close enough, you could almost hear him chuckle, a sweet tone to bless your ears. 
Within those five seconds, of every day of every week, you're reminded of your sappy crush on the notorious Draco Malfoy.
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haileygarciasunshine · 4 years ago
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader
Written: January 6th, 2021
Posted: January 6th, 2021
Warning: None.
Word Count: 1,033
Summary: The reader receives a break up howler.
Draco Malfoy Masterlist
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"I’ll see you after last period.” Your boyfriend spoke, littering kisses along your cheeks.
Frowning, you had forgotten you already made plans. Pulling back slightly, you dropped your gaze to the ground. “I...uh...I already have plans.” You muttered.
“What? With who?”
“With...With Draco...” Your voice trailed off. Quickly, you dared to gauge his reaction. His nose was flaring, as his eyes hardened.
“Again?” He spat. “That’s the tenth time this week and it’s only Tuesday!”
Flinching at his words, you shrugged.
His anger began seeping out of him, as fear washed over you. Taking a step back from him, you felt yourself on high alert.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you quickly rushed out of his room into the Hogwarts corridors. As you made your way through the halls, tears had begun sliding down your cheeks.
Glancing back over your shoulder, you weren’t paying attention to where you were going. It didn’t take long before you rang straight into someone.
Whirling around, you began apologizing before you got a look at who the culprit was.
“I’m so sorry...I...I wasn’t watching-”
“Y/N?” Draco’s voice questioned. “Are you alright?” His voice laced with concern.
“I...I..” You stuttered as you lifted your gaze to his. Frowning, the tears began forming in your eyes. “No.” You shook your head before a sob wracked through your body. Before you could stop yourself you hurled yourself at Draco.
Wrapping his arms around you, he rubbed your upper back in an attempt to soothe you. It wasn’t much longer before he began cooing in your ear.
“You’re okay.” 
“It’ll be okay.”
You clung onto his robe for dear life, as you sobbed into his chest.
Reaching up, he cradled the back of your head as he pulled you impossibly closer to him, as you stood in the middle of the hallway clinging to each other.
Sighing, you made your way towards the Gryffindor table. Finding the Golden Trio, you sat beside Hermione during breakfast.
Sitting with food on your plate, you moved it around with your fork as you let out sigh after sigh.
Someone had slipped a red envelope beside you. Gazing around, you attempted to see the person who had placed it by you. Shrugging, you opened it.
“Y/N Y/L/N.” The Howler hissed.
Gasping, you gazed at the red floating envelope before you.
“How could you cheat on me? And with all people, Draco Malfoy.” It spat. The voice in the Howler was your boyfriend’s you recognized. 
“I can’t believe you would do such a thing. Betraying my trust...”
As the Howler went on and on, the more people turned to watch or listen. Heat began dancing along your cheeks, as you locked eyes with Draco.
Once it had ripped itself up, the great hall seemed to have ceased all its conversations to listen in.
Gazing around the room, everyone’s eyes seemed to be on you. Feeling your palms sweat, you stood up before bolting out of the Great Hall.
Rushing through the hallways, you hadn’t heard the sound of footsteps following you.
“Y/N, wait!” Draco called from behind you.
Coming to an abrupt halt, Draco wasn’t expecting caused him to crash into you almost causing you both to tumble to the ground.
“I’m so sorry.” You spoke. “I...I didn’t mean to get you caught up in this.” You muttered, dropping your gaze to the ground.
Grasping your jaw, he lifted it forcing you to look up at him.
“I got involved because I wanted to.” His voice sounding like silk. “I...I have feelings for you, Y/N.”
“You do?” You questioned with a raised eyebrow.
Draco scoffed before rolling his eyes. “Why do you think I wanted to spend so much time with you? Surely not because I’m bad a Divination.”
Finding yourself at a loss for words, your jaw hung open slightly. Draco took a couple of steps towards you which allowed his chest to be snug against yours. Leaning down, he rested his forehead against yours as your breaths begun to mingle. Nudging your nose gently with his, he tilted his head.
“Can I kiss you?” He breathed out.
You hummed. “Yes.”
Placing his lips gently on yours, the was short and sweet. Pulling back slightly, Draco attempted to gauge your reaction. Leaning back in, he nipped at your bottom lip, before sucking it. A pleasurable gasp fell from your lips. 
Placing your lips back on his, you took his bottom lip between yours before you lightly bit it. Moving back slightly you took his lip with you, earning a groan from him. Releasing his lip, it snapped back in place. Your hands found their way to his robe, grasping his waist in hopes of keeping him in place. His hands laced in your hair, holding you to him.
Taking a few steps back, your back collided with the cool wall of the hallway. Gasping, your mouth fell open allowing Draco to slip his tongue in. You moaned at the sudden contact.
Sliding your tongue against his, it was his turn to moan. Closing your lips around it, you sucked gently causing Draco to release a deep groan. One of his hands that was interlaced in your hair, slid down cradling your jaw in the process. Sliding further down, he wrapped his hand gently around your throat, giving it a soft squeeze.
Groaning, you pulled away letting your head rest against the wall. Placing kisses along your cheeks, he nipped along your jaw before placing open-mouthed kisses along your throat, alternating between kissing and sucking. It wasn’t long before the column of your throat was littered with love bites.
“Mr. Malfoy! Miss Y/L/N!” 
Gasping, you gazed at each other with winded eyes, before Draco turned slightly leaving his body to cover a majority of yours.
Gazing around the boy, you were face to face with one of the many teachers at Hogwarts.
“Detention! Both of you!”
Draco turned around, gazing downward at you. A grin made it’s way to his lips in the process. Having a hunch of what he might be smiling about, you returned his grin before grasping his hand. Bolting down the hallway, a fit of chuckles and giggles could be heard.
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malfoyheartsgranger · 4 years ago
Love You Through It
Summary: In which George Weasley tries to spare his lover.
A/N: I thought this fic was going to go in a very different direction, but as I wrote, I just . . . well, kept writing. And as I did, the story changed in my mind, and this is the product. Don’t even know what else to say.
Warnings: mentions of death, argument, food
Word Count: 3.7k
. . .
George Weasley had not been the same since the war.
This was to be expected, of course. His best friend, his twin brother, had been killed, and how could he possibly be the same with his other half missing?
The short answer was that he could not.
The long answer, however—the real answer,—was that he really did try. For weeks after the Battle of Hogwarts, George Weasley thought for sure he would never be happy again. His joke shop was mere metres below his own feet at every moment, and yet he could never bring himself to down the flight of stairs leading to the shop. Instead, someone else took care of the logistics and cancelled the coming inventory when she realized Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes would not be back in business for quite a while. This was the same person who made sure George always had a glass of water on his bedside table and who checked in on him every hour or so just to see if he had found the energy to wake. Each morning, she slipped into George’s room from her temporary sleeping spot on the living room couch, and spread open the curtains that she had drawn the night before, just in case George awoke and reached for the sunlight. In the early days, she did not realize just how long it would be until he would do so.
. . .
It was May 29 of 1998, twenty-seven days after George had lost Fred, when he realized this wonderful woman, his beautiful Y/N, had lost people too. George fancied himself a relatively empathetic person, but in the pain of losing his brother, he had forgotten that his girlfriend deserved the same care she had gifted to him. She never had a chance to mourn: since day one, it was her providing for George, and he was too consumed with his own grief to see it. However, when George awoke on that morning near the end of such a terrible month, he saw the clothes laid out and the window cracked open for what they truly were: Y/N’s love.
She had known not to push him in the beginning. Perhaps just the suggestion of a shower here and there, or an offer of dinner. But recently things had been different. She knew what George needed—she knew better than anyone—and he could not have been more grateful in that moment for the sunlight streaming through the open blinds and the sounds of Diagon Alley slipping through the cracked open window. When he sat up in bed, he could have sworn his head spun around one thousand times.
Maybe it was during this momentary loss of consciousness that George Weasley’s brain opened wide enough to realize he would never deserve Y/N Y/L/N.
He had told her countless times before, of course, but always out of adoration and genuine confusion on how he landed such a perfect woman. She had been there through everything, and George knew that if he did not take action, she would continue to suffer for him. He had been a horrid partner up to this point, and he could not allow himself comfort at her expense. After all, he would never be the same, so what was the point of keeping her waiting around for her George to come back?
. . .
At the sound of creaking floorboards, Y/N instantly shot up from her spot at the kitchen table. She had just finished making breakfast and was enjoying her share of the eggs she made. Her share, George figured, because there was another plate of food sitting at the other end of the table. A brief moment of selfish panic crossed his mind at the thought of her lovingly preparing something for anyone other than himself.
He lifted his gaze from the plate of eggs and toast when Y/N cleared her throat.
“George,” she whispered. Her body seemed to unconsciously back up, sending her chair skidding across the wooden floor. She nearly moved to approach him but thought better of it, deciding to merely gesture toward the empty spot across from her. She knew him well. “There’s food,” she said.
“For me?” George asked with a hitch in his throat at the effort of speaking after so many weeks of silence.
“Of course. Who else?” Y/N replied, shaking her head. “Although I usually bring it into your room and just leave it there, and sometimes when I come back it’s gone, and other times you’ve hardly touched it, but obviously you know that. After all you’re the one that eats-”
George cut off her nervous rambling with a silent nod and took a seat, thinking even further about how he could never make up for what he had put her through. Y/N’s mouth snapped shut, and she stared as he lifted his fork. Apparently deciding he was not going to flee, she sat back down as well. As he took small, slow bites, George noticed that Y/N had not moved from her straight-backed, hands-on-her-lap position. He looked up to meet her eyes and was greeted with a hesitant smile.
George spoke suddenly. “You don’t have to be so tense, Y/N. I’m not going to go feral.”
Without knowing what her reaction should be, Y/N let out a timid laugh that made her lips quiver and moved her hands to the top of the table. “I guess I just wasn’t expecting to see you today.”
“Yes, well, I figured there were some things I needed to talk to you about,” George explained. This was a shock to both of them, George jumping into things right away. Well, he had never been the kind to wait around for things to happen: he always made them happen. While Y/N was surely taken aback, only George knew the true gravity of his words. “After breakfast.”
“Certainly,” Y/N conceded, allowing George whatever time he wanted or needed to take to discuss what was on his mind, even if it was something as simple as wishing for an additional piece of toast or salt for his eggs. Y/N was not the best cook, but she definitely tried, especially for George. She made him the same breakfast she herself ate every morning, along with any other meal she prepared, and when he did not eat it worried her. She had been so incredibly relieved when she entered his room five days after the battle and noticed that he had taken a bite of his toast. It was a step up from eating nothing. And every day, she made him food that she hoped and prayed he would eat. She would do anything for him, just as she knew he would do the same for her.
She could not have known that in his own mind, George was doubting if he ever could have acted out of care for her in the same manner that she had for him. There was a small seed of doubt, and although George Weasley seemed the farthest thing from a worrier, when it came to Y/N, he was constantly and painfully aware of his inadequacies. And he would convince her of them, if it was the last thing he said to her.
. . .
Y/N had stared at him while he ate the rest of his meal, a feat she was both shocked and unsurprised that he could accomplish. He and his brothers had always been big eaters, but the past few weeks had proven just how little George could survive on. Y/N thought that his stomach had surely shrunk in the time since the war.
What had not diminished in even the slightest was Y/N’s complete and utter admiration for her lover. While he scolded himself for being so weak, she marveled at how strong he had remained through it all. Sure, he had taken some much needed time to recuperate, but not even one half of the infamous Weasley Twins could heal from such a heartbreak in a matter of days. And his healing would not be finished, but Y/N couldn’t help but hope that his actions today were a telling sign of what was to come.
Just as she began to smile to herself, George cleared his throat and pushed his now empty plate away, eliciting an ear-shattering screech as it ran along the wooden dining table. His sudden movement shocked Y/N back into reality, and she recalled George’s concerned tone when he had said they needed to discuss some things. Certainly nothing could be worse than what had already happened to them, so why should she worry?
And yet, as sure as she was that nothing could ever hurt her more than seeing her Georgie with a broken heart, his next words came near.
“You know I’m not one to dance around anything,” he began in a timid murmur. When Y/N moved her attention to George rather than his empty plate, she could not see his hands, and knowing him, she assumed they were under the table twiddling with each others’ thumbs, just as he did every time he seemed particularly anxious. What he could be anxious about, she could not know, but she had spent more than enough time around George Weasley to recognize his tells, and the fact that they were apparent led her to jump to the worst conclusions. “I especially don’t when it comes to you, because, well, I just think you always deserve honesty. And this is something I’ve been thinking about- well, not for a long time, I suppose, but for long enough in my mind-”
“George,” she cut him off, causing him to shift his attention from the top of the table to her eyes, which at this point were nervously flitting around the room. Before she spoke her next words, she focused again on the man seated across from her. “What is it?”
George inhaled a deep breath, which, if even possible, made Y/N more nervous, recognizing that he was steeling himself for something. “This past month, you have been so good to me, Y/N,” he said, looking down once more. “So good. And I will never be able to completely express how grateful I am for you. I never would have thought I could be sitting here at a dining table having a conversation only weeks after . . .” George drifted off and threw his arms onto the table, crossing them to create a pillow for his head which quickly followed suit. Y/N had known this situation was too good to be true: of course George would not magically wake up one day and be able to discuss the war. But no matter how long she had cared for him at his worst, she would never feel any less heartbroken at seeing him in a state of devastation. With his hands now in sight, Y/N reached across the table and gently laid one of hers on top of his, and at this, he peeked up at her through his lashes and sighed. George parted his lips and shut them again, and Y/N could see his mind working through his own thoughts. With another exhale, George continued, this time maintaining eye contact.
She deserves at least that, he figured.
With a somewhat stinging smile, George shook his head. “See now this is exactly what I mean. Here I am working up to tell you to leave me, and your priority is-”
George ceased his speech immediately, realizing his mistake. He shut his eyes for a moment. “Y/N,” he began.
“No,” she interrupted again. “What the hell are you on about, George?”
“That’s not what I meant, Y/N. If you would just-”
Y/N rose from her chair, sending it sliding across the floor, just as she had earlier, although this time her shock came from a drastically different place than when she had seen George for what seemed like the first time in months. The harsh sound silenced them both, and Y/N stood with a seething stare. How dare George come back to her just to try and get rid of her moments later? He was absolutely unbelievable, and she would stand for no such thing.
During an eternal minute of silence in which both parties considered their next move, Y/N’s brain ventured across a horrible thought. The most horrible one she had ever encountered, to be quite honest. And in a moment of vulnerability, she voiced it.
“Do you . . .” she whispered. Cleared her voice. Tried again. “Do you not love me anymore?”
“No!” George replied, shouting out his answer before Y/N could even finish her question. “No, no, of course it’s not that, darling. It’s anything but that.”
Her anger returned. “Then what could possibly be the issue? What more could we ever need?”
George at least granted her a sympathetic look, tilting his head to the side, perhaps attempting to shake around his thoughts in the hopes that they would come together to form a sentence. But when it came to Y/N, George Weasley’s brain was always mush.
“I just can’t be the man you need me to be anymore,” he decided to respond.
“George, you must know I don’t expect you to go back to normal right away,” Y/N reasoned, with much more compassion in her voice and demeanor than before.
George stood abruptly. “No, Y/N, I mean ever. I’ll never be the same, and that’s not fair to you in the slightest. If I can spare you any more pain than I’ve already caused . . . Well, I have to. I owe that to you.”
Without responding, Y/N collected her and George’s dishes from the table and brought them around to the sink. George stood still, simply watching her movements, completely mesmerized as he was by everything she did. Even in this moment, when he knew that although he was trying to do the right thing and was failing miserably, Y/N still responded with just the right amount of grace and fire.
After dropping the plates and silverware into the sink and allowing them to clatter for a moment, Y/N gripped the edge of the porcelain, and even from across the room, George could see how the bumps of her knuckles turned white. She sniffed once and tilted her head back to look at the ceiling of their flat.
“You once told me you’ve loved me since third year,” she whispered. But George could still hear her. He always heard her.
The redheaded man nodded, not disagreeing at all with her statement. “And I have.”
“And do you think I haven’t changed since then?” With a deep breath, Y/N twirled around and crossed her arms over her chest. “Do you think I’m the same as I was when we met?”
George gave a slight shake of his head, yet still replied, “It’s not the same.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows and let out a mirthless bark. “It’s not the same?” she asked. “Of course it’s not the same, George, but what could be? Do you forget that Cedric Diggory and I were friends? That I told him to ask Cho to the Yule Ball because I knew them both so well? That I cheered him on during every Triwizard event? Do you not remember that yourself and Fr-” she paused, trying not to let her passion outweigh her empathy for George’s condition. “When yourself and your brother had to distract me with pranks because his death took such a toll on me, and not even gifting the nastiest batch of Puking Pastilles to Draco Malfoy could cheer me up?” Y/N looked down at the floor, recalling just how difficult that time had been for her, when Harry Potter had returned with the corpse of one of her best friends, and the world seemed to move on while everything around her came to a standstill. When she introduced herself to young Harry, simply because they shared such a horrible similarity. When she convinced her friends that Voldemort was back, for how could anyone else have defeated someone as powerful and just as the brave Cedric Diggory? When her broken heart was healed by the mischievous George Weasley, and she realized that perhaps her love for him went a bit past that of a friend. “Nothing could compare to what you’ve gone through, George, to the loss that you’ve suffered, but how dare you pretend I know nothing of the heartbreak that comes with losing someone you love.”
George felt horrible. Of course he remembered that. As awful as what happened to Diggory was, it brought him and Y/N together, and a part of him would always hold some twisted sort of gratitude for it. “Of course that’s-”
“That’s not what you meant, I know.” She waved him away. “But my point is, George, I have changed. Not just because of Cedric, but because of so many other things. And you have loved me through all of them.” Y/N brushed her hair behind her shoulder and stepped away from the kitchen sink to approach George. Taking both of his hands in hers, she begged him, “Let me love you through this.”
As George’s eyes brimmed with tears, he could not help but think of how his brother—how Fred—would smirk at him in the moment, but later, in private, admit that he was glad he found Y/N.
“Even if she was best friends with both of us and chose the worse twin,” he would say with a cheeky wink from across the counter of their joke shop, probably while he restocked love potions or some other form of hijinx, “I still think she’s good for you. Amazing, really.”
And then he would spike George’s drink with a crushed up hiccough sweet for him to drink right before his date with Y/N, and George would curse him and love him for it all the same. It would be irritating, but he and Y/N would laugh about it, and that was always Fred’s way.
And in that moment, perhaps only that one, George realized that as hesitant as she was to say it, Y/N missed Fred, too. After all, they had once been a trio, and she had lost him just as much as George had. George had grasped earlier that morning that she lost people in the war but had been too focused on his own pain to understand that they had lost the same people.
When George looked up at Y/N from his previous gaze on their linked hands, he noticed that she was looking at him with tears in her own eyes. She had been thinking the same thing, that while her world had been revolving around George’s wellbeing, she had not been as kind to herself as she deserved. Fred and George would always have a relationship unique to themselves, but that didn’t mean Y/N wasn’t a part of their friendship. In fact, she was a big part, and therefore she was missing a big part of herself. So at the same time George exited his nightmarish reverie, Y/N too reentered reality. And their hands were still linked. As they had been through this all, even if they had not known it.
“I couldn’t leave you, Georgie,” Y/N murmured. “Even if you pushed me right out the door and down the staircase.”
George laughed for what seemed like the first time in years, and he was surprised at how genuine it sounded to his own ears. Standing in the kitchen of the flat he used to share with his best friend in the whole world, George was reminded of Fred in the best way possible: laughter.
Y/N seemed to think the same thing, for despite the wetness pooling in her eyes, she smiled up at her lover and gave him a small nod. “You’re going to be okay, George,” she assured him, only because she knew so herself.
“We’re going to be okay,” George corrected her. He squeezed her hands and spun them around so that Y/N could sit on the kitchen chair while George kneeled on the ground. He lowered her down with his hands and then placed them on the top of her legs. As he traced small shapes on the knobs of her knees, George muttered, “I’m never trying to do the noble thing again.”
Y/N laughed, this time with real humor. “Promise?”
“Pinky swear,” George said, hooking his pinky finger around hers.
She cupped his face in her hands. “And even if it’s the evil thing to do, never try to get rid of me again, okay? Nothing could ever make me leave you. Nothing could ever make me stop loving you.”
“And if something dreadful happens in the future?” George asked with a serious tone.
“I’ll stay. I’ll never leave.”
With a much lighter voice, George wondered, “What if fifty years from now, when we’re old and grey, our favorite cat runs away and we find out some nasty little boy found it and kept it for himself? Or maybe a dog, I haven’t thought that far ahead, to be completely honest with you. I’d even be fine with a hamster if that’s what you wanted-”
“George,” Y/N said. “Even if something as foul as that were to happen to us, we could figure it out. Together this time. No more making decisions by yourself.”
Pushing his joke aside, George leant forward as hastily as he could to place a lingering kiss on Y/N’s lips. He poured every ounce of love he possibly could into that kiss, and as Y/N sighed into him with the relief of his mouth on hers once again, George Weasley knew he was the luckiest man alive. Because he knew that in the coming years, they would each face more heartbreak. It was inevitable. But neither of them would be alone. And they would always have someone to love them through it.
. . .
my stories
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wordsarelife · 6 months ago
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pairing: draco malfoy x fem!reader
summary: draco and you always come back to each other, sneaking around in secret, unable to let go, even though it’s getting harder to hide and maybe you're not willing to keep the secret any longer
warnings: slight angst but ends in fluff, height difference mentioned
your back was leaning against the castle's wall, arms crossed, you quirked a brow at the boy across from you. he was spotting a similiar expression, his arms crossed like you and face in a deep frown, unmoving as you nodded for him to talk.
"i'm not gonna apologize first" you shrugged, deciding to have it like this if he wanted to be difficult.
"well, me neither" he spat, voice venomous as he looked at you unimpressed, your threat not having the least bit of effect on him. "i wouldn't even know what for"
"you were the one that came back, draco" you reminded. "we agreed that whoever came back first had to apologize"
"well, i'm not doing that"
"then i'm not kissing you" you shrugged, turning your body as if to leave, before his hand grabbed your shoulder, turning you back around in a swift motion.
before you could protest or say anything else about his sudden action, his lips were on yours, pulling you in through the feeling that evaporated in your body.
you moaned into his mouth, not even caring that he didn't apologize, as he pressed you against the wall.
draco and you came from completely different worlds. he was a proud slytherin, someone that valued social standing and reputation above everything else.
you were a gryffindor, hanging along the golden trio most of the time, but basically being friends with everyone, no matter who they were or from which family they came. you didn't mind as long as you liked them.
draco and you had hated each other from the first encounter on. arrogant as he was, he had introduced himself to harry, muttering something about the wrong kind of people (eyeing ron and you) he had chosen to spend his time with.
you rivalry reached it's peak during third year when hermione had hit him and you had caught him days later as he was trying to throw something into her cauldron during potions class. you had slapped his hand back, resulting in him breathing in whatever he had held in there and spending a week in the infirmary, throwing up hours on end.
you gained two weeks of detention from snape, but quickly decided it was worth it, considering you had saved your friend from an even worse fate.
but the real change of your relationship had begun during fourth year. you had noticed that he grew into his looks and you couldn't believe it, but his cockiness actually attracted you.
draco continued making no secret of disliking you and your friends, but you noticed his eyes linger on you longer than they had before.
it had been a week of constant fighting, hormones high and upcoming exams stressing the both of you, where one thing had led to another and you found yourselves in shared detention with professor mcgonagall who punished you to sort through and clean her classroom.
"this is all your fault" draco muttered, cloth in hand as he rubbed it along the table, that picked the water up quickly.
"sure" you nodded with a role of your eyes. the row of goblets in front of you, used for the first year classes, turning out to be a particular hard thing to clean. "as if you didn't start the fight"
"i merely concluded obvious information"
"pff" you made, sending him a glare across the room. "that's not what i would call it"
"let's hear it then, genius"
"i'd call it an uneven distribution of arrogance and stupidity" you smiled smugly as you set down another goblet in front of you.
"you take that back!" draco let go off the cloth in his hand and dashed across the room, pushing his hands to his hips and looking down on you as if to try and dare you to say more.
"no" you shook your head, rising up from your chair so you were on an even level with him.
"one last chance, l/n"
"or what? you will send daddy to straigthen me out?" you puffed air out between your lips, not even caring about his answer. "you've been using the same empty threats for years, malfoy, it's honestly gotten boring at this point."
his eyes widened, switching to collect the glimmer of your lips as a memory and before he could properly think of what he was doing, he had closed the space between you, kissing you softly.
it had taken exactly ten seconds for both of you to realize what had happened, quickly breaking apart.
"you just kissed me!" you muttered stunned, pointing an accusing finger in his direction.
"you kissed me" he shook his head, just as shocked as you, as he tried to remember what had happened exactly.
"no" you corrected firmly. "i'm not taking the blame for this mess. this is solely on you"
"you kissed back though" he concluded, with a final nod. "don't ever do that again"
"well, okay?" you shrugged "i won't as long as you don't ever kiss me again"
the tension between you was palpable, as you kept holding eye contact, no one of you moving as both of you tried to find out what the kiss would mean for your relationship, or more so lack of, moving forward.
it had been a sudden decision, maybe because you had spent all your years at school trying to one up draco malfoy, but you didn't think twice, before you pushed your mouth against his once more.
this time the kiss lasted longer and both of you had to catch your breath.
"i thought i told you to never do that again"
you nodded, before you smirked, "you said i should never kiss you back"
"yeah" he nodded, admitting that you hadn't done anything he had forbidden. "and you said i should never kiss you again"
"never is such a harsh word" you shrugged and just half a second later you were kissing once more, your hands gliding into his neck as you pressed him closer.
what began that day in the classroom accompanied you through the school years that followed. you and draco would put on a facade in front of your friends and pretend like you still couldn't stand each other, which was, to be honest, not even far from the truth considering he still constantly annoyed you. all while you would meet in secret, sneaking around the castle and hooking up with each other behind everyone's back.
apart from sleeping with each other not much changed between you. you never declared what you did to be a relationship, although both of you never met other people.
draco was the one constant through your teenage years. sometimes you would go longer without the other, but you would always come back, like a drug you couldn't stop taking even if it had the potential to destroy you in the end.
draco ended the kiss, pressing his forehead against your own. "sorry" he muttered and you furrowed your brows in surprise.
he had never apologised before, even if that was your rule. he would always suck up for a while, until you finally accepted that he was somewhat sorry, without actually saying it.
"hmm" you hummed, pressing one more kiss against his mouth, before you broke away and grabbed your bag off the floor. "we've got herbology"
draco nodded and turned around, picking up his own bag. "i'll go around the courtyard, you'll go now"
"sure" he softly grabbed your neck with his hand, bringing you close again and kissing you, more passionately than the moment allowed. you were way too flustered when he let go off you, but he just nodded for you to go. so you did.
you kept thinking about him for the rest of the day. through the whole herbology class, most of potions class and even charms, which was you favorite subject.
it hadn't been yesterday when you realized that you maybe didn't still find him as annoying as you did back when you were children. that you had maybe even grown fond of him a little, or whatever it was that you had.
and there was a stupid part of you that longed for more. for more of whatever it was.
what you had enjoyed at first, was now the part you hated most about your little arrangement. sneaking around, lying to your friends and always keeping something from them, while they viewed you as family, as someone they knew everything about.
you just wanted them to know and maybe you also wanted to know if he would stay. stay at the possibility of people finding out about you.
all that went through your head until the next day. and realistically you knew he wasn't what you wanted him to be. you knew draco well enough. he would never agree to go public, much less to even be in a relationship with you.
so it was pretty clear what you had to do.
you knew that it was the right decision in the long run. for both of you.
you met in the same hallway. you were leaning against the wall when he arrived, a distant smile on his face, that only really broke out when his eyes fell on you.
"hey" he muttered. you let him kiss you, before he stepped back, leaning across from you.
"hi" you said, testing the waters. he furrowed his brows and crossed his arms.
"what is it?" he asked unimpressed. he was used to you berating him for something he had said or done the day before. most often it was something regarding your friends and even though he never admitted it, you noticed his behaviour change, when you had been angry about something.
"nothing" you averted your eyes. you could hear him step forward, on edge, not used to the sadness in your voice.
times you had been apart came normally right after you had fought with each other. always screaming loudly, having found something to be annoyed about, before you decided not to see each other anymore, until one of you eventually came back.
"tell me" draco urged, the calmness in his voice long gone. "did something happen?" normally you would have made fun of him for his unusual care, but now you even felt sorry about it.
"i don't think we should continue to see each other" you shrugged, acting as if you didn't even care.
draco laughed, or rather puffed out air through his nose, before he shook his head. "i told you i was sorry"
"it's not about that"
"then what?" he stepped even closer. "something with you friends? i didn't even really see them yesterday"
"that's not it, draco"
there were a few seconds of silence, before he sighed loudly. "is it a guy?"
"okay, so you're just doing this? for what?" he threw his arms up, like he couldn't understand anything anymore. "you'll come back anyway"
you didn't answer anything, staring at him blankly, not having the strength to even say it out loud. without you wanting him to, he caught the uncertainty in your eyes.
"..you'll come back" he repeated, voice low. "right?"
"draco" you sighed, not knowing what to tell him.
"no, don't be like that" he shook his head and you saw that he was trying hard not to show you how much he cared. "don't act like you have to console me, don't act like you're breaking up with me"
"i'm not" you nodded. "but i'm not coming back either"
he pushed his hands into the pockets of his trousers, not even looking at you when you picked up your bag. you tried to catch his eyes, but it was to no avail. so you just walked away, not even knowing if you felt relieved or sad at the predicament that he would never be coming close to you again.
you walked through the halls of the castle and opened the door to the courtyard. the weather had turned rainy, thick clouds hanging over the towers of the castle, hiding them in the white air. the rain hit the ground mercilessly and you realized too late that it had been a stupid idea to walk across.
"you can't just do that" the voice behind you was so sudden and loud that your bag almost hit the wet ground beneath you.
draco caught up with you quickly, not caring about the rain one bit.
"what?" you asked, continuing your quick walk through the yard. but admittedly it was to no use, considering that you were already wet to the bones.
draco grabbed your shoulder, making you halt in your step and turn to look at him. "you can't just decide that" he said "it's not your decision to make"
"it's not yours either"
"why are you like that?" he ignored your previous answer. "i thought you liked this"
"i did" you nodded, seeing no reason to lie. "until i didn't"
"what does that even mean?" draco pushed his wet hair back annoyed. he wasn't able to understand you and scarily enough, that was the first time in years he failed to read what was going on with you.
"that means that we have to stop seeing each other"
"but why?"
you ignored him, moving your arm so he lost his grip on you, walking further through the wet garden. draco followed you.
"why?" he repeated, "what do you want me to do?"
"nothing, draco, it's fine"
"if this is some psychological trick, i swear to god"
"it's not, draco" your voice became louder, trying to drain out the rain that muffled it. "just forget about me"
"what if i can't?" he had stopped moving, staring at you blankly when you turned around. you had never seen him like this. so vulnerable, so honest.
"it didn't even matter" you simply said, "it was nice for a while, but it's over now"
"so you just decided that?"
"but it wasn't just nice" he came closer, his face painfully twisted, as if to try and see your reaction to it. to get something from you. to see if it really didn't matter. "it was different. it wasn't just something"
"then what was it?" you pushed him to say more, to hear what you needed to for so long. "tell me why it was different? i thought you hated me"
"i did everything but that" he muttered and you had a hard time understanding him.
"why did you never say that before?" you asked, stray tears mixing with the rain on your face. "why are you so desperately trying to convince me of something you would've denied if i had asked you before? why didn't it matter before? why didn't you say something sooner?" your voice evolved into a scream, begging him to answer.
"why do you think i always came back?" he matched the loudness of your voice, anger blending with desperation as his blue eyes crashed into yours.
"why do you think i did?"
"i thought you knew" he shook his head, not understanding how it had come so far he had to explain it to you. "i thought i made it clear"
"thought you made what clear?" you asked, your voice louder than his, as he had grown more quiet. "that you didn't hate me? tolerated me even? that you—“
"that i fucking love you" his scream made you shut up immediately, eyes wide as you stared at him. "and maybe i should've actually said that or maybe i'm not what you want anymore—"
"what did you think would happen? did you think i would just accept it? not knowing how you really feel?"
"no" he shook his head "but i had hoped you would stay until i finally gathered up the courage to say it"
"how long?"
he sighed, looking annoyingly sweet as raindrops fell down from his hair and onto his cheeks. he looked like he was crying in an artful way. beautiful even, you thought, as you kept your eyes on his face like your life depended on it.
"mcgonagalls detention in fourth year"
"you couldn't have possibly loved me back then"
"maybe i didn't" he shrugged "but it was the first time i felt like this, when you kissed me"
"you kissed me" you corrected, but unable to stop the smile from breaking out.
"well, what do you say?"
"you want to hear it back?" you asked.
"preferably yes, but for now a sorry would do"
"for now, a hot shower would do" you rolled your eyes. "alone"
"and after that?" his voice lost a bit of it's cockiness, returning back to the insecurity it had held a few minutes before, "what then?"
you pressed your lips against his and he took the kiss with surprise, before he reciprocated it.
you pulled back, looking up at him, drenched from head to toe, but absolutely beautiful in his eyes.
"i'll come back"
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mastermindmiko · 7 months ago
The Ear that wasn't
pairing: George Weasley + reader
word count: 1,312
warning: injuries, death and it's a bit angst
Summary: After the battle of the seven (eight) Potters, George becomes distant, and you decide to find out why
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After moving to the Burrow, things have changed. Everyone’s more sombre, and the world seems a little darker. The impending doom of Voldemort’s terror a bit more real. Madeye died and Hedwig as well when we were attacked while moving from Privet Drive to here. It was fun pretending to be Harry for a bit, the polyjuice potion wreaked and tasted awful, but looking like someone else was amusing, that was before death eaters started throwing spells left and right at least. 
The most noticeable change in my life was the distance that George has been placing between us for a month since we came here. The first two days I stayed by his side while he was recovering from becoming ‘holey’. We couldn’t bring any medics to the Burrow, so we all had to make due with our collective medical knowledge; finding spells to ease the pain, recalling how to put on a proper bandaid, and how to stop the blood from gushing. 
Fred and I were riding together, and went to the Burrow via another route along with the others in order to confuse the death eaters as to who was Harry while George was getting hit with a sectumsempra. We arrived at the Burrow and there seeing Hermione’s sad expression looking at me and Fred made my heart lurch to my throat. I couldn’t recall a time I’d run faster inside to find George lying on the sofa. 
I spent the first few days tending to him, and spending as much time near him as possible, mostly due to the nature of our relationship and also to take care of him. We’d only gotten news about his ear when we finally reached madame pomfrey (a trustworthy person) who told us that George wouldn’t be able to get his ear back. I’d expected it, but George seemed heartbroken. 
I stayed behind after dinner, tidying up the table at a slower pace than usual, watching as George cleared the cups too. His movement is precise but never without a little whimsy. The bandage is still wrapped around his head, and he starts shoving cups between the crook of his elbow to hold more in one go. I clear my throat, “How do you feel?” 
I sigh, knowing how curt all his replies have been. He heads into the kitchen and I continue to stack the rest of the plates before waving my wand, sending them into the kitchen. I walk behind them and point my wand into the sink, allowing them to gracefully pile up inside. The magical tools get to work and start rinsing. 
I look into the living room first looking for George, and I see him sitting on the couch twirling around his wand, and staring off deep in thought. Madame Pomfrey had informed us that his (additional) lack of focus could occur due to the concussion and spell, as well as some loss of balance. I gulped, “Do you need anything?” 
“No.” He grumbles, and leans back sinking into the sofa. I walk closer to him and take a seat beside him. He doesn’t bother to spare me a glance. I bit my lip and hesitantly said, “We can go take a nap for a bit in the room if you’d like?” 
“I don’t need you fussing over me.” George snaps, and I purse my lips, used to this attitude from him over the past month. I shuffled closer to him, and confessed, “I’m not fussing over you, I just want to spend time with you.” 
He sets his wand aside and sighs. He puts his head in his hands, hunching over his thighs. The fire crackles and fills up the silence between us. I place a comforting hand on his back, stroking his skin, feeling the soft material of his shirt and his vertebrae. He sighs once more, and deep in thought he whispers, “Why?” 
“Because you’re my boyfriend.” I chuckle at the absurd question, even when he wasn’t I loved spending time with him. He looks at me, palm holding his cheek, and my amusement dies down from seeing his miserable eyes, and wrinkled eyebrows. My hand lifts from his back and moves to his hand. I ask, “What’s going on, George?” 
“I-” he stutters, and looks away. I squeeze his hand supportively, and he closes his eyes. I let all the thoughts that have been jumping around in my head stay for a second of all the things he could say, the most prominent being: I don’t love you anymore. He sucks in a breath and turns back to lock into my eyes. He mused, “I’m not good-looking anymore, and I don’t want you to not want me.” 
I blink, and process. George, the ever confident, forever handsome, cocky and funny George Weasley doesn’t think he’s good-looking anymore. What would even make him think- oh…the accident. I say, “Is this about your ear?” 
He looks away once more and I know that it’s the truth. I start rubbing comforting shapes over the back of his hand, and I reach over to grab his other hand. I protested, “I don’t think you’ll ever stop being good-looking, not to me.” 
He scoffs, not believing my words. I could see his eyes begin to have a slight shine to them. I pout at his expression, and I drop his hand to reach over and cup his cheek. I turn his head towards me, and brush my thumb over his cheekbones. He let out a bitter chuckle before he smiled, sputtering, “I’m practically deformed.” 
I smile at him, and give him a look. I lean into him, smelling his familiar scent that I haven’t been able to smell in a while. The wood and biscuits engulf my senses. I kiss his lips, and his eyes flutter momentarily to a close. I let my lips linger near his before pulling away and watching his closed eyes as he sighs before looking back at me. I whisper, pulling his face to mine, “Even if you were a troll, I’d still love you George.” 
He gulps and checks my eyes for any glimmer of a lie. He leans into my hand, and pouts. He relaxes looking at my face before slowly turning his head to press a kiss to my inner palm. His lips linger and he cups my hand with both of his. He kisses it again before adding, “I don’t want you to not be attracted to me.” 
“You’re plenty attractive George with or without two ears.” I commented. He squeezes my hand, the warmth of his fingers spreading to mine, providing a comforting head during the dead of winter. I convince, “And I believe that there’s more to our relationship than just your looks, George. There’s your wit, and your kindness, and your humour- and I could go on for so long, so you’ll have to stop me, and your smile and laugh, your courage-” 
“I get it, I get it.” George chuckles, and pulls our intertwined hands back up to his lips to press a kiss on each of my knuckles, feeling his warm breath on my hand and the softness of his lips on each of my knuckles. He gazes at me sincerely and says, “Thank you.” 
“It’s only the truth.” I state, and he pulls me into a long and deep hug, resting his head into the crook of my shoulder, giving me kisses whenever he sees fit. My arms still reach after him when he pulls away to say, “I’d also still love you even if you were a troll.” 
“Thank you, that’s good to know.” I laugh, and I finally see that wonderful humorous grin of his. He stands up and encases my hand to pull me up beside him. He presses his lips to mine then suggests, “How about that nap?” 
a/n: I really wanted the gif to be the scene when Harry and Ginny are kissing and he goes "Good morningg", but alas I couldn't find one, so this will have to make do. Hope you liked this one.
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apparentlytheproblem · 2 years ago
Theodore nott x Gryffindor fem! Reader fluff and soft smut she’s reading in his lap while he’s leaning against the bedpost reading with her holding the book and Turing the pages while she keeps reading it and it’s super smutty (maybe the actors spin-off book abt nesta and cassian-) and she just traces his arm veins while they read (and if you decide to make it smutty pls make the reader LOVE LOVE LOVE his hands, abs, arm viens-)
a l l u r i n g
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- theodore nott
a/n: hullo, I have my midterm math exam on Monday so its all rushed and i barely have time to post but this has me screaming and crying all at once. i could not find any hardcore smut from a court of silver flames , I couldn't find any hardcore smut from court of silver flames, I'm so sorry abt that. the scene you're reading out loud is written by none other than @lustingbones, featuring Dick Grayson. I've written her fanfic in cursive so as to not get confused. she has single handedly created an obsession for nightwing in me. here's the link to the inspiration :) requests are forever open, luv, teddy
requested- yes
warnings- mf this is an advanced apology, i've never written smut. i've never even held someone's hand romantically, hell, i can't even keep eye contact, soft smut, fluffy, vulgar language, they both are minors, no protection is mentioned, it might make you uncomfortable, the reading of smut, the writing of smut
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The sleeves of your black satin shirt had already fallen down your arms, the shirt itself was only being held up by two thin chains over your shoulder. it was basically as good as transparent, there wasn't a thing you couldn't see through it.
Theodore had leaned himself on his bedpost, his shirt was long gone. You were reading to him, your legs were on either side of his hips, your ass was cupped by his hand as he found utter joy in this situation. Your breasts were Infront of his face as he struggled not to get hard under you so quickly. Theo was never this grateful for being taller than you, he could just look down at you and get a perfect view. he wanted nothing more than to hold them in his hands and squeeze it or just rip the shirt off at this point.
"He moaned softly at the squelch of your cunt swallowing him, a creamy white ring surrounding the base of his cock every moment he pulled out."
your flingers grazed the hoops of his trousers, hooking them absentmindedly. sometimes they paused and was placed next to his hips.
“D-Dick, p-please baby-” a hitch in your voice. you could feel your pussy, but more than that, you could feel a lump in his pants.
"its so attractive when you say baby like that, but when i fuck you, its gonna be theo" he mumbled by leaning closer to your ear.
all you could do is nod as he signaled for you to continue.
“Gotta breed you baby.. Show all these fuckers that you’re mine and get you pregnant. You’d like that huh? All full with my baby, my cum deep inside this needy lil’ pussy, hm? You want that princess?” You felt him smirk against your skin as he never faltered, his cock reaching so deep inside you–fuck this man would be the end of you."
Theo's eyes were fixated on you. the way your voice was wavering, the way you squeezed your thighs, how a blush crept to your face. he loved how you got so shy with the pregnancy kink. it made him wonder if she had one herself.
"you're into that? why read about it when i can give you the full experience in 6D?"
you tried to waver him off, this was the last thing you needed in this situation
" "All I do is treat you so fuckin’ well, don’t I?” Dick mumbled as his fingers started to toy with your clit, his middle finger rubbing the sensitive nub in circles as he continued his brutal pace on your weeping cunt. “F-fuck..” he whined as he pulled away for a moment to look down at where the two of you were connected, his cum from earlier rounds already starting to pool onto the bedsheets and trailing down your thighs. “S’good to me, ya know that? Such a good girl..” Fuck it was starting to become too much for him, but it felt so fucking good.."
you could feel your own pussy throbbing. If you were being honest to yourself, you were thinking about you and Theodore. your head keeps going to the idea of him saying this to you, doing this to you and feeling him so hard just got you more turned on.
“G-Gonna come, Dee–fuck!” you whimpered as you fell back into the sheets with your face squished against the pillows, gripping the blanket into your hands tightly."
your palm grazed his veiny arms, has he been working out? they've gotten so big..
“F-fuckin’ come baby, come all over this cock..” He coos through clenched teeth, his nails lightly digging into your plush skin as his thrusts sped up."
from palms to fingernails, they slowly trail up his forearm and roamed around his chest.
"Whiney breaths leave your throat as your climax starts building, before the coil in your tummy finally snaps, your juices gushing around him as he let out a whine and threw his head back."
you find yourself adjusting to place your pussy right above his cock. you could see his face trying to not to show any signs of satisfaction. that was all you needed.
“C-Come inside me, Dick–please!” you squeal with your face squished into the pillow to muffle your needy whines as his cock twitched inside you." 
all he could concentrate about is trying not to break character. his eyes fixated on the elegant curve of your back beneath the clear fabric. her rough voice ran through his head in circles. he lifted an arm from his side, letting it play with the bottom buttons, almost only leaving one left. The only thing covering you up.
“I know baby, I know–fuckk!” he groaned as you felt him release inside you, thick ropes of his cum painting your walls a creamy white, giving a few shallow thrusts before stilling inside you, pants and heavy breathing leaving both of your lips as you sat in silence."
you ran your arms down his abs, he loved your not so secret fixation you had for them. but you loved it more.
"You whine as you try to crawl away from his needy hands before he grabs you by the waist and pulls you back to flip you onto your back, a few pieces of his hair stuck to his forehead as he looks down at you with a grin painting his plush lips. Gosh it’s like he was trying to kill you."
“Said ya’ wanted to help me..” he cooed as he leant down with his lips ghosting over yours. "
“So, help me..”
Theodore was done. He gently picked the book from your hand and placed it on his nightstand. both his hands went under your thighs as to place you on the bed so he could tower over you, his chain dangling Infront of your eyes.
"hi handsome" you said peering up to him. you pulled his arm to examine it. his veins looked so hot, just absolutley lovley to have around you.
"hey beautiful"
you take his hand, a quiet smile made way too your face as you rest it on your breasts
Theodore felt your hands as it unzipped his trousers leaving him in boxers. your hand slid up and down his dick in slow strokes, just to drive him mad.
he takes her into my arms still kneeling, hitching your leg around his torso before pulling you as close as possible. The kisses you shared were soft, unbothered needy but never rushed.
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aspiringauthorintraining · 4 years ago
James Potter
Favor for a Friend
Potter’s Super Date #1 #2
Second to None  #1 #2 #3
Remus Lupin
Selfish (1) (2)
Newt Scamander
Magizoologist-in-Training: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
Draco Malfoy
It’s All Your Fault
Zabini’s Honeymoon
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leossmoonn · 5 years ago
pairing - remus lupin x fem,ravenclaw!reader
type - fluff
note - hey, guys! i got this idea from this imagine, but i decided to it with harry potter characters. enjoy! also requests are open!
summary - remus is turned on by your american accent
warnings - language, suggestive, implied smut at the end
*gif isnt mine*
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“Hey, guys!” You smiled as you entered the Gryffindor common room.
“Hey, Y/n,” Sirius smiled. “What’re y’all up to today?” You asked.
“Planning some pranks on Malfoy,” James smirked.
You looked over to see a scroll with all sorts of writing and drawings. You sat down in a nearby chair.
“Can I join?” You asked.
“As a Ravenclaw, aren’t you supoosed to be smart and tell us not to do this?” Sirius snorted.
“Yeah... but I’m not your usual Ravenclaw. Plus I’m from America and did this stuff all the time,” you shrugged.
“How are you not in our house?” James asked. “I dunno,” you shrugged.
Then, Remus walked down the boy’s dormitory stairs. He had a book in his hands and was playing with his hair.
“Hey, Remmy,” you smiled.
Remus’s head perked up at the sound of your voice. “H-hey, Y/n.”
“Watcha readin?” You got up and skipped over to him.
“Uh, Potions book. We have an exam,” he explained.
You looked over the book. “If you need help studying, we can do it together.”
Remus shut his book and held it over his stomach.
“No, it’s quite alright. I wouldn’t want to bore you. You’re so smart a-and I’m a little behind,” he spoke quickly.
“Oh, it’s no problem! I’m happy to help,” you smiled and put your hand on his arm.
His eyes flickered to his arm and back up to you. You stared at him through your long lashes, giving him an unintentional flirty look.
“Uh, sure,” he gave you a soft smile.
“Great! How about in thirty minutes?” You asked.
“Sounds good. I’ll see you later,” he said. You nodded and let him go.
As Remus left to check out a book from the library, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. Well, that was usual, but today was different.
You had transferred to Hogwarts only 3 months ago. Since then, you had made friends with the Mauraders, and stole the heart of a specific one: Remus Lupin.
Ever since he heard your voice, he was instantly drawn to you. He’d never heard an American accent before- not in real life. It made him more intrigued. And, not to mention, it also turned him on.
He never thought someone’s accent could make him feel the way he does, but you did it for him. He also thought you were gorgeous - definitely the most beautiful woman at Hogwarts. You were kind and so smart, which also made him more infautuated. You were just his dream girl and he wished he could have you. But he was awkard and didn’t know if you liked him or not, so he just remained freinds with you.
He was looking foward to your study session. You had done it a few times with him, but you were all touchy-feely today. He didn’t mind, it made it hard for him to think and breathe, but you never were like that with him. He hoped it was a sign that you liked him back.
While he went to the library, you continued hanging out with James and Sirius.
“Is Remus okay?” You asked.
“Yeah, he’s, uh, very springy,” Sirius snickered. James chuckled with his friend.
Your furrowed your brows. “Is that like a bro-code thing?”
“The fuck is a bro-code?” Sirius asked.
“It’s like a code guys have that girls dont k-”
“Oh! Like when we say Padfoot or Prongs?”
“I- no. Kind of, but no. It-” then you stopped yourself. They probably wouldn’t get it.
“You Americans are weird,” James said. “Yeah, well so are you. You call the bathroom the loo,” you smirked.
“Okay, fair,” James stated. You hummed and checked your watch.
“I’m gonna head out to get with Remus,” you said.
“Alright. Have fun,” Sirius smirked.
You smiled and left the common room. You got your books from your room and then headed down to the library.
“Hey, Remmy!” You exclaimed quietly. He looked up, smiling.
“Hey,” he whispered.
“Ready to work?” You asked.
He nodded and you sat down. You pulled out your books and started working.
You were there for a good three hours, and with every passing minute, you seemed to get even closer to him than you were before. It started as just next to him, a good three feet apart. Then at the end, you were practically on top of him. You were so close you might as well have sat on his lap. 
You however, didn’t have those exact intentions. You were moving closer because a) it was easier to help him study and b) his colonge smelled so nice, and c) he was radiating heat. You just wanted to cuddle at that moment. But you ignored the feelings and thoughts and kept on studying.
“I think I’m ready,” Remus sighed happily.
“Awesome!” You smiled.
“Thank you for helping,” he said.
You nodded. He stood up and your eyes widened as you saw something poking out from his pants. You quickly averted your gaze, but smirked.
You had been into Remus ever since you met him. He was smart and well put together. He was unbelievably cute and silly. He just attracted you to him immediately. You had suspicions he liked you, but you never acted on your thoughts. But the bulge in his pants further proved your suspicion.
“Well, I’ll see you after dinner, right?” Remus asked.
“You can count on it,” you smiled. You winked and turned to leave. You swayed your hips and felt Remus’s burning stare. You decided that after dinner you would confront him.
You straightened out your shirt and pulled up your skirt a little, showing a bit more skin than normal. You went into the Gyrffindor common room, finding your friends playing wizard chess.
“Hey, everyone,” you greeted.
They all looked at you and their eyes widened.
“Wow,” James muttered.
You smiled, “Can I speak to Remus alone?”
The boys looked over at Remus whose eyes kept going back and forth from your eyes and legs.
“Sure,” Sirirus smirked and went to their bedrooms.
“H-hey, Y/n. What’s up?” Remus asked.
“Nothing much. Did you ace the test?” You asked, sitting next to him on the couch. Your skirt rode up on your thighs, making Remus lick his lips. 
“I did. Thanks to you,” he smiled. 
“You’re welcome. Hey, I wanted to, uh, say something.”
“I’m all ears.”
You smiled nervously. “When you stood up... I saw your uh, friend.”
Remus looked at you confused, but then you flickered your eyes down to your pants and then it clicked. He gasped.
“Oh, blimey! I am so sorry, Y/n. You weren’t meant to see that. It’s just you’re so beautiful and smart. And your accent, oh, it’s so fucking hot,” he rambled. His face then went tomato red.
You gigled and moved closer to him. “If you have a crush on me, you should’ve just said so. And thank you. No one has ever been turned on by my accent before.”
“Well, I am,” he laughed nervously. “You like me, too?”
“Mhm,” you hummed. You kept getting closer to his lips. “Ever since I met you.”
He smiled softly and his eyes went down to your lips, then up to your eyes.
“Me, too. Can I... kiss you?” He whispered. He could feel your breath on his lips.
You nodded and he crashed his lips onto yours. You moaned quietly, wanting this for so long. You tangeled your fingers into his hair, pulling as you climbed on top of his lap. Remus put his hands on your waist and stood up, holding you up.
He walked up to stairs without breaking the kiss. You smiled into the kiss, knowing both of you both were going to have the night of your life. Remus pulled away to open the door, and then attached his lips to your neck. You groaned his name as he sucked your soft, sensitive skin.
He set you on the bed.
“Out,” he said to James and Sirius who you saw were gobsmacked.
They went out immediately, whispering about what they had just witnessed. Remus put a lock spell on the door and then climbed on top of you.
“I’ve been wanting to do this for so long,” you breathed.
He smiled, his eyes shining bright. “Me, too.”
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