#test electric fence
fencefacts1 · 4 months
How to Test Electric Fence Energizers: A Detailed Guide
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As someone who has worked with electric fences for years, I know that the energizer, or fence charger, is the heart of your electric fence system. It’s crucial to regularly check your fence charger, especially if you’re experiencing issues with fence voltage.
In this guide, I’ll walk you through how to test an electric fence energizer using simple tools, based on my own experiences.
Read Detailed Guide on: https://fencefacts.com/test-electric-fence-energizer/
How Does an Electric Fence Energizer Work?
A fence energizer works by generating a high voltage, low amperage pulse, similar to an automotive ignition system. When current enters the energizer coil, it creates a magnetic field, producing a high voltage (5KV to 12KV) due to electromagnetic induction. However, exposure to moisture and rain can cause rust and lead to poor performance.
To protect your energizer, install it under a cover on a wall away from flammable materials, and where children and animals can’t reach it. Regularly inspect the wiring and circuits for loose connections, and use rust cleaner to keep it in good condition.
Tools Needed to Test an Electric Fence Energizer:
Electric fence tester
A digital electric tester
Step 1: Safety Measures
Before testing, wear insulated gloves and shoes. An electric fence charger inputs 120 or 240 V AC and outputs high voltage (5–10KV), which can be unpleasant to experience.
Step 2: Test with a Screwdriver
Turn on the fence charger.
Attach the screwdriver’s metal part to the ground terminal.
Move it near the live terminal.
If the energizer is working, you’ll see a spark jump from the live terminal to the screwdriver, indicating a current pulse.
Step 3: Test with an Electric Fence Tester
Attach the tester’s metal pin to the live terminal.
Connect the black probe to the ground terminal.
Read the voltage on the tester. It should be above 5KV.
A good fence energizer will show a strong voltage reading. If the voltage is significantly lower than expected, the energizer might be faulty.
Step 4: Test the Output Voltage with a Multimeter
Although not recommended for precise readings due to the pulsing nature of the energizer, a multimeter can still provide a rough idea.
Set the multimeter to the AC voltage (V〜) at a higher range.
Insert the red probe into the VmAΩ port and the black probe into the COM port.
Connect the red probe to the live terminal and the black probe to the ground terminal. A functioning energizer should show between 5–12KV. If the reading is low, there might be an issue.
Step 5: Test the Amperage with a Multimeter
Set the multimeter to AC amps (A〜) in the milliamps range.
Connect the probes as before: black to ground and red to the live terminal.
An electric fence should output very low amperage (0–500 milliamps). Higher amperage could be dangerous.
Testing a Solar Fence Charger
Solar fence chargers store energy in a battery. Here’s how to test one:
Unscrew the plate on your solar energizer to access the battery.
Unplug the battery wires and fully recharge the battery.
Use a digital tester to check the battery voltage. A 12V battery should read around 12–12.6V.
Attach the battery to the energizer and turn it on. If you hear clicking, the battery was the issue.
If the problem persists, inspect for improper ground connections or shorted wires. Clean any corrosion with a rust spray like WD-40.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why is my electric fence clicking but not working?
Check the output voltage. Disconnect the wires, turn on the charger, and measure the voltage at the terminals. If it’s low, the charger is faulty.
2. How to test an electric fence without a tester?
You can use a piece of grass, a screwdriver, a tester screwdriver, a non-contact voltage tester, a compass, a tube light, or a light socket.
3. How to connect an electric fence to an energizer?
Connect the ground terminal to the fence rod and the live terminal to the fence wires using galvanized wires and clamps to prevent rust.
Testing your electric fence energizer is essential for maintaining a functional fence system. Follow these steps to ensure your energizer is working properly. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask in the comments below.
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darkwood-sleddog · 8 days
yeah sorry neighbors your dog does absolutely *not* stay behind his invisible "fence" and absolutely does *not* listen to you.
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foldingfittedsheets · 6 months
We had the most egregiously evil little pony horse when I was growing up. I know everyone says that. Ponies are one of the animals that truly understand how to commit crimes but she was really deeply atrocious. One time she tried to murder me. Her name was Fancy.
I feel I should slightly explain here. See, my parents bought two acres with a house and a barn and pasturage and went “We’re farmers now!” They had absolutely no idea what they were doing. And at a certain point along that journey my mom got her hands on a horse. Technically she was half pony half horse so she was this weird middle size.
Fancy belonged to a friend of hers and he showed her how to saddle Fancy. And that was it. That was all we knew about this horse. So my mom brings her home and saddles her and we decide to go for a ride on this new creature in our lives. But Fancy, being the savvy bitch she was, was far too canny for our dumb asses.
Her maiden ride went to my older brother and ended rather abruptly when the saddle slid completely sideways and my brother toppled off her, miraculously unharmed but unwilling to ever try again. This made me like Fancy somewhat, because I hated my brother.
Those familiar with horse trickery would have caught her ruse but Fancy had deliberately held her breath to make the saddle seem tight enough. But in stride she let the breath out, the saddle loosened, and my brother came toppling down. She planned that fuckup.
I was a bit more game, being a dedicated horse girl. I wanted to succeed where my loathsome brother had failed. Keep in mind: none of us had ever ridden. We had no idea what we were doing, and in the only defense I’ll ever make of that hoofed demon it was probably not pleasant to have a human flopping on her back like a sack of potatoes. But I paraded around in a circle until she scraped my leg against a fence post. I lasted longer than my brother but had to admit riding an animal radiating malice at you is not comfortable.
We didn’t really ride Fancy much after that. She was a decorative aspect to the fields. Sometimes I’d sit on her bare back while she was eating. Every so often she’d buck me off for assuming familiarity with her.
But Fany's coup de grâce took several months. Most of the pasturage had electric fence running along it to keep the livestock from testing the fences or getting a taste for freedom. My parents were constantly moving fence posts and reallocating land to different purposes which is how one of the major gates ended up with electric fence running over top. During a move the wire got left up from the last border and now it was strung over what should have been an open passage.
I was taking a ride on Fancy, living in a fantasy that I had any idea what I was doing. My mom was out working in the yard, and as she passed through she left the gate open, forgetting the wire hazard. You know who didn't forget?
She beelined for the open gate and I realized a second too late what her plan was. I hauled back on the reins with all my strength but she powered through, charging at the wire. If I'd caught on sooner I could have tipped forward and probably cleared it.
It was roughly chest height. But she was too savvy, keeping a slow pace right up until the passage, and I didn't have time to react. The thought of getting electrocuted sent me down into a terrified backward limbo, desperately trying to flatten myself along her back.
Her assassination almost worked. But instead of beheading me the wire caught under my chin, pressing back into my neck like a garrote. The only good news was that the wire wasn't live, but I was still in terrible danger. I squealed and wiggled and managed to twist my neck enough that the wire scraped over my face instead of pressing deeper. Once we were through Fancy stopped and turned to regard me, disappointed that her murder had failed. My neck was bleeding but my head remained attached.
My mother was absolutely terrified and I was pretty shaken myself. We unsaddled Fancy for the last time, as full on attempts on my life were a bit more than I was willing to bear for the sake of pretending to be a fantasy hero on an epic journey. My neck still has a faint scar from her homicidal tendencies.
Fancy got to remain a decorative horse for many years after that, free of our attempts to ride her. Her last torment was when my mother decided to try to breed her to achieve an animal that was less interested in murder.
But Fancy, true to form, brutally attacked the stallion sent to service her, even when hopped up on horny hormones. There would be no foals from Fancy, and her saga ended when we sold her to another unlucky soul.
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dcxdpdabbles · 7 months
Is there any way I could request more of Danny's Grill? I keep re reading it and it's so great!
Danny's mansion amazed Tim, which said a lot given that he had lived in the Drake and Wayne Manors. It seemed almost like a castle, with its four floors and a few towers (four at each corner of the fenced-off stone. Danny had his property enclosed. )
Everything screamed old money and was well taken care of. He also was surprised to find that the whole place had a lot of natural light.
The drive out of Gotham got them away from the dark cloudy skies to wide blue, and the mansion had plenty of strategically placed windows that caught the sun to light up the rooms.
It was likely that way since the place was obviously built before electricity. Even the air felt lighter, sweater, and caused ease to rest in his bones. Tim found himself strolling through the place, oddly at peace with the silence.
He had taken a dip in Danny's pool, adoring how it was designed to resemble a natural river, complete with a waterfall. It was still a pool, with the proper level of chlorine and tile floor, but there were rocks and multiple plants all around that really sold it to him.
The waterfall was made from unevenly stacked rocks as if carved out of a cliffside. He enjoyed sitting near it, flouting in in the rippling water and listening to the falling water.
Tim found a makeshift bench from the stacked rocks right under the waterfall, where he could comfortably sit down and have the water reach his shoulders. He found himself in that same spot often over the week since he came to stay with Danny.
He was in a fluffy red bathrobe- and nothing else- having just finished a shower to wash off the pool's chlorine. His bare feet patted against the tile floor as Tim once more appreciated the artistic white and gold wallpaper.
He loved that it had leaf-like designs that weren't all over but small enough to give the place a pop of color.
He was still thinking of a destination, wandering about the large building while waiting for Danny to return.
Danny has also been a gracious host. After the first night, he had made him some food and offered him a room across from his, just as large as the master room. It was a lovely white with gold trimming, matching the rest of the mansion but left room to decorate the walls to his hearts content.
Tim hasn't, but Danny seemed rather insistent that he could if he would like to. That Tim had the option open to him. Danny, he came to find, was all about giving people choices.
What did they want to eat? Whatever Tim was in the mood for.
What should they do? If Tim was okay with being around people, they would go out and take pictures. If he was having an overwhelmed day, then Tim could find his own little corner to sit.
Was it okay if Danny gave him friendly hugs or pats? Only if he asked Tim before going in for a hug.
Could Tim walk around in nothing but a bathrobe? Of course! If it made him feel better, Danny could even avoid the entire west side of the mansion so he wouldn't have to see him if he thought like clothes were a bother.
It was enjoyable but also baffling.
Tim has never met someone who gave him as much attention as Danny did but also respected all his boundaries. He enjoyed talking about them, setting them, and even seemed to glow whenever Tim carefully tested the waters, by placing some that would have upset his past friends and family.
Another thing that needed to be clarified about Danny was that he plainly didn't make any sense at all. Tim had always assumed Danny was middle class- maybe high middle- since he ran his own food truck and all but it was obvious by his house that he didn't need it.
Danny's family- from what Tim had been able to uncover- had always been low, middle class up until Danny had been fifteen. Then their luck turned when a rich distant relative by the name of Pariah Dark willed Danny all his fortunes.
Who was Pariah Dark? What happened to him? Why was Danny the only one he left his money to and not all of the Fentons? Why did this property sit for years without any record of usage yet still look brand new?
There was also the question of whether Danny was human.
Tim is sharp when finding small details that lead to clues that lead to answers.
It's both a curse and a blessing.
In this case, he noticed little things about Danny; his tendency to not notice the cold weather, his slight winces when loud noises were near, his graceful steps that were sometimes a tad bit off of gravity, his eyes seemed to change color- blue and green- and the way he would stare into shadows, gaze following something that Tim could not see.
Tim could have assumed Danny had some mental issues- who didn't at this point?- but he felt that wasn't the real reason or not all of it.
He couldn't explain it, but Danny felt like more. Especially when he returns from Gotham because the air feels aware of his arrival. Like it got excited that Danny was back.
Was the mansion sentient like the House of Mystery? Or was it an extension of Danny himself?
Tim had accompanied Danny on a few of his food truck runs. Mostly as a chasier but Danny had beamed when he asked if he could join him three days into his stay.
He did to observe how Danny interacted with the people of Gotham. Just like the air gane a certain something, whenever Danny sold his ware and the people thanked him, he seemed to puff up in strength.
Not the pride in his work kind of puff up but an actual burst of energy as if though he had taken an energy drink. This was doubly so when he gave the street kids free meals. Helping them seemed almost like a drug to Danny.
It begged the question of whether it was, in a sense, a drug. Because Tim could see all the tiny hints that helping people seemed to do much more for his friend. He had dilated pupils, a droopy smile, and random bursts of energy, and he even got a bit snappy when he went too long helping.
Tim could even claim that it was as if Danny was making Deals, and he did not dismiss his hypothesis because Tim had already dealt with aliens, demons, and gods as Red Robin.
Fae or other magical creatures wouldn't be as far-fetched as he once thought.
Did that mean Danny Fenton was never fully human or that something had happened to him that changed him?
There were many questions. Not enough answers.
Yet despite all of that, Tim couldn't find it in himself to think Danny was dangerous. If anything he could only safely conclude Danny lived and breath to protect others.
Tim, the sole attention to his protective tendencies due to proxy, was all but wrapped in a blanket of affection and respect. It could drive a guy to do something silly, like hang up his cowl, resign from WE and live the rest of his life as a pampered prince awaiting for his King.
How odd.
Tim never wanted to do any of those things, but he felt he would if Danny asked. The best part? He knew Danny would never ask that of him which made him want to stay even more.
It's too bad all good things have an end. Tim thinks wistfully. He would much rather spend his days here, but his family was anxious about the lack of check-in.
Tim didn't want them to find out about Danny and had chosen to send a delayed message from the Nest, letting them know he was undercover, infiltrating a possible new magical court. The Bats knew not to risk his cover but they also wanted some proof he was doing alright.
He had asked Danny if he could go to Gotham for a quick trip, and despit the saddness in his blue eyes, Danny always let him. He even gave him the keys to a his car, walking him to the gate with a promise the gates were always opoen to Tim.
Tim would use those visits to catch up on WE work and deposit information packages at Bat checkpoints. He would also pick up coded folders from other family members who wanted to keep him in the loop should their cases overlap.
It's been three weeks since he came here; in that time, Jason had cracked down on pimps and working people. The family was helping him, as Jason was attempting to fulfill a favor that someone had cashed in and was struggling to find the working boy his contact was worried about.
Apparently, the guy was regularly getting roughed up and was underage to boot. Tim hopes Jason finds the jerks hurting him. He would love to help but he had to figure out Danny Fenton first.
The air brighten, snapping Tim out of his thoughts.
Danny was home.
He turned towards the main gate, scurrying to make it to the front door before Danny could finish driving up the drive way and park his car under neeath the shadow parking spots.
His heart fluttered as he barely slide into the main hall way and the wood of the door swung open. Danny steps in, still wearing his black t-shirt and jeans that he favored when working his truck.
"Welcome home!" Tim tells him, watching Danny's whole face break into a wide grin. It was like dawn breaking over the horizion and it made him feel all sorts of warm.
Danny was definitely beautiful enough to be otherworldly.
"I'm home, Alvin." Danny pauses and then gestures to his robe, his smile turning warm and fond. "Another late swim?"
"I like the water. It helps my bones," He says, shrugging his shoulders.
Danny hums. "I could ask a friend of mine to install a hot watered pool for you."
Tim considers it. He wants to say no but he just knows the mansion will rat him out. Danny seemed to always know when a lie is spoken here. Another check in the Fae theory.
"If....if it's not a bother, that would be nice." He says suddenly overcome with shyness. The feeling vanishes at the utter delight and green eyes of Danny.
"It's never a bother! The east wing has a smaller pool that rarely gets used. I'll make some calls and have it turn into an artificially hot spring for you." Danny chirps. "It would help me relax too. You would not belive the fight I had with Robin today."
Tim stills. "You fought Robin?"
"Not physically." Danny corrected but still shook his head sadly. "We disagreed on the case he's helping Red Hood with."
"What case?" Are Damian and Jason working together on the working boy's case? Or was it something else? And more importantly did he try Danny's food?!
He may come back for more if he did, and Tim's personal cheat truck was no longer his own!
"I'm not sure of the details, but they are trying to map out all the working girl's corners. He was upset when I told him I would not release that information to a child." Danny sighs. "I know he's Robin, but I could sense how uncomfortable it made him feel, you know? It made my core ache, but Robin took it as me not wanting to respect him as a hero. It was a whole thing."
Tim has so many questions he feels like he might just burst. It's only years of training that had him clamping down on all but one. "You're helping the Bats catch prostitutes?"
Danny's eyes widen "No! No! Not the employees themselves, just their sick pimps. I would never rat them out."
Tim nods once. "Okay."
"I mean it, Alvin. I would never"
And the blue eyes have flickered to green again. Interesting.
But he can't help but relax smiling at Danny. "I know. Thank you for helping them though."
Danny's face flushes, and then he hastily looks away. Coughing into his fist, he mutters, "Are you hungry? I still have some leftover Pizza from today's menu."
"Starved. Want to watch a moive while we eat?"
"Yeah, sounds good-are you-I mean, will you be-um" Danny fumbles over his words gesturing at him. Tim tilts his head in confusion, wondering why he sounds so nervous, until Danny finally blurts. "Is that all you're going to wear?"
"Yeah. It's soft." He says playing with the robe's sleeves and Danny swallows.
"Alright. Okay. I um I'll get the pizza. Will you go pick the moive and get it ready?"
Tim beams, twisting on his heel to do just that and catching the reflection of Danny clutching his chest and screaming silently into a closed fist in a nearby wall mirror. His face is redder than before, and the house ripples with excitement, glee, warmth, and happiness.
Interesting indeed.
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skamenglishsubs · 5 months
Subtext and Culture, Young Royals, Season 3, Episode 4
Last episode ended with Simon coming home to a smashed window, this episode starts the morning after, Simon takes the bus to school, while Wilhelm is anxiously waiting for him.
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Culture: At a high school level in Sweden, there's national tests in Swedish, English, and Math. Like everywhere else, the purpose of these tests is not only to grade students, but to align all schools across the country to combat grade inflation.
Blink and you miss it: Vincent is trying to cheat by looking at Nils' answers.
Blink and you miss it: Vincent draws a dick in the gravel while waiting for the others to be done with the test.
Subtext: This entire episode is overflowing with examples of privilege. For Vincent, and many other rich kids like him, studying and learning doesn't matter, they'll graduate regardless, so he doesn't care about the exam, he only cares about the graduation party.
Cinematography: Even with Felice and friends being completely blurred out in the background, you can still see Stella and Fredrika turning to look at Sara, and then turning their backs on her.
Culture: In the US, a lot of people are using "socialism" as a catch-all phrase which means politics they don't agree with, regardless of its actual ideology. Likewise, in Sweden, a lot of people use "communist" in the same way about generally left-wing politics, which is what Vincent is doing here.
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Subtext: Wilhelm asks Simon if he can reconcile the conflict of dating a royal while being anti-monarchy, but the real question is of course if Wilhelm can reconcile the conflict in himself.
Subtext: This is where the show's political stance shines through, and this argument, that Wilhelm wasn't allowed to choose his life for himself, is the main argument they're gonna use in the finale.
Subtext: Wilhelm is weakly defending the monarchy, but just ends up repeating what his mother told him; it's a privilege, not a punishment, but does he believe it himself?
Subtext: The letter-to-yourself plot is mainly there in order to help August along his redemption arc, but here the show is using it to reinforce the point of the previous scene. Who does Wilhelm want to become? Does he have a choice?
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Culture: In Sweden, Säkerhetspolisen, SÄPO, is the government agency in charge of national security, which includes providing security and assigning bodyguards to the royal family.
Subtext: Note the great use of passive voice here by Farima to avoid taking responsibility for the decision to force August to join the birthday foundation event. She's also expertly bargaining with Wilhelm to get what she wants.
Subtext: We know it was the far-right assholes who posted comments to Simon's videos a couple of episodes ago.
Blink and you miss it: Jan-Olof really perks up when Linda talks about moving to Gothenburg, because that would probably mean the end to the relationship between Wilhelm and Simon, which would solve all of his current problems.
Subtext: Like Farima, he bargains with Linda and Simon to get what he wants, for Simon to stop posting things to social media. It's almost as if their strategy was to do nothing at the start, waiting for things to blow up so they could swoop in, help out, and start making demands in exchange...
Blink and you miss it: The option to inactivate and hide your social media account is right there, but of course Simon has to choose to delete everything, because it will cause more drama and anguish.
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Blink and you miss it: Fencing! Woohoo! I did fencing for five years as a kid until 8th grade or something, but I only did foil, and not épée like these students. I have absolutely no idea where these two are coming from or going to though, where would they practice? Is there a hidden fencing hall somewhere on the grounds that we haven't seen yet? How many kids at Hillerska are fencing? Also, he's carrying a practice blade and not an electric competition blade, so that checks out. Of the three types of modern fencing, épée is unique in that the entire body counts as a valid target, while in foil only the torso counts, and in sabre only the upper half counts. Oh wow, it looks like the gear is now wireless and every fencer carries their own indicator lights. Cool! Back in my day you had to be strapped in with a cord for competitions.
This tumblr is now about French School fencing. Allez! Touché!
Subtext: The narrative is that it's perfectly ok for the crown prince to be gay, as long as he's not gay gay.
Culture: The show keeps saying this, but in real world Sweden it's no longer the case. Supporting los jibbities is viewed as a completely mainstream and inoffensive opinion, on par with supporting human rights in general.
Subtext: Another example of privilege is being in a position to do a lot of good, and then just not caring about it. Simon is fighting for the causes he believes in, so seeing Wilhelm just casually throw it away is extremely disappointing for him.
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Subtext: Unlike Vincent, August is actually a natural leader, someone people listen to, which is why he manages to quiet down the room when Vincent is unable to. Maybe a good quality in a future king?
Subtext: Simon is continuing the argument from before. Wilhelm could have shown solidarity with mental health causes or LGBT causes, but chose not to. However, he immediately decided to join in solidarity with the other rich kids protesting the school rules, which is rather selfish.
Subtext: Colour theory! Sara in purple, because part of the reason she's back at school is that August asked her to? And Simon in yellow, because he sure isn't loving Wilhelm very much right now.
Subtext: Just a reminder that Sara has actually been completely out of the loop since the end of season 2. She has no idea about the school rules, what's happened at home, how it's going with Simon and Wilhelm, or what's happening at school.
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Blink and you miss it: Fredrika is so close to stop striking as soon as she's threatened with repercussions.
Subtext: I keep hammering this point home: The culture is in the walls, it's not something some of the kids made up. The visiting alumni were also hazed as new students and kept it going as third years. Same for the parents of all these kids. They're all part of the system, they all kept the cycles of abuse going, because they want the school to be like that.
Subtext: Privilege is thinking you can get things your way with almost no effort. None of these kids have ever struggled or protested something for real and then not been given what they wanted, so they seriously believed they'd win immediately.
Subtext: Another theme of this season is bringing secrets out in the open. We've all seen August struggling with body dysmorphia and an eating disorder since season 1, but no-one has ever called it out and put words on it, until Simon immediately recognizes it and calls it out.
Subtext: ...while the rich kids are just stuck in denial, because eating disorders is for poor people or something, it's not something that happens to them. And if it did, you certainly wouldn't admit it to anyone else.
Subtext: August tries to jokingly fend off Nils because he doesn't want anyone to know that the letter actually meant something to him, until Nils pushes too hard, and August punches him.
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Subtext: Vincent talked a big game about striking in solidarity, but when they're caught as hilariously unprepared as they are, they're not pooling their resources in solidarity with each other, and instead resort to selling them to the highest bidder. Capitalism in a nutshell, illustrated perfectly by the behaviour of spoiled rich kids. Also, pet peeve, the English word for the currency of Sweden is "kronor", not "crowns".
Lost in translation: They're actually repeating a single word in Swedish, "svikare", which is pretty hard to translate. The verb, "svika", is a bit worse than letting someone down, but not as bad as betraying someone. The adjective, "besviken" typically means disappointed. So "svikare" means a person who is letting other people down, disappointing them, or betraying them.
Subtext: The culture is in the walls of the place, but the kids are also pretty damn complicit in continuing all the shitty traditions. This looks like a game of strip poker or truth or dare that went off the rails and just resulted in more bullying, with everyone joining in.
Subtext: The other girls are upset with Felice because she broke the code. You don't snitch to outsiders, you don't tell the truth, you keep up appearances.
Blink and you miss it: Henry won the potato chip auction, happily ate the entire bag, and passed out in a chair, clutching the bag. Mmmm, sourcream and onion.
Subtext: Speaking of closing ranks towards the outside, this also applies to this strike. It would be bad PR for the school if anyone outside found out that it happened, so it's better to solve it quietly and discreetly. Vanessa can trust the kids not to snitch. Vincent is also right, the parents, who are paying the tuition fees, are on their side.
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Subtext: Felice can't be seen talking to Sara, so she checks that the coast is clear, and then drags Sara into a private bathroom to have their conversation.
Subtext: Likewise, Sara was probably Felice's first real friend.
Subtext: Nice little foreshadowing. I would have loved seeing Simon's drawing though!
Subtext: Well, he could have just made his social media private, but the show has to maximize the drama, so here we are, piling on more examples of how Simon is losing himself to the monarchy, that maybe he can't reconcile the conflict.
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Subtext: Erik spent three years living at Hillerska, of course he wouldn't have told his then twelve year old kid brother about all the shit going on at the school. August spent an entire year living with Erik at the school, seeing what went on first hand, so of course he knows a side of Erik that Wilhelm doesn't.
Subtext: August has been trying to keep his mouth shut and avoid Wilhelm, but since they have yet another fight, he decides to drop the bomb about Erik to hurt Wilhelm.
Subtext: Again, the culture is in the walls. This is not something that only Erik's class did, once. It's probably been happening to all the boys for decades. It happened to the current second-year students, it happened to Erik, and lots of students before him who kept this shitty initiation tradition going.
Culture: Let's talk about the gay porn hazing a bit more. To me, this is an urban legend. I heard about it when I was a teenager back in the 90's, but I don't personally know anyone it happened to, or anyone who did it to anyone else. It was always hearsay, it happened to a friend of a friend's brother, or a classmate's cousin's friend or something similar, as is typical of urban legends.
Let's also make one thing absolutely clear: It doesn't work. The homophobic idea behind this shit is that if you are forced to watch gay porn and get a boner, you are gay, and if you don't, you're straight. But that is actually not true, erections don't work that way, and the fear of being found out is quite the boner killer. Also, what if you like guys, but the guys in the porno aren't your type? There's just so many ignorant misconceptions behind this idea.
I've also seen a lot of fan comments that keep playing into this ignorance; that the only reason Nils decided to stop the tradition was because he obviously failed it. Or that the only reason August is against it is because he failed, and the only reason he failed is because he's secretly not straight. No. Remember that the test doesn't work. Nils probably passed, despite actually being gay. August might have failed, despite being completely straight. Regardless of what happened, they both found it humiliating, and that is why they made a pact to stop it.
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I'm gonna give u my black brothers hc because i have no one else to share them with:
-they both have a resting bitch face. pure dead stare.
-sarcastic little shits
-sirius face is completely "blank"while regulus has so many freckles
-they both have grey eyes and they don't like change with the light or anything,at best they become darker during thunderstorms
-sirius listens to glam rock and classic rock while regulus listens to indie and rap(not the cringe kind obv)
-sirius wears moon/star earings while reg has sun/star ones,the stars were the same pair they split it
-they don't like spending money but it's because they think they don't need anything (they feel like they're aren't enough to buy stuff for themselves) but they also feel guilty about that because they know they have the money
-sirius is nonbinary/genderfluid and just lives dressing badass,clothes don't have gender
-regulus is trans and feels euphoric wearing evans' shirts because he's like MANLY MAN!1! so yk, (evan is not that but shh)
-they both did ballet and fencing(muggle au)
-they were taught: piano,violin,transverse flute, they also took individual singing lessons and were part of the church's choir
-sirius learned on his own to play the guitar (classic and electric)
-and then he taught reg how to play it
-reg learned on his own how to play the bass and the drums
-they are spooked by the sea but find it fascinating
-sirius had to take his drivers license test twice bc there was a deer in the street and he thought it was prongs (when they told him he pretended it wasn't him but it actually was(moon's idea)) (sirius still thinks it wasn't him)
-regulus loves to drive Sirius' bike and every time he comes back from a ride he pretends to have scratched it by accident and sirius believes him every time
-i almost forgot,sirius has wavy hair while reg's is very curly
-[this is the second thing I'm adding sorry]
they speak: english,french,italian,japanese,german
they also know:latin, ancient greek,and old japanese,plus ancient runes
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
Picturing Ghost and Soap using one of those electric dog fences connected to a collar on reader.
They give her a chance to roam around outside, but only where they set up the fence's boundaries, not quite trusting her to not run away.
And poor reader doesn't know the collar is a special collar and tries to run as soon as they aren't looking, but gets a shocking surprise when she passes the fence's boundaries.
She yelps and drops, rolling a bit as she paws at the collar, and when she settles, Simon and Johnny are standing above her, tsking in disapproval and disappointment.
"Looks like we have to punish you again, pet."
prefacing this with idk shit about electricity. please do not send me asks about healing from the injury this scenario would cause irl because i do not know how to answer it. we're holding hands and playing pretend ok?
you hadn't really believed it when they'd offered time outside - alone - as a reward for recent good behavior. the last time you'd ask for alone time as a reward they'd both gotten weird about it, johnny somehow even clingier than usual for like a week and simon being weirdly touchy.
so this... time to be in the backyard, without them??? holy shit. it's like a dream come true.
they don't take the stupid fucking collar off, the one that's heavy enough for you to never forget it's there, the one that will not break no matter how hard you tug and pull when they lock it onto a bolt in the floor. you hate the thing, but they're obsessed with it.
you still don't quite believe it when they wander back inside. the windows are closed, you can see the blinds and curtains are both shut... there's no way they're actually letting you stay out here alone, right?
you test the waters a little. duck to the side of the house out of view of the windows, just in case they're peeking and you just can't tell. nothing. you walk the perimeter of the fence, all the way around, and nothing. you stand at the gate. nothing. you open the gate. nothing.
the hope that swells in your chest is something you couldn't push down even if you wanted.
past the gate is... a forest. a sparse one, really just a few trees, but certainly no houses.
you stand there in the open for a second, unable to believe it. there's no movement at the house - not the door, not the windows.
you know it's got to be too good to be true. but you can't not take the risk.
so you take a deep breath, turn around, and take off at a run.
and fall to the ground almost immediatley.
the shock doesn't register for a moment. your vision is blacked out, and even when it comes back there's large parts of it that just dark. your hands and knees hurt, you mouth is filled with blood and your tongue feels swollen, your face is soaked with tears, your limbs numb.
everything hurts, and you're terrified.
it takes another few moments for you to hear the voices around you. some distant part of you knows they belong to simon and johnny, but the part of you still focused on your hurts doesn't catch that.
"you were doing so well, bonnie."
"why do you keep doin' this? huh? we don't want too punish you lass. you just can't stop breaking the rules, can ye?"
"it'll be thirty with the belt for this."
"really? that many?"
"she was warned, johnny."
"i know, but..."
"no buts. she knew. she ran anyways. how else will we teach her if we don't stick to our promises?"
"ok, ok, you're right. i know. i just hate having to watch her get so scared, you know?"
"hm. i know. but she's learning. she'll understand eventually."
"wish she understood now."
"me too, puppy."
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plantanarchy · 3 months
so this mum season has just been:
(under a cut because it is my whining and complaining and got so long)
part of the nursery got relocated to the former mum field
no new mum field
belgian mums get planted inside the new greenhouses. it is 120 in there during the heatwave. those got planted ok but the drip lines were not set up right away so some of them definitely dried out too much and have struggled to re-wet
the kind of granular fertilizer we use will sizzle a baby plant to death if allowed to sit against the stem or is dumped on top. guess what boss forgot to tell the kids dumping granular fertilizer.
so every other belgian pot has one or two completely fried plants in there, waiting to see if they'll survive
none of the irrigation anywhere has been tested and no drippers have been tested to see if they actually work.
the mum space we do have is at the very back of the old field which previously already did not really get good water pressure or if good water pressure, poor fertilization. and it's a slope.
no pre-emergent was used anywhere this year and some of the field is just. old weed cloth (full of holes) over turf grass. the weeds are going to be next level.
on days i'm not here a lot of the field is being planted too close together
deer plow through the field nightly knocking over pots, removing drippers, and eating mums. the ones they don't eat, they pull out of their pots. they ignore all deer deterrents. deer have never done this before on this scale. they generally don't eat mum beyond the flower buds. recent development and road construction means they have basically none of their old ecosystem left.
boss put up an electric fence. on one side of the field. deer simply walk down around it and back in then get stuck inside aksdjf;lasjk
the upper mum field is not accessible by cart so having to. carry potted mums long distance
boss is going on vacation this week
excessive heat warning and air quality alert daily. black weed cloth and bare ground amplifies that to intolerable levels.
i'm probably forgetting something that went wrong
probably more things will go wrong
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rip-regulus · 3 days
random things I associate with the marauders + reg
james - the sun, cooking in an apartment with warm lighting, summer road trips specifically in a beaten up truck, red converse, the beach, wired ear buds, laying in a flower field, climbing trees, lighting mcqueen, the laurie love confession, a cd collection, pasta bakes, crying in the shower, treehouses, shotgunning a beer, forgetting to wear your glasses, singing on top of a table, large houses that are still really cozy, smiling really wide, frat parties, your mom jokes, slushy machines, doodles in the margin, polaroids
sirius - the stars, electric guitar, messy black sparkly eyeshadow, making snow angels, rings, having a bonfire, black chipped nail polish, a back pack covered in pin badges, drawing on a car window, smoking after sex, the arctic monkeys, motorbikes, david bowie vinyl, leaning out of a window, hickeys, zippo lighters, men walking the runway, bootcut jeans, setting off fireworks, mummy issues, blasting the radio, talking to the sky, leather jackets
remus - the moon, reading by a fireplace, black coffee, gatekeeping music artists, messily stacked books, really loud booing, grandpa sweaters, smoking in public, mars bars, scars, bed head, a swear jar, mismatched socks, playing chess, crisp autumn air, covering things in stickers, falling asleep in random places, writing a letter, anger issues, listening to records, studying for a test, leather book satchels, high alcohol tolerance
peter - the earth, telephone booths, potted plants, cobblestone streets, knowing secrets, tripping, crossword puzzles, not strong enough by boygenius, digital camera photos, gaming, decorating with picture frames, the end credits of movies, barbed wire fences, sleeping on a mattress on the floor, being exasperated, breaking your arm, big ears, fish eye lens, not being the first choice, welly boots, gambling, hardwood flooring, crayons
regulus - the ocean, paintings with a blurred face, smashed ceramic/glass, winged eyeliner, black cats, the story of icarus, reading poetry and classic literature, graveyards with overgrown grass, piano, religious trauma, bloody knuckles, freshly fallen snow, abandoned churches, nihilism, the movie coraline, gothic architecture, ballet, art museums, being at a crossroads, those windy staircases, the smell of rain, driving gloves, daggers
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miyahopscotch · 3 months
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Gotta love hove I just can't stop changing up her design constantly.
Okay, but for real, I wanted more uniqueness (alongside the night fury motif).
I also wanna discuss other things too such as:
Role changes
Is the lead of the predacon faction, ya know straight up girl boss.
She is actively trying to wipe out the existence of both autobot and decepticon.
She has no intention to harm organic life and if anything treasures it.
Did at one point try and persuade the dinobots to join her side of the predacons but was denied.
As far as "team Optimus" goes, she's on the fence with them.
She does enjoy the company of Bumblebee and Bulkhead quite a lot given their very strong bond with Sari.
Essentially, she projects her emotions onto that as she has an organic who she considers family all the way up in Canada.
Her connection with those two though, falters and becomes distant.
This happens when she makes her final decision to eradicate both autobots and decepticons.
It's an "either you're with me or against me" moment.
She was actively part of the war on cybertron but briefly.
She lost quite a bit of memory around that time, so she barely remembered that.
Created fresh out of the lab to be a mindless soldier, but this was around when project predacon failed and when the decepticons lost the war, so to speak.
She was stored in a test tube to be terminated, but the ship she was on crashed in the far northern regions of earth.
She stayed in stasis for like, maybe 100 years at most.
Shockwave being her creator is literally what she would consider a neglecting parent. Although that being said not really as she wasn't created in his image, let alone with any parts of himself. She was just a drone to be tested and later cloned (which never ended up happening).
For at least 20 years, she lived with a family in Northern Canada in which she was named after Noah's (her human companion) late sister who died from an illness.
Her bond formed with him not only emotional but also part of her programming.
She was supposed to imprint on megatron but never got to at the time of her creation, and Noah being techno-organic made her able to unintentionally imprint upon him.
Her initial "name" was V04, not exactly a name, so to speak, but it's what she was assigned to as being just a number.
Fueling by draining energon from other cybertronians.
Shush I like vampires....
She has a lot more of a size advantage, now being roughly the same height of, let's say, starscream or blitzwing, as opposed to when she was maybe the same height as Optimus at most.
Can summon electrical currents with her tendrils.
Can pick up on scents but is unable yo have any tracking abilities regarding that with organics as her main purpose was to be an "autobot hunter."
She has a weird tongue that paralyzes victims.
Extreme intelligence.
Fast flight speed is able to make it to mach speed.
Her hands transform into sickles as a closer combat weapon.
While in her alt mode, she can fire concentrated beams along with electrical type blasts.
Splitting jaw and in her alt mode has multiple rows of teeth.
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fencefacts1 · 4 months
DIY Methods to Test Electric Fences
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Electric fences are vital for protecting your property, but they need regular testing to ensure they’re in top-notch condition. From checking voltage to locating faults, here’s how to test your electric fence effectively.
Before diving into testing methods, let’s understand why it’s crucial. An electric fence acts as a barrier, deterring intruders or animals from entering your property. However, factors like grounding issues, short circuits, or wiring problems can compromise its effectiveness. Regular testing ensures it’s working optimally, providing reliable security.
Tools You’ll Need
You’ll need specific tools to test your electric fence accurately:
Electric fence tester is designed to precisely measure fence output power.
Non-contact voltage tester is widely used for voltage testing, ideal for quick checks.
Screwdriver sparks when touched to live fence wires.
Compass detects magnetic field irregularities caused by electric current.
Indicator light or bulb glows when connected to live wires indicating power.
Multimeter, while not ideal, it can measure voltage and current if no other option is available.
Electric fence fault finder helps measure power & locate faults like short circuits quickly.
Testing Methods
Testing the Energizer: Start by checking if the energizer is outputting power. Take a screwdriver & touch it both output terminals of the energizer and there should be spark if the energizer is outputting power. Same as you can you can test fence wires by touching the screwdriver.
Testing fence with Grass: This simple DIY methods involve using grass to check for electric current. Hold a piece of grass against the fence; if you feel a light pulse, it’s charged.
Using Electric Testers: Non-contact voltage testers or electric testers indicates power in fences with glowing bulbs. Simply touch them to the fence, and they’ll glow, if there’s power in fence.
Using a Compass: A compass can detect magnetic field irregularities near the fence, indicating the presence of electric current. Just take it near the charged fence wires & the needles should move.
Indicator Lights or Bulbs: Connect an indicator light or bulb to the fence; if it lights up, there’s power.
Electric Fence Tester: The most accurate method involves using a dedicated electric fence tester. Connect the tester’s probes to the fence and ground, and it will display voltage readings.
Multimeter Testing: While not ideal, a multimeter can measure voltage and current. Set it to DC mode, connect the probes, and measure the values.
Electric Fence Fault Finder: If you suspect a fault, use a fault finder to locate it quickly. Follow the device’s instructions to identify and fix the issue.
Regular testing is essential for ensuring your electric fence functions correctly. By using the right tools and methods, you can quickly identify any issues and address them promptly. Protect your property effectively by testing your electric fence regularly.
Reference: https://fencefacts.com/test-electric-fence/
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cottonpuffmouse · 11 months
God I’m such a fool to not be writing Kunikida in love as Kent Davidson in love with Sue.
No, Kunikida will not out right flirt with you. He will wait several months, possibly several years, to ask you out. You would be lucky if you got a few drunk kisses inbetween that. It’s a harsh reality of Kunikida’s character: He Is Methodically Cautious.
But in the middle of a semi-serious meeting, where Doppo has more less been playing hardass all morning, you make a joke about the case.
And he laughs. It’s a quick, ‘blink and you’ll miss it laugh’. But he laughs! It’s funny! He does not scold you about speaking out of turn about the case either.
When he calls you with bad news, instead of straight “Here are the facts as of now:”, he says “I’m sorry. Here are the facts as of now. If you need anything, I will be available after 7PM.” And he means it!!! If you said you needed groceries, he would come with groceries!!! He would demand a small hassel delivery fee but it would be reasonable considering the groceries would be on him.
And perhaps most damningly for a Kunikida trying to hide his affections for you: He trusts you to be competent. Atsushi, Dazai, Ranpo, etc need to be checked on constantly to ensure their good behavior - (in a day to day setting anyways. In crisis they are obviously perfectly capable. They save their energy I think.)
But you can be trusted to just…do the fucking job.
You have no idea how crazy this drives him. I’m not exaggerating when I say it almost turns him on how he can ask you to perform a task and know, beyond any unexpected issues, it will get done. It’s truly epic for him. You are taking a chunk of the world off his shoulders.
He’ll admit it one day. Dazai will start a weird count down on his desk with a calendar that started in May. Every few months he would turn to the next month and he’d made a big show of it. He started in October. It would now March of the following year. Dazai’s calendar would have you believe it is June.
Life was bad tolerable until about Dazai’s Calendar’s March and Kunikida started acting fidgety around you.
On every mission he stayed close to you, constantly gently bumping into you - like someone testing an electrical fence. He became fond of getting between you and dangerous opponents. Doppo starts ensuring your snacks were bought with your grocery budget - you’ll be never without Matcha tea cakes and berry tea again!
The day the calendar reached May again, Kunikida formal courted you.
When asked about this weird way of counting down, Dazai insisted he was psychic. When that failed, he said his actual ability was to read minds of fussy people. As he was rattling off his third bit, Ranpo insisted.
“A clock would have been better? Because it always ends at 12, your calendar has extra months.”
“I had to account for him adding more of those stupid requirements when he changed the final one,” Dazai said with a grin. “Plus a calendar is what I hand in hand.”
(Last bit for all my fellow “I could never met his ideals”-ers. His ideals would change!! To you!!)
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spooky-dice · 10 months
random specific dndads hcs that are canon To Me (content warning: brief discussion of mental illness)
carol and darryl’s house is very white + millennial griege with dark flooring, open concept minimalism. carol likes interior design pinterest, and darryl can’t stand clutter. they’ve got one of those portrait gallery walls. (stainless steel fridge house)
mercedes and henry’s house is super maximalist with busy, warm coloured patterns and plants and decor on every surface. it gets dusty sometimes but most of their trinkets are gifts from other people or handmade from a craft market so they refuse to get rid of anything. (coloured vintage fridge house)
glenn lives in an apartment, it’s very undecorated bc renting is Like That, and he’s a big believer in buying impulsive treats and luxuries over any investments. big dvd bookcase. intense stereo system setup is the centerpiece of the place. has a bunch of neon signs taken from bars. (white fridge house)
samantha and ron’s place is generally anti-big light. always natural light or little lamps. dark hardwood. periwinkle walls. has a big sliding door to the backyard that’s always open with the screen closed so bugs don’t get in. lots of bookcases and rugs. (black fridge house)
henry and mercedes will keep EVERY drawing or test and put it on the fridge “to celebrate both victories and opportunities for growth!” and teen sparrow gets really private abt his art and shoves it all behind his bed frame so they can’t hang it.
he also doesn’t draw for a year after getting sent to the realms.
lark sneaks out of the house and wanders the neighbourhood/park/gas station at pretty much any chance. takes a lot of buses to random places. henry used to fight with him abt it but eventually just agrees as long as he sends a check-in text after 5 hours. they still fight abt this.
grant has harm ocd. darryl never gets diagnosed with anything but it’s likely he had religious + contamination ocd. they don’t really talk about this.
glenn has the radio or tv on all the time because the silence freaks him out.
mercedes is really passionate abt all types of craftsmanship. she takes up woodworking and upholstery after she retires.
carol had subtly hinted that she wanted one of those fancy hair heat tools for christmas for 3 years straight before caving and buying them herself.
the first time nick smoked he did it alone on their balcony so glenn wouldn’t see if he coughed.
grant and carol go to comic con together. they both pretend they’re doing it to indulge the other person but they both really enjoy it.
terry is a several-hour-long-video essay fan, any topic. sparrow and grant are into those video game lore deep dives so they send each other links.
nicky’s texts are generally incomprehensible. he thinks emojis are unironically funny.
lark has bad taste in music, like folk punk and midwest emo shit. (folk punk fans know it’s bad. don’t complain. im one of you.)
ron does not know geography. like he just doesn’t know any places.
samantha leaves a place for terry sr. at their holiday dinner table. it helps all three of the stamplers feel better.
morgan got tattoos when she was in her early twenties. in the first timeline she got a few more, and in the second she didn’t. she had her tattoos touched up before moving to hell.
the marlowe’s fence has a really busted section where scary used to practice scoring.
link does all those summer library events. he doesn’t like reading he just likes the vibes.
taylor is highly susceptible to tiktok (or whatever the time period equivalent is?) ads. bought one of those electric pots where the guy cooks in his dorm room and never uses it.
normal will rewatch the same movie a million times. he’s also really into those mediocre shows where they run for like 10 seasons even though all the episodes are the same.
rebecca and sparrow are one of those “don’t go to bed angry” couples. it’s not really working but the unspoken agreement is there.
veronica and terry love going out for brunch. scary sleeps til noon. they leave her waffles in the fridge.
scary wants more piercings but veronica says she has to wait til her other ones heal. scary is not very good at taking care of them. her helix is perpetually infected and she keeps toying with her eyebrow bar.
veronica also keeps warning her that black box dye is a bitch to lift. veronica knows this from personal experience.
link has bad posture but worries about it a lot so he’s always correcting himself.
hermie keeps a ranking of his favourite B:TAS/timmverse shows/episodes. he’s also the guy who has to bring up the fact that it’s animated on black paper backgrounds in every conversation about it.
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indarknessilived · 1 year
Legacy Shenanigans Master List of Audio Featuring Anything Marvolo (SFW version)
Posts Updated: 9/03/2023
Gaunt family bickering: Marvolo, Ominis, Mr. Gaunt, Mrs. Gaunt
Dysfunctional family dinner: Marvolo, Ominis, Mr. Gaunt, Mrs. Gaunt
Dysfunctional family Marvolo is a rotten thug: Marvolo, Ominis, Rerek, Mr. Gaunt
House of Gaunt Rerek can eat a whole person: Marvolo, Rerek, Mr. Gaunt
Family bonding: Marvolo, Ominis, Mr. Gaunt
An impasse of apologies after pt 10 pt 2 of Marvolo x MC Series: Marvolo, Mr. Gaunt
Mama Gaunt and her boys: Marvolo, Ominis, Mrs. Gaunt
Family feuding: Marvolo, Ominis, Mr. Gaunt, Mrs. Gaunt
Awkward arguments with the Gaunts: Marvolo, Ominis, Mr. Gaunt, Mrs. Gaunt
There is no cut off for wanting a good cookie: Marvolo, Mrs. Gaunt
Almost soft Marvolo (test run): Marvolo
Out late in Hogsmeade: Marvolo 
Marvolo does not give a fuck: Marvolo
Marvolo being mushy <3 : Marvolo
Personalized for @littlestw01f : Marvolo
She walks in beauty by Lord Byron: Marvolo
Marvolo speaking Welsh (we needed it okay.) : Marvolo
Marvolo with no context ai chat snippets: Marvolo
Romantic Volo: Marvolo for @littlestw01f
Nursery rhymes are dark in nature: Marvolo (its dark but still safe)
Marvolo is still a romantic at heart: Marvolo, MC
Dark monologue: Marvolo
Rowan questioning the boss: Marvolo, Rowan (Rowan's Debut!)
MC brings Marvolo a treat at the den: Marvolo, Rowan
Test run of Rowan new voice: Marvolo, Rowan
Marvolo delivers Ominis gift (WALKIES): Marvolo, Rowan
Rerek really doesn't like Rowan: Marvolo, Rerek, Rowan
Marvolo tries quitting smoking: Marvolo, Rowan
A somewhat soft moment: Marvolo, Rowan
Leander getting casually "bullied" by Marvolo and Rowan: Marvolo, Rowan, Leander 
The Amortentia Fiasco: Marvolo, Rowan
Marvolo giving the "hurt him I kill you" talk: Marvolo, Rowan
Rowan and Rerek having a spat: Marvolo, Rowan, Rerek
Don’t drink and fly: Marvolo, Rowan
Rowans been a bad dog chewing on the furniture: Marvolo, Rowan
Aurora painted the boys nails: Marvolo, Rowan (name drop of Aurora)
Rowan and Seb training in the ring: Sebastian, Rowan
Who'd win in a fight: Marvolo, Sebastian
Ominis being damn surprised: Ominis, Rowan
Rowan reading poetry to Ominis: Ominis, Rowan
Who's a good boy!: Ominis, Rowan
Do it for the vine, get your dog: Ominis, Rowan, Leander
Rominis being cute, and the L word!: Ominis, Rowan
Rowan being a soft trying to cheer you up: Rowan
Brotherly arguments 1: Marvolo, Ominis
Brotherly arguments 2: Marvolo, Ominis
Brotherly arguments 3: Marvolo, Ominis
Brotherly arguments 4: Marvolo, Ominis, Rerek
Pushing buttons as only the younger sibling can: Marvolo, Ominis
Brotherly love: Marvolo, Ominis
Rare brotherly love: Marvolo, Ominis 
Brotherly bonding gone wrong: Marvolo, Ominis, Mr. Gaunt
Brother negotiations: Marvolo, Ominis
Marvolo testing Ominis reflexes: Marvolo, Ominis
Ominis overslept on a monday: Marvolo, Ominis
Marvolos thoughtful? Birthday present: Marvolo, Ominis 
Do you hate me?: Marvolo, Ominis
Reminiscing on funny memories: Marvolo, Ominis
Ominis friend quiz: Marvolo, Ominis
JINX!: Marvolo, Ominis
Keeping up with the Gaunts: Marvolo, Ominis, Sebastian, Garreth
A walk back from Hogsmeade through the Forest: Marvolo, Ominis
Marvolo sneaking up on the lads based on (this): Marvolo, Sebastian, Garreth, Leander, Everett, Amit
Poetry corner!: Marvolo, Sebastian
Its all kicking off at the Gaunt House (DRAMA!): Marvolo, Rerek, Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander
Marvolo giving the lads a hard time (except Amit lol): Marvolo, Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander, Everett, Amit
Leander daring to insult a Gaunt in their own home: Marvolo, Ominis, Leander, Rerek
Ominis showing the lads his "Secret peaceful place" in the woods: Marvolo, Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth , Leander, Everett, Amit
Being bitches together: Marvolo, Rerek, Leander
Rerek’s voice debut!!: Marvolo, Rerek 
Rerek’s almost sentimental: Marvolo, Rerek
Rerek fighting an electric fence: Marvolo, Rerek
MC nattering with Rerek: MC, Rerek
Rerek loving Amit: Marvolo, Rerek, Ominis, Amit
More Rerek loving Amit: Marvolo, Rerek, Amit
Who would Rerek save? Marvolo or Amit?: Marvolo, Rerek
Companions for life: Marvolo, Rerek
Rerek being a sassy ass and tempting Eve: Rerek
Rerek saying hi to people, then there’s Rowan: Marvolo, Rerek, Ominis, Aurora, Rowan
Rerek answers questions: Rerek shout out to @nox-ceur for the questions 
Garreth and Ominis need a niffler for class: Ominis, Garreth, Rerek
Hanging out at the Gaunt house (asking Rerek if he likes the lads): Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth Leander, Everett, Amit, Rerek
Rerek being Rerek telling it as it is: Rerek, Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander, Everett, Amit
Rerek is a dick to MC: Marvolo, Rerek, MC
Mc talking about her problems: Marvolo, Rerek, MC
Do you think I’m cute?: Marvolo, Rerek, MC
Marvolo’s and MC forest conversation about the L word: Marvolo, MC
A Soft Volo Moment and Typical Rerek:Marvolo, Rerek, MC
A very soft Volo moment: Marvolo, Rerek, MC
Bunny boy (affectionate): Marvolo, Aurora
It's all kicking off at the Gaunts: Marvolo, Ominis, Rerek, Rowan, Mr. Gaunt
Garreth trying to be a little shit, but to Marvolo: Marvolo, Garreth
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advice-from-glados · 3 months
[can i rest yet?]
We both know what the answer is, so stop wasting time that could be spent doing science.
Now go test the electric fence keeping the hybrids contained.
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joz-yyh · 4 months
Love Host - Ch. 8 (Preview)
SUMMARY: Miles and Waylon meet up for some diagnostic testing that takes a very drastic turn. No beta. Read at your own risk.
RATING: T (for this chapter ONLY!!)
PAIRING: Walmiles (WalriderxMiles)
A/N: Doing my best to keep focused on these two long enough to finish another chapter. Comments and likes are very appreciated.
Clang, Clang, Clang--!
Waylon looks up from his computer chair at the pedantic knock, knowing who his pertinent guest should be, double checking the security feed just to be sure Murkoff wasn't paying him any surprise visits.
There on the monitor, is a quiff of black hair and ugly olive jacket he'd recognize a mile away. Speaking of Miles –
Waylon opens the bean hole to the main door, the grinning blue eyes of Miles fucking Upshur waiting for him on the other side.
“Hey there, WayWay, I am here for my check up,” he greets with a smile, the wave he offers just out of sight, “Oh yeah, and Wally’s here too.”
The words barely register before the nanomachine has its whole face pressed against the peephole, staring back at Waylon, completely eyeless.
The techie nearly jumps out of his skin, shutting the slat out of paranoid instinct, body wrecked by a wave of heebeegeebees.
He can see it. Why can he see it when he couldn’t as much before?
“Heeeeyy,” Miles whines, voice dampened by the steel barrier between them, ”I am still waiting out here.”
Waylon internally groans, trying to collect himself enough to unlatch the many bars securing the entrance shut.
When the final lock cracks loose, Miles is too busy comforting the Walrider to notice, holding its caricature of a face and daresay, petting it.
“Ah, you can c-come in now,” Waylon offers, standing in the doorway, watching on with morbid fixation.
“There, see,” Miles exclaims, a consoling note to his voice, “He wouldn't invite us in if he didn't like us.”
Waylon swears this scene must be slowly melting his brain from the inside out.
“Hey, Way,” the brunette asks, turning his attention to his fellow asylum survivor, “could you tell Wally that you like him, please? He thinks you're scared of him. Isn't that silly?”
He isn't scared, he's terrified.
“Yeah, s-sure. I like him,” Waylon offers weakly, swallowing down his dread.
This was absurd. A machine couldn’t have feelings and even if it did, they were none more important than his own.
“Told you! Everything's fine,” Miles chippers, the Walrider finally appeased by this discovery.
The machine gazes toward Waylon again, breaking it’s body down into smaller pieces, swooping in close to swirl around Waylon knees, then higher, drifting in a cyclone of miniature storm clouds up to his shoulders.
“Uhh, hello again, I guess,” the engineer offers shakily, trying to appear fearless and brave, even lifting a finger to touch the nanite mist surrounding him. It feels like water.
“Thanks Waylon,” Miles says, patting him on the shoulder in good sportsmanship, stepping inside.
“Yeah, sure. No problem.”
And just like that, the nano machine leaves him to follow it’s host, the dazed software engineer reminding himself that he needs to rearm the door.
Before the reporter can poke his nose in further, Waylon locks the paddock, turning on the electric fence to deter any unwanted trespassers.
“So this is where you’ve been holding up,” Miles asks, taking in the abandoned barracks, a dimly-lit trailer filled with a junkyard of abandoned tech.
The Walrider is equally curious, ghosting around the layout, dosing the army green interior in supernatural mist.
“Not quite,” Waylon amends, running a hand down his face, feeling overwhelmed by the quirky demands of his company, “This is where I work. Keeps me a safe distance away from Lisa and the kids in case anything happens.”
“Safety is important. I am sure there are no OSHA recordables in here,” the snarky brunette remarks, dodging under a duct of loose wires.
“Ha ha funny,” the blonde remarks, devoid of amusement, “the device I want to show you is over here.”
Waylon grabs him by the wrist cuff before Miles can slip away to snoop, escorting him to the testing room.
“Aren’t you going to give me a tour first,” the sleuth whines, taking in as much of the space as he can, “you can’t tell me you have a secret lair and not show me around.”
“There's really not much to see,” Waylon growls, noting his companion’s inquisitive fingers, “Also please stop touching everything.”
“Awwww,” Miles whines, dragging his feet in disappointment, a frown setting in.
“Fine, maybe later,” the techie relents, his stride persisting, “We're kinda pressed for time.”
“Oh, somewhere you gotta be,” Miles asks, perking up at that confession, raising a brow at his companion, letting himself be tugged along more easily.
“Yeah, I’d prefer to be home every night to be with my wife and kids.”
A long pause, their combined footsteps echoing off the iron grates that line the floor.
“Am I invited,” the reporter asks, smirking at the back of Waylon’s unkempt head of hair.
Another aggravated tug on his sleeve.
“Let’s just get through the testing first.”
They arrive at their destination, the very back of the bunker, a T-shaped hub. One of the doors is sealed off, making Miles wonder what could be hiding in there, the rest of the room encased by steel shelves filled with gutted parts, radios, computers, phones and the like.
In the center is a chair outfitted with restraints, a litany of auxiliary cords hooked up to various loadouts, a desk and computer terminal set up in the corner, no doubt to collect the data of whoever sits in it.
“So … this is it,” Miles says judgmentally, unimpressed, “Looks like an electric chair, but somehow more revenge of the nerds-esque.”
Waylon smacks his lips and rolls his eyes. He won’t deny it bears a striking resemblance to Mount Massive’s brainwashing devices, ones he had the untimely pleasure of experiencing for himself.
“Yeah, everyone's a critic. Just get in.”
“Is it safe,” Miles asks, skeptical of the bad vibe he was getting just looking at the creepy thing.
“As safe as any of this experimental tech is gonna be.”
Miles supposes he can’t complain, given the circumstances. He doesn’t get any of these gadgets, but there was no one else he could turn to (aside from maybe Wernickle) who could give him the answers he seeks. Still, the reporter can’t help feeling a bit uneasy about entrusting himself to diagnostic tools on a budget.
The Walrider manifests itself as a disembodied head, whistling through it’s cheeks, seeking to reassure it’s host with a trill of sound. Miles smiles, close-lipped, stroking the odd contours of its face with a gentle hand.
“Alright. I mean we’ve come this far. What other choice do we have?”
With that, the anxious human hybrid takes a seat, the next test subject for this experimental apparatus going on torture device. Waylon straps him in, tying the buckles too tight to be comfortable, but Miles suspects it's punishment for trying to pry into the engineer's private life. His head too is bridled in place, another belt across the forehead to keep him securely in an upright position.
“This will monitor your heart rate,” Waylon says, electrode pads stuck to Miles’ temple, and then after a moment a disclaimer, “I am not a doctor, though.”
“You’ll be able to tell me more about the Walrider, right,” the brunette asks, nervously clenching his hands on the arm rest.
Waylon hesitates, less than confidently offering a, “Yeah,” in response.
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