#tea beverages
The Chai Wallah: From Dropping Out Of Class 12 To Owning 50-Plus Franchise 
 The Success Story of Faisal Yousaf The Chai Wallah The Chaiwallah, the journey was beautiful but the struggle was not a bed of roses. It took him more than 10 years to reach where he is today. 10 years of constant hard work laid the fruit which he has been enjoying at present. Faisal Yousaf is the Chaiwallah who lost his parents at a young age. Perhaps seeing his success might be a shock to some…
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lustingfood · 1 month
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Grass jelly bubble tea (x)
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mysandwichgiver · 1 year
Why are there so many boxes of tea?! There's loose leaf tea in the cabinet too!
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tetrabytez · 11 months
Part Two
Reblog if you vote for sample size, please!
Part One
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fatty-food · 2 months
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Dragon Heart, Thai Milk Tea, Matcha Milk Tea, And Taro Milk Tea (via Instagram)
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Matching pfp idea
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1lifeinspired · 10 months
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“Earl Grey Milk Tea” ~ milkandpop.com
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daily-deliciousness · 5 hours
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Strawberry yakult tea refresher
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lake-lady · 1 month
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sunnibits · 8 months
this has probably been done before but idc I love hot beverage. also I imagine I will be in the minority as far as this poll goes. feel free to elaborate as to what specific variety of drink is ur personal favorite bc there’s no way I’m listing every kind of tea and coffee
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“Hot Tea With Lemon” ~ By evahoffer-maiga
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stuckinapril · 4 months
I love drinking my silly beverages. If I could live on my silly beverages for the rest of my life I would
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dolokhoded · 29 days
all on board for dan's phil is a tudor princess who needs to be fanned with a leaf propaganda but also he's not distracting me from the fact that he was the one who went "can you bring me some milk but my oat milk and bring it to the icy glass that i already have" i ain't forget
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justrandompolls · 1 month
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filet-o-feelings · 1 month
My nurse said she'd never heard of anyone taking their tea with cream when I asked for some so now I'm curious. I thought it was basically standard. Feel free to share where you're from in the tags!
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coffeenuts · 5 months
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