#stony au
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aberrantcreature · 1 month ago
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Fan art of @nobody-knows-im-here ‘s lovely and angsty Stony AU. The concept and the art style have my whole damn heart. 🫶🏻
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 1 month ago
yall hear me out
popular in the stony wicked au
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@lunadensmidnightprowl @transgender-tonystark
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kjwaikiki · 8 months ago
Stony fic idea:
I’m back on the Avengers train after a YouTube au trailer deep dive and I have a fic idea. I am throwing out the idea of timelines, canon, and pretty much everything.
My big fic idea is that Howard is still alive and Tony is young, maybe early 20s at the oldest, when all the Avengers shenanigans take place. Maybe that means Howard and Maria have Tony even later on in life or maybe they are just younger, I do not know I am disregarding pesky things like timelines.
Now the main point of this fic is that it is Howard who helps with the Avengers and backs them up being sort of like a benefactor. Steve is of course ecstatic to see and work with his old friend again, but he notices something is off about Howard. He asks some questions, does some digging and finds out that Howard had a son. Of course Steve asks Howard (or maybe Maria if she is around) but doesn’t really get a clear answer other than the fact that Tony and Howard had a fight a few years back and Tony hasn’t been in contact since.
Steve tried to do something nice for his friend and tracks Tony down. Eventually he finds him working on sustainable energy sources in some remote lab in a foreign country (or whatever you imagine I am not too clear on this part). Steve introduces himself and tries to convince Tony to go home or at least talk to Howard. Tony is not impressed, Howard has been an emotionally distant father at best and now he has Captain America come to his place of work to drag him home like a stray dog! Needless to say Tony is not impressed and kicks Steve out on his ass.
Steve is stubborn though and continues to bagger Tony throughout his day to day. Tony has carved out a nice little life for himself among the locals and he does not appreciate Steve ruining it for him. Eventually Tony agrees to talk to Steve and explain the fight and why he will not go home. It turns out that for a little while after Tony graduated college he was able to work well with the old man. They collaborated on a lot of projects and seemed to be getting along well. Until the next Stark Expo when Tony found out that all of the inventions Tony had made everything he designed was being patented as a Howard Stark invention, as solely a Howard Stark invention.
Tony was of course hurt and more than a little angry so he decided that his next idea would be one he kept to himself. His next design turned out to be Iron Man (in its infant stages Tony thought of it as combat armor for troops or even remote controlled soldiers) and from the idea of the Iron Man suit came other ideas like the Arc Reactor and J.A.R.V.I.S. until suddenly Tony was sitting on a cache of technology that would change the world.
Unfortunately Howard eventually found out about Tony’s inventions and shut him down. They had a terrible row that basically boiled down to Howard calling Tony a spoiled, selfish child who didn’t know the powers that he was messing with. Tony in response called Howard a hack who hadn’t invented anything worthwhile since the war and was so desperate to stay relevant that he’ll steal ideas from his son. The fight ended with both of the men storming off angry and Tony went back to an apartment he owned in the city to cool down for a few days. Tony figured that he’d give the old man a few days to calm down and then show him the tech he was working on with the clear stipulation that he gets credit for his inventions.
Only Tony’s plan doesn’t work out because when he goes back to Stark headquarters he finds that he has been terminated from his position and locked out of his lab that contains all his inventions and J.A.R.V.I.S. and all his bots. Tony calls up his dad, yells at him a little and then pleads with him to at least let him get his stuff. Tony even tells him he can keep the suits but he wants his bots and J.A.R.V.I.S. Howard says no. Tony threatens to get lawyers involved. Howard asks with what money. It dawns on Tony that Howard has effectively cut him off or at least he thinks he has (Tony has a personal bank account not connected to his father he has been squirreling away money in for years). Tony is angry and hurt and leaves the country and from there he applies for a gets the job he is currently working in. After that he cut off all contact with his father and erased himself from all digital software (Steve found him through luck, good old detective work, and being able to charm the pants off of little old ladies).
Steve is aghast because he never thought Howard could be capable of something like that. Tony brushes him off and tells him he doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. Somehow the idea of drinks is brought up and Steve mentions he can’t get drunk. Tony takes that as a challenge and whips up something in his lab that can actually get Steve drunk. They both get drunk and tumble into bed together.
In the morning Steve is surprised and horrified to find that he slept with his friend’s son (who is a lot younger than him). Tony is understandably hurt by Steve’s reaction and all of Steve’s attempts to explain himself just make it worse. Eventually it culminates in a fight and Tony kicks Steve out. Steve leaves and goes back to the U.S. where he tells Howard he found Tony and confronts him about the fight and how he treated his son. Howard tells Steve that he was just trying to protect Tony.
It turns out that Howard was following Obadiah’s advice for the inventions and didn’t take credit because he wanted all the glory but rather to keep Tony out of the spotlight (Obie worded it in such a way that it made it seem as if people knowing how brilliant Tony was would put him in danger). The fight was because Tony was messing with dangerous substances and even people without Howard’s knowledge (Tony had interested buyers lined up for some of his tech). Steve then brings up Howard cutting Tony off and Howard says he always knew about Tony’s other bank account and that he cut him off because he knew he was safer away. Howard had started to suspect Obie was involved in some shady dealings and had started to investigate him. As Howard dig deeper he uncovered some dangerous secrets and a lot of illegal activities.
Obie knew how brilliant Tony was and Howard knew that if Obie knew he was on to him then Obie would just get rid of him and move on to making Tony his cash cow. Howard pushed Tony away to protect him and fully intended to bring him home after the mess with Obie was over with. The only problem was that once it was all over with Howard couldn’t find Tony and he had no way of contacting him. He hired private investigators but they turned up nothing and eventually he gave up.
The next part of this fic are fuzzy to me but I think eventually Steve brings Howard to Tony and they have a chat. There is a lot of yelling and even some crying before finally they delve into the bigger issues:
Tony: “You are a shitty father.”
Howard: “I know I want to be better.”
Tony: “To be better you have had to actually be something in the first place. You were never there in the first place.”
Howard: “I’m trying Tony.”
Tony: “Why? So you can steal my ideas and pass them off as your? Live out your long gone glory days through me?”
Howard: “Because you’re my son and even though I don’t always show it, I do love you.”
That is the turning point in the fight and Tony and Howard make up with some awkward hugs and even more awkward tears. Tony agrees to go back to the U.S. and give working with his dad another try (with some heavy stipulation) Howard looks ecstatic that he has his son back and that is about where it dons on Steve that he has miscalculated. Because now Steve has to live in close quarters with Tony who he has grown to like and care for in his weeks pestering him to come home. Who Steve has kissed and held and heard moan. Who Steve would very much like to hear moan again. Who is the very young son of his dear friend, Howard. Howard who is looking at Steve in gratitude and has no idea that Steve has slept with his son. Steve is in for a really hard time.
I don’t really know where the fic ends from here. Maybe Howard eventually finds out and goes into overprotective father mode because that is his SON his CHILD who is barely an adult and Steve was alive during the Great Depression! Maybe Steve tries to dance around Tony and their sexual tension as the Avengers watch on amused. Maybe Tony eventually catches on to the fact that Steve is very attracted to him and starts teasing him everywhere, in public, around his dad, when he is working out, in the communal showers, etc. There are endless possibilities and I think it is really fun to imagine them all.
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awesomeopossumpng · 5 months ago
We all know Steve sketches Tony while he's working in his lab.
But I'd like to add:
Tony remodeling his lab so the tiles form small shields with the star.
(kinda like the sun in Rapunzel)
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s-horne · 2 years ago
There was a time when Tony had panicked about his future. 
He’d had Peter young, just a couple of years into a crappy relationship that had fallen apart long before their bundle of joy had come and couldn’t be fixed even by Peter’s cherubic smile. From the very first moment, Tony had loved his boy. There hadn’t been a moment that Tony had regretted the relationship that had led him to his son, or ever wished that things had turned out differently. Not when Peter had had a phase as a baby of not sleeping through the night if the temperature wasn’t exactly 78 degrees, not when he’d learnt to talk and hadn’t exited his “why” phase for weeks on end, not even during the long weekend when Peter had caught pretty much every bug floating around his daycare all at once. 
Parenthood was where Tony thrived but, through it all, he’d lain awake at night and longed for someone next to him that wasn’t 2 feet tall and not quite potty trained. He’d wanted a conversation with another adult that wasn’t hurried at the drop-off gate or about yet another late project at work, and he’d wanted an arm around his waist when he was dangerously close to falling asleep whilst making himself his first coffee of the day. 
Everything he wanted for himself, he also wanted for Peter’s sake. He’d wanted someone else to see Peter’s drawings and marvel over them as they went up on the fridge day after day after day. He’d wished for presents from a grandparent at Christmas and another parent who could calm them both down when Peter refused to sleep even as the sun started to rise on the horizon. 
Tony had spent years worrying that no one would take on a small child with an absent parent who could come back and cause a storm at any time. He’d never expected anything to come from a one-night stand when the lights had been turned on in the morning and all of Peter’s toys could be seen in their scattered glory. 
But, then again, Tony had never imagined Steven Grant Rogers. 
They’d decided early into their planning that they didn’t want to do a walk down the aisle. Neither of Tony’s parents would be there to walk with him and Sarah had gotten so tearful at the prospect of their engagement alone that they didn’t trust her to be able to see to walk down the aisle on the wedding day itself. 
What they had decided instead was to have Peter as the star of the show, with the rings safely in his possession as he walked down the aisle to both of his parents waiting for him at the altar. 
And, boy, did he steal the show. 
Tony watched with a wide grin as Peter all but skipped up the aisle, his tuxedo so little it was almost comical. Casting a glance to his left, Tony felt something ridiculously fond catch in his chest at the pure and unabashed expression of love on Steve’s face as his eyes tracked Peter’s dance. 
“God, look at him,” Steve murmured.
“He’s gonna drop those rings before we can get them,” Tony laughed. 
“Yeah, probably. But he looks cute, so I’m sure we’ll survive without them.”
Tony scoffed. Be that as it may, he wanted a ring on his finger.
All of a sudden, Peter let out a gasp and started running. “Grandma!”
A ripple of laughter made its way through the guests as Peter headed straight for Steve’s mother. 
“Oh, look at you, my darling,” Sarah crooned, bending down and smoothing a hand over Peter’s hair when he reached her. “You look so gorgeous, little man."
"Hi, Grandma!"
"Hello, my love," Sarah laughed.
"Wanna sit with you!"
"Of course, but first you have to give Daddy the rings. They're very important.”
Peter took Sarah’s hand in a tight grip and practically shoved the ring cushion in Tony’s direction without looking at him. Steve laughed loudly, his eyes still solely on Peter as well.
Tony might have been jealous if he hadn’t been so relieved. So, yeah, he thought to himself as he untied the rings from the cushion and handed them to the officiant, he really needn’t have worried after all. 
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superdecibels · 2 years ago
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MTH Winner @t0nystark1er piece, who wanted the scene from @festiveferret 's fic Peanuts.
Thanks so much for giving me the time to make this!
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hainethehero · 1 year ago
Stony Zombie AU-
Steve and Tony turn into zombies and terrorize the Avengers together until they find a cure for them. Bonus, Tony's suit hasn't turned (obviously) and JARVIS helps Tony keep himself and Steve safe through all of it. For added angst: Tony watched Steve turn first and promised him he'd keep them both safe, because he knew he had JARVIS. It was heartbreaking for them both.
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delirious-dove · 2 years ago
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it's finally time to post the piece i wrote for @stevetonyzine, just in time for my good friend's birthday! 🎂
Read Here!
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lunadensmidnightprowl · 29 days ago
lol I'm picturing him in the dress and silver heels lmaoooo
the more I think about it the more I fall in love with it why does Peter as Dorothy fit so well??!!!
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appleschloss · 11 months ago
Have y'all considered a Stony - Taylor Swift x Travis Kelce AU??
Popstar Tony (parents wanted him to act?? mom is a model dad was a big shot producer?? idk lol)
Been through a few Eras, had personal struggles, had a "great" relationship with Tiberious Stone (and a crash and burn rebound with Sunset Bain after)
Steve Rogers, football star
Steve who goes to Tony's concert and hopes to maybe talk with him
They end up meeting (after concert? idk??)
Slow burn of Tony who has trust issues because of his status and how many people have gotten close to him just because of that
Steve who doesn't care about what people say or his past
Them <3
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scottxlogan · 2 years ago
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This was written for the Stony daily drabbles & doodles event up at @stonyauniverse 
Title: The Blind Date Rating: Teen and Up AU & Prompt Used:  May 28th: AU: Soulmate: Prompt Matchmaking Author: ScottxLogan Summary:  After a dry spell in his dating life, Steve reluctantly agrees to go on a blind date that Bucky has arranged for him only to discover that perhaps it could be the key to finding his soulmate along the way. Word Count: 2054 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47475625
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somesortofitalianroast · 1 year ago
An ordinary person with an extraordinary retirement plan
Title: An ordinary person with an extraordinary retirement plan Link: AO3 Series: Stony Leverage AU Participant: SomeSortofItalianRoast Square filled: -Stony AU: January: Week 1: No powers AU -Tony Stark Bingo: R4: Maria Stark Archive warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Rating: Gen Pairing: Past Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Tags: Leverage AU, Sophie Devereaux is Maria Stark Word Count: 710 Summary: It was a very normal day when Interpol Agent Tony Stark found evidence that this mother might have been a grifter. Not just any grifter, but Sophie Devereaux.
@tonystarkbingo @stonyauniverse
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awesomeopossumpng · 5 months ago
Another Stony Headcanon
Tony taking out Steve put on dinner dates to different small traditional restaurants from different countries (think Indian, Vietnamese, Colombian, Peruvian, etc.) so he can try different flavors and spices.
Steve grew up poor and probably his last meal before the ice was an MRE. So he's thrilled everytime he gets to try something new.
Even though he can't handle the spice.
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kibaluvclub · 2 years ago
Title: On the run again
Warnings: death and suicide
Implied: Stony
Summary: Tony was selfish right, well what happens when he sacrifices himself for Steve
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
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Steve heard the shot but I didn't feel anything. Not the pain or the damp wetness of blood. he slowly lifted his face up and his eyes met with Tony. He had blood pouring out of his mouth besides the bruises and other marks left on his face the more noticeable one was the one in his abdomen, blood was seeping through the cracks in his suit like a waterfall. It had dripped onto the ground and some on Steve's shirt.
Tony quickly slumped over and his head fell on Steve's shoulder with a loud thud. None of this was graceful like Tony wanted to go. They had a conversation like this before, about how it would end. Tony said he wanted to die peacefully and be reincarnated as a dove. Being shot to death was anything but peaceful.
Steve's face felt wet but he couldn't tell if he was crying or if it was the blood dripping from Tony's other wounds. He didn't care for Tony at first but after spending time with the other boy and getting to know the real Tony instead of the "snobby I dont care attitude" everyone claimed he had. He wouldn't say it or admit it but he had grown feelings for the other but buried them deep hoping they wouldn't resurface.
The slow staggered breath that haunted his ears stopped meaning Tony was no more. He felt stupid for not trying hard enough to save both of them but the damage was done. Time felt so slow it only sped back up when another gunshot rang through Steve's ears. The one who held the gun and killed his friend shot himself and dropped to the floor. 
He didn't know the guy and just assumed they were some nobody hydra agent. But he knew he couldn't live with the guilt. He gently shifted Tony off of him and leaned him against the wall. His body hurt all over inside and out. He probably broke a rib or two trying to disarm the stranger. He spit in the killer's face before reaching for the gun. Steve grabs the gun squeezing it until his knuckles turned white.
He could hear a commotion outside and the door slammed open. 12 shield agents come in and charge at Steve yelling at him to put the gun down. "You're going to the raft cap." a random agent says with a disgusted look on his face. Steve was confused at first but it clicked, they think he killed his best friend. He made eye contact with Fury, who had walked in shortly after the agents busted the door open.
"Steve I know you didn't do it but you've been on thin ice since the accords and now Tony's dead. There's no other way to see this." Fury said before Maria had called his name. Natasha was there. She was looking at Tony's pale face. Her face showed no emotion but her eyes told a story. They were glossy and widened. The agent behind Steve started to push him out the room with unnecessary force.
"Let agent Romanoff take care of him." Fury called out with a small smirk taking over his mouth. Steve was confused but Natasha was more than happy to escort him out. "Ready to go on the run all over again." She whispers in his ear as the board the quinjet. A few familiar faces fill the seats. Half the team watched as Steve slowly walked on the jet.
Steve watched Natasha sit in the pilots seat before Clint got up and unlocked his handcuffs. "Why are you guys here?" He asked avoiding eye contact. "We know you are innocent Steve, all of all of us you'd be the least likely to kill Tony." Bucky said with a knowing look in his eyes. He knew about Steve's crush way before Steve did.
It was obvious when his best friend started acting different around a certain someone. Steve nods a thank you at Bucky before looking over at Wanda. "But you're just a kid! You already know what could happen." "Yes but this time we are a team." Steve felt a bit of pride knowing the girl who always had a hard time believing she was worth it and an actual Avenger called the group of misfits a team.
"Does the kid know yet?" Steve asked knowing Peter would be crushed. He looked around hoping someone would say yes. He wanted the kid to find out from a friend or someone close to him not some random news channel. "Pepper and happy are on their way to pick him up from school and deliver the news." Clint tells him while getting up to offer Steve his seat.
Steve gladly accepts and sits down with a groan. Bruce who had been sitting in the corner with headphones on and tears in his eyes walked over to Steve. "You can go to sleep. You don't seem to have a concussion but I'll need to check out those ribs." Steve sighed and closed his eyes. This was going to be a long trip.
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Anyone know of any stony fics where everything is the same but Tony is in the 40’s? Not time-travel, just him being born earlier and helping with Project Rebirth
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 1 month ago
@foxherder ur wish is my command
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ok so let's get at least some of the character roles out of the way first:
Steve Rogers as Elphaba Thropp
Tony Stark as Glinda Upland
Bucky Barnes as Nessarose Thropp
Thadeus Ross as The Wizard
Peter Parker as Dorothy Gale
Natasha Romanoff as Prince Fiyero/The Scarecrow
Bruce Banner as Boq/The Tin Man
Nick Fury as Doctor Dillamond (yes I turned that man into a goat. It fits the narrative)
I was leaning more towards the civil war storyline with this lol, this is what I have so far tho hehe
also tagging @sh3s4k1ll3rqu33n and @lunadensmidnightprowl bc i need to YAP about this
chat what if i shared my stony wicked au
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