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kjwaikiki · 2 months ago
I have a Jayvik au that I want to share.
Viktor doesn’t wake Jayce up when he emerges from his Hextech cocoon. Instead he sees the blueprints for weapons, the cocoon he emerges from, and he sees himself. He decides to just leave.
When Jayce wakes up he sees that Viktor is gone he immediately goes a little crazy. He tries to track him down but it is like looking for a ghost. Consequently, his hair gets longer and he grows a beard (I love Jayce’s season 2 look).
In the mean time Viktor is going along the same as canon and healing people. Starting a commune that is really a cult. Just in general trying his best but missing Jayce and having some doubts about what he is doing.
Eventually Jayce finds Viktor but they aren’t necessarily on the same side anymore. They are technically fighting on opposite sides. This is also the first time Jayce has seen Viktor post Hexcore transformation and both of them are having feelings about it.
What proceeds is a goose chase through Zaun and even parts of Piltover. When Jayce finally catches up to Viktor he has him corned. Viktor starts rambling and panicking that sounds something like this:
Viktor: “I know you wouldn’t approve of what I’ve done. Piltover’s Golden Boy, but I’ve tried to help people like we promised we would. I don’t approve of the fact that you are making weapons or that you used the Hexcore after I specifically asked you to destroy it.
I imagine Jayce just staring at Viktor throughout this whole speech slowly getting closer, herding Viktor backwards until his back is against a wall. Meanwhile Viktor is panicking and trying keep distance between them.
Viktor: Perhaps I should have have stayed and tried to talk but you certainly didn’t ask my permission before you turned me into this thing! For fucks sake Jayce say something!
By the end of Viktor’s speech he is screaming in Jayce’s face as he just stares at Viktor silently crowding him against the wall. Viktor is panting. Suddenly Jayce brings his hand up and caresses Viktor’s cheek looking into his eyes.
Jayce: You’re as beautiful as the day I lost you.
Yes this whole au was just so I could use one of the best quotes from the How to Train Your Dragon franchise. I also wanted to touch on Viktor feeling alien in his own body and Jayce still loving him and finding him beautiful no matter what has changed.
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kjwaikiki · 3 months ago
I have been listening to Epic the Musical lately, specifically the songs “The Challenge” and “Would You Fall in Love with Me Again”. I have also been rewatching The Untamed and my brain came up with an au.
There is a war and Wei Ying is forced into joining as a general as he has great renown as the Yiling Laozu. Everything stays pretty true to the plot of the Odyssey and Epic the Musical with Wei Ying trying to get back to his husband Lan Zhan.
At the same time Lan Zhan is trying to hold off the suitors who want to marry him and gain his husband’s wealth, status, and territory. He is also trying to keep A-Yuan, his and Wei Ying’s son safe.
I just really want to see Lan Zhan missing his husband and trying to keep everything together. I want Wei Ying to desperately try to get back to Lan Zhan while the horrible things he has done plague him with guilt.
I really want to see their reunion like in the song “Would You Fall in Love with Me Again”.
Maybe there is some Junior shenanigans with Jin Ling, Lan Jingyi, Ouyang Zizhui, and A-Yuan trying to find Wei Ying.
I just think an Odyssey au with Wangxian would work really well with Lan Zhan waiting for so long for Wei Ying and raising A-Yuan after Wei Ying is gone. Seeing Lan Zhan scheme against the suitors and finally reunite with Wei Ying would be a delight.
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kjwaikiki · 3 months ago
Hi guys! I was wondering if you could help me find an old fic. It is Klaroline and I’m pretty sure it is part of a series.
Caroline ends up in New Orleans and strikes up some type of relationship with Klaus. Eventually Sophie does a binding spell and ties her and Caroline’s life together. Klaus tries to get around this by feeding Sophie vampire blood and snapping her neck. However, there is a delay and Sophie wakes up before Caroline.
Klaus goes a little crazy and starts torturing Sophie, but Caroline is still bound to her and can feel everything. Klaus does stop when he hears Caroline and sees how she is being affected. I do believe that the fic switches povs between Klaus, Sophie, and Caroline.
Thank you so much for your help. If you know what fic I’m talking please let me know.
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kjwaikiki · 3 months ago
Headcanon idea for Jayce and Viktor in Arcane. Do you think Jayce had an end game for after he found and killed Viktor? After Viktor died what was Jayce gonna do?
I have two ideas:
One is that Jayce had no plan and was just desperate and did not think everything through. He had no idea what he was gonna do after killing Viktor and wasn’t really sure he could go through with it in the first place (I think he closes his eyes during the scene but am not entirely sure).
Second idea is that Jayce had a bit more of a plan but it was a very short and very dark plan. Jayce was planning to kill himself after killing Viktor. Maybe he would even go back to where Viktor first saved him and finish the job. Regardless my idea is that Jayce would not have been able to live with all the guilt and regret, and that would have been all that is left after his rage was spent.
These are just some of my ideas. Maybe you have a different take on Jayce, that scene, or Jayce and Viktor’s relationship in general. I love headcanons and would love to hear anyone else’s ideas.
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kjwaikiki · 3 months ago
I have recently become obsessed with Jayce and Viktor from Arcane and I have one thought/question from the whole thing (I have many thoughts and questions but I will only share one in this post).
This is Viktor after coming out of the hexcore cocoon thing when Jace put a blanket over him.
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And this is him further into the series.
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My question is did he keep Jayce’s blanket and make it into wearable clothes so he would always have something of Jayce’s with him? Honestly even if it is different fabric that is my headcanon now.
Just the idea! Even after parting ways these two were so obsessed with each other and I am here for it.
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kjwaikiki · 4 months ago
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 2500 likes!
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kjwaikiki · 6 months ago
Protective Jiang Yanli Headcanon:
I have this idea in my head where Jiang Yanli is a bit more protective and political than in canon.
In my head when Wei Wuxian comes to Lotus Pier Jiang Yanli latches on to him just as he seems to latch on to her. Here is someone who needs her, who to a certain degree relies on her. In many ways Jiang Yanli sees Wei Wuxian as her child because she is the one that raises him.
The political side comes in regarding her engagement to Jin Zixuan. Wei Wuxian isn’t treated well by Yu Ziyuan and Yanli knows that her father won’t step in to stop Yu Ziyuan from hurting Wei Wuxian. So Yanli comes up with a plan. Yanli plans to take Wei Wuxian with her to Koi Tower.
Of course this brings its own set of difficulties. She will have to convince her father to let Wei Wuxian go, the toxic environment of Koi Tower, and the fact that Jin Zixuan resents their engagement.
Jiang Yanli schemes. The easiest to overcome is Zixuan’s dislike, she just needs to make him see her as a victim or ally rather than an enemy. This idea leads to her ultimate plan.
Yanli is going to poison herself while she is at Koi Tower. She is going to lay the blame on either one of the female Jin disciples who acted out of jealousy or one of Jin Guangshan’s cronies with the excuse that they think closer ties with Yunmeng Jiang will cause a decrease in their power (or something similar). The point is that she needs there to be an initial panic, investigation, and ultimately while someone will be caught Yanli needs there to be doubt in her parents’ minds as to whether Koi Tower is safe for her.
At this point Yanli will request that Wei Wuxian comes to Koi Tower and acts as her bodyguard. She knows that with the recent poisoning attempt her father will be weak to her request and more likely to grant it. It will be even more effective if she can get Jin Zixuan to request that Wei Wuxian come to Koi Tower to look after her because her parents can’t deny a sect heir easily.
Jin Zixuan will make the request because after Yanli poisons herself and her fiancĂ© comes to see her she will tearfully request that he bring one of her brothers to Koi Tower. She will say she is afraid and that she misses her brothers. She will act weak and pitiful to soften Jin Zixuan’s heart to her. Jin Zixuan will see how Yanli was poisoned by someone of his sect and see her as a victim. He will pity her and thus accept her request and bring it up to her parents.
Of course Jiang Cheng cannot come to Koi Tower he is the sect heir and must stay in Yunmeng Jiang where it is safe. Wei Wuxian however is much more free to come to Koi Tower and look after his Shijie.
Jiang Yanli is happy. Months of planning, carefully building up an immunity to poison, and gathering the necessary ingredients have all payed off. As for the toxic cloud hanging over Koi Tower, there was already one poisoning attempt who is to say that there won’t be a second and that Jin Guangshan is the unfortunate victim this time. Of course with Jin Guangshan dead and Jin Zixuan the new sect leader Wei Wuxian will need to stay at Koi Tower indefinitely to protect Jiang Yanli.
I’m not sure how this ends. Maybe with Jin Ling’s birth or maybe with Wei Wuxian marrying Lan Wangji. I don’t know how much Jiang Cheng or Wei Wuxian know about Jiang Yanli’s plan. I am aware that Jiang Yanli can be considered OC. In the end this is just an idea that I had and wanted to share. I hope you like it!
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kjwaikiki · 8 months ago
Hotd Jace centric idea:
Jace did not react to Ulf and Hugh Hammer well and I can understand why. Also I know what they do in the books so while it looks like the tv show is making them more nuanced and palatable to the audience Jace is still my #1.
That being said I have an idea. Jace is a big brother, in my mind that is a very big part of who he is, and now one of his brothers is dead and the rest have been or will be sent away. He is effectively alone being kept away from the war with only Baela for company, but even Baela can’t be there very often as she has to patrol.
This brings me to my idea. Ulf and Hugh need someone to teach them how to be dragon riders and with no one else available it falls to Jace. Jace is not very happy about this but he is dutiful so he will do it. However, Jace is not the most patient teacher and often snaps at Hugh and Ulf when they don’t pick things up very quickly. Eventually Ulf and Hugh get sick of this and impatient to actually mount their dragons (Jace has mostly been teaching them Valyrian, how to direct their dragon, and the history of House Targaryen). Somehow they are able to mount Silverwing and Vermithor but things start to go wrong. Hugh can’t control Vermithor and Ulf is hanging onto Silverwing by a thread and bloodying his hands in the process.
Jace comes to their rescue and is able to corral Silverwing and Vermithor to land. He goes off on Hugh and Ulf berating them for being so stupid and lecturing them on how they could have been killed or killed someone else and how dragons are not pets or tools. He ends the lecture by telling them to show him their hands. Jace is not pleased to see Ulf’s bloody palms and while Hugh’s hands are better off (he has more callouses than Ulf) they are still scratched up. Jace goes to his saddle bags, pulls out some ointment and bandages and treats their wounds.
This shifts something in their dynamic as Ulf and Hugh are surprised that Jace is taking the time and effort to take care of their wounds. Jace is mostly just annoyed at the two men’s foolishness but doesn’t see anything odd about looking after them as they are his responsibility. Before he is done Jace states that he will not tell anyone what they tried to do and he’ll make the necessary excuses to the Queen but he expects them both to never do something so foolish again and for them to actually pay attention to their lessons now.
Ulf and Hugh do go to lessons now and are a bit bolder with Jace now. This means that they are both more likely to ask questions now than they were before. Ulf because he now believes Jace will help him and Hugh because he is no longer afraid Jace will report him to his Queen mother for every grievance. Jace answers all their questions even if some of his answers are curt.
I imagine their relationship shifts even more when one of them asks Jace why they need to learn this. If it’s Ulf he is asking out of genuine curiosity and if it is Hugh it is because he is annoyed and slightly confrontational. Jace gives them two answers the first is that the Queen has accepted them as dragon riders and this has accepted them into House Targaryen, they will have an education worthy of House Targaryen (Rhaenyra did not mean to do this but I think Jace would have a little better perspective on this matter, he would know that after the war they can’t just send them back to what they were before). The second reason is that they will be going to war and as Crown Prince he will see them prepared, he will not allow another dragon rider to perish to Vhagar’s jaws.
This makes both Hugh and Ulf look at Jace differently. Suddenly they don’t see an arrogant and perpetually annoyed princeling, instead they see a young man who has lost his brother and is desperately fighting to keep what remains of his family alive. For a moment they see how afraid Jace actually is but they also see how determined he is, at that moment they swear their is fire in the prince’s eyes.
Ulf is much more willing to listen and follow Jace after that and sings his praises to anyone who will listen. This causes Jace to soften a bit towards Ulf. However, Hugh is still wary of Jace. The big revelation their relationship is when, for some reason, Ulf, Hugh, and Jace get drunk together. Ulf is passed out so it is just Hugh and Jace still drinking. Hugh has some liquid courage in him so he asks if the reason Jace doesn’t like them is because of their silver hair.
Jace is a bit taken aback but the drink has actually mellowed his temper and looking at Hugh’s face he can’t seem to muster up any anger. Instead, Jace tells Hugh that he grew up with Aegon and Aemond and that when they were young he used to follow after Aegon everywhere, that he idolized his uncle. Of course later after Driftmark any goodwill vanished but they were still family. Now, his brother and Princess Rhaenys are dead because of Aemond and Jace has no doubt that the rest of his family will follow if the Greens have their way. Jace goes on to say that he doesn’t hate them but that they have dragons and the Targaryen looks, if the uncles he grew up with could betray them that badly what is to say that two strangers won’t do the same. In a way Hugh and Ulf are even more dangerous because they have no reason to be loyal and their dragons could kill them all much easier than Vhagar who is all the way in King’s Landing and who everyone is watching out for.
Hugh is a bit taken aback. He asks Jace if he believes they will betray him because they aren’t true born. Jace actually snorts and says that he isn’t that much of a hypocrite. He goes on to say that he doesn’t know them and that regardless of his own personal feelings he has to protect his family (the unspoken bit is that he has to protect them if no one else will, Daemon is not here and Rhaenyra is not making the best decisions in who to trust at this point in time).
There is a shift between Hugh and Jace, a new found understanding. If nothing else Hugh respects Jace more now than he did before. Jace continues to train them and as the time when they set out to war get closer he becomes more exacting. Ulf and Hugh don’t complain as they know now that Jace is trying to give them the best chance of coming back alive. Right before they fly out Jace presents them with expensive riding gear in shades of black and weaved through with chain mail, expensive leather gloves to protect their hands, new boots, dragon glass dagger, and small pins made of Valyrian steel in the shape of a three headed dragon with rubies for eyes.
Ulf and Hugh are touched and Ulf hugs Jace while Hugh gives him a respectful nod. Jace gives him an awkward nod back and tells them to watch out for arrows and to remember that dragons are not pets or tools. They part there and Ulf and Hugh go to war where they are actually two of Jace’s most outspoken supporters. A lot of people are doubtful about Rhaenyra’s reign and Ulf and Hugh try to reassure everyone by saying that Jace will be a great king.
I like to think that Ulf and Hugh do well and eventually the question is brought to Rhaenyra about what will be done about them. Addam is going to be Corlys’ heir but what about Ulf and Hugh? Rhaenyra is very vague and just says that they will be rewarded. Jace however speaks up and says that there will be empty keeps and lordships available after this, and that as dragon riders of House Targaryen they should be rewarded with a keep.
This sparks a fight between Jace and Rhaenyra as she thinks that giving Ulf and Hugh lordships wills upset their allies and that it is enough that Ulf and Hugh will be given gold and possibly stewardship of a keep. Jace points out that they can’t just expect Ulf and Hugh to be content with a few gold dragons and being hidden away in a keep after the war is done. By her actions Rhaenyra has ensured that Hugh and Ulf will always be linked to House Targaryen, and giving them keeps and a title mitigates them as a political threat as it keeps them content and acknowledges their service to the crown. Jace and Rhaenyra go back and forth a bit with the argument ending in a stalemate and neither person happy.
Somehow the argument reaches Ulf and Hugh on the frontline and while neither are happy with Rhaenyra but everything they hear about how Jace defended them just cements their loyalty and good opinion of him (the tale has been a little distorted by the time it reaches Ulf and Hugh. Now it sounds as if Rhaenyra wanted them to be sent back to where they came from with a few gold coins while Jace pushed for them to be elevated to Lord Paramounts). It also helps that everything Jace has taught them, all his advice, and even his gifts has saved both Ulf and Hugh’s life more than a few times from an arrow or an ambush while they have been at war.
I imagine that the story progresses with Ulf and Hugh becoming more and more loyal and devoted to Jace while Jace has to constantly defend Ulf and Hugh from other people (at some point Jace has assumed responsibility for the two men, they aren’t his brothers or even family but they are part of House Targaryen and as Crown Prince he has a duty to see them taken care of). At the same time Ulf and Hugh grow more disillusioned and discontent with Rhaenyra with only their loyalty to Jace tying them to the Queen’s cause.
Of course eventually Jace dies at the Battle of the Gullet and everything falls apart. Rhaenyra’s response to her heirs death is to hole up in Dragonstone which endears her to no one but least of all to Ulf and Hugh. The two men want blood and they blame the Triarchy and Rhaenyra for Jace’s death. In their minds Rhaenyra should have ordered someone else to go, gone herself, or provided more dragons and ships. It boggles their minds that Jace and Vermax were brought down by a few arrows and so they have constructed a narrative where it is not only the Triarchy’s fault but also Rhaenyra’s and the Blacks.
Some men, like Cregan Stark, still follow Rhaenyra to honor Jace. However Ulf and Hugh resent Rhaenyra and eventually betray the Blacks. In the end they twist everything Jace said and did for them and interpret it as them having just as much right to the throne as Rhaenyra. Jace did say that they were dragon riders of House Targaryen and Jace taught them everything they know about dragons and House Targaryen, surely one of them would be a worthier heir than Rhaenyra or one of the Greens. Inevitably they die.
I don’t really know where I was or am going with this. I just really like the idea of a Jace who comes into his own by teaching and looking after someone else after all his brothers are either dead or sent away. I like the idea of Jace being a good King and leader and that many people followed Rhaenyra because of Jace. That begs the question though of what happens when one of the big reasons people supported you is gone?
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kjwaikiki · 8 months ago
Stony fic idea:
I’m back on the Avengers train after a YouTube au trailer deep dive and I have a fic idea. I am throwing out the idea of timelines, canon, and pretty much everything.
My big fic idea is that Howard is still alive and Tony is young, maybe early 20s at the oldest, when all the Avengers shenanigans take place. Maybe that means Howard and Maria have Tony even later on in life or maybe they are just younger, I do not know I am disregarding pesky things like timelines.
Now the main point of this fic is that it is Howard who helps with the Avengers and backs them up being sort of like a benefactor. Steve is of course ecstatic to see and work with his old friend again, but he notices something is off about Howard. He asks some questions, does some digging and finds out that Howard had a son. Of course Steve asks Howard (or maybe Maria if she is around) but doesn’t really get a clear answer other than the fact that Tony and Howard had a fight a few years back and Tony hasn’t been in contact since.
Steve tried to do something nice for his friend and tracks Tony down. Eventually he finds him working on sustainable energy sources in some remote lab in a foreign country (or whatever you imagine I am not too clear on this part). Steve introduces himself and tries to convince Tony to go home or at least talk to Howard. Tony is not impressed, Howard has been an emotionally distant father at best and now he has Captain America come to his place of work to drag him home like a stray dog! Needless to say Tony is not impressed and kicks Steve out on his ass.
Steve is stubborn though and continues to bagger Tony throughout his day to day. Tony has carved out a nice little life for himself among the locals and he does not appreciate Steve ruining it for him. Eventually Tony agrees to talk to Steve and explain the fight and why he will not go home. It turns out that for a little while after Tony graduated college he was able to work well with the old man. They collaborated on a lot of projects and seemed to be getting along well. Until the next Stark Expo when Tony found out that all of the inventions Tony had made everything he designed was being patented as a Howard Stark invention, as solely a Howard Stark invention.
Tony was of course hurt and more than a little angry so he decided that his next idea would be one he kept to himself. His next design turned out to be Iron Man (in its infant stages Tony thought of it as combat armor for troops or even remote controlled soldiers) and from the idea of the Iron Man suit came other ideas like the Arc Reactor and J.A.R.V.I.S. until suddenly Tony was sitting on a cache of technology that would change the world.
Unfortunately Howard eventually found out about Tony’s inventions and shut him down. They had a terrible row that basically boiled down to Howard calling Tony a spoiled, selfish child who didn’t know the powers that he was messing with. Tony in response called Howard a hack who hadn’t invented anything worthwhile since the war and was so desperate to stay relevant that he’ll steal ideas from his son. The fight ended with both of the men storming off angry and Tony went back to an apartment he owned in the city to cool down for a few days. Tony figured that he’d give the old man a few days to calm down and then show him the tech he was working on with the clear stipulation that he gets credit for his inventions.
Only Tony’s plan doesn’t work out because when he goes back to Stark headquarters he finds that he has been terminated from his position and locked out of his lab that contains all his inventions and J.A.R.V.I.S. and all his bots. Tony calls up his dad, yells at him a little and then pleads with him to at least let him get his stuff. Tony even tells him he can keep the suits but he wants his bots and J.A.R.V.I.S. Howard says no. Tony threatens to get lawyers involved. Howard asks with what money. It dawns on Tony that Howard has effectively cut him off or at least he thinks he has (Tony has a personal bank account not connected to his father he has been squirreling away money in for years). Tony is angry and hurt and leaves the country and from there he applies for a gets the job he is currently working in. After that he cut off all contact with his father and erased himself from all digital software (Steve found him through luck, good old detective work, and being able to charm the pants off of little old ladies).
Steve is aghast because he never thought Howard could be capable of something like that. Tony brushes him off and tells him he doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. Somehow the idea of drinks is brought up and Steve mentions he can’t get drunk. Tony takes that as a challenge and whips up something in his lab that can actually get Steve drunk. They both get drunk and tumble into bed together.
In the morning Steve is surprised and horrified to find that he slept with his friend’s son (who is a lot younger than him). Tony is understandably hurt by Steve’s reaction and all of Steve’s attempts to explain himself just make it worse. Eventually it culminates in a fight and Tony kicks Steve out. Steve leaves and goes back to the U.S. where he tells Howard he found Tony and confronts him about the fight and how he treated his son. Howard tells Steve that he was just trying to protect Tony.
It turns out that Howard was following Obadiah’s advice for the inventions and didn’t take credit because he wanted all the glory but rather to keep Tony out of the spotlight (Obie worded it in such a way that it made it seem as if people knowing how brilliant Tony was would put him in danger). The fight was because Tony was messing with dangerous substances and even people without Howard’s knowledge (Tony had interested buyers lined up for some of his tech). Steve then brings up Howard cutting Tony off and Howard says he always knew about Tony’s other bank account and that he cut him off because he knew he was safer away. Howard had started to suspect Obie was involved in some shady dealings and had started to investigate him. As Howard dig deeper he uncovered some dangerous secrets and a lot of illegal activities.
Obie knew how brilliant Tony was and Howard knew that if Obie knew he was on to him then Obie would just get rid of him and move on to making Tony his cash cow. Howard pushed Tony away to protect him and fully intended to bring him home after the mess with Obie was over with. The only problem was that once it was all over with Howard couldn’t find Tony and he had no way of contacting him. He hired private investigators but they turned up nothing and eventually he gave up.
The next part of this fic are fuzzy to me but I think eventually Steve brings Howard to Tony and they have a chat. There is a lot of yelling and even some crying before finally they delve into the bigger issues:
Tony: “You are a shitty father.”
Howard: “I know I want to be better.”
Tony: “To be better you have had to actually be something in the first place. You were never there in the first place.”
Howard: “I’m trying Tony.”
Tony: “Why? So you can steal my ideas and pass them off as your? Live out your long gone glory days through me?”
Howard: “Because you’re my son and even though I don’t always show it, I do love you.”
That is the turning point in the fight and Tony and Howard make up with some awkward hugs and even more awkward tears. Tony agrees to go back to the U.S. and give working with his dad another try (with some heavy stipulation) Howard looks ecstatic that he has his son back and that is about where it dons on Steve that he has miscalculated. Because now Steve has to live in close quarters with Tony who he has grown to like and care for in his weeks pestering him to come home. Who Steve has kissed and held and heard moan. Who Steve would very much like to hear moan again. Who is the very young son of his dear friend, Howard. Howard who is looking at Steve in gratitude and has no idea that Steve has slept with his son. Steve is in for a really hard time.
I don’t really know where the fic ends from here. Maybe Howard eventually finds out and goes into overprotective father mode because that is his SON his CHILD who is barely an adult and Steve was alive during the Great Depression! Maybe Steve tries to dance around Tony and their sexual tension as the Avengers watch on amused. Maybe Tony eventually catches on to the fact that Steve is very attracted to him and starts teasing him everywhere, in public, around his dad, when he is working out, in the communal showers, etc. There are endless possibilities and I think it is really fun to imagine them all.
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kjwaikiki · 8 months ago
HOTD headcanon:
I love the idea of Daemon being the strict parent (partly inspired by Maegalkarven’s fic “Let’s fall back in love (With the world and who we are)”. Rhaenyra never really had to be the strict parent with Jace because he was always so serious and dutiful, whenever he thought he did something wrong he’d twist himself into knots trying to fix it. Luke was always so sweet and precious and cute all he had to do was widen his eyes a bit and Rhaenyra would let him off the hook.
Rhaena and Baela are the opposite. They got into everything and were serious troublemakers. You would think Rhaena would reign in Baela but she was often the one who concocted some of their more tricky and elaborate pranks and adventures. Laena always found the twins’ antics funny so Daemon was the one who had to scold the girls and punish them.
After Driftmark Daemon starts spending time with the boys and they start spending time with Rhaena and Baela and start picking up some habits. The first time Daemon is faced with four pairs of tiny eyes staring out at him from a giant pile of feathers he curses the gods for giving him four children to worry about (he doesn’t even want to think about what will happen when Joffrey is old enough to join in). He sends them all to the dragon keepers to shovel dung. The twins expect it but Lucerys is shocked that he is in trouble and Jace is terrified that Daemon is mad and that now he hates him and Luke.
Daemon: “You are all grounded. Go report to the dragon keepers, you are going to be scooping dung until you are old and grey.”
Rhaena and Baela: used to it đŸ«€
Luke: shocked that his puppy eyes didn’t work đŸ˜±
Jace: terrified that Daemon now hates them and will leave 😱
Consequently Jace’s reaction is the most effective as Daemon finds it hard to punish the kid when
A. He is usually so dutiful and serious and could use some more fun and time to be a kid.
B. He is genuinely sorry.
C. Punishing him just seems cruel at this point.
D. He has so many abandonment issues that Daemon is TERRIFIED that one wrong move will either scar Jace for life or forever ruin their slowly growing relationship.
E. Jace was most likely just going along with the other kids to make sure they didn’t get hurt.
A lot of the time Daemon will let Jace off but Jace will feel guilty and help the other kids anyway.
I just love the idea of an invested, slightly strict, really good dad Daemon.
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kjwaikiki · 8 months ago
Funny HOTD idea:
I just had this very funny idea that when Rhaenyra and her family come to Kingslanding to defend Lucerys claim and the Greens see their nephews and sister after so many years it is season two Jacaerys with the curls that they see.
The reason for this is that I want everyone to see Jacaerys and be shocked at how pretty he is. Particularly I want Helaena to see this and immediately be angry at her mother. Here is an incredibly attractive, noble, kind young man who she could have been married to.
Helaena knows that there were talks of a betrothal but that her mother pushed for her to wed Aegon. She made her peace with it and it helped that last time she saw Jace he was a child. Helaena does not want to be married to Aegon but she also does not want to be married to a child.
But Jace is back now and he is gorgeous and kind and dances with her. I just have this hilarious image in my head of Helaena just blue screening when she sees Jace and then looking at her mother all offended like: I could have married that!!!!! And instead you married me to that!!!! (Cue a drunk Aegon who is sweaty and smells like Flea Bottom).
I just want to see Helaena go off on her mother. “Not only did you put in motion the Dance of the Dragons where pretty much everyone in our family will die and the dragons will go extinct leading to our house being almost eradicated BUT you also married me to a drunken rapist when I could have married JACAERYS!!!! Do you HATE me!!!!!”
I just get such a kick out of imagining kind, docile Helaena going full Targaryen on her mother over her nephew. She is so indignant that she did not get to marry pretty, noble Jacaerys and now because of her mother Baela gets to. Although Aegon the Conqueror did have two wives

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kjwaikiki · 8 months ago
Joffron ahead, au idea where Joffrey and Daeron grow up together:
He hadn’t been paying attention.
Joffrey thinks that he can be forgiven for forgetting where he was and trusting in his family’s ability to overlook him when he actually needed them to. His family often forgot about him when he wasn’t in their direct line of sight.
He isn’t bitter about that fact, has had 18 years to come to terms with the fact that while his family loves him they usually have something else taking up their time. Luke’s relationship drama, Jace’s latest achievement, Baela’s latest stunt, Rhaena’s infrequent updates from the Vale, or even just the latest childhood milestone with Aegon and Viserys.
Joffrey loves his mom, his siblings, and his stepfather but being the middle child with an age gap between each set of children means that Joffrey often was left in a weird space where he was either too old or too young to participate in what his siblings were doing. It often left him with a lot of free time and little supervision and with the constant drama his family’s life has been since he was a toddler his parents are too busy putting out fires to ask why he was out so late or why he was wearing a high necked blouse in June.
Which is why he is so disgruntled that his parents freaked out over what he deemed to be none of their business. Joffrey has been 
.. involved with Daeron since he was 14 and while nothing happened until he was 17 that was more Daeron’s decision than his. Joffrey has always had to coax and nudge Daeron into doing anything beyond cuddling and a few chaste kisses which might be why they are in this mess in the first place.
Joffrey hadn’t stopped to think about where they were or who was watching when he tugged Daeron into a spare room in the Red Keep after a disastrous family dinner. All Joffrey could think about was how the light from the candles and torches bounced off of Daeron’s wavy hair or how his eyes softened whenever he caught Joffrey staring at him. The need to kiss the man he loved was like a physical ache under his skin so he hadn’t stopped to scan the room to see who was looking before he pulled Daeron away.
This was a mistake as both his parents, his older siblings, uncles, and Lady Alicent all barged in on them as Daeron was working the ties to his shirt open. Joffrey had long done away with Daeron’s shirt by tearing it down the middle and casting the sides away and was kissing his lover’s neck when they were rudely interrupted.
Joffrey didn’t quite realize just how poorly his parents would take the whole event due to the aforementioned lack of supervision. He figured Daemon would rant about him being with a Hightower and mother would make threatening eyes at Daeron as she used her son’s relationship to have another fight with Lady Alicent. Instead Joffrey was greeted to stony silence and his stepfather tugging him up off of Daeron rather harshly.
He was rushed out of the room, out of the Red Keep quickly after that, barely able to get a single glance back at Daeron sitting on the ground surrounded by the Greens before Daemon and mother hustled him through the hallways and to the dragon pit. It wasn’t until they arrived back at Dragonstone that Joffrey got the first inkling that he was not going to be able to maneuver his way out of this situation.
Joffrey had always figured that when his parents did find out it would be in the midsts of a crisis that eclipsed any misgivings about his relationship with Daeron. He figured he would have to avoid and subvert the conversation for a week or two before the next family drama inevitably pulled their focus away.
This was not the case now. The family dinner had not gone well but there had been no real crisis to demand his parents attention. Standing in front of Daemon and Rhaenyra Targaryen now with his older siblings lining the walls like pale spectators at a tourney Joffrey felt the need to reevaluate how he was going to tackle this problem.
Of course Daemon didn’t give him the chance.
“How long has this been going on?”
As soon as the word were out of his stepfather’s mouth Rhaenyra whipped her head to stare at Daemon in mute shock.
“Surely this has not been going on long.”
It was not a question so much as a desperate grasp for confirmation and even as his mother stared at her husband Joffrey knew it was addressed to him.
In this instance Joffrey decided discretion was the better part of valor.
“We have been intimate with each other since I turned 17.”
Something flickered behind Daemon’s eyes as he stared at him. Joffrey fought the urge to fidget.
Surprisingly the next person to speak wasn’t either one of his parents but Jace.
“Aegon told me that you are Daeron used to disappear together, as far back as when you were 13.”
Joffrey stared at his brother, the firm set of his jaw and scanned the rest of his siblings. They had all lined themselves behind Jace as if they were soldiers heading to battle with Baela and Rhaena on either side of Jace and Luke slightly behind his older brother’s left shoulder.
There would be no getting out of this now/
“We’ve been 
. involved since I was 14 but nothing 
.. drastic until I was 17.”
Everyone turned their eyes to him at that and Joffrey struggled to keep his eyes fixed on the way his mother’s braid trailed over her right shoulder the ends almost touching the red embroidered dragon by her waist.
“You’re too young.” His mother’s feeble voice caused him to glance at her eyes. The worry and even slight regret inflamed Joffrey’s temper that had slowly built on the the journey back to Dragonstone into a roaring fire.
“I am a man grown,” he grit out, and before he could stop himself spat “it is far to late to start meddling in my affairs now mother. Maybe 5 years ago you would have been successful but not now.”
His mother stared at him with a deep hurt swimming in her violet eyes, but before she could utter a word Daemon voice chilled the room:
“You would pick that Hightower runt over your family.”
His next words came out closer to a dragon’s roar than anything human.
“HE IS MY FAMiLY! When the squires would wait after training to ambush me Daeron was the one who saw to my bruises and showed me how to fight back against multiple opponents so they would never get the better of me again! When that Pentoshi merchant made remarks about how I’d make a fine bride and tried to force some foul ale down my throat Daeron was the one to threaten to geld him should he ever so much as look at me!”
With each sentence his parents and siblings seemed to shrink and press away from him to the outskirts of the room, but that only added fuel to the fire as more words burst forth.
“He was the one who came up with me on my first flight with Tyraxes. Daeron was the one to sneak me sweets and insist I take the maester’s concoctions when I was sick three winter’s ago. Daeron was the one to”
“ENOUGH!” His mother’s voice pierced through his tirade:
“Enough Joffrey.” Her voice was worn like a pierce of cloth made translucent after too many washes. She was crying, and suddenly Joffrey realized he was crying too:
As his mother approached him with hands outstretched towards his wet cheeks it all became too much. Joffrey felt outnumbered and overwhelmed like he had stood too close to the Sept’s bells as they rung and now his whole world was vibrating.
Before his mother could touch him he turned and fled through the hallways and back to his typical quarters in Dragonstone. He barred the door and pressed his shaking hands to his face and he sun down to the ground.
Joffrey stayed there on the ground as his family came and banged on his door. He heard his mother shouting for the guards before Daemon convinced her to let him be. Eventually his family petered off after there was no response from Joffrey for hours.
Eventually a single bright line came in the guise of a letter slipped under his door before the hour of the wolf. He broke the blue wax seal embossed with two twirling dragons. He scanned the letter quickly before standing up and casting it into the fire. As the parchment was consumed by flames Joffrey wondered if mother and Kepa’s Valyria wedding robes were still in the trunk in his mother’s solar.
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kjwaikiki · 8 months ago
Headcanon idea:
Rhaenyra doesn’t like any of her kids significant others except for Jace’s.
Aemond and Luke’s relationship is not healthy and she is always worried that Aemond will hurt Luke.
Daeron is not good enough for Joffrey. Granted Daemon has a harder time with this one because he hates the Hightowers more than Rhaenyra ever could but she still isn’t keen on Daeron dating Joffrey either mainly because she knows that Daeron is probably gonna whisk Joff away somewhere.
Hilariously Rhaenyra adores Cregan. Significantly older, single dad, lives all the way in the North Cregan. Rhaenyra tried not to like him but the way he looked at her son, the way they are so intense with each other, and the way Jace lights up around him.
Jace was always her serious boy. So worried about everything around him, doing everything right, and making her proud. Rhaenyra can see that with Cregan Jace is free in a way that he just isn’t with anyone else. So she supports them.
It also doesn’t hurt that Cregan is a Lord Paramount while her brothers only have their dragons as an inheritance.
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kjwaikiki · 8 months ago
HOTD fic idea:
The whole Rhaesaria thing definitely took me by surprise but I very much like the idea of them. My fic idea is that Rhaenyra and Mysaria got together much earlier in the series. In fact she was there for each of the boy’s births and loves them as if they were her own children.
I just want Mysaria to be right there with Rhaenyra all throughout her time in King’s Landing. I want Mysaria to give Rhaenyra the support that none of the men in her life could due to absence, grief, or the malicious rumors swirling around.
I want Mysaria comforting Jacaerys when he hears the rumors about him and his siblings being bastards. I want Mysaria planning the downfall of Crispy after the seeing how he trains the boys, HER boys. I want Mysaria to threaten Alicent after she made Rhaenyra walk to her chambers after giving birth (maybe she threatened Daeron and that is why Alicent sent him to Oldtown. Maybe she killed him and that is why we never see him).
I want Mysaria to love Rhaenyra so much and I want that love to be returned. Rhaenyra May love Harwin and Daemon and even Laenor (as a cherished friend), but none of those men have ever been able to support and defend her the way she needs. I want Mysaria to be the one who holds Rhaenyra and tells her what she needs to hear, whether that is that everything will be alright or that she needs to be a dragon and protect the children.
Rhaenyra may still marry Daemon but I want Mysaria to still very much be a part of that relationship even if it is just Rhaenyra refusing to let Mysaria go and her and Daemon very begrudgingly getting along for the sake of the children and Rhaenyra.
I just want Rhaenyra and Mysaria to live their best life with their hoard of kids as they subtly scheme and plot against the Greens. I want all the love, all the devotions, and I want to see the unhinged lengths they will go for each other and their kids.
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kjwaikiki · 8 months ago
House of the Dragon only showed them for 5 minutes but Cregan and Jace have there hooks in me. Here is a fic idea:
Jace and Cregan dated for a while either in college or just out of college. Jace was away from his family at the time and he didn’t tell anyone about Cregan. Jace wasn’t ashamed but it felt nice to have something that was solely for himself.
They were in love. Approaching the altar and getting married kind of in love but something happened that ended their relationship. Maybe there was a tragedy on Jace’s side of the family that compelled him home or maybe it was Cregan’s side of the family that needed him. The point is that they were torn apart but still really love each other.
Jace goes back home and is around his family. I imagine Jace is someone who suppresses a lot of his emotions. He feels pressure to be perfect so he puts on a facade and struggles to get through the day. Part of this is that Jace doesn’t really share about his life with anyone, there is just this huge gap for a couple years where all the family got were sporadic phone calls and gifts on important holidays.
The family is worried about Jace. They see him struggling but he won’t let anyone in so they don’t know how to help him. In the midsts of this Cregan comes back into Jace’s life.
I imagine Cregan is trying to do a deal with the Targaryen company or the family hired him for something. The culmination is that Cregan sees Jace while with the family and neither man takes it well. Jace is visibly distraught which freaks the family out because if they can see it on his face it must be bad. Cregan is not any better. Cregan is trying to keep a stoic face on but is not succeeding. He keeps looking at Jace and making aborted moves to comfort him.
The meeting eventually ends when Jace can no longer stand it and runs out of the room. For a split second Cregan’s mask falls completely and he looks devastated. The meeting wraps up but all the family agrees to interrogate Jace together after which does not go well.
Jace is not having a good time. He still loves Cregan, still wants a life with Cregan, but still sees no way over the obstacles of their obligations to their families and trying to fit their lives together in a way that ensures that no one is giving something up. Jace is unsuccessfully trying to stave off a breakdown when the family converges on him. All Jace’s loved ones have the best intentions but their questions about Cregan are too much too soon and Jace starts crying and hyperventilating.
No one knows how to help him and everyone freaks out. Everyone is trying to get Jace to breathe or tell them how to help him. Jace is finally able to choke out that he wants Cregan. Someone calls Cregan and puts him on the phone with Jace. Cregan is able to talk Jace down off of his panic attack.
After the phone call the family is still there but are noticeably shyer about asking Jace anything. Jace sees them squirming keeping their questions in and signs. He grabs him laptop and a thumb drive. On said thumb drive is all the pictures and videos he and Cregan took together when they are dating. There are shots of Cregan when he is just waking up, close ups of hands, and cutesy photos where one of them is kissing/cuddling/leaning on the other. There are videos of them making breakfast together, making silly faces at each other, and just in general being a couple that is clearly in love.
The family is in shock after Jace shows them everything and explains how he and Cregan were seriously dating for a while. More than not knowing about the relationship the family hasn’t seen Jace that carefree and happy in a while. In fact none of them think they have ever seen Jace that happy, in all the videos and photos he practically glowed.
I’m not entirely sure what comes next. I think Jace and the rest of the family have some issues to work out. Mainly I think they need to realize that while Jace is good at helping his mother and managing a company he isn’t necessarily happy doing it. I think Jace was told by the adults from a young age that he would inherit the company after his mom. I don’t think anyone did this maliciously but I think everyone assumed that Jace would follow in Rhaenyra’s path without ever asking him what he wanted.
I think a huge part of this fic will be Jace figuring out that he can have wants if his own and that it isn’t selfish to pursue them. I think something that needs to be touched on is that Jace’s relationship with Cregan was something that he did and had for himself completely outside of the family. I think the major catalyst for Jace and Cregan’s relationship was the fact that Jace had to pick between his relationship with Cregan and what he viewed as his duty to his family.
A huge part of the fic should be the family coming to realize that Cregan is the love of Jace’s life and that while the relationship might be ended Jace’s feelings are still there and will likely always be there. I don’t think Jace would ever doubt this, I think he always knew that Cregan was it even as the relationship ended and that he would probably never want anyone else.
The reason the relationship ended wasn’t a lack of love but life getting in the way. Jace had been told for so long that he would be this one thing and he always felt this massive ball of expectations. Jace always felt he needed to act and be a certain way, to fulfill a role for his family. With Cregan Jace was able to really find out who he was and explore what he wanted.
Jace discovered that he really likes wearing Cregan’s shirts that are way too big for him, that he would rather spend the day cuddling on the sofa than with a group of people, that he actually really likes corny romance books, does not like shellfish, would rather drink beer than wine, and that he has never felt more alive and happy than when he is with Cregan. But when his family needed him it was easier to leave than to stay.
Jace has spent so many years acting a certain way and doing whatever he needed to do to help his family that when he realized that if it came to a choice between Cregan and his duty to his family he wanted to choose Cregan, he got scared. He worked so hard to be what everyone else needed him to be. He was the perfect son, the reliable brother, the good kid but with Cregan he didn’t have to be any of that. Jace had been shoving down his own wants for so long that when the choice came it was easier, simpler to just do what he had always done and do what everyone else needed him to do.
I think on some level Cregan understood but I do think it made him incredibly sad. One thing I want to make clear is that Jace never denied he loved Cregan. He never saw their relationship as less than something else. Jace was scared and guilty and conflicted. He fell back into old habits and in a way started to just go through the motions as he had programmed himself to.
I think in the midst of all these issues and histories being dug up there are a lot of fights and tears between everyone. Between Jace and Cregan in particular there is a lot of tension, kissing, and maybe even some confrontations and yelling. This is a drawn out smack down tragic romance full of heat and gut wrenching emotion and it should be evident whenever Jace and Cregan lock eyes.
I think in the end the family realizes they messed up and Cregan and Jace get back together. I think there should be a big dramatic scene between Jace and Cregan with questions, kisses, crying, and breakdowns. In the end Jace chooses Cregan and steps back from the role he forced himself to fill within the family.
Cregan and Jace ride off into the sunset to live a happy life together after a tragic, emotional journey. They get a happy ending.
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kjwaikiki · 9 months ago
I have a moden fic idea for House of the Dragon:
When Jace, Luke, and Joff came out with brown hair and eyes someone took it upon themselves to get rid of the children. It could be Larys, Otto, Alicent getting rid of Rhaenyra’s heirs. Maybe it is Rhaenyra herself to keep her reputation unstained, maybe Viserys for the same reason, or maybe Rhaenys or Corlys for their house’s honor and reputation as they don’t want their son to be known as a cuckold.
The end result is that Jace and Luke end up in an orphanage together and grow up as brothers with most if not all of their immediate family believing they are dead. Joff is not raised with them because of the age difference and goes somewhere else and this is where it goes wrong.
Joff is discovered, maybe he has an illness that only Targaryens get, a rare gene marker, his hair turns white, something to indicate that he is Rhaenyra’s son. Someone puts it together, tells Rhaenyra and she goes to see. She looks at Joff and decides that she will raise him. She brings him home and the whole story comes out and Rhaenyra and/or Viserys and/or the rest of the family realize that the other two boys are alive and are determined to look for them.
This brings us to Jace and Luke who grew up together and consider themselves brothers. I imagine they are both in high school when all this happens and they don’t really want a family now. Jace has an older boyfriend who lives in the North, Cregan, who he is planning on moving in with after graduation. Luke will join them after he graduates. They have a plan and they are happy, so when the Targaryens and Velaryons crash into their life and ruin their peace neither of them are happy.
They run. Jace tries to get him and Luke on a train to the North and to Cregan. Once there Jace is planning on asking Cregan for help. Cregan has some money so he can maybe help him get a lawyer or they could get married. In my mind Jace isn’t that far off from 18 so he is using this more as a stalling tactic (Jace and Cregan are in love and have always planned on getting married and this unfortunate situation only sped up the timeline).
Luke is a little more tricky because he is a minor and will be a minor for a few more years. It is very likely that the Targaryens will get custody of him and he knows that. Luke doesn’t like it but he has accepted the reality of the situation unlike Jace who is fully prepared to throw hands.
In the end Jace and Luke do manage to get North and meet up with Cregan but now the Targaryens and Velaryons have the whole country looking for them. Jace and Luke try to lay low but there is only so long they can hide before they are discovered and brought before the rest of the family. Jace and Luke are not pleased.
It devolves into a huge angsty, family drama, custody battle. Jace does not want to stay with these people and absolutely makes it known. Jace wants to stay with Cregan or go back to the orphanage if that is not an option. This does not endear Cregan to the Targaryens or Velaryons who do not like this older Northerner who is in a relationship with their son/nephew/grandson/cousin.
Luke is a different story. He is quieter, not happy but not as angry as Jace. He is polite but he maintains a clear distance between himself and anyone who isn’t Jace or Cregan (as a note before this whole debacle Luke wasn’t super close with Cregan, now he is relying on him in a way he doesn’t really do with anyone but Jace).
No one is completely happy with the situation but many of them think they can make it work once custody is awarded. It doesn’t get better. Jace clings to Cregan when it is announced that the boys are now under Rhaenyra’s custody. Luke is very stoic and won’t say anything. It is like the brothers have switched personalities and for everyone who knows them it is very worrying.
In the end the boys have to go home with Rhaenyra and it is awkward. Rhaenyra tries to connect with them but neither boys are having it. Jace and Luke are both distant and Jace seems to have decided to ice them out rather than blow up on them. This works until the family realizes that Jace is still in contact with Cregan and ban him from talking with him. Jace does not handle this restriction well, he spits vitriol at everyone peeling back their soft spots and burning their underbelly. He slams doors and while he doesn’t scream or yell he is noticeably angry. In this he embodies the Targaryen words and in his anger his eyes burnđŸ”„.
Luke isn’t happy either. He doesn’t like how everyone is treating his big brother. He doesn’t like how everyone is acting like they can or will be one big happy family. He doesn’t like how everyone is trying to kick over a decade alone with only each other to rely on under the rug and acting like it never happened. He doesn’t like how everyone is acting like they know what’s best for them and have any say in their lives when they met them a few months ago, and ran from them right after.
I want Jace and Luke being a team against everyone else. I want the adults trying, wanting to make a connection, sometimes succeeding, but also messing up most of the time. I want Jace to lash out and be afraid that the future he envisioned with Cregan will not be possible anymore because of the Targaryens and Velaryons. I want Jace to be so afraid that one of the few things in his life that made him feel safe and secure and loved may be in jeopardy because the family may not let him go even after he turns 18 or that Cregan may leave him because of all the problems his family is causing (Cregan will never leave Jace he is in love and devoted and trying to find a way around the Targaryens and Velaryons to talk to Jace).
Jace is spiraling down a hole of increasingly irrational fears that cause him to lash out and cling to any piece of normalcy which is often Luke or sometimes the little children (they remind him of the other children from the orphanage). Luke sees what is happening to his brother but doesn’t know how to help because while Jace’s fears aren’t entirely rational they aren’t entirely irrational either. Luke always knew that since he was younger there would be more time before he was free of the system and thus more time for something to happen to him. Luke is dealing with this easier because this custody arrangement ensures that his worst fear won’t happen, because they are related through blood Luke and Jace cannot be separated.
More time goes on and the situation devolves and Jace gets more scared, more reserved, and lashes out more as a result. Luke knows what is happening but can’t help. The family won’t let Jace see Cregan and with every slammed door and argument each side is more sure they are right. Meanwhile Luke tries to mediate and as a result does form some bonds with the family. Luke does feel guilty about this as he knows it will not help any of Jace’s fears but he does find it nice to have someone other than Jace care about his well being.
Luke just wants his brother who has always taken the weight of the world on his shoulders to be able to trust someone to take care of him. Cregan was the first person to do that but the rest of the family is blocking Cregan and his lawyers. With each week that passes that Cregan doesn’t call and Luke settles in more Jace gets worse until he ultimately tries to run away.
Jace doesn’t get far but he does get hurt. The family gets called into the hospital and is worried sick when Cregan arrives. Luke called him. The family is not happy but Luke convinces them to let Cregan go in and talk to Jace. Cregan goes in and the minute Jace sees Cregan he breaks down crying. Cregan holds him for a while and Jace tells him all his fears. Cregan reassures Jace that he isn’t going anywhere and Cregan convinces Jace to give the family a chance. Jace agrees to try.
Jace speaks to the family with Cregan in the room and he tells them he is willing to try with them. Jace does stipulate that he wants to be able to see and call Cregan when he wants as long as he tries and the family agrees. Jace really scared them and at this point they just want Jace to be able to relax. Lucerys explained a lot of Jace’s fears while he and Cregan talked and the family has come to realize that they screwed up with the boys.
Jace gets out of the hospital and Cregan has to go back home but promises Jace that they will talk, video call, and that he will visit. Jace goes home with the family and makes an effort. I imagine at this point we will have some time where Jace, and to a lesser degree Luke, open up to the family little by little.
I am not sure how this story ends. Maybe with the whole family coming together for Jace’s wedding. But I imagine the whole fic is chalk full of angst, family feels, the very tight brotherly bond between Luke and Jace, and plenty of exploration of the very devoted and loving relationship between Jace and Cregan
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kjwaikiki · 9 months ago
After so much heartbreak and angst on House of the Dragon (with much more to come). I just want some head canons that make me smile.
Here is one I have been holding on to for a while:
Daemon is an incredibly overprotective father but not for any of his blood kids. He is not worried about Rhaena or Baela, they are Laena’s daughters it is more likely that they choose their love interest and they will most likely call all the shots.
In contrast Daemon is incredibly worried about Jace, Luke, and even Joff. They are all so pretty and charming. They take after Rhaenyra so much, and while he loves Rhaenyra he knows what she got up to when she was young. He also knows that what happened between him and Rhaenyra when she was young is not something he would want happening to his boys. He absolutely doesn’t want some roguish man coming in and kissing his boys in brothels offering to take them as their spouse.
Daemon has never felt more stressed when his family meets Viserys’ Hightower brats and he sees the way they look at his boys. He has multiple heart attacks when he sees the one eyed brat (Aemond) and the drunk lecher (Aegon) make eyes at his sweet stepsons. He very much wants to take Aemond’s other eye for the way he is looking at Luke and punch Aegon in the mouth for the way he is smirking at Jace. He can’t deal with this he is going to lock his stepsons up on Dragonstone until they are 50 or until the Hightower brats die whichever comes first.
Daemon has never felt like such a hypocrite. He swears that Viserys has somehow orchestrated all of this to get back at him for the brothel incident 
.. and possibly the wedding incident too. At least Daeron is away in Old Town away from Joffrey

 Until Viserys brings him back to the Red Keel to torture his brother. King Viserys has so few amusements and seeing Daemon slowly go bald from seeing these roguish princes of the realm try to seduce his children is the best gift he has ever received. He can die happy now knowing Daemon’s karma has come at last.
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