#t-rex stim
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cutiepieautistic · 27 days ago
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Gorgug stimboard
×/×/× ×/×/× ×/×/×
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gummi-stims · 7 months ago
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🦕🦖Dino Buddies🦖🦕
From snoopslimesofficial on tiktok!
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ratkingsocks · 1 year ago
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Hopefully that split version works the way i think it will,,, we'll uh see but HEY its the heart pirates (well some of them!) with Cora-san as a little treat..
This is my first attempt at drawing people in a while, so its a bit rough but i don't hate it
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autisticdreamdrop · 1 year ago
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autism things is for autistics on every support needs level and dx level. not every “thing” will relate with all levels, but we try to get stuff for everyone. we have like 190+ so we really need to get updates on here haha do you relate with anything?? - the Dreamdrop System
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jinxneedssleep · 1 year ago
When you’re not autistic but everyone thinks you are. Call that autism by association
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sillycreaturestims · 1 year ago
Dinosaur Stimboard
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sweetpumpkinmouse · 1 year ago
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T-Rex hands <3
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cutiepieautistic · 9 months ago
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Happy stimmy kris!!! :D ❗🌈♾
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certifiedunicornhater · 2 years ago
flor chronically has a :3 face and t-rex arms or just his arms in front of him in general in my art for a reason btw. he’s always doing that he’s a little silly
he also does the :< face when he gets mad or upset a lot (mostly seen in the swap au)
he also has The Stare (or glare, it’s kinda both) he does when he’s really upset, he got it from his mom
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gummi-stims · 8 months ago
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A dinosaur ace stimboard!
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autiebiographical · 4 months ago
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Finding out that T-Rex arms is an autistic thing made me so happy!
T-Rex arms is actually a stim. I usually only do it when I'm fully relaxed and just not paying attention to what my arms are doing.
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thefallenangel2008 · 1 month ago
OK, SO I HAVE A VISION: Autistic Sea Grunkles. They have spent YEARS masking their quirks and stims to the people around them, and now that they're in a small boat with eachother in the middle of the ocean, they don't have to anymore. They're twins, they know everything about eachother. So what if Stan sometimes might walk around doing the "T-Rex hand thing" as Mabel calls it? He doesn't even seem to notice most of the time, but Ford doesn't bother commenting on it. And what if sometimes Ford starts to flap his hands when he gets frustrated with his research. Stan won't comment on it either. Well, ok, tbh he will make a joke out of it such as "if you keep flapping your hands like this you might even fly away" and then he'll tell him to take a break. Because that's what brothers do. They tease and take care of eachother. What if they get mad and go nonverbal on eachother? They might even spend DAYS not talking to eachother (or just in general) until they forget why they even got mad with eachother in the first place and start talking again like nothing. What if when it was one of THOSE days for one of them (the ones where the second you wake up everything is too much and you would rather stay in bed all day, yk?) and the other made sure he was fine. It didn't matter if they were feeling under the weather, they're in the middle of the ocean, no big deal. What if while Stan is cooking he starts making random noises with his mouth? What if Ford starts doing his own after hearing Stan? They will end up laughing and going all like "you sound ridiculous!" "As if! You look even more ridiculous" Anyway, on a completely unrelated note I need a fanfic out of it.
Part 2 (???):
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autisticdreamdrop · 2 years ago
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timkontheunsure · 10 months ago
Some of the reasons I think Stolas is on the spectrum
(finally getting around to popping this on up too).
He has special interests & misses social cues while being happy in them.
It not really normal to be happy reading legal documents when someone's life is on the line. But Stolas is just vibing that he gets to help with his love of words. Yay him!
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He stims when both happy & sad to help regulate his emotions.
His happy stims are:
*clapping when he gets to take Via to the circus, because he thinks they can enjoy it together.
He also does this with contract reading.
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*He hopps up and down when his dad gives him a new books. Also when getting ready for his date with Blitz. He's just so happy he needs to hop.
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His sad stims:
*are bang his head again and again about the engagement.
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*He self sooves with chest strokes when Blitz says his outfit is too much.
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*He hand rubs and wringing his hat when worrying about Via in LA.
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Special interests
The there's that Stolas info dumps on the playdate with Blitz all about his books and about plants.
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Stolas also feels he has to explain why Blitz horse joke was soo funny. And why's it so funny?
Because it's accurate. I love his little cutie.
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But he's also kept up his love of plants as a major hobby now he's an adult. When most people tend to swap interests as they age.
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Side bar
His comfy resting hand position is t rex hands. This tends to be an autistic thing. Also works well as an owl.
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Sensory issues
Stolas appears to also have some sensory issues too. When his a child he appears to be struggling when Mr Butler touches his hair out of nowhere.
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But he's fine with Blitz doing it when they're kissing. This shows a lot of trust between them.
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I think it's likely sensory issues are the reason why he swaps into his comfy, very old robe, as often as he can too.
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Specific communication issues
While Stolas is very good at some communication styles, he's pretty bad at others.
When the audience think it's another joke about wanting to keep a puppy; he immediately knows Blitz's is panicking the studio. And tries to get to him.
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However he doesn't get that his dirty talk is way OTT, because he's mostly likely coping it from the erotica. Not lived experience.
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Speaking of erotica.
There's obviously a rule that reading is allowed at the diner table. But Stolas doesn't get This book isn't appropriate to read there.
Another rule he appears to follow more rigidly than most probably would; is that when you get an appointment you wait till you're seen.
Ozzie's ment to met Stolas at noon, but doesn't make it till 4 pm because of problems with work.
Stolas is only a couple of days out of the hospital and is probably feeling horrible.
But he sticks around a minimum of 4 hours to be seen, because he feels he has to.
(I'm assuming he also got taught you turn up earlier rule, but this just a guess).
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Stolas genuinely wants to do something Via will enjoy, and he's fine taking Via to stylish occult when she asks.
But didn't get it till she's crying and sad that she wasn't enjoying Loo Loo Land.
"I take it you are.. not having fun." She needs to spell it out. Sarcasm isn't easy for him to interrupt.
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His was obviously thought taking his daughter and his lover out to a theme park would be a good way to introduce them.
It's the sort of plot that only works on a novellas. And that's probably when he got it from. (Probably worked great for Gabrielle and Alejandro).
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These are examples of him Masking, and not understanding why it didn't work.
Stella's being dangerous to be around = take Via out somewhere for her to have fun to blow off steam.
Wanting your lover and daughter to like eachother = ask IMP to tag along as the completely unnecessary bodyguards.
He doesn't really get that flirty with his affair partner, in front of his kid while going through a divorce isn't a good idea...
He also struggles to understand when his flirting comes off as condescending too. With "ittybity imps like you" or calling him Blitzy in public. He's most likely him coping language from other goeita.
But Stolas is very good at knowing when knowing when Blitz is fine being picked up, when to reassure him with face stokes, or how to calm Blitz down from a panic attack in just a few seconds.
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So it's not that he's just never learnt these skills. It's just that some communication skills are harder for him than others.
But if you disagree that fine. 🙂 I just wanted to put down some of my thoughts why I think he could be.
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rooshoom · 2 years ago
I did it. I have Spots verbal quirks in the previous post and now you get to have Spots physical quirks and movements with some quotes from when I noticed he does them.
Terrible casual ‘guy’ poses
The arm lean, the hand on the hip, the tilted head. He is totally faking the confidence.
“I love how many of your there are!”
“It’s the place with the big collider.”
Shoulders / Arms
When he first walks into the store to rob the ATM, he has super tense shoulders. We see a lot of his stress and tension carried more in his upper body than lower body.
Lots of shrugging
Shrinks in on himself by squeezing his arms to his sides
During the flashback when he brought the spider from 42 to 1610 you can really see how much he tries to squeeze in on himself.
Slings his arms, when he throws his portals his arms fly forward very fluidly. Example when he throws the portal at Pav, Gwen and Hobie, he throws it hard enough that his upper body drops once it’s out of his hand.
Hand movements
Fingers first, if you watch the way he reaches into the ATM he doesn’t just casually reach in, he grabs things with his fingers instead of his whole hand or with his palm
Floppy hand / t-rex arm
Conveys tons of emotions through his hands, like when he is shocked he flexes his fingers open. Maybe picked up on this since he can no longer express emotion through his face.
Balled fists but likely out of nerves. Once again seen in the flashback of the spider.
Points with all of his fingers instead of just one. “You made me into this!”
Standing / walking
It seems like he only stands at full height when he’s trying to convince himself to be confident. “I am the Spot.”
Even when he’s actually confident he doesn’t stand at full height. Right before he disappears inside Pav’s collider, which you can tell by his verbal cues that he’s very confident with what he's about to do, he’s still leaned over.
Knees together, once against this man just wants to appear small.
Clumsy. “I need more spots!” Running into walls, dropping things, and twisting around corners.
Would rather stand, crouch, or stand on his knees than sit down. Look at Gwen watch him ramble to himself while building, he doesn’t sit once.
Crouches with his neck more than his back. “You’ll have a villain worth fighting for.”
Head / Face
Head tilts
Leans forward to see with face first, so lucky he has a hole right there to deflect fists because if he didn’t he would be punched in the face so fast.
When he says “wow four on there.” You can see him lean in with his face. Totally why that old lady beat him with a purse.
Literal nose tilted up attitude later in the movie. When he’s in Pav’s universe dropping scientists into portals, he has face tilted up and nodding along with how many holes he creates.
I see him stim with his legs a lot, such as hopping foot to foot. “This is real.”
Just generally very fluid, watch how he falls into the portal when he yells, “I am your nemesis!” He flops into it instead of bracing for impact. He has no sense of self preservation.
He. Cannot. Fight. Watch all of his scenes and look at how loose he is. A slinky of a man.
Look at how he flails. This man would flinch if you threw a pillow at him.
Y’all, I’m absolutely encouraging you to write Spot X Reader with my lists. I’m trying to make this easy as possible, don’t think babygirl just write a bedtime story for the masses we can all peacefully drift off to. Let me spoil you with the time I spent doing this so you don’t have to.
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mystycalypso · 11 months ago
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The gifs, of course. They are shorter bc well- my boy doesn't have many scenes. It's sad. More Ivan in season two hopefully?
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1. *BLECH*
2. "Ivan YIPPEE when"
3. "I don't care if he's a murderer he managed to put a roller coaster on his house!"
4. "This bitch"
Next on the expression analysis list...
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I hated his design at first, but he's genuinely become my second favorite member of the Rescue Squad
See y'all in another 2 hours or so with the Ivan Torre gifs
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