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rustychainsnorter · 4 months ago
T-shirt art with Rick Sanchez. (Please don't judge, it's my first time drawing Rick and it was on a freakin T-shirt of all things).
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Now, what should I do for the background? Please feel free to make suggestions!
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rustychainsnorter · 4 months ago
Compilation of moments where Rick was a good grandpa. (Platonic only. No shipping).
I thought it'd be fun to come up with a simple list of times when Rick was a decent grandpa. If you can think of any other moments that I didn't list, please share and I'll add it to the compilation. Hope you enjoy!
Seriously, I really do hope this compilation grows :)
Rick gives Morty his lab coat. Episode: Full Metal Jackrick.
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We don't get to see a lot of Rick being gentle or soft, but this was definitely a heart felt moment. Trapped in a blizzard, Rick gives Morty his coat and tries to reassure him. It's a simple gesture, but it does show Rick's gentle, more protective side.
Rick indulging Morty. Episode: Rickfending Your Mort.
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So I think this is more character development on Rick's part than anything else. Season 7 definitely delivered a more open minded Rick than what we're used to. In previous seasons, Rick usually degraded and belittled Morty's ideas and adventures, some times even going so far as to purposely hurt him. But in season 7, we see moments where Rick actually indulges Morty's silly ideas without complaint or judgement. He doesn't get as angry when Morty makes mistakes either which is a huge character growth.
Rick holding Morty close while dying. Episode: Solaricks.
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Another small gesture but super heart warming. Trapped in space and close to death, Rick and Morty huddle together to accept their fates and die in each other's presence. Considering the fact that they're both about to die, it's sweet to think that Rick would be perfectly content dying while holding his grandson in his arms.
Turning himself in to the government. Episode: The Wedding Squanchers.
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Being one of the primary reasons why his family can't return to earth and have a real life, Rick turns himself in to the government so that they can go home and be safe. This was a bold move by Rick, and it shows just how much he secretly cares about his family. He even risked them resenting him, but their safety was more important.
Toxic Rick sacrificing himself to save Morty: Episode: Rest and Ricklaxation.
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It's incredible. Even Rick's toxicity cares enough about Morty to sacrifice himself to save him. In this episode, toxic Rick is faced with a difficult choice and that is either to merge with healthy Rick or let Morty disintegrate. Being as narcissistic and mean as he is, it was quite surprising to see toxic Rick willingly merge with his healthy self. (Let's not even mention the part where Rick cried to Jessica about not being able to find healthy Morty).
Rick comforting Morty. Episode: Meeseeks and Destroy.
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An absolute rarity in the old days of R&M. After getting attacked by Mr. Jellybean, Morty gives up and decides that he wants to go home. However, instead of belittling or degrading him about his adventure any further, Rick realizes what's happened and comforts Morty. He even goes so far as to complete Morty's adventure with a positive smile soon before assassinating Mr. Jellybean.
Pride and respect. Episode: Fear no Mort.
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After his experience in the fear hole, Morty warns Rick not to go into the hole. And, for once, Rick followed Morty's advice and listened to him. Not only that, but he also acknowledged his grandson's accomplishment by putting his photo on the wall and walking away with a proud smile. This is good. This is character development. Rick respected Morty and he listened to him without argument or complaint. I hope we get more moments like this.
Rick sacrificing his life for Mortys. Episode: A Rickle in Time.
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How could we forget the time Rick actually did jump into a hole for Morty? This episode was such a punch to the heart. In order to fix time, Rick and Morty have to be absolutely certain. But, one of the split Morty's fell through a hole, and Rick wasted no time jumping in after him. When he catches Morty, he became certain that giving him his own collar was what he wanted to do, and he did. He gladly gave his life to save his grandson.
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rustychainsnorter · 4 months ago
I don't believe your works could ever not make me proud. You're doing amazing, my friend! I just got back into Tumblr recently and I'm so, so grateful that I found your blog. I plan to keep following you and offering my support. And I can't tell you how happy it makes me to know that I could be an inspiration for you.
Keep up the great work. I can't wait to see what all you create in the future :D
Hi. I hope it was alright if I stopped by. I recently discovered your blog and I just wanted to express how happy it makes me. Everything that you do and create is so sweet and precious. Your art work is amazing and I love how you characterized Rick Prime.
I think I seen a post about being a little bit of an inspiration for you, and I wanted to say thank you. I'm so proud of you for running this account. It truly is spectacular and you're doing a wonderful job. It really warmed my heart to see your work, especially the pop-tart quirk. You really made my day.
I hope you are doing well, imaginary-grandpa. Thank you for everything you do.
Hi!! You’re always welcome here! :D Seeing this made me so unbelievably happy, thank you for liking my stuff! I think you’re a really cool person and your works are amazing! I stumbled onto your fics one day and it was what got me into doing all of this! I hope to keep making you proud and live up to this idea! <3
I hope you’re doing great! I’m glad to be able to say thank you to you too, without you, I don’t think I would ever even thought of doing something like this. :)
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rustychainsnorter · 4 months ago
[The art is sooo good]
"Even if you did return for selfish reasons only, I'm sure Morty likes having a grandpa around."
[Admin: Ahhhhh tyyy!! :DD]
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"I'm... gonna ignore that you're Diane or a fucking clone of her o-or something." -ahem- "Anyways- I'm only hanging around since the little shit has some potential and it'd be a waste if Jerry's idiocy spreads to the kid."
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rustychainsnorter · 4 months ago
You know what I'm excited for the most about season 8? Everyone coming together.
I'm excited to see all of the fanart; artists' bursting to life with inspiration and creativity.
I'm excited to see fanfic writers flourish and set sail with their imaginations.
I'm excited to see all the fan theories and analysis.
I'm excited to see season 8 bring everyone back together for another couple months of unforgettable fun.
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rustychainsnorter · 4 months ago
Rick Sanchez & Morty Smith
Summary: Morty finds himself in a tough situation when Rick turns them into females for an adventure, after which Beth starts spending a lot of time with him. Summer gets jealous, and, like usual, Morty gets stuck having to fix a problem Rick caused.
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rustychainsnorter · 4 months ago
One thing I wanted to see more than anything was a moment between Morty and Rick Prime. I didn't care how it went, I just wanted them to cross paths, communicate or fight in some way. I just wanted to see how they would react to each other.
In season 7, episode 5, we got presented with what we thought was finally a Morty and Rick Prime moment, but it turned out to be Evil Morty instead. So it seemed like there was literally no moments between Rick Prime and Morty, right?
It might have been indirect, but both Morty and Rick Prime did react to each other. And you know what? I think Morty's reaction was more lethal.
Remember this?
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At the start of Unmortricken, Evil Morty helps them to catch what they all believe is the real Rick Prime. While Rick hesitates and argues with Evil Morty, Rick Prime clears his throat and offers his "two cents" in the background.
I don't know if anyone realized it, but Morty instantly yelled "no" and pushed the button that immediately shot Rick Prime in the head.
Morty did not hesitate to take the opportunity to kill his biological grandpa. In the moment, he was desperate to get rid of him. He almost even seemed angry when he reacted to Rick Prime, and he was more than determined to kill him. There was no hesitation. He didn't care. What Morty thought was the real Rick Prime opened his mouth, and he decided to silence it.
And then we have Rick Prime's reaction to Morty
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Unlike Morty, Rick Prime does not immediately go in for the kill. Instead, he awkwardly addresses the situation in an almost polite manner before pulling his gun out and asking (he asked) Morty "Should I just get this over with, or...?"
And then Evil Morty revealed himself and shot him. I also thought it was crazy how Rick Prime cried "grandson" while being electrocuted.
To me, I think Rick Prime would have been open for conversation with Morty had Morty actually tried to communicate with him. His overconfidence probably made him feel safe enough to hold out a conversation with Morty. Hell, I bet he might have even tried to get Morty to turn on C-137. It's kind of hard to know with him. I do believe he would have had no trouble killing Morty, but the point is that he didn't do it right away when he had the chance.
Side note. Did anyone else notice that Morty was the only one to not get wounded during that battle? He was also the only one not to get targeted or shot at- aside from a drone that shot in his direction a couple times but that was it. Crazy!
Ok. This post is getting long. My point is that, despite how indirect it all was, I can now find myself a tiny bit satisfied with the small knowledge I have. If Morty met face to face with Rick Prime, I think he would try to kill him immediately and without hesitation. If Rick Prime met Morty, I think he'd act the way he did in the episode up until he felt annoyed or threatened.
It's a small analysis, but I hope you enjoyed.
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rustychainsnorter · 4 months ago
Enjoying SFW, innocent Rick and Morty fanart on Pinterest.
So, I did a thing and created a Pinterest specifically for Rick and Morty. If you're like me, finding fanart that is not proshipping material can be difficult for R&M. Pinterest in itself can be difficult to navigate as well because it's hard to know what is supposed to be proshipping material and what isn't.
But, I did my best to go through and create a board with what I feel like is SFW, platonic, innocent Rick and Morty fanart. Some of the artworks I saved may have been created by proshippers (I don't know for sure), but I tried my best to find content that was exclusively NON-ROMANTIC and innocent looking.
I created this mainly for my followers or anyone who is simply trying to find fun, innocent Rick and Morty fanart. I plan to save more content to my board as time goes on. Hopefully some folks out there can enjoy the simplicity of the board and have fun browsing it.
Here's the link-
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rustychainsnorter · 4 months ago
My toxic trait is writing this deranged, alcoholic, mean nut brain as if he'll fix all my problems.
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rustychainsnorter · 4 months ago
I'm sure analysis on this subject has been done, but I wanted to express my own thoughts and opinions.
Simple Rick and our Rick C-137's connection.
Have you noticed that Rick absolutely loves wafer cookies? He's always eating them?
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Well, remember the episode where we learn about life on the Citadel? Season 3, episode 7. Remember the factory where they make the wafer cookies by using chemicals from simple Rick's brain? And, of course, remember how much Rick C-137 loves wafer cookies?
I think there's a sad connection there.
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I believe that C-137 would have been just like simple Rick had his Beth and Diane not been murdered.
If you think about it, Rick was fully willing to give up on science after his encounter with Rick Prime. He took his lab coat off and decided that family was more important than science or being smart. However, Rick Prime ruined all of that and sent Rick on his screwed up path for revenge.
Simple Rick, on the other hand, did get to have a life with his Beth. He quit science, took up woodworking and lived a quiet, simple life, devoting everything to his family. No science, no drug or alcohol abuse, no anger or hate. He just had a simple, happy life.
And the Citadel used simple Rick to make wafer cookies. And Rick C-137 loves those wafer cookies.
I think that C-137 Rick loves those wafer cookies because it gives him a slight sensation of what it would have felt like to have actually had the life he always wanted.
It's just a small, simple connection, but I think it holds a lot of meaning. Analysis about this has probably already been done, but I just wanted to share my own thoughts. Thank you for stopping by!
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rustychainsnorter · 4 months ago
Pardon my obsession with this legendary coocoo cuckoo, but does anyone else feel unsatisfied with the way he went out?
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I don't know. I just feel like there was so much more going on with Rick Prime than what was actually shown to us. He's literally the root cause for this entire show. The primary antagonist. He's the reason that our Rick C-137 is the way that he is. For him to get taken out in just one, single episode seems a bit rushed and sketchy to me.
Here's some questions I want to know about Rick Prime.
-Why did he kill all of the Dianes?
-If he had the omega device that entire time, why not kill more people?
-If his sole intent was to hurt Rick C-137, then why not simply catch a Morty and extinguish the Mortys?
-Where was he all of those years that C-137 searched for him, and what was he doing?
-What were the Ricks' called that followed Rick Prime, and what was their purpose?
-Why does he look young?
-He seemed so powerful, why didn't he ever kill C-137 when he had the chance?
-Is he actually dead?
-What the heck was the deal with C-137 holding baby Morty? Was that a hostage situation to try and lure Rick Prime out?
In my opinion, Rick Prime is too mysterious and important a character to just snuff out and forget. This story has layers. Something personal caused Rick Prime to kill the Dianes. He has an entire seventy years worth of backstory, and I want to know what it is.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go obsess.
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rustychainsnorter · 4 months ago
Observing Rick
Rick Sanchez & Morty Smith
Summary: An observer comes to thank Morty for inspiring a change to the observer society. Morty tries telling the observer that Rick doesn't care about anything. So the observer proves him wrong by playing clips of moments when Rick did care.
Platonic. Short and simple.
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rustychainsnorter · 1 year ago
I don't know what all the hate is for I liked the premiere😭 The voices were only slightly off, I barely noticed it (And so what? It could've been way worse) Sure the plot wasn't mind blowing but I didn't expect much tbh. HUGH JACKMAN THO pffft.
Loved the first bit with Morty checking on Rick. Would love to see my precious best boy more<33
I KNOW! I LOVE THE NEW EPISODE! Was it the greatest? No. Was it the worst? Definitely no. It was just fun and relaxing. We got to see the goofy boys hanging out together with a famous actor. And while it wasn't the most exciting thing, it was a lot sweeter than most content we've gotten before.
I hope you don't mind, but I wanna list things I loved about the episode.
- Morty being used to Rick's sh*t. I just LOVED him pretending that he had coffee. And I love that he checked on him.
- I for one don't care about the change in voices. I appreciate the voice actors, of course, but mostly I'm just grateful that they're still making the show.
- Bird Person is back and his daughter is fire! I would LOVE an episode where bird daughter and Morty go on an adventure!!! *hulk roar*
- Rick was definitely still canon because he tried to avoid primary responsibilities and he forgot Wayne's birthday. Oh, and he started drinking and causing trouble! Very canon.
- This episode reminded me of Analyze Piss because Rick really did try to do the right thing by encouraging Wayne not to visit his x-wife, and everyone started calling him out for being "an a**". Just like in Analyze Piss he said something like "I'm either an a**hole for helping or an a**hole for not helping". Just little similarities.
- Rick genuinely tried to be a good friend. He wanted to go on an adventure with all his friends- THE FACT THAT HE EVEN CALLED THEM HIS FRIENDS THOUGH!!- and he wanted to cheer Wayne up. They got drunk, had fun, caused trouble and went home somewhat content. Rick learned something.
- Hugh Jackman was funny. Why is he playing in so many goofy adult shows? I thought he was hilarious in Big Mouth, but this definitely takes the cake, lol!
- And, last but not least, my favorite part......... RICK IS DEVELOPING! Don't you see it? Rick is becoming a better person! He is growing. He is becoming happier, more considerate, caring and nice! That's literally all I've ever wanted and it's happening! And it makes me SO HAPPY!
I don't care what people say, I loved the new episode and I'm going to keep having faith in the future ones. Like you said, I can't wait to see my precious little bro Morty in the future :'D It's gonna happen. Just one more week!
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rustychainsnorter · 1 year ago
Woo, this is actually kind of scary. A part of me has full faith that the vast majority of my slasher followers won't judge me (they're too sweet and I luv em so much) I don't know what to say about the small bit that doesn't know me.
I mean the RustyChainSnorter account is what helped me to open up, and it gives me a break from angst. The people in this fandom helped me to realize that I don't want to give up on my other account. And I'm grateful for both fandoms. The fearless passion of R&M helped me to be who I really am on my slasher account, and it's made me a happier writer.
I want to say that I'm confident that my slasher followers won't hate me, block me or turn me into a meme because they're very supportive and kind, but I'm anxious, lol. You never know what's gonna happen. If they do happen to take it sideways though, then I just hope that they treat ME bad and none of you.
*mentally preparing for hate*
Dude, all of your posts about people shaming themselves or being degraded simply for even mentioning Rick and Morty is making me wanna do a loyalty test on my slasher account. I have around 500 followers on there, and many of them have been wanting to know what my new favorite fandom is *cough* Rick and Morty *cough cough*. So should I do it? Should I reblog this on my slasher account and admit that YES I LOVE RICK AND MORTY, YA'LL!!! THIS IS ME. DEAL WITH IT! And then see how many unfollows and blocks I get?
Do it! It's a social experiment. Prepare yourself for the unfollows and smartass remarks, though.
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rustychainsnorter · 1 year ago
hi, regarding the ask you sent a few days ago on Miami Rick and Morty I realized the long post I made is just too unclear to be out to the public’s view, is it okay if I answer in your dms ?
Sure, that'd be great! Thank you! But I hope it's not too much trouble for you. I don't wanna bother you or take up any of your time. Though I do admit, I'm excited to learn about your point of view. Message away my friend!
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rustychainsnorter · 1 year ago
Measuring Mortportance
Summary: Rick builds Morty a device that allows him to measure his importance to other people.
All Morty wants is to be infinitely valuable to someone.
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rustychainsnorter · 1 year ago
I fucking trusted you
Wait... You "trusted" me???
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