#stroke support.
monteewellnez · 1 month
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Stroke Prevention Made Easy: Essential Tips for a Healthy Life
A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted, either by a blockage or a burst blood vessel, leading to brain damage. It's a leading cause of death and disability worldwide, but the good news is that many strokes are preventable.
Recognizing the Risk Factors
Several factors increase the risk of stroke, including high blood pressure, smoking, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle. Family history and age are also significant contributors. However, adopting healthy habits can greatly reduce these risks.
Embrace a Healthy Diet and Active Lifestyle
A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins is essential. Reducing salt intake helps manage blood pressure, while avoiding excessive sugar and unhealthy fats can prevent obesity and diabetes—both major stroke risk factors.
Regular exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling, strengthens the heart and improves circulation, further lowering stroke risk. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week.
Supplements for Stroke Prevention
Certain supplements can support brain health and circulation. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil, help reduce inflammation and maintain healthy blood vessels. Coenzyme Q10 and magnesium can also support cardiovascular health. For those recovering from a stroke, these supplements may assist in the rehabilitation process.
Commit to a Healthier Lifestyle
Preventing stroke requires a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. By eating well, staying active, and considering the right supplements, you can significantly lower your risk and lead a life of vitality and wellness.
This post is intended to inform, educate, and recommend Neolife Supplements, an exclusive range of quality products, based on Nature backed by Science. You can interact with me by asking topical questions or suggesting areas you want to be treated. Please read and share this content with others who might find it relevant to their needs.
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Omega-3 Salmon Oil Plus. Works for the Heart, Brain, Joints, and more. It is clinically proven to support Heart and Cardiovascular health, Omega-3 Salmon Oil Plus may also promote youthful brain function, healthy flexible joints, and healthy eyes, ideal for pregnant women to support feutal eye and brain development. Omega-3 Salmon oil Plus has been clinically tested in humans and the results have been published in some of the world's most prestigious scientific journals.
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Inquiries for recommended product pairing with Omega-3 Salmon Oil Plus, for Stroke.
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Model Visuals Courtesy: Pixabay
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Feelings Thawed
Character; Cater Diamond
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, pining, ice skating (to various degrees of success)
Word Count; 650+
Author's Note; This is a present/thank you to my mutual @i-like-forgs. I hope you enjoy this ice skating scene with Cater, and that you get to skate soon!
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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The brisk wind bit at your nose, and you pulled up your scarf, trying to keep away the offending wind. Around you it was a winter wonderland, all made possible in the temperate conditions thanks to Cater, who was filming you skating around on the frozen pond’s surface.
“You know,” you hollered, making sure that you caught his attention, “you should join me! It’s fun!” You came to a stop by the pond’s edge, where Cater was standing with a large thermos.
Cater just shot you a wink, handing you the thermos. “This is for you though, silly!” 
He was deflecting, you could tell; behind that bright and cheery smile that he always seemed to wear around others, you knew when there was something off with Cater. You accepted the thermos though, and took a sip of the spicy apple cider, still piping hot.
You gave him a look and pulled lightly on his coat sleeve. “Yes, but it’s more fun with others, come on Cater!” You stepped back onto the ice, and slowly skated near him, waiting with an eager smile.
He looked at you, and then back at the ice, but he stayed standing in the light snow, shooting you that smile. “But I can’t take photos if I’m out there with you!” He scratched at the back of his neck.
Liar. “Cater,” you looped back around and stepped onto the bank, balancing on your skates, “do you not know how to skate?”
Cater’s smile turned sheepish, and his ‘ahahaha, looks like my gig is up’ chuckle made its appearance. He had been found out. “Never got the chance to,” he hid his face slightly in his scarf, either to keep the cold at bay or to hide that his cheeks were turning pink. “So I’d just slow ya down.”
You took his hand into yours, “Well, I could teach you if you wanted. Just a warning though, you’re gonna fall on your butt a lot, might get a few bruises.”
Cater looked down at your entwined hands. Mittens and gloves separated your skin from touching one another, but Cater could swear that he could feel the sensation nonetheless through the layers of fabric.
“You would? Even if I pull you down with me?” 
The last question wasn’t just about the ice skating; Cater didn’t want to force you to do anything that you didn’t want to… and that included being his friend. His heart seemed to whisper stronger emotions though, but he didn’t want to ruin what the two of you had.
You walked him out to the ice, and the both of you swiftly fell down on the ice, hard. But you just laughed and got right back up again, “Well, we did just fall. There isn’t anything scary about falling down; yes it stings and might leave a gnarly bruise, but in order to move forward we have to fall and get back up. So yes, is what I guess I’m saying.”
Cater looked up at you, the sun illuminating you and the snow glittered behind you. You were holding your hand out again, waiting for him. And Cater took your hand. 
It took him a while to get the hang of it, and he fell down quite a bit, but every time he fell down you helped him back up. And by the time that the sun was setting in the west, the both of you were cold, and both were going to wake up tomorrow with some bruises. It was fun though, which is all that mattered… but that whisper in Cater’s heart was by now singing, and maybe he would listen to it, but for now, he was happy with how the way things were, and he wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world, especially with how much you had smiled today. Your smile and knowing that you had fun with him was enough.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tags; @eynnwwyjth, @ithseem, @krenenbaker, @silvers-numberonefan, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @xxoomiii
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just-some-brainrot · 1 year
wild post totk: hi guys!
legend: what the FUCK are you wearing
wild, wearing the bdsm chain armor from the depths: i don’t know what you mean
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massiveladycat · 29 days
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meme aside, if you like to go into the tags of characters just to harass and attack people who actually like said character, you disgust me. there is something called the block button and filtering. there are anti tags made for a reason, holy shit. literally no one wants to hear that. they are trying to have a good afternoon and you're fucking it all up. some people find comfort in the characters, and when you openly decide to go out and scream at them for liking them, you're just raising the chances of them being afraid to come back to fandom. if you really want to talk about how bad you think a character is, make a damn post and ONLY tag it with the anti tags. yes, that will not stop pro character's from finding you, but it's much better than going after people i agree that people are entitled to say that they dislike a character just as much as someone is entitled to say they like a character. the only problem is when it's blown way out of proportion
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thelosthighway · 1 year
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“That was so good! That was really good, Dennis!”
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whumpypepsigal · 11 months
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Whumptober 2023 | No. 13
Roswell, New Mexico s04e06: “Will you make it go away?”
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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agtavio · 1 year
hbgngb drops this and leaves
some misc stuff while my life was on fire (it still is)
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reality is whatever i want it to be (i wanted to randomly draw vash with all my favs so bad it was insane)
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man idk i watched myself in horror as i lost it on a monday and blew through 600 chapters in a week and then a 100 more the next
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kedreeva · 3 months
genderneutral for peacocks/hens
Cannot fathom why you are notifying me, the peafowl lady, of this, but that's correct.
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fabricdragondesigns · 3 months
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MANY medications can make you more sensitive to the heat. PSych meds are notorious for it, but its not JUST those. please be careful , especially if you have started a new med (or higher dose) since last summer
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complexbaddie · 5 months
so amc is giving iwtv show haters tickets to events for the show now? very sick behavior
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insurged · 5 months
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ANNOUNCEMENT: blog hiatus from may 7-10th !! i won't be on here since i'll be visiting my grandmother in CA.
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nevesmose · 6 months
Perturabo was silent for a long time, his attention completely focused on the disassembled objects spread out before him.
"No, Fulgrim," he said eventually. "I am not fun at parties. Why do you ask?"
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The Primarch of the III Legion smiled. "No reason in particular. I merely wondered if you'd like to take advantage of so many of the family being close by."
Fulgrim stepped away from Perturabo's worktable, elegantly avoiding the discarded parchments and empty grey plastek sprues littering the room.
"Goodnight then, brother. I shall leave you to your..." he paused briefly, for once unable to find the right word. "Figurines," he finished.
"They're miniatures," the Lord of Iron said bitterly. Fulgrim gave the briefest of shrugs and left the room.
Oh, Perturabo, he thought fondly as his brother's door slid closed. Don't ever change.
"I told you he'd say no," a rough, low voice called from further down the hallway. "If it was anyone but you he would've started throwing things."
"Very comforting, Ferrus." The two primarchs walked together for a few moments in a close, pleasant silence. With anyone else Fulgrim would have found the quiet oppressive, felt the need to speak, to act, to perform in some way.
It had never been like that with Ferrus, and in his introspective moments he treasured that quiet as something uniquely theirs.
"How goes the process of civilising our newest brother?" Ferrus asked.
Oh, Konrad, Fulgrim thought. Please change, even just a bit.
"He has been a challenge," Fulgrim admitted. "More so than I expected."
"Really?" Ferrus asked, amused. "I thought you relished a challenge."
"Not this one," Fulgrim answered. "Have you ever considered the logistics of bathing a fellow Primarch?"
"I could be persuaded," Ferrus said.
Fulgrim gave him a pointed look. "Not like that. I mean someone of our size and strength who adamantly refuses to even consider basic hygiene. And our father wants me to turn this... being into a capable leader of his own Legion."
Fulgrim sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"At the moment it's a miracle if he sleeps through the night without some kind of outburst. His latest development is wandering the corridors to scream at every mortal he sees about the exact time and nature of their deaths."
"You must be tired."
Fulgrim laughed bleakly. "Tired," he said, as if it were some arcane alien concept. "Yes, I suppose I am."
"Come in, then." Seemingly without intending to, they'd arrived in the hallway outside Ferrus's chambers.
"The Gorgon of Medusa invites me to his quarters," Fulgrim said archly. "People will talk. What scurrilous rumours they might spread."
Ferrus shrugged. "Let them."
The room was cool, sparsely lit and, with the exception of Forgebreaker in pride of place on a wall rack, minimally furnished. The opposite of his own in every possible way, but at times like this Fulgrim found the contrast refreshing.
Ferrus flung himself down onto a primarch-scaled couch as Fulgrim's gaze was drawn to the incongruous sight of a rectangular open-topped frigerator unit containing ice and several glass vessels.
"And what might this be?"
"Oh, that," Ferrus said. "One of the latest archaeo-tech recreations based on analysing residues from ancient Terran artefacts. It's an alcoholic drink somehow brewed with crystals."
Fulgrim took a single delicate sip and wrinkled his nose slightly.
"Apparently it was extremely popular on old Earth, but only for a very short time before something else replaced it. Magnus would be able to tell you more."
"I imagine he would," Fulgrim said, turning his attention back to Ferrus. "But with the greatest of respect to the Primarch of the Fifteenth, I don't particularly care about Magnus just now."
For a long moment neither of them said anything. Then Ferrus slid back on the couch, legs parted, and patted a hand on the seat just in front of him.
"Come on, sit down."
Fulgrim quirked an eyebrow.
"Did I stutter, Phoenician? Sit down. You need to relax."
"If you insist," Fulgrim said. He moved to sit cross-legged in the space between Ferrus's legs. After a moment's hesitation, he leaned his full weight back against Ferrus.
"There you go," Ferrus said, starting to run his hands through Fulgrim's long hair. "You don't have to be perfect every single moment of the day."
"Perhaps," Fulgrim replied, closing his eyes. "But then what would I be instead?"
What is this called, he wondered, sudden and cold. What are we doing? The idea threatened to ruin everything if he dwelt on it. To ruin this, whatever it was that he and Ferrus had.
We're Primarchs, he thought. There isn't any existing human word or concept for what we are or choose to be, other than what we decide for ourselves. Like the first ancients naming the stars.
A single cool metal finger poked him gently in the back of the head. "You're thinking," Ferrus said. "I can tell."
"Congratulations. I knew if you saw other people do it you'd eventually start to recognise the signs," Fulgrim replied without any real malice, tilting his head back as Ferrus's hands resumed their movement through his hair.
He felt Ferrus's chest move behind him as he laughed. "You wound me, Fulgrim. I'll withdraw from society to weep and write poetry."
"Anything but your poetry, I beg of you," Fulgrim said quietly. "The galaxy isn't ready for that level of pain and suffering."
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retroautomaton · 4 months
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Here’s a quick round-up of May’s Ko-Fi Shop bulletins to round off the month!
✨3 New Members joined the Creature Feature Tier! ✨ Thank you! Having that kind of constant support is incredibly sweet and reassuring!
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And I hope you’ll enjoy the Alien Plastica palette and guide! I definitely went for a more old school, pop comic feel, and got some inspiration from the plastic toy versions of said comic monsters, so I hope it came across in the colors! 🦖
REMINDER! These Special Commissions only last for the month for members, so get yours in before June! ⏰
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As a PRIZE, if we reach at least ✨8 Members✨ before the end of May, I’ll draw a playful little Pin-Up of *this guy! 💎🔧
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With summer coming up, I’ve definitely thought of a few fun poses to put my funny little man in~
And finally, here’s a little Sneak Peek for next month’s theme! And a quick follow-up question…
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eleanorenchanted · 1 year
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When you should have been in the relay 😔
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binch-i-might-be · 1 year
I think it would be sooo sexy if John got hurt really bad while on some sort of mission with Gwash,, and Gwash was absolutely horrified and blaming himself and just trying to keep the boy alive and distracted,,, and if John in his delirium just fucking clung to Gwash because he trusts him so deeply and unquestioningly,, that's his general his commander his father-in-law his dad
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crimeronan · 1 year
I just saw your toh post and I actually hadn't watched it because the tumblr pitch as you say is just. not good! but after reading your post I was like wait. I actually might watch it now. so thank you for like Actually giving any hint to what the show is about lol that post is so real
man i don't think i even did it any justice with that post so here's an actual pitch for the owl house! describing the general premise:
it definitely starts out pretty kids-show-toned with heavyhanded "being a weirdo is great as long as you're yourself!" themes but even then it's genuinely funny and charming. but then it Very Rapidly expands into a story that's about this desperately chronically ill implied-alcoholic disaster trash lady who should never be around children taking in a 'quirky' but DEEPLY mentally ill girl who ran away from home to escape autism conversion therapy camp. (the chronic illness stuff starts in ep 4 when the crazy witch lady accidentally tries to kill the girl, it is Fast.) and there's a lot of whimsy and heart but there's also some very VERY realistic messiness with both their relationship and with the supporting cast.
in season two the show expands to parallel the girl's relationship with her accidentally-adoptive messy mom to a teenage soldier-prince who's been raised by the emperor of this fantasy realm. the emperor is chronically ill in a similar way to eda (the mom) but is. not. good about it. and is not good about a whole lot of other things too. and that season largely follows luz (the girl) trying to break hunter (the prince) out of his cult brainwashing, but then being COMPLETELY unprepared for the consequences and horrific reality once that actually happens. because the show takes cults and abuse and grooming to their logical extreme in a Very horror genre way.
i'd say the most consistent themes in the main storylines are generational trauma and chronic illness, both of which are explored in really dynamic and creative and nuanced ways. but the show ALSO did stuff with grief that fucked me up worse than any other piece of media ever has, Especially in the finale that just aired.
so. if any of this sounds good or compelling to you: THIS is what the owl house is about. there is also cute gay stuff and compelling gay arcs! but THIS is the meat of the show. the gay stuff complements it but is not the main point at all, imo. it's Good As Hell.
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