#so every day i just do fucking nothing
valla-chan · 1 year
grgrrggrhgkrhkaukerhgjherkajg/..... GRRGRGRGRRGTFHFHFFHGGTFTFTGFGFG
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musubiki · 2 months
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balor 🥰
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eyepatchoflove · 2 months
lestat being both french and italian explains everything, because there is actually nothing wrong with him, he's just like that.
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faunandfloraas · 6 days
i hope whatever weird thing thats wrong with me is resolved by the concert next month bc if its not im really not seeing how i'll be able to go
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bacchuschucklefuck · 6 days
sometimes doing art is a random person coming by u and winking at u and u absolutely do not know what they're doing that about at all. and sometimes they tell u and ur like that's so beautiful that u've found that in my art but I didnt put it in there
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spacemanxpaninis · 4 months
Your f/o is so supportive of you taking your meds. Especially if you’re new to it and feel like they wouldn’t want to deal with someone who takes them. You sadly admit that you do but they just pull you close and tell you there’s nothing to be ashamed of, you can’t help it and they want you to feel better. “If these are the things that make you feel better, then how can I do anything but love them?”
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happy 3rd birthday to the hottest thing bastille has ever done anyone but me x nightmares (24.08.2020)
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avianreptiles · 3 months
I have way too much respect for artists to ever bash someone's art/artstyle
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alluralater · 3 months
coming back to my blog after dealing with a family emergency for days to see that men are flooding my blog because some non-lesbian sapphics don’t feel any need or interest in keeping their followers in check. IF YOU HAVE MEN FOLLOWING YOU AND THOSE MEN DO NOT RESPECT BOUNDARIES— STOP REBLOGGING MY POSTS TO YOUR BLOG. i’m so exhausted and the last thing i wanna be seeing is my body and my voice while i orgasm tied to banners with “lesbian content” “men dni” “men do not interact” being passed around between men because they are used to you not having any boundaries with them on your blog. they’re your followers, not mine. keep your stupid men in check. i’m too tired to be nice about this
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naamahdarling · 7 months
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forcebookish · 2 months
had to stop taking the new adhd medication but the good news is i can drink coffee and iced tea again
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 3 months
Dead dashboard confessional parasocial hours: it’s been so nice to see Taylor kind of reclaim her place in the world and work out in real time what does or doesn’t feel good in terms of being out there, and she’s clearly flourishing on a personal level by taking in all these experiences! And idk if it’s just the late hour or the post-livestream hangover or what, but it just kinda feels like something shifted yet again last week — like she and Travis did their goofy little skit because Theatre Kids and it was fun and felt good and she’s like “YES more of that please!”
And I’m not saying that as in “omg she’s going to publish her entire life online now” at all, but more in like, it’s kind of endearing to see her try these new things and figure out her boundaries and be like “yes this sparks joy and I want more of it in my life” (or on the flip side, cutting out the things that don’t and protecting her peace). I know that ET article earlier today was just a fluff piece to keep stoking the fires until they can actually Say It, but there’s something about Tree’s the quote saying they had fun coming up with it and were glad they got to share that moment together and want to keep having fun like that was just really sweet. And again, I don’t think it means they’re going to publicize their lives regularly by any means, I really do feel like it was like, “hey you know what would be funny?” And they took it from there — almost like that skit was for them and we were lucky to be bystanders to the bit lol. They just have so much fun together and it shows. I don’t think they’re trying to capitalize off their relationship, I think it’s just the pop star on a global stage equivalent of that one couple you have in your friend group that always goes all out for Halloween with the elaborate couple costume and commits to the bit every year.
It just seems like they’re really settling into things and figuring out as they go along how they can do the things they want to do within the parameters of what feels safe and joyful and is less scary than it once was. Taylor got to take part in her own way in something meaningful to Travis (e.g. the Super Bowl) and he’s gotten to take part in something meaningful to her (the show) and it’s just really sweet how they embrace each other’s worlds. And maybe it was “new and defining” because Taylor’s never been that overt before on stage on a tour of this scale, and not only did the world not cave in, she had a blast and got to have a chuckle. For someone who said she always wished she had someone by her side to share her successes with and never did even in her longest relationship previously, it’s got to be wild to literally have her partner on stage with her on her record-breaking tour.
No wonder she’s probably gagged at all this. The universe really did shift and it was all for them etc.
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swampthingking · 8 months
the thought of cracking the spine of a book makes kevin nauseous. he like opens it just enough to see the words and holds the book at such uncomfortable angles to read— anything to keep the book pristine and intact. he does not let people borrow his books because he is a control freak (as a term of endearment) and does not trust them to take care of them the way he does.
and andrew is the complete opposite, cracking the spine as soon as he opens it. he annotates in pen. he dog ears the pages because who the fuck has time to find a bookmark. he throws books out of anger. he throws them at aaron for fun. he lets them get smashed and torn in his bag. he always keeps them, he just prefers them to look like they’ve been read.
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humming-fly · 5 months
hey, not sure if you know this, but alt text is an accessibility feature and it's used for image descriptions, not for writing your thoughts in ^.^ hope this doesn't seem rude sorry
ah yeah i've wondered if this was going to come up - the way I use alt text is actually just a continuation of the way I've always used image captions - in the old tumblr setup image captions were short and just would show up under the image when you clicked on them so I got in the habit of putting little bonus jokes/easter eggs in there for my own amusement and for the amusement of folks that happen to click the images, but then when tumblr redid the post editor they got rid of that option and replaced it wholecloth with the alt text, but I still like making the little jokes so for now that's where I've stuck 'em
I do totally get that it's meant as an accessibility feature and that some folks don't jive with how I'm using it, which is totally fine! That said I do plan to keep making my little jokes in the alt text since I really am just making these dumb little shitposts for myself, so if the alt text issue is something you're worried about please do just block me! It's never an insult, catering your dash is 100% personal and I take no offense whatsoever, just the same way that the way i format my shitposts is 100% personal to my own tastes
thanks for reaching out!
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engagemythrusters · 4 months
no bc a large reason i was instantly drawn to the Walmart Echo was because he WOULD be a walmart employee
all these modern AUs where the clones are cops or lawyers or whatever are missing the Big Thing about the clones in canon: they come from nothing, earn nothing, and die with nothing. They don't make money (i think?), they have very little rights, and they're fucking expendable.
You know what that is in real life now? That's the fuckin working class! That's minimum wage, no benefits, no overtime! Your front desk attendants, your cashiers, your stockers, your servers, your retail associates!
not to mention, the clones are men of colour, and a large portion of them becoming disabled (via physical disability or PTSD or what-have-you)... you think they're easily finding jobs? And in THIS economy? I hid my disability, played pretend, and I'm still makin jack squat. I've got privilages they don't have! I have a degree--they wouldnt have gotten formal educations in this universe!
in Star Wars, the clones are taken advantage of the whole damn time. you think it's gonna be any different in the real world?
now obviously people break through and stuff. some clones would, too. but by and large... society is made of working class. clones are blue collar through and through and damn its actually nice to see it.
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lestappenforever · 5 months
Just in case nobody's told you yet:
It's okay if you don't enjoy going to the gym. Even if you go regularly, it's okay if you still hate every single second of it.
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