#sarah z this is for you
meraarts · 10 months
I love you Jenny Nicholson I love you Sarah Z I love you Contrapoints I love you hbomberguy I love you Quinton Reviews I love you Quinn Curio I love you CJ the X
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doomdoomofdoom · 2 months
Apparently there's currently discussion in science (humanities in particular) about whether video essays could be accepted as academic writing on par with the academic papers we currently have
I think that's awesome as fuck tbh
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relaxxattack · 2 years
finding good homestuck fanart and then realizing it was posted in 2012-15 by a long since deactivated blog is like you just picked up a child’s handmade doll out of an ancient wreckage. abruptly confronted with death and beauty and innocence all at once
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greelin · 1 year
finding out someone you have blocked has you blocked is so funny for some reason.. something so euphoric about knowing you annoyed some vile creature enough to where they had to make it mutual. dare i say borderline erotic
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suemooon · 10 months
Let’s talk about Oncest
softsue-sue: An small analysis and review
Random post here, I just wanted to talk about this, because it’s something that really hold my attention, see. Do you remember the Oncest? of course you do if you are in, you were in, or you know The Once-ler fandom, and if it’s not the case, maybe you had seen these fanarts before.
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As someone who hasn't been in The Once-ler fandom in its golden age (I've only been here for a few months now). I notice that definitely the Oncest doesn’t have a very good reputation, I think it never had a good reputation (?) but anyway. My point is, is very noticeable the REALLY HUGE REJECTION that this ship has today, I just saw an amount of people that actually like this ship, the other hand, there's these people who really doesn’t like this ship, and seems that they doesn’t want to bring this ship back in any other wise, seriously!
So I'm gonna make this example:
Let’s cheek out this video, this Oncest edit video, uploaded 9 years ago (uploaded in march 9, 2014) by mewnadja:
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Let’s cheek the older comments:
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Now let’s cheek at the most recent ones:
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I understand why a lot of people in the fandom used to like this ship, first, because was it was the most popular, so people took it and begun to like it, and second, it was like the only existent ship, yeah, Normaler exists too, but it wasn’t and isn't the most popular ship, let's say it, it was probably : 'or you were team Oncest, or you were team Oncest!' so people who was an artist for example, to get more notes or adapt themselves in the fandom, they begun to draw Oncest. As I said before, it was the most popular ship in the fandom (and is still, we like it or not).
Oncest itself was born as a… desperate? way to ship The Once-ler with someone else, because let’s remember this, of course The Once-ler fandom, was only focused on The Once-ler, that’s why his name is the name of the fandom too (obviously, there was exceptions of people that were Interested in all The Lorax stuff too and not only The Once-ler, but the point itself was The Once-ler for mostly the majority).
Today I see inside the fandom that a lot of new Oncelings that doesn’t want to be related with this ship just for being in the fandom, making a totally no worries comments about ‘hating on the Oncest’
Other ones can even throw hate on people who actually likes this ship, and you know, that’s… that’s just bad, it doesn’t even need to be clarified.
A lot of them doesn’t like it because they are seeing it bizarre, other people maybe because the ship itself is very… unfriendly with sfw stuff, if you know what do I mean (c’mon, it’s true that this ship as A LOT of nsfw stuff, let’s say it) other people seeing it in both ways.
This ship doesn’t have a normal point, or you love it or you hate it.
And… look guys, we shouldn’t care about if someone likes Oncest or not, that’s not our business and are their likes and dislikes. Whatever, if it doesn’t hurt real people, then there’s nothing wrong with that.
If you’re a veteran onceling or ex-onceling (or oncelut, let’s go wild if it's the case), I would love to hear your experience and why do you think this ship exists in first place.
thx for read this garbage.
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
Wait are you telling me Sarah Winchester built a massive maze of a house because she was in a silly goofy mood? Amazing.
Yes, basically
Girls' Night etc.
(as far as I've seen from quotes and analysis of actual records- and bear in mind that I'm not a dedicated Winchester researcher or anything -she just. liked architecture and was rich enough to have that as her hobby)
(she also apparently paid her construction staff very well, provided them housing and workers' comp, hired from the local community on purpose, etc.)
(I believe the current working theory about the "staircases to nowhere" is that parts of the house were destroyed in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and it was safer and/or more economical- yes, even the hyper-rich were concerned about economy back then -to simply wall the entrances to those areas than to rebuild)
(also it's a known fact that she had...ah...more enthusiasm than architectural training and often made mistakes or design choices that even she admitted had been unwise in hindsight)
(here is a very good article about her)
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purplekirby · 1 year
My mom: telling me about a movie she just watched
Me, who hasn't seen it but has seen an hour+ youtube video essay on it:
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weedle-testaburger · 3 months
the most weirdly satisfying thing is when a youtuber you like dunks on a youtuber you hate for being full of shit
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I will make your father regularly use the term 'yeet' correctly, have knowledge of the dashcon ball pit, and know what Homestuck is.
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jelly-o630 · 11 months
I leave for TWO HOURS to go to therapy and destiel is trending- SOMEONE PLEASE TELL WHAT IS HAPPENING
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catgirltoes · 5 months
Actually I think the next Tumblr Mass Harassment Campaign should be against people from Ontario. I have a blocklist ready.
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I also would bet a LOT of money on the writers of this show not speaking fandom 💀 Like a sinking ship is really just a sinking ship to normal people, i promise.
I'm not gonna answer anything more about this just because I don't want my inbox full of people chiming in with their opinion (nothing personal, just me getting overwhelmed quickly), but essentially - in my experience as someone who has been in fandom for almost two decades and shipped a bunch of non-canon ships, some of which the writers 100% knew people shipped - writers speak 'fandom' to a certain extent. They are aware of ships. We know they are.
But they're not making every single thing as a 'message' to shippers.
It's important as much as we enjoy clowning to not slide too far into conspiracy theory. Writers and crew members care a lot about the story and will do everything in their department to have things serve the story. This is why costuming matters, why props and set decor matter, etc. Costume designers will use color, pattern, and style to enhance the story being told, to talk about the character and their state of mind and their arc. Set designers will use a character's home to show stuff about the character's past and inner life and current journey.
But there's a difference between that and thinking literally everything has to do with your ship. So I'm going to take the opportunity here, as we are getting BTS and a month-ish out from the premiere, to remind everyone to not dive too deep into "everything on this ensemble show has to do with MY SHIP!!!" ways of thinking. There is stuff on this show other than Buddie. Writers are aware of fandom but are not pandering to us 24/7. Cast and crew will make decisions and choices with care but sometimes they painted a wall green because they thought it was pretty. Etc.
Temper expectations, think critically, and remember that thinking everything has to do with one thing (in this case 'everything on this show has to do with one ship') is conspiracy thinking. Don't go down that road.
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malyen0retsev · 2 years
i feel like gen z need to be sat down and explicitly told it is ABSOLUTELY OK to say the wrong thing and do the wrong thing sometimes. growing up actually means fucking up, and if you spend your whole life paranoid of being ‘problematic’ then you are legitimately going to drive yourself into an anxiety induced meltdown. watching or reading ‘problematic’ media does not make you a bad person, and tbfh sometimes watching or reading said media (provided you keep your analytical brain switched on) is a good thing to do. because just as we learn by seeing what’s right to do, we also learn by seeing what’s not right to do. 
and without wishing to sound horrendously horrendously ‘i am in my mid twenties’, you don’t need to let the entire world know what you’re watching and reading. you actually don’t need to let the entire world know a damn thing about you, and i feel like a lot of the anxiety i see from gen-z online is this terror of being called problematic precisely because the boundaries for oversharing are next to non-existent. growing and changing and learning are a fundamental part of being a teenager, and you will say and do ‘problematic’ shit which will make you cringe in your twenties, and that’s absolutely ok because you will have learned from it. 
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notfknapplicable · 4 months
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Big thanks to whoever decided to do another poll about these two shows that absolutely left this site in shambles last time. I really needed this laugh first thing on a Monday.
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lo-sulci · 1 year
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what if... our giant mobile suits made for violence and violence alone... held hands in a quiet moment of intimacy... and we were both girls 😳😳😳
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lovelaceisntdead · 6 months
Oh I do unfortunately think I will watch the new mean girls film.
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