#secondary scenario
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werecreature-addicted · 7 months ago
werewolf who tears his clothes every time he shifts x reader who works at a fabric shop and teaches him how to sew so he can fix his own clothes.
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people already talking of the genocide in the past tense.
even if this deal goes through (sorry, but if you've been keeping up with the other 'deals', this is just unlikely) the conditions remain the same.
the genocide was already happening before oct. 7. stopping the bombing doesn't stop the apartheid conditions, the slow and steady displacement... well, the genocidal project.
there's no mention of removing checkpoints. there's no mention of giving back land. there's no mention of stopping the constant raids. or stopping the expansion of new settlements. there's no mention of israel dropping its zionist agenda, the second-tier citizenship, or admitting in any way that the genocidal political project of zionism, that holds the Israeli state together, is over (what they are saying is in fact the opposite).
a "slow-marching" genocide will still be a genocide.
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tarathorntonwasright · 19 days ago
finally got this scene....soft violins and soft voices?.....ms gallus i am yours
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slamrink · 28 days ago
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the big ragu and lil’ ragu
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hypewinter · 2 years ago
I'm in a silly goofy mood so screw it, let's make younger brother Danny ideas for all the batbros. Heck! I might even do some of the other batfam members. We'll see. I'll make them all separate posts with one lighthearted and one angsty scenario similar to the Damian post.
Anyway with the set up out of the way let's take care of Dick first!
Jason Tim Damian Cass
Around the time Danny is born, Haly's Circus is experiencing hard times. Because of this, Mary and John give him up for adoption in hopes of him experiencing a better life. Danny grows up to be super athletic and flexible. He also looks like the carbon copy of Dick. When Danny's class takes a field trip to Gotham, a batfam member spots him and believes he's a clone. Cue the batfam scrambling to figure out this clone's origin and purpose. Danny for his part, is absolutely confused why the Wayne's have such an interest in him until Tucker points out he fits the Wayne adoption bill. This results in him panicking and when Dick approaches him the next day he yells 'I've already been adopted once so no thanks!' and runs away. This peaks Dick's curiosity so he does something none of the other family members considered to do. He does his research. After a while of digging he finds out Danny was adopted in xyz place around xyz date that matches with the time his parents put his little brother up for adoption. Could it be?
Danny is reborn as the youngest son of the flying graysons. The night their parents died Danny was in one of the trailers and not watching the performance. Therefore when everything went down, while Dick was being comforted by Bruce, the talons were able to kidnap him without anyone knowing. He is trained as the most prized talon of the court of owls. Eventually Batman proves to be a pain in the court's side so Danny is sent to take care of him. Batman doesn't want to admit it but he's having a lot of trouble with this particular assassin so he calls in Nightwing to help. Together, they manage to knock off the talon's mask. Dick sees his precious little brother's face that was once so full of life now devoid of all emotion and that makes him hesitate. This gives Danny enough time to make a tactical retreat. When Bruce finds out why Dick hesitated, he tries to bench him. The former Robin is having none of that though. He's getting his brother back.
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grand-line-shenanigans · 8 months ago
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I will wake her in the morning, once the dew has dried
I will say it to her face: You're a conjured lie, a figment of my mind;
Baby, I don't mind.
Are you dead or are you alive?
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spotsupstuff · 2 years ago
If five pebbles was ever built for zephyr the same way he was built for moon, would he ever see her as a mentor?
i imagine that he'd!!! be more open with her than he is with Moon, because their personalities match better. Zephyr isn't really the doting, overprotective kind. She didn't have the chance to learn how to be affectionate and warm even though she wishes she could be and she needs to watch her own systems like a hawk 24/7 so she ain't got the attention to spare to nag at him even if she wanted to. they'd end up bonding over their anger at the injustice of the Iterators' fate, though
Pebs would probably take someone else as Mentor™ (she wouldn't be capable of fullfilling the expectations of that role), but he'd probably still look up to her a lot. she'd be like. a not-the-title mentor in the specific field of being angry at their situation and doing Something about it
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throesofincreasingwonder · 10 days ago
It's really funny to me that people are like 'Louis is an unreliable narrator you can't trust anything he says' right up until he says Lestat's version of Claudia's turning is probably the right one at which point he's correctly acknowledging his flaws and we have an absolutely canonical version of events. Like my dudes idk how to tell you this but Lestat is also not a reliable narrator. This is an adaptation of the unreliable narrator book series, where a bunch of queens have an unreliable-narrator-off to determine who the biggest unreliable narrator is, because they all think being an unreliable narrator is so sexy. If you want the objective truth go watch a documentary about rocks or something.
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majoresca · 7 months ago
Okay, hear me out here...
Makes me think of a scenario with my OC okay?
An O.C. who had become close to Cedric throughout the story, who ends up discovering his plans to take the throne.
They confront each other, and the O.C. gives him an ultimatum, if he doesn't give up on taking the throne, they would leave never to see him again.
Cedric is reluctant saying that he can't go back anymore, since he is so close to achieving it, and that he wouldn't let neither Princess Sofia, nor the O.C. nor anyone else interrupt the dream of of a lifetime to come true. Because after years of humiliation and contempt from others, he deserves his reward, his rightful place on the throne.
But the O.C. asks if everything they went through wasn't important after all? What would happen to the royal family? The royal children? Cedric's family? The kingdom of Enchancia? And him?
If the plan goes wrong, what would become of him?
The O.C. tries to advise him not to do that, because if he fails, he won't be able to go back to the way he was before. And that the worst would happen to him if he stayed on that path.
Cedric is offended and hurt, how dare they also be one of his critics? Who questions and doubts his abilities? That he could fail to such an extent again?
He says that if they really cared about him, they would know what he was capable of, and trust his abilities. And they wouldn't want to convince him to be of being less than he really is.
Only to them, he had never been less in their eyes. But their admiration is not enough to convince him.
They separate, and the O.C. leaves, fulfilling the ultimatum.
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junietuesday · 2 years ago
you know how tulin has his parents’ feathers on his quiver? and you know how the great eagle bow has that scrap of blue fabric on it? what if……its bc revali considers the other champions his family
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danidoesathing · 1 year ago
bitches cant be normal about fic writing they'll watch something silly and not meant to be taken seriously "hmmmm yes but have you thought about the horrific implications of living through such an event" and proceed to write the most fucked up shit you've ever read
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death-rebirth-senshi · 7 months ago
Part of the reason I'm an advocate for kink writing/erotica that's a little more realistic wrt "subs often want their doms to do xyz" etc. is that I absolutely cannot stand the doms in these things. I know this is partly a personal issue of not having a submissive bottom temperament but I wouldn't be so annoyed if it wasn't fucking EVERYWHERE. I don't know how women read full books of this I'll be one paragraph in like "we need to kill this man"
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puhpandas · 1 year ago
I ask (no offense) why draw/write/etc aus? Wouldn't it be better to give themes like "secondary characters"? because I don't think many have seen those aus
the AU prompts arent from any specific existing au, they're more just another prompt in case you wanted a scenario to make something about. OR if the person picking the prompt for that day has an AU similar to the prompt of their own they could create for!
for example, I dont have a supernatural au for ggy. but if someone were to pick that prompt for that day, they could be creative with drawing ggy as let's say a werewolf. or they could draw a prompt for the everybody lives au so they could explore a scenario that includes characters like tony in art or writing
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lionblaze03-2 · 2 years ago
Always and 100% standing by my belief that Brooke had a genuine crush on the genuine Jeremy from the moment she looks up and says ‘huh, I never noticed him before’ forward, increasing when he addressed her first at the mall but already existing prior to that
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screwzara · 2 years ago
Hehe 🤭~ Scenario Time!
Zara: Did you touch it?
Myst, as she looks away: ...I don't know what you're on about
Zara, knowing that look: Myst... Did you, or did you not, touch it?
Myst, growing nervous: I did not touch it, it broke but I-
Zara, menacingly: I never mentioned it was broken
Myst: well, fuck
----------------------|Time Skip|----------------------
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Myst: I'M SORRY!-
*more screaming*
Wanna guess what happened here? :)
Also yes, Zara's ability is in action here
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years ago
Fun Fact I just gathered: Before he got popular, Majima conceptually was just gonna be a fun psychotic rival for Kiryu and nothing beyond that, however they still wanted to keep him grounded. Then he became popular, so the writers had him be in almost all the games, even if he was never gonna be at his peak. However for the movie, they went back to that original concept for Majima and just amped up that energy to a cartoonish degree, just had the actor do what he had to do with the character (like move the eyepatch to the right so he can see better) and the end result is Majima's second best appearance in any Yakuza media. Then we get to Kiwami and we basically get the best of both worlds. In short, any adaptation of Yakuza 1 is Majima at his best. Makes me wonder how this kind of rehauling and remastering would've benefited characters like Aoki, Mine, or Ryuji
honestly the best way to summarize this ask is that majima got the vegeta treatment: he was supposed to be a one-off/non-overly-interesting antagonist, yet due to popularity he was essentially brought back/revamped
i feel like rgg tried to do something like that with ryuji and dead souls, but ultimately stopped themselves before they could bring him into any major mainline titles
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