#seriously DO NOT SHIP. I will come into your home and not in a fun way <333 thank you
mythicandco · 1 year
tmc queer headcanons because why not I s'pose
by the way don't ship anyone or I will put you in the cube. the BAD one
general orientation stuff:
Mark's aroace, uses he/him pronouns, and has trans vibes but I'm not totally sure? maybe agender. Cesar's pan, trans, maybe poly or ambiamorous? and fine with any pronouns (genderfluid before the word for that existed because. he died before 1994) but prefers he/him most of the time (can be very fem presenting though! lots of eyeliner and dresses n such. they're rocking it)
just for sillies, the whole BPS is bi. Evelin's bi and prefers guys (she's not DIRECTLY part of the 'Society but still), Sarah's bi and prefers girls, Jonah's bi and ALSO prefers guys, and Adam's quoiromantic bi-ace because I've gotta project onto SOMEBODY
Evelin uses she/her and sometimes they/them if she feels like it, Sarah's a transgirl and uses she/her, Jonah's a transguy and uses he/they, and Adam is Adam. (we don't. we don't know what he has going on but he prefers he/him)
Thatcher's ALSO bi (trans, he/him), Ruth is demi and cishet (she/her), and Dave's aroace n agender (I dunno why I feel like both of Alex's characters are aroace? they just. those are the Vibes yknow?). they also occasionally use they/them but usually he/him
all of the alts besides Adam are triple a - aro, ace, agender (get it? because. 333-) and use they/it but I think Gabriel and Six play around with he/him as well
additional things 'cause why not:
Mark and Cesar are stupid and codependent. thank you so much, mustang, for putting them permanently in my brain forever /lh, pos. also their dynamic is really funny because Cesar has like a guy draped over one arm a gal on the other and Mark's like "I don't get it but ok cool" I dunno I laugh thinking about that kind of interaction. they also would probably joke about how Mark let Cesar have all of his gender if they actually knew what that meant
bisexual pride society. that's it that's all I have to say about them
Ruth probably said she was an ally and didn't identify as demisexual because she didn't know that was a thing and died before the term was even coined, but if she did she'd be like "omg that's me!" and now I'm making myself sad thinking about it
Ruth also dated a girl once but ultimately decided it wasn't her thing (I imagine they're still really good friends tho!) because it's okay to try stuff out and decide it doesn't fit you
Dave never needed no bitches, but he does give surprisingly good dating advice (got it by watching Thatcher struggle all through high school. Thatcher, for the record, gives AWFUL advice.)
also the mcp3 went to a pride rally at least once before things went to shit. they deserve it
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orcelito · 8 months
I always get so angry but then I play video games and I'm no longer so angry
This is a problem when it comes to wanting to leave my shit ass job
#speculation nation#i was absolutely ranting with my coworker about this shit#if either of us leave we're both going. straight up.#boss was threatening to fire them and im like. if he does? im quitting on the fucking spot.#i dont have a job lined up yet but im gonna start seriously looking#and if it comes down to it i dont think itll take too long for me to find Something. not with my qualifications.#might not be the best paying job right away but so long as i have Something & it doesnt make me utterly miserable#itd still be better than this fucking shithole.#i used to love this place but everything has soured because of him.#ive toughed it out for Far too fucking long. and ive finally reached the end of my Fucking Rope.#8 years total of my life ive given to this store. but no more.#it's not a matter of 'if'. it's a matter of 'when'.#and once we leave at least 2 of the other seasoned employees will be leaving.#4 out of 6 of the fully trained drink makers. gone.#and the other 2 are leaving at the end of this semester Anyways.#so what are ya gonna do Boss Man? if our labor has really been that worthless to you then surely this will be no big deal!#right? right? right? from how youve treated us it's clear! it's clear you take us for granted and dont give a shit about us as people.#so youre gonna get a rude fucking awakening Very soon. have fun cleaning up the wreckage of your mockery of our lives.#anyways hi yeah shit's about to blow up at work and im jumping ship as soon as i can make it work#i also got caught in freezing rain and had to walk home (took an hour of walking when itd usually take 25 mins!) bc i Could Not Bike#may or may not have to go into work tomorrow and if i do i may just take a hammer to those fucking windows [joke][this is a joke]#its gonna ice all night and i voiced these legitimate concerns for my safety and got told#'well we'll follow what the city standards are' or whatever the fuck. and got told to take the bus.#WELL COME ON SHITSTAIN I STILL HAVE TO WALK TO THE BUS STOP NOW DONT I??????#plus i just dont like the idea of going out rn at all. it's so dangerous. im for serious Everything is ice.#even on a salted road my bike still slid out from under me. i Had to walk it home#walking very very carefully with very ginger steps. lord help me on any inclines bc gravity was pushing me Down.#it was awful. one of the worst commutes of my life. and this fucker has the audacity to tell me to just Take The Bus?#hes getting on my last Fucking nerves. oh yeah and him completely dismissing my coworker's concerns about passive aggression#ran out of tags (lmfao) so ill stop ranting here. but just. i am so Fucking done with him.
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ovaryacted · 1 year
Rookie Mistakes
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Pairing: RE2!Leon x Sergeant fem!Reader
Summary: When Leon seems distracted and makes a mistake during a call, you ensure your rookie gets his head together as his sergeant.
Content/Warnings: 18+/MDNI. NSFW. Porn with plot. Dom/sub elements. Femdom/msub. Praise kink. Slight degradation. Needy/subby Leon. Oral sex. Fingering. Handjob. Office Sex. Slight age gap (reader is older at around 25, Leon is 21).
WC: 4.7k
Notes: Finally this is out. I know I know, I'm a liar! But, I had fun with this one, so I hope you like it. Shoutout to the babe @cinnarette for beta reading this and giving me her approval lolz. Anyways, reblogs & comments are always appreciated!
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Leon had always been one to find the good in a shitty situation. Someone with a warm heart that matched the moral compass he developed despite the constant bullshit he experienced daily.
From his hectic childhood to his experiences in the police academy, he had to overcome many trials and tribulations on his own with nobody in his corner. All of those struggles to get the pure sense of relief once he felt his diploma in his hand made all the stress worth it.
When he first arrived at the R.P.D., he didn’t know what to expect. The anxiety of starting fresh in a new city with a new career clouded his mind with a paranoia he seemed to carry in his youth. Walking into the police department he’d call his new home, Leon was fairly surprised to be greeted with a welcome party.
Balloons and confetti filled the common room as he moved around the crowd, bombarded with introductions and greetings as he tried to memorize the names that were thrown his way. Still, the small games and blue cake he indulged in brought a smile to his face, topped off with the polka-dotted party hat he was forced to wear and the words Welcome Leon hung up on the ceiling for him to see.
What Leon didn’t expect was to be assigned to your personal detail the next day. A police sergeant on the force, a bit older, no more than 25 he first assumed, more refined and seasoned with one hell of a glare. First impressions? He was terrified, nervous as hell to fuck anything up seeing how you ran a tight ship, taking your job too seriously for comfort. Of course, you had to. You were working in a male-dominated field, forcing yourself into a mold so you could be taken seriously by those around you.
He took his hand out when being introduced to you, unstable grip and a nervous smile to match as he looked directly into your intimidating gaze. You shook his hand firmly, the strength of your grasp parallel with the small grin you offered him almost made a shiver roll down his spine.
“So you’re the new rookie huh? Well, it’s nice to see a fresh face in here. We have some serious work to do. Let’s get started.”
You were particular about how you wanted things done, very precise in your words and your delivery. A harsh leader, one who easily reprimanded the other rookie officers but was particularly picky with Leon. In a way, he started to feel like you were targeting him, pressuring him so he would crack and leave the force. He knew he couldn’t leave, that this was the career path he chose, and he was too anxious to say anything so he’d let it slide.
You didn’t let up on his training either, always making sure your rookie was on top of what was expected of him. The slight fear Leon had when first meeting you quickly turned into admiration. His stress-induced feelings morphed into respect, now wanting to learn everything you had to show him.
That was when it started. Leon now tried any little thing to get in your good graces, to see even the slightest sign of a smile or to hear you laugh. He started coming to work earlier to help with the case filings you had piled on your desk, organizing them the way you taught him whenever you assigned him grunt work. He wanted you to take a breather and start your day with a clear head, maybe even enjoy your coffee for a bit longer.
When you saw how tidy your work environment was, you went up to Leon who you saw was typing away at his desk diligently. His head lifted up to look at you, blue eyes glancing over your face to read your expression.
“Morning. By any chance, did you fix all the files on my desk?”, you asked curiously, making the blonde rub the back of his neck shyly.
“Yeah, I did. Wanted to help you out a bit and give you an early start to the day” he responded, silently hoping you wouldn’t be upset at him for entering your workspace. Instead, he was met with your look of genuine surprise, followed by a twinkle of gratitude.
“Thank you for that, I appreciate it. Keep up the good work Leon”, you praised him, offering a small smile, one that he made sure to burn into his memory.
“Yes ma’am”, his face was practically beaming at your words as he watched you walk back towards your office, trying to hide the sudden warmth flooding his cheeks.
Your words kept repeating in his head nonstop throughout the entire day. Not only did you acknowledge him in a positive light, you also addressed him by name, which was rare. He was more present at work, his posture straighter, and more eager to help. From that point on, he made it his mission to make sure his sergeant was stress-free, doing anything to see you smile at him again.
Working with Leon, you quickly learned that he was perceptive. A smart cookie, and probably the smartest one out of the current bunch of recruits. Despite the tough love you gave him, especially because he was your professional responsibility, he was the only one truly receptive to your teachings. Like a sponge, he took in everything you gave with a certain wonder you hadn’t seen in anyone else. It was cute really, how he was so ambitious and doing his best to get your approval.
What you liked the most about working with Leon was how he addressed you. He took your authority seriously, seeing someone in charge instead of your appearance. He didn’t say your name, not your first or last out of respect, but rather he always addressed you as Ma’am. You never had someone say that to you directly, thinking it makes you sound older than you actually are. But with the way his eyes warmed up when he’d say it with full confidence, you didn’t have it in you to tell him to stop.
Over the next few weeks, Leon became part of your daily routine, integral to the start of your day. He’d walk in a few minutes early as expected, with two coffee cups in his hands as he waited for you outside your office. Spotting the top of your head coming from speaking to the chief, you were heading his way. You had the same soft smile reserved just for him, one that he always looked forward to seeing when you worked together.
“Got you your usual”, he offered one of the cups to you, your fingers lightly grazing his when taking the warm concoction into your hand.
“Extra caramel?”
“With oat milk, vanilla and cinnamon. I triple checked”, he said enthusiastically, observing you as you sipped the drink. A soft hum escaped you while you closed your eyes in satisfaction.
“You know how to spoil me”, you gave him a wider smile now, seeing how his cheeks blushed the slightest bit at your expression. His reaction made you chuckle, a sound he’s come to enjoy the more time you two spent together. 
“Now come on, we need to work on this case before we patrol at 12. The chief’s on my ass again so let’s get this over with before lunch yeah?”, and without fail, he’d give you the same ending response every time.
“Yes ma’am”
The more you invested in Leon’s skills, the more you realized small things about him that were fairly telling. You weren’t stupid. Anyone with a brain could see that the respect and admiration he had for you was turning into something else entirely. You could tell with every passing moment you had with him, noticing how the tension between the two of you would get thicker after every interaction. You didn’t comment on it. Instead, you enjoyed toying with him, a part of your ego feeding off on how he’d say yes ma’am in such a way that would make you want to hear it more often.
The faint touches between the two of you got more frequent. Your fingers would brush his during the exchange of files, you saw how he’d always be within a hair’s distance when standing near you. Moments spent training in the shooting range were where the intimacy seemed to skyrocket, putting your hands on Leon’s arms to keep his form up as he shot towards his target.
You didn’t need to do that. Leon was a good shot, accurate too. But you enjoyed the way he released a shaky breath whenever you were close to him or touched him, how the tips of his ears reddened when you praised him for hitting the bullseye.
In one certain instance when the R.P.D. was extra busy, you were being hammered with files and administrative work. The coffee sitting on your desk was no longer doing its job of waking you up, and the constant bombardment of having to organize new information was starting to make your head pulse. You stood up from your seat to give your back a break, bending backward until you felt a satisfying crack in your spine. Hearing a knock at your door that brought your attention, you noticed Leon on the opposite end.
“Hey, my bad if I caught you at a bad time. The investigators wanted to review those files on that drug bust we did yesterday, something about missing information”
“Oh yeah yeah, it’s right behind me. Hell, I don’t even know where I put it”, you turned to face the mess behind you, lamenting at the stack of files you have yet to sort through today.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll look for it. You stay focused on what you’re doing”
Just like that, Leon came over behind you, going through the files while you stayed reading over the papers in your hand. The both of you made quick conversation, commenting on how busy it became. The increase of instances flooding the department only added more to your workload. Leon kept digging through the pile, turning his body to go to the other side of you.
In the process, he put a hand on your hip and muttered an apology, slightly making you jump and walking behind you to go to your left side. You tried to pay no mind to the gentle touch, going back to refocusing on the case at hand. He found the document folders he needed, suddenly too close to your body when the second he turned, you moved backward into him. Leon’s hips pressed against your rear, his hands reaching toward your hips instinctively despite the hitch in his breath at the contact.
“S-shit, I’m sorry…”, he mumbled, cheeks flushed red as he walked out of your office. You didn’t get a word in, but his reaction was enough to tell you about what you already knew.
The ghost of his touch filled your mind for the rest of the day, and it was worse for Leon. He tried so hard not to think about it. Not to fantasize about how your hips would feel bouncing against his with force, what you’d sound like when you’re aroused. It was practically impossible for him. His imagination went haywire the second he got home, jerking himself off to relieve the hard-on he’s been managing since earlier this afternoon.
He couldn’t get the image out of his head. He thought about how you’d praise him, call him a good boy for making you feel good. Deep down, he wondered if you were equally as authoritative in the bedroom as you were outside of it. As he released all over his hands with a whine, he sighed to himself, fully aware that he had reached the point of no return with his own thoughts about you. 
It was a Tuesday afternoon when both of you were assigned to handle two suspects committing a robbery. Called to the scene, you trailed them down to a nearby commercial street. They were careless too, throwing their guns halfway into the chase and the items they stole slipping from their grasp onto the concrete floor. Catching them felt easy, handcuffing one to the ground and throwing him to the backseat of your cop car. Leon seemed to be distracted, with what you didn’t know. When the second thief seemed to slip from his grasp and started to make a run for it, you knew he needed to get his act together.
“Get your head out of your ass Kennedy! Before I put my foot up there instead. Now move!”, you ordered him to get back into the patrol car. Turning on the police siren, you drove to track down the next suspect and apprehended them with quickness.
The drive to the station was quiet besides the two handcuffed men grumbling behind you. Leon kept his mouth shut, refusing to look your way, and focused on listening to the chatter on the radio. He knew you were pissed, and he didn’t know what had gotten into him today but he couldn’t focus for the life of him. The nagging voice in the back of his mind was telling him to be prepared for the worst, because he fucked up, and worse yet, he fucked up with you.
After bringing the two robbers down to the precinct, you couldn’t erase the irritation from your face. You couldn’t even look at Leon, upset that someone like him after so much training made such a rookie mistake. You only offered a glare, knowing for a fact you’d have to talk to him later on when your temper wasn’t so flared up. For now, you made Leon sit at his desk to do filing work, deciding not to berate him in front of the other officers and saving him the embarrassment.
Knowing you were giving him the silent treatment, he avoided you for the rest of the day, staying late at the R.P.D. in hopes of being able to talk to you. Leon drummed his fingers on his desk absentmindedly, until you came up behind him and got his attention.
“Kennedy, to my office. Now”, your tone of voice was harsh, making the hairs on Leon’s neck rise as he got up to follow you back to your workspace.
You locked the door once the both of you were inside, leaning back against your desk with your tactical belt off so your hips pressed against the wooden edge. Arms crossed over your chest, your head raised at the cop before you, watching his feet anxiously moving as he looked at the floor with slight shame.
“I want to know what happened out there. You messed up, and that’s not like you. You don’t make rookie mistakes anymore, we’re passed that”, you started to speak. Leon’s gaze was pinned on you, trying to hide his humiliation but it was clear as day.
“I know. I know I fucked up, it was a stupid mistake. I’m sorry”
“Yeah, it was. I didn’t invest all this time in training you personally for you to let things like this slip. You’re better than this, you know that”, your tone changed from irritation to concern, trying to get him to see the bigger picture.
“You’re my responsibility, Leon. I’m this harsh and this strict for a reason, and it’s because I care. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t give a shit what happened to you, but I do. This reflects back on me, so just get your head together alright?”, you saw how his brows furrowed a bit in slight confusion at your confession.
You cared about him.
“Yes ma'am. It won’t happen again, I really am sorry”, his hands started to fumble with his tactical belt.
“I know you are, but sorry’s not gonna cut it. I can’t have you distracted like this. Not on my watch”, you said, now walking from the desk until you stood in front of him. He didn’t move a muscle, not knowing what else to do besides stand there.
“If you’re really sorry you’re going to have to prove it. You’re not getting off that easy. You got that rookie?”, your eyes held that intimidating stare that made Leon tense, you could practically hear him gulp. 
“I-I understand ma’am. Whatever it takes I’ll do it.”, he was still oblivious, having no idea what he just got himself into but he wasn’t complaining, not when you were this close to him. Your hand went up towards his belt, a singular finger curving into one of the loops to yank his body forward. Now standing chest to chest he shivered at the close contact, holding his breath and waiting for your next words.
“You’re gonna use your pretty mouth to prove that you won’t mess up like that again. Maybe if you’re good enough, I’ll think about being nice and rewarding you. That okay?”, your words were laced with pure temptation, making Leon nod, too scared to speak up. He didn’t know what to expect, but lord if he wasn’t going to pretend he wasn’t enjoying it. 
“Use your words baby”
“Yeah, f-fuck it’s okay”, he was shaking in front of you, a blush on his cheeks so intense you could feel the heat radiating off of his skin.
“Can I kiss you?”, you tilted your head up towards him, his warm breath against your lips as the ends of your noses touched.
“Please do…”
You didn’t waste another second, lips colliding against his as Leon finally released the breath he was holding. He let you take control, his mind turning to complete mush at just the feel of your mouth against his. Tongues dancing together, you ran your fingers through his hair, his own hands going to paw at your hips. He released needy faint moans, holding on to you as if you were going to leave him any second now. When you pulled away from him and bit his bottom lip he whimpered, a sound you didn’t expect him to make. You fucking loved it.
You walked backward while he followed you on jittery legs. With your back now pressed against the desk again, Leon’s face dug into your neck, leaving a path of kisses in a way that made you chuckle. His hands were everywhere, overwhelmed with what to do or where to touch. You brought your fingers into his hair again, giving him a soft yank as he groaned out from the action. Pupils already dilated, you eyed him closely, how he seemed so far gone when you haven’t even started.
“You want to be good for me Leon?”, your voice was soft, almost patronizing and it only made Leon’s dick pulse in his pants.
“Yes, I wanna be good for you. Don’t want you mad at me”, Leon pouted, and you fought the urge to kiss him again.
“Then get on your knees and start working on your apology”, you commanded, watching how he bit his lip and nodded.
“Yes ma’am”, he was already shifting down to the ground, diligent fingers on the button of your cargos and undoing them, while you threw your shoes off.
Pulling the zipper down, he started to drag the fabric to your knees until it hit your ankles, pants discarded to the side and leaving you in your panties. Sitting on top of the desk, his eyes looked up at yours, coming face to face with where you wanted him most.
His large hands moved from your shin to your knee, then towards your thigh and hip to hook his thumbs into the waistband of your underwear, noting the wet patch that was already staining the cotton material. He dragged them down with ease until they hung at your ankle, lifting one of your thighs onto his shoulders to admire all of you with a soft moan.
“Can I taste you? Please?”, he mumbled against your thigh with a soft kiss. He was already playing the part so well, offering him a smirk as you drank in the way he begged you for more. You didn’t even have you train him.
“Yeah baby, you can”
Without hesitation, his mouth made contact with your body, the taste of your wetness filling his tongue and making his chest rumble. It was better than he imagined, moving his tongue up and down against your slit to collect the developing slick. You released a low hum from your lips, already pent up from the stress of your job and your day, now having your favorite rookie tending to you on your orders.
Leon was anything if not keen, tongue lavishing against your throbbing clit and his lips circling around it as he began to suck. You threw your head back at that, hand holding his head in place and hips moving towards him shamelessly. He was grunting under his breath, growing obsessed with the way your body twitched anytime he touched you just right. 
“You’re doing so good Leon, so damn good for me”, you praised him again, feeling the sounds he’d release when you did talk to him. It was debauched, how his senses were filled with just you with no end in sight.
This was how you wanted to see him. On his knees and eager to please.
His attention went back to your opening, feeling it flex around nothing with every flick he gave you. Inserting his tongue into your cunt, your hips arched towards him again, moaning louder than you anticipated.
You were silently thankful your office was a bit farther away from the rest of the department, and being it was later at night, you didn’t have to hide much of anything. You moved Leon’s face closer to your body with a pull of his head, clit pressed against his nose as he sucked at your essence greedily, taking in everything he could get. 
A warmth started to develop in your gut, pleasure like liquid fire making your body twitch. The high you so desperately craved was in near sight, grinding yourself against Leon’s face and using him to get off. He didn’t object, moving his mouth to suck at your clit again, two fingers teasing your entrance before inserting them inside. You cursed under your breath, the dual sensation of Leon’s fingers curling against your g-spot and his consistent sucking brought you closer to your much-needed climax.
“Fuck you’re gonna make me cum”, you could almost taste your release right at the edge of your tongue, could imagine the way it would feel to finally let go.
You looked down to watch Leon at work, how he’d pump his fingers at just the right pace, how his eyes grew hazy with pleasure when they looked up at you.
With one soft nip at your clit your release hit you full force, a small squeal leaving your lips as your gummy walls clenched around his fingers. Your grip on the desk and his hair were both tight, knuckles turned white as stars filled your vision. Leon kept moving his fingers and mouth the whole way through your orgasm, groaning loudly against you and refusing to stop. He couldn’t get enough of you or your taste, forcing you to pull his head away before the overstimulation made it too much to handle.
The both of you were panting, eyes widening when Leon pulled his digits away and inserted them into his mouth to lick off what remained of you. You pulled him up towards his feet, dragging him down to kiss you again and chasing your own taste that flooded his tongue. If you weren’t on a time crunch, you would’ve gladly let him go down on you again.
“Did I do good ma'am? Do you feel good?”, Leon asked, thumbs rubbing your trembling thighs as you came down from your high, flushed face waiting for your approval.
“Yes, you were so fucking good for me. You ate my pussy so well”, your words made him smile then, a dopey lopsided grin that seemed to ease his doubts from earlier.
“I think you deserve a little reward now. You want some help with that pretty boy?”, your eyes gestured to the tent in Leon’s pants, looking up at him from your long lashes.
“God, please touch me”, he begged then, blue eyes engulfed in pure lust.
You didn’t want to tease him any longer, undoing his pants and slipping your hand inside. With a gasp he felt your fingers wrapping around his cock that pulsated with need, knowing it wouldn’t take him long to cum either. He had been on the edge for too long, imagining you like this for what seemed like months. You pumped him, twisting your wrist and pressing your thumb against his slit, feeling the precum that was already making a mess in his briefs. 
“You get hard when you have your superior’s pussy in your face huh? You like being used like that baby?”
“Y-yes, yes I do. God I fucking love it”, he nodded dumbly. “Love the way you taste, the way you feel…”, he didn’t even know what he was saying anymore, mind so blurred with just you that he was losing track of time and himself.
You smirked, kissing his neck and pressing your lips against the mole on his throat. Leon swallowed, hands pressing into your thighs for stability but he was so close to losing it. He thrusts his hips up into your hand, chasing his own high and you gladly let him, whispering sweet nothings into his ear and biting at the lobe. The sounds Leon released were downright pornographic, whines and lewd wet sounds filling your office. 
“S-shit I’m gonna cum. Can I cum? Please ma'am, I’m so close”, he begged again, his cock throbbing and hot in your hand as he spoke. He bucked his hips more into your squeezing fingers, your pace picking up as you jerked him off more persistently. He felt like he could barely breathe, the prickly feeling in his lower spine getting more prominent the closer he got to his orgasm.
“Be a good boy and cum for me Leon. I want to see you cum baby”, it was your final order, and those words alone were his undoing.
His body shook above you when he fell over the edge, his lower stomach flexing hard as he came all over your fingers. He cursed and whimpered, an array of thank yous were said against your neck, hands pressed into your thighs hard enough to bruise your skin. His cum dribbled out of him as his body jerked, still pumping him to the point of sensitivity. He clutched your wrist to signal you to stop, half-lidded eyes looking at yours that filled with mischief.
You took your hand off of him and licked the remaining fluids, purring at the taste of him filling your mouth. Leon bit his lip when watching you, already starting to feel his dick twitch again for more.
He leaned down towards you, kissing you hard and chasing his taste, just like how you did with him. The eroticness of it all overwhelmed him, rasping against you as you pulled away. You looked over his face, cheeks flushed pink and lips plump from their usage. You burn that image into your mind, saving it for later when it would be more helpful. 
“No more distractions or mistakes from here on out Leon. You come to me if you need to clear your head. Understood?”, he released a dry chuckle, placing another kiss against your lips, much softer than before. The intimacy made your chest warm, your smile matching his own.
“Yes ma’am”
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©️ ovaryacted 2023. Please don’t repost, copy, translate, or feed into any AI. Support your fellow creators by reblogging, commenting, and liking!
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sometimesanalice · 2 years
Oh Christmas Tree
Summary: Bradley’s never been one to look forward to the holidays, that is until he met you. He’s excited to do everything, including getting his very first real Christmas tree.
Warnings: Fluff, slight angst, allusions to smut. Minors DNI.
Length: 7.2K 
Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw X Female Reader
(What was supposed to be a quick fluffy Christmas fic, somehow turned into this, enjoy!)
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The atmosphere at the Hard Deck was livelier than usual, the music seemed more upbeat and the voices a little louder. It was the first time in a while that the entire Dagger Squad was together in one place. News of the success of the Uranium Mission traveled fast and had been keeping them busy in the months that had followed.
Things seemed to settle down a bit as the holidays rolled around, some has dispersed home for Thanksgiving while a few others had been given last minute orders to ship out for a short mission. You’d been dying to take Bradley Bradshaw home to meet your parents in person, but he had been one of the few sent away only set to return the day after Thanksgiving.
You’re sitting across from Natasha at a high top near the pool tables in the back of the bar listening to Jake talk about his visit home, while your boyfriend next to you talks animatedly about something related to his latest mission with Bob.
“I shaved off an extra 5 minutes from the last Trot. Turns out I’m in even better shape than I was the last time I was home for Thanksgiving,” Jake brags smugly taking a swig of his beer from his nearly empty bottle.
“Wait, you come from a Turkey Trot family? That explains so much. Please tell me, you guys wear matching Seresin family shirts for it too,” you tease without remorse. “Oh! Or maybe those turkey leg bobble headbands?” 
You hear Bradley snort into his beer as he drops a well-defined arm across your shoulders. He’s wearing one of your favorite Hawaiian shirts from his collection, and you’ve been having a hard time keeping your eyes and hands to yourself.
“Bradshaw! Are you going to let your girl trash talk me like that?” You turn to Bradley to see him smirk with a shrug at Jake’s indignation.
“I mean, if the headband fits,” he replies lifting his bottle up in cheers.
“Darlin’, you wound me. And for the record they don’t match, since we all get to decorate our own with those paints in the little squeeze bottles,” he says pointing his empty bottle at you before turning to Bradley, “And see if I ever save your smug ass again.” He walks away making his way to the bar for another beer.
“Formal petition to change his callsign to Turkey now. Him and Rooster could be the Bird Bros,” Natasha jokes after he’s out of earshot. “What about you, how was your trip home?”
“It was pretty good,” you feel Bradley start playing with the ends of your hair, while he picks his conversation with Bob back up. “Since my sister had the baby, my parents have been leaning into the new grandparent thing pretty hard. So I set to establishing myself as the fun wine aunt, and basically drank cranberry mimosas all day.” You pause to take a sip of your drink, “Which I regretted immediately the next day when my parents decided it was imperative that we all go to their favorite Christmas tree farm as soon as it opened to cut one down together. Baby’s first Christmas all.” You unlock your phone to pull up the folder you made of pictures from the visit, handing over your phone to let her scroll.
“Since they’re flying out to spend Christmas with my sister and her in-laws in Philly, I tried to talk them into an artificial tree. Which is blasphemy where I’m from, I’m pretty sure the state tree is the Douglas Fir. My family takes the tree hunt very seriously, there’s a science to it and everything,” you lean over to swipe past some of the selfies you took to show her the completed tree in your parents sitting room. 
“However, as you can see, my attempt to talk them into the lower maintenance, yet slightly ostentatious, fluffy pink tree of my dreams was met with a hard pass,” you say laughing to yourself.
She swipes backwards a couple times on the pictures. “This one is cute, why didn’t you post this photo?” she asks holding your phone up showing a selfie of you at the tree farm.
“Which one? Let me see,” Bradley requests, his conversation with Bob now abandoned. He’s already leaning into you and reaching across the high top with his large hands to take the phone from Nat.
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It was a photo of you that Bradley hadn’t seen before. You were pink nosed wrapped up in cozy looking scarf, surrounded by pine trees and grinning into the camera. And his heart swells at the sight of the image before him. It’s just so you.
“You really look pretty,” he states sincerely. He glances at you briefly to see a hint of a blush spread across your cheeks before turning his gaze back to the picture of you.
He’d known you had been just as eager as he was for to him come home with you to meet your parents in person. You had even concocted a plan that involved him to try and help you get your hands on your Aunt Christine’s corn soufflé recipe.
“My mom has tried to get it for years, and she refuses to share it with anyone!” you’d lamented to him one evening after a couple large glasses of wine. “She always says she’ll email it, but she never does!” You gesture wildly. He loved getting to know all sides of you, but two-drink you was a particular favorite of his.
“Mmm. Girlboss, gaslight, gatekeep,” he nodded along in solidarity.
“Exactly, Bradley! You get it!” You take another long, deep sip of your Merlot, your feet tucked under you on his couch. “Me with my wiles and you with your Rooster charisma, I think this might be the year! I’ll set the groundwork and you can lay the ruggedly-handsome-impossibly-sexy-American-hero-thing on thick,” he loved how animated you were getting and he was having a hard time keeping the indulgent smile off of his face. “And she’ll fall right into our trap and release the goods all while thinking she’s staring in her own Hallmark movie.” He knew he would do anything for you, what his girl wants she gets. If that involves some light to heavy flirting with your aunt, so be it. He was getting soufflé recipe for you one way or another.
However, those plans were quickly dashed when he got the mission orders at the last minute. His stomach was in knots when it came time to tell you, but you were quick to put him at ease by reminding him there was always next year. “Plus” you’d said, “it gives us a whole year to craft our Stealthy Soufflé Scheme. Although, maybe we can pop up in May or June? I want to show you all the sights, we can even go hiking! And I’m definitely planning on taking you on a beer tour.”
“That sounds like the perfect trip, Sweetheart. I’d love that. I’ll see about getting a request submitted first thing in the morning,” he was already setting a reminder in his phone so he wouldn’t get too distracted at work and forget. He wasn’t going to let you down again.
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“Oh. That’s probably one I snapped really quick and forgot to send to Bradley. I was probably already spamming him too much as it was,” you answer in response to Natasha’s question. Even though you knew exactly why that one never made it his inbox.
Since you’d be spending the holiday apart, Bradley had requested that you send him pictures throughout your visit so that he didn’t feel like he was missing anything. You had sent him ones of you at the grocery store with your mom, of you holding your niece, a few silly ones fueled by too many champagne heavy mimosas, and some less family friendly shots of you in bed wearing the deep wine-colored lacy lingerie set you had planned to surprise him with. And then a few without the lingerie set too.
You had known he wouldn’t have the best reception, so you sent them as things happened knowing that he’d respond whenever he could. You just wanted them there waiting for him. However, a few days in was getting hard to know what was too much when all you could see were all your outgoing messages to him.
You had felt yourself getting a little self-conscious and started second guessing the things you sent, like the picture from the tree farm. You didn’t want to go overboard and scare him off or make it seem like you were rubbing his face in all the things he was missing while he was on assignment. You had just wanted him to know that you were thinking about him- which was pretty much all the time.
Turning your head to take him in next to you. He’s sitting there with a soft smile on his face while he is tapping away on your phone. When his phone lights up mere moments later, you realize he’d just sent the image to himself and was now paging through the folder looking for others.
“For being a Communications Specialist, you’re really bad about updating your own social media. That one was definitely worthy of making it to the grid,” Nat announces as she slides off the barstool taking Bob with her to go dominate on one of the pool tables.
Bradley hands you your phone back. “You know, I’ve never been to a Christmas tree farm. Or even had a real tree for that matter,” he murmurs a bit ruefully when it’s just the two of you, picking at the label of the bottle Natasha had left behind.
“When I was younger we only ever had a fake tree. And then after my mom passed, everything with Mav, and moving around so much I just kind of didn’t ever want to think about it. I never thought to get anything for myself.” He lets out a breath, shaking his head slightly. “I’m really happy you’re sticking around to show me the ropes this year,” he says earnestly, sounding much lighter than before.
The thought of him fending for himself for so long makes your heart hurt. You lean into him pressing a lingering kiss to his cheek. “I’m happy you want to spend the day with me,” you tell him brushing your nose against his as you pull away. 
“I did my good daughter duties, but flying home during the one of busiest days of the year was enough for me. And I wouldn’t want to subject you to the Richardson’s by going to Philly, my parents call them the Dickardson’s for a reason,” making a face that causes him to laugh.
“We’re going to have the best Christmas together, I wouldn’t want to spend the day with anyone else.” This time when you pull him in for another kiss your lips are eager to meet his. The slide of his mouth against yours never fails to make your heart beat wildly in your chest.
You could spend days kissing Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw and never want to break for air. It’s only at the sound of someone’s loud wolf whistle that you break apart as you’re brought back the moment.
“You know, I’m still not over the fact that my girlfriend withheld such ‘compelling content’ from me,” he teases, using air quotes the buzzwords he’s heard you say from listening to one too many of your late night zoom meetings.
“It was the last day! You were getting in before me, and I thought you’d want the real deal instead. And to tell the truth, I didn’t know if I was overdoing it. I didn’t want to make you feel left out,” you explain honestly. You’ve always been the type to keep those insecurities to yourself, but you’ve been trying to do better. He makes you feel safe enough to open up without holding back.
“Sweetheart.” He picks up your hand his mustache brushing the back of it as he places a kiss there. “You could never overdo it. Spam away, send me everything. I love getting those pictures, it makes me feel closer to you. But, I do know how you could make it up to me.” As he sends a mischievous wink your way.
You’re hit with a brief vision of you on your knees before him in that wine-colored set he still has yet to see in person. 
“Oh, do you?” You ease off your stool to stand in front of him, his legs automatically widening for you to step in between them.
“Wanna come help me pick out a tree this weekend?” he asks, slipping his hands into the back pockets of your jeans to tug you in even closer. “I hear you know a thing or two about picking out the best one,” his eyes crinkle around the edges as he smiles broadly at you.
You don’t bother fighting back the grin that takes over your face. “Stick with me, kid,” you say taking his sunglasses from where they rest against his chest and sliding them on, “I won’t lead you astray.” 
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Bradley had the best afternoon learning the ins and outs of selecting the perfect tree at the tree lot with you. 
He had found a tree place with a festive name that was about 30 minutes away, it was probably a bit different than what you were used to, but he hoped you’d be happy with the options there. He had even called in advance to make sure they had the specific variety your parents usually got after texting with your dad to find out what he should be looking for.
He had wanted to pick you up from your apartment, but you had insisted on meeting him at his place since you had an early work meeting scheduled in the morning. And had greeted you with a coffee in hand from your favorite shop when you arrived.
He’d even worn the plaid flannel shirt you had bought for him when you were visiting home for the occasion. When he parked the Bronco in the lot, you had giddily exclaimed, “Bradley, look at all the trees! There’s way more than I thought there’d be. It smells like home!” 
Once you were both out of the car you had grabbed his hand threading your fingers between his, and set off like a woman on a mission. He’d felt rather pleased with himself. 
The outdoor speakers were playing the local Christmas radio station and there were rows and rows of trees under a few large white topped tents. He loved how seriously you were taking this, and if he wasn’t already totally enamored with you this would have sealed the deal.
You’d taught him how to determine its freshness, “You have to pull a needle off and see if it bends or snaps. If it snaps then it’s already way too dried out and you’re just purchasing a giant match stick.” 
From there the came the scent test, “Now sniff the tree, you have to get your face in there. The stronger the tree scent the longer it will last.” 
And finally, the aesthetics. 
“I like mine a little girthy and on the fuller side, but that’s all a matter of personal preference. You want some gaps, so that the heavier ornaments can hang better, but not too many. And the top has to be straight, no one wants a lopsided tree topper.”
“That’s not the only thing you like full and girthy,” he couldn’t help but let slip out.
“Bradley, there are children here!” you admonished while looking around wide eyed, but that didn’t stop you from grazing the front of his jeans every chance you got.
So, when he managed to find what you excitedly deemed to be the “absolute most perfect tree!”, he couldn’t help but preen his face feeling a bit warm from the attention and praise you showered him with.
He’d hauled the tree up to the check out where it was bundled while he paid, and then carried it over his shoulder out to the Bronco. You’d trailed behind him carrying the wreath you’d picked out humming along with the music.
“Is there such a thing as a competence kink? Because this,” you had mused gesturing to him tying the tree down in the back, his hands tingling, “is definitely doing it for me.” He had just grinned and shaken his head at you, his face heating up a bit. However, he couldn’t help but flex a bit more for your benefit as he finished up.
And when you made him pull off the road less than 10 minutes later, to indulge in that new self-discovery with your mouth around his cock, well that was very much for his benefit.
Now you’re with him at his place.  You guys had wrangled the perfect tree into the house and had gotten it set up in front of his windows in the living room near the upright piano he had tucked in the corner. He loved the smell that was filling the room and the way you’d lit up once it was in place. If he had his way, you’d be around all the time.
Bradley could hear you singing along to the Christmas album he had picked up that was playing on his Dad’s old record player as you worked on putting together some hot toddies in the kitchen. You had put him on light duty, and he was determined to make it the best-looking thing you’ve ever seen.
He worked going round and round the Christmas tree, the lights all shining merrily. He took his time making sure to wrap and tuck the lights around the branches, the cozy glow filling his chest with warmth.
But the longer he worked the more he was starting to get worried that he was coming down with a bug or something, his face starting to feel slightly feverish. His throat getting thick and uncomfortable.
He’d noticed it earlier at the tree lot, but didn’t want to give it too much thought. The Navy had ruined his Thanksgiving plans with you and he didn’t want to let you down again. He worked to string lights on a few more branches adamant to push through for you. 
“Sweetheart,” he reluctantly called out to you, “I think I might be coming down with something. I’m not feeling too hot, and my throat is kinda scratchy.” The guilt was starting to settle in the pit of his stomach, maybe if he rested now he could keep it from getting too bad.
He turns to see you coming out of the kitchen with two steaming mugs in your hand, your eyes going wide.
He turns back to the tree looking to see if he accidentally fucked something up. It was his first time with a real tree, maybe the lights needed to be strung differently.
“Bradley. Oh my god.”
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You had just put the finishing touches on the hot toddies and were already walking out of the kitchen when Bradley had called out to you. Those beverages were quickly abandoned on his coffee table as you propelled yourself towards him.
His face was brightly flushed and his eyes were shade of red that made your own itch in sympathy. You reach up to tug at the collar of the flannel he was wearing to get a better look at the skin of his neck and chest. The scars on his neck were standing out in contrast to his reddened skin.
“Sweetheart, what are you doing?” Even his voice was sounding a bit scratchy. You ignore him in favor for undoing the buttons at the cuff and rolling up the sleeve of his shirt, trying to not let yourself get too anxious. “You tryin’ to get me to put these lights up topless like some kind of sexy Santa?”
You shush him as you finally get the sleeve rolled up when your suspicions are confirmed, his thick forearm is absolutely covered in angry looking raised red welts. 
“Oh no. Roos, baby. You’re breaking out.” Already pulling him away from the 7-foot issue occupying the living room and heading towards the kitchen, “I think you have pine tree allergy.” 
He finally looks away from your face and down to his arm, a deep furrow settling over his features, “Oh fuck.” You get him seated at his oval oak dining table grabbing your phone to figure out what to do next.
“Yeah, ‘Oh fuck’,” you repeat back to him eyes skimming the information on the page you clicked into.  You’ve always been the type to take charge in a crisis, this would be no different. You’d make sure he’s taken care of the way he needs to be. The way he deserves to be.
“How’s your breathing feel? Is your throat feeling tight or like it’s closing up?” you ask looking up at him.
His red-rimmed honey eyes seem to shift focus like he’s lost in thought for a brief moment.
He shakes his head. “Sorry, baby,” he says a bit bashfully. “I’m used to being the one levelheaded in stressful situations, but you should see the intensity on your face. I think you coulda been a pilot.”
“Bradley, I’m flattered. Truly,” you’ve learned that he isn’t the type to say things he doesn’t mean and you respect the hell out of what he does. “Although I’m sure there are a few more qualifications I’d have to pass than that,” you reply lightly, petting the back of his hand resting on the table. “But I need you stick with me here. I just need to figure out if we need to get you to the ER or not.”
He nods. “It’s a little thick, but not like it’s going to close up. And really scratchy, ‘s all.”
“Ok, that’s good. That’s good,” you repeat again more to yourself than him. 
You love this man so much, and he deserves the world. This is the last thing you would have wanted for him and his very first, and last, real tree.
You can still hear the record playing in the background as you try not to gnaw on the inside of your cheek working to put your game plan together.
After firing off a quick text to Jake, you quickly pop upstairs to Bradley’s medicine cupboard, hoping that he has some antihistamines tucked away in there. You breathe a sigh of relief when you see the pink box, grabbing it you tear off a couple squares from the silver lined sheet to bring back to him.
He’s still sitting where you left him at the dining table. He’s slumped down in the chair his mouth pulled down at the corners, and you think it’s probably because he’s not feeling the greatest right now. You hand him the meds and a fetch him a glass of water, watching as the tendons of his throat flex as they work to swallow the pills down. The red welts have finally made an appearance there too, and are an angry contrast to his usually golden skin.
“Let’s get you out of these clothes, hmm?” You bend down to catch his eyes with your and holding out our hands to him. He nods once taking your smaller hands in his as he lets you pull him up. 
You help him to unbutton and remove the flannel shirt trying to avoid further contact with the hives on his body, not wanting to cause him anymore discomfort. Once his wide chest and arms are uncovered, you work his jeans down his thick thighs leaving him in his tight black boxer briefs. There’s nothing more than you love than being up close with Rooster’s body, but right now you’re on a mission and can’t be distracted by all the skin before you.
While you’re still feeling concerned for him, you can feel your anxiety starting to settle a bit from where it was at earlier. You’ve got a plan, you’ve already checked off a few things, and you’ll be able to take a breath once Bradley is taken care of.
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He’s ruining everything with you. First Thanksgiving and now Christmas. 
How the fuck did he not know he was allergic to pine trees? He’s 35, he should known those kinds of things by now. Shouldn’t he?
He is frustrated as fuck laying on top of the king-sized bed in his darkened bedroom, the stinging of the hives on his arms and upper body were driving him crazy. God, his eyes itched and burned. Although, he couldn’t tell if it as from the reaction to the tree or from fighting the sudden urge to cry for the first time in a very long time.
The afternoon was not going as he had envisioned it. He wanted to sing some carols loudly while getting tipsy off hot toddies with you. Dance with you in between hanging ornaments on the tree. Maybe fuck you under the tree if he played his cards right, he wanted to be the one to get your tinsel in a tangle. 
All he had wanted was to make you happy. You weren’t spending Christmas with your family, and he didn’t want you to miss out on anything being in California with him instead. He was really excited about the holiday for the first time in what felt like forever, and it had everything to do with you.
“Do you have any oatmeal here?” You had asked him not too long ago, and it was all he could do to point you in the right direction as the guilt was eating away at him. Once you had found it, you had sent him away to go upstairs to get him further away from the tree. His strong, capable, and pretty girlfriend was left to deal with the mess downstairs without him. 
He could hear the whir of the blender and wondered what you were up to. Sulking at the fact that all he could do is wait for the antihistamines to kick in, and hope that he’d be feeling better soon so that he could help you take care of things.
“Bradley? Baby, are you awake?” You entered the dimly lit room cautiously, approaching him gingerly on the bed and holding a large bowl with something fluffy and powdery looking in it. He hadn’t heard you come up the stairs.
He loved the sound of your voice. He loved it in the morning when it was thick with sleep, how excited you got when you were talking about something you were passionate about, and he especially loved the breathy whispers and words of encouragement from you in his ear late at night when he was moving so deep within you. What he didn’t love was being the reason you were so anxious, that he was at fault for why your tone was so laced with concerned. 
“Yeah,” although he was starting to feel sluggish, “’m still awake.” He felt your cool hands on his face and leaned into your soothing touch, pressing a kiss to your palm.
“I’m going to make you an oatmeal bath,” you informed him gesturing to the bowl in your hand. “From what I’ve been reading online that should help calm down the hives, hopefully stop them from spreading anymore.’
“Okay, Sweetheart,” he sighed. He can hear how pitiful he sounds, but right now his girl is the only thing that is making him feel good, and he will do anything you ask of him.
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You set about turning the taps on for the large tub in the bathroom, twisting the handles to get the water to come out at the right temperature. Once you were satisfied, you swirled in the oat powder you had made watching as the water turned cloudy, then headed back into the bedroom to get Bradley.
“Let’s get you in the tub so you can soak for a bit, yeah?” He looks so miserable alone stretched out on the bed. “It’s not too hot, and it should help you feel better,” you help him to sit up placing a kiss to the lines of the scars on his cheek trying to comfort him.
Ever the soldier, he dutifully follows you into the bathroom. Once he is stripped of his briefs and comfortably situated in the milky mixture, his eyes flutter closed as he reclines back, leaning his head against the ledge of the tub. You move kneel on the floor next to him running your fingers through his sun-streaked waves.
Your little pocket of peace is disturbed a few minutes later by the ding of your phone.
“Jake just got here,” you announce filling him in on the next part of your plan, “He’s going to help me with the tree.” 
“’posed to be my job,” Bradley sulks making a petulant sound in his throat. You can’t help but let out a gentle tsk while fighting back a small smile at his response.  
“I just want you to relax here and let the oatmeal do its thing. I’m going to get things wrapped up downstairs it shouldn’t take too long, and then I’ll come back to check on you.”
“Mmhm, fine,” he sighs as you press a kiss to his forehead.
You let Jake in and he is quick to jump in taking over by unwinding the lights off from the partially lit tree. He’s even quicker to haul the massive thing out of the house and into the back of his truck, as the new owner of the 7-foot Noble Fir. After the tree is deposited, he heads back in and helps you coil the lights back up so they’re not in a tangled mess on the floor making some light small talk because he can tell your mind is elsewhere. 
On his way out the door he shoots you a cocky salute, a shit-eating grin already plastered on his face.  “You can thank my new Trot PR for how quickly I was able to run back to my place after I got your SOS text to get here as quickly as I did, Darlin’,” he drawls. 
You flip him off, but tell him to text you what meals he’d like you to make and bring over later in the week as thanks for his help. And with a quick kiss to his cheek, you shoo him out the door wanting to get back to your boyfriend.
After he leaves, you break out the vacuum and work on getting the needles off the ground before moving on to the laundry. You grab the pile of Bradley’s clothes from the floor in the kitchen where you had left them before stripping down to your underwear, throwing everything in the washer and turning it on to get rid of any potential lingering irritants.
You make you way back upstairs, stopping to slip on one of Bradley’s old UVA t-shirts and grabbing him a loose pair of navy sweatpants, before going in to check on him. He is still there soaking his head tilted back and eyes closed, just as you had left him. Thankfully the hives have seemed to stop their spread leaving his face untouched. His neck, chest, and arms still bearing the brunt of his allergic reaction.
You gently knock on the door to announce your presence, not wanting to startle him. “You ready to come out now, baby?” Before him you had never been a pet name person, but now all you wanted to be a source of comfort in his life. A soft place for him to land.
“Yeah,” he turns his head towards the sound of your voice, “I think I might be getting a bit prune-y, but that felt really good. Thank you, Sweetheart.” He has finally opened his eyes and looking right at you, with a smile small and soft, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. 
You’re trying not to read into it too much, not wanting to let your anxiety get the best of you. You help him up from bath and use the handheld to first shower him off, grabbing a fluffy towel to help gingerly pat him dry. As he bends to pull on the sweatpants you had brought in you turn to rinse out the remaining oatmeal residue from the tub. He presses a kiss to the back of your head as he passes by you to make his way back to the bedroom.
By the time you’re done he has already climbed into bed, the comforter on your side already pulled back as he reaches out for you to get in with him. The white percale sheets you had helped him pick out were cool and luxuriously soft to the touch, and you feel yourself release the breath it felt like you’d been holding since you entered the living room holding those long forgotten hot toddies.
Bradley is quick to lace your fingers together and tuck his face into the space between your neck and shoulder, his mustache ticking the soft skin of your throat there. For all of his golden retriever energy, he is soaking up your affection and attention like a lap cat as you slowly rub your free hand up and down his broad back.
However, he’s still entirely too quiet. Your lips press tightly together on their own accord as you begin to think that there’s something more on his mind that he’s not sharing with you than just the effects of the hives and double dose of Benadryl.
You’re about to speak up when he beats you to it, “I’m so sorry, Sweetheart. I just wanted you to feel at home and now I’ve ruined Christmas.” You’ve never heard his voice sound so small.
Oh. Oh no.
“Bradley, please look at me.” 
You lean back a bit as he removes his face from the spot it was tucked into and study his beautiful yet troubled looking eyes. “Is this why you’ve been so quiet? Please tell me you haven’t been spiraling thinking you’ve ruined anything.” He looks away, and you feel your brows scrunch together.
You cup his cheek in your hand, running your thumb down the cleft of his chin, “I love you so much and we’re going to have such a wonderful Christmas together, a tree is a nonissue here, baby. You matter more to me. I hope you know that.” His gaze finally meets yours and you continue on, “I need you to hear me. You’ve got absolutely nothing to apologize for. Nothing is ruined and nothing that happened today is your fault. Ok?” Nodding your head, needing for him to understand and let go of his misplaced guilt. 
You see the exact moment he absorbs and believes everything you’re saying to him, his shoulders releasing the tension that had gathered there. “Ok, I hear you.” You lean into him to place a tender kiss on his lips. “I love you so much,” he breaths against your mouth.
“I love you too,” you say pressing one more lingering kiss to his lips before encouraging him to settle his head back down again. He reaches for your hand, guiding it to his hair, prompting you to comb your fingers through his curls. 
“Now that we’ve settled that, how are you feeling? What else can I do to help?” 
“You’ve done so much for me,” he murmurs kissing your neck gently. “’M just tired now and want to hold you for a bit. The Benadryl is starting to kick my ass.” He pauses for a moment, “But maybe we can order some pizza, Sweetheart? And put on one of those Christmas movies you like? Y’know the ones where the people live in a town is named something like Tinselville and their dogs fall in love?” He asks his voice sounding a bit boyish and hopeful. 
You can’t help but let out a giggle because, really, his description is not too far off. You can feel his smile against the side of your neck as you turn the tv on.
“You can have whatever you like, handsome boy. Pizza and Oscar quality Christmas content, it is.” You grab your phone unlocking it and opening up to the delivery app, when Bradley plucks it from your hand tossing it to the side and placing his in yours instead.
“Order from mine instead, it’s my turn to take care of you,” he states slinging his arm low over your hip.
You click the button on the side to wake his phone up only to see your face smiling back at you on his lockscreen. Nose bright from the cold, surrounded by trees, and wrapped up in a scarf your mom had loaned to you since you hadn’t brought any practical winter-wear home with you.
It’s the picture that Bradley has sent himself the other night at the bar, and you’re flooded with a rush of affection for the man nestled against you. You notice his wallpaper is still the picture of you and him from this Halloween when you’d surprised everyone by dressing up as him, he’s kissing you squarely on the mouth while grabbing a handful of your ass. It was one of your favorites too.
You’d just finished submitting the order, when a text from Jake comes through, and you roll your eyes.
Those 5th Gens didn’t get you, but you’re taken out by a fucking a Christmas Tree. Would hate to see what one of those tree shaped car fresheners would do to you.
You’re not going to let him come for your boyfriend, even in playful roasting, when you just managed to picked his spirits up. Not tonight, Hangman. And you set to typing your response with your one free hand, the other still carding through Bradley’s curls. 
Listen up, Lieutenant Turkey Trot. I was planning on surprising you with a bottle of that Texas bourbon you like when I swing by with the food later this week, but now that’s up to you. Do with that what you will... xx
Not bothering to wait for a response you hand Bradley back his phone only to see it light up again. “Lieutenant Turkey Trot,” he snorts, “Damn. Hangman apologized. And he says he wants a lasagna and your chicken and dumpling casserole.”
Southern men are too easy. Nothing is as important to them as food and their mamas. You smile smugly to yourself, making a mental note to go to remember to stop by that speciality liquor store by your place.
The food is delivered not too much later, you and Bradley eat in bed the box sitting between you while making fun of the plot of the movie you had turned on. You can tell the Benadryl is staring to win when Bradley’s running commentary tapers and his breathing begins to even out.
“It’s ok to go to sleep, baby.”
“Just resting my eyes, wanna see if they figure out why the poinsettias aren’t blooming.”  
“You should get your rest,” you gently press, “I’ll set record it and you can find out tomorrow.”
“You’re gonna stay the night, right?” He asks sleepily as he concedes and begins to burrow down into his bed.
“Of course. If you want me here, I’ll stay.” Truth be told, you liked his bed better than yours. You’d even went back to the shop where you’d helped Bradley pick out his sheets from and bought the same percale set for your place in an attempt to help you sleep better.
You set an alarm for earlier than you’d like, remembering you have a meeting first thing in the morning. “I might have to leave a bit earlier than usual though,” you mention softly, “Since I’ll need to go to my place before I have to head in to the office.” You hadn’t originally planned on staying over due to your early morning and now you were kicking yourself for not grabbing a few things to keep in your car just in case.
“Yes. Stay,” he murmurs and reaches out to you, wrapping his arm around your midsection and pulling you to his chest. You let your fingers trace lightly down his forearm, feeling the hills and valleys caused by the welts that litter his arm. He lets out a hum of contentment in response, you’re pressed so close to him you can feel the vibrations of the sound from his chest against your back.
You think you’ve finally lost him to sleep when he mumbles already half gone, “Why don’t you keep more things here?” You can feel his warm breath against the back of your neck.
“How much were you thinking? You saying you want to share a drawer with me?” you lightly tease.
“Bring it all,” he sighs, “Want you here.”
The sound of his soft snores filling your ear only a couple minutes later.
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You don’t bring up Bradley’s half-asleep musings, you won’t hold him to anything said under the influence of the antihistamines. While the thoughts of moving in and living with Bradley made your heart beat a bit faster, you kept those hopes tucked away just for yourself.
It was now a week after the pine tree debacle, Bradley’s hives were quick to clear up after a couple days and a few oatmeal baths later. Your skin was still reaping the benefits of the oatmeal too after he managed to coax you in with him one evening. 
He had texted you earlier in the day asking for you to swing by his place after work. You knew the door would be unlocked for you, and you let yourself in.
“That you, Sweetheart?” He called out from nearby, you can hear the sounds of some crooner singing in the background.
“Yeah, it’s me." You set your purse and work tote down before bending to undo your heels at the door. “Hey, I was thinking on my way over here, I bet lots of places still have artificial trees left in stock that we could get. I feel like we need a Christmas redo.” You get one off and begin working on the other, “I was planning on getting one to liven up my place too, maybe I can find one of those ostentatious pink ones I tried to talk my parents into getting and fulfill a lifelong dream.” You say that last part with a little laugh.
You finally win the battle against the top buckle of your cute shoe finally kicking it off and wiggling your toes out, “Ooh! Maybe we can go to that cute cocktail bar off 17th afterwards? One of my coworkers was talking about their new seasonal drinks today and it seems festive.”
You fish your phone out of your purse and make your way to the living room, “That is if you didn’t have anything planned.”
Your voice trails off at the end because when you round the corner you find Bradley in his living room looking very proud with a self-satisfied smile on his face already standing next to a Christmas tree.
A very large, very fluffy, pink Christmas tree.
You stand there entirely stunned. The juxtaposition of your tall, handsome naval aviator next to this truly over the top frosted tree has your brain working overtime. The entire room is cast in a dreamy glow from many strands of white lights he had already spun around it.
“I still feel bad that about what happened the other weekend, and I wanted to make it up to you. At the bar, I heard you telling Phoenix that you always wanted a pink tree, so I hope this is similar to what you hand in mind.” He seems to be getting a bit nervous now, since all it seems you can do is just blink at him. He reaches around into his back pocket pulling out a small tube, “I even got some of those scent stick things to tuck in if you-” 
He doesn’t get to finish since you’ve launch yourself at him.
“Bradley!” He catches you easily with one arm as you begin peppering his face with kisses.
His laugher fills the room and his grin lights up his face at your reaction, “Are you happy, Sweetheart?”  
“I’m the happiest! Oh my god! Are you for real?” you exclaim in between kisses. You stop the assault on his face to take it in your hands, “Seriously though, there is nothing to feel bad about. You’re what matters most to me. I mean, yes, I absolutely love this. But you should have what you like too.”
He takes a step back, with you still in his arms and propped up on his hip. He thoughtfully studies the tree in front of you both. “Yep. This is definitely the perfect tree,” he declares proudly, “It’s full and girthy. Has some good gaps, and look at that top. Straight as an arrow. Although we might need to get some more decorations for it, but I got it started.”
You look from him back to the tree puzzled, since you don’t see anything on it aside from the lights. He walks you both closer, and pulls off what looks to be a strand of curling ribbon with a shiny silver object dangling from it from a branch on the tree. 
A key.
He sets you down back on your own two feet, holding you close against his body bringing his forehead to yours. “I meant it, Sweetheart. Bring it all. There’s nothing I want more than for you to be here. All the time. With me. You’re the only thing on my list this year, you’re all I want. Will you let me give you more than a drawer?” His honey brown eyes gazing at you hopefully.
You already knew what your response would be even before he pulled that key from off the tree, and the answer must be all over your face because Bradley’s face breaks into a beam as he picks you up and spins you around.
The choice has always been easy with him, it’ll always be a yes.
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Happy Holidays, everyone!
Causally hyper-fixating over all things TGM at bradshawburner
You can find the prequel to this story here!
Find out what happens during their second Christmas together here!
You can read more of my stories here!
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yyunari · 11 months
CHESHIRE ! — Nishimura Riki (TEASER)
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SYNOPSIS. Y/N Cheshire lived her life carefree. Being the daughter of the Cheshire Cat made her more inclined to not take anything seriously and to just have a little bit of fun in everything she does. Whether it was pulling pranks, sneaking up on people, or making jabs at her friends- Y/N kept a Cheshire’s smile on her face. Because of that, she just couldn’t take Chaehyun Cupid seriously when she claimed that Y/N had a crush on Riki Wonderland.
PAIRING. Kitty Cheshire! Y/N x Alistair Wonderland! Riki
(btw im not shipping kitty and alistair i just based them off the characters)
GENRE. Ever After High AU, High school AU, Fluff, Slight Angst
WARNINGS. bad parental relationship, ooc riki umm, expected word count is like 15k yea ik. long fic.
RELEASING. published!
NOTES. if u haven’t seen ever after high it’s ok u can still read this all u rly need to know is that the students of eah r the children of fairy tale ppl like snow white or cinderella and they have to follow the paths of their parents and stuff Yassssss
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After sometime, Riki opened his mouth. “I know I already asked this earlier, but why did you come here? You know, to stargaze.” As if he wasn’t satisfied with her answer.
He was right in thinking that her answer wasn’t what she truly wanted to say, but it just felt awkward to give an exact reason. Her relationship with her mom was something she could barely tell her only 3 friends about, let alone someone she barely considered an acquaintance.
But Y/N knew Riki was a reliable guy; she had heard it often from Soul, Rei, and Giselle. And maybe for once she would let herself put faith into another person.
“I’ll only tell if you tell me why you like stargazing.”
Riki blew out a breath in thought. “Hm… I don’t know if I can give an exact reason for that. I was just bored one day and ended up coming across this place. That’s what made me stargaze, but something about it just felt so comforting to me that I wanted to do it more often.” He answered, a soft smile gracing his lips. “But that’s not exactly a good reason.”
“I think it suits you.” Y/N whispered out. “I’m sure you have your own stresses with being the son of Alice in Wonderland. It would make sense that having a hobby like this to come back to is something you enjoy.”
He pondered on it for a moment. Maybe she was right. He then chuckled at this side of her he had never seen before. “You’re a lot more poetic than you let on. Anyways I answered your question, can you answer mine?”
Y/N considered answering it, she truly did, but as much as she wanted to open up there was the side of her that wanted to keep everything inside. Her mother had always told her that vocalizing your feelings does nothing good and only makes people pity you.
One thing Y/N despised was being pitied. It only reminded her of how her mother referred to her as a ‘pitiful girl’ and how she would amount to nothing.
So she slowly shook her head. “No, I don’t think I can.”
Riki felt himself beginning to sit up to look at the girl. There was something off about her. The way she spoke to him and the way that she carried herself… she wasn’t acting as she always had. Normal Y/N would be more playful and even mischievous. But now, there was a certain sadness in her entire being that seemed to be throwing her off her rhythm. And it only made Riki more and more curious about her.
“Okay, I get it. You don’t have to tell me.” Riki smiled, before continuing. “I just hope it doesn’t take away your chaotic spirit. You know, I kind of like that about you.”
A sigh left Y/N’s lips at his words. “You don’t mean that, Wonderland.”
“I mean every word, Cheshire.”
Y/N could only roll her eyes before slowly evaporating into the night, using her invisibility and teleportation to finally go back home.
Left lingering in the air was her Cheshire’s smile, which disappeared last and left Riki staring at the wisps of where she had sat only moments prior.
Maybe it made sense that Riki enjoyed stargazing. In a way, there was something about him that was made of the stars. No matter what he did, he always seemed to shine brighter than all the others. There was something about Riki that felt that he belonged up in the sky, giving life to the night and adding a certain glimmer to the auras.
Riki had his own place amongst the sky, and she wished she could be like that too. But after speaking to him, maybe there was nowhere she could have her own place in. Y/N could only wait for the day that she could contribute to a bigger picture, and take a larger part in his story. After all, she had always wanted her own place within the stars.
But for now, all she could do was hope she would become more than just the Cheshire Cat’s daughter.
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authors note. postinf this after jay noticed me on his weverse live i am not well. anyways it’s coming 🤓🤓 those 10k words sitting in my drafts r waiting to be released don’t worry babies mommys almost done
permanent taglist. @muhwaa @hoori @yizhoutv @ja4hyvn @carayat @one16core @enhacolor @haerinz @soobin-chois @en-boyz @ohmy-fandoms @yjwonz @yunki4evr @strwberrydinosaur @duolingofanaccount @iichaeyj @eundiarys @ineedaherosavemeenow @chaerybae @bubblytaetae @w3bqrl @xiaoderrrr @jaeyunnsworld @rikizm @teddywonss @gweoriz @dimplewonie @jennaissantes (if u requested to be on my permanent taglist and u didn’t get tagged it’s bc i cant see ur acc, but pls dm me if u want to be in it !)
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theyanderespecialist · 10 months
Striker's Moxxie Girl (Headcanons) Yandere Striker X Female Moxxie Reader (Helluva Boss)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with another chapter, this one was requested from Tumblr. It is Yandere Striker with Reader who is in the place of a female Moxxie. The Headcanons for it! I hope that you all enjoy it, also at the time of posting this! I hope you all have a great holiday! 
(Disclaimer: Reader is taking the place of Moxxie and is Female so she/her pronouns. Striker is not yandere for any Moxxie in canon and is not yandere in general. This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all. Simping for and Shipping characters is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! You know who you are! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon!) 
-Yandere Headcanons With Striker X Female Moxxie Reader- 
.Striker at first was taken back by the wee little lady you were. 
.He wanted to say you were vermin, but man were you a cute as can be vermin. 
.He fell for you right away and wanted to show off to you how strong he could be. 
.Though it came off as him being an asshole. 
.He hates your wife, Millie, she is NOT good enough for you, and he wants to kill her. 
.When he first choked you it turn him on, you were just so damn little and he could crush you, the power he had over you made him want to fuck right then and there. 
.Of course, that whore Millie had to get in the way. 
.He was not going to kill you because he planned to come back for you. 
.When you went up against him he was angry you were rejecting him and he swore he would have you. 
.Mark his words, he would have his darling little lady. 
.Later when he meets you again this time he is going to kill Mildred or try to. 
.He is pissed at himself that he missed. 
.He is even more pissed that he had to run away without you his darling future wife. 
.But he will not stop he will make you his wife and have you. It is just a matter of time. 
.Striker is the type of yandere that starts as confident, calm, cool, and collected. 
.He knows that he is the best choice for you and that you and he would be an unstoppable husband and wife duo. 
Of course, you are being a VERU disobedient future wife, so when he does get you. 
.He is going to have to break you like a horse and build you back up into the perfect wife and partner in crime. 
.Although each time he loses you he becomes more and more unhinged and unstable. 
.He is only a few loses away from snapping, breaking into your home, killing your wife, and fucking you next to her corpse. (Let's hope it does not come to that...) 
.He would be the yandere to snap very much so. 
.He will kill anyone who gets in his way. 
.When he does confess to you, it will most likely be when you are kidnapped. 
.He most likely will make you go into Stockholm syndrome. 
.Possibly even putting a baby in you. To keep you in line and under his thumb. 
.He would love to kill with you, but the idea of you being a housewife and doing as told is a nice thought to him too. 
.It could go either way with you being his partner or staying home as a housewife. 
.He is the type of yandere that KNOWS he is the best and knows EVERYONE Else is not good enough for you. 
.So if you were to lower your standards and let yourself be with others he would have to punish you. 
.You are the ONLY One good enough for him, so that makes you his and his alone. 
.He is also a very controlling and demanding yandere. 
.As well as very possessive in the way he feels like he owns you, and that you have to do what he says when he says. 
.He also may or may not be a bit sexist. 
.The one thing for sure, you are his darling and you do not get a choice. 
"Come here, Darling, y` better be a good girl, or I have to punish ya~" -Stirker
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS finally got another one done, I hope that you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins! BYE!!!] 
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Modern AU where there are books based on what happened to them like in Supernatural (you're not supposed to take this seriously, it's a humerous take):
Robin: *shrieks* Steeeve!
Steve: *drops everything and runs into the living room of their shared apartment* What?
Robin: I'm reading online, and these people are shipping me with Nancy!
Steve: You mean my ex-girlfriend Nancy? The one who I was maddeningly in love with and who I once pictured being a stay at home dad for while she took the world by storm? That Nancy? I'm no longer in love with her, so if you did want to -
Eddie: *popping his head in* I've met Nance, so I don't blame you for once being in love with her. Hey, why are we talking about Nancy?
Robin: They're shipping me with Nance online.
Eddie: Is it possible to unhear something? Don't they know you're into blondes and redheads?
Robin: They did not get the memo. *scowls* They hate Vickie. For no reason other than the fact they're we are too much alike. I love that! We never run out of things to talk about! I love to talk! I love you, Steve, but we have to have some boundaries.
Steve: Well, if things don't work out with Vickie and you did want to date Nancy, I wouldn't have a problem with it. I just want you to be happy.
Robin: Aww. That's the biggest load of crap that I've ever heard you come with for me. *calls Vickie and puts her on speakerphone* Hey, babe.
Vickie: If you're calling me to tell me that you're leaving me for Nance, I understand. I just want you to be happy.
Robin: Oh, boy. You're hanging out with Steve too much. By the way, if we ever break up and that's a big if, and you date Steve, I'll be devastated.
Vickie: *gasps* I would never! That's a huge boundary to cross. I would never do that to you or to Eddie.
Eddie: Thanks, babe!
Steve and Robin: Don't call her babe!
Robin: See, you would have a problem with it.
Steve: Yeah, but I would just bury it deep, deep down, and let it fester just to make you happy.
Robin: Aw, babe, that's really unhealthy. It's okay not to be okay with something.
Steve phone rings. It's Nancy. He puts it on speakerphone.
Nancy: They're shipping me with your platonic soulmate, Steve! Don't they know that I cheated on you with Jonathan?!
Robin: Yeah, there's a whole Ross and Rachel, "we were on a break" thing about it online. Some people don't think you broke up, and some people think you did.
Nancy: We just called each other bullshit!
Vickie: *sniggers* Guys, shipping is supposed to be a fun, not so serious thing. It doesn't have to mean anything.
Nancy: This does not feel very fun. I would never get in the way of two best friends. No, offense, Robin, but you're not my type. I just broke up with Jonathan so I could focus on my career. Why can't I be single for once?
Robin: There's nothing wrong with being a strong, independent, career driven woman!
Vickie: *gasps* Oh, no. You guys should not see who they ship Steve with.
Robin: *scrolls through Tumblr and gasps* Oh, babe, you have it way worse.
Steve: *looks at her phone and shrieks* Billy?! The same racist who nearly killed me and smashed a plate over my head?! The same guy who threatened to run over the kids? Who broke Max's skateboard? The same guy who made Max feel too scared to go to sleep at night? That Billy?!!
Eddie: Stevie. . .do you want to live off the grid and escape the internet?
Steve: How would we stay in contact with people?
Eddie: Birds, baby, we'll train them to send messages.
Robin: Oh, hey, I found a fic where you're being railed by Hopper, Steve.
Steve: *shrieks* My dad?!
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lexosaurus · 1 year
The Phantom Martian: Chapter 1
Huzzah! I am here to provide a fic for Invisobang 2023!
This is a crossover between The Martian and Danny Phantom. You do NOT need to have read or watched The Martian to understand this fic (though, I recommend it because it's amazing!)
Summary: When Astronaut Mark Watney went to Mars, he knew there was a chance he'd never come home. Now, though, he's determined to last long enough for NASA to save him because this whole dying for science thing is not as fun as it sounds.
Meanwhile, Danny Fenton is just trying to keep his identity a secret amidst a potential crisis with his powers. Seriously, what's up with that weird current under his skin? Why is he having so much trouble controlling it? And why does it feel so familiar...?
In a fit of determination (and possible stupidity), Danny goes to Mars to save Watney, only to add to both their crises when he arrives and can't get home. Will NASA save them? Will Danny have a home to return to if they do?
Chapter WC: 6,186
Fic Tags: Danny Fenton & Mark Watney, Canon Divergence, Ecton AU
Art by @pompomqt (it's so freaking good AHHHH!) Art by @friendzoned61 (screaming sobbing this is amazing)
I am going to be updating a chapter each day of this posting week, and then I'll settle into a normal weekly/biweekly posting schedule.
I go into more detailed thank yous on AO3, but quickly I'd like to extend a hugeeeee thank you to @armed-with-knitting-needles, @bibliophilea, @lexiepiper, and @underforeversgrace for aiding in this fic. Between sitting on discord with me for hours doing math, betaing my infamous spelling habits, and in general providing much needed support in the form of memes, graphs, and good humor, these people are all AMAZING and I am forever in all of your debts 🙏
Since I'm not posting the chapters themselves on Tumblr, I put a preview excerpt under the cut! Enjoy!
It had been a day since the news about the disastrous Mars mission was released.
NASA's website where satellite images of the Ares 3 camp were published had gotten so much traffic that the server went down for twelve hours.
Everyone wanted to see it. The wind storm. The camp in ruins. 
The aftermath.
Of course, NASA wasn't pointing their satellites at Ares 3 anymore. There was no reason to now that the surviving five crew members were well on their way back to Earth in the Hermes . 
God, what Danny would give to see the inside of that ship. If it was on Earth, the temptation to fly down to Cape Canaveral and invisibly peek inside would have easily won him over. But unfortunately, the Hermes has never been to Earth. It wasn't powered by regular rocket fuel, it was powered by ion engines — whatever that meant. 
All Danny knew was that the Hermes needed to be assembled in space instead of on Earth. It was shipped up chunk by chunk to the International Space Station where it was put together in orbit.
Which was just rude. 
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amugoffandoms · 8 months
Woo!! It's time! It's time for the gift exchange!! (@milgram-valentines-exchange) Happy Valentine's Day to @mrcrazyvillainvillainn!! I had such a fun time writing your gift!! Truly gotta let Mahiru and Mikoto be silly and happy! I really hope you enjoy!! I've never written a ship fic for any of the prisoners, so I guess we ball?? (Also, let me know if you want the art without the titles!!) JIAWODJIAOW Anyways, here we go! Please enjoy...
do i dare love you? (i have always loved you)
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Is this selfish? This isn’t too much, is it? I just love you so much. How long would this dream go on? I guess we can just say that this feeling is happiness~ Do you really think you know what love is? You don’t have to keep it in and hide it away. "I love you", the reason why I'm here This is how "I" will love "you"! --- "To be honest, Mikoto Kayano didn't know what to expect." "Mahiru Shiina fixes the flowers in a bouquet and hands it off to the customer." (Mikoto Kayano and Mahiru Shiina love each other in the smallest of moments.)
To be honest, Mikoto Kayano didn't know what to expect. Getting a mysterious call out of the blue? Well, ah… That’s sure to scare him.
No, no, everything’s fine. No need to resort to anything crazy. 
Mikoto exhales and splashes some water on his face. Turning off the sink, he looks up at the mirror and flashes himself a smile. 
…ah, okay, that was a little embarrassing. Mikoto laughs to himself as he walks out of the bathroom and back to his desk.
He drums his pen against his desk as he moves his mouse around to turn his computer back on. Placing his head on his hand, he scrolls through emails and emails.
It’s just the same emails. “Fix that.” “I liked the original design better; can you do it again?” “The deadline moved. Make sure your designs are ready for–”
Mikoto blinks and glances over at his phone. 
New Message: make sure to come soon! 
Right, yeah. Mikoto has to head back home soon. Okay, he should really get a start on his work so he can head home early!
Sitting straight, Mikoto pulls up some designs on his computer and grabs the small stack of papers. 
With one more glance at the ideas given, Mikoto starts designing.
Mikoto leans back in his chair and slumps back. The design… is done! This is where Mikoto pretends to hear a soft achievement noise. Ding!
Anyways, Mikoto exhales and looks at the papers on his desk. The design is nice! One of his finest designs, actually. He flips through the papers and nods to himself, happy with the result. 
In the corner of his eye, he notices his boss and quickly waves him down. The second his boss looks at him with a small smile, Mikoto realizes his desk is an absolute mess. 
Ack–! Why did he leave his energy drink can here? Oh, these papers need to be in a folder–
Right after Mikoto finishes rearranging his desk, his boss finally makes it to his desk.
“Chief! I finished the design you wanted me to make!” Mikoto hands the stack of designs with a small smile. His boss blinks, clearly surprised at how fast Mikoto finished the designs. He flips through the small stack, checking each design.
His serious expression seriously doesn’t tell me anything… Mikoto internally groans.
“Good job, Kayano.” His boss places the stack underneath his arm. “These will probably suffice for our client. Do you have other designs that need to be completed?” “Ah, um–” Mikoto looks around at his desk. He doesn’t think he does. “...No…?’
“Oh?” His boss asks, surprised for some reason. Hey, Mikoto knows how to finish his work if it isn’t being constantly changed! “Ah… Alright then… I guess you…” His boss looks around the office. “...Actually, it looks like everyone is preoccupied.”
Mikoto shifts uncomfortably in his seat. Please don’t give him more work. Please don’t give him more work. 
His boss lifts his wrist and looks at his watch. “Hm… It’s seven. Earlier than I would like to let anyone out.” 
Oh, please. Please. Please-!!
His boss sighs. “Alright, Kayano. You may head home early today. I’m only doing this because you’ve got most of your work under control and I unfortunately don’t want to bother your coworkers with giving you their work.” You would anyway, but you seem to be in good spirits today…? “Thank you, Chief!” Mikoto smiles. “Don’t expect this often from me. Have a good night.” His boss turns right around and walks away, going over to a different cubicle. Mikoto watches as his boss walks away and pumps his fist.
Woo! I’m free! Mikoto grins to himself as he packs his stuff into his bag. Standing up, he shuts his computer off and looks around.  To be honest, he feels really bad for his coworkers… 
But, he promised to get home as soon as he could. Mikoto glances at his phone, specifically that one notification.
make sure to come soon!
He doesn’t want to break his promise. So, with a quiet exhale, he walks to the elevator and clicks the button to go down. The elevator doors open.
He walks in.
“…oh, I forgot to press the button to the lobby–” Mikoto mumbles as he quickly clicks the button down.
Mikoto hears the key click in the lock and turns the doorknob. As he walks into his apartment, the lights are all out.
“I could’ve sworn I left the lights on…?” Mikoto mumbles as he takes the key out of the lock and shrugs off his coat. He slowly walks through his apartment, fumbling for the lights. 
His hands land on the switch and Mikoto flips the lights on–
Arms wrap around Mikoto’s neck. Something makes Mikoto twitch. “Surprise~!”
Mikoto jumps. 
Mahiru laughs above him as Mikoto lies on the ground, dazed. “Ma– Mappi???” Someone relaxes.
“Hehe~ Did I scare you?” Mahiru giggles, absolutely beaming. “A… a little, yeah!” Mikoto dusts himself off. “I think I hit my head… Ow…”
Mahiru’s laughter immediately stops. “Ah– did I hurt you? Hey, let me see–”  Mahiru quickly kneels on the floor and scoots next to Mikoto. “No, no. I’m okay, I promise– Please don’t worry!” Mikoto gives a weak smile. “Let me just look, okay?” Mahiru says, with a soft voice filled with concern. (Her voice is always soft, but these moments, they're just a little bit more comforting. Maybe it’s Mikoto being too detail-oriented recently, but he’s decided to notice the smaller things.)
Mikoto swallows. “Okay.”
She looks at the back of Mikoto’s head, checking for any bumps or bruises.  The moment is silent as Mahiru looks all over Mikoto’s head for anything and Mikoto sits there, quiet.
To be honest, he doesn’t want to say anything. He doesn’t want to ruin it. It’s… those small moments, right? When you know someone loves you. Those are the moments you want to hold in your hands because they’re so fuzzy and warm. 
“I love you,” Mikoto whispers. 
There’s a pause. Mahiru stops checking his hair. Her hands are still. She’s not moving. 
Did he ruin it? Maybe he should apologize and–
“I love you, too,” Mahiru whispers back.
And, they’re back to silence.
Mahiru scoots back in front of him. “You’re okay. Nothing too bad, okay?” 
She says it with a voice that makes him know she cares: a warm, loving voice. It makes him want to cry just because she loves him. 
And, he loves her. And, he'll make sure she knows that.
“Okay,” Mahiru says, her voice oddly strained. Is… is she about to cry? “Um… Okay, I made some food for you. I– I know you don’t usually like big gestures and I really shouldn’t push myself, but… I think you deserve it, okay?”  “Okay.” Mikoto nods. He stands up and gives a hand to Mahiru, who takes it with a small giggle. “Hehe, this feels like a fairy tale~” She hums.
“Hey, can I…?” “Eh? Do what?” Mahiru asks, with a tilted head. “I mean, whatever it is, I don’t mind~”  
Mikoto places a small kiss on Mahiru’s cheek.  “Ah–!! Hey–! Oh–” She’s red, blushing from ear to ear. 
Mikoto laughs. “That was payback.” “Oh, you-!!” Mahiru has an angry look, but her smile says otherwise. “Fine, fine! That’s fair. Okay, come on, let’s eat~ I don’t want our food to be cold!” Mahiru grabs Mikoto’s hand in hers, trying to drag him over to the table.
Her hands are warm.  Mahiru quickly pauses as she looks at Mikoto and their hands. “Is everything okay…?” Mikoto nods.
“Everything’s perfect.”
Mahiru Shiina fixes the flowers in a bouquet and hands it off to the customer. “Have a good afternoon~” She grins.
As the shopkeeper’s bell rings to show the customer has left, Mahiru sighs and melts into the counter.  “Shiina…? Are you alright?” One of her coworkers asks as they walk over. Mahiru mumbles something into the counter.  “Uh…” They laugh. “Okay, I’m guessing you’re not okay. Um…”
Mahiru keeps her head on the counter as she hears her coworker’s footsteps slowly disappear.
Mahiru sighs. She’s really tired… She wasn’t able to get any sleep last night. She doesn’t even know why. She just couldn’t sleep. A lady like her should be getting her beauty sleep! 
Oh, well… She’ll just have to brave the storm! 
Mahiru quickly lifts her head up and instantly gets hit with a fit of dizziness. 
Ah, that was a bad idea…
As Mahiru quickly blinks away the dizziness, she notices her boss and coworker walking over. 
“I wasn’t doing anything–! I mean, I was doing something, I promise!” Mahiru awkwardly laughs as she waves her hands around defensively. Her boss shakes her head. “Mahiru, you can head home. We don’t expect that many people today, and you seem tired. I can cover whatever is left of your shift.” “Ah, but–” “I’ll pay you for your full shift, alright? Just head home.” “Okay.” Mahiru hesitantly nods and takes off her apron as she heads to the break room to grab her stuff. 
When Mahiru returns with her belongings, her coworker hands her a small bouquet with lilyturf, dahlias, forget-me-nots, and red lilies. 
“I know you’ve enjoyed taking these kinds of flowers home recently, so here you are!” As Mahiru opens her mouth to speak, her coworker continues, “And, don’t worry about the charge. I already paid for it.” Mahiru blinks, taking the bouquet and looking at it. “Ah… Oh. Thank you.” Mahiru smiles at the flowers.
“Of course! Now, rest well!”
Mahiru smiles at her coworker before leaving the store, the shopkeeper’s bell ringing behind her.
Mahiru hums as she enters her apartment and quickly walks over to her table near the couch, grabbing water from the kitchen. She places her bag on the floor next to the couch.
Sitting on the couch, she pours some water into a glass vase. Then, she places her bouquet in the vase.
Mahiru looks at the bouquet for a few moments, admiring each flower.
When she yawns, she finally lowers her head on a pillow and slowly…
Her eyes…
There’s a smell of food cooking in the air.  She feels warm.
Mahiru slowly blinks the sleepiness from her eyes and looks around. 
…why is there a blanket on her…?  Is someone cooking?
Confused, she pushes herself upright and glances at the kitchen.
Mikoto is cooking.
“Huh…?” Mahiru blurts out, sleepy and confused. Mikoto looks over at Mahiru. “Oh, hey! You’re awake! Sorry, I tried calling you, but you were asleep. Um, so I let myself in with the spare key!” 
Mahiru glances at her bag on the floor and quickly picks it up. Opening it, she searches for her phone. When she finally finds it, she turns it on and sees the notifications flood her lock screen.
3 Missed Calls
10 New Messages:
hey, mappi ^^!!
i’m off from work so i’m coming to visit!
Ah wait you might be at work
Go back to work!!
i think your door is locked??
i’m letting myself in, ok?
oh dear where’s your key
found it!! Coming in now :D
Mahiru rambles as she stares at the notifications, “Ah– I didn’t realize you were calling. I’m so sorry, please forgive me–”
“Hey, hey. It’s all good!” Mikoto smiles. “You were tired, so I let you sleep. I grabbed a blanket from your closet. Hope that’s okay!”
Mahiru nods and sits there for a moment, not sure what to do.
She glances over at the table, spotting the bouquet. She looks at Mikoto, who has a smile on his face as he tries to cook some soup. 
She knows why she likes getting these flowers.
They remind her of Mikoto.
They remind her of how much she loves him.
She loves him.
“Hey, let me help you, okay~?” Mahiru sings as she hops up and skips over to the kitchen. “No, I’m okay. I can cook, see?” Mahiru looks at the small pot Mikoto is using to cook soup. 
It’s… hm… not the best soup…?
“Just let me help you, alright?” “Alright, alright.” Mikoto, stepping back, raises his hands. “Show me what you want to do.”
Mahiru quickly slides in front of Mikoto and glances at the pot. "Can you wrap your arms around me?"
"Eh–?" Mikoto coughs in shock. "Yeah, yeah– Um…" 
Mikoto quickly wraps her arms around Mahiru and looks over her shoulder as he tries to stir.
“Mhm~” Mahiru hums. “You’re stirring a little too harshly. Relax, okay?”  “Alright.” Mikoto slowly stirs the soup.  “Still too tense. Okay, hold on.” Mahiru places her hands on his. “Okay, now… We’ll do this together, okay?” 
Mikoto is quiet. Mahiru takes that as his yes.
Mahiru, with Mikoto’s hands in hers, slowly stirs the soup. She murmurs some small compliments.
Mahiru lets go of his hands and smiles. “See, you’re doing it now!”  Mikoto breathes a sigh of relief. “Is it better? Honestly, I really couldn’t tell the difference.” “Hmm… Well, I guess there really isn’t.” Mahiru shrugs. “But, I think the amount of quiet, slow care you put into something will show itself." She's made herself learn that love can be soft and strong. Ever since her last boyfriend and she broke up on... amicable terms, she's tried being better. For love, and for who she loves. “I see.” “...I know it really doesn’t make sense. I’m sorry.” Mahiru shakes her head and slides out from in front of Mikoto.
“No, no. It makes sense, I promise.” Mikoto looks over at Mahiru with a smile. “It shows that you care.”
Mahiru smiles back.
After a few moments with Mahiru helping Mikoto cook, they finally eat together at the table. 
“Mappi?” Mikoto fidgets with his spoon. “Hmm?” Mahiru hums, food in her mouth. “Thank you.”
Mahiru blinks and just nods. “Y-yeah, of course…!”
Ah– That was so embarrassing…! Not at all lady-like! I should’ve just…!!
“I really don’t cook often, so that was really helpful. Haha…” Mikoto rubs his neck with a smile. “I mean, I do cook! It’s just… noodles and stuff.” “Well, now you know how to cook one more thing!” Mahiru smiles.
“Yeah.” Mikoto looks at Mahiru with a loving smile on his face.
His smile is so sweet. He even tries to do stuff he’s never done before for me! Ack… My heart can’t take it–!!
I love you.
Mikoto stares at Mahiru before laughing. 
“E-eh?? What did I do??” “Nothing, nothing. I love you, too.” Mikoto grins.
…she said that out loud…
Mahiru is instantly embarrassed. She feels warm again, but she’s not wearing a blanket. “Oh… Ah–”  “Hey, hey. It’s okay. It’s sort of cute, I think…?” Mikoto rubs his neck. “Ah– If you say so…!!”
The two of them continue eating when Mikoto suddenly speaks up again. “Hey, did you mean to make you help me feel like one of those scenes from a movie…?” “E-eh?? No, no, wait– Ah. I really didn’t, I swear!!” Mahiru frantically shakes her head. Mikoto blinks, seeming to realize Mahiru is a little panicked. “Hey, no! I thought it was sweet–!”
Mahiru awkwardly laughs. “I’m glad you do… Um… Maybe I was subconsciously inspired by something…?”
“That’s okay.” Mikoto shrugs. “Everything you do is sweet.”
Mahiru beams. 
“If it’s for you, I’ll make sure it’s worth everything.”
#mug writes#mug draws#milgram#milgram project#mikoto kayano#kayano mikoto#mahiru shiina#shiina mahiru#milgram fanfic#milgramvalentine's2024#milgram valentine's exchange#we're going to have some afterward notes so let's see uhh#the notes are more detailed on ao3 so you can also check int out there lol#i wanted to have small references to what their crimes were#so you can see John pop in for a moment because he believed Mikoto was about to get attacked but once John realized it was Mahiru he relaxe#I wanted Mahiru and her boyfriend to break up amicably because their relationship is really crucial to Mahiru's character#I think actually beans' break-up fic they wrote was REALLY good and was what I was thinking about when I wrote that#I wanna say that Mahiru and Mikoto are both trying to get better at the things they messed up at#They should go to therapy actually /j#I wrote this before Mikoto's interrogation came out so that marriage question came flying back at me#he probably hasn't accumulated a “track record” yet to make his own business but i'd say mahiru might get him to quit early and go work#elsewhere because of how much his job is putting him through#Mahiru checking Mikoto's hair was supposed to be Mahiru carrying Mikoto to the couch but I didn't know how to write it without making it#awkward so I'm sorry wome#Looking back on it I think I realized that the lines that end both sides of the fic kinda...#go straight back to MILGRAM but trying to be better?#Everything's perfect - Mikoto said his life was fine; that he had done nothing wrong (An unconscious lie)#Here you have Mikoto actually believing he's doing okay; that he's fine and everything is okay#And while work is a hassle at least there's some aspect of his life that he connects to#If it's for you I'll make sure it's worth everything. - Mahiru wants to love perfectly she wants to love because it's the reason she elives
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illusioncanthurtme · 11 months
What exactly is your version on dib like? I mean, we all know that he’s a creep and a weirdo, but what’s his story? (Also I absolutely love your work, you’re super talented)
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SO glad you asked.
In all seriousness, I don't have any set story for him. He's just dib, but in his early 20s. The main difference between him and young dib (besides appearance obviously) is that he's had some emotional development. Keyword: some. People like to use the word maladjusted when talking about dib, and that does apply to my interpretation. He doesnt get out much, and he has some unhealthy behaviors (ahem obsession ahem) But he HAS emotionally matured since being a kid. He's a bit nicer, and he's gotten used to some of the mistreatment/bitterness, and shrugs it off with a smile.
As for a "story," I just like to imagine him in circumstances with the other characters, and ill focus on whatever I find funny or interesting. It's all for fun, I like to Doodle random plots in my head, but I'm not going to do or make anything with them. But here's where my thoughts tend to land most of the time:
He HAS moved out of his dad's place. I initially had him still at home, (because I still live at home, and I tend to project onto characters), but after giving it some thought, I realized that dib with his own place was maybe more believable. I don't think he'd want to be in his dad's shadow. This way he can do his parascience in peace and spread out. SO he lives in a downtown apartment. Gaz is his upstairs neighbor! (this way they still live together, but also not really. They kind of have roomate vibes. They see each other a lot) it is a very small apartment, the kind with a kitchen area, a bathroom, and one room for your living space/bed.
(Random idea I'm toying with that kind of doesn't make sense but also?? Whatever: SOMEHOW- dib built a secret basement under the apartment complex, and you access it by entering a code into the elevator buttons. It's his lab. DONT FUCKING ASK how he managed to DIG A BASEMENT - because I don't fucking know. But with how stupid people are in iz, I'm sure he figured out a way to be discreet or fool people??? Thats where hes got taks ship. He painted it blue)
Uhhhh what else...
I like to imagine 2 potential scenarios, and in both, zim had gone missing for a decade. In one, he comes back. In the other, dib sets out to find him. There is another part to that I'm gonna leave out, because I want to draw something and show you that way. Hopefully I'll draw that soon.
Ok, enough rambling now. If I have more thoughts to add on, maybe I'll reblog and add them.
But THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!!! I was so pleasantly surprised to see this. I wasn't expecting to have an opportunity to ramble and I am super thankful, and honestly flattered that you'd be interested :')💞 (and thank you so much!! 🥺)
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catgirlscout · 1 year
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I am working on a 50s Diner/Greaser AU one shot fanfic with Medic / Scout / Engineer. (I don't know if they have a official shipping name but I shall call it Defibrillator, I won't explain why) I drew these a while ago for Appeypie's DTIYS and based the visual inspiration on it. Greaser Medic has my heart. There's gonna be NSFW so be warned. Here is an excerpt from what I wrote. I will post the full fanfic on Ao3 when it's finished. The title will be: Milkshakes n' Motorbikes (Alternate title: Fries n' Fucks) Blurb: Usually all Henry cares about is his hair, his grooves and pretty ladies, but when he falls head over heels for a handsome waiter at his regular diner, his world turns upside down. It doesn’t take long before he tries to hook-up with him. If only his roommate wasn’t such a fucking moodkill. Guess, he has to make up for it somehow.
Medic - Henry
Scout - Jamie
Engineer - Jon
All in all, working as a carhop at a drive-thru diner definitely had it’s perks. On a Saturday like this, Jamie made good money simply by having a pretty face. It was fun, gliding around on his roller skates with a tray in each hand, and being able to show off. Sometimes people handed him five dollar bills to do a spin or a flip. Many girls left him large tips to flirt with him, while men usually whistled at his rather skimpy uniform and honked their horns as they passed him. He knew it was meant as a joke most of the time, but admittedly he liked the attention.
There was one particular guy, a regular, who stopped by almost daily. Jamie knew his order by heart. Large fries, an American burger and a chocolate shake with a cherry on top. His name was Henry and he was your typical leatherjacket wearing, cigarette smoking greaser. A total bad boy. Normally, Jamie tried to stay away from guys like that but he seemed genuinely interested. Whenever he came to his window, he slipped a note into his pocket. Little messages scribbled on napkins, asking for his phone number and if he wanted to go on a date. It was cute and romantic and undeniably gave him butterflies. That’s why he had agreed to meet up with him several times over the past few weeks or so. Of course, it didn’t take long before they started going out. During his break they made-out behind the dumpsters, before Jamie had to get back to work. It always left him hungry for more. Just thinking about how he would shove his hands under his apron and pull his pants down, made him blush. Today, Henry would pick him up with his car - a baby blue Volkswagen with red padding and a convertible sunroof. He seriously couldn’t wait for his shift to end. Henry had invited him over to his house to watch a movie. They would cuddle up under a big blanket and kiss and afterwards, who knows. Perhaps it was time for the next step.
Fifteen minutes later, he heard a roaring engine on the parking lot in front of the diner. That was his sign to come out. He grabbed his things and pulled up to the car window with a cheeky smile.
“Welcome to Fried Batter. Can I take your order?”, he said in his best waiter-voice.
Henry played along. “I would like your hottest chick, please.”, he winked.
“Coming right up.”
With a click the door opened and Jamie climbed onto his seat, giggling. As soon as he was buckled in, Henry revved the engine once more and cut the corner with spinning tires. On the way home he rolled down the windows and blasted loud rock music through the radio. They sang along and laughed and when they finally backed into the small open space of a workshop Jamie could barely contain his excitement. Henry stopped to look at him and put a hand on his inner thigh, brushing against his soft, exposed skin with the tips of his fingers.
“Here we are.”
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blazinghotfoggynights · 4 months
Going through the 911 associated tags used to be fun.
Now it makes me sad, tense, and even angry.
It took less than two minutes of scrolling several different 911 related tags to see DOZENS of posts that were insulting other fandom groups, writers, actors or whoever, were seriously inflammatory, or, I'm going to be real about this, were just plain unhinged.
I've been in many different fandoms over many years. It was all about connecting, meeting cool people, and stoking the fires or creativity. Now it's ship wars and fighting. There are fandoms that are small and close-knit and, after decades, have never had any of this going on.
It's saddening to see how this fandom is devolving. A few people in every group are ruining the fandom for everyone else.
What is making it worse is that there are enablers defending them while accusing other groups in fandom of being "toxic" and "crazy".
Let's be rational about this:
1-Buddie and BuckTommy fandoms, both of you should be objective and honest. Both groups have members that are doing terrible things and making everyone look bad. If you are pointing the finger across the aisle but not at your fellow shippers who are behaving badly, you are not a part of the solution.
Only one person is going to choose what happens. No amount of fighting, whining, insults, namecalling, or whatever is going to get him to change his mind.
Can anyone who is brave look into HenRen, Madney, and Bathena posts and tell me if those tags are in chaos, too? Or are they safe havens for those who can enjoy all the different relationships? (Karen, Athena, and Maddie are badasses anyway. How can you not like them?)
2 Actor fandoms are involved wars?
Lou fandoms versus Ryan fandoms? Why are you arguing over two actors who are just doing what they are paid to do and that is say words in a script and play make-believe? Lou is not Tommy; Ryan is not Eddie. Tommy Kinard and Edmundo Diaz are not real and their actors are not necessarily anything like their characters.
Unless I know someone personally, there is no way I am defending anything they say or do. Why would I do that? I am going to take their actions at face value and move along. If it is especially ignorant or egregious, and I have a free moment, I call it out, say they are dumb, then be on my way. Why? Their personal and political beliefs don't influence me.
There is one member of the regular cast who said some very egregious and ignorant things as themselves and did some things that come across as antagonistic at best. The actions and statements were, imho, offensive and Indefensible, yet the attention on it vanished quickly and even the people who called them out are now friendly with them again. I probably would distance myself from that person permanently, but that's just me.
Now, there is a recurring character who said some things that has fandom riled. I have to look into it more.
But so? They are people, meaning they have some beliefs that are cool and some that suck. I just need them to bring the characters to life to get the story told then go home.
Actors engaging in questionable behavior is not the same as the character an actor portrays being a canonical douchebag. You have to blame the writers for what the characters do.
One is real; the other is just a figment of someone's imagination.
I used to scroll through the tags to get away from the stress and BS of the day real life brings. If I want a headache or stress, I can get that IRL in seconds.
It was nice to spend my down time looking at cool fanart, clips, fic excerpts, prompts, metas, or whatever. The responses and reblogs were full of hilarious quips and reactions. It was just fun.
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Is it now impossible to have the fandom we knew and loved back?
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haridraws · 5 months
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My books: Queer romance
🎩 I SHALL NEVER FALL IN LOVE (2024) graphic novel
Austen vs queer history, Regency romance but transmasc and no-one wants to marry a duke. Very pre-orderable. (Full info || tag)
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🌿 FINDING HOME (2017-23, complete) slowburn webcomic
About slowly clawing your life back after things have been shit, but also: trees, flower language & agonised pining. Won awards. Free to read. (Intro post || tag)
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🌊 (Future, name TBA) Comic WIP, dramatic romance. Involves ships, windswept marshland and gender. (Preview tag || lots more on patreon)
Illustrated choose-your-own-path books
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✨ INTO THE TOWER (2023) wizard tower heist
Like a 1-hour novella that’s different each time, with art by 15 seriously amazing guest artists. Options include: being a cursed librarian, queer spy treason, losing yourself forever in the source of all magic. (full info | tag)
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🗡️ INTO THE DUNGEON (2018) Short, fun dungeon crawl
My first gamebook! Kid-friendly, award nominated, full of weird little guys. Also exists in shops - in several languages, even. Short and sweet. (intro post)
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🍷 (2025, name TBA) Gamebook WIP: queer adult vampire romance. (Preview tag | lots more on patreon)
💌 Sign up to hear when new books come out here. 
(It’s very helpful when you do. You can unsub any time. thank you!!)
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iamnathannah · 2 months
Barbie Birthday Headcanon
After Gloria is told the story about how completely mean her daughter and her friends were to Barbie when she came to the school, she pretty much chews out Sasha and the other three for their cruelness.
"You called her a fascist, what the fuck?!" she says, and that's when Sasha knew she was really in the wrong, because though her mom is liberal with her English and Spanish cursing, it's rarely directed towards her daughter, much less Jade, Cloe and Yasmin. "How could you make her cry like that, she was trying to get help." "But she was a stranger to us," Sasha says weakly. "What am I supposed to do?" "Not compare her to a dictator, mija, you know we came from a place that had facist after facist and that's why your abuela came to America! Barbie isn't in any way comparable to Benito Mussolini!" "I didn't expect her to take it so seriously!" "Well she did, and I hope you all apologize to her because we do not compare innocent blondes to war criminals." "Innocent blonde you say as you imagine her lips–" "Don't even start with me, Yasmin!"
Eventually though, the girls suck up their pride and do apologize to Barbie, but Jade really didn't want to participate in the first place, just feeling more weird about Barbie than feeling like being mean to her, and after they all get to know who would quickly become Gloria's girlfriend, they decide to bury the hatchet for Barbie's first real world birthday. Sasha gets a job working at the local library during the weekends and the other girls babysit and tutor younger kids, and eventually, they come up with a fun way to show their appreciation as they realize Barbie is actually pretty darned cool.
They don't tell Gloria what the gift is at all, and Cloe keeps it at home until the big day, when after blowing out her candles and after Gloria and Barbie's work friends give their presents, Sasha gets out the large box, wrapped in pink.
"So..." Sasha places the present in front of Barbie. "When you came into our world, I think I can pretty much say this, and don't ground me, Mom...we were all utter bitches to you." "No, no you weren't!" Barbie exclaims. "I should've done better–" "We were," Yasmin says morosely. "Like, you were all scared and stuff and found this girl you didn't know and instead of trying to help you, we made you cry. Imagine if you didn't get to Ms. Esperada in time and you got shipped back to Barbieland because of us; that would've made us guilty for the rest of our lives." Cloe joins in. "We should've just got you to a trusted adult or told you to meet us afterschool, and I'm so sorry, ma'am." "it's OK, Cloe. I'm really fine, you saw me as a stranger." "But it's not!" Jade cried. "So...we hope that you know that we all got together and found this, and I hope you'll know that we're glad you're still here and that we're happy that you make my BFF and her mom happy. We really are glad to know you, Barbie." "Well, thank you, girls. It's a bit big of a gift for a teen foursome to give though; I don't really need a PlayStation 5," she jokes nervously.
"Oh, I know." Sasha laughs aloud, nervous. "You're proud of the work you put into your Stardew Valley town and Mom has to distract you to get off the Switch at night." She mumbled under her breath, "sometimes in non PG-13 ways," then shoots an eyeroll towards her mom, who blushes, neither confirming or denying as her best friend Belinda shakes her head and giggles.
"Whatever it is, I'm sure it's lovely." Barbie feels the weight of the package in her hands and then unwraps it, pulling the pink paper off and revealing a blank cardboard box which is taped up considerably. "Aw, man, I'm going to need a–" Jade is unusually swift to offer up her 'for protection' pocketknife, flipping it open and handing it to Barbie at the hilt.
"Knife." She laughs nervously, then opens the package as her girlfriend says a silent prayer that Barbie doesn't cut off a finger. She opens up the package and her eyes light up in awe...
"You told Mom about how sad you felt about being called a facist and...yeah, really uncalled for," Sasha confesses. "But when she mentioned you took it too literally and we asserted you took too much joy in controlling the railroads and flow of commerce...ugggh, I really felt like soap scum. So hopefully this makes up for a really bad first impression, B." She helps pull the item the rest of the way out of the box, and then helps Barbie place it on the table. "Happy birthday, from all of us." "You..." Gloria is in utter shock about how her daughter tried to make one of the worst moments of Barbie's life into the best. "How on earth did you girls...Sasha, what on earth?" "You know my grandpa is a big railfan," Jade explained, "and when I asked him how we could get one of these, he had his friend in Oregon drive this all the way down after we explained what happened. It's in amazing working order and was really out of a train station that was torn down in the 80s near Pocatello they rescued and restored. And when he heard about why we wanted it...well, because of our gift, you've got a rail car at the museum in Fresno named after you too. So we'll have to see that one day, but I hope you know that...we definitely don't think you're a facist, Barbie." "It...it's beautiful. Girls..." Barbie was crying, but happily this time, looking over the large and beautifully stained oak railroad station clock. "Oh my Ruth, you really didn't have to do this, I forgave you all so long ago!" "Now you can know the time, and not be compared to terrible painters and obsessive train schedulers," Cloe says softly. "We just thought we'd turn a big negative for you into a positive, and since this is your first real birthday, we wanted to make it feel special and connect it to when we first met. Hopefully you don't think of that any longer and that you enjoy this like we did finding it, then giving it to you." "It...it really is. I expected something goofy, but not this...heartfelt. You should know that you've more than made up for it, and...oh, this is definitely going in the living room...um, if you don't mind, honeybee?" She looks at Gloria, who nods furiously.
"Oh, of course, yeah, it's going above the mantle! You girls went above and beyond and...just thank you for making up to her like this. I know this has been...quite a year with all of...this going on," she glances towards Richie, who nods knowingly at his ex-wife, "but you're a strong girl, with strong friends who know when they wrong someone. And you've created an amazing memory for Barbie. I hope so." "It is! It really is." Barbie gets up, and beckons the girls together, along with Gloria to circle around her. "I love you all, but Sash, thank you for just warming up to me. I know I've been a disruptive force, to say the least, but the way you've made it up to me, I know I can always count on you all. Thank you." Through her tears, Barbie hugs all four young women, along with Gloria, in a heartful hug. She feels the depression and self-loathing of that moment begin to melt away, a peek of the true deep love Sasha felt for her as an unexpected mother figure warming her own soul. The Esperada girls, along with the bratty trio who had known Sasha since they met in the Mattel daycare, had truly made her first real world birthday, which in Barbieland felt like any other day, very special.
Little did she know that Gloria would make it even more special for her after they proudly hung the clock, and after the party was done and cleaned up, the guests long gone, and Sasha was in bed with her heart much lighter, her mother would get down on bended knee with her beloved abuela's engagement ring, the ticking of the clock indicating the start of the path towards Barbie being able to know Sasha as her very own daughter...
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shaunashipman · 5 months
For something fun, what’re your hopes with where Bick and Tommy’s story is by the end of the season and how they may set it up for the future? I’m hoping that they have a more focused ending for them going into season eight unlike what we got in the last season with Buck and Natalia. That ending felt very open ended in that they could be serious or could not be. I mean that worked out well for Buck’s story, but given this relationship with Tommy is his 3rd within the last three seasons, I would imagine they want it to be a good and serious one AND for the general audience to take it as such. That’s why I think ending the season with them not just being in a ‘good place’, but showing us (and not just telling us) that they are serious and committed would be the way to do that. This would also break the cycle of Buck’s nerve ending never succeeding romantic relationships.
oooooh fun stuff
my dream version: tommy and possibly buck heroic moment in ep9, we get worried boyfriends, maybe another big smooch, bit of conflict as they both have to come to terms with being on the other side of dating a first responder, and we end the season with them in the montage watching the movie they never got to see, but this time at home cuddling on buck's couch (the movie is either love, actually or top gun)
real world version where it's not the bucktommy show: i still think maybe a heroic tommy moment in ep9 cause of the award ceremony, unless it actually is for the cruise ship rescue (which wouldn't quite make sense, yeah they saved people and the dept saved face, but tommy still stole a chopper, and the others lied to their superior and disobeyed orders, also, how long has it been in-universe 🤨) hopefully a cute domestic moment during/after the ceremony (my heart for a buck/tommy/bobby/athena scene). as for a more focused ending, half of the finales so far have had a get together of some sort, so having a party at bobby and athena's and buck bringing tommy would help cement the seriousness of their relationship, since none of the others have been shown at the family events, and then we could get a bit of them dancing at the party during the ending montage
(i'm also pretty sure, if they are together at the end of the season 🤞 then they'll still be together at the start of s8, cause otherwise it'll be the second premiere in a row where we last saw buck seemingly happy in a relationship only for them to break up between seasons. if they are gonna break up, it would probably be sometime during the first half of s8. or they could stay together forever and get married and grow old and die within hours of each other, like thomas and mitchell)
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elexuscal · 2 years
Network Effect, but it happens immediately on the tail end of Exit Strategy
this is one of the funniest fandom AUs out there, imo. (also one of the saddest! but also like. in a fun way)
Mensah, Pin-Lee, Gurathin, and Ratthi are just SO glad to be home soon
they're also really glad that SecUnit seems to have regained the ability to talk
even if like, only 40% of what it says seems to logically follow whatever conversation they were having
like that sounds like a dig but they seriously have spent the last 2 weeks thinking its brain might have been totally fried
so they get in a shuttle to go back to the station when
mysterious ship appears out of nowhere?
murderbot is like 'hey that's my friend wtf ART'
"what do you mean," its humans ask
it Does Not Clarify
maybe just says like a random stream of code, aloud. completely impossible to parse
i'd like to remind everyone that Dr. Ayda Mensah has some Severe Kidnapping Trauma that has not managed to start unpacking at all at this point. and now she's been kidnapped. again.
at least her friends are along for the ride this time???
(she feels awful for being this relieved)
ship is totally empty when they get on board
except for creepy grey people
SecUnit started being able to walk around its MedBay like 47 hours ago
it was not pretty. it fell on its face like. 3 separate times.
now it has to kill a bunch of targets
it still manages it but not with anywhere NEAR its usual level of grace
this just makes it more angry
it does not help that it keeps forgetting where it's in its own timeline
keeps pinging ART. keeps being surprised when it doesn't answer. all over again.
the humans are the ones doing the majority of the Smart Detective Work and making theories on What's Happening Here and interrogating Ras and Eletra
Ras and Eletra who, by the way, are like 'hey your SecUnit is seriously glitching you should probably put it down.'
'okay we can at least turn it off and shove it in one of the mortuary tubes-'
"yeesh okay we're just giving a suggestion" [Eletra and Ras exchange a 'get a load of these crazy freeholders' look behind their backs]
MB is currently have a conversation, aloud, to a crumpled drone
good news: being in a familiar environment is helping MB's memory retrieval
bad news: those memories are letting MB know something Is Very Very wrong
1-3 emotional breakdowns happen during this point. One of them is definitely Murderbot's
it's even worse than in canon Network Effect
"My friend is DEAD"
they haven't found ANY dead bodies at this point, though, so...
PresAux starts realising maybe the dead friend is... an AI?
Ras's brain gets fried around this point. Then Ratthi, as the closest thing the team has to a doctor, has to cut Eletra's chip out of her neck. so he probably gets one of those emotional breakdowns.
'wtf how did we get out of a wormhole so fast??'
In this time-line, Murderbot is in no state to fight AND do complex coding attacks at the same time
(it's really in no state to be doing even one of these by the way but oh well)
that mean Pin-Lee and Gurathin are absolutely doing the majority of fighting off TargetControlSys
and then MB gets that delayed datapackage from ART
"For Eden? what the fuck does that mean?"
is it a religious message? a code?
"hey isn't there a character named that in Sanctuary Moon?" asks Ratthi
MB might be in a pitched firefight at the time but that is no reason for it to not ramble about its blorbos and how cool Eden is
Mensah starts getting an idea
They find ART's secret coding bundle
they try putting in 'Eden'. doesn't work.
okay that was too obvious. try 'Sanctuary Moon'.
'SecUnit'? no
'Murderbot'? long shot but... no
since they have a copy of MB's purchase contract, they have its feed address documented. it's a real long shot, but they are desperate at this point. they try it
Re-Load in Progress. Please stand-bye.
i honestly have NO idea what MB says when ART comes online this time
maybe something super sweet and sappy. or maybe it's even less coherent than in canon
either way, the humans are like 'Holy Shit' upon realising who/what Murderbot's friend ART really is
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