#so amc can go fuck off
dwreader · 7 months
making a whole marketing campaign about an abuse victim being an "unreliable narrator" is deeply irresponsible and is exactly why your fandom is the way it is.
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laniidae-passerine · 3 months
there is something so entirely fucked about Louis’ psyche… look at it all! the physical beatings to an obscene degree, the damaging affairs, the psychological warfare, the public humiliation, the participation in the murder of their only beloved daughter. Lestat does this all to him, or a significant amount even if memory is playing its wicked games. Lestat is a vicious horrible thing with his teeth marks on every part of Louis and yet even with decades of freedom, a new partner, the ability to recognise and condemn cruelty and abusive actions, Louis still wants him back. Knowing what he is, what he can do, Louis wants him back. It never mattered if vampires can dream, for Lestat haunts his waking days, a torturous vision of the only living one Louis really loves.
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rad-batson · 1 year
The Batkids and The Arts (Feral Edition)
They’re all musical theatre nerds. Every single one of them. Bruce, Alfred, Dick, Cass, Jason, Steph, Tim, Duke, Damian. They go see Broadway shows together then don’t stop talking about it for like a week. It is the one bonding activity they will never pass up.
Jason and Steph once entered a ballroom dancing competition and won after some pompous rich kids insulted their moves during a gala. Since then, they’ve entered a competition every month or so just for fun. (And for the prize money :P)
Tim is an avid believer that Culinary Art is one of The Arts. (Can he cook? Absolutely not. It was Bernard that convinced him, but he stands by it.)
Duke talks through every single movie he watches. He always promises to be quiet at the beginning, but then he gets too excited and whispers commentary to the people around him. This habit has since bled into the entire family. They are no longer welcome at the local AMC.
Every single one of them is pretentious about something.
Dick is pretentious about any and all performance arts featured at the circus. Once, someone made a joke about going to “Clown School” and Dick screamed at them about how not even their pinky would have the privilege of being admitted into clown school.
Jason is pretentious about classic literature. They can no longer tell if his jokes and references to Shakespeare and Jane Austen are correct or if he’s just fucking with them.
Cass gets pretentious about martial arts being a performance art. She is also pretentious about ballet being a martial art. She could kill a man in fifth position without losing her balance, and that’s a fucking fact.
Stephanie is very good at acting pretentious about the arts. She absorbs everything she’s learned from the rest of the bat family’s interests then pretends to be pretentious about it to mock them while sneaking in just enough correct information so no one can call her out on it. (Her true interest is graphic design.)
Tim has no professional experience with photography, but he will be pretentious about it like he knows everything. (Bruce: Tim, why is there a filter on this evidence photo you took? Tim: I thought it looked nicer that way. Really makes the blood splatter pop.)
Duke isn’t exactly pretentious about writing, but he will lay down his life for the Oxford comma. (Bruce didn’t use it until Duke called the punctuation in his mission reports “insulting.” He now uses it.)
Damian is pretentious about studio art. If he ever hears his family or friends say, “I don’t get it,” at an art museum, he will make them look at it for five minutes as he explains in painstaking detail what’s so revolutionary about it.
The kids decided to take an improv class together once for their undercover work while Bruce and Alfred were out of town. It was so fun that they still play improv games when they’re bored.
Cass is secretly a metalhead.
Whenever one of the younger kids needs to write an English paper, they will just walk up to Jason, riddle off a dumb opinion about the book or poem they had to read, and record whatever Jason ends up lecturing them about. The most recent incident resulted in an award-winning paper about how the theory that William Shakespeare never wrote his own work is deeply rooted in classism.
Damian always has paint under his nails. It just never comes out.
Dick has personally taught everyone in the family how to do The Perfect Backflip. They all get a little ceremony once they’ve mastered it. There is cake.
Whenever Cass is standing around with nothing to do, she’ll practice her foot positions for ballet. The others always notice and follow her lead.
Jason: dramatically recites a poem in the living room Steph: starts beatboxing
Steph is always the first to find typos or continuity errors in a book, play, or movie. She doesn’t intend to; it’s just second nature to her. (She is now Duke’s official proofreader.)
Duke: So how’d you like the movie? Damian: I really loved the mise-en-scène, especially during the breakfast scene and that one shot near the end with the warehouse doors. Duke: *nods thoughtfully* Everyone Else Leaving the Theater: wtf is a meez on sen?
When Duke is finished writing something and wants to share it with his family, he’ll give it to Jason and Cass first.
Jason and Duke have frequent passionate arguments discussions about who is the best poet. Never bring up Dickinson, Poe, Shakespeare, Hughes, Plath, Wilde, Kipling, Sappho, or Angelou in their vicinity unless you want to start it up again.
Damian is surprisingly good at acting. Too good.
Dick knows your music taste before you do. He has a carefully curated playlist for every single family member, every possible combination of family members, and every possible mood at the ready.
They can and will correct anyone who mistakes Gothic architecture for Victorian or Gothic Revival and vice versa. (It’s really a Gotham thing.)
Tim: How dare you call The Grand Budapest Hotel the best prison break movie when it’s clearly The Shawshank Redemption! Jason: Well, as someone who’s BEEN TO PRISON, I think I should know! Dick: It’s clearly Chicken Run! You’re all just Chicken-ist. Duke: But what about Midnight Express?! That one’s so good! Steph: Has anyone mentioned Toy Story 3 yet? No? Damian, watching from the sidelines: I liked Escape from Alcatraz. Cass: Same.
There are several art pieces in the manor that have been positioned directly over top of bullet holes and other suspicious damages.
Damian and Duke made an animated short film once for the Gotham Film Festival. Dick and Cass were their models for the concept art. Tim did historical research. Jason helped Duke edit the storyboard, and Steph was the continuity supervisor. It was about a British super spy working for MI6 that saved the world in the late 70’s. It was titled Agent A.
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heliza24 · 4 months
Armand and Unbreakable Cycles
So (perhaps unsurprisingly at this point) I have a TON of Armand thoughts after yesterday’s episode. Specifically I want to talk about the function of the 1790s section, and how it perfectly illuminates the cycle of maladaptive behavior that Armand is caught up in and the difference between his stated wants and his actual needs. I think the setup we saw in this episode will also be crucial to understanding how Dubai plays out, so I want to talk about that too.
I know a lot of people love the show and TVC because of Lestat, and there’s some frustration that Lestat was presented in a way that was untrue or filtered. But I really think you have to view this episode as a lens into Armand, which we in turn need in order to understand Louis. Everyone has someone similar to Lestat’s role in Armand’s life; an ex or a situationship or a former friend who takes up so much real estate in your brain because of their outsized impact  on you, who probably never thinks of you in return. We give these people a role in the story we craft of how we became who we are. That narrativizing is kind of the only way to understand yourself and survive (especially if you’re going to live forever). So I don’t doubt that there are things that Armand says that are untrue, or exaggerated, or twisted in his favor. But I do think the important part is the emotional impact his encounter with Lestat had on him, and I do think he’s being honest about those emotions.
(That being said I am of course very excited to see these events play out again in season 3 from Lestat’s POV. Don’t fuck it up AMC!!!)
The main thing that the flashback does is set up the cycle that Armand finds himself in over and over again. He consistently finds himself clinging to control in an institution he is starting to lose faith in, and is then shaken out of his complacency by a new love that seems– falsely– to rescue him.
Depending on how they adapt his very early backstory, I think we can probably assume that this pattern started in childhood for him. Marius rescued him from being forced into sex work, and seemed to offer a much better life. But in reality he was just grooming Armand. (Thanks @toriangeli for correcting a piece of my Marius lore here!)
In Paris he continues maintaining a strictly enforced life of misery for the coven long after he stops believing in it himself, and (by his telling at least) he was grateful to Lestat for having the strength to end it when he could not. It’s so clear why Armand falls for Lestat. Lestat’s refusal to live in shame, his love of the arts, his ability to exist amongst humanity (at least when he is on stage). Lestat is of the world, while Armand and the coven hide from it. 
The reason I think it is so important that we got to see this play out in Paris is the way it illuminates the sometimes tricky relationship between Louis and Armand. Once again, Armand is the head of an institution that operates on strict and oppressive rules. Once again, we can feel Armand’s enthusiasm for this system waning (and see it reflected physically in the lack of ticket sales and general shabbiness of the theatre). And once again, Armand is swept off his feet by this new vampire who refuses to join, who loves humanity, and who has a passion for art. Louis is very much of the world. He refuses to be pinned down into coven life. Armand can’t resist taking what looks like the opportunity for escape in Louis’s love. 
What I think is so fascinating about this cycle is that it allows Armand to remain passive. He never has to be the one to make the hard call to walk away from a kind of life that is no longer serving him. He just has to wait for the next gorgeous man to arrive to deliver him.  As he says to Louis, “those with the most power are often the weakest”. His status and power in the coven prevents him from changing his own life. Or at least that’s what he believes. 
Thinking about this helped me understand the dynamic of what goes down in the sewers, when Armand threatens Louis’s life. Assad says in the behind the scenes clips that Armand goes into that encounter very set on killing Louis, and I believe him.  So I rewatched it a couple of times trying to understand when, and why, Armand changes his mind. The shift occurs when they start talking about Claudia, and Armand says that her mind will break apart soon because she was made too young. Louis says “you don’t know her,” and Armand responds, “I don’t have to. I’ve seen it before. I’ve seen too much.” That admission– I’ve lived through this cycle multiple times before, it is painful, and I don’t want to do it again– is what shifts Armand from being ready to kill Louis to letting him go. 
There is of course an irony here; mentally ill and child vampires do not necessarily need to go mad. Generally they go mad at least partially because of Armand’s actions. And as we’ve already discussed, Armand going to sleep with Louis instead of killing him is really just a repeat of his actions with Lestat. He isn’t really breaking a cycle at all. But I think in that moment he believes that he is. Maybe he even believes that by being with a man who enacted great violence on Lestat, he can drown out the love and anguish he still feels about Lestat. At the very least, Louis has also loved Lestat and can therefore understand Armand’s narration of his own life in a way that not many other people can. 
Ok, so now we are caught up on the past. Let’s talk about Dubai, and how once again Armand is engaged in the exact same cycle of behavior.
The penthouse is Armand’s new coven. He maintains perfect order by controlling the physical environment and shaping Louis’s moods and memories. But just like before, this way of life is no longer serving Armand (or Louis for that matter). You can see that the spark between them has died, only rekindled as a kind of performance when they are in front of Daniel. When Armand is telling Daniel about Lestat destroying the coven, and Daniel accuses Armand of leading Lestat to the coven intentionally… he might as well be talking about himself. Armand has let Daniel into his fortress, and there is at least a part of him that wants whatever destruction Daniel is about to bring into his life.
Daniel fits Armand’s type completely. Daniel is of course more human than Lestat or Louis could ever be. He knows about telenovelas and Bollywood and all other types of art. He’s whipsmart and inquisitive and is not going to let Armand get away with passively maintaining his old order. He’s of the world in a way that Armand finds irresistible. 
I specifically found it interesting how many of the “Great Laws” Armand would be breaking by being with Daniel. Granted, Armand isn’t in the coven anymore when he meets Daniel. But I imagine old habits are hard to break, and being with Daniel would break almost all of them. Daniel is a mortal Armand has revealed his true nature to and allowed to live, Daniel has written about and exposed vampire secrets, and (if we’re looking at book canon) Daniel begs for the dark gift himself, a thing only the maitre is supposed to be able to approve. 
Assuming that a chunk of Devil’s Minion did happen in the 1970s, something interrupted that love affair, before it could settle back down into a new but still oppressive status quo. Something prompted Armand to actively break his pattern of behavior and erase Daniel’s memories. I think it’s impossible not to think about Nicki’s example here, especially after seeing the 1790s flashback. I’m going to assume that 1970s Daniel was struggling with addiction and mental health issues in a way that may have been reminiscent of Nicki. How intentional was Armand in withdrawing because he saw what vampire involvement- his involvement- did to Nicki? How much was his treatment of Daniel a reparation for past mistakes he made?
These last couple of paragraphs are speculation, really, because we won’t know exactly what Armandaniel looked like until Ep 5. But I think it was crucial that we saw this part of Armand’s story before we see San Francisco, because his actions with Daniel will make more sense if we can compare them with the love affairs of Armand’s past.
Regardless, I do think the disparity between what Armand claims to want (maintaining the status quo) vs what he actually wants (to be liberated by a romantic partner) vs what I think he actually needs (to take action himself, instead of waiting for someone to do it for him) is going to play a role in the way Dubai unfolds. I don’t know that Armand will ever get to the point where he’s actively able to break out of the cycle he’s in, because this is Interview with the Vampire, the show of fucked up gothic romances. Vampire life is a series of bad decisions! It’s a weird arrested development you never quite get out of despite living for forever! So it would make total sense if the ending of Dubai mimics the ending of the Children of Satan and the Paris Coven in an unhealthy way. But regardless, it’s gonna be a fun ride, and I can’t wait to see it.
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obv you don’t speak for all black ppl ever but are there any fandoms that set off immediate red flags for you? like, smth where the creator or content of the work is so rancid that you just. can’t trust nbs who call themselves fans of it? (basically im asking if black ppl have an equivalent of harry potter for trans ppl. if answering this feels too close to batting at a hornet’s nest just ignore me lol)
🤣 I don't speak for all Black people, this is true, but I think I can take the liberty this time and confidently say:
All of them.
So long as there's a fandom with a majority nonblack viewerbase and/or target demographic, there will be rampant antiblackness. You get jaded to the pattern after a while, though it doesn't stop hurting, if that makes sense. I know that's not specifically what you're asking, but... It's just so broad. Something can be terrible, something can be great... The fandom? Predictable.
And excuse my French, but fuck the hornets nest lmao. All anyone can do is be racist to me about it, and they were already gonna do that anyway 🤷🏾‍♀️ (this doesn't mean every Black fan is this comfortable! Fandom can be very dangerous for Black people, so everyone's not going to be as open about it, and do not expect them to be!)
Anywho, here's two lists I've compiled thanks to contributions from people whom I asked for antiblack fan experiences, all anonymized for safety. You will find fandom examples in there. Me personally, I won't touch the AMC Interview With The Vampire fandom with a two hundred foot pole. If it's not getting shared by my peers I don't wanna see it! A show where the lead is a Black man, and it had some of the most overt antiblackness I've seen. I imagine it was worse this season with a Black and Southwest Asian couple, though like I said- I don't see it 🤷🏾‍♀️
Also, sidenote, but the H*P fandom is also and always was unwelcoming to Black people lmao. Far before I knew about the TERF and the antisemitism, I watched an entire fandom of "white progressives who'd fight for justice in D*mbledore's Army" go nuclear meltdown and write whole essays on how ol girl just COULDN'T be a Black person! So much for social justice 🤣
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companionjones · 2 years
Road Trips (Back and Forth)
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Fandom: The Walking Dead (AMC)
Summary: After four long months, Daryl is finally back in your life.
Warnings: Smut with some plot at the end, Cursing
This is an AU story.
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    You woke to the sound of water running. Most people would assume they had an intruder, but you knew it could only be one person. Jumping out of bed, you rushed into your bathroom and shower fully clothed.
    “Daryl--!” you cut yourself off by crashing your lips upon his. It had been four months since you’d last seen him.
    Dixon was lucky enough to practically catch you in his arms before the both of you could go toppling over.
    You had a second to breathe in his scent before Daryl pulled you from him. “I was trying to wash myself of all this dirt and grime before I said ‘hello’ to you,” he stated.
    Shaking your head, you testified, “You should always say hello to me first.” You tugged him downward so you could connect your lips again.
    Daryl let the kiss go on. “God, I missed the taste of ya’.” He moved you so you were pressed against the shower wall. He was squeezing your breasts over your shirt before removing the piece of clothing from the equation entirely, and throwing it over the top of the shower.
    You cried out as Daryl roughly pinched your nipples, but Daryl just swallowed the sound. He roughly pulled down the shorts you’d been wearing, and you stepped out of them as soon as they hit the floor. Daryl threw them in the same direction as your shirt.
    “Oh God, Daryl, please!” you begged breathlessly as you parted from his lips.
    Daryl Dixon was never one to waste time. “You don’t have to ask me twice, baby.”
    You gasped as Daryl picked you up and you circled your legs around him, and you shouted his name as Daryl swiftly entered you.
    “That’s it, babygirl. You always take-me-so-well!” Daryl stated as he started thrusting in and out of you.
    “D-a-r-y-l-!” you sounded out Dixon’s name in harmony with the sound of skin slapping throughout your bathroom. You were holding onto him for dear life.
    “Fuck, that’s it. Fuck, you’re so good for me. That’s my good-little-girl!”
    “Fuck yes! D-daddy, please! Oh, oh God, you feel so good!”
    “Feel good too, princess. Hold on just a little longer. A little longer for Daddy.”
    Your fingers were making marks on his back. “Oh, please, please, please! D-Daryl!” You screamed when you felt his warm semen release inside of you. You felt your eyes almost pop out of your head as your mouth hung open and you came with him.
    As you calmed down, you felt Daryl petting the back of your head and whispering sweet nothings into your ear. “That’s my girl...Did such a good job...Made me cum so hard I nearly fell over.”
    You giggled at that last one.
    “There’s my girl.” He kissed your cheek. “Think we can finish up in here?”
    You chuckled, “That’s if I can stand, Dixon.”
    He smiled at that.
    Yes, you were able to stand (barely), and in no time at all, you had helped Daryl finish his shower, and the two of you were wrapped up in each other’s arms in your bed.
    “How is everyone?” you wondered.
    Daryl went on to tell you that his motorcycle shop he owned a few states away with his best friend Rick Grimes was profiting well. Rick’s wife Michonne had just opened a self-defence dojo for women, and that was going great. Michonne and Rick’s kids: Carl, Judith and RJ were growing into very good people as well. Daryl’s other married friends, Maggie and Glenn, owned a private practice that, Daryl reported, had “just donated an ass-load” of money to charity; and their child, Hershel, had just developed his first crush.
    You had met all of those people the couple of times Daryl had brought you on a road trip to his home, and you all got along famously. You cared very much what was happening in their lives, as you knew they did your life as well.
    Speaking of your life, you were finishing up your college degree. That was cute because you were just starting college when you and Daryl had met while he had been on one of his many road trips. That was cute because since then, none of Daryl’s road trips didn’t involve you.
    “You know,” you began once Daryl was done relaying his friends’ current adventures, “I’m almost done school...I was thinking...once I’m done...I could come back with you?”
    Daryl nodded. “Another trip? Of course. Just tell me when.”
    You shook your head. “Not another trip like the other ones. I’m talking...more permanent...?”
    “You want to come live with me? He said it like he was still unsure if that was what you meant.
    “I do,” you whispered. “I figured it makes sense ‘cuz all your friends are there--” You were cut off when Daryl pulled you into a loving kiss.
    “I love you so much!” he exclaimed, “Of course you should move in with me! I mean, I keep the place pretty crummy, but that was before I knew you were coming. I’ll hire some lady to clean it...what’re you laughin’ at?” Daryl asked with a smile on his face.
    “You. I’m laughing at you,” you happily admitted before rolling on top of him and continuing the kiss.
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also really appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, check out my masterlist. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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paintaboveyourbones · 5 months
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David fighting for his life during his date night dinner with Lestat.
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David : Leatat, no
Lestat: Lestat, OUI
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Forget AMC IwtV Daniel, book David was the original old man fighting for his life against a manic gay vampires
I laugh so I can also process the fact that underneath the usual Lestat ass-clownery this is also a really good depiction of what it’s like to be in a relationship where the other person is spiraling or not regulating and their partner doesn’t catch it.
Lestat is fresh off an attempt at ending his life in the desert and - hey look at that he survived! Just like that, he’s back to being good ole’ Lestat. And, some of this misunderstanding we can write off to David being So Terribly British (stuff upper lip, don’t talk about your feelings too much), but the other part is understandably just Lestat always kind of being a mess.
So if someone’s basic personality is Clown everyone around them just kind of gets to a place where …. Oh that’s just Lestat, I guess? Lol
So what do you when the other persons usual level of manic energy begins to go into over drive? Again, there’s no way David can know because Lestat isn’t communicating to him about the Claudia dreams, and how weird he feels post-Akasha about his new powers and how he doesn’t even feel human anymore. He’s just spent the last 6 months traveling the world and killing serial killers because they’re a convenient symbolic stand in for how Lestat sees himself at this point. Killing them again and again he has the opportunity to live out his fantasy of self harm and destruction.
But again, David’s in the dark. So to him it’s just another case of Lestat typically being messy and not having his shit together and he’s getting more and more irritated.
Which is familiar to anyone who went through their unmedicated period in a relationship.
Can’t you just listen to common sense?
I’m getting sick of your BS
Can’t you just be normal for once?
Why are you acting like that?
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And then just a few pages later there's this interesting contrast with Louis where the opposite is happening. Louis might not know that everything is going off the fucking handrails, but he's showing up. He's being present in their relationship, but because he's not engaging in any of Lestat's love languages (words of affirmation, gift giving) and Lestat is going through it, he's missing all the signs and viewing Louis' care for him through this super distorted lens.
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Hahah, it's not like Louis is actually showing up because he might actually want to spend time with me or anything. Lollll that would be super weird right? Because, like, I hate myself. Haha I'm literal TRASH LOLOLOLOL Like, no one could ever just want to spend a night watching movies all of which are about ordinary people being elevated through their love of what is monstrous or anything. Louis must just really like my apartment and my TV and my shower because all of these things and the things I could buy for him just have so much more intrinsic value that the presence of my being 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
everything is pain
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And then when Louis DOES realize how deep in Lestat is, he deflects. Absolutely can not handle it.
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deep-fried-egg · 1 year
(I am deep-fried-egg. I am not stealing fics.)
Full throttle
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Warnings: inaccurate explanation of illegal street racing, g!p, lesbians
Smut below this shit 👇👇👇
Tara is an illegal street racer. is she ashamed? not at all. she's proud of herself! she's the most famous street racer in all of New York. anyone can recognize that powder blue 1976 AMC racer from miles away. and everyone knows it's her because of how beat up it is.
Now y/n is her nemesis. Tara has never been able to beat y/n in a race and has made it her life mission for the past 3 years.
Y/n is the only person Tara can't beat actually. somehow Tara constantly fucking loses against her. Tara doesn't give up though.
This time Tara got a little distracted per se during this race and here's why:
"Why do you keep racing me, Tara? It's not like you ever win!" Y/n yelled from where she was sitting in the car next to Tara who looked like she was making a plan on how to win the world cup.
Tara rolled her eyes at y/n's statement and just said. "Because I can" with so much confidence in herself. Y/n smirked slightly at Tara but then just said "Well you're going to need to be faster Tara if you're going to win." which honestly pissed Tara off because she could still win if she wanted to.
Y/n just shook her head at Tara's stubbornness and went back to looking through her phone while waiting for Tara to get ready. Tara looked over at y/n who seemed to be scrolling through Tumblr or something. Y/n had this thing for Tumblr. Kind of weird but who cares.
"Alright, I'm ready." Tara smacked the roof of y/n's cat before getting into her own. y/n smiled at Tara who gave her the middle finger back before driving off towards their first race. which was about a mile away.
before they knew it the race was starting and they had to rev their engines before starting. just to show off a little. Tara immediately went full speed as soon as she could go. She made sure to never hit the brake pedal to keep her pace up. she felt the rush. the adrenaline coursing through her body. She loved doing this. speeding her car down an empty street. racing her biggest enemy. the one girl she was determined to win against.
Tara's heart began pounding and her breathing quickened as she approached closer and closer to the finish line. As soon as her mind started focusing on the win she was about to have under her belt she looked outside the passenger's window (big mistake) and saw y/n lift her shirt and bra to flash Tara which caused Tara to rapidly lose speed and y/n ended up winning the race yet again.
Tara started spacing off as she could feel her cock start getting erect at the thought of seeing y/n's tits again. She couldn't help it really, y/n was just irresistible.
the moment Tara stepped out of her car she stormed towards y/n and pushed her front onto the roof of her car. "that wasn't fucking fair y/n." She hissed into the h/c girl's ear as she gripped her hips tightly. y/n let out a small gasp as she could feel Tara's dick pressing up against her thigh.
"you cheated." Tara continued pushing into her and letting her hands slide under the hem of y/ns shirt so she could trace over the smooth skin of y/ns stomach. y/n squirmed at Tara's touch. "you cheated." Tara repeated as she bit his shoulder and then made a suggestion.
"we should move this into MY car. I want to feel like a winner." Tara suggested with a sly smile causing a shiver to run down y/n's spine. y/n nodded and allowed Tara to pull y/n towards her car so she could open the door to the backseats and fucking ruin her.
Tara struggled to open the back door because there was a large dent near the handle which made it difficult to open the door. y/n giggled at Tara's struggle before opening the door herself with no problems.
Tara rolled her eyes before climbing into the backseat with y/n following shortly afterward. y/n shut the door to the backseat firmly before she turned her head to look at Tara.
Tara pushed y/n down so she could straddle her thighs. Tara then lifted y/n's shirt and gently bit the skin of y/ns shoulder.
"Tell me I'm a better racer or I'm not fucking you." Tara whispered in y/ns ear and y/n swallowed hard before saying, "y - yeah you are! you're a better racer than me!" Tara grinned at y/n response. y/n's voice cracked when she said that and Tara smiled even more before biting Y/n's collarbone.
Tara unhooked y/n's bra before she saw those beautiful breasts and she almost moaned at the sight.
"Fuck. I've been wanting to do this." Tara murmured against y/n's neck. Tara felt her goblin instincts take over and she quickly rid both herself and Y/n of the rest of their clothes before settling between Y/n's legs.
y/n gasped at Tara's sudden movements as she felt Tara position herself and push in without thinking.
"fuck.." Tara mumbled as she started thrusting inside y/n. Tara didn't know where her self-control went. every part of her body ached for this woman. she only wanted to fuck her, to take her all night long.
but y/n doesn't deserve it. not after all of that winning she's been doing! Tara thought bitterly as she continued to thrust into y/n harder and harder. She groaned at the thought of how badly she wanted to make y/n cry out in pleasure. to beg for her release. to scream out her name. but she kept quiet and didn't say anything instead continuing to pound into y/n mercilessly.
Tara reached down to grab y/n's hips so she can thrust in a little easier. y/n wrapped her legs around Tara's waist in response.
"fucking hell Tara! I - oh fuck!" Tara watched as y/n arched her back in ecstasy. the sound of y/n's moans, her breathy whimpers, made her feel things she wasn't used to feeling. but it also made her feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.
she wanted to hear y/n scream like this again and again. to hear her beg for her to take her. to taste her. to feel her. Tara wanted y/n to forget everything and just come undone beneath her. Tara wants y/n to give her what she needs. Tara thrusts a few more times before she cums deep inside y/n. Tara kept on thrusting though, even if she was getting overstimulated.
"o-oh fuck Tara! I'm going to cum!" Tara suddenly pulled out of y/n before she could cum which made y/n whine in disappointment.
"oh my god, y/n don't be such a baby. I'll let you cum at some point! I just need to teach you a little lesson." Tara told y/n who just rolled her eyes at Tara's words and pouted. "I hate you." y/n said as she crossed her arms against her chest and glared at Tara who just chuckled lightly at y/n's reaction.
"no, you don't," Tara said before slipping back inside of y/n once again. Y/n was panting now which Tara took great pleasure in. Y/n grabbed Tara's hair and buried her face into Tara's neck. Tara felt satisfied hearing y/n whimper her name and she smirked at the sound.
"Tara please...please! I need you to make me cum." Y/n pleaded desperately which caused Tara to roll her eyes at y/n's words and started moving in and out of y/n slowly while listening to her cries of satisfaction. Tara knew that she was getting close to her climax. Tara could practically see y/n coming apart underneath her. "god! You're killing me, Tara..." Y/n breathed out, "Come on! I'm so fucking close!"
Tara just laughed at y/n's desperate pleas. "you're so cute when you're needy, y/n." Tara said teasingly and Y/n just growled lowly as she tried to move herself on Tara's throbbing cock. Tara pulled out once again since she didn't want y/n to cum too soon.y/n was panting heavily by now and Tara couldn't help the grin from forming on her lips.
"you are SO fucked up." Y/n growled angrily at Tara.
"maybe. but you should have thought about that before you made me lose the fucking race. now get out of my car and go home."
"but I didn't even-"
"no buts. I would have won if you didn't flash me y/n." Tara stated as y/n climbed out of the car. "don't think I won't do this again if you make me lose another race."
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keepittoyourshelf · 1 month
Sometimes it really is all about sex.
Let’s talk about morally gray characters again. I just finished playing Dragon Age: Inquisition in prep for the Veilguard release and Solas is literally the textbook example of what morally gray character is. No spoiler warnings because the game is fucking ten years old, already.
TLDR is Solas is one of your companions (romanceable if you’re playing a female elf) who actually turns out to be an ancient elven spirit of some sort that is actively working to undermine your efforts. He was responsible for creating the Fade, as an act of revenge against his fellow elven spirit-gods for killing his bestie Mythal. This unfortunately had unforeseen consequences of cutting the elven people off from the Fade and ensuring that they were no longer immortal. He’s now working to reverse this mistake, despite the fact that doing so will essentially destroy the player’s world and wipe out all non-elves. Or something to that effect.
If you play the Trespasser DLC (highly recommended since I don’t think Veilguard will make much sense otherwise, and you will not get the full impact of the Solas romance if you pursue that path), you’ll get to talk to Solas at the end and he is genuinely regretful and remorseful, and not just for how this will affect his friend/lover, but how it will affect all people. This is despite knowing the cost. He knows the cost, is fully aware of it, is remorseful about the pain and suffering it will cause, and yet is willing to move forward anyway.
Another example I’ve referred to before? Kaz Brekker. Think of how fucked up what he did to Pekka Rollins re: his kid was. Disregard how fucked up Pekka was in turn, because two wrongs don’t make a right, right? Kaz didn’t care. Kaz has never really cared who gets hurt so long as it’s not people he actually cares about and he achieves his ends. It’s literally anything goes. We as readers can still “cheer” for him conscience free because ostensibly the people he’s acting out against are all pretty much trash human beings, but you have to think that statistically innocents are caught in the crossfire, and yet Kaz dgaf. No explanations, even though they would make total sense in context without actually justifying the actions he takes (because they are wrong), just revenge. We as readers aren’t necessarily expected to like what he does. But we should understand it.
Lestat de Lioncourt is the same way. It’s obvious in the books, but quicker and easier to digest via the TV show that’s currently airing on AMC. Lestat is straight-up a petty, jealous, vengeful bitch (though he never beat Louis the way it’s shown on the show, so take that aspect with a grain of salt). Lestat also suffered a seriously abusive childhood and his experience of being turned was tantamount to rape. He doesn’t always go after evil-doers, though later on in the series he goes after them almost exclusively, with the occasional slip-up. Yet we still love him and cheer for him. Is it because he’s handsome and charming and witty? Yeah, mostly. Does he make excuses for what he does? Not really. He might explain his motivations, but he doesn’t excuse the evilness of his actions. He knows they’re wrong and does them anyway.
Astarion from Baldur’s Gate 3 is another great example, though his morally grey status can be considered arguable depending on whether or not you Ascend him (and consequently doom 7000 presumably innocent souls, including children). For those that have played, you know Astarion’s past is as traumatic as it gets. That in itself explains away a lot of his attitude, though I personally believe he was a sassy dick even before all that happened. The way he manipulates Tav and the other characters though, all of that is motivated by self-preservation as a result of his past abuse. If you explore his romance path, you talk to him enough to know that he knows what he’s doing is wrong, and he’s regretful for it, to a point. He’s definitely not regretful about every mean thing he’s done though, that needs to be made clear. Does he offer excuses? No, not a one. He explains his motivations though, and he’s sorry for whatever pain it causes insofar as it relates to Tav (either as a friend or a lover), but everyone else can pretty much fuck off. So yeah, he’s not free of his asshole status just by virtue of being abused, but it does explain his actions enough to let the player still like him and romance him in spite of it all (if the hair alone wasn’t enough to make you turn a blind eye, that is).
This is all leading up to me once again explaining that RHYSAND FROM ACOTAR IS NOT MORALLY GREY. He never has been and he never will be. What is the difference between him and anyone I’ve mentioned above? Chapter 54 in ACOMAF really says it all. Up until that point, Rhysand was the villain. Feyre could not in good conscience explore her attraction to him because he was the bad guy, and head of the bad guys. Literally everyone else in that world thinks of him as evil and is fearful of him. This is by Rhysand’s own design for, well, reasons. Until Chapter 54, where he deconstructs, in practically bulleted-list format, every single bad thing he has been shown to do in the books up until that point. This is needed because since Feyre is narrating, she’s not privy to his inner thoughts and can’t possibly know he’s not really evil, and thus cannot justify fucking him. Killing kids and innocent people? He was under the influence of Amarantha. In order to save the majority, a small minority had to be sacrificed. Let me give a tip here: If someone is saying they do something bad for the greater good, they are 1). Most definitely not morally grey and 2). Quite possibly a nazi. Abusing Feyre mentally and physically? Necessary to keep his cover, so he could continue to protect the majority for the greater good, or undermine Amarantha, which he never really managed to do in the 50 years he was held captive, or whatever. Sometimes he did it because he could find no other way to be near her because even then he was So In LoOoOvE. The whole point of that fucking chapter is to show the reader that there were good/romantic motivations behind bad actions, which in SJM-speak equals good. Unless you’re Tamlin, in which case you are still evil. Why does this need to happen? So SJM can write mid-level smut guilt free.
Chalk it up to religious guilt or societal pressure, but Kaz, Solas, Astarion, Lestat, and others have shown time and time again that you can do bad things and still be considered good enough to justify romantic interest, or friendly, if that’s your bag. The line in the sand really comes in having awareness that what you did was bad, not really caring about it, and most importantly, not needing to completely erase a bad past based on one or two actions/statements/beliefs (or because they’re just good looking). Even if you do not romance them, you can at least understand some of what they do, even when it is bad, because of their history, their obvious remorse, or just their fucking charisma etc.
One could argue that Chapter 54 would not have been required if SJM didn’t think we needed to read Chapter 55 guilt-free, or at least without being able to so easily equate Rhys with Ted Bundy (a handsome, charming psychopath). Rhysand does not express remorse over the acts themselves, so much as he expresses remorse over the fact that the fact that he did them, for whatever reason, could prevent him from getting what he wants. The reader, by virtue of Feyre’s limited and biased POV, is not given permission to let Rhys into their hearts and hoohas until we know that he was forced to do bad things. Bad things that never, ever would have happened otherwise. So it’s okay that she wants to have sex with him.
Solas, Lestat, Kaz, Astarion - they all do bad things. They all know they are doing bad things. Not everything they do is bad (that’s an important point to make), but when they do bad things, they do them with full knowledge that they are bad things, and that good people will suffer. Sometimes they care, sometimes they don’t. The reader cannot say unequivocally that they are either good or bad, because their actions can be understood when looked at in context of their history or their motivations. They cannot be entirely excused. I.e. A wrong thing done for the right reasons is still a wrong thing. It’s still murder even when it’s done in self-defense, and you always have a choice. You never have to do something. The distinction is whether you are willing to do a wrong thing to avoid something you don’t like happening (I.e. you or someone you love dying, or feeling intense pain). However, that doesn’t make murder suddenly not murder. A reason is not a justification. You just choose to do it for a reason. If you don’t (and are doing it for fun) then you are just evil, and most definitely not morally grey.
The key difference is that the reader (via Feyre) is told repeatedly that Rhysand is no longer bad for having done wrong things because he did them for the right reasons. He is no longer the villain he was in book 1 by virtue of Chapter 54 in book 2. Solas is still the villain (and in fact is the main antagonist of Veilguard); so are Kaz, Lestat, and Astarion, depending on who you ask. When other characters in their respective worlds offer their personal opinions on said characters, some will be favorable, some not. We are at least allowed the opportunity to see a different POV and make that choice for ourselves. There’s continuous ambiguity. The ambiguity is the literal grey area.
This is not the case with Rhysand and this is why he can never be morally grey. We are told he was the noble hero all along, he is literally retconned as such (much like Spike was in BtVS, because Buffy-as-heroine could never justify living someone like him otherwise). He was reformatted so much, in fact, that he’s actually thought by some to be deserving of being king of all Prythian. Not just other characters, but by the reading audience at large. His bad things are no longer bad because he did them for the right reasons (or that dogwhistle of a statement, for the greater good).
How do I know this? Because Rhysand is consistently juxtaposed, by SJM’s own hand, by virtue of Feyre’s narration, with Tamlin. Over and over and over again. Now, technically Tamlin has also done bad things for the right reasons (protecting Feyre, helping his subjects) but he remains the villain. If another character tries to say Rhysand is bad (I think Tarquin does, but I could be wrong) they are either wrong or just don’t understand or are under emotional duress and are incapable of seeing the truth. Tamlin does not deserve to have his actions looked at in context (the way we do with Solas, Kaz, etc) because….well, I don’t have a good explanation for that, because SJM herself hasn’t offered one, other than repeatedly showing every other character in the book saying he’s a bad guy and doesn’t deserve to be forgiven. Purely by comparison’s sake, there is literally no reason in a fact based world where one can say without question that what Tamlin did to Feyre is worse than anything Rhysand has done. They both physically hurt her. They have both confine her without their consent. You know what Tamlin has never done though? Touch Feyre sexually against her will. He didn’t engineer situations where he mentally abused her just so he could be near her. That’s not romantic, it’s sociopathic. Fantasy is fantasy, sure, but you can’t defend that even in context of an alleged “fantasy morality” because we are humans and can only look at these things on the context of lived human experiences. There is no situation in real life, anywhere, where mentally or sexually abusing someone is justifiable for any reason, ever. Bottom line, all arguments to the contrary invalid. Any time someone comes out against Rhys, they either retract their statements, are reviled themselves (hello Nesta) in the narrative, or just in the fan community itself.
I haven’t read the third Crescent City book because I finally reached my limit for bullshit, but from the discourse I’ve seen Bryce has been getting a lot of hate for thinking Rhysand is a dick, or something to that effect. Right or wrong, it’s at least more evidence of SJM and the audience’s own bias in favor of Rhysand….and that’s really who these screeds are directed at. The audience. Rhys defenders are wrong when they say he is morally grey. He is not when other characters aren’t allowed to voice opinions against him without having the narrative over-emphasize their own faults at the same time. The text must remain objective and somewhat open-ended. SJM is as biased a writer as they come.
So I guess you could excuse all the word vomit here and just say that actually being considered morally grey is predicated on multiple opinions (it doesn’t necessarily need to be multiple narrators/POVs, but the audience needs to be presented with an alternative opinion in a way where it’s not immediately dismissible). SJM has never shown any indication that that will happen, because even when opinions other than Feyre’s are introduced they either echo her sentiments or we have someone else shooting them down in response, or the character in question is repeatedly shown to be flawed themselves.
Moral of the story? Stop wasting time on SJM and play Dragon Age: Inquisition or Baldur’s Gate 3 instead. Story is better, there’s so much room for interpretation (which makes replay/re-read value increase) and the dudes are just hotter. Sorry not sorry.
Even if Solas does look like an egg. He’s a hot egg.
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notstilinski · 16 days
Kevin Can F Himself Starters !
Taken from season two of the 2021 AMC series, Kevin Can F Himself! Some of these have already been edited. You can change them however you see fit! There may be some light spoilers for the series!
“We’ll fix it together, okay?”
“I’m sorry, I’ve never had a hostage before. I’m not great at it yet.”
“I have no idea. I can’t tell if it’s been twenty minutes or eight hours.”
“Okay. So you’re done trying to kill my best friend. Congrats. You still tried once!”
“How the hell am I dating a cop?”
“Maybe they don’t care when I whine, but he laughs when you bleed.”
“They say ‘we’ all the time like you’re in this together, but, (Name), where are they?”
“They tried to kill them. Can you believe? Bitches tried to kill me, too.”
“Jesus. The nightmare continues.”
“I mean ‘cause you have the general vibe of a sad dog in a cone.”
“I don’t want to be me anymore.”
“I swear to you, I am working on it. Because I really do want you around.”
“I only wish you hit me harder so I could forget all this shit.”
“I’m not in (Name), but the general sense of failure just, sorta, trickles down.”
“Who knew there was a version of death sadder than regular death?”
“It just feels like punishment for dying alone.”
“I’m not like you, I can’t just pretend to like things.”
“You ever think that it’s not that you have a bad sense of direction, you just gotta pay attention to where you’re going?”
“I’ve been squatting in the basement for the past two weeks.”
“The more times you bring up the one nice thing you ever did for me, the less nice it gets.”
“Did a demon just achieve its final, most powerful form in our kitchen?”
“See how I say that with no visible eye roll?”
“It just seems like you’re someone who never had to share.”
“If I play the field, I’ll end up under it.”
“And you don’t like me. It’s fine. People don’t have to like each other.”
“Not when I’ve just been insulted and rejected by a man who I always thought of as my creepy uncle.”
“Yeah, and maybe that stuff was worth it when I thought we might actually be together.”
“Yeah, and I swore I’d never talk to a cop without a lawyer present, but here we are.”
“When I think too much about something, that’s the second I start talking myself out of it, okay?”
“You’re a hazard.”
“Uh, fun is for people with disposable income.”
“I woke up. Another win.”
“Well, they did corner me last night and told me sobriety was the reason I’m not fun anymore.”
“That’s residual priest nervousness, if you ask me.”
“What does the beauty matter if there is no other soul to share it with?”
“Okay. Is that true or is that just what /they/ tell you?”
“I don’t want to have to worry about him, but I can’t stop worrying about him.”
“(Name) will be fine. (Name)’s always fine.”
“There’s a reason that ‘drinking’ rhymes with ‘thinking.’”
“Because you’re just so excited to die?”
“I feel like I dropped something and I feel it next to me. And I’m trying to figure out what it is, and I’m lying there wide awake convinced that if I don’t pick it up, then something terrible is going to happen.”
“Oh, sure, like you’re suddenly concerned about me.”
“Maybe I just don’t want to be alone. And maybe there’s not always a difference.”
“They laughed. They didn’t listen to me at all. No one listens to me.”
“(Name) would have died without you? Maybe you should go home sometimes.”
“I think it’s rearranging deck chairs at the Titanic at this point.”
“I’ll see you for three weeks in February while I work on my tan!”
“I don’t think they realized it. They gave everything up to protect me.”
“And now that I’m left here without them, I don’t feel better off. I just feel… left.”
“I’m not really concerned with protecting (Name). Or anyone like them, really.”
“Well, but you know that we’re not actually better off without you, right?”
“Without me, you will have nothing. Because I will fucking destroy you.”
“I had a terrible, terrible day. And you’re the only person I hang out with now. Is that okay?”
“Let’s die alone together."
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calisources · 1 year
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AMC'S INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE SENTENCE STARTERS . a selection of quotes from the amc's adaptation of interview with the vampire. change pronouns/names accordingly as you see fit.
Do you know the secret to immortality?
I have loved you with all myself.
You irritate me. Your very presence irritates me.
A last dance before the feast.
(name), I would like you to meet the vampire Armand, the love of my life.
The vampire bond. There is no human equivalent. It's a bond that can never fully be severed.
Lover. Murderer. Maker. You took him back.
You took (name) back.
I was someone I don't want to be anymore. I've changed.
She's grown very protective of me. That's what this is. It's why it's hard.
She came back altered when she left us. There's a darkness in her that wasn't there before.
Write me a song, put your lover's voice on it. What the fuck is wrong with your head?
You don't need me. You think you do. But you don't. You're smarter now. You see trouble coming a mile away.
You're ugly when you act like that.
Better ugly than blind.
Once you put it out there, they decide what it is. It can get away from you.
You're not my (name). You can't be.
You kill like a, like a killer.
All vampires are born out of drama. We made her out of remorse. Out of selfishness.
Poor, dear. She wasn't held enough in between ritualistic murders.
Who am I supposed to love? You two have each other.
You are chronicling a suicide. Do not look down on Claudia. Look in the mirror.
He don't give good answers to questions. And he sits on the truth like it's his chair or something. I thought we weren't supposed to keep secrets.
Young, strong, and likely to fight back. You must be most ferocious.
Remember this. His face as it melts. This is why we never get close to mortals because sooner or later, they end up dead.
Do you ever think that we, that's to say, our kind, were put on Earth for a larger purpose?
I'm a vampire.
 I heard your hearts dancing!
From time to time, I like a little variety. There, I said it.
A fish that doesn't swim. A bird refusing flight. You're going to struggle. I have faith in the feline population of New Orleans.
Hunting is an art. You have the power to subdue anyone you want, but sometimes restraint is your most powerful weapon.
There is one thing about being a vampire that I must fear above all else, and that is loneliness.
You can't imagine the emptiness. The void. Stretching out for decades at a time. You take this feeling away from me, (name). We must stay together.
Don't expect every reader to swallow that one.
 I'm assuming you only met at night.
It's New Orleans. Days are for sleeping off the previous evening's damage.
 I've seen death over and over and over and over again. It's boring.
That'll make a great blurb.
Don't do that shit here! Not with my family.
I was being hunted. And I was completely unaware it was happening.
Yeah, well, mortality beats a heavy drum.
So, (name), how long have you been dead?
The rage you must feel as you choke on your sorrow.
Fifty years later, you talk like he was your soul mate, like you were locked in some fucked up gothic romance.
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my-mt-heart · 20 days
I totally understand if you don't feel up to speculating on this ask given the showrunner's opening his mouth and inserting his entire leg in his latest interview. I mean that level of ineptitude on show promotion verges on malicious compliance. Anyway my ask is: In the scenario if the nun dies, how would Daryl justify abandoning Laurent whom I'm sure he would feel obligated to protect? I know I'm jumping to conclusions based on season 3 speculation that it's just Daryl and Carol riding off on the bike and not even knowing how season 2 ends. I just don't understand how Daryl would leave him in the care of others given the nun's emotional manipulation of Daryl throughout season 1. Could it be a retread of Dead City Hershel's abduction story? And Daryl and Caryl go in search of him? I honestly wouldn't put it past them to be that uncreative.
I appreciate your ask, anon, and I promise, I'm not ignoring it. The truth is, I don't know how to speculate on anything related to Zabel's storytelling. If I had to, I would guess Laurent makes the decision on his own to stay, but that's applying logic and emotional intelligence that Zabel rarely seems capable of. That, and he assumes it's okay to treat his audience like we're stupid. If Cherokee roses grow in Maine and Daryl "most loyal character on TWD" Dixon can develop a "deep" attachment to characters he's only known for a few months and a relationship based on manipulation is "mature" and Caryl can think they're in the U.S. when they actually landed in Spain like some reverse Christopher Columbus shit, then maybe it also makes sense for Caryl to use Laurent as shark bait. Who the fuck knows. See what I mean? How do I begin to analyze and reflect on what amounts to some really sick joke? That's what Zabel's doing, he's turning these wonderful characters who deserve nothing less than brilliant writing into a joke.
On another note, I know a lot of people are speaking up about this larger issue on multiple platforms, which is the only way to encourage the change we want (just like getting Melissa back initially). In case anyone is frustrated by AMC's silence or attempts at a distraction, the very first thing they're going to do is wait and see if this will blow over on its own, so stay active. Keep sharing your concerns. There's a misogynistic aspect to this as well, which I'll get into later.
I'm sorry to everyone who is feeling hurt by Zabel's arrogant and tone deaf comments. Everyone who matters to this show from Caryl to McReedus to their fans deserve far better from someone who gets to call themselves their showrunner.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 3 months
more salty commentary about.... salty fandom commentary, but for a fandom i'm not really involved with
ftr this is about the gay-ass (affectionate) vampire show
squinting at some of super vitriolic anti-armand commentary that tumblr's algorithm keeps throwing at me like 'this? you want this one bestie? no? what about this one instead?' when in fact i want none of these takes, actually. "i don't believe a word that comes out of that lying liar's mouth!!" "of course he could have stopped claudia and madeleine's murders, he's the most powerful vampire in the world!!" (uh, i'll come back to that one later. maybe. if i feel like it) "he was onboard the 'let's murder claudia!' train from the very beginning!!!" etc. if you're even peripherally keeping your finger on the pulse of this fandom's discourse, you've probably seen some of this, too.
and... okay. bearing in mind two things:
it's been about 20+ years since i read the original novels, and
the show's relationship to the original novels, as well as the 1994 movie, is both conversational and subversive,
two seasons into this delicious mess, how are we still collectively failing to recognize that the central conceit of amc's retelling is that, intentional or not, all recollection of louis' past is both catharsis (for louis) and performance (for ???)? that all of louis' recollection of his own actions, as well as the actions of the other vampires in his orbit, is filtered through the lens of his own feelings about those vampires in that moment? like this isn't a subtle storytelling device, this is something the show is repeatedly bashing us over the head with again and again and again: louis' reliability as a narrator of his own experiences can't be trusted even when he isn't so consumed with rage that he tries to drain twenty year old daniel molloy dry for the unforgivable crime of /checks my notes, mouthing off at him like a dumbass, or goes into vulgar detail describing to lestat precisely how he is going to kill him, cut his head off, and then feed his decapitated head to lions at the zoo. which, it bears mentioning, is not the version of events that we were presented with during s1, but it is the version of events that louis himself comes to reluctantly believe is the more accurate recollection of the past.
does that make lestat into The Real Victim™️ who did nothing wrong to louis or claudia, ever? please tell me you're not actually asking me this question. be serious.
the point is that louis is right in the thick of feeling his intensely passionate vampire feelings about armand in real time, in the present day, while looking backwards through time at the 77 years they have spent together, and he is questioning everything. justifiably so, for the record! why wouldn't he question the actions and motivations of the supposed love of his life after discovering that such an important memory from his and daniel molloy's shared past was erased from his mind? but seriously, if you have reached this point in the story and your takeaway from the last episode boils down to "THIS TIME louis' recollection of the past is definitely 100% accurate! the rose-tinted glasses are OFF and we can see the TRUTH about you now armand!!!" then i just. i don't know what to say to you. lmfao.
anyway rather than getting into the weeds with anyone actually in the fandom about which of these diva vampire daddies is right, actually, find me hanging out with claudia and madeleine's ashes giving all of them the proverbial finger. because honestly, fuck all these vampires (affectionate).
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clandestine-j · 5 months
okay, still can't access my interview tumblr so I'mma say it here, due to some things I've seen in the tag.
Lets go!
Now, one post I saw, talked about how fans (mainly Louis fans) wanted to pretend like the show runners and etc, didn't say they would revisit ep 5. And while that might be true, I'm not one of them. I'll be honest on my feelings about it.
If they change it, I think it's a bull-shit cop out and I've be heavily disappointed with interview if they went that route. Why? Because I'm tired of black people and poc being made liars and etc! Oh, it's not about race you say? YES IT IS. IT'S ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT RACE IN THE AMC. THEY MENTION IT, THEY MAKE A POINT TO MENTION.
I have consumed enough media about black people and black men being made lairs. I have consumed enough media of black women being maligned.
That's one half of it. The only half, is the main reason why I stopped reading the book series. I wasn't a Lestat fan. In fact, the Lestat I cared about seeing grow and etc, was dropped in favor of making him this perfect godly man at the expense of dropping Louis.
And that brings me to Lestat fans. I want the drop to be real because I'm sick of Lestat discounting everything that Louis says, by calling him a liar. That is why I did not continue the book series. Because anything bad Lestat does, can be excused with, well, Louis is lying. It's lazy story telling to me. But mainly.
The drop was the only time I saw Lestat fans (and more so speaking of the show) have to accept and talk about what Lestat did. I'll be honest, I didn't need the drop to feel some type of way about Lestat. I felt that every single time, he dismissed what his partner, A BLACK MAN FELT. Lestat violence was clear to me and made me feel a way, when he was completely READY to make his BLACK husband, be his VALET, so he could see an opera.
Do you know how fucked up that is? Do you not understand that I'd would've left the relationship in a heartbeat? Like why would you put your partner through that? Like fucking hell. That's what was hurtful.
And while Lestat will do long discourse about how Claudia or Louis is the issue, there, weren't, long detailed post about how that was fucked of Lestat to do. The causal racism that Lestat is willing to benefit from and be apart of, no deep thoughts on that.
There should've been essay's on essay's on how telling your black partner that you want him to be your fucking valet to a racist opera house to make YOU happy. When Louis expressed his feelings for Lestat and Lestat laughs? Oh, he's so cute and funny. But this is a character people call emotional closed off (Louis), opening himself up and GETTING LAUGHED AT. But then Louis will get picked at by fans for never saying I love you.
He opened himself to asking his partner if he's good enough and he gets laughed at. Everyone will talk about the 'of course' Lestat says when he's lying to himself but not the minute before, when he laughed in his husbands face. And do ya'll know how hard is for a black man to open himself up like that? Only to be laughed at. Or the non-discriminating scene, no long post about how it's been years but Lestat still doesn't CARE to understand the racism and nastiness that Louis is going through. He just doesn't care. And that is violence to me.
So, I always knew that they would revisit ep 5 but I still think it's a bullshit cop out to change it.
I'm the biggest bo bo the fool bc I still ship it. But I don't need to make excuses to do so. I still love the fucking toxic mess but the fans...it's always the fans.
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ca-suffit · 7 months
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It's so annoying when Nalyra and this book group use excuses like this as if we're all dumb. There's lots of people who talk about the books and the show without being racist about it. The deeper issue here is not because people haven't read the books and think what you're saying is shocking.... What's really happening is that this group of BFFs loves to remove all mention of race from everything. They love pretending you can just overlay the books to the AMC show and it's a perfect match. Then, when anyone mentions how important it is to factor in race when discussing these things, here comes the screaming victimhood and all the "it's what's in the book" gifs. The "I'm sorry you just can't handle gothic literature SWEETIE" attitudes that are v tiring. Any race can be racist too (isn't that this group's favorite line too, they should know....) and only care for the wellbeing of white fandom, so these brown emojis or black fans who will make callout lists on other black fans under the language of calling out "fandom issues" or "antis" aren't fooling anyone to what the real motivation is behind it. People who worship Anne Rice are always going to be airheads who can't take criticism because look at your girl and all she was ever doing. Any adult who wants to defend her or the books is not a critical thinker or an intellectual. It's v possible to discuss her and the books without the stan goggles on. The black fans this group is always sneering at do it all the time. That's probably where the real issue lies, because it's done much better than the horseshit fanon Nalyra, Virgnia, and the rest are slinging and thinking is epic meta or something. I lurked for a long time before coming here to start pointing this out. I've seen these egos get bigger since the show has been off the air and book people crawled out from the depths to try and tell everyone "what's going to happen." It's a stupid power trip and nothing else. This group doesn't have the ability to analyze anything like they think they do, so they've grown together since the show stopped airing to start harassing other fans and pretend they're the victims just because they don't think talking about race is important in their....erm...."analysis" lol. They only think they have power because the fandom became smaller when S1 ended. They're gonna be muted again when it comes back because they aren't keeping up with the themes of the show and their takes aren't interesting. Saying the white man is always innocent, the black man is lying, the brown man is manipulative is what society already does. It's boring and it's not what the show has shown us in its own canon that it's doing. This group and white fandom in general love to take an inch and run a mile with it. Whenever anyone (but especially Jacob) mentions Louis might be a liar or an unreliable narrator they're jumping on the chance to spread that statement over every part of the story. They want so much for all of it not to be true because they need Lestat to be the good guy. They always claim they love stories about monsters except their favorite white guy can't even stay a monster for them to adore him. He can't ever even be any kind of fuck up and grow from it, he's just supposed to immediately be perfect. What's the point of the story then ffs? This is why you need to read other books that aren't written by idiot, egomaniacal authors who don't have editors and are in love with their own creations. If you always find a way to excuse the white characters, say all the black and brown characters are the unreliable, scheming ones, and scream and yell "it's what's in the books" whenever anyone reminds you to notice race......then you're just racist, girl. It's not even a mystery lol so stop this crap like you're fooling anyone. You can be as loud as you want but it doesn't mean you're actually a victim of anything but your own racist stupidity. Just because Anne Rice didn't get as much pushback as she deserved in her dumb life doesn't mean you're going to get the same treatment. It's 2024, bitch.
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Not to keep harping on this but I accidentally saw a post that pissed me off a little bit so I'm gonna talk about it. Originally I was gonna put this at the end of the post but I've decided to move it to the top because I know some people are determined to take me out of context so I'll sacrifice the formatting of this post and some of the impact of this sentence in a vain hope that my point will not be misconstrued. I fully anticipate people skipping over this first paragraph anyway but at least I did my due diligence. You can like Izzy, I like Lestat (AMC IWTV), I like the Joker, It's fine to have an evil blorbo. It's the apologia that gets me tho. You're fake villain fuckers and you can't admit that your blorbo is fucked up in some deeply uncomfortable ways.
That said on to my angry meta: Either Izzy is homophobic, or he's an abuser. He could be both, but he can't be neither otherwise the literal climax of the first season doesn't make any fucking sense. Like he calls in a swat on Stede and the crew because Stede has, quote, "done something to his boss's brain" and he wants Stede dead because of it. homosexuality as a corrupting influence is textbook homophobia. He thinks Stede has made Ed soft and he thinks he's using his limp wristed wiles to do it.
If you don't want to read it as homophobia (which would be a weird reading because it fails to explain that line and misses the whole message about toxic masculinity, but I've heard it's the reading that some people go with so, let's look at it) and you think that he's doing all of this because he's in love with Ed and he's jealous, I hate to tell you but that brings us back around to the abuser reading.
Like, the reading that this subset of the fandom seems to want me to believe is Izzy is in tragic gay love with Ed. But that doesn't make a single damn thing that he did ok. In fact it kind of makes it worse. Like trying to kill the loved ones of your beloved is text book abuser behavior. You're telling me that Izzy feels so entitled to Ed that he cannot take "Fuck off you're banished from the ship" For an answer, and he has to kill the guy that he blames for turning Ed against him? And I'm supposed to sympathize with that? Get real. That's text book abuser behavior. If that's the reading, then Izzy can't handle Ed having someone in his life that isn't Izzy, he can't handle Ed making decisions that Izzy doesn't approve of, and he can't handle Ed breaking off their relationship (which was Izzy's fault by the way he agreed to duel Stede sorry you can't handle the consequences honey). Those first two things you have to be able to handle if you want to have friends or even professional relationships, and the third thing is something that you're allowed to be upset about but that you're gonna have to move on from. Instead Izzy comes up with a hair brained scheme that risks the crews lives, Calico Jack's life, and, most importantly, risks Ed's life in order to... what? Undermine Ed's own autonomous choice to pursue a relationship with Stede? Get rid of a guy that he thinks is driving him and Ed apart so that Ed will maybe take him back? That's abuser shit my guy.
If there's another explanation for Izzy calling the fucking cops I'd love to hear it but as far as I can tell the options are "He hates Stede because Stede is frilly and camp and thinks Stede is making Ed weak" aka Textbook hate crime and "He's in deeply dysfunctional love and is therefore trying to force Ed to be in a relationship with him despite the fact that Ed has made it clear he doesn't want that" aka Textbook abuser.
To be clear I wouldn't have Izzy any other way. The roll he plays in the narrative is important to the story. I don't like him, per se, but I like stories about overcoming toxic masculinity, and those stories have to have a villain, and I was deeply emotionally ruined by the consequences of his actions, (i.e. the domino effect that caused Stede to abandon Ed on the dock) so I want him around for as long as they decide to keep him around. Just, like, fucking pretending he's never done anything wrong ever? Come on now.
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