#inbox prompts
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ohisms · 4 months ago
✱˚。⋆ ↪ 𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐒 . ( a collection of dialogue prompts based on varying types of demands &. requests . adjust phrasing as necessary . this prompt WILL likely be updated in the future . )
don't say a word .
don't leave me here .
meet me at our spot tonight .
follow me and stay close .
don't beg , it's pathetic .
can you ( tie / zip ) this for me ?
stop lying to me . tell me what you did .
put that down , you don't know what it ( is / does ) .
get out of my sight .
stop pretending you know what's going on .
find a first-aid kit . quickly !
don't get yourself killed .
leave them to me , just go .
just admit that you love me .
just admit that you hate me .
come here , let me look at you .
( name ) , don't make me do this .
drop your ( weapon ) .
stay here and wait for my signal .
don't just sit there , move .
take this and run , don't let anyone have it .
pretend you're my ( partner / girlfriend / boyfriend ) .
don't look , you'll give us away .
don't say another word .
stop pretending like you care .
go make sure the coast is clear .
take this with you . it's a good luck charm .
don't tell anyone about this .
if anybody asks about today , lie .
stop looking at me like that .
tell me you love me .
just kiss me , already .
keep your eyes on the road .
stop crying and calm down .
come with me . there's so much we could do .
wear the ( dress / tie / item ) i gave you tonight .
show me how you like to be touched .
hold my hand .
kiss me , make it look real .
look at me . how many fingers am i holding up ?
will you marry me ?
just slow down for a minute . what's going on ?
take a deep breath , you need to calm down .
get out of here , ( name ) !
draw your weapon .
go rest . i'm not asking .
take a step back .
give me a straight answer .
be polite to our guests .
look me in the eye and say that again .
put your feelings aside for a moment .
keep close to me .
here , let me see that .
look up at the sky .
get out of here , i don't want to see you right now .
stand up , this isn't over yet .
close your eyes and count to ten .
smile for the camera !
keep your head down .
( name ) , let me past .
listen carefully to what i'm about to say .
don't just stare , come in .
stop laughing , this isn't funny .
take this and hide it .
don't make a sound .
put your hands up .
quit causing problems everywhere you go .
just admit that you don't know what you're doing .
stop right there , i mean it .
don't say that name aloud .
just trust me , okay ?
stop acting so childish .
call the police . now .
tell me you love me , even if it's not real .
take a good hard look .
stop the car , ( name ) .
don't make eye contact .
stay out of trouble .
just do it already , we've waited long enough .
hold me tight , and never let me go .
finish what you started .
tell me what you know .
just stay away from me .
turn around . slowly .
don't be scared .
put it down before somebody gets hurt .
stop pretending , i'm tired of the pretending .
grab me my ( item ) , will you ?
don't make assumptions .
put this over it to stop the bleeding .
get to safety !
wipe that look off your face .
secure the area .
keep an eye on them .
look at yourself in the mirror .
run . run and don't stop .
eat . you haven't touched your food in days .
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aedearly · 4 months ago
₊˚�� ㅤa collection of loose quotes taken from various characters from hades (supergiant games). these quotes are from the first game of the series. writing/roleplaying prompts. from fluff to angst! feel free to edit as you see fit, especially since some are gendered.
❝ i’m leaving. try and stop me. ❞ ❝ that could have gone better. ❞ ❝ why can’t you just stay? ❞ ❝ i wish you could come with me. ❞ ❝ you’re coming with me. ❞ ❝ i have to take you back. ❞ ❝ but for you, i will be making an exception. ❞ ❝ whew… they’re gone. ❞ ❝ now, come on, we got places to be! ❞ ❝ may the fates favour your journey. ❞ ❝ oh you know, i’d rather have my eyes put out, but thanks for offering! ❞ ❝ if only… ❞ ❝ you should be ashamed of yourself, and learn your place. ❞ ❝ ahh, so you are taking pity on me, then? ❞ ❝ i’m sorry that it has to be this way. ❞ ❝ you’re late. ❞ ❝ will i see you soon? ❞ ❝ did you miss me? ❞ ❝ i’m home. ❞ ❝ we’re heading home. ❞ ❝ you… came back? ❞ ❝ i hope i didn’t keep you waiting very long, did i? ❞ ❝ is something wrong? ❞ ❝ i can’t believe this. ❞ ❝ i’m in your debt. ❞ ❝ there’s going to be payback, you know. ❞ ❝ … damn you. ❞ ❝ this is for you. ❞ ❝ do you remember me? my name is—ah, nevermind. ❞ ❝ i’m not who you think i am. ❞ ❝ keep following that heart of yours. ❞ ❝ to hell with this place! ❞ ❝ fear is for the weak. ❞ ❝ oh, look at you, you poor, poor thing, you’re hurt! ❞ ❝ you’re such a sweetheart. ❞ ❝ you brought this on yourself. ❞ ❝ no need to thank me, mate. ❞ ❝ please, i don’t want to do this… ❞ ❝ you don’t have to do this… ❞ ❝ only the best for you. ❞ ❝ i hope you’re right. ❞ ❝ gods grant me strength… ❞ ❝ that is the worst idea i think i’ve ever heard. ❞ ❝ do you understand how little sense that makes? ❞ ❝ look what i found! ❞ ❝ something’s changed about the beating of your heart. ❞ ❝ no wonder they don’t like you. ❞ ❝ wish i could be there to see your face. ❞ ❝ i’ll earn your favour yet. ❞ ❝ how bad could it be? ❞ ❝ hello there, handsome. ❞ ❝ … this is the cheesiest thing i’ve heard from you. ❞ ❝ what has gotten into you? ❞ ❝ blood and darkness! ❞ ❝ lucky for you, i’ve no pride like many others here. ❞ ❝ it’s over. i’m sorry. ❞ ❝ go. away. i won’t repeat myself. ❞ ❝ i knew your heart was true. ❞ ❝ let’s kiss and make up! ❞ ❝ mischief, me? oh please! ❞ ❝ i don’t know how you can stand this kind of thing… ❞ ❝ you tried. that’s what matters. ❞ ❝ a man after my own heart… ❞ ❝ why won’t you give up? ❞ ❝ ever so stubborn, aren’t you? ❞ ❝ life and death, one and the same. ❞ ❝ you’re running from yourself. again. ❞ ❝ what do you want from me? leave me alone. we’ve nothing to discuss anymore. ❞ ❝ i cannot bring myself to stay upset with you forever. ❞ ❝ the truth is i’m a lover, not a fighter. ❞ ❝ i have to see her! ❞ ❝ so how goes wilful disobedience of late? ❞ ❝ you think all these gifts will make things go back to the way they were? ❞ ❝ we’re older now—i’d hope we’re wiser, too. ❞ ❝ i have to go. ❞ ❝ we were having such a good time! ❞ ❝ time is up. ❞ ❝ you’re so reckless. ❞ ❝ thank you for always keeping me on my toes. ❞ ❝ your luck’s run out. ❞ ❝ i don’t know why i bother with you, honestly. ❞ ❝ may i call you my friend? ❞ ❝ i’d like to make a toast, to you! ❞ ❝ no need for special thanks. ❞ ❝ i’ve some memories i’m not quite ready to give up on yet. ❞ ❝ i’ll break your heart. ❞
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mcflymemes · 2 years ago
PROMPTS FOR PATCHING UP WOUNDS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
it's honestly nothing. i can deal with it myself.
next time something like this happens, you have to promise to tell me.
you're making a big deal out of nothing. i'll be fine.
how long have you had that?
i'm good at this, you know. patching up wounds.
would you cut it out? i'm trying to help you.
why didn't you tell me you were bleeding?
you didn't have to take that hit for me.
what are you hiding from me?
it's not the worst injury i've ever seen, but it's pretty bad.
how long were you going to hide this from me?
at least let me look at it.
there. it looks much better.
this will help with the pain.
i'm forever in your debt.
i didn't have anywhere else to go.
this wasn't supposed to happen.
is that your blood?
i've patched up nastier wounds than this.
stop squirming! you're going to be fine!
this is bad. this is really bad.
i just need a band-aid and a nap. i'll be fine.
we need to get you to a hospital.
how does it look? be honest.
keep your eyes open, okay? keep looking at me.
it doesn't hurt that bad.
give me your hand. let me look at it.
who taught you how to patch a wound like that?
it's not as bad as i thought it would be, that's for sure.
would you just let me help you? please?
you saved my life.
let me go find my first aid kit. it's in here somewhere.
i'll take care of it. you just sit and rest.
see? that wasn't so bad after all.
i've seen worse.
take two of these and drink some water.
ow! that really hurt!
i've got you, okay? everything's going to be fine.
you're gonna have to take your shirt off.
well... it could have been worse.
it looks worse than it really is, i swear.
roll up your sleeve a little, will you?
does that feel all right?
i didn't even realize i was bleeding.
you could have been killed out there!
give me a second to patch this up.
don't close your eyes. you hear me? stay with me.
i'm not giving up on you just yet.
you still need some time to heal.
i'm right here. i won't leave your side.
thank you for taking care of me.
if you can still hear me, help is on the way!
just squeeze my hand when it starts hurting.
how long have i been out?
let me check for a fever.
did you patch this up?
i've had worse injuries than this.
where did you learn to do that?
take some deep breaths for me.
look at me. you're going to be fine.
hold still! stop moving around so much!
i'll take care of you.
what the hell were you thinking?
where does it hurt?
i'm so used to doing this myself.
lift up your shirt a little so i can see.
lay back down. you're not healed up yet.
you never should have put yourself in harm's way like that.
looks like i've got myself a really good nurse.
will you stay with me while i sleep?
no one's ever helped me like that before.
i would have died had it not been for you.
don't you get it? if you don't let me help you, you'll die.
we have to be quick about this.
this could get bad.
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lunememes · 2 years ago
send 🙌 to grab my muse by the throat
this can either be aggressive or flirty. the context of why is entirely up to you and for you to specify if you'd like!
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petalsprompts · 2 months ago
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change  pronouns,  tenses  and  other  details  as  deemed  necessary. &  please  specify  muse  when  sending  to  a  mumu. slightly edited wording for roleplaying purposes.
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My  skin  has  turned  to  porcelain,  to  ivory,  to  steel.
Any  act  can  be  a  prayer,  if  done  as  well  as  we  are  able.
A  man  who  hates  music  can’t  be  trusted,  I  always  say.
Has  my  tale  turned  you  speechless?  Come,  curse  me  or  kiss  me  or  call  me  a  liar.  Something.
A  bag  of  gold  buys  a  man's  silence  for  a  while,  but  a  well-placed  arrow  buys  it  forever.
If  I  am  a  monster,  perhaps  you  should  speak  more  softly  to  me,  then.  Monsters  are  dangerous  beasts,  and  just  now  kings  seem  to  be  dying  like  flies.
Every  man  must  die,  [NAME].  But  first  he  must  live.
You're  mine.  Mine,  as  I'm  yours.
[NAME]  fought  valiantly,  [NAME]  fought  nobly,  [NAME]  fought  honorably.  And  [NAME] died.
Old  stories  are  like  old  friends  You  have  to  visit  them  from  time  to  time.
You  were  made  to  be  kissed,  often  and  well.
Half-truths  are  worth  more  than  outright  lies.
Some  battles  are  won  with  swords  and  spears,  others  with  quills  and  ravens.
Soon  comes  the  cold,  and  the  night  that  never  ends.
Always  keep  your  foes  confused.  If  they  are  never  certain  who  you  are  or  what  you  want,  they  cannot  know  what  you  are  like  to  do  next.
They’ve  never  seen  a  battle,  they’ve  never  seen  a  man  die,  they  know  nothing. 
Madness  and  greatness  are  two  sides  of  the  same  coin. 
Only  lies  offend  me,  never  honest  counsel.
Woman?  Is  that  meant  to  insult  me?  I  would  return  the  slap,  if  I  took  you  for  a  man.
We  look  up  at  the  same  stars  and  see  such  different  things.
I  crossed  a  thousand  leagues  to  come  to  you,  and  lost  the  best  part  of  me  along  the  way.  Don't  tell  me  to  leave.
I've  lost  a  hand,  a  father,  a  son,  a  sister,  and  a  lover,  and  soon  enough  I  will  lose  a  brother.  And  yet  they  keep  telling  me  my  family  won  this  war.
All  these  kings  would  do  a  deal  better  if  they  would  put  down  their  swords  and  listen  to  their  mothers.
I  must  be  strong.  I  must  have  fire  in  my  eyes  when  I  face  them,  not  tears.
Why  ask  for  truth  if  you  close  your  ears  to  it?
There  is  a  savage  beast  in  every  man,  and  when  you  hand  that  man  a  sword  or  spear  and  send  him  forth  to  war,  the  beast  stirs.
Always  keep  your  foes  confused.  If  they  are  never  certain  who  you  are  or  what  you  want,  they  cannot  know  what  you  are  like  to  do  next.
If  you  love  me  all  so  much,  why  are  you  still  dressed?
There's  been  no  one.  Only  you.
Why  do  the  Gods  make  kings  and  queens  if  not  to  protect  the  ones  who  can't  protect  themselves?
Explain  to  me  why  it  is  more  noble  to  kill  ten  thousand  men  in  battle  than  a  dozen  at  dinner.
We're  all  just  songs  in  the  end.  If  we  are  lucky.
All  men  are  fools,  if  truth  be  told,  but  the  ones  in  motley  are  more  amusing  than  ones  with  crowns.
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writingpromptneeds · 1 year ago
more angst prompts
'maybe we should take a break.' 'we were never right for each other.' 'don't lie to yourself.' 'don't die. please.' 'don't go. don't leave me here alone.' 'i couldn't even do one simple thing.' 'nothing's going right.' 'say that to my face.' 'are you happy now?' 'is this what you wanted?' 'everyone always leaves.' 'i lost everything.' 'i don't know how much more of this i can take.' 'i can't do it. i can't-' 'don't look at me.' 'i don't think we're right for each other.' 'you need to stay away from me.' 'i'm bad for you.' 'haven't you had enough?' 'there's nothing left.' 'this is it.' 'i want to help you. let me help you.' 'all is fair in love and war.' 'i think you've done enough.' 'i'm a nobody.' 'you can't go! you'll die!' 'move! get out of the way!' 'i can't move.' 'read my lips. we're over.' 'don't walk away from me.' 'i didn't want to hurt you. i just couldn't stop.' 'i feel like i can't talk to you anymore.' 'this is killing me.' 'you weren't there when i needed you.' 'i wish, just once, you could love me like this.' 'maybe i liked the lies a little too much.' 'don't go where i can't follow.' 'i can't just let this go.' 'i would've given you everything.' 'please, just for tonight, let's forget what happened.' 'i hate you. i hate that i still love you.' 'i'm not ready to say goodbye...' 'well...always did say i'd end up getting myself killed.' 'please, for once, be honest with me. did you love me?' 'was any of it real?' 'all of that...and for what? are you happy now?' 'sometimes it's just the wrong person at the wrong time.' 'i really did love you, if you can believe me.' 'i can't forgive you for this. never for this.' 'did it hurt you, too?' 'lying is your first language, isn't it?' 'how do i trust you now?' 'i'd let you hurt me over and over again. anything to have you close to me.'
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b1gtimerush · 2 years ago
first impressions matter a collection of meet cutes and meet uglys from yours truly. (add a “swap” to swap the sender/receiver in the prompt (or just do it manually).)
ankle, sender twists their ankle and stumbles forward, coincidentally falling into receiver's arms.
bark, a dog barks loudly, making sender jump and send their phone flying into receiver's face.
chips, sender and receiver both reach for the last bag of chips in the grocery store, their fingers touching by accident.
drink, sender chokes on their drink and ends up spitting it out all over receiver as they walk past.
emergency, in the middle of an awkward blind date, sender pretends to be receiver's friend and helps them get out of the date by faking an emergency.
french, sender pretends they can only speak french to get out of giving a stranger directions. receiver is a witness.
gift, sender is about to get scammed into overpaying for something before receiver steps in to help (and haggle).
hair, sender gets something they're wearing caught in receiver's hair and ends up yanking a chunk of it out when attempting to separate.
ice, sender is ice skating for the first time and skates uncontrollably in receiver's direction.
jail, sender and receiver are both thrown into the same holding cell at a police station.
kid, sender loses a child that they're caring for, only to end up finding them in receiver's company.
lock, sender crashes their ex's wedding, and receiver, a bridesmaid / groomsman, locks them both in the bathroom to prevent sender making a scene.
match, sender and receiver both end up being sat at the same table in a full restaurant.
nauseous, sender is drunk, and while receiver is attempting to help them, ends up throwing up all over receiver's shoes.
oops, sender is carrying a bag full of groceries that ends up breaking. receiver helps them pick their groceries back up.
plug, receiver walks into the bathroom to find sender stuffing tissues up their nose in an attempt to plug up a nosebleed.
quarter, sender doesn't have enough coins for the vending machine, so they stick their hand up the flap and gets their arm stuck just as receiver approaches.
rain, sender and receiver both get stuck under the same awning when seeking shelter from sudden rain.
shh, sender and receiver are both sitting beside each other at the movies. sender keeps whispering to themself every few minutes.
tooth, sender accidentally bites down too hard on their food, resulting in a tooth falling out and skittering across the floor to land at receiver's feet.
undone, the laces on sender's shoes ends up coming undone and they trip and fall, bringing receiver down with them and into the fountain beside them.
vacation, there's a problem with the booking of sender and receiver's hotel rooms and they end up having to share one. thankfully there are two beds.
woods, sender and receiver bump into each other in the woods. one of them is holding a shovel.
x-rated, in a bookstore, sender accidentally drops a few of the erotic books they were planning on purchasing on the floor, which receiver picks up.
yawn, sender, who is dressed down and has not yet slept, bumps into receiver, who is dressed up and just woken up, in line for coffee.
zap, sender calls out to receiver to ask for directions, but as it's late receiver mistakes sender for a creep and tases them.
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candyredmusings · 22 days ago
Slay The Princess Sentence Starters
Sentences taken from Slay The Princess: The Pristine Cut by Blacktabby Games! Change Pronouns As Needed!
CW: Angst, Fluff, Comedic, Romantic
"Now we can both enjoy the mutual romantic subtext to this murder!"
"Yeah do you not know what The Look is? Even I know what The Look is."
"Do you think we can throw her out the window?"
"Hey you threw it out the window even though I just told you not to, I'm proud of you!" 
“What do you mean? This is what you wanted. Idiot.” 
"We ain't done yet, we get up."
"She asks that I tell you to remember her. You won't." 
"BEHOLD! The PERFECT woman!"
“I didn’t think you’d come back. We’re going to have a lot of fun, you and I!” 
“He’s making fun of us!”
“If only I were capable of throwing myself off a bridge.”
"Do I miss your heart because I can’t stand to see it go?"
“I will not be described into submission.” 
"By believing in your limitations you put a shackle on your neck."
"The number of stabbing implements I have is practically zero!"
"The world can't be bad if you're still in it."
"There are few things more terrifying than one's own heart, and there is almost nothing more terrifying than sharing it with another."
" ...do you not have anything witty to say? I could use a good bit of wit right now."
"The End. Nice knowing you."
"You're using a lot of words to say a lot of nothing."
"But violence and passion are dances that both of us know well."
"No. You stop that! Stop all this nonsense."
"If you want us to ignore her, then why did you tell us any of that 'wide pleadin eyes begging for mercy' business to begin with?"
"Whatever you're trying to do right now, you don't have to do it alone."
"You have no idea how good it is to hear you."
"I think you know who I am."
"HA! YOU BASTARD! Even face-to-face, you find a way to stab me in the back."
"I know you and you're hideous! Absolutely wretched! Just like me!"
"You ask of things that cannot be done."
"Why wouldn't I be kind to you? You are the only thing I know that isn't me."
"Fuck this guy. Don't trust him."
"You will have your rest in due time, and I am sorry for the burdens I place on you."
"I would never dare to tarnish our relationship by assuming myself above you."
"Names are their attempts to capture that which cannot be captured."
"Sweet! I've always wanted to off a monarch. Viva la revolucion!" 
"Oh, you bastard! You're in for it now. I'm wise to your tricks!"
“My will triumphs yours."
"We've hurt each other plenty, and I still like you."
"What nooo I wouldn't stab you."
"Why? Why did you let me do this?!"
"It takes a wretch to know a wretch, and we're all at the bottom of the barrel here."
"They're good questions. Great questions, even. But they don't have any answers."
“Do not mourn her; She has finally been heard.”
"Last time? If somebody came into my house and tried to kill me and I cut his neck open and then he stabbed me in the heart and we both died looking into each other's eyes, well, surely I would remember that! But I don't, so it must not have happened!"
"I just want to make you happy!"
"You've been kinder to me than anyone else I've met. Thank you."
“I’m not going to destroy the world, but I am going to hold it in my hands and squeeze it.”
"Oh that's right! Yeah, fuck this guy, don't trust him."
"If the world ended, how are we talking?"
"I'm going to die now! I think that's what you want."
"You've changed"
"And you've stayed exactly the same"
"I'll be damned. We're doomed."
 For everyone's sake, you're not in love."
 "They always say it's lonely at the top. I didn’t think they actually meant it."
“Ignore all the criticism. You’re doing great!” 
"She's been like me this whole time. She's just been hiding it."
 "Of course I'm not okay! I've never been okay. But maybe I needed to never be okay for us to make this happen"
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cyberstole · 1 year ago
𝑆𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍 ( 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 ) dir. emerald fennell  /  feel  free  to  change  pronouns  and  subjects  as  you  see  fit  !
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❛ i wasn’t in love with him. ❜
❛ i loved him. of course! it was impossible not to. ❜
❛ everyone loved you. everyone wanted to be around you. ❜
❛ i protected him. i was honest with him. ❜
❛ it's just you and me, mate. and the girl with agoraphobia, but she's in her room. ❜
❛ are you telling me you spent your summer reading the bible? ❜
❛ oh no no. not, uh, friend. more an admirer. from afar. ❜
❛ so you're picking apart the style my essay instead of the substance? ❜
❛ it's not what you argue but how. ❜
❛ fuck, that's kind. are you serious? ❜
❛ i don't smoke. ❜
❛ he’s been expelled from almost every school in england for sucking off the teachers. ❜
❛ there aren’t any pictures of me as a kid. ❜
❛ you look different. ❜
❛ harsh! that is so harsh! you’re such a snob! ❜
❛ only rich people can afford to be this filthy. ❜
❛ do you think he'll be jealous? ❜
❛ no, i'm not like you. this is all i have. ❜
❛ this feels a bit fucking stupid now to be honest. ❜
❛ honestly? i don't think i'll ever go home again. ❜
❛ just be yourself! they'll love you! ❜
❛ everybody just goes to ruin, i suppose. ❜
❛ but darling you're kind about everyone, you can't be trusted. ❜
❛ i have a complete and utter horror of ugliness. ❜
❛ because you're a terrible person? ❜
❛ daddy always said that i'd end up at the bottom of the thames. ❜
❛ fucking hell you gave me a fright. ❜
❛ i wanted to have a look at the moon. it's nearly full. do you know what that means? ❜
❛ i'm cold blooded. we're all cold blooded, haven't you noticed? ❜
❛ because you’re so fucking beautiful. ❜
❛ you're in your see-through nightdress underneath my window. ❜
❛ i could just eat you. ❜
❛ lucky for you i'm a vampire. ❜
❛ bring on the slutty fairies. ❜
❛ it's just fucking cringe, mate. ❜
❛ what a little shit-stirrer. ❜
❛ it’s just so disappointing. you're just another one of his toys. ❜
❛ alright, fuck this. i'm getting a drink. ❜
❛ are you going to behave from now on? ❜
❛ i mean, you’re a fucking liar… why would you lie? ❜
❛ ...i just wanted to be your friend. ❜
❛ you can’t ignore me forever. ❜
❛ can you fuck off and bother somebody else? ❜
❛ you really do notice everything don't you? ❜
❛ you can’t just throw me away. ❜
❛ i just gave you what you wanted. like everyone else does! ❜
❛ everyone puts on a show for you. so i’m sorry if my performance wasn’t good enough. ❜
❛ i just need you to understand how much i fucking love you. ❜
❛ i'm still the same person. ❜
❛ i don't know what you are. but i do know you make my fucking blood run cold. ❜
❛ it was the end of everything. ❜
❛ none of us wants your bloody american feelings! ❜
❛ your politeness is so grating. do you know that? ❜
❛ you're always skulking around. weaving your spider web. ❜
❛ i think you're a moth. quiet. harmless. drawn to shiny things. batting up against the window… just desperate to get in. ❜
❛ you've made your holes in everything. you'll eat us from the inside out. ❜
❛ you ate him right up. and you licked the fucking plate.❜
❛ have you been happy? ❜
❛ i loved you. by god, i loved you. but sometimes i... hated you.❜
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gloomglimmer · 2 months ago
This  collection  features  thrilling  lines  inspired  by  Ruth  Ware’s  works,  including  The  Woman  in  Cabin  10,  The  Turn  of  the  Key,  and  The  Death  of  Mrs.  Westaway.  These  starters  are  perfect  for  sparking  scenes  in  genres  such  as  psychological  thrillers,  gothic  tales,  or  crime  dramas.  Adjust  them  as  needed  to  craft  your  perfect  scene!
From  The  Woman  in  Cabin  10
“I  saw  someone  go  overboard.  I  know  what  I  saw.”
“The  guest  list  says  we’re  all  here,  but  I’m  not  so  sure.”
“You  can  hear  everything  on  this  boat—every  secret,  every  lie.”
“This  place  is  too  perfect.  It’s  hiding  something.”
“Why  won’t  anyone  believe  me?  There  was  someone  in  that  cabin.”
“The  water  is  silent,  but  it’s  full  of  stories.”
“Sometimes,  the  worst  prisons  don’t  have  bars;  they  have  expectations.”
“If  I  don’t  figure  this  out,  I  won’t  make  it  off  this  boat  alive.”
“The  waves  drown  the  truth,  but  I  won’t  let  it  sink.”
 From  The  Turn  of  the  Key
“I’m  the  nanny,  not  the  intruder,  but  this  house  doesn’t  seem  to  care.”
“There’s  something  wrong  with  this  place—it  watches  you.”
“The  letters  I  wrote  are  the  only  thing  left  of  my  innocence.”
“They  said  the  house  was  smart,  but  no  one  mentioned  it  was  malevolent.”
“At  night,  the  silence  here  feels  alive.”
“They  told  me  to  keep  the  lights  on,  but  they  didn’t  tell  me  why.”
“You  can  hear  footsteps  where  there  should  be  none.”
“They  made  me  feel  like  family…  until  they  didn’t.”
“The  locks  are  on  the  inside,  but  I’m  still  trapped.”
 From  The  Death  of  Mrs.  Westaway
“I  don’t  belong  here,  but  I  can’t  leave  either.”
“The  inheritance  was  supposed  to  save  me,  not  curse  me.”
“It’s  hard  to  tell  who’s  lying  when  everyone  has  something  to  hide.”
“The  tarot  cards  didn’t  tell  me  everything,  but  they  told  me  enough.”
“When  they  gave  themselves  over  to  superstition,  they  were  giving  up  on  shaping  their  own  destiny.”
“Sometimes,  family  secrets  are  buried  so  deep  they  claw  their  way  out.”
“The  truth  wasn’t  left  in  the  will,  but  it’s  written  in  the  walls.”
“The  attic  is  locked  for  a  reason,  but  I  need  to  know  what’s  inside.”
“They  welcomed  me  with  smiles,  but  their  eyes  told  a  different  story.”
“The  letter  said  I  was  chosen,  but  chosen  for  what?”
“How  could  it  be  right  that  some  people  had  so  much,  while  others  had  so  little?”
“You  can’t  influence  fate,  or  change  what’s  out  of  your  control.  But  you  can  choose  what  you  yourself  do  with  the  cards  you’re  dealt.”
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ohisms · 1 month ago
‪‪❤︎‬ ˚。⋆ ↪ 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 & 𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋 !    (  a  collection  of  75+ kisses.   feel free to specify the initiating muse.   potentially mature content within.  UPDATED 02/25 !  )
finally kissing the person you’ve been pining for.
pulling them in for a kiss while showering together.
a kiss shared during a game  ( truth or dare,  spin the bottle,  etc ).
kissing your lover to show you forgive them.
a coy, chaste kiss meant to say thank you.
an intimate kiss full of relief the second you're finally alone.
wiping away your lover’s tears as you kiss them.
a kiss muffled by laughter in a library, hidden away among the shelves.
lazy kisses on the sofa while the television runs.
kisses while wrapping your legs around your lover.
a quick peck on the cheek as one party rushes off.
a kiss to prove you don’t have feelings for them.
a kiss to convince them not to leave bed in the morning.
a kiss to distract them from stitching a wound.
a parting kiss before one party goes away for a long time.
biting their lip amidst a kiss, drawing blood.
heated kisses while tugging on their hair.
abruptly kissing a stranger to scare off the people following you.
an emotional kiss bringing one party to tears.
a bruising kiss full of desperation and urgency.
distracting your lover from a task by kissing their neck.
standing on your tiptoes to kiss their forehead.
kissing down the column of your lover's neck, leaving marks.
a kiss while being reunited after a long time.
kissing your lover in a moment of sheer joy.
a dutiful kiss with no true feeling behind it.
kissing your lover to take away their pain.
colliding with a wall, then each other's lips.
a kiss placed over their freshly bandaged wound.
a kiss while slow dancing close and intimately.
sharing a spontaneous kiss with a stranger.
an abrupt ,  heated kiss during the middle of a fight.
a kiss motivated by a dare from a third party.
an adrenaline-fueled kiss while standing on the ledge of a rooftop.
kissing them to shut them up.
urgent, messy kisses as both parties scramble to undress.
a kiss to wake your lover up in the morning.
sharing a kiss in a heavy downpour of rain.
kissing your lover just above their waistband.
kissing your partner to seal a marriage.
pushing your love down onto the bed to worship their body with kisses.
a possessive kiss to stake a claim.
a kiss to resolve suppressed ( romantic / sexual ) tension.
a kiss attempting to convince the other party to stay.
kissing the top of their head as you hold them.
a risky kiss between forbidden lovers.
a kiss while hiding away from flashing cameras.
a kiss that means absolutely nothing.
kissing the swell of your lover's breast.
a kiss that leaves lipstick stains.
a kiss shared on a rooftop while the sun ( sets / rises ).
a flirtatious kiss on the back of the hand.
sensual kisses down the length of their back.
kissing them to confess your true feelings.
sneaking off to a public bathroom to make out.
a kiss to forgive one another after a fight.
a kiss on the forehead as the other sleeps.
an  ( accidental / mutually )  drunken kiss.
an unexpected kiss during a fake dating scheme.
kissing your partner after they've given you head.
caging your lover against a wall with your arms to kiss them.
a kiss after receiving good news.
an emotional kiss, relieved to find your lover alive.
crowded, heated kisses in the backseat of a car.
a tentative ,  exploratory kiss between friends.
a kiss shared between enemies during combat.
a kiss that smears blood everywhere.
kissing them even though you know you shouldn't.
kissing your lover after believing you’d lost them.
a kiss after a devastating event ,  meant to comfort.
a possessive kiss in front of a jealous third party.
kisses while pulling them into your lap.
a heated kiss while holding them by the throat.
kissing your lover under the night sky while stargazing.
a kiss to seal a promise that you just made.
kissing your lover lazily first thing in the morning.
holding your lover by the jaw to kiss them.
holding their face, kissing the tears from their cheeks.
a kiss to your lover’s stomach as you travel down their body.
an abrupt kiss that you melt into after a moment of hesitation.
sleepy ,  domestic morning kisses in the kitchen while making breakfast.
a rushed kiss before one party leaves for work.
a final kiss shared while holding your dying lover.
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aedearly · 4 months ago
₊˚⊹ a collection of loose poem verses, quotes or lyrics from various books and chansons. most were written originally in portuguese or french, and were translated to english by me. some are extracted from personal poems, as well! they all have some type of religious reference/motif. writing/roleplaying prompts. from fluff to angst and suggestive! feel free to edit as you see fit.
❝ i never felt more alive than when you called me your angel. ❞ ❝ saints above help me… don’t look at me like that. ❞ ❝ admit it, you’d have taken a bite out of eden, too. ❞ ❝ what are you waiting for? pray. ❞ ❝ confess. repent. repeat. ❞ ❝ for you? i will be any believer you want me to be. ❞ ❝ run away with me, where no gods can find us. ❞ ❝ i begged for a miracle. instead, i got you. ❞ ❝ you smell like the devil. ❞ ❝ where is your faith now? ❞ ❝ call me a sinner. ❞ ❝ the way you call my name sounds like heresy. ❞ ❝ in your gaze, i find my prayers answered. ❞ ❝ your lips are scriptures i long to memorise. ❞ ❝ even silence feels sanctified like this. ❞ ❝ when you embraced me, i felt like i was cradled by divinity. ❞ ❝ i do not wish for the stars to hear us now. ❞ ❝ meet me at our shared altar, where our ghosts can dance. ❞ ❝ kiss my hand. make me feel holy. ❞ ❝ your love feels like a fallen angel’s curse. ❞ ❝ please, can’t you be my sanctuary tonight? ❞ ❝ should i kneel and beg you to look at me again? as if you’re a saint? ❞ ❝ worship does not come cheap. ❞ ❝ must i pay for my sins? cry for forgiveness? ❞ ❝ hate me, blame me, crucify me; just please don’t walk away. ❞ ❝ i do not know how else to love you if not like a sinner. ❞ ❝ you were my redemption; now you are my ruin. ❞ ❝ the weight of your absence is my penance to bear. ❞ ❝ i built cathedrals of dreams, and you razed them to dust. ❞ ❝ you’re a hymn that haunts my mind at midnight. ❞ ❝ you left me bleeding for you, devoted—abandoned. ❞ ❝ i prayed to forget you, but even the heavens refused. ❞ ❝ do not tempt me with your promises. ❞ ❝ hellfire has nothing to your touch. ❞
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mcflymemes · 2 years ago
PROMPTS FOR COMFORTABLE INTIMACY *  adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of the prompt
[ settle ] sender sits on receiver's lap and gets comfortable
[ sling ] sender slings an arm around receiver's shoulder
[ pinch ] sender affectionately pinches receiver's cheek
[ ruffle ] sender ruffles receiver's hair
[ recline ] sender joins receiver on their chair and snuggles against them
[ hand ] sender takes receiver's hand while driving
[ knee ] sender lays a hand on receiver's leg while driving
[ clean ] sender reaches up to wipe something off receiver's face
[ tie ] sender adjusts receiver's tie
[ collar ] sender smooths out receiver's collar
[ tickle ] sender starts tickling receiver
[ piggyback ] sender gives receiver a piggyback ride
[ pick up ] sender scoops receiver up into their arms and holds them as they walk
[ guide ] sender places a hand on receiver's hip and guides them through a crowded room
[ smudge ] sender cleans lipstick off receiver's face
[ gun ] in the midst of a stand-off, sender reaches over and gently guides receiver's gun down, making them lower it
[ behind ] sender comes up to receiver from behind and wraps their arms around their waist
[ nuzzle ] sender leans in and nuzzles their face into receiver's neck
[ relax ] sender rests their head on receiver's shoulder while they talk
[ arms ] sender hooks their arm with receiver's as they walk
[ itch ] sender assists receiver with an itch they can't reach
[ catch ] receiver starts to fall, so sender reaches out and catches them
[ calm down ] sender pets receiver's hair and tries to soothe them after a scary situation
[ check ] sender checks receiver's temperature by placing the back of their hand against receiver's forehead, trying to see if they're sick
[ tuck ] sender tucks receiver into bed
[ feed ] sender offers a forkful of food out to receiver, helping them eat
[ undress ] sender helps receiver undress
[ shoes ] sender helps receiver put on their shoes
[ intent ] sender leans their forehead against receiver's
[ bathe ] sender helps receiver wash themselves in a bath
[ shower ] sender helps receiver wash themselves in a shower
[ assist ] sender finds receiver has fallen down, so they rush to their aid and help them stand again
[ bed ] sender helps receiver into bed
[ greet ] sender greets receiver with quick kisses to each of their cheeks
[ high five ] sender gives receiver a congratulatory high five
[ makeup ] sender helps receiver apply makeup
[ injury ] sender cleans receiver's wound and patches it up
[ seek ] sender reaches for receiver's hand and laces their fingers
[ surprise ] sender sneaks up behind receiver and places their hands over their eyes, wanting them to guess who it is
[ walk ] sender helps receiver walk by staying by their side and holding onto them
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witch1nghour · 5 days ago
𝜗𝜚 ⠀𝗕𝗬 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗣𝗥𝗜𝗖𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗢𝗙 𝗠𝗬 𝗧𝗛𝗨𝗠𝗕   ﹔   various  sentence  starters   (   platonic/romantic/antagonistic/etc   )  from   JEKYLL AND HYDE: THE MUSICAL   (   1990   )   .  please   , like   or  reblog if   you   plan   on   using   .   don’t   claim   as   your   own   .   content   warning   :   tw murder, violence, religion  .   
in  each  of  us  there  are  two  natures.
he's  beyond  help.
he  stil  has  a  soul  -  as  pure  and  good  as  yours  or  mine.
madness  is  the  cruelest  of  all  prisons.
there  must  be  a  way  to  help  him.
my  theories  convince  me  there  is  a  better  solution.
use  your  gifts  wisely.
once  there  was  morning,  now  endless  night.
if  I  could  reach  you  I'd  guide  you  and  teach  you  to  walk  from  the  darkness  back  into  the  light.
please  try  to  hear  me.
I'll  never  desert  you  -  I  promise  you  this  till  the  day  that  I  die.
I  need  to  know  the  nature  of  the  demons  that  possess  man's  soul
why  does  he  revel  in  murder  and  madness?
I  need  to  find  a  way  to  get  inside.
I  need  to  try  to  separate  the  good  and  evil  -  if  I  can.
give  me  courage  to  go  where  no  angel  will  go.
there's  a  face  that  he  hide  till  the  nighttime  appears.
man's  a  master  of  deceit.
what  is  his  sinister  secret?
if  we  could  extract  all  of  the  evil  from  each  of  us  think  of  the  world  we  could  create!
what  makes  you  think  you  have  the  right  to  play  god?
my  fate  is  yours  to  choose.
I  did  try  to  warn  you.
you  should  exercise  greater  caution.
you  have  come  this  far,  remember  what  you  have  at  stake.
comments  on  style,  madam,  should  never  be  made  by  those  who  have  none.
you'll  get  what  you  want  in  the  end,  you  always  do.
the  only  thing  to  fear  is  the  unknown.
we  knew  there'd  be  a  price  to  pay.
look  in  my  eyes  -  who  do  you  see  there?
love  is  the  only  danger.
we'll  make  our  one  dream  come  true.
you  know  who  I  am...take  me  as  I  am.
give  me  you  hand  -  give  me  your  heart.
swear  to  me  we'll  never  part!
goodnight,  my  angel.
goodnight,  my  devil.
if  we  want  our  love  to  grow,  we  musn't  be  afraid  of  letting  go.
you  are  playing  a  very  dangerous  game.
a  little  touch  of  sin  -  why  wait  another  minute?
why  should  tonight  be  different?
here's  to  the  night!
if  you  only  knew  the  games  we  could  play.
you're  not  up  to  the  chase.
you  have  got  a  lot  to  lose  ...  think  of  the  consequences.
for  all  these  years,  I've  faced  the  world  alone.
I  have  started  this  alone  ...  and  I  must  finish  it  alone.
I  have  a  thirst  that  I  cannot  deprive.
tonight  I'll  take  from  all  mankind,  conquer  all  the  gods.
I  see  the  pain  in  your  eyes.
have  I  become  my  work  and  nothing  more?
what  kind  of  monster  would  do  such  a  thing?
I  am  in  love  with  the  things  that  I  see.
if  someone  like  you  found  someone  like  me  then  suddenly,  nothing  would  ever  be  the  same.
I'd  feel  so  alive  if  someone  like  you  loved  me.
it  warms  my  heart  to  know  that  romance  still  blossoms.
how  dare  you  speak  to  me  like  that?
you  don't  seem  like  yourself.
I've  been  better,  name  ...  I've  been  better.
I  did  everything  I  could  to  save  the  others.
I  am  dangerous.  more  dangerous  than  any  wild  animal  stalking  its  prey  ...
my  love,  what's  happened  to  you?
I  must  be  left  alone  to  finish  what  I've  started.
yu  never  promised  me  the  journey  would  be  easy  -  only  that  we  would  take  it  together.
you  were  heaven-sent  to  me,  was  it  never  meant  to  be?
don't  abandon  me  now,  name.
if  you  need  me  you  know  where  I'll  be.
did  you  really  think  that  I  would  ever  let  you  go?
do  you  think  I'd  ever  set  you  free?
you  will  never  get  away  from  me!
this  is  not  a  dream,  my  friend,  and  it  will  never  end!
no  matter  what  you  may  pretend.
I'll  rejoice  as  you  breathe  your  final  breath.
there's  a  beast  at  the  door,  and  he's  wild  and  free.
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petalsprompts · 2 years ago
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𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐢 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝('𝐧𝐭) 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 ; 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑢𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑠
a collection of slightly heart-ache-inspired dialogue prompts by me. change pronouns/tenses/details as needed.
❝ i've been thinking about you a lot. ❞
❝ i can't keep you off my mind. ❞
❝ why do you have to go? ❞
❝ you'd think we'd be better at saying 'goodbye'. ❞
❝ you shouldn't look at me like that. ❞
❝ i shouldn't think about you that way. ❞
❝ do you think we missed our chance? ❞
❝ have i been on your mind? ❞
❝ you are never far from my thoughts. ❞
❝ i can feel your heart beating faster. ❞
❝ i miss the way you smell. ❞
❝ i know i shouldn't, but i want to see you. ❞
❝ you make it easy for me to be myself. ❞
❝ it's always been you, i don't know why. ❞
❝ i've missed your voice. ❞
❝ it should have been me. ❞
❝ i wish i'd known all this before we ended up here. ❞
❝ i hope the way i feel doesn't make things harder between us. ❞
❝ i can't offer you the life you have with them, i know that. ❞
❝ do you wish it was me? ❞
❝ you are my person, i know that. i should have said it before. ❞
❝ you're the only one that makes me feel safe. ❞
❝ it's too late to say it, but i wanted to say it anyway.❞
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writingpromptneeds · 1 year ago
sleepy prompts.
'Just go to sleep.' 'You were supposed to be asleep hours ago.' 'Didn't you just say you were going to bed?' 'Want me to tuck you in?' 'Why didn't you go to sleep?' 'You need some rest.' 'How was your nap?' 'I'll be here when you wake up.' 'You're falling asleep on your feet. Get some sleep.' 'I'm ready to go to bed.' 'The bed's cold without you.' 'You look like you're gonna pass out.' 'Shh, go back to sleep.' 'Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.' 'You should be sleeping.' 'Goodnight, sleeping beauty.' 'Just five more minutes.' 'Somebody was supposed to be asleep by now.' 'Did we fall asleep?' 'We should get up.' 'Come on, let's go to bed.' 'You look so cute when you're asleep.' 'You're already half-asleep.' 'By the way, did you know that you talk in your sleep?' 'Sorry, were you asleep?' 'Goodnight kiss?' 'I don't know if I can go to sleep, now.' 'What did you dream about?' 'I'm so sleepy.' 'I'll sleep when I'm dead.' 'That was your third yawn in two minutes. Go to bed.' 'I can't go to sleep.' 'You deserve some rest.' 'You snore when you sleep.' 'So what if I still sleep with a stuffed animal?' 'Your pillow smells comforting.' 'Don't bother waking me up.' 'Wow, look at that bedhead.' 'The sheets are so warm.' 'You just go ahead and get some sleep, I'll be fine.' 'You can use me as your pillow.' 'Just try to get some sleep, okay?' 'You look cozy. You can go to sleep.' 'What time do you want me to wake you up?' 'I don't need any rest, I'm fine.' 'Yawn one more time and I'm carrying you to bed.' 'I got a fresh, warm set of sheets with your name on them.' 'Please get some sleep, you're worrying me.' 'I'm not tired.' 'Just five minutes, please.' 'Stop trying to stay awake. Just go to sleep.' 'Go to sleep.' 'I can't sleep if you're not here.' 'Quit squirming, I'm trying to sleep.' 'Go back to sleep, I'll take care of it.' 'That was the first good sleep I've gotten in a long time.'
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