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TheCrimsonValley's artblog. This is where the creative stuff will go! Please keep in mind: Do not remove the captions.* DO NOT TAG my art, my own character or characters I'm commissioned to draw as "kin" or "me". Do NOT either use my or other people's characters as roleplay characters. Be respectful of character creators and just do not use the art/characters they create for yourself. * I always read the tags and appreciate any comments! Thank you all for your kind words, it really means the world to me!  
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thecrimsonvalley-creates · 6 days ago
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~ Fandom Trumps Hate Auction ~ Participating for the first time in @fandomtrumpshate! What is Fandom Trumps Hate?
FTH is an online auction of fanworks that generates donations to progressive nonprofits that are working to protect marginalized people. We began FTH in the immediate aftermath of the 2016 Presidential Election, and over the course of the last 8 years have raised over $300,000 for a range of amazing organizations. What am I offering? For this year I've chosen to offer up my writing skills. I've chosen to focus on three fandoms near and dear to my heart: * Pathologic/Pathologic 2 * Rusty Lake/Cube Escape * Rule of Rose Open to most suggestions for a text. Offer writing as high as a Mature rating. And as always open to messages to discuss what you would like to see written! :D Find more info about what I offer here: Thanks for your time <3
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thecrimsonvalley-creates · 10 days ago
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~ Flawed as we are: I ~ I return with more art of my favourite lad. The deep rooted need to draw the tormented man is too overpowering to ignore. Plan to draw further illustrations of the other main leads from the game :D
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thecrimsonvalley-creates · 12 days ago
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*Slams pots and pans together* The stone of Madness fic is up lads! Come get your daily dosage of angst! Inspiration bit me in the throat like a snake and refused to let go and here we have the result :D
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thecrimsonvalley-creates · 19 days ago
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~ Happy valentines day ~ Saw that the Rusty Lake dev team were asking for valentines greetings so I had to do my part by drawing my favourite lad! Always time to fill your heart with new memories together <3
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thecrimsonvalley-creates · 28 days ago
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~ Every time! ~ I've been playing a TON of The stone of madness and EVERY TIME without fail I'll forget what characters I need for the next part of the mission. So many days I've had to restart or spend getting resources because of my ADHD brain which refuse to keep this information for any amount of time. Despite this light vent at my own incompetence I recommend the game wholeheartedly! It's spooky. It got historical settings. The art style is beautiful and the soundtrack is just *chef's kiss*.
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thecrimsonvalley-creates · 1 month ago
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~Petya ~ Local trash opossum found eating entire rotisserie chicken in the kitchen at 2 am. Read all about it :D My man Petya over here been through some real eldritch horror bullshit and was thanked by one of the eldritch gods going "i like this one, boop, now you have a higher paranormal sense" :D. Works for Gretel by gathering occult artefacts. She usually says she has no idea how he even makes it back alive, if his accounts of how he gets them are truthful that is. Another one where the original custom design was made by Hyène!
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thecrimsonvalley-creates · 1 month ago
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~ Gretel ~ Meet the busiest business woman in town! Running the family business of hotels and restaurants with a fair but iron grip. Me and @nattravn-art are slowly working away at a new RP universe and populating it accordingly :D Gretel was originally designed by the super talented Hyène (Please go check their stuff out!)
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thecrimsonvalley-creates · 1 month ago
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~ Pepper ~ Sent into the woods. Didn't follow the path. Came back with a brand new perspective on the paranormal. Pepper has left the safety of his community on the outskirts of town, no longer feeling welcome after his encounter in the woodlands. Now he's trying his best to find a new purpose in town. Pepper's original design was once again a custom adoptable done by Hyène!
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thecrimsonvalley-creates · 2 months ago
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~ Your local builder ~ Finally got around to draw Mar in her Sandrock appearance. Still keeping that she's a mermaid who said "fuck this" and decided to walk around with the humans. This also means that she is rather socially awkward and doesn't really pick up on all these human etiquette rules. She's brash, bold and have zero fucks to give. If I could play her accurately there would be a riot within a week at the builders office as she would swear to dethrone Yan at every turn. She ends up in a sweet but a bit socially awkward romance with Zeke (please, please, I need this man so badly! He is the best and I adore him!).
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thecrimsonvalley-creates · 2 months ago
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~ Once upon a time... ~ Crawling into the new year and giving Frank some much needed love in the form of fanart. I've so many projects that I wish to do based around quotes from other video games I adore that just align so well with Rusty Lake characters. This one from Rule of Rose really just embodies poor Frank and his ordeal throughout life. Feel totally justified in giving this man some much needed peace of mind and stability in our Rusty Lake AU T3T
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thecrimsonvalley-creates · 2 months ago
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~ Ho ho Holy shit what a year ! ~ Grief and Vitu trying to get some rest in between the festivities at the hotel. They're both exhausted. They deserve a raise so badly! Rounding out this year with another little piece of holiday art of mine and @nattravn-art's Rusty Lake oc's <3
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thecrimsonvalley-creates · 2 months ago
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~ Decorating the tree ~ Holiday scenes for mine and @nattravn-art's Rusty Lake characters. Tree decoration is very important: specially for someone like Murray who never had the luxury to celebrate the holidays when he was a child. And believe me, in our headcanon this is not the only tree in the Vanderboom house. There probably is a tree twice its size somewhere. Please do not ask exactly where or how Frank found it ;)
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thecrimsonvalley-creates · 2 months ago
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~ The tiny alchemist ~ A strong mind. Will beyond her years. Mysteries waiting to be solved. Rosalind picks up the family heritage of alchemy, dwelling deep into its secrets with full conviction. Fun fact: The Sefirot in the background was also a light callback to my love for the Haunting ground series in which this motif appears in the Variatio Machina. The flower Rosalind is holding is also inspired by the fresh flower found in the same game. My love for Haunting Ground absolutely melts into this depiction of my girl and her journey down the path of an alchemist.
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thecrimsonvalley-creates · 2 months ago
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~ Rosalind and Agnes ~ Somehow it slipped my mind to post this drawing of the girls that I made all the way back in June when I re-designed them for mine and @nattravn-art's Rusty Lake AU. Could never bring myself to fully detached them from their Rule of Rose origin so I still very much kept that they were from Rose Garden Orphanage. AU rambling under the read more!
Rosalind, or Rosie for short, gets adopted by Murray and Frank. Known as a troublemaker and being far too spirited for her own good, it takes her a good amount of time to warm up to the idea that anyone wanted to be her father. Throughout her life she has a running joke of asking them if she was simply adopted as "part of the Agnes package deal". Believes that being a detective is like the Noir novels she's read and is very disappointed that neither her father nor his co workers will share any wild stories with her. Agnes becomes the adopted daughter of Henri and Leonard. She's incredibly reserved and an over achiever. Having lived a few years in a privileged household before her parents very messy divorced in which neither wanted parental rights over her, she learnt to play the piano and also did ballet. These are two things she picks up once she is moved into the Vanderboom household. Becomes known as her fathers little shadow, liking to follow them around at times just to see what they're up to, an act that she does so silently she has spooked them more than once. This AU is domestic fluff, because by all the gods I need the Rusty Lake characters, to have some happiness :;)
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thecrimsonvalley-creates · 2 months ago
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~ Family tree ~ A new life. A new child. Another leaf on the family tree. Agnes ends up picking up her grandmothers talent for fortune telling, treasuring her crystal ball more than anything. Been wanting to draw so much more of her and Rosalind as me and @nattravn-art continue to shape our Rusty Lake AU.
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thecrimsonvalley-creates · 2 months ago
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~ Curious items II ~
My hubris got the better of me and I decided to give some love to Haunting Ground by trying out some pixel art drawing of some of its items. Didn't realise until looking for refs how compressed the original games icons for those items were xD. I miss this game so much, was kind of therapeutic to draw these and just connect with it again.
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thecrimsonvalley-creates · 3 months ago
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~ Dancing to blow off steam ~ One of the few ways in which Foxglove blows off all that stress is by going out dancing. She doesn't tell anyone about this, feeling a bit embarrassed at it and once the rest of her colleagues finds out it takes her a moment to fully open up about it. Afterwards it becomes tradition for them all to get together and go out dancing, seeing as it is one of the few things which brings real joy to her life.
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