#someone finally chose her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thetheatreofvampires · 3 months
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"You must join or die."
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bluerosefox · 3 months
Her Astrophel and Sterling
You know what.
You know those AU's where the Batfam finds or learns about either hidden or thought to be dead Al Ghul Danny! with a deaged/daughter Dani (Ellie) (I should know, I created a few of those storylines) but what if, now hear me out, what if instead of them finding Danny first its Talia.
Do I want Talia discovering her thought to be dead son to be alive? Yes. Do I want her to find him while investigating Amity Park when the League gets reports of 'Lazarus creatures/water'? Yes.
DO I WANT HER TO KNOCK ON THE FENTON'S DOOR, fully ready to pretend/honey talk her way into the house to uncover what the Fenton's know, ONLY TO MEET A LITTLE ELLIE?!
Ellie whose eyes and hair look like a copy of her Beloved but she can see bits and pieces of herself as well. Talia knows the child in front of her was not fully her's though but everything makes sense when she hears a voice, a voice she hasn't heard in ages but as a mother just knows, speak out.
"Ellie! I thought I said do not answer the door my Sterling."
"But Daddy, yous was busy fighting the hotdoggys!"
Talia's eyes widen when she finally catches sight of familiar black hair and blue eyes.
and she could only lightly whisper a old nickname she hasn't dared uttered in ages, a name she secretly gave her son due to his love of the stars "Astrophel..."
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disastersteps · 2 months
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the wives and their short king (gn) goes on a vacay... and trying to find that one landmark by walking instead of taking that train-
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honeybard · 5 months
anyone wanna see my gay fish ladies mermay wip while I wait for my pen to recharge sure you do
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daylighteclipsed · 5 days
I doubt the devs meant for cloud strife to be so autistic-coded, but holy hell does he come across autistic
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running-in-the-dark · 3 months
my niece is staying with us for the whole weekend for the first time. until now it's always been one night only, not two.
it's the second night now and I have already decided this is not happening again anytime soon. I'm so fucking exhausted. it'd be less exhausting if it was my nephew, I think - he's older and also doesn't need as much help (even when he was her age).
I love my niece but she just asks so many questions. like when we're watching a show or a movie, even if it's one she has seen before (even multiple times), she doesn't understand what's going on and constantly asks me to explain everything. I don't mind it, really, but it does take a lot of energy. plus tonight it took over two hours for her to fall asleep because she was scared by the noises of the house and the nearby road. I get it, but damn I'm so fucking tired, I just want to sleep 😭
#my nephew will get to stay for two nights soon so that it's fair and everything#but then I think we'll go back to one night only for a while#I just can't sleep when someone else is here. and I do not handle being tired well. or rather being even more tired than usual#so yeah no this is too much#I'm so glad I don't have children. I literally would not survive#we played board games with her today. her idea. she chose the gsme#but it was so fucking difficult.....#I think most kids would have understood this game at like. 10 maybe. probably before that really#she's 12 and a half and just did not get it at all#she's got difficulties learning and she's finally getting (more) help for that in school now but I'm really.. a bit shocked that it took#this long for her parents to accept that#she's a great kid but it's been obvious since she started school that she needs more help#so anyway yeah it's 3am and I think she finally fell asleep after I put Charmed on for her#I've got a massive headache and I'm so fucking tired I feel like I'm losing my mind lol#couldn't sleep last night & I hope it's better tonight. but having someone else here is stressful.#ugh I wish this wasn't so hard for me. I want to be the fun aunt (I'm their only aunt.. aunt-like person... whatever) but I know I get more#and more impatient when they're here. I hate that. but I can't change it. I've tried! for 10 years! but it didn't work#don't get me wrong - I'm never mean or angry with them. I just get somewhat annoyed and I know it's noticeable and I hate that#they don't seem to mind. they love visiting us. but I don't like it because I hated the way adults treated me when I was a kid so I want to#be better#:(#anyway I have to sleep now or tomorrow will be hell :)#personal
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theoryofarson · 2 years
normally the 11th hour "this random side character was actually your BIOLOGICAL FATHER!" twist would be dumb contrived drama fare, but...I think it actually kind of makes sense for the warp effect.
as other people have mentioned, ultimately it's a show about how alex has passed pain on to other people due to his OWN sexual trauma and mental blocks. and of course, that trauma had to come from somewhere - we already knew it came from his mother and religion, but it's very interesting to learn that THAT started as his mother's response to being betrayed by a man and left to fend for herself.
now we can plainly see a huge web of parallels, or better, repetitions. alex's sin is the same as the sin that begat him. and alex's guilt is the same as teacher saran's guilt. to an extent, alex's unwillingness to forgive teacher saran is the same as jean's unwillingness to forgive alex.
i'm not sure yet how those stories of forgiveness (or lack thereof) play out. but what's clear is that this show is telling us about the responsibility we have for others. loving someone, being with someone, puts responsibility on all of us to take care of them. otherwise, it creates hurt, especially for those who are often cast in a more critical light by society (women, queer people), and that hurt carries forward into the lives of our children.
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tokyohobi · 5 months
the way nabi chose jaeeon over dohyeok will forever give me a headache 🤦🏾‍♀️
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icejello · 6 months
hi! i was looking for that conversation between sua and ivan people keep on referencing in relation to when she calls him a hypocrite? i was having trouble finding it
Hey! Sorry I'm not really sure where to find it myself but I've seen people post it with the English translation.
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This is like a translated version of the conversation they had that my friend sent to me. Ivan was calling Sua out for still choosing to sacrifice herself for Mizi even tho she knows it will only end up being a trauma for her and he basically called her selfish for that bcs in the end, she was only thinking about herself.
And as round 6 has shown, Ivan also sacrificed himself for Till so everyone just wants Sua to call him out for being a hypocrite by saying that to her as if he doesn't do it to himself.
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moss-sprouted · 1 year
I decided to go back and watch episode 1 to see the pit girl scenes again and
the first time they show the antler queen,its spliced in with nat's acid trip... its literally a shot of her face and then we see the antler queen, and the second time in the episode we see the brutality of those scenes is after we see adult nat!
do we REALLY still think what happened in the finale wasnt the intention to begin with? with all the foreshadowing they placed? and hell if it wasnt, then thats some damn good accidental foreshadowing
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rinmemesuoka · 1 year
help i went into a tag and saw takes
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"Suppalo doesn't do anything that a normal school wouldn't do " um yes?? Normal schools are horribly oppressive and control-oriented. They are designed to make kids think things that are not important carry this insane weight. Manufactured intensity is like their whole deal.
There are many many sources of oppression and control present in our lives, all of the time. If you can't question them enough that you think The Eclipse is a bad show because the mind control and strict rule aspect isn't dramatic enough... perhaps you need to watch The Eclipse. Idk.
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vaugarde · 2 years
ok sorry for wings of fire posting ik the warrior cats posting is probably enough psychic damage, but thinking abt how they assassinated anemone’s character in the second arc depresses me
#it had the potential to be really good and hey maybe theres something im missing#i dont disagree with her being a spoiled brat in the second arc at all. that makes complete sense with her character and we saw some of that#in the second book. it just wasnt the highlight bc the pov character was her royal sister who was being treated weird as well#my actual issue is with her animus magic. shes described as being scared to use it and worries about being seen as a weapon#she hides it from others (at the advice of her mom but still) and she talks abt albatross as being someone she feared becoming#so like. why the fuck. does she just carelessly use her magic on frivolous things in thesecond arc#if its bc shes finally free from her mom then thats weird  bc part of the reason she wanted out was bc she was afraid of animus magic corrup#corruption#its like they took that aspect of her character away and gave it to turtle instead#so to serve his arc shes suddenly all like ''oh well ill turn insane anyways so whoooo cares'' and he has to save her#i like that she hates him for giving her magic bc that at least makes sense but its so weird how suddenly shes like#oh noooo ill overuse it on small things. where before it made her so nervous#if its bc she did end up using more of it during book 2's climax then they should haveset that up better#bc in arc two it feels more like tui suddenly just wanted a spoiled brat ''i should do whatever i want'' character and chose anemone#and again. her being spoiled DOES make sense for her character. its the animus attitude that bothers me#echoed voice
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aftout · 2 years
Ok guys now I know for a fact that this Juliette’s Draft shit is for REAL. (had a panic attack because of it yesterday)
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yo9urt · 2 months
finally we are entering the Majima Zone (the post-dinner pre-bed hours that are exclusively designated as video game time)
#mine#i wanted to break or number his name to avoid search results as is my tradition but it would look weird#plus i feel like most people search his full name and not just that part so its ok#anyway. after spending a week and a half grinding side content with the other protagonist (who i will not name for aforementioned reasons)#i am FINALLY back with my pookie#i like KK a lot too dont get me wrong but majima does little smiles and laughs from time to time and KK does not do that#i just like him a lot ok i think hes neat...i want to roll him between my hands like a clay ball u know#i really love how both of them are like...man idk its such a fascinating character concept to me to have these guys#who are in the criminal underworld and who WANT to be there especially with majima starting the game actively trying to rejoin#so ur like ohhh they are evil ok. NO they are not evil KK is a sweetiepie who puts his morals above LITERALLY EVERYTHING#and majima when faced with the task of killing someone in order to achieve his goal could not do it#and is generally very sweethearted...i think thats what gets me about them is theyre both big tough scary mob guys on the surface#but then u actually play as them and see that theyre really sweetiepies deep down like theyre GOOD guys theyre just in odd and violent circ#mstances even if they chose those circumstances#its especially obvious in the substories imo and majima has some REALLY sweethearted pookie substories#last night i did the one where he helped a guy npc use a crossword puzzle to propose to his girlfriend and it was so cute i almost fell ove#and died. and i was like omg. he is so pookie...he's so nice too like in the cabaret club thing ok i mean i know money is part of that#obviously but like i remember doing the first special hostess training with yuki and majima was so nice and supportive i was like !!!#SOB EMOJI!!!! omg and when makoto was in the warehouse and he was trying to comfort her goddddd i love him so much#and for that reason i hate him and will be confiscating his baseball bat to hit him with it#i love him though...pookie
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hinderr · 4 months
#today on slightly concerning hinderr thoughts hidden in the tags of blank posts is; what if i'd deserved it#like. yknow. every bit of it. everything. i may not have earnt it back then but what if the things id done since and will do in the future#even out the scales and then i cant allow myself to stay the victim any more. what if ill make myself deserve it in the future. yknow#i laugh like my father and i draw like her and when i sit down and listen to any song thats slightly sad im reliving it all over again like#i cant put it down. i cant put it down. i keep picking it up and letting it pierce me through the chest again#took a uquiz earlier and it was the real poetic type yknow? one of the questions was 'where does it hurt?'#there wasnt an answer for 'my chest'. there wasnt an answer that accurately describes the tightness. that claustrophobic feeling like its#hard to breathe. like im miles beneath the ocean's surface. so what i chose instead was everywhere. and its-#this is a very irrational fear i realise. but. alas. here i am#god i want to say all i want is for someone to look at me the way id looked at her but i dont think i can withstand having all that#tenderness directed at me. oh god. is that how itd been for her too#i want to hate. i want to hate. i want to put this down and let it go#i want to tear my skin off my body and let my muscles and sinews breathe. i want to bleed out on the ground until every part of me thatd#been touched by her can just be left behind like an insignificant speck of gore on the ground and i can get up. made entirely anew#and for the love of fucking god finally let it go
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