#sirius black raises harry potter and teddy lupin
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until-the-house-shakes · 7 hours ago
In every universe where Regulus helps raise Harry (or Teddy) this interaction has happened at least once
Regulus: barty? Why are you he-
Barty: where is he?
Regulus: who?
Barty: my best friend. Where is he?
Regulus: evan isn’t her-
Barty: no!! My BEST friend.
*Harry and/or Teddy enters*: BATTY!!!
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impishtubist · 11 months ago
happy birthday, krabapple <3
Your fics have brought me such joy since the LiveJournal days, so here, I knocked up Remus for you. I hope you have a great rest of your day <3 @lizlemonbennet
(many thanks to the discord for doing a plot spitballing session with me many many moons ago regarding remus getting pregnant and his students being mad about it, y'all are the real mvps. also I hope someone writes the 100K version of this someday.)
At first, Harry didn’t bat an eye at the owls that swept in periodically throughout breakfast that morning, dropping off letters for Sirius before flying off again. Out of everyone in the household, Sirius got the most correspondence, and it wasn’t unusual for there to be a flurry of owls in their home for the first few hours of the morning. 
He did take notice when the pile grew to be twenty letters, and then thirty. Even more noticeable, Sirius wasn’t even opening them. 
“Er, Sirius,” he said, after the fortieth owl swept in and then out again. “You didn’t get voted Sexiest Wizard Alive again, did you?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Harry,” Sirius said, giving him a smile that was only slightly strained. “That contest isn’t until May.”
“Do you have another fan club?” Teddy asked.
“Okay,” Harry said, “then why aren’t you opening your mail?”
“I want to enjoy breakfast with my boys!” Sirius said, though the cheer in his voice sounded slightly forced. “It’s your first day home from school. I can read the mail later.” 
“Isn’t that Hermione’s handwriting?” Teddy piped up, pointing at a letter near the top of the pile. Before he could stop himself, Harry snatched it up, his Seeker’s reflexes outwitting Sirius’s. 
“Dear Lord Black,” he read out loud, fending off Sirius’s attempts to grab the letter with one hand, “I am incredibly disappointed to learn that Professor Lupin will be unable to teach for the rest of the school year--and, most importantly, will be unable to oversee our NEWTs--thanks to your actions, and I hope that you take this into consideration in the future should you decide to procreate again…”
Harry wrinkled his nose and tossed the letter at Sirius. “Gross, Sirius.” 
“I didn’t write the letter! Take it up with Hermione.”
“Are they all like that?”
“At least there aren’t any Howlers this time,” Sirius said, slumping back in his chair. “I’ve been getting them for days, ever since Remus announced his pregnancy and his intention to take a leave of absence starting at the holidays. Your classmates are very upset.”
“Your timing could have been better,” Harry said. “In more ways than one.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Come on, Sirius.” Harry rolled his eyes. “Remus is almost five months, yeah? You know what else was almost five months ago? My birthday. You two are gross and I hate you.” 
“No, you don’t.” Sirius got up for more coffee. As he passed behind Harry and Teddy, he kissed them both on top of the head. “Your friends do, though.” 
“It is your fault their favorite and most competent professor is out of commission for the rest of the year.”
“I will personally write every single OWL and NEWT student a glowing letter of recommendation. No matter what their scores are this year while Professor Lupin is on sabbatical, they will have their pick of jobs after graduation. Happy?” 
“That includes us, right?”
“Yes, of course it does.”
Harry stuck out his hand. “Deal.”
Sirius shook his hand, and then Teddy’s, and at that moment Remus came into the kitchen. He had stopped being able to fit into his own clothes, and was now stealing Sirius’s sweaters and joggers. Those wouldn’t do for much longer, Harry thought, but figured that was a battle his guardians could fight on their own.
“Oh, dear,” Remus said, spotting the pile of letters. Several had fallen to the floor. “That’s…”
“At least a quarter of the student body,” Sirius said. 
“I’m sorry, love.” 
“As your eldest has so helpfully pointed out, it is all my fault.”
“Well,” Remus said with a wink, “not all your fault.”
“Right!” Harry said, standing abruptly. “I’m off! Come on, Teds. Let’s get out of here before they get more disgusting.”
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brandileigh2003 · 6 months ago
Raising Harry and/or teddy recs. I know I'm missing some so send me your faves or self rec ❤️❤️ (I keep updated ones at the bottom)
~~~please give these authors love, fandom engagement with writers is down and it means more than you know. ~~~
-orange juice (i've been ready for you to come home for so long) by raggedypond @fortunatelyfuzzywombat get back together ft Chronic Illness
-my love, take care of yourself by @littleoldrachel ft mental health and chronic
-Anything that msalexwp writes that includes the trope is fantastic
Let's Play Pretend muggle fake dating real feelings
Second Generation get back together
-the sea is a good place to think of the future by peachyybabe get back together ft Chronic Illness @lavenderhaze
-Like Real People Do by thirdcrow: coffee shop, great disability rep
-An Infinte Ocean by orphan_account muggle get together
-Babysitting For Dummies by Middleofamoment (37k) au raising teddy get together (theres a sequel and 3rd to come)
-We’ll Make It Out Alive by wolfstar_addict417: muggle texting kidfic
-Blue Moon Café by @lazuli-moon raising teddy coffee shop
-Forever Is a State of Mind -orphaned account ft deaf remus
-Of Bookshelves and Baby Carriers by @poppunkpadfoot
-the mayors of simpleton by @fruityindividual older wolfstar get back together ft blind remus
-Till We Have Arrived Home Again by prouvairing divergent
-Of Quiet Hearts And Thundering Dreams by @tracingpatternswrites
-Spare! by B1ackCatChatsBack muggle get together
-I didn’t sign up for this by Moonystoastandmarsbars get back together
-Of Protein Powders and PTAs by @squintclover and TracingPatterns magical divergent
-A Wolf, A Bear, A Dungeon Master, and Boy Wonder by @ratmom819 ft chronic illness
-Puppy Magic by @demonbanisher thefifthmarauder17 magical divergent
-what a wonder (what a waste) by peachyybabe mcd magical divergent ft trans remus, mental illness and
-Aging Gracelessly by orphan_account older wolfstar texting
-So I'll Take My) Good Fortune by orphan_account muggle uni
-The Molinete & the Media Luna by punkwolfstar ft disability
-beautiful boy (darling boy) by @impishtubist and roaming_the_greenwood1: magical divergent ft trans remus
-Multiplying Parents by @heartofspells harry wants to find Sirius a bf
-ten reasons (to go to michigan) by @greyeyedmonster-18 muggle au get together
-The Things I Did by Lolo_row divergent
-Of Memories and Milk Thievery by moonymoment older wolfstar get back together @mayescapade
-Basilisks, Boggarts and Boyfriends (oh my) by OptimisticDinosaur
-Of Caffeine Addictions and Nail Polish by BlueAzalea au pining and fluff
Check out my fandom wife lucigoo she has some wonderful ones
Common Woodbrown by @imochan
that’s the art of getting by sarewolf
----Self rec: parks and playdates ft disability plus trans and asexual remus
~~Others' recs ~~
-Wherever I am/ you will always be - BrigidFaye
(anon): Under Foot, Under Moon by sometimeswelose
-An unexpected reunion- r33sesPieces
Rhythm & Blues by lez_writes13
stealing harry by @copperbadge
-Blanket Fort by @samynnad102687 : Regulus, James, and Harry build a blanket fort.
-Trick-or-Treating by Samynnad102687: The Marauders, Regulus, and Lily take Harry Trick-or-Treating.
-Unbound by you by friendlyneighborhoodtrickster, TracingPatterns
-Moonless Nights by @sliebman10 Sirius is trying to rebuild his life after the fateful Halloween of 1981. He's struggling to come to terms with Remus's betrayal and his new role as Harry's guardian.
-Family Vacation by sliebman10: Sirius is skeptical that a family resort is where he wants to spend his first summer vacation with Harry there, but he comes to see its merits when he meets Remus and his family.
-All the soul and body scars by 1point21
-To build a family - secondsister
-Forever live and die - wolfpants
--feel free to check it my main rec list
Also - the wolfstar librarian has awesome collections for raising harry
**new additions**
-oh, summer child by peachyybabe Sirius and remus get pregnant. Fluff 💙
•There Is No Man, However Wise by enigmaticblue
•Teddy Lupins big day out. by M0ving_in_place (3k) modern. teddy has ASD
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moutainrusing · 7 months ago
kid fic
400 words, @wolfstarmicrofic
Across the table, eyes locked, Harry and Teddy glared at each other. Their elbows were glued to the table, hand wrapped around the other’s.
They both looked like their veins were on the verge of bursting.
“What are you doing?” Sirius asked.
Teddy growled, “Arm.”
“Wrestling,” Harry ground out.
“Are you supposed to just… stay in the same position for ten minutes?” Sirius gestured.
They both pulled back, shaking their heads.
“No, I’ll show you what’s supposed to happen,” Harry signalled for Sirius to come over.
Teddy dramatically got up, smirking as he so thoughtfully gave up his seat on the floor for Sirius.
Harry was also smirking. Sirius was getting worried.
“Alright, put your elbow here,” Harry slapped the table.
Sirius gingerly did so, hand suddenly gripped in Harry’s. “Okay,” Harry nodded. “My aim is to push your arm to the table like so,” he demonstrated.
“Ow!” Sirius yelped, arm suddenly twisted onto the table.
“Your aim,” Teddy patted his father’s shoulder, “Is to push Harry’s arm to the opposite side, like he did to you.” He clapped Sirius’s back, whispering, “Good luck. He’s actually strong, but don’t tell him I said that.”
“I heard that,” Harry grinned, and Teddy groaned. But then Harry smiled, “Don’t worry, I think you’re pretty strong too.”
Sirius looked fondly between his two sons.
Then war began.
“Three, two, one!” Teddy yelled. “Go!”
Harry was strong. Sirius’s arm immediately collapsed flat on the table.
“What?!” Sirius gaped. “How did you do that?!”
Harry and Teddy flexed their fingers. “Been training with Moony,” Harry said.
“Werewolf strength,” Teddy clarified.
Rising to his feet, Sirius stomped into the kitchen. “You’ve been teaching them strength but not me?!”
“Uh,” Remus stuttered. He shrugged, “I was just trying to control them. They kept running around and full-on tackling each other, so I told them to sit still and wrestle.”
“Why didn’t you ever use arm wrestling to control James and I?! Think of the muscles I could have right now!”
“Well… I didn’t need violence to control you. I could just kiss you,” Remus smiled reminiscently.
Sirius gasped, “You were using our love as a method of control?!” He shook his head, marching up to Remus, brandishing a finger in his face. “That’s it. I will train until I destroy you.”
Remus snorted, then pecked Sirius’s lips. Sirius blinked dazedly, completely forgetting the contents of his brain.
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dorythewritingfish · 2 months ago
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I was bored at Uni, so I drew this out of Harry’s perspective.
They are on a trip, in a garden.
Sirius and Regulus are in their Animagus form, James aka Dad is the sun because Regulus always calls him the sun.
And yes, Remus uses a cane.
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itsriotmotherfuckers · 2 months ago
So we all know the AU where Sirius and Remus raise Harry, but I have a new suggestion. What if, after Alice and Frank are tortured to the point of insanity and James and Lily are murdered, Sirius and Remus take both Harry and Neville in.
Imagine Harry and Neville being raised as brothers with a solid support network. Imagine both of them having childhoods free of neglect and abuse and expectations. Them being raised with stories of their parents and a household full of love and kindness. Them getting to stay up at night, hiding out under the blankets with a flashlight to giggle about nothing. Them stealing cookie dough and bits of food while Sirius and Remus cook, making a competition out of it. Them going off to Hogwarts together, being sorted together, and having sleepovers in the same fourposter.
Then imagine little Teddy Lupin being born, probably when they’re still relatively young, maybe seven or eight. Them getting so excited, getting in Sirius and Remus’ bed to poke Remus’ stomach and talk to their baby sibling (and sometimes poke Sirius’ stomach just because they can). Them taking it upon themselves to teach Teddy new words and then turning it into a challenge to see who can teach them more. Them rushing Sirius to get them home from Hogwarts quicker every break so they can say hi to their little sibling. Them regaling Teddy with tales of the castle (some of which are more made up than others just to fuck with them) together.
Imagine their family being Sirius, Remus, Neville, Harry, and Teddy, living together and being happy. They all get a happy ending. They get to be safe and surrounded by love. Just… imagine.
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stonnedparrott · 1 month ago
Remus the "Head of the PTA" dad and Sirius the "I couldn't care less" dad
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y0url0verb0y · 2 years ago
Regulus: James...where's Harry?!
James: ...
Sirius: ...
Regulus: JAMES!?
Sirius *whispering:* play dumb
James: Who's James?
Sirius *whisper yelling*: not that dumb!
James: if it makes you feel any better Sirius doesn't have Teddy either...
Regulus: Why would that make me feel any better?!?!
-meanwhile, Harry and Teddy jumping on the neighbor's trampoline while they're out of town-
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functionalbidisaster · 2 years ago
the scariest thing a mauraders fan can see…..
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a mother with her child 😱😱😱🤯🤯
no but seriously you guys need to stop acting like harry and teddy don’t have mothers who they miss dearly and would do anything to be able to meet
also, lily and tonks would 100% be involved in raising them even if wolfstar and jegulus were a thing so PLEASE stop acting like they don’t exist and only using them to give your mlm ship a kid
so you can write fics where wolfstar raises teddy or jegulus raises harry, i don’t care, have fun, go crazy. just stop erasing lily and tonks completely because they WOULD be in their children’s life
also also, because i’m feeling extra petty here’s more mothers and their children for the drarry fans who do the same thing
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😱😱 frightening i know
it’s like everyone forgets that mothers exist
(also i don’t support jkr or am really in the hp fandom, i just decided to scroll through some of the tags because i was bored) (also be thankful because i could of been a lot more petty if i wanted to be)(i also know not all fans do this but a lot do)
art credits:
tonks and teddy - rielles96 on instagram and tumblr
lily and harry - cableknit_remus on instagram and tumblr
ginny, lily luna, james sirius, and albus - beeyoungkah on instagram and tumblr
astoria and scorpius - upthehillart on instagram and tumblr
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willsolace-loml · 23 days ago
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remus and teddy!!!!!!! i drew this while watching the super bowl lmaooo. au where nymphadora was like a year younger than the marauders. basically like a teen parents/accidental teen pregnancy au. extra photos under cut
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dont mind the fact that teddys lips are messed up
also the black nails on teddy are on purpose, hes mimicking his dad
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ecstarry · 8 months ago
the gift
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Remus tilted his head, but before he could ask anything, Sirius continued.  “Is there space for one more?” he whispered, almost in a plea. Remus nodded slowly and opened his arm to make space on the rocking chair for Sirius. His husband comfortably settled on his lap and Remus held his entire universe between his arms. 
A small collection of moments during Christmas Eve throughout the years as Remus and Sirius raise Teddy.
prompt submitted by @kaaaaaaarf for @marauderswithpalestineproject
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solisitude · 11 months ago
pt. 4 of the wolfstar raising teddy gc
teddy : i can not get water nor clean cause ziggy has decided to sleep on my leg
remus : too bad. bed time.
teddy : too bed. bad time.
remus : i
sirius : i snorted outloud actually
sirius : okay sleepy time ted
@oddbrainedtboy @remuslupininskirts
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azzzsleep · 6 months ago
Mini Wolfstar Fic @wolfstarmicrofic
Title: 3 things Sirius loved about Remus
1) Hands
It was such a boring day for the Marauders, they were in the library mostly doing hw. James was away on another table with Lily to study potions while Peter was sleeping, resting his head on Sirius's laps. So Sirius was really bored with his only activity being petting Peter's head, so his eyes started to wander.
The first thing his eyes landed on was obviously books then the man that was using that book and finally the man himself. Remus looked so focus on what he was doing, seeing him like this always made Sirius heart sway a little more into madness, who could blame him when his boyfriend was the definition of gorgeous.
His golden-honey eyes were locked on the book. A book that was held so gently in his big, large hands. His hands that would always ground him when needed, elevated him when wanted , secure him, loved him, made him feel so good. These hands that Sirius knew better than anyone because of all the times he has held them.
Sirius couldn’t take his eyes off of them, off of those hands. HIS BOYFRIEND hands.
And maybe Sirius was staring too much because in one blink of an eye those same hand disappear from his vision and landed on his face, holding him just like the book was held. With care and appreciation. And just as soon as Remus hands were on his face, their lips met for a quick kiss and then they were gone, back to that book.
Oh Sirius was a gonner
2) Hair
Today was Sirius hair care day, and everyone knew that it would be easier to fight a dragon than to step in the way of the one and only Sirius Black, especially on hair care day, so the dorm was empty.
Sirius loved that day, it was a day for him and him only and no one would bother him. The others always flew the room on that day doing other things while Sirius enjoyed pampering his hair.
It took 5 hours. 5 hours for Sirius to finally be done, 5 hours before any Maurauder were allowed back into their dorm, 5 hours and his hair day was still not over since a longer mission was awaiting for him.
Now that his hair day was over, started the Maurauders hair day. The first one was James, his took an hour and a half it has finished just around 1PM. The second one was Peter and his hair took a bit longer, starting at 1h30 PM and ending at 3PM. The last one was his boyfriend. Remus hair was those pefect curls in that sandy blond colour that Sirius loved so much. The texture was just so flowy and light, literally dreamy. Moony was dreamy.
3) Cligny
Remus is clingy. Remus like to hug, he like to cuddle and every time he came back late from the library or his prefect routes Remus would always seek contact. When they weren't together yet Remus wandered with any of their friends, but now! Now Remus was Sirius's and Sirius's alone. At first the other were kinda jealous, mainly James and Lily what could they do (they cuddle all together). And tonight like any other night, came late his moony. As soon as Remus entered the common room Sirius ready himself. It was a routine, an automatism and Godric his loved it.
As soon as Lupin sat, Sirius was in his lap. Remus hands around his waist, resting, his head on his shoulder falling into the crook of Sirius head, hair flowing hiding his face. Sirius would kill to keep his routine forever.
Years later after Azkaban and separation and hurt and pain started a joyous day.
That morning was just so calm with Remus now teacher at Hogwart was helping the kids with hw.
Sirius was taking care of his hair and then later was taking care of his godchild hair Harry and his kid Hair Teddy finishing by his Husband Hair.
That night all of them would be in the living room cuddling watching a movie (muggel gadjet) till the next morning.
Sirius would have this routine forever now that all the misery was over, he was the happiest of them all.
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sliebman10 · 19 days ago
Where You Lead, I Will Follow - Chapter 6
About two thirds of the way through the movie, Harry got up to refill the popcorn bowl. Teddy followed him into the kitchen. 
“What are you doing? It doesn’t take two people to get popcorn,” Harry said. 
“Um, leaving them alone for a minute?” Teddy said slowly, like Harry was really thick. 
“Oh,” was all Harry said. They peeked back into the living room. Remus had moved from the floor to the couch and was sitting closer to Sirius. They were talking quietly with their heads together. Harry felt the realization dawn on him. This was what Teddy had been talking about. He didn’t always notice it at the diner, but now he could see the clear connection between their dads. “What do we do? We can’t hang out in the kitchen the rest of the night. It’ll look weird.”
Teddy considered. “We can go to your room instead?”
“Ok,” Harry said. They dropped the popcorn bowl back on the couch and headed upstairs. Neither Sirius nor Remus seemed to notice. 
Read more here.
Read from the beginning.
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moutainrusing · 7 months ago
313 words, @wolfstarmicrofic
“Harry’s being a drama llama,” Teddy pointed an accusing finger at said culprit.
“No, I’m not!” Harry denied. “My life is ruined. Teddy’s ruined my life!” He whined.
“Uh huh,” Remus nodded, nose buried in a book. In fact, by nodding, his nose practically bumped into the page.
Sirius snorted, then went back to pretending to be busy cleaning the kitchen. Of course he wasn’t peering out of the door at every second to laugh at his family. ‘Course not.
“I haven’t!” Teddy pouted, “Moony, I would never ruin Harry’s life! He’s my brother.”
“Brother,” Harry scoffed.
“Yeah, brother,” Teddy sneered.
“A true brother,” Harry declared. “Would never put Hedwig in the washer with pink clothes!” He brandished the owl demonstratively. “Now she’s pink!”
Teddy rolled his eyes. “It’s okay for owls to be pink.”
“But she was a snowy owl!” Harry whinged. “Snowy owls are white!”
“Snowy owl toys are any colour!”
“But she’s a realistic owl! Identical to the real thing!” Harry then wielded a finger at Teddy, “But you! Ruined! It!”
Teddy muttered, “I think you’re just racist towards pink owls.”
“I am not racist!”
“Racism is bad,” Remus helpfully inputted.
“Exactly,” Teddy agreed sagely, giving Harry a pointed look.
Harry huffed, “Fine, I accept pink snowy owls. Their feather colour doesn’t matter. It’s what’s on the inside that counts.”
“...Stuffing,” Teddy deadpanned.
Harry threw his arms up in frustration. “What do you want me to say?!”
“Just…” Teddy shrugged. “Don’t be cringey. You’re an actor, be original.”
“Would you stop calling me dramatic?!”
“When you stop being dramatic.”
Suddenly, arms flying, the two brothers proceeded to scuffle, tackling each other as they rolled over the floor.
Sirius crept past them, hands wrapping around his husband’s shoulders. “Drama llamas,” he sighed, shaking his head at their sons.
Remus side-eyed him.
Sirius gasped, clutching his chest, “What was that side-eye for?!”
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James: Harry! What’s the square root of 64?
4 yo Harry: 8!
Sirius: hey Harry, what’s the square root of this potato?
Harry: 8!
Sirius: congratulations, you have a parrot.
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