#Naftali Bennett
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eretzyisrael · 8 months ago
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al-kol-eleh · 3 months ago
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Naftali Bennet
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girlactionfigure · 11 months ago
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Fmr Prime Minister Naftali Bennett:
Regardless of our political opinion, we strongly oppose external political intervention in Israel’s internal affairs.
We are an independent nation, not a banana republic.
With the threat of terrorism on its way to the West, it would be best if the international community would assist Israel in its just war, thereby also protecting their countries.
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moonlayl · 1 year ago
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on Sky News, EX Israeli Prime minister Naftali Bennet was asked -
"What about the babies in incubators in Gaza who's life support has been turned off because the Israelis have cut off the power?
Bennett's response: Are you seriously asking about Palestinian civilians? What's wrong with you
(he also proceeded to say "we are fighting nazis" despite the question being about Palestinian civilians who are CHILDREN, and this was AFTER it was established that Hamas and civilian Palestinians were separate)
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 2 years ago
by Avi Mayer
The interview had been hostile from the very start.
“The Israeli military is calling this a ‘military operation,’ but we now know that young people are being killed, four of them under 18,” Gadgil launched at Bennett after thanking him for joining the broadcast. “Is that really what the military set out to do? To kill people between the ages of 16 and 18?”
First, the facts: according to the Palestinian Health Ministry, 12 Palestinians were killed during Israel’s counterterrorism operation in Jenin. According to open-source intelligence reports, every single one of them was a combatant and all were affiliated with Palestinian terrorist groups and armed factions: seven with Palestinian Islamic Jihad, three with the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, one with Hamas, and one with Fatah.
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According to international law, a combatant actively engaged in warfare – as all of the Palestinian terror operatives killed in Jenin were – is a combatant no matter his or her age and there is ample legal literature to that effect.
Bennett, to his credit, calmly explained the context of the operation, including the dozens of Israelis who have been murdered in terror attacks emanating largely from Jenin over the past year. He then went on to note that all of the Palestinians killed in Jenin were, in fact, terrorists.
“Terrorists, but children,” retorted Gadgil. “The Israeli forces are happy to kill children.”
“You know, it’s quite remarkable that you’d say that, because they’re killing us,” Bennett responded. “Now, if there’s a 17-year-old Palestinian that’s shooting at your family, Anjana, what is he?”
Gadgil looked momentarily taken aback before slowly responding, “Under your definition, you are calling them terrorists. The UN are calling them…”
Bennett interjected. “No, no, I’m actually asking you,” he said. “What would you call a 17-year-old person with a rifle shooting at your family and murdering your own family? How would you define that person?”
And then Gadgil uttered the most telling line of the exchange.
“We’re not talking about that,” she snapped.
Of course not.
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stupidjewishwhiteboy · 2 months ago
I may be wrong, but I suspect were Lapid or Gantz or Bennett or whoever PM since 10/7/23 there probably would have been an invasion of Gaza (and also probably Lebanon) but
* at some point the IDF would have withdrawn entirely or almost entirely from Gaza (although Hamas intransigence quite possibly would have caused a re-invasion)
* the PM would have been willing to be dragged into a day after plan by making assurances to the PA/Saudi Arabia/UAE about Palestinian self-determination in Gaza (and possibly also the WB)
I dunno, it’s quite possible I’m just having wishful thinking about a situation that doesn’t exist.
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youliveveryday · 1 year ago
The former Israel prime minister Naftali Bennett losing his temper with the journalist when questioned about Hamas!
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irreplaceable-spark · 4 months ago
The Islamic Republic of Terror: Hezbollah & Hamas | Naftali Bennett | EP 487
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with the 13th Prime Minister of Israel, Naftali Bennett. They discuss the internal divisions of Israel, how October 7th refocused the nation, the means by which the Islamic Republic of Iran operates its industry of terror, the victim/victimizer narrative, and what victory might actually look like. Naftali Bennett is an Israeli politician who entered politics in 2006 as the Chief of Staff for Benjamin Netanyahu. From 2018 to 2022 he served as the leader of the New Right party. Then from June 2021 to June 2022, he served as the 13th prime minister of Israel. He retired after one term, becoming the 3rd alternate Prime Minister. He then resigned from this position and re-entered the private sphere as a board member of the Israeli tech company Quantum Source.
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channeledhistory · 4 months ago
Das Direktorat für Kommunikation der türkischen Regierung zitiert Erdogan auf seiner offiziellen Website: „Die Verhandlungen in Istanbul haben den Erfolg der aktiven Rolle der Türkei bewiesen. Bestimmte Lobbys wollten jedoch nicht, dass diese Bemühungen ihr Ziel erreichen. [...]
Erdogans Aussage spiegelt die des türkischen Parlamentssprechers wider. Numan Kurtulmus sagte letzten Monat in einem Interview, dass einige Länder kein Interesse an einem Ende des Krieges hätten, obwohl beide Seiten in Istanbul einem „gerechten und ausgewogenen Frieden“ sehr nahe gekommen seien. „Leider wollten einige Länder nicht, dass der Krieg endet. Das liegt daran, dass die USA versuchen, den europäischen Kontinent durch den Krieg in der Ukraine zu konsolidieren, um Russland mit einem ernsten Problem zu beschäftigen, und regionale Turbulenzen als wichtig für das dortige Kräfteverhältnis ansehen“, so Kurtulmus.
Israels ehemaliger Ministerpräsident Naftali Bennet hatte mit Bezug auf die Istanbuler Verhandlungen erklärt, dass Russland und die Ukraine kurz vor einem Abkommen gestanden hätten, doch der britische Premier Boris Johnson habe interveniert. Im Jahr 2023 warf Dawyd Arachamija, der Fraktionsvorsitzende der Partei des ukrainischen Präsidenten Selenskyj im Parlament, Johnson vor, er habe die Ukraine bei einem Besuch in Kiew im April 2022 dazu aufgefordert, weiter gegen Russland zu kämpfen. Arachamija war der Chefunterhändler bei den Friedensgesprächen in Istanbul, die im März 2022 stattfanden. Im Januar dieses Jahres hatte Johnson Arachamijas Behauptungen, er habe sich in die Friedensverhandlungen zwischen Russland und der Ukraine eingemischt, entschieden zurückgewiesen. In einem Interview mit der Times bezeichnete er sie als „völligen Unsinn“ und „russische Propaganda“.
Anfang des Monats erklärte die langjährige hochrangige Vertreterin des amerikanischen Außenministeriums, Victoria Nuland, warum aus ihrer Sicht die Istanbuler Verhandlungen scheiterten. Nuland zufolge hat damals Russland präzise Waffenbeschränkungen für die Ukraine gefordert. „Die Ukraine wäre als militärische Kraft tatsächlich kastriert worden“, sagte sie in einem Interview. Für Russland habe es keine ähnlichen Beschränkungen gegeben. An diesem Punkt sei innerhalb und außerhalb der Ukraine die Frage gestellt worden, ob es ein „guter Deal“ wäre. „Und das war der Punkt, an dem es zerbrach“, erklärte die amerikanische Diplomatin. Auch Altkanzler Gerhard Schröder (SPD) hat sich bei einem Auftritt in der Schweiz zu dem Thema geäußert. Ein Frieden sei greifbar nahe gewesen, sagte Schröder bei einer Veranstaltung der Weltwoche. Doch Kiew und Wolodymyr Selenskyj hätten nicht frei entscheiden können, da „mächtigere Kreise“ hinter dem ukrainischen Präsidenten einen Frieden abgeblockt hätten.
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eretzyisrael · 3 months ago
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infosisraelnews · 6 months ago
Amit Segal règle ses comptes avec Bennett : voici ce qui lui arrivera le jour des élections
Lorsqu’on a demandé aujourd’hui (mercredi) au journaliste Amit Segal sur News 12 ce que devrait faire Naftali Bennett , qui est en train de se frayer un chemin dans l’arène politique , il a immédiatement répondu : « Arrêtez de tomber amoureux du poste qu’il a atteint en tant que président de le pays, celui qui garde tous les mandats.” Segal n’épargne pas les critiques de Bennett et affirme qu’il…
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girlactionfigure · 6 months ago
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I had a meaningful discussion with Naftali Bennett, the former Prime Minister, about peace in the region and my social media advocacy.  It’s incredible how he spoke positively about the UAE, expressed his respect for its leadership.  Our region needs peace, not more wars.
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my-orly · 7 months ago
דצמבר אין לי את השנה! מכת החושך. 21 וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה אֶל מֹשֶׁה: "הוֹשֵׂה יָדְךָ אֶל הַשָּׁמַיִם וְיַעֲשֶׂה חֹשֶׁךְ עַל מִצְרַיִם, חֹשֶׁךְ שֶׁהוּא נִרְשָׁה."
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monihd · 7 months ago
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ztremx · 7 months ago
UNICORN RIOT (video is 5 minutes WARNING! explicit)
some good chants in here! I'm proud of you, MInneapolis
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israelseen · 7 months ago
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