#some of these translations are so funny to me
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translatingpostsinfrench · 17 hours ago
I think a very fun thing is how much the vocabulary of reproductive organs changes from English to French, especially how they're used.
- "You got so much pussy !" / "T'as tellement de chatte" means you're so lucky , "your ass is bordered by pasta" too. Meanwhile in english "being a cunt/twat " is an incredibly rude thing, "being a pussy" is being a coward, and "serving cunt" / "being cunty" is being show-stoppingly cool in aave ?
- "You're a dick at Mario Kart" means you're really bad at that game, meanwhile in english "you're a dick in mario kart" means you're an asshole
- btw we don't have "he's an ass" but "he's an asshole" is the same in both languages (yay)
- but we have "he's a dick-head / knot-head", meaning he's dumb and not nice
- "He's a wanker" just means he's lazy, not that he's mean
- "You're un-wankable" meaning you're laser-focused and nothing can bring you down (positive)
- And least we forget, "con" is an incredibly old timey way of saying vulva, like "quim", and now we use it for everything. "C'est con" to say it's dumb, but "Salut mon con" is a term of friendship. "Connard/ Connasse" to mean they're an prick and a bitch. "C'est des conneries" to mean so much things, mostly "it's falsehoods OR stupid shit OR dumb errors OR mean stuff" .
- and that made me think of Couillon, which could be "a baller" or "a nutter" or "a testes-er" but means "the dumbest fucking guy". And "couillonnerie" / "couillonnade" (a ballering ? A nuttering?) means a scam OR a very dumb act.
- And our main interjection, "Whore", which is used the same way as "shit" and " fuck" in english :,)
Anyway it's just to say, it's very funny to hear some of my fave streamers play mariokart and their dialogue, directly translated, is : "I'M SO UNWANKABLE ! " "No you just have a pussy, don't do gender !" "You just say that because you're a dick at it." "No i- WHORE ! i just took another pillar..."
the bottom line got me crying. so unwankable.
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pickingupmymercedes · 16 hours ago
The Weight of Saudade - Lewis Hamilton
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genre: fluff with hints of angst
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Brazilian!Reader!
wordcount: +1K
a/n: Axé inspired fic because I'm missing Brasil. If you want to check the song it's Nobre Vagabundo sung by Daniela Mercury.
a/n 2: Axé is in iorubå (african language), it means the light in every living being, and it's used in a few parts of Brasil as a greeting. But it's also a brazilian rhythm with some of the most angsty gorgeous lyrics on love, even with its upbeat feel (my favourite cup of tea tbh)
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
Time never asks if you’re ready as it goes on.
It just slips through your fingers, quiet and indifferent, moving forward whether you’ve had enough of the moment or not.
Ironically, I’ve spent quite a while thinking about that; how much of my life is spent watching the clock, counting down days until Lewis comes home, then counting down again until he has to leave.
It’s a cruel kind of math, measuring love in stretches of time apart instead of time together.
London is dull this time of year. Grey, drizzly, the kind of cold that seeps into your bones and makes you feel like you’ll never be warm again.
Lewis, though, is warmth is human form.
His weight is solid against me, the heat of his skin seeping through the thin fabric of my sweater where his head rests on my lap. His braids tickle my fingers as I absently trace circles at the nape of his neck, just over the tape covering his muscles, stiff from testing.
It’s been nearly a month of him in Maranello, and sure, I flew out when I could—weekends, stolen days between meetings—but it wasn’t the same.
I felt it every time I left, the cold settling each time I packed my bag to fly back. And now that he’s finally here, draped across me in the soft, lazy light of a London afternoon, I don’t want to move.
Outside, the rain taps soft against the soil. I watch it run down the glass, curling my toes under the blanket spread over us.
Without even thinking, I start humming, letting a familiar melody slip past my lips.
Lewis shifts slightly, one hand resting on my thigh as his phone buzzes against his palm. He doesn’t say anything at first, just listens, and I’m halfway through the chorus before I feel his fingers slide over mine.
“What’s that you’re singing?” His voice is thick with the sleepiness of finally being back in his own space after too long away.
Damn. I was not prepared for a pop quiz on my own nostalgia
“It’s, uh—” I clear my throat, buying time. How the hell am I supposed to translate this? It’s axĂ©. You don’t explain axĂ©; you feel it. “It’s a song,” I say, extremely helpfully.
Lewis laughs, turning his face slightly so I can see his smirk. “Yeah, babe, I figured that much.” His thumb is still sweeping over my hand, coaxing, patient.
I groan. “I mean, it’s—okay, hold on.” I take a breath. “It’s kind of about time. And love. And—” I make a vague gesture with my free hand— “you know. Life.”
He tilts his head up to look at me. “That’s vague as hell.”
“Because it is vague as hell,” I huff, but he just waits, smiling like he knows I’ll give in. Which, fine. I always do.
I hesitate for a second. Not because I don’t want to tell him, but because some things always sound different when you strip them down to another language.
More vulnerable.
And It’s funny—if I were talking to someone who knew the language, I wouldn’t even have to explain. They’d just get it. But here, with Lewis watching me so intently, I feel like I have to get it exactly right.
“Alright” I shake my head, but my fingers are still in his hair, softening the edges of my reluctance as search the song on my phone and let it play.
I start translating it as the song plays in the background. “How much time do I have
 to kill this saudades?”
His brows draw together slightly. “Saudades” He rolls the word around his mouth like he’s tasting it again.
I nod. “My love, this jealousy—it’s just vanity. If you run away, time will soon bring anxiety. To breathe love, aspiring freedom.”
I peek at him, half expecting him to be confused, but he just nods, his expression open. So I go on, the words thick in my throat.
“I have a crazy life
 and try to lead the world. I live from deep love. I perish in time. And I live for a second. Forgive me, my love, for being this noble vagabond.’”
Silence stretches between us for a moment, just the hum of the song, rain and the city outside.
And the quietness makes me feel absurdly self-conscious. I mean, I just translated a whole damn song in a overcast London afternoon to a man who knows about 5 words in Portuguese.
Lewis, as always, doesn’t let me sit in it too long. He squeezes my hand gently. “That’s beautiful” he murmurs.
I exhale, rolling my eyes a little, but he doesn’t let me dodge.
“It’s on wanting time to slow down” I say after a moment. “So you can actually be in it. So you don’t have to spend half of it missing what’s not even gone.”
Lewis watches me, his gaze steady in that way that makes me feel like he sees through my ribcage. “Yeah?”
I nod. “It’s one of the many meanings of saudades.”
His lips curve. “One of my favorite words I’ve learned from you.”
I smile, tilting my head. “Yeah, and what’s the second?”
His fingers tighten slightly over mine before answering in the most Rio de Janeiro accent you’ve heard in years. “Gostoso” (hot as in attractively hot)
And you can’t help the chuckle that escapes you as he smirks “Oh, shut up.” I flick his forehead, but he just laughs, eyes crinkling.
His face then softens, and he nods like he gets it. Like it makes perfect sense. “It always gets me how y’all manage to fit the deepest feelings in two paragraphs.”
I laugh, breathy and real, shaking my head. “It’s a skill.”
Lewis’ gaze darkens, his thumb stroking along my skin. “Yeah,” he murmurs. “But I get the feeling.”
I glance down at him, not even letting the words settle before I say them “I’m already with saudades of the time I’ll have to be away from you.”
But as soon as I say it I can’t the sigh, shifting slightly underneath him. “It’s stupid, right? We’re here. You’re home. And I’m still thinking about the next time you’ll have to leave.”
Lewis turns fully onto his back now, looking up at me. “It’s not stupid.” His voice is quiet, firm. “I think about it too.”
I don’t say anything for a second, just run my nails lightly over his scalp. “Ferrari’s making you happy, though,” I say, because it’s true. He’s been buzzing about it for weeks, despite the grueling testing schedule, despite the stress. And I love that for him. I do.
A small smile tugs at his lips. “Yeah. It’s been good. Crazy, but good. The car feels promising. And Maranello’s
” He trails off, exhaling. “It’s a dream, honestly.”
I smile, brushing a braid back from his forehead. “See? Worth it.”
His fingers find mine again. “Yeah. But still.” He lifts our joined hands slightly. “I always feel saudades of being away from you.” His smile tilts. “Did I use that right?”
A soft laugh escapes me before I can stop it. “Almost.” I brush a finger on his cheek. “But the feeling is right.”
Lewis hums, pleased with himself. His other hand slides up, pressing against my ribs, a slow, absentminded caress. “So what do we do about it?”
I sigh theatrically. “Dunno. Run away to Brazil. Hide out somewhere warm.”
His grin is immediate. “Sold.”
I roll my eyes, but his fingers tighten at my side, tugging me down slightly. “I’m serious,” he murmurs, voice lower now, lips brushing just beneath my jaw. “Just me and you, yeah?”
My breath catches for half a second.
God, this man.
I tip my head, letting my nose brush the top of his ear. “Just me and you” I whisper.
Lewis hums in agreement, tracing lazy circles on my wrist with his thumb. Then, after a moment, he tilts his head back at me, smirking “You’re gonna have to translate funk to me one day.”
I snort, shaking my head. “Yeah, not a change.”
I tilt my head, watching the way his lips twitch like he already knows where I’m going with this. “But I can show you.”
He lifts a brow, amused. “Yeah?”
I wink. “Yeah.”
His laugh rumbles against my skin as he sit up and looks at me like a kid who’s been told there’s candy.
The warmth of the moment muffles the biting cold, and for now, just for this moment, it’s more than enough.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @itsmrshamilton @vicurious28
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@priopp123 @strqirlhrts @hmmmmm-01 @bisexual-babygirl-mj @bebesobrielo
@hiireadstuff @f1-football-fiend @unlikelystay @thesizzler
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gh0stly-mp3 · 1 day ago
Hear me out... Lavinho hcs.... Jwudjs just anything lavinho pls I'll take it
Hii! I finally had time to do your suggestion, classes started so I didn't have time for anything. I loveeee Lavinho with all my heart, thank u! I have soo much things in mind
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in the brazilian style -> hcs
aka: no jeitinho brazuca de ser
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lavinho x gn!reader / lavinho hcs
synopsis: things i imagine lavinho doing as a brazilian in japan + other fun things he'd do in bllk
tags: lavinho hcs, crack/funny, brazilian memes, lavinho having the ultimate brazilian spirit
warnings: words in pt-br (w translation), mature language, don't take anything said personally
a/n: i had so much funny doing this! sending love to all my brazilians out there (i'm from sp, what about ya'll?)
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Lavinho would definitely be stared at a lot because he speaks and laughs to loudly, but he seem to don't notice it at all. He'd look at you and go like:
- "Hey, xuxu [cutie]! This city lights are fucking awesome! Those match my hairstyle!"
- "Yeah, they do, but can you be a little quieter, people are staring" - You'd respond
- "Opa [opss], sorry! I forgot that you gringos are too quiet"
He'd get as much souvenirs he could put in his suitcase so he could put all of them in his collection when he got home. He has fridge magnets, keychains, trinkets, etc
He'd complain all the time about the lack of beaches, sun, bars and noise. It pisses him of when he's in Brazil, but he often misses it
Lavinho would also complain about the japanese dress code, where people look at him weirdly for wearing shorts, a t-shirt stuck to the body, chains and rings and a juliet (a type of glasses)
He loves to discover new places in the countries he visits, so he'd beg you to show him the most unusual places in Japan, places where the majority of tourists wouldn't go
He'd go to a bar and start discussing politics with some random people, more specifically, brazilian politics
- "You know, our last election was very fierced, Lula against Bolsonaro. Do you know Bolsonaro?"
- "Uh? Bolsonaro?"
- "Yeah! Say "Foda-se o Bolsonaro [screw/fuck bolsonaro]!"
- "Foda-se Bolsonaro?"
Lavinho would talk shit about SĂŁo Paulo to whoever he could, saying that Rio de Janeiro is way better. And he'd get so angry in the process he'd start speaking in portuguese
- "Lå o céu é cinza, porra! Cinza! Eles não tem praia! Eles são uns fodidos! São Paulo é uma merda! [The sky there is gray! Fucking gray! They don't have beaches! They're arrogant fuckers! São Paulo sucks!]"
Lavinho would occasionally bring up some brazilian thing that no one knows like its the most normal thing ever. Some examples are:
- "Oh, so he's just like Virginia with social midia, got it"
- "This boy Shidou looks like he'd go on Rin just like Datena did to Marçal with that chair. Bam!" - He'd say while immitating Datena
- "Bachira, your friend Isagi looks just like Nazaré Tedesco in that meme"
- "MenĂł [bro], that goalkeeper looks just like et bilu. That dude is like a folclore creature"
- "You know, I grew up in favela Santa Maria, close to the laje do [slab of] Michael Jackson"
When Barcha starts loosing he yells: "C'mon! Brasileiro nĂŁo desiste nĂŁo [brazilians don't give up]!
He constantly mocks the way Ego speaks, doing a poor japanese accent and posing just like him. He'd do the same to Noa, but with a mocking french accent instead
Lavinho would teach each Barcha player how to celebrate their goal in brazilian style, showing them videos of Neymars, Ronaldinhos, Vini Jrs and Gabigol poses
He'd teach his whole team how to sing and dance to his favorite brazilian songs (mostly funk) and would let Bachira wear one of his juliets and take a lot of pics
He wouldn't believe that other countries don't use whatsapp, like, where do you guys even talk? He finds that really weird {i do too}
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 6 hours ago
recently i've been decorating my guest room a bit more, now that you can auto battles, which in turn got me paying more attention to the kinds of style characters prefer. with some it feels pretty predictable (like lilia's unique + cute combo or azul's stylish elegance), while others are slightly harder for me to decode. since i feel like there's quite the intent behind those decisions (cater's preference for cute things as well as simple things or jade's preference being not only stylish but also simple, practical) and you're very insightful, i was wondering if you had any thoughts on the topic :)
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I think the characters’ theme preferences make sense overall! Some might just take a little more brain power to come to a reasonable conclusion. For example, Cater might like Cute things due to his mother and older sisters’ influence—but also due to the shallow Magicam obsessed persona he usually shows the world. His true nature might gravitate more to Basic things, as we see him with makeup products that have minimal packaging and pretty toned down colors in his Relax in Room SSR card. Jade likes Stylish things, as he makes efforts to present as well-groomed
 to get people to trust him. He also likes Basic because he has a talent for finding practical uses for things—both people and items, as he can easily manipulate both to suit his needs. I’m not going to comment on every possible character, since there’s way too many to speak about individually. However, you can basically follow this logic for each of them:
Riddle — Stylish, Unique
Trey — Elegant, Cute
Cater — Cute, Basic
Ace — Unique, Stylish
Deuce — Basic, Elegant
Leona — Elegant, Unique
Ruggie — Cute, Basic
Jack — Basic, Stylish
Azul — Elegant, Stylish
Jade — Stylish, Basic
Floyd — Unique, Cute
Kalim — Cute, Unique
Jamil — Stylish, Elegant
Vil — Elegant, Stylish
Rook — Unique, Elegant
Epel — Basic, Cute
Idia — Unique, Elegant
Ortho— Unique, Cute
Malleus — Stylish, Basic
Lilia — Cute, Unique
Silver — Basic, Elegant
Sebek — Stylish, Unique
Grim — Cute, Basic
Rollo — Elegant, Stylish
Fellow — Unique, Cute
Crowley — Stylish, Basic
Crewel — Elegant, Stylish
Trein — Elegant, Basic
It’s really interesting how furniture theme preferences can easily translate into other aspects of characters’ individual tastes. For example, themes could indicate something about the character’s
 well, character, or personal style, even style preferences for a potential partner or for dressing friends.
If we looked at shared theme preferences:
Basic + Cute/Cute + Basic: Cater, Ruggie, Epel, Grim
Basic + Elegant/Elegant + Basic: Deuce, Silver, Trein
Basic + Stylish/Stylish + Basic: Jack, Jade, Malleus, Crowley
Elegant + Cute: Trey
Unique + Cute/Cute + Unique: Floyd, Kalim, Ortho, Lilia, Fellow
Elegant + Unique/Unique + Elegant: Leona, Rook, Idia
Stylish + Elegant/Elegant + Stylish: Azul, Jamil, Vil, Rollo, Crewel
Stylish + Unique/Unique + Stylish: Riddle, Ace, Sebek
Deuce and Silver, both children of single parents, share the same themes. Funny, cuz Silver says he’d want Deuce as his brother in his Union Birthday vignettes.
Malleus and Crowley having the same themes will feed the “Crowley is Malleus’s long last dad” theory 😂
Trey is the only character so far with a theme preference unique to him.
 I just picture Rook hovering in their shared homeroom and blabbing about interior design and Leona hating that he agrees with ROOK HUNT of all people 💀 (Idia probably hates sharing his tastes with these two, lol)
Vil and Crewel having the same themes makes sense. They have similar aesthetic sense, I think. They also worked together in the Fairy Gala events.
Interesting how Ace shares tastes with Riddle and Sebek, two people he is shown to frequently butt heads with.
If we break the groupings down into their top preference (because yes, order matters and the first/top theme is given priority):
Elegant: Trey, Leona, Azul, Vil, Rollo, Crewel, Trein
Unique: Ace, Ruggie, Floyd, Rook, Idia, Ortho, Fellow
Basic: Deuce, Jack, Epel, Silver
Stylish: Riddle, Jade, Jamil, Malleus, Sebek, Crowley
Cute: Cater, Kalim, Lilia, Grim
bcjsbsjenke Crewel and Trein both like Elegant but they also fight like a dog and cat
 The irony.
Fitting how “the outcasts” like Unique. Ace the Heartslabyul rebel, Ruggie the extreme poverty representation and disliked hyena, Floyd the flippant, Rook THE local weirdo, Idia the shut-in, Ortho the robot, and Fellow the man with unfortunate life circumstances.
Basic likers 😭 I was not surprised to find Jack and Epel here
 They’re pretty practical.
Class 2E boys (Riddle and Jade) like Stylish. Dnsbkwdbkdks Aw, Sebek also shares this with Malleus

Light/Pop Music Club share a love for Cute!! That’s a nice touch www
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urween · 2 days ago
Bloody Lamb | Bucky Barnes x ftm!reader | english version
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summary: Bucky would never have imagined that his neighbor was carrying a heavy load on his shoulders. However, he discovers scars on the latter, and thus his vision changes radically.
notes: the temporality is located in a mix of beginning and end of FATWS series; reader operated on the torso
⚠ warnings: strong mention/description of mutilation and scars, mention of dysphoria, traumas linked to Hydra
special thanks and credits to @sparrow-the-tired-lesbian who nicely helped me with this story's translation because it was originally written in french, my native language.
french version here
- 1 804 words - 2nd person description
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You were just next-door neighbors. He knew you by sight, knew how to define your silhouette and your height, as he could do with his other neighbors. Maybe he also recognized your voice when it echoed in the common corridor, like when Mrs. Jones shouted at her cats running away on the landing. He knew you without knowing you, that fine line that separated so many things and that was not held by anything. Maybe an insistent look from you would turn the weather vane, maybe not. But he knew all his neighbors because whether he wanted to or not he retained the information that emerged from individuals. A soldier had to be able to identify his victims in a crowd. He kept marks, more or less deep cracks that interfered with his daily life. If he hadn’t been the Winter Soldier, surely his mind would never have noticed Mrs. Jones’ slight limp, the smell that came out of Larry’s every Tuesday night, or the particular timbre of your voice. But he did it with everyone, you weren’t special. It would have been special if he could recognize the shoes you wore based on the wet marks left on your soles, the habit you had of always putting your cell phone in your left pocket, or the song you’d been listening to on repeat for the past few days. Then, you would have been special. More than a neighbor on the landing, you could have been his little obsession, the main object of a tease from his friend Sam for example. But that wasn’t the case until now.
“I’m lucky to have you,” the old man murmured.
Yori Nakajima was the neighbor you got along with best. Funny, sweet, and welcoming, you immediately felt at ease with him. Brooklyn was a big city and you had only been here for a short time, so Yori had helped you get familiar with the surroundings. In exchange, you would go see him once or twice a week. You talked most of the time, he would tell you about his youth and the kindness of his late son, and sometimes he would even teach you how to play Go.
"You have more and more fans," you smiled, pointing to a bouquet in the corner of the living room.
As he had done with you, Nakajima often helped young people who were a little lost. He gave them the support they needed so that they could then explore the city on their own. Over the years, he ended up having a small reputation in the neighborhood, and many of his old friends still came to visit him.
"These are irises, my favorite," he explained to you, "a neighbor brought me some this morning."
You leaned over to the coffee table to pour yourself some more tea. The wafting scent of the flowers reached you as you let your back rest against the back of the chair again.
"I thought you had a girlfriend."
Yori chuckled as much as his great age allowed him, nodding to thank you for the tea.
"I'm quite alone, and you and the others keep me company," he confided to you before changing the subject, "but I had an idea about that."
You saw the question coming before the old man could even open his mouth again.
"No, no lovers for me Yori, I already told you," you sighed with a smile.
"You're going off on a tangent right away, who told you I was going to talk about love?” He explained to get your attention again, “I simply think it would be good for you to make friends, and the young man I'm talking about would be a great match for you."
He had been trying for two or three weeks to get you to meet new people because according to him you were too lonely. However, you had explained to him the reasons for this social distancing, he had understood, while suffering too. But he said that time always healed wounds and smoothed out the deep cracks, that you had to open yourself up to life to enjoy it. You understood that, really, but the stability you had finally managed to find couldn't be destroyed, you didn't want to have to rebuild everything.
“You two look a lot alike,” Yori’s wise voice echoed one last time, “hiding in your burrows.”
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They weren't fluorescent, or noisy. They didn't attract attention, going unnoticed. Yet one glance at them and the decibels in the room exploded for you. In the past, you would never have imagined that scars could be so talkative. But they were, they proudly recounted their heavy sorrows to remind you that nothing was ever acquired. Everything could disappear overnight, everything could collapse in a fraction of a second. One wrong step, and you would fall back. The wrong person and all your efforts would be reduced to nothing. Living alone wasn't easy every day, but this way you avoided mistakes. No one could predict the reaction of a stranger, while yours was controllable. You knew what not to do, not to mention, the others didn't know it and by the time they understood it could already be too late.
Yori knew about your operation, he knew that you had two beautiful scars on your chest, but it had taken time. It had taken you time. The old man didn't know more, he guessed the darkness that you kept to yourself but he knew someone else in your case, and talking about it didn't always help. Other people knew about your trans identity, you couldn't hide it and you didn't want to anyway. But it remained there, no one went beyond that barrier.
It had also taken you time to let your other scars out in the open. But you quickly realized that no one noticed them. They weren't fluorescent or noisy to them. Hidden on your thighs, dull enough that a curious eye would simply think they were stretch marks. Who would have paid attention? For this reason, you could once again appreciate any clothing revealing these marks. You could wear a simple t-shirt or sweatshirt as pajamas with boxers, and take out the trash in this outfit. You rarely ran into anyone, and even if you did, they didn't pay attention.
However, you didn't expect to come face-to-face with your neighbor on the landing. A man – quite attractive, it had to be admitted – about your age who had a mysterious aura around him since you arrived, as well as gloves. You suspected Yori of wanting to set you up with him, that it was the famous "young man with irises". He came to see your friend very often, you had even crossed paths with them at the bar downstairs from your place the other day. Barnes, that was his name, you had read it on the mailbox next to yours. You didn't know anything more about him and it had never bothered you.
"Good evening,” your neighbor's grainy voice echoed.
You smiled at him, murmuring a polite formula in return, as the rules of society required. With your trash bag in hand, you opened the brown storage lid before throwing your waste in. You didn't expect anything else, there was nothing more to expect, you didn't know each other. So you turned around, smiling at him kindly before closing the exterior door of the building.
But he didn't move, his eyes fixed on the void that a few seconds before had been filled by your thighs. You had scars.
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Overnight, you became special. He recognized your footprints, your habits, and your songs. His ears picked up without his consent the slightest noises that passed through the barrier of the walls separating you.
Bucky had seen many scars, first as an American soldier, then as the Winter Soldier. The memories had taken time to come back but those linked to Hydra had never left. Eyelids closed, he still saw those distorted smiles, those pulsing veins. He still saw all those innocents repatriated to these basements as he had been, he saw them gradually lose hope. He still saw the last traces of life leave their lively eyes, he still heard their screams. Closing his eyes, he imagined himself again lying on the camp bed that had been assigned to him. He could imagine again the thoughts that crossed his mind, the last ones seeming to belong to him. I hope they die, he said to himself at the time, regarding his future peers, I hope they never see what I see. Death was a beautiful escape from the prisons of Hydra. If he could have, he would have succumbed to it, but he had been too precious.
He had seen many scars, but never like yours. A torn face, a leg in pieces, or a dog bite were endured, not chosen.
The metal weapon that served as his arm had not been chosen by him at the start. The red star that had adorned it had been imposed on him. The arm he wore today had been chosen by him, but the wound that caused it was nothing but torture. Whether it was an accident or a voluntary act, scars had never been anything but torture in his eyes. Why inflict them on ourselves? Why cut our flesh with our own hands?
They were dull, almost completely blending into your skin, but he had seen them. They had jumped out at him.
He wasn't a nurse, much less a doctor, but he knew how to recognize these kinds of things. It wasn't a cat or some accident that had caused these marks, it was you alone. The place, the depth, the angle. It was mutilation, and he had strangely never seen that.
By dint of seeing only horrors, deaths, attacks, and more, Bucky ended up forgetting the others. Those who suffered without showing it, who cried in silence. Not everyone had an arm missing or purple skin to show their misfortunes. He had the example of Yori, but he had never noticed that in you. Unconsciously, he liked imagining a happy being living next to him, maybe you could have contaminated him? But he forgot that even the gentlest of lambs had suffered.
He wanted to get to know you, he needed to know you
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images : Pinterest
dividers : @/thecutestgrotto, @/strangergraphics and @/pommecita
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archivalofsins · 2 days ago
Thanks @doctorbunny for helping me find the source to answer this,
"Is it said that the staff thought Mahiru would be forgiven in trial one, or?"
Well not by the entire staff but Yamanaka and Deco themselves said they hadn't anticipated Mahiru being found guilty within the Milgram Second Anniversary Stream that was translated by Maristelina,
Yamanaka: Ahh
 I don’t know about Deco-san, but in my mind I kind of had a hunch about if this person would be forgiven, or if they wouldn’t be forgiven. I was wrong about 2 people. Amami: Wow, two people? Lounsbery: Can we ask who? Yamanaka: Hmm what should I do? Maybe just one
 hm, what to do? Lounsbery: We want to know at least one Yamanaka: Should I do it? What should I do
 Umm Amami: Hey, tell us Yamanaka: Um
 Mahiru Amami: Oh
 Mahiru-chan Lounsbery: Did it surprise you? Yamanaka: Well, not surprised per se, but I pictured that she would be forgiven in the beginning. How about you Deco-san? From a composer perspective. Like did you have a feel for whether a song would lean towards being forgiven, or not forgiven?
This is also the same livestream where they assert that the prisoners cover songs are unrelated,
Deco: Mahiru. Amami: So it’s Mahiru Deco: I thought the result would be the opposite. It was unexpected. The song itself was cheerful, cute, a girl in love. Amami: The comments are saying her voice drama was scary Deco: I guess she has this something that’s seeping out of her, and that’s scaring people. Amami: I’ve been told that it’s unrelated, but I’m pretty sure her cover song is also influencing the results. Yamanaka: It’s totally unrelated. Deco: Covers of Deco*27’s songs are completely unrelated. Unrelated.
So, neither Yamanaka or Deco expected Mahiru to be found guilty trial one but they also didn't anticipate one other prisoner getting the verdict they received trial one. Yamanaka and Deco noted this in regards to Milgram,
Deco: We’ll talk more about the second trial later, but I just want to say that it’s so fun to produce contents for Milgram. We receive votes from everyone who’s sending us comments right now, and we come up with new ideas based on those votes. Milgram isn’t only made by the people sitting here, but also by the viewers. I felt it’s a very fresh take, and I had a lot of fun Yamanaka: We can’t prepare the screenplay or music beforehand. It really feels like a free-style rap based on the answers we get from everyone. Amami: True true Deco: It’s a lot of hard work Yamanaka: Like if that’s how you’re gonna come at us, then we’ll add these factors in. I have that side to me and I’m sure Deco-san does too, like adding new information or setting. That’s also a part of the fun over the last two years.
Milgram has been very reactionary in hindsight. It's kind of funny to look back on this livestream now,
Lounsbery: I really think writing scenarios is a difficult job. Plus people speculate and write their own theories on how things are going to turn out. Do you ever feel like you never want to make those theories come true? Yamanaka: Yup. The story progression has already been decided though. Lounsbery: Of course Yamanaka: It’s already been decided, and most of the time I already have a feel for how people are going to guess, and what kind of speculation will be born. But there are times when I see something that comes from a completely different angle, and I feel tempted to direct the story that way because it’s so interesting. That’s how diverse the minds of our audience are from all walks of life and various parts of the world, and I feel great value in our contents.
There were also more discussions on the prisoners verdicts some highlights to me are,
Yamanaka: Arthur-sensei, what was your view on Milgram? Yamanaka: Arthur-sensei, what was your view on Milgram? Lounsbery: I think it comes down to, “Ah, so this person is forgiven while this person isn’t?” I had a lot of thoughts about that. We can see the changes in the votes in real time, so I wondered at what point did people have changes of heart. At first you can have this person with majority votes, but before you realize, the other person has more votes. I’m guessing that’s due to everyone changing their minds as the speculations are updated. I want to peek into the thoughts of everyone who follows the websites that post speculations and theories. Like why did they decide they could no longer forgive certain issues.
"It’s ok for everyone else but not for me."
Yamanaka: But was there anything that turned out differently than you expected? Deco: Kotoko has a scene in her MV that shows her clearly beating someone, yet she was the most forgiven character, and that was unexpected for me. Like, why?
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24/07/05 (Mu’s Birthday)
Mu: You know, I think this is all your fault really. Everyone’s on edge because you lashed out. And because of that, nobody’s paying attention to me any more. It’s kinda boring. I don’t get it. Kotoko: 

you went out of you way to say that to my face? Aren’t you scared of me? The next target of my fangs might be you. Mu: Why? Kotoko-san, aren’t you punishing the bad guys? I didn’t do anything wrong. And anyway, fufu, you’re talking like you’re fine too. Aren’t you gonna be not forgiven too this time? What will you do then?Start biting yourself? Fufu, that’s hilarious. I want to watch. Kotoko: 

you’re good at provoking people. I’ll pray that you won’t be forgiven this time. When that time comes, I’ll be sure to crush you.
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"But, I must say, the current situation within this prison is directly influenced by the fact that she was once found “innocent”."
Yamanaka: Like Deco-san mentioned earlier, instead of those with blatant depictions like Haruka and Kotoko, those without any depictions, like Mahiru, are less likely to be forgiven. It’s interesting how people approach Milgram
"What I saw was... Just you having fun."
I'm sure you were in love. Your feelings of bliss were conveyed to me as well. "Right? It was really fun- Did it make you want to fall in love?" No clue about that one. "Heh, you're so cold~. So, how... does that correlate to me not being forgiven?"
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It was so unexpected that there's an error in the second trial commencement notice that literally contradicts itself by saying,
"Your judgment was “guilty”, and as such, her ideas were affirmed. Because she was found “guilty”, she’s lost the raison d’etre of her own existence."
So yeah those are all the reasons I'm pretty sure they didn't expect Mahiru to be guilty trial one.
What do you think a Trial 1 Innocent Mahiru would be like?
I know this is going to be short but if anyone wants to know what a trial one innocent Mahiru would look like they just have to look at Mu. I was discussing this in a server I'm in but there are three choices when it comes to the prisoners verdicts,
Say nothing (Don't engage. Leave them be.) Guilty/Don't Forgive (Reject, Restrict, Restrain.) Innocent/Forgive (Accept, Affirm, Allow.)
Due to the ways in which the audience choose to engage with Milgram there are a lot of possible paths that are for lack of a better term lost to us now. For instance we never got to find out what would happen if Es just shut the hell up and didn't give a judgment on certain prisoners as they were told to do by many prisoners.
I think that we will be seeing the aftermath of enabling certain characters behavior twice in a row more clearly once the commencement notice drops.
Since as we saw trial one the Innocent/Forgive verdict doesn't just give the character leniency and show mercy too them but validates if not outright states to them that the behavior that led to that predicament is okay.
We saw this with Haruka,
"It is. I felt uneasy about it this whole time
 Someone as worthless as me having killed someone to gain attention, and a person who surely had more worth and more of a future than me, at that
 "But it turns out that I did nothing wrong after all! It wasn't wrong of me to kill her! There was never anything for me to worry about
 um, by the way Warden-san! I don't know about this, but
" What? "You forgave me because I'd only given the bullies their just desserts, right?" 
 I guess so. "What was it called again
 Revenge? That means revenge is an acceptable motive, right? So if you don't forgive me this time, that'd mean that it isn't." 
 "Leaving behind all that stuff you said about me possibly having been a bully myself- not that any of that's true, of course!" Sure. "So, if I'd gotten payback for how my bullies treated me, then that'd count as revenge, right? And if you believe that was my only option, then don't you have to forgive me?" 
 I'm not really sure what you're trying to say
 "You see~, if you think that me bullying someone back after being bullied is the natural course of action, then wouldn't it be bad to bully me back in return?" 
 "But if you were like, "I won't forgive you Muu! Revenge is bad!" then wouldn't that imply that it's also bad for me to bully someone back after they bullied me?"
Mu you said it was okay for me to bully people who bullied me when you voted me innocent first trial. If you had said you didn't forgive me then you'd have said that revenge is bad. Yet, the fact is you forgave me so revenge is good so it's acceptable for me to bully people who have bullied me. You're verdict said that is the correct course of action so if you bully me now then you'll deserve exactly what happens after that right?
"If you want to betray from jealousy- You know what’s gonna happen ON YOU."/ "Is this fun for you? Tying me up, bullying me, watching me suffer. You’re just like the others, getting mad because I was lucky in life and thinking you can treat me however you want."
and Kotoko through her attacks on the prisoners.
However in the case of Yuno, Shidou, and Kazui their responses to their verdicts were treated as vague. In Shidou's case his response to his verdict wasn't really that vague. He just did what he said he'd do if he was forgiven continue what he was doing regardless of how meaningless it was.
Kotoko's attacks allowed Shidou to showcase how he hadn't changed one bit as he weighed lives against each other. Deciding who was salvageable and who was a lost cause,
It's been a while, Shidou. "Orbital floor fracture on the right." Hm? "Traumatic retinal detachment. Bruising. Lacerations. Partial fracture of the thorax." ... "This is Kajiyama-kun's present condition." Futa's...
"“Throw down”, someone’s value cannot be the same as another. “Throw down” should choose between superiority or inferiority."
23/10/24 (Shidou’s Birthday)
Mahiru: You have a family right, Shidou-san

? How does it feel, being married, having kids

? Shidou: 

yeah, it’s a wonderful thing. Children

 yeah. They really are hope for the future. When you have your own, suddenly it becomes fun growing old. Since as you grow older, you get to see them grow up. Mahiru: Ah

 how lovely. It was always my dream to become a bride. Though maybe that seems a bit out-dated. I wish it could’ve come true

 Shidou: It isn’t too late. I’m going to make sure you live. So let’s get out of here, and you make your wish come true. 

you still have so much to live for.
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"You don’t even know yet, and yet... Killing, extracting, I still won’t see them again I need to be tagged as RED."
Shidou's Aesculapius
Shiina-kun's is even worse. Head lacerations. Bruising all over her body. A sprained neck. Fractured ribs. Further fracturing to the left arm. And furthermore... This may be outside my profession, but her mental health is deteriorating as well."
"So this is unpleasant, so this makes me sick- What do you mean INNOCENT"
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"If this is my punishment. Now I see, this world is cruel and merciless."
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"“Throw down” it’s ok, that’s enough Can’t stay away Please don’t forgive me. That’s why I want this to end."
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"I’m still guilty even if the morning comes."/"No thank you, it’s none of your concern."
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"[Cackling] Not dead... yeah she's definitely not dead... I finally understand the value of what I've been robbing people of."
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"To keep you alive, you are still living."/ "Killing, extracting, I still won’t see them again."
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"Lying, replacing with hope."/ "The correct answer, I don’t yet know, but there are lives that need safeguarding."
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noun 1a : pass, safe-conduct b: convoy, escort 2a: a precautionary measure, stipulation, or device b: a technical contrivance to prevent accident safeguard verb safeguarded; safeguarding; safeguards transitive verb 1: to provide a safeguard for 2: to make safe : protect
24/09/02 (Yuno’s Birthday)
Shidou: Thank you for your assistance with Shiina-kun’s treatment. It’s been a big help having you here. Both for her and for me. It’s good to know that even if something happens to me, you’ll still be around. Yuno: No way. I can’t do anything on my own. All I’m doing is helping with whatever you’re doing. It’s just like playing pretend as a nurse. Shidou: No, you’ve got a good sense for things like this. You’re quick to notice things, calm, and fearless. If you haven’t decided what you want to be in the future, maybe you should consider becoming a doctor yourself. Yuno: You think so? 

haha, stop it. I don’t want to be thinking about the future right now. And for someone like me to have other people’s lives in my hands

 that’s no laughing matter.
Honestly the audience is lucky they only managed to recreate three of the prisoners crimes. We could've gone ten for ten-
23/05/15 (Interrogation Start: Shidou and Mahiru)
Jackalope: Prisoner 05, Shidou Prisoner 06, Mahiru. The interrogations for these two will now be held. Just leave your questions in the comments here. Ask whatever you want to know. This is where you show off your skills as a prison guard. 

hmmm. These two have now totally slipped into the roles of doctor and patient huh. It probably isn’t a good time to be getting interrogated for them

 but, well, it’s the rule.
Let's give the guy in here for malpractice another patient he definitely wouldn't do the same thing again,
"“Throw down” it’s ok, that’s enough. Can’t stay away."
He definitely would not take advantage of another person having a medical emergency. He did not have a documented history of doing anything like that to other people's family. Definitely not.
"Hey, you remember what it feels like? The feeling to take away in order to give."
Shidou began focusing all his energy into recreating the dynamic of doctor and patient that led to the crimes he committed to be here in the first place.
Once again over tending to his plants until they died,
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Smothering them with care the same exact way the prisoner paired with him smothered others with her affection. Showing no regard for how her feelings and the way she expressed them impacted those around her,
"My emotions are out of control, that’s inconvenient? I don’t care! Tell me, oh tell me why, won’t you just accept me?"
Somehow creating what could possibly be most the fitting end for both of these characters their interaction leading to their mutual destruction.
Though that's just what I believe happened. Hell maybe he had nothing to do with it. I have no attachment to any of these characters leaving here with a stellar reputation regardless of how they leave if at all. But what does this have to do with Mahiru being innocent trial one?
I'm building a bit of a case study on how the innocent verdicts have impacted the prisoners in order to attempt t to deduce what trial one innocent would look like for Mahiru.
Given the hints from Mahiru's first voice drama and the focus on reciprocity. I've stated in that same server that she would have more than likely become more open about her behavior in order to reciprocate Es' kindness. She says it herself in This Is How To Be In Love With You,
"I’m going to start relying on you if you’re kind to me, so please forgive me, thanks!”
In her second voice drama Mahiru would have more than likely begun venting to Es about her relationships. We would have heard contradictory factors about the person she's been with. This would have alluded to what This Is How To Be In Love With You and I Love You alludes to that Mahiru was seeing multiple people.
This is alluded to in This Is How To Be In Love With You through her myriad of outfit changes, the changes in the interests of the people she's going to see, the fact that out of all those pictures we only see this guy once and it's his arm.
These statements,
Q.03 Have you ever cheated on someone? Mahiru: Of course not! How could you ever cheat on someone!? Right!? Q.05 Who do you dislike most out of the other prisoners? Mahiru: Futa-kun is a bully, so definitely out! Also Mikoto is pretty flippant, he kinda seems like the type who’d cheat~
There is no reason for anyone to bring up cheating this often or for these questions to be chosen if they didn't show tell us something about the characters being asked the question. Then in I Love You,
"Saying I love you but doing what I did, I know I have no right, crossed and covered in sin."
We'd probably get to see when she began to have relationships like that. She'd start trying to give Es love advice, tips on how to better communicate with the other prisoners, start asking if their was anyone they'd fallen in love with yet. Probably assume it was Mu since she was innocent.
Her second trial song would have probably focused on finally getting the acceptance she felt she deserved and finding understanding. The stalker thing would still be mentioned and she would possibly be confused or brush it off like well of course you want to know everything about the people you're with it's the same as how you are with all of us right. You want to know us in and out because you care about all of us right that's love too?
Ultimately Mahiru as a character embodies the states of love. So, we'd probably shift to another form of love like with agape, eros, storge, philia as she would try to teach Es the concept in hopes of them better understanding and accepting her. Due to being rejected she cranked things up to a hundred jumping straight into saying I love you to get her point across. Because those three words can have a bit of stun effect especially when said out of nowhere and so much like that.
She ultimately used the phrase so much it lost its meaning. Well it still had its meaning but it became really doubtful that Mahiru understood what it was. Because of that she was mostly labelled as too delusional to understand what she had done was wrong despite blatantly admitting she was informed by the person that her behavior was making them uncomfortable multiple times.
"I know it's not the type of question you want to be asked I can’t help myself because I want to see your cute confused face, I’m sorry."
Mahiru's response to being rejected is to pursue harder. Is to come on stronger until the other party gives in. Her response to being accepted seems to be to lose interest. To back off, stay leveled, and look for other things that would be more exciting than the monotony of a regular relationship. Including just sewing chaos in the relationship she currently has just to do it. So much so that she notes it's a pattern to the extent of being considered a ritual by her,
"Even when I test you, even the times we do the breakup ritual- Is because I love you."
Ultimately she would have ended up guilty trial two because she would have blamed everything on others in her life for not being accepting enough. Or not,
"Do you really think you know what love is?"
Really knowing what love was like she does. She would become the resident love expert and start pursuing the object of her affection heavily which is implied to be Kazui,
Kazui: By the way

 thanks, Shina-chan. You keep going around and talking to people to make sure the mood never gets too sour, right? It’s a big help. We’re all in here together, after all. If a fight broke out the whole group could fall apart. Mahiru: 

eh? Huh~? Ah, no, I’m just talking to people because I personally want to talk. All the kids are so cute, so I can’t help but want to fuss over them! A fight, huh
 But if that ever happened, then you’ll definitely be a big help, right~? Since you’re so big! And buff! Kazui: Ahh, no. I mean, I’ll do what I can. Based on appearance, as long as nobody has a weapon, I think I can probably get everyone under control

 No, we should just hope that nothing like that ever happens. Mahiru: You know, I quite like watching martial arts, actually. I don’t really get it, but it looks super cool. Hi-yah! Hi-yah!
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Day. 5
point: watch Left: Today I started talking to him by chance, and he told me that his hobby is running. Without thinking I took a chance where I saw it and told him “I’m interested too!” so now we’re going to go running together. Even though I’m really bad at exercise

 I’ve never run so much in my life. Totally exhausted. Don’t lose focus even when exercising! The pastel tones mean not only do you look ready to go but also give off a cute oneesan appeal. Hoodie, T-shirt, shorts, leggings, cap, sneakers, wristwatch  All personal possessions
Mahiru: Yeah, I’m asking for what you like in the opposite sex! I mean, with a lifestyle like this we have a lot of free time, right? So earlier when I was talking with all the other girls we got onto the topic! It’s not often you get a chance like this to live with a mix of men and women together, so I thought it might be nice to use the chance to talk about stuff like this in preparation for when we leave. Kazui: Ah

 Haha, I understand. I can see that’d be the sort of thing girls your age would be interested in, huh. How peaceful. What I like in the opposite sex
 I don’t know if what I say will really be a good reference for you

 Ah, you know, since I’m at this age. I like a girl who can just smile free of worries. Seeing that’d make my old, tired heart feel young again. Yuno: Uh-huh, I see, I see. 

that’s a total lie, right? Kazui: Haha

 Give me a break here. You sure don’t make things easy for people, Kashiki-chan.
Q.05 Who do you dislike most out of the other prisoners?
"Futa-kun is a bully, so definitely out! Also Mikoto is pretty flippant, he kinda seems like the type who’d cheat~"
Mahiru: Shidou-san

 you’re really good-looking. Personally I think you’d be better if you ate a bit more, but you’re slim and tall, and well put together to boot

 You must’ve been super popular up until now, right? Shidou: 

yeah, that’s true

 I did my share of fooling around in the past. Mahiru: Oh~? That’s not the sort of answer I’d expect from you. I’ve got it! Somebody told you that if you replied like that people wouldn’t resent you so much, right? Shidou: Haha, I’m surprised you guessed. 

it seems that no matter what guise I put on, it’s meaningless against a woman’s insight.
Q.20 What do you think about smoking?
Mahiru: I’ve never smoked myself- But if the person I like did, then I might start to be like them.
21/08/05   (Kazui’s Birthday)
Kazui: Oh, Shina-chan? How scandalous, coming to a man’s room in the middle of the night like this. Well, not that it’s really a room, just a cell. 

just kidding, since you brought some drinks with you, I’m assuming you’ve come to wish me a happy birthday, right? Thank you. Mahiru: Yep! Happy birthday Kazui-san~ Clap clap clap! But as well as that~ 

I also just maybe wanted to use it as an excuse so I could ask you for some advice over drinks, I suppose? Kazui: Advice, huh. Well, you’re more than welcome, but I don’t really know what advice an old man like me could give you. I haven’t got the first clue about what love is like for a young girl nowadays. Mahiru: Ahaha

 Don’t worry, much as I’d love to talk about that too, um

 er, Kazui-san. You know, recently I’ve been having the same dream every day. Lots of people were denying my actions

 Denying my thoughts

 that sort of dream.
"Ring ring, I’m calling you in the middle of the night."/ "
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Q.05  If you went to an amusement park, what ride would you choose to go on? Kazui: Not gonna lie, I kinda want to go on the merry-go-round.
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With Shidou, Mahiru and Kazui all innocent round one I feel like Mahiru would start smoking as an excuse to get closer to Kazui. Then that would in turn bring her closer to Shidou who was already showing an interest in Mahiru due to the many ways she resembles his wife. Being good at cooking, cleaning, communication, and with kids like Amane.
This would open up the love triangle route. Where Mahiru is interested in Kazui, Kazui is annoyed or put off by her advances (not really interested in anyone), Shidou is interested in Mahiru and worried about how the verdict has been impacting her because she just started smoking seems to be changing a great deal and in a very insignificant amount of time at that.
She'd basically start annoying Kazui the same way that Mu began annoying Yuno. She'd then be more guilty trial two for getting in the of a lot of people's favorite ships. People would react worse to Mahiru even trying to fuck Kazui then they did to Mu and Haruka's relationship where no one was fucking. There wasn't even much inclination that was going on with them and both their fans wanted to burn the other character at the stake for daring to be near their precious child.
People would be calling for Mahiru to be killed out of jealousy. Because she dared to even make one advance at Kazui. Not me though girl you pursue your dreams.
Shidou was like there's still time you can get out of here and do that while Mahiru was laid up and bed like yeah out of here and do it. Kazui off patrolling the prison as this woman is sat in bed with two attendants. Kazui and Mahiru were stopped from doing the funniest thing due to those first trial verdicts.
It would have been amazing to see her pursue that harder. Because she was pursuing it. She never asked any other man what their type was. That was a Kazui specific question. We didn't see that conversation with the girls she was talking about. Plus we know the other girls here who the fuck was really asking that question at that time?
Mu was afraid and requesting deserts. Kotoko is Kotoko. Do you think she asked. Yuno is there and could have corroborated her story but instead was like let me point out how this man is lying.
Just him and she quickly dismissed any other man here as not good enough for arbitrary reasons or just based of vibes.
She knew she is twenty-three she navigated that well but she knew. Her coming in their trial two and being like thanks to Milgram I found my true love and Kazui coming in trial two like you need to do something about this woman before I do. While Shidou is over here getting Mahiru's help tending to Amane after she inevitably gets wounded because Kotoko would then attack in this order,
Mikoto- (intervenes)
This would be wild. It would logically be what would happen. Like it's logistically Kotoko's best bet to attack the most people. However it going this way relies on the idea that Kazui would still intervene during the attack with Futa which would leave Amane tto get really messed up by Kotoko's attack.
Now hear me out.
In this circumstance Futa might get fucked up more and Kazui would have probably intervened with Amane instead. Because in the first attack he choose the younger of the two prisoners Kotoko attempted to attack to step in on. So in this scenario he may do that again.
Protecting the kids like Mahiru asked him to.
This of course only makes Mahiru want him more. He's a protector she thinks. He's so strong and did the best he could she says. She just wants to be a little more like him it's not weird to want to be like the person you like Es and she can stop smoking any time. She started and she can quit!
Mahiru on that Gilbert Nightray behavior if you know then you know. I love how I said this was short but I actually have so many thoughts on this because it's a hilarious setup. Man it would have been hilarious if she was innocent trial one because the staff didn't expect her to be guilty. So her innocent scenario must have been so much worse.
Like there are a lot of ways it could have went if she was innocent trial one but given statements within canon this is something I see as being incredibly likely. Yeah so that's all I've got on that sorry for like accidentally posting the answer before it was complete and hope you can see this.
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raynestormss · 1 year ago
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The Heart Acoustic, Mind Electric, and Soul Eclectic all thrown into Google Translate.
(I couldn’t fit all of The Soul Eclectic into one image, sorry!)
78 notes · View notes
unpersoniverse · 5 months ago
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Skén:nen så:sewh
as promised, here's Precious boyℱ getting kissed by Precious wifeℱ because he deserves all the love in the world :cc
translation: Get home safe
#nobody translate the file name#nah but home girl is the strongest soldier let me tell you#imagine date/being married to an assassin fr I would loose my mind#I'm such a sucker for the friends to lovers trope ok hear me out#Girlie is an ally to the assassin's and that's how she meets Connor and they become friends because RatonhnhakĂ©:ton deserves more friends o#she is VERY smart knows how to stand her ground but also very sweet and funny he respects and admires her a lot and so does she#she's from another displaced kanien'kehĂĄ:ka clan they bond really close sooner than later the feeling just blooms everyone's knows but THEM#until prob the recruits and the people in the homestead get tired of these oblivious fools in love and plot to finally get them together#I headcanon Connor didn't settle down completely until they were expecting their first child like they both panicked when they realized#I mean they're already married and stuff but still our girl is all over the place bcs she's scared of something happening to him or the bby#and connor acts cool and leveled on the outside but he's just a whirpool of emotions on the inside as well it's really funny to watch#they probably broke down in tears from both laughter and fear but they are amazing parents we are certain of it :')#I want their dinamic to be like that mainly because Connor deserves some light and laugh in his life after all the things he went through#connor i'm in love with your wife#ratonhnhakĂ©:ton#connor kenway#connor's mistery wife#ac 3#assassin's creed#oc#the way you can tell I almost never draw men just from this sketch 💀#my art
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hanzajesthanza · 5 months ago
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(Adam Dudaczyk) The fact that vampires drink blood to get that *meaningful hand-neck gesture* - you made that up? (Andrzej Sapkowski) Yes, I didn't model myself on anyone here, I don't know anyone who wrote before me about the fact that vampires drink blood not to satisfy their hunger, but to satisfy their thirst for
 entertainment. Texts: the guys sent me to get blood, I was flying drunk
 The fun was great.
as i reread this i couldn't stop thinking of this meme
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#EDIT: see replies and asks right after this - hitting the side of the neck means drunk :D#i think the 'gesture' here must have been tilting your head back and lifting your hand to your lips mimicking throwing back a shot#but i don't know because nothing more is described in the writeup of the interview anyways#official translation of above texts: 'the boys sent me to the village to fetch some blood' 'i flew under the influence'#if those ring more bells#the witcher books#c: regis#because i wish to eat a third donut#interviews#andrzej sapkowski#this is why the regis enjoyment does not really extend to other vampires for me. well except wwdits vampires#i guess my rule is that: 'they have to be funny'#the thing is... yes regis can disappear into thin air and turn into a bat and bewitch with a gaze#but... his struggle... is mundane :p#he's... very normal. he sleeps in a bedroll and eats breakfast just with everyone else... idk regis with porridge is so funny to me#fantasy genre: so what is your idea for vampires? unholy demons? walking corpses? humanity in crisis of undeath? sexy aristocrats????#sapkowski: Alcoholism.#i will say though SOOOOO refreshing to have a vampire that's around humans and not struggling with the urge to 'feed' on them jfc#regis' urge to drink not being some inhuman clawing or some lustful thirst nonsense#but the desire to have a drink that comes from being socially awkward at a party...#and of course later... the kind of desire to have a drink that comes from when your life and everything in it has gone to shit#'... all fears linked to my vampiric nature are groundless. I won’t attack anybody...#... nor will I creep around at night trying to sink my teeth into somebody’s neck.'#that milva and cahir (and likely also dandelion though he wouldn't admit to it in writing) checked their necks when they woke up LOL !#one for my fellow geregis enjoyers:#regis: don't worry i wont press my lips to your neck | dandelion milva cahir: wheeewww! | geralt: ... aw :T
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losver07 · 2 months ago
"Sirius," I hear, and return to the room, where I left Remus alone, with the apparently simple task of taking his clothes off.
"What is it?" I ask, leaning into the doorframe.
"My boot... 's not comin' off."
He's plastered. And, even so, with a mess for hair, a face decorated with lipstick smudges from my lips, and a stupid smile, the litres of Vodka he's downed don't seem to matter.
"I see," I nod, taking in the image of him. If my mind were a gallery, it'd be filled to the brim with pictures of his eyes and lips and hands, with the morning sun shining on his hair right after we'd woken up in the same bed and got to see each other, his boots meeting my platforms under the dinner table, and his handwriting on a paper tucked behind my phone case, I love you, Pads on blue ink. "Have you tried untying them?"
"Ah," he opens his eyes, suddenly illuminated. "No. Wait."
"I will."
I always will.
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royalarchivist · 1 year ago
Rubius: I love Mexico, it's not far at all.*
Roier: You know, Foolish- once I gave Foolish some candies to try and he said he didn't like one that was a top Mexican candy.
Rubius: Which one?
Roier: Glorias.
Rubius: Glorias...
Missa: [Quietly] What's Glorias?
Roier: Foolish, chingasa tu madre, pinche pendejo-
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heckthis-heckallofthis · 2 months ago
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Something so funny to me about Illegal!Neutrophil getting static electricity'ed and having his hair poof out. Nothing funnier than a serious piece of media having a funny little scene of their most serious character getting hit w something like this. RBC's little expression makes it all the more wonderful.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year ago
Trying to translate Seb's car names to Latin is making me lose my shit 😭😭
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ratatatastic · 4 months ago
quite honestly we should have a canadian whos sole job it is to make a finn giggle do pressers together more often just for the chaos
if i had a nickle for everytime this happened id have two nickles which isnt a lot but its weird that it happened twice.
2024 nhl global series finland game 1 postgame interview | 11.1.24 (x)
#aleksander barkov#sam reinhart#florida panthers#2425#the global series is a gift and that includes THIS#Shenanigans with a capital S#im sorry reino interrupting a finnish question. to then getting a question aimed at him not translated at all is instant karma#you wanna play? well there you go! consequences of your own actions!#reino wheezing and going that was it? OH HE WANTED TO ANSWER THAT QUESTION TOO#“thanks for coming” (reino becomes a giggling schoolgirl)#I CANT BELIEVE THE PRESSER MC HAD TO STEP IN AND GO ANY QUESTIONS FOR SAM BECAUSE THERE WERE TOO MANY QUESTIONS FOR SASHA#sashas popular in his hometown mmmmmm#a situation you cant help but laugh in despite being pitied#oh reino#sasha slapping his knee when reino admits he didnt try the blood sasuage kills me#he dresses like my grandfather and now hes acting like him too#truly an oldman#“barky sent me to a thai food place yesterday that was very good”#“(realises how that sounds like and backpedals) but we've had some very good finnish meals all week here-”#“(earnestly) wanna try it tomorrow?” “i did not- (laughs in disbelief)”#“(caught off guard so he acquiesces easily) postgame yeah? postgame if we win again i'll try it”#chat do you think he actually tried blood sausage after the sweep in the locker room#or aha did sasha give him a different type of blood sasau-#theres something to be said about sashas how you say earnesty that is an immovable object you have to bend to whether you want to or not#and reino was absolutely caught off guard by how much sasha wasnt letting the blood sausage thing go#i think its so funny that sasha was gonna let him off easy but then reino said “good finnish meals”#and he snapped his head up so fast like so youll try it đŸ„ș youll try mustamakkara right đŸ„ș youll do it tomorrow đŸ„șđŸ„ș youll do it for me đŸ„șđŸ„ș#he has the insistence of a bull but the eyes thatll melt hearts huh#you can see how quickly reinos resolve crumbled under his captain sole attention#man folded quicker than a lawn chair
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lesbianredhoodedmercenary · 2 years ago
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ryllen · 1 year ago
Sobbing, instead of studying I translated more of doujin page from the same artist, linking 2 more, with (shorter) summary,
this one is about trey who actually acts normal not because he wants normality, but because he feels like he has to be normal (like trauma after getting riddle into trouble), but then jade sense that side of him, and somewhat be like, it's okay not to be normal and it release tensions from trey's shoulders fhsdh when they started dating, trey kept finding himself in trouble that jade brought upon them (schoolmates suddenly wants to get into battle because they have some kind of beef on jade) when cater said, u like normal right? why are u going out with him? trey said, i don't actually dislike it (the trouble) (yea because he is actually not normal)
when azul said, jade why are u going out with trey, he seems too normal? jade be like, no he is not normal at all, trey knows there's someone behind the bench (i hope someone saved them after fshd but then there were ants, ants go for dead bodies, is he ded for real? fshdh BUT WAIT, it was raining, ANTS WON'T COME OUT WHEN IT RAINS, hey! hey!!! AUTHOR!!) but he still gave jade the umbrella calmly in conclusion, TOTES NOT NORMAL! Jade said.
this one is about riddle becoming best friend with jade, and their unique relationship also bits of riddle realizing jade has feeling for trey and bits of floyd just started to think he likes riddle, and they all help each other (yippie!)
the writing is also in depth & brilliant, but i especially love page 61-64 where jade gave reasoning to trey not to tied himself forever on the trauma of putting riddle into trouble back then that he deserves to be happy himself when trey said "i wish i can do something for riddle" jade replied "riddle wasn't someone that only you could save." "of course it doesn't have to be me." "riddle is a strong person who can find happiness on his own if given the chance." "please be happy too"
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