Awesome Opossum
63 posts
26 y/o Marvel fan/ 18+/post headcanons and fic ideasThey/Them
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awesomeopossumpng · 3 days ago
Another Stony Incorrect Quote!
This is cuz I'm sick again and working (I work from home, so I won't get anyone else sick other than myself) And because I miss these two!
Steve: Tony, you have a fever, please come back to bed.
Tony, delirious with fever: I am looking for a cure!
Steve: ... for the common cold?
Tony: duh! If it is so common, then why isn't there a solution for it!
Steve: -sighs- there is one Tony, it's called rest and water.
Tony: ... no
Steve: -hauls Tony over his shoulder, exasperated- that's it, you're coming to bed
Tony: -immediately passes out once Steve puts him in bed-
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awesomeopossumpng · 15 days ago
I started listening (and watching to) EPIC the Musical and
Help I am so hooked already-
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awesomeopossumpng · 26 days ago
I adore Sam and Bucky as a pairing. Whether thy are lovers, friends, friends with benefits, enemies that fuck. Love 'em.
I just don't love the name of the pairing.
Its just their names smooshed together and I know y'all more creative than that.
I personally propose: Samky
It is short and whimsical.
I alternatively thought of Bucsa but that sounds like a form of chicken pox (don't ask me why, it just does)
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awesomeopossumpng · 1 month ago
#this made me cry
Loki is so used to his magic being used for chaos, tricks and destruction, he never thought he could actually use it for good.
That is until Bucky lays his head on Loki’s lap and takes his hand to place it on the freshly open wound on his side. Loki hesitates, not exactly sure what the other man is expecting until Bucky breathes out a soft “please”.
Loki shakes his head, insisting he can’t do anything about the wound but Bucky persists.
“I believe in you,” Bucky says with such confidence, Loki can’t help but be compelled to move.
He presses his hand softly into Bucky’s side, trying not to wince at the blood seeping between his fingers. A soft, warm glow of green emanates from his palm and spreads across Bucky’s skin. It ignites like a low flame, but instead of burning it almost feels cool.
Bucky sighs in relief, his eyes closing as if he could fall asleep right in that very spot. And Loki swears he almost does with how softly the other man is now breathing. He’s never seen Bucky relax quite like this.
When he removes his hand, Loki can see that the wound is now closed, leaving only the faintest hint of a scar in its wake. Like it hadn’t even been there in the first place.
Loki scoffs in disbelief, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes as he glances over his hands. He never knew such a power laid within him.
But, Bucky did. He lays there smiling, content like a house cat after a meal as he continues to breathe soft and slow. He settles into Loki’s lap, lazily taking his hand to place it in his hair and make yet another demand.
Loki smiles down at him, scratching tenderly at Bucky’s scalp until he does eventually drift off and begins to snore. A single tear rolls its way down Loki’s cheek. He brushes it away, leaving only his smile to remain and a warmth in his chest he’s never felt before this moment.
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awesomeopossumpng · 1 month ago
Winterfrost Headcanon
Loki: Are you coming in anytime soon?
Winter: -Sitting on the back porch of their cabin, covered in a thick layer of snow- No
Loki: -sighs- Okay then, 10 more minutes and you're coming inside, love.
Winter: -blinks- fifteen?
Loki: No, ten. I'll start filling up the bath tub.
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awesomeopossumpng · 1 month ago
Welp, there's only one thing I can do with this information.
Time to write
Fun fact: The Winter Soldier theme is basically bucky screaming.
The music composer took Bucky's screams from when he fell off the train and distorted them, turning them into that eerily tune.
So in short, the theme is literally Bucky screaming and trying to break out of his programming.
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awesomeopossumpng · 2 months ago
I completely forgot about this and suddenly remembered while in my ophthalmologist waiting room...
Imma see how much I can write of it before they call my name
The urge to write a dark fic of Tony dealing with alcohol recovery and hitting rock bottom.
Steve not knowing what Tony is going through at first and just screaming at Tony for being irresponsible.
Until one day Tony breaks down in front of Steve during one of those rants.
Steve helps Tony by driving him to a rehab center and visiting him every single day.
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awesomeopossumpng · 2 months ago
Heyo! What about a stucky story where they learn about the stuff they missed out on while being frozen/enslaved together? Like a TV marathon of the Golden Girls, trying out slushies, or learning how to use laundry machines?
It's is done!
I took it in a different direction, but I hope you like it!
I enjoyed writing this and would most likely make a continuation.
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awesomeopossumpng · 2 months ago
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awesomeopossumpng · 2 months ago
Writing Requests Open
Hi everyone
It's been a long, long, long time since I've written any fics. All I'll say is that the AO3 curse is real. lol.
I've been wanting to write and I have so many prompts in mind too, but I need that extra encouragment that this needs to be done by someone.
And that someone can be you
I am open to write any of the following Marvel Pairings:
Samky (SamBucky)
If there is another paring that you might want, feel free to ask and I will consider it!
I will not write the following:
No ED or terminal illneses.
No incest.
No noncon of any kind
No underage
if you have any questions about the limits, feel free to ask, but I can and will deny a request if I don't feel comfortable with it.
All requests are for one chapter works, though if the muse strikes, I might make it a multi-chapter work. They will be posted on AO3 with a preview here under #redpandarequests and the tag for the pairing you requested
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awesomeopossumpng · 2 months ago
Tumblr staff: ten options is enough for polls, right? No one needs more than that on a regular basis. The average tumblr user: Hey guys which element of the periodic table do you think is the most fuckable?
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awesomeopossumpng · 2 months ago
GET. AI. OUT. OF. FANDOM. Stop making headcanons with it, stop making fanfic with it, stop making fanart with it. If I see one more "asking chatgpt *blank* about *character/characters in a fandom* I'm going to lose my goddamn mind. Use your own fucking brain, stop asking AI to do everything. You could even ask other real people what they think. Just. Stop. Using. AI. In. Creative. Spaces.
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awesomeopossumpng · 2 months ago
This is glorious angst that I devoured while at the doctors waiting area.
Give it love people.
"Hey Tony."
Wonderful. Tony eyes went heaven ward, before he plastered on a smile that sho8ld be sweet as pie but he can feel the broken sugar threatening to cut lips, "Steven."
The super soldier sighed, Tony can see the blue eyes now swinging up to the sky, "Tony... come on, you don't have to be..."
"I don't have to be what?" The genius looked over his shoulders fighting to hide the heart he almost gave the blonde.
The soldier gestured uncomfortably to his entire figure, slow waving and the blonde had the nerve to blush, "angry... you would have hurt-"
"You hurt me! Steve, holy shit." Tony whipped around on him, he tried to keep his voice low. In a facility full of spies he doesn't need them to know his and Steve almost relationship, turned break up, "You lied to me!"
"Tony, it was for Bucky! I didn't know how you would react if I told you."
Tony eyes widening before the narrowed, "You didn't trust me! But you sure as hell wanted to fuck me!"
Even with the words, the taller male eyes narrowed back and cheeks going red, "Tony keep your voice down!" The whispered shout and Tony felt like a dirty little secret.
"You should have told me, you think I wanted to sit there and blame Howard for being a drunkard that killed my mom?! He was abusive but you all let me fucking blame the asshole for murder. Murder Steve!"
"And what if I told you-"
"You DIDN'T! Clint told me! He defied orders and told me. CLINT FUCKING BARTON! You hear how crazy that is?! Clint who had the common damn decency to tell me and help me through it! Yet, you, who told me sweet things... and whatever the hell, US, was must of been a lie," Tony couldn't stop he threw an arm somewhere fury office was, "My own godfather never told me the truth! My own godfather! Steve everyone lied to me! Everyone kept it from me! For WHAT?"
Steve stared at him, mouth barely moving but he sighed stopping from reaching out, "Tony, I'm sorry but we weren't sure what state he would-"
"It's not Buckys fault you're damn coward Steve. That's what I came to after Clint told me and I had time to process. Yet... I'm still a no."
Tony shoved pass Steve, even as the other let himself, he couldn't stop till he left the halls, the pristine grey and white environment to the green, grey, and blue scenery.
He stopped seeing Clint, the short wave was enough to see the surfer blonde grin but he had questions in those sharp eyes. Tony signed out later and he left in his car. The day drained him and he didn't even bother to hide the text from Bucky. He doesn't have the energy.
(An idea for my current fanfic)
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awesomeopossumpng · 2 months ago
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If you know you know.
... Extrapolating from incomplete data be like...
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awesomeopossumpng · 2 months ago
Only day you can reblog this
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awesomeopossumpng · 2 months ago
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Got brainrotted so hard by!!!
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awesomeopossumpng · 2 months ago
I want you to remember:
The fascists hate you too and they just will pretend otherwise until after they've killed the rest of us, before they turn on you.
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