#so frozen bread dough it is
isilienelenihin · 9 months
Christmas Adam is for making sticky buns
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kedreeva · 2 years
I tried to make sourdough biscuits to freeze as a test to see if they would bake afterwards, and how, and so I mixed them up and cut them out and carefully preserved them on parchment paper in my freezer and then hours later I bagged them once they were frozen so I could take them to my mom's and then I went to sit down and realized oh FUCK. I fucking forgot the butter. I FORGOT the BUTTER. I skipped a whole ass step.
And I told my mother, shit I forgot the butter, and she goes what do you mean like inside or on top?
Inside!!! Inside!!!!!!!!! I didn't mix the butter in during prep!!! These are unbuttery biscuits!!!
And she goes
I didn't add butter to mine (I had brought her some discard to bake these biscuits with a few days ago)
I said what do you mean?
She goes, the recipe you told me didn't have butter (I told her the recipe from memory)
but wait there's more!!!
She goes, your dad liked them
At which point I'm forced to ask: did he tho. Did he like them, or did he tell you he liked them, the way he LIED to us for 35 years about liking pizza?
Well, she says, I don't know. he did admit tonight to not liking brussel sprouts
Which they've been eating together for years now, literally this man is incapable of telling someone he doesn't like a food which explains a lot of my childhood meals
So I'm like okay okay okay okay. Okay. I know I forgot the butter and I know these biscuits are frozen hockey pucks right now but hear me out... What if I turn the oven on to preheat it, and then put the biscuits under the oven vent to thaw, and then just mix the butter in after? Surely nothing will go wrong with this plan.
So I break out the biscuits, and I turn on the oven, and I start thawing them, and I put the butter into a bowl, and start frantically trying to mash it with a pastry masher. This goes about as well as you might expect, which is to say terribly, because the butter just sort of turns into a pile of butter instead of a stick, and I need it to be pebbles of butter.
So I start sprinkling in flour, just until the butter stops re-amalgamating. The biscuits are basically thawed by this point so I try to mash those in and that goes very very very badly, so I clean the tool and just start folding the butter in with my hands like kneading bread, desperately just trying to mash it into one coherent form. It makes a ball of dough, or good enough to pass for one, and I cut out six biscuit sized chunks.
Put them in. Bake them. My oven light doesn't work so I can't even check on them while they're baking to see if I fucked it up worse.
Finally I pull them out, and I realize I fucked up but at least it was in the right direction. The biscuits don't look like they're supposed to, but they do look like layered biscuits, and they taste fine. I put a bunch of honey on one of them and it was pretty good.
I tell all of this to my partner when he gets home and he listens to all of it in silence. When I'm done his only comment is:
"Well, I guess we know how puff pastry was invented, now."
Yeah, it was some asshole hundreds of years ago trying to cover up biscuit sins!!
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chronicpaingirlie · 4 months
Tips For Baking While Disabled :) <3
1. do stuff the “wrong” way [pt: do stuff the “wrong” way]
- my number one tip for literally everything is to do it the “wrong” way if that is the way that will make it accessible to you
- sit down while you prepare stuff. use a machine to knead your bread if it’s too hard on your hands. take as many breaks as you need. use disposable items like parchment paper, foil pans, and paper plates if washing dishes is too much. make things work for you however you need to
2. question everything [pt: question everything]
- if you have the spoons & the brain power, plan ahead & question what the recipe says you have to do
- do you really have to flour the counter & make an extra mess just to knead dough, or can you knead it in the bowl instead? do you really have to use an extra dish for this step?
- there’s lots of things like that that recipes will state as fact that can be adjusted to save you some effort
3. if possible, recruit help [pt: if possible, recruit help]
- i have a bunch of younger siblings who will almost always jump at the chance to help me bake stuff
- see if u can find a family member/friend/housemate/caregiver etc who is willing (maybe even excited!!) to split the baking workload with you
- it fr makes it so much easier even just to have someone who will help you whisk together your ingredients or grab something you’ve forgotten to spare you the effort of moving across the kitchen
4. lay out everything you’ll need ahead of time [pt: lay out everything you’ll need ahead of time]
- this includes all the dishes, utensils, and ingredients you’re going to use for the recipe
- this helps soooo much with my combination of adhd + brain fog problems (aka forgetting things and getting distracted constantly)
- i like to make a designated area (e.g., on the stove or on a separate part of the counter) to immediately put what i’ve used so I know that i’ve used it; this ensures that I don’t add something twice & that i don’t miss any ingredients
- it also makes less moving around in the moment/less getting up & down ! a godsend fr
5. take advantage of built-in resting times [pt: take advantage of built-in resting times]
- when stuff is in the oven, sit or lay down !! it’s free resting time !! pleaseee take advantage of it
6. make cleanup as easy as possible [pt: make cleanup as easy as possible]
- i like to put something under my workspace (bath towel, tablecloth, paper towels, etc) so that when i inevitably spill something, i can just pick it up and shake it off instead of having to scrub my counters
- if you can spare the spoons, scrape off and rinse out the dishes you used so nothing gets hardened & caked on
- fill everythingggg with hot water and leave it in the sink for later!! don’t push yourself too hard & try to do dishes right away; the hot water will make it so much easier for later & you’ll get a chance to rest
7. you don’t have to do everything from scratch [pt: you don’t have to do everything from scratch]
- baking something from a box is still baking!! boxed is good & will help you save spoons but still scratch that baking itch
- you can make just one element of your baking & buy another - e.g., buy pre-made pie crusts and make the filling yourself
- buy pre-chopped/frozen fruits for crumbles and tarts, buy pre-made frosting for the cake you bake, grab some cookie dough from the store and throw it in the oven !!
8. experiment & adjust [pt: experiment & adjust]
- find what works for you & what doesn’t. figure out what recipes you can do & what ones you can’t. see how much effort you’re physically & mentally able to put into baking (without overtaxing yourself!) & take that into consideration for the next time(s) you bake.
- i highly recommend writing down the stuff you figure out - it helps me to both remember & stick to my limits & saves me from pushing myself too hard
(some misc stuff under the cut bc this is so long)
a few things to invest in if you can:
1. kitchen stool [pt: kitchen stool]
- if you’re like me and have Shitty Legs, this means so much less standing & has been a lifesaver for me tbh
2. hand mixer and/or stand mixer [pt: hand mixer and/or stand mixer]
- if you have the strength to both hold up a hand mixer for up to five minutes at time, and to sit up while you do it, they’re almost always the cheaper option, and they take up less storage space. if not, the stand mixer likely will be more expensive & will take up more counter space/storage space, but will be a lot more worth it for you
- check ebay or local online markets for secondhand ones if you can’t afford new ones - I found a used but perfectly good stand mixer for $30 !
3. latex/rubber gloves [pt: latex/rubber gloves]
- makes cleanup so much easier (especially if you have a hard time with hygiene, e.g. bathing or washing hands, extra especially with stuff like batter or dough that can be harder to get off, or with bad textures that will be on your hands)
- reusable ones you can drop in some water and clean off later if you don’t have spoons to do cleanup right away, and disposable can just go in the trash
4. boxed mixes [pt: boxed mixes]
- you’re still baking even if it’s not entirely from scratch!! boxed mixes mean fewer ingredients & steps, and shorter amounts of time spent upright/moving around
a few links:
justtherecipe.com clears away everything except the recipe for you - no misc stories from the author or ads popping up every 5 seconds . genuinely cannot recommend enough
baking with chronic fatigue
baking with hand pain
a few no-knead bread recipes (link 1) (link 2) (link 3)
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A Kiss, and Maybe Something More...
A/n: Hi! It's been a bit hasn't it? I've been a little busy with family gatherings and the holiday but happy New Year!!! This is just a little story with Remus, I've always had the idea in my head that Remus and baking just go together? I don't know, I kinda wanna write something where he's a GBB contestant, I just think it'd be so cute. Would y'all read that? anywho reader is painfully shy because.... she's me. I don't mean shy like cutesy shy, I mean like frozen in anxious fear of abandonment shy. I hope some of y'all can relate. Kisses - El
Summary: You intend to make bread, Remus intends for other things.
Warnings: a little steamy, reader gets their boundaries pushed a little but in a good, consensual way, reader is very very shy, not proof read.
A Kiss, and Maybe Something More… 
“Okay, so that’s the dough finished. Now we just need to make the filling while it proves” 
You’re whirling around the kitchen in a flurry trying to prepare the different elements for your babka. Baking had always been a hobby of yours, but after you met Remus it became a couples activity and you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Remus helped where he could, often you got stuck in your own world mixing and kneading all while he watched. Not that he minded, he loved the look in your eye and the confidence of your movements, something about watching you do what you love with such practiced ease set his heart humming. 
You breeze across the kitchen, barely moving your hip out of the way of the island on your way through. Going up on your tiptoes you reach up to one of higher shelves, your fingers just brushing the cinnamon before you feel a warmth against your back and a hand on your hip, effectively halting your movements. 
Turning your head to side youre met with Remus’ profile as his larger hand brushes yours to side, grabbing the spice with an ease you could only dream of. He pulls the bottle down and hands it to you just as your eyes meet his and you're speechless. Before you can open your mouth to speak he leans down and pecks your lips before separating himself and walking to the opposite end of the kitchen to look over the recipe book. 
It was little silent interactions like these that often left you frozen in place, waiting for the next beat. Remus on the other hand always seemed unaffected, likely because he was always the one to take initiative. He was the one doing the touching and the teasing and the flustering, it didn’t bother you, you had never been the kind of girl to be forward or overly affectionate. It didn’t come easy to you and you didn’t exactly have the practice he did; which, if you thought about it too much, made you sick. 
It was this spiral of thoughts that led to a series of events so oddly out of character that your own boyfriend questioned the existence of bodysnatchers and fair folk. Timidly, with shaking hands and a racing heart that you tried to quell the only way you knew how, with more thinking, you made your way across the kitchen to him, all the while trying to convince yourself that you’re being ‘totally normal’. 
When you reach him he’s still bent of the recipe, mumbling something under his breath that you don’t quiet understand. It takes you a moment to realize his muttering is in Welsh and you melt a little, he had a way of reverting back to his childhood tongue when he was really confused. You weren’t sure why but you found it so endearing, you didn’t understand a word but you liked to listen nonetheless. 
That only cemented your decision to wrap your arms around his waist and tilt your head back to hook your chin over his shoulder. Almost instantly his mumbling ceased, a moment passed before he leaned back into your hold and rested his head against yours, “something wrong, cariad?” he says, his accent a little thicker than normal. You hum in response at first but decide against letting your shyness overtake you, “no, just wanted to hold you” you feel your cheeks start to burn at the admittance and almost start to chastise yourself for being so painfully shy. 
Remus begins to turn in your hold and for a second you begin to doubt yourself, he had always said he found your shyness adorable. Did he like your reserved nature so much that this was too big a change? It seemed so simple just moments ago. But instead of pushing you away he simply wraps his arms around you and smiles down at you, “I wish you’d do more of it.” He says simple, relief floods you. 
“I’ll try.” you say softly, struggling to find much of a voice under his gaze. He leans down and pecks your forehead before hooking a finger under your chin, tilting your face up to look at him before kissing your lips once, twice, then a third longer, deeper time. Remus holds you close to him, as though you would pull yourself away at any moment and leave him forever. He knew he needed to be slow and steady with you, that you’d never been in a relationship or been involved with many guys at all but it was difficult when you were right there with your soft lips and sweet smile. Everything about you was so inviting, who would he be to refuse you. 
“Please..” He mumbles against your lips, catching his breath for a moment “please do.” The giggle that breaks from you is so light that it makes one bubble out of his chest in time. It’s a sweet moment but a short one before his lips claim yours again and his hands travel up your body and to your cheeks, holding your face securely against his. 
Your hands find purchase on his shoulders as his thread back through your hair, nails scratching lightly at your scalp. You sigh at the feeling, giving him the space to slip his tongue into your mouth, exploring the sweet taste of the cream cheese filling you’d made prior. It makes you melt even further into him, letting your arms drape over his shoulder and your body go slack against his. He takes a step back to lean against the counter, pulling you along by waist. 
You disconnect briefly, both of your chests heaving as he dips his head to mouth at the expense of your neck. You’d never gone past making out and this felt like another hurdle he was guiding you over in his own way. As he nipped at the skin of your jaw and ran his hands over your curves you felt your mind begin to slow, the rushing thoughts of doubt and inadequacy suddenly vacated and feelings of adoration took up residence. 
Just as Remus’ hands slipped under the thick knit of your sweater and onto you flushed skin a shrill beeping invaded both of your senses. Remus winced at the harsh sound of the oven timer signifying that it was finished preheating. He sighed heavy against your neck and slowly lifted his head to look at you, “terrible timing” He says. 
You gape at him, “It’s not my fault!” You say, “pardon me for trying to innocently bake some bread” you rib at him. “Ah, am I corrupting you?” he responds, cocking his head to the side with a cheaky little grin spread across his face. Suddenly you're once again very aware that his hands are still on your waist under your shirt, thumb rubbing circles into the skin. “I suppose I’ll go and let you bake in peace then.” He begins to withdraw, but he doesn’t get far before you’re pulling him back and pecking his lips, “you aren’t going anywhere until you finish what you started” you say matter of factly, “the bread can wait, I won’t.” Remus’ eyebrows nearly reach his hairline. “Where did my girl go?” he says fondly, shaking his head at you as his hands take their place under your sweater once again. You only smile up at him and shrug before pushing your finger through the short hairs at the nape of his neck. “I’d be happy to finish what I started” He says, kissing you once again 
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bitchsister · 5 months
post eyy bucky saving up to buy a pair of rings... nothing fancy, just a pair of gold bands, one he wears on his ring finger and the other around his neck on a chain- with the word "angel" engraved on the inside. he kisses it every morning when he wakes
Bucky keeps the ring around his neck, a gold band, beside the two tags with Curt’s name on them. For awhile he felt guilty for keeping his tags for so long — in the back of his mind he thought Ruth might deserve some piece of him to hold onto.
“I meant to tell ya,” He holds the tags in his hand, the chain wrapped around his fist as if he never wanted to let them go. “We uh — switched tags ‘round before the last mission he flew.”
Ruth’s expression softened as they stood in the kitchen of their little home in the Bronx where Bucky had caught a flight out to visit, where Curt learned to walk, where he learned the alphabet, where he ate breakfast before going to class, and where he learned how to say his name.
Cutty Biddig
“You’re his Mama, you oughta have somethin’ of his.”
Ruth shakes her head, wrapping her fragile, warm hands around Bucky’s as she grins. “No, no,” she insists. “Those are yours, sweetie.”
Bucky didn’t fight that, but he stood frozen in his place.
“Wait till you see how much of his junk I got. How’s a Mother meant to get rid of it all?” She rose a hand to gesture toward his room where the door was cracked open, a lazy fat orange cat inside lounging around on his bed and waiting for her favorite boy to return.
Though he never will, and she doesn’t understand that, she looks for him every morning.
And although it still didn’t feel right, Bucky nods and slips the ring in his pocket back through the chain, putting it over his neck and tucking it beneath his shirt.
“What’s the ring?” She asks, her lips tugged into a smile as her hands kneaded dough for home made bread.
It was nice having Bucky around for the weekend.
Someone to take care of since Curt’s sister had gone away to college only a month ago.
“Uh,” Bucky wasn’t used to being so open with his elders — had never met a mother so accepting of her young. Curt was gay, and she’d known that far before anyone else did. Before Curt did, even. “We — well, it’s -“
Ruth softened again, her eyes brimming with tears.
Bucky hadn’t only lost his lover, or a best friend, he’d lost so much more than that.
“Curt loved to talk about gettin’ married.” Her tone was musing as she thought of all the times Curt had mumbled something about roses being tacky for a wedding, I’d never have goddamn roses at my wedding, Ma. Or how coral was never going to cut it. Why do these broads insist on coral? It’s tacky. “For such a bruiser, he had the softest damn heart.”
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najia-cooks · 1 year
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[ID: Small flatbreads stuffed with ground 'beef' and green olives; a plate of mlouwi and a Moroccan teaset are in the background. End ID]
بطبوط معمر بالكفتة / Batbout m'mr blkefta (Moroccan stuffed flatbreads with 'beef')
Batbout—also known as toghrift (تغريفت) or mkhamer (مخامر), based on the region—are Moroccan flatbreads which usually have an interior pocket. Large batbout are often served with grilled meats or to sop up juices from tajines, while smaller ones are stuffed with various fillings. Batbout are sometimes made thicker so that a pocket does not form, and then dipped in a honey-butter syrup like baghrir; some Moroccans reserve the term "mkhamer" for this preparation.
Batbout are eaten year-round, but are especially enjoyed during Ramadan as a side dish on the ftour (فطور; fast-breaking) table, where they are stuffed with ground beef, tuna, chicken, or cold cuts. You could also serve stuffed batbout as a main with a green salad or Moroccan cooked salad.
Recipe under the cut!
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Makes about 15 small flatbreads.
For the flatbread:
1 cup (120g) bread flour
1 cup (165g) semolina flour
1/2 Tbsp active dry yeast
1 1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp sugar
About 3/4 cups water
For the filling:
3/4 cup TVP (textured vegetable protein)
1/2 cup + 2 Tbsp water or vegetable stock
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp vegetarian beef stock from concentrate, or substitute more soy sauce
1 onion (yellow or red), minced or grated
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 Tbsp tomato paste
1/2 small green bell pepper, minced
1/2 small red bell pepper, minced
Small bunch of green herbs (ربيع / rbi'): cilantro and/or parsley
2 tsp sweet paprika
1 tsp ground turmeric
1 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground cumin
Red chili powder or hot sauce, to taste
Squeeze of lemon juice (optional)
Olive oil, to fry
You may use your preferred ground beef substitute in place of the TVP; in this case, omit the water and stock concentrate.
For the flatbread:
1. Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl. Make a well in the flour and add in just enough water to make a smooth, slightly sticky dough. You may need more or less than 3/4 cup.
2. Once the dough comes together, knead it by hand for 10 minutes, or in a stand mixer with a hook attachment on medium-low for 7 minutes, until it is very smooth, soft, elastic, and tacky. Add additional water or flour as necessary.
3. Form the flatbreads. Larger flatbreads may be formed by breaking off a small handful of dough, rolling it in flour, and patting it flat until it forms a round about 1/4" thick. Small flatbreads are often made by rolling out the dough about 1/4" thick on a floured surface, then cutting circles of the desired size out with a cookie cutter or glass.
4. Set flatbreads aside in a single layer on a floured surface, cover, and allow to rest for one to two hours, until noticeably puffy.
5. Heat a large dry skillet on medium and add as many flatbreads as will fit. When they puff up slightly, flip each one to the other side. Continue to cook, turning over as necessary, until flatbreads have dark golden brown spots on each side. You may find that the flatbreads puffing up gives you room to add more to the skillet; continue in this way until all flatbreads are cooked.
Batbout breads may be kept at room temperature for a couple days at this stage, or frozen for use later.
For the filling:
1. Mix all ground spices in a small bowl. Hydrate TVP for about 10 minutes in hot water, stock concentrate, soy sauce, and a spoonful of the spice mixture.
2. Heat 3 Tbsp olive oil in a large pan on medium-high. Add TVP and spread it out in a single layer. Allow it to brown without agitating for a few minutes before stirring it, scraping the bottom of the pan. Repeat this process a few times, adding more oil as necessary, until the TVP is deeply golden brown on all sides. Remove TVP from the pan.
3. Heat another 2 Tbsp of olive oil and fry onion for a couple minutes until softening. Add bell peppers and spices and fry for another couple minutes until spices are fragrant.
4. Add tomato paste and stir to combine. Add olives and herbs and mix. Return TVP to pan and mix to combine. Remove from heat. Add hot sauce and lemon juice, as desired.
To serve:
1. Cut a slit in the side of each flatbread with a small, sharp knife. Stuff with hot filling and set aside. Serve warm.
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sucharide · 7 days
you know what lads i need you guys to see how bread-like my latest loaf of bread is.
genuinely one of my best yet!
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it's not like bread you'd get in a bakery because i am just using plain flour — but it's still great!
and this one is particularly surprising because i fucked up the dough SO badly and repeatedly? But i managed to save it!
The yeast hadn't woken up properly before i had put the dough in the fridge bc i had run out of time (i hadnt mixed it in warm water first! I added it straight to the flour like a fool.)
AND I hadnt added enough (warm) water to the dough so it was REALLY stiff
so when i took it out of the fridge and put it in a warm place it rose a liiiittle bit, but i decided to be crazy and reknead the dough with more warm water and some oil (which i had also forgotten)
and it was shaping up SO badly.
bc it was like
i was trying to incorporate more water into dough that i had already kneaded for like 10 minutes???
and somehow. it worked out
and it rose really nicely
and it turned into a really nice loaf of bread! it has been sliced and frozen. :)
anyway. breadmaking is surprisingly forgiving. Like if you are making it for yourself and u arent super fussy.
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hallow-witxh · 2 years
Easy Kitchen Magic Ideas
Sometimes beginning a new kind of magic can be intimidating. As someone whose craft is a majority of kitchen and herbal magics, here are some easy ideas for stepping into the world of kitchen magic.
Get wooden spoons and spatulas, and carve runes onto them. Runes such as stability, power, creativity, and calmness are all runes I recommend for kitchen magics.
Cook with moon/sun water and/or blessed oil. Blessed oil can be made in a variety of ways, so don't forget to do some research and figure out what works best for you.
There are some ingredients that have a variety of colors: bell peppers, carrots, etc. Different colors of these ingredients represent different things.
If you're like me, then you may have altar herbs and kitchen herbs. Use altar herbs in your cooking. They're infused with power that kitchen herbs may lack.
When it comes to beginning kitchen magic, figure out what ingredients you use the most and make a chart of their representations. For example, onions are great for protection, endurance, prosperity, and stability.
You don't have to start big. Start small. Like I said before: start with using moon water, blessed oil, or altar herbs. Another tip to start small is to cleanse your kitchen and set your intentions.
Baking is the way into so many hearts. Let a loaf of bread rise and cut a rune on the top before baking. You can use frozen bread dough from the grocer for this.
There are many, many small things that can be done. Do some research, find out what works best for you!
Blessed be!
Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!
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copperbadge · 2 years
This morning I realized I needed to run a number of errands within a few days’ time -- I had to go to the dispensary to stock up on edibles, procure a steamer basket, and get beef and chicken. I also wanted to procure some specific items that I could only get at a real grocery store, as opposed to a Target grocery section. 
So at 8:30, after making pizza dough and putting it in the fridge, I headed north to the dispensary, stopped at Target for the steamer basket and some staples, then went to the supermarket and picked up, no lie, fifteen pounds of meat -- three each of chicken breast, chicken thigh, top round, sirloin tip, and ground beef. I also got kale, which has been in short supply lately. I feel very good about getting home by 10:30, all things considered. I got lucky with train timing.  
The kale has been tossed with oil and garlic-onion seasoning and is in the dehydrator now for kale chips. The top round (trimmed and sliced) is brining ahead of going into the dehydrator for jerky once the kale is done. The sirloin tip has been trimmed, seasoned, and put into the slow cooker with some beef broth to make italian beef. I’ve cooked up about half the ground beef with tomato sauce and seasonings, and frozen the other half, along with all the chicken thighs and most of the breast, reserving two breasts for making a pulled-chicken filling for tamales. 
Tomorrow I’m making mushroom pizza, bagels, a loaf of bread, and the tamale filling, and Saturday I’ll make the tamales. You’d think I was throwing a party for New Year’s, but really I just have fun new appliances to play with and improved executive function.
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yummilily · 2 months
Pizza Toast (15 min)
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I think originally my parents and I tried this at a local fair, but it’s so quick and easy to make, it has been a staple in my family ever since. If you’re craving pizza, but don’t have a frozen one on hand and lack the patience to make the dough from scratch, this is the way to go!
Toaster (optional)
1 slice of toast
1 tbsp tomato paste
Italian spice mix
Toppings of your choice
~30g cheese (I use mozzarella) 
Preheat the oven to 180°C (upper / lower heat).
Optional: Lightly toast the bread. You really don’t want this to get too dark, because it’s still going into the oven, but giving it a light toast first will prevent it from turning soggy.
Evenly spread the tomato paste and season it to taste. Then add your toppings.
Bake for 10 minutes or until the cheese is sufficiently melted. If your oven has a broiler setting, you can turn that on for some extra colour.
The thing to burn first when making this is the tomato paste, especially where it’s thin around the edges, so keep an eye on that!
You’ll likely want more than one of these. Toasters fit two slices for a reason.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 11 months
as diwali starts to roll back around again i can’t help but think about eli. i know there was a reference in one of his fics to holi (when i tell you i SCREAMED) and it made me so happy (I SCREAMED)
anyway. would it be possible to receive a little snippet about eli’s feelings this time of year? no pressure ofc i’ve just got the brainrot
(It's true! Eli was born and spent his early childhood in India, before his parents moved to the United States when he was twelve years old. His earliest memories take place in northern India - his family is from Uttar Pradesh)
When he turns all the lights out, the lamps flicker and dance with a warm yellow and orange, placed on small tables on either side of his bedroom door. The rest of the room is lit with candles only, but at the doorway - the boundary between his own space and the space that others inhabit every day - he has placed the diyas. He has more in the window, just two small ones, but still.
Diyas - the small earthenware lamps he has lit using cloth wicks soaked in oil, bought from a store where a woman had greeted him with grandmotherly familiarity and a lyrical voice that had nearly split his head in two with a powerful memory.
Eli had stared at her while she gave him cheerful advice on which brand was best on something - he doesn't even remember what any longer, although it must be one of the things he bought, because he didn't argue with her.
But it wasn't her he was listening to. It wasn't the flat florescent light of the store he saw.
He heard his mother's voice, saw her lighting the lamps, her hand on his head as he pressed against her leg, holding tight to the sheer fabric dotted with gold threads in tiny circles she wore over her loose skirt. He remembers it being blue, and that single detail hurts in a way he can barely breathe past.
She had dressed to go visiting through the neighborhood, where everyone else also had lamps and there was laughter and singing everywhere he looked, and the house smelled like sugar and spices from what she had been cooking to take and share, but they hadn't yet left.
Nazadeek se dekhen, Jairaj, had come the memory of her voice. Eli had frozen in the aisle, staring at the woman, her lips moving but his mind was years ago and thousands of miles away. Bhay par aasha. Andhakaar par prakaash. Kya aap dekhate hain?
He had bought the lamps in a rush - a half-dozen of them, without question. Then he'd ended up leaving with another two hundred dollars' worth of anything that made his head hurt worse, anything familiar. He felt like he must look completely insane to those who watched him, squinting against a migraine and sweeping what felt like entire shelves into his rickety basket, and yet he couldn't stop himself.
Somehow he wound up with eight separate chutneys, an armful of spices in what he thought must be the exact jars and brands hiding underneath his thoughts, waiting to break free. Coriander, cumin, cardamom, mustard seeds, fenugreek, fennel seeds, tamarind, ajwain, asafoetida, chiles, fresh curry leaves even. He couldn't stop. He found bread, not just naan but paratha, ready-to-eat, in a refrigerator towards the back, and shoved it into his basket as well.
Paneer, he remembered paneer, cheese so fresh it squeaked sometimes between your teeth. His mother would fry it until it was brown and he would come home from school sometimes to a snack of chili cashews and spiced paneer, along with her smile and her voice calling, Jairaj!
The whole damn store smelled like something he had once known as well as his own hands, and now was strange to him and he chased the memories, even as his head hurt worse and worse.
Next to the cash register, there were little plastic containers with familiar round balls of dough inside, soaking in syrup. Eli's voice had caught in his throat, and he had wordlessly shoved one of the containers at the cashier, who had given him a slightly puzzled smile and wished him a good day.
Sitting here in the doorway, enjoying the lamplight coming from the diyas, he pops open the plastic container, inhales the strong scent of sugar and rose, with a hint of pistachio.
He is absolutely going to pass out from the pain in his head, but not before this.
Not before this.
He reaches inside, picks up one of the gulab jamun, and bites into it. Tears sting as he chews and run hot down his cheeks. Behind him, thousands of miles east, thousands west, a lifetime away no matter how you measured it, there were people laughing just outside the window as his mother offered to let him have just one taste before they took the rest for sharing, in a neighborhood lit with a thousand lights in every window, at every doorway, declaring that darkness did not win, that evil could not vanquish good, that hope remained even after despair.
Maybe his mother is still sitting, somewhere, with her own diyas lit and maybe even with the rangoli in its geometrics and curves laid out in fine colored sand seeming to dance in the light. Maybe his mother still cooks to share with a neighborhood full of lights.
Maybe she thinks of him, out there, wherever she is. Maybe she remembers a boy named Jairaj, when the remnants of that boy no longer can.
Eli weeps. He cries while he eats every single perfect chewy sweet ball in the container, and for the first time he can remember... Eli prays.
He can't remember the right words.
But he hopes that the memory that he did know, once upon a time, is enough.
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riflebrass · 2 months
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It's not much to look at, but it turned out better than I expected.
Starting off with the bread sticks I got some frozen bread dough which I've never used before. I put it in a bread pan, wrapped it in plastic, and set it in my roommate's bedroom window to thaw out since it was getting direct light. That wasn't working too well since the apartment is air conditioned so I ended up putting it in the bed of my truck for a couple hours. I took a couple sticks of butter and added a bunch of peeled garlic and some herbs and let it simmer for a long time as the garlic cooked. When it was soft and spreadable I used a stick blender to blend the mix smooth. I grabbed some chunks of dough and rolled them out flat then put a stick of string cheese in the middle and sealed it up as best I could. I brushed both sides with the garlic butter mix then set it aside while I worked on the rest of the meal. Next I turned my focus to the potatoes. I strained out the oil from the butter mix and made a roux with an unmeasured amount of flour. From there I added milk until it got the desired consistency then added the rest of the garlic and herb mix then hit it with the stick blender while I slowly added in some monterey jack. From there I sliced up 4-5 potatoes and dumped it in the sauce. I had way too much sauce. I really should have measured the flour better lol. I dumped everything into a casserole dish then tried covering it with shredded cheddar to give it a nice skin on top. The cheddar completely sank into the mix. I covered it in foil then tossed it in the oven. For the chicken I put it on an improvised broiler pan using a cookie sheet and some cooling racks. I covered the skin in a rub then put it in the oven at 350. After an hour I pulled the foil off the potatoes then cranked the oven up to 425. When the oven came up to temp I pulled the chicken out and put the bread sticks in. After about 20 minutes the bread sticks were ready and I just phoned it in with canned green beans.
The bread sticks ballooned up so much. I was afraid that rolling the dough out was going to push out all the air and it wouldn't raise anymore. Well it sat out for about an hour and a half while I was working on everything else so it ballooned up again then got even bigger in the oven. It came out really fluffy with a nice light and crispy crust to it.
The potatoes came out really soupy as expected but it tastes pretty good especially with all the garlic.
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mimisempai · 3 months
You're the only light in my blurry world 10/10
Chapter summary
It's time for Sarah to be reunited with her parents and for our two lovebirds to begin their life together.
Thank you so much to everyone who followed this story, for your comments and for your kudos. I hope you enjoyed this little story.
On Ao3
Rating G -  2735 words
Masterpost for this fic : here
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Aziraphale had barely passed through the school gates when he found himself with his arms full of Sarah.
The little girl held the angel pendant up to his eyes and said, "It's me, Sarah!"
Aziraphale laughed and said, "Thank you, sweetie. Did you get all your stuff? Did you say goodbye to the teacher?"
She showed him her school bag and then, pointing to a woman standing outside the entrance, said, "Yes, that's the teacher from the other morning, she recognized you."
Aziraphale set Sarah down, then took her hand and replied, "All right, let's go."
"Are we going home?"
"No? Where are we going?"
Aziraphale smiled and replied, "We're going to the park, your brother's meeting us there, he said something about feeding the ducks and we'll have ice cream and there's even a surprise."
Sarah jumped up and exclaimed, "A surprise? What?"
Aziraphale chuckled and replied, "If I tell you, it won't be a surprise anymore, will it?"
About twenty minutes later, they arrived at the park, and it was Sarah who immediately spotted Crowley.
"Big brother!"
She let go of Aziraphale's hand and ran to her brother.
Crowley hugged her before putting her down again, and she grabbed his hand, then when Aziraphale reached her, she held out her other hand to him.
As they entered the park, Aziraphale could hear some people talking.
"Oh, what a lovely family."
"A lovely couple with a cute little girl."
Aziraphale noticed that people were talking about them and wondered if this was really the image they were projecting.
That of a loving family.
In any case, he couldn't deny the pleasant warm feeling the thought gave him, and when his gaze shifted to Crowley, he saw a feeling in his lover's eyes that echoed his own. 
They arrived near the ice cream stand and stopped to buy some.
Moments later, they were on their way, ice cream in hand. Crowley had a vanilla flake, Aziraphale a strawberry lolly and Sarah a chocolate cone.
They soon found a bench near the pond and sat down to enjoy their ice cream.
After a few minutes, Sarah couldn't stand still, and as soon as she finished her ice cream, she jumped off the bench and started running in the grass.
But Aziraphale held her back before pulling a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiping her chocolate smeared lips.
Crowley chuckled softly and said, "A real doting father."
Aziraphale blushed slightly and Crowley added softly, "It suits you."
They exchanged glances again when suddenly Sarah interjected, "Big brother, can I go feed the ducks?"
Aziraphale asked in amazement, "What are you going to feed them with, sweetie?"
"Oh, I'm sure Crowley has just the right thing in his pocket."
Aziraphale's eyes turned to Crowley, who was rummaging in his pocket. He soon pulled out a small bag that Aziraphale couldn't make out what it was and handed it to Sarah.
He asked, "What is it?" 
Sarah stood in front of him and waved the bag in front of him and said, like someone who had learned her lesson, "These are frozen peas. That's what you feed the ducks. They love it, and it's good for them. This is what big brother told me. He even called someone an idiot once for throwing bread at them."
But Sarah had already walked away, laughing.
Aziraphale moved a little closer to Crowley and asked with a raised eyebrow, "Tell me, how do you know so much about ducks?"
"When it was just me and Mom and we weren't rolling in dough, she'd take me out here to play and we'd come and feed the ducks. She grew up on a farm and knew a lot about it. Later, I took Sarah there, too."
Aziraphale put his hand on Crowley's, which was between them on the bench, and intertwined their fingers as he said, "I'm glad you have such a lovely relationship with Sarah, even though there's a big age difference between you.
Crowley replied quietly, "Alex is a good man, he's been good to Mom and me. He's never made a distinction between me and Sarah. I've never felt like an outcast in the family. My mother is finally happy, and that's the most important thing."
Releasing Crowley's hand to put his arm around his lover's shoulders, Aziraphal asked gently, "Are you happy, too? Because that's important, too."
Crowley turned his face fully toward him and, eyes locked with Aziraphale's, replied softly, "Now I am," then closed the distance between them and pressed his lips to his in a tender kiss.
"Is that how you keep an eye on our daughter?"
They both gasped and quickly broke off before turning their heads in the direction of the voice.
Crowley called out, "Mom, Alex, you're here a little earlier than expected!"
Alex chuckled softly and replied, "I admit we're early for once."
Aziraphale was a little apprehensive because he couldn't quite make out the expressions on Crowley's mother and stepfather's faces, and he didn't know them well enough to be able to make anything out of their voices. But he was soon reassured when Crowley's mother walked over to her son and hugged him tightly as she said, "Hello, my boy."
Then she stepped back and walked over to Aziraphale, who held out his hand in greeting.
Alice shook her head and replied, "None of that," then hugged him in turn and whispered mischievously, "Big brother Azi.
Hearing this, Aziraphale wondered what Crowley could have shared with his mother.
Then Alex shook their hands in turn, and Aziraphale appreciated his straightforward, strong grip.
"I'm Alex, Alice's husband and Sarah's father."
"Aziraphale, Crowley's..." he hesitated before continuing, "...boyfriend."
He could tell by the look on Crowley's face that he'd said the right thing as Alex replied with a smile, "Welcome to the family."
Aziraphale had no time to react as a loud cry interrupted them.
"Daddy! Mommy!"
Sarah ran toward them and threw herself into the arms of her mother, who picked her up and kissed her on the cheek, followed by Alex.
Then the little girl turned to Aziraphale and asked, "Is this the surprise?"
Aziraphale nodded and smiled.
Aziraphale saw Sarah's mother cast a puzzled glance at the angel-shaped pendant before she said, "I see your big brother has spoiled you."
"Oh, Mom! It's a special gift. You see, Azi has a disease, he can't see faces. When he came to pick me up from school, he didn't recognize me right away, so a mean teacher wouldn't let him take me. I was sad, and so was Azi. So big brother Crowley gave me this pendant to wear so that Azi can always recognize me. It's cool, isn't it?"
Alice nodded.
"It really is."
Then she put her hand on Aziraphale's arm and said in a gentle, sympathetic tone, "It really must not be easy every day, right? I am even more grateful for what you have done for us."
Then she turned to her husband and said, "Alex, we're going to look into pins or something to wear whenever Aziraphale is here so he knows who we are."
Aziraphale, touched beyond words, saw at that moment where Crowley got his exceptional character.
He said quietly, "Thank you, that's very thoughtful of you."
"It's nothing, we're going to see a lot of each other, aren't we? So if there's any way we can make it easier, we'll find it."
Aziraphale felt the gentle pressure of Crowley's hand on the small of his back and leaned lightly against him, nodding.
Then Alice said to Sarah, "How about we go home, I'm sure you have a lot to tell us."
"Can Crowley and Azi come with us?"
Alex winked at the two men and replied, "I think the boys would prefer to spend some time together."
"But all they're going to do is kiss!"
Aziraphale and Crowley didn't know what to do with themselves as Alice said with a playful twinkle in her eye, "Oh, Sarah, I think you really have a lot to tell us. Now say goodbye and thank you to Crowley and Aziraphale."
The goodbyes took a few moments longer as Sarah found it hard to say goodbye to her two big brothers. She shed a few tears, but soon smiled again as they promised to see each other again soon.
Aziraphale and Crowley watched them go, then Crowley turned to his lover and asked, "Do you want to go home right now?"
Aziraphale shook his head, grabbed his hand, and said, "We have time, let's walk."
They began walking along a tree-shaded path, then Aziraphale asked, "Are you sure you don't want to spend some time with your family?"
Crowley pulled Aziraphale aside and paused before leaning toward his lover, their foreheads almost touching. He murmured, "No, now I want to spend a lot of time with you."
Aziraphale gasped a little as Crowley placed a hand on his cheek and leaned in further until their lips were almost touching. 
Crowley added, "Lots and lots of time. Doing this, for instance."
He let his tongue run lightly and gently over Aziraphale's lips, never slipping into his mouth. Aziraphale sighed impatiently when he realized that Crowley was teasing him, and then, unable to stand it any longer, he closed the distance between them and captured Crowley's lips, his tongue immediately seeking entry, which Crowley quickly granted. 
Aziraphale wrapped his arms around Crowley's neck, and as the kiss deepened, Crowley rubbed his thumb across his lover's cheek in a gentle caress, enjoying the soft moan Aziraphale gave in response. 
The kiss stayed just soft and slow enough not to draw any more attention to them. It tasted of strawberry and vanilla, it was perfect.
Much later, when they parted to catch their breath, Aziraphale breathed, "I want more of that too..." 
Crowley smiled, planted a light kiss on his lover's lips, then said softly, "I think we'll be better off at your place for more of this."
Aziraphale laughed softly, then took Crowley's hand, lifting it to his lips for a kiss before returning to the path they'd been on before this tender interlude.
He said softly, "I think it's your special power."
"What do you mean, my angel?"
Aziraphale said softly, "I want more with you. No, that's not quite right. It's more than that. With you, I know I am allowed to want more."
Crowley replied tenderly, "Oh, yes, you are. And you'll get what you want. Always more."
More kisses.
More tenderness.
More love.
Five years later, as Aziraphale walked through the white flowered archways, he thought that words had never been truer than that day.
He had allowed himself to want and had received so much.
So much love.
So much happiness.
He had grown so much under Crowley's love, just like the plants his lover had carefully tended. His lover's precious plants that were now an integral part of the bookshop's decor.
An integral part of their home.
The bookshop, their home, where the spare room had now become Sarah's bedroom and where she regularly came to spend a few days with her two big brothers, as she called them. Although, as she'd been adding for some time, she was ten, she was all grown up now.
Sarah, who was walking in front of him, dressed in an adorable floral dress, her two braids topped with a floral crown, her angel pendant around her neck, barefoot in the grass where she threw petals, created a path that Aziraphale followed all the way to the altar where Crowley was standing.
Crowley, the only face he could see in this crowd of blurred faces.
Blurred, but some more recognizable than others.
As his eyes swept over the crowd as he moved forward, he recognized Maggie's bracelet, which fluttered as he passed her before her hand fell back to intertwine with Nina's. 
He recognized Muriel's brown curls and Eric's arm around their shoulders.
He recognized Alex and Alice when his eyes met the pins on their clothes.
Then his eyes slipped back to Crowley.
No need for signs, pins, pendants, he could make out the handsome face of the man who would soon be his husband.
As beautiful as the first day.
His miracle.
The miracle that still hadn't faded.
The doctors still hadn't found an answer.
But that didn't matter anymore.
They sat on what had become their bench in the park, and Crowley, after feeding the ducks, asked him, "Why do you think I'm the only one whose face you recognize?"
Aziraphale had turned to him, then traced his lover's features delicately with his fingertips and looked at him for a long time in silence before answering softly, "I don't know. I like to think it's ineffable."
Aziraphale nodded.
"Yes. Ineffable. Inexplicable. I don't need to know anymore. Because it's you and because it's me. Sometimes things are too great or too beautiful to explain. And that's enough for me."
Crowley had said in an emotional voice, "I think that's enough for me, too."
As he took his place across from Crowley at the altar, placing his hand in his, he looked up at the one he loved. 
He could see the same emotion, the same love that was his.
Yes, sometimes things were too great or too beautiful to explain.
They just were.
And that was enough.
Aziraphale stepped outside for some fresh air, leaving the party in full swing.
The sky was clear, a light breeze was blowing, it was a warm summer night.
Perfect for the occasion.
He leaned against the balcony railing and sighed with a sense of contentment. 
The sounds of the party reached him, muffled by the closed doors.
The sounds of those who loved them and were with them on this special day.
Suddenly, he heard the door open and the sounds amplified for a brief moment before the door muffled them again.
Then he felt two familiar arms wrap around him, and Crowley's voice whispered in his ear, "So this is where you've been hiding? Not even 24 hours and you've already had enough of me, Mr. Aziraphale Crowley-Fell?"
Aziraphale chuckled and, leaning against Crowley's chest, replied softly, "As if that's something to worry about. I could never get enough of you, Mr. Anthony Fell-Crowley."
Crowley turned him in his arms and asked earnestly, "Are you sure everything's all right? "
Aziraphale nodded and replied in a firm voice, "Perfectly. Just like this day. I just needed some fresh air and maybe a moment to realize that it's all real. How far we've come since our first meeting. Since my clumsiness, since the time when I thought I'd never be happy again, and how everything has changed in just a week, until this moment."
He raised his hand and looked, overcome with emotion, at the new ring that adorned it.
Crowley raised his hand, adorned with the same ring, and took Aziraphale's, intertwining their fingers before saying softly, clearly overwhelmed as well, "It's huge, isn't it? "
Aziraphale nodded and Crowley leaned in to kiss him tenderly, their hands still intertwined.
The kiss was gentle, almost chaste.
Almost like a first kiss.
Their first real kiss as a married couple, if you didn't count the one at the ceremony.
A light breeze opened the door and the music reached them. 
Slow and languorous. 
They parted to catch their breath, forehead to forehead, and began to sway gently to the music.
Aziraphale rested his chin on Crowley's shoulder and looked out the window behind them, he could make out Alex and Alice dancing together, while Sarah was asleep on Maggie's lap, Maggie having her head resting on Nina's shoulder. Another dancing couple who were unmistakably Muriel and Eric. The young couple seemed to have seen them as they waved their hands in their direction. Aziraphale responded with a smile.
He didn't need to see the expressions on these people's faces because he could feel happiness better than he could see it.
He sighed with contentment and rested his head in the hollow of his husband's neck. Crowley tightened his arms around him as he hummed softly.
Then Aziraphale closed his eyes.
Finally, he no longer needed to see.
For love was all around him.
As visible as the face of the one he loved.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here 
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my-little-loverboy · 6 months
@avocado-writing’s tav + Charlie enjoying some birthday soup bc it’s their birthday today and mine is in 5 days so!! Soup!! (My actual birthday soup recipe is under the cut)
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Birthday soup
Don’t forget to get silly w it. That’s like, required. It’s your BIRTHDAY (or someone else’s birthday) you deserve to get silly.
I stole this from my mom btw, also make sure you know the difference between a herb and a spice.
Oh yeah also it includes soup dumplings.
Kitchen items:
Big pot w a lid
Cutting board
2 tbls Butter
1pkg Stew beef (or chicken hearts, that’s the original ingredient I just don’t like em)
2 medium onions, one diced, one quartered (keep separate)
1 whole head of garlic, minced (jarlic works very well here)
3 cups of stock (beef if you use beef, veggie if you use chicken, do not use chicken stock it fucks up the taste)
3 medium carrots, chopped
2 medium potatos, chopped
1 celery stick, chopped
1/4 head of cabbage, chopped (optional, I just like cabbage an unreasonable amount)
1 whole package of frozen spinach, defrosted (do this in a bowl this shit is WET also keep the water)
Can of green beans (you could probably use fresh, I don’t like fresh tho so, idk)
Can of diced tomatoes
Mustard seed
Celery seed
Sprinkle of Cloves (ground)
Sprinkle of Nutmeg
5% Vinegar or lemon juice (or your favourite other edible acid, tomato juice would in theory work, lime juice is mid.)
Salt + pepper
1 tbls Paprika
Butter in that pot, medium
Spices, add em, leave ‘em until they smell good, it won’t be long.
Beef and a splash of your acid in that pot, cook until 1/4 done
Carrot and celery in that pot, get em hot but don’t cook em too long.
Diced onion, spinach, and paprika + salt n pepper to taste in that pot, med-low
Stir, cover, leave it alone for 5ish minutes
Uncover, add garlic to that pot, cook until it smells like garlic
Stock + the canned bean and frozen spinach water, add it.
Canned tomato, add it.
Potato, add it.
Cabbage, add it.
All them herbs, add em to taste (I use roughly a tablespoon each of em dried, but I like my shit strong.)
Bring it to boil on high
Let that bitch simmer, you may need to periodically add water if he’s goin too hard. (START MAKING THOSE SOUP DUMPLINGS RN IF YOURE DOING THAT)
When the potato is 1/2 done that quartered onion (and the dumplings)
Finish the potato.
Bam. Soup. I like it more cold, but it is intended to be eaten hot.
Soup dumplings
I stole this from my roommate and add em to most soups tbh
Kitchen items:
Wood spoon,
Your Hands,
You could probably do this in a stand mixer but I don’t have one of those so, you’re on your own man.
2 cups Flour
Water, hot as you can handle touching, volume required varies,
Onion powder
Garlic powder
Whatever fresh herbs you like (dried don’t work here unless they’re ground absolutely tiny)
1 tbls of your favourite liquid fat (I use olive oil, canola and sunflower also work for sure)
Flour, into the bowl
Seasonings, into the bowl
Mix well.
Add the fat
Slowly add water, mixing often until you get a slightly sticky ball.
Knead for a bit, I don’t really know how to describe the texture bc I’ve been making bread since I was a kid (and this is just a yeastless bread dough) but its finished when it stops really sticking to your hands (it’ll be tacky, not sticky)
Divide into 1 inch balls
Drop into the soup roughly 30 minutes before it’s finished.
Serve in the soup
Congrats, soup balls.
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burgerouppy · 3 months
burgerouppy baby journal
TODAYS PROMPT: yummy snacks
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there are a lot of foods that i like to eat that my littles do not. sometimes, i don't like eating them when i'm little. usually it's a difference in preference, but sometimes it feels weird eating something "big." a huge bowl of hot and sour udon is not for baby me... so this list is snacks i've found baby me (and the littles) like + their recipes.
also adding the price ranges for anyone who may want to go shopping. i live in the states so all estimated price ranges are averaged from USA prices.
jam and cream cheese pastry ($10-15)
pita bread (regular bread works too but it's not as good)
whipped cream cheese
your favorite jam :3
just take bread and put the cream cheese and jam inside... and then toast it until its yummy and warm! then u fold it over and it looks like a sweet dumpling 🥟 also yummy with chamomile tea
fruit smoothie ($15-20)
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 sliced banana
fruit yogurt cup (chobani sized)
1 cup milk (almond, oat, etc)
as much ice as you can fit in the blender
all you gotta do is put all these ingredients into your blender and you have like... 2 days worth of yummy drink... #love
yummy kibble 4 girls ($19-25)
1/2 cup honey nut cheerios
1/2 cup mini marshmallows
some scooby snacks
some pretzels
edible cookie dough balls
its called kibble 4 girls but its also 4 boys trust!!! one day i wanted to eat dog kibble that is yummy so i put together this potion and it was pretty yummy in my tummy 🦴
banana peanut butter sandwich ($8-10)
blueberry oatmeal ($15-20)
chinese rice crackers ($7-20)
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vonlipvig · 4 months
I know that you don't really focus on food or anything, but I was curious if you had any recipes for stuff you really enjoy that are typical to your country/home?
I've been browsing some wikipedia pages on pastries and dishes lately and I wanted to try making something, but I couldn't find it in me to choose from the almost infinite selection of things, so I thought asking my mutual from another part of the world may be a good idea :)
You can just give a name of something you feel is worth trying if you don't know/don't have the time/don't want to share a recipe, but I'd love to get a recommendation or two!
Hi! Yes, of course I'll tell you some of my fave dishes that I think are fairly easy to make (I mean, not that I cook, my specialty is putting frozen stuff in the oven or boiling something so yeah lmao). I'll drop some recipes I found in English for you, cannot vouch for them personally (again, since I can practically burn water), but maybe they're a useful jumping off point for you!
Chocotorta: This is the best cake/dessert in the world and it really is the stupidest thing to make. You need to get your hands on some dulce de leche, which I don't know how difficult that can be, but you get that, you get some cream cheese (that recipe says soft cheese? pretty sure that's not the same, get cream cheese, lmao), and you get whatever cookie can replace our chocolinas (basically any squareish, flat chocolate cookie).Then you mix the dulce de leche with the cream cheese until you get a light brownish mixture. You're gonna lightly soak the cookies in some milk or coffee (lightly, so they don't break), then you're gonna make a bed of them on a baking tray. Put a layer of the mixture on top of that, then another layer of cookies, then more mixture, etc etc. Then you chill, and ta-dah! You can leave it like that, fancy it up a bit, but that's the important part.
Pastel de papa (potato and ground beef pie): A really delicious dish, basically a pie or casserole made with mashed potatoes and ground beef all seasoned and with extra ingredients to make it really yummy. I leave you a recipe in english and one in spanish.
Empanadas: I mean, that's the classic! Basically our version of the 'food-encased-in-dough' staple across the globe. The traditional version is, again, with ground beef, but you can really put anything in there (other typical variants include ham and cheese, onion and cheese, corn paste, etc). IMPORTANT: If the recipe says use raisins for the filling, IGNORE IT, trust me, every good argentine will thank you (Personally I'd take out the olives too, but if you're my grandma I NEVER SAID THAT I LOVE RAISINS AND OLIVES NANA).
Milanesa napolitana: Another big fave, this is our breaded steak (usually fried, but it can go in the oven, it just takes longer), with added tomato sauce and cheese on top and it's delicious. Serve with fries or mashed potatoes for the perfect combo.
I hope that helps, let me know if you ever make some of these! Bone app the teeth! (and everyone else, feel free to drop some good argentinian recipes!)
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