#student challenges
nenelonomh · 6 months
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how to stay motivated long-term
trust, me i know that long-term motivation and consistency is hard. long-term motivation might be difficult to maintain, but there are effective techniques to help you stay focused and determined. whether you're seeking personal ambitions, academic achievements, or professional success, here are some strategies to help encourage motivation:
understand the reason behind your goal ☆ does your goal contribute to personal growth or meaningful relationships? ☆ how does your goal impact others? ☆ is your goal meaningful to you? if your goal lacks meaning, it may be hard to maintain motivation.
positive and negative motivation motivation can come from different places ☆ positive motivation: the desire to experience pleasure ☆ negative motivation: the desire to avoid something (an outcome) both types of motivation have their place, so learn to recognise what type fits in where.
set up systems use your initial motivation to set up structures: ☆ create routines, systems and habits that help you towards your goal even when your motivation fluctuates ☆ when your emotions wane, rely on these systems and disciplines to maintain momentum
break down goals ☆ tackle one goal at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed ☆ set achievable milestones and celebrate each step forward ☆ keep the momentum going by focusing on manageable tasks
validate good work ☆ give yourself a little reward, or thank yourself, for completing hard tasks ☆ this reinforces motivation and encourages effort
remember--motivation isn't in a constant state, it ebbs and flows. these small tips will help to stay motivated. i'm going to provide more information in upcoming posts, and i will link them here once they are published.
luck on your journey ❤️
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gravitascivics · 2 years
This posting and the next one do a couple of things.  It continues the critique of the natural rights view by trying to describe an irony with that view.  It also flushes out what the last posting brought up, that being the favored natural rights answer for dealing with students who are not performing well or even their behaviors regarding disciplinary concerns.
         To remind readers, the natural rights view has a preferred approach to the study of governance and politics; that is the political systems approach originally offered by David Easton.  This approach strips from political analysis normative concerns as it objectively or scientifically goes about designing studies.
These studies have political scientists identify factors or variables so as to test them – through the measurement of behavioral responses to stimuli – and determine whether significant correlations can be detected.  If so, cause and effect relationships can be theorized as the aim is to discover explanatory causes for what reality has to offer.
Given that, the natural rights view also promotes levels of individualism, and while the above objectification of reality takes place, the view ironically favors that people have the right to do what they wish short of interfering with others to do the same.  The irony lies in that commitment toward individual agency might and does run counter to what scientific studies might discover would be most advantageous for individual actors but which they, tested individuals, might find distasteful to perform, consume, or support.  
For example, how should young individual students behave and conduct their studies in schools?  In line with that concern, do natural rights guided educators stay true to implementing what the social/psychological sciences find to be effective, or should they shop for an approach that caters to the wishes of individual students?
Some years ago, Barbara Lerner wrote,
 Today’s teachers have been taught that self-esteem is the answer, and many believe that it is.  Others, who [usually] don’t often face great pressure to conform to the prevailing view. Some have been effectively silenced, or driven out of the profession altogether.  The result is that the role of self-esteem in learning has a special status.  On a host of other pedagogical questions, teachers have varying viewpoints and express them freely.  On this one, the settled answer goes largely unchallenged.  Teachers seem to accept the modern dogma that self-esteem is the critical variable for intellectual development – the master to learning. According to this view, children with high self-esteem forge ahead academically, easily and natural [sic]; children with low self-esteem fall behind.  They cannot achieve excellence, or even competence, in many cases, until their self-esteem is raised.  That, at any rate, is assumption one in what I call the self-esteem theory of intellectual development.
Assumption two is that many children are in this boat because low self-esteem is common in childhood.[1]
 And more recently from Twinkl Teaching, the following is offered:        
 Studies have shown that teachers' self-esteem is important for their success in teaching. It’s been found that teachers' positive and high self-esteem positively affects their pupils' self-esteem and enhances their learning. Teachers play a very important role in supporting children’s self-esteem. They have a significant, lifelong impact on their pupils, which extends further than just the fostering of academic skills. They’re also responsible for fostering positive self-esteem, which in turn leads to increased motivation and learning.[2]
 Apparently, everyone needs healthy levels of self-esteem in order to teach or learn. And how much do such views coincide with the elevated levels of natural rights thinking which is prevalent in the culture? Self-esteem and personal wishes seem to this blogger to be two sides of the same coin.
         This blogger argues that humanistic learning theory psychology (described in the last posting), to varying degrees, has, if not by name but by substance, been accepted by educational academia and school district administrations around the country.  It congruently matches the whole market orientation and systems perspective described earlier in this blog except for the argument of the essentialists.
In short, with its emphases on temporal perspectives and individualism, this psychological school is highly congruent with the philosophical historical development of the country since World War II – the years in which the natural rights view has had increasing levels of influence.
         But more to the point of this critique, as a prevailing, accepted position, it has become part of the sociological forces operating in the nation.  Its effects have furthered an atmosphere of irresponsibility.  Humanistic learning theory psychology does this because it neglects communal realities.  Culture and its sanctions toward improper behavior are relegated to an illegitimate role (considered as subjugation).  Sanctions are seen as interfering with the development of a “true self.”
         This posting will abruptly end here, and the next posting will finish this critique with this blogger’s concerns about humanistic learning theory psychology – or as it is better known, self-esteem psychology.
[1] Barbara Lerner, “Self-esteem and Excellence:  The Choice and the Paradox,” American Educator, 20, 2 (Summer, 1996), 9-13 & 41-42, 9.
[2] “What Is Self-Esteem?.” Twinkl Teaching (n.d.), accessed February 26, 2023, https://www.twinkl.com/teaching-wiki/self-esteem#:~:text=Studies%20have%20shown%20that%20teachers,esteem%20and%20enhances%20their%20learning. Twinkl Teaching’s editorial stand seems to be in favor of self-esteem psychology.
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Always at my trustworthy local library 🌟📖
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memoriesndew · 9 days
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fall is here. It's time to lock in. weight loss edition.
after taking a miniature break I have finally decided to track my weight loss journey here, to keep me motivated and to track my progress.
there are approximately 3 months left in the year (without september) and in that time I want to focus on my weight loss and lock in. I will take a break from creating notion templates and focus on skills and hobbies.
why 3 months? simply because that's what's left in this year and also because most people start seeing results after 3 months.
so I started this challenge last week and here are a few things I've achieved last week. I worked out for the whole week. I hit 10k steps daily from tuesday didn't do so well on monday. I also completed my daily workout cycle for the most part.
✿ my main goal is losing weight really just reaching my weight goal which is 42kg - p.s I'm short
✿ I will try my best to update daily and I also have a physical journal that I will update every night before bed
here are my current stats
( 🍨 ) 63𝒌𝒈 Current weight: 59.1kg
( ) 57𝒌𝒈
( ) 52𝒌𝒈
( ) 49𝒌𝒈
( ) 46𝒌𝒈
( ) 42𝒌𝒈 gw
( ) 40𝒌𝒈 ugw
i do think the stakes are not in my favour and I might not reach my goal at the end of the year but at least I can try.
so I will be uploading my workouts weekly, at the beginning of every week as to keep myself motivated to do them and for as many that would like to go on this journey with me. at the end of those 3 months, I will update this blog post.
✿ This is the habits i want to achieve each day also I plan to have a set eating time between 12pm and 8pm everyday. i will write about what I eat I'm also not going to be really dieting or cutting out foods just minimizing my portions
habit tracking:
maintain calorie deficit of 1200 hit 10k steps 7+ hrs of sleep 2l of water 30mins+ of movement journal progress movement cycle [3/3] eat between 12 pm and 8 pm
✿ : my days will mainly be filled up with reading (adrinette fics), language learning, crocheting, organizing, blogging, Bible study, watching(might continue Gilmore Girls) and more
decided to add workouts to my daily updates instead
i will start updating tomorrow
post tags : dews wl lock-in
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studyinrain · 2 months
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today was great! i’ve recently started practicing yoga in the mornings, and i’m loving it so much. other than yoga, i make sure to do physical activity during the day, and today it was walking.
after that, i spent the afternoon planning my upcoming academic year and the rest of my plan & goals for the remainder of this summer.
🌟 i’m using an excel sheet to track my performance in each course i’m studying. basically, it helps me determine which topics i’m confident with and which topics i’m struggling with, so i know what topics to study and work on everyday (start with the weakest topic).
[daily log]
–discrete math (sets): completed lesson videos
–sociology readings for class #2 pg. 1-2
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nin-nyan-ve · 1 year
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Nihilism and Absurdism
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lacaffeina · 4 months
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4-5/50 days of productivity | 16-17/5/'24
just been picking myself up.
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juliaxyn · 2 years
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It is time to take the books and start studying, you will achieve your goals📚🎓✨
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museeofmoon · 8 months
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Thurs,1st feb | Feburay started with thunderstorms for me, and im not complaining. It feels so weird to make a post after more than a year. i have completely forgotten my ways, regardless im more than happy to be back on here!
Day 1 of 30nym: What are your main goals for this challenge?
I struggle with having the discipline i want so i hope this could somehow peer pressure me into pushing a bit more? Also i wanted to make a comeback on here lol
🎧: Love wins all _IU
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amymbona · 1 month
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The young english literature professor who's lectures you attend because he's genuinely the nicest person at the whole uni but he's also very very cute <3 you bet that you're gonna be discussing female and underrated writers and getting deep into all the books. He doesn't care about the study plans - fuck that - if his class wants to converse about absurd drama and act out the whole Waiting for Godot, then you are doing that. He's the kindest soul, so supportive of all his students, offering tutoring lessons after the lectures and giving his free time to his students :(
And he's kind of your best friend too, saying he loves loves loves your essays. He's aware that you're an aspiring writer, that you'd like to publish a book on your own and you bet he's doing all the corrections and proof reading. Sweet professor Donaldson :( adored by everybody <3
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marimeeko · 1 month
Imagine if izuku let's his class know about his cool new super suit by one day coming in during their combat training and being like
"Today, your challenge is this!" *steps out from behind some other teachers who are overseeing, and strikes a signature AllMight pose with his hands on his hips* "DEFEAT ME!"
And his class full of kids goes wild at the sight of their sensei looking like a full on hero, until now they've really only seen photos and videos from 6 to 8 years ago when he was in the war and his second and third year at UA.
They ask him if his quirk is back, and Izuku smiles fondly and says no, but some very special people have created a way for him to do herowork again!
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academicazura · 2 months
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4/100 days of productivity • 31/7/24
today was a pretty good day!
had lunch with my mom (and grandma) for her birthday
finished writing notes on a civics article (umm someone needs to highlight the key words for me, i fricking can’t)
almost finished chemistry chapter 1.1 but by evening i was so tired i just couldn’t finish it, so i left the exercises for tmr
running out of black gel pens so i switched to blue in chemistry :/ tell me it still looks good 😭
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shanaissance · 2 months
I had such a hectic day today. I had to present my science project and the amount I stress I've had since last night was immense. But it's all done now so I think I'm gonna take some rest today. But I will catch with my studies by rising early in the morning. 🥹
Wish me luck <3
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tokyoviee · 2 months
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progress, not perfection.
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indigomistudies · 25 days
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studying in my favourite nyc coffee shop: 787!
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grad-premed-suffering · 5 months
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2024.04.10 | Day 81/100 days of productivity
Slept in today and that extra sleep seems to have made all the difference to my mood and energy levels (who knew!). I'm hoping to get done with my decision analysis final essay either today or tomorrow so I can edit and move on to my research proposal for qualitative methods (and eventually get back to the research - which I actually enjoy (no offence to my professors)).
Today's goals:
Drink water (2/3)
Finish readings for tomorrow
Finish first draft of decision analysis final essay
Have a good formal dinner :)
Do at least 1 load of laundry
Get enough sleep
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