#swan soap
emmieexplores2 · 1 month
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stone-cold-groove · 2 years
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Which Swan baby would you adopt?
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kwistowee · 7 days
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Sir, this is so not the time... OUAT 3.01
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"Presenting, Simon "Black Swan" Riley
I seriously have a love-hate relationship with CODM for this
This one is Soap
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solreino · 10 days
Swan Song
Chapter 1: Taking Flight
Summary: In preparation for your debut as Odette in Swan Lake, you encounter a few bumps in the road. Little do you know this is just the start.
Pairings: TF 141 x Reader
Word Count: 5.1K
Warnings: Eating Disorders, Toxic Beauty Standards, Creepy/Unwanted Behaviour, Period-Typical Attitudes (1910's), Innacurate Translations.
A/N: I'm not well informed about ballet, I have never danced it before, so I apologize for any inaccuracy regarding terminology. Also, the story is set mainly in Russia, so the reader is presumed to be of Russian origin.
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[November 11th 1911, The Bolshoi Ballet Academy, Russia]
"1 and 2 and 3 and 4!”
Your eyebrows furrow in concentration as Mr. Lenkov begins to play Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake Suite, Op. 20a: I. Scene "Swan Theme" for what feels like the sixth time this hour. His nimble fingers dance across the ivory keys once again as the composition presumes its macabre melody.  
To say the last few weeks have been stressful would be a dire understatement. Since taking up the role of Odette in Autumn, you’ve yet to recall the last time you’d had the pleasure of succumbing to the sanctity of slumber, nor rest altogether for that matter. From dawn to dusk, you’ve found the studio becoming a second home to you; like an ever-so gracious host with a tendency for passive-aggressive hospitality, who coaxes you from the front door in promise of warm tea and a place to rest your head, insisting you stay "just one more hour". You know better, well at least you think you do, because beyond the studio door you know there’ll be no rest awaiting you, only relentless recital. Still, you don’t look back as you accept its welcoming embrace. Because- 
Anything but perfection would not suffice. You see, back-breaking discipline; impeccable precision; artistic competence; meticulous dedication, it’s nothing new to ballet and in turn, it’s nothing new to you, either. To be a ballerina means to surrender yourself to the artistry, and let your body become its mindless muse.
The Ballet industry is an anomaly compared to other artistic sectors. Unlike others, it subverges from the ideals of ‘beauty in the eye of the beholder’. Conformity is key. There are strict standards to be met and an unquestionable quota to be completed. Anything but, will not do. It disregards the need to sugarcoat its shallow requirements; skinnier, sharper, prettier, thinner; if it fulfills the requirements, it will suffice. 
Image is everything. It’s a shallow, superficial sentiment that directors set upon budding ballerinas like hounds to hares. From day one, they plant it into the impressionable minds of aspiring dancers. Uncontrollably, self-doubt sprouts like a stubborn weed. Each off-hand comment or direct dig, whether it be about a girl’s weight of en pointe form, encourages the festering parasite to root itself deeper into her mind. Then she grows older - it’s too late - and the parasitic thought has poisoned her once innocent outlook on life and has rotted it right to its roots. For the rest of her tragic life, the girl will only know the number on the scales, the image in the mirror, and the misery in her mind. 
You’ve seen it happen to others. You’ve seen it happen to you, because-  
Ballet has ensnared you - mind, body, and soul. Over the years, you’ve felt its callous claws dig deeper and deeper into your flesh, leaving scars so severe - both physically and mentally - sometimes the pretty pink ribbons you adorn your feet with prove futile in the bid to cover them. Prodding and poking and probing; fingers jabbing mercilessly into your sides, accompanying a doubly ruthless "you'll need to lose this extra weight if you want a spot on my stage". For a sport so vain, you ought to think it would go easy on its victims. A session of self-reflection proves otherwise.
You learn to bear and grin through it all. You don’t have much of a choice anyways. After all, many before you have suffered the same, and those who come after you will too. Because after many years of being a ballerina-
You learn to see beauty in the pain. 
The blood you bleed makes the red roses you receive at curtain call worthwhile; the sadistically sweat-inducing masterclasses make the shining smiles and standing ovations from awestruck audiences worthwhile; the tears make the champagne chutes you get to drink at the expense of your company worthwhile. You chase these highs like you do with stardom.  
All you've ever dreamed of since a little girl was to be a ballerina. Perhaps, it was the beautiful dresses a child of your class could only dream of back then, or how pretty the woman on the front page of your father’s newspaper looked posing on the tip of her toes. You don’t know for certain what exactly it was that enthralled you with it all. Sometimes, you wish you had never boarded that train to Moscow, never bothered with all that came with being a ballerina. It’s a selfish and self-deprecating thought, for you know if you were to stay on that homestead, there was an imminent chance you would have succumbed to the troubles of poverty you had faced back home. Admittedly, there are times you miss your life before coming to the city. None can be done about that, however.
Now, you have to push your body to its limits and beyond. Daily, you trespass boundaries you had once believed your body did not possess the ability to, reciting the same sequences endlessly, over and over again, until you physically can’t pursue your practice further that day. Even then, you find yourself persevering through the pain and fatigue; limbs heavy like lead; a mind strong like steel. If you knew your efforts were futile in the bid to rid yourself of any flaws in your dance, you would be wrong because-    
Ultimately, you knew no matter how much effort you exerted, the Dance Principal; Ballet Mistress; the reputable Madame Orlova would not miss a single thing.
For decades, word has circled Moscow of the cold-hearted, quick-witted, sharp-tongued old woman who ran the prestigious academy with an iron fist. It was just your luck that she had taken you under her wing as one of her pupils. You dare say she had taken a liking to you, though, she did have a tough way of showing her fondness onto others. 
Never a day was there without some sort of mistake to be mended by her recognition. At times you think God had cursed her to be forever unfulfilled in her outlook of life. The others in the Troupe seem to think so too. 
You dread to think of how much Mr Lenkov’s fingers must be hurting from playing the same melody over and over again for this past hour. It wouldn’t surprise you if the composition begins to haunt your dreams like a creaky, broken music box. You’ve never had the pleasure of owning one, though you had seen one in the window of a repair shop one time and-
And, as the Ballet Mistress shouts at Mr Lenkov to cease his playing, you know she has once more found a flaw in your dancing. 
The symphony stops abruptly with a garble of incoherent notes before it can reach its crescendo. Inwardly, you sigh. 
"No, no, no!" She scolds.
Her boney fingers rub feverishly against her temple in frustration. Rising slowly from her chair before you, her walking cane thumps anticipating against the studio’s oakwood floor as she ambles towards you. Wrinkled eyes bore into you; you struggle to withstand the urge not to writhe under the intensity of her stare.
"Your arms,” She begins slowly, her gaze raking over you in scrutiny, “They are stiff.” 
“From the shoulder to the fingertips,” She gestures with her hand down the length of your arm as she speaks. “It must flow, like the wing of a swan.”
She uses the moment of silence as you take on the command to survey your form, prodding and poking your stance to adjust it to her liking. 
“Do not forget this.” She finishes. 
"Yes, Madame Orlova," You nod in acknowledgment, wincing slightly each time her finger jabs into your shoulder blades and readjust your position to better suit her expectations. 
She huffs a breath in what you can only presume is somewhat satisfaction, signaling for Mr Lenovo to resume playing.
The song resumes its somber sound, and you take heed to the Ballet Mistress’ words. Flowing from your shoulder blades to your fingertips, you encapture the essence of the White Swan; melancholy in her mourning of a lover whose heart he had promised to another. She is vulnerable in her virtue, and she shows that in her final flight. Odette longs for the skies, for an escape from the betrayal of who she had held dear, but her wings fail her. In desperation, she flexes and flaps her wings, but alas, she cannot take flight. And so-
You spiral in a presession of slow spins, arms portraying the anguished attempt the Swan Queen takes to take flight for the final time before decelerating into a despairing descent as Odette. The tune tumbles to its end from beneath Mr. Lenkov’s fingers as you complete your practiced plummet to the studio floor, encasing your body with your arms the wings of the white swan, as the grief-stricken creature takes its final breath. 
You raise your head to look at Madame Orlova.
And, for the first time in your decade-long enrollment at the Bolshoi Ballet School, you think you see the infamously stone-faced stone-hearted ballet mistress smile. 
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It's a cold evening in Moscow tonight. The winter winds thrash ferociously at the loose and unraveling threads of your scarf. Whilst it does little to protect you from the frigid frost lingering in the air, you wear it anyways as any warmth you can garner to combat the icy environment is, in your eyes, worthwhile.
Snowflakes dust your hair with specks of glistening white, gathering upon the crown of your head where you have neglected to put on a hat. They tickle your nose and gently brush against your rosy cheeks as you tilt your head back. Your face turned towards the sky; watching as the snow twirls and tumbles from the clouds above, gradually blanketing the ground ahead in a pristine carpet of soft white. It crunches as you walk towards the theatre, leaving footsteps on the once-untouched landscape. You take extra caution not to slip on any hidden ice - an injury is the last thing you needed on a day as imperative as this. 
Somewhere in the far distance, the Kremlin bells ring. 
Thirteen mighty chimes thunder throughout the city. You feel the ground rumble in response beneath your feet - a reminder to hurry.
Rushing up the snowy steps of the Bolshoi Ballet Theatre, you quickly let yourself inside in an attempt to escape the chilling temperatures of the Moscovian evening - and to avoid running behind schedule. 
The warm air inside greets you welcomingly. You eagerly pull off your gloves in its presence to soak up the heat it has to offer. Slowly, you begin to regain feeling into your fingers. Sighing a relieved breath, you make your way backstage as the marble floor of the foyer echoes noisily beneath your shoes.
There, you receive a not-so-calm yet begrudgingly familiar greeting. 
Pre-performance is usually like this; congested backstage corridors; a cacophony of frantic demands and directions; boxes of overflowing props and costumes rushed up and down the hall; the deafening pounding of ballerinas breaking in their pointe shoes;  dim lighting making it near impossible to navigate. However today, with your debut as the company’s newly appointed principal dancer just hours away, it feels even more nerve-wrackingly overwhelming. 
You brace yourself as you get swept away in the havoc of opening night, tangled in the rambunctious crowd as it traverses through the labyrinth of backstage passageways.
Despite the absurd amount of people crammed in corridors unable to withstand even a fraction of their current capacity, you miraculously manage to maneuver your way to the dressing room; elbow-to-rib style, ducking under boxes and weaving past those racing in the opposite direction. 
Relief hits you as you swing open the dressing room door, closing it quickly behind you as your eyes blink rapidly to adjust to the bright lighting inside. The much more quieter, yet seemingly livelier chatter of friendly conversation and girlish giggles encompasses you as you move further into the dressing room. You shrug off your coat, laying it to rest on the coathanger and take your seat in front of your dresser.
Tranquility seeps into your bones as you slouch against the chair’s backrest momentarily, soaking up the opportunity of rest no matter how short-lived the moment may be. Mentally, you take the moment to prepare yourself for the evening, and all the chaos and calamity it is sure to bring. 
Sighing, you straighten yourself up in your seat, glancing at your reflection in the mirror as you do so. 
"I didn't know you had a secret admirer.” 
You don’t turn around as the voice chimes up from behind you. You of all people know better than to entertain her playful antics. 
The voice reveals itself from its lurking in the background, resting her chin just above your collarbone and draping her arms over your shoulder. 
Your eyes meet hers in the reflection. She grins back at you.
“Valeria.” You sigh, patting the hand resting around your shoulder. “It’s good to see you.”
Valeria, crowned tonight’s Black Swan, is one of the company’s longer-serving principal dancers and has self-appointed herself as your tutor and friend as of late. Graciously, she has taken you under her wing these past couple of months as you have gradually adjusted to your newly bestowed title, joining her amongst the Bolshoi’s most prestigious ranks. 
“You too,” She smirks, a little too suspiciously for your liking, pecking your cheek in greeting before returning to her seat at her vanity next to you. “You too.”
You begin to rummage through your stage makeup, tilting the mirror toward you so you can better see, before laying out your needed products on the desk space. You pay no mind to her mischievous staring as you do so. But, as you have learned over your time acquainted with Valeria, nothing can deter her from getting what she wants. And right now, that is to find out who this supposed ‘secret admirer’ is.
"So tell us then," She drawls teasingly, "Who's the lucky boy?"
The edge of your desk presses uncomfortably into your side as you turn to give her your attention. For the time being, anyways. You yourself are somewhat curious as to what she is talking about. But the sooner you can resolve this suppositious accusation, the sooner you can resume to the real issue at hand - getting ready for Swan Lake. 
Confusion stirs at her question, and you tilt your head to the side, urging her to explain further.
A ribbon-wrapped gift box is pushed toward you. You watch on, confused. 
Valeria’s legs swing idly back and fro as she gazes at you expectantly. The corners of her lips tug further into a grin at the silence that ensues and at the completely dumbfounded expression on your face. When you give her no answer, her Cheshire-cat-like grin falters. 
The girls around you giggle, peering over from their makeup stations to indulge in the drama unfolding. Valeria shoots them a look from over your shoulder, one you cannot decipher, but it quietens them down. 
“For me?” you ask doubtfully, slightly stumbling over your words as you take the generous gift into your hands. “Oh Valeria, you shouldn’t have-”
“Not from me.” She huffs.
“I don’t understand,” you mumble, eyes scanning over the gift as you look for a label, a note, a letter, anything that may reveal the gifter’s identity. “Who could this be from?”
She shrugs indifferently, turning to focus on her reflection in the mirror, transfixed on getting the edges of her lipstick just right. 
“The girls who were here before me said it came delivered to the dressing rooms earlier this hour-” She smiles at her appearance, appreciating her flawless makeup in the mirror. Placing the lipstick tube down with a quiet thump, she turns to focus her attention on you once more. 
She pokes a finger at you in playful accusation. “-Asking for you specifically!” 
It’s your turn to shrug your shoulders, unable to give her the answer she craves, for what reason, is beyond you.  
She eyes you incredulously, before returning her attention to her mirror seemingly unable to neglect her reflection for just a moment longer.
“Well,” She gestures toward the ribbon-wrapped gift with her free hand, playing an unbothered facade. You know full well she is practically itching to uncover this mystery. “Are you going to open it?”
Your eyes dart between her and the suspicious box, almost expecting this to be some sort of ruse, perhaps she had given you a jack-in-the-box and was waiting for you to get the fright of your life; her idea of fun.
Hesitantly, you begin the unravel the sheer ribbon keeping the box from opening. The fabric rubs soothingly against your fingertips, a luxury fabric you have not had the experience of touching before. It was clear that whoever had purchased this was of a wealthy background.  Perhaps, you think, you could make this into a bow to wear. 
You don’t know what you were expecting when you lifted its lid, but you definitely were not expecting a pair of .
“Aye chingao!” Valeria startles as she leans over your shoulder to get a better look.
Nestled between a blanket of draped deluxe fabric, a pearlescent pink, almost winter-white, pair of the most exquisitely crafted pointe shoes lie. You fail to restrain the exasperated sigh of awe at the sight, carefully grazing your fingertips over its silky satin finish as if the slightest touch could possibly damage them. You can confidently say, they are the most beautiful gift you have ever had the pleasure of receiving. 
“No secret admirer,” she says.” Valeria quirks an eyebrow up at you.
"Don't be ridiculous, it's probably just costuming.” You dismiss her far-fetched conspiracies, though, you find it hard to draw your eyes away from the pair of shoes, and the fact that this had definitely not come from the costume department. So who had sent you these?
"Ha, as if Mr. Baryshev would ever allow the budget given to costuming to be used for anything but lining his own pockets!” She laughs bitterly. 
“I’ve been-” Valeria exhales out a frustrated breath, “-trabajando como un burro to afford the means to get wear this!” She growls, her hands gesturing to the coal-coloured feathered fabric of her intricate bodice and tutu. 
You open your mouth to give her your consolation before a knock comes to the door. You, Valeria, and the rest of the room quieten into hushed murmuring - just for a moment. Then-
“On in 30, Ladies!” A gruff voice hollers from the other side of the door.
The room erupts into chaos.
A tsunami of frantic ballerinas surge forward towards the row of dressers, crashing against each other like the tides of a raging sea you had heard many-medal adorning men recount about in tales of some distant land. The only redeeming thing about conducting post-performance business is the stories and tales you overhear; the rest, you are not so keen on.
You take the distraction in stride, shoving the pair of shoes more like semi-worn in pointe hand-me-downs from costuming somewhere under your vanity, and replacing them with your newly acquired gift.
“You’re going to wear them?!” Valeria hisses incredulously. 
You glance at her sideways, smirking back at the priceless expression of amused disbelief on her face.
“Well, they’re shoes, aren’t they?” You jest, grinning at her mischievously. “It would be a shame not to.”
She shakes her head in mock-dissappointment, haphazardously stuffing her stage makeup in its designated drawer before firmly slamming it shut. 
“I fear my mischief is rubbing off on you too much.” She mumbles as she looks up at you, feigning a tone of dismay, only to be betrayed by the growing smirk on her face. 
“Well,” She smoothes her hands over her slicked-back bun of cropped raven hair, "I'll see you out there." 
You give her your goodbyes as she pats you on the shoulder, rising from her chair and making her way toward the dressing room’s door. 
“Don’t let the Director find out,” Valeria whisper-shouts from over her shoulder. “You know what he’s like.”
She ushers the remaining lingering corps-de-ballet girls out of the changing rooms, winking at you as she closes the door gently behind her. 
You listen as the chatter slowly retreats from beneath the doorframe, Valeria’s distinct, accented laughter mingled with that of fast-paced Russian retreating down the echoey corridor ‘till you could hear it no more. A serene silence hugs the now-semi abandoned dressing room; those, including you, who aren’t to appear until later acts remain, a more pacific atmosphere stirs, with subdued gossiping, softer laughter, and a more slowing-encroaching sense of time.
You slump in your chair. 
You have a long evening ahead of you.
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The rear of house is relatively quieter now.
You can no longer hear the lively chatter associated with the pre-performance buzz, only the occasional hushed conversation resurfacing through the suffocating silence as people pass by. Walking backstage is always an awkward feat, your pointe shoes make an unpleasantly loud noise against the cold concrete floor with each precarious step you take. 
You had felt bad for having to break them in; they were an extraordinaryly well-crafted pair of pointé shoes, they fit perfectly too, and you were certain the price tag was even more extravagant. You still hadn’t resolved the identity of the mystery gifter, but you’d make sure to thank them profusely for their kindness. For now, however, you have a debut to make. 
Your feet thump rapidly as you semi-rush toward the entrance to the left wing. The further you near, the more people it seems are gathered in anticipation for their appearances onstage. The conversation is greater here than that of in the deeper bowels of the theatre where the dressing room had been. Mingling herds of ballerinas and dancers lean idle against the walls, stretching in preparation for their scenes, and chatting amongst themselves, but done so in more gentle, lower tones so as not to alert the audience of their presence a mere wall away. 
They regard you with reassuring smiles and words of good luck as you briskly waddle by; you reciprocate them with a short-but-sweet smile. 
The music grows in amplitude as you enter the left wing officially; the once gentle thrumming is replaced with an all-encompassing eruption of expertly strung-together instruments. The welcoming embrace of the song is quickly diminished though, much to your dismay because-
The rafters here have always given you the creeps. With no help from Valeria either, who  divulges in gossip of the ‘ballerina’ who had been ‘crushed to death’ by a poorly-secured light fixture on the theatre’s proscenium arch each time she catches you gazing nervously upwards at the looming space. You know it’s mainly just the technicians who lurk up in the rafters, commandeering light cues and stage transformation sequences as the ballet progresses. 
‘You have nothing to fear’, you admonish yourself. 
Still, that doesn’t stop the hair on the back of your neck from standing up as you approach the left stage-side.
Your presence goes unnoticed for not even a second. 
Someone speaks your name in a hushed whisper.
You peer over your shoulder at the source of the sound; the silhouette of a stout-statured man emerges from the left-wing doorway. He seizes you suddenly by the shoulders before you even have time to recognise the overly-touchy-friendly Mr. Ustrashkin.
You stagger at the sudden force with which he embraces you, regaining your balance with an awkward squeak. It is only then do you see the disconcerted look that his face has taken on.
“Mr Ustrashkin?” You begin hesitantly. “Is something the matter?”
“Walk with me, dear.” He requests, but he has already pulled you into motion with the firm grip of his hand on your shoulder.
The two of you trail off to the side to make way for the group of pas de corps, and for the privacy of what you can only assume to be bad news. The ballerinas smile respectfully at you, lowering their heads slightly as they account for your company before skittering off, their ghostly white tutus fluttering by behind them like swirling snowflakes. 
When the last of the dancers had passed by, Mr. Ustrashkin speaks again. You take the small queue of silence to compose yourself exteriorly for what is to come. 
“Something..." He stalls, theatrically contemplating the correct word to use before resuming. "...unexpected came up within these previous hours. A true shame it is, but Fyodor, your dance partner, has sustained an ankle injury. As you can understand, he will be out of commission for the foreseeable future, and unfortunately is unable to perform with you tonight." 
Your heart sinks. It collapses from your chest cavity like a marionette doll on snapped strings; as its puppet master surveilled with cruel glee from above. You wonder what you had done to anger God, for him to administer such a thing onto you. On today of all days too. 
“Oh, um, I-” You stumble over your words in a tangled array of shock, panic, disbelief and uncertainty.  
“None of that now, little swan.” Mr. Ustrashkin tuts, almost as one would scold a misbehaving child. 
You recoil at the unwanted nickname, but are too overcome with internal panic at the newly arisen situation to pay it much mind. Saying anything anyways will get you in trouble, and you have climbed too far into the good graces of the executives of the company to fall out of favour for something so insignificant. 
You struggle to maintain your composure, hanging on the thread of internal and external unbridled alarm. You bite the inside of your cheek to withhold any curses from escaping your mouth.
‘On all days this could have possibly happened on.’ You mumble to yourself mentally. 
“So, if Fyodor isn’t dancing tonight..” Your eyebrows scrunch up in confusion, eyes trailing from Mr. Ustrashkin and the conversation at hand to the semi-concealed view of the stage. “Who is dancing Prince Siegfried onstage as we speak?”
Swan Lake has been going for around an hour by now, but with your appearance not until the second act, you needn’t be in as much of a rush as those in the first. You had spent that time responsibly; the majority of which was in the dressing room ensuring the costuming was to standard and ogling over the anonymous gift. Much to your displeasure, that also meant you didn’t have the pleasure of seeing everyone off at curtain opening, and you hadn’t been able to catch a glimpse of this ‘Mactavish’ Mr Ustrashkin had been singing his praises about to you. 
"Do not fret that pretty little head," The plump man quips. Mr. Ustrashkin pats your back, presumably in an act of reassurance, but the force which he uses almost sends you stumbling forward. "His understudy, Mactavish, has taken up his role."
“Mactavish?” Your head tilts to the side as the syllables of the foreign-sounding name roll off your tongue with a questioning implication. 
“Oh yes!” He startles with a cheery smile. “A wonderful dancer through and through. We scouted his talent in London and had him transferred from The Royal Ballet to dance for us instead.” He rambles on in recollection. “Though the two of you aren’t properly acquainted yet, I’m sure he’ll be substantial as a dance partner in Fyodor’s absence.”
All you can do is nod your head absentmindedly, hoping to be relieved of his unwanted presence. And, like all men are, his attention is quickly drawn to another. 
A loud laugh barks out from across in the right wing. 
“Valeria!” The now-agitated man growls lowly, his teeth grinding together as he storms toward her as quickly as his little legs can carry him. 
‘So that’s where she went,’ you think, half-bemused, half-concerned. You also thank her in your head for unknowingly getting you out of a conversation you no longer had any interest in being involved in.
Rolling your shoulders to relieve some tension that had been building up, your eyes search diligently for someplace to stretch before your presence on stage is needed. Finding one, you make sure to apply an ample amount of rosin to the bottom of your shoes before skittering your way over. 
The minutes pass by neither quickly nor slowly, more like a muddled mixture of the two. Your body moves without control, years and years of dedicated practice leading up to this much anticipated moment allowing your body to memorize the moves. Your thoughts, however, are the fore-focus of your attention. They rumble through your mind like a blinding blizzard, burying any logical thought with a suffocating, unmoveable barrier of bleak snow and amounting stage fright. 
The Pit Orchestra unleashes Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 1: No. 9, Finale Andante’s crescendo upon the awestricken audience as such Zeus would do to the land below Mount. Olympus with his thunderbolts. If you dare a glance, you may manage to see Mr. Lenkov strumming his harp melodically, or his musical protégé he can’t help himself but boast about day in-day out. 
The floor beneath your feet vibrates as the composition reverberates deafeningly throughout the auditorium; you would struggle to believe the crystal chandelier that looms overhead is not swinging violently nor the champagne glasses the aristocrats’ cradle has not shattered at the absurd volume. Though, it could just be the nervous shaking of your legs.
You catch fleeting visions of the dancers on stage; their shadows flickering in and out of view like the dimming flame of candlelight. Your thoughts are once again drawn back to Fyodor’s supposed understudy. Not once had you had a recital with him, and so you could only hope he was adequately practiced for his role. 
The melody of Act 1’s final act concludes with the triumphant trill of the violin ensemble. The audience erupts into an oscillating ovation; cheering, clapping, whistling; at a volume so loud it could rival its predecessor. Your doubts about Mactavish’s adequacy are quickly disproven. 
It only brings a sliver of comfort, however. 
You linger in the shadows for a moment, trembling fingers brushing hesitantly against the fabric before you. Then, cautiously, you peer out from behind the safety of the illustrious velvet curtains. Your jittery hands fiddle with their golden tassels as you gaze at the exceedingly large audience. The auditorium of the theatre had never been so full.
You try not to let the sheer amount of people overwhelm you; a thousand thousand faces staring stagebound.
You fail.
And as the announcer commences the beginning of tonight's performance, you also fail to notice the man watching you from across the other side of the stage.
 “Bolshoi Ballet proudly presents Swan Lake!”
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atopvisenyashill · 12 days
im most looking forward to the last season bc i want the scene where aegon hysterically orders baela’s head to be cut off after sunfyre dies, no one draws this scene enough but once the show does it (and i think bethany antonia & tgc are gonna be so great during it), i will finally be fed and i need it i’m starving here
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gummi-stims · 9 months
Hello there! Do you think you could do an untitled goose game stimboard with preferably slime and soap cutting stims if that's okay
Have a nice day and thank you :)
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It's a lovely morning in the village, and you are a horrible goose.
🦢- x -🦢
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eilidh-eternal · 9 months
Guys, I promise I am still writing for Swans. I know it’s taking forever but this chapter is important contextually and just isn’t flowing the way I want it to :/ but it’s at like 5k and will probably be close to, if not more than, 6k when it’s done
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how did you come up with your username?
I was thinking about the Black Swan and somehow came up with this??? I have no idea.
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nouns-are-bad · 2 years
More soap brain rot
• he wanted to be an artist just like one of his aunts so he started practicing at a young age
• was never a dog person but only started to feel anxious around them after a really bad dog attack that happened to him
• hates thunder even though he’s a demolitions expert
• likes to wear rings when out of the military on leave
• has shit handwriting, literally just scribbles to anyone else
• fidgets with his gear a lot, never has been seen just sitting still
• really good at following directions to a tea when he wants to, but he still fights a lot of orders sometimes
• doesn’t talk to a lot of his family anymore, there are years between when he speaks to them
• has his own little house near a river that his grandma gave him
• loves reading, really good at imagining what scenes look like
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angryrabbit42 · 7 months
Eric & I continue to discuss this 90s soap starring a very young Sarah Michelle Gellar and oddly enough Mira Sorvino is there. Eps 11-15.
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misforgotten2 · 1 year
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McCall's   October  1948
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thebutlerspottery · 3 months
Ring Dishes or Trinket Dishes
Have you struggled to find earrings in your jewelry box? Especially when you’re in a rush. Well, no more when they are kept in a beautiful ring dish that I transform from clay.  A place for jewelry,  spare change, or hair clips I make several designs, shapes, and colors. Here are there a few small dishes that are perfect for keeping rings and jewelry close at hand, hair clips, or display your…
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yanderenightmare · 7 months
TW: nsfw, noncon/dubcon, omegaverse/hybrid au, size difference, pet-play, predator x prey, collaring, drugging
fem reader
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Thinking about a human collector who decides he wants a new pet to add to his collection...
The air of the animal shelter is polluted by whimpers, howls, and growling as he parades past all sorts of rareties locked up in their cages – all for him to pick and choose from. 
The warden is telling him about the new swan hybrid they wrangled a week ago, wings like an angel with the grace of royalty, a true prize jewel of any collection. 
He thinks it sounds promising before strolling past you.
Placed in one of the smaller cages on the floor, seemingly tucked away so as not to catch anyone’s attention. 
You’re a sorry sight to behold – all starved and shaking – the collar around your throat too heavy for you to lift your head, having to look up at him through your lashes as he crouches down in front of you.
Your eyes are wide like two moons as he sticks a finger in through the bars.
It’s thick like a carrot, and for a moment, you seem like you’re about to scurry away into the very back of your cage – but instead, you inch closer, sniffing at the digit before suddenly snapping at him.
He backs away with a hiss, drawing the warden's attention – who rushes back and knocks his cain against the cage with a growl in his throat, “Stupid critter.” 
You’ve narrowed your eyes, nose wrinkled in anger – something akin to a snarl forming your lips. It’s a funny expression to see on such a normally docile breed.
“I’m really sorry, sir. Bunnies aren't usually aggressive, but we’ve had issues disciplining this one for weeks.” The warden rushes out the apologetic excuse, expecting to be sued.
But the collector only chuckles – a deep sound that makes your soft fur stiffen. “That’s fine.” 
He pulls a handkerchief from his back pocket, all movements calm and collected as he wipes the spill of blood trickling from the small bite mark you’d left on his finger.
“It’s only a nibble, after all.” 
You spit the bitter taste left in your tongue out on his shoes with another sneer.
If it angers him, it still doesn’t show through the lofty smile he wears. His leer is just as poised and heavy as he looks down at you.
“Does she talk?”
The warden had turned to lead him towards the more desirable and tamed section but halted at the question.
He had a puzzled look on his face before he answered, almost in a question himself, “We don’t know.”
The collector scoffed out another small laugh, then pulled out his phone. “How much?”
The warden seemed appalled then. “Sir, we have exotic pets more up to your standard in the back. Are you sure-”
“I want this one.”
The warden looked snuffed at his firm tone. But straightened himself out after a moment. All business as usual. “We can’t guarantee she’ll behave. It could be dangerous-”
But he’s cut off yet again, this time with another rumbling chuckle.
“That won’t be an issue.”
And those dark eyes with that deeply dominating look within them were the last thing you remember seeing before becoming a sleepy heap on the floor of your cage – drooling with a blank stare as you’re carried to the trunk and driven off with.
The tranquilizer makes you fall asleep, waking to heat swallowing you as you’re lowered into a bathtub.
“Let’s get you groomed first.” The same man murmurs in a coo. Petting your head with a heavy hand when seeing your weary eyes try blinking off the sleep – but still left too drowsy to thrash.
Instead, you can just moan as he washes you with a tender smile on his face – his big hands coarse against your creamy skin, rubbing your plush limbs with soap and oil.
“My pets have been an awful handful lately…”
He’s talking about something, but you only catch bits and pieces of the words being said. Something about ruts and scratched furniture – someone’s been pissing in the sofa, and all the pillows are ruined.
He messages the lops of your ears, then rinses them gently.
“But it’s my fault. I’ve been neglectful.”
He cups your tits next, lathering them with the warm milky water, circling your nipples with the gritty pads of his thumbs until they perk.  
Then he delves under the water to find your puffy cunt, letting the hot water rush the sensitivity, making it swell with heat as he splits the lips and pets your clit. 
You buck your hips, and he awes with a light chuckle, crooning down at you. “It's okay, little bunny.”
His carrot-sized finger teases your hole before sinking inside you, filling you in slow and tentative pumps. Sitting next to the tub, just as composed as before, while your cunt squeezes his knuckles.
He hums, watching your body fight the tranquilizer as you seize up and ripple with release.
He retracts his hand, patting them both on the fluffy towel placed next to him. A content smile on his face. “You’re gonna do perfect.”
After he’s finished drying you, he fixes a collar around your throat and carries you out to the others.
“Gather ‘round, pets.” He announces, placing you down on the soft carpeted floors beneath.
Your limbs are still heavy, too weak to stand just yet. But that all changes with the adrenaline kick.
“Come say hi to your new rut-puppet.”
The stench in the air coats your skin with sweat.
“She’s a fragile thing, though, so make sure to play nice.”
Your big eyes skitter around. 
On your left, there’s a wolf, fox, and hyena who all lick their teeth at the sight of you.
Next to them lies a bear that wakens from his slumber. He licks his snout with a huff.
Drool drips from the hang in their lips as they start panting. 
And they aren't the only ones.
On your right, there’s a panther and leopard whose eyes all blackout into nothing but a deep pool of darkness.
Their tails slowly meander behind them as they arise from their beds to stalk you.
You whimper, backing up until your back hits the legs of your new owner.
You lift your head to look up at him, only to see him smiling down at you.
“Don’t be shy now. The smell of fear only makes them wilder.”
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part 2
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stardust-swan · 3 months
Everyday Ways I Honour Aphrodite
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(NSFW warning)
🌹Roses, roses, roses. Rose soap, rose lip balm, rose hand cream, rose lotion, rose perfume, rose oil on my pillow before falling asleep, rose candles, rose incense, roses in my garden, rosewater toner, rose face mist, rose shower gel, dried roses in the bath... Just roses everywhere you can fit them.
🌹Reading romantic books and poetry, watching romance films
🌹 Reading books and poetry about Aphrodite
🌹Making myself feel beautiful with pretty jewellery and makeup. Even just a swipe of tinted lip balm boosts my confidence (I use French Girl Rose Noir). I try to wear at least a little bit of makeup or jewellery daily, even if it's just a pair of studs or a subtle lipstick
🌹 Even if I'm just staying at home all day I'll spray perfume and put on jewellery and do lipstick just to feel sensual while I'm lounging around playing Animal Crossing (currently wearing a comfy embroidered nightie, small gold hoops, a pretty bracelet and a little bit of YSL Orange Perfecto lipstick as I write this)
🌹 Embracing my sensuality. Swaying my hips, feeling the softness of my body, dancing freely, engaging in self-pleasure, taking nudes, trying to unlearn the shame associated with sexuality from my upbringing. I don't watch porn often as I find most of it unhealthy and misogynistic (I only like this one random Japanese couple's channel and some vintage and Korean softcore), but I enjoy toys (my favourite is the rose), erotic literature, erotic film, audio porn (usually in other languages because I find a lot of dirty talk just makes me cringe but I still get enjoyment out of hearing little moans and silky low voices so I get that and avoid secondhand embarrassment from bad dirty talk by listening to it in languages I don't understand), and erotic fine art.
🌹 I try to get really comfortable when I'm engaged in self love. Lipstick and perfume on, hair styled, lingerie or nightie that makes me feel sexy, a candle lit or rose, ylang ylang and jasmine oil in my diffuser, soft music playing. Then I'll position myself comfortably, and stroke my thighs, tease my nipples, squeeze my breasts, lick my juices off my fingers and use it like a lipstick, painting my lips and nipples or using it to lightly lubricate my clitoris. Running my hands all over my belly, thighs and breasts, experimenting with different types of pressure and stimulation. Just luxuriating in the sensual feelings I can bring to my beautiful female body.
🌹 Wearing jewellery with seashells, pearls, emerald, ruby, bronze, copper, gold, jade, garnet and iridescent beads
🌹 Enjoying apples, honey, figs, pomegranates, strawberries, raspberries, olives, lettuce, rosewater and chocolate. I like buying Guylian chocolates as they're seashell shaped, but any chocolate will do (my favourite chocolate bar to buy is white chocolate with strawberries). I also like foods that you can taste the rosewater in like rose macarons and Turkish delight.
🌹 Making foods with ingredients she likes, like honey cakes, Persian rose love spell cookies, rosewater nougat, Persian love cake, baklava, cornes de gazelle, mhencha, etc... I mostly stick to Mediterranean, North African, Arab and Persian recipes, as they commonly use ingredients like rosewater, honey, pomegranates, and figs.
🌹 Carrying rose quartz in my pocket and keeping rose quartz under my pillow
🌹 I use a rose quartz roller to massage oil into my face
🌹 I keep a mini Venus de Milo statue and a swan trinket box on my bedside table
🌹 Drinking a drink made up of honey, cinnamon, milk and hot water at night to relax
🌹 Wearing pretty lingerie under my clothes, even if it's a basic outfit
🌹 I often fall asleep to the sound of ocean waves
🌹 Gold highlighter swept on my cheeks and body shimmer on my collarbones, reflecting light like sun rays on the ocean
🌹 Doing little offerings, like spritzing her statue with perfume, or offering up a portion of food I'm eating that I think she'd like
🌹 Lighting incense in scents like myrrh, frankincense, rose, vanilla, cinnamon, ginger and jasmine
🌹 Drawing myself relaxing baths with fragrant oils and salts
🌹 Reading hymns, Sappho's poetry, and listening to Athanati Afroditi
🌹 Listening to music that's romantic or sensual (this is my playlist)
🌹 Carrying a hand mirror and admiring myself as I check my makeup
🌹 Adding honey to tea
🌹 Writing letters and poetry about love and beauty
🌹Admiring women I find beautiful without jealousy or resentment, just appreciation
🌹Using these emojis: 🌹🦢🌊🪞🍎❤️💘💗💕💋🕊️🫒💄
🌹 Wearing pink, red, aqua, and seafoam green
🌹 Being consistent in self care. No matter how low my spoons are, unless I'm so dog-tired I end up falling asleep on the couch at 8pm, I force myself to do my evening skincare routine - cleansing, toning, eye cream, moisturiser, oil. And I always feel better for it even if I was exhausted before. Much smaller but I'm also consistent in oiling the ends of my hair daily and spraying perfume before bed. And I keep up with getting my hair done and brows waxed every three months without fail.
🌹 Doing exercises that make me feel sensual. I'm really lazy tbh but I push myself because I know Aphrodite would want me to take care of my body. I pick exercises that make me feel good and desirable, like yoga flow, belly dance, and exercises that target my womanly attributes.
🌹 Giving compliments!
🌹 Doing a big self care day every Friday (the day associated with her). Hot oil hair treatment, foot soak and exfoliation, removing old nail polish and buffing and filing nails, face mask, teeth whitening....
🌹 Going to the pond in winter and admiring the swans
🌹 Going to an art gallery in my city just to look at the painting Venus and Cupid (Day) by Fragonard
🌹 Sleeping on silk sheets as they feel sensual (they're also good for your hair and skin)
🌹 Making my own diffusers and cosmetics from natural, aphrodisiac products. Homemade bath salt with rose petals and pink salt, homemade lip mask with olive oil and rose oil, and adding oil of rose, jasmine, sandalwood, and cinnamon to a diffuser as I find these scents stimulating and sensual.
🌹 And of course, thanking Lady Aphrodite every day.
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silken-moonlight · 4 months
Bound for eternity
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A/N: After looking at the poll, I now have a proper list of what to write in which order! I am so happy that so many of you helped to decide. I will upload the fourth part of the older Alpha x Human waitress tomorrow. Also: I take requests/questions to stories and characters. For now: have fun with this new little story. - Swan/Moon
You arrived home in the late afternoon, walking through the door of your flat with a sigh. You were finally home again! Your feet hurt and you were sweaty all over. Your friends and you had gone to a renfaire, which had been an amazing experience. There had been so much to see. You had worn new medieval clothing that you had gotten online. You had looked amazing, your friends had looked amazing, and everything had been really just a hit.
However, now you want nothing more than to take a bath and change into your pajamas. Maybe you will make yourself a little snack too. You put away your bag with all the little goodies you had bought and gotten there, setting it aside to put the new stuff away later.
The bathroom door stood open, and you walked through it, drawing yourself a bath. Beforehand, you undressed and put your clothes into the laundry basket. Turning back to your bath, you added some bath oils. You chose some lavender, rosemary, and also added a little rose oil to the water. Lighting some candles for the mood, you quickly got your favorite drink from the kitchen. You returned, closing the bathroom door and proceeding to get into the bath. You sank into the water, a sigh escaping your lips. How good did it feel now that your sore muscles could relax. The hot water was doing wonders for you.
Your thoughts drifted back to your day as your gaze fell upon your wrist. A thick silver bracelet, or bangle, hung there. Thick and made of silver, it was carved with intricate florals and symbols. The small booth you had visited had displayed several different bracelets and bangles for sale, but this one had immediately caught your eye. You had tried to remove it to prevent damage while bathing, but your efforts were in vain. The bangle stubbornly refused to budge over your wrist, even as you lathered your arm with soap. Frustrated, you eventually gave up and left it on.
It was a little strange, earlier when you had tried it on. It had slipped so easily onto your arm and over your wrist. You trailed your finger over the silver, thinking about the old man who had sold it to you. Considering it was real silver, you hadn't paid that much for it. It was beautiful, fit you perfectly, and apparently, you were stuck with it for a while. Another sigh left your lips as you knew you would soon have to get yourself up and start washing. So, you did just that. You washed your hair and body, choosing a pleasant-smelling soap, and then got out of the bath. You wrapped your body and hair in towels, taking your time to do some self-care.
An hour later, you walked into your bedroom, wanting to get your nightgown. However, it was incredibly cold in your bedroom. You shivered and turned around to see if your window had been left open. You almost jumped back when you spotted the...person lying atop your covers. The person stared up at you, but before you could scream or do anything, you saw it. The person had horns, long white horns, and...a tail. You blinked, gaped at the person who smiled at you and revealed their sharp teeth. You finally managed to say, "What are you doing here!? Who are you!?" Your voice panicked, and you took a step back when they stood up and walked towards you. "I am your spouse, and you are mine," they almost purred. "What do you mean...Don't come any closer," you said and took a step back. They only smiled at you, ignoring you and taking your hand with the bangle.
“You are wearing my sign, my signet. I am bound to this bracelet and those who wear it shall be my spouse.” They purred and looked down at you. “And you are perfect…” Their red eyes caught your gaze. You were confused. "What? No, it does not work like that. You have no claim.” You quickly answered. Their touch was cool against your skin, and so gentle.
“Am I not pretty enough for you?” They immediately asked, hurt in his voice. Now you felt bad: “You are pretty!” You quickly answered, speaking truth. “B…but you just showed up in my bedroom, you must understand that this is overwhelming.” You said softly, their hand still on your wrist, trailing higher. “I don’t even know your name, or what you are.” You told him, hoping to make him…what did you even want him to do?
“I am Sorelas and I am a servant of the old gods. I was bound to the bracelet by a wizard. He said I will be free when my spouse and I seal our marriage. That my partner and I will be together forever from then on. Of course he tricked me and I was alone for so so so so long…” He answered. “I know your name, I know everything about you…My perfect wife…I was alone for so long.” He purred and stepped closer, allowing him to enter your space. He was hypnotic and smelled like eucalyptus. “And you are so warm…you smell so good…” His hand wandered up to your cheek. “Can’t you feel our bond?” He whispered. Strangely ou felt the bond. “You can feel my feelings and I can feel yours…” Sorelas whispered and suddenly you felt such an intense need. His tail wrapped around your thigh.
A heat developed between your thighs. He hummed: “You can feel it too…help me…” He pleaded, his thumb trailing over your lips. “How?” You asked softly. Sorelas grinned:” May I show you?” You nodded and in a blink of an eye his lips sealed yours. His arms enveloped you and held you as tight as you could. He sighed, kissing you over and over again. “I haven’t felt the touch of another in too long…” His voice was filled with need for closeness and desire.
You were in a haze, it was not like you to just make out with a stranger. But this stranger had horns and apparently the two of you were bound together? You would figure out the rest later, however now you just wanted to make this need disappear that you felt to be filled. You kissed him again, he began to get greedy. His hands began to trail up and down your body, greedy for you.
You pulled him towards your bed and he opened the towel still wrapped around your body. He exclaimed something in a language you did not understand. His gaze was fixed onto your breasts. He touched them gently, eyes wide and he licked his lips. “You were made by my gods, a vessel of beauty, perfect…and mine.” You gasped at his touch and as his tail wrapped around you.His lips met yours as he groped and felt your tits. He massaged them as he enjoyed the feeling of your touch. His length rubbed against your thigh through his loose pants. You wanted to see his body too. Quickly you parted, opening the blouse thing he was wearing, his body now finally exposed to you. He grinned and got rid of his trousers himself. You gasped again when you saw him in his full glory. He chuckled and placed his hand on your cheek: “I am yours, please, touch me. I have not felt anything in the longest time. I am hard for you, my spouse. I am aroused, do you see my precum? It is all your work…Let me please you.” He purred as he pulled you close again. His length rubbed again against your thigh. You nodded and carefully wrapped your hand around his long cock. It was beautiful and you felt that it had ridges. You whimpered at the thought of him entering you. It would rub the perfect places inside of you. Your touch made him gasp and whine.
You grew bolder beginning to stroke his cock, his hand quickly traveled between your thoughts. You saw him slightly trembling, he was so happy to touch you. To feel you. His fingers began to feel up and down your slit. His nimble fingers found your clit, flicking and rubbing it. You bit your lip, your gaze finding his. “Please…” He said again. You nodded, allowing whatever he wanted. Quickly he was over you, aligning his cock with your cunt. His fingers rubbed your clit, making you whimper and moan. His mouth found your nipple, he wanted to please you before claiming you.
Arousal pooled beneath you when you came from just his fingers and his mouth at your nipples. He grinned, taking your slick and coating his cock with it. Sorelas rubbed his tip up and down your sensitive pussy. Slowly he began to enter you, his tail wrapping again around your waist to hold you in place. Finally he was inside you, moaning while he was finally inside you. “Otherworldly…” He whined, he took your hands and put them on his horns. “Hold onto me while I fuck you.” You did that for him, his hand went back to your clit, rubbing it again and making you whimper. Slowly he moved, getting bolder and rougher. He needed you so much, he needed the warmth, the pleasure, the touch. “Yes…yes…xes…” Sorelas whispered at he got closer and closer to his first release in centuries. You held his horns, meeting his hips in the middle. Your second release washed over you and you clenched hard around him. Your…spouse came, loud and moaning in a language you didn’t understand.
He collapsed on top of you, thanking you again in that language. You wrapped your arms around him, a strange need in you to just do that. You wanted to cuddle this strange…whatever he was. He put his full weight on you, relaxing and kissing the skin he could reach.
“Mine…for all eternity…” he whispered in your language and smiled at you.
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