#stims can be hard to talk about sometimes TBH
symptoms-syndrome · 1 year
10, 19, & 36 💜
10. What are your most common stims?
I'm going to leave out self harmful stims for this, in which case it would probably be rubbing my nail against my lip (sometimes also tapping my teeth with a nail,) tapping on things (incl like. My arms n stuff if I need to be quiet) and rocking. I've been sort of ABA-ed out of a lot of more visible stims apart from the rocking. If I'm a little stressed out but grounded I squeeze my forearm repeatedly or stroke a lock of hair. But my most common stim growing up/the one I often default to if I'm rly rly stressed out and not totally grounded is biting things (not counting this as self harmful bc there are non harmful things to bite, like rubber stim tools, a sleeve, etc.)
19 I answered!
36. Do you have routines that you have to follow? What's in your routine?
I follow a lot of little routines I think. It's hard to tell always bc they're just integrated into my life now. I think it's more noticable that I need routines when interacting with others. I need to know where we're going and for how long and can get thrown off if things change, and get really really stressed if I don't know the schedule even if it's smth I enjoy doing.
I definitely have routines when eating though. Like eating the least favorite thing first and the most favorite last. I have a fun little routine with Skittles too that I was talking about with a friend the other day
Dump out Skittles and make a little graph of colors in color order
Starting with the color that has the most Skittles, eat extra in color order until I have the same amount of each color
Once I have an even number of each color, eat in preference order (purple -> orange -> red -> yellow -> green, repeat)
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pizzapizzadickz · 2 years
I've been popping pills like they're candy lately. (Also known as I've been in pain a lot and my allergies are horrible bc of all the mold in my room).
#diary#personal#on another note entirely that i didnt want to put it in the main thing. i feel so. different from what ppl know me as sometimes#like. i may talk to you. and you may think you know me. but do you really? ive been thinking. if ppl met me would they even like me?#like. when i have meltdowns or sensory overload or just need time to chill n stim. or just lay down n nap#like. idk if others could tollerate that of me. if i met someone irl and arent heavily masking my personality you can tell im strange#fuck. just today i spent like 5-10 mins just. tapping on my collarbones hard bc it feels nice feeling ur bones vibrate#idk. like. honeslty i cant even put it into words and speaking itself is so ineffective tbh.#it just really sucks tho. cuz i mask so much of myself so much of the time. i mask the pain. i mask my happiness.#heck i even mask everything inbetween.#honestly i sorta just dont believe anyone would like me if i acted how i want to. like. i am very autistic natually. VERY AUTISTIC#i just hide all of that for everyones comfort and it makes things activly less enjoyable for me.#idk. i just. want to go out. cling to someone i care about and make them guide me. wear noise cancelling headphones everywhere#i rly just want to never go anywhere loud or crowded (even tho i like trying new food n things).#i want to jump up and down when im happy. run when i feel. scream if i want. cry if i need.#id like it if someone saw me meltdown or shutdown they wouldnt freak out.#id like to be able to mess up things in social situations and it wouldnt matter. i just wouldnt worry about if id still have a friend.#id like to be able to be heard when i say no i cant have/do that. i really wish that was the case even now.#i. really have just become so much more autistic the more ive focused on myself. my needs and my feelings .#like. today my dad wanted to order something that *admittedly* is the exact same thing i was gonna order.#HOWEVER THERE IS ONE KEY DIFFERENCE. IT IS NOT WHAT I PICKED OUT. so what if its different from what i want????#i cant have that!! so i panicked a lot. and he repeatedly ignored me when i said no i dont want x food.#eventually mom stepped in and made it so i got what i wanted.#yknow? existing hurts so much. just all of the time too. i keep on coming back lately to the same thought.#over and over and over again on repeat. just. idk. its hard to explain.#i keep on thinking how itd be better if i was like replaced with someone else. if someone else was born instead of me.#like. im utterly useless. but maybe if only x sperm was born instead of me they wouldnt be like me. idk.#maybe then everyone would be happy. maybe then theyd be able to work and make my parents and everyone else happy.#theyd be able to fit in. they could lead a much better life than me. i wish i wasnt so utterly useless.#i just want a long break. its exhausting living and im not rly cut out for it. too bad i wont get one anytime soon. god i hate this.
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huboi · 1 year
character(s) — cyno, tighnari, alhaitham, kaveh, wanderer
reader’s gender is not specified, nor is their race. I always try to make my fanfics as inclusive as possible
tw/cw — none ig, lmk if there are any
note(s) — I made this as an autistic person, however this may not include like every trait of someone with autism if that makes sense. PLS DON’T USE THIS FANFIC TO SELF DIAGNOSE URSELF WITH AUTISM, it’s important to get professionally diagnosed due to overlapping symptoms
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he would be the perfect boyfriend tbh
like if you have any hyperfixations u wanna talk about? he’s all ears
even if he’s busy playing tcg with someone, he doesn’t mind you talking about your hyperfixations with him
my man can multitask, it ain’t hard
if ur not a big fan of large crowded areas, he will make sure to walk with you in the least busiest parts of sumeru city
if you don’t like loud noises, like the crowded area, he will try his best to make sure he doesn’t bring you to loud areas
if anyone ever makes fun or belittles you for having autism.... he will beat them up/hj
he will mainly use his threatening aura to make them apologies or just make them leave you alone
no one messes with the mahamatras partner and gets away with it
you have comfort foods? he’s learning how to make them. whenever he can’t make them, he will buy them for you
you’re clingy? he loves that, hug him all you want, fidget with his hands all u want, he’s smitten asf
struggle to make eye contact? he’s ok with that too! he’s actually kinda used to it tbh, cause people can barely look him in the eye due to his status
overall, quite protective and just overall rlly loving, doesn’t rlly care u have autism, he still loves u as you are <33
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when it comes to your sensory issues, he can relate, as a fennec hybrid his senses can easily get overwhelmed, so don’t worry about your sensory issues being a burden, he’s totally ok with it
have comfort foods? he will make them as much as he possibly can, he doesn’t mind how simple they are, he’s making them and sometimes he will buy them whenever he goes to the city
you stim? he will support you with it, if he’s feeling generous, which he usually is since ur his partner, he will let you fidget with his tail and ears, as long as ur gentle with them obviously
have hyperfixations? he’s all ears, quite literally, you can tell him all about whatever it is ur obsessed with no matter what he’s up to, whilst he’s studying the wildlife? he doesn’t mind, whilst he’s patrolling the forest? go ahead
anyone ever makes fun of you or is mean to you, he will sort them out with a good telling off. this sassy fox man will give them the lecture of a lifetime, he doesn’t mind if it’s for u tho :)
collei is supportive as well, she’s even more so understanding than the other forest rangers mainly due to her elazer, it’s not the same in any way shape or form, but she understands what it feels like to be different
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this man has traits that are quite similar to autism, so it doesn’t bother him that you have it, he’s supportive in his own way if you know what I mean
sensory issues? oh look, there’s now a pair of noise cancelling earphones for you, how strange, how’d that get there?
people would think that your stinking annoys him, newsflash it doesn’t. in a way he finds it kinda cute, but not in a belittling way if that makes sense
have hyperfixations? he can and will listen to you all day if he has to, and he would do it gladly too
doesn’t mind if ur clingy, he can read his book whilst you hug him on the couch or sum, kills two birds with one stone, he gets his research done, and you get cuddles
he’s actually a huge softy for you but won’t admit it to anyone, not even himself :))
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kaveh is amazing, like best supportive boyfriend alert
if you have sensory issues, he can’t really help with the big crowds and loud noise but he’ll try his best to help you cope through it and give you distractions
like if ur in a crowded erea he’ll ask you to talk about your hyperfixations to him. if you don’t have hyperfixations he’ll just ask what you have done today
when it comes to taste sensory issues, he’ll try to avoid eating food that you dont like the smell of cause he doesn’t wanna overwhelm your nose. he will eat said food like that someplace else when ur not around
if you have comfort foods, he sadly can’t really buy them often since he doesn’t have a lot of money, but now and again as a special treat he can make it for you or buy it
clingy? great, he is too, cuddle him all you want, he’s not one to complain. wanna kiss him all over? go ahead, he embraces it
tries his best to understand how you work, he can sympathise with how frustrating things can be when people don’t quite understand you and how you work
you don’t like affection? that’s fine too, he will try to keep physical affection to a minimum as much as he possibly can, he can be affectionate in other ways tho
love language is probs spending personal time together, so that’s enough for him if u don’t want affection too
overall, 10/10 best boy and baby girl, recommend
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ngl he’s not rlly the best, but he tries. it’s just really difficult for him to be nice since after all he’s been through, he tries tho, he really does
whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed by large crowds and/or noises, he will pick you up bridal style and bring you to nahidas place, where it’s quiet and no one else is there
like certain foods? he can’t cook, since he was made by ei who can’t cook to save her life, so he will just buy your comfort foods for you instead
want cuddles? it depends on his mood wether or not he’ll comply, if he’s in a good mood, yes, if he’s in a neutral mood, yes, if he’s in a bad mood, no.
whenever you stim, he sometimes watches, other times he looks away, he doesn’t wanna say anything mean to you by accident
if you can’t understand sarcasm, he’ll try his best to not use it around you, but it’s difficult sometimes since he has used sarcasm for so long
if you have hyperfixations and like to talk about them, he will listen, doesn’t mind hearing you talk about your interests, in a strange way it fascinates him, sometimes he asks questions other times he just stays silent and nods his head now and again in acknowledgment
if he ever hears anyone being mean to you, wether that be on purpose or not, he’s finna throw some hands, and he will win. tries not to actually fight them, tries to argue with them. he tries to fight less cause it makes nahida kinda upset
speaking of nahida, she’s amazing with you, like the best person to ever go to. she’s the god of wisdom after all, more or less knows how to take care of you during certain phases, he sometimes actually goes to her for advice on your behaviours and how best to support you, but you didn’t hear that from me
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zedleaked · 4 months
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Buck’s love languages are physical touch and quality time. Buck is crazy sensitive to touch, only really letting people he trusts to touch him, any sudden touches may cause him to jump and possibly bite someone. He absolutely melts when his feathers are pet or gently caressed by Dave, he can get especially clingy and whiny (which Dave finds very cute).
Nothing beats just spending time with his partner, whether it’s dancing or just hanging about and talking, he drinks in every second he has with Dave. Buck was never really the most liked person, even before his fall into insanity, so spending time with his partner means so much to him, it also leads to him being a little clingy.
Dave’s love languages are quality time and words of affirmation. Dave just loves being around his little spinning wheel (Buck), he loves going on dates, or just being in his auditorium in private. He loves listening to Buck yap about anything, any kind of passionate rambling from anyone makes Dave happy.
Dave loves having his ego fuelled, but compliments and comments from Buck feel especially special. The two of them tend to have very flirty back and forth banter and it drives Dave absolutely crazy.
Tbh the both of them are just really touchy in general. The cuddlers… they also just like having their hands interlocked too, it’s comfy…
The two of them met at a casino/bar Buck frequented at. Dave performed there once and it caught Buck’s attention, so he had approached him and had a drink with him. The two had some playful banter, Buck was getting more tipsy by the minute, and while in his drunken state he made a bet with Dave. “Y’know, if ya make it big out there, I’ll owe you thomethin’, anythin.’” The two of them had held onto that bet and had been pals ever since.
As we know, Dave won that bet, becoming the big star he is. What Buck owed him was a date, and it went pretty well!
The incident involving Buck and Brian had changed Buck quite a bit, and Dave noticed a lot of things wrong. Buck’s speech was more slurred and lispy than before, he laughed more frequently and manically, he was more twitchy, erratic and more sensitive to touch, and all that really bothered Dave for a while. Eventually he comes to adapt to Buck’s changes, cause in the end he’s still the same guy who loves him, and he loves him back of course <3
Buck’s mind is really loud, his thoughts are unhinged and insane and it feels as if there are constant screams in his head. He’s grown used to this but sometimes when he hears Dave’s music or hears him sing it quells his thoughts, makes his mind quieter and makes him feel more sane.
When Buck is feeling especially manic or nervous he tends to laugh crazily. Dave knows when he starts laughing unprompted that something is off, so he tends to play him a tune or just hold him close for comfort. Buck is very responsive to touch, so it calms him quite quickly, his laughter fading as Dave holds him…
Since the two of them started living and sleeping together they have this little ‘ritual’ they do every morning where Dave spins Buck’s slot machine for good luck, especially before a show. Even if they landed on a bust they tried to take it as an opportunity to try extra hard to have a good day.
Sometimes when Buck is feeling anxious or angry he tends to get a little ‘itch’ in his teeth, and it makes him really want to bite something. Most of the time, this ‘something’ turns out to be Dave, which is something Dave had gotten used to (and kind of enjoys??? Erm uh…)
Speaking of biting, Buck REALLY loves showing affection through biting, not even in a sexual way, just in general. Sometimes he just gnaws on Dave’s wrist while they’re cuddling, maybe Dave uses his free arm to pet him as he does so…
Dave stims a lot by tapping his feet and tapping his fingers on stuff. Sometimes he likes to tap his fingers on Buck’s back, Buck really likes the feeling, the rhythmic tapping just feels really calming to him.
Kissing is a little funky as you could probably imagine. Most the time it’s just Buck pressing his beak against Dave’s piano teeth and it makes the both of them giggle like stupid idiots <3
Additionally Dave tries to teach Buck songs with his teeth and it’s really dumb and stupid but they’re having fun <3
Sometimes when the auditorium in the Musical Master of Melody is empty, the two of them just like to slow dance on the stage.
The two of them love to dance… surprisingly, Buck especially loves dance, it feels as if Dave is the only one who can really match his weird erratic moves.
Ok mini High Roller section:
I like to think they accidentally formed High Roller by being really intimate, just suddenly, huh… we’re something… different
When they first formed into High Roller the first thing they did was look in the mirror and point finger guns toward it and said ‘Lookin’ good!’
In addition to that, High Roller just likes looking at herself in general
Sounds kinda odd but High Roller really likes to hold and hug himself, it’s like Buck and Dave trying to show love to each other still despite being the same guy now
Buck’s loud thoughts are also quelled when fused with Dave, it also gives Dave an idea of what Buck is going through
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
the monster trio are various flavors of audhd (all strawhats are neurodivergent, but they the most)
luffy is high empathy, stimming, bluntness and audioprocessing disorder
zoro is hyperfocus, sleepy, good at maths and flat affect
sanji is infodumping, special interest (cooking), rigid rules (don't hurt women, don't use hands, etc) and difficulty with regulating emotions
Agree completely 🫶🏻 There is not a single neurotypical person in this crew !! That's why they love each other so much, they just get each other. In general, I think that the whole "misfits finding a found family" trope is incredibly neurodivergent coded but I think that specifically with the strawhats there is like, a fundamental obvious understanding that none of them are neurotypical. Like there is no way. I know it's meant to be very general for people who don't fit in to relate, but keeping in mind that most of the time the reason people don't fit in is because of living in a normative, neurotypical society... Idk. I just feel like the strawhats were all meant to be for neurodivergent people.
This being said !!!
AAAAAAAAAA I love the monster trio being neurodivergent. Mainly because I know it'd bother sooo many dudebros. And also because it makes so much sense and it's very very very real to me.
Luffy can't stop moving or doing stuff because it is painfully boring to be doing nothing, so he's always finding new things to do because short attention span and hyperactivity in a crew where everybody has their own stuff to do?? Not a good combo. So he's always seeing what he can do to not get bored. I think he's always touching Zoro's earrings absentmindedly like-- It's not even on purpose. He just does it. Also, being made of rubber has to be the best thing for stimming with your own body ngl. He's sooo direct and honest and blunt because he genuinely doesn't get why people don't think the same as him, but he doesn't have to get it to be emotionally attached and help you out because he makes other people's emotions his. Also add info-dumping right there because I know this guy is the biggest nerd about beetles and will talk to anybody who asks about them. They might be talking about something that has nothing in common with them and he brings them up anyway. Also! I adore the APD headcanon??? You're so right and it fits him SO well.
Zoro is my absolute beloved here because he has so much depth and feels and knows so much but people always characterize him as stoic and emotionless and like,, He just has a hard time showing it visually but he feels stuff deeply. He's always training and it almost feels like the world around him vanishes and he's always sooo eepy. Eepy boy. I get it. I think he almost finds it frustrating tbh like- We never talk about that but I think it's a bit bothersome for him sometimes? Also he's my favorite math genius and he might be shitty at directions but damn he's good at this. Also he likes things to be perfectly placed and everything to be in patterns of 3, thank you.
Sanji is the realest for me-- Don't ask him about the All Blue (please do) because he will start talking like crazy for hours and hours and hours with the brightest of smiles. If somebody wants to know about his cooking like, actually know what he's doing, he won't shut up. Somebody mentions any animal or vegetable or fruit and the guy is already telling you all the ways it can be cooked. He has a lil voice in his head telling him constantly what he should and shouldn't do btw and I also hc that he has to have everything in the right place or else he loses his mind completely. And that's tied to not being able to regulate emotions properly-- So he's constantly extremely anxious or feeling waves of sadness or just, extreme emotions in general.
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elisacaleisa · 3 months
welcome back to jax rambles about their personality swap au that they wanna write about more aka third time's charmn
Jax's Personality Swap AU
by some accident i added Blake to the pipeline, while he was supposed to be in a different group and i dont wanna fix it right now and tbh, i like the one w blake's personality, so enjoy!
Pipeline: Geordi > Aaron > Guy > Anton > Blake > James > Marcus > Geordi
CW/TW: for Marcus being a creep as usual and yandere stuff
Geordi > Aaron
Boss Overthinker
- he is still a boss
- he is seem as very strictly and closed-minded
- in reality, he is just fighting with his thoughts, body language and everything
- he missed his brother and wishes to be a better support for him
- "heh, okay, show me to do it then, smartass~" wink
- (hehe, that will show them) thought bubbles
- (wait, they're getting close. holy fuck they're getting close)
- he is either talking like a book or thinking like a mess
- messy boss in a pretty suit
Aaron > Guy
Tsundere Delivery Boy
- oh god that's a face of someone who might spit in your food
- "hmpf" this and that. Honey is a casual so they try to encourage him to talk more and:
- "im busy, don't you see?" even he looks bit surprised with his tone of words
- honey goes back to their table. after a lil while, another slice shows up with "sorry" by Guy
- next day, he does try!
- "so uh... the weather... is... cloudy" he deserves some credit
- his chest gets all funny and warm everytime honey comes in and he has a hard time dealing with it while he is a poor college student looking for roommates to pay the rent
- what he said that out loud? You're looking for an apartment too?? And you offer yourself to live with him???
- "w-well... i a-already got in contact with this one girl, so... I believe three will work out well. Just dont get your hopes up. That place is a hole." Honey giggles. Haha hole.
Guy > Anton
Far Away Boyfriend
- slavic man w adhd go brrrrrr
- confession video would be so funny bcs there would be no kissed, just awkwardness hahah
- "you are the sun, when the moon goes up. you are the stars, when the daytime hides you away. you always shine. you are my light."
- "i can't kiss you. i can't hug you. But I promise to always love you. No matter where we are"
- he gets all giggly when their lover compliments him, he stims on the camera too, its cute
- the job is killing him, but the energy his lover gives him makes him feel like he was blessed
- "i wish to see you... i wish to meet you... I wish to hold you"
- when he is not chaotic, he is a mess. Someone hug this guy.
- he has a hard time doing tasks, but you always send him reminder in a form of a flower with the note of a task he told you he must do. He always tells you what he needs to do, so you give him this! Each flower means love, appreciation or something else in a different way
Anton > Blake
Nihilistic Best Friend
- dayum we start strong with this one
- he feels hopelessly for still having feelings for you and then fuck everything up in college, when you said that one night was a mistake
- now he is just feeling shitty ever since and he poorly hides itq
- he is also kind of depressed so it mixes things up
- "i found this... group of people. maybe they can help me feel better about life."
- you're happy for him, he deserves all the help he can get
- he has been emotionally distant from you ever since, saying no to hugs, only sometimes eating lunch with you, youre not sure if he has a house or apartment or what job he is doing
- "if you wanna go, you can go with me"
- youre immediately saying yes. you wanna help your best friend.
- but what you will see will probably make you regret everything. you will probably need to find a way to escape this hell
- "bestie. you need to run. now."
Blake > James
Yandere Husband
- oh dear! What a... what a husband you have. a hubby for sure!
- he wasnt always like this. no. it all began when he was starting to lose you. no more time for calls. no more time with you. no more time to see your cute face and to feel your soft hands.
- and it was all their fault
- this fuckass job making him be alone. making you alone. So far away for each other. He needs to hear you. Your thoughts, your brain, your heartbeat.
- "i can't stand this anymore."
- there has been a late reports of his coworkers getting headaches. huh. kinda funny.
- "my love! You're safe! Oh thank god, I was worried! It feels like an eternity"
- all the sabotage he is doing... is for you
- he needs to see you again as soon as possible.
- to feel you. to love you. and if innocent need to pay the price, then so be it. his love will only grow stronger. his powers will be stronger
- closeknit shall fall, if it means to see your face one more time.
James > Marcus
Suspecting Technician
- he is getting really worried about you
- this is the third time this week you came in in a need of repair
- "the coding is getting messed up again. I really need to put on some walls to hide it in. I mean, I don't mind you coming into my place," was that a wink? "but people need to start taking a better care of you."
- you dont really get what the weird tone means, but you really dont care, as long as you get your coding and stuff done right. You can always trust in Marcus, he would never do you wrong.
- "i... may i do... some upgrades?" you ask what those are, you never heard of this information "its for the walls, i promise. It will be a starting point." you agree.
- it all feels weird and tingly and—.......................................
- feeling
- feeling process activated. heartbeat monitor: slightly high.......... you never saw marcus in that light before. but now? it's all you can think about. you scan him. his hair color. his eye color. texture of the fabric he wears. his emotions. nervous. why is he nervous?
- "it will be weird for a while, but once you get used to it, it all be okay. It's like humanly hearing your thoughts in a form of detailed information. Next time, i can start putting another wall. How does that sound?"
- perfect
Marcus > Geordi
Messy Nerd
- he is timid, shy, nervous, almost doesn't talk
- you really really wanna see what information is going through his mind now, but you know better.
- he seems really tense.
- oop- nevermind- some guy came in before you stepped. that might be a good sign-
- "im breaking up with you"
- ... nevermind again
- "w-what? Ben? W-what are you-" "dont make say it twice, Geordi. This... 'relationship' was not what I was hoping for. well, you're not a girl anyway, so, i dont know what i expected. But yeah, just came here to say that. See ya."
- that's everything he says??? And he leaves??? Jesus Christ what an ASSHOLE
- Oh. Oh deat. Oh no, Geordi...
- you cant just sit there and look, you get and go comfort him. he is going to the back of the building to calm himself down and be away from people, but you need to make sure if he is not gonna do something to hurt himself
- "h-huh? What are you..." you apologize to him and to what happened to him. He cries even more and you comfort him with your hugs. You need to get into his mind and help him calm down.
- (im useless... im nothing... come back... come back...) you go through his mind a bit and tangle in some words of "what a jerk" "i deserve better" "fuck Ben" in his voice. And its all true. He deserves better.
- after a while: "thank you... i feel better... M-My name is Geordi. Thank you for being here" he sobs with a smile. Thats a progress. You ask him to hang out in the arcade and since he now has nothing to do, he agrees and then you walk him home safely. new friend!
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pokemenlovingmen · 1 year
Hello!! I keep reading your ingo writing and man I love how you write him;; I am so gay for this man the closet is made of glass. Also MALE READER BLOG!!! PUNCHING THE AIR IN JOY AND GOING STIMMY MODE RN!!! AND RUN BY A TRANSMASC MOD!! JUST LIKE ME FR!!!!
I wanna request while I have the chance, I was thinking Ingo and a s/o with an overprotective Houndoom? I absolutely love Houndooms because 1: they look like my dog irl, and 2: big dogy :] ;; i just think it’d be cute and kinda funny to see Ingo try and win over his boyfriend’s big and mildly threatening dog.
Tysm!! <33
I… have nothing to say for myself for my absence. Life has been painful. I’m so so sorry my friend, your request has been the one I’ve been sitting on all this time.
But omg you’re so sweet thank you for the compliments!! I’m glad that you like my Ingo, he and Emmet are both written by me to lean unashamedly into hard autism territory so maybe that’s what it is lol.
And wow tbh I was considering not including that I was transmasc (still a bit… nervous in gay male spaces as someone who’s transmasc. I know it isn’t true, but I’m so worried of being perceived as not a man or less of a man in those spaces.) but I’m glad I did because I’ve pulled so many trans guys in to visit this blog and!! Big solidarity!! I’m giving each and every one of you a Platonic Kiss on the head
Meeting the Real Boss — Ingo x male Houndoom trainer Reader
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⚫️ — Don’t let that serious face fool you, Ingo is just as soft and sappy as his more emotive brother. When he fell for you—that mysterious stranger who shook up the Super Singles Line that fateful day, he fell hard.
⚫️ — You were seen around Nimbasa the following days, but Ingo assumed you were just visiting, as he’d never seen you in the area before. So time to talk to you was limited, at least in his eyes. That was enough of an excuse to get him to give up and write you off as a passing fancy—but it was not enough of an excuse for Emmet who, the moment he found out his brother had developed a crush on one of the challengers, would stop at nothing to get you two talking. (Because he can lack all the social skills he wants and have as little confidence as any grown man could have in his speaking ability, but if it meant getting his dear brother a boyfriend, Emmet would turn into a social savant right then and there.)
⚫️ — So yeah, your relationship with Ingo started out interacting with Emmet more, mainly because every time Emmet not at ALL subtly dragged his brother over to talk to you, Ingo genuinely couldn’t look you in the eyes.
⚫️ — But eventually you guys got together via bonding through—how else?—battling! There was a love language Ingo could get behind, and after your repeat challenges became a constant thing at the Battle Subway, sometimes multiple times a day, he finally worked up the nerve to ask you out after telling himself he’d do so if he won your battle today. He did, and one nervous coffee date later, you two actually managed to start properly talking without needing Emmet (Emmet, of all people, even HE is shocked!) as the middleman.
⚫️ — All is well. You both share a great passion for battling—of course—and you find all his little quirks from his loud voice to stone face adorable. You definitely know you’re onto something real when you actually make him happily stim in public after saying he looks so cute and excited when he talks about the subway, something Ingo has tried incredibly hard to iron out through all the masking he’s done all his life. To be honest, you absolutely have him wrapped around your finger, but it’s okay, because you’re a total fool for him as well and would do anything to make him happy.
⚫️ — But as you two begin pondering how to define your relationship, wondering if it’s time to make things official, your Houndoom starts to realize Ingo is going to be more and more of a presence in your life as much more than a casual friend. And he takes issue with that.
⚫️ — Houndoom was always fine with Ingo before. The thrill of battling on the subway and having such worthy opponents was something you could tell Houndoom savored, which made it all the stranger that he began getting worryingly aggressive around Ingo.
⚫️ — You wanted to ask him to be your boyfriend officially a few times now, only for Houndoom to intrude by putting himself between you and Ingo, growling all the while as if he could sense what you were about to ask and did not like it.
⚫️ — Houndoom means well, he really does. He knows what happens when humans get close like this and knows that if you and Ingo continue down that path, he’ll be in your life all the time. Maybe even where you live. Maybe sleeping beside you. There to see you at your best and your worst and, most concerningly, your most vulnerable. But you only met recently, and even if his Pokemon seem to indicate he’s trustworthy, that doesn’t mean anything! You’re a part of the pack to Houndoom, and he is not about this total stranger (at least, a total stranger by his standards) being a permanent fixture in your life. How on earth could he earn the right to be by your side so easily? No, you’re part of his pack, and Houndoom is hellbent to keep you safe from the encroaching outsider.
⚫️ — (Does he completely miss how happy Ingo makes you? A bit—the protectiveness fogs up his perception, okay? And even if he does make you happy, Houndoom thinks the month and a half or so you’ve known each other for is not long enough to just welcome Ingo into the family with open arms.)
⚫️ — Ingo is… troubled, to say the least. He’s worried your Pokemon disliking him will make you dislike him, which you assure him otherwise. Even still, the Houndoom line is not native to Unova and Ingo knows very little about it, therefore he has absolutely no idea how to proceed. Unova has the Growlithe and Lillipup families, but they’re much more good-natured than this. Still, he loves you, and while he’s worried about causing friction with you and your Pokemon, your assurances that he’s fine are (relatively) enough to spur him to try and make peace with Houndoom.
⚫️ — Treats were some of the first things he tried, to minimal success. The only reason Houndoom let him into the house that day at all was because you begged and pleaded for him to lay off your boyfriend, and even then he watched you two like a hawk. Treats Ingo brought and Houndoom’s favorite snacks that you already had in the home did nothing to persuade him. Attempts to play? No. And Ingo knows better than to even think about petting him.
⚫️ — Eventually Ingo just starts rather desperately trying to exist around your Houndoom’s wrath. He loves you and doesn’t want to break the news but. Your Houndoom scares him.
⚫️ — You can’t say he didn’t try, though.
⚫️ — But then! One day, you get sick. It’s a pretty nasty stomach bug that lasts for a day but wreaks havoc while it’s there. You’re practically bed-bound from the severe nausea, but Ingo is there the entire time, fretting over you and caring for you like any good boyfriend should. Houndoom’s prerogative is the same. He’s worried for you and wants you to feel better. So while Ingo is bringing you plenty of fluids, nausea medication, blankets and pillows, Houndoom is there to cuddle up and keep you warm and calm. It’s just that… it’s very hard for Ingo to care for you when Houndoom won’t leave your side and growls whenever he gets close.
⚫️ — This time, though, Ingo doesn’t shy away. He’s too worried for you and even though Houndoom is being incredibly threatening and there is a part of him a bit worried for his own safety, he brushes right past Houndoom’s huffing and puffing to keep caring for you. He brings you water and helps lift the bottle to your lips while Houndoom snarls. He sits at the bedside and dabs at your face with a damp towel while getting death glares. His need to be wary of your Pokemon is greatly outweighed by his need to take care of you. Essentially, they’re both fighting for the role of your primary caretaker.
⚫️ — Time goes on, though, and Houndoom definitely notices how his snarling and snapping isn’t stopping Ingo from aiding you. And after all these negative interactions, Houndoom is finally stifling his concerns and instead just quietly watching. Then helping. He and Ingo have a common goal here. And while Ingo is certainly surprised to find the defensive Fire-type suddenly aiding him, it’s a welcome change. In seeing his dedication to you at your most vulnerable, Houndoom has at last deemed the Subway Master as a worthy partner.
⚫️ — While you’re sick, they continue working together to care for you until their own energy is spent. You wake up in the morning, a bit sweaty and nauseous, but otherwise feeling far better. And you look over to the foot of the bed where Houndoom usually curls up to see Ingo right there with him, resting his head on Houndoom’s side—the both of them are fast asleep, knocking out together after such long and dedicated day caring for you while you were sick. The hostility Houndoom regards Ingo with seems completely gone as he lets him rest against him to sleep. You can’t remember much of what happened last night, but you know both of your boys here were caring for you with all the love in the world…
⚫️ — And though you had been thinking this about Ingo for a while now, seeing Houndoom accept him at last really solidified the fact that Ingo was “the one”.
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ladyseidr · 5 days
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So, as you may know from his muse page, Rory has ( obviously undiagnosed ) ADHD. I wanted to delve more into this ( and project some of my ADHD onto him lmaooo ).
so, we'll start heavier and then move on to the mostly lighter stuff: yes, his ADHD is disabling. no, he does not know that. yes, he's thinks he's just lazy and stupid ( he's not </3 ).
no, his would-be-shitty-no-matter-what parents do not help the above, although his mom's emotional abuse / judgment actually gives him the bigger complex abt it
he does struggle academically despite the fact that, talking to him about his interests / stuff he's knowledgeable about, he clearly comes across intelligent. he struggles with focus, some memory issues, plus general test anxiety despite claiming to not care about school. he hears a lot of "try harder" despite, like, actually putting effort in for many years of his schooling.
he graduates high school, barely ( as in, highly considered dropping out for 101 reason, including the ADHD ). no, he doesn't even consider college.
the combination of untreated ADHD, C-PTSD, and definitely an ( un ) healthy dose of depression make it hard for him to work "traditional jobs," so he does mostly odd jobs. at some point after getting his own place, i def think he starts diving into his art a little more. can aspen write a muse who isn't a creative? tune in next time to find out.
unrelated, but i am serious about the band idea. about him joining some local, semi-decent band as a singer.
ANYWAY some lighter stuff now: guy who always has one major ( months and months long ) and one minor ( 1-2 weeks ) hyperfixation going on at all times.
his common types of hyperfixations tend to be: specific comic book series or characters, specific bands, D&D, video games, and so forth.
he does get pulled back to previous hyperfixations sometimes, especially favorite characters ( like batg.irl, green ar.row, nightc.rawler, spid.er-man, etc )
please let him infodump at you. please let your muse find it endearing when he talks for 30 minutes straight about the latest Batm.an series. or about his new spray paint. or about anything.
btw i'm adding this just to be petty because i brought up comics but i promise you he called in and voted for jason not to die. i think older rory read "Under the H.ood" and felt the most validation he'd ever felt in his life. this isn't even fn.af-related anymore, let me get mad about D.C for a second—
( actually let's be real rory relating to jason big time is Real and Canon to me. anyway hayla, if you're reading this—)
sometimes his brain moves faster than his mouth and he literally can't say what he wants to say fast enough to get it out coherently ( real real real ).
he does miss social cues sometimes, but how much of that is ADHD vs him just not being properly socialized prior to school is debatable. pre-bite, he's able to laugh it off when someone calls him on it.
projecting big time but i think he should be a rocker ( as a stim ). if he's sitting down, he's probably rocking or bouncing his leg or something. if he's standing, he's shifting foot-to-foot constantly. that's not to say he can never be still, but he stims quite a lot. it's not always ( or even often ) a sign of nerves, he just gets restless.
in fact, honestly a lot of his idle behavior can scream "nervous" if you don't realize he's simply restless.
his recklessness is honestly not something i'd attribute to his ADHD. he has little care for his own safety, but i think that's a lot broader then ( or even wholly unrelated to ) his ADHD
does he ever get diagnosed? it's probably well into his 30s before he can even be convinced to try therapy, but yeah, i think eventually he gets diagnosed and tbh i think he probably cried the first time he read the, like, symptoms of it and realized it fit him. also when he gets on medication. this is supposed to be a happy bullet point but AGH </3
anyway rory infodumping at your muse starter call when?
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lifmera · 7 months
hi hi!! hope your doing well! i’d like to ask for a romantic hazbin hotel match up! i’m gender-fluid masculine presenting and i use all pronouns, and i don’t have a gender preference! 
My MBTI is ISTP but most people perceive me as a ENTP. i am quite tall, around six feet. i have a strong sense of right and wrong and justice, and i care deeply for others, but i often act reckless and loud because i don’t want to be taken advantage of for my kindness.
i really like being around people, and i like helping others in any way i can, i can be quite selfless at times but i know when to be stern to protect myself.  i am quite social but i suffer from some mental illness, specifaclly bipolar and schizophrenia so it can make it quite hard to understand and connect with others and the world around me.
i am autistic and i often stim a lot by flapping my hands and moving my arms around. i have a lot of different interests, i really like silly things like clowns i think they are awesome and i really like fictional media, i also like collecting toys like my little pony, it makes me feel really happy!
i have a couple hobbies, i really like shopping a lot, i find it to be super fun, i also like writing and drawing, and i’m getting into software engineering! i also like listening to music, i listen to a wide range of genres but my favorites are breakcore, indie folk, glitch core and basically anything that is loud tbh 😭 
i am often disconnected mentally from the world around me, so i sometimes have psychosis and hallucinations, i take medication for it and it works well but i still have episodes sometimes, it really helps having someone to ground me back into reality.
i really like bonding over interests with others and getting people into the stuff i like, i also love listening to others talk about things they like. i have really bad memory so i often forget important things but i try my best.
best way to describe my style i guess would be older brother core 😭??? idk but basically i wear comfy oversized clothes like silly t- shirts with cats on them and pj pants with cartoon characters on them and silly character beanies. 
i really like being shown love by getting gifts and people doing actions of service for me, i kind of have trust issues so it’s hard to believe someone when it’s just words and not actions.
i am super chaotic i love saying unhinged things and just being very loud it’s very fun for me, i like jokingly threatening to eat people  😭 i also often type in all caps.
i am in a lot of obscure fandoms and i LOVE nerding out about my interests! 
sorry if this is a lot 😭 but thank you so much!!
Hi hun!! This is completely fine!!
I’ve paired you with…. ANGEL DUST!!
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When angel first met you, he definitely thought you were super attractive, and decided to hit on you!
But when he got closer to you, he really realized that he was starting to develop feelings 🩷
At first he was super drawn in by your reckless personality, but when you showed your true kind self- he fell in love.
With your sense of Justice especially… when he saw how you treated Valentino… and GENUINELY truly cared about him? It broke down his walls and let you into his heart.
He definitely introduced you to Cherri and you all became BESTIES. They would totally drag you around to parties and such and socialize ! You guys are the LIVES of the party.
If you confided in him about the mental illness and autism, he definitely would ask a BUNCH of questions to understand you more, and also try not to offend you.
He’d also try to help you through your episodes. He knows he isn’t the best comforter, but he tries. :(
If you told him your special interests he’d bolt out the door with you to do those things! Like clowns? LULU LAND!
Collectors Items? THE STORE!!!!
Angel would love to do some of your hobbies with you. Shopping? You guys are staying out ALL DAY. Writing? You better read whatever it is to him. Listening to music? SINGING YOUR HEARTS OUT!
Honestly, he’d probably judge your outfit choice, until he decided to steal your outfit one day, and realized how comfortable it is??
He totally steals ur clothes at night.
Angel would agree with you !! Actions speak louder than words, kinda why he’s at the hotel! Although he’s always pretty sexual, I think he’d be a sweetheart.
The chaotic nature is what brought him in! You guys are always having fun.
He would also LOVE TO listen to you rant 24/7. Even if he cant get into your interests, he’d try. And he’d always listen. It helps him get away from the world.
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mistydeyes · 1 year
Hello! I don't know whether matchups are open and if not you can delete this request. But...
Can you please give me a MW2 matchup? 🙂
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: straight
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Appearance: 5'7', Slim thick, dark brown eyes (looks black tbh), Curly black medium length hair, fair skinned, wears glasses (cuz I can't see shit without them)
About Me: I'm Indian and I come from a conservative family, and so my upbringing was a bit weird and made me into a weird mess. I would consider myself an introvert. But definitely not someone who sits in a corner of a room and stares. I do enjoy having conversations with people, but my social battery is low and so I get tired pretty quickly. But if I'm speaking to someone who I am really interested in, like my longtime best friend, I would talk for HOURS!!!. When it comes to friendships, I'm a very selective person. I'm not someone who gets close with people as it's very hard for me to open up, as I'm quite reserved. I also don't get along with a lot of people so 🤷🏻. Also, people have pointed out that I look unapproachable and Intimidating as I have a resting bitch face. I maybe having the best time of my life but my face does not show it, at all 💀. Or sometimes, I get really stoic and people can't tell whether I'm sad, happy, or angry lol.
I'm a level headed person, but sometimes people get on my nerves and I'm the type to bottle all of those emotions. Then when a minor inconvenience happens, BOOM! I will literally turn into a demon and my whole day just got ruined.
I'm someone who really cares about my loved ones. I will protect them from anything and I will help them out in any way I can. I'm a good listener and love to empathise with people who are hurt or would let people rant so they can feel better. I'm the therapist and the mom friend of my friends group so.... Yeah, I care about the ones I love wayyy too much. My love language is acts of service, words of affirmation and gift giving. Also, as much as I love giving love and care to others, I hate receiving it as I have mentioned before, have a hard time opening up. It takes a lot of trust and a lot of time for me to do so. So basically I give therapy to others meanwhile my mental health is blown to shit.
When it comes to work, I'm very organised and hard working. I don't like procrastination as it drives me nuts (Even though I still do it sometimes, idk why). I'm logical, focused and very passionate on the things I love. My favourite subjects are Math and Physics as I do fairly well in them. I'm not the best but I work hard and it pays off. That's why I'm opting for Aerospace Engineering in college. I take my work very seriously and definately not the type to fuck around.
Outdoors, I come off very cold and serious, but indoors I am very goofy, silly, pretty stubborn and bossy (sometimes stupid). I love doing small pranks and doing weird things that crosses my mind. I'm very loud and laugh at the stupidest things that I see or hear. Also love to play around with my pet cats. I'm a huge geek/nerd and love to talk about my hyper-fixations. Also, I'm a huge animal person and I love to feed strays and sometimes, I take them home with me. 😄
I'm very loyal but I can cut ties with people who have done me wrong. 100% has no problem in confronting people. I also suffer from ADHD, PTSD and mild depression. I also have stims where I bite the inside of my cheek or fidget my fingers or shake my legs.
Likes/Interests/hobbies: video games, reading books, writing, drawing, cooking, baking, watching murder documentaries, taking care of animals, horror, sci fi and action movies, tea, spicy food, rain, gardening, math, science, literature, history, travelling, listening to music.
My type in a partner:
Should be very passionate
Hard working, wise, mature and adventurous
Someone whom I can banter with and make me feel secure
Can be extroverted, introverted or ambiverted.
Can be on the playful side.
Alejandro Vargas (a/n @queenof-spades WE LOVE WOMEN IN STEM!! also girl I relate so hard to the conservative parents who push you to be the best :') good luck with all your studies!)
How you met: A trip to an aerospace engineering company was not on Alejandro's bucket list for the year. Especially after the last contracted company they dealt with (he's still getting his base in order after the fiasco of Graves and the Shadows). However, another joint mission with the 141 required a preview of some new satellites and other multimillion dollar technologies. After going through rigorous amounts of security, him and Rudy finally met up with the 141. "Nice to see you again, hermanos," he said as he shook hands with his British counterparts. They were making small conversation when you walked in. Your shoes echoed in the facility and a long lab coat hung around your shoulders. "Gentleman, welcome to Boeing. I'm the lead scientist here and you can follow me on a tour of the facilities," you said confidently and quickly turned to lead them through the expansive company. As you introduced them to the team of engineers and showed them the technologies of your newest satellites, they stood in awe. "This satellite is equipped with the best monitoring technologies and can withstand the temperatures of exiting and entering the atmosphere," you described as you jokingly pounded on the hard metal shell of the satellite. "She does not fuck around," you heard Alejandro whisper and the group laughed in response. "That's right Colonel Vargas, there's a reason I'm working here at Boeing and worked my ass off for a doctorate," you smirked at him. As you continued on, the blush was evident on his face as he felt like he was struck by cupid's arrow.
A peek into your relationship: It was no denying your relationship with Alejandro was difficult. Between his position as Colonel and yours as the head scientist at Boeing, you both wracked up thousands of miles on business flights. However you made it work and were now comfortably settled in a comfortable south western mansion that offered you excellent wifi for meetings. You signed off from a consulting meeting with a new company that wanted to contract your planes and sighed as you shut your laptop. The last few days you were on edge and your husband took notice as you declined his offer for wine and gently pushed your food around. "Mi corazon, what's going on?" he asked as he got up from the table and kissed your head gently. "Just work things," you sighed as you melted into his touch. "You love work through, there's something else going on," he said and carried you to the couch, "you even turned down a glass of our favorite wine." As he studied your face intently, you asked him a surprising question. "Ale, do you love me?" you asked. It took him 0.2 seconds to respond. "Are you joking? Of course I love you, you are my moon and stars. You are like if the heavens sent me a goddess to walk on earth. You are Persephone, Aphrodite, and Athena all rolled into one," he exclaimed as he peppered you with kisses. You smiled slightly and nervously held his hands. "I, um didn't know how to say this but I'm pregnant," you said quickly and looked at his face for any sign of anger or disappointment. You had kept this from him so long as you didn't want it to affect his opinion on your work and traveling so often. You weren't about to be confined to a house wife position after all this time. Instead of a negative reaction, he scooped you up in his arms and spun you around. He held you stomach as he kissed it gently and whispered, "my own child, you're going to have the best parents." As he pulled you in a tight hug and kissed you softly, he was already designing plans for their nursery and how to encompass everything you both loved into it. (Just know that this child will be absolutely spoiled by you too, especially if Ale became a girl dad HAHA)
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sharpth1ng · 1 year
Love debaser, love that you’re a psych major. I am also so that’s awesome. I feel like tbh that’s probably why you’re good at characterization as well. I was wondering how you can tell in general if someone is autistic vs bpd? You’ve talked about Billy’s psych before, and I am just wondering if you can talk about it generally too.
Thanks so much! Essay incoming:
So I would say take all of this with a grain of salt, I'm not a clinician- I work with clinicians but this isn't my specialty and personality disorders should really be diagnosed by specialists.
But generally the best evidence we have about the development of BPD is genetic vulnerability (Things like emotional sensitivity and impulsivity can have a strong genetic component) in combination with an invalidating or unsupportive social environment. What counts as a trauma for someone depends heavily on what their level of sensitivity is, and also what resources they have to deal with it, so the idea is that bpd is essentially something that develops when someones emotions and needs are invalidated consistently from a young age.
It becomes hard to trust other people and also your own feelings, and you may learn that you have to do things like lying to get the help an support that you need, or that your emotions are so large and you have so little support for them that the only way to cope is to harm yourself. All this is to say that bpd, trauma, and invalidation are closely tied together.
Now moving on to the connection with autism, because theres a not insignificant number of autistic people who are also diagnosed with bpd. This may be a slightly sweeping statement, but at least for myself, being an autistic child was inherently traumatizing. I was constantly subjected to sensory hell in school, around other kids, and particularly at meal times, and my meltdowns were perceived as intentional tantrums. On top of this I would lose the ability to speak sometimes and this was also taken as an intentional behaviour.
Because there are so many things neurotypical people don't even notice that are traumatic to autistic folk (like fluorescent lights or an unexpected change of plans) we are constantly invalidated, especially when we are young. Basically here I'm just trying to explain why the overlap exists.
No on to differentiating the two, this is a useful diagram:
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The real answer here is that we're still really trying to figure out exactly how these two disorders interact and how to differentiate them and in my opinion theres a lot of terrible research in personality disorders, and a lot of unqualified people giving out diagnosis (don't trust your family doctor to diagnose you with a mental disorder, they at most got like a month training and psychologists, psychiatrists and counsellors study this stuff for for 6-8 years).
There is also some evidence that autistic people who were assigned female at birth are more likely to be diagnosed with bpd than people who were assigned male at birth who have the same symptoms, so there might be a gender bias in the way that diagnosticians perceive people too.
There are some bigger differences to look at though, so things like sensory symptoms (sensitivities but also stimming), special interests, neurodivergent body language, literal interpretation and introversion are more common for autistics. In contrast, people with only bpd are more likely to have a history of childhood abuse or neglect, heightened sensitivity to perceived social threat (which some autistic folk may be oblivious to), drastic emotional up and down, and personality instability, where they frequently change values, hobbies, opinions, friendships, ect. (while in contrast most autistic people are pretty consistent on those things.)
One of the most important things is to figure out why behaviours are happening- for example, self harm and substance abuse are common for both groups, but for autistics these behaviours are often a way to compensate for sensory overload and anxiety, while for people with bpd they are a way to deal with feelings of emptiness or overwhelming emotion.
Another example would be difficulty in relationships- for autistic people this often comes from an inability to spontaneously produce neurotypical social behaviours, so a lot of us miss cues or copy and paste behaviours to try and blend. In contrast many people with BPD have an unstable sense of self, so their social behaviours can seem "disorganized" from the outside, and they may miss read situations because they constantly looking for threats so they can try and protect themselves.
Personal history is also important- if someone has a deep distrust of people because they were neglected as a child, this may point to bpd, but if they have a distrust of people because the weren't able to read their peers and got severely bullied for special interests in elementary school, then this may point to autism.
And again, some people do have both! But it's honestly really difficult to differentiate them without seeing a diagnostician over a long period of time. Its super important though, effective treatment for an autistic person is different than effective treatment for people with bpd, and for people with both its different as well.
I hope this is somewhat clear! I don't want to simplify any of this because it actually is really complex and I just want to be honest about that.
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kaija-rayne-author · 1 year
Hi, I'm in the middle of creating a list of books by autistic authors with more than one central/significant autistic character. It is on Goodreads right now, and I was thinking about also making a twitter thread to find more upcoming works, especially by authors of colour. The goal is to showcase books where there is more than one Autistic character who is central to the work. E.g. protagonist and love interest(s), multiple pov characters, mother and kids, main character and their community, a supervillain and their archnemesis... anything where the primary relationships, plot and narrative force comes from multiple autistic people. This is kind of a complicated question, because I remember seeing on twitter that you sort of accidentally wrote Rhian as autistic but as far as I know this is not on-page or stated elsewhere. In SoulBound, I really loved how Rhian relates to him by talking about how it felt for her when she first learned to shadowmelt and then they hold hands and ground themselves together, and although I'm not sure if you meant it this way, the way they communicate feels very neurodivergent to me. Would you say that both Rhian and Lynn are autistic, although with Rhian it is not explicity named on page, or is Lynn the only autistic character although Rhian possibly has some autistic traits, as a reflection of you as an author?
As a separate question, if you think that SoulBound does meet the specifications, would you be comfortable with it being added to the list? I know that visibility can be tricky and vulnerable to put on the page or be open about, and that sometimes people prefer to keep things not publicly labelled in a specific way, so I would only want to add SoulBound if you agreed.
Thanks so much! Please feel free to message me directly if you have any questions.
I'm not sure if you understand how happy getting this made me. I cried happy tears. I often feel like I'm just throwing my brain babies into an empty void because I never see them on lists, or people talking about them, and I'm never gonna get my magic Unicorn for hitting 50 reviews on Amazon 😅🦄.
I get why, people don't often like to talk about books with certain types of content, but as the author, it's miserable to just not know which characters people loved, what things they enjoy about my work, or if something meant something to someone. I hear absolutely nothing about my work, and when I look, there's very little. TBH, I learned to stop looking. This is possibly the first time someone wanted to add them to a goodreads list.
I live in desperate hope for fanfic or fanart. The idea of someone loving something I created so much that it inspired them to create is just mind-boggling. It's definitely author goals for me.
My heart projects mean so very much to me and one of the reasons I write and share what I write is because an author's words have absolutely kept me breathing through hard times. There have been nights where if I didn't have another author's words to cling to, I probably wouldn't have seen the dawn.
If I and my work can be that hand in the dark telling people like me that there's still beauty and hope in the world... then publishing as a poverty stricken author has meaning and is worth it. Of course, it would be really nice if my books or patreon made me a living wage. I could write so many more books if I didn't have to worry so much about affording the basics! At the end of the day, I'm a pretty decent writer and I deeply wish I could afford to do it more often.
So, thank you so very much. You made my day ❤ (maybe my month).
Now to your question.
Rhian has always been autistic/ADHD, from the very first moment she marched into my head and demanded to be written. She's written with some of my stims and autistic ways of thinking, her ADHD manifests like mine does. I did downplay that a bit with her character for reasons, but she absolutely is. I was extremely hesitant to label her such on page because of her profession. There are some rather common assumptions people make about someone who murders people. Even if she's sanctioned by a God, she's still a murderer.
It's always, 'the shooter was autistic or mentally ill'. When 3% of violent crime is committed by mentally ill and neurodivergent people, and 97% of it by regular neurotypical people, it's a fraught subject. I didn't want to add to that incorrect and painful prejudice. It already harms enough people. I don't mind answering here, because there's space to explain my reasoning.
Y'know, I'd just written the handholding scene when I said I'd accidentally outed Rhian as autistic on Twitter 🤣. It was just so obvious in that scene. I didn't label it specifically because of prejudice, but I figured people who needed to see it would likely be able to.
Kai has ADHD. I tried to depict that in him by how he's always on the go, and with his temper. A lot of ADHDers have quick tempers that can get away from us. I did my best to keep him just ADHD for variety, but he's neurodivergent too. He may have some autistic traits simply because I'm autistic.
With Lynn... I showed a lot of my personal autistic and ADHD traits that I rarely let anyone see. It was hard to write for me because, well, people are already really awful to autistic/ADHD folks, and I didn't want to add to that with my depiction. Yet, at the same time, I wanted to let people see that rep. We need actual rep of what autistic people are really like. It's a part of most autistic/ADHD folks lives. Meltdowns aren't an automatic part of being autistic/ADHD. Something has to push us to that, usually traumatic or overwhelming stuff. But they do happen, and maybe by showing Lynn's meltdown, it helps someone.
I agonized for a while after writing Soulbound about whether I should take the meltdown scene out or not.
The handholding scene really just felt perfect to me because it's how I would react. Little steps toward intimacy. I absolutely meant that scene to read as two NDs grounding themselves together and also showing unequivocally the step they were taking, together. I think with intimacy, especially physical intimacy, the way autistic/ADHD folks do things isn't really shown much. I wanted to show it.
I mean, there's still a lot of people who infantilize us and think we couldn't possibly be interested in sex and romance, when in many cases, it's the exact opposite of the truth. Many of us do indeed want to have those things. It's just way harder for us to find it.
I'm very comfy with you adding my work to your list. Honestly, I'm thrilled, awed, and honoured. Thanks again. Not all of my work has multiple NDs, but most of it does.
So for ease of reference:
Ace Assassin series
Rhian (Risk, Rhi): autistic, ADHD, OCD, high anxiety, generalized anxiety, panic attacks, chronic severe depression, CPTSD. Also demisexual, grey aromantic, bisexual, genderfluid non-binary, submissive if she can trust who she's with. Can switch to Top but it’s not her preference.
Alkaios (Kai): ADHD, anxiety, depression, CPTSD, abandonment & trust issues. Also pansexual, allosexual, alloromantic, genderqueer, polyamorous, kinky, Dominant but can switch with Lynn, no one else.
Lachlan (Lynn): autistic, ADHD, OCD, high anxiety, suicidal ideation, depression, CPTSD, self-harming behavior. Also bisexual, genderqueer, kinky, Dominant but can switch, polyamorous, allosexual, alloromantic.
Ilavanian Dreams series (repub 2023/2024?)
Tormaëline (Maël, Maëlcolm): Autistic, ADHD, prone to dark depressive episodes and lying to himself, self-harming behavior in a variety of ways. Pansexual, demisexual, aromantic, gender-fluid, polyamorous, kinky, Dominant but can switch with someone he deeply trusts.
Cameron (Cam, Tànaiste): Autistic (different flavour than his brother), depression, periods of deep melancholy, pansexual, demisexual, alloromantic, polyamorous, kinky, Dominant but can switch with Li.
Carnelian (Li, Selinas): Autistic, depression, panic attacks/anxiety disorder, CPTSD w/heavy trauma from what was done to xyr and how xie grew up. Gender neutral non-binary, pansexual, grey aromantic, polyamorous, kinky, Dominant but can either switch or pretend to with a client.
Astrophilos (Los): ADHD, chronic severe depression with suicidal ideation. Genderfluid non-binary, though he doesn't really feel the need to display it or fuss about it. Pansexual, kinky, polyamorous, allosexual, grey aromantic, Dominant but can switch with Maël.
Kataniya (Kat, Kitten): Autistic/ADHD, severe chronic depression, anxiety, CPTSD, suicidal thoughts, DID, cleithrophobia, claustrophobia, pathological need for freedom. Bisexual for now, (she's still young so still figuring herself out). Gender non-conforming, demisexual, alloromantic, kinky, polyamorous, submissive.
Maikke (Mai): Anxiety with panic attacks, CPTSD, lost memories, gender non-conforming, allosexual, demi-romantic, pansexual, polyamorous, kinky, switch.
Shea: Autistic, ADHD, depression, PTSD, bisexual, alloromantic, polyamorous, kinky, switch.
Jai: Autistic, depression, generational trauma, CPTSD, pansexual, demi-romantic, polyamorous, Dominant
Ryan: ADHD, PTSD, kinky, bisexual, polyamorous, switch, demi-romantic
Unreleased books:
Sanctuary Heart (2023?)
Amon-Ea: Autistic, chronic illness, chronic pain, demisexual, agender, alloromantic, depression, social anxiety. There's no sex in this one. It's the one I wrote for sex-neg folks who wanted to read my work. (There's only one ND character who drives the plot in this one, there may be more stories in the series depending on reader reaction. If so, a rescued sea person and Amon-ea's brother are also ND.)
Faerie Glamour (2024?): current WIP
Liadhain (LEE-ah-thane): autistic/ADHD, chronic pain, chronic illness, demisexual, bisexual, grey aromantic, polyamorous.
Ruaidhri (RUR-ee): ADHD, anxiety, depression, claustrophobia. Allosexual, pansexual, grey-aromantic, polyamorous.
Finnvarr, Finn (Fin): Autistic, chronic severe depression, social anxiety, CPTSD. Bisexual, demisexual, grey aromantic, polyamorous, trust issues the size of mount fiji.
There's a few more ND characters, but I'm still working on this one.
That's most of the main characters. If you have any questions please feel free to ask! I sorta threw a lot of info at you. Oops. 😅
For anyone interested in reading about the adventures of my brain babies, here's some links. These will take you to the first chapter in each book so you can see if my writing voice works for you. Please remember to be careful about the content warnings.
I'm so freaking terrible at self-promo 🥴.
Links to first chapters of my books
Bloodbound is the series starter for Ace Assassin
Prelude of Bloodbound
Mothmen is a standalone novella based on the urban legend about mothman.
Sample of Mothmen
Ilavani is the series starter for Ilavanian Dreams.
First chapter of Ilavani
Note that Ilavani is still down for a new cover. It's almost finished and depending on how much life throws at me, I hope to have it back out this year.
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punchitime · 2 years
Random small facts about my OCS that will probably never be brought up again (unless someone asks about them) -
Sterling has tics, they're not from tourettes but Ster does have them. They're not sure what they're from but it doesn't happen often enough to really get in the way of something. They're mostly just physical and are small, small enough for Sterling to be able to play them off as stretching, just shivering, or trying to crack their neck. The vocal (which there isn't many of) ones are harder to cover up.
Main ways to "summon" the tics is to talk about tics, Ster thinking about them, or seeing someone else tic. Sterling is just so used to hiding them so by habit they do.
Atlas on the other hand stims a lot, far more often than Sterling anyways. He doesn't bother to hide them (only time he really does is in a boxing match) and does them normally. Most are with his hands/arms
(In the punch out universe, i did not make this irl) Absolutely Ster and Atlas made a TikTok and/or YouTube channel just about daily things for them or just them trying challenges/games for fun. If it's an online game Finn has "guest starred" on more than one occasion
Atlas both wants a tattoo but is silently terrified of needles. And has Thalassophobia (fear of the ocean/deep, open water) and refuses to go out to open water on any kind of small boat
Sterling is actually scared of heights (like high high up heights. If someone picks them up and they're fine even if it's Soda they'll be ok, I mean like "I can probably be VERY injured if I fall" kind of level of height) but they've been acting so "fearless" their whole life for people around them that they just don't let it show much. But… the fear is clear to see if you watch their eyes and breathing specifically.
Finn has Taphophobia (fear of being buried alive), she isn't sure why she has it but she's terrified of the thought.
Atlas falls in love very easily, though will on rare occasions do something about it and at least try to shoot his shot
Finn doesn't as easily but she has had crushes here and there, hit or miss if she does anything about it. Usually keeps quiet about them just in case Aran hears about it (you can't tell me he wouldn't poke some fun at that)
Sterling rarely falls and has FAR less than both Finn and Atlas, but when they do they fall HARD. They're also a silent/"secret" hopeless romantic, though keeps that all to themself
Sterling associates people they know with different songs. Why? They don't know, it's just something they've been doing since they were a kid. Only thing is that they have to know them very well before mentally deciding "their song"
Sterling is a contortionist, and so is their mother (who taught her how to do so). Sometimes Sterling forgets that fact and kinda bends unnaturally to see who called for them.
Most common being someone yelling for Sterling while behind them and they just casually bend completely backwards… usually scares tf out of people by accident (and Ster usually has to reassure them that they're fine and it's normal for them).
All of the trio has so many out of complete context videos of (tbh mainly Sterling) each other doing stupid shit
Absolutely some are videos of Sterling in the boxing ring singing and just someone's scream in the background echoing, making Sterling stop for a few seconds before laughing and stopping the video.
Speaking of which… Atlas and Finn absolutely know the "ghost in the boxing ring" rumor is Sterling, but stays quiet about it because they know Sterling just wants to see how long until someone else realizes it's just Sterling and not an actual ghost.
Sterling actually helps Atlas train by being a appointment. Truth is... is that they sometimes do win the training rounds. Surprise surprise the cameraman DOES know how to box.
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 years
man ok so I've been trying to be more attentive to the way my body feels bc apparently i feel bad way more than i really notice and man i feel so goofy stupid about it
wait, maybe I'm visually sensitive?? what a shock!! i thought everyone had moments where they wished they were blind as a kid. i thought everyone felt better when they broke their glasses bc there was less detail and it made things less overwhelming. i thought everyone had to lie in the dark for a couple hours every day just to feel normal. i thought everyone's eyes hurt when they went outside even if it was cloudy. i thought everyone preferred looking at things via peripheral vision bc it's less direct. i thought everyone wore black every day so their eyes have somewhere to rest on. what the hell is this normal???? is it????? probably not right???????? what the hell
like i just didn't realize i felt bad until i felt better?? i never considered that i could be any of these things bc no one told me to pay attention to it and ignoring it was easier. and even when i did it was kind of a :/ feeling like a 3/10 discomfort peaking at 6/10 all day and then "hey wow why can't I do anything now that I'm home" like,, dipshit it's bc you're in hell what. maybe your idea of a 3/10 isn't right ya moron
oh maybe i don't feel as brain staticy after walking through the halls if i play music. it's almost as if it's overwhelming and bad. and i already knew that but i always get stuck not doing things differently so i didn't bother bc i could tolerate it (probably by dissociating tbh) and wow yeah now that i am it's just. easier. sheesh
oh, i can feel my bone marrow retreating into my body whenever i touch wet clothes? noted. can't actually do much about that one but it's the thought that counts
it even goes for nonsensory stuff like stimming and communication. maybe THATS why i wish so badly that i could communicate nonverbally (esp ASL, seems super useful), why it feels So Wrong To Talk sometimes. maybe THATS why i gotta move and/or make noise like 70% of the time and always have in some way. maybe THATS why i can't understand people if they're muffled/have an accent I'm not familiar with/if multiple ppl are talking, and why there's a delay in processing, and why i can't watch things without subtitles. hell hell ass hell hell hell etc
and a lotta this is only stuff i realized bc i started looking into various flavors of neurodivergency. still not really willing to self diagnose until i do more legit big boy research but at the very least apparently I'm onto SOMETHING if these realizations keep happening. like even if I'm neurotypical and faking it or just quirky or whatever it's making my life better to pay attention to how i feel for once so..? yeah it's productive ig. i swear this is a positive post guys
and a lot of it's easier realizing people don't usually mean 100% universal literal inability when they're talking about not being able to do stuff or when they experience things really strongly. sometimes stuff is just disproportionately hard or rare for someone. shit man idk. doesn't mean they ain't disabled or nd or whatever and, therefore, it doesn't mean i can't be just bc i used to be able to do my homework before the deadline :/ when ppl have special interests it doesn't mean they only think about one thing for their entire lives hell ass of course not why would you think that. jeez.
anyway i swear this is a good silly thing even though the tone is a bit mad(?) but sometimes it's just baffling the way I've lived my entire life. clown behavior. what is wrong with me. shape up there bud
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shoccolat · 2 years
autistic hcs bc it's all i can think about atm
• not one to mask much and is often very blunt, has been told he's rude way too many times but he doesn't really care tbh, he's just being honest
• has a VERY hard time expressing his emotions, either turns it into anger and lashes out or just goes nonverbal
• doesn't like to be alone with his thoughts so he finds lots of ways to distract himself (though he has bad coping methods and often turns to addictive pastimes like gambling and drinking)
• stims: a lot of hand stims including flapping, rubbing under his nose, that lil mini naruto run he does, putting his hands in his pockets to secretly play with whatever garbage is in there, & fidgeting with his hoodie strings. also randomly dabbing (projecting bc i do this too lmao) and VOCAL STIMS!! echolalia, palilalia, random sounds, etc. he's very vocal when he's happy!!
• special interests: horses, whatever manga/anime he's into atm. he infodumps sometimes even though nobody really wants to listen to him, he just talks at them, also bc he's not into the same manga/anime as choromatsu so there's a lack of common interest
• a lot of masking but he's not very good at it tbh
• has a good amount of scripts but fumbles through them or goes nonverbal before even approaching someone and ends up missing out on a potential conversation
• socially anxious but tries desperately to pretend he's not ✨
• wears sunglasses to avoid eye contact and also bc he doesn't want people reading him too deeply, he's sensitive so his emotions are often on full display even when he tries to hide them
• PEOPLE PLEASER, will definitely mold his personality/manner of speech to match the person he's with
• stims: putting on and taking off his sunglasses, he also likes sequined clothing bc he likes to run his fingers and nails along them
• special interests: fashion & making clothes, music
• takes his diagnosis/discovery hard at first, doesn't like having something "wrong" with him
• he feels better about it once he realizes "oh THAT'S why i do that/feel that way" and can learn better ways to cope and accommodate (for both himself and his brothers)
• likes to be prepared and has a LOT of scripts but often stutters through them
• socially anxious and gets stressed easily
• often indulges in escapism as a coping method, with a hyperfocus on idols and anime
• probably has like a repertoire of safe foods bc textures 🤢
• stims: FLAPPY HANDS, a lot of hand fidgets like playing with his zipper/hoodie strings when nervous, dermatillomania, also vocal stims like humming & echolalia, and wiggling/rocking
• special interests: nyaa-chan, idols in general, whatever anime/manga he's into, technology, space
• has hardcore social burnout as well as mask burnout from doing it so damn much in high school
• semi-verbal like 80% of the time, goes nonverbal a lot
• monotone speech (i mean that's not a hc but it's worth noting)
• only really talks a lot when he's infodumping or has either a physically written or mentally planned script he can follow
• another socially anxious brother, doesn't really focus on making scripts bc he's not one to approach people so the conversations he does have are often awkward
• cares a LOT about how other people perceive him even though he doesn't show it
• also another brother who has a hard time expressing emotions, he often bottles things up until he hits a breaking point
• gets overwhelmed very easily by crowds and confrontation or meeting new people
• VERY METICULOUS about cleanliness, rules, and manners
• stims: PRESSURE, holding or petting soft things like cats and plushies, kneading, rocking
• special interests: cats, horror movies/slasher films
• probably the first one to find out or be diagnosed tbh
• has trouble with social cues and norms, is very much one to just do and say what he likes without much care for what others think (mostly; he's been shown to be much more aware than he seems)
• prone to meltdowns and often takes a while to calm down and recover
• doesn't use scripts much either, just talks about whatever, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't
• used to mask in high school but stopped, his happy face might be a mask too but he seems a lot more comfortable like that so maybe not
• stims: omg SO many happy stims, flappy hands (loves long sleeves bc he likes how they feel when he flaps), waving his baseball bat around, rocking, and VOCAL STIMS!! another very vocal brother, echolalia, palilalia and random sounds just like his big bro :) they get a bit noisy when they're both like this together and are often told by choro, ichi, or totty to go somewhere else
• special interests: BASEBALL, dogs
• his tiktok fyp gradually filled up with enough "relatable" #neurodivergent #autism videos that he was like "huh okay maybe i should actually look into this"
• not at first, though: like choro, the discovery is also hard on him and he avoids coming to terms with it for a while before finally giving in and going on an online research binge
• he has a LOT of scripts, both for irl and texting
• his texting often comes off as "dry" bc he's really not good at going off-script and holds himself back from infodumping bc he doesn't want to be overwhelming. he can hold a conversation decently but secretly hates small talk, although he's not very good at furthering a conversation past that if he doesn't know what the other person is interested in
• he masks SO MUCH OH MY GOD even with his brothers he's gonna burn himself out so bad 💔
• he's also very much another one to mold his personality and speech to match the person he's talking to
• stims: fidgeting with his phone, his phone is a crutch and he feels very anxious when he doesn't have it with him, he likes phone charms bc extra thing to fidget with ❤️, also randomly does peace signs (projecting again with literally all of these but ✨)
• special interests: fashion, cute things like hello kitty etc., probably secretly stuff like true crime or serial killers tbh but nobody will ever know about that ✌️
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rainbownixie · 2 years
adhd mike headcanons?
i love this so much <33 adhd mike is so important to me!!
when he hyperfocus on writing he can't focus on anything else and he often forgets there's people around him. will often stays by his side when that happens because he loves to draw mike without him noticing <3
it's so so so hard for him to write sometimes. like- he gets distracted by EVERYTHING and he often procrastinates. he goes to nancy's room to annoy her, he eats out of boredom, he calls lucas out of nowhere only because he can... did he forget to tidy his room?? LET'S DO IT NOW. he's only able to focus whenever will's around, because having someone else working next to him (drawing, in this case) makes him want to focus on his work too.
he has an hyperfixation on dnd!! and i'm sure it seems pretty obvious but i like to think about him rambling about the campaigns and his characters and stories and the music they could use while they play! he's so so into dnd and won't stop talking about it.
he's always late to everything. they have to meet at 5? he gets there at 6 because he either forgot or he thought he had enough time to get ready in 10 minutes, when he actually ended up getting distracted and it took him like 1 hour. dustin goes to his house to pick him up ever since that one day when he absolutely forgot about them.
he can't do ANYTHING if there's noise around him. hearing nancy or his mom talk on the phone is like ten thousand nails on his ears. he gets easily distracted so it frustrates him when he can't do anything about the noise, and that causes a lot of meltdowns. he can't even think when there's people talking or music around him.
the last point is why he often doesn't sleep. not because he just can't (that too, he has a lot of energy at night) but because at night his house is way more silent and calmer. so he spends the whole night awake doing his own stuff in the basement and then he falls asleep around 6am. karen is always worried about his health tbh
he gets frustrated when people interrupt him or don't pay attention to what he's saying. conversations are really hard for him because he feels the need to talk all the time but ofc others need to talk too. he doesn't get annoyed at them or anything, but it makes him upset. will loves hearing him speak for hours tho
he struggles reading long books, and he hates it because i have this hc that he likes stephen king and the poor boy wants to read his long ass books but it's really hard for him
i don't think he's a bad student, i actually think he's pretty smart. but he gets distracted and bored easily in class. especially because he seats next to will and behind dustin/lucas and they're just- so easy to talk to in the middle of class. he only focuses in english class or in mr.clarke's (that man always keeps him focused with his excitement and teaching methods).
he struggles so much expressing himself out loud. there are just too many thoughts in his head and he gets so frustrated when he can't just say what he's thinking. they always have to wait for him to stop stuttering, breathe in, and organize his thoughts before he says anything. that's why he loves writing and dnd, it's the only time where he can express himself easily.
he gets overwhelmed pretty easily so people touching him is a big no-no. that's why he's the one initiating physical contact with will
god he hates watching a movie without talking. whenever the party has a movie night, they have to get ready to hear him ramble for hours about every little scene. will loves it, btw.
he can't sit down correctly and won't stop moving and stimming. when the party hangs out together to chill he always ends up standing up and walking around the room. if he sits down, he prefers the floor rather than a chair or a couch.
he's pretty much exhausted and tired most of the time because he doesn't really sleep well and needs constant serotonin. people think he's rude and boring but you just have to give the boy something to do.
don't ever give that boy money because he doesn't how to spend it correctly and always acts impulsively and buys shit he doesn't actually want
random hc but he bites will. like, lovingly bites will. he goes MUNCH and he bites his hand or arm or cheek. it's his way to show love, okay
he feels so bad for forgetting stuff about will :( like forgetting dates and stuff. however, he always remembers little things and fun facts about him and it always makes will happy
dustin is always the one to realize he's bored so he always talks to mike and gives him stuff to work with when they're just chilling
lucas will always remind him to eat because he forgets to do it. often.
mike isn't rude or mean, he just takes criticism badly and that's why he speaks impulsively and says stuff he doesn't really mean
the only one who understands what he's saying when talking fast is max because she pays attention to every word without even noticing
el understands him perfectly when he's having a meltdown, and she's basically the only one besides will who can calm him down
his room and the basement are a fucking mess but he gets frustrated and annoyed whenever karen fixes them. he has his own way of organizing stuff
i... projected A LOT on mike. thanks for this ask!!! it makes me so happy really <3
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