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53 posts
An imagines blog for the boys run by someone over 18, find everything you need to know under the blog info and rules tabs in navigation. This page is basically a slumber party for all my gay mascs out there and please, you’re welcome to come sit in the circle while we kick our feet and talk about boys.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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pokemenlovingmen · 3 months ago
How many characters can we request for headcanons? Would you do the same prompt with different characters? Do you do poly ships x reader? Thanks!
I do as many characters as you see fit, though bigger requests of course take more time! (As if I wasn’t already notoriously slow because uh… life and my writing muse TANKING ;;) And yes, I do poly requests, provided that it’s not, say, submas poly. Even if they’re just metamours sharing a partner and not at all involved with each other I’m just not comfortable writing siblings sharing a partner. Hope this helps!
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pokemenlovingmen · 3 months ago
Hiiii, can I request some headcanons with Arven and a touchstarved reader?
I’m on an Arven kick rn so all the Arven requests being my most recent ones are doing good for me!!
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Arven X Touch Starved!Male Reader
TW: mentions of child neglect and all the things that come with Arven’s past
🥪 - Joke’s on you, he’s touch starved too actually.
🥪 - Needless to say, whenever you need touch, Arven is always eagerly matching your energy. He got such minimal affection—let alone via touch—growing up, having a boyfriend who is always seeking touch is like a match made in heaven situation for him.
🥪 - You can just call for him to cuddle and even if he’s in the middle of something or across the house, he’ll come a-running.
🥪 - Arven actually has a lot of little physically affectionate things I think he does to all of his loved ones, but he can be reserved in actually letting himself do them. The instinct is constantly there and he’s always fighting it though, good thing he has you and he doesn’t have to!
🥪 - In terms of his little physically affectionate gestures, he likes to clap people he likes on the back or shoulder. If the other person is distinctly shorter than him, he’ll ruffle their hair or give them a noogie. He also does friendly punching or elbowing, and while doing any of the above he always has a big grin on his face.
🥪 - You have to actually explain touch starvation to him, but when you do, it clicks right away and he immediately latches onto the concept because you just put a term to something he’s felt all his life and a lot of things make sense now.
🥪 - So it’s fair to say that there isn’t a single man out there who could be more attentive to your needs than him, because he has the same feelings. And by Arceus, Arven is dedicated to making sure your needs are always met.
🥪 - Arven’s favorite thing in the world is cuddling. He loves to cuddle; he can be big spoon, little spoon, doesn’t matter as long as he’s doing it with you. Bed cuddles are nice, but he really likes couch cuddles even more. After he cooks a nice meal for the two of you and you’re both full, warm and calm, nothing beats moving to the couch and curling up in each other’s arms. It’s a pretty sacred tradition that makes him feel safe—hopefully it would make you feel the same way, too.
🥪 - While cuddling, if he’s holding you, he is STRONG. Arven’s strength is actually pretty average, but he can white-knuckle hold you tight all night long, so if you like a strong pair of arms, this is a place you’ll want to be. He’ll usually rest his head on your shoulder, sometimes kissing your neck and shoulder blades if he’s really feeling the love.
🥪 - If you’re holding him, Arven kind of rolls and squirms a bit. He’s not a fan of being a little spoon in the traditional way—if you’re holding him, he likes to be facing you. Sometimes he buries his head in your chest, other times he rests your foreheads together. Once he’s gotten comfortable, though, he’ll just melt in your arms. It feels so special and safe. It’s nothing like he’s ever felt before.
🥪 - When you cuddle, Arven is quiet… for a total of maybe ten minutes. He becomes a bit of a chatterer when you two snuggle, but he usually talks in a whisper during those times. While cuddling is often when you two will have your “big” conversations, usually regarding feelings and the swapping of your issues. Arven will listen the entire time you talk about whatever’s on your mind, including the reasons behind your touch starvation, all the while rubbing your arms with his thumbs and nodding. In turn, he’ll talk about being worried about losing you or scaring you off, and how happy he’s become since he’s found you. The conversations only get truly heavy when either of you are in a particularly distressed headspace, though.
🥪 - However you manage your touch starvation, Arven is happy to be on the receiving end. Tiny pecks as you pass him by in the kitchen, tight hugs before you separate for the day, a grab for his hand when you really need it… he’ll always be delighted to accept it all.
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pokemenlovingmen · 1 year ago
I pressed the enter button just to make a new line and it posted the whole thing noooo. I'm editing the post right now nobody look!!
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pokemenlovingmen · 1 year ago
I've come on my hands and knees begging for some reader loving on some autistic submas, just a reader that loves these boys with all the quirks and hyper fixations included. A reader who understands the need to shake of that excess energy with some good hand flapping and loves to listen to hour long rants about the boys special interests (especially Ingo, that man WILL go on for hours if you let him, bb pls breath)
- 🐗 anon
PLEASE??? I need more positivity loving autism for autism, the good, the bad and the ugly. Sorry if these are a little short, I feel like a lot of headcanons here can overlap so I tried to find the specifics that I could.
Submas with male reader who loves their autistic traits!
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⚪ - He's happy you never force him to talk! Emmet goes nonverbal pretty frequently, not to say he doesn't want to talk. He wishes he was as verbose as his brother, because he does have a lot to say, but oh well. You always make him feel heard even if he isn't actually making any noise!
⚪ - If you live with him, things might be a little disorganized. He's more of a tactile stimmer and he'll do it with anything. If it isn't nailed down, he'll probably pick it up and start fiddling with it. Don't leave tools out. Usually he'll put those things down himself, though, shaking his head and saying "I am Emmet. And you need to keep this hammer away from me."
⚪ - You're all ears on the rare occasion he does talk a lot, which in a way only excites him more. He talks more and more the progressively more excited he gets and only gets more excited when he glances your way and sees you actually paying attention to him!
⚪ - If you are also an autistic or just generally stimmy person, you'll stim together! If he sees you stimming he'll start too. You're excited, why shouldn't he be, too?
⚪ - The number one most sympathetic person if you also go nv on him. He affords you every ounce of the kindness and respect you give him.
⚪ - He also just appreciates that you like him. Fact of the matter is, you really have to look a certain way, have certain interests, to be an autistic person afforded any respect and kindness. Emmet, and his brother too, neither of them are what people consider "cute" autistic people. He's a white-haired grown man in an elaborate costume with a cheshire smile and bizarre speech patterns. He expects not to be liked, expects not to be taken seriously, but you treat him as an equal and that matters. A lot.
⚪ - You never infantilize him and he's so grateful. Sometimes you need to slow things down in certain areas for him, or ask him to slow down in other spots, and you're always polite about it. You never speak for him, always ask first, and most importantly to Emmet, you never assume he doesn't understand things. He couldn't be happier with a man like you.
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⚫- You listen to him? You listen to him!! He talks so much, people often check out. But you listen! He's over the moon when you ask him questions about the subways or his favorite Pokemon he's been talking about, because that not only means you're listening, but that you're interested! Questions are his love language, strange as it is, but those tell him what he's saying to you matters.
⚫- He's more prone to external meltdowns than his brother. And you have his constant gratitude for never being embarrassed about him, you swiftly escort him out of places of high stress and are there as he decompresses.
⚫- Ingo is really thankful you don't have any expectations on him to react or even just emote certain ways. Pretty much all of the autistic flat effect got heaped on him and he's spent a lot of time, and I mean a lot of time, stressing about reacting the right way or feeling self conscious about how he's always frowning and people can't tell what he's thinking. But you know Ingo enough to know when he's happy even if his face doesn't say it.
⚫- I think generally he worries he embarrasses you, maybe with his behavior, or his looks, or the way he talks. That being said he always lights up when you reassure him of the contrary. Especially for someone who interacts with so many people on a day-to-day basis, he gets anxious that he looks unapproachable or even a bit ugly, so it means the world to him when you tell him you love his quirky little catlike frown, or the ways his eyes just shine when he's excited even if not much else changes facially.
⚫- Between him and his brother, I think Ingo concerned himself a lot more with masking. Both of them did it, of course, but Emmet is both more confident and he also has the image of "the happy one", so Ingo feels particularly self conscious about his stims. He doesn't do it often, even if you encourage him to relax a bit and not stress himself out about masking. He's masked for so long and so often he's almost ironed out stims from his life completely. That being said he does still stim occasionally, usually hand flapping, and he's glad you don't make a big deal out of it or draw attention to it. Ingo isn't sure he'll ever feel comfortable stimming like his brother can, but around you, it feels normal. And it's nice to feel normal.
⚫- He prefers it if you let him initiate touch, but also appreciates it when you lean into it and reciprocate. He just prefers to initiate, which he's glad you respect, because his touch-positive and touch-averse days come and go sort of at random.
⚫- Even better connections with him will form if some of your special interests overlap! He can indulge and rant for hours and hours and hours if you are there to enjoy his interests with him.
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pokemenlovingmen · 1 year ago
DHSJSGHSJGHSJMALE READER BLOG/POSPOS!! Can I ask for piers x a masc fairy-type trainer? tysm and i hope your doing well!
I'm not in the best shape rn but I appreciate the checking in!! Sorry it took so long, I'm really saying this to everyone lol but you deserve an apology for my vanishing. Yay first Piers rq! Sorry if it isn't the best, I wasn't too sure what headcanons to put down for the fairy-type trainer reader that weren't too general. :/
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Piers X Masc Fairy Type Trainer!
🎤 - Piers isn't really about the whole dark/fairy rivalry. He doesn't really care much either way what Pokemon you train. Fairy types aren't exactly his thing, though. A bit too... pastel for him.
🎤 - He doesn't battle with you personally all that much, he will if you ask, but not without snarkily asking you if you just want an easy sweep, only to give you a massively formidable run for your money with his team despite the type disadvantage.
🎤 - If your aesthetic matches your Pokemon, expect him to give you shit about it once he's more comfortable with you. Hey, he's got nothing against pink, but would it kill you to have some contrast in your outfits? Needless to say you can invite him to coordinate for you anytime.
🎤 - This is the case with anyone he's dating, but though Piers acts aloof and distant, he's dedicated in his own special way. Not huge on PDA, but if you're satisfied with someone nearby just... being, that's what he can offer.
🎤 - You always get free admission to his shows ofc! Piers is a bit shy about his relationships--but can you really blame a musician for wanting to keep such things private? Fans can be nuts. But at some point in his songs he'll always look over at you, maybe gesture in your general direction, some kind of acknowledgement that's vague for both of your sakes, but you both know what it means.
🎤 - Just don't expect him to dedicate any love songs to you. ...Publicly.
🎤 - He's a good guy if you just want a very simple relationship, little pressure to be together all the time, but a strong love when you are. Just a strong love that is quite private and a bit subtly shown, but if you can read him well you know how strong his feelings really are.
🎤 - You guys absolutely share custody of an Impidimp. You teasingly say it has his droopy eyelids. He replies that it has your poor color sense.
🎤 - More than likely, that one Impidimp is going to turn into many. You two are going to become crazy cat men for Impidimp.
🎤 - So while Piers doesn't put much stock in competition or rivalry, expect your relationship to have a lot of banter, eye-rolling, and snark, but that doesn't mean he loves you any less.
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pokemenlovingmen · 1 year ago
Could I request some headcannons of the ScarVi boys with an agender s/o who struggles a lot with dissociation and stuff? Like maybe how they’d comfort them. Preferably it/its and nym/nyms pronouns please. I personally don’t like being seen as super human due to how often I dissociate if that gives any ideas for writing.
Hello~ so sorry for how long this took. Life has been. A lot. I don't know how much use of pronouns I'll have since I generally write in the second person but I'll do my best! I also have issues with dissociation, but not a lot, so I hope I represent things as best as I can for you. I know everyone's dissocciation manifests differently as well as what helps, some folks need to be put into a lot of activity while others need isolation for a bit, at least from my experience, so I just want to represent all I can. :)
Also if I left anyone out you were looking for please let me know! There's a lotta guys so I left out a few, you said "boys" so I went with the academy guys.
ScarVio Boys x Agender S/O Who Dissocciates!
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🥪 - Arven is definitely a little confused when you first dissocciate around him. First he's worried it's something he did. Then he's worried you're sick or something. So he doesn't handle it super well the first time it happens. But once he realizes what's going on he falls into a rhythm.
🥪 - He's always incredibly communicative but tries to keep himself from grilling you with questions. He handles things with a fair bit of caution as he gradually gets a feel of what dissocciating looks like for you and what you need.
🥪 - Arven always has your back when it comes to your needs. He makes sure you're well-fed and hydrated. If you can't bring yourself to cook for yourself, of course he's going to be doing it for you. (And speaking from personal experience god wouldn't that be the best)
🥪 - Mabosstiff is always hanging out with you too. Sometimes Arven will help guide your hands through the Pokemon's long, coarse fur as a grounding device. Or if you need a lot of sensory input to help, he can also totally just let Mabosstiff jump on you and lick you half to death.
🥪 - He gets restless when there's not something he can do for you at all times and he needs to take time to learn sometimes the best thing he can do to help is just sit with you in silence. Though, occasionally, he'll ask if you'd feel better if he talks. He'd talk for hours if it meant helping bring you down to Earth.
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🔈 - Music is one of the best grounding tools and you can bet your ass Giacomo is using every last bit of his musical knowledge and gear to help you.
🔈 - He gets you your own pair of custom headphones, whatever kind you want, one of those types that have noise cancelling you can switch on and off if you're dissocciating for reasons of being overwhelmed.
🔈 - He puts together all the very playlists of all your favorite songs, organized by vibe ofc.
🔈 - And if you need it he'd be happy to share an earbud with you if you need the one-on-one connection of listening to music together.
🔈 - If you're in a public space he's also very swift and on the spot with getting you somewhere calm to decompress.
🔈 - He doesn't really have many words for you, but he'll squeeze your hand and remind you with gentle touches that you're here, and so is he.
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🧵 - If talking helps guide you through dissocciation, he's probably the one for you. You ask, and he'll just sit next to you and wax poetry for hours. It can help if you're someone who just needs words or conversation, it doesn't matter what the content is.
🧵 - If what you need is a quiet place to come back down to earth he'll whisk you to the very best right away. He has some good spots he finds ideal for meditation that he finds would be ideal.
🧵 - Atticus has lots of little one-on-one activities he offers to do with you. He'll paint your nails, let you try things on or model for him, even just hold up a sleeve of one of his current projects for him to stitch.
🧵 - Or if you need him to just sit next to you in silence, he can do that too. Or if you need him completely gone he'll leave you alone for as long as you need. I think Atticus understands better than most what you might need and to be patient with you, and he never takes your distance personally if it needs to happen.
🧵 - He can also put together some kind of garment like a sweater or hoodie that's sensory-friendly and he will take every last one in your preferences into account. Colors, weight, length, especially material, if you ever make a request expect it to be followed to a T.
🧵 - No matter what it is, if there's one thing you can be sure of it's that Atticus will be patient.
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years ago
Update: New Characters Added!
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I’m not even gonna try to justify where I’ve been… I’m a disaster at creative commitment and I’m sorry. My writing is so defined purely by where my hyperfixations take me and I just can’t force myself to write for an interest that’s waning. I’ll go quiet on projects, but I never intend to abandon them without a word. I’d say something if I was planning on canceling a project! Anyway, enough about me…
These characters here are all ones I’ve either been marinating on for some time, or were ones I just overlooked. Again I always advocate for asking if I write for someone not included here! These guys will be added to my list of who I write for as soon as I can get at it. Like on the “who I write for” list they will be listed by generation/game and for some of them I will write a little justification as to why they’re here, because Pokemon is frustratingly vague with its characters’ ages and I had to do a lot of research determining some ages here because ever since I found out Brock was apparently FIFTEEN in the Pokemon Anime I haven’t trusted like that since. Pokemon Masters is my general frame of reference for character ages and also my inspiration for who I’m adding, so keep in mind most of these portrayals age wise are inferred from what the characters are like in pokemas.
• Brock (I know I just said he was fifteen in the anime, but my portrayals are completely removed from the anime and to me it’s pretty clear Brock’s meant to be decently older than that anime age in the games.)
• Ethan
• Silver (For these two, they started their journeys just a year or two after Red and Blue did, and since Red and Blue are very clearly adults now in their more recent portrayals, I consider the same for the Johto protags.)
• Professor Elm
• Falkner
• Morty
• Will
• Professor Birch
• Steven
• Wallace
• Maxie
• Archie
• Looker
• Volkner
• Darach
• Aaron
• Lucien
• Hilbert (if N and Cheren are adults, so is he, and all signs seem to point that way factoring in the year gap in Black/White 2 as well as however many years in the future Masters takes place. Poor guy just never hit his growth spurt, but speaking of Masters, that game really endeared me to Hilbert so he gets his spot here.)
• Siebold
• Lysandre
• Calem (another protagonist case of being an adult in the time Masters takes place, he was apparently somewhere between 17 and 18 in X and Y proper.)
• Kiawe
• Ilima (he was another weird one age wise, but generally what I found on him said he was 18+, so that’s what we’re going with. Damn you Pokemon and your ridiculously ambiguous ages)
• Rose
• Volo
• Professor Turo
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years ago
Okay!! I was able to counter act the links being funky in my app by opening your blog in my mobile browser!!!! so I was able to read your rules n stuff so now I can finally request (yusss!!! also, I saw the "ingo,,, again" under the PLA characters you write for and it made me think "ingo 2,,, electric boogaloo" heheheh. also yeah fuck kamado, all my homies hate kamado)
okay, could I please request a lil drabble (if you only do hc's thats fine of course! I just couldnt find it clearly if you only do hc's) of Adaman taking care of a reader who is on bed rest and healing? the exact stuff of how and what is up to you, for me its more so the comfort and caring side, not so much the angst side (so like, nothing thats like "omg reader was near death" pls?). gender of the reader I dont mind, just do what youre most comfortable with and yee!! thank youuuu
Hi you’ve been such a kind supporter I’m sorry it took me so long to get to you!! And yeah. Fuck Kamado. That exile would have been my villain origin story if the game gave me more agency, I swear to god.
And conversely, we love Adaman. They put him in pokemas and my quality of life has improved significantly <3
Oh and I’m sorry about the lack of clarity of what I do! I do only HCs, but at the level of detail I can’t stop myself from including, they’re kinda like a weird fusion between drabble and headcanons.
Healing Takes Time — Adaman x M!Reader
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💎 — Hisui is a dangerous place and injuries ranging from minor to severe are all too common. So Adaman’s not exactly a stranger to presiding over loved ones on bed rest.
💎 — Doesn’t mean he’s good at it, though.
💎 — Mai reminds him that the slow passage of time is just as important as things that happen in the quick, efficient manner that he prefers as well. It’s not a slight from Mighty Dialga being displeased, it’s just the nature of time. But he can’t just stand around when it comes to your health! Yes, rest takes time, he’s aware, but all this waiting feels the same as doing nothing to him.
💎 — Mai basically has to keep him away from you constantly because he’s always fretting over you, which is definitely sweet of him even if it’s not exactly helpful, but it is funny to watch the cartoonish shenanigans of Mai trying to constantly shoo Adaman away from the medical tent.
💎 — Even if what you’re recovering from isn’t serious, you’d never be able to guess that from how he behaves.
💎 — He essentially becomes your primary nurse and seldom lets you out of his sight if he can help it (thanks to Mai being the reasonable one, he usually can’t).
💎 — Once things calm down though, after the first two or three days when your recovery progress is becoming quite apparent, he’s less frazzled and more willing to leave you be. He just can’t help that impatience winning out, though, sometimes.
💎 — He’ll be there to help you with maintaining yourself while you rest, sitting beside your futon while you recover, brushing your hair so you don’t have to, keeping a fresh cold compress on you at all times if the problem is that you’re sick and feverish, changing your bandages if it’s an injury, all that.
💎 — If you’re okay with it, he’ll also happily bring his Leafeon to see you for some good old fashioned grass-type aromatherapy. I know Leafeon can’t actually learn the move aromatherapy, but it’s clearly made of plants and must have some kind of floral/herbal smell.
💎 — And since we know he is a house husband in the making guy with an interest in cooking, you bet he’ll be bringing you all manner of home-cooked meals.
💎 — He’s so dutiful, oftentimes he doesn’t go back to his own tent for the night and will instead fall asleep on the cold floor next to your futon.
💎 — Adaman is very sure to keep you abreast of all goings-on in the clan, usually nothing much of interest, but he does uncharacteristically bring you all sorts of gossip. It’s not that he likes to gossip, but while you’re bedridden he can’t think of much to entertain you with so this is what he’s settled on. And also he probably would like to vent his multitude of frustrations with Melli specifically because you just know 3/5 instances of drama involve some kind of category 5 Melli moment.
💎 — Once you start to recover and leave your bedridden state, he’s still just as present as he was before.
💎 — If it was an injury he’s always making sure you’re not overexerting yourself, and if it’s something that happened to your legs, he’s volunteering to help you walk around so you don’t put too much pressure on the injury.
💎 — For illness he’ll always be on your case about taking whatever medicines/remedies you were instructed to, because your recovery has already taken ages (to him) already, and he’s not sure he can bear seeing you sick for much longer.
💎 — Regardless of the reason you’re bedridden, he’ll always give you a kiss on the forehead when he enters the tent and before he leaves—though if you’re sick, he musters the self control to wait. Ideally he can keep that up, but he might get a little impatient… oh well. He needs to remind you how much he loves you, and if he ends up getting what you have, he knows you’ll care for him just as dutifully as he did you.
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years ago
hi :-) could i request melli cuddling hcs with a gn!reader pls? (if it helps - i feel like he'd be a bit more vulnerable around his partner since he canonically used to be very shy and i reckon internally he won't be completely rid of that)
Hey first Melli request!! You got it! Melli is very silly and very slay, he’s living the GNC male dream tbh
GN!Reader x Melli Cuddling Headcanons!
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💙 — Firstly, we need to acknowledge the Donphan in the room: the best part of cuddling with Melli is hands-down his hair. It’s so bouncy and silky and soft, especially considering this is ancient Hisui and the resources needed to keep his hair in this condition are not easy to come by, yet Melli can maintain it anyway. You can play with it and run your hands through it, twirling it around your fingers and petting it like it’s a Pokémon’s fur. He’ll grumble and complain about how you’re being so overbearing and intrusive and your hands are so dirty and oily, you’re going to ruin his hair, but he never stops you.
💙 — Because if you know your boyfriend, you know he really loves to complain but is all bark and no bite. Honestly it’s more concerning if he’s not whining at you.
💙 — If you’re cuddling in bed he usually falls asleep facedown on your chest or stomach, giving you perfect access to that hair of his. He may or may not do it on purpose. He may or may not enjoy it when you play with his hair.
💙 — He enjoys when you include your Pokemon in on the cuddle puddle! He doesn’t get to cuddle Pokemon often. Look, Melli loves his Skuntank, but surprise surprise, Skuntank stinks. He’s not keen on doing the same.
💙 — Surprisingly for all he talks, he’s actually pretty quiet when you guys cuddle aside from interjecting occasionally. It’s cheesy, so he’d never say it aloud, but he likes listening to your heartbeat. The steady rhythm is like the ticking of time itself.
💙 — Sometimes, he’ll whisk you away to Moonview Arena for some quality time together. You question if this is actually allowed, but according to him, he’s the warden and he can do whatever. Those times are especially nice, actually. Moonview Arena seems to bring out a tenderness to him like the gentle like of the moon above.
💙 — He’ll tell you stories about when he was a young, much shyer boy, and he would come here for peace and quiet under the solace of the moonlight. It’s shockingly tender and sincere, he usually hates being vulnerable, but it seems the nostalgia of the place brings it out of him. You two sit under the tree beneath Almighty Sinnoh’s shining night sky, and the watchful gaze of Lord Electrode, wherever he may be hidden. He’ll usually rest his head on your shoulder, laughing to himself when his hair gets in your face.
💙 — When he holds you, he does so as though you are a delicate, precious treasure. Again, something he’d never say to your face, but he is truly astounded he was worthy of you. I mean—of course he was. He’s exceptional, worthy of everything and more. Yeah… it’s no surprise someone like him landed someone as flawless as you. But he thinks he’ll cherish and treasure you like you are the rarest jewel of all… just in case.
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years ago
Hello!! I keep reading your ingo writing and man I love how you write him;; I am so gay for this man the closet is made of glass. Also MALE READER BLOG!!! PUNCHING THE AIR IN JOY AND GOING STIMMY MODE RN!!! AND RUN BY A TRANSMASC MOD!! JUST LIKE ME FR!!!!
I wanna request while I have the chance, I was thinking Ingo and a s/o with an overprotective Houndoom? I absolutely love Houndooms because 1: they look like my dog irl, and 2: big dogy :] ;; i just think it’d be cute and kinda funny to see Ingo try and win over his boyfriend’s big and mildly threatening dog.
Tysm!! <33
I… have nothing to say for myself for my absence. Life has been painful. I’m so so sorry my friend, your request has been the one I’ve been sitting on all this time.
But omg you’re so sweet thank you for the compliments!! I’m glad that you like my Ingo, he and Emmet are both written by me to lean unashamedly into hard autism territory so maybe that’s what it is lol.
And wow tbh I was considering not including that I was transmasc (still a bit… nervous in gay male spaces as someone who’s transmasc. I know it isn’t true, but I’m so worried of being perceived as not a man or less of a man in those spaces.) but I’m glad I did because I’ve pulled so many trans guys in to visit this blog and!! Big solidarity!! I’m giving each and every one of you a Platonic Kiss on the head
Meeting the Real Boss — Ingo x male Houndoom trainer Reader
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⚫️ — Don’t let that serious face fool you, Ingo is just as soft and sappy as his more emotive brother. When he fell for you—that mysterious stranger who shook up the Super Singles Line that fateful day, he fell hard.
⚫️ — You were seen around Nimbasa the following days, but Ingo assumed you were just visiting, as he’d never seen you in the area before. So time to talk to you was limited, at least in his eyes. That was enough of an excuse to get him to give up and write you off as a passing fancy—but it was not enough of an excuse for Emmet who, the moment he found out his brother had developed a crush on one of the challengers, would stop at nothing to get you two talking. (Because he can lack all the social skills he wants and have as little confidence as any grown man could have in his speaking ability, but if it meant getting his dear brother a boyfriend, Emmet would turn into a social savant right then and there.)
⚫️ — So yeah, your relationship with Ingo started out interacting with Emmet more, mainly because every time Emmet not at ALL subtly dragged his brother over to talk to you, Ingo genuinely couldn’t look you in the eyes.
⚫️ — But eventually you guys got together via bonding through—how else?—battling! There was a love language Ingo could get behind, and after your repeat challenges became a constant thing at the Battle Subway, sometimes multiple times a day, he finally worked up the nerve to ask you out after telling himself he’d do so if he won your battle today. He did, and one nervous coffee date later, you two actually managed to start properly talking without needing Emmet (Emmet, of all people, even HE is shocked!) as the middleman.
⚫️ — All is well. You both share a great passion for battling—of course—and you find all his little quirks from his loud voice to stone face adorable. You definitely know you’re onto something real when you actually make him happily stim in public after saying he looks so cute and excited when he talks about the subway, something Ingo has tried incredibly hard to iron out through all the masking he’s done all his life. To be honest, you absolutely have him wrapped around your finger, but it’s okay, because you’re a total fool for him as well and would do anything to make him happy.
⚫️ — But as you two begin pondering how to define your relationship, wondering if it’s time to make things official, your Houndoom starts to realize Ingo is going to be more and more of a presence in your life as much more than a casual friend. And he takes issue with that.
⚫️ — Houndoom was always fine with Ingo before. The thrill of battling on the subway and having such worthy opponents was something you could tell Houndoom savored, which made it all the stranger that he began getting worryingly aggressive around Ingo.
⚫️ — You wanted to ask him to be your boyfriend officially a few times now, only for Houndoom to intrude by putting himself between you and Ingo, growling all the while as if he could sense what you were about to ask and did not like it.
⚫️ — Houndoom means well, he really does. He knows what happens when humans get close like this and knows that if you and Ingo continue down that path, he’ll be in your life all the time. Maybe even where you live. Maybe sleeping beside you. There to see you at your best and your worst and, most concerningly, your most vulnerable. But you only met recently, and even if his Pokemon seem to indicate he’s trustworthy, that doesn’t mean anything! You’re a part of the pack to Houndoom, and he is not about this total stranger (at least, a total stranger by his standards) being a permanent fixture in your life. How on earth could he earn the right to be by your side so easily? No, you’re part of his pack, and Houndoom is hellbent to keep you safe from the encroaching outsider.
⚫️ — (Does he completely miss how happy Ingo makes you? A bit—the protectiveness fogs up his perception, okay? And even if he does make you happy, Houndoom thinks the month and a half or so you’ve known each other for is not long enough to just welcome Ingo into the family with open arms.)
⚫️ — Ingo is… troubled, to say the least. He’s worried your Pokemon disliking him will make you dislike him, which you assure him otherwise. Even still, the Houndoom line is not native to Unova and Ingo knows very little about it, therefore he has absolutely no idea how to proceed. Unova has the Growlithe and Lillipup families, but they’re much more good-natured than this. Still, he loves you, and while he’s worried about causing friction with you and your Pokemon, your assurances that he’s fine are (relatively) enough to spur him to try and make peace with Houndoom.
⚫️ — Treats were some of the first things he tried, to minimal success. The only reason Houndoom let him into the house that day at all was because you begged and pleaded for him to lay off your boyfriend, and even then he watched you two like a hawk. Treats Ingo brought and Houndoom’s favorite snacks that you already had in the home did nothing to persuade him. Attempts to play? No. And Ingo knows better than to even think about petting him.
⚫️ — Eventually Ingo just starts rather desperately trying to exist around your Houndoom’s wrath. He loves you and doesn’t want to break the news but. Your Houndoom scares him.
⚫️ — You can’t say he didn’t try, though.
⚫️ — But then! One day, you get sick. It’s a pretty nasty stomach bug that lasts for a day but wreaks havoc while it’s there. You’re practically bed-bound from the severe nausea, but Ingo is there the entire time, fretting over you and caring for you like any good boyfriend should. Houndoom’s prerogative is the same. He’s worried for you and wants you to feel better. So while Ingo is bringing you plenty of fluids, nausea medication, blankets and pillows, Houndoom is there to cuddle up and keep you warm and calm. It’s just that… it’s very hard for Ingo to care for you when Houndoom won’t leave your side and growls whenever he gets close.
⚫️ — This time, though, Ingo doesn’t shy away. He’s too worried for you and even though Houndoom is being incredibly threatening and there is a part of him a bit worried for his own safety, he brushes right past Houndoom’s huffing and puffing to keep caring for you. He brings you water and helps lift the bottle to your lips while Houndoom snarls. He sits at the bedside and dabs at your face with a damp towel while getting death glares. His need to be wary of your Pokemon is greatly outweighed by his need to take care of you. Essentially, they’re both fighting for the role of your primary caretaker.
⚫️ — Time goes on, though, and Houndoom definitely notices how his snarling and snapping isn’t stopping Ingo from aiding you. And after all these negative interactions, Houndoom is finally stifling his concerns and instead just quietly watching. Then helping. He and Ingo have a common goal here. And while Ingo is certainly surprised to find the defensive Fire-type suddenly aiding him, it’s a welcome change. In seeing his dedication to you at your most vulnerable, Houndoom has at last deemed the Subway Master as a worthy partner.
⚫️ — While you’re sick, they continue working together to care for you until their own energy is spent. You wake up in the morning, a bit sweaty and nauseous, but otherwise feeling far better. And you look over to the foot of the bed where Houndoom usually curls up to see Ingo right there with him, resting his head on Houndoom’s side—the both of them are fast asleep, knocking out together after such long and dedicated day caring for you while you were sick. The hostility Houndoom regards Ingo with seems completely gone as he lets him rest against him to sleep. You can’t remember much of what happened last night, but you know both of your boys here were caring for you with all the love in the world…
⚫️ — And though you had been thinking this about Ingo for a while now, seeing Houndoom accept him at last really solidified the fact that Ingo was “the one”.
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years ago
Hi I’m alive!! Just very very very busy and tired… I swear I’ll come back to this blog some day. I love you guys and I hope you had a good pride month! Just know that while this blog is on an indeterminate hiatus I will NOT abandon it forever and will come back some day!!
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Happy pride month, this is the first year in a while I didn’t do a pride month challenge mainly bc I value my sanity, but I still wanted to do something for pride so here I am busting this out on the last day of pride 🤡
All the flags here are applicable to me mainly because all of my OCs are an extension of myself lol
I haven’t been giving my OCs enough love and attention lately, so here’s strictly non-fandom OCs (well maybe one is half fandom) so I drew them for pride, specifically I drew them as hypothetical acrylic charms, like, what if my OCs were keychain art? So here’s the hyper specific self indulgent batch of hypothetical keychains. Also went with a chibi-ish style for more marketable keychain charm.
I’m actually planning a blog overhaul for this one re-theming around my new mascot character but I’m both procrastinating on that and genuinely don’t have enough time. I also have a serious artblog set aside for me to be less of a little freak on and be more professional, but like the overhaul of this blog, I’m procrastinating on it. We’ll get there one day…
So yeah, sorry to Hartley (top left), Miles Webster (top right), Hugo Monroe (bottom left) and Bron (bottom right), I haven’t fed you four for a while now so here, you guys can be hypothetical acrylic charms in a chibi style.
I should make an oc info document. But hey ask me about my ocs yknow 👉👈
Happy pride :) Be who you are and stuff like that
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years ago
To the people who follow me for the Little Nightmares fanfic One Variable:
I am so sorry I haven’t updated, I promise I haven’t abandoned the fic. My writing motivation is very sporadic and very dependent on a lot of factors (thank my autism for that) and I just haven’t had the motivation—or really the time. I just finished finals season and for the past few weeks I’ve been having a bit of an ongoing medical crisis. I promise I won’t abandon the fic! There’s just a lot in the way of my writing and unfortunately my muse for Little Nightmares on top of all that is absent. I run an mlm Pokemon blog and I feel bad because i haven’t written there either in forever, but it’s the same case. My ability to create comes and goes in waves and I apologize to all the people both here (and at that Pokemon blog) for who I’ve left waiting. I really want to work on stuff but I just can’t get anything down when my motivation is low, and I don’t want to force things out, because I still want writing to be a fun thing for me, I don’t want to come to resent it, and most importantly I don’t want to put out content that doesn’t have my heart in it because that’s not me at my best and I want to put out the best pieces I can, both for myself in the terms of One Variable, and for all the kind people who have supported and requested from me at @pokemenlovingmen .
If you’re reading this, One Variable readers and/or followers of that blog, I really want to extend my sincerest apologies for keeping you waiting so long, but writing is just really hard for me right now, a lot of life stuff is getting in the way, and most of all I don’t want to lose my love for One Variable or in the case of the pokemon request blog, give lazy responses to requests that don’t have any heart in them.
I greatly appreciate how much you guys have supported me and my writing and I’m very sorry to be so inconsistent in turn when you guys have been so wonderful and kind to me. I really want to work on both projects as soon as I can, things are just hard in both the motivation and life department right now.
I wanna emphasize again how much I appreciate how amazingly kind y’all have been to me, and that I’m sorry to be letting such amazing people who have been supporting me down/making you wait so long. Just know I haven’t forgotten.
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years ago
Spring break is gonna hit and then all these requests are gonna be sorry
Hi besties apologies for how long requests are taking, school’s just real demanding right now. Gotta crank out about eight paintings by tomorrow and that’s not even my major, lmao. All that being said my inspiration is kinda tanked, but I promise I see absolutely everything that comes in through the inbox and I’m still working when I can! Everything in there is on my list.
Not to mention I’ve almost hit 100 followers and I’m just blown away… so flattered, and so sorry my activity is hitting a lull at a time like this. I see all of you and I thank you so much for the support. I’ll try to get back to business asap.
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years ago
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It’s my birthday!! I just became an adultier adult!
And I’m also trying to get time put aside through school to work on this blog, I promise, I see you guys and I love y’all for your support and patience. ;;
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years ago
Aaaaa I love your writing!!! Do you write for Atticus? If you do i'd love to see something like a romantic date with him maybe? I have such a huge crush on mr shakeperean fashion ninja
Thanks for existing :)
Y E S.
I have a huge crush on him toooooo!! I love Atticus sm <3
I’ll happily take requests for him! I’m really sorry, though, things have been crazy busy with school among other things and I’ve got so little time to write on my hands. I have a huge backlog of requests I really wanna get to!! I feel really guilty about it but I promised I haven’t forgotten or abandoned this blog, I’ve just been legit going through it right now. I appreciate you guys so much, and I’m sorry for being so quiet for so long but I’m trying to make it however I can!
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years ago
Still am alive I promise!!! I’m so sorry to make y’all wait so long, school is a nightmare rn and my motivation is very scattered.
Hi besties apologies for how long requests are taking, school’s just real demanding right now. Gotta crank out about eight paintings by tomorrow and that’s not even my major, lmao. All that being said my inspiration is kinda tanked, but I promise I see absolutely everything that comes in through the inbox and I’m still working when I can! Everything in there is on my list.
Not to mention I’ve almost hit 100 followers and I’m just blown away… so flattered, and so sorry my activity is hitting a lull at a time like this. I see all of you and I thank you so much for the support. I’ll try to get back to business asap.
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years ago
Hi besties apologies for how long requests are taking, school’s just real demanding right now. Gotta crank out about eight paintings by tomorrow and that’s not even my major, lmao. All that being said my inspiration is kinda tanked, but I promise I see absolutely everything that comes in through the inbox and I’m still working when I can! Everything in there is on my list.
Not to mention I’ve almost hit 100 followers and I’m just blown away… so flattered, and so sorry my activity is hitting a lull at a time like this. I see all of you and I thank you so much for the support. I’ll try to get back to business asap.
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