#sea turtles au
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cosmique-oddity · 1 year ago
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Michelangelo across the Jellyverse
Well well well hi everyone
I went feral about some au’s wich belong to @onejellyfishplease
There is Minecraft Mikey, Sea Turtle Mikey and Strained Eye’s Mikey :))
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savannahsdrabbles · 2 years ago
Ocean Song - Part 11/12
rating: PG
notes: 3.5k words. A03 link can be found here. Decided to split this final part into two parts because it was getting so long!
Donnie cocked his head, blinking rapidly to lower his third eyelid and squinting through the mist that pelted his face. The boat’s droning roar and both humans’ raised voices slowly fell away, their volume fading to a low rumble as he focused. 
Yes, there it was - that sensation that reached into his chest, clutched his heart and threatened to drag him out across the surface of the water. It had been growing steadily stronger since the moment his feet touched the shore, but now the light tingling in his brain had kicked up to a frantic buzz. They were almost there. 
He blinked as the source of the invisible sensation seemed to shift, sliding from somewhere in front of their boat to slightly to their left. Without a word, he raised a pointed claw and gestured in the proper direction. Casey understood his signal, and within seconds the boat began correcting course. Donnie waited, keeping his claw raised until the tugging sensation shifted back to directly in front of them, then lowered his arm to show that he was satisfied. 
Now that that was settled, he could turn his attention back to the situation at hand – or rather, in his hands. 
The outer material of the first food he’d been given hadn’t tasted great – he’d tried nibbling on the dry, tasteless corner for a few seconds before April leaned over and cracked open the shell. Inside were a number of smaller objects – the source of the mouthwatering aroma. He’d sniffed them, hesitant at first, but hunger took over before he could finish giving them a thorough examination. Within minutes the “nuggets” were gone, and Donnie was licking his lips with flourish.
“More,” he chirped, twisting around to face Casey and making grasping motions with his claws. Sitting on the bottom of the boat between the two humans’ legs had seemed slightly demeaning at first, but it came with a perk of being the perfect location to reach for food from. “Give,”
“Oh – uh, sure, here you go,” Casey paused mid-bite and sat his own food item – a circular object partially wrapped in some sort of crinkly peel- into his lap before reaching into the paper bag next to him. “I’ve got a large order of fries, and then the kid’s meal came with some apple slices,”
“Stick to just the apple slices,” April swallowed a bite of her own food and then cupped a hand around her mouth to project her voice. “Loggerheads are omnivorous so his stomach is probably pretty hardy, but he shouldn’t even be having processed foods in the first place.”
“Oh, I guess you’re right,” Casey turned to toss the fries back in the bag, but a hand on his knee caused him to hesitate. The turtle licked his lips and blinked back at the boy impatiently. His eyes flicked towards the grease-stained fry packet, then back to Casey’s face. The boy hesitated.
April caught the exchange and smirked. “Man up, Jones. Don’t let the puppy dog eyes work on you.”
“But… look at his face.”
Donnie shifted to look at April as if on cue. He hummed happily, one hand to his mouth and his jaw working rapidly. She squinted.
“Casey? Where did your burger go?”
“Wait – what?” The boy looked down at his lap in surprise, then twisted in his seat to frantically pat the area around himself. “He – how did –”
The turtle let out a small belch and held out his hands once more. “Ah-pulls?”
“Wow. Out-smarted by a turtle,” the redhead laughed as she broke her own burger in half and held out a portion above Donnie’s head. “Let’s just hope that he’s not going to make himself sick with all of that grease.”
Casey shrugged and waved away the offering. “Eh, I wasn’t super hungry anyway.” He leaned forward to flick Donnie’s shell good-naturedly and then killed the engine. The boat puttered to a lurching stop beneath them. “I should probably be working on getting that collar off, anyways. But like I was asking before– the internal compass thing? How does that work?”
April swallowed another bite, then carefully rewrapped the remaining half of her meal and tucked it away from Donnie’s reach. “Oh! Uh, yeah, it’s kind of like homing pigeons. The science isn’t one hundred percent certain, but it’s largely understood that sea turtles have an iron compound in their brains called magnetite-”
“Like the Pokemon?”
“I think you mean Magnemite? Anyway, the running understanding is that they can use this iron compound to kind of read the Earth’s natural magnetic fields and use it to direct themselves.”
“So… they basically have a GPS running in their heads?” Casey pawed through the toolbox he’d found beneath the seat, his head tilted thoughtfully. “That’s pretty wicked,”
April nodded and glanced back at Donatello. The turtle had successfully managed to tear into the package of apple slices with his claws and was grumbling happily as he snacked. “Yeah. What’s really cool is that sea turtles will return to the beaches they were born at to mate and lay eggs – so years can pass and they can travel for thousands upon thousands of miles, and yet they always know the way back home.” 
Casey lifted a screwdriver from the toolbox with a triumphant ‘ah-ha!’. “I wish my brain could do that – just have a compass always pointing me back home. Though… I guess most maps already can point me back towards New York. Scratch that thought. I want my brain compass to point somewhere cooler.”
April chuckled, then hesitated as a question surfaced in her brain. Where would her internal compass point to? Japan was nice, but it wasn’t home. Then again, neither was Alaska, or South Carolina, or Thailand… or any of the other places where she and her dad had been stationed. She barely remembered the New England area, where she’d spent her toddler years. Before that, all she had were baby pictures to prove that she’d existed elsewhere. 
“Huh. I guess my compass would point back towards my dad,” she said hesitantly, then gave a more resolute nod. “When I’m with him, I’m home,”
Casey sat the toolbox back between his feet, his face softening slightly. “Aw. That’s really nice, Apes,”
April ducked her head, her cheeks suddenly warm. Why the heck did she just say something so personal out loud? And to Casey ‘I bet I can eat an entire pack of Saltines in under thirty seconds’ Jones, of all people? “Shut up.”
“No, for real- that’s sweet!” Casey raised his hands in surrender, then gestured towards Donnie. “Who knows – maybe he’s the same way! Like maybe his compass is pointing him towards his brothers, I mean,”
Donnie looked up from chewing on the now empty plastic baggie and blinked, his brow furrowing in sudden concern at April’s expression. “Ayps?”
“Oh no – don’t get him using that dumb nickname!” the girl moaned as Casey let out a loud chortle. The turtle looked back and forth between the two of them, whining in confusion and concern until April gave his head a reassuring pat. “Either way, I’m sure he’s leading us to where – or who – he feels safe with. Once he’s back with his family, then it’s up to them to get as far away as they can. Right, Donnie?”
The turtle hesitated, then nodded in affirmation. “Family leave.”
“I really hate that,” The smile that had just stretched across Casey’s face was quickly replaced by a heavy frown. “They shouldn’t have to leave their home when they did nothing wrong.”
“I know, but what other option is there?” April shrugged, her shoulders tensing as if she were suddenly feeling the weight of what they were asking of him. “They know that he exists now, and as long as he’s alive they’re going to keep coming back to try and find him, right? Plus as far as we know, they still think he’s the only turtle. The best thing that we can do is to keep it that way and put as much distance between him and the labs as possible.”
“Yeah… I guess so.” Casey shrugged again, still fidgeting with the screwdriver in a way that told April he did not, in fact, guess so. With a resolute ‘hrmph’, he leaned forward and placed a hand on the back of Donnie’s neck.
Donnie had still been focused on April’s expression, studying the way her brow had creased and the look of unsureness behind her eyes, when he felt fingers closing around the nape of his neck. He stiffened, heart rate shooting up and pupils shrinking to pinpricks.
They were touching him touching his neck bad touch pain was coming oh no oh no oh no not again run run away RUN!
Casey hesitated behind him for a fraction of a second, seeming to notice that something had changed in the atmosphere, and that was all the window of time that Donnie needed.
Donnie surged forward, tearing the collar out of the boy’s grip and twisting around so that they were face to face. The boat rolled unsteadily beneath them.
“NO!” he bared his teeth and hissed. Casey immediately leaped backwards and put his hands in the air. “No touch! Bad!”
April gasped and grabbed for the edges of the boat. “Donnie-”
The turtle hissed once more in response, his whole body trembling with adrenaline, then let out a sharp squeal as Casey lunged for the collar a second time.
“Dude - hold still! I can’t help you if you freaking drown us!”
“No no no!” The turtle scrambled backwards and away from the outstretched hands, not paying any heed to the rocking until his shell hit April’s legs.
“Dude, chill!” “Donnie stop!”
Donnie looked back over his shoulder at April and, seeing that there was no other way to retreat, chose his next best option. The turtle curled in on himself and covered his face with his hands. He braced for the moment that he knew would come next - someone would grab his neck and force him down into the sand, and then there would come a prick of metal and the smell of blood…
… but the moment didn’t come.
No one spoke as the boat gradually leveled out and settled into a gentle up and down rhythm with the waves. The turtle slowly lowered his hands a few centimeters, only to meet the startled eyes of the boy who had never once tried to hurt him. He covered his face again, cringing in shame.
“What was that all about?” Casey’s tone wasn’t one of anger, but Donnie thought that this one was almost worse: pity. 
“Maybe you should explain what you’re doing as you go?” April said gently. He could feel her hands hovering somewhere out of his eyeline, wanting to pat him in reassurance but afraid to get too close. The strong desire to leap out of the boat, swim to the nearest shoreline and bury his head in the sand was growing in his chest. He was making things much harder than they needed to be. 
“Hey, Dude,” Donnie very slowly peeked between his claws, still keeping his face mostly covered as he met Casey’s eyes once more. The boy was holding a long, thin device in his hands - a stick? Maybe. He held the stick out for Donnie to see better, and moonlight glinted off of it as Casey continued to speak.
Between the frantic thud-thud-thud of his heart beating in his ears and the unfamiliar Human Spoken Language terms Casey was using, Donnie could only grasp bits and pieces of what was being said. Something about the thing the ‘goons’ had put around his neck? Casey wanted to use the stick on it…  and seemed to believe that this could help? They were so close to Home now that he almost wanted to cry. His brain couldn’t take any more new, stressful news. But he also trusted these two humans. They wouldn’t hurt him... right?
Taking a shaky breath, Donnie slowly scooted back towards Casey - with April holding the boat steady - and turned his shell to allow access to his neck. 
He cringed at the initial contact and Casey apologized softly. The boy’s hands moved more slowly this time, gently adjusting the object around his neck and muttering under his breath. There were a few small tugs, each followed by quick apologies, but the boy continued working. Donnie scrunched up his toes as time ticked on, but forced himself to remain still and calm. Casey was a good human. He and April were not like the others.
Donnie’s head shot up, eyes widening as Casey finally pulled his hands away and took with them the weight that had burdened his body for the past several hours.
He raised a quivering hand to his neck. A soft gasp escaped his mouth, followed by a deep sigh of relief as he reveled in the feeling of the tender and irritated but otherwise familiar skin under his fingertips.
“And, voila!”  Donnie turned to see Casey holding the collar triumphantly. He waved it and the shiny stick with a grin, then tossed them both into the box beneath his seat, never to be seen again. “I’m sure that feels so much better, doesn't it?”
With a warble of gratitude, Donnie pivoted on his knees and threw himself forward to but his head against the boy’s chin. “Thank you thank you thank you!”
Casey yelped, one hand reaching to rub the now tender spot, but he laughed good-naturedly. “Heh - you’re welcome, Dude! Also wow you could use that skull as a weapon.”
Donnie bobbed his head up and down excitedly, even though he wasn't  quite certain what that meant. All he knew was that his heart felt full and his brain was fumbling with the best way to further express his gratitude when a distant sound made him stiffen.
April saw the turtle perk, his head swiveling to face a point in the distance moments before the sound of deep rumbling reached her ears. She whipped around to face the source and gasped sharply.
A motor boat black as the night and twice the size of their little dingy was racing towards them, its broad stern slicing through the water like a jackknife and sending up massive waves in its wake. Aboard the ship stood two individuals, their determined shouts growing clearer as the gap between the vessels narrowed.
She jerked back towards Casey, heart pounding, but the boy had already read her mind. He clutched the rip cord in one hand and gripped the top of the motor with the other, throwing his whole weight back and cursing in frustration. 
            “Donnie – head down!” April placed a firm hand on the edge of the turtle’s shell and pushed, forcing him onto his belly. He resisted for a moment, pressing back against her hand with a low whine, before submitting to her urging and flattening himself on the ground. “Casey-”
“I’m working on it!” Casey growled as he slammed his fist down on the engine. The metal rang back hollowly. “Come on – start you stupid piece of garbage!”
“Fancy meeting you two again,”
April wheeled around and bit back a shriek when she found herself suddenly staring down the barrel of a pistol. 
“How's that car of yours?" Anton smirked and wiggled his index finger, teasing it against the trigger. April gulped, her bones suddenly feeling like they were made of ice. “I was worried that you two might have gotten hurt after your little off-roading adventure. Kind of a shame that you didn’t though; it would have made our lives a bit easier.”
“But enough small talk – I believe that you have something of ours.” Ivan gripped the edge of their boat and used his own gun to gesture between the teens. “The Boss was not too happy when he heard that some hippie kids had made off with our little friend,”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Casey’s voice was tight with barely subdued anger. He jerked on the rip cord once more, but the engine remained silent. “I don’t see any friends of yours here.”
“No?” Ivan cocked his head, then aimed his gun towards the sky and fired a single shot. The explosion ripped through the night air, and April’s stomach dropped as Donnie let out a pained squeal and sat up with palms clasped to his ear slits.
“Ah, there he is!” The Russian man gave a wide, Joker-esque grin and chuckled. “He’s thrilled to see us!”
“Back off,” April raised her arms to shield Donnie, though she knew there wasn’t much use. The goons' boat was now perpendicular to their own and they were tethered together by Ivan's large hand. Even if Casey managed to get the engine started again, there would be nowhere for them to go. 
“Come on now,” Anton’s eyes were hard to see in the darkness, but April could almost hear them roll as he spoke. “Don’t make this any harder than it needs to be. You’re some of those PETA kids, aren’t you? You heard about the poor lab animals and decided that you were going to be noble and release them into the wild?”
April bit her tongue, refusing to speak or lower her arms.
“Look, this isn’t your normal ‘testing makeup on animals’ or whatever situation, sweetie. We’re the good guys, you see?” Anton leaned forward so that she could see his face more clearly. He bared his teeth in some semblance of a smile, and she scowled in return. The boat shifted slightly, and April heard Donnie's claws skitter across the metal as he moved. “You’ve gotten yourself wrapped up in something that you have no business being a part of, and we’re trying to give you a way out. So just hand over the turtle, and maybe we can arrange to let you go back to your normal life, okay?”
Before April had a chance to share what she thought of that idea, the boat jerked beneath her and Donnie let out a squeal.
“DUCK!” April dropped down as much as she could, covering her head and looking back just in time to see Casey shoving Donnie to the floor and chucking the toolbox over both of their heads. The container rocketed through the air, missing her by mere inches and colliding with Ivan’s face.
A solid CLANG could be heard as metal connected with bone, and the Russian man bellowed in pain. 
“Why you little-” The pistol slipped out of his grip as he pinwheeled his arms around, and moments later both the toolbox and gun were tumbling overboard and sinking like stones. 
April only had a moment to feel relief before a thick hand wrapped around her upper arm and hauled her to her feet. 
“Fine - you want to do it this way? Let’s start with your girlfriend!” Blood oozed from a fresh gash in Ivan’s forehead as he jerked her towards the boat's edge. Casey yelled out her name, and she heard him frantically fumbling to catch his balance as the boat rolled and threatened to capsize beneath them. She screamed and desperately wrenched her arm back and forth, but the man continued to drag her towards the motorboat.
“NO!” Donnie suddenly lunged past her, claws outstretched to rake down Ivan’s already bloodied face. 
The man let out a yell and shoved April away, the force sending her crashing into Casey and knocking the two to the floor. Water poured into the boat as the stern dipped down, soaking the seats of their pants.
Donatello continued to claw and bite at their attacker, loud, animalistic growls tearing from his throat, until a fist crashed into the side of his head. He immediately fell silent, head whipping to the side and stumbling backwards until he collapsed into April’s lap. She gasped, wrapping her arms around the turtle and holding him to her chest as he blinked dazedly.
“Who the heck do you think you are?” Casey roared and moved to push himself up when a gunshot exploded in the air.
“ENOUGH.” Anton’s voice boomed, causing everyone to freeze. April felt her whole body start to quake as he lowered his arm and leveled his own gun at Donnie’s head. The turtle let out a soft groan, his face still buried in her shoulder. “The Boss said that he didn't care whether we brought the turtle back alive or dead. But considering the amount of trouble he’s been, it looks like dead will be easier.”
April didn’t have time to scream before he pulled the trigger.
Metal scraping.
And then April was underwater.
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moonstruckdraws · 2 years ago
ART DUMP (wish I had more)
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I had the same reaction when I learned this about these rabbit-shaped slugs
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You can't tell me this guy wouldn't recreate at least ONE Ariel scene
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And last put certainly not least, portraits! I had so much fun drawing @somerandomdudelmao's sea turtle au! I just had to draw them when I first saw their designs!! Leo has my favorite design, but Donnie is my favorite to draw. And adding their patterns was just so satisfying. I want to thank Cass for these beautiful designs they made and for letting me make art of them. I can't wait to draw them more in the future!
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dragonnova · 9 months ago
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Second turtle is Donnie! He was actually the "first" one. I focused on his design while working out how I wanted to create flippers. I wanted their feet to have a flipper like appearance, but at the same time it throws me if they don't have 'two toes' so I was trying to work out how his normal feet would 'fit' in a flipper. I chose a Green Sea turtle because of the color scheme and I like the almost square design to the spots and markings on the babies. Which then lead to my choosing Flatback for Leo. The two turtles are vastly different, but I find it interesting that their shells have nearly identical shape/design. I thought that would fit the "twin" theme for them. (Again, Creature or Gill-Man was a huge influence in this, but I don't need to show you refs of him again.)
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freezercat · 1 month ago
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basically a mc tmnt au, but.. TRAUMA AND STORIES AND AHHH YIPPE!!!! :))) his armor was very difficult to design but I hope i got it a bit ok! ^^
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maccachibchan · 8 months ago
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@woodcycle14 Ask and you shall receive! :D
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Pomni is showing her daughter a sea turtle for the first time, and Delilah immediately loves it. Her daddy, Jax, on the other hand is thinking about feeding her some turtle soup, so she’ll grow up a big and strong predator like him someday.
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anns-works · 2 years ago
Leo: Bye! I'm going out to meet with Usagi!
Mikey, cheekily: He's going to see his boyfriend~
2k12 gang, thinking abt Usagi Miyamoto, who is old enough to be their grandpa:
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scrollwyrm · 10 months ago
Evil Turtle?
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Maybe I’ve been playing around with the animus magic/ink theme in the background. I think a full-ink background might mean using the magic more often, although that doesn’t necessarily make him evil.
What makes him evil is the evilness actually.
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usbkinitopet · 10 months ago
Do you like turtles?
"Turtles are nice!.. they're beautiful sea creatures, in fact!.. I really do like turtles!.. I could ramble all day about them, if I could!.." "Where'd you get that turtle, Kinito?" "Ah.. Don't worry, Sam!.. it's a PNG!.. after all.. I would never encourage taking real turtles out of their habitat!" "Ohhh.. a PNG.. .. right.."
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"Would you, like to hold the PNG turtle, next, Sam?" "Oh.. sure!.. it.. doesn't bite does it?.."
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"I doubt it would!.. it can't even feel!.. let alone eat!, as it's not the real thing!!" "Well.. in that case.. I'd love to hold it!.." "..though.. speaking of turtles.. do you think Jones would like to hold the turtle too?, after my turn?.." "Maybe!.. we'll just have to ask them!"
(Funny that you ask this question!, one of the mods behind this blog, ahem, Soni, (hi!), actually loves turtles!.. they're my favorite sea creature!.. err.. well I have a lot of favorite sea creatures.. but turtles have been a childhood favorite for a while now!, at least for me!!) - Mod Soni
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onejellyfishplease · 1 year ago
Earrings, Part 2
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Donnie’s about to get their ass beat so bad
To be fair, this one’s on them
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blackbunnyblobchara · 6 months ago
Funny how a fav artist of mine made a fish AU and made Leo a jellyfish kinda thingy…I was like ‘Yeah girl, He do be looking fine when he colorful’
And realize…Wait, my sea creature Leo is also kinda like a jellyfish thingy….Is that coincidence or just something I like to think/see Leo being a pretty glowy lightbulb in the ocean like the same as my fav artist?
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mythos321 · 7 months ago
Part 2 of my WoF x Persona Au!
Chapter Two:Leap Through Fire!
As Clay emerged from the flames of his Persona, he now wore a black tailcoat over a high necked waistcoat and black pants, which hid most of his muscular body, with the white bird like mask upon his face once again, now worn with pride, as His Persona continued its introduction from before.
“I am The Dark Son of Gaia, Obsidian, I am the soul of the rebel within you! If you so desire, I shall grant you the power to relieve yourself of this crisis”
“Give me your power, and destroy them all, Obsidian!” Clay said with a strengthened resolve and confident aura around him, as he destroyed what was left of the guards, and Clay grabbed Tsunami and threw her onto his back and began to hold her there with his wings.
“Wh-What’s going on!” Tsunami shouted on top of him, still haven’t fully taken in whatever is happening
“I don’t know! But it feels amazing! Let’s get the hell out of here now!” Clay yelled as he ran out of the cell door and saw the cowering Shadow Whirlpool
“H-how could you! who do you think you are stepping to The King!” Before He could finish, Tsunami jumped off of Clays back and socked the so called king in his froggy eyes
“Yeah! you like that you son of a Batfish?!” Tsunami yelled, as Clay then picked the “King” up by his tail and threw him into the back of cell they were previously in with zero effort, then burning the lock with his fire so it wouldn’t budge
“Get back here! you can’t do this to me!” King Whirlpool shouted helplessly as Tsunami hopped back onto Clays back, and the duo ran off.
“So, what was that anyway?! that strange serpent(?) thing, and clothes, why are you wearing clothes now?! fancy ones at that!” Tsunami kept questioning, and Clay couldn’t even hope to give her an answer, as it was all as confusing for her as it was for him…though also a lot more fun.
as they kept running however, Clays attire suddenly changed back to normal, the duo both looked completely bewildered while still keeping on the run, until they finally found a large gate and without thinking, Clay tried to run into it, and though they made it momentarily budge, the gate stayed up, and instead Clay was left with a mild pain as Tsunami herself fell off from his back after the impact
“Maybe if we slam it the same time it could break down?” Clay asked Tsunami, who seemed to be in a sudden massive pain, which Clay saw was mostly in the area of her wing joints
“Your wings…did Whirlpool do something to them?…it’s not my fault right?”
“As if that bastard could, and no, it ain’t because of you…but, I don’t wanna talk about it…” Tsunami seemed to become surprisingly depressed in a quick time, and Clay decided not to push on the obviously painful subject.
“I understand, I’ll keep carrying you then, and we can find another way.” Clay offered, and put Tsunami back on him, with her clearly still in pain at her wings lower joints.
As the two continued through the dungeon area, Clay nearly walked into a hallway when it suddenly bursted with flames.
“Shit, that’s not good! how the hell do we get out now!”
“…Do you trust me?”
“I mean, a little? I don’t see how that factors right now”
“Just get under me, and I’ll wrap you with my wings for the next part, hold em tightly u like a blanket if you have to!”
“Wait…are you going to launch yourself through the fire?!? are you insane! you’ll turn into a crispy mess and I’ll end cooked alive!”
“Just trust me! I can easily get us through this!”
“…alright, just….don’t get us killed, okay?” Tsunami said, as Clay covered her under his wings, and he launched through the fiery pathway, going 3 quarters through before rolling them through the end
“Three moons, we’re actually okay!”
“Told ya!” Clay stated as his body quickly cooled off from the leap through fire
“Wait, did your persona give you some fire immunity or something?”
“Not at all! I was just kinda born with it!”
“Wait, you were born from a blood red egg! That’s badass!”
“…huh, guess so! y’know you’re way better than I thought you’d be…can I be honest? I completely thought you’d book it back there, at the cell, before you summoned that ghost thing, so, thanks for not leaving me to die!”
“Bah, you’d have done the same for me!” Clay gave Tsunami a smile, as she seemed to glow on part of her scales, and Clay now looked a little confused and curipus
“Oh, forgot other tribes don’t know those, um, that was aquatic for- eh, it doesn’t matter much.” Tsunami seemed to let whatever she said, as the two then saw a group of shadows approaching, and Clay jumped into a small hiding spot for them both, until the guards finally went away, and they continued their trek through the dungeon area.
“Damn it, if we don’t find a way out of here soon, I feel like we’ll be done for!” Tsunami voiced her frustration, as the two suddenly heard a clanking sound near one of the cells up ahead, almost like something, or someone, was trying to get their attention
As the two slowly made their way to the cell, Tsunami noticed multiple prisoners in various cells, all various young seawings that seemed to be void of consciousness, just standing in their cells, void of any emotion. The worst part of it all, was Tsunami could almost recognize each face as they passed through.
“Hey, everything alright?” Clay asked as he saw Tsunamis discomfort
“It’s…it’s nothing, I’ll tell you in a second I guess, let’s just find out what the hell is over there.”
As the duo creeped upon the final cell, they kept their guard up in case it was some sort of trap.
“Hey, you two! you’re the ones who started rushing through the castle dungeon right?” said the voice in the cell as Clay and Tsunami continued to etch towards them, before jumping forward and looking straight ahead…and seeing no one.
“huh? where are they? Shit, was it actually a trap!” Tsunami wondered out loud, even though she was clearly in no condition to fight it wasn’t gonna stop her from trying if she has to.
“Hey! Big Guy, Jacket Gal, I’m down here!” The two heard the voice once again, and looked down to see a small seawing like creature, wearing something similar to bandit clothing, and physically looked about 4 and a half years old, but was only the size of a 2 year old Dragonet. The strangest part though were his dark green eyes, which not only had what appeared to be traces of gold apart of them, but also shaped similarly to a cats!
“Woah! what’s with your eyes!” Tsunami blurted out
“You’re not castle soldiers right?” The Green Dragonet asked, more scared in tone
“As if we’d ever work with this shitheel! We’re trying to get the hell out of here! If anything, you look more like an enemy! you ever got creepy eyes like Whirlpool!” Tsunami stated
“How can I be an enemy you dunce! I’m locked in a cell!” The Seawing pointed out, now a mix of scared and angry
“Hey, don’t worry. You want us to help you out right?” Clay comforted them, though slightly thrown off initially by their eyes, he could tell they’re a kid just like him or Tsunami, though younger by a year or two.
“YES! please! They threw my key away, so I really need your help out!” The Seawing pleaded, and Clay tried to figure out a way to get them out
“Perhaps I can be of assistance?”
Clay heard Obsidian in his mind once again, and after a moment of concentration managed to bring it forth, momentarily freaking out Tsunami yet making the young Seawing excite
“You have a persona! great! just have it take off the door!” The Seawing instructed
“…you may want to back away for this one” Clay stated, as an image came forth in his mind, and he pointed towards the doors lock. Obsidians head then began to morph, changing into that of a shotgun, and blasted off not only the lock, but most of the cell, leaving The Seawing shocked yet intrigued while Tsunami was baffled at what Clays persona just did.
“I’m sorry, did that thing just turn its face into a shotgun?!” Tsunami asked, as The Younger Seawing jumped through the hole in the door
“Must be a power of your Persona! Truly impressive for someone I can tell is just starting out!”
“…So, what’s up with the eyes?” Clay asked, now that The young Seawing was free
“I’m not sure, far as my memory goes, I’ve always had these golden greens!” The Seawing State stated, clearly proud of them
“No, he meant why are they like a cats.” Tsunami stated. “Also knowing why you’re so small would be nice.”
“That’s none of your business!…well, now that I’m free, what do you say to a partnership? you helped me out, and now I’ll help you out!” The Seawing offered, holding out his hand to shake
“Sounds good to me.” Clay shook the young Seawings hand, and they shot each other a smile.
“Turtle.” The Young Seawing told his name
“Moose.” Clay said back, making Turtle and Tsunami both look confused
“Wait, um, no, my name is-” before Turtle could explain, Clay began snickering
“Oh my moons, I’m just messing with you two, I know how Seawing names work.” Clay kept laughing, as the three now continued through the dungeon, finding a drawbridge over a large abyss with a statue of Whirlpool next to it.
Clay was about to suggest flying, until he realized 2 things. First was that since Whirlpool himself was a dragon, why would he imagine a drawbridge if he himself could fly over it, meaning it may be another trap. The second was that Tsunamis wings were not in good shape to put the strain of flying on them. Clay then looked towards Turtle for answers, with which he delivered
“Well, Clay, since you seem to know things better than Jacket Gal over there, I’ll mainly show you how to go about something like this.” Turtle said, with Tsunami looking angry at the insult. “As you’ll seen soon enough, this statues mouth contains a secret button! press on that, and you’ll make this drawbridge lower in no time!”
Clay did as Turtle instructed, and the drawbridge lowered itself just as they hoped.
“How the hell were we supposed to know that?!?” Tsunami questioned
“Pff, you’re such an amateur, Jacket Gal, now let’s keep going!” Turtle stated, and the 3 ran across the drawbridge, only for them to suddenly be surrounded by castle soldiers, and Clay suddenly went back into his Phantom Thief attire
“SHIT ITS THEM.” Tsunami shouted, clearly frightened as she grabbed a random candlestick to defend with
“You really are amateur! as if that would do anything to them! Just stay still and don’t get hurt.” Turtle said as he jumped off of Tsunami and next to Clay. “Say, you can fight right? Let’s do this!” Turtle then concentrated, as he then became surrounded by a beam of green light.
“Come forth, Honu!” Turtle shouted, as he manifested a giant emerald colored being that seemed to be partly turtle and partly dragon like in its appearance, with a large powerful golden brown shell upon its back that also sprouted a set of long dragon wings. It also powerful arms that had flippers partially stick out from the forearms and legs. and held in its claws a gigantic fishhook with a sharp edge to it. It wore a slightly open coat fitted with long shoulder pads fitted with a green cape with golden edges, and its head was similar to a seawings, but with long white horns similar to that of its hook replacing the normal seawing horns. To top it all off was a pair of black pants held by a massive belt buckle shaped similar to a Turtle.
“This’d be light work for even one of us! but with us both? It couldn’t be easier!” Turtle declared as he and Clay prepared to face the shadows.
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lucydoodlessometimes · 11 months ago
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It's about time we showed off the man himself! this is (the first version of) my Carapace redesign. he's a sea turtle now ^-^
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trentsambuccus · 6 months ago
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Asked my lil sis what to draw and she said Creatures of Sinaria sooooo here’s a Uleoum and two other lil ones.
Day sky with Casey and Donnson = Fluffy texture
Night sea with Donnson = Sharp scratchy texture
(i have only played this game twice with her but she’s obsessed with the game so I hope I did good.)
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unibeartoon · 7 months ago
Tottmnt AU where everything is the same but the east river three and the sea enemies swap places
The sea enemies-> the anemone quartet
East river three -> the fish fiends
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hamburgrr · 2 years ago
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So I know you aren’t supposed to pick favorites but if I’m honest… Raph’s my favorite turtle we made for this au. She’s actually the starting point I went off LOL. Anyways, I don’t wanna give TOO much away because she’s half of the main focus of the mini comic me and @fowlaroundtown are currently making but let’s just say home girl has been through the RINGER!!
Oh and side note. Pronouns were TRICKY on this one. Cause this Raph is trans-femme but didn’t figure that out until she was in her 20s. So I just used He/him on the 14 year old side cause she hasn’t figured it out yet??? OH WELL!!
Anyways I love her, she’s such a grumpy old butch and if y’all have any questions on her PLEASE lemme know I could talk all day. Gnight!!!
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