#the well
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buddienetwork · 4 days ago
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you are jeff by richard siken, stanza 24
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artistic-izzy-multifandom · 17 days ago
A preview of what to expect in my next animatic~!
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ansonmountdaily · 9 months ago
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Anson Mount on his podcast 'The Well'
Anson at his home discussing film, music and documentaries with podcast co-host Branan Edgens - December 7 2023
Source: The Well Drop #18 clip
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astercosplays · 8 months ago
For the Crane Children
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coderooster · 5 months ago
Eddie's not the one to go down the well this time, and maybe everything goes smooth sailing so once they're packing up someone (probably chimney) turns to Buck and says, 'well you're a lot calmer than last time' and Eddie turns around like 'what?'. Buck is all like 'ahhhh it's nothing don't worry about it' but the others interject being like 'oh it's not nothing he freaked the fuck out, was all over the news... actually how do you NOT know this Eddie?'. Cue Eddie later searching for the clips of Buck scrabbling at the floor, sobbing his heart out. He looks up to see Buck across the room and when they lock eyes Buck just lights up and Eddie goes ‘oh fuck’.
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gameraboy2 · 8 months ago
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El Pozo (The Well) by Sanjulian (Manuel Perez Clemente), 1992
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mof-rot · 1 year ago
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So uh I made The Crane Wives mood boards???
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just-hyde · 1 month ago
A sweet RP moment
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Terry by @terencehomilion
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air--so--sweet · 2 months ago
We know 9-1-1 loves a parallel - was the lightning strike meant to parallel the well? Because both were caused by a piece of equipment essentially acting as a giant lightning rod, both resulted in the other half of Buddie being on the ground so they didn't realise what had happened straight away (Buck tackled Bobby to get him out of harms way, Eddie was blown off the truck due to the control panel on the ladder exploding) and both times they tried to save the other person but couldn't (Buck starts digging at the mud with his hands, Eddie tries to pull Buck back on the ladder but can't as he's dead weight).
Also, and this is likely coincidence but might as well include it, Eddie begins was in season 3 and In a Flash was in season 6.
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purplespacekitty · 7 months ago
I've gotten good at leaning on metaphors I've gotten good at living on someone else's page
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I cut my teeth on secondhand sentiments You can't trust a single thing I say
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The crows in the garden are laughing at my expense Drowning out all the lies that I might have told instead
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I keep my closet free of skeletons 'Cause I'm much better at digging graves
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But I always dig up bones in your sympathy I can't trust a single thing you say
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I light torches in my sleep I have gasoline in my veins I am always burning, burning, burning
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And I know that you mean so well But I am not a vessel for your good intent
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I've grown a mouth so sharp and cruel It's all that I can give to you, my dear
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Don't look too hard, 'cause you won't like the scars he left in me
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I'm afraid Is this a bunker or a shallow grave?
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Send me anywhere, take me out I'm the well they're gonna drag you down
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I am a falling axe I am a sharpened knife I am a poison asp I am a risk to your life I am a swinging bat Tumbling dynamite I am the beast at your back You better run for your life
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I will only break your pretty things I will only wring you dry of everything
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You gotta know that this won't last Desperation will erase the fact I'm keeping all Of the answers in my cigarette box
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I've gotten good at making up metaphors I've gotten good at stretching the truth out of shape And all these words are sweet and meaningless
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My darling, the devil knows my name
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But if you're fine with that You can be mine like that
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"Metaphor", “Tongues and Teeth", “The Garden”, “The Wolf", “Hollow Moon” and “The Well” by The Crane Wives
Sometimes I wonder if The Crane Wives have watched Deep Space Nine...
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burning-thistle · 1 year ago
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ansonmountdaily · 3 months ago
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Anson Mount for Christmas 2024
Anson Mount and his co-cost Branan Edgens share Christmas movie recommendations in their latest podcast video.
Source: Mini-Drop clip - Dec 24 2024
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mysterypigeon · 1 year ago
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oh, the damage i have wrought
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apollos-constant-crisis · 1 year ago
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thebluewizardlives · 17 days ago
The Well
Summary: Elrond shows the earth smith something important, and Morinë reveals what she was actually doing in the forest when they first met.
Chapter 04: The Beginning
Ch: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06
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Offering his arm, Morinë reluctantly hooked her own as he guided her through the crowd, down the neat but winding streets of the city. Not long after they arrived at the entrance of a narrow but towering structure. While beautiful, as she had come to expect from Elven architecture, but it was much quainter than the other buildings; something she attributed to its age as she inspected the ancient, hand-painted murals. Slowly, they climbed the many steps to the top, though Morinë wished roughly halfway through that she would have preferred being carted the rest of the way up.
Upon clearing the last step, Morinë caught her breath only to lose it again, beholding the view before her. From a large window, the whole of eastern Lindon could be seen; the rolling hills and mountains beyond its walls, a lush sea of gold and green, brimming with life. Her shoulders fell slightly, disarmed by its beauty. “So, this why you’ve brought me here.”
“Partly, tell me what you see.” He moved to stand next to her by the window. Looking out, Morinë pointed out the landmarks they had visited, peppering in details of what she had noticed and questions about what she hadn’t. While he had imagined what the sound of her voice might be, his imaginings paled in comparison, now lost in conversation, mesmerized by the sound of her voice. Clearing his throat, Elrond continued, “Do you see those mountains in the distance?”
“Most would find them rather difficult to miss.” She replied lightly, though her expression was curious.
“For years I’ve come up to this tower. To see this view, to think,” he began, looking out as he spoke,” After the War of the Jewels, they did not look as they do now; wilted and near-baren. Well after the battlefields had been cleared, the stench seemed to cling to the very earth as if it had always been so. I began to wonder if it was an omen after a time. However, I still found myself, week after week, trekking up these stairs just to gaze out this window. Inevitably, I would return, as though something I could not fully perceive was at work; I just needed to be here to witness it. And then, a few years ago, I heard word that some large, earthen structure had been erected, just beyond those very mountains. A keep with spires and arches yet no seams. I was intrigued but thought little of it after a time. That is until I returned to this tower to see green peaking over the horizon of what many were sure was lost.” Turning to her as he continued,” Now farmlands flourish there, because of your work.”
Morinë held his gaze for a moment, taken aback. Despite laboring long and hard, she presumed her contribution to restoring the lands of Middle Earth a modest one. That it had somehow reached so far was more than she had ever imagined—than she’d ever hoped. Her expression softened.
“While it is the High King’s duty to instill peace and stability throughout the realm, it is my duty to support our collective path forward however I can, not only for the Elves, but all Middle Earth. I believe our goals are aligned in this way.”
“I believe they are.” Morinë responded sincerely, though she found it hard to believe someone like himself would be so committed to helping them; those who may have looked down on him. She knew Peredhel meant Half-elf, and there was little ambiguity in what the Elves thought men. “You truly care for these people, don’t you?” she asked, a bit of surprise coloring her voice.
“Don’t you?”
She stood in thought for a moment, considering his words. The continent had been terraformed by bloodshed. While Morgoth may have been defeated and Sauron forced into hiding, their destruction would resonate through the lands for many years to come. Middle Earth was on the horizon of returning to some semblance of balance, but she feared it may never fully come to fruition if she failed in her mission. Tried as she might to deny it, something deep within urged her to speak, convincing her the events of the last month had happened for a reason.
“More than you know. There is a darkness that seeped into the very soil of Middle Earth. It was many years before I was able to convince anything to grow. In truth, you were correct earlier— it is not often that I work with others, my doings have been rather solitary for years now,” she agreed, brandishing a rueful smile before reluctantly continuing,” However, I realize this must not be my way if I am to succeed.”
“While I’m inclined to agree with the sentiment, I’m unsure if I fully understand your goal—what must you succeed in exactly?” He could tell she had been withholding something about the nature of her research but hadn’t an inkling as to what it could have been. While she had been poised before the High King and his questioning, Elrond knew all too well the appearance of secrets and those who kept them.
“To be frank, I partly expected you might leave me in the woods to succumb to my wounds. Many others would have.” She stated matter-of-factly though the sadness in her eyes could not be completely hidden, “I would like to trust you. However, I require a test, of sorts.”
“… What kind of test?”
“A sorcerer’s test. It is meant to determine a person’s trustworthiness. Would you allow me to perform it on you?”
He scoffed for a moment, assuming she was making an odd joke before his smile dropped, a serious look on her face as she awaited his response., “If I do, will you tell me the whole truth in return?”
“If you promise to guard it with your life as I have, then yes, I will.”
Pausing to study her, he thought for a moment about the weight of this decision. Morinë possessed a power that was not known to him, and he was unsure as to what this test was he agreed to. Nonetheless something within urged him forward, conceding this was necessary, “Then I promise.”
Morinë nodded slowly before stepping closer, her hand pausing mid-air as she raised it,” I assure you, I will only look where is necessary.” She stated genuinely before reaching toward his neck. A look of confusion flashed across his face, though he did not move as her hand slid around to gently press her fingers against the base of his skull. Though they remained closed, her eyes continued to move rapidly behind her lids as though deep in sleep. From the many memories and trials he had seen in his long life, he wondered which she was viewing now as they stayed perfectly still for a time.
“Hm.” She simply said before opening her eyes. Her cool composure was lost for a moment, realizing how close they were, her thumb tenderly grazing the corner of his jaw. Quickly withdrawing her hand, Morine cleared her throat, collecting herself. Turning to face the window, her arms intertwined behind her back, a far-off look in her eyes as she spoke,” Do you know where you were when the spider brood attacked?”
“Of course, we had just passed the river Bruinen.”
“You were passing the Mirkwood.”
“I beg your pardon?“
“When I found you, you and your party were passing the Mirkwood near the Anduin river. There was as entire mountain range between you and the Bruinen river.”
“…That is physically impossible.”
“So it would seem. When I heard your shouts, I was working near the Old Forest, hundreds of miles away. While I am more physically adept than most Men, I could not have dreamed of reaching your party in a few minutes from that distance.”
His brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of this information, “What are you implying?”
“The Mirkwood is growing. Its borders are fluctuating. Perhaps it is a new one, or maybe even the same one we know of now, but its growth and my spontaneous travel across hundreds of miles are but two of the dozens of anomalies I have experienced over the past year.” She confessed, concealing the worry in her voice as she continued to stare out at the lush landscape. “While I am truly humbled to see these horizons thrive, I fear there may be another, darker one elsewhere we cannot see yet. From my limited research thus far, these irregularities seemed less infrequent the longer Middle Earth was freed from the rule of Morgoth, but they have returned. Not simply as they were, but more strange, more unpredictable. I have not determined their pattern or their cause yet, if there even is one. These may very well be just another side effect—an echo of the past, one that will fade in time without greater notice. However, I fear that may be wishful thinking.” She exhaled, her hands mindlessly fidgeting behind her back as she turned to face him,” Thus, I find myself in a difficult position. I must continue my research, but I do not wish to alarm anyone—namely the High King at present, if there is no just and substantiated cause to do so. Though the Elves seem a more measured race than Men, the peace of our realms is fragile and must be protected at all costs. I would not ask that you lie to your king, rather I ask that you support me in this endeavor to gather more information. Even though—"
“I said yes, I will help you.” He replied simply.
“That’s it? You would agree that easily?” she asked incredulously, wondering if he had properly heard her.
His expression was unreadable for a moment, “You truly did only look where necessary…” he almost murmured to himself. “We’ve not been acquainted for long, so I cannot blame you for having reservations, but know this: you are correct, this realm’s peace is fragile, it always has been. While you see the importance of this work based on knowledge, I see it because of experience. Darkness was all that I knew for an age, and I remember it vividly. If there is even a sliver of a chance your studies could prevent its return, I would gladly lay down my life to see it happen. You rushed to the aid of strangers uninfluenced by your own fate, and now you exercise caution to the same end; I trust you to conduct your studies here as you see fit.”
“Oh, I… I suppose that makes sense. Thank you.” She eventually managed to get out, anticipating much more resistance and questioning, “With all due respect, and my apologies if this sounds coarse, but I must admit you are rather curious, particularly for an Elf.”
“Half-Elf.” He corrected, “I do not wish to monitor you or become intrusive, but I trust you will continue to confide in me, curious as I may be.” A small smile appeared on his face at the embarrassment upon her own.
“Of course,” she responded quickly before composing herself,” You have my word. I will come to you with whatever I find. It is the least I can do.”
A few moments of quiet passed between them before a low, markedly guttural, distorted creaking reverberated in her ears. Though Elrond could hear the sound clearly, it felt as though he was eavesdropping on something private and personal. The sun was beginning to set, and after what felt like one of the most eventful days in recent memory, Morinë was happy to answer her companion’s call. “I suppose I know where I’ll be retiring tonight.” She murmured to herself, looking in the direction of the sound.
“I assume that is Coirëamár? I have never heard such a sound in all my days,” he commented sounding both appalled and awestruck.
“It sounds like home,” she smiled to herself. “Shall we go?”
They ended their day as it began, strolling through the various gardens and squares. It appeared to be needed as they walked silently, lost in thought from their earlier exchange, the sounds of evening filling the air. After a time, Morinë subtly began to lead the way as they arrived in a large, grassy knoll. Enclosed by a short stone wall, the entrance was an arch of the same material lit with gilded lanterns. Though one could likely step over the fencing, in this moment, the threshold felt as meaningful as the palace gates. Morinë stopped, turning to him. Coirëamár called once again, sensing her keeper was nearing.
“This is where we must part ways, for now.” She began, not sure of why she felt nervous, “I must thank you again... Shall we meet here tomorrow?”
“Of course,” he replied with a smile, a few moments of silence passing between them before he continued “Good night, Morinë.” He politely bowed before noticing her hand, now outstretched expectantly. Realizing what she intended, he gently grasped it with his own, finding the light callouses on her palm endearing. The path ahead seemed daunting, but as they parted ways each silently reveled, confident neither would face it alone.
Tags: @valar-did-me-wrong
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