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I need some help, about a year ago i met this girl and immediately got a crush on her. We only had one class together and I was to shy to talk to her. Fast forward to a few months ago, I became friends with her. I told her and some friends that I was didn’t think I really liked guys and she told me that she was questioning too. But
Part 2 (sorry accidentally sent pt 1 before finishing). I just really like her a lot but I am really bad at talking to people. I want to tell her I like her but I’m afraid it will ruin the friendship and make things awkward with between our shared friends if she doesn’t feel the same way. Plus I can’t really openly date a girl because I go to a very conservative school. I just don’t know what to do. Sorry this was so long I just needed to tell someone. I love your account sm, thx for listening
Okay, so first of all, do not risk your life, shelter, and emotional safety!!! if it is not safe for you to be with other girls at this stage in your life and you could get seriously hurt, DO NOT DO IT. YOUR SAFETY COMES FIRST!!! after high school there will be PLENTY of opportunities to date girls but the consequences of what you do now could punish you for a lifetime. If you think you can manage sneaking around, do it, but do NOT let yourself be put in high high risk situations. Also, if she’s questioning, even if she doesn’t like you she WILL be understanding and the awkwardness, if any, would fade within a month. Make the right choice for your safety! If safety is a non-issue, GO FOR IT! good luck! ❤️
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Hey so this girl I have a biiig crush on touches me a lot and gets kinda close to me and it turns me into a blushing mess does she like me? And any ideas on how to hint that I like her?? Pls help :\
Straight girls are sometimes like that without realizing at all, so first of all make sure she’s not straight. If she isn’t straight, then she’s probably flirting with you. If she is, I WOULD NOT GET INVOLVED because it runs the risk of you getting involved w somebody who doesn’t understand your situation or the risks of it, AND somebody that doesn’t actually value you as a romantic partner, yknow? Also, easiest ways to let her know you like her is to flirt verbally by letting her know how attractive you think she is, experiences that you would want to share w her, and sometimes just to go all in! physically, lots of touches, eye contact, and smiling when you see her will let her know you view her in a positive light and like to be close and intimate w her. that’s all the advice i have!!! godspeed
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I’m a baby lesbian and I’m reading South of Sunshine and I’m so sad because I’m closeted with a homophobic Christian mother.
I’m closeted with a homophobic christian mother too..... and I just read the little blurb for South of Sunshine. If you want to read a book about being gay, I’d suggest a happy one, especially for your first one. Media representation will really affect you, and reading gay people go through trauma can put you through trauma too......make sure you’re taking care of yourself! and know that one day you’ll unlearn the parameters of the life you’re living now and learn how to love yourself and other girls freely ❤️
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Alia Bhatt for Harper’s Bazaar Bride India Photography: Errikos Andreou
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everytime you look at me my soul smiles
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love a girl whose gaze softens when their eyes land on you.
#love a girl suggestions#love a girl who#date a girl who#date a girl suggestions#love suggestions#lgbt suggestions#wlw suggestions#love#wlw#lgbt#lesbian suggestion#lesbian#bisexual#bisexual suggestion#suggestion blog#pansexual suggestion#pansexual#lesbiansafe
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Could I please have some advice? I’m a very socially anxious wlw, my friend and I are going to our local mall to look for some gay ladies to talk to and hopefully get or give numbers! I’m unsure how to approach or talk to girls though, I get VERY nervous,,, how should I talk to girls? (I will have a wlw hoodie so they’ll Know)
i would say my best advice is don’t just go seeking out a relationship! treat the women you meet as full people and potential friends even if you don’t hit it off romantically. platonic and romantic relationships aren’t very different, and being funny and bonding with a girl doesn’t mean you can’t be s/o’s b/c ur doing “friend stuff”! the line isn’t so clear for wlw a lot of the time, so just be kind and try and be jokey and then see where the other girl stands! also, don’t worry if you don’t meet the love of your life at the mall slglslfkgls. you have the rest of your life to find a girl. as for specific advice, try and comment on something they’re wearing first, and compliment them. from there, i’d try to extend the conversation to why you’re both in a certain place in the mall, if you can find any relation. common ground is the perfect place to start because it sparks discussion. if you’re trying to be flirty, linger with eye contact and touches (arm is usually best, go for shoulder if you’re feeling ESPECIALLY BRAVE). also don’t get worried if you’re nervous or shaky, just own that! crack a joke about being so nervous! let it be normal! that way you will put the other girl at ease too! good luck!
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love a girl who you don’t regret staying up all night to talk to.
#im in love....#love a girl suggestions#love a girl who#date a girl who#date a girl suggestions#love suggestions#lgbt suggestions#wlw suggestions#love#lgbt#wlw#lesbian suggestion#bisexual suggestion#bisexual#lesbian#polysexual suggestion#polysexual#pansexual suggestion#pansexual#lesbiansafe
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hey, ive been dealing with a situation lately and i was wondering if i could get some advice. recently my best friend who ive know for over half my life told me that she liked me, and kissed me. considering i like her too this should be a good thing, but the problem here is that she has a boyfriend. i told her that i wasn't going to be her side chick so she either needs to stop flirting with me or break up with him (preferably the latter) but she hasn't done either. any idea on what i should do?
first of all, you did the right thing by giving her the ultimatum. she is literally cheating on her boyfriend and not showing her boyfriend or you any respect at all. and listen, i know it’s hard sometimes, but if she won’t accept that she has to choose between you and her boyfriend, CHOOSE FOR HER. LEAVE. straight girls love using wlw as sex toys/risqué encounters but refuse to see us as full people/potential lovers. don’t let yourself be devalued. you deserve a relationship with a girl who will love and care about you, and be proud to call you theirs. it’s no sense to hold onto somebody who’s just hurting you, too. i understand loving a friend, but your friend is not loving you properly right now, and if she refuses to respect you then you should let her go. if you’re a nice person, you have the ability to draw nice people into your life and create healthy relationships, so don’t worry about that! good luck, and i’m sorry that you were put in this situation!
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So I never tell anyone who my crush is because I’m in the closet my friend asked me who I liked today.I wouldn’t answer so she said ”tell me on the last day of school” me being the idiot I am, agreed. It’s even worse because my crush is the girl who asked me😔 even though we still have months of school,I’m still nervous😭what do I do??
but yeah um, if you’re not safe to be out of the closet i’d lie and say that it’s a boy that you no longer like at the end of the year. like, i get that you want to be with this person, but if you’re going to harm yourself by coming out, DO NOT DO IT. if you know she won’t tell anyone else and that you can keep it from your parents, that’s cool too, and it’s even better if you wouldn’t have to hide it at all from your parents and you know that, but if you don’t know that you would have an emotionally, physically, and mentally supportive safety after coming out, don’t do it.
however, if you are safe, go for it! tell her! if it’s a straight girl i personally wouldn’t bother because straight girls Play Too Much and no one needs that, but some straight girls never find out they’re wlw until they have another wlw bring it up to them! just know that what you’re feeling isn’t wrong and even if this girl doesn’t love you, another will! 💞
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so im a lesbian. and my friend is straight. she keeps arguing with me about my sexuality because she doesn’t get it, and her argument is “you think guys are hot and like you haven’t even fucked one and what if dream boy with long hair came along” etc etc etc. and it got me thinking. am i like not a lesbian? my dream guy would have to be like super femme and pretty and empathetic. with long hair. will he ever exist? probably not. but would i still be a “lesbian” if i’d date that dream guy?
i’m so sorry it took me so long to get to this! i don’t get notifs for this blog and i just checked the inbox. anyways, no, you would still be a lesbian. lesbians are known to experience compulsory heterosexuality, which is defined as a conditioned and fake attraction to men. it is very popular for lesbians to experience this. many lesbians are willing to date fictional, unrealistic men, like the one your friend dreamt up for you. this does not mean you would actually date a real man. also, that is not a friend at all. that person doesn’t respect your boundaries or support you, and if i met her in real life i might break her nose. anyways, you’re a real lesbian, and you know that. this girl doesn’t know shit about you. next time you talk to her (if you do at all, i’d cut her off that’s a GREAT option and i would prefer you do that given the option), maybe demonstrate that her own logic would require her to stay open minded for a “dream girl” and if there was a perfect girl for her then she’d no longer be straight ! also try and explain that your identity isn’t up for debate at all too, and if it were mine i’d ask if she’d please shut the fuck up about it, but yeah, only if you are given the ability to say it should you say it! just remember not to give into that mindset because taking comphet seriously will hurt you in the long run.
(side note, completely unrelated, but femme is a v specific adjective for a v specific group of lesbians so try using feminine next time!)
#ask#not a suggestion#i hope this helped anon sorry for the wait but dont give in to that mindset#anon
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I’ve been talking to this girl for about 2 weeks and she told me that she likes me but I don’t know if I have a crush on her
first of all, don’t force yourself into anything you’re not interested in, and think HARD that if she didn’t express interest, would you even want to give it a try? that being said, there’s nothing wrong with being in a relationship that isn’t super serious, but you’ve got to make sure you both view the relationship in the same light. don’t lead her on. that shit hurts more than just ripping off the bandaid. do what is right for you and for her!
#not a suggestion#this is turning into like an advice blog dlgldlskgksalg#im really inactive but sometimes i show up.....hello#harpie.txt#ask#anon
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Hey babe!! I was just hoping to get a second opinion on something. I’ve been texting this girl for about 2 weeks now. We talk about like who’s the best cuddled and If muscles are sexy and stuff like that and she calls me babe and stuff. Today she asked if I act like this around everything and I said no and so did she. Do you think she likes me?
uh yeah i think she likes you? but also you called me babe too lmao
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I’m about to start a new year of school and over the summer holidays I have been seriously questioning my sexuality and come to the conclusion I am attracted to girls and I was wondering what would be a good way to tell what girls would be interested in dating (I don’t wanna get my heart broken by a straight girl 😪)
it’s really hard to tell sometimes, but honestly the best way is to just bring up a recent lgbt issue and see how they react. if it isn’t much but they support it, probably straight but kind. if they’re homophobic, obv get away. the stronger reactions indicate wuh luh wuh activity. but generally if it’s a girl you don’t talk to and haven’t talked to at all, this is my personal preference but u should try and get to know them well as a friend first. it’ll make it easier to know if they’re straight or not too, but it’s always nice to have a strong friendship b4 u go directly into a relationship, which a lot of wlw rush into that and it doesn’t work out. anyway, good luck!
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