#monkey d family
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tea-party-with-drosera · 2 months ago
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I like it… just because these two NEED some kind words… And hugs
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uboinlubo · 28 days ago
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( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ Just boys being boys
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foldedbanana · 1 month ago
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i don’t have any new content and i don’t plan on creating anything for a minute until i get my health sorted out, so have this silly sketch
this was absolutely an excuse to draw dragon shirtless i can’t even lie to you but also silly family shenanigans! ace is the spiky blob in the water and crocodile is dead (idk what hes doing but hes there too)
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mothzan · 4 months ago
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Babysitter au anyone ?
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mjrtaurus · 3 months ago
No but Monkey D Mink ancestry would explain how Garp’s idea of parenting was to throw the kids into the jungle. It’s generational.
Could you imagine how brutal the child-rearing tactics of a Mink family would have to be to get by outside of Zou? With the World Government the way it is towards non-human peoples? It would be survival of the fittest!
And what better training ground for a family of primate Minks than a jungle like on Dawn? By Monkey D. standards- even softened with time and human introduction into the family line- Garp gave Ace, Sabo, and Luffy (and Dragon) a stable childhood.
Furthermore, that balls to the wall craziness that has Garp flying fist-first into an island full of pirates while laughing his head off, that has Dragon turning away from and single-handedly raising an entire army against the ruling power of the world, that has Luffy playing fucking jump rope with a mythical zoan draconified Emperor of the Sea? That’s how their whole family survived.
They survived by being fucking insane, because the only other option was death or worse.
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pippin-pippout · 11 months ago
Looking back on it, the reveal that Luffy's ungodly unending appetite has actually nothing to do with his devil fruit powers, but is actually a family trait, is hilarious.
NOT EVEN BLOOD FAMILY, though that too.
First we get Ace, also eating like a mad man and then falling asleep directly in the middle of his food. And then I am pretty sure we get Garp eating like a mad man though maybe that was just in the live action, but he definitely also falls asleep randomly.
What is wrong with them???
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cryingpariah · 2 months ago
To soothe the pain: Dragon, post-canon, retired and living on the rebuilding Ohara, finally getting the rest and family time he’s worked so hard for.
All his time with Revs had made him forget how much he loved the quiet and slowness a day could provide. Dragon had had in abundance when he was young, living on a picturesque farmhouse has that effect but his years spent trying to save the world had made him fear quiet, had made him loathe the sluggishness of their progress even if he knew such a undertaking as this couldn’t be done overnight nor was that to say the fight was completely over now. There were islands needing assistance, protection and rebuilding. There were culture lost to the willful ignorance of the World Government. There were still people that need hope but that was no longer his fight. The baton was passed and the next generation was taking over. He wholeheartedly believed they would take the foundation that he and so many others lived and died for to build the kinder world they all dreamed of.
Currently though, he only had one pressing matter on his mind….
“What do you think Wani, red or white wine for dinner?”
“Knowing how much your mother cooks and your father eats I'd say we need a third bottle…or a barrel.”
“Still, this is the first family dinner since the Ohara restoration project has begun. It’s a special occasion!”
“I really don’t think anyone will mind what we're bringing. Both are quite expensive and well-aged after all.”
“But what’s the right choice?”
A baritone chuckle loosed itself from Dragon's lover as he pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “Blasphemous as it is to say, there’s no right or wrong choice. You might just be overthinking this Love.”
Dragon's next sentence was interrupted by someone bursting through the door.
Without waiting for answer Luffy immediately grabbed his fathers with his impossibly long arms and began hauling ass towards the docks, his parents flopping in the breeze like living kites. Crocodile immediately begun screeching as he tried to explain to Luffy that if they just arrived there can’t possibly be any food yet and to slow down!
As the ship came into view and as Dragon spotted the rest of his family stepping off and spotting him…what else could he do but smile and laugh?
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lyyy30 · 8 days ago
Important events and D´s
I am making a mind map relating the events of the One Piece world and the number of characters with the D in their name involved, any ideas? help? please? ;-;
it is a paranoia of mine, but I want to see if there is any relation of dangerousness, importance or something. I only count if more than one D is involved
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loganwritesprobably · 7 months ago
Its time for a Combo!
Please write something with only Garp, C, one character, 4th (au)
Glad i could ask, an Anon!
I can't say I've written for Garp before.. but I'll take the opportunity. I'm actually a bit of a Garp enjoyer
Content/Warnings: Family focused, Garp focused, this is basically just Garp thinking/talking to himself,
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Garp wasn't sure if he'd done a good job raising his family.
Was a father ever truly sure? None of his family had followed in his footsteps to become marines as he'd hoped, causing their own unique types of trouble.
Ace was gone, but he'd died knowing he was loved, and he'd given Ace the chance to make a different choice. If he'd asked for help, Garp would've given it, but the kid was stubborn and he wasn't interested.
Luffy was an emperor of the sea, but the kid was following his dreams and wasn't that all that he could hope for? Every day he looked more like Dragon, acted more like Garp. He was growing into a fine young man with incredible strength just like Garp would expect from any member of the Monkey clan. He was proud, he thought. Very proud.
Dragon was a whole other beast. He was the most wanted criminal in the world, above any pirate. He wanted to topple the corrupt system that Garp had spent his life attempting to work around, using their systems to build a future he wanted for the people. Not Dragon. No, he'd decided the system would never be good enough, and he wanted real change. Garp admired his strength and his determination.
"That won't stop me from calling you stupid." Garp said with a scoff, though he was looking at their one family photo with a smile despite himself.
They were going to change the world. His boys. And when he died, maybe he'd go to hell for not joining them, but he'd never regret the path he'd chosen because it had sent them on their paths and he was sure his boys were exactly where they needed to be.
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Requests are currently closed
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Tags: @claryeverlarkf @uselessboots @cainnoable
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newbieineverything · 2 years ago
One day I'm gonna post about how most of the fandom misunderstands Monkey D. Garp and how they take a character who had to make nuanced and difficult decisions and simplify him into a flat one dimensional character that they don't like because they don't understand his decisions
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tea-party-with-drosera · 3 months ago
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Just a romance in the style of the Monkey D family...
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foldedbanana · 2 months ago
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well… we can tell who raised him
but also im a belieber in silly dragon he just got that spark drained out of him, he was a miniature garp back in his marine days for sure.
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owl-it-here · 3 months ago
Random thought BUT All the characters I get fixed onto //so most of my all time favourite// would have an Absol or be avoided by one in the Pokemon word 🥲. I stan disasters or those who seek them 😅.
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mjrtaurus · 2 months ago
Modern AU
The Monkey D Family doesn’t celebrate Christmas per se, but they do celebrate the holiday season in their own way.
Use to, they would plan a trip to Peru and celebrate there, but recent years make the trip difficult to organize. So instead, they congregate at the family farm, which passed to Dragon once he left the Marine Corps.
It’s close quarters and it’s loud, obnoxiously so, but the food is good and there’s plenty of it to go around. The company is generally pretty good, save for the occasional awkward discussion.
Gift-giving is a very personalized thing. Crafts and treats pass hands more often than store bought things, but those happen too. They don’t discriminate. Especially when lego puts out a new piece in the insect collection and Luffy wants it more than life itself.
The only hard rule is that you don’t bring up politics because Garp and Dragon will get into it. Garp is good at picking at things without realizing it and that wears Dragon’s level-headed nature down like sandpaper.
Also, DO NOT spike the eggnog. Garp and Dragon will get white girl wasted on it in no time, and given the previous, that’s a very bad idea.
Urpi keeps the two of them in line, though. She will send both to their rooms. If Dragon was any pettier, he would tease his dad that the master bedroom is now his room, and Garp gets the guest room (formerly Dragon’s childhood bedroom).
Urpi and Dragon run the kitchen like a well oiled machine, and it’s better to steer clear if you don’t want to get subjected to the passive aggressive snappiness of a couple of perfectly in sync people getting their flow interrupted. Dadan guards the door from Garp and Luffy (and sometimes Sabo). Kuzan and Ace distract the two (sometimes three). Robin watches and enjoys the chaos. She sometimes even instigates it. Dadan allows it because seeing Garp get chased out of the kitchen by a wooden spoon wielding Urpi is funny. Dragon just bodily carries Luffy and/or Sabo out like he’s hauling a couple of wiggly hay bales.
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mugiwara-lucy · 14 days ago
I want to see Dragon’s reaction to the latest news about Garp….
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more dragon
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cryingpariah · 2 months ago
Gonna have to project on Dragon a little bit to get by today (like I don’t already).
Sometimes he calls his mom because he’s just… tired. Bone deep, soul-crushingly, heartbreakingly tired. Wishing all of this could stop for a little while and let him rest. Wishing it had never started to begin with. Wishing he could pass this burden on to someone else and walk away. Wishing anybody else could have been the one to wage this war.
He doesn’t want to do this anymore…
He just wants to go home…
He knew no one would answer. He knew it but there was a comfort in it he couldn’t properly explain. Maybe it was cruel or even masochistic but hearing Blanca dial a little flicker of hope settled into his stomach, maybe, maybe she would pick up and be alive and give him the advice and comforted he so sorely needed. Of course all he got was the answer mechanism on the snail (that hadn’t been damaged much in that apparent raid). Maybe worst of all was that it was the family snail and so the voice that greeted him wasn’t just hers but his Tayta, his brother, his sister, him. His own voice startled him. It was lighter and full of a joy he could no longer claim as his own. He listens as the family that no longer existed told him that they were probably too busy to come to the snail currently but please do leave a message and they get right back to him!
“Probably.” His father's voice chimed in his usual gleeful but unhelpful manner. Dragon heard a little smack before his Mamay's voice came back.
“We will. I’ll make sure of it.”
Shit, that was his cue to say something! He quickly cleared his throat (accidentally trigger a light coughing fit) before starting to speak.
“Ma- *Koff* Mamay it's me, Dragon. I, uh, could really use some help right now. I’m just…so tired of everything Mamay. That’s not to say I think what I did was a mistake! It’s just….the fight continues to wage on. Good people, scared people, they look to me for the answers that I don’t have. Sometimes I wonder if I should have just stayed home and been a farmer. I’m not nearly as good as you were but- are, I meant are. I-I'm sorry. I don’t think you’re- I’m sure you’re-.”
He sighed, heavy and worn from the world and its sadistic need to inflict every pain and sorrow on him. He quickly ran a hand down his face, wordlessly wiping the stray tears that found their way down. Outside, a light drizzle had begun.
“Sorry, sorry I just…sorry. I don’t intend to give up, not ever it’s just…I never realized you could be so tired. I wanna lie down and just once not worry about budget or deadlines or whatever crockshit the World Government has decided next. Did you get tired too? Somehow I get the feeling you bore it better than I ever could. If-…If I did run, would you be disappointed in me? You always told me to finish what you start but I feel so empty Mamay. I wish you were here, I wish we were all together again, so you could all look at me and tell me I’m being a silly little overthinker. I wish you could meet Sabo, you’d love him to bits I know. I wish…I wish I could have introduced you to Luffy-.”
A cool automated voice spoke out to him.
“End of message. If you are satisfied with your message click 1, if you wish to delete your message click 2.”
He came back into focus to the feeling of a watery eyed Blanca nuzzling his hand and cooing softly. He scratched her chin before hesitantly pressing 1.
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