#seductive princess
ghlmagazine · 4 months
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Natalie Dormer in gold
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pjs-everyday · 6 months
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*immediately loses their cool* lmao 🤓 // linework >> grayscale // ko-fi
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ash-says · 5 months
Being in touch with your sensuality:
On today's episode of ash-says we are going to talk about how to get in touch with your sensuality. Personally it's something I am very passionate about and kind of indulgent too.
Sensuality helps me in feeling alive and in tune with myself. I can't guarantee it for everyone but for me it works wonders. It's like the "Amrut" or "rejuvenating water" (for a lack of better terms) for me. Along with that it's the most healthy way for expressing my sexuality and keeping it in control to not let it affect my day to day functioning.
Here are some ways I incorporated in the last five years of my life to be in touch with my sensuality:
1) Exercise: No matter what I am going to vouch for this always. The way it helps me in expressing the surplus energy and controlling my desires is a chef's kiss. Plus helps in tackling the sluggish feeling.
2) Dance: Especially the slow sensual seductive dance. Not only it's a good outlet but above all that it validates the emotions and creates a space to delve in it to create a beautiful synchronisation with the body movements.
3) Art: Create! Create! Create! Nothing better than creating beautiful art or writing poems, stories,etc to voice your passion for the world and it's offerings.
4) Music: I have playlists on Spotify that specifically cater to my sensual mood. It has all the songs that can set a tone for the bedroom (iykyk). Singing to it or dancing works wonders. It's a magical experience.
5) Meditation: You can meditate on those feelings to internalize it and put all that energy in proper use for achieving a goal,etc. This is something I very rarely do because I am a very active person but putting it out here cause it works for some people.
6)Play Barbie: This is my personal favourite. After all I am just a girl. I put on some makeup, wear a bold sexy outfit or a cute dress (depending on the mood) then spend my time reading a romance novel and listening to sensual songs. It's my kind of therapy🦋🦋
7) Be a model: Being all dressed up but not clicking any photos you got to be kidding me!!! Come on girl! Pose and click! You are not going to be this young again. The best thing I do is this. It literally helps in skyrocketing my confidence. I don't click pictures daily but boy when I do, God forbid!!
8) Unlearn the shame: The basic one. You need to own your body first and appreciate it. I know saying is easy but hey you won't get there if you never start.
9) Imitate things that you find sexy: I will explain this with an example, so I find laying on the bed on my chest with my legs dangling in the air extremely sexy so when I am alone I will lie on the bed in that way as a way of expressing. Secondly, we all know sipping wine while reading a book is incredibly sexy while being dressed all slutty but I don't consume alcoholic beverages so as an alternative I drink pomegranate juice. Plus I find pomegranate as the sexiest fruit for obvious reasons.
10) Invest in things that make you feel sensual and seductive: It doesn't need to be costly. Find your sexy and invest!! For me it's aroma candles, jewellery, deep neck tops, skirts, ribbons, art honestly I have developed a knack to turn any ordinary thing into something seductive atp I feel. Everything works for me. So exploreeee!! If you are experimental enough and don't have parental risks you can try out sex toys too.
That's all for today's show on ash-says. Stay tuned for more illegal tricks and explosive opinions.
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ultraviolentxoxo · 8 months
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lana del rey for skims valentine’s day collection 🩷
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lokimobius · 2 months
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LOKI S01E02 “The Variant”
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her-dirty-sins · 2 months
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his property
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yuushin7 · 11 months
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Day 2: Seduction - aside from her assassin outfit, this is thirstiest dress we got from official media; Day 16: Red Thread - I took more comedic route for this one. Thread of her sweater got caught somehow on his watch 🙃
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ghlmagazine · 4 months
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diablaesque · 5 months
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Strawberry Glaze Smoothie Recipe
This is totally inspired by Hailey Bieber's strawberry glaze skin smoothie but made for us girlies who definitely can't afford a $19 smoothie daily lol. I've noticed a difference in my skin since I started having this smoothie (almost) every day and I'm not one to gatekeep!
250ml almond or coconut milk (adjust for desired consistency)
1 ripe banana
80g strawberries (about 5-6 medium-sized strawberries)
1/4 avocado
2-3 dates, pitted
teaspoon maple syrup (adjust to taste)
1 serving of vanilla collagen powder (mine is from bulk - 15g)
1/2 teaspoon natural vanilla flavoring
1 tablespoon coconut cream
spoonful of strawberry syrup or glaze (optional, to taste)
Peel the banana, pit the dates, and remove the stems from the strawberries.
In a blender, combine almond or coconut milk, banana, strawberries, avocado, dates, maple syrup, vanilla collagen powder, natural vanilla flavoring, and coconut cream.
Blend on high speed until all ingredients are well combined and the mixture is smooth and creamy. If the smoothie is too thick, you can add more almond or coconut milk to reach your desired consistency.
If you would like, drizzle in a spoonful of strawberry syrup at the bottom of your cup / glass before serving for extra strawberry flavour.
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robinlovexo · 12 days
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touch me, taste me
give love to the divine beautiful powerful sacred body that holds me
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ash-says · 5 months
How to feel sexy instead of cute:
Before we dive into it I personally feel everyone is blessed with a set of attributes and you should not force yourself out of your way to change it. True essence blossoms when you accept yourself and add to it rather than subtracting things.
Being said that I also understand we all have occasions where we want to look sexy and honestly as girls we should play a little with our looks.
Next whatever I am saying here is not at all applicable to girls below 18. Darling go and study it's not your arena for now.
This post is completely based on personal experience so take it with a grain of salt.
1) Define your sexy.
No no I am not talking about manifestations and subliminal here. Clearing this before hand. What I am asking you to do is what you find sexy. What makes you tingle.
An example for me is being sexy translates to being dressed in off shoulders, wild curly hairs, adorned in jewellery, outfits that have a teasing touch, being a little mean, sassy comebacks, untouchable aura and obviously having a "I don't care what they say. I am in my own league." vibe.
2) Makeup
I am not a pro at this but I surely know the type of makeup that transforms my face into a sultry mess. Trial and error is the way here.
3) Outfits and jewellery
This is a no brainer that you should experiment in various outfits and pick those that make you look and feel sexy. A side note make sure you are comfortable in them. There's no point in wearing clothes that you have zero idea on how to carry. I have seen people wearing short dresses and being called vulgar because they had no idea on how to carry them and then another person wearing more revealing clothes still being called graceful and hot at the same time.
So it's kinda in the energy I guess.
4) Being comfortable in being sexy and a little bit objectified
Harsh truth here but if you are planning to be sexy you shouldn't quickly take offense in being objectified. I know it's wrong but then that's how the world works. Until and unless it's harmless do not react and accept the compliments graciously. If they overstep the boundaries and say something vulgar put them in their place until then it's fine. Be comfortable in getting side eyes and stares. You will get them alot!
5) Unwavering confidence
Know you are looking the part! Know you are that girl( if it makes sense)! No self doubts. I know everyone has it but in public concealment is the key. Move like you own the room and have a demeanor that speaks, " I know I am hot." Again people will try to bring you down so instead of letting it get to you either ignore or give a befitting reply depending on the situation.
6) Practice it alone so you shine in public
This helped me personally and still does. For every outfit I wear I have a personality curated and I practice it alone first in front of the mirror. Like an actor. I have a white sleeveless crop top with V neck I have attributed it to the graceful corporate babe personality and whenever I wear that I make sure to act like it. So I mix a little bit of hot and cold vibes to it. You get the point right?
7) Dance and music
The art forms you consume goes a long way to how you express yourself. Human beings are great at mimicking. After all we are monkeys at core. Invest your time in this and you will automatically see the result. It's a practical tip. Do it to find out.
8) Sensual touch
Even though I struggle with this at times because I don't have much sexual experience, I read somewhere that if you want to give a sensual and slutty vibe without coming off as vulgar softly and sensually touch the things around you. Pick up the glass slowly, slightly graze your fingers on the table or a cloth or whatever you feel okay with as if you are feeling the texture of it. Be present in your body and in tune with your senses. Slow down and don't be in a rush while doing mundane tasks. Trust me it works like hell. The amount of times I have been told I come off so graceful and classy by slowing down and doing things carefully and gracefully. Watch old barbie movies girls and see how they pick up things and move in routine works. You will get what I mean.
9) Standards
Nothing screams being sexy than having standards and knowing oneself. It's the key to it. Know you are not everyone's cup of tea and be comfortable with it. Be disgustingly educated and intelligent. Develop wit and sass because once you start working on this you will automatically start developing standards. Make sure to stick to them.
10) Untouchable
Gatekeep yourself. Don't try to impress people. Rather let them impress you (please note use this according to the situation. Don't do this in front of an HR or client or boss) Don't be swayed by people's money, success or looks. Know they are standing in their truth and you are standing in yours. Their light doesn't diminish yours. Be picky and choosy with who you associate yourself with. Have a life and don't be overly friendly. Network but don't people please. Be a person of substance not a doormat. Be private about your life and have a close knit circle with trustworthy people. It establishes influence and demand. Be open towards people but not so open that every other person knows your life history and problems.
That's all for today's show on ash-says. Stay tuned for more illegal tricks and explosive opinions.
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r34needfulthings · 5 months
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nayypretty · 1 month
the power of seduction
≽^•༚• ྀིྀ≼ Confianza en uno mismo: Cuando te sientes seguro de ti mismo, eso se refleja en tu lenguaje corporal y en cómo te comunicas con los demás. La gente tiende a sentirse atraída por aquellos que tienen una actitud positiva y segura.≽^•༚• ྀིྀ≼
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≽^• ˕ • ྀི≼ Escucha activa: Presta atención genuina a lo que la otra persona dice. Mostrar interés y hacer preguntas relevantes no solo crea una conexión más profunda, sino que también demuestra que valoras sus opiniones y sentimientos. Lenguaje corporal: Tu cuerpo comunica mucho. Mantén una postura abierta y relajada, haz contacto visual y usa gestos que transmitan calidez y sinceridad. Evita cruzar los brazos o tener una postura cerrada, ya que puede parecer distante o defensiva.≽^• ˕ • ྀི≼
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Empatía: Ponte en el lugar de la otra persona. Entender sus emociones y perspectivas te ayudará a conectar a un nivel más profundo.୨ৎ
Comunicación efectiva: Usa un tono de voz cálido y amigable. Evita hablar demasiado rápido o de manera monótona, ya que esto puede resultar poco atractivo.୨ৎ
Humor: Un buen sentido del humor puede ser una herramienta poderosa en la seducción.୨ৎ
Autenticidad: Sé tú mismo. La autenticidad es atractiva porque muestra que no estás intentando ser alguien que no eres. La gente suele sentirse atraída por personas que son genuinas y honestas.୨ৎ
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Cuidado personal: La apariencia también juega un papel importante. Vestirte bien y cuidar tu higiene personal demuestra respeto hacia ti mismo y hacia los demás. No se trata de ser superficial, sino de presentarte de una manera que te haga sentir seguro y cómodo. Desarrolla tus habilidades sociales: La seducción a menudo implica habilidades sociales refinadas. Trabaja en tu capacidad para leer las señales sociales, adaptarte a diferentes situaciones y manejar las interacciones de manera efectiva. Respeto y límites: La seducción debe siempre basarse en el respeto mutuo. Reconoce y respeta los límites de los demás. La verdadera seducción no debe ser manipulativa ni forzada; debe ser una interacción que beneficie a ambas partes.
intragram-of my
youtube-of my
pinterest-of my
tiktok-of my
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ingravinoveritas · 8 months
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Lord. We can't ever have a quiet day in this fandom, can we? I saw this the other day and definitely had a lot of thoughts, because...wow.
I think it's not a coincidence that this post came on the heels of the Michael birthday posts, as we've seen before how Georgia and AL both have made posts in the wake of high profile/media heavy events (like the announcement of GO 2, and subsequently the release of GO 2 last summer) to ensure maximum visibility. It's also interesting that it follows Georgia newly using the word "boyfriend" to describe Michael/his relationship to David, and is another addition to the pantheon of recent (meaning the last six months) posts that keeps all of this in the realm of a joke, which goes back to what I wrote the other day about hiding in plain sight.
The other thing that stood out to me was the (again) ambiguous wording of AL's original post. "I don't know why I did this to myself" could mean several things, none of which are clear. Did she buy the pillow for herself? Did she buy it for Michael as a birthday present? Or did Michael insist on getting one for himself and she agreed to it? All of those seem like possibilities, although I'm not entirely certain why Michael would want or need a pillow when he can sit on David's face anytime he wants, especially with them being neighbors and boyfriends. And I don't think David would mind much, either...
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But I think what resonates for me most about this is something that @nightgoodomens has alluded to, which is the continuation of posts that are meant to show Anna as being part of the "arrangement" (whatever it may be) that is between all of them. Emphasizing the idea that everyone is on board with what is happening, "we all get along," "we're all friends," and so on, despite this standing in stark contrast to what we've seen in the past. I would also certainly be curious to see Michael's reaction to the pillow, as it is interesting how noticeably absent he is from all of this.
Whatever the case may be, I do think Georgia and AL are fucking with the fans/the GO fandom, though I'm not sure if they're doing it for the reasons some people think. (This also feels distinctly different to MugGate, which happened in 2020, because in that case it was Michael and David doing it, and it somehow came across as more sincere/raw than what Georgia and AL are doing.)
That is my take on this new turn of events, at least. I'd love to know what my followers think, of course, so please do feel free to share your thoughts on this post. Thanks for writing in! x
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ash-says · 6 months
Tried and tested Manipulation Techniques:
1) While talking, 80% truth and 20% lies. Make sure that the 20% lie is generic and extremely difficult to spot. This will help in creating a persona where people will think you are an honest person and when you truly need to lie or are put in a compromising situation people will naturally believe you until proved otherwise.
2) We live in a male dominated society and need to manipulate them to leverage benefits. The basic one that will keep you safe and get things done is speak with respect and softness. Confuse the person with hot and cold behaviour. Act a little cutesy I swear a lot of men are vulnerable to it. Touch them occasionally and strategically.
3) If you are living in a dysfunctional family learn how to manipulate your parents. You know your parents the best. Know the major deal breakers now the ones that align with you stick to them and fulfill it. It will give an illusion of being the perfect daughter and then strategically implement the rebel side.
Trial and error is the only way here.
4) Always keep a pristine image in front of authorities, bosses, teachers and professors. Never be aggressive if you have opposing views express it gently and in ways it's digestible to them. Being aggressive, on defence will only lead to your downfall. Soft spoken over anything else. Show your intellect but don't try to outsmart them. Showcase a learning attitude.
5) Learn to confuse people. Honestly it's such a boon. No one knows if you are truly a bitch or the situation triggered it out of you. Have multiple personalities catered to multiple people. Please understand I am not talking here in a people pleasing way. It's called adaptation.
For example: In my previous office I am rumoured to be an introvert in the team who is bitchy because of my strong boundaries but when you go to the HR she thinks I am a sincere candidate with a great work ethic and hardworking persona. In my college everyone thinks I am an extrovert and in my home my family thinks I am an ambivert. So you understand. So you understand the point right? Tailor your personality as per the environment.
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