#scary tim drake
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timmydraker · 4 days ago
Tim who is scarily good at the Hitman games.
Everyone is good with it mostly, excluding Cass who won’t play it, with everyone having completed the first few missions at least during a training exercise made by Jason who was hiding an injury and came up with the idea on the spot.
This is how they find out that not only does Tim already have all the games, he’s finished them all, got all the achievements and has over 2,000+ hours.
Turns out it’s what he plays when he feels his mind is running too rampant and needs reigning in. He knows all the secrets and has a spreadsheet made up of all the ways you can complete a mission per chapter. He has a strategy for each type of assassination from getting someone else to do it, killing everyone, making it look like an accident, ect. He’s even managed to kill every soldier in some chapters without getting caught and somehow managed to save Diana from being shot by 47?
It’s kind of scary watching him seamlessly navigate around any new map that comes out and complete all missions under a self imposed time limit.
(His record is 1 minute and 27 seconds)
Bruce is naturally worried and it isn’t helped when the response to these concerns is, “would you rather I do it in real life?”
Tim can do it in real life, came closest with Captain Boomerang, and he has at least thirty ideas of how to kill everyone in his life subconsciously. He doesn’t want to, nor will he ever act on it, but it’s sort of… fun.
It’s like puzzle solving but with higher stakes and Hitman is a good way to test his theories without actually killing anyone.
If playing Hitman made him test how sneakily he could drug people by putting sugar in peoples drinks at Galas when he was nine, that’s just childish curiosity. Plus, it made him put out a campaign when he was older to prevent drugging because he himself knows how easy it is, so win win.
At least he didn’t shave his head like he thought about, though that was only because a certain acrobat did it and made Tim realise how unstylish it was if it wasn’t natural.
At the end of the day playing Hitman made him a better Robin and helped him sneak around the League of Assassin’s base that was filled with people even 47 would struggle against.
And he won the training exercise.
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singswan-springswan · 6 months ago
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In a happy world where Jason is legally resurrected and gets to go to college like he's always dreamed of
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oiiaiaoiiiai-kat · 2 years ago
Ah yes, my fav kind of post. Where the batfam discovers Tim is actually morally gray to the extreme while regularly choosing violence :)
Dick- There is no way your body count is two.
Jason- Would I lie to you?
Dick- Yes.
Tim- Hey, guys. What are we arguing about?
Dick- We're comparing body counts. And apperently I've got two more than Jason. How many have you got?
Tim, shrugging- I dunno. I stopped counting after I hit triple digits.
Dick- What the fuck?
Jason- Triple digits? How the hell have you slept with that many people???
Tim- Slept..? OH! You mean that kind of body count! Yeah, no. I've only got three, then.
Dick- What do you mean 'that kind of body count'?
Tim- What? Nothing.
Jason- How do you still have more than me?
Dick- That is so not the issue here.
Tim- I think I hear Alfred calling me.
Dick- Oh, no. You get back here and explain.
Tim- Coming, Alfred!
Jason- How do I have the least?
Dick- I don't know. I don't care. Help me catch Tim.
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myssalyssa101 · 2 months ago
I love the idea of the batfam forgetting just how scary Nightwing can be.
Most of the time he’s all smiles and he’s always trying to deescalate issue in the calmest way possible. But there are times that he has to actually get serious and fully destroy someone and THAT right there is what I love.
*The family on a mission together. Which is rare in itself. Especially since Red Hood is there. The last thing he wants is to be caught with any of the bats.
They are surrounded by goons and everyone sans Nightwing is incapacitated because of some injuries caused by said goons.
Then Nightwing just goes feral, completely destroying the goons, both effectively and quickly and everyone is sitting there just mouths agape because that’s Dick Grayson doing that.
The Dick Grayson that is always smiling and laughing.
The Dick Grayson that is always trying to hug everyone.
That’s Nightwing right there.
The Nightwing that fell in his face trying to get out the Batmobile last night
The Nightwing that survived an assassination attempt last week because he befriended the assassin
That’s their brother there that just wiped the floor with the goons that took out almost all of the bats.
Once Nightwing has finished basically cracking the skull of the last goon, he stands and turns to the family. He has blood on his face but he quickly- tries- to wipe it off and starts beaming like usual.
“So what do you guys think that Agent A made of dinner tonight?” *
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deadsetobsessions · 2 months ago
“Danny!” Tim comes screeching into the Lavender Room. Bruce had it built and decorated for him when Danny had expressed interest in lurking on the manor grounds. They were an odd bunch, these Bats. They’d even taken to leaving him fresh cream and freshly baked loaves of bread on the built in counter. Interesting choice.
“Little Sparrow. What is it?” Danny moved, long strides just a bit off as he approached the frantic pseudo Robin. The kid clung to him as much as he was frantically tugging Danny to the main manor.
“It’s Bruce! He’s being controlled! I don’t know-” Danny scooped Tim up and pulled on that otherness the bubbled beneath his veins. They melded into shadows and emerged to the other side, sequestered a hidden alcove overlooking the Batcave.
The sounds of blows being traded echoed, bouncing weirdly off of the screeching bats. Danny loved it. He peered down as Nightwing slammed an elbow onto his mentor’s face before doing a twisty maneuver a naga would have approved of to kick him in the throat.
Some of those hits are harder than Danny expected. Both Danny and Tim caught the glint of an unhinged grin playing at Nightwing’s lips.
“It seems Dick has this well in hand, little sparrow,” Danny lowered his voice, amusement sparking like grinding steel behind his eyes.
“…He might be working out some stuff.” Tim admitted, wincing as mind controlled Bruce took a crushing blow to the ribs.
“If that ‘stuff’ consists of repressed anger, yes.” Danny sighed admiringly as Nightwing screamed in Bruce’s face before kicking him viciously in the ankle. “Perhaps I’ll step in, hm, little sparrow?”
Tim’s grip tightened on his sleeve before releasing. “Better you than me.”
Danny hummed, drawing a little more from his otherness to appear directly before Bruce.
“That’s enough, Jwenar.”
“Awe,” it was disconcerting to hear a high pitched voice coming from “I eat gravel and Alfred’s honey oatmeal for breakfast” Batman. “Come on Danny! I was just having a bit o’ fun! He’d have gotten his body back!”
“When? In ninety years? Out, Jwenar. I won’t say it again,” Danny sternly pointed away from Bruce, eyes flashing green. Behind him, Dick was trying to look like he wasn’t disappointed his beat down had been interrupted.
“Ugh,” Jwenar sulked, detaching themselves from Bruce’s neck. The little mosquito like fae snarled. “Next time, then.”
“There will be no next time.” Danny scolded, before swatting them so hard, they rocketed back into the Wilds.
“… Was it necessary to hit me that hard, Dick?” Bruce wearily asked, holding his broken nose.
“I don’t know, B, was it necessary to withhold Jason’s death from me?” Dick asked sweetly. Danny rumbled with laughter.
He liked these Bats, feral as they were.
His mouth stretched into a sharp, sharp, sharp grin.
He thinks he’ll keep them.
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timothvy · 10 months ago
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dog walkers needed 🐶
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redsray · 10 months ago
i love the (slightly cracky) premise that the newer batkids like duke who weren't around during jason's genuine "i hate the batfam" era would sometimes forget that it even happened so there'd be times where it would go:
Tim: where are you going
Jason: got a call from a friend in the alley, some fuckers need bullets in their knees. tell B and i'll kill you
Tim: no you won't
Jason: i dunno, i almost did it twice, third time's the charm
Tim: boooo you'll have to try harder
Jason, flipping him off as he leaves: watch your back, timmers!
Duke, who was sitting next to Tim the whole time: ??? he almost did it twice???? i thought he's joking when he says that????
Tim: oh, he is joking whenever he says that now. try a few years ago and it wouldn't have been as much of a joke
Duke: ???????????
Tim, snorting: i'd like to see him try again, anyway. once you realise that spends 80% of his free time in the local library he becomes no better than a nerdy loser who happens to be a bit dangerous
Duke: DUDE
Tim: what? do you find jason scary?
Duke: not usually but DUDE?!?!?
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flwrkid14 · 3 months ago
Everyone Wants to Be Tim Drake’s Favorite Brother
Being Tim Drake’s favorite isn’t just about bragging rights—it’s about power, perks, and an almost supernatural level of protection.
It starts with the little things. Tim isn’t one for grand gestures, but when he cares about someone, it’s obvious. He listens—really listens—to the small comments, the things others might forget. That offhand remark about a snack you miss? Tim’s already on his way to get it for you. Complaining that your suit’s not fitting quite right? Tim’s hands-on with upgrades by morning. If you're Tim’s favorite, it’s a constant stream of thoughtful gestures. Gear gets upgraded, favorite books and gadgets mysteriously show up, and Tim’s always thinking of how he can make your life easier.
But being Tim’s favorite is more than just gifts. It’s the way Tim treats you, the way he prioritizes you over everything else. Tim listens when you vent, has your back during arguments, even when you’re wrong, and somehow—somehow—he gets Bruce to listen to you more than anyone else.
Bruce listens to everyone, of course. He’s the Bat. But when Tim speaks, it’s different. Bruce doesn’t just hear Tim—he acts. Whether it’s adjusting mission plans, reevaluating tactics, or considering Gotham’s crime trends. He’ll mention something, and suddenly, Bruce is shifting his approach. No one else seems to have that pull over him. Tim has a way of cutting through Bruce’s stubbornness that no one else can match. It’s not lost on anyone that when you’re Tim’s favorite, Bruce seems to listen to you more, too.
And then, there’s the most dangerous perk of all: Tim’s wrath.
Everyone in Gotham has learned to fear the consequences of hurting anyone Tim cares about. They all remember how Janet Drake, Tim’s mother, was exactly the same. Janet didn’t just love fiercely; she made people fear the consequences of betraying her affection. She’d build strong alliances and maintain an iron grip on them, ensuring no one dared to harm those she called her own. She had a reputation for turning the tables in ways that left lasting marks on Gotham’s criminals, so it’s no surprise that Tim inherited the same instincts. The last time one of his favorites got hurt in Gotham, the Rogue responsible learned the hard way that crossing a Drake isn’t something you do lightly. That night, the Rogue barely escaped with his life, and the damage he caused was felt across Gotham for weeks.
The rumors from that time still make the rounds. Red Robin hunted that Rogue down, dismantling supply lines and ruining their operations in ways no one else could, using connections no one could have anticipated for him to have. He sent a message—a warning—one that still echoes through Gotham’s criminal world. After that, the Rogues were far more cautious when it came to hurting anyone Red Robin seemed particularly attached to.
These days, the Rogues are more careful. If they can see who Tim’s favorite is, they back off. Patrols get easier. The punches are pulled. The threats don’t carry the same weight. It's almost comical. Once, Jason caught Riddler mid-riddle and swore he saw him glance over his shoulder like he was checking for something—and then mutter, “Not worth it,” before retreating.
Of course, everyone’s gotten a taste of these perks at some point.
Jason remembers his time as Tim’s favorite. When he first came back, Tim went above and beyond. His gear was upgraded constantly, his safehouses were restocked with his favorite things, and there were custom modifications to everything. Tim even managed to reclaim all his old safehouses from the GCPD archives with no problem. Jason never openly admitted it, but he savored every moment. It felt good to be cared for like that.
Cass had it too when she struggled to reconnect with the family. Tim stuck close, quietly offering his support—whether it was with training or just sitting together. She didn’t ask for a suit upgrade, just mentioned how bulky it was in passing, and Tim designed a new one for her the following week, fitting it perfectly to her style. And as for the Rogues? They couldn't run away fast enough when she showed up.
Right now, they all suspect Duke to be the favorite. Tim’s always inviting him to collaborate on tech projects or sharing valuable intel. And Duke has started receiving gifts that seem to show up at just the right moment—books, custom gadgets, and even the occasional throwback cereal he mentioned in passing. Tim’s also been there for him every step of the way, making sure he’s always in the loop, collaborating on projects, and taking the time to make Duke feel seen.
“You know,” Duke said one night, stirring his soup casually, “Scarecrow’s been weirdly quiet lately.”
“Yeah, I noticed,” Jason said with a raised eyebrow. “What did you do?”
Duke blinked. “Nothing.”
Jason shot Tim a look. “What did you do?”
Tim’s smirk was all the answer Jason needed.
And that’s the thing—being Tim’s favorite isn’t just about attention or gear. It’s about something more. It’s about protection. Once you’re Tim’s favorite, the world seems like it can’t touch you. And everyone knows it.
They’ve all had their time as Tim’s favorite. Jason, Cass, even Damian had his moment. But once you’re no longer the favorite, it’s hard not to crave it again.
Jason lingers in the Batcave, pretending to talk about his gear but subtly hinting at upgrades Tim could add to it.
Damian scoffs at the idea of being prioritized, but Tim catches him comparing his gear to Duke’s own, new and improved gear, muttering to himself, “It’s adequate,” like it’s an insult.
Dick tries to remain above it all—he’s the eldest, after all. He doesn’t need Tim’s attention. But when he sees Tim working behind the scenes, tinkering with Duke’s gear or offering an unexpected assist to Jason, there’s that ache of longing for when he was the center of Tim’s world.
In the end, they’ll never say it, but every single one of them secretly wants to be Tim’s favorite. Because when Tim Drake decides you’re his favorite, you’re not just cared for—you’re protected and given an unwavering loyalty that makes you feel untouchable in Gotham.
And in Gotham, where danger is always close, nothing is more powerful than the protection and devotion of a Drake.
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 16 days ago
Dick, Tim, Bruce they all hallucinate. And the angst of it is insane but let's talk a bit more about the comfort.
They read each others files they know certain things happen helping each other instead of hurting.
Jason noticing Dick is staring off to the side, his brother getting anxious. He gently moves in front calling him. "Hey dickie whatever you seeing isn't real, it's alright."
Dick who prefers you to remind him it's all in his head.
Damian who walked down to the cave Tim is having an active conversation with the wall. Calling over to him, "Drake let's move to your room, I have a drawing to show you." Leading him by the hand and staying with him.
Damain and Jason both leaving animals specifically with Tim and Dick are after they noticed them relying on the animals not moving or twitching to help decide if something is actually there.
Dick interrupting a panicked Bruce who is seeing a blood covered Jason. Gently steering him to his room, laying down to watch a movie.
It's not abnormal for Tim to grab Jason, Damian or even Dick on a good day to ask if they see anything.
A quick call out of "Anyone else seeing this?" Is expected.
Code words change by the day between them.
Sometimes none of it works but just staying with them until whatever passes.
Bruce who isn't as obvious but will attempt to find Alfred, Jason guides.
Dukes powers doing wonders to help because if he's not seeing it you defiantly aren't.
A movie night interrupted by a panicked Dick asking if anyone else can hear that. Jason and Tim working to ground him.
It's unsetting for Jason, Damian, and Duke but it's absolutely terrifying for them doing everything they can to help.
It's worse though because sometimes it's just voices, or Tim feeling like there's bugs all over him, swearing Alfred the cat was just in here but he's safe in Damian's arms. Working together to try and make it just a bit easier for them.
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kikipancakes · 1 month ago
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Your waiter for this lovely evening 🍷
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dickgraysonmybeloved · 2 months ago
Alfred, the grandfather who is this close to whipping out the shotgun: Master Jason, would you care for some mashed potatoes? Jason, back for a family dinner because Bruce isn't there and technically this fills his family dinner quota: Fine. But I'm not eating any green bean casserole. It tastes like sadness and disappointment. Tim, who has to eat at least three times a week under Alfred's watch: I think it's pretty good. Jason, snapping: You would. You're practically a sentient spreadsheet. You probably think beige is a vibrant colour. Tim, indigently: Beige is versatile. Jason, slamming down his knife and fork: You know what else is versatile? A Batarang to the face.
Dick, sitting across from them, waving his arms desperately trying to stop the inevitable brawl: Well, I think this corn is the best you've ever made Alfred! *Waving his hands again.* Corn is just the best, isn't it, guys? I love corn!
Tim and Jason whipping around, in sync: You would.
Dick, smile of plastic: Okay. Corn is the best. Say it with me now. Tim and Jason, in sync to their horror, fear filled eyes: Corn is the best.
Dick, with a normal human smile on his face: Good!
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were-wolverine · 1 year ago
dick grayson has scary dog privilege but it’s just his younger siblings
dick: hi :D !!
cass, jason, tim & damian: *behind him, glaring*
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violent138 · 1 year ago
I feel like the Robins probably watched horror movies to really up their game, taking notes on the gestures and body language that would creep you out. "Criminals are a superstitious lot", so yeah the guy in full body armour that could beat you up would suck, but a small child, somewhere in the dark, with an echoing laugh all around you as you fire off a hail of bullets, somehow dodging everything and gleefully messing you up. That's psychological warfare.
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jaewritesfic · 7 months ago
Everlasting Trio DP x DC Nobody Knows AU Part 9
Part 8
“Nothing? At all?”
“Nothing, Red,” Barbara's voice repeats through the speakers of the Batcomputer, sounding irritated at this point.
“But- I mean, did you try-”
“She's going to come to the cave and shove a Batarang up your ass if you ask her one more time whether she missed something, Replacement,” Jason drawls off to the side. He's reclining in a chair, feet kicked up on a weapons table.
Tim groans. “I know, I know. I'm sorry.”
He's back in the Cave, and so is pretty much everyone else. Turns out he'd caused something of a panic, and it was all hands on deck for a hot second.
When the engineer had density shifted out of his grasp and heckled him from some nebulous spot midair, it had taken only a few seconds afterwards for Tim’s comms to explode with noise.
Turns out nobody had been able to hear anything from him except a constant low static from shortly before the encounter until after it ended, and his mask camera was borked the whole time too.
Understandably, there was some alarm about that. Bruce had ordered everyone back to the cave for a full explanation and conversation on what the hell happened.
“Sit down and tell us what happened, baby bird. You're gonna wear a hole in the floor at this rate,” Dick tells him, a gentle hand on his shoulder nudging him towards a seat.
Tim groans and throws himself into it like a puppet with his strings cut.
“Well he's definitely a meta,” he grumbles. “I never actually laid eyes on him. Wouldn't have even known he was there if he hadn't gotten ghost busted.”
“Ghost busted?” Jason asks, eyebrows raised. Tim huffs out a reluctant laugh, because in retrospect that part was pretty funny.
“His fucking phone went off. All of a sudden the empty air next to me was blasting the Ghostbusters theme song and an invisible man was swearing like a sailor until it cut out.”
Stephanie blows a raspberry in the start of a laughing fit, and suddenly the whole cave is echoing with mirth. It lifts Tim's spirits a little, makes him laugh too.
He means, come on. That has to be the new record for the funniest botched stealth mission, a position previously held by Damian when a stray dog outed him because it smelled the treats he keeps in his utility belt.
The shade of red the demon brat's face was when he had to explain why the mission went sideways was fucking glorious.
“So you've confirmed that we're dealing with a male meta?”
Speaking of the brat.
“Sounded male, and he at least has invisibility and density shifting,” Tim confirms.
“Density shifting?” Bruce prompts.
“Yeah. After the phone went off I couldn't see him but I was trying to figure out where he was. Then the lockbox disappeared too - he can transfer the invisibility through touch, apparently.”
“Huh. Haven't seen that before,” Duke comments.
“Me neither. But I made an educated guess at where I thought he was and grabbed his arm. Had a damn good grip, and then he just…went through me. Like I literally felt something pass through my hand all cold and tingly and suddenly I wasn't holding anything anymore.”
Jason snorts. “Bet that was a kick in the nuts, huh.”
“Come on, Little Wing,” Dick scolds half heartedly. “Be nice.”
Jason rolls his eyes.
“You said ‘at least’,” Bruce says, brow furrowed. “You suspect he has other powers too?”
Tim purses his lips. “I can't be sure, considering I couldn't see him, but…I think he probably has flight too.”
“Flight?” Dick says, furrowing his brow. He crosses his arms and shakes his head, looking both thoughtful and troubled. “No, that's not possible.”
Tim blinks. “What? Why not?”
Dick ‘Be Nice, Little Wing’ Grayson looks him dead in the eyes and says, “Because according to all known laws of aviation-”
The cave is filled with laughter again, Jason throwing his head back and cackling in a way that's particularly irksome. Tim reaches over and shoves at his boots while he's tipping his chair back and sends him toppling to the floor.
Jason flails and fails to save himself, rolling back to his feet and spitting curses with a hint of green to his eyes. Tim freezes at the sight of it.
It's not that he's scared. He and Jason have come a long way, and everyone knows by now what amount of green is actually dangerous. Jason's nowhere near actually losing it right now, he's just annoyed.
What makes Tim freeze is-
“He's been exposed to the Pits.”
Everyone pauses, confused. Jason blinks at him. “Uh…yeah, fucking duh?”
“No,” Tim shakes his head. “No, not you. The Engineer.”
Suddenly there's no laughter anymore. Everyone has gone tense and alarmed.
“Tim?” Bruce prompts lowly.
“I did see part of him,” Tim murmurs lowly, realizing it himself for the first time. “When I grabbed him, there were two bright lights for a second or two before they faded. God, I should have realized- it was his eyes. Like Christmas lights, bright Lazarus green."
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binglepringle · 6 months ago
“On your back…are those…exit wounds? They’re…so big…”
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gothamsmom · 28 days ago
Alright, listen. I know the official story of how Tim Drake became Robin is all well and good—smart kid, figures out Batman’s identity, convinces Bruce he needs a Robin, blah blah blah. But let’s be real. That’s not how it should have happened.
Tim Drake is terrifyingly smart. He’s a strategist, a detective, and, above all, a little menace when he wants to be. You’re telling me this kid, who pieced together Bruce Wayne’s identity from sheer observation at nine years old, just politely asked to be Robin? No, no, no.
Tim absolutely should have blackmailed Bruce into adopting him. Hardcore blackmail. The kind that would make even Lex Luthor step back and say, “Whoa, kid, chill.”
This is my vision of what should have been: a Tim Drake who saw an opening, took it, and left Bruce absolutely shookethin the process. Because let’s be honest—Tim isn’t just some sidekick. He’s a future evil mastermind who just so happens to be on the side of good. (For now.)
So here it is: the real first meeting of Bruce and Tim. Or, as I like to call it, The Time Tim Drake Made Bruce Wayne Regret Ever Underestimating a Nerdy 13-Year-Old.
Headcanon: Tim Blackmails Bruce into Adopting Him
The Official First Meeting Between Tim and Bruce
It was supposed to be a simple meeting. Just a brief introduction. Bruce had been informed by Alfred that a "young man" had managed to infiltrate the Batcave, and though it wasn’t entirely unheard of for new vigilantes to show up looking for guidance, there was something off about this one.
When Bruce descended into the Batcave, he expected to see a nervous kid, maybe someone who would try to look tough in front of him but would still have that wide-eyed naivety. What he didn’t expect was a boy who was sitting cross-legged on the floor, a laptop open in front of him, and a smile that could only be described as unsettlingly smug.
Tim Drake—who had hacked into Wayne Enterprises' database and had pieced together a detailed, uncanny amount of information on Bruce Wayne, Batman, and the Batfamily in a matter of days—was casually drinking what looked like a cup of tea, like he had every right to be there.
Bruce stood still for a moment, his gaze flicking from the laptop to the kid’s face. He immediately knew two things: One, this kid was dangerously intelligent. Two, Bruce Wayne was absolutely screwed.
Bruce: [Slightly unnerved but trying to keep his cool] "How did you get in here?"
Tim: [Not even looking up from his laptop] "Through the security system you definitely didn’t upgrade for the last two years, Mr. Wayne." [A pause as Tim sips his tea.] "And I gotta say, your firewall is incredibly… quaint."
Bruce's mind raced. His mind immediately cataloged the security flaws. How had he missed them? He had top-tier cybersecurity on every level of Wayne Enterprises and the Batcave, but this kid, this Tim Drake, had bypassed all of it in mere hours.
Bruce: [Trying to sound calm but with a slight edge to his voice] "You're saying you just… hacked your way in here?"
Tim: [Finally looking up at Bruce, eyes glinting with an almost mischievous joy] "Yeah. It was a fun challenge, honestly. But the real fun part was piecing together the puzzle." [He taps the laptop, showing a file of meticulously gathered data.] "You’re Batman, Bruce Wayne. And it wasn’t all that hard to figure out, really. Once you see the pattern, everything falls into place."
Bruce’s stomach drops. No one had ever pieced it together so fast, at least not without getting caught before they had the chance. Tim wasn’t just smart—he was terrifyingly good at this. Bruce had underestimated him. And now… now, he had a serious problem.
Bruce: "I assume you’re not here to join the team."
Tim: [Flashing a smile that made Bruce’s skin crawl, like he had all the power in the world] "Well, that depends. I’m here for a couple of things, actually." [He leans forward, his voice lowering with almost unnatural seriousness.] "First, I need a favor. Second, I’m giving you no choice."
Bruce's mind worked quickly, trying to assess how to handle this. Tim was not the kind of kid to be easily intimidated. His confidence was almost unnerving, and Bruce found himself instinctively on guard.
Bruce: [Skeptical] "And what favor would that be?"
Tim: [Pauses dramatically, looking at Bruce like a cat about to catch a mouse] "Well, Bruce, you see, I did a little digging. You did try to keep a certain little fact from the public, didn’t you? Something about your family history and some… interesting personal choices. Now, I’m no fan of blackmail, but I think we can come to an agreement here." [He leans back, crossing his arms and smiling widely.] "If you don't want this little gem to reach the press, you’ll have to do something for me."
Bruce’s heart races. He had no idea what Tim was talking about, but something told him that whatever this kid had uncovered, it was bad. Tim was way too casual about it, like it was a well-played card in his hand.
Bruce: "What do you want?" [His voice low and flat, trying to mask the slight tremor of unease.]
Tim: [In a tone that was disturbingly calm] "It’s simple. You’re going to adopt me. You’re going to make me an official part of your family. And in return, I won’t go public with your little secrets. I know what you’re thinking. You’re a very private man, Bruce. You won’t want your secrets getting out." [He smirks, clearly enjoying this.] "But I figure you’re willing to do a little more than just turn the other cheek when it comes to your reputation."
Bruce is stunned. This wasn’t a simple negotiation. This was full-blown blackmail. Tim was demanding adoption—a child’s ultimate leverage—as a means of keeping Bruce from being exposed. And yet, Bruce could see something in his eyes—this wasn’t just manipulation. This was calculated. This was Tim playing a long game, and Bruce had somehow walked right into it.
Bruce: "You can't be serious. I don't… I can't—"
Tim: [Cutting him off, voice soft but firm] "I am serious, Bruce. And you don’t really have a choice. So, what's it gonna be?" [Tim leans forward again, a glint of something sinister and clever in his eyes.]
Bruce takes a long, deep breath. There’s no denying the kid’s intelligence. Tim had backed him into a corner with no way out. He’d probably outsmarted Bruce in the process, and Bruce had never felt more vulnerable. He realizes, with a sickening certainty, that if he didn’t go along with this, the consequences could be far worse than a simple adoption.
Bruce: [Reluctantly] "Alright. I’ll adopt you."
Tim beams, like he’s just won the lottery.
Tim: [Happily] "Great! Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?" [He practically bounces in his seat, completely unfazed.] "We’ll need to update the paperwork, of course. I’m going to need a new ID, you know. Oh, and don't worry, Bruce. You’re going to be a great father. I’ll even let you choose my new name. How generous of me, right?"
Bruce stares at Tim, who’s practically glowing with excitement. For a moment, Bruce wonders if he’s dealing with a child prodigy or a villain in the making. Maybe both.
Bruce Wayne, for the first time in years, feels completely out of control.
Bruce: [Sighing, rubbing his temples] "I can’t believe this is happening."
Tim: [Smirking, completely satisfied with himself] "Oh, Bruce, you’ll thank me one day. Trust me."
And just like that, Tim Drake—who had blackmailed Bruce into adopting him—becomes the newest (and possibly the most unpredictable) member of the Wayne family.
End of Headcanon
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