#and now this poor kid has to deal with being Made for this lost cause. no matter what he does he will never be able to help her enough
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spotsupstuff · 2 years ago
If five pebbles was ever built for zephyr the same way he was built for moon, would he ever see her as a mentor?
i imagine that he'd!!! be more open with her than he is with Moon, because their personalities match better. Zephyr isn't really the doting, overprotective kind. She didn't have the chance to learn how to be affectionate and warm even though she wishes she could be and she needs to watch her own systems like a hawk 24/7 so she ain't got the attention to spare to nag at him even if she wanted to. they'd end up bonding over their anger at the injustice of the Iterators' fate, though
Pebs would probably take someone else as Mentor™ (she wouldn't be capable of fullfilling the expectations of that role), but he'd probably still look up to her a lot. she'd be like. a not-the-title mentor in the specific field of being angry at their situation and doing Something about it
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scoobydoodean · 29 days ago
If you had to pick five moments that you think best summarize Dean as a character… What would they be? Like, either each individually makes you go “yup THAT’S the character” or as a whole they male up the most of his facets?
Oooh that’s difficult. Hmm. HMMM.
1.02 "I figure our family's so screwed to hell... maybe we can help some others"
"Saving people, hunting things, the family business" etc etc yeah. But ALSO we often ignore that this whole conversation is centered around not letting desperation for revenge consume you, and Dean's care for others including strangers—wanting to keep them from experiencing the traumas that he has.
DEAN Listen to me. You've gotta prepare yourself. I mean, this search could take a while, and all that anger, you can't keep it burning over the long haul. It's gonna kill you. You gotta have patience, man. SAM How do you do it? How does Dad do it? DEAN looks over at HALEY and BEN. DEAN Well for one, them. I mean, I figure our family's so screwed to hell, maybe we can help some others. Makes things a little bit more bearable.
4.22 "Stepford Bitch in Paradise"
This one is a good representation of Dean's refusal to back down, caring about the whole world, and arguing fiercely to protect it, as well as his ability to stir up the care and love in others.
DEAN Destiny? Don't give me that "holy" crap. Destiny, God's plan... It's all a bunch of lies, you poor, stupid son of a bitch! It's just a way for your bosses to keep me and keep you in line! You know what's real? People, families -- that's real. And you're gonna watch them all burn? CASTIEL What is so worth saving? I see nothing but pain here. I see inside you. I see your guilt, your anger, confusion. In paradise, all is forgiven. You'll be at peace. Even with Sam. DEAN You can take your peace... and shove it up your lily-white ass. 'Cause I'll take the pain and the guilt. I'll even take Sam as is. It's a lot better than being some Stepford bitch in paradise. This is simple, Cas! No more crap about being a good soldier. There is a right and there is a wrong here, and you know it.
12.22 "I hate you and I love you"
Just a very good summary of Dean's childhood experiences and how they have effected him, and how he (yet again) stirs up the care and love in others (and pulls people from mind control over and over via the power of love <3)
I hate you. You lied to me. I was a kid. You promised you'd keep me safe. And then you make a deal with Azazel. Yeah, it saved Dad's life, but I'll tell you something else that happened. Because on November 2, 1983, old Yellow Eyes came waltzing in to Sammy's room, because of your deal. You left us. Alone. 'Cause Dad was just a shell. His perfect wife? Gone. Our perfect Mom, the perfect family... was gone. And I... I had to be... more than just a brother. I had to be a father and I had to be a mother, to keep him safe. And that wasn't fair. And I couldn't do it. And you wanna know what that was like? They killed the girl that he loved. He got possessed by Lucifer. They tortured him in Hell. And he lost his soul. His soul. All because of you. All of it was because of you. I hate you. I hate you. And I love you. 'Cause I can't – I can't help it. You're my Mom. And I understand...'cause I have made deals to save the ones I love more than once. I forgive you. I forgive you. For all of it. Everything. On the other side of this, we can start over, okay? You, me, Sam. We can get it right this time. But I need you to fight. Right now, I need you to fight. I need you – I need you to look at me, Mom. I need you to really look at me and see me. Mom, I need you to see me. Please.
5.22 "Well, then I ain't gonna let him die alone"
Bobby and Cas try to convince Dean that they've lost and there's no point in trying to reach Sam.
BOBBY: You just don't give up. DEAN: It's Sam! CASTIEL: If you couldn't reach him here, you're certainly not gonna be able to on the battlefield. DEAN: Well, if we've already lost, I guess I got nothing to lose, right? CASTIEL: I just want you to understand – the only thing that you're gonna see out there is Michael killing your brother. DEAN: Well, then I ain't gonna let him die alone.
Dean pulls up at Stull right in front of two archangels who could blow him to smithereens, blasting music from his car and making an obnoxious scene. THEN Cas and Bobby show up right behind him (just as Michael says "you are not a part of the story!") Dean's refusal to give up defies causality, and his attitude is infectious.
While Dean is being beaten to death, he's saying,
DEAN: Sam, it's okay. It's okay. I'm here. I'm here. I'm not gonna leave you. I'm not gonna leave you.
Dean's refusal to abandon his brother fills Lucifer with jealous rage making his control slip, while simultaneously bringing dozens of memories of traveling with Dean to Sam's mind helping him surface and take control.
3.10 "I didn't deserve what he put on me"
I have trouble picking a 5th because there's so many different directions I could go (Dean and Cas in the Crypt, Dean reusing to abandon Cas in Purgatory, Dean in the cemetery in 2.20 crying over John's grave, Dean's "I'm not mad I'm worried" from "Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets" or the similar scene in "The Future", Dean convincing Chuck and Amara to make up, Dean refusing to give into Chuck's writing and kill Jack, Dean telling Chuck "We will never give you the ending you want", etc).
I think I have to go with 3.10 "Dream A Little Dream of Me" because it summarizes a lot of Dean's intrusive thoughts and his overactive sense of responsibility and guilt, identifies the origin of those feelings, connects all of it to his depression and suicidality, and then circles back to the fact that he knows deep down that he doesn't deserve to feel this way, that he's not a tool for others to use, that he is his own person, and that he deserves to live.
DREAM DEAN I mean, you're going to hell and you won't lift a finger to stop it. Talk about low self-esteem. Then again, I guess it's not much of a life worth saving, now is it? DEAN Wake up, Dean. Come on, wake up. DREAM DEAN I mean, after all, you've got nothing outside of Sam. You are nothing. You're as mindless and obedient as an attack dog. DEAN That -That's not true. DREAM DEAN No? What are the things that you want? What are the things that you dream? I mean, your car? That's Dad's. Your favorite leather jacket? Dad's. Your music? Dad's. Do you even have an original thought? No. No, all there is is, "Watch out for Sammy. Look out for your little brother, boy!" You can still hear your Dad's voice in your head, can't you? Clear as a bell. DEAN Just shut up. DREAM DEAN I mean, think about it ... all he ever did is train you, boss you around. But Sam .... Sam he doted on. Sam, he loved. DEAN I mean it. I'm getting angry. DREAM DEAN Dad knew who you really were. A good soldier and nothing else. Daddy's blunt little instrument. Your own father didn't care whether you lived or died. Why should you? DEAN Son of a bitch! My father was an obsessed bastard! All that crap he dumped on me, about protecting Sam! That was his crap. He's the one who couldn't protect his family. He- He's the one who let Mom die. – who wasn't there for Sam. I always was! He wasn't fair! I didn't deserve what he put on me. And I don't deserve to go to Hell!
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peachshadows · 8 months ago
I love the drama senerios that everyone has been sending you for Sundown! I've got to send me two cents in too. Instead of c!Wukong being upset about c!Macaque flirting with an alternate version of him (though he is upset about that), he's more upset that Macaque didn't clue him in on finding his (NOT kid) successor until Macaque was already in the sundown universe. They found out because they now had to search for both of them and it caused everyone even more panic.
C!Wukong: *bursts into the room breaking the door* YOU! Not only did you dissappear on me while we were trying to find MK, but you disappeared to go flirt, AND WE STILL HAVEN'T FOUND MK!
C!Wukong: You are helping me look for my (kid) student. Then we are leaving back to OUR own universe again! If you want to stay and flirt that's fine (it is not), but only after we find MK! Do you have any idea how hard it was to track you down!
C!Wukong who has lost his kid AND his oldest companion, only to find said oldest companion flirting instead of making sure MK was safe. He would be stressed, pissed off, and hurt at the situation and would definitely lash out at Macaque.
C!Macaque who is still mad at c!Wukong: Well atleast I was helpful in finding MK you were just running around threatening everyone!
Everyone else would just look back and forth between the screaming match the c!Shadowpeach was having. 'This explains so much, but why must there be TWO of them now!'
SD!Shadowpeach thinking 'Atleast we aren't this bad when we fight.' (They are, in fact, worse. C!Shadowpeach atleast doesn't cause it to storm when they fight, and can communicate better then sd!shadowpeach. Slightly better but enough to make a difference.) Hey SD!Wukong would mostly be out of the dog house for cheating if he hadn't flirted with c!Macaque.
No one from the canon verse has been doing well. If they weren't very sure LBD was dead they would have been panicing worse then they already are. That did not stop the canon crew from going on a rampage trying to find MK though. Menwhile MK is in the room but he's been pointedly ignoring the flirting going on around him, so he was (failing at) hiding in the corner away from everyone (except for freenoodles). He does not want to be in this crazy universe. C!Macaque is not helping right now unfortunately for him. He just made the situation worse. Poor MK just wants to go home.
Honestly realistically if I were to write this out (c!Macaque entering the sundown world first before the rest) his first objective is to find MK and get back home, second objective is to stealthily do all of that while trying not to alert anyone of his existence cuz this is a world where he's apparently empress and married to Wukong (imagine that him marrying Wukong as if-) and honestly if he were to be found then I feel like that's where he would try to flirt with sd!Wukong as a way to distract him rather than actually thinking of getting with sd!Wukong
And if c!Wukong did manage to get into the sundown world after c!Macaque that would cause a whole issue cuz he would be tearing the world apart just to find MK (and Macaque) so now sundown world has to deal with a raging Wukong who will stop at nothing to get back what's his
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aswefindourwayback · 8 months ago
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I love you, I’m sorry
Authors note: this is my most vulnerable piece of writing that I’ve ever shared since it’s taken inspiration from some terrible moments in my life. So it’s not my best piece of writing. Feedback is always appreciated.
Word count: 2071
Content warning: mentions of poor mental health, angst
you’ve never been able to keep people in your life, no matter how hard you tried. you would always change parts of you to fit other people’s wants and needs but it was still never enough. it got so bad that you were having thoughts about ending it all, thinking it’d be easier for everyone around you. they wouldn’t have to deal with your bullshit anymore and they could finally breathe again. but you instead threw yourself into your work.
you were already good at your job, but you quickly became the best. your work became your life. you stopped seeing and talking to your friends because you got so caught up in your work.
after years of working your ass off, you found yourself as a profiler for the FBI. you were now a member of the BAU. it took some getting used to and learning how to socialize but you got the hang of it. you guys were cracking case after case. you got along with all your coworkers and you guys often had fun together. you really loved all the laughs and good times you had with them, even outside of office hours. like that one time Emily, jj, and Penelope invited you out to go shopping and get dinner. it was something you were terrified of doing, getting closer to people and getting out amid socializing again, but you did it and found that it wasn’t as bad as you’d made it out to be in your head.
but there was one who you really got along with. spence. when you guys first met, you were both a bit shy and timid. but with time, you two grew incredibly close, always going to each other for anything and everything. and over time you fell for him, without meaning to. you knew it would complicate not only work but your friendship with him. your friendship with him means the world to him and you don’t know what you’d do if you lost him, so you kept your feelings to yourself. until one day, you didn’t.
it had been a normal day when rossi had called you into his office to talk about some case details. after going over the details and correcting him a few times, he asked you something:
“so, when are you gonna tell him?”
“what? tell who what?” you asked, completely lost in the conversation.
“reid. when are you gonna tell him how you feel?”
“spencer? what do i feel for him?” you said trying to play stupid. but it was rossi, he could see straight through you.
“Dont play dumb, kid.”
You slouched your shoulders in defeat, “no, i’m not gonna tell him.”
“Why not?”
“there’s a millions reasons to stay quiet”
“but there’s a million reasons to tell him too. don’t be afraid y/n.”
“easy for you to say. you’re not the one confessing your feelings”
“but i’ve done it a million times, kid. trust me. what if something good comes from this?”
“what if i ruin the one good thing in my life?”
“you won’t”
“how do you know that?”
“i just do.”
“what if it’s not the right time? like we’ve got that new case coming up and spence has been through some awful shit recently.”
“there’s never a “right time”. you just gotta do it.”
“i never intended to fall for him.”
“feelings are something we can’t control.”
“fuck. i’m gonna do it.” you say walking out of rossi’s office. the last thing you hear is rossi calling out to you “good luck, kid! not that you need the luck.”
you waited until the work day was over cause you didn’t want to make it very awkward in case you were rejected, which would very likely happen according to your calculations (you tend to distort your brain and imagine that the worst will happen for any situation). the odds of you being rejected were quite high so, you were just taking safety precautions. and if he still ended up rejecting you, you had it all planned. you would transfer to another branch. it’s not the best plan but you never claimed to be the brightest.
most of the team had already left for the day, so it was just you and spence standing waiting for the elevator, just talking about the paperwork you guys had worked on today. the elevator dinged, indicating it had arrived and the doors opened.
as you two stepped in, you took in a deep breathe and faced spencer.
“hey” you’d said.
“hey” he said, smiling shyly.
“so i’m gonna tell you something and i need you to let me finish before you say anything.”
“alright, i’m listening.”
“spence, i really like you, i mean really like you, so go ahead and reject me. i'm a big girl, i can take it. also you don’t have to say anything now.” you said at lightning speed, squeezing your eyes shut, afraid to look at him.
“y/n?” he asked as you felt his finger lightly lift your chin up.
“open your eyes, y/n”
you did as he said.
“i have something to tell you too.” he admitted, dropping his hand from your chin and shoving them into his pockets. your eyebrows were scrunched up a bit, hopeful of what his response would be, “i’ve never felt a connection with anyone before like this. I know that’s not surprising considering my awkwardness around people and my need to always correct people when they’re wrong and the fact that I shove myself into my job so much but i’ve dreamt of kissing you and feeling like i was on cloud 9. i started to notice when morgan kept calling me out for always watching you. and then i kept having dreams about you. not like any weird or sexual dreams or anything. just dreams where we hung out. just being near you. but i definitely want to see how this goes.”
“oh thank fuck” you said letting out an exasperated breathe.
that had made you both laugh. you felt like so much weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
“so” spence has started, exaggerating the length of the word.
“do you wanna like, hang out now? we could go get a drink or something. or if you want to wait and stuff then we can do that.” he’d said, almost stumbling over his words.
“id love to get a drink, spence.” you smiled at him.
and he smiled back.
at the bar, you two mostly forgot about your drinks and basket of fries as you were so caught up in each others company. you spent the night talking and laughing. you laugh so much, you were sure you were going to have abs in the morning. you’d never felt so happy. he made you forget about all your worries. he was unbelievably amazing that it was hard for you to believe that he existed and that he liked you back.
you two stayed until the bar almost closed for the night. he walked you home and you two kept talking on the walk. once you two had reached your door, you stood in front of him, not wanting the night to end.
“thanks for the drinks. i had a great time.” you said to him
“thanks for joining me. i had a great time too. um, do you think we could keep this on the down low for now? i don’t want everyone breathing down our necks at work and stuff. and i just wanna enjoy us for a bit.”
“yeah, of course. i’ll see you at work tomorrow. goodnight, spence.” you said as you walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek, making both your cheeks turn bright red.
“goodnight, y/n”
the past few months have been amazing. you and spence have been doing amazing as a team, not just at work. so many nights were spent together, either in complete silence or going on stupid late night adventures aka going down to the gas station across the street from your apartment to get snacks. you were so grateful for him and you were head over heels for him. you never thought you could feel this way for someone. you guys had of course had some ups and downs, mostly due to you and your mental health but you always got through it together, and for that you were forever grateful. he was different to anyone you’d ever met. he actually wanted to learn about the things you struggle with and wanted to learn what were ways he could help you. and after a really bad episode, you helped you breathe and told you he’d stay with you no matter what battles you two would have to face, cause he knew in the end, you two would end up the winners. it was insane to think someone so amazing would be able to love the mess you are, but he somehow does.
until he started to distance himself. it started after a specific incident when you had said something that came off wrong when he’d already had a bad day. after that, you could see it in the way he would interact with you. his speech and body language had changed towards you. his messages became a lot drier, even if you were verbally talking, he’d seem so disinterested, it was disheartening. you wanted to fix things but you didn’t know how. so you decided to arrange a nice little date night for the both of you, so you could show him how much you loved him and to talk things out. you even wrote down a little letter to tell him how grateful you are for him.
when you entered the office to tell him about the plan, he was on the phone so you waited behind him, waiting for the call to end. you didn’t mean to but you eavesdropped a bit, he seemed like his old happy self when he was on the phone, and you overheard a name, “maeve”.
you decided to walk away cause the call seemed to be taking a while. you walked towards morgan’s desk, where he was sitting and talking to pen.
“hey, what’s going on with you?” morgan had asked as soon as you walked up.
“nothing much, just waiting for spence to finish his call so i can talk to him about something.”
“oh yeah, he’s been on his phone a lot lately.” morgan had said.
“really? do you know why?”
“there’s this girl named maeve that he’s been talking about nonstop. he seems really infatuated with her, it’s nice to see him this way.” pen had said.
it was at that moment that all those bad feelings came back. your heart felt as if it was being grabbed out of your chest, just to be bitten into and shredded to pieces.
“i gotta go.” was all you said before you walked away from morgan’s desk.
you walked over to your desk and grabbed your stuff before walking to rossi’s office door and telling him you were leaving early.
“you alright, kid?”
“yeah, i just forgot something.” you said as you spread the fakest smile on your face.
you walked out the office and looked back at spence, hoping he’d walk after you to check on you. but he was so caught up in his phone call that he didn’t notice you leave.
you walked out to your car trying to keep the tears at bay. you ripped up the letter you’d written for him.
was it all a lie?
did he really mean those things he said to you?
was he playing you the whole time?
or did he just change his mind?
you messed up again.
you made mistake after mistake and he finally got tired of you.
he was the best but you were the worst.
you’re wrong again, about being lovable, cause you’re not.
it’s the way life goes.
it’ll never end.
you felt like pink cherry blossom petals that were left on the ground. loved and cherished when in the trees, awed at when falling, then left discarded and forgotten on the ground once you were no longer attached to the thing that gave you life. always being stomped over and discarded. never to be seen or loved again. the way it’s always been and the way it’ll always be.
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vivianbernadetteaurora · 2 months ago
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Angelina Jolie is truly a fascinating 1 to me.
one because she does her her own PR all by herself so if there’s any news that comes out about her that there’s a source she is more than likely going to be that source or her assistant is but The thing is I don’t even think she has an assistant so any new she puts out there about herself. is publicity for herself but I feel like in the last few years after Brad Pitt ended.
she became a bit more reclusive and just wanted to be with her kids and her charities which makes sense obviously because she’s a mother and I think she’s probably quite a good mother if not a bit close to her kids in some areas such is their dating life and I’m not just saying this about Angelina I’m saying this about other ones as well. they say that the kids that they adopt end up being like their poor person and their real children end up in rehab I can’t remember where I heard that from now. but it doesn't sound far fetched to me at all because think about it to get into that business you have to be a bit kooky and a bit out there anyway, and what helps you cope with situations like that, drugs and alcohol a tale as old as time but they like to throw you off with their smoke and mirrors. Because if you see what’s happening over here then you won’t look there. which shoots most of them just fine and that is why a lot of neppo babies,, change their name change their last name if you looked into it I’d probably say about 70% of them are related to somebody in the industry at least if not more than one but yeah Angelina she lost her mother quite young. And then she had that percentage of catching the cancer herself so she had a double mastectomy.
She was estranged from her dad for many years, and they have a very unusual dynamic. I don’t think she has much respect for her father, and also, although she said she was very close to her mum, didn’t she have it off with one of her mummy’s boyfriends when she was like really young? And it wasn't made a big deal about. Honestly these celebrities are a different breed to us that’s why when people have asked me I say I think they go through initiation periods where they go through different trials and humiliation rituals and dynamics to see how they’ll cope with it.. and if they don't then they label you as crazy or on drugs and if you do you have to keep jumping through the hoops so you do end up. On drugs or crazy in quotes. Which I don’t think is crazy at all what I find more crazy is the people who stick to it and do all these things and jump through the hoops. And stay famous for so long for being very debaucherous. I mean Angelina from what I hear runs like children's homes and stuff but I also hear that that could be how they traffic too… so I don’t always like the title philanthropist because I don’t trust celebrities even though I feel like I have a connection with them I don’t put them on a pedestal, and I realized that they’re also only human or as David Icke could say lizard. Especially if he’s talking about the Royals. But he says about blonde hair, blue eye types as well, and people’s eyes who’ve changed into reptilian.. but yeah, I find it very interesting that she is her PR person. And the fact that Brad might have even been racist to his own adopted children. Now whoever he got for his PR afterwards did a ******* good job because none of his horribleness has got out as much as it should have. Not like the jokes that she got that she was a terrible person and that she stole him from Jennifer. Men don’t get stolen from. If a man wants to go, a man will go. And we need to, as a society, stop blaming. The other person, especially women, I do get quite hurt about Bobbie Jean brown When she got dumped for Pamela Anderson cause I read her book, I felt a connection. But it was the way Pam did it that was so shady. And Tommy, I think they’re both at fault there. Anyway, that’s my take on Angelina Jolie over the decades.
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barrenclan · 2 years ago
I’ve made two theories about the leadership and some troubles of Defiance. Now I’m gonna make one for Barrenclan.
Let’s face it: Mallowstar can’t last forever. He’s a chubby old man, and the leaders in this universe only have one life.
Redpelt will take over when he dies, but let’s face it. She has anxiety issues and she’ll eventually become Ladybugstar 2.0, and die or be chucked into the elder den when she has some massive breakdown.
Let’s look at candidates for Redpelt’s deputy when she becomes leader, and then maybe further speculate into that deputy’s deputy when they become leader.
Cootstorm: Could become a shaman theocrat, but very unlikely due to most of the clan not liking her.
Beeface: No. She is very childish and argumentative. She has been training an apprentice though, so she fills out that criteria.
Plumstripe: Has been training an apprentice. Not as childish as Beeface(that trait is still present though) so could have potential.
Egrettail: Seems good enough, although hasn’t mentored an apprentice yet(might change when Mallowstar’s litter comes of age) but she is most definitely the most mature, kind, and competent of the three warriors. Might not be trusted due to being an outsider, especially won’t be trusted when it is revealed she is part of the Defiamce death cult, not sure how the clan would react to her being trans(they’ve probably never heard of such a thing) Her biggest threat is the skeletons in her closet.
Slugpelt: Very occupied with grieving and being lonely in general, probably won’t be chosen. Also has to take care of Mallowstar’s litter.
Blacknose: Next to impossible. She is forgetful, a trait that is getting worse because of her dementia, and has to nurse her litter.
Don’t think the clan will be desperate enough. They’ll probably be dead by the time Mallowstar dies.
(If they are of warrior age when Mallowstar dies)
Asphodelpaw: Unless she becomes more mature than the warriors through a character arc, no. But if she does get that arc, maybe.
Daffodilpaw: Seems too busy longing for Cormorantpaw, who will reject her in the end. Seems nicer than Asphodelpaw though, so she has a shot.
Pinepaw: Studying to be a medicine cat, so not available. Even if he was a warriors, he’s still dealing with the horrors.
Cormorantpaw: Still growing out of his quiet kid era, might have a shot if he proves himself. But he still has that Defiance membership secret, like Egrettail.
Probably not, but we’ll have to see.
Post Redpelt Meltdown
Depends on how far into her reign it happens. I still won’t pay attention to Mallowstar’s litter though.
Beeface and Plumstripe are most likely lost causes and the elders will most likely be dead. Blacknose most likely will have died from dementia by now.
Egrettail: Her pickings are slim. My bet is that she might choose Cormorantpaw
I don’t know who Asphodelpaw or Daffodilpaw would choose as deputies, maybe a sibling?
TLDR: Egrettail has the best chance of become deputy when Mallowstar dies. When Redpelt has a Ladybugstar-esque breakdown, Egrettail will most likely choose Cormorantpaw
Poor Mallowstar, having speculations about his death. Though I don't think he'd really be offended. Really, I think the assumption that Redpelt would absolutely not last as leader is very funny. Girl doesn't stand a chance, huh.
Interesting thoughts though! I'm excited for y'all to see how it plays out.
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thygoddessouijathicc · 9 months ago
Dr. Henry Miller is a frog.
Remember a long time ago in a faraway land when I made a low quality theory that claimed Henry was in fact a frog?
I’m not sorry. In fact, fuck you, fuck your mom, fuck your long lost twin hidden in the attic who creepily plays piano when the house is quiet and wears a mask of Merida from Brave to hide their deformed face.
I fucking stand by it.
Henry is a frog, we know this much by now. His hue is one frogs can have and he seems to lack features like ears and a nose. Rather frog behaviour if you ask me.
But now I ask YOU… do his teeth look real? No right, far too big they basically hold the poor guy’s mouth open by force implying need for severe dental intervention. I believe these teeth not to be real teeth at all but simply cartoonishly large dentures he got from a joke shop. We know he’d attend such a place because while he is characterized rather serious he was known for blowing up urinals causing Freddy’s bathrooms to have cams and of course just loving to laugh at all things especially dying people. He seems to have a rather good sense of humour!
So no ears, no nose, no teeth, probably no butthole ei- yeah you know what doesn’t have these things? A fuckin frog. Now I ask you does he not appear moist? He looks grimy, sticky even. Frog.
Now my last theory argues this was normal HOWEVER I have since come to believe that Henry is in fact not natural… to our world. No I’m not calling another DSAF character an alien bare with me.
See if this was normal it would change a lot. We’d see frog people. We’d see noticeable change to history as frog people grow around humanity, new inventions, fuck, new frog racism. I’m not even kidding here if frog people existed I am sure humans would be racist towards them we can’t handle people having a different dominant hand than us for fucks sake humans kinda just suck like that. There would be frog politics. Frog moistening rooms. And most of all Henry would feel no need to disguise himself with something as silly as fake teeth.
No our frog man came from another world entirely. But but but let’s be clear it’s not like with Dave who seems to have just come out of nowhere Henry interacted with people, he understands his inhumanity and actively hides it almost as if he was taught how. He has knowledge of reality far greater than that which is normal as if… otherworldly.
My dear poor stupid reader, Henry can only come from one place and once place only.
Even more than that Henry is a pink frog with a sense of humour and the knowledge of how to disguise himself as human. Friends, comrades, giant enemy spiders, Henry is Sprig.
A Sprig from a tragic world where Anne never comes back from death who leaves his home and family behind in order to try to get Anne back after Hop Pop becomes an alcoholic to deal with the grief. He finds himself transported into the human world but… in the past, forced to bide his time and search for a cure to the big dead getting both medical and spiritual knowledge, taking part in the war where he looses his tongue and hat via arrow to the knee. He tattoos his eyes black and takes Dave to start Fredbear after the circus proves useless and the rest is history.
Henry is Sprig from Amphibia it all lines up it all makes sense who else would be able to create such war crimes but a guy with a slingshot, a slingshot being the earliest signs in a child of psychotic tendencies. “Sprig has hair” you say? He lost it in the war and due to stress. “This is stupid” you say, I say any other answer is madness. “The frogs in Amphibia have teeth and in proving they are fake you prove-“ FAKE. TEETH. The government is lying to you to hide this great truth.
Henry Miller is Sprig, this is fact. It had been in front of us all along we were just too blind to see it.
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taylortaylormoon · 1 year ago
(So Zoro is sent to an au, where he is younger and the adopted son of Mihawk (and, by extension, shanks) and has to deal with conflicting memories.  teaser under the cut
Zoro started to regain consciousness. He had a splitting headache, causing him to squeeze his eyes shut against the harsh light, but that didn’t stop him from being aware of two things—
One: He was not alone And Two: He was not on the Thousand Sunny.
“Good, you are awake,” Mihawk’s voice broke through his haze, and his mentor sounded …relieved, shuffling at Zoro’s bedside to place his hand on top of Zoro’s head. The act was strange, and the sensation of feeling a hand rub against his head, for starters, felt large, almost occupying the top of his head, and the second was his hair. Instead of a short buzz cut, his hair felt longer under Mihawk’s touch. “Mi- what?” Zoro’s statement was interrupted by harsh coughs, which seemed to aggravate his already dry and itchy throat. “Poor dear, here drink,” Mihawk says, holding a cup to Zoro’s mouth as he sits up in bed. 
Zoro had many questions running through his mind, starting with what happened to him and ending with what happened to Mihawk to get the man to act this way. Zoro’s hands grasped the cup, brushing against Mihawk’s hand, another weird sensation that didn’t match what Zoro knew. The cup felt large, his hand barely covering the surface, and the rim touched the tip of his nose. Once Zoro was finished, the cup was pulled back and sat on a nearby wooden table. Zoro tried to open his eyes again, but they barely opened before he shut them again. A slight whine escaped his notice, but not Mihawks’. 
“The light is bothering you then?” Mihawk asks, and before Zoro can respond, the man is shuffling again, moving something metal around before Zoro feels it is safe to open his eyes again.
The overhead light was gone, so the room wasn’t as bright, but it still bothered Zoro’s eyes; when he opened them, it took a moment to adjust. He could see fuzzy shapes and Mihawk’s figure standing nearby, but the finer details were now lost on him. Once his eyes adjusted, He could see his room, most likely the captain’s quarters. Given the size and layout, he was lying on a large bed covering a portion of the room, and his second instinct was right: he wasn’t on the Thousand Sunny or Kuraigana Island. Not only was the location unfamiliar to him, but it was also strange as if it was made for a giant. Zoro looked to his left, where he believed Mihawk to be, and sure enough, sitting at his bedside was the warlord. Only the last time they saw each other, Zoro had been the same height, if not a bit taller. Now, it looked like Mihawk had grown significantly or, more realistically, Zoro had shrunk to the size of a child.
Which didn’t make sense to Zoro, but at the same time, it did as if two competing memories were fighting for control, causing his headache to worsen. One memory told him he was not a child but a grown man, the first mate to his Captain Luffy. The other memory told him he was indeed a child who was injured fighting off kids who were bigger than him. The two memories were conflicted now, fighting for control in his mind. Tears swelled in his eyes as the pain became unbearable.
“Zoro?” MIhawk asked, placing a hand on Zoro’s shoulder, “Darling, you are crying. Does your head still hurt?” Zoro could only nod his head, the pain making him unable to speak coherent words, only childish babble as he cried harder. "Oh dear," Mihawk coos softly, he sweeps Zoro into his arms pressing the boy to his chest and rocking him.
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bizkitsnuggets · 11 months ago
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No, no, no, no. This cannot be happening. I take it back. I do care about who my partner is!
Poor [Y/N] internally screamed. This was a nightmare. Maybe not so much for the jealous girls who immediately stared daggers at [Y/N] after hearing the teacher announce that. But for her, it is.
‘Cause that means she has to deal with emo delinquent first hand. She already knew that she was definitely going to fail this class. First of all, [Y/N] and Jotaro had never interacted with each other. Well, other than creepy eye contacts throughout the year.
But that was it! [Y/N] couldn’t be bothered about some jacked up delinquent guy. And Kujo Jotaro couldn’t give a single shit about an ordinary girl at some shitty school he goes to.
And this also means that [Y/N] has to actually communicate with her mouth, not her eyes. Sure, she has experience conversing with customers at the tea shop but those were strangers. And none of them were bad boys who smoke and skip class and have ten belts on their waists.
“Alright, that’s all! Now let me actually talk about the project.” The teacher spoke, gaining everyone’s attention. “You’ll all have to create a cardboard presentation about an animal of your choosing. It must include its origin, habitat, population, and fun facts! You are free to decorate your presentation in any way you want. Just nothing inappropriate, please.” He finished explaining.
[Y/N] rolled her eyes involuntarily, dreading the moment when she has to discuss with Jotaro later. Despite hating the fact that she has to work with Jotaro, she more so hates the fact that she’ll have one missing assignment. What’s worse? Working with tall emo, or not having all your assignments completed?
She let out a sigh of distress, taking out her pencil and notebook from under the desk and strategically planning steps about how to talk to Jotaro. Was it necessary? Yes. Very much so.
“Oh, by the way, this project will contribute 50% to your scores so if you don’t submit it… say goodbye to graduating.”
Oh, suck my ass.
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Once the bell rang, indicating the second lunch break, [Y/N] quickly cleaned up her desk and chased after Jotaro who was already out of the classroom. This was basically like an elephant and mouse chase, reversed.
“Kujo!” The girl managed to breathe out once their proximity was close enough. Jotaro stopped in response to hearing his surname being called out. [Y/N] catches up to him and composes herself before speaking to him again. “Hey, uh.”
Shit, nice going [Y/N]
She was now face to face with Kujo Jotaro. His muscular frame looming over her. She didn’t know if it was the atmosphere or the gaze he had, but if anyone was passing by, they’d think [Y/N] and Jotaro were going to have a brawl.
Damn, for someone who smokes ten cigarettes every day, he looks pretty healthy.
“So…” [Y/N] started, looking up at him as she spoke. “When are you free—”
“Shut up”
“Excuse me—”
Jotaro grunted, “shut the fuck up,  you’re noisy”. He gives her the nastiest glare a man could ever have and leaves to probably have a smoke break. “What the actual fuck…” The dumbfounded girl mumbled to herself as she stood there as if Jotaro had just revealed that he was batman. The girl was lost, to say the least.
Well, that was fucking rude. So much for running all the way here.
The girl sulked as she made her way back to her classroom. Passing by a certain someone’s locker and kicking it as hard as she can.
Maybe Jotaro had a bad day. Maybe, just maybe, he was having a bad day and is in one of his moods right now. This isn’t the end of the world. We can still try this tomorrow. There’s still another chance.
Truth to be told, [Y/N] was one hundred and one percent sure this wasn’t going to work and she’d have to be held back a year because some stupid kid couldn’t cooperate with her.
That man already looks like an asshole, acting like one isn’t helping him or anyone at this matter. Looking like you have an attitude is one thing, but actually having an attitude is another. Damn, did this frustrate the girl.
It definitely agitated her because she was glaring onto the vase of flowers on the teachers desk while squeezing her juice box like a mad man.
Count your days, Kujo.
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fairydust-stuff · 5 months ago
Yut lung & Mr Chang black lagoon crossover
Chang curses, its a frusteratng situation  a half brother is better then a zombie. Still making a whore into a proper head of the triad was not going to be easy. 
This kid was raised to be a  pawn in his brothers games not a leader. There was flashes of something. The kid had good instincts and the way he had used his own brother as a shield to hide behind was impressive. 
“ Anything on our little Lynx?” He asked 
“ He’s being held at the National mental health institute, its a front for illegal experiments on criminals”Balalikia said in his ear. 
 “That takes care of one problem at least”  Chang said. Maybe the institute would fry the kids brains to the point they wouldn’t have to deal with him. “ Still keep an eye on him” 
“ About, your pet dragon,  According to my comrades, observation, He exserts poor control over his own men” Balalikia said into his ear. 
Chang nods it made sense. 
“ Also, he lets his own gang do whatever. Apparently Wang Lung Lee soured relations with their own gang to the point where, there’s quite a bit of tension ” 
“ In other words, we got a bunch of gang brats with no respect for authority” Chang wanted to sigh. 
“ ….Sing Soo ling the gang leader is around his own age, I understand.” 
 “ From what I observed, he’s definitely a soft spot” Chang agreed.
“ I’ve already issued the orders for an eye to be kept on Sing Soo Ling” 
“ Good, something tells me he’s going to be trouble” 
“ But for who is the question….this is disaster….the boy isn’t ready to lead. We may just have to put him down and assign someone else to puppet Hau Lung” 
“ Now lets not be too hasty, the kid isn’t a complete lost cause” Chang lights his cigar. 
“ I’ve also been keeping taps on Mr Golzine and his organization. You might find this interesting though they were struggling with the Banana Fish formula. They did perfect it enough to control their subjects until the task is done. Then they kill themselves” 
“ Hau Lung Lee is still alive” 
“ Precisely my point, i’d be careful if I were you Mr Chang. We both know how dangerous wounded children can be and I suspect this one is far smarter then he lets on”  
“ I see your point, i’ll let you know of any new delopments on my end as well” Chang hangs up. 
Bui Yuen frowns “ This kid, what do you want with him?” 
“ To take him to lunch ” Chang said with a straight face….
Yut Lung sits across from him at the restaurant . Chang senses a kind of apprehension coming from him. 
“ You seem tense, if its about the Vietnmames attacking. I have men everywhere for our protection” 
“ Its not that…its just i’ve never been out…”  
True Yut Lung  being a secret is what his entire sense of safety has relied upon. 
“ Don’t worry, I had the place reserved entirely, no one else will come in today” 
“ Thank you” 
Chang chuckled, it was amusing the son of one of the most powerful families in Hong Kong with a internation reach on a global scale and he was thanking him for privacy. 
“ I’m not making fun of you, I swear” he said as the kid sulked at him. “ Order what you like” 
“ Since you know this place it would be best if you choose the meal” 
Chang gives him a knowing look “ You don’t have preferences” 
The kid flushed. 
“ Ok, i’ll get us a bit of everything” 
 The bar is so low for this kid Chang muses. His world is even smaller then the average crimininals extending from his manor and occasionally into a seedy hotel. Still there’s no point in feeling sorry for the kid. That would be hypocritical since Chang intends to mold him into a pawn to be used for his own ends. 
Yut Lung thanks him again. Once their food arrives,  Chang asks about his hobbies and after some testing to see if the question was actually innocent, he’s treated to an excited little  ramble about new flowers in the garden. Before Yut Lung, clears his throat puts on that pseudo adult mask and resumes being stiff and composed. 
  He wonders if some of the kids cuteness is natural which sickingly enough might of been the reason he’d been popular. Whores weren’t just pretty faces and talent, they had to have something that drew people in. 
Despite himself, Chang feels a slight sliver of disgust in whatever passes for his heart these days. 
“ Please continue” 
Yut Lung frowns  “ I know your angle….you don’t fool me” 
“ Aww Yut Lung don’t be so cold” 
The kid studies him, Chang notices him digging his nails in the back of his hand under the table. 
“ I’m not sleeping with you” Yut Lung said coldly. 
Chang threw back his head and laughed  “ I’ll be the first to admit,  i’m a huge piece of shit but even I’m not that much of a turd.“ 
“ So what do you want then?” 
“ The bragging rights of turning a whore into a triad head” Mr Chang said dryly. “ I could do it better then my Fair Lady” 
Yut Lung  smiles sharply “ I will find out eventually” 
“ Dessert?” 
Yut Lung shook his head “ I don’t eat sweets…he would…..” Then Yut Lung’s eyes narrow with determination  “ Actually i’d love dessert” 
“  One treat won’t do anything honestly you could stand to gain a few pounds.”  Mr Chang argued.. Something on the salty side would suit your tastes ?” 
“Approrite” Yut Lung smiled.
Mr Chang slide a folder across the table to Yut Lung. 
The boy riffled though it surprise lighting up his face. 
“ You were never going to be in the know  not in his, organization….what are you even doing for him?” 
Yut Lung’s face said it all. 
Chang was amused  “ Let me guess ….he still see’s you as that little bed warmer with no actual skills” 
“ Its fine” 
Pretty smile portraying the right amount of teeth. Practiced, rehearseda a little robo doll. He’s seething inside Chang suspects. 
“ A favor like this doesn’t come free, what do you want?” 
Chang lights his cigar. “ Lets cut the shit! I know you made some bad business deals lately. Hardly a dent in your blood fortune, but its clear you were never groomed to head the Lee family. Simply to be a bargaining chip in the middle of transactions.” 
“ Your offering to help me?” 
“ Kid, i’ll be  your god dam guardian angel. ” 
Yut Lung looked at him squarely “ And the old man?” 
“ I’d rather eat my own shit then work with that idolt” Chang said bluntly. 
“ Ah but you see him and I are friends as well” 
“ Before you turn those documents into Dino in an attempt to gain favor, i’d suggest you think about your position…..” Mr Chang suggested. 
“ Are you threatening me , now that’s not very friendly is it?” Yut Lung asked with false innocence
“ I don’t need to do anything. A stupid predator, is still a threat to its prey. He’ll smell your venerability like a shark can sniff blood in the water.” Chang informs him.  “ His kind always does its like second nature for them” 
“ Can you smell me Mr Chang?” there’s a challenge in his voice. 
“ You reek of wine, and i’m not just talking social drinking.” he takes another drag of his smoke. Its an obvious sign the kid isn’t coping well. There’s a hint of vomit there too even his perfumes cann’t hide. He’s not just hitting the champane he’s drinking until he passes out or gets sick. 
He notices the tensing of Yut Lung’s long fingers. 
 “ Relax kid, i’m not going to devour you , after all we’re… friends now” he says mockingly. 
“ A large piece of pecan pie please after all you wouldn’t want me to still have an appetite after i’m done” Yut Lung looks him dead in the sunglasses. 
Mr Chang bursts  out laughing
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koumeowkami · 2 years ago
🪐 no celestial ; kanallen
— chapter four
"Kanata was a poor little angel that heaven couldn't help. He'd always been a tough one, not trusting anyone but his little brother Nayuta, the only person that ever made him feel love. Growing up by themselves, he did everything in his power to protect his sick brother, things that dirtied his holy hands. "It's for a good cause though", he thought. But it wasn't enough, and Nayuta died soon after.
Kanata's soul was completely spent. He became unable to feel love, and adding to his dirty dealings that soon were found out, he got cast out of heaven. Fallen on Earth with his wings blackened, he felt so lost and empty he thought he could've just died.
But a random encounter with a very annoying, persistent, stupid redhead human boy would've made him discover love again."
2389 words
genre: supernatural, hurt/comfort, angst
warnings: none
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"...And who the fuck are these people now?"
Kanata's head was spinning. Having to deal with that Suzaku bastard was already plenty enough, he definitely didn't need other nosy people to bother the fuck out of him. He wondered if all humans were like that, unable to mind their own business; at least now he knew why he hated them so much.
"Yeah, um..." the guy stuttered again, probably because Kanata was looking at him as if he was ready to kill, "they're my roommates. I didn't know they were there either, to be honest..."
"I'm sorry, Allen! We were worried about you..." the pink-haired one spoke, joining their hands together, "It looked like you constantly had something on your mind and it was annoying to see" the mushroom-head continued, eyeing Kanata weirdly. He didn't know why and it was getting on his nerves.
"So... do you want to take this stray kitten home? Honestly, I don't want him to get my house dirty."
So he was of those filthy rich guys, huh.
Although he was used to being treated like that, it had always made Kanata's blood boil. Those people represented everything he hated the most: they ruined his and Nayuta's life, never helped them when they needed it despite having all the means to do that; they just watched the twins suffer and pretended they didn't exist. Of fucking course everyone would've been like that on Earth, too. He didn't even know why he was expecting something to begin with.
"Are you pickin' a fight with me!?" he snarled. If that guy thought Kanata was scared of him, he was so damn wrong. He started inching towards him.
"Oh, do you maybe prefer being called a rat?" Mushroom-head provoked him, "Sorry, but I don't take part in such vulgarities. You better do that with people of your kind". He smiled. God, he really wanted to beat the shit out of him.
"Hajun, stop being an asshole, will you?" Pink Hair intervened, then turned to Suzaku, "Allen, did you guys meet here?"
"Uh... yeah, a week ago" he scratched the back of his neck, "he has no other place to go, so I was trying to help him. I can feel he's not a bad guy... so guys, please."
The redhead looked at his friends with big puppy eyes, begging them. Kanata couldn't stand that look. He just hated being pitied like that, but something deep inside of him didn't want to stop him anymore. He could've done anything to drive that annoying little bastard away. He could've shown his black wings, could've proven he was an angel in order to scare him, but would've that been enough? Fighting again and again would probably only be a waste of time and energy. But was it really the only reason he was about to admit defeat? Kanata honestly didn't know anymore; his thoughts just turned into a mess whenever he was around that kid. The flames of his soul were desperately trying to burn the ice around Kanata's heart.
"...Are you gonna stop botherin' me if I agree to this?" he started, making Suzaku turn around, "Will you finally leave me alone? I'm so sick of you stickin' to me like that."
"Sure! I told you, the apartment is big" he smiled, "you won't be bothered. We'll make one step at a time."
"Stop actin' like we're gonna become besties or somethin' like that, it makes me gag" Kanata looked away. He feared that if the redhead kept shining just a bit more, he would've turned him into dust. So annoying.
"It seems we agree on something, at least" Mushroom-head spoke again. "If Allen is so desperate about taking the stray kitten home, then I guess I can't say no?" he huffed, "However, I can kick him out whenever I want to if he messes up. It's still my house, after all."
"Come on, Hajun... he doesn't look like the kind of guy who causes problems" Pink Hair said, turning their gaze on Kanata, "Allen is naive, but not enough to let weird people into his own house!"
"Hey, stop treating me like a kid!" Suzaku pouted, again. He looked so damn punchable. "Then that settles it! Thank you guys, I love you!" he hugged the other two so strongly they were gasping for air, then went towards Kanata.
"Don't even think of huggin' me! Who do you think you are!?" Kanata was panicking. He hadn't been close to another being in ages and got so unused to it he didn't know how he was supposed to take it anymore. Fine by him, human interactions never really mattered to him as long as they weren't with his brother, but this somehow got him more nervous than it should have.
"Ah, sorry... I promised not to bother you, didn't I?" the redhead smiled shyly, "I'm pretty sure someday I'll be able to hug you, though!"
"Yeah yeah, sure. Your friends are leavin' us behind, by the way." he pointed towards the park's entrance and started running in that same direction. He could hear a muffled "Oi, wait for me! " from behind him but he didn't look back.
Why the fuck was he even blushing for?
— ☾ —
Kanata couldn't believe his eyes. That apartment was huge, in a massive skyscraper. He had never seen something like that before, being used to the small ruined buildings of the slums back in the Celestial Kingdom; many people there, including the twins, didn't even have a home in the first place. He had missed that warmth.
"If only Nayuta could feel this, too..." he thought. He felt horrible knowing he couldn't share it with his brother, guilty that he had originally planned to rot somewhere in the streets to reach him, since he had nothing to lose anymore. He was still alone, after all; living in the same space of those humans didn't mean anything to him.
"I'm sorry, Nayuta..." he muttered, his voice so quiet no one even heard him. Then, a huge smile in front of him pulled him out of his thoughts.
"We're finally here! Make yourself at home, yeah?"
Mushroom-head interrupted him, "Before making himself at home, I'd like him to take a shower. He stinks" he said while walking to what seemed to be the kitchen, "I'll make dinner in the meantime."
"I don't have other clothes, though..." Kanata said in a small voice. He didn't like how things were turning, as he already knew that the answer would've been -
"Oh, no worries about it! Allen is gonna lend you some!" Pink Hair cheerfully replied with a smile.
"Why me!?"
"Why him!?"
The redhead and Kanata screamed at the same time, the former astounded and the latter clearly pissed. Yeah, things were definitely turning worse than he expected.
"You dummy, Hajun's clothes would be too big on him so you're the only option left." they turned to Suzaku, then glanced at the poor boy, "That is, if he doesn't want to wear some frilly dresses~? He'd be so cute in them, like a little doll-"
"No fucking way!" Kanata was so embarrassed he thought his cheeks were about to explode from how much they were hot. Why the fuck did they enjoy playing with him so much?
"Then it's decided! The bathroom is over there" Pink Hair pointed to a door in the corridor, "See you later~" they said before disappearing in their room.
Suzaku then turned to Kanata, a bit embarrassed himself, "Well, then... I'm gonna bring you some clothes later" he smiled softly. He was blushing a tiny bit, Kanata noticed it immediately. He suddenly got that weird feeling in his chest, the same one he had after meeting the redhead for the first time. And once again, he did his best to ignore it.
"Yeah, um... thanks" he said looking at the floor, "By the way, if you even dare to peep in while I'm showerin', I'll kill you" he went back to his intimidating gaze.
"Whoa, uh... believe me I won't!" the redhead gulped before dashing towards his room. Kanata didn't know if it was because he successfully got scared or he was simply embarrassed. Maybe both.
— ☾ —
"Hey, you don't look bad dressed like that!"
Kanata appeared in the kitchen wearing some black sweatpants and a grey hoodie. Those would look just right on Suzaku, but that bastard was at least 15 centimeters taller than him; this resulted into him looking tiny as hell and he hated it.
"Yeah, you look cute! I mean, my clothes still look a bit big on you but-"
"Stop lookin' at me! I ain't cute at all!" he screeched, stomping towards the nearest chair and sitting. That was the reason why he hated being small. He definitely was not cute, and he felt like dying even more when the redhead said it. For the second fucking time, even.
"Exactly. Now can you all sit, please? Let's have dinner before it gets cold." Mushroom-head sat at the table, showing some food Kanata had never seen before. Not that he used to eat a lot when he was in Heaven, but he had no idea how human food was supposed to taste or look like.
"...The hell is this?" he questioned, while he let the food sit on his tongue, "Never seen this kinda stuff before."
"Please don't talk while you're eating, it's gross" the other guy sighed, "It's samgyeopsal, a Korean dish. I'm Korean, so I cook these traditional dishes often."
"Oh, I just realized I didn't introduce you guys to each other!" the redhead suddenly raised his head from the plate, "Kanata, these are Hajun and Anne", he pointed first towards Mushroom-head, then towards Pink Hair.
Kanata didn't reply. He could care less about their names. Hell, he didn't even bother to call Suzaku by his actual name. They weren't close and surely will never be, so that didn't matter, right?
"Well, Kanata doesn't seem to be the talkative type, does he?" Anne looked at him a little concerned, "He must be really tired. Honestly, I can't wait to go to sleep, too~"
"Yeah, we should hurry up. I'm also kinda sleepy..." Suzaku yawned, rubbing his eyes.
"Uh... where am I supposed to sleep, anyway?" Kanata intervened, at this point craving to be finally left alone and have some time for himself.
The redhead nervously laughed, "Ah... well, about that..."
"You told me I got to have personal space! Do you call sharing a room «to have personal space»!?"
Kanata wasn't mad. He was absolutely fuming, mentally regretting ever saying yes to that dumbass. This was probably one of the most disastrous things that could've happened to him: he already couldn't manage to sleep alone anymore, but having a stranger in the same bed as him sounded even worse. He couldn't believe how the redhead had accepted this thing right away, as if it were normal; he really was way too naive and it irritated him so damn much.
"I'm sorry, okay! I worded it a bit wrong." Suzaku took a step back from him, who looked like he was gonna jump on him at any second. "The apartment is big and you can go wander anywhere you want to, but we only have three bedrooms! And I'm definitely not letting you sleep on the couch." he concluded, looking dead serious for once.
Honestly, Kanata didn't mind sleeping anywhere, as long as he had at least a roof on top of his head. But he got to the conclusion that arguing about this wouldn't have led nowhere, since that guy didn't seem to budge.
"So here's what we're gonna do! I got my sleeping bag here" he proudly showed that weird puffy bag to Kanata, "I'm gonna sleep on the floor with this, while you can use my bed. Sounds good?"
He really couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was he really that determined to stay in his room and still give him some space? To a random kid met in the park, who could've seemed suspicious in any possible way?
What the hell was wrong with this dude.
"Alright..." that was all he could say, a bit taken aback but mostly too tired to think about anything else to say. So he swiftly got on the soft bed covered in red sheets and turned on the opposite side, facing the door. He heard a faint "Good night" but didn't reply. The room fell silent.
He knew he wouldn't have slept as always, but at least he finally got to close his eyes for a while. There was the tiniest bit of comfort in that.
And then, it came back.
The image of his dear brother passing away with a smile on his face, cursing him forever, making him remember that the only thing he ever loved in this shitty world disappeared. The voices would tell him it was his fault. It was his fault he wasn't a good boy and their mommy didn't love them. It was his fault he wasn't a good brother, who couldn't even protect his precious little treasure. It was his fault he was left alone and deserved it.
He didn't even realize he ended up crying in his sleep, calling Nayuta's name.
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"Nayuta... miss you..."
Allen was almost falling asleep when he heard some sniffling from over the bed. Slowly and cautiously, he got up and got closer to Kanata, who was talking in his sleep. He couldn't quite register what he was saying, though.
"He must be having a nightmare..." he thought, noticing the kid was shivering while slightly holding out his hand, as if he was trying to reach out to someone. Before he could even process what he wanted to do, he took his hand, but luckily Kanata didn't wake up. Instead, he gradually stopped crying, until he turned into quiet snores.
Allen smiled, hidden by the darkness of his room. He slightly got up from the bed, but the boy's grip on his hand was so strong he just couldn't go anywhere without waking him up. So he just stayed there, laying down a bit far from Kanata not to bother him.
"How am I gonna explain this to him tomorrow?" he asked himself, falling asleep.
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queenofbaws · 2 years ago
Okay, so I've been thinking nonstop about Ashley having a crush on one Chris Hackett ever since you joked about it, and I think (hope) that I reached the same plane of existance that you did because I'm obsessed now. Cause while the rest of the hacketteers are confused, you know poor Caleb and Kaylee are downright horrified because 'oh my god, that's our dad what is WRONG with you??????' dhdjskshsks
And, just because I think it just makes things even funnier for me, I also like to think that while og Chris is still completely oblivious to the crush she has on him, he manages to clock the one on Mr H in *seconds*. You know that he would spend the entire summer sulking and wondering wtf chackett has that he doesn't and resenting him even more for it. Which makes the whole being terrified that Mr. H is a vision of his future even more confusing cause apparently Ashley is into that? And what the hell does he have Chris doesn't?
Basically it's the most confusing and insane summer that they've ever had. Ashley with the weirdest and most confusing crushes (to anyone else), and Chris with the weirdest and most confusing identity crisis (to himself). Meanwhile, Josh spends the entire summer face planted onto a picnic table wondering what on earth he did to deserve having these two complete absolute morons are his best friends AHDJDLSNSHD
"This is the weirdest fuckin' thing that's ever happened around here," Kaylee said, and without bothering to check whether anyone else was looking her way, she turned and very pointedly caught her brother's eye before adding, "and I'm countin'...everything."
"Oh come on, don't be such a fuddy-duddy," Emma laughed, giving Kaylee's hair a tousle. Her smile faded when she turned back towards the general store, though, turning into something a little closer to a grimace as she continued, "I'm sure...lots of people have crushed on Mr. H in the past! He's..." She tilted her head to the side, trying to get a better (or at least different angle on him), "...non-threatening."
Emily made a noise at that, her eyes coming distressingly close to rolling all the way back into her skull. "That's definitely a word, I'll give you that."
"Yeah!" agreed Abi, nodding maybe less enthusiastically as she might've, had they been talking about...literally anything else. "And I mean, um...I mean...it makes sense, doesn't it? Because...him and Chris are like..."
"The same person?" Echoing Abi's nod, Sam smiled. It didn't quite come off as friendly as she'd meant for it to be, not when she already sensed Josh plotting. "Yeah. Yeah, they are. Sort of. I get the feeling Mr. H wouldn't lie down and die if he found himself lost in the middle of the woods, though. Or, y'know. A public park. Chris might."
"I think you mean would," said Jess. "Chris would die in the middle of the woods. Pretty sure we all freaking saw the proof of that." She held her hands out and, as she'd known they would, the rest of the Blackwood kids nodded and made sounds of agreement, remembering exactly how miserable he'd been during their ill-fated night on the mountain. "But at least he's not always wearing khaki, blech. Like, the 1950s called, Mr. H. They want their whole deal back."
"No one," Kaylee interrupted amid a full-body shudder, pulling her legs up onto the picnic table bench with the rest of her, "not a single person on Earth has ever liked Dad. Ever."
"Bad news, pipsqueak. Guy's got two kids. That means someone liked him once. Someone liked him a whole l - ow!" Jacob whirled around with an indignant "Dude!" but Matt just shook his head, chopping one of his hands across the air in front of his throat to get him to cut it out. "I'm just saying."
It wasn't often Caleb said much, not around the rest of them anyway, but when he did, it usually packed a hell of a punch. This was no exception. "Nah, Kay's right. This is...I don't know what it is, but nah, no one's ever had a crush on Dad. No one except Ryan, maybe."
Kaitlyn choked on her drink, giving Sierra Mist a whole new meaning as she sprayed Jacob with a mouthful of soda. Dylan wasn't much better off, rocking on his seat as though someone had hauled off and slapped him across the face. He recovered quicker than she did, his usual mask of nonchalance slipping back over his face as he snickered, "Uh huh. Sure. Riiight. Because Mr. H is totally Ryan's type."
The laughter that overtook the table - the perplexed, uncertain, uncomfortable, strained laughter - fell to perfect silence when Ryan opened his mouth.
"I mean..." was all he got out.
The table erupted again, though that time, uh, not in laughter. You'd've thought someone had whipped a dead chipmunk out onto the table, so impassioned were the "Oh God!"s and the "No way!"s and the "Holy shit!"s as arms were flung into the air and people stood from where they'd been sitting and hell just sort of genuinely broke loose.
The only one who didn't seem to react much (if at all) was Josh, who continued to sit with his chin in his hand and a glower on his face. He was getting too old for this shit.
(please don't count, this is definitely JUST) six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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carryoncastiel · 2 years ago
SPNWIN 1x13 - Season 1 Finale Thoughts
I have avoided all spoilers, let's see how this goes!
Oh it starts with the flashback of John coming back from the army
He's just sitting there for hours apparently
John: "Sir, can I help you". He calls him sir! That must be so weird for Dean lol
OMG Dean looks like a sailor! He has a turtleneck!!!
…and he gives John the fated letter from Henry
"We're not supposed to meddle with things, idjit". Oh so it is heaven shenanigans?
I cannot deal with Dean wearing that outfit, it looks so very not him lol
"One last hunt, huh?" "One last hunt." hmmmmmmmmm
Oooh the title card is different. It gets sucked into some interdimensional thingy or something? Well, I like it.
Henry has a lead on "the guy", apparently some hunter named Joan saw him. And Mary doesn't wanna go to that one college. The future without hunting is scary.
John wears the bad red plaid!
If Mary leaves hunting, what does it mean for her and John's relationship? Will we ever find out
Carlos looking at that Dean pic again:"Whoever he is, he is ruggedly handsome" 😏 Everyone has the hots for Dean and who can blame them (gonna be awkward once they find out who he is though…)
So either Dean has to kill the Akrida (since he is "not of this earth") or Ada has to burn her soul with the crystal. Decisions, decisions.
Lata is gonna look for a way to save Ada's soul if she has to use the crystal. My girl is gonna find a way!
So Joan who knows about Dean is also dead(or whatever state they are in)? Or she is some other being. Interesting.
Wait, Joan threw Dean and the Impala through the Akrida portal??? And only John's journal is left? What's going on…
Joan is the queen ooooooh. Now it makes sense.
John, don't stop her monologue, I wanna know more about her being human once!
Joan: "Join me, OR DIE." Girl, that's no choice.
She does the finger snap and is gone. Interesting.
Y'all didn't know Lata is still in the clubhouse that just got raided by the Akrida? Bad oversight.
Lata actually attacking the queen with a knife, breaking her pacifist streak. Sadly it doesn't do anything.
Joan Hopkins lived in 1673, wanted out of hunting and that's why she turned on her own kind.
Joan: "I lost my parents, my brother, all my family to the cause. And then…I lost my William." ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT I SEE
So because there was always more to fight, always a new apokalypse and all, Joan decided mankind is the problem. Because they always need saving and hunters are the ones paying the price….. That's one way to look at it I guess.
The monster essence drove her mad. Don't pump yourself full of monster juice kids!
Carlos having an amazing idea. Use the journal Dean left behind and the Osteum to get Dean back through the portal. Well let's go!
Poor Lata got posessed by the Akrida.
The Akrida were made by an "angry God" as a failsave to wipe out all existence. Yeah, that sounds like Chuck.
Damn, Ada had to use the crystal to save Lata. I mean it was obviously gonna be used but still :(
They can only bring Dean back from the monster world at midnight. Of course.
John, are you really trying to get Mary to stay behind because whoever is gonna face the queen is probably not gonna come back? My dude, this never works.
John:"If we save the world then you're free." Such a meaningful line for this franchise…
So Mary actually does stay behind. Oh well
THEY HAVE SWORDS. SPN definitely needed more hunters using swords!
OH SHIT THE QUEEN ALSO HAS A SWORD. And the Akrida too. So many swords!!!
They really got the Impala through the portal! …but no Dean apparently. Eh, whatever we got the car that is also not of this earth. Vroom vroom bitches
Joan says she wiped out all the MOL. Wait a minute…
BABY TO THE RESCUE. Run her over
…But the Queen opens the portal just in time for Mary to drive the Impala through. Oh nooo
John falling to his knees. I'm sorry I'm getting destiel flashbacks again.
…of course the portal opens up again and Baby comes back. But now with a suspicious figure driving. WHO COULD IT BE
Oh hey Dean. Mary isn't back though. Hmm
No, she was in the Impala for the dramatic reveal. Okay okay.
Dean: "She[Baby] kept us save. Of course, there's not a lot that can tear me apart. I'm already dead" DUN DUN DUN
Dean was stuck in the world between worlds. Like Limbo you mean
Dean was going for a drive in heaven, with a detour through the ~multiverse~. But what was he looking for?
"I was looking for my family." Yeah, we all were during that terrible excuse of a series finale…
"See, I come from a long line of hunters.I guess I was hoping somewhere out there was a earth, that has a version where my family had a shot at a happy ending." So here we have it. That ending was not a happy ending and Dean is looking for a better one.
So the Akrida were one of Chuck's last creations. Shocker.
Dean: "Now that the Akrida are gone, you can chose your own destiny. Write your own story". I wanna see that CW, give me season 2!!!
JACK!!!! OMG IT'S JACK. And Bobby again too.
Bobby: "This is all kinds of weird. Seeing Samuel witha full set of hair" LMAO
Dean is all "Sorry Jack I meddled with world. Guess I don't deserve heaven. I'm definitely not saying you should put me back on earth" lol
So Dean is gonna give other world John his own hunter's journal. THEY CAN USE THAT IN SEASON 2
Dean to Mary: " I know you think about quitting hunting. Believe me I understand. But you need to do me one favor. Keep an eye out for a yellow eyed demon" DEAN JACK SAID NO MEDDLING
He gives her The Colt!?!??! DUDE
Mary: "Your family…did you ever find a world where they had a shot at a happy ending?"
Dean looking at all of them "I think I did."
James Heffield(Hepfield? Jensen stop mumbling!). Is this some significant kind of name Dean is using?
And they are gone. Maybe we'll see them again…
Lata did find a way to restore Ada's soul. The mighty LORE strikes again.
Mary saw every possible version of herself going through the portal but she's gonna find her own path.
John: "Do me a favor?" "Anything." "No Goodbyes"
But one last kiss
John is all sad while the others talk about the next case. But look, Mary is "not leaving here without you" (sorry). She wants John to come with her. ROADTRIP
They are in the car and want some music.
Hepfield was adamant on one thing "Driver picks the music…" Ah the famous line
That was it. Finale of season 1. I really hope we get a second season! I don't want to lose these characters yet :( I'm not entirely sure what to make of the whole Dean bit. On the one hand they did give me "the finale was not a happy ending" but then it's all about blood family again and not even a tiny, subtle mention of anything Cas related. I don't want to be too disappointed, since they gave us destiel parallels again but man I just miss Cas :((( I have to think about it more.
Bobby's face is my face when i saw Dean in that outfit. It weird lmao
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nahblubunny · 1 year ago
Chloe bullied and blamed the anger on her mother leaving, when in reality she just saw the opportunity of making life fricken miserable for poor Marinette for who knows what reason, maybe because she was half Chinese have French? Could be because she was a bakers daughter who saw her creativity since she was a kid? Could be for no actual reason other than pushing her pain and anguish on someone who seemed to have their life together despite being (in Chloe’s eyes) dirt broke. Her reasoning isn’t acceptable in any case, she was seen under a different light at the beginning of the series and kind of showed she had a brain/remorse/a soul, but that was quickly demolished over the years as the show began to gain a backstory. Chloe being a piece of crab toward ONLY Marinette for the longest time, still getting her ways with others every now and then, strikes quite odd to me.
First of all, Sabrina was basically a call dog to Chloe’s every waking moment and had a slight joy in helping bullying Marinette(who knows how those two ever became friends, Chloe and Sabrina I mean) and they probably started rumours about Marinette to make it worse for her.
And B, throughout the show, no matter HOW NICE AND CARING AND THOUGHTFUL AND GENEROUS Marinette flipping DUPAIN-CHENG was to her school, her friends, or to basically ANYONE BEFORE AND AFTER THE LADYBUG MIRACULOUS, they still NEVER took her side when she’s been accused of theft, accused of jealousy, or worse of the fricken bunch, accused of DOWN RIGHT BULLING A NEW GIRL WHO ‘Had eyes on Adrien’ or even THE CITY BULLY HERSELF!!! The teachers don’t listen because they’re afraid of the darn Mayor who should be busy with literally anything other than firing a bunch of much needed teachers just because they said no to his precious princess who really should have been in a top end school and not a public one.
There’s a lot of other flaws I’d probably but most likely not point out at a later unknown date, but onto Felíx, because Chloe’s story is just too much.
Felíx has had to have been controlled since his birth, and only had freedom when visiting his cousin/brother Adrien, away from his abusive father, whom is another package I don’t want to deal with. Felíx most likely felt that he ONLY had to follow commands and just be the perfect little sentient being for his father’s image, which is why he wanted to switch places with Adrien so many times. Felíx seeing how Adrien had a bit more freedom than him most likely made him realise that he didn’t have to follow every order the amuk his father possessed, even though it was slowing ending the man. Felíx just wanted to be a real boy, because from a young age he realised that he wasn’t completely human. He didn’t ask to be part senti, if he could wish, he’d become a real person without the need of control, along with Adrien and Kagami, but would his page had been the same if he was born fully human?
Felíx started to see humans as monsters and the sentient beings a real too(because they were even if it was for a short time) because of how his father (and most likely grandparents) had treated him. Amillie had always loved and cherished both Felíx and Adrien because she knew deep down that they were more human than sentient.
Whatever my point was it’s lost, so I’ll conclude on this, Chloe was born from a narcissistic woman and pushover of a father whom also cheated his way to the top and therefor was a lost cause after the ‘Sentient Adrien’ theory popped up, and Felíx is a creation whom wanted to feel like he belonged and only wished to have born mainly human.
Nope still lost. Nvm I’m tired.
that time TA tweeted "you can behave like the worst garbage, all you need is a micro-good deed for all of a sudden, many will forgive everything." as an insult to people who saw good in Chloé and liked her as a character despite him saying over and over again that she's bad and a bully and yet he wants us to believe Felix is one of the "genuinely good guys" after all that he did in his debut ep and S4-5 like. eugh.
Well, you see, the difference between the two is that while Chloe betrayed Ladybug and stole all of her Miraculous, Felix betrayed Ladybug and... stole all of her Miraculous...
Okay, while Chloe used her Miraculous to endanger innocent lives the second she got it, Felix used his Miraculous to... endanger innocent lives the second he got it...
Give me a minute here. Ah, got it! While Chloe views anyone who isn't like her as expendable, Felix views anyone who isn't like him as... expendable...
Yeah, I got nothing that really justifies this.
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windmaedchen-oceanhorn · 1 year ago
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Okay, I've got a few sketches and with them, it's time for some headcanons! 💕
I think Mesmeroth's childhood wasn't the best in family terms, but he's not a kid to easily get very sad or be hopeless. He's been very patient even back then and thought he'd just have to wait until he's older for things to be different.
He lost his mother through unfortunate events (but only learned that later from Corbin, when he was much older) when he was around 8 or 9
His father was around but after the death of his wife, he turned to drink and in the end, drove his kid out of the house and onto the streets. Just too much shouting or being kicked out of the house anyway. His dad dies soon after he leaves for the White City, too. Mesmeroth doesn't miss him.
So he moved into his self-made shack behind his house full-time.
Mesmeroth is rather interested in knowledge and books and would rather read in peace than go play with the other kids. He sometimes asks to or has played with them, but somehow he's a bit on the socially awkward side and couldn't quite connect to them.
He always built things and through books found out that robots can be imbued with a soul artificially through magic. He felt magically inclined anyway and tried to make himself a robot friend, failing constantly. They'd just went rogue sooner or later and had to be destroyed by the one knight in town keeping up the peace within, Pierre Corbin (not yet granted the honours title of his family).
This caused his social connections to weaken more, as the kids didn't want to play with him any longer. One more reason for him to run around the woods and caves, sinking deep into history and technology.
Kids had to go to school. Meth often doesn't enjoy school, because the teachers could, way too often, NOT answer his questions, so he thought it was pointless to go. He mostly goes because he gets free school lunch there (because he's so poor, but he isn't the only one so considers it kinda normal). When he doesn't show up, it is often Corbin who goes to fetch him.
Pierre Corbin became a knight trained mostly in Faroah and then was stationed there as well. Since there aren't any (many) enemies to defend the place from, he focuses on simply being a peacekeeper. He would be called on when there are problems in the pub, he'd get drunkards into the cell till the next morning, and he would help out with all sorts of stuff like people being stuck on their roofs because the ladder fell, or kittens in trees, or rogue robots (usually Meth's fault), or kids that don't go to school and so on and so forth... and Corbin LOVES IT. 😆
Meth studies much on his own, and he usually scores 100% on his exams at school. He wouldn't get good participation or attitude grades, though, because he can be a bit snobby about his superior knowledge and be rude about other people's ignorance. This continues even after he comes to the Twin Towers. He sure is only begrudgingly granted the title Warlock as the youngest candidate ever. 😆
When Mesmeroth is around 10, Corbin loses his wife and child during childbirth. Meth gifts him a little keepsake of his: an adjusted radio, that would replay a recorded lullaby from his mother. He thinks he is now old enough to not cry anymore when he misses her and believes it would help Corbin as much as it did help him to deal with the loss. Of course, it wouldn't really, but it did cause one change: Corbin, who has always been an enthusiastic cook, invites Meth over every single evening to dine with him. That way, Corbin isn't alone and can still cook for two, and Meth also gets a proper dinner and not just the scrap left overs from his dad's meal. And so, the two begin to form a close relationship.
Meth had discovered the tunnels and the Beacon remains for years, but at some point when he was 13, the weather blocked a path back outside. So he needed to call for help and thus the ruins were reported to Archimedes.
Calliope and Meth meet. He reminds her of Archimedes, sharing the same passion for literature and knowledge and all new ideas and questions about life and existence. She enjoys it, too, and they have some great conversations while the examination of the tunnels continues.
Excited Meth shows Calliope his recently completed servant robot Gen. She absolutely loves him and so proceeds to introduce Meth to Archimedes and Master Mayfair.
Archimedes shows admiration for Meth's skills... but remains reserved in going into full and open discussions about things. Much to Mesmeroth's disappointment for he admires Archimedes a lot. Instead, he continues to actually converse with Calliope, always hoping through her, he'd still find some connection to the Grand Regent. (Of course, he really likes her but he still hopes that somehow through her he could connect with Archimedes, it's his dream to work with him on cool technology and stuff!)
Through Calliope and Master Mayfair he learns more about making a career as a knight or mage (his preferred discipline would be the warlock one (which I think describes the focus of a mage in warfare rather than academic or medical interests)) and it is only a few months later, that he does begin his studies at the Mages Guild.
Of course, when Pierre is stationed in the White City soon after (I think it is possible that he missed Mesmeroth so much that he asked to be moved xD) he drags Meth out into the pubs and social life of the White City, with varying success. He's really looking after the kid. So naturally, when Mesmeroth graduates as the youngest warlock he's so proud that really the whole city knows about it. xD
Losing Corbin during the fight with Shadowmaga hits Mesmeroth hard. It was desperation that made him hold on to his soul. Meth could see that Corbin's soul inhabited the robot, but during the few days when Meth still remained with the army, no matter how often he talked to Gen, there was no reaction. Still, he could not bring himself to let Corbin's soul go free. It took him 20 years of distancing himself AND the need of Gen as a servant, to be able to finally let Corbin die.
I even think Gen and Mesmeroth may have had the opportunity to discuss this beforehand. I may or may not get back to this situation in form of a comic.
And that's it for now! xD
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will80sbyers · 2 years ago
I dislike people hating on Jonathan because he's a stoner and useless (according to them). Like, we all go through hard times when we're just existing and losing motivation. I can't stand the Jonathan slandering.
abusive father
grew up poor
his peers made fun of him because he was poor and an introvert
felt forced to become the parental figure since childhood
thought him coming home late caused the disappearance of his little brother, his responsibility
thought his little brother was dead and his mother was losing her mind and didn't want to accept that
had to organise the funeral for his brother alone
found out that there are monsters out there and a parallel dimension, had to fight a literal monster at 16yo
had his brother back alive but he has to live with the fact that Will almost died because of his mistake, because wasn't there for him
the next year he finds out that Will is not okay, he is not himself anymore and has a monster inside, Will is not safe and he thinks it's his fault
has to watch his little brother be tied up in a shed and knows that if they don't get that thing out of him he will die
has to watch his mother hurt his little brother and his little brother hurt his mother and can't do anything about it
Will is safe in the end... but then the next year Jonathan finds out that actually no he is not, Nancy calls him and asks him where Will is... because he could be in danger... there is a big monster in Hawkins that is killing people now!
through all of this Jonathan knows that Will is gay and in love with Mike and is suffering for that too but he can't do anything to help him
they defeat the monster... it's over... but he finds out that his mother wants to go away from Hawkins and he has to leave his home and his girlfriend to go to California where he doesn't know anyone, he doesn't have anyone again.. but he knows his mother needs to leave Hawkins so he doesn't even complain to her about this choice
in Lenora he makes a friend but he is still afraid of leaving his family and not being there for them... he wants to be close to them in case they need his protection... he understands that he can't go to the same college as Nancy
Nancy was his only light in the dark in season 1 and he is in love with her so he doesn't want to influence her to follow him there somehow... he is also scared of becoming like his own father in the future... his stress reaches a new point and he needs to do something to stop thinking about it
people that blame Jonathan for dealing with his trauma by smoking weed and spending time with his first best friend in 17 years are saying that this kid doesn't deserve to finally BE A KID because he lost years of his life being a father when he doesn't have kids!!!!!!
talking bad about Jonathan... to me it's insane.
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