#stop hate
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blondebrainpowered · 23 days ago
"If any of you, in any way, hate homosexuals, people of a different color or women, please do this one favor for us—leave us the fuck alone. Don't come to our shows and don't buy our records." (Incesticide booklet, 1992) -Kurt Cobain
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averageyinyulover · 3 months ago
I'm highkey disgusted at the hate sent towards people who ship different things in TGCF. Let those people live their lives and love their ships. I have seen cute and beautiful artwork for ships like Huayin, fenglian, mulian, and other ships and I see so much hate. Sure, Hua Cheng waited 800 years for Xie Lian, but these people aren't spreading hate. To send death threats and mean comments to people who ship HUAYIN specifically is disgusting.
If you have hated on these ships or people enjoying these ships please dni w me. You can not like a ship but what happened to fandom culture? Smh y'all would not survive SVSSS shipping.
There is one artist I enjoy specifically who gets so much hate for their Huayin and they really don't deserve it because from what I have seen they seem like a kind person and the hate is unnecessary. I will scroll on tiktok and see people being like "Huayin makes no sense and I can't stand people who ship any of the main ship with other people" and in the comments it's like "this is about that one huayin artist isn't it"
SHUT THE FUCK UP HOLY SHIT. do not hate on people for enjoying a ship that is LEGAL and can make sense. Huayin can be cute and I enjoy the fanart a lot, and I am saying this as one of the biggest Quanyin and hualian lovers.
Rarepairs also hold a special place in my heart. If you can like rarepairs in other fandoms you can ignore ones you don't like in TGCF.
I am not trying to pick a fight and am not trying to say i am a proshipper. Proshipping IS disgusting and I do not support it but will not stand on hate for people shipping LEGAL AND UNRELATED CHARACTERS.
"MXTX doesn't want people to ship-" IT WILL INEVITABLY BE SHIPPED THIS IS FANDOM WE'RE TALKING ABOUT AND THIS IS ALSO PEOPLE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT. Would you stop shipping Quanyin, Fengqing, or anything else if she said she didn't like it? Or in other fandoms authors don't want people to ship VERY POPULAR ships but those are very often ignored. Mxtx cannot control her fanbase and as an author understands that stuff will inevitably be shipped in different ways. Like I said: SVSSS. Nobody gets mad at them for shipping Liu Qingge and Shen Yuan, do they? They move past it, TGCF fandom should learn from them.
This does not get addressed enough in this fandom and it really just makes me sad seeing all the hate :/. Especially on nice people. Sorry for the more serious post than usual but it makes me super upset seeing the disgusting things thrown at artists.
Thank you, love you guys 🫶
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tsamsheadcanons · 4 months ago
Something we as fandom need to talk about
It's fine if you dislike a character or an episode or an arc. Everyone has their own opinions about different things and it's fine. But what is not fine is harassing and hating on the VA's for it. Let's be honest, the writing for the shows isn't always good. There are many things that people don't like in writing of TSBS shows and that's okay. But hating on Kat who puts so much effort in TLAES, does such a good job voicing Earth, Dazzle, Pollux, Nebula, Miku and other characters is honestly disgusting. Some people seem to forget that VA's are real people, who have feelings. They are trying so hard for the shows, and this is what they get? That is very disappointing. The VA's deserve so much better than this.
I hope Kat feels better and sees that those toxic people are the minority of the fans, and that the majority of us support her and other VA's ❤️
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soberscientistlife · 5 months ago
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Choose Love Not Hate
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unetherian · 10 months ago
I'm not weird. I'm myself
You are weird. You're not yourself, you're a hater.
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creative-jeaniuss · 2 months ago
“Every character is someone’s favorite.”
And mine happens to be Maddie Nolen.
I don’t care what characters people do and don’t like, just stop harassing people over fiction.
The VA for Maddie herself has received death threats. And people who like Maddie are treated unkindly. Uncool, very uncool, people.
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jamieannmason · 2 months ago
Tumblr has turned into my most favorite and most used social media site.
Meta platforms are slowly but surely becoming what Twitter is, a cesspool for hate and mean-spirited people.
Tumblr isn't overrun with meanness like that, at least not now. So, let's keep Tumblr kind.
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sillyskribbles2 · 4 months ago
If you haven't seen it yet GIANNI JUST POSTED HIS TAKE!! if you haven't seen it I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU DO as a pressure fan I really hope that his take can give us a more peaceful future and have more time to just focus on the game we love. Let's just go get scared by the killer fish and get the crystal expr-p team!
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mariopokemonuniverse · 7 months ago
Let’s show the New Era’s Cyrax and Sektor some appreciation
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Please note: I am posting this to once again fight back against the rampant hate speech on Facebook and Twitter, so anyone leaving racist or misogynistic comments about woke Mortal Kombat here will be reported and blocked.
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4-ln4 · 9 months ago
my tl has been toxic since the past races and honestly, it getting tiring to look at. the constant hate, arguments, and the negativity towards drivers (or the hate it self) just opens up my eyes to the fact that this is the kind of world we live in today. I may not agree with the actions of my favored driver/s but that is not enough for me to send out hate or to post something negative about them online. at this day and age, the internet is forever. we’ll never know the damage that our posts can have on a certain individual, people aren’t flawless beings, so don’t expect them to be perfect. you aren’t perfect either. sooner or later we’ll make mistakes.
remember to be kind, always in all ways.
-sending love and kindness, g.
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majonez-dekoracyjny · 27 days ago
Stop hate on Chan.
Literally I don't Understand "stays" who are saying that chan isn't a comfort person anymore, like, he is literally saying all the d@mn time that he love stays and other sweet things about stays, so why "stays" are so mean? And how those "stays" can even call themselves stays? 😭
For me it's just sad how some stays see chan, he is trying so hard to comfort his fans and make them feel like Stray Kids are thier home, their comfort group, and then here goes some stay who says those things about him... If I was chan I would be just upset, trying so hard to make your fans feel loved and then get hate becuse the same fans don't see how hard you are trying :[
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He is literally a sweetheart and I don't Understand how someone could hate this man... And I was wondering, maybe we could use hashtag in videos with bangchan? #stophateonchan? We can at least try...
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that-hippy-dippy-christian · 6 months ago
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Me when I see people who call themselves Christians yelling slurs at pride parades, objectifying woman or telling alternative people that they’ll burn in hell.
We were called to love for goodness sake 🤦‍♀️
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maimai81 · 4 months ago
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only-my-life · 5 months ago
Sometimes you are hurt by your best and closest friends. They tell your secrets at the next best opportunity, they betray you. And I know it hurts. It fucking hurts.
But let me tell you one thing - in a world full of hate and wars, full of envy and resentment, you damn well deserve to make the best of your life. To be happy. To love and to live. Do better than the others, be nice and helpful. Make the people around you smile.
Go through the world with a smile on your face. Enjoy the time you have, because you won't get an extra round.
So FUCK fake friends. Kick them out of your life, because they don't fucking deserve to be a part of it!
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unetherian · 10 months ago
"Look at all the threats and insults that alterhumans receive on the internet!! It makes me sad..."
"why are you laughing? I don't see what's funny"
"You know, if the anti-alterhumans insult us, it's because they are frustrated at not being able to prevent us from being ourselves."
"I love to frustrate my enemies (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧."
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queensakuradefender · 1 year ago
I will never understand why people bring down these two girls.. they are both amazing characters and hating them is childish. They are FICTIONAL and people act as if it’s gonna hurt to keep opinions to themselves. It’s literally so annoying when they deny their strength, personality, and development as well, plus Kishimoto has literally admitted that he’s basically terrible at writing women at some point plus the parts where he focused more on Hinata then Sakura. But it doesn’t make me think any less of them. They had flaws and overcame them. Y’all are just stuck in the past. Come to the future in Boruto then talk cause as far as that you’ll just talk about Hinata being a “housewife” as if it’s an insult which btw is misogynistic. Please find your common sense.
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