The Electric Bogaloo
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an alt for my shitposting and fanfics (which i cannot confirm will be witten)
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anns-works · 7 months ago
tell me about Defended By An Assassin im curious
Defended By An Assassin is a voltron canon-divergent-but-still-compliant-enough au i wrote in ye olden days. My hyperfixation has ended and am also out of motivation to finish it fully but a i still have a rough outline of the au notes. (I think it also helped me discover my gender so its kinda special to me despite it all)
The au mainly sees that an Altean ship w/ both a Galra and Altean inside it crash landed on earth in (an unspecified timeframe i never got around to calculating it) and the humans find their remains along w/ the cargo of raw Quintessence they were carrying w/ them. The ship lands on Russia and they hire a shady doctor i have titled as The Doctor to study the remains.
The Doctor then proceeds to (in predictably shady fashion) run human experimentation w/ his findings to form a being w/ both Nix (Galra) and Kaos (Altaean) genes inside a human combined w/ the Quintessence. Eventually the test subjects shift to children once it becomes apparent that they are the most receptive to it. Test subjects are kidnapped from all over the globe. Usually orphans that people won't miss. And young enough to still have all their baby teeth. Enter: Keith Kogane from texas yeehaw.
(In this au his dad died WAY earlier and he was plucked freshly from the chared remains of his house)
Keith has a fascinating dna which shows that it's half Nix dna. This is a new discovery and The Doctor really really wants to talk to the guy who banged the alien but hes fucking dead. But the results are already there w/ a human-Nix child, so why not add in the Kaos genes in there as well?
The vat of unidentified pure liquid energy they found in the crash (aptly named Ichor) proved to be very useful in this regard and The Doctor created more children with these human-Nix-Kaos cocktail and named them all Titans to aptly keep up w/ the theme.
These Titans then in ususal test subjects loosing their identity way were fashioned new names based on the theme. Also the whole shady experimentations were also very unethical (to say the fucking least) so a lot of people who funded the research but were kept unaware of the reselts are Very Not Happy abt the children thing. And oh! Would u look at that? The exposure to Ichor has led the Titans to develop strange abilities that can be harnessed in specific situations. Sure would be a shame if someone were to say, use this to silence the opposition.
So The Doctor basically made magic alien-energy-human 10 y/os who he manipulated into doing his dirty work and continuing his research on them.
The kids manage to get rescued and the facility destroyed cuz the fight involved Eris blowing up the afformentioned vat of ichor. Then the kids proceed to fuck off and disappear into various corners of the world to never talk to eachother again and bury all their problems and try to reintegrate themeselves into society.
Enter again: Keith Kogane, after having spent a brief stint as #02789nXs, before being Eris, spending half her time as Raven to assassinate people then back to being Keith again. He is Not adjusting well to society and then gets adopted by Shiro. He's now in the Garrison and James (Hermes. He was a fast little shit and it kept w/ the theme) is there and it was truly a devil's sacrament moment.
Then Shiro goes missing in a space mission and he gets himself kicked out if the Garrision. There is also a giant blue lion in the middle of the desert did they mention that? Wait what- SHIRO?!?!!! Who the fuck are you people. Dont come into my house and just- fine make yourself at home. Welcome to my cave w/ drawings and this big ass- how the fuck did you do that what the fuck. Are we in space. Is that earth. Is that a wormhole. What the fuck.
And now hes working as a fucking Defender of the Universe in a mecha lion w/ a 10000 y/o princess and Coran who call themselves Alteans but they are. Just. They're fucking Kaos people. And the main people are they're up against are called Galra, except she knows for a FACT that those bitches are Nix and there us also the uncomfortable fact of being half of the species (along w/ other things) that are taking over the unuverse. Shes not telling that to Allura.
And the whole thing about Ichor Quintessence comes up and hes just really trying to not deal w/ the mortifying ideal if being known and neither half Altean-half Galra prince Lotor or the Blade of Marmora are helping with it.
Some other notes is have written down abt this au:
Keith is 100% trans but no one knows in which direction. The Kaos shapeshifting powers are not helping w/ the problem even in the slightest.
During the Titan days there was some kind of love triangle thing going in w/ Eris, Hermes and Apollo and no one could tell who was into who either so it was just a source of angst and pining for the three of them and embarrassment for everyone involved.
On the plus side, Apollo and Hermes made Keith realize he has a thing for boys w/ blue eyes but on the downside: Lance fucking Mcclain
Lotor and Keith have a very complicated relationship cuz they are just dealing w/ similar things and Keith wants to help him w/ his place as a Galra/Altean but at the same time hes not ready to deal w/ his own issues either.
The whole returning to earth to find it under invasion moment has most of the Titans out of hiding and helping w/ their powers to beat the galra. Apollo is there but his name is Solace and the James-Keith-Solace pining trainwreck is back baby.
Keith also has very complicated feelings abt his mom.
The fallout of when Keith explains his human-galra-altean heritage to everyone involved one broken nose, several instances of the phrase "What the quiznak", 3 broken tables, 5 messed up lab equipment and many moments of awkward standing around by team voltron + Kolivan as Allura screams at Keith.
At one point Acxa just gets adopted into the Titans group. She's not even an honorary member they've 100 percent accepted her as one of them. Yes there was an initiation ceremony that involved a lot of stomping and chanting that called a lot of noise complaints. Yes Lotor was also in the corner as the actual honorary member wearing a hat that said "INTERN".
Thomas (Zeus) was literally the only one with the braincell in the Titan days and did not get paid enough to deal w/ all the bullshit. He has also been called many variations of mom/dad several times and has mainly accepted his fate.
The Titans also have these cool tattoo like patterns on their bodies that glow whenever they're using their powers.
Also Kosmo is the Titan's mascot and everyone (Keith) is willing to kill/die for it.
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anns-works · 1 year ago
An alien refugee family living in Arizona waiting for Green Lantern (Nora) to show up. They're all nervous and shit cuz its her. THE Green Lantern. The best of the best in the corps and is greatly respected by several galaxies in the cosmos.
Only for Nora to show up in a fucking megamind tshirt over her uniform with lime crocs and a half drunk oreo milkshake going "I'm here to talk to you abt your car's extended warranty."
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anns-works · 2 years ago
If you ask the og members when it started, they would all point you to Elena.
The story is pretty normal. They were all hanging out in the kitchen when Elena unprompted just goes into her bulshit.
Elena: Ok, but like, what if instead of an angel and a devil, there's a lord of chaos and a lord of order on your shoulders. Wally, snickering: They both want you to commit murder but the argument will be over how you kill them. Elena, @ Wally: RIGHT???????
It goes around for a bit like it usually does for two days. Till Dick motherfucking Grayson, king of gags joins the fray.
Dick, having recently gotten a younger brother and is suddenly nerfed w/ the Cain Instinct™: I'm gonna now give in to chaos. Artemis: Whatever. I'm gonna sit here and listen to order and cook my ramen. You want some.
So now its back. And in the beginning its pretty normal stuff and innocent too. Till they're on a mission one day and Wally goes I'm about to go please chaos while running a distraction and Artemis just says ew dude take your kinks somewhere else. And then its all downhill from there.
I'm about to give chaos head. Gotta go give order a smooch. Bout' to go fuck chaos. These phrases have now become pretty common in the team.
Once during a Very Serious Mission they were teaming up with the Justice League. Kaldur was in charge of the report but (in his defense it was a very long mission) he was really tired and his filter wasn't on so accidentally told Superman they have served order some cunt. They never let him live it down.
Dick sends one (1) random "I'm gonna get pegged by chaos tonight" and just fucking disappears. No one hears from him. A few weeks later he shows up in a god-awful mullet and a slutty v-neck claiming to be on a journey of self-discovery and starts going by Nightwing.
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anns-works · 2 years ago
Miss me with that weapons accuracy shit!
-Legacy!Roy Harper A.K.A Arsenal every time he throws a bomb
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anns-works · 2 years ago
League Of Jay Tings (bc that right there? wasted potential)
The customizable character was a cool-ass feature and one of the best ideas Unagami had for the game. Even before Jay got sucked in, there were players running around with the ninjas as their skin.
(Scott got bored at one point and spent his time antagonizing the Red Visors in a Gold Ninja skin that was ridiculously expensive. Hw also lost a life. Totally worth it.)
On that note, I would like to point out that Jay and Scott's skins appear to be similar, so I'm guessing its one of the defaults that they ended up customizing (I imagine its like putting on a mustache or hat on minecraft Steve and calling it a day.
So, Jay's early days mainly included trailing around Scott cuz he was the only interaction he had with another person that wasn't just an NPC.
They finally encounter another another player but this one has a (surprise!) Blue Ninja skin. wat resulted was a ten minute long standoff between Jay and the other player which involved a lot of pointing and unintelligible noises.
The player bolted. Jay followed them screaming the entire time. Scott also followed cuz this was the most entertainment he's had in a long time. It's a miracle they haven't been discovered by any of the Visors yet.
The played leads them to a hideaway that had a LOT of people, all equipped with Blue Ninja skin.
Scott's previous amusement quickly turns into horror as he quietly goes what the fuck over and over again. Jay gets an idea like you know what, lets use this.
and basically thats how the League of Jay born in Scott's garage through Jay's ''diabolical" plan (he's making a safe hangout space for these kids and also letting them cause chaos)
(For convenience sake, lets just refer to og Jay as SRJ (after his gamer tag) ft. some of the other Jays from the league! w/ their nicknames. DeeJay777 is Dee. Jay22Walkin is Walker. BlueJay6669 is Blue. JayBird9000 is Birdy.)
Most of the things these gremlins do is mainly going around to vandalize stuff. Scott is apparently the "Master of Color" or whatever that may entail. It just basically means he can go around graffitiing "UNAGAM I UR MOMAS A HOE" or other stuff like that.
And back to the whole customizable skin bit, it was an instant hit cuz of the opportunities it presented. You could be a guy. You could be a girl. You could be as sexy as a kpop idol (is that in thing in ninjago?). You could be an eldritch creature beyond mortal comprehension if you're willing to spend up a few units.
Dee enjoys not having tits for a while. Birdy also loves the whole transmasc feeling. SRJ just updated his skin to be Like That™ to give everyone gender envy.
Unagami once released a feature in the game that would let you access different levels and mini-games based on your selected binary gender (back when that was still a thing). The League hated it and let him know dearly. So Unagami changed it into something else and threw in a couple units in the mix (a goddamn dance competition). This was an instant hit. They planed their next updates based on the League's reactions.
Unagami: I didn't realize it was you at first. But some of your actions proved to be quite educational.
SRJ, flashback to that one time he wrote "UNAGAMI I FUCKD U MAMA HERE" on a wall cuz he was feeling pissy: Sure man, don't mention it.
Also on that note, SRJ DEFINITELY founded the ninjago LGBTQA+ community. I meant ninjago in itself is a pretty non-heteronormative society and you can kiss whoever you want with no issue. But everyjay was trapped in the lair w/o Scott out nothing to do and he's bored out of his goddamn mind and just suddenly suggests coming up w/ names for different sexual orientations cuz why not? taxonomy is fucked but they're bored.
Walker has an anthropology degree and Birdy is studying gender so might as well begin.
After getting out they get awarded by the NU for their fantastic discovery.
SRJ gave up the mansion he inherited from Cliff Gordon to Scott and it sort of turned into a hangout spot for the League.
One League member said on Chirp (jokingly) that the League of Jay should have their own social media platform cuz they're too weird and are apparently freaking out people on Chirp. They get a reply from Blue who tells them she'll look into it, and two months later there's a new social media in town.
Lentils and beans of all sizes, I give to you TRip, ninjago tumblr. The buckwild experience ever. A huge hit among the serpentine immedietly.
Those iconic posts but ninjago style. Red floor at Darkley's. the three weed smoking ninjas. Don't you love the color of the gi. I like your shoelaces, thanks I stole them from samurai x. Garage ballpit.
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anns-works · 2 years ago
Jay, Lloyd and (and Morro) Things.
The Trenchcoat Adventure™.
On the same week as that, they crashed into a stranger's meet up to thank them for being understanding enough that night when working as a cashier. Making their day.
Like literally, so many late night snack runs...
Introducing Lloyd to the League Of Jay was the best (kid got a chance to be a kid again) and the worst (they forgot how much of a gremlin he used to be) thing Jay did.
Lloyd took up art with Scott by graffitiing the walls of Cliff Gordon's mansion.
Once Jay and Lloyd disappeared off the face of the earth and everyone started panicking cuz they thought they got kidnapped. Found them two weeks later on the other side of the continent after Lloyd called saying Jay was in the hospital. Turns out he had a severe allergic reaction after the café they were having brunch at messed up their orders and put peanuts in his food.
Disappeared off the face of the earth AGAIN. But this time they came back a week later in their crumpled PJs looking like they got mauled by a feral racoon in a forest. A freshly revived Morro in tow.
Kai, having several breakdowns: GUYS WHAT THE FUCK-
Jay: Kai, chill. We got a guy who came back from the dead and is probably very understandably confused right now. Do you really wanna do this?
Kai, full on having a stroke: I'M-
Morro, vibing: Hey, is that ice cream.
On that note, never let these three be in a room together.
Jay and Lloyd are chaotic sure but with Morro they just lose all sense of morality and are down to commit multiple felonies at a moment's notice.
Jay and Lloyd: I'm just a silly little guy :)
Morro: *exists*
Jay and Lloyd: Ok its time to commit war crimes
Morro himself doesn't have to do anything, like he'll enter the room and his mere presence will be enough to trigger these bozos into committing arson. He's actually pretty chill.
Jay: I wanna add one of the ninjas into the League
Scott: Yeah, no. Not gonna happen
Jay: *sends a pic of Lloyd*
Scott:...Ok I'm willing to make an exception cuz they look very polite
Jay managed to convince Morro and Lloyd to help him mess w/ Zane's audio output and the next month they spent dealing with what was an increase of hostility towards the nindroid from the criminals.
Villain of the week: Hahahaha! I've got you now ninjas!
Zane, in a weird mesh of a australian and californian accent: You thought so smurf now get ready to eat this bread you thoty square!
Villain of the week: what the fuck
Also these guys in Trip (ninjago tumblr) are the best thing ever.
@ living-in-htis-windy-pain (Morro): This guy was declared dead abt a couple of months ago and today I get this message from him.
[Image description: Jay throwing a peace sign at the camera. He has white hair and pink-blue dual colored eyes. There is a blurry figure of Lloyd in the background staring at the camera. The caption reads "i lived bitch". End description.]
@ living-in-htis-windy-pain (Morro): i just started a 30-days free trial on having a normal life.
@ zappy-traffic-violation (Jay): where's the link?
@ thepoweroffriendship (Lloyd): WHERE'S THE FUCKING LINK OP?!?!?!
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anns-works · 2 years ago
Leo: Hey, whats that?
Venus: Thats a list of shit I need to get done.
Leo, squints at the list: "Cringe Therapy"???
Venus: You look me in the eyes and tell me we don't need that.
Leo: Yeah-no, I see your point. But here's my point.
Leo: It's "Cringe Theorapy". As it's spelled wrong.
Venus, tad defensive: It's a hard word to spell man.
Leo: Aren't you an English Major.
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anns-works · 2 years ago
Ok, but before there was small time window between Jay inheriting Cliff Gordon's stuff and him actually being able to sell them. During which, the media got a wiff that Cliff Gordon's house was being cleared, so it was the perfect time to snoop around.
So anyways, Gale Gossip is there, interviewing one of the workers (who very much doesn't want to be here) abt the progress on their work so far, and whether or not they have found anything ~interesting~. The dude awkwardly says no.
But then a guy yells that they've found something weird. So Gale rushes over excited to be the first on the scene to cover this.
There is a secret room apparently. They've fun some fun stuff in there ("Huh, I never thought Cliff Gordon would be into this stuff." "Oh, I DEFFINATELY did, my friend owns me so much money..."). And get this, get this; there is a wall absolutely COVERED with pictures of everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, Mr. Gordon here had a affair with.
And thats how Ninjago was left abuzz from the sheer fucking trainwreck of a day that has been dubber "Gordon's Secret Stash". the best part of which was the fact that my guy fucked not only half of Ninjago (Zeus has competition), but also managed to knock up the previous master of lightning. I t took a good While for #JayIsHalfGordon to stop trending.
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anns-works · 2 years ago
Mei: Why are Monkey King and Macaque sitting with their backs against eachother.
MK, deadpan: They got into a fight.
Mei: Oh! Then why are they holding hands.
MK, somehow even more deadpan: They get sad when they fight.
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anns-works · 2 years ago
Leo: Bye! I'm going out to meet with Usagi!
Mikey, cheekily: He's going to see his boyfriend~
2k12 gang, thinking abt Usagi Miyamoto, who is old enough to be their grandpa:
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anns-works · 2 years ago
Lloyd, on the bottom bunk: *sneezes*
Jay, on the top bunk: Bless you.
Lloyd: GRANDFATHER?!?!?!?!?
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anns-works · 2 years ago
Ok so i've got something that yall would probably hate me for. But ive been holding this simmering pot of angst for a while and the first thing i was taught is to share, so suffer with me.
Rather than being the only one out of his brothers to survive in the no-good-very-bad-horrible future, Leo is the only brother who dies.
Okay okay okay.
But i personally like to think that after the krang come out everything goes to shit in the bad timeline everyone goes oh fuck and start teaming up right? Human yokai cryptids mutants– none of that matters as long as you got eachothers back.
And after the initial stumbles the brothers start their active participation in the resistance.
Heres the thing.
Leo is genuinly terrifying at coming up with a plan. Kid went toe to toe with motherfucking Big Mama and came out victorious. Big Mama, as if the most terrifying yokai crime boss Big Mama. Kid came out with a smile. Its safe to say his strategies were incredibly effective and it kinda pissed off a couple of people.
Military dude 1: I can't believe i'm following a plan made by a 16 yo mutanat turtle.
Military dude 2: Your just upset the kid called out all the flaws your plan had in less than 2 seconds flat.
But the one pissed off the most were the krang. This tiny insignificant insect was able to somehow keep the resistance 3 steps ahead. So naturally, they went to take him down first.
It took a while but eventually they managed to isolate Leo. His brothers were fighting up a storm but the krang got too much and so they had to leave. Without Leo.
About a week later which involved a lot of crying and screaming, the krang brodacast a live footage of torturing Leo (my boi) before krangyfying (did i spell that right) him.
And now the krang have leo on their side. Leo, who knows everything there is to know abt the resistance (hes a gossipy bitch but thats only cuz its important to have the intel) so they are in deep shit now.
And he was a zombie for a while guys. Fighting against him always had people dying and his fam having a mental breakdown.
Eventually they take him down, but at what cost. (One of the brothers killed him. cuz angst. And now the question is who is the MOST angst) Also, Leo is the first person to die in the resistance. (Ouch)
Casey rools up and has no fucking clue who Leo is (ouch) or why his mom wanted him to take up the role as Casey's dad (HC: Cass took one look at tge record of Leo's victories against his brothers in the lair games, strategy skills and medical knowledge; and declared that he would be Casey jr.'s father. Leo was incredibly touched)
But for some reason. For soME FUCKING REASON. Kid is so much like Leo its scary. His family is near tears everytime they see him act like that. That one time he made a shitty pun and Donnie started crying.
Well its probably due to the blue imaginary friend he has that he calls Bluey. Yes we're going towards that direction. His everything comes from being influenced by the cool older brother figure he has as an imaginary friend. (Cuz of ✨Mystic Shenanigans✨ Bluey is still stuck here. Mikey is the only one who can also see him. But he cant. Cuz hes depressed)
Also without Mr. A-Ninja's-Greatest-Weapon-Is-Hope I feel like shit gets really depressing in the resistance. Everyones sad. Baby casey is sad to see everyone sad. So he asks Bluey's help and picks up his general style of humor. Angst shenanigans.
And. AND. AND. During the whole peepaws time travel back after the movie montage (I am a aimple woman w/ simple need) these depressed hunks see this tiny version of their blue brother still covered in bandages and not fully healed from the krangvasion, and their immediete reaction? Protecc.
Leo is confused abt a lot of things. The future version of his brothers that got spat out of nowhere. Casey and how that worked w/ their Casey. The blue projection of HIS angsty future self (who is pretty cool btw). PTSD. You know, the works. At this point my guy is just vibing, and honestly? The story picks up a pretty chill pace from there. Its all abt healing now baby.
So thats the rough outline of the au. And it might sound like a fucking add but heres more abt this silly little idea that came from my silly little head. -> You'll (Never) Never Be Alone
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anns-works · 2 years ago
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And the thrilling sequel
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anns-works · 2 years ago
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How it should have gone
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anns-works · 2 years ago
Leon and Venus are the type of people to go I Know A Guy, and take you to a lesbian with a hyper-specific skillset.
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anns-works · 2 years ago
Broke: Seers are usually seen as crytids and act Like That™ bc it helps improve their 'sight' and makes them see the future better.
Woke: Seers can see multiple possibilities of the future and KNOW tge butterfly effect is real. So if being a social outcast and saying random shit at people lessen the chances of an apocalypse, then its worth a shot right?
Hyperwoke: Being a cryptid has nothing to do with the future. They just know people are gonna be stupid no matter what. So they just turn into absolute menaces and make it everyone else's problem.
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anns-works · 2 years ago
No you don't get it. Jay takes up inventing again after overcoming his mental block stopping him from doing so. bc Nya and PIXAL are already in the team. And the first thing he makes is an electric chair bc hes a menace. Its beautiful
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