#Bamf Mysaria
kjwaikiki · 2 months
HOTD fic idea:
The whole Rhaesaria thing definitely took me by surprise but I very much like the idea of them. My fic idea is that Rhaenyra and Mysaria got together much earlier in the series. In fact she was there for each of the boy’s births and loves them as if they were her own children.
I just want Mysaria to be right there with Rhaenyra all throughout her time in King’s Landing. I want Mysaria to give Rhaenyra the support that none of the men in her life could due to absence, grief, or the malicious rumors swirling around.
I want Mysaria comforting Jacaerys when he hears the rumors about him and his siblings being bastards. I want Mysaria planning the downfall of Crispy after the seeing how he trains the boys, HER boys. I want Mysaria to threaten Alicent after she made Rhaenyra walk to her chambers after giving birth (maybe she threatened Daeron and that is why Alicent sent him to Oldtown. Maybe she killed him and that is why we never see him).
I want Mysaria to love Rhaenyra so much and I want that love to be returned. Rhaenyra May love Harwin and Daemon and even Laenor (as a cherished friend), but none of those men have ever been able to support and defend her the way she needs. I want Mysaria to be the one who holds Rhaenyra and tells her what she needs to hear, whether that is that everything will be alright or that she needs to be a dragon and protect the children.
Rhaenyra may still marry Daemon but I want Mysaria to still very much be a part of that relationship even if it is just Rhaenyra refusing to let Mysaria go and her and Daemon very begrudgingly getting along for the sake of the children and Rhaenyra.
I just want Rhaenyra and Mysaria to live their best life with their hoard of kids as they subtly scheme and plot against the Greens. I want all the love, all the devotions, and I want to see the unhinged lengths they will go for each other and their kids.
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xcountingstars · 2 months
I have so many thoughts on today’s episode of House of the Dragon. First off, I think it was the best episode so far this season.
•In no particular order, here are my favorite bits:
1. Lord Oscar Tully is a bamf. Kid is 13 or 14 years old, and already a wise and just leader. He brought Daemon to heel, and I am 1000% here for it.
2. Jacaerys confronting Rhaenyra about his parentage and how he is also a bastard, and his claim being threatened because the edge he had over others—his dragon—will be lost once the dragonseeds claim dragons of their own. It was his idea to have others with Targaryen blood claim dragons, but it’s backfired on him. Harry Collett’s acting shone through, here. I also enjoyed how he called Rhaenyra out for taking advice from Mysaria and not keeping him in the know, asking if the dragonseeds were her idea. The sass!
3. Alicent’s sojourn to the Godswood and the calm, peaceful nature of it. Lovely scenery, great cinematography.
4. The claiming of the dragons itself. Very tense. I really liked Ulf and Silverwing’s scene, Ulf surrendering to his fear and Silverwing ultimately calming down and choosing him. Hugh and Vermithor had a standoff, which was epic in its own right, but angrier.
5. Larys Strong continuing to be sneaky and looking after his own interests, choosing to ignore the information that Ironrod gave him. The scene near the end when they exchange glances was priceless.
6. The end shot with Rhaenyra, Vermithor, Syrax and Silverwing was powerful and exciting.
•Now for the bit I didn’t like:
1. Rhaena leaving the Vale. Too short of a scene. I feel like we should have been given at least a tiny glimpse of the dragon she’s searching for, a little tease to give the scene more impact.
As for the post-episode debrief, I think this is the first week that I actually didn’t take issue with what Condal chose to discuss!
TLDR; I really liked today’s episode, and I am excitedly looking forward to next week’s finale!
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ao3feed-rhaenicent · 1 month
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ao3feed-rhaewin · 1 year
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agameoftragedy · 6 years
Thoughts on F&B and Violence
CFS has forced me to stop 100 pages before the end, but I’m loving Fire & Blood, yet I will acknowledge what I’ve heard people are saying: it’s brutal at points and there are more instances of sexualised violence towards women, etc. Various instances and thoughts below the cut
- The First Dornish War was so much worse than I’d realised, and especially what happened at the Oakheart wedding D: Felt a bit nauseous with that whole section
- Coryanne Wylde’s story sounds sad, poor girl
- There was an assassination attempt against Alysanne! (HVDU?!) Women fighting women... Explains Jonquil Darke’s later employment though
- Androw Farman, you dark horse. Though I can kinda understand how he snapped, but still...
- What happened to Aerea. Yeah, I’m pretty sure Euron never went to Valyria, or not properly anyway...
- Every rat catcher in KL being killed after Blood and Cheese. And poor Helaena :(
- Bloody ironborn making off with hundreds of women the first chance they got...
- Poor little Maelor :(
- Ugh, the Sack of Tumbleton >.<
But having said all ^that, we do get more interesting ladies and their stories as well:
- Melony Piper with Rhaena Targaryen <3 (it’s either light wlw or some very old dedicated female friendship, and I am happy either way)
- Lots more mentions of handmaidens and companions to the Queens/Princesses at court, with what sound like good friendships formed
- Rhaena’s dedication to her daughters despite what had happened
- I like that there was an Alayne Royce who was a close companion to Rhaena (*Sansa/Myranda shipping intensifies*)
- 13 year old Alysanne entertaining huge numbers of noble ladies for 7 days before her mother’s remarriage
- Jonquil Darke trying to become a kingsguard as a mystery knight (echoes of Brienne)
- Alysanne and Jaehaerys may be incest but they’re really fricking cute, and looks like they didn’t consummate until she was at least 15/16 (when she insisted they consummate!)
- Man, Lucinda Tully seems to get everywhere
- Elissa Farman! Elissa X Rhaena! “The Four-Headed Beast”! Doesn’t end happily though...
- Poor Elinor Costayne rose to become the mother of a large motherhouse in Lannisport
- definite midwives at Alyssa’s bed (page 216) as well as a maester
- Sabitha Frey! “fond of killing men and kissing women”!
- Cregan Stark might have inflicted thousands more deaths through battle, but for the acts of various women, it seems...
- Black Aly seems a very interesting woman...
- The Winter of the Widows!
- I wondered what had happened to Alys Rivers and she does come back into the story...
- Rogar Baratheon sounds like he was reincarnated as Robert Baratheon...
- Following the rebellion against Aenys for marrying brother to sister, Jaehaerys’ councillors were afraid of marrying him to Alysanne and planned otherwise, but it was the siblings who sorted it themselves. And since she was only 13 THEY DID NOT CONSUMMATE IT *confetti*, but that meant the councillors thought they could undo it... but they did not reckon with our young BAMFs.
- The Widow’s Law! Alysanne fought for more than abolishing the First Night
- Even when Alysanne couldn’t go and hold Women’s Courts, she sent a trusted woman who could
- Ho shit, Elissa Farman stole dragon’s eggs! And they wound up in Braavos...
- Exceptionalism as a Doctrine, ah man, the politics
- Ohhhh, Harrenhal’s Widow’s Tower is named for Rhaena
“The queen’s fountains”! Good Queen Alysanne strikes again!
- Badness about the Nightfort, Alysanne confirms
- I don’t like Mushroom, or whoever’s writing in his name. There’s so much bullshit thrown in that I barely trust the bits that could be true :/
- Mysaria/Misery was involved in Blood and Cheese
- Blackwoods despoiling septs in the Dance v.v So much for them being the clear good guys
- Lord Tarly declared for Rhaenyra - either they weren’t as misogynistic as Randyll or maybe they were taken up with Daemon...
- Corlys Velaryon seems to be one of very few sensible people during and following the Dance. Larys Strong is an interesting enigma
- “The Lads”! As a British person, this sounds hilarious to me, even though it probably shouldn’t be
- Cregan Stark did at least get a large recruitment for the Wall in his time...
I’m sure there’s more, but I’ll have to come back to it another time.
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ao3feed-rhaenicent · 1 month
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ao3feed-rhaewin · 29 days
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ao3feed-rhaenicent · 29 days
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ao3feed-rhaewin · 1 month
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ao3feed-rhaenicent · 3 months
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ao3feed-rhaewin · 1 year
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