#send me whatever idc
alittlebitgoofy · 2 years
i'm working tonight but it's gonna be hella quiet so, send me asks and i'll answer them at like 1/2am
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alphaclxwn · 2 months
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gwen griffin
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yooniesim · 1 year
I know nobody gives a shit about this in comparison so posting a save file with uncredited builds in it, but reminder of that time @mapanou started calling me out of name and spewing hateful nazi ideology at me out of nowhere just bc i made a lukewarm criticism of a paywaller and I dared to say black people are often criticized more for being angry... but since only one of my parents are black that ain't allowed 😬 some of yall acted like this was okay but I didn't forget it, I notice how some of their friends are acting all betrayed now bc their homie turned out to be a sims content thief but you knew who you were laying down with clearly. You were glad to support an extremely nasty ass person when the vitriol was directed at me, but God forbid someone not credit a build! anyway guess who was struck down and it wasn't me bitch 💀
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That aside, since the insufferable cunt had the nerve to mention the One Drop Rule, which has been used as a tool to discriminate against all black people and keep their mixed offspring othered for as many generations as possible, here's some sources on what it actually refers to (and some related articles about the struggles of mixed race people). It's a method of discrimination by white supremacists, not a way for mixed race people that you think are unworthy of speaking to "claim" to be black. If you're lurking, mapanou, i hope you and your friends read them and understand something you should have already at your "very big age".
One Drop Rule on Wikipedia (for the basic concept + more sources)
How The "One Drop Rule" Became a Tool of White Supremacy
How The Nazis Were Inspired by Jim Crow
Understanding the Stressors and Types of Discrimination That Can Affect Multiracial Individuals
Exploring Black mixed-race experiences of Black rejection
Not Enough Or Double The Prejudice: On Being Black & Asian American
Why Imposter Syndrome Goes Deep for Multiracial People
When Your Own Family Is Racist Toward You
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^ the basic gist for the lazy. and just an added bit. I don't know if mapanou has ever seen me, because I barely know them and certainly didn't share with them, but I have been doxxed plenty and my pics probably shared to them by others and im obviously not white though i am light skinned. im very proud of my dark natural hair, brown eyes, thick lips and big nose that I all got from my father. I have nothing to prove nor hide about who I am. I am black and asian and white and I love every part of what makes me, me. I am mixed race and if you don't believe or like me as I am that's your problem not mine. just wanna clear that up for all the people that may have been confused about it. and for all my followers that are mixed, especially black and asian, I love you and you have a place here. your voices and experiences are valuable and you deserve to be heard. that's all I got to say.
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chamiryokuroi · 5 months
Trying to explain front end logic to back end developers is the most annoying and time wasting task ever.
You would think me being a full stack dev would make things easier right? WRONG
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watermelinoe · 1 month
heyyy i'm poking my head in to ask if anyone has podcast recommendations 👉👈
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chandajaan · 8 months
Kinda dying to see the mutuals jewellery rotation,,,,, like if your a jewellery person I wanna seeeeeee, and if they're passed down or thrifted or where you got them I wanna know the story!
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some-stars · 15 days
im going away for the weekend and hopefully will not be on tumblr much so i am DEPENDING on y’all to send me/tag me in the good deadpool content please 🙏
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languri · 29 days
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I'm sure you mean this good so I have no ill feelings towards you at all but also are you really that surprised? Like honestly me being funny online is like a big takeaway from it???
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dumbasswithapen · 7 months
I’m bored give me mechs drawing/writing ideas I might do them
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brenna · 8 months
i'm feeling chatty. tell me about your day or ask me a question or give me a prompt or whatever. got a random fact? anything you want to know? how are you?
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malinaa · 2 years
rly thinking abt the freaks who want alina to be this all powerful girlboss who tames the decrepit old man as though they're not reading an entire trilogy about the consequences of power corruption like i rly hope they're out there enjoying their delusions
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frnkiebby · 7 months
There should be something called Frank Friday where we celebrate this questionable creature's existence once every week on Friday ‼️‼️
this is a fucking great idea HOWEVER this is what i’ve got so far going on. If you (or anyone) has an idea of how that could work rhyme-y and shit with tues/thurs/sun OR if you/anyone can think of a day that Franthony Friday could work on all rhyme-y then we could do Feral Frankie Friday or some shit for that idea!!~🎃
Ray Monday
Gerard Way Wednesday
Franthony Friday
Mikey Way Saturday
[i kinda like the idea of Sunday for that bc i think it’d be kinda funny to be celebrating the existence of a sometimes long haired man who is loved intensely all around the world and whose hands people are feral about…on a sunday. bc what’s a little christian/catholic heresy around here right??]
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femmefaggot · 1 year
ok hi haha lol I dont rly feel like going in circles in my head forever trying to figure out whether, among other "smaller" things, being left alone in a room w only media as a child and not feeling like I had even a semblance of a personality for most of my life counts as "trauma"
a lot of these parts of me are new, I'm just recently putting names to them and it feels as though I'm developing facets of personalities in my mid 20s after a lifetime of either feeling like I'm basically just ADHD in a person, an amalgamation of kins shoved into a body, or something made of guilt Also shoved into a body.
I don't like, claim to know what this means. but I don't think a lot of my current mutuals would feel comfortable interacting w me bc I don't necessarily believe in the black and white of what plurality is. I'm not able or planning on getting any formal diagnosis and while I'm discussing this w my therapist they're very much not one to pathologize
I definitely don't feel like one person but I dont think id count for most of you as a "system" as the different parts of me feel as though theyre still developing. take all of this as you will, I'm not going to stress my body out more by trying to figure out "what" I am as I've been doing that my whole life and I'm kinda tired of it.
I know that I'm not entirely one thing and feel Enough like multiple things for myself, but blurred in a lot of ways. like some sort of gem with many different facets.
not sure where to go w this tbh take this how you will. im not comfortable saying I'm leaning one way or the other regarding system discourse, (<- not a phrase i want to use but the best shorthand i have) as I genuinely don't believe the human brain is nearly that black and white.
I'm both "me" and very much not "me" at times. idk what this means but ik I'm not comfortable saying im just pandora and im not sure im "allowed" to say im a system and im not sure if it matters, or should matter, regarding friends. im going to be like this regardless, id unfollow me if this grey area im likely to stay in bothers you
if you don't want me refollowing I'd probably block, too, as my memory is bad
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pigeonpeach · 7 months
Got my first hate ask today! Friendly reminder that the unfollow button is literally easy to access and completely fucking free. If you don’t like my content then don’t follow its simple as that. Also there is in fact something called a block button if I keep showing up on your feed unwanted.
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head---ache · 1 year
I feel like i do have to say, btw, that I'm not actually taking requests at the moment. I say this because I've been getting a few more requests these past few days, and some people are sending them more than once after I ignored their first ask, which is really not pleasant. I'm not mad at anyone!!!! I kind of understand the confusion since I did take a rather big batch of requests the other day and I've been answering some asks with drawings, but those are isolated instances and do not give you permission to harass me trying to get me to draw whatever you want.
If you want a drawing from me then you'll just have to wait until I specifically ask for requests, and if even then I don't take your request, well that's too bad, but I don't owe you any art, sooooo yea
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tchaikovskaya · 1 year
The next 7 days are gonna like. Make or break my life not to be dramatique and I’m a mess about it (won’t elaborate not even on priv like literally only I know and I’m gonna keep it that way) so just. Idek but Things Are Happening and they could be very bad so. Do whatever u do idk just hope for me that it doesn’t do
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