#she thinks that of herself but she isn't that at all
savanir · 2 days
continuation of this thank you again @mynameisjag for the inspiration, this prompt currently has me by the throat
Death of the Father, Death of the Son
The evening is dreary, rain pouring from the skies like tears. Typical Gotham fare to be honest.
This evening was the stage of the latest gala in the crime filled city, another fundraiser for something, or at least pretending to be. 
Vlad brought his dear Madeline as well as Jasmine with him, he was planning to do some light networking but this was also his latest attempt to cheer his sweetheart up. The new experience might distract her a bit.
She had not taken the news well… when the search party found Daniel’s clone corpse in the woods.
It’s been months since the funeral, but her spark for life still has not yet reignited.
And in those past few months Jasmine has seemingly taken over Daniel’s job and has become a most persistent thorn in Vlad’s side, absolutely refusing to let him make any sort of progress with Maddie.
But this evening wasn’t about any of that. There would be no bickering between Vlad and Jazz about him aiding her in finding her lost brother. Not like she even needed his help, she and Daniel’s old friends were probably doing the best job possible in finding the boy.
And it’s not like he could tell her he knew her brother was probably being kept by one of the world's greatest mercenaries. 
Revealing that would open a whole new can of worms he didn’t want to explain.
Maddie was mostly distracted at the gala, staring morosely at Wayne and his brood.
The sight fills Vlad with an insidious sort of anger, the kind that lays heavy and molten on the bottom of your stomach. She better not get it in her head to try and replace one bumbling oaf for the next.
Also… getting rid of a Wayne is apparently a weirdly difficult thing to do… Vlad would rather not bother.
And even though he feels bitter, it is rather nice to see Madeline cheer up when she gets to introduce herself to the boys. Vlad again thinks about his plan of conceiving a new son of their own, not to replace Daniel of course, the boy is irreplaceable but… well, yeah to replace him.
After all, is it really worth it to find Daniel anymore at this point?
—✧・゚: *✧・゚:*---*:・゚✧*:・゚✧—
The gala is uneventful right up until Vlad leaves the main area for a breath of fresh air, hopefully find the designated smoking area and have a cigarette (it’s not like those things can kill him anymore anyway) but on the way there he saw a shadow darting around the corner and he just couldn’t help himself.
If there was any illegal activity afoot, he rather be on top of it himself, that way he’ll know what he can pull and get away with.
It wasn't until he entered a room and promptly got ambushed that he thought that maybe he had walked into a trap of sorts, oh well, nothing Plasmius wouldn’t be able to fix.
Gotham is a city of freaks but none of them are on his power level after all.
Still, precious decisive reaction time got wasted because he’s thinking of an approach that would not result in him having to permanently silence his assailant. Murder is probably rough to cover up in the city that’s home to the world’s greatest detective and bribing the corrupt police force is such a hassle… a scuffle of a mugging/abduction or whatever gone wrong is much easier to explain.
Instead Vlad finds himself tazed, tazed of all things. Perhaps an ecto infused blast into the nearby wall isn’t such a bad idea after all.
But then he finds he can’t access his powers anymore, and a mild sense of dread takes root in his chest.
That taser… it couldn’t have been….
He isn't given much time to think about it as he’s expertly incapacitated and worked against the ground.
Vlad thinks he hears the faintest mutterings, something along the lines of “we do rely too much on our powers” perhaps it’s some veiled insult directed at his current situation. Uncalled for in his opinion…
Of course he struggles, he fights back. His attacker is way smaller than him, lighter and quick with their moves, whomever this is they certainly know what they are doing and Vlad hates to admit it, but without Plasmius he’s actually outmatched.
That leaves plain ol’ shouting for help.
An idea that quickly got snuffed out when a big army knife that crackles with sickly neon green energy gets pressed against his throat and a detonator gets shown off in his assailant’s hand.
“Quiet now, or I’ll blow this place sky high”
“That seems counterproductive” Vlad can’t help but snarl.
“aww, worried about me? there is no need I’ll be just fine, them on the other hand…”
the attacker puts a tablet down that shows a video feed of the main gala area with all the people milling about.
None of them matter to Vlad, but his Madeline and her daughter are there as well, he easily spots them too.
“What do you want, money? I’m sure there are better targets for that out there”
All of a sudden there is a strangely familiar staticy growl in his attacker’s voice, “I want two things from you, I want you to suffer and then I want you to die”
this is personal then… not good.
His attacker takes a moment to more firmly incapacitate Vlad against the floor before redirecting his attention to the video feed on the tablet screen. In the main gala area a big screen of it’s own has come down from the ceiling, usually meant for big fancy presentations (but those had already been carried out for the evening) and was now showing Vlad’s latest illegal activity for all the people to see.
Inside the room people are worriedly looking to and fro, wondering what rogue attack this will lead to, others are already gleefully taking to social media and broadcasting the events happening to the rest of the world.
Personnel are scrambling about to figure out what’s going on, and a couple Wayne’s have now subtly left the area.
“There we go, all out in the open. No more secrets”
Vlad’s eyes darted over the screen in horror.
“I like this right here,” his attacker zooms in on Maddie’s face as she’s realizing in real time that Vlad paid someone to kill her husband, “that’s a good face”
People are looking around and starting to notice Vlad is not among them anymore.
“You cannot possibly expect to get away with this, the Gotham bats are most likely already aware and hunting you down”
“I know-” His attacker shushes, “don’t spoil my fun, at least let me enjoy this show. Even if you somehow manage to get away from me now your life is completely ruined” 
Vlad makes another attempt to escape, growling, “who are you and why are you doing this, how do you even know about half of these things-”
He gets his hands ran through and pinned down fully on the ground with the knives in return.
Vlad figures he must have made some noise but the painful pressure that his assailant keeps on his back is also making it harder to breathe.
“C’mon now, you always boasted about how you’re better and more experienced in every way. Surely you can use that big brain of yours and figure this mystery out, here I’ll help-” the attacker painfully twists his head to the side, “have a look”
It’s dark and the figure is still very much in the shadows but the first thing that catches Vlad’s eyes is the mask over his assailant’s mouth that’s black on the right and orange on the left, a rather obvious hint towards ties with a certain mercenary.
The dark hair styled in that one familiar way brings someone else to mind.
The boy doesn’t hesitate to twist one of the knives in his hand.
“Don’t call me that”
“Danny-” Vlad doesn’t hesitate to correct even though it does come out rather strangled because of the pain, this is a bad situation and he’s not stupid, “whatever he said-”
there is a faint crackle and it’s only through Vlad’s still slightly enhanced senses that he hears the gruff voice talking to Daniel.
“Wrap it up Memento”
Danny glances at the live feed on the tablet. Proper security is starting to swarm around.
Maddie is holding Jazz close and appears to be talking to someone in charge. One of the Wayne brood has decided to stick with her, the eldest son. How kind of him.
Vlad is still trying to get Danny to listen to him.
Danny sighs, “I kind of wish I could drag this out longer, but this is fine” he twists his knee against Vlad’s neck and now properly restrains Vlad’s legs before pulling out something new.
“This is something my dad was working on before you got him killed, I was planning on sabotaging it and getting rid of the blueprints but... things change”
Danny puts it in the middle of Vlad’s upper back, “I’m sure you’re dying to know what it does. Well, it’s the Fenton Ghost Core Crusher. A bit of a mouthful admittedly. I’m still workshopping a better name, but at the very least the purpose is obvious”
“Daniel-” Vlad is starting to sound like a parent who is realizing that their kid is about to do something dangerous and stupid. It's honestly too bad that he’s not a parent and Danny is not his kid, otherwise it might have actually had it’s intended effect.
“I would have loved to see you deal with the full aftermath and consequences of your horrible choices in life but I don’t really feel like dealing with you as a full ghost so I guess this is it, goodbye forever, it really sucked to have known you”
Vlad has a second to fully regret Deathstroke taking Daniel and not taking it as seriously as he should have and then he’s too busy feeling what must be a supernova and a blackhole manifesting in his chest at the same time somehow.
After that he hears, or perhaps he just feels… a sickening crack and everything fades away.
—✧・゚: *✧・゚:*---*:・゚✧*:・゚✧—
There is a corpse at Danny’s feet. It’s Vlad, fully dead, the not coming back kind.
Danny figured he’d feel different, there is some vindication, and the slight satisfaction of a death avenged, but other than that he just feels rather empty, and kind of tired.
Danny doesn’t realize he’s getting a little lost in his head until Slade’s voice cuts through his mental spiral and snaps him out of it.
“Memento, time to move” 
A part of Danny wants to stay, be found. As he goes invisible and floats right through the ceiling he takes some time to fantasize about it. Would it be a bat? or perhaps one of the security guards checking the rooms, maybe it would even be one of the attendees, they would probably scream once they noticed Vlad on the ground. A security guard would be smarter about the situation, but not by much.
A bat would probably attack him once they realized Vlad was already dead.
Later on they would put a little addendum in their rogue list at Deathstroke’s name, a little side file that’s just for Danny, affiliated with Slade Wilson, name; ???, gender; male, age; somewhere between 14 and 18, threat level; capable of killing people, something like that.
A few buildings away Danny catches up with Slade on the roof.
“Did you have fun? did you get it all out of your system?” Slade folds his arms over his chest.
Danny just growls at him.
“In that case it’s time to move on” The man is already turning away.
Well, Danny can agree on that, so he follows Deathstroke away from the mess he caused at the gala and away from his mother and sister.
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And here is my idea for a Deathstroke affiliated Danny
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A Golden Chain
Part Three of A Gilded Cage. Thank you @batchilla for workshopping with me and sharing your ideas! ~2.3k words
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Jason isn't there when you wake up. It's something you expected, but it still makes something in your heart feel unsettled. Bean bats at your nose, and it motivates you enough to get out of bed.
Your life just sort of falls into a routine from there. Krystal, Destini, and Robbi fill your days with entertainment, in and out of the penthouse. Bean finds out that his favorite place in the world is on your shoulder or in your lap.
And Jason, Jason, he fills your nights. The notepad goes unused, but you see him every time the moon rises.
He starts to eat dinners with you. He starts to talk to you, never about what he's doing or why you're here. Even if you try to bring it up, he's quick to distract you or to change the topic. It's almost infuriating.
But, sometimes, sometimes, when he smiles at you and his eyes flicker, he almost feels like the boy he was before he disappeared.
You start to fall asleep at night with him at your side, hunched over and watchful in the chair next to your bed. It should be unnerving, should make you want to run and fight, and try to escape. But it doesn't.
You try to bury the part of you that feels safe at his side. Try to remind yourself that he kidnapped you to get you here. That all the military gear he's wearing isn't for show, that he must have some sort of plan.
It's not until Gotham falls into panic that you discover what those plans are. It's worse, that it's not him that tells you.
Krystal, Destini, and Robbi practically break down your door, it's not unusual for them to be excited, but their shared fear is.
They tell you about Scarecrow's threats, tell you about the deaths that occurred at Pauli's Diner. Krystal takes your hand at the end of it all nearly begs for you to go with them.
"It won't be safe, sugar," she says and her voice only shakes a little. The look in her eyes tells you that she knows it's a risk to ask, that whoever payrolls them to keep you company is dangerous.
"You should get out of town. Come with us, if you have nowhere to go. We can look after you till this all blows over," Robbi murmurs, voice low to avoid the prying ears of your 'bodyguards' stationed outside.
"I'm safe here," You tell them, and your voice sounds hollow to your own ears.
You haven't been so confused and lost, and shattered since you found out Jason was alive. You can't explain it, you don't have any proof, but your instincts are screaming that The Arkham Knight– that Jason has something to do with this.
"Honey, whoever–" Destini starts, before cutting herself off with a sigh, "We both know that's not true."
For a moment you want to go with them. To leave Gotham and all its claws and teeth behind. But you know, you know so deeply that he wouldn't let you go.
You shake your head and pull your hand from Krystal's, "Be safe," You say instead, "Get as far away as you can."
They're halfway out the door when you stop them, you hate crushing the hopeful look that crosses their faces. But you silently place Bean in Destinis hands.
You think it breaks their hearts and yours. And then they're gone.
Your well-meaning intentions don't get very far. This is clear because Jason doesn't show up for dinner. It's crystal clear, because as Gotham empties of civilians, Jason walks through the door of your prison with Bean under his arm.
You don't get to react before he drops the kitten in your lap, and Bean is more than happy to cuddle into your thighs.
"He's yours," Jason tells you as he tugs off his helmet, "not something to give away."
"Are they okay," You ask quickly, worry clear on your face and in your voice.
His lips twitch at your question, "They left Gotham unharmed."
You think it's the truth. You hope that he wouldn't lie about that. You don't have it in you to press.
"I just wanted him to be safe," You murmur, petting Bean as he nuzzles your stomach.
"He is safe. You're safe," Jason tells you firmly, standing rigid over your place on the couch.
You look up to meet his gaze, and your accusation slips out thoughtlessly, "Even if Scarecrow goes through with his plan? Even if– even if you go through with this."
You hope he denies what you're asking, tell you that he's not doing something so obviously wrong. He doesn't.
He stiffens more, eyes sharpening, "You don't understand."
"Then explain it to me," You plead, "tell me how working with Scarecrow is what you need to do."
He frowns, and tilts his head down as if to really look at you. His voice comes out hard, flat and nothing like the Jason you've grown used to, "I don't have time to explain it to you. All you need to do is stay here. It's safe."
"But, Jason," You protest, standing quickly as he turns to march back out the door, already tugging his helmet back on.
If his voice betrays how he's feeling, it's hidden behind the helmet's modulator, "This will all be over by tomorrow."
It sends shivers down your spine, how ominous his words feel. You don't get to ask anymore questions before he's tugging the door closed behind him.
He's left you, kitten meowing from the couch and the apartment feeling more like a cage than ever. It makes you want to scream, to cry, to break down the door and chase after him and demand to know why.
Why are you really here? Why can't you leave? Why is he working with Scarecrow?
There's no answer from the locked door. Frustration wells in your throat, and there's nothing, not a thing you can do.
So you sit. Listen to sirens sounding throughout a nearly empty Gotham. Watch smoke rise from a city abandoned by its people to the thugs and rouges of Gotham.
You sit and ache and hurt until you have to move. Until you find yourself out on the balcony overlooking the vacant buildings of the Diamond District.
It helps some. Jason had removed the glass at your request, and the cool night air is almost soothing.
You close your eyes, and for a moment it's almost peaceful. It's peaceful until a thump knocks you out of your thoughts, and you open your eyes.
Robin is perched on the railing two feet away from you. Robin is two feet away from you and every cell in your body is screaming that this is bad.
He says your name like he knows who you are, and you imagine he actually does, even if you've never met.
"I need you to come with me, you're in danger here," he says, extending his hand to you.
A part of you wants to. If anyone could help you, if anyone could get you freedom, wouldn't it be one of Gotham's vigilantes?
But you can't help but hesitate. Leaving means leaving Jason. No matter what he's done, why he's keeping you here, Jason wouldn't hurt you. He's been good to you. He's– he cares. He wants you safe.
"I'm not in danger," You tell Robin, and it sounds weak to your own ears. Your eyes dart between him and the city. It's wrong. You know it's wrong. But your hand won't move.
He looks like he pities you. It almost makes you sick. And then he tells you what The Arkham Knight is really planning.
The canisters of gas filled with enough fear toxin to cover the entire eastern seaboard. The nearly suicidal, revenge mission that ends in Batman's death.
That does make you feel sick.
"You have to come with me," Robin half-pleads, "You'll be safe."
You swallow thickly. It always comes down to that, doesn't it? Where people think you'll be safest. But you can't help but think that Robin is right. That Jason The Arkham Knight is out of control.
You reach for his hand. He helps you up onto the railing.
All hell breaks loose.
A gunshot fires. Robin makes a noise of pain and loses his footing.
The Arkham Knight barrels into you and sends you both falling over the railing and towards the pavement below.
There's screaming. There's– you're screaming. You're falling and screaming, and Jason tackled you over the edge of a building.
Your heart is pounding, and you're going to die, and you've never been so terrified in your life. The wind whips past your ears, the cold air bites at your skin. And the Arkham Knight has you in a death grip as he barks out orders for you to follow.
"Hold onto me– c'mon, you know how, move your legs," he demands, his grasp on your never faltering.
It's mechanical, a shadow of a memory that reminds you you do know how. You wrap your arms around his neck, hook your legs around his waist.
You think you hear him sigh in relief when you do, his arm clutching you all the more closer as he shoots his grappling gun for the nearest building.
Your stomach swoops as the momentum tosses you both onto a nearby roof, and you nearly sob when his feet hit the ground.
You're quick to untangle yourself from him, feet dropping to the concrete. He only wraps both arms around you to keep you tucked against his chest.
You want to let go of him, want to stop hugging him like he's the only lifeline you have, but you can't. The adrenaline coursing through your veins makes you feel dizzy and sick. The fear of nearly dying makes your knees weak and tears prick your eyes.
Jason just strokes the back of your head, murmuring soft reassurances, "You're okay. You're okay. I got you. I won't let them take you away."
You think you let out another sob, all but collapsing against him. You feel like a mess, head spinning and throat tight. You'd almost died.
"Sorry, doll, we've got company," he says, voice going hard.
You don't get to process his words before he's dipping down, and hoisting you over his shoulder.
"Jason–" You choke out, adrenaline and fear spiking as you scramble for something to grab onto, fingers digging into the straps of his armor.
He doesn't answer, only breaks into a run, his arm wrapped around the back of thighs to keep you steady.
Gotham passed by in the blur of colors as you try not to throw up. You register Robin chasing after you. It's the only relief you've felt all night to know he's alive.
The relief disappears when The Arkham Knight shouts an order for drones, and the shots they fire at the vigilante following you makes your ears ring.
You wince as Jason jumps from roof to roof, jostling you and digging your body into the hard plates of his armor. It doesn't seem to slow him down, especially when he lets out a frustrated curse.
You'd be more confused if you weren't so panicked and overwhelmed. That is until, you catch sight of a black figure gaining ground across the rooftops behind you.
Batman. Batman is here. Batman can– you cut your train of thought off. Batman can't save you. It feels cold when the truth becomes clearer than day. Nothing can get you away from The Arkham Knight.
Dots dance in your vision, and bile rises in your throat. It passes in a haze, the way Jason drops down onto the streets, the way he shoves you into one of the armored cars lining the streets. The way the tank takes so many twists and turns it makes the urge to throw up that much stronger.
It's clear you've lost your tail. Either they followed the wrong tank, or they decided you weren't worth the trouble. The second thought makes you retch.
The Arkham Knight doesn't hesitate to rub your back, to try and comfort you. A small part of you is comforted. A bigger part of you wants to scream and cry and hit him.
He continues to order the men driving the tank, his touch never faltering in its rhythmic movements.
Your vision swims, the drive passes in a sickening, adrenaline crashed fueled blur.
You think you might be crying. But it doesn't really matter. Jason hooks his arms under your knees and cradles you to his chest just the same. He carries you out of the armored tank.
You only vaguely take in your new surroundings. The rush of militia soldiers around you, the tables and boxes of weapons and ammo, the shouts and laughs over another one of Batman's failures.
None of that matters either. All that matters is Jason's gloves digging into your skin, the way you can feel his heart pound even through the armor.
He carries you into a room. You think it's some kind of office. That doesn't matter either. He sets you on a couch. It's surprisingly soft. The leather feels cool against your skin. It eases the sick feeling in your stomach, the spinning of your head.
"Get some rest," he murmurs, and fingers trace your jaw for a moment, soft, gentle, and almost apologetic.
Then he walks to the desk. You watch in dazed horror when he pulls out a shiny, gold colored chain. You freeze in shock and betrayal when he attaches a cuff to your ankle and the other to the leg of the couch.
You think he murmurs that he's sorry it came to this.
But then he leaves, and you think he isn't sorry at all.
You break down into the leather cushions. Half you wishes you were still with Bean in that stupid penthouse. The other half of you wishes you had taken Robin's hand sooner.
But that doesn't matter. Nothing does. Because you're still trapped, stuck in some base that screams danger.
And you can't quite convince yourself this time, that Jason Todd wouldn't hurt you.
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roosterforme · 6 hours
Aim for the Sky Part 22 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: After weeks of looking forward to a quiet day with you and Rose, Bradley almost messes up his own Father's Day celebration. He's lucky you're quick to forgive him. Every day with his daughter is a collection of moments he wants to commit to memory. Every day with you makes him fall more in love.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, adult language, lactation kink, blowjob, DILF Roo
Length: 3800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Aim for the Sky masterlist. This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order.
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"Do you have any big plans for Sunday? For Bradley's first Father's Day?"
You looked up from your computer when you realized Cat was talking to you. Truthfully, you did have plans, but they weren't big at all. Your husband just kept telling you that all he wanted was to spend the day with just the three of you.
"Isn't it kind of Jake's first Father's Day, too?" you countered with a grin. When Cat sputtered instead of actually answering, you felt like you'd won this wrong of proverbial chess against a master. "It's okay... you don't have to admit it out loud, but I just know Jake is exceeding all of your expectations."
She dropped down into the seat next to you and leaned in like she was afraid someone else might be listening. "He took Jer to the park with Bradley and Rose the other evening."
"I know," you replied with a laugh. "I needed to clean my house, so I kicked Bradley out and told him to call his bestie, Jake."
Cat looked a little panicked now. "No, you don't understand. I can trust him to take care of Jeremiah."
"Yeah... that's good, right?"
"I don't know!" she hissed. "When I moved to California, it was my intention to never ever get involved with a man again. Just me and Jer. And then when he went away to college, I was going to start collecting exotic pets or something."
You tried not to laugh. "Yeah, Jake kind of ruined that agenda for you, huh?" She buried her face in her hands, and to your surprise, she started crying. You glanced around the lab, but Macy wasn't paying any attention as you put your arm around Cat's shoulders. You were very confused as you whispered, "Are you okay?"
Cat's dark eyes were wet with tears as she met your gaze while somehow shaking her head and nodding at the same time. Her voice was raspy and uneven as she said, "He bought an engagement ring."
"Jake proposed?" you gasped, ready to jump out of your seat. You knew for a fact he wanted to, but he kept saying he didn't think the time was exactly right yet. 
"No. I found the ring. He's terrible at hiding things."
You sat quietly for a minute while she worked at getting herself under control, but then more questions started to formulate in your mind. "I know this isn't where you saw yourself, Cat. I know trusting Jake after leaving your ex is something you've struggled with, but if you love him, then what's holding you back?"
Her fingertips were pressed to her lips, and her hand was shaking. You weren't sure she had even heard your question as she stared off into space and said, "I can't even accurately describe it, because it was so pretty. The diamond was huge. Absolutely enormous. Obviously expensive." She paused and pulled away from you, opening her computer like she didn't just let herself fall apart on your shoulder. "And I have nothing to offer except a child that isn't biologically his and a crippling amount of debt that I'll probably never see the end of." When you opened your mouth to respond, she slammed her computer shut again and said, "And now I'm late to meet with Bickel," before rushing out of the lab.
You stared at the door for a few seconds before you took your phone out and started to draft up a text for Cat. You didn't see her again for the rest of the day, and you didn't send the text until you got home with Bradley and Rose. But you meant every word of it.
You're tenacious and strong, and that's worth a lot more than money. You're the kind of person someone would want to buy a big diamond for.
"Why is everything so expensive?" Bradley muttered to himself. "Holy hell."
He was trying to plan out the few days he would have alone with you when your parents came out again for Independence Day. Going back to the oceanfront boutique hotel in La Jolla where you and he had celebrated his birthday two years ago was going to cost a fortune over the holiday.
"Rose isn't going to need money for college anyway," he mused, shrugging at his phone before charging the room to his credit card for three nights. His daughter was going to be a genius. She was already so strong, trying her best to roll over and getting better at holding her head up without support. Suddenly he needed to see her.
Bradley tossed his phone aside and headed for the nursery where you were feeding Rose in the glider chair. When you looked up at him expectantly, he said, "I missed you."
Your gaze was soft as he sat down on the floor next to your feet. "We were with you ten minutes ago."
"Ten minutes ago? No wonder I was getting so lonely," he whispered, reaching out to run his finger along the back of Rose's hand. "Hey, Nugget."
She paused, lips pursed, before she continued eating. It was unreal how adorable she was. Bradley could look at his daughter all day long and never grow tired. He could look at your tits dripping milk all day long, too.
"Let me burp her," he said, making grabby hands as soon as she started to slow down. "It's my favorite."
You handed Rose, who was already dressed in her sleeper, to him, kissing him on the cheek as you stood. "Should I just keep these out for you?" The way you gestured at your breasts left a smile on his face.
"Please. I would very much enjoy it if you did."
You stretched your arms over your head and said, "I'll meet you either in the shower or in bed." Then you were gone, and he was excited to burp the baby and then do whatever you let him do to you.
"Let's see if we can get a nice, big burp out of you so you'll sleep for a few hours," he muttered, pulling one of the many storybooks down from the shelf from his spot on the floor. He'd read every book in the room to her multiple times already, and he couldn't wait until she started to have favorites. Tonight he read about a dragon while he patted and rubbed her back, pausing every page or two to kiss her soft cheek.
She was yawning by the last page of the book, and she did indeed burp for him. When he set her gently in her crib, Bradley whispered, "I can't believe I get to be your dad." He stood there, leaning on the side of the crib until he was certain she was asleep, then he headed for his own bedroom, unzipping his pants along the way.
Bradley found you naked in bed, fresh from the shower and rubbing lotion all over your legs. It was such a mundane yet intimate thing for him to watch, and you didn't realize he was in the doorway yet. "Get in bed," you told Tramp, nodding toward the fluffy mat he slept on next to the bathroom door. "You can't play with Rosie any more tonight. I'm sorry, but she needs to go to sleep after Daddy finishes reading to her."
"I'm finished reading to her."
Your gaze met his as your palms went gliding up your thighs, and you smiled a little shyly at him. Then you reached for the sheet like you were going to try to cover yourself, and he headed for the bed.
"Please don't, Baby Girl," he whispered. "I was really enjoying that view."
You paused and let your eyes drift down his body. "Get undressed and come here."
He did not need you to ask him twice. Bradley yanked his jeans off and tossed them aside followed by his tee shirt and his boxer briefs. You giggled when he climbed into bed in just his socks and hovered above you like he was going to do push ups with his hands planted next to your shoulders.
When he lowered himself down to give you a kiss, you raked your fingers through his hair. He knew there was no hiding how hard he was getting, so he didn't bother. He just pressed himself against you while you licked his bottom lip.
"You're really horny, Roo," you murmured, and he simply nodded. You let one hand drift down along his scarred cheek, and then you were touching your tits. 
He was salivating immediately. He could practically smell you. White beads of your milk formed on your nipples as you gently squeezed yourself, and he whimpered your name. His cock was tapping against your thigh in excitement as he lowered himself down to kiss your lips again.
"It's okay," you whispered. "I know you want to. Go ahead."
Bradley sighed and came to rest on his elbows, letting his mouth meet your nipples.
You spent all day Saturday running to three different grocery stores to buy ingredients for Bradley's Father's Day picnic lunch. It cost a small fortune to get everything you needed to make chicken salad sandwiches on homemade bread, a charcuterie board, fruit salad, and brownies. Your plan was to get up very early on Sunday to start making everything, but now Bradley's words made you feel like you were going to cry.
"I'm playing golf in the morning."
He was so nonchalant about it, you thought perhaps he was joking at first. But his expression showed a tiny bit of alarm and remorse, and you knew he was actually ditching you and Rose on Father's Day.
When you spoke, you hated how small your voice sounded. "You said all you wanted was a day with just the three of us."
"I do!" he insisted, reaching for you and pulling you close. "That's all I want. I promise I'll be home by lunchtime."
With that, you excused yourself to go to bed. You didn't bother to set an alarm, because what was the point? Rose would wake you up when she started crying her lungs out to eat, and Bradley would already be gone with Jake, Javy and Reuben. Honestly, you would have thought Jake would want to be home with Cat and Jer, and now you were mad at him, too. You thought about texting him but turned your phone screen side down on your nightstand and tossed your glasses aside instead.
A few minutes later, Bradley climbed in bed as well, and you could feel him trying to coax you closer. "I love you," he whispered, but you stayed curled up in a ball until you fell asleep.
Sure enough, he was gone when you woke up. You didn't even bother changing out of your pajamas to feed Rose. Your plans to wear a cute sundress seemed pointless now as you tried to appease your cranky daughter while you made chicken salad and baked a small loaf of bread.
"You'd probably calm down if your dad were here," you mused, handing her toy after toy only for her to push them all away. Finally Tramp had mercy on you and plopped down next to her on her play mat for a few minutes.
Of course the picnic foods looked absolutely perfect, and you struggled to get Rose burped and down for a late morning nap. "I swear you don't act like this for him," you groaned, fighting the urge to start crying. You'd been feeling better over the past few weeks. Your body was becoming more your own again, even though you were still sharing it with your daughter. The birth control and the healing time were certainly helping, but right now, you and Rose came in second place to a round of golf. On Father's Day.
She spit up all over you before she fell asleep, forcing you to change into your dress anyway. The wrapped present on the coffee table along with the homemade card were enough to make you set a timer for noon. If he wasn't back, you were going to eat the meal yourself. Your stomach was already growling.
But Bradley came through the door at 11:58 wearing gym shorts and a tank top with his aviators low on his nose. "Sweetheart," he said, sounding a little bit out of breath as he headed your way. "You look pretty."
Did he think you were stupid? You got up from the couch and turned off the timer. "Where were you, Bradley? Because you weren't playing golf dressed like that."
His cheeks flushed pink at the same time you noticed something wrapped around his right bicep. When he held his arm out to his side, you gasped.
"Why didn't you just tell me that's where you were going?" you whispered, tears burning your eyes. You felt frustrated and embarrassed that you got upset in the first place.
"I wanted to surprise you," he murmured, wrapping his left arm around your waist. "I've been waiting to do this since you told me you were pregnant." You buried your face against his chest and let yourself cry. "Shit. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I said I was golfing. I panicked when they called me back and said they could fit me in this morning. I just really wanted to get my second paper plane as soon as possible."
He held you tight with both arms wrapped around you. "You said you just wanted a day with your girls, and I planned a picnic and got you a present, and then you said you wanted to fucking play golf," you sobbed. "Next time just tell me you're getting another tattoo, okay? Because now when you say you're going golfing, I'm going to think you're getting another one anyway."
"Hey," Bradley rasped, tilting your chin so you were looking up at him. "I'm spending the rest of today with my girls. That really is all I wanted to do today. I'm sorry I lied to you. I feel terrible about it now." His brown eyes were sincere which made you feel a lot better, and now you weren't mad at Jake anymore.
"Can I see it?" you whispered, and he immediately started to unwrap his arm. Right there next to the large paper airplane that had Baby Girl written across it was a smaller one that said Rose in the same script. "God, Roo. It's perfect."
"Just like my girls."
Okay, so he came within an inch of completely fucking things up on Father's Day. It wasn't like he planned it that way. He wasn't even sure why he said he was going to play golf. None of his friends would even make a tee time on Father's Day and include him. Or Jake for that matter. Plus, Bradley was fucking terrible at lying. He felt apprehensive the entire time he was getting the tattoo done.
It didn't even really matter if you knew about it ahead of time, but he wanted it to be a surprise declaration of his love for his family. Instead he made you stress out and cry, because of course you had a whole fucking day planned. You loved him that much.
He was right there with you and Rose for the rest of the afternoon. He changed her diapers and helped you pack up the food along with a bottle of pink champagne that was tucked way back behind everything else in the refrigerator. He carried everything out to the Bronco and got both of you buckled in. Then he started driving where you told him to.
"Are we going to our wedding venue?" he asked after a few minutes, and you started laughing.
"Is that what we're calling the parking lot?"
"Sweetheart. That's our wedding venue." Rose hadn't been to that beach yet, and now he was excited. So excited. "Rosie, we're going to show you where Mommy first kissed me and fell so in love that she's incapable of being mad at me even though I didn't tell her I was going to get tattooed this morning."
Now you were laughing harder, and you turned his playlist up a little louder, and the sun felt a little brighter. When he pulled into the parking lot, he backed into the spot where you became his wife, and then he strapped Rose into her baby carrier against his chest.
Bradley watched you pull Rosie's little sun hat out of the diaper bag, and you kissed her nose before putting it on her head. "Don't want you to get too much sun." Then you led the way down the rocky path to the sand below where you spread out a beach blanket. You tugged Bradley's hand until he was on his knees, and then you kissed his nose as well. "Don't want you getting too much sun either."
When he remembered the sunburn he got the day of Mickey's birthday kegger, he shuddered, but you were already squeezing some sunblock onto your hands and smoothing it along his face. You smiled when you got some in his mustache, and Bradley leaned closer to kiss you, and then he didn't want to stop. You ended up on your back on the blanket with sunblock on your nose while Bradley cradled Rose's head.
"Happy first Father's Day," you whispered, running your fingers up inside his sleeve to touch the wrapping around his bicep. "Rose is lucky you're her daddy."
The lunch you made was absolutely perfect. Bradley couldn't remember ever having homemade bread before, and he ate two sandwiches in a row. You and he drank the champagne from the bottle on the blanket before walking down to the water. Your tipsy giggles as he dipped Rose's toes in the water made him smile.
"She hates it!" you cackled when Rose pulled her legs up and wailed. Bradley lowered her down again when the next wave came in, and she pulled her feet away from the water once again.
"Aww, Daddy's sorry," he said, lifting her up and flying her around in the air like a plane to get her to calm down. "I'll take you to Virginia Beach where the water is warmer," he promised. "And we can go to the cemetery and visit Grampy Goose and Grandma Carole. How does that sound?"
His daughter looked much happier at the prospect of warmer water and more time with grandparents. Even though Bradley was here with his family, he couldn't help but think about everything he missed out on. Everything he was still missing out on. 
He never had a dad to fly him around or dip his toes in the water, at least not that he could remember. All he could recall were glimpses of laughter and being lifted out of his crib. He could almost hear a voice, but he wasn't sure if it was even Nick's or if his memory was playing a trick on him.
Bradley held onto Rose a little tighter as you let your head rest on his shoulder. Your voice was soft, barely loud enough for him to hear you over the waves. "I wish I could have met them. I wish they were here to see you with Rose."
He knew one thing for a fact. "They would have loved this little Nugget."
Quite effortlessly, Bradley led you back up the rocks while he carried Rose and all the gear. As soon as the sun started to set, the wind picked up and the air got chilly. Even though you nursed Rose, you knew she was going to need to eat again so she could fall asleep.
"Oh, you still have to unwrap your present," you told Bradley when you got home and walked past the living room table.
"Right now?" he asked with a smirk.
"If you want to."
He started to take your shirt off, and you ducked out of his grasp with a laugh. "Not me!"
"I don't want anything else though," he rasped, still reaching for you, but you pushed him toward Rose on her play mat instead.
"She needs a quick bath while you open your present, and then I'll give you a blowjob after she's in her crib."
"Hell yes," Bradley muttered, scooping up the baby and the wrapped gift and heading for the bathroom. You filled up Rosie's little tub, and he set her down in the water then started unwrapping the present but keeping his attention mostly on his daughter. 
"Do you like it?" you asked over your shoulder, and then he realized he was holding a book. A book about him and you and Rose and Tramp.
Bradley flipped through the pages, staring in awe at the cartoon versions of his family. Each of you had been drawn as a superhero, and even the sketched version of Tramp was wearing a little red cape.
"This is the cutest thing I have ever seen. How did you get this?"
"I had it made," you told him. "I sent photos of all of us to a local artist, and she created the book for you."
"Damn," he whispered, tears in his eyes as he looked at each page again. "I'm such a sappy mess now, I swear." Then he sat down on the floor next to you while you rinsed the sand from Rose's tiny feet and started to read the book out loud. "Once upon a time, the Super Bradshaw Family was just about to eat dinner when Super Dad Bradley's phone rang. The city of San Diego needed help, and there was nobody better to turn to."
The story was fun, and the drawings were silly, and he just knew Rose would probably adore this book when she got a little bit older. And he was so lucky he had a wife who did things like turn him into a cartoon superhero for Father's Day and make him a four course picnic lunch.
He also had a wife who dropped to her knees as soon as they were alone. You looked up at him as you pulled his shorts and underwear down to his thighs, kissing his cock as you whispered, "There's my Super Daddy Bradley."
He grinned as he pulled his shirt off as well, enjoying how pretty you looked below his flat abs with your hand cupping his balls. "You absolutely own me, Baby Girl. I'm a fucking wreck for you. I'm all tattooed for my girls now. If you want me to be your Super Daddy, you know I will be."
You licked your lips and parted them, and then Bradley was in heaven.
I need Jer to have a dad. I need it in my bones. I also need Bradley to have a sensational 38th birthday before he packs his bags and goes to La Jolla with his wife for three days in bed. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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mischievousmoony · 1 day
Omg I love ur James fics. You think you could do one where reader finally feels comfortable getting drunk while going out with their group because she knows James is there to take care of her. Ur drunk reader x James interactions are too cute. I feel like I always have a hard time letting go cause I’m afraid I’ll need to take care of my other friends haha. Love your work!
thank u love! i have fun writing them, i just know james would be so caring! ps thank you for being patient ik this request came in a while ago
𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍
⟢ james potter x fem!reader ⊹ 1.0k ⟢ warnings/tags: intoxication (i think that’s it but lmk if i missed any pls)
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"But what if Sirius tries to get a new tattoo again?" you ask, twisting back and forth with a steady squeak, squeak, squeak of your barstool.
James clasps his hand on your shoulder, turning you one last time to face him. "Remus is watching him."
"What if Marlene tries to go on another one of her adventures?"
Marlene has a knack for getting herself into precarious situations when she gets drunk, which she likes to call her “little adventures.” Usually, this means going home with a stranger, whether it’s for a hookup or to steal their lightbulbs because they looked at her wrong.
"Lily’s got her.”
"What if I do something stupid?" you ask, now swinging your legs. The nerves eating away at you just won’t let you sit still.
James puts his other hand on your knee, soothing you with a gentle squeeze. "I'm watching you," he says. After thinking it over for a moment, he adds, “And I don't think you'll do anything stupid. Even if you do, I'll do something more stupid so that nobody notices."
This earns him a giggle from you, and he’s happy to see you smiling. He picks up your glass, which is now covered in beads of water, plenty of time having passed for condensation to run its course. He dries what he can with a napkin because he knows you hate when the droplets land in your lap.
You once asked him why it happened, even though you knew the answer. He simply told you it was science.
“Science is stupid,” you had said, eyes fixating on several small spots of water soaking into your jeans.
Now, James wraps your glasses with napkins. He holds out your drink, a black napkin enveloped around it, as he asks, “You want to do this, right?”
You peek into the glass and watch the dwindling ice cubes swirl around in a vodka cran; a drink that James had called “beginner friendly.”
“Yeah,” you answer shyly.
James frowns. “It’s okay if you’ve changed your mind.”
You chew your bottom lip, thinking it over. A part of you wants to forget it, but another part of you knows you’d be disappointed in yourself for chickening out again.
You wrap your hand around the glass, cringing at the squish of the soggy napkin beneath your fingertips. You don’t know what’s worse: this feeling or the water dripping all over you. But James’ attempts to help make you feel warm inside, so you don’t complain.
“No, I still want to do this.”
“Then I’m here for you. Promise.” James gives your knee another squeeze.
You cast a look toward your friends. For years, you've nominated yourself as the designated driver. Or you've claimed to have early morning obligations. You've always felt better knowing someone sober was around to deliver plenty of water and carb-rich snacks to your incapacitated friends.
That was your excuse, anyway. Not that it isn't one of your concerns, but truthfully, something about drinking makes you feel uneasy. You always knew your friends were safe because you've been there, ready to hold back anyone's hair or stray them away from bad decisions. If you drank too, how could you be sure your friends would have someone to depend on? How could you be sure you would have someone to depend on?
Then, you started dating James, and you found a level of trust you never knew was possible. You know you can depend on him for anything.
When you admitted to him why you never drink when you go out, he swore up and down that he would be there for you.
Remembering his promise summons a wave of courage. You shoot James a nervous smile, and take your first sip, scrunching your nose as it burns your tongue.
"This is kind of gross."
James barks a laugh, "We can try to find something you'd like better next round. That is, if you decide to have another."
Feeling brave, you do have another. That's when you discovered something called the Cosmic Lemon Fizz; a drink that sparkles with edible glitter and manages to be blue, green, and yellow all at once. You laughed when you saw it, not knowing how in for it you were.
"Jamie!" you exclaim after taking a sip of your third Cosmic Lemon Fizz. "This tastes like happy feels!" you gasp as if the thought had just occurred to you, despite this being the fourth time you tell him.
"I bet it does!" James cheers. His eyes wrinkle in the corners as he beams at you.
"You should try one!" you declare, and immediately try to flag over the bartender.
James smoothly takes your hand, stopping you as he says, "No can do. Made a promise to a pretty girl that I wouldn't have a drop tonight."
You whip your head around. "Who!?" you ask, eyes wide.
"Who do you think, pretty girl," he says, poking you in the side.
Giggles escape you and you swat his hand away. He doesn't go far, lifting his arm to brush some stray hairs out of your face. His hand lingers on the side of your face, soothing the pad of his thumb against your cheek.
You lean into his touch, gazing up at him with an affectionate glaze in your eyes; a look that gives him butterflies.
"Wowww," you say dreamily. "You're handsome."
James feels his heart flip in his chest. "Thank you, love," he says, a soft smile playing at his lips.
"Hey," Sirius says, appearing out of nowhere as he lazily throws an arm over your shoulders, "How's it going over here?"
While you're distracted with Sirius, James waves over the bartender and replaces your drink with water. The next time you reach for your glass, you hesitate.
"Where's my cosmo magic fizzy thingy?" you ask, an eyebrow raised as you glance at James.
"You must've finished it," he shrugs, acting clueless.
"That's like the oldest trick in the book. You replaced it with water and now you're trying to be sneaky!"
"I don't know what you're talking about," James feigns innocence.
You giggle, bringing the straw to your lips. "I knew you'd take care of me. I love you," you say, happily sipping your water.
James feels another eye-wrinkling smile break out on his face. "I love you too, pretty girl."
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
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juney-blues · 2 hours
June Egbert is, and always has been incredibly fascinating to me because of just, how many factors have conspired to make Homestuck fans show their collective transmisogynistic asses.
The main character of Homestuck transitioning is a planned future plot point for the official continuation of homestuck, that was spoiled in advance by a fan making a joke about finding some toblerones Andrew Hussie the author of homestuck hid in a cave.
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The current main writers of Homestuck: Beyond Canon have went on record in an AMA confirming that this was indeed always the plan, even before they took up the project.
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In spite of these facts, the general consensus among certain homestuck fans seems to be that "June Egbert" is purely a headcanon for the original comic that was "made canon" by a "Toblerone Wish" (a concept that didn't even exist at the time)
For a variety of reasons, the "canonicity" of the postcanon official continuations of homestuck is a mattter of much debate, (though a debate that most homestuck fans seem to err on a side of "it's not canon at all in the slightest," something the writers have feelings on I'm sure.)
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All of these factors combined leave the concept of "June Egbert" in a very nebulous place. It's assumed by most to just be an "ascended headcanon" that was shoehorned in, it's a spoiler so it hasn't happened yet in any official media, and the official media it will eventually happen in is regarded by some to be nothing more than glorified fanfic.
If someone is talking about June Egbert, and you don't like the concept of June Egbert, you have your pick of a million different excuses for why she's fake and gay and not worth discussing and bad writing and just the authors doing a gay dumbledore*, paying lip service to representation while actually doing nothing.
And of course, lots of people *don't* like June Egbert! Rather than being introduced as transfem from the start, she's in this nebulous position of discovery where people have to truly reckon with the idea of a "Pre-transition Trans Woman."
You can try to write off *some* of the backlash as transphobia, because obviously not everyone in this fandom is gonna be cool about trans people.
But there's no shortage of fans just dying to tell you about how much they like reading her as transmasc, or the idea of her being nonbinary or genderqueer or genderfluid, or literally anything besides a trans woman. And since they're fine with all those other interpretations, there's obviously no implicit biases driving their distaste for the concept! (if you want to try explaining the concept of "transmisogyny" to people like this you're braver than I.)
you can trust them when they say it's *just* a problem with whether or not it makes sense with the writing, or it just doesn't feel right somehow, or any of the thousands of excuses that this writing situation gives them to just Not Like It.
It's just, so interesting to me. There's not a lot of characters out there that get a trans arc in this way, that leaves room for open denialism and insistence that we have our trans cake and eat it too... Because Homestuck is a timeline spanning multiverse story, lots of people seem to want it to be an alternate timeline thing. Assuring us we can have this character share space with a non-transitioning version of herself and it won't be weird or imply gross things about trans people.
If you ask me it feels like a plotline that'd be really good for exploring some gender horror though, finding your true self and then being demoted to a footnote, an alternate version, because everyone around you likes your pre-transition self more....
Anyway I have no broader point beyond "hey look at this isn't this kinda weird. You don't get this kinda stuff often!"
*side note: it's a little ghoulish I think to compare "a future trans plot point that hasn't been given the chance to even happen yet, in an already famously queer piece of media, from a nonbinary author" to "some stupid shit done by the literal most famous transphobe of all time" but that's perhaps a discussion for later.
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k3n-dyll · 2 days
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"You never talked to me about Cat"
"...There's not much to talk about"
I think about this conversation between Ellie and Dina often. There's not a lot of content concerning their relationship in the game but my mind has conjured up a narrative based around the idea that the reason there 'wasn't much to talk about' in reference to Ellie and Cat is because Ellie was still so caught up in her feelings for Dina.
Ellie, unable to quell her developing feelings for Dina, thinking that maybe dating someone else will help her get over it. She respects Jesse too much as a friend to try and get with her while they're in their on-again-off-again relationship, and well, she kinda likes Cat; they're both artists and maybe they have more in common that isn't shown like love for space or dinosaurs or Savage Starlight comic books. It makes sense for them to be together.
The one problem was that Ellie was too enamored with the girl she couldn't have at that point to really truly dedicate herself to Cat. Cat's cool and all. She took the time to give Ellie her tattoo, she was often Ellie's muse for her drawings - but Dina. Ellie eats, sleeps, and drinks Dina. Her mind revolves around Dina - around what it would feel like to kiss her, hold her - to do all of the things with her that she's currently doing with Jesse.
Maybe leading up to their break up, Cat knew. Maybe that's why they broke up in the first place.
All that fucking yearning and when Ellie finally got what she wanted and more - Dina, a farmhouse with a small herd of sheep, JJ, a life - she got too caught up in Abby to truly dedicate herself to it.
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Ice's Favorite Black Characters, #3:
Charlotte, from Queen Charlotte
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Okay so first: I have zero intention of watching the rest of Bridgerton. It doesn't appeal to me. But every time a clip shows up, if I see my girl I'm like "ooooh what my girl Charlotte wearing today??" Bc she be DRESSING.
I cannot tell y'all how much I love this woman. First of all, the casting was superior. And I'm sure y'all have noticed by now, but I am a huge fan of costuming that actually works with Black characters, especially in a period piece. There's shoving us into these outfits with bad wigs meant to forcibly and uncomfortably assimilate us, and then there's STYLING your Black characters! Her AFRO and afro extensions are in full force in the left pic!! Her look as an older woman looks like the way my granny would curl her hair, pinned into an extravagant wig!! It looks like their Black hair!!! (HBO should be a fucking shamed)
Okay. Onto her personality. I'll be honest, Charlotte reminds me of me. Charlotte is blunt, and I love that. She said what she said, and that's that. No bullshit. She's not a sweetheart, at all. Society doesn't like Black women that are direct, let alone when they're in power. I feel like if she were a man, we'd be saying she was an "autistic icon" for her bluntness, and her issues with occasional empathy ("sorrows, prayers") Alas, Black women don't get to be autistic, we get to be "bitches".
She shows her naivete and ignorance often, but she's not stupid- when she senses something is off, she calls it out. Period. She's also very loving! But she's not... Affectionate, in a way that most people would deem affection. but it is clear that she loves the people she loves, and holds them dear to her. Lady Danbury wouldn't be her right hand (and Brimsley her left) if Charlotte didn't want and value her there.
Not to mention, she's very passionate, especially about her man. You don't drop a line like "I care not for his sanity! I care for his happiness, I care for his soul." And not be passionate. But that's also one of her flaws! Charlotte is so caught up in the mission impressed upon her and George, that she loses sight of her own children's happiness. She's not the greatest of mothers, and it's clear it's bc she's prioritized her own mission (babies, continue the great experiment, keep George okay) onto the next generation. Meanwhile, she herself was just as awkward and naive and unsure when SHE showed up to court. Also, "virgins to the left of me, whores to the right" was a wild comment to make lmao. Read the hell out of them damn kids 🤣 she wasn't right but she was right.
Lastly, I love seeing a Black woman loved and adored. George LOVES her, to the point he's willing to go through literal torture to be the man he thinks she wants. I wanna see that. I wanna see us being loved on that intensely. And she loves him just as much.
So yeah. Queen Charlotte was amazing to watch as a Black girl who likes pretty dresses, isn't a sweetheart, and wants to be loved unconditionally. 🤌🏾🔥💕
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gimme-tea-bitch · 2 days
I wonder if we're going to get a Raven Redemption.
One of the things I keep thinking about with both the V9 Animatic and RWBY Beyond, specifically Jr. Detectives is that Raven is there in both.
Raven who has always tried to survive. Who has always abandoned her family to protect herself. Who did so to Yang because Yang called her out on it and she still couldn't overcome her fear.
So it's interesting to me that she shows up twice in Vacuo. Once seemingly talking with Vacuo's headmaster, Winter, and Qrow. And the other time when Team RWBY returns to remnant. And her response is so fast there!
Did she feel them fall? Was Raven sitting there with her tribe, hating herself for yet again leaving her family to die because she's too scared. Thinking about how she sentenced Yang to die by Salem's hands. And then she does. Did Raven sit there hating herself and feel the moment that Yang died? Was that the final straw that finally broke Raven? How many times did she try and open a portal to someone who was no longer there?
Who did she go to first? Tai? Qrow? How could she face either of them after knowing that she sentenced Yang to die? And how Ruby died with her?
What was she doing when she felt them come back? How fast did she scramble for her sword, hoping against what she knows to be real that this is real. That this isn't some cosmic joke.
I'm really curious to see what was left of Raven Branwen after RWBY fell. It seems like their deaths didn't just spur the world, but finally got her to act. To fight for others.
I hope we get to see what she does in between these moments. The grief and loathing, blaming herself for not being braver, feeling responsible for yet another person she loves dying. For all of Qrow's self blaming of his semblance hurting the people he loves, Raven blaming herself for getting Summer killed, for getting Ruby killed, for getting Yang killed.
I really do hope we get to see her finally choose to be better. And I hope we get to see her face Yang again, still so afraid, but finally, FINALLY, choosing others over herself. And maybe it's too late, maybe it's not enough, but facing probably the one person who's forgiveness she could never expect to earn.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 14 hours
Hey there! Hope you’re having a wonderful day!
Could I request a classic Grumpy and Sunshine duo? lol
Just picture Donna being her usual grumpy and mean self while reader tries to lighten her mood.
Maybe Donna acts like she doesn’t appreciate the reader being clingy, but deep down, she secretly loves it.
But One day, reader decides to playfully distance themselves to tease Donna, only to realize it makes Donna really upset. Even though Donna is reluctant to admit it, she ends up begging the reader to stop ignoring her.
Thanks a bunch!
Yesss!!!! Thank you for your request!!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!! :)))))
You were the Sun, she was the Moon
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Fluff, maybe a bit of angst
Word count: 8,787
Summary: She's like darkness, you're like light...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours!!! I love you all!!! :))
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“Good morning…” you hummed as you turned on the light, the only thing you could do to enlighten that dark bedroom. “Donna, Donna…”
A grumpy growl came from the brunette as she tried to fight your always effusive morning kisses.
“No…” she sighed, turning around in a childish way, moving away from you.
You rolled your eyes but you weren't going to give up so easily. A new day for you was always a reason for joy and… Well, everything for you was a reason to be happy, to adorn your face with an eternal smile.
“No? Come on honey, it's time to get up,” you hummed again, pushing the lady with more effusivity, making her growls more intense. “It's a new day.”
“I see,” Donna hissed, slowly getting up, unable to resist your insistence. “(Y/N)…”
“Mm, you look so pretty when you have that grumpy face,” you joked, stealing a kiss on her lips that caught her by surprise.
The lady looked at you with a frown while you, teasingly pinching her cheek, pulled back the sheets.
“Hey, wait…” she whispered, trying to cover herself again, with a sleepy voice. “Are you in a hurry?”
“Yes, a new day is waiting for us, and we have to take advantage of it,” you said with that same smile, stretching in an exaggerated way.
Lady Beneviento shook her head, with the seriousness not wanting to leave her face. With a tired sigh, she stretched her hand towards the small clock on the bedside table, squinting her sleepy eye.
“Gods, (Y/N), it's seven in the morning,” she said with a tired, defeated tone. “Why?”
“Mm, well, the earlier we get up, the earlier we have breakfast, the earlier you get to work on your dolls and the earlier you finish. That way we can spend more time together, isn't that great?” you said, searching through the closet for the appropriate clothes for that day and throwing the lady's black dress on the bed.
“Great… It's not exactly the word I was thinking of, tesoro…” she whispered, shaking her head and getting up from the bed listlessly.
“Come on, don't be grumpy,” you said in a petulant tone, approaching the lady and hanging on her neck while tilting your head. “You're quite a Lord…” you joked near her lips, kissing them slowly while she sighed again, reluctantly returning the kiss.
“I'm not grumpy,” she said with a tone and expression that obviously agreed with you, as always.
With an amused laugh you winked at her, moving away, something you certainly didn't want to do.
“Hey, you look gorgeous with your hair down, have I ever told you that?” you commented with flushed cheeks, while you slightly adjusted the sheets.
The woman rolled her eye, sighing unpleasantly.
“I think about forty times…” she murmured, finally sketching a brief smile, helping you to place the pillows. “Do we really need to get up?”
“I'm sure Angie is already up,” you said, smoothing the bed, removing even the smallest wrinkle.
“Angie doesn't sleep,” Donna said, looking at you with her always inquisitive and almost distrustful face.
You shrugged, shaking your hands. You never lost your smile.
“Can you imagine what life would be like if we didn't sleep?” you asked, looking at the ceiling so the inventive part of your head would start working. “We could do more things during the day.”
“How funny…” the brunette sighed, looking away from you and grabbing her dress.
“Isn't it?” you said, nodding enthusiastically.
The answer was another sigh accompanied by a gesture of denial. The lady turned around, walking towards the door.
“I'm going to take a shower,” she murmured, an opportunity that you took to grab your clothes and run to her side.
“I'm going with you,” you said with a radiant smile, getting the corners of her mouth to bend slightly upwards with your tender words and your insistence, a sweet smile was gracing her face.
“Va bene…”
Given the place where you lived, that sinister village, surely what was expected of a young girl like you was that bitterness was always present on your face.
Of course, it wasn’t like that.
Unlike most villagers, you had been born with the gift of optimism, of joy. You were always smiling, always seeing the good side of things. You were incapable of getting angry, of feeling sorrow, rage, regret... Your life was a gift and you knew it.
It was as if you had stolen all the happiness from the place, as if the happiness of all its inhabitants had passed to you by a spell or a whim of the Black Gods.
That different, irreverent and cheerful attitude never gave you the opportunity to improve your life. You were never special for being that way.
One day, in the middle of one of your walks, you stumbled across the waterfall mansion, the Beneviento House.
You were happy, cheerful and optimistic, but you weren't stupid. You knew who lived there, what happened to the poor wretches who dared to walk there. Fortunately, your natural gift helped you not to end your life among hallucinations and screams of pain.
The owner of that mansion, the Lord, servant of Mother Miranda, the lady in black, Donna Beneviento, was a dangerous, sick, disturbed woman...
Nothing you had heard about her was good but, luckily, that day she didn't seem to be in a bad mood. Maybe she was or maybe it was due your bright smile and your funny excuses about how you got there, how your hand slipped on the elevator button.
She saw something in you, something that caught her attention. Maybe it was your smile, your joy for life, you weren't sure, but you knew that your hand would slip on that button more times, and that you wanted to do it.
Love was something almost impossible in a place like that, with a woman like her. But, as your philosophy said: impossible is nothing.
Of course, you also decided to give yourself a chance, to give yourself the chance to discover what it was like to really love, to love her. Kisses, caresses, words... Everything led, over time, to your hand to no longer rest on the elevator button and starting to touch her body every night.
Donna was... Strange. She definitely had problems that you tried to mitigate with some success. She was a... Well, dark, gloomy woman.
Her terrible childhood, her years of loneliness had overshadowed the character of a fairly healthy person when it came to socialization.
Always serious, whispering, with a cold look, with a hoarse but soft voice at the same time, that was Donna Beneviento. Not even Angie's different attitude was an excuse for the lady to put a smile on her beautiful face from time to time.
You two just did honor to the symbol of her family: the moon, and the sun.
Maybe you exaggerated. Yes, you saw her smile, yes, she kissed you, she told you that she loved you, that she couldn't live without you, she cried when she thought she was losing you.
She was emotional and affectionate but... She didn't show it very often, as if something inside her stopped that impulse to feel comfortable with another person, as if something in her mind forced her to appear serious so you wouldn't dare to break her heart.
Maybe it wasn't that big of a deal. It could simply be the contrast between your attitude and hers. Maybe Donna wasn't the grumpy and unspoken woman. Maybe the odd one of that curious couple was you.
If so, you would be the odd one, and she would be just a normal person. You didn't want to fool yourself. You knew that wasn't the case at all.
Still, hanging on her neck, sitting on her lap while she made dolls, bathing her skin in kisses, her ears in sweet words... Well, that was your way of being and you didn't think it would change, no matter how much Donna complained about "how clingy you were."
She loved you. She loved you more than life itself. It was just circumstances, or her natural way of being that forced her to behave as if those kisses didn't matter to her, to pretend to look upset when you didn't leave her alone.
You didn't have to think about it too much, since, very often, her protests were accompanied by a tender smile, one that you didn't know if she wanted to hide. Of course, she didn't manage it.
There were times, like the shower that morning, when her mood allowed her certain liberties, like hugging you affectionately under the hot water. Without speaking, but saying it all with her caresses, with her kisses on your hair.
“Mm,” you murmured, moving in place, with a natural smile on your face due to her silent displays of affection, to that tacit promise of always being with you, of you always being with her. “Donna…”
She laughed briefly, and, as if the mere fact of hearing you speak was a kind of spark that reactivated her normal behavior, she moved away from you, leaving the shower after a quick kiss on your shoulder.
“Hey… Come back here,” you protested, pretending to pout, gesturing with your hand. She looked at you and shook her head, covering herself with a towel.
“Weren't you in such a hurry?” she joked with her eyebrow raised, in a petulant tone.
You snorted amused, turning off the shower tap and doing the same, pretending to shiver.
-Yes, well… - you whispered, a little confused by her intelligent response, by that grumpy tone again. She certainly didn't like getting up early. -What would you like for breakfast, honey?
“Mm? Coffee,” she said dryly, combing her hair while looking at herself in the mirror, sighing sadly as she did every time she saw her reflection, the defect in her face that tormented her so much.
You, realizing that detail, approached slowly, hugging her from behind with a tender smile. She moved her hand towards yours, but didn't look away from her reflection, shaking her head.
“You're beautiful, Donna,” you whispered in a sweet voice, looking at your own refection. “Look, I suit you,” you joked.
Her face relaxed and that smile you adored accompanied yours in the mirror. Well, at least that time it had been simple.
“Could you leave me alone for a moment?” the lady asked in a kind but somewhat broken tone. Surely if you saw the tear forming in her eye, you would stay until Donna calmed down, but that overwhelmed her, even if you managed to cheer her up.
“Okay,” you said with a tired sigh, kissing her back and slowly moving away. “I'm going to make you a breakfast that will blow your mind, my love.”
She simply nodded, without looking at you, lowering her face to the sink, breathing deeply to try to calm herself down. As much as it hurt you to see her like that, you couldn't do anything. The problems in her mind weren't fixed with smiles, unfortunately.
Preparing breakfast, setting the table, making sure everything was perfect... That was a routine you loved. You always made great efforts to make everything shine in the same way as your smile, so those dry words from the lady in black would be sweetened with the love you always showed.
A silent breakfast, a few unimportant phrases about the weather, about Angie, about your friends… It was always you who spoke. Donna always just listened to you, or pretended to. She wasn't very good at pretending tough.
Your joy always remained strong, your desire to live, to be happy, was not intimidated by the grumpy behavior of the lady, by her always cold and stoic expression.
No, nothing, nor anyone could ever change you but… Could she change? Sometimes you wished it with all your soul, sometimes you dreamed of the lady in black telling you that she really loved how you were, that she love an attitude so different from hers.
But that day never came, that full smile never reached your gaze. Sometimes you seemed nothing but a nuisance to her, but it didn't make sense for that to be the case. Why would someone like her, a powerful Lord, put up with someone she couldn't stand? Why live with a nuisance?
There were two possible answers: It could be loneliness, it could be that fear of the woman in black of not being left alone again, settling for the first stupid woman who didn't run away when she saw her face without the veil.
Maybe she just wanted company, even if she couldn't stand you.
Another option, the one you told yourself was the right one, would be that Donna truly loved you, that she cared for you, that your senseless encouragement lifted her spirit, that your joy made her see things in color, and not with a black and white filter.
Once again, it was impossible to know, to read the doll maker's mind and finally find that longed-for answer so your mind, with the passage of time, wouldn't start making painful assumptions.
“I got you!” you said triumphantly, finding the Angie doll under a sofa.
The afternoons could be many ways, but normally, because your power of persuasion to take a walk with Donna was at its weakest point, they were fun times with the living doll.
Okay, maybe not even Angie could match your level of cheerfulness and optimism, but at least she wasn't the grumpy mess her owner was. Angie was irreverent, shameless, not afraid to speak her mind at any given moment. You wondered if she was real part of Donna’s mind, or a lost virtue that the lady could never get back.
“You're fast, silly,” Angie whispered, crawling comically under the couch. “I think this is a tie.”
“Tie?” you asked, hands on hips. “As far as I know I've found you seven times this week.”
“Oh, yeah, but... Do you remember when you got here?” the doll joked, pointing at you. “I went two months without losing.”
“That was cheating, I didn't know the house that well,” you said, pushing the puppet playfully, making her grunt in a way suspiciously similar to her owner, something that made you look at the clock and sigh. “Oh, it's tea time.”
“What tea?” Angie asked, tilting her head.
“Donna's tea,” you said, with an anxious smile, walking towards the elevator.
“Hey, leave Donna alone! You know she doesn't like you disturbing her when she's making my friends,” the doll said, following you down the hall.
You nodded amused, rolling your eyes.
“Yes, but she always finishes the tea I make for her,” you said in your defense, moving the elevator bars.
“I guess that way she can stop hearing your voice…” the doll mocked, making you frown, but, when you wanted to protest, the elevator was already going down to the basement.
Ignoring the doll's potentially-hurtful words, you prepared the tea while humming, wanting, as always, to give the brunette an awkward cuddle session. You wondered how she would react that day…
“Donna,” you sang, entering the workshop without knocking on the door, startling the lady, who groaned like every time you woke her up at early hours.
“Tesoro, I've told you a thousand times that you must…” she whispered in a hoarse voice, with labored breathing.
“Yes… I must knock on the door, I know,” you said, dragging out the words and hugging your lady from behind, leaving the tea on the table and leaning on her shoulder. “Mm, I love when you're focused…”
“(Y/N), is there any moment of my life that you don't like?” she asked with a serious face, not looking at you, working on a sinister porcelain doll.
“Let me think… No,” you said amused, kissing her cheek repeatedly, passing by her nose, briefly by her mouth…
At first the lady didn't protest against that rain of kisses but, after a moment in which it seemed that you didn't want to stop, she coughed, moving her face away from your lips.
“Ugh, lasciami…” she whispered annoyed, gesturing with her hand as if she were pushing away an insect that was flying around her.
You laughed, shaking your head and sighing, planting a kiss on her cheek, well, one that contained several more, making the sound in an exaggerated way, preventing her from running away from you by holding her by the shoulders.
“Mmmm, gorgeous…” you said, with a last loud kiss, an unpleasantly cheesy one.
Donna growled, passing a hand over her wet cheek and lips and shaking her head.
“Why are you that clingy?” she protested, her gaze fixed on the porcelain, with an annoyed expression.
You, ignoring her complaints as always, shrugged, sighing and settling yourself on her lap, so she groaned again, leaving the brush in a glass, knowing that, otherwise, her work would be ruined because of you.
“I made you some tea,” you said amused, moving one of your legs, swinging it as you made yourself comfortable in that position grabbing the lady by her shoulders to support yourself.
“I see that,” she whispered, taking the cup. “I didn't ask you for it.”
“No, but you never do it,” you said amused, turning to play with her black hair, making her protest again. “After all, you drink it, so I guess you want it.”
Donna shook her head, letting out the air slowly, surrendering to your excessive affection.
“Okay, whatever,” she said nervously, with a darker look.
“Have you seen how perfectly I've made that slice of lemon?” you said amused, pointing to the inside of the cup. Donna looked at the same place with a frown and then at you.
“What's wrong with the lemon?” she asked impatiently, moving due to the apparent discomfort of your body on her lap. “Get down…”
“No,” you said, ignoring that abrupt request. “I mean it's a perfect circumference, don't you think?” you joked, with an expectant look.
“(Y/N), don't you have anything better to do than distract me?” Donna asked, fed up with your comments, gently pushing you off her lap.
You snorted and your smile relaxed for the first time in months
“I, I really don't…” you sighed with a slightly different tone, which led the lady in black, now with the brush in her hand again, to look at you slowly.
“Weren't you playing with Angie?” she said, dipping the brush in paint and picking up the porcelain head.
For a moment you thought that your boredom would be a concern for her, but it wasn't. Maybe that's why you felt less like smiling.
“Yes, but…” you murmured, scratching the back of your neck.
“Why don't you go for a walk with your friends?” she suggested, without looking at you again, giving more importance to that doll than to you.
“Mm, yes, perhaps, perhaps I will,” you said, her smile returning little by little. “I'm sorry if I disturbed you, Donna.”
With a soft kiss on her lips, one she accepted along with a brief caress, you turned around, walking towards the workshop door.
“(Y/N),” the lady interrupted, making you turn around slowly. She looked at you and sighed, with a tender and tired smile. “Thank you for the tea.”
“You're welcome, my love,” you said with an affectionate tone, smiling back at her as you closed the doors.
Well, maybe some time with your village friends would clear your mind about those thoughts that were beginning to harass you, about those questions your subconscious was asking you, ones you didn't want to answer.
“Are you sick or something?” your best friend asked as you sat by the lake. You looked at her with a frown.
“Why do you say so?” you wanted to know, swinging your legs over a rock.
“You're not smiling,” she joked, giving you nudge. “Is everything okay?”
“Oh, yes, yes, of course,” you said nodding, looking into the distance. Maybe she could help you with those strange thoughts… “Well…”
The girl looked at you, blinking in confusion.
“What's wrong, (Y/N)?” she asked kindly, with a slightly shaky voice. “Lady Beneviento isn't treating you well? Has she hurt you?” she whispered, looking around.
You groaned at that insinuation, at having everyone worried about your well-being when it wasn't necessary.
“What? Of course she hasn’t. Donna would never hurt me, Olivia,” you said with a slightly brusque tone.
“Oh, okay, okay, I'm just asking,” your friend excused herself, making a reassuring gesture with her hands. “But something's worrying you…”
“Yes, well, it's just that…” you said, with a slightly shy tone, not knowing if you should really tell her your worries or if they were worries at all. “We are, we are so different…”
“Of course you are, she's a Lord,” Olivia said, with an amused laugh. “What a novelty.”
“No, I don't mean that, it's just…” you said, nervous, also looking everywhere. “Donna is always… She's always complaining about everything, it seems that my presence is annoying  to her.”
“I don't think it annoys her, (Y/N), I, I'm afraid that if it did, you wouldn't… You wouldn't be here,” the girl said, with a slightly scared tone.
“Okay, you're not helping me,” you protested, crossing your arms.
“You'll have to be a bit more specific, I don't know that woman and the little I know about her... It's not very... Flattering, let's say.”
“You're wrong, Donna is such a sweetheart, I'm sick of saying it,” you said in a serious, sincere tone. “Her problem is that... She, she doesn't seem to really like me. She always says that I'm annoying her, that I'm very clingy...”
“Oh...” your friend sighed, with a confused look.
“And I don't know if she really thinks that way or... If on the contrary, maybe, maybe she's just like that, you know? I don't know. I'm starting to think that she just loves me so she won't be alone.”
“Mm,” Olivia murmured thoughtfully. “I guess the best you can do is to clear up your doubts.”
“Oh, what a brilliant deduction,” you said with irony, spreading your arms in a comical way. “Yeah, thanks, but I don't know how.”
“Well… Maybe if you stop being so… You, you can check it out,” she murmured, making you turn your head quickly.
“What do you mean?”
“You know what they say: you don't realize what you have, until it's gone,” the young woman commented, looking at the sky. You nodded for her to continue. “Try leaving your affectionate and clingy side behind for a while, so you can see how she reacts.”
“Interesting,” you murmured, narrowing your eyes. “You mean to ignore Donna?”
“Yes, well… I'm sure that if she really loves you, she'll end up asking you to go back to the way you were, and if not… Well… If not…”
“No, don't say it, Donna loves me, I'm sure,” you said nervously, thinking about the risk of that test, the risk of it not going well.
“Then she'll have to prove it to you,” your friend said, with a haughty tone.
At least that conversation was useful to you.
At first that idea seemed silly, it went against your way of being, against the love you felt for the lady in black. Ignoring her could be dangerous, but it was true that you had never tried it either. You weren't capable, you just weren't capable.
As you walked back to the mansion, the idea was spinning around in your head, sounding better and better, even considering it funny. You trusted in the love that Donna said she felt for you but… The truth is, you were very anxious to check her reaction.
“Mm, Donna…” you purred in her ear as she read in bed, kissing her lips, her cheek, her neck…
She frowned, moving to get you to move away.
“I'm reading, tesoro, leave me alone,” she whispered in a voice that wasn't harsh, but somewhat stern.
“Well, you'll read tomorrow,” you whispered, insisting on your desire for nightly cuddles. Donna shook her head, letting you kiss her on the lips before placing a hand on your chest to stop you.
“(Y/N), I'm tired,” she growled, looking at you briefly and returning to her book.
You sighed, finally pulling away and shaking your head. Normally you would insist a little more, just enough to bring down the brunette's defenses and enjoy a night of passion but… The words, the advice of your friend echoed in your mind. It would be a good time to put your plan into action.
“Okay, good night,” you said quickly, covering yourself with the sheets, turning your back to her.
You could notice how the brunette put down her book. She was probably looking at you with a frown. You didn't know, but you hoped she was.
“Are you okay?” Donna asked, putting a hand on your shoulder.
You, with your eyes closed and a mischievous smile, nodded.
“Yes, I'm fine,” you said with your best dry and cold voice. “I just realized that I'm sleepy.”
“Oh, um, well, in that case…” she said, apparently confused, leaving the book on the bedside table and turning off the light. “We'd better sleep.”
“Yes,” you answered with the same coldness.
You noticed how the lady moved suddenly, surely alerted by that tone, but she didn't say anything, she just sighed, lying down next to you.
Well, apparently your behavior unsettled the doll maker a little, but that strangeness and confusion weren't enough, besides, you didn't know if it was for better or worse, but... The truth is that it had been terribly funny for you.
The next day started like any other, or almost.
When you caressed the hand that grabbed your body from behind, you had to make an effort not to turn around and devour the lady with kisses like every morning, so as not to provoke those grunts of protest that you found adorable.
Biting your lip out of anger at not being able to act like always, you took her soft hand, slowly moving it away from your belly as you subtly got out of bed. Donna didn't wake up, so your plan could continue its course.
You showered, dressed, and walked to the kitchen. There was no sign of the brunette, she hadn't woken up.
Time passed and you whistled quietly in the kitchen as you ground the coffee beans. Yes, ignoring her was one thing, but neglecting her was something quite different, and after all, you loved making her breakfast, the only meal she allowed you to make.
“(Y/N)…” a hoarse voice interrupted your cheerful whistles. A comical figure, still dressed in her nightgown appeared at the door, Donna.
The lady, still sleepy, rubbed her eye, looking at you in confusion. You smiled wickedly to yourself as she yawned loudly, smiling tenderly, as usual.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” you said in a soft voice as she approached with a frown, fixing her messy hair from just waking up.
You quickly gave her a kiss on the lips, one that she didn't return. She seemed confused, good…
“You… You didn't wake me up,” the sleepy lady said with a voice broken by tiredness, trying to focus her vision on you.
“Of course I didn’t,” you said casually. “You told me you didn't like it so…”
“I don't like it,” she said quickly, frowning more. “I just, I just thought it was… Strange.”
“I didn't want to wake you up you, my love,” you said affectionately, running a hand over her face. “Look, I made some orange juice, do you fancy it?”
“Mm, yes, yes, I…” Donna stammered, blinking several times, as if something didn't fit, as if she suspected that your behavior had a reason. You hoped it wasn't like that. “Oh, you, you took a shower…”
You looked at yourself and nodded amused, putting the ground coffee in the old coffee maker and turning on the stove.
“Yeah, I take showers every day, honey,” you joked, shaking your head, pretending she was talking nonsense.
“You didn't wait for me, I thought you liked showering with me,” she commented, putting a hand on your shoulder, watching you toast some slices of bread.
“I couldn't wait for you to get up, Donna,” you said with a soft tone, but a mischievous look. “Did you want me to take a shower with you, my love?” you said with a fake pout, with a condescending voice that she, luckily, didn't know how to interpret. “I thought you liked to do it alone.”
“I like doing it alone,” she said, frowning again, stepping back proudly. “I just found it strange.”
“Mm,” you murmured with disinterest, looking away from her. “Go to take a shower, my love, I'll set the table.”
Donna looked at you strangely again, but nodded slowly, scratching her head and walking towards the door, giving you one last disoriented look.
“Um… Okay…” she whispered, finally disappearing from your presence.
You sighed in relief. Yes, it was funny to see Lady Beneviento confused, but your inner self screamed for you to throw yourself into her arms to don’t stop kissing her like every morning, telling her how much you loved her.
You would have to be strong if you wanted the strategy to work.
Donna went up to the dining room, where you were already waiting for her, having breakfast. Her black dress was already on her body and her silky hair was up in its usual updo, but her gaze was a little more serious than usual.
Without saying a word, well, as always, she sat down in front of you, moving her chair closer to the table and lifting her gaze briefly, as if she were analyzing yours.
You smiled innocently, taking a sip of your coffee.
Time passed slowly, and the lady didn't move, she didn't do anything, she didn't pour herself coffee, she didn't spread toast in oil, she simply looked at you nervously, you knew perfectly well why.
“Are you okay, my love? Aren't you hungry?” you asked, pretending a worried face.
She blinked, snapping out of her thoughts and shaking her head.
“Yes, I... I was, I was waiting,” she stammered, without taking her eye off you.
“Waiting?” you asked amused, pouring some sugar on you cup. “What are you waiting for, darling?”
“Um, well… Aren’t..? Aren't you going to do the usual?” she asked in a rougher tone, with an unpleasant gesture, crossing her arms.
“Mm? What do you mean?” you asked, holding back your laughter, keeping your composure.
 She groaned, looking away again.
“You know, that nonsense of ‘preparing my morning coffee with love and lots of kisses so I can have a good day’,” Donna said in a mocking, almost unpleasant tone.
You opened your eyes wide, pretending to realize it and shook your head soon after.
“Oh, but that's just cheesy to you, isn't it?” you asked in a calm tone, picking up another piece of toast. “I thought you hated it.”
“I, I…” the doll maker stammered, changing her confused face to a proud one, which indicated to you that your strategy was paying off from the first moment. “I hate it, tesoro.”
“Really? I can do it for you if you want,” you joked, taking her cup of coffee, which she suddenly snatched from you, shaking her head effusively.
“No, no, I've already told you that I hate it,” she said without looking at you, serving herself the coffee.
“Sure, sure,” you sighed, biting your lip at her nervous attitude. “Do you want some juice?”
You didn't know if she was really disoriented, if she really missed your sentimentality, but it was still too early to tell. Deciphering her behavior was always a task worthy of research.
The rest of the day didn't give you many more opportunities to test her patience and your feelings, until the afternoon came.
The afternoon was the moment when you always went down to the workshop with a cup of tea in your hand, ready to cuddle your girlfriend as much as you could, to hug her, sit on her lap and caress and kiss her while she worked.
It was tempting, Donna was tempting. Her stoic pose, her shy caresses, her annoyed sighs that betrayed a certain comfort… Of course, that was the hardest part for you. Not even a day had passed and you were already crazy for her kisses, for showing her your love. Again, you would have to be stronger.
“Ha, you lost!” Angie mocked, pointing at you while you clumsily hid behind a piece of furniture.
You didn't really feel like playing hide and seek that day, but if you didn't, you knew Angie would destroy your ears with her protests.
“You found me, again,” you said, dusting yourself off and looking at the clock, sighing. It was time, time for your way to the basement, for a well-deserved ration of annoying kisses and hugs to the brunette.
That day you wouldn't go down.
“Loser, silly loser…” Angie mocked, humming childishly and walking towards the sofa. “I plan to beat you every time.”
“Really?” you said amused, arching an eyebrow. “We'll have to see about that…” you whispered with a challenging look. “Come on, it's your turn.”
“What?” the doll asked confused, also looking at the clock. “Do you want to keep playing?”
“Yeah, sure, why not?” you said nodding, with a fake smile.
Angie approached you with a slow step, looking you up and down.
“Aren't you going to go see my Donna?” she asked with a different tone, as if the puppet herself was confused.
“No,” you said, letting yourself fall on the sofa, picking up a book that was on the table. “I don't want to disturb her. I know she doesn't like it.”
“Um… Of course, she doesn't like it…” Angie murmured, making you frown. “You're very strange, silly, silly…”
“No, I’m not. I just want to be nice for once and let her work in peace, I know I'm very annoying,” you murmured, checking to your dismay that the book wasn't in your language. Great, you couldn't be distracted by it.
“Yes, you're a sticky pain, but…” Angie said, with a nervous voice and pose, lowering the book so she could look at your face.
You looked back at her, studying her gestures, and her words.
“But?” you asked curiously, with a more serious tone.
“Oh, nothing, nothing,” the doll said, getting off the couch and waving her hand, moving away from you.
“Okay…” you murmured with an amused smile. “Come, help me find a book I can read,” you said, clapping your hands and getting up.
So you had a fun time, reading that adventure book with Angie. You had almost forgotten that in the basement there was someone who hadn't had her tea…
A sudden sound alerted you. The elevator door suddenly opened and nervous heels quickly approached where you were. Donna appeared in the living room, breathing heavily, looking for something everywhere. That nervousness ended when her eye made contact with yours.
“Cazzo…” she hissed, sighing in relief. “(Y/N)…”
“Oh, hi, honey, are you okay?” you said, putting the book aside and walking towards the lady in black, who was rubbing her eye while shaking her head. “What's wrong, my love? Is it a crisis?”
“No, no,” she denied, sighing again and looking at you strangely. “You’ve scared me.”
“Have I scared you?” you asked amused, with your hands on your hips. “I haven't done anything, Donna.”
“Yes, that's it, I…” Donna said, interrupting your performance. “You, you haven't gone down to the workshop,” she said in a small voice, looking at you out of the corner of her eye.
“I didn't want to disturb you,” you said simply, with a tender smile.
“Oh, okay, I…” the lady in black stammered, with an exaggerated look of disinterest, nodding slowly.
“What's wrong, honey? Did you miss me?” you said with an amused look, pouting. Donna stood proudly, with a serious expression, shaking her head.
“No, of course I didn’t. It's been a while since I was this calm,” she said looking at her nails, her worried expression changing radically.
“I'm glad to know it,” you said, pretending that those words hadn't cruelly pierced your heart.
Hold on, (Y/N), hold on…
“Mm, I just found it strange… You didn't come to disturb me, I thought maybe… Maybe…” The pride in her words diminished little by little, closing her eye before finishing. “I thought you had left.”
“Where? You know that if I go somewhere I have the courtesy to let you know, Donna,” you said with a calm, soft and tender tone.
Again, you had to suppress the desire of your hands to cup her face, to caress her soft skin. It was much harder than you thought.
“Yes, that's why I thought, that, that maybe…” she stammered, darkening her gaze, avoiding yours. “Nevermind, it's, it's nonsense.”
“Okay,” you said, calmly. “Don't worry, my love, I'm not going anywhere, I was just reading.”
“What…? What were you reading?” the lady asked, with a strange expression, playing with her hands, as if she was terribly nervous about something.
You ignored those gestures, ones that only confirmed your small victories, and walked towards the sofa.
“Mm, this one,” you said, showing her the book. “It's quite entertaining.”
“I see,” Donna said with a slightly uncomfortable smile, coming a little closer, slowly, as if something had scared her. “Maybe, maybe you'd like me to… Read with you.”
“Do you want to read with me?” you asked with genuine confusion.
You certainly didn't expect her reaction to be that fast. It's true that you often read together, but Donna always ended up getting tired of your kisses and your nice words. It was very rare that she asked you to do it, you always did it first.
“Yes, well... It's been a long time since we did it,” the lady whispered with a smile that seemed almost pleading to you.
You shrugged, appealing to your strength. No, you couldn't fall yet.
“But Donna... You always complained that you couldn't read a paragraph with me by your side,” you said calmly.
The lady in black opened her mouth to say something, but she stopped at the last moment, nodding defeated.
“Besides, I'm sure you've read this book a thousand times. You're just going to get bored,” you commented, looking away and sighing listlessly, sitting back down on the couch.
“Certo, you’re, you’re right…” she murmured, sighing tiredly as you pretended to continue reading, watching the lady from the corner of your eye.
Donna shifted, sitting curiously beside you, as if she didn’t know what to do, what to say, or if she even wanted to do it either.
There was a tense moment of silence until, out of surprise, a soft hand placed your hair behind your ear, her hand.
“I got really scared,” Donna whispered, moving closer, taking your hand. You frowned, glancing at her briefly. “I thought you were gone, that you had abandoned me.”
“What nonsense, why would I want to leave?” you asked distractedly, without looking at her, something very complicated, but that you managed with less and less effort.
“I don't know but...” she whispered, taking the book away from your hands, so you pretended to grunt in protest.
“Donna, I was reading,” you said, subtly imitating her protests. You hoped it was subtle enough.
“I know, but... I... I want to love you so much...” she purred seductively, starting to kiss your neck, something that made you repress a pleasurable gasp. Of course, that attitude wasn’t very common in the doll maker. “…To thank you for being here, with me...”
“Mmm Donna,” you said, interrupting her increasingly ardent kisses just as she did, with a hand on her chest. “No, okay? I don't feel like it now.”
“Why? You always feel like it,” she protested, not in a cold tone, but in a melancholic, sad one. “Tesoro… Please… I want to make love to you…”
“I don’t feel like it, Donna, I’m tired,” you said, pleased by that sudden submission, amused, perhaps excessively, by the quick effect your strategy had.
Yes, seeing Donna begging for your company was pleasurable. It was too soon to give up, even though you were wishing for it.
“Ugh, get out…” you said abruptly, pushing the lady away, leaving her completely disoriented. “Don’t bother me, Donna.”
“What? Don’t bother you?” she asked, standing up abruptly, shaking her head, mouth agape. “Qual è il tuo problema?!”
“Excuse me? Donna, the language…” you scoffed, hiding your evil smile behind the book again. “Come on, don't be mad.”
“Don't be mad?” she asked, with a nervous laugh. “This is unbelievable…”
“Come on, what's wrong with you? Didn't you say you were sick of me being clingy?” you asked, pretending to be focused on the words that, obviously, you weren't reading.
“Yes, and I am, you're a pain, (Y/N),” Donna said with a hurtful tone that your heart quickly dodged, you knew she was just nervous.
“So what's wrong with you? Shouldn't you be relieved because I left you alone?” you asked with the same gloomy tone.
The lady laughed nervously again, running a hand through her hair, but relaxing immediately.
“Yes, I'm very happy to be able to breathe,” she said with a mocking tone, with a dark look.
“I see that,” you scoffed. “Shh, be quiet, I want to read.”
“Arrgh!” Donna growled, clenching her fists tightly on either side of her hips. “Have a good time!” she shrieked, walking quickly towards the hallway again.
“You too, my love!” you shouted in a tone devoid of annoyance, ignoring her shouts. “And don't be mad, you look very ugly when you are!”
“Vaffanculo!” she shrieked from the hallway with an angry growl.
“What does that mean?” you asked in a whisper to Angie, who looked at the scene in astonishment as if she were watching a tennis match.
“Do you really want to know?” the doll asked, in her usual mocking tone.
You laughed amused, turning a page and shaking your head.
“Mm, I don't think so,” you whispered, arching your eyebrows.
“Hey, silly girl, start talking,” Angie said, putting your book down again and climbing onto the couch.
“Mm?” you murmured, frowning.
“I know you're up to something, and I don't like it at all,” she hissed, pointing her finger at you, staring directly into your soul.
“Me? I'm not up to anything,” you said passively, looking at the hallway where Donna had gone, wondering if she had really gotten that angry and above all, why.
“Liar...” the puppet hissed. “Be very careful, silly girl, Angie is always watching.”
You smiled with an innocent look, returning to that book, or rather, to your thoughts.
Your strategy had been a complete success. The lady in black had been completely disoriented and confused by your change of attitude, and that was what you wanted. Her irrational rage only told you that you didn't have to worry, she loved you, but your incipient insecurities made you continue with that behavior for a few more days.
The lack of affection, hugs, caresses... Took its toll on you, but, determined to prove to yourself that she liked the clingy way you were, you wanted to pull the rope a bit further.
There were no romantic breakfasts or visits to the workshop, there were no cuddles, affection, kisses... There was nothing. The brunette's attitude was distant, as always, but with a touch of annoyance, anger.
Bearing that cold look was increasingly difficult. Not giving in to your impulses to go down and cuddle Donna was already unbearable. Reading no longer served as a distraction so, during one of those afternoons, you decided to leave the house for a walk in the woods.
While you walked, you meditated on your actions, you thought about Donna, about whether she was really suffering as much as she seemed.
You thought you were just being cruel, that you were torturing her, but when you thought about previous weeks, about her subtle contempt, about her apathy, your desire to continue with that reprimand didn’t diminish.
You were never vengeful, you never let yourself be carried away by that dark side and you began to discover why. It was addictive, dangerously addictive.
The sun shone less intensely as you threw stones off the cliff. The afternoon had passed quickly. Thinking, planning, meditating... That made you completely forget about the time. At least the temptation to run into her arms had gone unnoticed by you.
You opened the door of the mansion and walked slowly. The silence of that place was always disturbing but... What you heard was even more so.
An agonizing sob reached your ears, making you stop in your tracks. Your legs trembled when you recognized it.
“Donna, Donna…” Angie's voice sounded calm, too calm. “Donna, no…”
“She's gone! Porca puttana! She's gone!” Donna screamed, making you freeze in fear.
After that furious scream, loud noises accompanied by a furious panting ran through the old walls.
“Donna, stop breaking things!” Angie yelled after another noise which revealed that something fragile had broken into a thousand pieces.
You shook your head with a hand on your mouth in shock. It had been a long time since the lady lost her mind like that, a long time. You couldn't help but think it was your fault.
“Donna, you cut yourself, you silly, silly Donna!” Angie shrieked, surely trying to control her owner's rage.
You took a breath and began to walk slowly, with shaky legs.
Your little reading corner was a mess. The table was upside down on the floor, the cups and books that were always there were scattered on the floor, broken in a thousand pieces.
Donna was in a corner, her back against the wall and her head buried in her knees, crying inconsolably. You approached slowly, not wanting to draw her attention.
“È colpa mia…” the doll maker sobbed, with a muffled moan. “She left because of me.”
Angie shook her head as she hugged her tenderly, trying to get her to come back to her senses.
Suddenly, the puppet turned her head and looked at you, gasping in surprise.
“Oh, you silly, silly!” she shouted euphorically, pointing at you as she jumped up and down on the wood. “Look, Donna, look, it's the silly, silly girl,” she insisted, pulling the brunette's hand, who slowly looked up.
“Donna, my love…” you sighed, with a sad, regretful look.
“(Y/N)…” she whispered, looking at you, blinking quickly and breathing nervously. “(Y/N)!” she shrieked, crawling on the floor and grabbing your legs in a pathetic way, which made you step back. “Don't leave! Don't abandon me!”
“What? Oh, please, my love… Re-relax, I haven't gone anywhere, I was walking through the woods,” you said nervously, bending down to take her away from that pitiful hug, taking her hands and helping her sit on the couch “Donna, my love, react, come to your senses, my precious Donna…”
“You wanted to leave… You're gone,” she stammered, blinking erratically, shaking her head, unable to stop crying.
Your heart broke just like those tea cups, into a thousand pieces.
“Shhh, no, no darling, I'm not going to leave, I'm still, I'm still here with you…” you said, caressing her face, her hands, staining yourself with a red moisture that came from a wound, probably the cut Angie was talking about.
“Oh, wow, darling… you're bleeding,” you whispered worriedly, repressing your desire to cry. “Wait a minute, I'm going, I'm going to heal you. Angie, please, keep an eye on her.”
“Aye!” the doll shouted, taking your place on the couch.
There were no words. You simply healed that horrible wound in silence while the brunette sobbed more and more weakly, ashamed of her madness, unable to look at you.
“Donna, my love,” you whispered while you healed her, looking at her out of the corner of your eye. “How could you think that I had abandoned you? There's no place I'm better off than with you…”
“It doesn't seem like it,” she murmured, wiping away a tear, looking away, fighting back her sobs. “You don't want to be with me.”
“Oh, wow, so now you dedicate yourself to guessing people's feelings, huh?” you joked with a tender, amused smile. “Then change your job because you're not doing it well…”
“Stop with the stupid jokes, you know perfectly well why I'm saying this,” the lady snapped, removing her injured hand from yours.
You snorted, gripping it tighter again.
“Stay still, will you? I have to heal this,” you murmured, shaking your head. “Donna…” you growled when she struggled against your grip again.
“Leave me alone, stop pretending you love me,” she protested. “If you don't want to be here with me, tell me.”
“You're stubborn, huh?” you said, sighing, with a colder look. “Stop talking nonsense.”
“It's not nonsense!” Donna shrieked, making you back off. “You've shown me this last week. You you don't love me anymore, you don't kiss me. You’re, you're not with me when I work on my dolls. It seems as if I disgust you…”
“I'm not disgusted by you,” you said in a serious, almost brusque tone. “I love you with all my soul.”
“Do you? Then why don't you show it to me anymore?” she asked furiously again.
It was time to be honest.
“I could ask you the same thing, Donna,” you whispered, shaking your head, passing a bandage over her injured hand. “I've always, always tried to give you all my love but you… You seemed to reject it. You always complained about me being too clingy, you hated it, do you know how it made me feel?”
“I don't hate it,” she murmured, with a different tone, with a dark but tender look. “I don't hate it… I don't hate it!”
You nodded nervously.
“I love your kisses, your hugs! I love when you come to see me, when you sit on my lap and say nice things to me! I love your smile, your joy! I love that joy I don't have and can only see in you!” she shouted nervously, confessing the truth you wanted to hear, one you ignored, one for which you caused all that suffering in poor Donna.
“Do you…?” you asked a bit surprised, relaxing Donna with your caresses on her cheek while she shook her head. “Do you...? Do you really the way I am?”
“Yes, I love the way you are, I, I like you being clingy. I love when you don't let me breathe, when you remind me that you love me... you always try to cheer me up… I love you, I want that light that I'm unable to transmit, I want the light in your eyes, the love you give me, the love I can't live without…” she said not looking at you, pressing her lips together to suppress her shame at those words, words that moved you.
“Wow, that's very sweet, Donna,” you said, smiling, bringing her face closer to yours to kiss her lips softly, lovingly, like you had wanted to do for so long. “Forgive me, I was the one who acted that way because… Because I thought it really annoyed you and…”
“You've never annoyed me,” she said, interrupting you. “If I've behaved like an idiot it's because… Because… I'm, I'm scared.”
“You're scared…” you repeated in a soft whisper.
She nodded.
“I'm afraid of letting myself be carried away by your addictive love and that, that one day you won't... won't be by my side,” she said with a sad tone, taking your other hand. “I know, I know I don't... I don't know how to love the same way you do, I know I'm a grumpy fool but it's just that... I've never known what love is until... Until I met you.”
“I understand, darling,” you said with an understanding tone, kissing her again. “Relax, it's all over now... I'll give you all those overwhelming affections that I now know you love...”
Donna smiled at your mischievous caresses, laughing at last, nervous and shy, lighting you up with the joy on her face, one that soon vanished, when the lady grabbed your hands tightly with a pleading look.
“Per favore, (Y/N), I’m begging you. Don’t do this to me again... Don't ignore me ever again, please...”
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sovonight · 22 hours
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a radri-sarevok swap au but also xan is there:
refused the moonblade
tried to join the greycloaks and failed
exiled from evereska until he gets his act together (aka accepts the moonblade)
hopped from one adventuring party to another, offering his services as a wizard, but few could stand his company for very long
after he joins radri, she validates his choice to refuse the moonblade & further convinces him that the fact that he's not allowed back into evereska just for that is total bullshit. he cuts ties with his house & devotes himself to her
gorion raised sarevok, not her. she was eventually taken in by the iron throne for her aptitude in combat, and rose to the point where rieltar anchev came to view her as the daughter he never had
constantly felt out of place her whole life, and instead of turning it inward made it everyone else's problem
cuts (hacks at) her hair herself and keeps it shoulder length at most, and frequently wears a hood to conceal her ears
encountered xan during her work for the iron throne and rescued him from unemployment. 5 years later they've become inseparable
they each believe the other has had such an unfair life and deserves so much better. they believe this to the point of prioritizing each other over almost anyone else
radri's first memory was of sharing minds with her mother & knowing without a doubt that her mother planned to kill her. she's avoided other elves & elven customs/interactions, and it took her a long time to consider even sharing reverie with xan
despite knowing that shes a bhaalspawn, radri doesn't care about the bhaalspawn prophecy. her motivation for being a boss battle for sarevok is that he's ruined the iron throne (and thus her comfortable livelihood). when radri dies, xan is devastated and loses the will to fight back; he's spared by sarevok's party and is still kneeling beside radri's scattered remains as they leave
in tob, radri is resurrected because sarevok thinks she could be a powerful ally in combat (and not for being a font of bhaalspawn knowledge, bc she isn't really one). she eventually seeks out xan and they go on being cringe and borderline evil together in the epilogue
somehow they went from this:
X, muttered, in elvish: You smell like a human.
R: I know elvish, jerk.
X: And yet you do all you can to pretend you are human, save for cut down your ears. Have you no pride?
R: So that I can look better in the eyes of elves like you? Don't you have a city to hole up in and pretend you're better than everyone else?
to this:
R, about to escalate a random tavern insult into a fight: What did you say?! I'll murder you, you little--
X, grabbing her arm to hold her back: Radri!
X, quietly to her: You have plans in a half hour, and you know how it pains you to arrive late. Allow me to handle it.
R: ... (sigh) Fine, have them rip each other apart.
(R turns away, X casts the spell, and screams are heard as they leave)
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to expand a bit on what I said on this post, I think a recurring habit in the Trek fandom re: women is to interpret their actions as the result of their ‘inherent nature’ rather than, idk, calculated choice or long-term effort or even intentional disregard. I see this most often with Jadzia and Seven, though in opposite directions; the former is naturally gregarious while the latter is ornery due to trauma, and neither assumptions get questioned by the (very obvious, imho) instances in which they don't gel really well with their actions onscreen. They're not the only ones who get this treatment but certainly the characters who, to me, exemplify the trend best.
In the case of Jadzia it is somewhat understandable, given her relatively subdued character arc and the presence of the Trill metaphor which sometimes seem to be more about who Dax was rather than who she is now. Yet to me it's obvious that so much of what Jadzia does is the result of years and years of practice and adaptation, and both her storylines and what she says about herself point to the importance that conscious choices and striving to get what she wanted, often against insurmountable odds, had in her life. So while I don't think everything she does is explicitly a calculus on her part, I think Jadzia has a specific purpose more often than she doesn't. And yes she's fun and she pranks people at the same time! Being purposeful isn't in contradiction with that, I think, and not taking her agency into consideration makes Jadzia a less interesting character to me.
It's more unclear to me why Seven gets this treatment, though, since her character arc is such a big part of Voyager once she's on board. It's not the first time I say this either, but it's odd that Seven's actions get so often attributed by the fandom to her trauma or her (subtextual) autism as unchangeable characteristics by which everything can be explained. I agree that those are essential aspects of Seven's character! But when her plots most often revolve about her past (violently enforced) lack of options and her present of overwhelming choices whose consequences she struggles to understand, to me it's more interesting to see Seven's actions as the result of careful assessment of priorities that change over time. The fact that so much about her changes (she starts to value her relationship to others) while other aspects remain somewhat the same (her prickliness above all) speak to the existence of those priorities and their shift as she adapts to the world around her, while still remaining recognizably herself. I can't actually imagine Seven not having a purpose in everything she does, since it's so ingrained in her from the Collective that everything has to have a purpose in order to exist (‘I only want to be useful’ etc). Claiming that she ‘can't help herself’ imho falls short of explaining why she behaves the way she does. Where in that is her constant internal reassessment of the situation? Where is the overthinking, the rationalizing, and where are the blind spots that she doesn't even know about? Saying that it's just her ‘nature’ doesn't quite cover the complex negotiating of her role and place as an individual on the ship and in a universe comprised of individuals, at least to me. I think it's a huge disservice to Seven, actually.
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spaceorphan18 · 3 days
The Lady Whistledown Papers : 1x07 Ocean's Apart (Part 2)
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Welcome back, Gentle Readers, to The Lady Whistledown Papers, where I’m taking an in-depth look at Penelope Featherington and Colin Bridgerton’s character arcs and romance within the show Bridgerton!
For previous issues, follow tag : The Lady Whistledown Papers
Ocean's Apart
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It just occurred to me that this scene does not take place in the normal Bridgerton drawing room. Is this Hastings House? Or another room in the Bridgerton home? I haven't paid enough attention to Daphne's story line to notice.
Anyway... Daphne makes good on her promise and has arranged a meeting between Colin and Marina. And I should note the title of the episode -- ocean's apart. It is, of course, a nod to Daphne and Simon's issues, but also to Colin and Marina. And... as I brought up in the previous post -- a nod to the Leander and Hero myth, where the two lovers are split by the ocean. Simon and Daphne, obviously, will find their way back to each other. But Colin and Marina truly are ocean's apart. They are just not meant for each other, and this scene is going to close the book on their romantic story.
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Colin starts out by asking for confirmation about the pregnancy. But his wording of it is interesting -- Lady Whistledown cannot be true. Right? Right??? He's so deeply in denial, despite everyone around him telling him otherwise. There was an ounce of hope he had in the faith he had in his own love that the pregnancy was a made up lie to scorn him (them).
Marina is done with the lying. She didn't even want to be there, and is only there because Daphne requested her and she can't really say no to a duchess. She tells Colin the pregnancy is real, and Colin's whole world shifts in that moment (and a nice bit of physicality as Colin himself shifts).
He kind of stutters, asking her really - you're with child? He looks her up and down, too, as if wanting physical proof of this.
Then he says something that is very telling -- 'I do not understand, we were to be wed. You said you loved me.'
And this is where Colin's romantic nature is his undoing. First of all, marriage and love are inextricably linked. You agree to marriage than you agree that love is its basis. In a time where it really was rare, that is one of the values that is at Colin's core. And it shakes him to his very core that Marina lied to him.
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Marina tells him - I hold you in the highest regard. Admitting, though, that she does not love him. And that is when Colin's heart is truly breaking. If she had been pregnant and still wanted to get married, was actually in love with him, he could continue playing the romantic hero, could continue drowning in his own love. But she's ripping the mask of the rouse now. She used him, yes manipulated him, and yes used his own love to her advantage.
He gets angry, but it's retrained but emotional. Colin isn't a lash out kind of guy, not like Simon or Anthony. But he does show his hurt visibly, and the words come pouring out as he tries to sort out the situation. He is at an utter loss that she doesn't feel the same way, he's processing all the lies, and claims she's committed a great sin - and it's funny, that yes, the sin is being with child out of wedlock and using someone to cover it up... yes, the sin is, in general, lying. But what it is the most for Colin -- what hurts him the deepest, is lying about love him back.
Colin lives for love. He feels love deeply. He wants to be loved back just as deeply. And for Marina to cast that all aside, to claim she was not there in it with him, feels like the biggest part of the betrayal.
Marina lays down a huge dose of reality though. She stands up for herself, claiming she's not going to allow herself to be shamed by either Colin or Daphne (who isn't really reading in the corner). And while they may think she's a villain, the situation just isn't black and white like that. She takes a moment for herself, when she says that no one ever led her in the right direction, and no one taught her any better - so she's been trying to do what's best for herself.
And it's important to note that Marina did like Colin as a person. She picked him because he was kind and empathetic. That she does appreciate the depth of how he loves. But in all of this, not only was she needing to look after herself and her unborn child, her heart had been utterly broken. And she just cannot with the idyllic love. She cannot with how Colin lives in the clouds with his fantasies. Her reality is a much, much darker place.
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The more she talks, the more his heart breaks, and you can see him start to well up. And this is when the emotion, the betrayal, the hurt, the anger really come out. He mocks her a bit when starts saying that he should feel lucky that she chose him? And, it's interesting, as he yells at her, it gets more emotional and for a moment slightly unhinged, and then he immediately pulls himself back and recomposes himself. Another reminder that even at the height of emotion, Colin always pulls inward.
After he collects himself, he tells her, basically, that he's done with her. (It's deliciously dramatic, lol)
She doesn't really have anything else to say, either. But she's upset, too. It's an emotional confrontation. She's sad for herself and her situation. But she truly never really wanted him to be hurt by any of it either. She wasn't being malicious. She was looking out for herself. And now it's all unraveling and she's alone again.
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As Colin moves to leave, he pauses and turns one more time to her to say -- the ironic thing is that if she had told him about her situation, he'd have still married her. Because he loves her that much.
And here's my thing about that....
First of all, note the present tense when he says 'that is how in love I believe myself to be'. His heart is shattered, but that love he (thinks he) feels is still very real and still very present. And it's going to take going to Greece to get over it (and even then he won't really be over it until she again firmly shuts the door on him a second time).
Colin loves love and wants love so badly that he's holding onto things that aren't good for him because the alternative is not having that love at all, and he really just doesn't know what to do with it.
The second thing is that hero complex that's coming into play -- the fact that saving her from her predicament means that he'd have self worth. He places a lot of his self worth on his ability to help others, and it's reiterated in this sentiment. If you hadn't deceived me, I would have helped you, I would have been your hero, I would have done anything and everything for you. Because Colin seems to believe that is conditional - and if he isn't helping you, isn't saving you, well then, what good is he? (ah, we will be revisiting this later...)
But here's the thing, the thing that really gets me. As romantic as this sounds? It's TERRIBLE.
If Colin had married Marina, either knowing or not knowing of the pregnancy, he would have ended up utterly miserable. His love would always be unmatched. Even if she did grow affection for him -- and who knows, maybe she would have, but I kind of doubted it. Colin is a bit smothering when in love. And he really needs a partner that not only can cope with that, but doesn't mind getting lost in that themselves.
Not only are Marina's feet a bit too firmly on the ground (she is a practical realistic, who would always burst Colin's bubble) her heart belonged to another and it got shattered. And I don't know that she'd ever really allow anyone to hurt her in that way again, so there'd always be something between them.
Their marriage would end up being incredibly cold. Marina would push him away. Colin would become resentful. And he'd probably throw himself at his kid or traveling or whatever work he could find. But would never really feel that sense of connection that he so desperately desires.
Marina only sees him for her use to him, not for who he is himself. And he may not realize it yet - but he does need someone who likes him for him, not someone who needs him.
But... (I say because I can't shut up about this scene) Colin needed to go through this. It's not a bad thing that he's dosed with reality every once in a while. It's not a bad thing that he gains the experienced of not having been loved back. It's not a bad thing that he learns the difference between infatuation and real love - because he'll be able to recognize real love for what it is when it finally presents itself.
It's all, really, a part of growing up. And Colin is, after all, a young man in that awkward stage between child and adult, where you do go through all of this stuff.
So, we end the scene with a heartbroken Colin rushing away. This is the last time they'll see each other (until Season 2), and it closes the book on the Colin side of this story. (Marina's story will go on without him now...)
But this whole experience not only gives great insight into the type of character he is, but it's going to shape his world in a fundamental way, and have effects to his stories in later seasons.
And... that's where I'm going to stop for now.
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jedi-enthusiast · 2 days
Hello. How are you?
Can you raise an explanation as to why The Jedi Padawans were sent to fight on the front lines alongside The Clones and Jedi Knights/Masters, please?
Of course, the Padawans need Masters but I'd assume there would probably be enough inside The Temple to teach them, despite the war...
I know The Jedi wouldn't want to send their children onto the front lines, so I'm trying to think of how they'd ended up there anyway.....
Thanks in advance (if you do have an explanation. If not, thanks anyway).
Good night/morning!
Hey, I'm doing alright---I'm sick rn, but I'm hoping that it'll pass soon so I can get back to my normal shenanigans <3
So the out-of-universe explanation is just that TCW was a show made for kids and so there are gonna be kid characters doing all the cool fighting and battle stuff. Is it pretty unrealistic? Yeah, but this is also a show set in space with magic powers and laser swords lol
In-universe things get a little more complicated and we kind of have to make our own assumptions based on what we already know.
In TPM we see that children...aren't really treated like children, from a young age they're actually treated more like teenagers or even adults. Padme is the queen of an entire planet at 14, a job so dangerous that she has 12 body-doubles who pretend to be her so she doesn't get killed, ready to die in her place---body-doubles who are probably of a similar/the same age. Anakin is allowed to compete in a pod-race on Tatooine at age 9, a race that is shown multiple times to be dangerous and get people killed, and it's treated as completely normal by both his mother and his opponents.
So we can probably deduce that, while the children are obviously still children, they're expected---and shown---to be more capable and independent than they would irl. They hold a level of maturity and responsibility at a younger age, and this is completely normal in the SW universe.
So the explanation is that padawans' ages don't really come into question.
We see from how Anakin and Obi-Wan react to Ahsoka, who is 13 in TCW movie, when she introduces herself as a padawan---they're shocked and view her as too young to be one, with Anakin continuously calling her a "youngling." From that, we can deduce that generally padawans are older than 13 and---in a universe where a 14 year old is seen as mature enough to rule a planet and other 13-15 year olds are mature enough to possibly die for said ruler---taking a padawan who is, say, 15+ into battle isn't really odd or seen as morally questionable.
As George Lucas says regarding Ahsoka being brought into the war, "she's being trained as a Jedi Knight, she's got this."
And so do all of the other padawans, maybe more so since a lot of them are probably older than her. They're Jedi, they're not younglings anymore, they can handle the responsibility and---if they can't---they're still just students and their master is right there to protect and teach them.
That seems to be the canon intention, at least. If you want to take a more nuanced look at it through the lense of them actually being children, rather than the canon intent of them being more mature children who can handle these things, you're probably going to have to come up with your own reasons why the Jedi would bring the padawans into it. In my fics, I usually go with the idea that the Jedi didn't have much of a choice, just due to what their training is/does as well as different concerns with leaving them at the Temple, as well as pressure from the Senate to have "every Jedi available" on the front lines---but you can obviously do something different, if that doesn't sing to your tune.
I hope my ramble answered your question <3
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sugarverse · 2 days
vampire!girlfriend who is freezing to the touch, always shoving her hands under your shirt to ‘warm her hands up’. she'll faintly scratch your skin with long, manicured nails, hugging you close and listening to the beat of your heart as you talk about your day.
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vampire!gf who asks you if her lipgloss/mascara is pretty or if it looks sloppy considering she can’t herself. trusting you’ll be truthful, letting you help her fix a part in her hair or adjust a ponytail to make the other. she couldn’t see her reflection in the mirror, but she could in her phone! although she'll still fake a need for help when she needs your attention.
vampire!gf who sleeps ALL day, trying to change her sleep schedule over to yours but always falling asleep cuddled next to you or in the amazing smell of your cologne in your bed. very few times has she been able to stay up until about 1pm with you. she woke up around 4 or 5pm on a regular basis. 
vampire!gf who finds dinner places for the two of you, wanting to always share at least two meals together every week. it was difficult, being nocturnal and wanted to talk to someone who was always asleep. she hated to make you stay up, but when you did? she made sure to spend every moment of it by your side.
vampire!gf who still eats garlic bread even though it makes her feel like a zombie, making you carry her around as she holds her stomach and whines “I just wanted a piece of breaaaad :(“
vampire!gf who calls you on facetime and tells you all about her night, sending cool pictures of the neon lights in the late city. watching you fall asleep and visiting a few 24 hour stores here and there that she frequented for food or fun trinkets with you in her pocket. she always finds little snacks or mini figures to leave around your place with little notes like “I love you honey!” or “u can do this!” 
vampire!gf who always stares at you with these siren eyes, often to turn you on just to smirk and claim it isn't on purpose but “I'll help you out anyway, since you think i'm so pretty.” dropping to her knees and pulling you out of your boxers eagerly. staring with eyes full of greed and lust.
vampire!gf who opens her mouth the way snakes do, being careful of her fangs before sliding you down her throat. eyes still staring up at you as she took you down her throat fully a few times. messy and slow, swirling her tongue around you. she takes your hand and places it on the back of her head to feel the way you gripped onto her roots, speeding up. she whined, using her hand to make up with what was 'too much.'
vampire!gf who teasingly sucks on your tip, drawing little hearts with her tongue. she craved you so much, batting pretty lashes up at you before feeling you shove her head to take you completely. sloppy, wet, gags came from her throat as you drug her along your cock. her eyes pricking with tears, nails tapped against your thighs happily. she bobbed her head back and forth even quicker when you say you'll finish in her mouth. 
vampire!gf who swallow happily, sitting on your shared bed and slowly pulling up her black skirt. you didn't forget she needed help too, right? her pretty burgundy nails tugging her panties to the side, pouting slightly. “you made my panties all wet..” she smirks as you climb on top of her, aligning yourself up to her. she wraps her legs around your waist to pull you closer once you're finally in, wrapping herself around you happily.
vampire!gf whos sweet moans ring in your ears, clawing at your back so deeply it draws blood. she laughs, licking off her nails and whining in your ear. “s-s-sooo..good-! ahh!~” she feels you flinch, bouncing her hips against yours to distract you from the pain of her nails. she leaves kisses all over your shoulders and neck with all of the appreciation she has for you. 
vampire!gf who always wraps her legs around you before you cum, mumbling very convincing words in your ear to “just put a baby in me already, please?” she squeals in happiness when you nod, holding your face and kissing you as if it's the last kiss she can ever give. vampire!gf who cleans you off, seeing blood still drip from your back and not resisting a few licks before kissing over the horrible marks. she laughs when you notice and kisses the nape of your neck. “if you'd let me bite you, wouldn't hurt so bad.” her long nails scratching at your scalp and kissing your cheek. “you could be with me forever ya knowwww..”
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tragedy-of-commons · 2 days
Good morning, Gwen. Avery reblogged your event and it appeared on my dashboard, so I came running.
"You're not good enough for him. Just break up with him already." + Jean + platonic
"You're not good enough for him. Just break up with him already."
Jean feels her heart plummet in the suffocating confines of her chest, your words stoking a different kind of fear. Had she overshared too much, causing you to finally snap? Are you going to stop being friends with her for good? Will you start to ignore her when she waves to you in the street? Will you tell everyone about what a sorry person she really is?
She knew she couldn't hold a genuine friendship down for long. It was only a matter of time before you became sick of her busy schedule and secretly dysfunctional livelihood--
She's sobered from her panic by the sound of your fingers snapping a scant inch from her face. "Teyvat to Jean! Hello?"
Like you always do, you're the one to ground her when things get particularly rough. Right - she needs to actually respond; being this inarticulate isn't doing her any favors.
"My apologies," Jean breathes, fidgeting with her gloves. She actually needs to be present so she can heed your counsel. "Please continue."
"Archons, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying that if he constantly expects you to meet impossibly high standards, you'll never be good enough for him," you jut your thumb out from your clenched fist and swipe it across the expanse of your neck. "You need to kick his ass to the curb, and you need to do it yesterday."
Your (literal) cutthroat gesture makes Jean shift in her seat. You don't mince your words at all - but that's precisely what she needs, precisely why she came to you for advice. Lisa has a terrible habit of sugarcoating things, even when she's at her most proactive... and Kaeya is, well, Kaeya.
She rises and places a hand on the backrest of her chair, rounding it so she can gaze out of the generously sized window that brings her whole office together. The view of Mond Proper, her home, never fails to calm her down.
"...I'm not even courting him, truly," Jean explains, watching the breeze ruffle a patrolling Knight's hair before being lost in the rustling leaves of trees beyond. "My obligations leave no room for that. We're keeping our relationship casual, informal."
She can almost hear the grimace in your voice. "Casual or not, him expecting you to ditch your hobbies or dress a certain way crosses the line. You know that as well as I do. If you're looking for permission or validation, I'm giving it to you right now."
Those words immediately soothe a large chunk of her anxiety. Jean's ramrod straight posture relaxes into something much more tailored for this atmosphere - sharing a cup of (now cold) tea with you, her dear friend.
"You're right," because of course you are, "but I have no idea how to end things. Etiquette classes didn't prepare me for any of this."
You snort as she turns back around to face your judgment. "To hell with etiquette. My suggestion? Kill him," you propose with the seriousness of a soldier about to go to war.
Jean's cheeks burn hotly as she flounders, attempting to deal with your type of humor in a timely fashion. You mercifully wait for her to do so, teacup and saucer perched daintily in your free hand. In all honesty, she wishes she were more like you; brave, uncaring of what others think, the main character of your own story.
She finds it in herself to chuckle. "I value diplomacy."
"Yeah, yeah," you roll your eyes good-naturedly, "but this isn't one of your romance novels, Jean, nor is it a negotiation. You deserve to be treated with respect, full stop."
She really wishes you'd stop bringing up her guilty pleasure so nonchalantly, but then she'd be deluding herself. She also wishes that she could be as confident and point-blank as you are, even if you both share the same sentiments - hers are just hidden under many layers of propriety.
"I believe you're very wise," Jean tells you sincerely. "The people of Mondstadt should elect you as their new Acting Grandmaster."
"You know, they should. I'd have that dickhead fling of yours executed immediately. Do they do that here? If not, they should look into it."
She sighs. "I take it back."
You grin, slamming your empty cup back onto her desk with a clatter. "Really? You don't want me to flay him alive? Or exile him to Dragonspine with nothing but the clothes on his back? Oh, oh, I know! What about electrocution--"
As the sun sinks down even lower in the sky, casting the Knights of Favonius Headquarters in a truly poetic glow, Jean realizes she feels much better. She'll have to get back to work soon, but for now she'll indulge you as long as she's able.
(Electrocution doesn't sound like too bad of an idea.)
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🏷️: @akutasoda, @aviiarie, @lowkeyren
a/n: hi! good morning to you too & i'm glad you chose to take part! thank you for the prompt huehuehue. i decided to go in a little bit of a different direction because i just couldn't bring myself to be too mean to reader or the lovely jean... hope you don't mind!
event post here
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yanderes-galore · 20 hours
A romantic concept *or* alphabet for Annalise (Bloodborne), please?
🕊️ anon
Sure! I'll try my best ^^; The lore took me a few tries but I hope I got it! Felt am Alphabet would be better length-wise.
Yandere Alphabet - Annalise
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Blood drinking, Blood, Subtle possessive behavior, Isolation, Dark themes, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Annalise has been in isolation a long time, an immortal vileblood vampire in a ruined castle without subjects. She's locked away in her throne room... hidden by illusions. When she meets someone like you, she deems you worthy of her presence.
Especially if she invited you here herself, knowing you're a hunter.
Annalise acts graceful and calm. At first she doesn't want to show any attachment or affection. However... She'd be the type to beckon you closer, softly touching your cheek and chin as she praises you.
She's surprisingly gentle, as though her touch will corrupt you if she isn't careful. She isn't an intense yandere. In fact... She may just captivate her obsession before they know what's going on.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Ironically for a being that consumes blood, she doesn't typically get her hands messy. Maybe a long time ago before her war's stalemate... but not much now. The only blood that coats her hands is her own vile blood and... maybe yours if you let her have a taste.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Annalise no doubt makes you a vileblood like her. She originally held back from it, deciding it would only hurt you. However... eventually her fondness for you wins over.
Annalise would not mock you and would probably keep you in her throne room with you, ignoring her better judgement. She hasn't had a companion in so long since the war. Her guilty pleasure would be having you by her side.
She has no reason to mock you... you are the best company she could ever ask for... she's glad to have found you...
Now you are hers to keep, the blood now within you proves so.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Not much except keep you in Cainhurst Castle within the throne room. You have some freedom to roam...
But you ultimately belong with her.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
At first, she doesn't want to be attached and corrupt you. Yet once she makes you a vileblood, she's more vulnerable with you. She's fond of you which makes her vulnerable with you.
She hasn't behaved such a way in a long time.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Disappointed yet expects it. She should've known you wouldn't take too well to her claiming you. Of course you'd want your freedom...
But hopefully she can convince you to stay, after all... you'll begin to crave her blood.
It's a sweet taste... a taste that creates sinful desire... fight all you want...
You'll come back for more of her.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
No and she doesn't enjoy you trying to escape. However, she may let you go...
Only because she knows you'll come back once the withdrawal hits.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
I can't think of many but maybe the realization that, after consuming her blood, you crave her? The moment you pledge to her bloodline... you can't leave, even if you tried. Annalise knows this... and she isn't worried.
You'll soon come to terms with the fact you're hers... and you'll accept your place at her side in her throne room.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Not much except keeping you beside her as long as possible. She hasn't had good company to talk to in what feels like decades. Let alone someone to love since the war.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Not really, but if she did, she'd find a way to cope. She has you in ways no one else could, anyways.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Soft-spoken, affectionate, even if she hesitates at first. She starts by being unsure how to address you or speak to you. It's... been a long time since she spoke to someone properly.
In a way you can consider her a subtle yet possessive yandere, taking great joy in making you consume her blood. After all... such an act makes you addicted... reliant on her like a drug.
For the same reasons, you could consider her controlling, yet she hides such desires well.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
How you meet her is through a mysterious invitation to come to her castle, like in the game. Due to the supernatural ways of how her and her bloodline works, maybe she knew about you before she properly met you?
Then, after she met you and you kneeled before her, she decides you're a valuable asset to her covenant. Another soldier for her army... with enough charisma, she may even push you to listen to her every word.
At first she plans to just use you as a useful soldier... yet as she observes you...
She realizes how lonely she really is.
Her courting is really just manipulation, even though she hesitates on going through with it for the sake of caring about you... eventually you'll drink her blood.
That's about how her courting goes.
She's an easy yandere to avoid, yet when she's attached, it isn't easy to leave.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not entirely. Although she doesn't interact with many others.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
I assume restraints, but she doubts she needs punishment. You're already quite attached to her blood-wise now... metal cuffs just reinforce such ties.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
You may not realize it but... quite a lot once she has control over you.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Very patient... She's been around for a long time as a vileblood vampire... Naturally she's patient.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
She most likely will... although her mental state is already pretty fragile. She hopes she'll never have to... but she knows the world is cruel. She hopes to prevent losing you altogether.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Yes and it's possible... but you may just end up crawling back.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Hard to say. Probably her past and the fact she's been in isolation a long time.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
She'll comfort you the best she can, however, she knows it's best to let you cope. She understands she's asking a lot. She's sorry about it.
She may just leave you be until you're ready for her.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
You could easily just not accept her invitation. That, or, not drink her blood. Yet, after you consume her blood, you've already resigned to your fate.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Not intentionally.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Not a worship yandere. In fact, your dependency on her blood may make you worship her.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
There's barely any pining. At minimum, maybe a few days? Depends on how often you come back to her.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
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