#sorry please excuse all of this.
vigilskeep · 3 days
SORRY this is MORE dialogue from lucanis’ recruitment quest i just need people to be going through this with me
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letoscrawls · 1 year
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new episode of the most unserious show tomorrow
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swiftmitsu · 5 months
hello!! hi guys, this is important
(and no i’m not a proshipper. that’s all im going to say.)
please don’t ever fucking dox ANYONE.
you don’t like a certain person’s content?
just block and forget.
you don’t like a certain person?
just block and forget.
there is no reason you should be actively exposing the location of people that you don’t like.
absolutely nothing GOOD has ever come from doxing anyone.
you have no idea how dangerous things like this can be.
the internet is permanent.
whatever you put up on the internet will BE PERMANENT.
be careful what you do on the internet. please.
look, i get that many people don’t like the works of proshippers.
and that’s FINE. you can have your opinion.
you can’t really do anything about it.!!
just fucking ignore them. BLOCK them if you don’t want to see their content.
you’re not gonna be some sort of ‘hero’ for getting rid of someone you dislike.
you are putting so many people in danger.
please. just be nice. it really isn’t that hard.
i love you all, please stay safe and be nice to each other. we need more kindness in this world. 💛💛
edit: if you want to assume things about me. don’t. talk to me privately first. don’t spread rumours please.💛
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lazylittledragon · 4 months
right now i'm very torn between "taking critique is important as an artist and it's not an attack on me personally" and "people commenting about my same face syndrome under my posts upsets me an unreasonable amount and i wish they would stop doing it"
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blueskittlesart · 7 months
being in art school and having basically 0 knowledge about christianity whatsoever is so funny at this point i think you could tell me literally anything was an allegory for jesus and i'd just believe you
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arudoe · 1 year
cloud watching ✨
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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Bts of TWD-5x01
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skyward-floored · 1 month
..... does Warriors successfully arrest his family? (Downfall IAU)
fearfully, - hero-of-the-wolf
@hero-of-the-wolf BUCKLE UP MY FRIEND!!!
Comes after the Ravio fic and the Warriors fic :) the first one definitely helps for context.
It wasn’t until dawn that anything happened.
Legend and Wind both stayed up all night watching for any threats, keeping a largely silent vigil. They camped out on the roof, watching all corners of the yard and street, and Wind didn’t sleep a wink, anxious and full of a shaky worry for everyone. Sky hadn't responded to any of their messages, which wasn't too unusual since it had only been a few hours, but Wind was worried anyway.
Malon and Four stayed inside and prepared for the worst, readying supplies in case a quick escape was needed, and still occasionally trying to contact Sky. Ravio pretty much just slept, mumbling hazily about low prices and pretty birds.
But when the first rays of sunshine poked over the horizon and Wind and Legend had still seen nothing suspicious, everyone relaxed a little. Malon brought out some food for them to eat, and the two of them took it gratefully.
Wind was still worried, but things seemed less scary with the glimmer of dawn on the horizon, orangey light warming his face. Legend looked a little more relaxed as well, and they began to eat, both feeling lighter.
Wind took exactly three bites of his bagel before he froze, staring out across the street.
A man stood in plain view from his and Legend’s standpoint, one who hadn’t been there before. The sun shone off his white and blue outfit like sunlight on a frozen lake, and a mask covered part of his face, but Wind knew immediately who he was and why he was here.
He just didn’t want to believe it.
“Legend,” he whispered, and Legend immediately turned and looked, the color draining from his face.
“Wind, go warn them,” he whispered, but Wind remained frozen in place, staring at Warriors. “Wind.”
Wind couldn’t make himself move, gaze locked on Warriors. His uncle didn’t move either, silently watching him and Legend, and even though the distance was pretty far, Wind almost thought he could make out regret on his face.
Legend’s elbow to his side snapped him out of his daze, and Wind scrambled down the roof and inside a window, almost wiping out on a rug as he ran.
“Malon they’re coming!” he cried, and he heard a sharp intake of breath.
Malon appeared around the corner as a harsh knock came from their front door, and Wind gave her a panicked look. The knocks quickly turned into pounding, and Wind heard a thud on the roof, along with a shout.
“Go wake Ravio,” Malon said, and Wind ran off into the living room. He was worried about Legend, but he knew he could handle himself. Hopefully.
The pounding on the door seemed to have already woken Ravio up, and his green eyes were looking fearfully at the door as Wind ran in.
“They found me,” he said in a panic, and Wind nodded.
“Yeah. You and us. But they'll have to fight to catch us, c’mon.”
“I can’t run very well like this,” Ravio said nervously, and Wind pulled his arm up around his shoulders, helping him stand.
“No problem, we’ll help you,” he replied, and winced as another shout came from outside. “Where’s Four?”
“He said he needed to do something,” Ravio said as they hurried out of the living room.
“He what?”
“I don’t know, he didn’t explain!”
Both of them yelped as something shook the building, and Malon suddenly went flying back from the front door, hitting the wall beside them with a grunt.
Wind shouted in alarm, but Malon was unhurt, quickly standing up with her fists raised. Wind looked at where she’d come from, and saw the door broken with a group of people gathered in the doorway, all dressed in dark colors and protective gear. He didn’t see Warriors anywhere.
“Malon Forester, you and all the occupants of this house are under arrest,” the one at the front said, and Malon’s face creased determinedly.
“I don’t think so. Get Ravio out of here,” Malon directed towards Wind, but before he could move, he heard a wild yell.
Four suddenly burst from the hallway, dressed in his super suit that he’d been wearing when he and Wind first landed here. It was bright blue though, and Wind wasn’t surprised when three other Fours ran out behind the blue one, all looking determined.
Blue threw himself at the group in the doorway, and the others followed, all yelling as they lit up their powers. Chaos reigned as the colors swept through the squad, and Malon pushed Wind to get going.
“I’ll help Four, go,” she urged, and Wind and Ravio hurried off towards the back door, trying not to listen to the yelling from behind them.
They made it to the door quickly, but Wind could see even more of the scary soldier-people rushing towards the house, and he quickly locked the door and shoved a couple heavy chairs in front of it for good measure. They... weren't making it out that way.
“Now what?” Ravio asked a little hysterically, and Wind suddenly remembered Malon mentioning something about an emergency hatch in the basement room he and Four had been sleeping in. She’d only brought it up briefly, and he’d forgotten about it in the rush.
“Downstairs, c’mon,” he urged, gathering some winds around them just in case. They were on the opposite side of the house from the basement stairs, but the shouting had died down a little, so he was hopeful.
They hurried back the way they came, Wind eternally grateful that the house had tough windows and good locks. It didn’t seem like any of the scary-looking soldiers had gotten in yet, except for the ones at the front door, but it sounded like Malon and Four were handling them.
Wind and Ravio rushed past the front door, and saw Malon and all four colors braced against it, Malon having replaced the door and now struggling to secure a lock on it. Wind set Ravio down for a moment, and shoved a heavy-looking table over to help block the door. Malon realized what he was doing, and briefly abandoned Four in order to help him shove the table, as well as several other heavy pieces of furniture.
“Will that hold them?” Green asked in an out of breath voice.
“Hopefully long enough for us to get away,” Malon replied as they finished, rubbing her shoulder a bit. Wind squinted at her, but he couldn’t tell if she was truly hurt or not.
“How are we getting out?” Red said in a somewhat panicked voice as the men on the other side of the door began to bang at it again.
“Basement,” Malon replied, then shooed them along. “Hurry.”
The Colors finally moved away from the door, and though the banging began to increase, the door didn’t budge, locked and barricaded as it was.
They rushed down the hallway, Wind almost dropping Ravio when he heard a window shatter somewhere. He cast a glance at Malon, and saw that her face was surprisingly calm.
Though maybe that wasn't too surprising. It seemed to Wind that she'd been expecting something like this to happen for ages.
“I gotta grab my bag,” Vio said suddenly, stopping in his tracks. The other colors stopped as well, and Wind looked back at the different colors of his brother. “All our bags, we left them in the kitchen, there's important stuff in there.”
“Go fast,” Wind said worriedly, and the Colors nodded and bolted away.
Wind heard another window shatter somewhere, and drew some wind tighter around himself, wiping his sweaty palms on his shirt. He really wished he'd at least had a nap last night. The lack of sleep only made his nerves feel even more shot.
“Where’s Legend?” Ravio huffed as they continued to work their way across the house. He was looking paler again, probably from the strain on his leg as well as the situation at hand. Wind couldn’t blame him.
“He was on the roof, I don’t know whe—”
“Right here.”
Legend flickered into view beside them, and Wind was glad he was used to it and didn’t shriek like Ravio did.
His alternate-brother looked a little ruffled, but unhurt as far as Wind could tell. Legend opened his mouth to say more, but Malon abruptly grabbed him away from the stairwell, some kind of energy blast hitting the wall where his head had been.
More of the armored men were coming from upstairs, and Wind blasted a gust at their feet, making them all trip and fall into a pile. Their group rapidly turned the corner towards the basement, and Wind started to believe they’d maybe make it out.
Then he saw Warriors standing in the hallway, blocking their path.
Wind stopped short, and Malon and Legend bumped into him, all three of them staring at the super in front of them.
“Warriors,” Malon began, firm, but soft regardless. “Let us through.”
Warriors looked at them, but his expression stayed the same, smooth and emotionless. “I can’t do that. All of you are under arrest. If you come quietly, this’ll be easier for all of us.”
“Easier for all of us? Or just for you?” Legend snapped, and Wind thought he saw hurt flash in his uncle’s eyes.
“Legend, Malon, I don’t want to do this,” he said in a quieter voice. “Please. Come quietly.”
“You know we can’t do that,” Malon said firmly.
“Dad wouldn’t want us to,” Legend spat.
Warriors flinched, but didn’t say anything in reply. He simply lifted his hands, frost forming threateningly on his gloves.
Nobody moved for several tense seconds. Legend glared silently at his uncle, Ravio looked nervously towards the door, Malon kept a steady eye on her husband’s brother, all while Wind watched and wondered what to do.
Warriors couldn’t be serious... could he?
Wind had only spoken to this version of Warriors once, but... he loved his family. Wind could tell that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Why was he doing this?
Why was he working for the bad guys?
Footsteps came up behind Wind, and he turned to see Four run up, looking winded and shaky. He’d reformed into one for some reason, holding several bags in his arms, and Wind caught his shoulder. Four stumbled to a halt as he looked around at the situation, and frowned.
And then Warriors locked eyes with Four, and his face went white.
That moment of distraction was what they’d been waiting for, and Malon threw herself at her brother-in-law, successfully knocking him to the ground.
“Go boys!” she shouted, and they scrambled to obey, Legend and Wind grabbing Ravio, while Four ran behind. Legend ran ahead of them and flung open the door to the basement, hurriedly gesturing them inside.
Wind couldn’t help watch Malon grapple with Warriors, her eyes alight with protectiveness. He winced as she punched him, the two rolling around as they fought, and Wind gasped when Warriors’s hands glowed with ice and he tried to freeze her arms.
The soldiers Wind had tripped came around the corner as well, and began shooting more of the energy beams that Legend had narrowly avoided. Wind was a little surprised they didn't have bullets, but he supposed he shouldn't complain. At least being shocked wasn't as instantly life-threatening.
Four suddenly stumbled against Wind, having trouble with the ice rapidly coating the area. Wind grabbed his arm and ended up supporting him almost more than Ravio, Four still shaky from being split and struggling to hold onto the bags all while avoiding any blasts.
“Guys come on, we— Mom?” Legend said, his commanding tone suddenly slipping. Wind turned back to look again, and saw Malon with one arm pinned to the ground with ice.
Warriors was panting, blood dripping from his nose, and despite Malon getting her lasso around one of his legs, she hadn’t been able to pull it tight. Warriors stood and turned towards the basement door, his hands glowing again, and Wind hated the closed-off look on his face.
He raised his hands, but then Malon shouted, wrenching her arm free of the ice and yanking the lasso around Warriors’s leg.
He lost his balance with a cry, and Malon kicked him backwards, sending him sliding down the hall a bit.
“Boys, go now,” she said, making no move to join them as she tried to get the rope around Warriors’s other leg. He shot some ice at her again, and it froze some of her hair as she dodged.
“But Mom—!”
“I said go! That’s an order!” she shouted, cutting Legend off.
“We’re not leaving you here!” Wind said, wanting to rush to her side, but still supporting both Four and Ravio. He couldn’t even use his powers to help, the hallway too narrow and Malon and Warriors moving too fast for him to do anything.
Malon gave Wind and Four a complicated look, then threw open a closet door that opened into the hallway, blocking a shot from Warriors. The ice froze it in place, and Wind could hear Warriors trying to break through as energy shots rattled it, but Malon didn’t press the sudden advantage. Rather she used the brief break to look back at the four of them.
Her expression softened, and she locked eyes with Legend, his face pale and frantic.
“I’ll keep him busy, you four go ahead. The hatch downstairs opens with the triforce tap combination, you know it Legend.”
Legend’s expression looked like pure agony. “Mama I can’t—”
A loud crack came from the closet door, and Malon swept forward and grabbed all of them into a hug, even Ravio, and she quickly kissed Legend’s hair.
“It’ll be okay, honey. Go!”
She gave them all a pointed shove through the doorway as Warriors broke through the ice, and Legend shouted a warning. Wind caught a brief glimpse of Warriors standing behind her, his hands raised with grief on his face, and Malon slammed the door shut behind them.
Then the tell-tale sound of Warriors shooting his ice rang out, sealing the door shut.
“No!” Legend screamed, slamming his shoulder into the door.
Wind stared at it in horror, but he could already tell the ice was too thick for them to break through. The door was totally sealed off, thick ice sealing all around the edges, and even the sound from the other side was muffled.
Nobody would be getting through that door for hours.
“Legend we have to go,” Wind said in a shaking voice, hating that he had to be the one to say it, and Legend banged a fist against the door, breathing heavily.
“Mom!” he yelled, but there was no reply, only muffled shouts.
Four gave Wind a frightened look, Ravio’s expression pure shock, and Wind took in a deep breath as Legend slammed his fist against the door again.
“Legend,” Wind repeated quietly, and Legend gripped the door handle so hard his knuckles turned white.
Wind managed to brush a slight breeze over Legend’s head, meant to be comforting, and Legend stilled, only his shaking shoulders belaying his emotions.
“I can’t lose her too,” Legend finally whispered in a terrified voice.
“You’re not losing her. This isn’t over,” Wind said, choking back the knot in his throat. He had to focus, he could cry later. “We’ll get her back Legend, I swear, but we can’t let what she did be in vain. We have to go.”
Legend pressed his forehead to the door, and didn’t move.
Then he harshly breathed out, and leaned back, a murderous expression on his face.
“We’re going for Sky’s place. It'll be safe there. And then we’re getting her back,” he said in a harsh whisper.
Wind and Four both nodded determinedly, and Ravio gave Legend a light nudge, looking like he didn’t know what else to do. It was telling that Ravio had stayed quiet almost this whole time— Wind knew his version of him could be a bit of a chatterbox sometimes— but now it was like he just didn’t know what to say.
It could’ve been the pain he was in, but Wind had a feeling it was more due to shock.
“Come on,” Legend muttered, nudging Wind forward, and they all hurried down the stairs, nobody speaking as Legend opened the secret hatch, then closed and locked it behind them.
Nobody spoke as they crawled through the tunnel, Legend leading the way and helping Ravio with his leg. Wind glimpsed tears on Legend's face from the light of the flashlight, but he didn't say anything about them, knowing it wasn't the time. They needed to get away from here first.
Four finally distributed the packs so he didn't have to carry them all, though Wind took two because Malon...
Wind swallowed, and shook his dark thoughts away. They'd just wanted to arrest them, not kill them. Malon would be captured, but he had to hope she would be fine. Especially with Warriors there, he wouldn't let them do anything bad to her...
An image of Warriors shooting ice at them with an emotionless look in his eyes shot through Wind's brain, and he held back a shudder, Four brushing his side.
Malon had to be okay.
She would be okay.
Wind swallowed again, and focused all of his energy on crawling through the dusty tunnel, not thinking about Warriors, not thinking about Malon, and trying his best not to listen to the quiet sound of Legend's tears.
Malon was silent as she was surrounded and handcuffed, though she still struggled and kicked like the horses she spent so much of her time with. Finally she was restrained though, and the man who was technically Warriors's superior grinned as he proudly announced she was under arrest for treason, participating in illegal ventures, aiding and abetting known criminals... the list went on.
Warriors held her silently while the man prattled on, and glanced at the basement door, still frozen solid. He tried not to let the hope show on his face, but he was overwhelmingly relieved inside.
He'd given Legend and the others some time. His nephew may hate him now, but it was worth it.
Malon stumbled suddenly on some of the ice, and Warriors automatically caught her, her head ending up rather close to his.
"Thank you," she whispered, so soft Warriors thought he'd imagined it. She gave him the smallest of nods when he looked at her though, and Warriors returned it, his throat tight.
She knew he'd helped Legend get away.
The man finally finished his list of alleged crimes, and Warriors prodded Malon to her feet as gently as he could manage while still putting on a show. She didn't resist, and they marched out of the house, Malon with her head high and undefeated.
I'm sorry Time.
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bg-anon · 2 months
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moeblob · 10 months
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I forgot how to draw her so practice doodlin' for Camilla.
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strawberri-draws · 2 years
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This man’s love life is atrocious lmao
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opikiquu · 7 months
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jack shouldve hopped through that window
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Rope MF is a first stage in his evolution next is Chain MOFO
About that…
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Rope MF is to much of a rope purist to touch anything that isn’t a rope
but you know who isn’t much of a rope purist?
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But I’m going to steal the name Chain MOFO because that’s a better name lol
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Bonus doodles because I had to much fun with the design:
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stergeon · 6 months
i also write exclusively with fountain pens (cursive anon)
anyways i liked your recent comic, i feel like edelgard's cuteness is amplified by her short statue. makes me want to pick her up like a cat lol (says someone who is also short)
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Byleth: Like a cat, huh...
Edelgard: ... can I help you?
Byleth: Tada
anon, you really shouldn't give her any ideas. for edelgard's sake.
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autism-corner · 9 months
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comments on em under the cut <3
-Jagged scars bc he did it himself with. a big knife.
-no sixpack. just bc.
-many pubes. other bodyhair is a bit less bc he isnt on T (<- excuse bc i couldnt make it look good /hj)
-pretty neat scars. got them done fairly early in his life.
-left his abs bc he really tries to keep em. dont particularly like it but :/ i feel like its part of him idk
-was on T a few years before getting isekai'd, aster helped him find a replacement.
-NEAT surgery scars. got them done, after his parents died, by top-level surgeons (+ didnt have big boobs to begin with)
-nips+snakebites+eyebrows pierced. hes a royal man he deserves it.
-left his pack bc i think he uses it as a coping mechanism....
-has been on proxy-T since a few months before his parents died.
-tiny boobs tiny scars. did them himself aswell.
-navel pierced bc hes a slut so ofc.
-no abs. this man does nothing to keep himself in shape.
-not on T but has found some remedy that has permanently lowerd his voice
-main reason for transition was so he could be in hiding better, he really doesnt care for much else.
-no nips.
-main control panel is in his abdomen bc its easily defendable. distinct connection of panels at the lines where they open bc i didnt want him to have abs and this works <3 + i couldnt figure out a reason behind topsurgery scars other than that <3
-no pubes bc hes a ken doll down there (i forgor)
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navxry · 6 months
Unpopular opinion about Genshin that I had with a friend (utc)
Is it bad that I'm starting to genuinely find the story too clean for it to be "good"? Like, it's so pure and so black and white coded on some areas that I physically just had to stop and go "... Eh, this is boring".
I get it. Genshin isn't flawless and that there's some issues with it etc etc, and that it's not always cut and dry, but you get what I mean, right?
I just find the game far too clean to really enjoy the nuances behind a person's actions. It's almost like a game of "oh great, who's gonna be this storylines bbeg?" and rolling my eyes when it's going to be the fatui after x amount of times.
Yes yes I'm aware the abyss order is bad and the fatui and oh their methods should be stopped whatever, but how about us? How about the people we help that are actually not as good as we think? How about those we made as companions turning against us because we trusted them?
I don't know, I just... Find it too straightforward with it's method. So much so that I've grown bored of. Yk. Following the plot along?
Maybe I'm just tired but. Yeah. Genshin's story is boring and I don't really find it exciting to go through it again. If anything, I just find their way of portraying good and evil just... So restrictive and so fucking cliche. It's driving me nuts and I WISH the devs would make it like HSR where it doesn't hold back on the dark themes.
I know it should've done that since Inazuma or Liyue or MOND, but to get that in Sumeru and Fontaine just makes what happened prior pale in comparison. And also, it's boring to look back on them because all I think now is "damn, they held back too much, now it looks like your stereotypical hero saves the day."
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