#standard human demigod
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ytcomments-archive · 1 year ago
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monsoon-of-art · 8 months ago
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Hazel is, yet again, being problematic in their design. I'm not sure about her little leaf top, but she feels kinda naked without it? but it's not like Aster has a ton of clothes either?
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homunculus-argument · 1 year ago
When it comes to demigods as they were in like ancient Greek and Norse mythologies - half-human and half-mortal, almost always having some god for a father, and the human mother can count herself lucky if she even has a name, and perhaps some brief sad story of how she died. Always a story of what happened to her, not one about what she did. No agency.
Now, consider: A story with a pantheon of gods of some sort, and a tale of a demigod of ambiguous origin. And "ambiguous" here meaning that they know exactly who the demigod's mother is, she's a human woman who walked up to the realm of the gods, very obviously and heavily pregnant, beating pots and pans together going "WHAT'S UP YOU DIVINE FUCKS, ONE OF Y'ALL OWES ME CHILD SUPPORT", and refused to leave. They cannot make her leave before verifying that her child is, indeed, a demigod. And her claim turns out to be true. The mystery is the father.
This human woman is rude, abrasive, insolent and does not seem to have any sort of fear or respect for anyone or anything. None of the gods are willing to admit to having fucked her. Goddesses who would otherwise go for jealous revenge do not dare to go near her - partially out of a reluctance to embarrass their husbands by implying that they would have screwed this woman, and partially out of their fear of being severely insulted and ridiculed by her. Her child, who now wanders around the realms of the gods largely unsupervised, is unquestionably divine in origin, but doesn't seem to show any distinct features that'd be easy to connect to any of the gods.
While having the standard demigod's slightly-better-than-mortal strength, speed, healing and other such qualities, this half-human child simply does not seem to have any particular divine gifts. Their most distinct, unnaturally potent and overpowering feature is their sheer unflinching bold audacity, clearly inherited from the mother.
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bomber-grl · 3 months ago
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Nico Di Angelo x Child of Medusa 🐍
Pairing(s): Nico Di Angelo x M!Reader
A req for @calypso-74213! Also cringe-ish warning
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Everyone at camp is terrified of you
I mean its said that people are scared of what they don’t understand
And you’re sort of an anomaly
Not to mention that you’re able to turn ppl to stone, the only barrier separating them and you, bding your sunglasses
Also because you closely resemble humans/ demigods
Yknow, besides the snakes instead of/ amongst your hair, scales here and there, and your eyes
Especially since Medusa isn’t known to be particularly fond of men, so it leaves much to think about and question
Then again, Athena-
Many aren’t fond of you, that’s a given. I mean many campers weren’t very welcoming of Nico and his status(?) as son of hades so I can only imagine the treatment you go through
I mean at least everyone has the decency to pretend to be nice to you
But the tension is still there
The first day you were introduced was by Chiron, usually he’d leave the camper up to the counselor these days but you’re a special exception (along with Percy)
So bam, new cabin for not a god but rather Medusa
I’d imagine a lot of discourse, especially since it’s only for godly parents and the whole pride aspect
But eventually, with much persistence from Percy and others who are willing to back you up, you get one
Which is only a result of them being proven wrong by your origins and proven to be a nice person
Also, might I add, you’re likely here because of being mortal/not completely monster and need protection like many demigods
Anyways, Nico isn’t at camp all that much
Especially since he has this idea that many people aren’t fond of him (which changes throughout the series)
When he hears about you through the grapevine he’s intrigued
He never thought that someone such as yourself would even exist but then again he could say that about the gods and Olympus
Only once he finds out that you’re treated like shit (at the start of your stay) does he go to find you and see what your deal is
And he’s pleasantly surprised
You pass all his standards
1. Don’t be an asshole
2. Don’t be an asshole
Oh, and did I mention don’t be an asshole?
You were more than pleasant to hang out with and he found himself looking for you amongst the crowds of demigods at camp
He looked forward to seeing you again
Only then does he realize how he’s fallen in love with you
He never would’ve imagined he’d ever fall in love with a son of Medusa, but here he is
He’s admittedly hesitant to confess to you
It’s so obvious too
You’re at the lake like you usually are
You tend to spend time there when you’re not having fun at arts and crafts or training with weapons
This is the time of day you two usually hang out and that’s only proven more by the fact that Nico is seated right next to you, gazing at you
Almost lost in thought but then you snap him back to reality- wondering what’s up
That’s when he just tells you, he almost shrinks away until you tell him that you reciprocate his feelings
He’s honestly shocked by the whole thing and just stares at you until you hesitantly hold his hand
From them on you’re officially boyfriends and he can’t emphasize how happy he is to have you
The sun isn’t always shining and so bad things are bound to happen, what’d you expect? You two are a demigod and a half monster (?)
Your origins might be a mystery but you know better than anyone not to fear the dark
So when Nicos having certain days where he’s struggling, he’s glad that you can embrace all of him
Change of tone but you and Nico are just chilling as Jules- Albert drives you places when Nico realizes something
He’s never seen your eyes, or rather, looked you straight on
I mean you’ve kissed, hugged, etc etc but he’s never seen you without your glasses
Which how could he? He’d literally be turned to stone
But that doesn’t stop him from wondering
His eerily long silence next to you prompts you to ask him what’s up
And finally after much convincing that ‘we listen and we don’t judge’
He tells you
And of course you laugh but just because you find it endearing that he wants to
Of course it’s something that never goes anywhere but if he asks a Hecate kid if there’s stone proof potions- well that’s none of your business
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thealtoduck · 8 months ago
Headcanons for Children of minor Goddesses… (Part 2)
(Screwed over by Zeus Edition: Metis, Leto, Semele)
Metis (Oceanid/Titan Goddess of wisdom, wise counsel, deep thought and prudence)
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If Metis was ever released from the inside of Zeus’s head and still thought having more kids seemed like a good idea I’d think her demigods would be something like this.
When they’re claimed a small blue figure of Metis appears over the demigods head, circling it before landing on their head, then disappearing in to thin air.
Their cabin would be pretty simple on the outside, with some standard decorations of Metis carved in to the walls.
The inside of their cabin is like 65% library, 20% desks, 10% comfort and 5% other stuff.
Their cabin has a small telephone booth, with a fountain and a set of golden drachmas on the inside. If the children of Metis ever need counsel from Metis or just wanna talk with their human parent.
They have a very natrual bond with children of Athena. Children of Athena get very giddy when showing children of Metis their new inventions, almost like a kid showing a parent their new toy.
In a similar vein they also get along well with children of Hephaestus, being a great source of advice for them and their inventions. Leo x Child of Metis!Reader, anyone? No?
I also feel they’d make good friends with children Hecate, no specific reason just vibes.
As for powers it’s quite simple:
They are incredibly intelligent wise and cunning, similar to Athena’s kids.
They have a good knowledge of magic and are good at making potions.
They know how to craft weapons and armour. They also craft simpler things that are still useful for quests like smoke bombs, grapplings hooks, etc…
They’re the ”go to cabin” when having an issue since their mom is the goddess of wise counsel, who better to ask?
Song I associate them with:
Leto (Titan Goddess of motherhood and demurity)
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They’d probably be Leto’s first child in well over 2000 years.
Growing up they’d have two different babysitters to come guard them when their guardians were away, one blonde guy who’d play music and play with them, and one girl wearing a silver diadem, who’d take them on walks in a forest and introduce them to the wild animals.
When they’d be claimed both a sun and moon would appear over their head and the howling of a wolf and the crowing of a rooster would be heard in the distance.
A cabin would be constructed to look like the mix of a ancient greek palace and a inviting vacation home, it’d covered in Ivy, the rest of the outside would be very plain and simple.
On the inside there would be paintings of Leto’s travels while pregnant and the early years after Artemis and Apollo’s births.
It’d be considered one of the most welcoming and cozy cabins at camp.
Children of Leto would be known for their very sweet personality but also ferocious protectiveness of those they love. And especially protective of children as Leto is the protector of the young.
They’d be one of the only demigods that are actually loved by their godly siblings, Apollo and Artemis would adore them. (Even if they were a boy in Artemis’ case).
Same goes for the Apollo cabin, they’d act as a Child of Leto’s siblings, especially if they had no demigod siblings of their own and needed company.
The Hunters of Artemis would also have a certain respect for them (though maybe slightly less if they were a boy).
They have a bad relationship with reptiles because of Python and the Lycian peasants.
The powers they’re born with are:
High endurance.
Natrual talent for using a bow and arrow, it runs in the family.
Affinty for taking care of children.
They have the possibility to learn some light magic, not child Hecate or Circe levels but some smaller spells.
Wild animals are usually attracted to them (most likely a blessing from Artemis or her godly aura just kinda rubbed off on them).
Apollo usually blesses them with some sort of talent for the arts (painting, music, dancing).
They have good survival skills when out in the wild.
Song I associate with them:
Semele (Goddess of the bacchic frenzy)
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Semele isn’t really the most motherly type but if a night of wild partying would end up leading to Semele getting pregnant with a demigod, she’d be happy welcoming them to the world.
Once they arrive at camp they wouldn’t even need to be claimed Dionysus would just know about them already.
Children of Semele along with possible children of Ariadne are some of the only demigods who’ve never had to stay in the Hermes cabin before claiming because Dionysus just sends them to his own cabin as he sees them as part of the family, even though they’re not his own.
Low-key Dionysus favourite siblings…
Dionysus’ cabin had to be soundproofed as a result of added demigods to the cabin.
Semele’s kids are party animals to the very core of their being.
They are known for their slighty brash and wild personality. They’re careless and free-spirited in a very delightful and refreshing way.
They can act refined and formal when they want to… they just never want to.
If you talk shit, they’ll knock your teeth out.
Children of Semele commonly get along well with Ares and Aphrodite’s cabins.
Though they probably clash with some (or most) of Athena’s kids.
They’re very helpful when planning and preparing a parties and events at Camp Half-Blood.
Their powers and traits are:
The can induce people with bacchic frenzy, pretty much making the target run around like headless chickens
They’re suprisingly strong, no explonation why, they just are…
They’re usually natrually good warriors but need to refine their technique as their fighting style is mostly based on brute force.
High endurance, especially for alcohol.
While they don’t have many more powers than that, Dionysus will always keep an eye on them and keep them safe even if they’re far away from him. It’s not uncommon a monster ends up strangled by grape vines after trying to attack a child of Semele.
(Side note: I personally just kinda imagine Semele looks like Festivia the Fun from Star vs The Forces of Evil, anyone else see the vision)
Song(s) I associate them with: (I’m sorry Semele’s kids got four but like they all just worked so well).
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xfilesinamajor · 4 months ago
In defense of Calypso
Look, I'm not saying what Calypso did was okay. But most of the judgements I see leveled against her are the standards you'd apply to a mortal woman.
She's not. She's a goddess. And we already know that most of the gods/demigods have very little concern for human lives. Calypso is in the same class of being as:
the giant cyclops who eats people
the witch who changes men into livestock and then eats them
the wind god who thought putting a guy in a position where he had to go without sleep for ten days was no big thing, helpful even
the sea god who drowns 500+ men just to get back at their captain
the big daddy god who likes making a captain who has never done anything to him choose to sacrifice a baby and his own crew--not to mention (killing?) his favorite daughter just for winning a game against him, or all the mortal women he's forcibly knocked up
And those are all characters who have had company. Calypso has never had a chance to learn about relationships, or consent, or even humans in general. That's the kind of stuff you only learn through interaction with others. Divine instincts plus no societal norms is a dangerous combination.
There is no reason for an isolated goddess to immediately recognize that there was anything wrong with her treatment of Odysseus. And it's obvious that as she spends time with him, she starts to view him as a real person instead of a toy and regrets her initial treatment of him. She still should have let him leave her island, but it sounds like she knew all about Poseidon so she probably thought she was keeping him safe.
To summarize: Gods inherently treat humans as playthings, and affection/respect for individual ones takes time to develop. Calypso in particular has no experience or context on which to base her behavior with Ody. With time, as she gets to know him, she comes to understand how she screwed up. You don't have to feel bad for her or condone her actions, but before Odysseus came along she never had a chance to learn right from wrong.
And why spend energy hating her when Zeus is RIGHT THERE?
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leafyeyes417 · 9 months ago
I decided to create a masterpost or two with all the reblogs that I like in hopes that when someone sends out the “help me find that post” I can find it faster. It will be added to slowly because I do not have the patience to do it all at once. Also in no particular order of preference.
Keep in mind none of these posts are my works and I do not claim them as such.
If you see *** they are really good prompts with lots of reblogs.
Will be edited later, last updated: 1-28-25
Multi-story masterlists
Specific Story lists
Jason is Catnip to Danny
Hyena Danny
Finally Getting Help
Wrong Robin
Badger Day
Man has needs
Take out for Dummies
Danny is just some guy
Changling AU (part 5, other part links at bottom of post)
Fast Car Driver Danny
Haunted Car
Harmless Series
Don’t eat anything
Hero Tweets
Just a Bite
Batfam & Danny
Twitter AU
Coffee Heart
Single posts
Ellie realizes how dangerous Danny’s home is
Danny’s Rescues from the Infinite Realms
Green Lanturn & crew stuck in IR
Dead on Main
Jason courting Danny with a casserole
Overprotective Fenton parents shovel talk
Danny courts Jason by giving him wine cups made from the Joker’s kneecaps
Jason becomes a Ghost Summoner after giving Danny food***
Dream Lover***
Soulmate summoning ring gone wrong
Dead Tired
Coffeeshop accident
Dead Serious
Dead Silent
Danny kills the joker with his thighs
Danny on the run from the GIW
Superman startles Danny and gets a concussion***
Danny In Gotham
Sleepwalker Danny who escapes all traps
Unknowing Fae Danny works at coffee shop
Danny pretends to be a Vampire***
Feral McGee
Danny only gets a Vacation from work in Gotham
Danny seems like an Oracle of Delphi***
The GAV affected by Fear Toxin
Tucker streams while Danny does what Danny does in the background***
Danny is kidnapped(?) by Batman***
Danny gets hired for a money laundering front***
Portal is built in Gotham, not Amity
Naga Danny
Villain Danny
Danny’s obsession is twisted, forcing him to be a villain
Danny teaches heroes their mistakes by being the villain***
Adopted Danny (as in not Bio Fenton)
Danny is Hal Jordan’s son
Harley asks Batman to take away her son
Harvey Dent is Danny’s bio parent
Danny adopted by Bruce Wayne
Danny distribution system
Danny makes a sales pitch to join the Batfam
Reincarnated Danny
They wake up as Talons
Clockwork reincarnated as Alfred
Misunderstanding’s that end in chaos
High Danny mistakes Batman for Jack
Summoning Danny
Number is not in service
Danny: Please get that stalker (Ra’s) away from me
Demon Twin/Brothers
Damian is normal by Amity standards
Maybe(?) his lost twin
Nyssa steals Danny
Danny undercover in Amity
Jazz decided she wanted a brother
Tim Twins/Brothers
Danny and Tim are half-siblings
Danny sleep teleports to another dimension
Jason and Danny are brothers
Jason is a Baby ghost, adopts babier ghost Danny***
Ghost King Danny
Danny needs to take care of the Lazarus pits
Danny finds out there is a Ghost LOA
Danny possesses the president
Danny takes Jason’s online cooking class
Danny forgot what is regular human
Jack was a hitman named Phantom
Ghost Calls
Danny & Jason have the same scars
Superman was supposed to wait for the JLD
Water Core Tim
Fenton Driving curse still applies
Danny asks Wonder Woman to make him a grave on Themyscria***
Kryptonite is actually trapped souls
Danny and self-fulfilling prophecy
Danny pretends to be a demigod son of Hades
Danny gifts Red Robin a jar with Ra’s eyes
Vlad Cloning Danny was actually a much worse offense, breaks oldest ghost law
Amity got put back in the wrong place after the Pariah Dark fight.
Jason involuntarily taken to the ghost hospital
Phantom Letters
Danny learns Astral magic
Miscellaneous Angst
GIW succeeds in shooting the portal
Loki falls through to the IR and is adopted by Danny
Pure DP (not crossover)
Danny was Eldritch the whole time
Danny gets sprayed with a chemical where he hallucinates the person he hates
Demon!AU (with Art)
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johnwickb1tsch · 6 months ago
Sympathy for the Devil ~ Part 10
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A Donaka Mark x housekeeper!Reader fic, based on @discoscoob 's concept & bot! Though this is where the c.ai help ended because I was breaking the bot's pea pickin' mind. 😆
Warnings: Donaka Mark is a bad man with a soft spot for you. dark romance, possessive behavior, nonconsensual voyeurism, red flag red flag girl!🔺, psychological games, power imbalance, eventual dubcon/nsfw. PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS FOR THIS CHAPTER TOO!!!
one. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight. nine.
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Ten. 十
You don’t know where you get the courage to growl at this fierce man who has you in his grasp. But goddammit if he doesn’t just laugh at you–and sling you over his shoulder, carrying you like a caveman to his lair.
You do the requisite pounding on his broad back, the kicking of the feet. You swear it only makes him enjoy it more, as he tosses you down. You brace and let out a yelp, expecting hard floor below. You’re shocked, when you sink into soft mattress instead.
Which maybe isn’t great either. 
You try to scramble away, but his big hands wrap around your ankles, pulling you back, and then he is crawling over you, settling all that solid, masculine–delicious–weight on top of you. You feel him smile against your mouth, your hands pinned above your head. “Am I going to have to restrain you, to do what I want to you?” he asks casually, kissing the sensitive skin of the bend of your neck. “Or are you going to behave?”
You freeze beneath him at hearing the word restrain. As in what? Handcuffs? Ropes? Oh no. Somehow, that would be worse than everything else that’s happened tonight, and you fight not to hyperventilate beneath him, closing your eyes and grinding your teeth, even though all you really want to do is thrash like a trapped animal. 
That’s not going to work with this man. He’s too…everything. Smart. Strong. Cruel. Connected. You’re not going to beat him with brawn and you’d be a fool to count on luck. He watches you interestedly from inches away, as all this plays through your brain. You swear, he can read it like a news ticker scrolling above your head. He knows you so well.  
You hardly recognize your voice, when you ask quietly, “Will you promise…not to hurt me?”
You close your eyes again as he strokes your hair. “No,” he answers, and a spear of fear shoots down your spine. “But I don’t want to hurt you, y/n. I want your submission.”
“I don’t…understand the difference,” you admit, the fresh welling of tears spilling from the corners of your eyes. 
“Hmm.” He wipes away the moisture on your cheeks, bringing it to his lips. “I’m not wife-beating trailer trash, y/n. You’re not going to submit to me because of my fists. That would be too easy.” 
A shaky breath escapes you, as you think about how he’s used his superior strength to bully you so far. If he’s feeling self-righteous…it’s a thin fucking line. “I’m…not?”
“No.” He kisses you, lullingly gentle, cloyingly sweet. You are on even higher alert now than when he’d grabbed you earlier. “You’re going to submit, because it’s what you’ve really wanted all along. And I’m going to show you.” 
Your eyes bug wide.
“I don’t–no! That’s not fair!”
That is when his kiss upon your shoulder turns into a sharp nip. You yelp, and he is on his elbows over you, your face bracketed in his big hands. “You have a very bad habit of trying to lie to me, little one. We’re going to have to work on that.”
“I just…I don’t understand!”
“What is there to understand?” His thumbs stroke your temples, gentle once more. This man gives you whiplash.
“Why…” You try to look away, but he won’t let you.
“If you can’t look into my eyes and say it, then I’ll think you’re lying,” he scolds you. “It’s basic human behavior 101.”
With a growl you glare up at him. For some reason he finds this delightful, flashing teeth. You’re sure he knows, with a gimlet stare like his, how hard it is for mere mortals to meet head on. His standards are unfair. It’s like making a deal with a demigod–or a demon–who already knows he holds all the cards.
“Why me?” you manage to grind out. “You could have anyone.”
“I could buy anyone,” he agrees. He softens slightly, looking down at you. “But you don’t care about my money, do you? You want something else from me.” He smirks, and you are mortified all over again, a flush of heat blooming up your neck. “I read all about it.”
He chuckles, enjoying himself far too much at your expense.
When he lowers to kiss you, you consider biting him for about 2.3 seconds.
“Do it,” he dares you, his words a dagger clothed in velvet. “See what happens.” He says it almost eagerly, as though he’d welcome the leave to be terrible again. You have to remember that about him. He dangles tenderness before you like bait, not genuine sentiment. You’re playing a game, and the rules can change on this man’s whim.
He says he doesn’t want to hurt you–you’re not sure that’s true, and it certainly doesn’t mean he won’t. You can trust him as far as you can throw him, and judging by his delectable dead weight on top of you…that’s not far.
You close your eyes, feeling helpless again. And stupid. And…still turned on, if you’re being completely honest with yourself. You don’t know how you’re aroused when you should be disgusted, screaming, crying, fighting–it would win you nothing. He’s going to have his way, so you can fight it…or you can enjoy it for now, and bide your time, because he has to slip up at some point, right?
He feels the change in you, when you start softening to the onslaught of his lips, his hands on your body tracing every dip and curve. “That’s my good girl,” he murmurs, and you swear his praise lights up something in your brain like a red hot wire.
This isn’t it, you promise yourself. You are in a war with this man. And maybe you lost the first battle, and swiftly the second too, but not the whole war. You are not conquered yet. You are not conquered yet. 
With this new resolve you reach for the buttons of his shirt. They are small, and stubborn, and you let out a frustrated growl that makes Donaka smirk down at you. “Don’t rip it. This shirt cost more than a month's salary for you.”
“Well, you’re always bragging about how much money you have,” you fire back, jerking the two halves. You’re proud of yourself when there’s a tearing sound and the button goes flying. Fair’s fair. Donaka grins like a wolf, then suddenly you are flipped on your belly, your ass in the air and your panties wrenched down your thighs. 
You scream, his big hand on your backside stinging like a swarm of angry bees, and instinctively you squirm to get away from him. But he holds you down with an unforgiving grip in your hair, pushing your face down into the mattress.
Then you hear the jangle of his belt buckle again, and the warning hiss of leather sliding free of loops. “No, no,” you beg, struggling, to zero avail. His grip is unbreakable, like this man is made of iron.
“That depends on you. Are you going to damage my property again?”
“No,” you whimper into the bedclothes, hating how small you sound. 
“That’s what I thought.”
He drops the belt beside you on the bed like a reminder, before caressing your tender bottom ever so lightly, soothing the sting. How…does that actually feel good?
He makes a sound of appreciation, pulling you against the hard bulge in his crotch with hands on your hips. He spreads your thighs wider, leaving you utterly open and vulnerable to him. You hate to say it, but you are too unnerved to fight him, so conscious of that leather strap sitting beside you like an open threat.
“Stay there,” he directs, and you do as you’re told, listening to the whisper of fabric behind you as you presume he’s undressing. 
It’s a very awkward position, and your thighs begin to tremble. You are utterly exposed like this, splayed wide open. Yet you do not dare complain, suspecting you have used up your free passes with this man for the evening. He is just waiting for an excuse.
“You are exquisite,” he sighs from behind you. “I could stare at this view all night.”
An equal mixture of uneasy warmth and mortification fills you, displayed like this for him, so utterly open with nowhere to hide. Then you wonder if he’s threatening to keep you like this for hours more as a punishment. Yet before you can even begin to think of what to say to him, he has crouched beside the bed, and his mouth is on you. 
“Oh,” is the only intelligible word that leaves your lips. Everything that comes after is mere guttural nonsense, as his tongue teases your clit, sliding against your nether lips, and you see stars. All else forgotten, you become a slave to pursuing this pleasure, your fingers like claws in the sheets, canting your hips to give him better access to anything he wants. He moans against you, a deep sound that reverberates into your womb.
You whine like the needy little thing you have become when he withdraws, wiping his mouth on the butt cheek he struck not minutes before, kissing you with a tenderness that is nearly as beguiling as his tongue in your slit.
“Shhhh, sweet girl. I’ve got what you need, if you promise to be good for me.” You feel him kneel behind you, the warmth of his hand on your spine, the intoxicating kiss of his tip to your entrance. You’re not proud–but you want it. God, in that moment you want him more than air to breathe. You betray yourself, with the tilt of your hips, with the keening that escapes from your traitor of a throat.
“Mmm,” he practically purrs from behind you. “Do you promise, y/n?” He uses his tip to tease your slick folds, but it’s not enough. Not nearly enough. 
This is just a battle.
You make a sound of affirmative, a kittenish mewl because real language escapes you. 
“Use your words, bunny.”
Not the war.
“Yes.” It's all you can manage, and he takes mercy on you, betraying his eagerness too. Slowly he fills you, stretching your flesh inch by blessed inch until you can take no more. He could give you more. He could hurt you, badly, like this. Yet he’s so careful with you that you could weep, the slow glide of his body inside yours the stuff heaven is made of. 
It's funny. Despite the terrible things he did to you earlier, if you squint, it almost feels like he cares about you. The logical part of you knows it’s all a mind fuck. It has to be. But that part of you…is drowning in an inky sea of your other desires. Things you’re usually good at denying, because they’ve never caused you anything but trouble… Maybe that was a mistake on your part, because now you’re here with this dangerous man, and you’re so pent up that you can’t say no. 
That feeling of bliss intensifies when he reaches between your legs, slowly circling your clit as he pumps inside you. You involuntarily clench upon him, winning a low groan.  He drapes his long body over yours, kissing your spine, his hand encircling the front of your throat. 
“Tell me this isn’t better than just writing about it,” he demands, his low words against your ear sending a shiver through you. 
The simple answer, of course, is yes. The rest, however, is far too complex.
You make a sound that’s neither yes or no, and his grip on you tightens. Still not enough to hurt you…but he could, and you feel that so very acutely in that moment. The fact of the matter is you didn’t consent to any of this, even if you are enjoying it. He wants your complacency, and you wonder if it has to do with conscience, or claiming his victory. 
The latter, you tell yourself. The minute you start to believe he has a heart will be the end of you. You have to keep reminding yourself of that. He does not love you, you stupid girl. He never has, and never will. 
“Well? Tell the truth.” 
“It’s better,” you answer simply, because you don’t have the capacity to tell him the rest out loud right now, and making him happy is the only way you will ever get a chance to escape him. You are going to have to be calculating, and ruthless, and neither of those things come easily to you. 
“That’s my good girl.”
It shouldn’t feel so good, to hear him say that, while he’s balls deep inside you. It shouldn’t make your treacherous cunt flutter upon his relentless cock like you mean to swallow him up, a velvety red orgasm building between your legs again. 
It’s not surrender, you tell yourself as the warm rush fills you, makes you feel like your bones are filled with glittering gold, your spine bowing so hard you fear it might crack. It’s just…a tactical play. You’ve been haunted by curiosity about this man since the moment you laid eyes on him. In the morning, you’ll make your next move. For now…you might as well enjoy it as best you can. 
The games have only just begun.   
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poppitron360 · 6 months ago
Hii! Can I ask for some of your more lighthearted (as in not too angsty) Leo Valdez headcanons?
2. Can in theory breathe fire but doesn’t bc it gives him a really bad sore throat.
3. Still reading TOA- I just found out that Leo’s full name is “Leonidas” (either that or it’s a nickname Calypso gave him, but the fandom seem to agree that it’s his real name) but he HATES it when Calypso calls him that, so my hc is ANNABETH is the ONLY one with “Leonidas” privileges. And that’s bc he’s so fucking terrified of her he doesn’t DARE appose her on it. I feel like she does use it respectfully though.
Hazel is also allowed to use it sparingly.
4. Oh yeah fuck canon Leo and Annabeth are besties and they bond over both being runaways and also engineering/architecture stuff. Leo’s DEFINITELY had a peek around Daedalus’ laptop- his design for an automaton that can house a human soul got him thinking about his mom. He always planned on maybe taking a closer look at those files but then the laptop got lost in Tartar Sauce. I know you said no angst. Whoops.
5. Leo and Hazel start a support group for demigods who have come back from the dead. Every Wednesday in New Rome. Biscuits and Orange Juice will be provided. They call themselves the “YOLTers” (You Only Live Twice- because YOLO is for the weak). Thalia is also a frequent attendee.
6. I hc him as hard of hearing after the explosion in Blood of Olympus. Specifically deaf in his right ear and chronic tinnitus in his left. He uses hearing aids sometimes and also uses ASL and Morse Code to communicate. I choose to view that as wholesome bc we need more disability representation.
7. He is a “Leonidas” ONLY at Starbucks. He then follows it up with a bunch of equally hard-to-pronounce middle names (which he completely made up) said in a rapid-fire Spanish accent and watches the Barista panic as her white ass tries to spell it all. It’s even funnier when she tries to say it back to him when giving him his order. He takes the cup (leaves a generous tip) and says “but usually I just go by Leo” and walks away.
That is pretty much my entire understanding of American culture right there-
8. Trains autistic. He loves them. In the one I’m currently reading- The Dark Prophecy- Calypso and Apollo go on a train without Leo and I’m just imagining them getting back and him being “But what kind of train was it? Standard gauge or narrow gauge? Man, I love narrow gauge trains. Did you know that there’s this place in Wales called the Ffestiniog railway, where they have this special type of locomotive where the engine- the sicky-outy bit- is like, either side of the locomotive, so that there’s no need for a turntable-“
Okay I might also love narrow gauge trains (I’ve been on the Ffestiniog railway, it is amazing) (Also that is not a typo, in Welsh I believe the double f makes a soft sound (like in “off”) and a single f makes a hard sound, more like a v (like in “of”) you learn a new thing every day!)
9. Ambidextrous but Left-hand dominant (Often has to specify to his tool belt that he needs left-handed tools)
10. When speaking will put weird pauses in the middle of a sentence and not stop between sentences like talkingreallyfastwhenhe’sreally exited and talking slowly when he’s tiredit’skindaweird and choppy like hisbrainisgoing a million times faster than hismouth.
11. His favourite Disney film is Frozen.
12. When he’s comfortable around you, you start to hear more of his hispanic accent.
13. Said it before, will say it again. Headcannon no. 13 is ALWAYS WITHOUT FAIL “They’re a Swiftie.”
He has to listen to music as a way of not being alone with his thoughts. I discovered Taylor at a young age, and she has remained one of the few consistencies in my life since then. She got me through some tough times (Not as bad as Leo, but she helped me survive 2020). I feel like Leo would be the same- not always knowing where he’ll be sleeping that night or if food will be on the table, he’d want comfort, stability. Taylor would be there.
14. He wakes Frank up at 3am with “Hey I can’t read that what does that say?” “…Leo you wrote this. You’re telling me you can’t read your own writing?” Little does Leo know that Percy came in with exactly the same request half an hour before. Frank is finding being the only non-dyslexic on the ship incredibly frustrating.
15. Has the philosophy “anything is a fidget toy if you fidget with it” and STICKS to it
16. If Piper sees an item of clothing with an ungodsly amount of pockets, she is contractually obligated to buy it for him.
17. Eats cheese straight off the block. Like doesn’t even bother cutting it, he just *noms* straight into the block of cheese like it’s a chocolate bar. Similarly also eats Nutella straight outta the jar, sometimes without even using a spoon (and y’all know he doesn’t wash his hands).
18. Slightly more immune to electric shocks than normal bc of his way with machines (Valgrace nation do with that what you will)- similar to how Percy, as seen in botl, is a little bit fireproof.
19. You can’t tell me that during his first quest with Jason and Piper, they didn’t at least once triple-spoon with Leo in the middle bc he’s warmest.
20. In fact, “Cuddle Leo” is a common pastime for Jasiper. Particularly when it’s cold.
21. HE. CAN. SEW.
I saw a lot of people hc that Leo makes Percabeth’s wedding rings but that is factually incorrect. TYSON makes the ring. LEO makes Annabeth’s dress. I just started this fic where Annabeth, Piper, Leo, Reyna, and Rachel all go wedding dress shopping for Leo to get ideas, but he makes absolutely the most BEAUTIFUL gown for her- much better than any store. It puts all other wedding dresses to shame.
22. He can also knit, crochet (This hc was supplied by my mum who I’ve forced to read Heroes of Olympus), weave, and do macramé. He’s gone down rabbit holes about old-fashioned lacemaking. Him and Annabeth have sewing/crafting competitions at camp and on the Argo.
23. Autistic hand-flappy stim
24. He watches Stand-Up Comedy specials with Jason. I feel like if he wasn’t a mechanic he’d be a comedian (or run a taco truck, like Jason suggested in TLH). He takes his friends to as many comedy shows as he can. He loves them.
25. A Valgrace hc but it relates- while I was thinking up ways for Leo/Jason to propose (just a regular day in my brain), I had an idea for Leo to take Jason to one of those comedy shows that does crowd-work, and sits in the front row to get their attention. When the comedian asks who they are, Leo introduces Jason as his fiancé. When Jason goes, “Wait, no I’m not!” Leo yells “WELL WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE?” And gets down on one knee.
Also, sorry it’s taken me so long to respond. I’ve had this saved to my drafts and I’ve been slowly adding to it every time I get a new headcanon.
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rosesradio · 6 months ago
hii can you do a leo x nyx!reader? if u dont feel like adding the nyx part that’s completely fine :) ty and take ur time!
hi !! here’s a bullet point fic for you 🫵💌
word count: 1,045
You thought there was no such thing as an abnormal demigod. All demigods were vastly different from mortals, so why would they hold each other to some unattainable standard of normality?
You were wrong. Ever since your first day at Camp, you were ostracized by the others. They avoided you, pretending you didn’t exist on a good day.
Being ignored was…manageable. Being whispered about, with lingering gazes, was less so.
You knew why they treat you this way. You are a child of Nyx. You were born of the goddess’s desire to embrace the stars, and so, starlight danced in your eyes. The mortals were less than intrigued by your appearance, always assuming you to be smug or mischievous.
You didn’t have a mortal parent. A tether to humanity. Based on what your mother told you before you had ran away to the Doors of Death, you had a mortal lifespan. Still, you are much more akin to a faerie child than a human or demigod.
The Hecate campers are a bit warmer towards you, all things considered. They share their magic with you, and you are able to perform small spells here and there.
Nico is also a good friend. It is a little odd to see him treated so warmly by others despite the similarities between the two of you. He never asks others to show more kindness to you, as you never break down and ask for his help.
You reflect on this, at first, when Leo sits across from you at breakfast one morning. He’s much more of an extrovert in your eyes, always outspoken and joking. His curls are messy, his eyes sparking with interest. In short: he’s cute, but his presence screams trouble.
You ask if someone sent him over, for kindness or cruelty or both.
Leo shakes his head. “I just wanted to see what your deal was, y/n.” He says, cocking his head to the side as he meets your eyes. Where his head is momentarily still, his hands are moving, nimble fingers fiddling with a piece of Celestial Bronze.
“This is my deal,” you shrug, nodding noncommittally towards your breakfast plate and open spell book. The current page displayed ‘Demons: How to Befriend Them After an Exorcism’.
“I don’t see why people avoid you, then,” Leo says. He makes a final touch on his momentary project and hands it to you. It’s a small, spiked sphere that appears to be glowing. It looks like a star—and you would know.
“You have, like, a million of those in your eyes.” Leo points out before his voice falters, and he looks down at the table with a flushed face. “I mean—sorry, that sounded weird, but—“
“It’s okay,” you shake your head, starting to smile. “I know it’s just a fact…most people don’t like to look at me because of it…”
Leo’s eyes lock with yours at that, an incredulous look on his face before his features soften. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile the entire time you’ve been here.”
You shrug. “I guess I’m just not used to people being that nice to me.” You hate the words as soon as you say them; they’re true, though there’s no need to guilt Leo about it.
Leo glances back down at the little sphere before meeting your eyes again. “Well, I’m here to change that. I think that’ll be some good decor for your cabin.”
You frown. “They haven’t, uh…they haven’t quite finished my cabin, yet.”
“What?” Leo asks in disbelief.
You nod. “I don’t mind. It’s in the queue, but seeing as I’m the only child of Nyx for now, it’s a low-priority thing. Really, I’m fine staying in the Hermes cabin. I think this little light will look good on my bedside table, anyway…that is, if the others don’t mind…”
Leo let out a hum, holding his face in his hand, his elbow on the table. He appeared to be…pouting. It gave you an abnormal sense of warmth and amusement to see it.
“The Hermes cabin is always overcrowded, even with the new cabins,” Leo said. “If you…if you promise to be chill about it, you could stay in the Bunker. It’s full of stuff, but it should be no problem getting your cot in there. Then, you won’t have to follow the Hermes cabin’s rules.”
You ponder the notion. “I’m sure you have rules, though.”
Leo shakes his head. “Um, I don’t think so. It’s an absolute fun zone! The only things I could think of would be…don’t touch the dangerous equipment, no dark magic past ten, and, uh…you have to hang out at least once a week. If you start rotting in the corner, I’ll have to kick you out like they did with the old Oracle in the attic.”
It was such an odd proposition. It wasn’t as if this boy you barely knew was inviting you to live with him—it was just him giving you a (presumably) quiet place to sleep. He was being nice…and he wasn’t being sent by anyone. Presumably.
“If this is some sort of prank,” you start uncertainly. “I will perform dark magic on you.”
“No pranks,” Leo promises. “At least, not yet. I’m not liable if I do a little hand-in-a-bowl-of-warm-water, but you don’t have to worry about that until you least expect it. Maybe…you could do a trial run. Come by and take a look around, watch a movie. I made a new projector, and—“
“You made a new projector?” You ask incredulously.
Leo nods, curls bouncing, his eyes alive with interest. “I’m still working on the popcorn machine, unfortunately…it keeps combusting, and the popcorn gets absolutely obliterated…”
For some reason, his utter melancholy over combusted popcorn makes you laugh. The sound surprises you so much, you cover your mouth with your hand.
Leo looks at you in disbelief, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “That settles it, then. We’re watching a comedy—I gotta hear you laugh again.”
You shake your head, cheeks flushed, positive the other campers are staring at the pair of you. For some reason, though, you can’t bring yourself to care. You are just beyond relieved to find yourself with a new friend…especially one as cute as Leo.
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phatburd · 4 days ago
Why Joachim Murat is “Freddie Mercury on Horseback”:
The Outfits – Joachim Murat dressed like he was perpetually about to headline a concert at Wembley. While the rest of Napoleon’s marshals were strutting around in relatively standard-issue blue and gold uniforms, Murat was out there in pearls, gold embroidery, leopard-skin pelisses, and enough plumes to outfit an entire cavalry regiment. He wore white silk breeches, thigh-high boots, and jackets so flamboyant that they’d make Liberace weep. Freddie Mercury had his stage costumes, Murat had his battlefield ensembles. They both dressed like they were the main character in every room they entered—because, to them, they were.
The Hair & The Mustache – Murat’s hair was legendary. We’re talking long, dark, cascading curls that made him look like he had just stepped off the cover of a romance novel. It was pre-Raphaelite levels of excessive, the kind of hair that should belong to a Byronic hero but instead belonged to a man who charged cannons for fun. He had his servants curl his hair in the morning with their fingers. Freddie, on the other hand, perfected the mustache—a mustache that exuded power. The unshakable confidence to rock a mustache that could dominate an entire stadium? That’s pure Murat energy.
The Showmanship – Murat and Mercury both understood that half of leadership is spectacle. Murat didn’t just lead cavalry charges; he performed them. He would charge ahead of his men, sword in hand, caparisoned like a medieval knight, and cut through enemy lines like a divine force of nature. He dove into battle with the energy of a rockstar stage-diving into a crowd, and the men adored him for it. He was the cavalry commander you sent in when you needed a moment of pure, cinematic glory, the kind of guy who would have absolutely jumped off the top of a tank in slow motion if given the chance. Freddie Mercury, meanwhile, understood the power of a dramatic entrance, the electrifying presence of a true performer who could command thousands with a single motion.
The Drama – Everything Murat did was operatic. If he wasn’t riding into battle like an avenging demigod, he was out there writing letters dripping with melodrama. When Napoleon deposed him as King of Naples, Murat didn’t go quietly. He staged a comeback, complete with an attempted guerrilla campaign, got captured, and died by firing squad in full command of his theatrical flair. His last words? “Soldiers! Do your duty! Straight to the heart but spare the face!”—because even in death, he was committed to the bit. Freddie? He gave us “The Show Must Go On” while he was literally dying, because he, too, refused to exit without an encore.
The Pure, Unadulterated Charisma – Murat could make people believe in the impossible. He got an entire regiment to surrender by just yelling at them dramatically. He could rally broken cavalrymen with a single flourish of his sword. His mere physical presence could sway the tide of battle. He wasn’t just a commander; he was a legend in motion, a force of personality so strong that even the sheer idiocy of some of his strategic decisions couldn’t dim his brilliance. Freddie? He held an entire stadium of people in the palm of his hand at Live Aid, making them sing in perfect unison through sheer will. Both men radiated the kind of magnetism that defies explanation but demands attention.
The Overwhelming Confidence – Murat was the human embodiment of “I am going to do this absolutely insane thing and it’s going to work because I believe it will.” And, more often than not, he was right. He rode at the head of some of the most suicidal cavalry charges in history and somehow kept not dying. He thought he could take back Naples with 250 men, which is objectively stupid, but he did it anyway because he was Murat, and reality had to keep up with him. Freddie Mercury? He broke every rule of conventional rock stardom, embraced his flamboyance, and willed Queen into being one of the greatest bands in history—because he believed he could.
The Unfortunate Achilles’ Heel of Thinking They Could Do Everything – Murat was an absolute god on the battlefield, but the second you put him in charge of literally anything political, he made catastrophic decisions at light speed. He tried to play both sides between Napoleon and the Allies, and shocker, that didn’t end well. Actually, it ended in front of a firing squad. Similarly, Freddie Mercury tried to launch a solo career in the mid-80s, and while it wasn’t bad, it also wasn’t Queen, because some things are meant to be part of an ensemble. The moral of the story? Some people are just too powerful in one specific domain and should never be let outside of it.
Dramatic Deaths - Both Murat and Mercury met their ends in ways that were unmistakably them—bold, dramatic, and unforgettable. Murat, ever the theatrical war god, refused a blindfold when facing his firing squad, standing tall in his gold-embroidered jacket and ordering his executioners to aim straight for the heart but spare the face—because even in death, he was committed to looking fabulous. Mercury, knowing he was dying, took control of his own narrative, recording music until he physically couldn’t, and leaving us with the hauntingly perfect “The Show Must Go On.” He didn’t fade away; he gave his own encore and left the stage on his terms. Both were icons to the bitter end, refusing to bow to fate, ensuring that even their deaths became legendary final acts. One faced the bullets. The other faced the music. Both went out as kings.
In short, if Freddie Mercury had been born in the late 18th century, he would have been Murat. If Murat had been born in the 20th century, he would have been Freddie Mercury. Both were louder than life, built for spectacle, and completely irreplaceable.
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dreamdragonkadia · 2 months ago
I think it's really important for everyone to know that I am a Hera Stan. I will defend her with my dying breath. Did she do some messed-up and awful things? Yes, absolutely. But her entire story is so heartbreaking that it explains why she does the things she does, and I can’t fault her for that.
Her life is a tragedy of loyalty, resilience, and unacknowledged pain. She was forced into a marriage she didn’t want, to a husband who constantly disrespected her and their union through infidelity. Yet, despite all of that, she remains loyal. Hera doesn’t retaliate by cheating or seeking comfort elsewhere, even though no one would blame her if she did. Her anger, while often misplaced, is a reflection of her suffering and frustration in a system designed to strip her of her agency.
I don’t expect everyone to adore Hera like I do. But I would love it if people tried to understand her—her pain, her motives, and the hell she’s endured—before dismissing her as an antagonist. Hera isn’t evil; she’s morally gray, a character shaped by trauma and betrayal, yet still holding herself to a standard that others around her constantly violate.
It's not just Greek mythology but also the Percy Jackson series, Hera is unfairly vilified as cold and cruel. But I believe that if she ever had a demigod child, that child would be fiercely loved. Hera wouldn’t allow harm to come to them, hiding them away and protecting them until even the Fates themselves couldn’t ignore their existence. And even then, Hera would fight for them with all the power of the Queen of the Gods. It’s such a heartbreaking “what-if” because Hera’s loyalty and love are overshadowed by her reputation.
It frustrates me to no end that she’s so often painted as a villain when she’s one of the most human-like gods in the pantheon. Her flaws, her jealousy, her rage—they all come from a place of deep hurt and betrayal. Her story isn’t one of malice but of endurance, and that makes her a character worth understanding, if not admiring.
So yeah, I’m a Hera Stan. Always will be.
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randomness-is-my-order · 1 year ago
percy “helps annabeth connect with her humanity” because annabeth, a demigod–a half-human, half-god–has only been living upto the godly standards since she was seven and the human part: the one that normalises imperfection, that accepts flaws and errors as just another part of existence and leaves room for having fun is exactly the part that annabeth has been missing, not of her own volition but through other people’s expectations of her and this is exactly the side of herself percy is slowly helping her connect with even if it’s by treating her as if she’s just a bossy little 12 yr old girl that he’s annoyed with. he doesn’t even think that she’s a soldier, thinks it’s hot bullshit because he can’t see himself that way and he easily relates him being a literal child to annabeth being a literal child. i think it must have been a while since anyone saw annabeth for her young age instead of her scary competence.
in a way, in context to the the half-human, half-god part, percy helps annabeth with the human side of things while she helps him with the godly side.
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11queensupreme11 · 19 days ago
Alright I'm now 100% sure you're gonna ascend both Percy AND Cu in Arsenic Blues (the main fic, not the AU's or the other spinoffs you're planning). Heracles looked a little different when he ascended, so are you gonna change their appearances too?
i won't confirm or deny for obvious reasons, buuuuuuuuuut cú chulainn would ABSOLUTELY use this chance to make himself a few inches taller LMAO
he is 6'0" which is pretty tall but only in human standards and percy's already 5'10". depending on the heels she wears, she could be around his height or taller and he HAAATES that lmao 😂😂😂 so he would definitely make himself taller but other than that, he won't change that much. he already changed when he became a demigod (like how heracles changed when he drank zeus' ambrosia/blood) so i won't make him change a lot
(plus, i just don't wanna write about him looking different cuz i'm used to his og appearance and i like that)
same with percy!
ofc, becoming a god would naturally make them look hotter and more "perfect"/godlike so there's that, but there won't be MAJOR changes
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an-idyllic-novelist · 2 years ago
Hades with gender-neutral!Muichiro!reader headcanons
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warning: manga/anime spoilers, ooc
Special thanks to @justamegafan for the idea on this concept and @deathmetalunicorn1 as well as @enryegotrip​ for their feedback on it and where I could improve on it! :) 
When Hades had learned that there was a prodigy amongst the ranks of the Hashira, he had been initially impressed. Ubuyashiki had designed the selection exams very carefully: in the past, the candidate had to accumulate a kill count of 50 demons or slay a member of the Upper Moon ranked demons. The requirements have now changed; the candidate must kill 70 demons plus two letters of recommendation from different Hashiras or slaughter one powerful demon while in the Bifrost and bring back proof to headquarters. 
The stakes had been raised significantly, yes, though the lord of the underworld wanted the best warriors of this organization to ensure that no demons slithered their way into Valhalla and feast on the humans or gods. The heavens could not afford to survive another major catastrophe on the scales of the Titanomachy. 
Hades had no doubt that the Titans and the other prisoners in Tartarus would take advantage of the chaos too, but that will be his responsibility to handle. The Demon Slayers will only be in charge of monitoring the Bifrost and demon extermination, nothing more. 
Upon meeting the prodigy in person, Hades was…slightly disturbed at seeing a child no older than fourteen summers kneeling on the floor at Ubuyashiki’s left side, staring at him with a bored expression and dressed in the standard Demon Slayer’s uniform. The head of the organization reassured him that this is not a joke, as [First Name] [Last Name] have proven themselves to be worthy of being a Hashira. 
Still…this little one became the Mist Hashira two months after picking up a sword, right after passing the Final Selection Exam? The leaps and bounds that they made…it was unusual. Hades had seen and heard many demigods become powerful in such a short time span…yet that should not happen to a mortal soul. 
What drove this child to even become a Hashira? What was their goal? When Hades asked them this question, all they said was to kill every last demon that dared to try to come into Valhalla. And protect Master Ubuyashiki. Protecting him and his family was a top priority to the Hashiras.  
Hades raised an eyebrow at them before glancing at the smiling man. “Are you absolutely sure that you want this child to monitor the Bifrost? It is not a playground nor a post to be taken lightly -”
“Excuse me?”
“I said ‘shaddup’. Do you really think the Master would risk sending the Demon Slayers to the front lines if he hadn’t considered every possible option? The Master might have upped the requirements to become a Hashira, but he knows us better than a puppeteer who lurks in the shadows. If he didn’t believe I was ready, even when I fulfilled the necessary requirements, he would have said so.” Their face remained neutral but their tone steadily grew darker with anger. “Do not treat Lord Ubuyashiki as if he is your subordinate. He is your equal. Without him, you would not have us to ensure Valhalla’s protection nor have the knowledge to kill demons. You and the other gods would still be scrambling for a half-assed solution, putting everyone in danger due to your incompetence -” 
“[First Name], that is enough.” 
Hades was speechless at the mortal’s blatant disrespect towards him, a god, and shocked as to how they immediately went silent at Ubuyashiki’s soft command. The family head apologized for his subordinate’s actions, as it is his responsibility to look after the children. He will punish them as seen fit. 
His words satisfied Hades’ bubbling anger, knowing Kagaya was a competent leader. Their meeting soon concluded, and a guard escorted them back to Valhalla. Left alone in the audience chamber, the lord of the underworld pondered on the events that just happened. He is curious by nature, and he is curious about the Mist Hashira’s behavior towards him. 
Did they simply dislike him? Or did they dislike all gods? Perhaps…they are just rude to anyone who wasn’t Ubuyashiki? Hades hummed thoughtfully to himself. He would look into it. There had to be a reason why a disrespectful  brat like that became a Hashira. 
Over the next several years, the lord of the underworld continued to meet with Ubuyashiki as the Demon Slayer Corps flourished secretly in Valhalla. Kakushi were dispatched to gather intel on demon sightings, and the Hashira would go and exterminate them. Those individuals who were the lower ranks would also assist in such cases via communications with a crow messenger. 
At every meeting, he saw the Mist Hashira amongst the summoned soldiers with a dreamy-eyed expression on their face as they stared up at the clouds, not paying attention to their surroundings…or so it seemed. Hades tried to speak to them, but they had no interest whatsoever unless Ubuyashiki gently nudged them into his direction, if at least to be polite. 
One day after a conference had been concluded, the mortal asked him to stay so that they could have a private conversation. Once his children closed the paper doors behind them, the family head spoke to him.
He addressed the lord of the underworld, thanking him for his time and support in the organization’s growth. The Hashira were all unique, originating from different circumstances and all talented in their own way. [First Name] is no exception…though perhaps he might have been too soft on the Mist Hashira.
After all, it was he and his wife who found them that day in the mountains…the remaining descendants of a Demon Slayer’s bloodline. 
[First Name] and their older twin brother, Yuichiro, had lived a simple life as the children of a woodcutter and his wife until their untimely passing. The Ubuyashiki knew their true lineage, and offered help more than once. Yuichiro kept rejecting them. When his wife, Amane, had gone to check on them with food and medicine with their daughters, they stumbled upon the sight of the twins drowning in blood. Yuichiro was already dead, [First Name] barely hung on by a mere thread as his family worked quickly to save their life. In doing so, they lost their memory of who they were. 
Ubuyashiki had faith that they would remember though. Memories cannot be reclaimed in a single night, of course. Their mindset, however, mustn’t be inflexible. They still need to learn from others, understand people. By doing so, they will relearn empathy and kindness. Perhaps…they could become the kind, gentle person they once were, even if it cannot bring back their brother. 
Hades’ anger towards the brat evaporated as their tragic tale rang in his mind. He knew better than anyone just how many mortal souls came to his kingdom or Valhalla, wailing their lamentations and how they wished they should have changed their fates before death came to claim them. [First Name] had his sympathies. 
Perhaps…he’ll try to be a little more understanding himself. Persephone always told him the best way to apologize is with flowers, because their language could speak to the receiver in more ways than one. 
Bonus Content:
[First Name] was extremely confused as to why the lord of the underworld suddenly gave them a white tulip out of the blue and had to ask Shinobu the meaning behind it. When learning it meant a roundabout way of saying “I am sorry”, they just looked at the flower.
Why was Hades sorry? Had they met somewhere before?
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snailstrailz · 3 days ago
Halley, the stars, the mother of light.
Lore post wahoo!
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In case you didn't see my previous notice: HALLEY IS NO LONGER AN OATD CHARACTER
She now fits into my personal world building around a fictional pantheon of deities.
Halley is one of the one of the oldest gods. She, along with her siblings, the cosmic gods, Trance (the void) and Centripus (physics and matter) they shaped the universe to the standards of the mother goddesses.
Upon the creation of the first star, Kolob, the god of light was born. this was the first of Halley's children. The second came as she mingled with the sentient species of creation. Nora, the demigod of constellations was born of a relation Halley had with a human, after wich she dissolved her physical form.
Among the other gods she was an authority, and not a good elder sister/cousin. She withheld testimony that would have proved the innocence of another, causing her niece to be cast out of the pantheon and bound to her physical form as a prison, leaving her daughter and son to deal with the aftermath of her actions, as their cousin seeks revenge.
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