#shimon peres
dadsinsuits · 1 year
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Shimon Peres
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'Oliver Stone said Friday he was shocked to hear that the stars of Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer had walked out of its London premiere the day before as SAG-AFTRA officially declared strike action.
“I know several producers are opening movies, like Oppenheimer. Chuck Roven, he was in London. I heard it was going to be cancelled,” said Stone, when asked for his view on the strike.
“I don’t know if it went ahead but all the actors left. That was shocking that they really meant business and cut off right away all the promotion, which is big.”
Commenting on the ongoing 11-week WGA strike, Stone suggested the roots of the current industrial action lie in the deal brokered to end the five-month writers strike in 1988.
“There was a basic miscarriage of justice way back when, when Brian Walton was the head of the WGA, when we gave in. I wasn’t on the front line, but I supported that strike,” said Stone.
“We gave in to the producers. They got away with murder on one of these deals where all that DVD money was deferred. They claimed they were in the hole, in the red, and that they had to get their money back from DVD.
“I forgot what the percentage was, but they took something like the first 75% off the top. The DVD business was huge, especially for my films. So, the gross was never divided fairly.”
Stone said this trend had continued with residuals and profits.
“Not so much residuals, as profits really. Residuals are important for some of the writers who don’t make as much money. But people who do make money, they don’t touch the profits from the film, the studio does,” he said.
“The studio is always telling you that they’re losing money, but they always find a way to make a new level of profit for 10, 15 years. … It’s that perpetual industrial problem with a capitalist group that pays its executives more and more money and screws the average writer.”
Looking back over past industrial action, Stone recalled how the 2007 writers strike initially led to the postponement of his 1968 My Lai massacre drama Pinkville, and then resulted in it being cancelled for good.
“We had three weeks to go and it got cancelled. We got hurt,” he said.
Stone said he doubted there would be a quick or easy resolution to the current writer and actor disputes.
“I don’t think it will be wrapped up quickly. Because well, I don’t understand the economics of Netflix and these new guys, but it’s the same old bullsh*t. You know they’re making money and they always say they’re losing money. It’s the classic conflict that goes back to the 1880s in America.”
Stone was talking to Deadline at the Jerusalem Film Festival, where he showed his 2022 documentary Nuclear Now, arguing the case for nuclear power as the only viable way to tackle climate change.
Based on the book A Bright Future: How Some Countries Have Solved Climate Change and the Rest Can Follow, the work premiered at Venice last year.
The work is a passion project for Stone, who says he was inspired to make the film by his fear of climate change.
“I’m not a science expert and I have no kinship with nuclear power. On the contrary, you could say I was a mild believer in the Jane Fonda-Ralph Nader concept of the 1980s that nuclear power was dangerous,” said the director, who also took co-writing credits with U.S. scientist Joshua Goldstein.
“But it’s clear to me from my travels all over the world, that it’s getting hotter, and hotter, and hotter. We were in Italy, two, three days ago, and they said it was hottest day on record or something.”
Stone was also honored with a lifetime achievement award from the Jerusalem Film Festival at the opening ceremony Thursday evening alongside Helen Mirren and Belgian directorial duo Luc and Jean-Pierre Dardenne.
The director last spent extensive time in the country in 2002 at the height of Second Intifada to make his documentary Persona Non Grata, in which he interviewed Israeli leaders Benjamin Netanyahu, Shimon Peres, Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon as well as the Palestinian Al Aqsa Brigade on the Middle East conflict.
Two decades on, he suggested the situation is unchanged.
“It’s a repetitive cycle. I’ve been here several times. I planted an olive tree for peace here in the ’90s with my then-partner Arnon Milchan and came back in 2002 for Persona Non Grata. … I don’t see a difference. It’s just worse. Like it’s getting hotter. It’s just getting more and more choked.”'
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plitnick · 2 years
Israel’s new radical leadership wastes no time provoking anger
Israel’s new radical leadership wastes no time provoking anger
The Abraham Accords represent a shameful deal for trade and military alliances between an apartheid state, Israel, and some of the most brutal autocracies in the world, like the UAE and Bahrain. The notion that these are “peace agreements” is false on its face, and even more a deception in the intent behind the agreements, which is largely focused on facilitating war. It was always going to be a…
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mounadiloun · 3 months
Boucliers humains en Palestine occupée
Dans les récits qui traitent de la situation en Palestine, on en rencontre souvent deux qui sont parfaitement complémentaires:  celui qui parle du recours par les Palestiniens à des civils (palestiniens) comme boucliers humains et  celui sur les attaques palestiniennes délibérées contre des civils ressortissants de l’entité sioniste. En ce qui concerne le premier point, l’expérience a montré…
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reportwire · 2 years
Today in History: December 10, Mandela is mourned
Today in History: December 10, Mandela is mourned
Today in History Today is Saturday, Dec. 10, the 344th day of 2022. There are 21 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On Dec. 10, 2013, South Africa held a memorial service for Nelson Mandela, during which U.S. President Barack Obama energized tens of thousands of spectators and nearly 100 visiting heads of state with a plea for the world to emulate “the last great liberator of…
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Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech at the ceremony to unveil the brand-new "Victory Monument" at the World War II Memorial on June 25, 2012, in Netanya, Israel. The monument commemorates fallen soldiers of the Red Army as well as the role of the Soviet Union in the victory over Nazi Germany and the liberation of the death camps during the Second World War. President Putin is on his first Middle East tour for seven years, beginning with a trip to Jerusalem today. Talks on the crisis in Syria and Iran's nuclear plans will form part of the talks between Putin and Israeli leaders.
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heritageposts · 8 months
Secret South African documents reveal that Israel offered to sell nuclear warheads to the apartheid regime, providing the first official documentary evidence of the state's possession of nuclear weapons. The "top secret" minutes of meetings between senior officials from the two countries in 1975 show that South Africa's defence minister, PW Botha, asked for the warheads and Shimon Peres, then Israel's defence minister and now its president, responded by offering them "in three sizes". The two men also signed a broad-ranging agreement governing military ties between the two countries that included a clause declaring that "the very existence of this agreement" was to remain secret. The documents, uncovered by an American academic, Sasha Polakow-Suransky, in research for a book on the close relationship between the two countries, provide evidence that Israel has nuclear weapons despite its policy of "ambiguity" in neither confirming nor denying their existence.
. . . continues at the guardian (24th of may, 2010)
here's also a research paper published in 2004, which, looking at declassified south african documents, lays out apartheid south africa's rational for acquiring nuclear weapons (bombing, or 'deterring,' black liberation groups):
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odedmusic · 2 years
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#OdedFriedGaon #OdedMusic #OdedBrilliantQuotes
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cavalierzee · 7 months
I Support A 2 State Solution
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I support the 2 state solution:
Palestinians get Palestine, and israelis return to their original countries.
Every single Israeli prime minister is from Eastern Europe.
They have no connection to Palestine whatsoever.
David Ben-Gurion – Poland
Moshe Sharett – Russian Empire
Levi Eshkol – Russian Empire
Yigal Allon – Belarus
Golda Meir – Ukraine
Yitzhak Rabin – Eastern European
Yitzhak Shamir – Poland / Belarus
Shimon Peres – Poland
Benjamin Netanyahu – Poland
Ehud Barak – Lithuania
Ariel Sharon – Georgia
Ehud Olmert – Ukraine/ Russia
Naftali Bennett – America / Europe
Yair Lapid – Serbia / Hungary
Israelis are white European colonizers who came to Palestine to steal land and use religion as an excuse.
The US and UK support them so they keep the Arab world in chaos (divide and conquer) and have an illegal military outpost on someone else’s land.
Richard Medhurst
Image: “The Germans Destroyed Our Families and Homes. Don’t You Destroy Our Hopes.”
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leftistfeminista · 11 months
'I Won't Stop Until Israel Admits Its Ties With the Pinochet Regime'
Lily Traubman, who immigrated to Israel in the 1970s, hopes the documents she is trying to get from the Defense Ministry and the Foreign Ministry may even contain information on her father's killers.
A year ago there were headlines when four women filed a suit for sexual abuse they suffered in prison during the Pinochet period. They demanded that the abuse be recognized as a political crime and that their torturers be brought to trial. Were such attacks something that was directed from above?
Of course. Have you heard of “La Venda Sexy”? It was a detention center where people were tortured. The name actually means “Sexy Blindfold,” because the detainees’ eyes were covered the whole time and they were subjected to sexual abuse.
All the detainees were blindfolded the whole time?
Yes. They were arrested, blindfolded and put into a room, together, with their eyes covered. Then they were tortured. Most of the female detainees were raped and underwent sexual abuse. A girlfriend of mine was held there but was not raped. She told me she’d felt fortunate, but then came New Year’s and she was raped. They’d kept her for the holiday.
Venda Sexy was truly awful. They had dogs that were trained to rape women, and they would force spouses and family members to watch the rape. More and more testimonies about these abuses come out all the time.
And throughout this whole period, Israel, under prime ministers Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin and Shimon Peres, maintained excellent relations with Chile. The two countries supported each other in the United Nations and signed bilateral agreements. Army Chief of Staff Mordechai Gur visited Chile in 1978, as did Deputy Prime Minister David Levy in 1982. Both met with Pinochet.
Pinochet was even invited to the synagogue in Santiago on Yom Kippur. Other presidents were not invited.
The documents declassified by the Americans also contain references to arms deals with Israel. Secretary of State George Shultz noted in a 1984 document that Britain, France, Israel and Germany were Chile’s arms suppliers.
All the weapons of the Chilean police and army were Israeli. In Chile I went around with a photograph of my brother in uniform. At checkpoints and in searches I would take out the picture and tell them that this was my brother, who was an officer in the IDF – even though he was a regular soldier – and that did the trick. The Chilean army greatly admired the Israeli army. When Pinochet wanted to visit Israel, he threatened that if he were not received here he would cancel a large arms deal. No dictator in the world, however bad he may be, can exist without international support. The dictatorship in Chile lasted as long as it did because there were countries that supported it, and Israel was one of them.
Israel describes itself as “the state of the Jewish people,” but there are about 20 missing Jews in Chile who were murdered during that period, while Israeli governments and the military maintained close ties with Chile, accorded it legitimization in international forums and provided aid and training to its military and intelligence units.
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gothhabiba · 10 months
The statements that both [U.S. President Barack] Obama and [President of Israel Shimon] Peres are “very good gardeners” are haunting. They reveal the ongoing transformation of indigenous landscapes due to the persistent structures of settler colonialism in the United States and Israel. In both the United States and Israel, the Europeanization of the landscape continues to be an intrinsic part of ongoing settler-­colonialism; since the colonial encounter, Zionist and European colonizers interpreted the indigenous landscapes as physical manifestations of the abject native that had to be vanished and replaced. [...]
In Palestine, “good gardening” practices by Israeli and Zionist organizations have contributed to a process I call “eco-occupation”—­through the planting of nonnative trees to resemble European landscapes and the appropriation of the natural habitat to expand colonial settlement, Israeli settler colonialism is produced through an intricate, systematic process of environmental transformation, replacement, and disappearance. Here, “eco” refers to the social, political, ideological, and material landscapes that fix Palestinian life to land; “occupation” refers to the militarized, settler- colonial presence of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territory of the West Bank as well as the mundane and seemingly benign practices of settler colonialism, including “good gardening” practices that promise to make a feminized wilderness more aptly penetrable for colonial development and expansion.
Indeed, the image of Obama and Peres as “good gardeners” invokes the origin story of a barren landscape that was made fertile by the productive external forces of European Zionists. In effect, this narrative epistemologically disappears native peoples from the land. There is no mention that, for example, the very site of the presidential complex where Obama planted his friendship seed [a magnolia sapling descended from a tree on the White House's lawn] once housed a thriving Christian Palestinian community where Palestinian postcolonial theorist Edward Said—­among others—­once called home.
These omissions point to the various cultural, epistemological, and material forms of disappearing native peoples. Indigenous bodies, memories, and lands are but a blip in a colonial history imagined as complete, coherent, and natural. [...] Vanishment refers to the processes of erasure that rely on the appropriation of the earth’s elements, the removal and replacement of native landscapes, and the erasure of indigenous culture through a system of conditional inclusion. Palestinian lands, particularly the olive tree, figure into the process of eliminating what was deemed to be a characteristically Palestinian landscape—­that is, a racially abject and soiled environment in need of colonial modernity’s raking and raping.
— Lila Sharif, "Vanishing Palestine." Critical Ethnic Studies 2.1 (Spring 2016), pp. 17-39; pp. 17-8. DOI:10.5749/jcritethnstud.2.1.0017.
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dadsinsuits · 2 years
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Shimon Peres
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david-goldrock · 2 months
הודו דרום אמריקה זה הכי ישראלי
Why is it always the ones that take the most time? XD
India South America is the most Israeli The Out Kids (reference to the out kids band) in the kibbutz is the most Israeli Pugs (an old israeli game), tokens, Shluks (an Israeli sweet), an economic night [I speak but] (in english) not enough is the most Israeli Sing!
Bamba Bamba, Alma gum, from Tel Aviv to Ben Gurion (airport) Shekel Schenkel (nickname to a 2 shekel coin), oh kapara (an endearment), the great Aric Einstein Haida Haida, Haida Hi-Tech - for the police - 1-0-0 (100 is the Israeli 911) Checkers, checkers, Matka, Matka We love you Shimon Peres
A new evening, a cold watermelon It is this and nothing else (referencing the show "This is it"'s theme song) Paratroopers course, Araq Ayalim No, no, we don't have another country Red Sea, Dead Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Sea of ​​Galilee Tiredness of start of week from Sunday on Saturday that comes and returns Traffic jam on the holiday with a collection of Kaveret Another World Cup but without the (national) team
Bamba Bamba, Alma gum, from Tel Aviv to Ben Gurion (airport) Shekel Schenkel (nickname to a 2 shekel coin), oh kapara (an endearment), the great Aric Einstein Haida Haida, Haida Hi-Tech - for the police - 1-0-0 (100 is the Israeli 911) Checkers, checkers, Matka, Matka We love you Shimon Peres
From Givat Halfon to Eskimo Lemon (Old Israeli Movies) Who's messing around, it's Miko? (A quote from another old israeli movie- Charlie Vachetzi) Give me hummus, chips, salad and radish But with Diet (coke) or Coke Zero And don't forget applause upon (a plane's) landing And if the line is long, please perform a bypassing Right, they promised that we would grow up and there would be no more army Everyone is on their feet for the singing of Hatikva (the national anthem, also a part of the band's name)
Turkish coffee and Belgian waffles are the most Israeli Also, French kiss and Greek dancing Swedish key Scotch whiskey Spanish burger Nachman From Uman (an important rabbi) is the most Israeli - Goveina
Bamba Bamba, Alma gum, from Tel Aviv to Ben Gurion (airport) Shekel Schenkel (nickname to a 2 shekel coin), oh kapara (an endearment), the great Aric Einstein Haida Haida, Haida Hi-Tech - for the police - 1-0-0 (100 is the Israeli 911) Checkers, checkers, Matka, Matka We love you Shimon Peres
[end segment] It will be fine - I am unloading goods It will be fine - Waze if there is no choice It will be fine - Obama will help It will be fine - and God will protect It will be fine - we will try It will be fine - there is an iron dome It will be fine - the whole song is original It will be fine - only that the tune is a folk tune It will be fine
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tomorrowusa · 11 months
Until this month, Bibi Netanyahu was a HŪGE fanboy of Hamas. Their relationship goes back decades. This is not some wacko conspiracy theory. Much of the information about this comes from mainstream Israeli media and high ranking Israeli former officials.
Here are excerpts from an in-depth article at the CBC – Canada's public broadcaster.
Israelis don't agree on much, especially lately, but polling shows they mostly agree that Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is to blame for leaving Israel unprepared for Hamas's onslaught on October 7. The accusations aimed at Netanyahu go beyond merely failing to foresee or prevent the Hamas attack of October 7, however. Many accuse him of deliberately empowering the group for decades as part of a strategy to sabotage a two-state solution based on the principle of land for peace. "There's been a lot of criticism of Netanyahu in Israel for instating a policy for many years of strengthening Hamas and keeping Gaza on the brink while weakening the Palestinian Authority," said Mairav Zonszein of the International Crisis Group. "And we've seen that happening very clearly on the ground." "(Hamas and Netanyahu) are mutually reinforcing, in the sense that they provide each other with a way to continue to use force and rejectionism as opposed to making sacrifices and compromises in order to reach some kind of resolution," Zonszein told CBC News from Tel Aviv.
Bibi and Hamas could be called "frenemies".
Yuval Diskin, former head of Israel's Shin Bet security service, told the daily newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth in 2013 that "if we look at it over the years, one of the main people contributing to Hamas's strengthening has been Bibi Netanyahu, since his first term as prime minister." In August 2019, former prime minister Ehud Barak told Israeli Army Radio that Netanyahu's "strategy is to keep Hamas alive and kicking … even at the price of abandoning the citizens [of the south] … in order to weaken the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah." The logic underlying this strategy, Barak said, is that "it's easier with Hamas to explain to Israelis that there is no one to sit with and no one to talk to."
The Bibi-Hamas relationship goes back almost 30 years. In some ways, Hamas helped put Bibi in power in the first place.
Netanyahu first came to power in the 1996 election that followed the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by an Israeli extremist opposed to the Oslo Accords. Early polls showed Rabin's successor Shimon Peres comfortably ahead. Determined to sabotage Oslo, Hamas embarked on a ruthless suicide bombing campaign that helped Netanyahu pull ahead of Peres and win the election on May 29, 1996. Today, some of the same extremists who called for Rabin's death hold power in Netanyahu's government.
A reminder that the current Israeli government led by Netanyahu is the most far right in Israel's history. Netanyahu filled it with extremists, religious fanatics, and virulent ethno-nationalists in order to stay in power.
Just two weeks before Rabin's assassination, a young settler extremist posed for the cameras with a Cadillac hood ornament he said he had stolen from Rabin's car. "Just like we got to this emblem," he said, "we could get to Rabin." Today, that young man, Itamar Ben Gvir, is 45 years old and has eight Israeli criminal convictions — including convictions for supporting a terrorist organization and incitement to racism. Once he was rejected by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) for his extremist views. Now, Israel's police must answer to him as Benjamin Netanyahu's minister of national security.
Imagine how a second Trump administration would be and you get a hint of what Bibi's pre-October 7th cabinet was like.
The Bibi-Hamas connection only gets worse.
Netanyahu's hawkish defence minister Avigdor Liberman was the first to report in 2020 that Bibi had dispatched Mossad chief Yossi Cohen and the IDF's officer in charge of Gaza, Herzi Halevi, to Doha to "beg" the Qataris to continue to send money to Hamas. "Both Egypt and Qatar are angry with Hamas and planned to cut ties with them. Suddenly Netanyahu appears as the defender of Hamas," the right-wing leader complained. A year later, Netanyahu was further embarrassed when photos of suitcases full of cash going to Hamas became public. Liberman finally resigned in protest over Netanyahu's Hamas policy which, he said, marked "the first time Israel is funding terrorism against itself."
Yep, Bibi actually had a bag man deliver cash to Hamas.
The Palestinian Authority's Ahmed Majdalani accused the Qatari envoy of carrying money to Hamas "like a gangster." "The PLO did not agree to the deal facilitating the money to Hamas that way," he said.
Netanyahu fancies himself as a clever Machiavellian playing one side against the other. He has even bragged of this to members of his party.
On March 12, 2019, Netanyahu defended the Hamas payments to his Likud Party caucus on the grounds that they weakened the pro-Oslo Palestinian Authority, according to the Jerusalem Post: "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended Israel's regular allowing of Qatari funds to be transferred into Gaza, saying it is part of a broader strategy to keep Hamas and the Palestinian Authority separate, a source in Monday's Likud faction meeting said," the Post reported. "The prime minister also said that 'whoever is against a Palestinian state should be for' transferring the funds to Gaza, because maintaining a separation between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza helps prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state."
Of course Bibi was ultimately being too clever by half.
Netanyahu insisted that neither the money nor the construction material given to Hamas would be diverted to military purposes. But today, the IDF finds itself showing how Hamas has done exactly that — by diverting and converting civilian funds and materials to warlike purposes. The military tried to warn him at the time, former IDF chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot told the Ma'ariv newspaper. He said Netanyahu acted "in total opposition to the national assessment of the National Security Council, which determined that there was a need to disconnect from the Palestinians and establish two states."
A lot of radical chic Hamas fans in Western countries will undoubtedly try to obscure the fact that they are cheering the same group which a far right Israeli politician (until recently) has been lavishing with tons of cash.
And the Bibi-Hamas connection is a reminder that while far right politicians in many countries like to portray themselves as tough on security, they will usually put their craven lust for power above all.
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mounadiloun · 7 months
La preuve par 300 prépuces: le sionisme est extrémiste par essence
Certains imaginent qu’il existe un sionisme modéré (j’ai moi-même dû employer cet oxymore) mais c’est en réalité une illusion qui est en train de se dissiper sous nos yeux. On constate par exemple que ceux que d’aucuns considéraient comme des sionistes modérés, les travaillistes, sont aujourd’hui à la marge de l’échiquier politique sioniste. De toute façon, si les travaillistes ont certainement…
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eretzyisrael · 10 months
Hamas didn’t invade Israel on Oct. 7 for its amusement. The barbaric sneak attack is a part of the pogrom intended to wipe out the Jewish state. It was a crime against humanity, and not just because of its savagery. We would all be worse off if Israel ceased to exist. The same cannot be said for Islamic terrorists.
Israel’s contributions to the modern world are momentous. When not dodging bullets, rockets, and homicide bombers, Israelis have since 1948 developed:
Copaxone and Rebif, drugs that treat multiple sclerosis, and Exelon, which treats mild to moderate dementia in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients.
The PillCam, “a minimally invasive ingestible camera in a capsule that allows visualization of the small bowel.”
The water desalination process.
The Sniffphone, “that can actually ‘sniff out’ diseases.”
And SpineAssist, “​​the first-ever spine robot” that has the “ability to provide real-time intraoperative navigation.”
The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, responsible for some of the inventions listed above, has also produced diabetes and flu vaccines, is using T-cells to treat damaged spines, and is a pioneer in industrial — and medical — uses nano materials. 
Other impactful Israeli products include drip irrigation, a revolutionary microprocessor called the 8088, the ​​NIR heart stent, voice-over-internet protocol, the ​​USB flash drive, the Waze navigation app, ReWalk, “a commercial bionic walking assistance system,” and “the first commercially viable firewall software.” 
Our own security has benefited from Israel’s labor and work ethic.
“Many Israeli innovations are present in upgrades to U.S. Air Force fighters and Army equipment,” says the international law firm Smith, Gambrell & Russell. One important advance in particular is the helmet-mounted display system for the new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
So we have a country of 9.23 million, mostly desert, that is only 75 years old, is “surrounded by enemies” and in a constant state of war, which has “no natural resources,” yet “produces more start-up companies on a per capita basis than large, peaceful, and stable nations and regions like Japan, China, India, Korea, Canada, and all of Europe.” It is the only nation outside of the U.S. that Warren Buffet invests in.
Have the Palestinians or Hamas, currently at war with Israel, done anything that compares to what the Israelis have achieved? More broadly, beyond the Allahista terrorist groups, what has Islam contributed to the modern world?
Not much.
Since 1901, Jews, who total 0.2% of the world’s population, have won 189 Nobel prizes for physics, medicine, chemistry and economics. Over that same period, Muslims, who make up nearly a quarter of the global population, have won four.
If it seems as Islamic groups, Hamas and Hezbollah prominent among them, are more interested in spreading nihilism, committing atrocities, and destroying civilization than making the world a better place, well, then there’s a good reason for it. That is exactly what the heroes of an increasingly large number foolish Westerners are aiming for.
Meanwhile, Israelis see themselves “as having a role in the world to repair the world,” says Chemi Peres, managing partner and co-founder of the venture capital firm Pitango, chairman of the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation, and son of the late Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres.
“We call it tikkun olam, and here at the Peres Center we have a mission statement, which is to introduce innovation and new ideas and new technologies, not only for ourselves but to solve the problems of the world.”
Islam is part of that world, but too many of its adherents live to do just the opposite. 
— Written by the I&I Editorial Board
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